~1~ The Attack for Light
We're running fast and hard through this lush, tall grass we called home. Not much of a home now, since the war against our 'kind.'
“I have such a small window for chit chat, so listen carefully,” I yelled to everyone through the noise of clashing swords and the pounding of feet and hooves on the ground. “It is my job, to protect you. Make sure you stay close, got it!?”
“Yes, Ma'am!” all three royal 'guards' yelled.
“Save it for another time, ladies.” I replied, “lets go! Stay close.” We rounded another corner and I added, “and ladies, do be quiet.”
After conversations pass, I led them down a small pathway, on the side of the royal house. Passing windows and doors, and only stopping to take care of a few stragglers from the Other Side. These 'creatures' lacked what we had, nice sharp steel. I had this ability to control steel and other rare metals. I can form them to my will, even in the coldest of times.
Ever since I was a little girl, I could speak to the metal, and I promise it good forms. Since then, I have mastered that ability. I now called upon my Andiatum metal. A metal found only on this planet.
Whispering I started to sing, “Se va rei, va croa, tue...
form to my will, take my shape, that favors.”
As I sung, power pulsed through my body. During this time, I was pumped with energy and I was trying to locate the one I favored to save the most, before something bad would happen to her. Only when we went inside did I realize how badly she was wounded.
I grunted as I pulled my sword from one of the creatures and escorted the girls inside. I found another warrior and asked him to follow, just in case I needed a temporary guard for these 'ladies.' He gladly chose to follow. Of course being the highest ranking SIRO agent, has its perks.
Crouching low by the stairs in the main hall I looked back at our group, “Stay here,” I turned to the warrior, “Please make sure they don't wander off, I am trusting you.”
“Aye, sire!” the warrior replied, “you can count on me!”
I grabbed him by the collar, bringing him face to face to me. I told him slowly, and angrily, “Did I not tell you to be quiet?”
“Sorry sire,” he replied like a small child in trouble. I dropped him, showing my anger and stood up.
A few seconds went by and I sensed something, “Keep down!” I yelled to them as I saw a black figure run in our direction.
My sword ready in hand, I pounced on the figure and rested my sword near its neck... wait... its... neck?
I thought to myself. “Who are you?” I whispered close to its head, and tapping my sword closer to its supposed neck.
Still groaning from falling, it began, hesitantly, “why... should I... tell... you?”
“Because if you don't,” I smiled cockily, “then you can say goodbye to your life, and you WON'T be able to come back. I promise you.” I tilted my head up a little as I spoke.
After a few seconds of much needed thought, she sighed, “my name... is Drantina.”
“Well, Drantina, are you legit?” I asked leaning over, involuntarily tapping the side of her cheek with the amulet around my neck.
“Yes, I fight those things, and if you don't mind--”
“Wait!” I yelled before she could finish. I focused and then realized, my fears were coming true. I jumped up, making everyone confused on my actions. “No!” I yelled as I darted down the hallway and to the giant double doors at the end. On the other side was surly going to pain me, more than the creatures I would have to destroy.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Pushing through big double doors at the end on the long hall, I saw what seemed like a corpse, placed almost neatly in the center of the big room. Her clothes were ripped off showing her bare body. Slowly walking toward the middle of the room, I heard a voice. A voice I have heard before. Only, a very long time ago.
“So, you are the one to come, to rescue the pretty thing?” It asked in a hash tone, trying so hard to keep hidden in the shadows.
I could feel the girls heartbeat, slow, but it was there. I sighed a sigh of relief and smiled.
“Oh, you wont get off that easy...” it replied to my reactions
“Show yourself, daemon!” I yelled at this voice. I started to whisper something, anyone with normal hearing could not hear. Not even the creature this voice belonged to, could hear. I tightened my grip on the hilt of my sword.
When it wouldn't show itself, my sword began to glow, showing me every thing in the room. I saw a small black figure in one of the corners, sulking deeper into the bend of the wall. These daemons may have wanted the Light, but they could not handle it. Thus the reaction this creature gave now.
