
Birthday Gone Bad

SKYE AND BRYAN WALKED IN THE HOT SUMMER NIGHT, HAND-IN-hand, as the setting sun beamed down upon them. Bryan smiled down at his girlfriend with satisfaction. “Are you excited for tonight, babe?” He asked her, squeezing her hand as they stopped in place. “A birthday only comes once a year.”

She looked up into Bryan’s bright blue eyes, those eyes that could change her mind on anything so easily, and those same eyes that held so much trickery inside. “Of course I’m excited, but it’s really nothing special, Bryan.” She replied, smiling timidly at him.

He chuckled under his breath and a smirk traveled up his lips. “Suddenly the day of your birth isn’t a big deal?” he countered in disbelief.

“It really isn’t a big deal, Bryan. It’s just another day; you don’t have to take me out.” She said entirely humble. “You shouldn’t have even taken me out to such a nice restaurant. I don’t need all of it, Bryan.”

He laughed at her and kissed her knuckles, his breath hot against her skin. “Seventeen years is entirely worth all of the celebration. Skye, you’re my beautiful girlfriend and you deserve to be treated.”

She smiled and chuckled uncomfortably. “I don’t deserve it, but thank you.” She pushed him forward and he turned back around so that they were walking right next to each other and holding hands as they headed down the sidewalk.

“Skye, you are incredibly too modest. I love it,” he whispered in her ear as they neared Buxton’s under-twenty-one-club, approaching the bouncer standing at the door. “Two passes—one for me, and one for the birthday girl.” He told the bouncer, grinning down at Skye.
She stared straight ahead watching as the bouncer gave Bryan two “passes”. “Have a good night.”
Nodding her head, she smiled, “Thank you.” She whispered as both she and Bryan passed through the entrance. They walked through the immediate room and took in the strong oppressing whiff of sweat mixed in with a humid fog. Music blared across the large packed out club, making it hard for hearing. “Nice place, isn’t it?” She called out to Bryan over the music, smiling up at him.

“Yeah, a little crowded isn’t it?” He called back. “At least we can get some good dancing time in,” he added skeptically.

“Sure,” she said as she examined the crowded club. Kids overwhelmed the dance floor, rocking along with the music. The bar was accompanied full of drinkers, but there wasn’t alcohol except for what a few stragglers brought in. Skye walked away from the crowd of overgrowing people that gathered at the front, Bryan following behind her while his gaze flashed between the dance floor and her.

“Why are we over here?” He asked her around a laugh.

“I thought that it would be better if we got away from the crowd,” she said slightly distracted. Across from the club she could see two boys that stood out to her, one of which had tousled black hair and a dark demeanor, the other had shaggy blonde hair that slightly hung in his eyes and pulled off the pretty-boy look. The tall darker one wore a long black trench coat and black jeans along with dark shades that covered his eyes, and the pretty-boy sported dark jeans, a white T-shirt that outlined his perfectly toned body, and a beanie hat. Skye was lost in the boys’ far off presence, somehow finding herself wishing that she was closer to them, suddenly feeling overly drawn to them.

“Hey, babe, are we going to dance?” Bryan’s cool voice rang in her ears. He traced his fingers over her arms, stepping in front of her and blocking her out of her daze.

Suddenly all that she saw in front of her was Bryan’s grinning face. She glanced away from him nervously, hoping that he hadn’t noticed she was staring at the others across the club. “Wait, what?” She asked hazily, her attention slowly focusing back on Bryan.
He gave her a look of surprise. He didn’t want to believe that she hadn’t heard him. “Are we going to dance, you and me, now?” He said, becoming irritated in the slightest.
“Dance, you and me, right now

?” She repeated, hoping that he would change his mind.
“Yes, that’s exactly what I am saying.” His eyes which had been a bright radiant blue darkened into something that held a sort of anger, one that could unleash at any moment’s time.
“How about we take a few minutes to just relax, you know, talk?” She countered, gulping down the realization that he was

slightly upset. She knew that he could harm her; she knew that he could lash out at her if he got angry enough.
“Why would you want to do that?” He purred in her ears, stepping right up next to her as he dropped his lips to her ear. “Babe, it’s your day and you love to dance, come on.” He whispered.
Skye nervously held onto him, feeling the muscles in his back tense up with anger. She gasped as his hand traveled down to her hips and squeezed them. “Okay,” she breathed, fear forcing her into the decision.
He grinned in satisfaction and tossed a strand of her hair, whispering in her ear, “Great.”
They walked out onto the dance floor, maneuvering around a bunch of dance-crazed kids. Skye crashed into two girls and they groaned in disgust, hissing under their breath. “I—I’m sorry.” She stuttered, catching her breath in the fog of humidity and body odor. The girls rolled their eyes and went back to dancing around a couple boys.
Bryan pulled on Skye’s arm and went to the middle of the dance floor, pushing away a few stray dancers. He wrapped his arms around Skye’s waist and pulled her into him, as Skye felt his hands venture downward. She gasped as he pulled her so close that she was relying on him for balance, and the music shook her body as she thought about how dark Bryan’s eyes had looked moments before—he wasn’t far from becoming aggressive. He spun them in circles, their heads close as he bent down to kiss her.
She pushed herself away from him and touched his lips. “Not now, Bryan. Let’s just dance.” She mumbled, suddenly tired of his pushy behavior.
He narrowed his eyebrows at her. “That’s what we’re doing, but I would like for us to do…more

.” He whispered, trailing his fingers around her chin. They were rocking back and forth on the dance floor, absorbed in each other’s eyes.
“No more, Bryan, I’m tired.” She sighed, out of breath from trying to push his hands off of her.
“I say when we’re done, and we’re not

done,” he growled, aggressively shoving his lips against hers, his hands tangled through her hair. Skye pressed her dainty hand against his firm chest and pushed as best she could, but the strength that he withheld was too much for her to get her own way.
She dug her nails into his arm and pushed away. “No, Bryan, not now.” She mumbled around his lips.
H groaned and grabbed her arms, pulling his head back for a moment. “Yes, Skye, this is my gift for you, enjoy

it.” He pulled her away from the dance floor, refusals escaping from her mouth. He pushed her up against a wall over past the bar and pressed his lips violently against hers. Skye helplessly pushed him away, trying to get away from being pinned between him and the wall. She did the only thing she knew that she could do—she bit him.
Bryan drew back and cried out, his hand snapping up to his lips. “What was that for, Skye?” He yelled, his dark voice a notch above the music that was near them. A few people who sat at the bar glanced over at them.
“I don’t want to kiss anymore, Bryan.” She cried, furry and fear bubbled up inside of her. She stared at his hard face and then down his neck, where the veins pulsed with anger. His free fist clenched up and she gasped, afraid that he would hit her.
He was infuriated. He took his hand off of his lips and stretched it out, ready to strike out at any moment. He glared at Skye. “You do

,” he snarled before he raised his hand and slapped it violently across Skye’s cheek. The force shoved her body roughly against the wall and she brought her hand to her cheek.
She whimpered as she felt the heat rush up to her face and the intense sting of the impact. The dark area that they were tucked in swirled and spots dotted her vision. “Bryan.” She groaned.
Bryan glanced around the club, checking to make sure no one had seen it, when he spotted two teenage girls staring at him in disgust. “It’s just a little game we play, she likes it, trust me

.” He grinned at them, trying to make the lie more reassuring. The girls rolled their eyes and walked off, whispering to each other.
Trust me, Bryan’s favorite words that are always the result of pain.

Skye thought hazily, reality slowly settling in. “Bryan, please move.” She begged quietly, her voice hardly audible above the music.
He slowly back away from her, giving her room to breathe. “Babe, I didn’t’ mean anything by that, you know that I love you.” He said around a charming smile, trying to convince her. He gently caressed her cheek and rolled his thumb over her lips. “I’m sorry, beautiful.”
She fought herself about giving up on him. He has hurt her so many times, but it hadn’t ever been in public before. Ever since the beginning of their relationship he has hurt her at the times he’s angry. He always apologizes and always tries to brush it off with an excuse, but the more he does it the more Skye feels reluctant to believe him. Skye cares about him though, she wants to be able to help him, and to save him from himself; although, with the way things have continued to get worse it’s very hard for her to find a way out of it all. She has been living by fear that things wouldn’t go well if she broke it off, she believes that he could hurt her worse than all of the past attacks put together, or maybe even bad enough to kill her. She hates living by fear, but when her step-father is also abusive the fear of rage is very overwhelming. “Of course you love me, hence the slap-in-the-face gift.” She murmured.
“Oh no, babe, it’s not like that. I really do love you, will you forgive me?” His voice was cool, vacant of anger, even though Skye figured he could become angry again in an instant.
“Of course it’s not. I forgive you, Bryan.” She lied. You lost my forgiveness a long time ago, Bryan.

She wanted to say instead. She sighed in defeat and thought about all of the times she had fallen under his strength, this one being just another dark toll on her. She wanted it to stop, all of it. No matter what, though, she would look at him and try her best to actually forgive him, to fall under the spell he had put on her since the very beginning. Bryan’s way of handling things was dark and twisted, it taunted her very existence and brought her pain—it would be hard for her to ever forget it.
Bryan smiled in satisfaction; he had gotten her to at least pretend

to forgive him and that made him satisfied. “Want to dance with me some more?” He asked her.
She nodded but twisted away from him. “Sure, just let me use the restroom first.” She told him, her gentle voice slightly above the echoing music.
“Of course, just don’t think about me too much.” He said slyly.
Skye faked a smile and squeezed passed him, his eyes trailing after her. She placed her cold hand against her cheek, her entire body was growing cold—despite the overwhelming heat and humidity in the building—and the side of her face seared with fiery pain. Her arms were sore from his vicious shoves and grabs, and her eyes stung with welt up tears. She was fighting tears, fighting the oppressing anger of realization that it had happened again.
Skye ducked into the restroom and saw two giggly girls. The girls snapped out of their giggling the moment they saw Skye, there expressions filled with surprise and confusion. She drew back for a moment and dropped her hand. My cheek, my eyes, I must look like a wreck

. She thought instinctively. She hadn’t even realized that water had made its way out of her eyes and was trickling down her cheeks. Blinking the tears away in embarrassment, she ducked into the closest stall and slammed it shut—sliding the lock in place.
The two girls started giggling again as they left the restroom, their giggles had changed into louder and abrupt laughter before they were all of the way out. Skye leaned up against the stall’s door and sighed, tears trickling down her cheeks again. She let the crying come; she was in too much pain to try to banish it. A few minutes of thought would help her get away from it all. Her birthday’s had never really turned out the way she planned, the more years that things went wrong the less she cared about them, her birthday is just another day in her mind. For the most part, the day of her birth she doesn’t enjoy thinking about, especially because she knew that it had something to do with Leah and Skye’s biological-father’s separation.
She wiped at her eyes after a couple minutes of crying and pulled out a compact from her purse. She examined her face in the mirror where she saw that her eyes were red and the side of her face had swelled up into a bruise. This is just perfect, how am I supposed to explain this to Mom?

Skye always had to cover for Bryan and Johnny’s anger. The last time she covered for them wasn’t too far into the past; it had only been a few weeks earlier. She ended up covering for both Johnny and Bryan after coming home practically unconscious. It was one of those days that had been incredibly unexpected in going where it went. The day started off as any other, she went to Bryan’s house after school—something they both did a lot during the school year—but that was when things got a little out of control and Bryan took all of his anger out on her, lashing out on her until she begged for mercy. Before she made it home that same evening, Johnny found her and became infuriated by the evidence that he thought he had left, beating on her already numb body.
She tried to stay away from thinking about the past beatings, for she could still feel the pain it had all created. She snapped out of the past and back into reality, ache tainted on the windows of her heart. She covered the bruised side of her face with cover-up so that the skin was refreshed and the bruise hardly noticeable, and sighed heavily as she breathed a deep breath of the clear air, letting the events of the night fall away.
Skye peered out of the stall and let out a quick breath of relief—the restroom was vacant from the looks of it. She dropped her purse on the counter and washed her hands clean of the cover-up. She quickly dried her hands off and leaned her hands and body against the counter, staring at her reflection in the mirror. Her hand slid up to her swollen cheek and a mumbled sob escaped her lips—a sob of regret. She hated that she kept giving into Bryan even though he didn’t truly love her. The regret was overwhelming.
“How could I let him do that to me? I should have just left, I should have just left

!” She sobbed as she dropped her head into her hands. “I don’t want this anymore,” she breathed, her suddenly quiet voice muffled. Her knees buckled and she fell to the ground, her vision had blurred and there was a sudden dizziness swirling the entire room. She reached up for the counter and tried to pull herself back up; but it was a loss, her arms were too weak.
On the far side of the restroom the last stall opened and a blonde-haired girl walked out of it. She washed her hands, but when she saw Skye, she gasped and ran over to her. “Skye! Oh my gosh, what happened?” She said hastily, crouching down to her knees and gently pushing Skye’s raven hair out of her face.
“Nothing, I’m okay, Rachel.” Skye whispered.
“Are you sure? I can get you some help if you need it, where’s Bryan?”
“No!” Skye snapped at her, “No. I mean, I don’t need him right now.” She added hastily.
The girl—Rachel—regarded Skye with slightly surprised eyes. “Okay, Skye, whatever you say.” She shook her head and chuckled but there was a sort of nervous tint to it. “Here, let me help you up,” she added, gently helping Skye up by her shoulders. Skye used Rachel as support and whimpered when she rubbed her bruises against Rachel’s arms. “Hey, what happened to you?” Rachel said when they were both standing.
Skye’s vision had gone back to normal and she was regaining her steadiness. “Nothing happened to me, I’m just really tired.” She told Rachel around a smile. It was true, she was tired, but even so, the rest was far off.
“Well, you should go home and get some sleep than; I would hate to see my best

friend having a bummer of a birthday because she’s tired. Happy birthday, Skye, it’s about time that you are seventeen, geez girl, I felt like I was crazy old.” Rachel said, her perky personality slipping out.
“I’m good, Rachel, Bryan’s here with me; but thank you, even though you didn’t need to mention it.” Skye said in response, an actual smile tipping around her lips.
“Yeah, he’s out there waiting for you, I’m sorry that I wasn’t the one to hangout with you on your ‘special’ day. We could have had some good fun.” She grinned and played with her curly hair; the curl bounced when she pulled it down and let it go. “Bryan’s a good guy, I’m glad that it was him who took you out, you definitely needed a break. How are things at home? Things with Johnny,” She let the words hang as a question, the name sending chills down Skye’s spine.
She was forced to lie, forcing the words painfully out of her mouth, “Things are not all that bad, Johnny’s been a good help for Mom, and he’s a great guy.” She swallowed hard on a lump in her throat, the lump from thinking about both Bryan and Johnny again. “Rachel, there’s nothing wrong with you having your own plans, though, Bryan has done an excellent job with giving me a good time; besides, I don’t really even need a whole lot of celebration and you know that.” She suddenly couldn’t smile but she also couldn’t frown and go back to thinking about both men.
“Good, that’s very insightful.” Rachel let go of her hair and tapped her friends shoulder. “Skye, you really need to think about your birthday as something more, but I guess if you want to push it away like it’s nothing then go ahead.”
“Thank you, Rachel, I didn’t know that I needed your permission but it’s good to know that I am free.” Skye said mockingly.
Rachel laughed abruptly and patted Skye on the back. “You bet, but I should get going, I have someone waiting for me. It was good seeing you, Skye. I will call you soon, okay?” She told Skye kindly, hugging her with a gentle force.
“I don’t even want to ask who the guy is now, do I?” She remarked, hugging Rachel back. Rachel pulled herself away her hands still on Skye’s shoulders, and shook her head playfully. “Good-bye, Rachel, be careful.”
A smirk crept up Rachel’s lips and she leaned in as if telling Skye a secret. “Oh, trust me, I’ll be careful.” She winked and strutted away from Skye, waving daintily before she left the restroom.
Skye chuckled at how free-spirited Rachel could be; although, she sometimes envied it. Rachel always had been carefree and gentle, a kind and beautiful character. She remembered what Rachel had said about Bryan and sighed heavily, he was waiting for her. She grabbed her purse and started to leave the restroom.
A couple scurried past her on the way out, laughing mischievously and holding hands. Skye looked after them before making it clear out of the restroom, and all that she saw was the couple passionately throwing each other against the stall and making-out.
She rolled her eyes and walked clear away from the restroom. She glanced around the club and could swear that it had gotten even more crowded, though it didn’t seem possible. She looked around for Bryan but when she had no luck, she went over to the bar and sat down, exhaustion weighing her down.
A few stools down, the blonde pretty-boy from earlier on sat, his head bent down as his hands held a glass of soda. The moment Skye laid her eyes on him she lost her breath, she couldn’t believe that she was only a few feet away from him, as close as she had wanted before. She was somehow utterly drawn to him; although, she didn’t know if it was because of his looks or because of the vibe he set off.
The boy tilted his head up and chuckled. She wondered why he was chuckling, the bar was dull, and there weren’t any drunken drinkers around to fire things up, so why would he possibly laugh? Suddenly, a thought dawned on her and she examined him closer—he was slightly looking at her.
She drew back, shamefully embarrassed, and felt that her cheeks were flushed. She kept her eyes on the counter, trying her best not to look at the boy, and sucked in a sharp breath. The boy enchanted her though, with his fascinating emerald eyes that were shadowed by shaggy golden-hair and his smile that took her breath away. He entirely took on the definition of beautiful.
The boy stood up from the stool he was in and walked behind Skye—which made her uneasy—only for him to end up taking the seat next to her. She didn’t dare to look at him, didn’t dare to give in to the charming smile and bright eyes. He grinned and laughed more audibly when he noticed that she had scooted in the slightest away from him. She let herself fall under temptation and looked at him, his charming grin hitched high and showing his very white teeth. He really is the most beautiful boy I have ever seen before

. She thought passably.
He raised an eyebrow and his grin turned into a smirk, almost as if he could read her thoughts. He scooted closer to her until she was practically off of the stool, the only thing that held her up was her own hands that gripped underneath the stool. She stared into those memorizing eyes, her expressions almost resembling a timid animal. The boy did the next best thing to get to her: he dropped his hand to her leg.
Skye flinched back and squeaked, the slightest movement kicking her off of the stool; only, she didn’t fall, because strong gentle hands braced her steady, those warm hands belonging to the boy with the emerald eyes. There was only a thin line that separated them and both could feel each other’s breath against their faces. She hadn’t even realized that her hands had grabbed a hold of the boy’s shirt in instinct. After a moment of the two staring into each other’s eyes, the boy pulled them both upright, only to have laughed when he got back up. He signaled the bartender for another drink and stared ahead of him.
Skye’s heart was pounding, and it wasn’t only from almost falling—she knew that it was from the experience of just being so close to someone like him. She wanted to apologize but she felt stupid, she tried to find words to explain, but she honestly didn’t understand what had happened herself.
That was when the boy had done something entirely unexpected. He kept his eyes straight ahead, but words came from his mouth, “Do you enjoy falling off of stools or something, or are you just prone to getting boys to catch you?” his deep and harmonious voice asked, a grin dancing around his lips.
She had been taken aback by his dreamy voice and the words only caused her to blush a deep red, but she still tried to scramble up something to say. Clearing her throat, she opened her mouth to speak, but the boy turned his gaze upon her and raised an eyebrow, stopping her. He didn’t say anything though, and Skye took that as a sign that it was her turn to speak, but suddenly she was mute, afraid to open up. She finally mustered something up, “Actually, I think you’re mistaken. I slipped because you were invading my space.” She said incredibly clearly despite the nerves that were at high alert.
He laughed and shook his head, the hair on his head falling perfectly back in place. “Was I really invading your space? You seemed to like it,” he said, his voice seductive and edgy. The smirk grew and he raised his eyebrow more as he leaned slightly closer to her.
She sucked in a breath. Did he really just say that

