There's this girl who brings colour into my world, and i assure you my world is really colorful.
if only she knew...
That she is always in my dream...
If only she saw...
That i would take my life for her any day...
if only she felt...
When my heart reaches out to make her mind...
if only she cared..
That she is my life...
If only she loved me too...
if only she knew...
but my best friend thinks i can do better...
i still think she should know...
[on the way they bump into each other]
[they have a small conversation, and he ends it by saying 'bye hope to see you again']
why didnt i tell her....
if only she knew i loved her, if only she knew i wish she were mine, if only she loved me..if only she knew!
Publication Date: 07-26-2011
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