“You are a holder of the Light!?” it screamed at me painfully. I could hear the roughness of its voice as the Light burned it's black skin.
“Maybe I am, but then again, maybe I’m just lucky,” I replied sarcastically as I took a step forward.
“Get away!” it yelled as I came even closer, oh so slowly.
“But I thought you wanted this Light? But of course, you can't handle it.” I told it as I took yet another step forward.
As this daemon snarled at me, shadows began to engulf the room, I was weak from an earlier battle I faced, and I had just enough power to put a shield over just a few people. The warrior felt my distress and brought the three royals in. Very quickly they went toward the girl laying on the ground. No one recognizing who it was, but I knew. One of them rested the girls head on her lap.
When they were ready, the warrior sent me a mental message, even though it was jumbled. I, on the receiving end, ran toward them. My sword already gone and my entire body glowing with writing in our old language. I jumped and began to hover above the small group, my arms open wide as they glowed even whiter. The blackness grew so large, it swallowed everything in sight. Strangely, only the things in the room.
~2~ The Return
Many months has passed since our last encounter with the daemons, and I still have not awoke from my slumber. All my power was drained and I was trying my best to stay alive. A SIRO with out power, is a not a SIRO at all.
Liana, my personal healer, has been by my side for the entire time. Even though my body was in the house, she was not. Just because she is by my side, does not mean she is by my body itself. No, I have been away from this kingdom for a few months yet. Liana has found me, deep inside a mountain crevice. There was a clear pool of nice cool water and yet, it was warm. My 'power,' or what normal people call it, my soul, found its way there only to be confronted by a Goddess. The Goddess Tyr, controller of all light and life.
She was beautiful, her long silvery hair went down to her waist and her eyes, almost white but always purple. She had helped me train, to build power, and most of all, control. Liana came a few days after my training has finished, only to see my power become an orb. She held this orb tightly as she traveled back to my body. She protected me with her life, and more.
When Liana came near the town my body rested in, she held fast and waited. Waiting for what exactly, I could not figure out until later. There were daemons, undercover, in the town, waiting for me to 'return.' Liana, finding them before they found her, and she already had a plan for this.
There was a man, a warrior who helped Liana and myself for many a year. He was in an outpost on the outskirts of the town. Liana went to him, smiled, and simply said, “The Rank of Love.” He understood what he had to do. Asking another guard to cover for him, he left with Liana to the house I rested in.
They slowly made their way to the house, avoiding the daemons that lurked around. Since none of the daemons found them it was pretty easy getting there. They found the room that was marked and sealed by Liana.
When something happens, in this case my power leaving my body, you find that power and return it. You must, and its law, have to seal the room and/or mark it. Only to seal a room for love and to mark a room for rank.
Once inside, Liana grabbed the orb of my power from her bag and threw it into the air, and since I lusted to return to my body, my power flew toward it. Liana and the warrior closed the door and locked the windows as the orb stopped a top my body. After a few seconds of longing, the orb flashed and was gone. My eyes opened and I was now back, and ready to protect what is needed to protect.
~3~ To Leave a Voice
A voice rang through the halls of the royal house. It was so beautiful and sounded like it belonged to the majestic woman alive. Most of everyone in the castles, would stop to listen to the song that echoed through out, what seemed, the very souls of the people.
“To another world, just to fly away! Can you feel the soul of those, who wander in the way? To another place, to control what has been lost... and forgotten.”
The song was high and strong, speaking the truth and wisdom of the past and present, and maybe, just maybe... The Future.
“Bravo! Bravo, my girly,” I yelled, clapping as loudly as I could as I stopped in the doorway. “What a Beautiful song, my dear. Was that for me?”
She gasped, “Shae! Your back...” Running toward me she hugged me tightly, she started to cry. “I was so worried.”