? She thought in disbelief. “Yes, you were. And don’t even think for a minute that I liked it.” She partially had lied though, she did sort of like it.
“I think that you did, so you don’t have to hide it. But, would you like for us to start over anyways?” He said sweetly, the soft and kind tone was such great refreshment to her over the harsh and angry tone she would get from Bryan and Johnny so regularly. Skye nodded her head in response, she didn’t care to speak out loud. “The name’s Jules,” he extended his hand and Skye hesitantly shook it, feeling the heat spark throughout her entire body.
“Skye,” she replied, “interesting meeting you.”
“I think that is has been very nice meeting you. And, for the record, you have a very pretty name, just like everything else about you.” He winked and grinned, almost as if to himself.
Skye was taken aback again; she couldn’t believe what she had heard. She didn’t know what to say other than, “Um—thank you.” She choked on the words, utterly confused. He was flirting with her—actually flirting with her—Skye Montgomery, the quiet and frequently unnoticed girl. The only thing that she could figure was that he was either, one: very playful and flirtatious with every girl, or two: he was completely messing with her head. He hadn’t only given her a second glance, but he somehow made the move to talk to her.
“You’re quirky, you know that? But it’s in the best way possible; I just can’t seem to figure you out.” He was full of surprises. “Want me to let you in on a little secret, though?” He said as he leaned in closer to her.
“Sure, since you so gracefully pointed out that I’m quirky.” She scoffed.
The boy—Jules—laughed and pointed his finger casually at her. “Don’t let a guy distract you, ever, okay?”
“Okay, whatever you say, hotshot.” She mumbled, laughing at his blatant attempts at getting her to blush. So far he was winning; he had already made her become as red as she had been when Bryan had lashed out at her.
“Ah, I think you’ve got the right idea, but let me tell you something. ‘Hot’ doesn’t even come close to describing you,” he let the words hang in the air to get a reaction out of her.
She raised her eyebrow and let out a quiet huff.
“You’re far beyond that,” was all that he said before he got up, dropped the money on the counter, and started walking away.
If Skye hadn’t contained herself she would have let her jaw drop to the floor, she couldn’t come to terms with what he had told her. Flirting no longer covered what he had done. She wanted to call out to him but she had no idea what to say or do.
Jules turned around and looked at her, “I’ll see you around, stool girl

.” He called out to her, the words trailing out in a seductive way that left her practically drooling over him. The grin he had given her before he had left and gotten lost in the crowd took her out of concentration. She hardly even noticed that he had said her name when he left, the name that sounded as if it was destined to pass through his lips. She was in awe, entirely shocked and overwhelmed with a warm feeling of delight. She had been left completely mesmerized.
All of the delight and warmth vanished in the blink of an eye, though, when she felt strong and rough hands grip her shoulders, pinching the skin and bone. She let out a cry and pain overtook the warmth that had been there moments before, and the wave of oppressing fear poured into her body again. She knew those hands; she knew who was behind her. Bryan

Warm breath brushed down through her hair and sent shivers racing down her spine. “I think that we need to talk, beautiful.” Bryan’s whispered warningly, the tone dark and sickening.
She could hardly breathe, everything flashed before her eyes as she thought about what he would do. There was no telling what he would do, but considering the dangerous anger implied in his voice, it wasn’t going to end well for her.

Harsh Reality

Bryan yanked on Skye’s shoulders, pulling her abruptly off of the stool. She refrained from letting out a sound, knowing that if she drew attention to herself it would only create more trouble. She knew that he would hurt her even worse when they’re alone. “Come on, we really

need to talk.” He slithered, his grip on her shoulders painfully tight.
Skye let out a whimper as he dragged her back into the dark, her shoulders throbbing from the strong grip. “This doesn’t look like the place to talk,” she whispered, clutching his hands. She wanted to cry out because the pain was intoxicating as his fingers slid into the crook of her neck, pinching her.
They were nearing the back exit of the club, the dark corner frighteningly quiet. They were already so far away from the people and cold fear was slithering through her veins. “We’re going to the back, that way we can talk

.” He growled. He knew that she was scared but it didn’t faze him, instead it was what was pulling him to do it even more. He was feeding off of her fear.
“Why, what do we need to talk about?” She cried in a hushed tone.
“I don’t like what I saw,” he trailed off, shoving the exit door open with his back and yanking her out after him. She whimpered as he tossed her forward and onto the ground, almost as if she was trash, as if she meant nothing to him. “What was going on between you and that boy?” He growled under his breath, his jaw tightening.
“Nothing, nothing at all,” she breathed, pushing herself up so that her hands supported her. Her heart was hammering against her chest and she had to gasp for breaths.
He gave her a look of disbelief. “It didn’t look like nothing, babe. You wouldn’t be lying to me would you?”
Suddenly she couldn’t breathe; her words were caught in her throat tangling them painfully inside. She tried to swallow but all she could do was stare at her boyfriend with fear. She scooted herself back a little and shook her head. She had to tell him that she wasn’t lying before he got the wrong idea, but it was already too late—he had the wrong idea.
Bryan dropped to his knees beside her—his jeans soaking up the dirt and grime of the alley—and pulled her violently up to him, his hands wrapped behind her back. “Why are you lying to me, babe? I don’t understand why you’re covering for him, it’s not like I’m going to do anything to him.” He said through clenched teeth, his entire body shaking with anger. He shook her violently, his hot breath spiking her fear.
Finally Skye managed to catch her breath and form words, “I’m not lying, Bryan. Nothing happened, we—we were just talking, I—I’m sorry.” She stuttered, gripping his arms so that she wouldn’t hurt herself.
“Who was he?” He muttered, his voice filled with so much menacing anger that Skye had to blink a few times before she could think straight. “Who was he?” He repeated painfully louder.
She flinched at the tone of his voice and hot tears formed at the corners of her eyes. “Jules, his name was Jules.” She whispered, desperately quiet.
The alley around them was dark and vacant, and deathly quiet besides their own conversation. “I swear if he ever talks to you again, I’ll—”
She didn’t want to hear what he’d do; she couldn’t face the fact that she had just brought some stranger into the mess that was her life. “Don’t Bryan, please just don’t do this. I promise that I’ll stay away from him if you just leave him alone.” She begged softly, her gentle voice carrying its way throughout the foggy alley. She was weary, tired of his anger and tired of his aggressiveness. She just wanted the night to be over.
“If you promise than I guess I have to try,” he suddenly grinned, but there was no humor in it, only scheming. She knew that he would do something eventually and she could only hope that it wouldn’t be in the near future. “Let’s go, babe.” He let her go and held out his hand to help her up.
She stared at him in bewilderment. She was too angry at him to take his hand so instead she pulled herself up and wobbled away from him, towards the exit of the alley. “I’m not going with you,” she muttered under her breath, holding her burning arms. Her entire upper body was aching from being tossed around so much and she could hardly think straight.
Bryan grinned darkly and chuckled as he caught her arm painfully and slammed her against the alley wall, the action throwing Skye off balance. “You don’t get to choose that.” The venom in his voice chilled her bones and threw her out of concentration.
She had to blink a few times before she could clearly see him and when she saw his eyes she gasped. He was darkly pleased about something and it scared her every nerve. She was pinned between him and the wall again and this time, she didn’t think that she could get out without numerous injuries. “Bryan,” she sobbed, pressing her palms against the moist wall.
He stared into her eyes and chuckled, “I’m sorry babe,” he whispered. That was when he brought her hand into his and slammed it against the sharp brick wall, creating a long gash across her hand.
She cried out and tears poured out of her eyes. She tried to move away but he only took his other hand and pulled her into him, gently sliding his fingers through her hair. “Hush now, I’ve got you.”
Skye couldn’t believe how someone could be twisted enough to think what he had done was alright, but deep inside she couldn’t hate him and she could only try to love him. She didn’t know how entirely bad of a choice it could be. She tried to free her hand but he only held on tighter and she gave up trying. “Please just walk me home.” She begged, her voice croaky and quiet.
“I don’t think I’m ready to walk you home yet, I want something more before so.” He tickled her ears with his breath and pinned both of her hands against the wall.
She didn’t want to think about what he wanted from her, she tried to let her mind drift away into safety, but the only memory that came to her mind was one of Johnny. It was a memory of when Johnny had threatened her and told her that she really wasn’t worth anything but that she was beautiful. In her mind, Johnny could never be more than the twisted psychopath with a bad temper. She would always detest him. Snapping back into reality, she pulled against Bryan’s hands and her lips quivered, she couldn’t speak.
“It’s okay, babe, I’m going to play nice.” He whispered, tracing his lips over her jawline and forcefully kissing her lips.
She tried to pull herself away and tried to turn so that he couldn’t kiss her, but he was vicious and wouldn’t give up—she was trapped. She wanted the night to be over then more than ever and she couldn’t bear to think about how trashed she would look when she arrived home. She could only hope that Leah wouldn’t notice.
He would walk her home, but she was sure that walking home alone would be better than walking with Bryan by now. She couldn’t know if she would be safe around him or not. Deciding it would most likely be the latter.
Skye hurried up to the front door of home, reaching the destination feeling overwhelmingly better. Bryan had walked her home and kissed her goodnight before taking off down the street. She was glad that she was free from him, but she knew that she would have to deal with him later.
After slipping through the front door, closing it, and leaning quietly against it, she noticed that Leah and Johnny were on the couch in the living room, cuddled up together.
She preferred not to watch the two of them together, it always makes her sick. She felt her stomach get restless and her head cloud up just watching them—she needed peace and quiet. Shaking her head slowly, she padded her way up the staircase, taking them two at a time. She needed the shelter of her own room.
The stair floorboards had another plan: creaking beneath her weight and rattling an alarm in the couples’ heads. “Skye, is that you?” Leah said, scrambling off of the couch and around the corner, Johnny following right behind her, his hand on her shoulder. Skye stopped in her tracks for a moment but then with haste hurried up the last few steps. “Wait, how was your,”—Skye hurled herself into her bedroom and slammed the door—“night.” Leah finished, rejection smearing her once excited expression.
Johnny wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him, comforting her in a hushed tone. He knew that Leah loved Skye too much to let the door slamming not affect her mood. She frowned into Johnny’s. “Will you go talk to her?” She pleaded against him, looking up into his eyes.
He smiled and kissed her forehead. “Of course, sweetheart.” He smiled faintly and headed for Skye’s room.
She had dropped her bags off and fallen onto her bed, sighing. She let the tears slip down her cheeks, ignoring the fact that her mom could go into her room and see her like that—broken and crying. She rolled over and clutched for the blankets, seeking comfort in something

. The blankets muffled the sound but it was only a matter of time for Johnny to barge in on her peace and quiet. Why, no—how, could I let it all get this bad? Bryan used to really love me, now I don’t even know anymore.

She thought in sorrow, sobs muffled through the blankets. She tugged herself toward the top of the bed, gasping and catching her breath. She never thought she could feel so week.
“Skylar? Are you alright?” Johnny’s called for her, his gentle but fake voice shocking her away from her tears.
She scrambled up in bed, suddenly very afraid. “I—I’m fine,” she stammered, her voice crackling with fear. Her eyes were red and puffy and her delicate cheek had turned purple and blue, the sides of the bruise red and swollen.
He opened the door and peered into her room, looking for her. She was sitting cross legged, fighting back the urge to back even further away. “What happened, Skylar?”
She hated how he called her Skylar, it always made her sick. “Nothing.” She spit out, her stomach twisting into knots.
“Why do I not believe you?” He smiled slyly and walked over to the bed, sitting too close to her. She felt very uncomfortable, very frightened. He could get closer in the blink of an eye, and the close that she feared was too personal. “Are you lying to me Skylar?” He scooted himself closer and she retreated as far back into the bed-frame as possible.
“Please back away, I—I can’t,” She stuttered, shutting her eyes as the desperate plead drifted through the increasingly shrinking place of air between them.
“It’s okay Princess, I’m not going to hurt you. Right now,” Johnny let his words hang in the air, piercing Skye’s chest with fear. Her arms were shaking and she tried to hide it, she didn’t want him seeing her fear. She looked down at the bedding, trying to distract herself, but it didn’t work. He touched her chin and tipped it up, forcing her to look into his eyes. His large fingers brushed her lips for a moment and she gagged on her own disgust, sobs bubbling up inside of her again. All of the sudden, he lowered his hands and wrapped his fingers around both of her dainty arms, shoving her to the other side and pinning her against the bed.
He grinned at her darkly, his bright blue eyes piercing her soul. “You have your mom’s eyes, you know? They’re beautiful,” He rubbed a stray tear off her cheek and chuckled. She hadn’t even realized that tears were slipping out of her eyes. “You wouldn’t want her eyes to be forever closed, now would you?” He whispered, the threat sparking her rage and fear.
She shook her head and a stray and helpless sob escaped through her lips—he had threatened her again, and it included Leah again. “No. No, I—I never could.” She whispered, her chest was too tight to project clear words.
Johnny’s lips turned up at the corners and he looked pleased with himself. He squeezed her arms and painfully and chuckled. “Good. You keep everything that has happened now and in the past between us and she’ll always be happy. I mean, you wouldn’t want to hurt her, would you?” He growled and lowered his head so that their faces were only inches apart. She felt invaded and she hated how close of contact he considered perfectly alright.
“It will only be between us, I promise. Just don’t harm her, please.” She whimpered when he let go of her arms and let his hands brush over her sides. She could barely move her arms, pain seared in the place of captivity and she knew it would bruise. I can’t take all of these bruises anymore; someone’s going to notice.

“Excellent,” He backed away and stood up, his sickening grin turning into an expressionless picture, “sleep well, Princess.”
He was gone in a moment’s time, leaving Skye fragile and alone.
She scrambled up and stared at the door blankly. She hardly even realized what all had just happened; all of the night was starting to turn into a haze. She knew that Johnny was only getting worse and that it would only be a matter of time until her next hospital visit.
She was frozen in her own skin, the room slipping away and all of her mind reeling in a memory of the first time she had discovered Johnny’s problems. It was one of the worst days of her life.
She had just gotten home from getting groceries, summer vacation of her eighth-grade year; and when she found Johnny lazing around on the couch kicking back an assortment of beer bottles, he had panicked. He wasn’t supposed to be drinking. Leah hated it when he had alcohol, and she couldn’t stand the stuff, especially if it ever made it in the presence of her daughter.
He had wobbled up to Skye, as drunk as possible, and slapped her hard across the cheek. She backed away instantly and covered her cheek, totally taken aback and in pain. The next move he made involved him picking her up and throwing her delicate body against the wall. She had crumpled over, gasping and gagging, the room swirling with black spots; but he wouldn’t give up, he kept hitting, kicking, and tossing her around until he had practically decapitated her. He had pulled her limp body into his arms and growled at her that it had to be a secret. She promised him that it would be, but she never knew it would be a regular thing.
The secret stays just as it was—a dark, sickening, and painful secret that would always be a secret. Johnny will do whatever he has to do to keep her from talking, and she knows not to mess with someone like him. She has both Leah and herself to worry about. She has to be brave at all odds, whatever the cost.
Skye’s cell buzzed and she groaned, hobbling over to get it from her bag. She dropped back onto the bed and crawled to the top the moment she had the phone. She blinked her eyes a few times and wiped any remaining tears away. She was sad but she couldn’t cry anymore; she only felt numb and hollow. She wanted to sleep and everything around her was falling away. She vaguely could read the text that Bryan had sent her.
Hey. Babe, I want to talk to you about something. Meet me at Omar’s Coffee Shop tomorrow at noon. I really need to talk to you. Be there, Skye. Night.

She sighed and tossed her phone on the end of her bed. She didn’t want to see him again so soon, she had enough of him already. She would have to go though, staying home wouldn’t be a good choice
She lay down, staring at the shadowed white ceiling and thinking over the night’s events. She felt a pang of disgust and abuse tear at her heart but she tried to ignore it. The pang wasn’t only a result of the night, but it was also the thought of what could be yet to come. Things can’t get any worse; all of this has to be the worst of it.

She tried to convince herself, but there was no telling in what would truly be.
One reason that birthdays are just another day: they never end well.

The house around Skye was quiet; the only sound she could hear was the ticking of the clock on her bedroom wall. The air in the room was warm and humid. Even with the ceiling fan on full blast above her she still felt the oppressive heat. Moments passed, her mind drifting with pictures of the short time she’d spent with Jules. Every time he appeared in her mind she felt the warmest tingly sensation, one so strong it was hard to ignore.
Getting him out of her mind was harder than it ever had been with Bryan. She wishes she could get him out of her mind so that she wouldn’t feel guilty, but it just isn’t that easy.
Noon was just around the corner and she knew that she had to get going so that she could meet up with Bryan. Grabbing her bag, she headed for the front door. She sneaked past Leah and Johnny’s room and glided down the stairs, her footsteps quiet and soft. She was trying to avoid Johnny, she knew that he was somewhere in the house and she didn’t want to face him.
Before she made it out the door something in the corner of her eye caught her attention. It was a beer bottle. She gasped and stopped herself in her tracks. “Not this again, Johnny.” She murmured, sighing and looking both ways before grabbing the bottle off of the kitchen counter and stuffing it into her bag. Taking it would be helping Johnny, and he would need that help.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Johnny’s voice spoke gruffly behind her.
She jumped out of her skin and closed her eyes so that she could think straight. It was hard for her to come up with a reply, her voice wouldn’t cooperate. “I—I thought it would be better if I got this out of your hands. Mom hates it, if she finds out it would break her heart.” She croaked, rummaging through her bag without turning around. She wanted to get it out so that Johnny wouldn’t hurt her.
He wasn’t kind enough to completely forget about it though. His hands crept up her shoulders and he breathed down her neck, darkly whispering, “That’s why we have our own agreement; you’re not trying to break out of it, are you?” His voice sent chills zipping along her spine, threatening her thumping heartbeat.
She nervously turned around and sucked in her breath. He only had a towel wrapped around his hips, exposing just how much strength he could release. “No, I just thought—”
Johnny stepped closer and plucked the bottle out of her hands. “You thought wrong, it’s not for me. It’s for a friend from work.”
She tried to believe his words but she was having a hard time with it. He doesn’t work all that much, and when he does, it never requires beer. “I’m sorry,” she whispered in fear.
“You should be,” with his free hand he tucked her loose strands of hair behind her ears, and caressed her cheek, “why all the makeup? Where are you headed, Princess?” He was so close that she was backed up against the counter.
Her words got caught up in her throat as she thought about Bryan. Her head was throbbing and her body tensed up, she hated him being so close to her. “Out,” She swallowed hard and fumbled around with her purse, “with Bryan.”
Johnny’s lips twisted into a smirk as he dropped his free hand and tugged up on his towel. “Have a good time, Princess.”
She wanted to yell at him for calling her Princess again, but she didn’t. Instead she said, “Thanks,” and ducked out the door, carefully enough to make sure that he didn’t touch her again. She hurried down the streets towards Omar’s as quickly as possible. She needed to be as far away from Johnny as possible. He was getting too close to her again.

Skye walked through the door to Omar’s, the bell above chiming to signal another customer. She sighed as the fresh smell of coffee and cool air-conditioning enveloped her. A tall girl with long red hair smiled as she looked up and spotted Skye standing in the doorway. “Hello, how are you today, Miss?” She said.
Skye faintly put on a fake smile and whispered a quick hello

and good

. Her eyes glazed over the large coffee shop, taking in the fact that Bryan wasn’t there yet. He always seemed to be late for their dates. She started walking to the back of the coffee shop, the part of the shop that was on a raised black and white checkered platform. The walls were a warm red and the floor was marble. In the back there were restrooms in the cut off corner. The shop was more than any typical coffee shop.
She dropped herself into a chair at a table with two seats. For the most part, all of the tables and booths were small. A soft hum of classical music was playing over the speakers and, in some matter, it calmed her. She loved going to Omar’s, it always calmed her nerves, whatever the problems would be in her life. With her love for coffee she had even more motivation to hang out at Omar’s. She propped her elbows on the table and sighed, dropping her chin on top of her hands.
There was a scuff of footsteps and a familiar voice chimed into her ears, “Can I get you something, Miss?” The voice startled her in a way that it wasn’t only familiar but it was beautiful and harmonic. She couldn’t place it until the boy stepped around to the side of the table and she tipped her gaze up at him. Her mouth threatened to drop but she kept it in check, swallowing her own words. Her eyes were lost in the boys’ eyes and every word she thought about disappeared when she tried to speak. It was none other than Jules, the boy she knew she had to avoid.
“Stool girl?” Jules asked in surprise, his face lighting up at the sight of her. “Wow. Small town, huh?”
She didn’t want to speak to him, she knew that she shouldn’t break her promise already, but she couldn’t be rude either. “What are you doing here?” She asked loudly.
“Whoa, did I say something wrong?” He chuckled as if she had said something funny.
She frowned at him and bit her lip. I shouldn’t be talking to him, I shouldn’t be talking to him.

She scolded herself, labeling herself guilty about not following with her promise. “Isn’t there something against being too friendly with the costumers in the employee handbook?” She raised an eyebrow, trying to challenge him. She knew that what she said didn’t make the most sense, but it would have to do.
He laughed at her and shook his head slowly. “Are you saying that I was being too friendly? Maybe you’re thinking about last night than. I was hoping that you would remember last night.” He winked and planted his hands on the table, causing her to flinch back.
She swallowed down the lump in her throat and all of the sudden her heart started drumming against her chest. She was nervous about him being close to her. If he looked at her close enough, there would be the possibility that he could notice her swollen cheek. “I wasn’t thinking about last night.” She hissed, crossing her arms.
He raised an eyebrow and made a sound resembling laughter under his breath. “Oh, no Stool girl, you were. Come on, just admit it, you were thinking about last night. About me,” he leaned in a little closer to her, a smirk hinting on his lips.
She bit her tongue to keep herself from admitting it and faked a smile. “Listen,” said Skye, closing in the space between them, “I am not going to admit to something that I have not done. You on the other hand, may have been thinking about last night. I was not and have not, so I suggest that you get over yourself.” She said with fake satisfaction. She wasn’t pleased with herself—it all was just another act.
Jules looked a little taken aback for a moment but it quickly passed and he grinned at her. “If that’s what you’d like then I will try, but I can’t give you any guarantees.” He stood straight up again and winked. Oh how she wished that he would stop doing that.
“I’ll take what I can get.” She murmured, sighing on the inside. Jules looked even better in the normal light, she realized, almost as if he was a perfect masterpiece. He wore a loose fitting white collared shirt and dark jeans with a burgundy apron hanging loosely over the shirt. “How long have you been working here?” She asked him, suddenly very curious. She hadn’t even seen him before last night at Buxton’s and she wondered how long he has been in the area.
He seemed to stare right through her as he answered the question, almost as if he wasn’t used to answering that sort of question. “My dad moved us here a few days ago, his job called for a new location over here and he couldn’t refuse. He wanted me to work here, and I applied and got the job. I must say that I really can’t complain, I mean, it’s a rewarding job when I get costumers like you.” He smiled again, a small smile that didn’t show any teeth. “First day on the job and I’m already really enjoying it.”
She almost gagged on her own saliva, surprised by the words that were echoing in her ears. She couldn’t believe this kid, he was suddenly showing up a lot in her life. She didn’t want to break her promise with Bryan, but, in a way, she already had broken it and what could a little more do? She let herself smile, flattered that he was actually taking the time to make conversation with her. She glanced around the shop and realized that the place was practically dead, there was only one other customer besides her, and it really surprised her. “This place sure is quiet today.” She commented, trying to change the subject.
He followed her gaze and quietly laughed. “Really? Because I thought the place was hopping.” He grinned, showing his perfectly white teeth.
She looked at him and found that he was staring at her again, his bold eyes making her shiver. His smile was breathtaking. “Do I sense a sort of sarcasm in those words of yours?” She said playfully.
“I believe that sarcasm would be right, Stool girl.”
“Thought so,” she said quietly, tapping her fingernails against the cold tables’ surface. She could feel his stare, burning a slightly wonderful yet uncomfortable sensation in her body. She shifted in her chair and cleared her throat, trying to break up the silence that was between them. The silence hung in the air, almost as overwhelming as the humidity outside.
Jules took out his order pad and stenciled a quick sketch of Skye. She kept her gaze straight ahead of her, her mind drifting off into another world. When he had finished the drawing he realized that it was almost identical to her actual profile, he had a real talent for it. He hastily tore off the picture and stuffed it into his pocket, giving her a few quick and timid glances.
She watched him as he fumbled with the order pad, wondering why he didn’t just ask her what she wanted to order. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it again, timidly looking into his eyes.
“What would you like to order?” He asked her, pencil poised over the pad of paper, his stare unwavering.
She swallowed on her nerves and shook her head. “I’m waiting for someone, I’ll just get something when he’s here.” It’s not just someone though, it’s my boyfriend.

She whined in her mind.
Jules was slightly surprised, but he held himself back from showing it. “Sounds good,” he said distractedly glancing back at the girl at the counter. She was staring at him as if she was pleading with him for something, her eyes challenging him. “I have to go, I’ll be back. Let me know if you need anything, and I mean anything

.” He winked at Skye before hurrying over to the counter, bending over to talk to the red-head.
Skye couldn’t really believe how much they had talked together, he was being kind to her and that surprised her. She hasn’t really ever had very many friends; in fact, Rachel and Leah are her closest friends.
She ducked her head down and sighed as sincere happiness took a place in her heart. Seeing Jules again brought her stomach butterflies and her heart to a racing but pleasurable beat. She felt good for once.
Maybe she shouldn’t let herself feel good though. “There you are, beautiful.” Bryan said to her. She popped her head up and her smile instantly disappeared. Bryan stood above her, forcing her mind to wrap itself around the past night with him. She hated that they were meeting together; it only made her want to be sick and run away.
He was grinning, and when he brought himself down to kiss her forehead, she hoped Jules wasn’t watching. He was the only one on her mind in a good way. “Hey, Bryan,” She said around an inaudible sigh.
Bryan moved his lips around her lips and kissed her forcibly. “Did you miss me?” He whispered in her ear, letting his lips brush her cheek. She winced as even the softest touch hurt her swollen cheek.
“Of course I missed you,” she said uncomfortably. She wanted to scream at him so that he would stop kissing her, but thought better of it. Not only would he ignore it and kiss harder, but Jules would see them together. “Bryan, can you please stop? It hurts,” She breathed. His lips were on hers again in a flash and she wanted to gag.
“Okay,” he said pulling himself away from her and dropping onto the chair across from her. She took a breath of relief and glanced over to the counter for Jules; only, he wasn’t there. “About last night,” Bryan began.
“It’s okay Bryan, I know you didn’t want to hurt me.”
“You’re right, I didn’t. But I still shouldn’t have done what I did. I mean, you would never do anything to hurt me like that, right?”
“No, I wouldn’t Bryan. And I understand it could’ve looked bad with me and that boy, but please Bryan, don’t worry so much for me. I’m a big girl; I can handle talking to a boy.”
“I know that you can handle it, that’s why it’s so hard. I couldn’t have you trying to be with anyone else, and you shouldn’t let me have to feel this way. If you stayed away from him I wouldn’t have to worry about it all.
“Bryan, I already promised that I wouldn’t do that to you, so why are you still making this such a big deal? I couldn’t do that to you, I’m not going to cheat on you. Not with that boy, not with anyone. Okay?”
Bryan grinned with satisfaction. Again he had gotten what he wanted, full and complete access to Skye. “Okay, I believe you. I’m done making a big deal out of it all.”
“Bryan, what happened to you getting here at noon?”
“I got stuck in traffic.”
“I didn’t see a lot of traffic.”
“I went the long way and there had been a bad accident blocking the traffic flow. Sorry,” he said it all with sincerity. But she was having a hard time believing it.
“You promise?”
“Are you saying that I’m lying to you?” He said loudly, his tone jumping a few notches louder. He stared at her in complete innocence. “Skye, I’m not lying, promise.”
“Okay. Where were you?”
Suddenly Bryan looked more uncomfortable, and before he could answer, Jules came up behind him carrying pencil and paper in hand. “You must be the one she was waiting for,” he said looking at Bryan. When he saw Bryan’s face he seemed uncomfortable and off. Bryan was staring at him with a look of confusion and distress.
“Have we met before?” He asked, his voice coming out in total confidence.
Jules looked taken aback. “No, I don’t think so. Although, somehow you remind me of someone I used to know.”
Skye coughed dramatically, “Bryan what do you want to get?” She asked, changing the subject. She didn’t want Bryan getting into a fight with Jules, not over her anytime.
He shook his head and ran his hand through his dark and scruffy hair. “Coffee, black.” Suddenly he looked tired and weary, as if he was holding back a whole lot of anger.
“Okay, a cup of coffee for the man. What about for the lady?” Jules said, turning his gaze to Skye.
“I’d rather not have anything. I’m not really hungry or thirsty.” She said nervously, biting her lips as she could feel the awkwardness between Bryan and Jules. She knew why Bryan was acting so strange around Jules, but why would Jules be strange around him?
“Are you sure, babe?” Bryan snapped, oddly concerned sounding.
“I’m sure, Bryan. I don’t want anything.” She hissed, awkwardly slumping down in her seat afterwards, feeling embarrassed about how she reacted. She was mad at Bryan, she didn’t want to put her in such an awkward position. “No thank you, Jules.” She said, looking at Jules carefully again. She didn’t make eye contact because she didn’t want Bryan to react to her.
“Okay, well, I’ll be right back with coffee, black.” Jules announced as he put on a smile and walked away.
Bryan glared at Jules as he let his gaze follow the employee. He turned his head back to Skye and clenched his teeth. His jaw tightened and he growled a few harsh words about Jules under his breath. “Skye, did you know he works here? That’s the boy from last night isn’t it? Jules

.” He spat.
She was taken slightly aback at his rage, she expected as much, but it still startled her. She wanted to cry out to him that she didn’t want his scolding. “Yeah, that’s him, but I didn’t know he works here, I swear! And why would it matter if I did?” She said a little too loudly, taking in the realization of just how angry Jules makes him. “I love you, Bryan, I couldn’t love anyone else.” There was a sour taste in her mouth and it was hard for her to even say the words. She did love him, but she didn’t actually think that he was the only she could ever love.
“I love you too, but he’s just—I don’t want you around him. Okay?” There was a certain amount of warning in his voice and she was not about to disregard it.
“Okay, I won’t go around him, promise.” She sighed on the inside, feeling regret to have promised staying away from the one person she really could feel anything with.
Jules came back to the table and gave Bryan his coffee, silently. The table was dead silent, no one really even bothering to look at each other, except for Jules, he was staring at Bryan, almost as if he was trying to figure him out. Skye peered up at Jules as he walked away, giving her one last smile before slipping back into work. Bryan had his hand on the table in a fist, staring out the window across from them. She felt her heart drop into her stomach when she thought of Jules leaving her again. She didn’t believe that she would see Jules again, and according to Bryan, she wasn’t supposed to.
“I think I should go. Just stay away from him, okay? Later, babe.” Bryan kissed her on the way out and shot a glare at Jules as he worked behind the counter, cleaning the blender. Jules watched him leave slightly unnerved, and the moment Bryan was out of the shop, he took a quick glance at Skye. She had her head off in the clouds, but around her eyes tears were slipping down her fragile cheeks.
Jules made his way around the counter and over to her. He touched her shoulder gently with one hand and crouched so that he was closer to her. “What’s wrong, Skye?”
She sniffled and brushed away her tears. “It’s nothing,” she mumbled between a quiet sob.
“Hey, it’s okay, what happened?” He said gently, rubbing his hand on her other shoulder. “You can tell me, I’m not going to tell anyone.”
“It’s nothing; I just didn’t want Bryan to leave. It doesn’t matter, Jules, I don’t want to talk to you, okay?” She pulled herself out of the chair, dropped the money on the table, and took a deep breath. “Goodbye, Jules.”
She pushed herself passed him, leaving him staring with disbelief after her. He called her name but she was too far away to stop. She couldn’t turn back though, she had promised Bryan that she wouldn’t be around him and she couldn’t let him down, no matter how many times he had let her down.
She ran out the door into the oppressing heat and let out a desperate sob. Her mind was swimming with pictures of Jules, pictures of his beautiful face and his breathtaking smile. She wanted to cry for everything; for Bryan’s anger, for Jules’ confusion, for Johnny’s abuse, and for Leah’s complete lack of knowing the truth. She wouldn’t though, she had to be strong enough.
Instead of walking towards home she wandered the streets, anger flaring through her veins as she thought about Jules’ face when she had left. He looked helpless, confused, shocked, and sad. She hated that she had let him down and hadn’t given him a chance because of the mess with Bryan.
“Hey Skye, need a ride?” Came a familiar voice.

Skye whirled around and looked at the boy staring back at her in a Mustang convertible. “Jules? H-how did you get off work so fast? And how’d you find me?” She scrambled to find the words, her heart suddenly speeding up.
He ruffled his hair and pulled on his neck nervously. “Actually, I was dying to take a break from work, and when you left in such a hurry I thought it was the perfect time. Do you want to get some lunch?”
She wanted to smile but couldn’t. He looked too adorable staring at her with that smile and those bold eyes that smiled back. She wanted to go with him but she couldn’t get herself to do it, she knew that she would be breaking her promise to Bryan. “Look, you’re sweet, but I really can’t be around you, can’t

. You shouldn’t have followed me, go home, Jules, just go.” She began walking away, tucking her hands in her jean pockets and slowly shaking her head.
“Skye, please tell me what you mean. I don’t understand, I thought we were actually getting along. I mean, I know I can be a little bit pushy and playful sometimes, but I thought you liked it. What changed your mind?” Hurt was trembling its way into Jules’ tone. He cruised along, keeping in line with her.
She wanted to cry, he sounded sincere as if he actually really did care about her. “Nothing! Nothing changed my mind, Jules. I was just messing with you, I thought you were messing with me and I wanted to play along. Just do me a favor and forget about me, forget that you ever met me and leave me alone!” She shrieked, tears welling up around her eyes. She ran away from him, as far and fast as she could, not looking back to see if he was following her. He wasn’t following her; instead, he was lost in the words she had spoken to him, Leave me alone


Skye hiked up her house’s front steps, her legs about to give, her heart pounding, and her breath catching between gasps. Why can’t I let myself cling onto two separate worlds? Bryan wouldn’t even know that I’d talk to Jules.

She looked down at her hands, the hands that used to touch Bryan’s face and play with his hair in pleasure, but now are scarred from the bruises that have been made on them.
She glanced up at the front door between gasps and wondered if Johnny was inside. He very well could be inside; but I hardly have anywhere else to go. The only place I could go is too far for my legs to carry me to.

She concluded, thinking about Johnny’s ill temper.
The front door suddenly opened and she backed away in surprise, her legs stumbling from underneath her and causing her to collide on the cement. She braced herself for the fall and winced as the cement cut little slivers in her skin. Johnny looked down at her in surprise and smiled. “Oh, you’re back.”
She tried to talk but she couldn’t find her words. Her breath had been knocked out of her from the run and fall and she couldn’t form any words.
“Honey, what are you—doing?” A woman with frazzled auburn colored hair, hazel eyes, and tanned skin stepped out next to him, dressed only in a gown. “Who’s this?”
Skye’s face twisted with confusion and anger, her mind whirling and her heart hammering. “I’m his step-daughter, Skye. And who might you be?”
“Oh, that’s sweet. I’m Maria.”
“Maria why don’t you go inside, I’ll handle this.”
“Handle what? She’s no problem.”
“Of course she isn’t. Just go wait for me in the room, I’ll be back soon.” He kissed Maria on her forehead and she walked back inside, shutting the front door behind her. Johnny looked at her painfully angry.
Fear took a quick and strong hold on Skye. She just saw firsthand how Johnny was cheating on her mom, the one person he supposedly loves. She never could have expected this; she never would have guessed that he could do something so horrible to her mom. But, it would explain all of those times he stayed home when he could have been out working, though, and it would explain all of the beer bottles too. His “friend” was a little more than that.
She started stepping back, anger whipping at her insides. “How could you be doing this to Leah? It’s not like she ever did anything to you. How long have you been lying to us? You never wanted to stay home to get work done, did you? You only wanted to—”
Johnny took a painfully strong grasp on Skye’s wrist and dragged her towards the car, growling under his breath. She gasped at the sudden pain that was searing through her arm and her body instantly tensed. “This has nothing to do with your mom. And you’ll be quiet if you know what’s best for you.” His voice was full of venom, he was furious.
“So you’re just a full blown creep then?” She hissed, anger driving through her veins and making her speak out.
He slapped her violently across her other cheek with his free hand and shoved her towards the car. “Get in,” he spat.
She hardly had time to realize what had happened before he ripped the door open and brutally shoved her inside. Completely dizzy, she scrambled to get her seatbelt on. Everything was in pain and she could hardly see through the blurriness from the impact she had taken on.
Johnny swung himself in the car and slammed the door shut, turning the key in the ignition and backing out of the driveway. The tires screeched under the car as he sped down the road. “Why did you come back so soon? I thought you were hanging out with Bryan!” He yelled at her.
She tried to collect her thoughts and to take deep and long breaths, but when she didn’t answer right away, Johnny slammed his fist into her chest. “I asked you a question!” He bellowed, his breathing harsh and ragged.
She could hardly breathe much less think or talk. The world spun around her and she had to shut her eyes to even try breathing, and she didn’t want to look at him when he hit her again. The wind was knocked out of her and she couldn’t even grasp what was going on around her. His bellowing voice sounded slurred but high pitched in her ears. Her body was shaking and when she fluttered her eyes open, she couldn’t see anything but a blur. “W—we weren’t speaking to each other and h—he left, so I c—came home.” She stuttered, coughing up blood. It trailed down her chin and onto her shirt and she whimpered. What are you doing to me, Johnny?

“So you just decided to come early? Brilliant

.” He growled, starting to calm down, but his knuckles were still white on the steering wheel and she could see how his chest was rising and falling quickly. “Here,” he shoved a napkin in front of her, keeping his eyes on the road ahead of them.
Her head was spinning and her body was going numb, she could hardly feel anything anymore. She wiped at her mouth and shirt and tossed the napkin aside, rubbing her aching head. “Where are we going?” She croaked, her voice quivering with sobs.
Johnny’s lips crept up into a smirk and he chuckled under his breath, “We have some business to take care of,” he replied venomously as they turned down an unknown street and her heart stopped beating.