“Hey, hey... now don't start that, you'll make me start to cry too.” I replied to her ecstatic heat of the moment. Wiping a tear from her gentle face I hugged her deeply, “keep your eyes pure, I will find the person who drained your power, my dear. I promise you will be safe.”
“I love you, Shae...” she told me the truth, only the truth.
I have basically raised her, and ever since the daemons found out about her, they went after her to get to me. I was the highest ranking SIRO, after all.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Shea...” she pulled away from my body, exposing her frightened face, “Show me... please.” she pleaded. “I want to make sure... that-”
I knew exactly what she wanted to see. Liana stood at the door way, holding a wooden box, locked by my own power and soul. Yes, both. I had to use both, to make sure it was safe. And yet, they seem like they are the same, but no. My power and soul can be separated to add a more intense lock or mark of security.
I put the girl down and Liana walked toward me, “Here you are, Miss Shae.”
“Thank you Liana, you have been a real help,” I replied. “You have a new job after I leave again, do you remember?” I asked.
“I'm sorry...” she replied shaking her head slightly.
“You must look after her while I am away. If it gets too dangerous, run for the ravine in the mountain you found me in. It is safe there, and the Goddess Tyr will protect you both.”
“Yes ma'am.” she replied as she held on to the little girls hand, smiling down at her.
Liana gripped the box with both her hands. I raised my arm, putting my hand close to the boxes' lock. I began to chant a small Hymn in my ancient tongue, “Va, rei ne, va. Croa, lue croa, rei va, nei. Frea, Croa nei, nue rei, ze... Frea rei va.
There was a pop and the lock fell to the ground. Inside the box, was empty... maybe now. I have already taken the thing that was held inside. When I unlocked the box, the item inside, was absorbed to my power, my soul. I held my hand to my side and the markings that once was not there, finally showed up. They glowed a bright red and a sword slowly appeared, made of this red 'light.' It almost looked like molten lava, or plasma.
After a minute the glow had stopped and there was a sword made of the strongest of metals ever found on any planet. It was time for me to leave this world, this dimension. The girl would not like it, not one bit.
“My dear...” I started to say, “you know what I have to do...”
“Yes... but I don't like it.” she replied standing high, already trying to be strong in front of her protectors.
“Liana will protect you, I want you to trust no one you think you shouldn't, and always remember, the Goddess is only one chant away.” I paused, “Tell me child. Do you remember the chant?”
“I think so... yea.” she replied after a minute of thinking.
“Good. Never forget it. I must go.” I looked to Liana. “The dimensional gate will close soon, and I cannot afford to miss it.”
“We know,” Liana said. She smiled and raised her right hand to her chest and started to yell, “All hail, the Ranking Shae!”
“All hail, the Ranking Shae!” yelled the other guards and
the warrior, that followed ever since: “The Rank of Love,” was first spoken.
~4~ A New Trust
I awake, surrounded by trees and the noises of a forest. I knew I was transported to a new world, but unfortunately, I could not tell where I am in this world. We have never been here before now. I closed my eyes and felt the cool breeze of the forests breath and sighed. I stood and walked to a tree near, what looked like the edge of the wood I was in. I saw a cabin in the distance and heard the small crack of splitting wood. I took a step forward before pausing from a twig that snapped behind me.
“Hello?” an elderly man asked, from nowhere, “who's there? Show your self, before I come in after you.”
Not wanting to fight an elderly man, I peek around the tree and look at him. Walking around the tree and I try to smile and tip my head to him.
Seeing my attire, he smiles and simply asks, “You are not from around here, are you sweety?”
I smile back and reply as 'sweetly' as I can, “No, sire, I am not. Can you tell me where I am? I seem to have teleported to a place not on my map.”
I could see his confusion written all over his face, I had to act quick, “I am from a different world, sire. I am looking for your king, or queen. Anyone with high authority will work actually. Please do not worry, I mean no one any harm, you have my word.”