Skye crawled out of the car, her body aching and everything spinning. She wobbled across the hot and dirty gravel, gasping harsh breaths as she tried to get further away from Johnny. The car door slammed on his side of the car. No, don’t come near me, please don’t touch me!

Skye tried to say, but she choked on the words.
“Princess, we have something to talk about.” He was getting closer, so much closer.
She stretched her arms in front of her and clawed to get up, but she couldn’t, her arms were too weak, her body was growing cold and numb. “Don’t—please—don’t—touch me,” She breathed desperately, fighting with each and every breath.
Johnny picked her up by her shirt and dragged her to the corner of the empty alley. He threw her up against the wall and stared into her eyes, their faces inches apart. “Maria, she is our little secret, right?”
She coughed on her own sobs and took a deep calming breath, closing her eyes and thinking back to the days before Bryan and Johnny, the days when everything was peaceful yet still broken, the days when it was just her and Leah the two of them happy enough with each other. Those were the days that would always be special in her heart. She never knew her biological father, but even he would be in her heart and memory with calm stability. Her thoughts drifted off to Jules so that she could calm down, thoughts of his grin, his laugh, his voice, and his unbelievably mesmerizing eyes. Her breathing calmed and she felt that she could finally face Johnny, face him alone.
Without speaking, she spit in his face and ducked away from him, running as fast as she could with her aching body. She spun around to the driver’s side of the car and quickly yanked the door open. She started to get in but strong arms wrapped themselves around her waist and tugged her back. She flailed her arms, the pain eclipsing her entire body and slicing down her skin. “No, let go!” She screamed and the sound traveled out into the muggy air, filling it generously.
“Same thing here, Princess, you have to be quiet.” Johnny said dropping her to the ground and pinning her down with his knees.
Skye screamed out in pain, as the pressure seemed to crush a few ribs, and pushed against him; trying desperately to be set free but failing—he was all too strong. “No, I won’t.” She breathed, slamming her hand into his neck and trying to choke him. “Help, somebody please!” She screamed as loud as she could.
He covered her mouth and laughed roughly. “Princess, I told you not to be quiet. Now, it’s our little secret, right

?” He whispered, glancing in the way of the open end of the alley. He managed to get a hold on her struggling arms and pinned them down, his breath raggedly panting out. “Skylar! Stop if you know what’s best for you and Leah!” He growled.
Her heart sank for a moment and she stopped fighting against him. The pain was causing the world to fade out around her but she couldn’t let it take over her; she wouldn’t give in and let him do whatever he wanted with her. “Don’t hurt her, I won’t tell anyone, I swear! Please just don’t hurt my mom, I—I’ll let you do whatever you want to me, just don’t harm her.” She begged, tears staining her cheeks. The world was slipping away, the corners of her eyes being dotted with sheer blackness.
“Good, so we have an understanding then?” He replied gruffly around a dark grin.
She felt her body shutting down as she whispered one last thing, her body giving in, “Yes.” The world went into foggy darkness and she lost consciousness, Johnny smiling with perfect contentment.
Skye awoke to being in a hospital bed. She glanced drowsily around the room with confusion. Here, again. Does he ever stop?

She thought within a daze.
“Skye, oh honey, you’re okay!” Leah said hastily, getting up from the chair she had been sitting in, and hurrying over to the bed.
Skye tried to get up but felt a pinching pain in her chest and stopped. “Mom,” she breathed, staring into the concerned eyes of her beautiful mom. “What—” she stopped herself, pain piercing her weak body.
“Skye, sweetie, do you remember what happened?”
“No, I don’t.” She lied, feeling guilt for pretending. She wondered what excuse he could possibly have used this time.
“Johnny said that you fell down the staircase, and he had to rush you right over. You were banged up pretty badly. You have a concussion and a couple fractured ribs; but amazingly, you’re going to be okay, my baby’s going to be just fine.” She stroked Skye’s hair gently and carefully, just as how she would always do when she was younger and upset. She smiled at her daughter and kissed her forehead.
Yeah, I’m going to be just fine, no thanks to your “ever so loving” husband.

Skye searched inside her mom’s eyes for something to tell her that it was all too unreal, that her mom really understood what was going on, that she knew about Johnny’s cheating and abuse. But that was all a dream, a wish waiting to be fulfilled. She sighed as she thought about how they were in two separate worlds formed into one.
“So, Johnny brought me here?” She asked her mom, wincing as she pulled herself into a sitting position and holding Leah’s hand.
“Yes, he did. It’s a good thing too, if he hadn’t, you could’ve—well, you could’ve—” She broke out into tears, her trembling sobs ringing a painful and heartbreaking melody into Skye’s ears, locking that place of despair inside her forever. You’ve really done it now Johnny, you almost got what you desired, a life filled with destruction; and a life without me.

“It’s okay Mom, I’m here now, and I’m okay. Nothing’s going to take me away from you, nothing.” That is unless that same “nothing” takes me away from you because of his anger.

She thought bitterly.
“I know, it’s just, I can’t lose you. You mean so much to me, and we’ve been through so much together.” She blinked away a tear and trembled.
“Yeah, I know,” and I’ve been through so much more than you even know about

, she wanted to speak aloud. She wanted to tell Leah everything, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t let Johnny hurt the only person she really loves, the only person she has ever known entirely. “Did he tell you anything else?” She looked at her mom with ease, trying to let the thoughts of his anger and violence slip away.
“No, he didn’t. Is there anything else I should know about?”
“Um, no, there isn’t. I was just asking.” Skye has always hated lying to anyone, especially her mom, it makes everything so much harder.
“Are you sure? Sweetie, you know you can tell me anything.”
“I know that, I’m sure.”
“Okay, if you’re sure.”
“Positive.” Skye brushed away a stray hair and a pain pinched her wrist. She gently touched it with her other hand and examined it; it was purple and the bruise was almost noticeable; it was obvious that someone

had caused it. She instantly but casually hid it under the thin hospital sheet.
“How are things with Bryan? He came by earlier, but he left with Johnny to talk a little while. Johnny’s such a caring father; he really looks out for you and wants what’s best for you.”
Skye practically choked on her own saliva. What? He left with Johnny! What could they possibly be talking about? If only you knew how little they cared about me, Mom.

“Everything is awesome, Mom. And, Johnny sure is something…” She let her words trail off and hang in the air. She couldn’t believe her mom was so completely clueless about everything that has been going on for so long. But how could she know? It’s not as if anyone has told her. No one else could

tell her, no one even knows besides Johnny, Bryan, and Skye.
“He sure is. Skye, you’re not still upset that I married him, are you?” Leah stared at her daughter with a sincere care that was heart-breakingly beautiful. Skye lived to keep her mom happy, she lived to keep her mom safe; her own personal life didn’t matter as much anymore, everything would be about Leah. Leah looked into the eyes of her daughter, but no matter how well she knew her daughter, she couldn’t see how much Skye’s breaking inside.
“Of course not,” She said casually, as if lying wasn’t becoming the problem but believing the lies was the actual problem. “Seeing you happy is what’s important to me, and I could never disregard that for my own feelings towards him. Besides, I think we have never been closer

than we are now.”
“That’s great, sweetie.”
She wrapped her arms around her mom and embraced her, feeling all of her emotions bubble up inside of her. If she was younger and life was how it was back then, than she could hug her mom and express everything she feels in a moment; but things aren’t how they had been, they’re much more complicated. She closed her eyes and sighed, letting all of the pain not affect her. She could see Jules’ hurt face flash across the back of her mind and a muted sob escaped from her lips.
Leah could tell that something

was wrong. “Hey, sweetie, what is it?” She said calmingly as she pulled Skye around so that they were staring at each other. “Oh no, honey, you’re crying? What is it?” She wiped at a stray tear but Skye pushed her gently away.
“It’s nothing. I just can’t seem to understand why Dad left before I was even born. Didn’t he care about you? Didn’t he want to know his baby girl?” Her voice started faltering, changing the subject was better than the alternative but it still pained her. She wanted so much to have known her father, to have seen how he really was, to have known the life she could have had, the life that would have saved her from the one she has now.
“I’m not sure if he really ever did. He left without saying goodbye, and I’m sure it was all for the best.”
“You never told me what happened though, I mean, what was he like?”
“Well, he—” Leah was cut off as the door to the room burst open, Johnny’s and Bryan’s voices suddenly very loud in the previously quiet room.
“Oh good, you’re awake.” Bryan said cheerfully, the side Skye loved to see him on.
Johnny walked in behind him and carefully sat down in one of the chairs, his lips hitched in a smile and his eyes intently on Skye.
Leah stood up from the hospital bed when Bryan reached down to kiss Skye on the forehead, and she moved to sit with Johnny.
“Hey, babe, how are you feeling?” Bryan’s voice was calm and filled with sincerity, and after the awkward silence they had had the afternoon before, it was almost reassuring that there was something

good in Bryan. The something she had fallen for back when she met him.
“Well, I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck; but other than that, perfect

.” She said calmly and very sarcastically. “Mom, do you know when I’ll be let out?” She glanced over at her mom and for a moment regretted it; there she was in Johnny’s lap, the lap that—who knows how many times—Maria had sat on.
Johnny grinned up at her and looked into her eyes, the calm and bright yet weary gray-blue eyes that he had looked into so many times. She met his eyes and stared at the, bright and electric blue eyes, eyes which buried into her soul, and not in a good way.
“You can leave whenever you feel you’re ready,” Johnny answered, taking the place of Leah. Bryan looked up at her step-father with admiration. Johnny didn’t deserve the admiration that he had somehow earned and he shouldn’t ever have gained it.
She lifted herself carefully out of bed. She had lived with a few fractured ribs before and it wasn’t as big of a deal since there was the fact that everything else was hurting. She grabbed Bryan’s shoulder for help and he let her cooperatively.
“Careful now, you don’t want to hurt yourself.” Johnny said, springing up from the chair and hurrying over to her as he offered a free hand to help. No, because that’s your job isn’t it?

She wanted to scoff at him.
Leah laced her fingers through Johnny’s and smiled up at him. “Thank you, dear.” She whispered.
“Well, I want to make sure she’s okay. Bryan, be careful,” his voice seemed urgent, filled with what could pass as worry for Skye’s safety; but he wasn’t worried for her safety, after all, he was the one who had caused her all the pain. Bryan’s not doing anything wrong, you’re the one who hurt me, and you’re the one that got me into this situation, so why can’t you stop touching me.

She knows that she’ll scream something at him someday, a day when she could say something and not care what happens to her, but she could never know when that would be.
“I’ve got her, you don’t have to worry—I can take care of her.” Bryan said towards Leah and Johnny.
“I can walk myself, as much as it may surprise you guys, I’m good with this.” She held onto her twisting stomach and wanted to just get out of the hospital and into her own bed as quickly as possible. She was still worn out, tired from the beating and exhausted from the emotional battle within. She really didn’t

want their help.
“Okay, sweetie, we know. We’re just looking out for you.” Leah chimed in, her soft and gentle voice soothing each and every person in the room. It was so gentle that it could calm anything down.
“I know, thank you.” Skye walked over to her bag of stuff and grabbed it. “Ready?”
“Of course.” Leah said sweetly.
“Can I get a ride home?” Bryan asked, tipping his gaze to Leah.
“Of course you can, Bryan. Johnny can give you a ride,”
“I would like to ride with Skye if that’s alright,” Of course. He’s acting kind so that it won’t ever look suspicious of him when I come home with bruises.

“Oh,” Leah looked bummed, as if someone had just told her something completely altering her own desires. “That’s fine. Skye can ride with Johnny too then.”
No please don’t let me in a car with him! That’s what got me here in the first place!

Skye screamed in her mind, wanting to speak the words aloud. She felt her nerves tense up and found it hard to take deep breaths. She would be in the car with Johnny again—alone once Bryan was gone—and he could do anything he wanted to her since she’s too exhausted to fight against anything. “Sounds great, Bryan.” She lied instead.
“Thank you Mrs. Rich.” Bryan grinned. Skye hates Johnny’s last name; every time she hears it she thinks back to the day of their wedding, the day that caused Johnny to have such a destructive hold on her.
“No problem. I will meet you two back at the house than?” Leah replied, pointing to Skye and Johnny. Skye was holding her chest and trying to calm herself, she needed to take as many calm and deep breaths as possible. The room around her was starting to spin from worry.
“Yes, we’ll meet you there.” Johnny said after a long pause. He glanced over at Skye and smiled. “It will be good to get a chance to talk to one another, right Skye?”
Now you call me Skye. Is everything all just a show for you, Johnny?

“Of course,” she faked a smile, her voice somewhat catching.
“You do need to get some rest, Skye. You’ll have to take it easy for a while and rest—doctor’s orders.”
“Okay, sure, I will.” She replied, feeling doubt bubble up in her gut. She looked desperately into Johnny’s eyes and wanted to find out everything he could possibly plan against her, thinking that if she knew maybe she could find a way to stop it all. “You have nothing to worry about, Mom.”
“Good, see you two later. Goodbye Bryan, I hope we get to talk another time soon.” With Leah’s last words she left the room. Skye headed out as the two men followed behind her, saying something quietly under their breath. She didn’t want to face the two biggest problems in her life and she especially definitely didn’t want to face them if they were planning something.
Behind her she heard a quiet voice coming from Johnny, “We better get going, Bryan, it is obvious Skye wants out of this place.”
More than that, I want out of this life of lies with you and Bryan. I want to be set free of this life and I desperately need a chance to see a world without him. Johnny, he’s suffocating me and I just need a chance to breathe.

She walked out of the room, feeling the pain in the air of all the people injured or fighting for a chance to live. She almost felt guilty for being able to leave the place alive and mostly well while others sat on their death bed. She would easily take their place instead of living her life full of lies and pain. She wants to be able to free and save herself, but maybe she can’t do it, maybe it isn’t a part of her destiny.
Or maybe it’s not breathing I need but it’s not breathing. If Johnny wants me out of the picture all he has to do is say so, maybe I don’t want to be in the picture anymore.

Skye stared out the window in the back seat of Johnny’s car, avoiding him as best she could. Bryan was talking to her in hushed tones, and she could tell from the silence with Johnny that he was listening in. “Skye, you haven’t seen Jules again have you?”
She grimaced at the mention of Jules’ name. She knew that she had hurt him and he hadn’t deserved what she had given him, even if it was all for show. “No, Bryan, I wouldn’t do that to you.”
He touched her face gently and turned her head towards him. “Good. I just don’t want to lose you, Skye, that’s all.”
“Then trust me, Bryan. Honestly, do you really think that we can make things work if we don’t trust each other?”
“No, you’re right—things won’t work out as well if we can’t trust each other.”
“Then please just give me some space. I don’t want to rush things, we have plenty of time, let’s just slow down, okay?”
His eyes suddenly flickered with anger and desire. He didn’t want to slow down. “Slow down? Skye, we’re not going fast,” he growled, bringing his lips down to her neck. He nuzzled her neck and breathed in her scent, as if he could commit it to memory.
“This, Bryan, this is too fast.” She breathed, pushing him away. “You’re trying to suffocate me and I don’t want this right now.”
“Skye, I can take things too fast, but this, this is taking things slow. I can show you slow,” he purred. He wrapped his arms around her and let his weight come on her legs, kissing her forcibly and bringing his hands down to her hips so that she couldn’t move.
She gasped between kisses and pushed against his body, her hands desperately shoving him away. “No, Bryan, stop!” She breathed, her heartbeat racing.
He stopped and looked at her, laughing under his breath. “What? You don’t like it?”
“No, I don’t. It’s too much, Bryan.” She clutched his shirt and took a few quick breaths. “Please,” she begged, searching inside his eyes for something to give her a settlement.
“Fine,” He grumbled, dropping himself back into the seat beside her. His gaze swept up and down her and he grinned, thinking about the day when she would let him take things up a notch. She didn’t ever want that day to come though, she would only want for them to take things slow and keep it that way, rushing things in her mind would be as bad as Johnny’s abuse, she couldn’t handle it.
Skye looked out the window, irritation beating inside of her, and watched as they pulled into the Echols’ driveway. “Bryan, you’re home. We can talk later.” She whispered, utterly exhausted, her weary body shutting down.
“Yeah, later.” He agreed, giving her one last passionate kiss before he hopped out of the car. He waved a goodbye as Johnny sped the car down the street, a smirk carefully playing his lips.
Skye rested her head against the window, feeling the cold glass against her flushed cheeks. “Johnny, if you take me straight home and leave me alone I’ll give you one free pass. Please.” She begged as her heartbeat and breathing finally slowed. A free pass would allow him to do whatever he wanted, to beat her until he was content. He had only gotten a “free pass” once and it resulted in a trip to the hospital. She needed her rest though, and she would do anything to get that rest. Giving in to him would be worth the rest.
Johnny nodded and looked at her in the rear-view mirror, his eyes giving off one thing: his thoughts. Perfect

, they rang.
“Dinner’s ready!” Leah exclaimed from downstairs. Skye lay on her bed resting as best she could as she fought the pain.
Whimpering, she tried to get up but it only resulted in pain. Instead she grabbed her phone from where it was charging beside her bed and dialed her mom’s number. Johnny picked up, “What do you need, Skye?” She couldn’t get the ring of his voice out of her head, the ring of him calling her by his “play name” Princess

“I can’t get up right now. I need the pain medicine. Can Leah bring it up, along with my dinner, please?”
He chuckled from the other side of the line. “Of course,” he paused. Princess

, she heard him say in her mind. “Skye.” he added slyly.
The line cut off and she dropped the phone with exhaustion. Please don’t bring it, Johnny, please. I’m not ready to see him again.

Closing her eyes, she let her mind drift off to the only thing comforting: Jules’ wonderful self. She saw everything about him and everything that she liked about him.
Spinning her out of the train of pictures, Johnny entered the room, carrying a tray of food and a bottle of pain medication. He hadn’t even bothered to knock. “Here you go, Princess.” He said as he set the tray before her.
Her mind screamed in agony. He always has called her Princess, but it’s usually right before he touches her. “Thanks.” She tried to sit up but pain seared through her chest and arms and she fell back against the mattress, cringing. She fought the pain and tried to manage on her own but Johnny ended up helping her up.
He slipped his hand behind her back and pushed her up, Skye wishing that she could push him away. “Be careful, Skylar, you have to take it easy.”
“Like you’ve always done to me,” she mumbled quietly, hoping that he couldn’t hear her. He was too close though, and he reacted to her words, his expression dropping into a pained expression.
“What was that, Princess?” He asked roughly.
She jumped in surprise, her body tensing up. “Nothing, I mean, I was just saying that the food looks good.” She lied, slapping herself mentally for even saying anything.
“That’s what I thought,” he whispered, breathing right in front of her, his warm breath sending chills down Skye’s arms.
She waited for him to leave, hoping that he wouldn’t touch her and break the pact. He did eventually, and she sighed deeply, relieved that he was gone. She quickly tossed the medication in her mouth and gulped it down, cringing at the taste. She carefully plucked at the food even though she hardly had an appetite and realized just how long it had been since she last had

With her thirst and hunger fulfilled enough, she shoved the food away and lie back down, snuggling against the comfort. She didn’t let any pain bother her in that moment; she was going to be immune to it sooner or later. Physical pain had lashed out at her so many times that it was almost a part of her life; but the emotional pain buried deep inside her kept her from lashing out at herself. She couldn’t fight with what little strength she had because of the deep mourning she felt.
Her mind flashed to the picture of her dad she had found, the picture she was sure her mom had gone to trouble to hide. She breathed deeply as she pictured Leah and him holding hands when they were twenty. She had always found it strange that the only picture she had found of them was when they were so much younger and she also found it strange that her mom looked so young for the age she claimed to be.
Skye wasn’t sure what to make of it, but she knew that she would find out eventually. All secrets come out in time. She found a piece of paper on her bedside table and picked up a pen, scribbling words that she wished she could say.
Mom, why can’t you see what’s happening around you? I wish you could come to realize everything, but who ever could tell you? You may be the reason I am in this mess of a life, but without you, there definitely wouldn’t be a reason for my life.

Tears stung her eyes and she tucked the paper away in her drawer, closing her eyes and rolling over. Burying her head in the pillow, sobs broke out silently and she fell asleep like that, crying bitterly and quietly.

Skye awoke to the sound of a thud inside her bedroom. She blinked her eyes open and peered around the dark room. Seeing nothing but darkness, she relaxed herself and lay back down.
The sound came again and she realized that it wasn’t coming from in her room after all but from outside. It wasn’t a thudding sound as much as it was the sound of rocks tapping against the outer wall.
Filled with curiosity and drowsiness, she got out of bed and walked over to the window. On the ground below was Bryan, throwing stones against the house to get her attention. He smiled and gave a nod, indicating for her to open the window.
She leaned out of the window and glanced around. “What are you doing here, Bryan?” She called down to him, her voice slurred and quiet.
He grinned, “I want to be with you, Skye, and I couldn’t sleep without working things out.”
“You could have woken up Johnny or my mom, Bryan. Be quiet, I’ll be right down.” Disregarding her mom’s instructions to never let Bryan in the house late at night without parental oversee, she slipped out of her room and downstairs.
Unlocking the door, she opened it and smiled weakly at Bryan.
Bryan smiled back and tucked his hands in his pockets. “Hey, babe.”
“Hi, now be quiet.”
“If I’m being quiet than how am I supposed to work things out?”
She sighed in irritation and laughed sheepishly. “Come with me,” she said, grabbing his wrist and leading him downstairs. She closed the door and leaned up against it, biting her lip nervously. “What do you want to work out? I thought that we already worked everything out about Jules and what happened at Buxton’s.”
“I know, but I just wanted to apologize again. I’m really not proud of what I did back at Buxton’s or last night, and even though you say that you forgive me, I want to ask again. Will you forgive me, Skye?”
“I forgive you, Bryan. You know that I always forgive you, you didn’t have to come over so late.”
“I know, but I told you, I couldn’t sleep. Babe,” he neared her and caressed her cheek, “you’re always on my mind and always,” he took her hand with his free one and laced their fingers together. Pressing their hands over his heart he added, “Right here.”
“Bryan, if that’s true, then how could you feel that hitting me doesn’t affect anything? It does.” She asked him, her crystal and sleepy eyes begging for an answer.
He pulled their heads right next to each other and pressed their foreheads together. “I know it does, and I’m sorry that I’ve hurt you. I know that you hate it and I know that it’s not right, I’m going to be better though, I promise.” He said the words so calmly, so perfectly, that she couldn’t help but believe them. Believing him was never an easy thing to do but she wanted to be able to. Bryan wrapped her into a hug and sighed. “I love you,” he let the three words hang in the air, and no one could snatch them up or take them away. They sounded sincere and delicate, something love should sound more like.
“I love you too.” She sighed, and this time she put her hands through his tousled hair and locked her lips with his. He lifted herself in his arms and carried her from underneath, not allowing her legs to fall as he carried her forward a little bit.
They kissed passionately for a moment before he broke apart the kissing, catching his breath. “Wait, I thought you wanted to take things slow?” He breathed, pulling his head away from her.
She shook her head and chuckled, brushing her lips against his again. “I do, but I just need something for the moment, okay? Just shut up for now.” She laced her fingers through his hair and kissed him again. He instantly carried them over to the wall, Skye’s back pressing against the cold stone wall as her tank slightly lifted up.
He was definitely enjoying himself as they kissed and carried themselves in something they hadn’t put themselves in before; but Skye was only trying to feel something, she didn’t want to let him slip away and leave yet and she needed something far away from Johnny. She needed to feel something

Bryan had other things in mind though and he hadn’t changed as much as Skye wanted him to. He fingered her shirt and traced his fingers up her back, chills fluttering inside of her stomach. Clumsily, he brought her over to one of the worn out couches and tossed her down on it, an expression of desire striking his features.
She suddenly came to the realization of what he really wanted from her. “Wait!” She cried out, propping herself up on her elbows. “We can’t take things too far! Bryan—” She lost her breath when he dropped himself on top of her and chuckled.
He grinned wickedly and pushed her arms down, his breath ragged. “You said you needed something, and this is me giving you something.” He told her around a kiss, his hands traveling under her top and lifting it.
She fought his hands as they pinned hers down and moaned against his lips. Her mind was clouded with fear and she was starting to lose all the air in her lungs. Struggling in his grip, she cried out in all furry she had, “Bryan, stop!”
“You had your chance, babe, now you’re mine

.” He perched himself up and yanked his top off. Bending back down, he stared into her eyes as he panted. Tears poured out of her eyes and washed down her cheeks as he watched her, his hot breath tingling her skin. She couldn’t believe that he was getting to her and not following through with what he had told her earlier.
There was a cross hanging down from his neck and as Skye saw it she remembered back to the day when he had first asked her to go out with him. She wished that everything could have been as it had been back then, simple. She cried out and pleaded with him to stop, but the more she cried the more he kissed and brushed his fingers over her. She got an arm free and slapped him as hard as she could but her strength was disappearing and she was falling in his ploy, her heart hammering and her mind drifting.
Taken aback, Bryan growled and slapped her hard across her cheek, anger coursing through his veins. He brought a hand to her neck and lowered his lips to her ear. “Listen now, angel. I better not see you around Jules, and I better not see you around that coffee shop again, understood? I love you baby, but no one else gets to have you, you’re mine

Fear took a painful hold on her mind and she let go of his arms, waiting for the beating he would give. She couldn’t stop crying, little droplets of water trickling down her cheek. If she could stop it she would, but there was something that was telling her that it would be hard to stop him. He had the strength of a wrestler. He could knock her out and get his way if he wanted, with ease. After all, he had always somehow managed to get what he wanted before and there wasn’t going to be anything to stop him that time either.
“Please, just don’t—” her voice caught in her throat as she sobbed desperately.
“I’ll be careful,” he purred, trailing his fingers over her shirt and pulling it up.
She gasped. “No, don’t touch me anymore, Bryan. Let go of me! You said you would change, you can hurt me or do anything else, just, please Bryan, not that

“I can’t promise you anything.” He kissed her neck and hissed in her ear, pressing their bodies together.
This is it, I can’t handle anything else

, she told herself as he violently kissed her; however, there was no passion on her end, she felt utterly uncomfortable. He wasn’t going to stop, and she couldn’t do anything to stop him. She couldn’t even breathe. The small light in the room faded around Bryan and she was left alone with breaking thoughts. I shouldn’t have listened and let him get to me. How could I think that he had changed?

She whimpered and looked away as his hand slipped up her neck and slapped her cheek with near jaw-breaking force. I can take a beating; it’s everything else that I can’t handle

Bryan brushed his lips against her skin and breathed in her scent again. “Finally

,” he whispered. He knew that was about to get what he wanted.

Bitterly Lovely

Bryan’s lips traveled up her body, lingering on her lips when they met. He cupped his hands around her chin and pressed against her, forcefully kissing her. She was unresponsive, frozen underneath him, tears staining her cheeks as she let him kiss her. She didn’t want him to do more, though, ever

. Her pounding heart started slowing, retreating on its beats as she started to give away to her own exhaustion.

His fingers traced the frame of her face, pulling her as close as possible, and brushed over the bruises that were inflamed with pain. He kept kissing her, trapping her with him.

However, he was so distracted by his interactions with Skye that he failed to even hear the sounds of footsteps on the floor above. It was then when a voice called out, worried and muffled through the floor and door blocking the sounds volume. “Skye, where are you, sweetie?” It was Leah, calling out for the daughter she couldn’t find.

He was snapped out of the kissing, a sudden fear of being caught electrifying his veins and pushing him to get off the couch, cursing under his breath. Scrambling around for his shirt, he slipped it over his head as he muttered to himself about how he thought it all was very unfortunate.

Giving a glance in the direction of Skye, he noticed she was still on the couch, breathing quickly. Hurrying to her aid, he pulled her shirt down over her and lifted her up into his arms, her arms limply falling around him. “What do I do?” He whispered, his heart pounding inside his chest, threatening to break free.

She was weak, slowly fading, and unable to really process what was happening; but with a little help from fret and fear, she found enough of her voice to give him an answer. “Set me down,” she spoke quietly, trying to ignore the ringing in her ears. He did as she told him, and she wobbled a moment, his arms catching her into balance. “Stay down here, Bryan, and I’ll talk to them. Then, when you don’t hear us anymore, leave and go home

.” She added, straining to find her concentration on his face.

He looked at her for a moment, burning those dark blue eyes into her, and gave her a small smile before kissing her forehead and giving her a gentle push towards the stairs. She didn’t know what to make of it, his sudden carefulness, but she knew that it was better than what she had experienced moments before.

Practically crawling up the stairs, she made her way out the door and around the corner, sneaking a peak to find Leah. Finding no one, she made her way into the kitchen, weariness creeping into her body. She tried to manage her way over to the stools, but she collapsed, the stress and tiredness draining her energy. Her eyes were heavy, threatening to close as she watched as blackness dotted her vision.

The shuffling of footsteps echoed in her ears as Leah and Johnny entered the kitchen, her only awareness of them being their slippers. Leah gasped, rushing down beside her daughter. “Skye, are you alright?” Her small voice was filled with worry—the same worry that was speeding her beating heart. “What happened, sweetie? Why are you not in bed?” She asked as she pulled her into her own arms and put her hands on Skye’s face, examining her.

Skye wanted to reply, she tried

to reply, but nothing came out. She looked at Leah’s blurring face, fighting the oppressing darkness of sleep. She didn’t want for her to be worrying; she wanted Leah to be happy, never having to even think

about worrying for her. Johnny, on the other hand, she couldn’t care less what he did or how he felt.

“She doesn’t look well. I’ll put her to bed,” Johnny said, setting his hand on Leah’s shoulder. He looked entirely exhausted but in another way, he looked fully alive, driven by the opportunity to help his wife.

“Be careful, Johnny, remember her wounds,” Leah reminded him, giving a glance in his direction. She held her daughter, cradling her, and kissed her head, whispering soothing words.

Johnny bent down and lifted Skye’s limp body into his arms, holding her as a young child, and carried her out of the room and up the stairs, Leah following behind them.

“I’ll be in bed,” Leah told him, rubbing at her temples as she walked away down the hall.

Skye groggily looked up, noticing Johnny’s slow nod aimed towards Leah, and whimpered, hating how he was the one touching her. She had just been through so much with Bryan, and even though he wasn’t doing anything wrong to her, she hated Johnny’s touch.

He entered her room and nestled her down on the bed, tossing a blanket over her shaking body. He knew why she was shivering and how it wasn’t at all because of the temperature. Still, he didn’t seem to mind that, maybe enjoyed it even. He cocked his head to the side when she brought the blanket around her, cuddling into the warmth and security, and smiled faintly, a cold and weary smile.

She could only guess that he knew something more of what had happened earlier, the truth maybe. Closing her eyes tightly, she tried to cope with the dark and taunting images of Bryan’s sick game. She couldn’t forget about the looks he had given her, the feel of his lips crushing against hers, and the torturing discomfort of his body weighing against hers. She hated it all, each and every part; and in one part of her, she hated Bryan more than anything. Then her mind gave in, making words form into a lesson she should have learned long before. Bryan’s just never going to grow up or change. He’ll always be the same boy that I stupidly fell for, only, now I have grown weak because of him.

Johnny left the room, refraining from saying anything, and she sighed as she felt her mind relax, the exhaustion finally letting her escape the dark world.


Skye bolted upright in bed, gasping, with a cold sweat plastering her hair to skin. She had a nightmare, Bryan starring as her assaulter. Exhaling slowly, she winced as the pain from the sudden movement pierced her ribs. It was just a dream

, she concluded, fighting off the sheer horror of how real the dream had felt. Her mind was swimming in a vast river of horror as she unwillingly recalled moments of the dream. She couldn’t stand any of it—especially the realness of Bryan’s touch, as if it hadn’t been a dream at all.

Carefully, she pealed the covers away from her and managed to get out of bed. She needed a shower. It could help clear her mind.

As she took a shower she let the hot water wash away her crippling pain, hoping that it would take it all away. The pain wouldn’t be numbed though; it couldn’t be numbed entirely. Whether the pain was physical or emotional, as long as she stayed with Bryan and Johnny she would have such an uncomfortable pain.

Once finished, she wrapped herself in a towel and stared in the mirror, looking at the reflection with regret. She didn’t see herself. She only saw a weak, fragile, and slowly fading girl—desperately hoping for something seemingly impossible.

“You have let yourself get into this,” She whispered to the reflection. A cold and desperate hatred clung to her heart and she let out a cry of agony. “It’s your entire fault!” She cried out, but the sound was muffled and quiet, her trembling lips spluttering out the words. Dropping her head in her hands, she curled against the counter, pain tearing across her chest. She ignored it.

In her mind, she replayed the events of the night before, wishing them away with no luck. How could I have been so stupid? He was just using me, the entire time. He doesn’t really want to change. But, he has to; otherwise… I can’t be near him. I can’t give up on him either way. He needs me more than I need freedom.

It was settled in her mind. She had to help him. With what, she wasn’t even sure; but she knew it had to be done. It would save them both in the long end.

Even if staying with him and helping him for a long while was the only way.

She cringed at the idea, hating how much of a possessive hold he had on her. There were so many reasons for as to why she should find a way to escape both Johnny and Bryan, but no matter how many or how big they were, the fear of losing someone important to her topped it all.

She wanted to go back to how things used to be with Bryan; back to when he wasn’t always aggressive with her. Going back to the days when the moments they shared built their relationship up and only brought smiles to their faces, that’s what she wanted.

“Skye, don’t even think about it,” Bryan warned her, laughing under his breath as he watched her flaunt herself and his cell phone in front of the water at the shore. She was giggling, pure joy spilling from her countenance.

“Oh, I’ve already thought about it, Bry.” She teased, bringing the phone to her lips and faking a search for the perfect spot in the water to drop it.

He started walking over to her, holding his hand up, his bright eyes bold and shining. “Skye, hand over the phone,” he told her steadily, his lips tipping at the corners into a stern smile.

“Or, I could hand it over to the waves. Unless , of course, you’re ready to give me my phone back.” She raised her eyebrows, challenging him.

He chuckled lightly, lowering his hands as he walked through the small waves at his feet. “How about we end this? With a truce,” he offered, shooting her a full smile.

She thought about it for a moment, but shook her head, stepping back a little.

“Okay…you asked for it,” he mumbled, grinning vibrantly and charging at her. He wrapped his arm around her stomach as she squealed and turned to run, failing at the attempt. She was about to give the phone a toss just as he snatched it from her hand with his free hand. “Uh-uh, no tossing the phone.” He laughed, quickly stuffing the phone in his pocket and wrapping his arm around Skye.

She giggled as he lifted her high above the tides, her arms flailing at the quick movement. Her hands gripped his arms as he quickly grabbed her from underneath her knees and cradled her. She screamed when she realized what he was about to do.

“No, Bry, not the water,” she shrieked, trying to sound as stern as possible. She didn’t want to get wet, she hadn’t prepared to get wet except for her feet. “Bryan Michael Echols, stop this instant!” She cried, her voice going from slightly amused to slightly annoyed.

They were far into the water already; Bryan’s shorts drenched with water along with the end of his shirt. “Too late!” He announced, grinning down at her and looking out across the water. He tossed her into the water, her hands flailing at the release, and laughed as she screamed a quite piercing scream.

When she came above the water, she glared at him, brushing her hair out of her eyes. “You little—”

He held up a hand, staring her down. “Hey—there are little ears around,” he teased.

She gave him a smile, trying to convince herself that it was fake, though it wasn’t. “Bryan, you know I wasn’t going to say anything.” She grinned, splashing him.

He flinched, taken aback by the cold water, and made a face. “My turn,” he said. He was being completely playful as he ducked under water and pulled her with him, her only reactions falling under the water with him, wrapped in his protective arms.

When Skye came out of the memory, tear stains painted her pale face. She hated memories like those; the memories that brought so much pain and sadness because of what had been. She missed those days that replayed in her memories; but they were already long gone and all she knew was the pain.

Turning her head to the side, an object caught her eye, challenging her to pluck it up. Even though she knew it wasn’t what she needed or should even want

in that case, she couldn’t resist the tearing urge to take it.

Walking over to the tub, she plucked the object and examined it. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, screaming at herself for having those kinds of thoughts in the first place. Before she could stop herself, she sliced the razor across her wrist, wincing. She wanted to cry out in pain, the fierce burning pain inflaming her wrist, but she didn’t. Even though fresh tears poured down her cheeks from the misery of it, she knew that was what she needed. She needed the feeling of being in control, whether it meant hurting herself to get it or not.

Covering her fresh wound with her hand, she wobbled over to the sink and ran cold water over it, gasping from the pain. It was inflamed, causing her eyes to water and her body to crumble from the pain. She wanted to scream. The pain was so dark, so cold, she couldn’t decide if she hated it or wanted more.

It was wrong—the way she felt—but she couldn’t deny the part of her that enjoyed the terrible pain.

She was in control for once.

Suddenly, a gentle knocking brought her from the dark thoughts that had started to eclipse over her and she fell against the sink, startled.

“Skye sweetie, are you alright?” Leah said, her soft voice echoing through the door.

Skye sighed, closing her eyes and trying to forget about the pain in her wrist, and turned off the water. “Sure, Mom.” She opened the cabinet above the sink and pulled out a few bandages, unwrapping them and slapping them over her wound.

“Are you sure? Because if you’re not, I can stay home today and take care of you.”

Skye winced as the wound still throbbed and pulled her arm against her chest, as if she was protecting it. “Don’t stay home, Mom; I want you to have a
good day. Besides, I was actually thinking about inviting Rachel over. I wouldn’t be alone.” She replied quietly.

Leah sighed. “Is everything alright, though?”

“Yes, Mom, everything is just fine. Now, go wherever it is you want to go and do whatever it is you want to do.” Though Skye sounded sincere and calm, she was secretly hoping that her mom didn’t leave her alone. She knew that she could evade Bryan’s company but that didn’t lessen her nerves. She was going to talk to Rachel, but whether or not Rachel wanted to be around her was another story.

“If you’re sure,” Leah hesitated, waiting for Skye’s response.

“I’m sure.”

“Okay sweetie, Johnny and I will be back later. Take it easy okay? The doctor’s said you need to be careful.”

Skye sighed, standing up and tossing the bloodied towel in the hamper. So she’s going with Johnny,

She thought. Of course she is

. Despite her own feelings against Johnny, she tried to sound happy for her mom. After all, she was just going out on a date with her husband

; she had no idea that the man she was married to was an abusive man who takes every string of anger out on his underage step-daughter. And how could she know? No one could speak a word of it to her.

“I will,” She promised. “Goodbye Mom, love you.”