Quickly replying, with much anger and distrust, the man yelled at me, “I don't give strangers my word!”
“I am the highest ranking SIRO agent,” I said, kneeling before him, “when we give our word, we are willed by Oath to keep it. If we do not...” I hesitated, “we give thy Oath to be killed by the hand of those we failed to keep thy Plight.”
Some-what feeling satisfied he motioned for me to rise and so I did. He then turned and walked toward his cabin, I followed close behind.
“Would you like something to eat? You are so skinny, you look like you have not ate in days.” he asked as we stepped inside the cabins living space.
In truth I have not eaten anything for a little more than a week, I was starved, “actually, that would be nice, thank you.” I replied.
It was a small cabin yet there were two stories and the living space we entered seemed larger than portrayed. There was a small table near the wall with two stools and table in the middle of the room with a long couch.
“We do need to talk, about how to trust people here. There are some people here that would try to kill you, because you are from another world.” he added as he motioned me to sit in one of the stools by the wall.
“Speaking of, sire, please tell me...” I slowed, “do you have any metal I could borrow, I promise to return some of equal value or better value to you. My metal is weak here.”
As he pondered my question, I heard the back door of the cabin swing open. Wood clattered to the floor and then the sound of metal hitting nails on the wall echoed through the small cabin.
“Ah,” the elderly man said, “Son, come here won't you. There is someone I want you to meet.”
Standing before the 'son' came in, I heard his grunt in reply, “Better not be another woman your trying to force on me, uncle.” his voice boomed, deep and out of breathe.
As the son came in, first seeing his uncle then looking at me, you could see his face turn from curiosity to awe, in only a matter of seconds.
“It is nice to meet you.” I said as I slightly cocked my head to the side and smiled.
He hesitated, “Y-yes. Umm, my name is Dorne. A-and you?”
I place my arm to my chest and bow to introduce myself, “My name is Shea.”
“Well now...” the elderly man chuckled, “Shae, I must go grab something, Dorne... be nice and keep her company till I return, aye?”
“Yes uncle,” he replied, still in awe of my beauty.
I sat, and Dorne followed my lead. When I smiled at his curiosity, he looked away and I could see his flushed face. I giggled and smiled again, and when he started to laugh, we just couldn't stop our selves. The room was filled with laughter.
“I can see your getting along nicely.” the Uncle came in with a sheath stationed on his back and a box in his hands. We stopped laughing. “These are for you, warrior.”
“Please, sire, I do not wish to take your protection.” I replied, with much sympathy. “I have my own sword and I will not take yours.”
“I insist, take it please.”
“Just because you do not see my swords, does not mean I do not have them. What can I do to prove I do not need yours?” I asked, getting faster as I spoke and drawing my self up higher and stronger.
“Then show us your Swords
I stood and walked outside. With puzzled faces, they followed me quickly. I stopped near the small pond in the front of the cabin and turn around to them. Holding my arm out at about a 45 degree angle I paused.
“Are you sure you want to see this now?” I asked, in a completely different tone.
“Yes.” Dorne replied after a minute passed as the uncle didn't even flinch.
“I shall show you only one sword.”
Dorne nodded in reply.
When I thought it was okay, I took a deep breathe and started to sing a beautiful song, “Frea, croa rei, va ze rei, Frea lue, lei. Croa, lei frea, va, ze rei.
” Once I started to sing, their faces lite up with joy and tranquility.
During the song, markings formed on my arms but they didn't glow this time. What looked like water, formed a shape like a sword, and after a few second, it shone brightly, almost brighter than the sun. They looked away, and when they looked back, I held a long katana in my hand. The markings that were on my arm were now on my sword, I held it high above my head and swung it toward a tree. The tree splintered and fell to its side, broken in pieces. I stood high and proud as they looked at me with shocked faces.
Text: I do not own the cover picture but the story is all mine, do not copy.
Publication Date: 01-09-2012
All Rights Reserved