Leah smiled from the other side, grateful that her daughter was feeling alright. Only, that was all that she thought. She had no idea that her daughter was aching inside, stressed and terrified. “Goodbye, sweetie, love you too.” She said before leaving.

Skye could hear her mom descend down the stairs and it broke her heart to hear that she was going out with Johnny. He may be Leah’s husband and Skye’s step-father but that doesn’t give him the right to do anything he wants with Skye. She dropped to her knees, ignoring all of the pain in her body and the ringing in her ears. She wanted to see Jules, to have him hold her and comfort her like he had tried to before. She regretted that decision as much as she regretted the past night’s decision. If she had only let Jules comfort her maybe none of that would have happened. If she had taken his offer for a ride, she never would have had to worry about Johnny, she never would have found out the painful truth.

Skye cried silently, letting all of her regret slip away, and stared through the blurriness of water at her hands. The same hands she had laced through Bryan’s hair and fingers, the same hands she had held Leah’s hands with when she was little, and the same hands that never held her father’s hands; the scarred hands of a girl with a broken soul.

Skye pulled herself upright and dampened a clean rag. She scrubbed the floor and around the tub where her blood had spilled; the evidence had to go away, far away and out of the picture. Washing any off her hands, she stared into her own eyes, drenching herself in the cool gray eyes. She tried to smile with satisfaction of herself, but couldn’t. She still continued to feel that everything was her terrible fault.

She wobbled out of the bathroom, holding her newly wounded wrist, and walked into her bedroom. With the towel still wrapped around her, she opened her dresser and pulled out clothes for the day. As she got dressed there were only to things on her mind. One: She needed to work things out with Bryan. Two: She needed to talk to Rachel, to get out of the house. Rachel wouldn’t have to know about how she got the wound.

Skye dialed the only number she knew to call. On the other line a girl with a sweet voice sang into the phone. “Hey Skye, what’s up?”

“Hi, well, I was actually going to ask you that. Are you doing anything today?” Skye said quietly. Her voice quivered as she talked, the last time she had seen Rachel hadn’t gone too well.

“I’m not doing anything other than Oliver’s party tonight. Do you want to come with me? He wouldn’t mind if you came, trust me, we’re really close

.” Rachel’s voice spoke kindly. She had always liked Skye, she was the one friend Skye really ever made at the pathetic school.

“Actually, that would be great. Do you mind picking me up?” She completely ignored Rachel’s hinted joke.

“No problem, just leave it to me. I’ll be there at seven, okay?”

Skye exhaled. “Sounds perfect, thanks.”

“Well, I will see you later than. We definitely will have to talk, bye hon.”

“Goodbye, Rachel, see you tonight.” Skye pushed her finger into the end button and sighed as she sat on the bed. She let the world drift away as she closed her eyes and pictured Jules, standing beside her with his eyes peering deep into her soul.

Skye sat down on the porch’s main steps, waiting for Rachel. Leah and Johnny were inside and she couldn’t care less about what they were talking about. Skye just needed some space and time out of the house. She needed something to occupy her mind. Rachel pulled her truck into Skye’s driveway and honked the horn, the sound snapping Skye out of her reverie.

“Hey, you ready?” Rachel called out of the passenger side window.

Skye faked a smile and walked stiffly over to the truck. She got herself inside and let all of her worry about Johnny slip away; with her out of the house he couldn’t harm her. “Thanks.”

“No problem, it’ll be fun, I promise.”

“Yeah, I’m actually looking forward to this.” I’m looking forward to getting away from Johnny.

Skye hoped that Bryan wouldn’t be anywhere near her either; she couldn’t face him. She never wanted to face him again but knew that she had to eventually.

“Good,” Rachel suddenly looked uncomfortable as she drove out of the driveway and onto the main streets. “Can I ask you something, Skye?”

Skye’s heart started racing and she felt her breath catch. “Sure,” she said with some trouble.

Rachel kept giving Skye quick glances, trying to keep her eyes more so focused on the road. “I’ve heard some things…”

“What kinds of things? I thought you had a question,”

“I do, I do, it’s just, I don’t know how to say it.” Rachel wasn’t looking at Skye, she couldn’t even give her glances anymore.

“Does this have something to do with Bryan?”

“Kind of, um, yes it does actually.”

Skye took a deep breath and felt the pressure in her lungs clash with another. She could hardly breathe, she knew what was coming. Bryan had already been talking.

“You see, some people heard that you were in the hospital, and those same people are getting this idea.”

Skye closed her eyes, she couldn’t look at Rachel anymore, and she knew it was hard for the both of them to even talk around the subject. “Please tell me you’re not one of those people,” she sighed.

“No, no, I’m not. Although, I do want to get the straight story from you. What were you really doing at the hospital? It wasn’t for a—well—for a little one was it?”

Skye felt like her head was going to explode, she knew it had been coming but she couldn’t believe it all the same. How could Bryan do and say something so stupid? Do I really not mean anything to him other than just being his own fragile play toy?

“No, of course not! Rachel I fell down the stairs in my house and fractured a few ribs. How could anyone be saying that I’m pregnant? Why would they even think that?” She cried.

“What? You fell down the stairs? Skye, we didn’t know, we—we thought—Bryan told us that you and him had been together.”

Skye wanted to scream, she wanted to cry out run to Bryan and give him all he deserved.
But all the same, she couldn’t actually go through with it. She still wanted things to work; she wanted to help him, to change him. Even after his blatant and forced abuse. “No, we haven’t—I mean he tried to—but we haven’t, Rachel. We’re hardly even getting along right now.” Skye uttered between her own choking tears.

Water streamed down her cheek as she thought of his hands, the hands that had once so gently caressed her cheek and held her hand with security, had become so much more; the same hands that now have slapped, beaten, and invaded her wickedly.

Rachel couldn’t speak, her mouth was wide open but she couldn’t speak. She was utterly shocked and confused, torn between what she had just heard. Finally she caught herself and closed her mouth, ready to speak. “Skye, you’re saying he tried to force you into it? I thought everything was great between you two? Do you want me to tell somebody, to get him out of your life?”

“Yes, he did. But you can’t talk to anyone about it. I don’t need anyone’s help with Bryan, I can handle it. Trust me, we’re going to figure things out, you don’t have to talk to anyone, let me handle it.”

“Are you sure? If he did that to you then he should definitely be talked to, no one should get away with that.”

“No, he didn’t know I didn’t want it. Besides, nothing happened, so you can stop acting like it did. Okay?”

“Okay, but I’m only trying to look out for you Skye, you don’t deserve to have someone invading your life like that, you’re my friend and I’m here for you.”

Skye sniffled away her tears and smiled at her kind friend. “Thank you, Rachel. You’re the best.”

Rachel grinned and parked the car on the side of the road near Oliver’s house. “I know, let’s go.” Rachel checked the mirror really quickly and hopped out of the truck. She went around to the other side, helping Skye out of the truck. “Oh, hon, you could use a sheer touch up on the eyes. People don’t exactly look up upon raccoons.”

Skye laughed at her friend and checked the mirror. “You’re right, thanks for letting me know; I wouldn’t want people to mistake me for a raccoon now would I?” She added sarcastically.

“No problem, here,” Rachel fingered out a makeup wipe and wiped off the smeared mascara. She threw the smudged black wipe in her bag and wiped her hands together. “Perfect.”

“Thanks, but I could have done that myself.”

“I know, but I felt like doing it. Come one, I want you to meet someone.” Rachel said linking her arm with Skye’s.


“You’ll see.”

They both headed down the sidewalk, Skye enjoying the company of someone who wasn’t going to blow up and hit her. She knew she was safe with Rachel, and it felt good to be sure of that for the time in her life now. Oliver’s house was easy to spot; there were kids everywhere, drinking, talking, laughing, and a few acting like idiots. The air smelled like barbeque and a distant scent of alcohol.

Both girls pushed their way through the crowd of kids near the front door and laughed as one of the drunken boys hit on Skye. They walked away from him, leaving him to laugh at himself, and entered the foggy living room. Rachel gave glances all around the room, clearly looking for that someone. Around the room a few people stared at Skye with almost horrified looks. The room suddenly was filled with whispers, although they couldn’t be heard; but Skye knew exactly what they were whispering about: her little visit to the hospital.

“Hey, don’t let them bother you, it’s just stupid gossip.” Rachel reassured Skye.

Even though Rachel was right Skye couldn’t help but suddenly feel uncomfortable.

Across the room, a tall boy wearing mostly black stepped out from the kitchen and tucked his hands into his pockets. Rachel chirped and ran to him. “Victor!” She called out as she jumped into his arms. The darkly dressed and strong man lifted her high and spun her around as if she was a child. He set her down and she grinned at him. “Skye, come here!” She motioned for Skye to come.

Quite timidly, Skye walked over to Rachel and the stranger with the name of Victor. In one part of her mind he looked familiar, but she knew that there couldn’t be an explanation for it. “Skye, this is Victor. Victor, this is Skye Taylor.”

Skye smiled and casually slapped Rachel on the arm. She hated it when Rachel tacked in Skye’s last name, especially when she was just meeting someone; nevertheless someone who looked eerily familiar.

Victor reached out his hand and grinned at Skye. “Nice to meet you, miss.”


“It’s nice to meet you to, Victor.” Do I know you?

She wanted to ask. She knew she had seen him somewhere, she just couldn’t place it.

“Victor and I met at Buxton’s the night you were there. We have been getting along really well ever since, haven’t we Vic?” Buxton’s? Could that have something to do with it?

“Of course, sweet stuff.” Victor added, dropping his head to kiss Rachel’s. Sweet stuff?

“Um, Skye, do you mind if Vic and I go hang out? I know I invited you but…”She let the words hang, knowing that Skye would give in if she smiled just right.

I’ll probably regret it, but she is my friend.

“No, of course not. You two have fun, I’m sure I can find my way around.”

“Thank you so much, Skye, I owe you big time.” Rachel chirped. You bet you do.

“See you later, just let me know when you need to leave.”

“Alright, later.”

Victor grinned at Skye and tipped his head, as if saying thank you

. Skye smiled back at him even through her own suspicion about him. She didn’t have the best feeling about this guy, whatever it was. Skye walked over to one of the unoccupied walls and leaned against it. The room was loud with rock music and everywhere Skye looked someone was kissing, laughing, drinking, or fighting. It was the typical party with teenagers from Vinely.

Skye sighed and dropped herself to the floor, she didn’t really know

anyone from the party except for Rachel; and she hoped that Bryan wasn’t there. Letting her gaze rest on the black TV screen she held her chest so that the pain wasn’t as bad. The music was ringing in her ears and she tried to tune it out.

“Is the party too dull for you?” Called a familiar voice.

No, no it can’t be. She thought hazily. She looked up into the vibrant eyes of Jules’. “Are you kidding, it’s just the opposite. I’m not really into this whole thing.” She said lamely.

“Stool girl doesn’t like parties? I’m shocked.” Jules said putting his hand on his heart. He grinned.

“What do you want Jules? I thought you could understand that I don’t want to be around you.” She snapped back at him.

Jules didn’t let it bother him. “Well now you know that I can’t,” he said sitting down next to her. “You left in quite a hurry, and I know that maybe I was pushing a little too hard, but I didn’t think you were the kind to dislike that. You seemed perfectly fine with me, so what changed your mind? And don’t tell me that you were ‘just playing’ with me right back. I can see through that.”

Skye couldn’t respond. She couldn’t tell him the truth and she didn’t want to lie again. Honesty was the one thing she wanted to give him, she wanted to be able to say anything to him and not have it come back to haunt her. Could she really tell him what he needed to hear?

His deep green eyes dug into her soul and she let out a quivering breath. “Skye?”

“Listen, I don’t know why you’re here, and I don’t know why you’re trying so hard to get me to talk to you. But hear me out on this. I want to talk to you—I really do—but I don’t think that it would be the best of ideas. You may be confused but I need you to try to leave me alone, I don’t need someone like you bombarding on my life.”

“What’s so bad about us talking to each other? I’m not trying to bombard your life Skye, I’m just trying to get to know you that’s all. You seem like someone worth getting to know, but if you don’t want me ‘bombarding’ your life, then I can leave.” Jules’s eyes traveled down to her wrist. “Wait,” he pulled her arm gently into his hand, “what happened?”

Skye snatched it away and grimaced. “It’s nothing, Jules.”

“That doesn’t look like nothing? What’s going on?”

“I fell down the stairs that’s all.”

“And that caused you to get this kind of cut?”

“Yes,” Skye swallowed the lump in her throat and scooted herself away from him, regretting it the next moment. She tried to hide her reaction to the sharp pain in her chest but she couldn’t, Jules had already seen it.

“Skye, what is it? Are you alright?” He asked, worry filling his tone. “I can help you up if you need it.”

“No, it’s just the fall fractured a few ribs, but I’m fine. I don’t need your

help.” She pulled herself up, bracing herself on a table right beside her, but she started to collapse when she was almost all the way up, letting out a quick scream.

Jules caught her and carefully lifted her with his hands. “Here,” he guided her over to a couch and helped her down. The moment his hand touched the sides of her stomach as they sat, Skye flinched away. She could picture Bryan’s hands traveling up her shirt, and she shoved Jules’ hands away abruptly. “Don’t Jules.”

He put his hands up and scooted slightly away in defense. “I’m sorry, what did I do?”

“Nothing, it’s just a sensitive spot.”

“I’m sorry, Skye, I didn’t mean to.”

“I know,” she breathed, feeling guilty for not letting him have more information. “Jules?”

He looked at her with a kind concern. “Yeah, stool girl?”

She almost smiled. “Why do you want to get to know me? Why do you even want to bother with someone who’s already pushed you away?”

“Because I know that there is always a second chance, and I hope that you will let me have that chance.” He smiled at her desperate and delicate face, the face that had taken such a beating so many times. The pale and precious face that had lost so much color after time, but still glows luminous despite the bruises.

Jules’ eyes sparkled, they were unlike anything she had ever seen before, and they took her breath away. She could get lost in them any day. Skye was shocked that someone actually cares for her; someone actually wants to get to know her, someone who doesn’t want to harm her. “I’m sorry Jules, you don’t deserve to be around me, you are far too nice.”

“Skye, hey,” Jules spoke quietly and smoothly, his voice soothing every pinched nerve in Skye’s body, and tucked her hair behind her ears. “You’re the most beautiful girl I have ever met, and that includes your kindness. I’m not going to ever dislike you, I couldn’t. Besides, if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have anyone to call ‘stool girl’” He said, grinning.

Skye let out an almost inaudible gasp and smiled. He thinks I’m beautiful, how can he think that?

“Jules, you’re impossible.” She laughed and let her muscles relax entirely.

“That’s good, it means I’ve done my job.”

“Wow, who knew someone could be proud of such things.” She teased back.

“Yeah, who knew?” Jules jumped up from the couch and held out his hand. “Hey, come with me, I want to show you something.”

“Something? Like what?” Skye raised her eyebrows at him and timidly took his hand.


“Wait, Jules, what do you mean nothing?”

“Exactly what I said, I don’t actually have something to show you, I just wanted to get off the couch.” His bright grin became brighter and more beautiful. “Do you like looking at other peoples pictures, we could go look at a few? There’s a ton on the walls upstairs.”

“Not really, but I guess it wouldn’t be too bad to give it a try.” Skye was trying to have a good time. She didn’t want to let her worry that somehow Bryan would find out and scare her out of it. She decided to make her own decisions for once; and she was enjoying it.

“Good,” he winked, “come on, stool girl.” Jules steered her through the crowds of people and up the long wooden staircase. They laughed after bumping into a couple kissing and having them snap at them groggily. “Does everyone always get this drunk at parties?” Skye asked Jules once out of the crowd.

“You really don’t get out much do you, stool girl?”

“I guess not.” She smiled, letting herself really enjoy the company of a boy who wasn’t trying to use or hurt her. Jules was different, and it warmed her heart.

They continued down the hall and browsed the walls, giggling as they looked at all of the old pictures. Skye stopped chuckling and dropped her gaze. She carefully leaned against the wall. She couldn’t get over a sound that was slipping in her hearing, it sounded almost as Bryan’s voice tucked in a whisper. He’s not really here, is he? Why would he be whispering even if he was?

She asked herself.

Jules saw the alarm in her face and his bright grin faded into concern. “Skye, what is it?” He asked crouching down near her.

“Do you hear whispering?”

“Yeah, is that a problem?” He switched his gaze back and forth between her and the continually digressing hall; trying to understand what was going on. “I’m not following why you’re so alarmed by it.”

“I think I know the voice.” Skye said giving him a quick glance. She took a breath. Skye pushed the bedroom door open quietly but Jules swiftly pulled her back, leaving her close by him and looking into his eyes again.

“Hold on there, stool girl, you can’t just barge in the room. Something could be going on in there.”

Something, no, he wouldn’t do that to me. Not Bryan.

“Nothing’s going on in there. The only thing that’s going on is you refusing to let me go in on my own terms. Jules, I need to know what’s going on in there,” she said sliding her arm out of his grasp.

Jules followed right behind her as she peered into the bedroom, looking around for a sign of anyone, or Bryan. She stepped through the doorway and the hushed sounds became clearer. There were two teenagers passionately kissing on the bed, and when Skye looked at the boy more carefully she gasped.

“Bryan?” She murmured in disbelief.

Bryan and the stranger snapped away from each other, Bryan almost falling off the bed in shock. Bryan’s eyes were wide and filled with surprise. He jumped to his feet, muttering a curse, while the other girl sat on the bed with her eyes pinned on Jules. She was embarrassed and her face was flushed.

The moment Bryan really realized what had just happened his veins pulsed and his jaw set; he was angry. “Skye, what are you doing here?”

“I came with Rachel, who—who’s that?

” She said pointedly.

“No one, she’s—well—I was just showing her around.” He stammered.

“Bryan, you can’t make excuses! If you had been showing her around you wouldn’t have been making out with her, quit it with the lies. I don’t need this right now!” Skye cried. She was feeling her breath catch and tears well up. A few stray tears trickled down her pale cheeks. “Don’t

follow me, Bryan, we need space.” She warned.

Jules looked at all three of them, utterly confused and upset. He didn’t exactly know why Skye reacted so strongly, but he was pretty sure that he was getting it.

“Skye, look we can talk about this—”

“No—we can’t, Bryan. At least not now. Have fun with your new toy, Bryan, I hope she’s worth it.” Skye rushed out of the room and down the hall, leaving Bryan helplessly staring after where she had just been. He rubbed his neck and started to follow her but Jules stopped him, catching Bryan by his shirt.

“She said not to follow her, so where do you think that you’re going?” Jules’ tone was urgent and warning but still calm.

Bryan scoffed and shoved Jules’ arm off of him. “And who do you think you are, she’s my girlfriend, she’ll understand.”

“No, you need to understand,” Jules gripped Bryan’s shirt with both hands and yanked him towards him. There was a slim space in the doorway and the make out queen slipped out of the room, slightly afraid. “She’s important to me, and I won’t let you near her if she doesn’t want you near her. She may be your ‘girlfriend’ but you’re sick if you think you can two-time her and not even experience the consequences. Stay away from her right now, or you’ll seriously regret ever knowing her. And me.”

Bryan laughed at Jules and regarded him darkly. “She’s important to you

? Sorry to break it to you, pal

, but she and I are already one. Yeah, you can step away now, because you’ll never have a chance with her. Didn’t your mommy ever tell you not to threaten anyone?” Bryan shoved Jules’ hands off of his shirt and Jules let him. Jules was becoming infuriated. “I’m not the kind of guy you want to be messing with. So stay away from me and my life, Jules

.” He spat.

Jules flinched momentarily but then just drove his cold eyes into Bryan’s. “Get out of here, Bryan, you’re wasted.” Jules turned away from Bryan and ran after Skye.

“Skye!” He called once downstairs in the foggy room. “Skye where are you?” He muttered through his teeth. He checked the entire basement and hurried outside, calling her name again and again.

“Jules,” Skye sobbed quietly; she was crouched down near a bush, her head in her knees while tears escaped.

“Skye!” Jules breathed, running over to her and immediately crouching down. “Hey, it is okay, he’s not going to bother you.” He said as he caught his breath, “everything’s fine.”

I wish. Skye let out a crippled sigh and winced as the pain caught up with her. “No, no, it’s not.” She mumbled.

“Hey, come here.” Jules gently pulled Skye into him and wrapped his arms around her as a shelter from the world. “I’m not going to let him near you, if you don’t want to see him he won’t see you, okay?”

Skye let her hands wrap perfectly around his body and nuzzled herself in his support. “Okay,” She sobbed.

Jules sat there with her, holding her fragile body, and kept his eyes looking out for Bryan.

Skye breathed in his scent and committed it to memory. After tonight she may never see Jules again. When Bryan gets a hold on her she’ll be in for it. If only Jules really could stop Bryan from getting near her.

Just feet behind them Bryan stood watching them, waiting for the moment that Jules would let go of Skye. He was furious, and he would take out his revenge on Jules. Walking towards them he whispered under his breath, “I knew he was bad news, and now, now I’m not letting him get away with it.” A sickly grin crept up his lips and he wobbled forward, utterly wasted and furious, but in his own mind, up for the challenge.

Open and Closed

“Skye, I should get you home,” Jules said as he held her so close she wished he never would let her go.
Skye sighed and pulled herself away, she couldn’t show the fact that she needed him. She had to be strong. “Right, of course.” She whispered. Her arms were shaking and she wiped her eyes from all of the tears and smeared makeup. I should have taken one of Rachel’s wipes with me.

She laughed at herself inside.
Jules helped her up and stared into her eyes. “Did you come here with someone?”
“Yeah, my friend—” Her voice caught when she saw Bryan standing a few inches from Jules. “Jules!” She shrieked as Bryan swung his fist at Jules.
Somehow, Jules avoided the punch and dropped Skye out of the way protectively; his body landing inches above her shielding her from Bryan’s trashed self. “Stay down,” he whispered into her ear harmonious.
Skye nodded and closed her eyes, fear clutching a hold of her. She didn’t want to see a fight, she couldn’t handle it, and she didn’t want to see violence again, not this soon.
Bryan grabbed Jules by his back and pulled him up. He spun him around and spat in his face. “What are you still doing around my girl? She is my life. I thought you were going to be a good little boy and stay out of it. You wouldn’t want to upset her now, would you? See she’s hurting, you’re the reason.” He warned.
“No, Bryan, you’re

the reason she’s hurting. I’m not going to fight with you; I just want you to stay away from her. You can’t help her while you’re wasted; in fact, you can’t help her now at all. If she was your life you would let her go, leave her alone. Haven’t you done enough to her?”
Bryan actually took everything Jules had said and thought about it. He looked into Jules’ calm eyes and took a breath, shoving Jules away. “Fine, you’re right, I am

wasted. But if you so much as touch her

again, I swear you’ll regret it.”
“And I’ll be looking forward to it.” Jules said coolly, a smile tipping at the edge of his mouth. He watched as Bryan wobbled back over to the house and sighed as he was lost in the crowd.
Skye sat up and stared up at Jules, her heart racing and breath scratchy. “Is he gone?”
“Yeah, he’s gone.” Jules said, taking in the realization of what he had just done. He had just opened the door to a fight; and when that fight broke out the only thing he could wish is that Skye wouldn’t be around. He painfully took in the fact that he should watch out when he goes around Skye. Jules let out his hand and helped Skye up. She instantly ran into him, throwing her arms around him and embracing him, ignoring the beating pain.
“Thank you,” she said against his chest, closing her eyes with security, “for everything.”
Jules cautiously watched the yard as he soothed her, wrapping his arms around her and holding her as if she was his own. “I’m going to be here for you, Skye. He’s not going to hurt you.”
Only when you’re around he won’t, but Jules, the moment you leave me he’ll have his way. No one can stop that.

She wanted to tell him. She wanted to confide in him, to really be able to count on the fact that he would

always be there for her, but of course she couldn’t. Her life isn’t that simple. “I don’t deserve your help.” She whispered, feeling quilt pinch inside her.
“You deserve so much more than me, Skye.” He sighed. “I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you.” he added so quietly that Skye didn’t even hear him.
“Jules,” she suddenly felt cold and week and let her body shut down. She needed rest, real uninterrupted rest. Jules caught her in his arms and cradled her, worry gripping a painful hold on his heart. He wanted to protect her and keep her safe. He could feel the pain Bryan brought her and knew that she needed help; but he didn’t feel that he was destined for it; someone was taking that away from him.

“Princess, where did you go last night?” Johnny asked Skye as leaned against the doorway of her bedroom. She had been reading and the moment she heard his voice she dropped the book.
“I went to Rachel’s.” Skye answered, swallowing the lump in her throat. Again she was lying, only this time it wasn’t to cover for Johnny or Bryan, but for Jules.
“Rachel’s.” He repeated in disbelief. “Skylar, don’t lie sweetheart, you know I don’t like that.”
What? How could he possibly know I was lying?

Skye tried to hide the fact that she was surprised and shook her head. “I’m not, I was with Rachel. You didn’t see her pick me up?”
“No, I did.” Phew!

“But I also saw you come home with someone else, and I don’t think that he had anything to do with Rachel.”
“What do you mean?” Skye wanted to run away, she knew that he would take everything out on her. He has tried his best to keep her away from people; he doesn’t want her to have friends. In his mind, two friends are too many; too many that she could crack and tell them all about him.
“The boy last night, the one who brought you up to the door in his arms; what Princess, you didn’t think that I saw you two?” Johnny chuckled as he unhitched himself from the wall, setting himself up for any minute attack. “Come on, Princess, nothing gets passed me.”
He saw Jules carrying me, he knows about him; he was looking for me. Crap!

Skye set her book down on the bedside table and started walking around to the doorway, fear clutching at her. She could make a quick escape from his presence if she needed. Leah was at work, and once again, Skye was left alone with Johnny. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Skylar, your lying to me is getting old, who was he?” He said urgently.
Skye took a breath and ran for an escape. She slid past Johnny and out into the hall, shoving her way past a few boxes stacked high. Johnny was right behind her as she descended the staircase her balance completely off and her feet slipping under the other. She ran for the front door but it was too late, Johnny was already right in front of her. “Where you going Princess, you can’t be seriously trying to get away from me when I have asked you a question? That’s not a good idea you know.” He said darkly as he grabbed her arms.
Skye cried out as his hands pressed on the old bruises. Her heart was racing and her mind was flooded with regret; she should have somehow gotten a ride home with Rachel. She took sharp breaths, fighting Johnny’s strong grip. “Johnny, please don’t do this right now. I’m sorry, I—I just didn’t know what to do. I was wrong, please let go

.” She pleaded desperately.
“It’s okay,” Johnny’s mouth tipped into a smirk, “but you have to tell me who he is first; then you’re free for now

Skye couldn’t do it, she couldn’t say the truth; she cared for Jules too much. “It was just a guy from the party I went to, I passed out and he gave me a ride home. He was one of Rachel’s friends.”
Johnny grinned sickly and let her go. “You better not be lying to me, Princess. After all, you owe me.” He warned her. He left the room and into the kitchen, leaving Skye suddenly very cold.
She looked after him and moved back against the door, her heart pounding. What have I done now?


Skye ran through the perfectly cut grass, the sun blazing down on her back. Despite the heat Skye was cold; every time she thought about Johnny finding out about Jules her heart would beat rapidly. The city’s park was nearly vacant. There were only a few people walking their dogs and a few other people jogging along the dirt path.
She was headed for the only place she could get away from Johnny, the only place she knew she could breathe: the old tree house the town had built years ago. It was made out of rows of wood and had a couple wooden rails but there wasn’t much to it. The town had built a better one near the playground a couple years ago, and the one she grew up with was dirty and hidden in the woods, completely forgotten about.
She climbed the dirt caked ladder and sat down at the top. She breathed in the muggy air and it actually felt refreshing for her. No matter how dirty it got Skye would always go to the tree house when she needed space; and she really

needed space.
She thought about the many times she had dreamed about what her father was like, and about what he could have offered her. If he hadn’t left Leah she never would have had to obtain the abuse Johnny throws at her; but there always the possibility that he could have been just as bad as Johnny or possibly even worse.
She lay on the dirty boards, collecting her thoughts and shoving away as much pain as she could. Her bruises were healing—besides the few Johnny had irritated—and the scratches were becoming only scars. She was finally beginning to heal. Skye inhaled as much of the outdoors air as could, who knows what Johnny will do when he finds out she lied and she goes home. It would only be a disaster.
“Hey stranger, what are you doing up there?” Jules called up to her. She flinched and scrambled to look over the boards of wood.
The moment she laid eyes on him she smiled, her world falling back into the corner of her heart. “I came here to be free, get out of the house and refresh myself. What are you

doing here? No one ever comes here.” She said as she watched him glance around the small woods. He looked slightly uncomfortable, as if she had asked him a question he never thought about.
“Problems at home?” He countered in response.
“Not exactly; I just wanted to think. You didn’t answer my question you know, and you’re not getting off that easily.” She quietly laughed.
“Ah,” he shook his head and chuckled, “You’re right. May I join you then?” He squinted up at her, even though it was quite shaded in the cove of trees.
“Sure, I guess you may.” She scooted herself back against the tree trunk behind her, clearing a spot next to her. She was smiling as he mounted the top, pulling himself up with ease. His hair hung in his eyes a bit but she could still see the beautiful emeralds underneath. She sighed inside, wishing that she could reach up into his hair and brush her fingers through it.
Skye took a deep breath when he sat down so close that their shoulders bumped for a moment, and let it out a moment later. She struck him with a look that spoke: and?

He laughed and glanced away from her. “I came here to get some air too.”
“But how did you know about it? Like I said, no one comes here anymore.” She said as she dropped her hand in the small space between them.
“My dad helped build it years ago. We all had lived here in my childhood, but my dad and I moved back a few weeks ago from New York.” He said it quietly as if he was ashamed.
Skye bit her lip and looked at him, the desire to know everything about Jules consuming her. “What about your mom?”
“She left us when I was young. I never really got to know her well.” Jules sighed and dropped his head, intentionally avoiding Skye’s eyes. He couldn’t look her in the eyes; he wanted to forget his mom, to believe she never existed.
“Oh Jules, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” She trailed off, turning away from him and cringing.
“No, don’t be. I never got to know her well, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t know who she was. She never cared about me; she left us both when I was young to go off with her new boyfriend. I never have understood why she did it, but now that I look back I know it was for the best.” He said, his voice cracking every now and then. “Hey listen, don’t worry about it, Skye; it doesn’t matter to me.” He touched her hand and pulled it into his, looking at her delicate face.
She looked at him as she spoke quietly. “I know, it’s just I can’t believe you had to go through that too. My dad left before I was even born, and I can’t help feel that it was my entire fault.” She fought the tears as she started to cry. “If I wasn’t here he never would have left my mom, and everyone would be a lot better off.”
Jules looked desperately at her, trying to read her own pained face. “Skye it’s okay. It wasn’t your fault, you’re perfect. Don’t blame yourself, it wasn’t you at all.” He whispered genuinely as he wrapped his arm around her protectively. “I mean, without you I wouldn’t have anyone to call ‘stool girl’, remember? And that would just be a nightmare.” He laughed and kept his arm around her, holding her as close as he could for as long as he could.
Skye chuckled despite her sour feelings. “Thanks for those encouraging

words.” She teased.
Jules grinned and let out an uncomfortable laugh. “Anytime.” He sighed.
Skye wanted to stay near him but she knew she couldn’t. Being around Jules would only create unwanted trouble and she knew it. She longed to be with him for an eternity, to be with him as much as possible; but she wasn’t cut out for it. My life is only for protecting Leah, I can’t let Jules distract me. He’s only going to give up on me in the long run, so why waste the time?

Suddenly struck with fear, Skye pushed herself away from Jules. “I’m sorry, but I can’t be around you.”
Jules sighed heavily and shook his head. “No not this again, Skye…”He looked into her eyes and held out a hand to reassure her of something, anything; but she scurried away and shook her head.
Her words caught in her throat making it hard for her to speak. “No, Jules don’t touch me, don’t come near me.” She pleaded desperately.
“Skye, I don’t understand. Tell me what’s wrong,” he said in a hushed tone.
She had to get him away from her so that she wouldn’t have to lie to Johnny anymore. “No! Jules you don’t get it, Bryan’s my boyfriend

. Maybe he can be stupid sometimes but I couldn’t do what he’s done to me back to him. He may act like scum but he’s really sweet. I need

him, I don’t even want

you.” She screamed at him, using all of the breath she had.
“You don’t mean that, Skye he’s awful.” Jules looked hurt, devastatingly hurt and stunned, as if someone had just slapped him across the face. And someone had just slapped him—that someone being Skye—only not physically. Her words were enough. “Please tell me you don’t mean this, Skye. I only want to protect you from what could happen between you two. I have met guys like him before, and they always turn out to be freakishly disgusting. He shouldn’t have the chance to hurt you. I mean how can you even want to go back to someone like him?” Jules said desperately; clinging to the same spot, frozen with rejection.
But he will hurt me if I stay with you, right here, right now. And I need to stay strong for my mom, she needs me.

She wanted to say. Skye looked at him in terror. She had to conjure up lies, immediately. “Because I love him, Jules! If you loved someone you would look past even their slightest flaws, wouldn’t you? And don’t even tell me that he’s awful or that he will turn disgusting, I may be fragile or whatever you want to call me, but I certainly won’t tolerate someone I hardly even know telling me how I should live my life. Just get away from me Jules, I can’t do this anymore.” She cried out painfully, knowing that the words she had just spoken could be the last she ever spoke to Jules. She hurried down the ladder and dropped to her feet, her legs shakily giving her steadiness. Her eyes were tearing up but she quickly wiped them away. I can’t do this anymore! Why do I keep pushing away the one person who can help me? He doesn’t deserve it

Jules stared after her for a moment but quickly regained his grip on reality and rushed to the ladder, practically jumping down the entire thing. “Wait Skye, don’t leave!” Jules said running to catch up with her. Skye was quickly walking away, trying to ignore him so that she wouldn’t give in to him and have him and let her walls crash down. She needed to keep the walls strong if she didn’t want Johnny or Bryan to harm her. Only, maybe the wall that she is trying to use to protect her is the same wall that is bringing her down. Jules caught gently at her arm. “I would do anything to have you give me a chance. One chance. And if you decide that you still can’t stand me I’ll quit, forever.” He buried his soul into her soul, just through the small act of looking into her eyes. He flashed a quick and soft smile and wiped away one stray tear.
Skye couldn’t resist his kind heart and unbelievable pleading, and she couldn’t resist the beautiful deep eyes that gave away so much. She needs a chance at a new friendship; at least one. “You promise that you won’t hurt me and that this ‘one chance’ will be only that: one chance?” She raised her eyebrows at him.
Jules smiled a bright smile and tipped his head. “I promise you, Skye. I promise that I won’t harm you in any

Skye felt the urge to grab his hand or to give him a hug, she wanted it incredibly much. “I suppose that this is the part when I’m obliged to apologize for blowing up at you, right?” She said quietly.
“Yeah, that should be how it works. Although, Skye I would like to apologize for getting on your case about Bryan. I guess I just don’t know him as well as you do, and I’m sure you’re right about him.” Jules said the words but he didn’t entirely believe them.
“It’s not a problem, Jules. I’m sorry that I freaked out so much, I just care about him, and maybe I shouldn’t; but I do. For the moment though, yes, I would rather not

see him.”
“I understand, stool girl. Just let me handle the not seeing him part, I’ve got time to hangout now. Have you ever ridden on a motorcycle?” He said with a grin.
Skye looked taken aback. “No, of course not. I mean do I look like I have?”
He looked at her really quickly and laughed. “I’m not even going to comment. Come on, I’ll give you a ride around this dead town.” He said taking her hand and running with her through the park. The sun was setting and the day somehow had slipped away from her very quickly. Although she didn’t want it to end she was glad that she would be able to rest again.
Skye couldn’t help but smile when she watched his beaming smile. To think that all of this started at a club.

“Jules where are we going?”
He stopped on the sidewalk in front of a large and very new motorcycle. “This

, my friend, is what we came here for.” He walked around the bike and patted the seat. “Ready to ride?”
“Jules I never agreed to ride it,” she laughed at his pure confidence that she would like it.
“Oh come on, you’ll love it. I promise that it’s safe.”
“Hey, okay, I guess I can try something new.” She said giving him a bright smile. She wanted to pinch herself for even thinking about getting on a motorcycle. Her mom hated the things; but Skye always thought there was something more behind the reason she hated it besides the obvious danger it could bring.
“Good. I mean I was totally ready for attacking you with the nagging attempt, but this is better.” He winked. He tossed Skye a helmet and put on one for himself as he hopped on the bike.
“I better not regret this,” she warned as she got on the bike behind him.
“You won’t, just hold on.”
“Okay.” She nervously wrapped her arms around his chest and held on tightly. She almost sighed as she breathed in his perfect scent, but she didn’t. She smiled to herself. Now this, this is feeling something.

She thought graciously.
He started it up and revved it, sending it forward a moment later. Skye grabbed on tighter and she could feel a slight vibration from him laughing. She laughed at herself, realizing how stupid she must seem to him. She had never been on one before and she was terrified of it. She let out a squeal as they flew through traffic, the wind tangling the ends of her hair together. “Are you sure you’re good at this?” She managed to call up to him.
He laughed, “Of course.” He managed back.
With her arms around him and her hands against his chest she could feel just how perfectly toned it was. She couldn’t look over him because he towered slightly above her, but she didn’t care; being so close to him again was good enough. She got a good view of the town as they pass through it and because she had seen it so many times that wasn’t even a big deal.

“Did you enjoy it?” Jules asked her as they hopped off of the bike back at the park. The sky had turned into a dark night sky spotted with glimmering stars.
Skye caught her breath as she dropped the helmet in Jules’ hands. “Yes, I did. Thank you, I kind of think that that is what I needed. I needed the time to think and have some fun.” She smiled at him, unable to stop herself.
“Good to hear, stool girl. I hope I didn’t keep you out too late.”
“No, you didn’t.”
“Do you want me to walk you home? I don’t feel comfortable letting you walk home from here.” He said kindly, his face glowing under the moonlight. She couldn’t keep her eyes away from lingering on him.
“No, I’m good. I mean I only live a little bit away from here.” She said in confidence.
“Okay, if you’re sure that you’ll be alright…”
She nodded her head. “I’m sure.” She turned away from him to head home, pacing her steps slowly.
“Hey, wait.” Jules hurried up to her and stepped in front of her. He pulled at his neck nervously again. “I know that this sounds stupid, but is there any way that we can keep in touch?”
Skye snickered at him. “You know, actually there is. It’s called a cell phone, have you ever heard of it?” She teased.
He gave a look of surprise. “No way, really? How does it work?” He mocked.
She grinned and shook her head feeling ridiculous. “I give you my number.” She whispered, suddenly feeling that she couldn’t trust the silent town. Skye whispered her number in his ear and he grinned, feeling accomplished.
“Great, maybe I’ll call you soon. Goodnight Skye,” He kissed her on the cheek only as a simple gesture; but to Skye it meant so much more. A strong tingly feeling shot down her spine the moment his lips made contact with her cheek.
“Goodnight, Jules.” She said the moment he backed away and started towards his bike. She couldn’t believe what she had just done. If by some unbelievable way Bryan found out about Jules he would do something much worse than he had even done before. Bryan would be furious, unstoppable. In one side of her mind she wished that she hadn’t spent any time with Jules at all, figuring that it would have been better to have stuck with fleeing from him, whatever the cost; but in the other side she was enthralled with her decision and she couldn’t have seen it any other way. Maybe she should have thought about it a little better though.
She walked on the sidewalk home, avoiding the dark streets and shadows as best as she could. She passed through a little shadowed area where the trees were bending over the sidewalk and her heartbeat quickened dimly. She was almost home when she heard a rustle in the bushes to the side of her. Suddenly fear had gripped itself around her again and she wondered hazily if she had heard something the entire time. Vaguely, she got the feeling that she had heard something behind her, and it made chills spring up her arms.
Skye started to quicken her pace a little, the heat in the air suddenly irrelevant. The fear within her made the hair stand up on her arms and she grasped the reality. Someone was behind her, and not only someone, but Johnny.
“Who’s the friend?” He asked chillingly, his tone cold and dark.
She turned around and messed with her fingers. “Nobody you need to worry about.” She said dryly; she didn’t want this, she was getting drained already.
“Oh but I do, Princess. I can’t have you telling anyone else about our little secrets. Now, Leah isn’t home yet, and you still owe me.” He grinned and stepped completely out of the shadows.
Skye backed away and shook her head. “No, not now Johnny, please not now. I can’t—” She cried, her voice catching.
“Oh yes Princess, now is the perfect time.” He went for her and she instantly ran in a sprint for the house. I can make it if I try hard enough, fast enough

. She told herself desperately as she raced towards the house.
Skye made it all the way up the steps and to the door before she glanced back. Johnny was only a short distance away. She let out a gasp and yanked the door open, her breathing rasping. She slammed the door and tried to lock the door but Johnny was already pushing hard against it from the other side. Her mind throwing options at her, she quickly ducked into the living room as Johnny bombarded through the front door. She tried to muffle her loud and harsh breathing from the sudden running she had done but it wasn’t good enough.
“Princess, why are you running away?” Johnny said jumping out from the archway. Skye let out a scream as she jolted back in fear. She gave out her best shot and tried to run but he caught her wrist and yanked her against him. “No!” She cried out, cold creeping up throughout her entire body.
Johnny looked down at her and grinned revoltingly. She could feel his heart pounding and from the unyielding grip he had on her wrist she could tell that he was fuming. “You’re coming with me now, Princess.” He said venomously as he twisted his grip all the way to her upper arm. He dragged her, as she hopelessly fought him, over to the basement and forcibly opened the door and laughed threateningly. “Want another visit to the hospital, Princess?” He said as he picked her up under both of her arms and threw her against the wall, pinning her neck under his hand. “I can arrange it.” He whispered with edge.
Skye fought his tight hold and wondered if this was it, her last beating, and her last moments. In a choked attempt she begged for another day before the beating; but Johnny only laughed abruptly and yanked her violently into him. She was trying to catch the breath that had been knocked out of her when he pulled her hair violently. She yelped in agony and fumbled to push him away.
This really is it. He’s going to be done with me, I can’t survive this staircase; he’s finally getting his way. If only I had accepted the offer home maybe this wouldn’t have happened. I only get so far pushing away people, I guess now I finally see that.

She thought helplessly. Closing her eyes she tried to picture herself without Johnny, safe and secure with Jules or Leah, but the reality was tugging too harshly on her. She opened her eyes and realized that he had moved her in front of him, his grip still violently on her hair. I can’t believe he is getting his way again.

Johnny let go of her and shoved her forward. Skye tumbled down the steps, her body crashing halfway down as she grabbed the rails for help. She couldn’t scream, she couldn’t make a sound, and her vision blurred as the world was disappearing around her. She tried to look up at Johnny but she could hardly move. Vaguely she heard the click of a lock in her buzzing ears.
“Now we’re all alone, and we have something to work out, remember?” Johnny whispered as he descended the stairs towards her. He bent down right next to her and tucked her hair behind her ears; she had a cut on her forehead and blood was dripping down the sides. “It’s such a shame too, you’re so beautiful.” He smiled and wiped her tears away gently.
Skye whimpered and closed her eyes, wishing she was stronger.

New Playmates

Johnny yanked Skye in his arms and dragged her down the steps, her body lifelessly slung in his hands. Skye moaned and cried fragilely as he propped her on the couch. “Quiet, Princess, everything’s alright.” He hushed her.
Yeah right. What horrible thing are you going to do now to ruin my life even more? I’m already dying inside and my life is crashing down, are you going to take me out of the picture for good now?

She thought dizzily as she tried fluttering her eyes open.
“You’re still going to keep our little secret, right?” He asked roughly, squeezing his hand through hers. Of course, ‘cause it’s just so

little. “What’s that, Princess?” He said through clenched teeth.
No, he heard me. I really said that out loud?

She thought worriedly. “Nothing, please, I didn’t mean to—” she was cut off by Johnny’s strong hand slapping her hard across her cheek. Skye couldn’t do anything, she let herself fall under exhaustion and fall into his violence. She tried to cry out but nothing came out, she just lay there desperately trying to stay awake. Water cascaded down her cheeks and she vaguely could see Johnny through her half-closed eyes. He was utterly infuriated and his usually bright blue eyes were darker than she would think possible. In the pit of her stomach there was a sour feeling of remorse and sorrow; she wished she had strength to save Leah.
“You are so disrespectful, and I’m tired of it.” He put his weight on her and punched her in the stomach, knocking her breath away. Skye whimpered and looked into the eyes of the man she could feel nothing but hate for. She tried to let her feelings fall away, let her feelings drop into what it all ideally should be; but there wasn’t a chance. Johnny isn’t going to change and she knows that.
“I—I’m sorry.” She stuttered, using every last painful breath. Closing her eyes she gave in; gave in to the beating, to the menacing voice echoing in the distance above her, and to the idea that everything isn’t going to get better. I’m screwed, this is how it’s always going to be.

She drifted off into sleep, Johnny continually beating on her numb body.

[Three days later]

“Mom, what happened with you two?” Skye asked as she took the mug from Leah’s small hand.
Leah sighed heavily and sat down next to her daughter; regarding the young and fragile beauty with loss. “Well, there’s really nothing to tell you.”
Skye took a sip of the hot tea and looked into Leah’s weary eyes, feeling a strong desire to know more about her past. “I think there is, Mom. You haven’t told me anything about him besides the fact that he left you—left us. Why would he do something like that?” Skye had longed so much for the answers behind her life story, the entire past of Leah’s she wanted so much to dig into and unravel. Leah hadn’t told her very much about anything that happened before Skye, and it always played a secret in the backdrop of her heart.
“Sweetie, why are you suddenly this interested in what happened years ago?” Leah said uncomfortably.
Skye looked at her mom suddenly quite irritated. “Suddenly? Mom, I have wanted to know for years, but I have tried to mask that and let you live without having to tell me everything. I know that it may not be the easiest thing to talk about, but I think that it’s about time I know what happened. He was—is—my father.” She spoke calmly but with force, hoping that her mom would finally get the picture and open up. “Please, Mom.” She looked deeply into Leah’s eyes, pleading and searching for a spark of something, of an answer.
“I’m sorry, sweetie, I know how much you really desire to know this. It’s just, it’s not only that it’s hard to talk about him; it’s more that I need to know that you can handle it. You may not be happy with the truth.” Leah sighed mournfully. She dropped her head and shook it. She didn’t want to look at her daughter when she told her just how she was brought into the world.
Skye set the mug down and touched Leah’s shoulder gently. “I’m ready. I can live with the truth.” No matter how hard it is. I’ve been doing it for a while.

She tried to smile at Leah but it came out crooked and filled with something near devastation. Skye never wanted to see her mom sad; that’s the soul reason for everything she puts up with.
Leah looked into the bright eyes of her daughter, having no idea of just how much she has endured, and smiled as she fought back the urge to cry. Those were the beautiful eyes that never ceased to resemble Skye’s fathers perfectly. Leah felt a sour pang in her heart just thinking of the man who had changed her life forever. “Skye, the truth is that your dad was never right for me. Everyone else was right about him, I was always wrong. I created this life for you by my own ignorance.” Her voice caught and she struggled to keep her voice up. “You’re here because of something beyond my control, and I just wish you could have the life you deserve; a life without all this confusion and separation.” She whispered.
Skye embraced Leah in a hug and snuggled into her. “Keep going, I need to know.” She said softly.
“Sweetie, your father, he—Skye, your father wasn’t who I thought he was. He wasn’t what I had always pictured my first relationship to be like. He was dark, mean, and entirely difficult. He’s the reason you’re in this sad life, the life I have failed to bring up for you. This life for you, it wasn’t what I had anytime imagined.” Leah said as she rubbed her hands gently over her daughter’s scarred arms.
“I wasn’t planned, was I? Mom, when did you have me?” Skye asked between a quiet sob. “You two were never married, you never got a divorce did you? He left before I was born,” she let the painful words drift into the air, filling her heart with sadness. She pulled herself away from her mom and looked at Leah with sorrow.
“No sweetie, you weren’t exactly planned; but that doesn’t matter, because now I have a beautiful daughter here with me. Maybe I was too young but that certainly is not the point.”
“How old were you?”
“What?” Skye muttered in disbelief.
“Your father wasn’t quite the guy I should have ever gotten involved with. He was slime, only in the relationship for one thing; and that thing flipped our worlds upside down.”
“No, no, no. And I’m the outcome?” Skye slapped her hands on the couch.
“Yes.” A tear trickled down Leah’s cheek and she sighed. She hated having to tell her daughter the one thing that she had tried so hard to keep away from her. She didn’t want Skye to have to deal with the news that she may never see her father—the father that never wanted her.
Skye let a stray tear fall and closed her eyes. She tried telling herself that it wasn’t her fault, that she wasn’t the reason for her feeling all of the regret, that she wasn’t the reason that her biological father left Leah; maybe he was slime, but even so, Skye couldn’t put it past her that she was the reason for her own mother’s broken heart. Suddenly she thought of how the very thing that Bryan had almost done with her was the same very thing that brought her into the world; an unwanted and forced abuse that caused so much more to happen than planned. We practically have something in common, Mom. You just won’t ever get to know about it.

She thought with grief.
Leah pulled her cold pale daughter in and wrapped her arms around her, trying to fight the grief. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, sweetheart. I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to resist his strength and force. I never wanted what he did to me, but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t want you.” She whispered into Skye’s ear.
“No, it’s okay. I’m just glad that I know now. He hurt you and left, and he doesn’t matter to me anymore. He didn’t deserve to be with the best women in the world. I love you so much, Mom. Remember that and don’t forget it, whatever happens to me.” Skye cried as she held onto her fragile mom’s body desperately. She never took Leah for granted. She knows that any moment spent with her mom could be the last moment she ever would get with her.
“Sweetie, you’re making it sound like you’ll never see me again. What’s wrong?” Leah looked at her with compassion.
“Nothing’s wrong, everything is just the way it should be.” Everything other than my life.

She stayed grasping onto the one thing she knew wouldn’t harm her, feeling overwhelming regret eat away at her. Why have I let things get this out of control? How can I let Johnny and Bryan run my life, they shouldn’t have this control over me. I need to find a way out before the only one I love suffers.

“Are you sure?”
Skye sighed and looked up into the weary gray eyes of her beautiful mother. “I promise.” The second she said it she regretted it. She had never broken a promise before, and that definitely was a promise that was already utterly broken.
“Skye, I want you to be honest with me, how are things really

going with Bryan? He’s not hurting you, is he?” Leah asked sternly.
Skye would have dropped the mug of tea had she been holding it. Her voice was lost deep down inside her stomach and she raised her eyebrows at her mom. “Things are going fine, he’s a great guy. Maybe we don’t always get along, but he’s not going to hurt me, Mom.” She choked on her own words, fighting the urge to cringe. She hated the lies, secrecy, and pain. She needs freedom. “Actually, we’re meeting up in town tonight and I should probably go get ready.” She added clearly.
Leah narrowed her eyebrows and rubbed Skye’s arms. “Okay, as long as you’re really good with him. Skye, I just want to make sure you don’t get in what I got in. Maybe my outcome has gone well; but you don’t need that, there is so much better out there for you. You just have to find it.” Maybe I have.

Skye thought within her own dream. Leah smiled at her daughter and kissed her forehead. “Have fun, sweetie.”
Skye faked a smile and jumped to her feet. Now I’ve really done it, I don’t have plans.

“Thanks, I will.” She ducked out of the living room and walked up to her room, passing Leah and Johnny’s room carefully. Johnny wasn’t home, but she still always had the urge to scurry past it, blocking any chances of not enjoying what could happen if she didn’t.
She hurried around to her room and dropped to her bed, heaving a sigh. She rubbed her hands over her face. “What am I supposed to do now?” She whispered thoughtfully. A moment later her cell started ringing and she shot up with fear. She wasn’t ready to talk to Bryan, even if he wasn’t drunk. She scrambled off her bed and over to the desk in the corner. She sniffled any remaining tears and flipped the cell open without checking. “What do you want?” She answered slightly irritated, imagining the voice on the other end to be Bryan’s.
A subtle chuckle crackled on the other end and a gasp escaped Skye’s lips. “Oh, did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?” Jules’ melodious voice called through the phone.
“No, I just wasn’t expecting it to be you

.” Skye retorted. She wasn’t expecting it in the slightest. Jules hadn’t called her and she hadn’t seen him in three days. Hearing his voice again was the greatest feeling she could desire.
“Sorry to disappoint you, stool girl, but I’m what you got.” He said playfully. Skye could feel

his laughter against her hands just as the night before, and she heaved a sigh. “I thought that you didn’t know how

to use the phone.” She stated similar to a question, feeling her negative feelings instantly slip away. Jules’ voice had the same affect on her every time. He was absolutely warming and beautiful. She could picture him sprawled out on a lounge chair, as he sported jeans and a fitting T-shirt, with the breathtaking grin plastered on his face.
“I figured it out, you’re worth it.” He chuckled almost to himself.
“You’re ridiculous.” She breathed, sitting herself down on the soft carpeted floor.
Jules shuffled on the other end and Skye could swear that she heard him laugh. “Good. I like you—I mean…that

Skye almost gasped but she knew he was only playing with her and she swallowed the urge. He just can’t get enough.

She felt overwhelming warmth kiss her body and she smiled as she thought about Jules. “Okay, now I know you’re planning something; what is it?” She asked as she chuckled under her breath.
“Me? Planning something? Girl, I run on being spontaneous.”
“Okay than, Mr. Spontaneous, what do you need?”
“It’s not me who needs something, it’s you. I’m sure you need some fresh air, when was the last time you left the house?”
Skye pondered the question, even though she knew the answer entirely. “The last time I saw you was the last time I went out.” She frowned at the thought of it really being so long. She wanted to leave but every time she tried Johnny or Leah would tell her to stay in, trying to keep her from getting hurt again. Johnny knew exactly how she had gotten hurt again though, and he knew it had nothing to do with her leaving the house; he only wanted to keep her inside so that he could keep an eye on her, watching to make sure she didn’t tell anyone about Maria or his and Skye’s little “misunderstanding”.
She almost thought that she could hear Jules’ jaw drop in shock. “Three days? Skye you need to get out of that house. Would you please meet me at the park, over near the tree house? I promise that you won’t regret it.” Jules said kindly.
“Did you just ask me to meet you at the tree house?” She asked in disbelief.
Jules laughed uncomfortably, his careful shy side perking its way out. “Yeah, I did.”
“The answer is yes. Yes I will meet you there.” She agreed in total confidence. She didn’t care how mad Johnny would be if he found out; she didn’t even care about anything anymore. All she wanted to do was enjoy the best of time that she could, even if that meant risking her own days left.
“Good. I’ll be waiting.” Click.

The connection cut off and Skye could tell that he meant business. He was already there, she could feel it. How did he know I would say yes? He really must want to be friends. I think I will let him have that chance.

She thought with glee. Finally.

Skye jumped up from the bed, the pain she would sometimes endure was numbed, just like everything went numb— in a good way— when she thought about Jules. He meant so much to her already, and she couldn’t even seem to grasp how it had happened. Her heart may be able to heal, and that should be how things are supposed to be; but could it really be real?

The sky was opened up into a beautiful blue and fuchsia glory. Small white clouds drifted slowly across the blushing sky and the air was fresh and clean, lacking the fog and mugginess that had eclipsed the sky for so many days. The sun was setting in a perfect halo of beauty, and Skye sighed at the beauty of it all. She walked through the perfectly cut green grass with carelessness. She breathed in the heaviness of what real and fresh beauty feels like. Her mind was clear; she felt as if she could take on the world if she needed to.
She let the sun soak up everything and take away the fear still nestled in a little patch of her stomach. She was free of Johnny’s menacing anger, and she had been avoiding Bryan’s insistent badgering; she wasn’t ready to let him back into her life. Skye’s lips were hitched into a smile the moment she saw Jules. He was sitting atop the tree-house, his legs dangling off the side and his perfect eyes peering down at her. His face lit up the moment he caught her approaching him; and he jumped down from the structure, his body crouching down the moment he hit the ground. He stood up, tall, unharmed, and completely innocent, as if it had been any normal drop.
Skye let out a gasp and stopped for a moment only to have followed with a sprint the next moment. “Jules, are you crazy?” She shrieked, her voice tinged with surprise and laughter passed the initial upset vibe. How is he standing? That fall was fairly far.

She thought quizzically. She ran over to him as he brushed the dirt off of his hands and laughed, most likely at her.
“I would like to think that I am; otherwise I would be even more worried about myself.” He teased, grinning radiantly down at her.
Skye ran into him and hastily looked him over, searching for something close to an injury. “Are you alright, you’re not hurt are you?” She asked breathlessly. She didn’t look into his eyes for long; she knew she would get lost again.
“Never been better. You know, you look really cute when you’re worried for me.” He said matter-of-factly. “I like it, a lot

.” He winked when she peered up at his face.
Skye slapped his arm. “Shut up,” she yelled through sheer laughter. She was trying very hard not to let him see her laugh carelessly; she wanted him to think that she was still worried about him. He somehow managed to take the fall harmlessly. “I can’t believe you’re not hurt, are you sure you’re not?” She turned his hand over—palm side up—to examine it. She looked at the red but scar-free hand in awe, her smile slipping into complete amazement. “Unbelievable.” She whispered.
“I’m not hurt, Skye, I promise.” His voice echoed beautifully in her ear. Skye brushed her dainty fingers over his big and strong hand, checking for a scar or something

, as she fought her own urge to intertwine her fingers with his. Jules brought his free hand up to her face and caressed it, his thumb brushing gently over it. “Hey, I’m fine.” He said carefully, his dark emerald eyes showing nothing less than compassion.
“How?” She asked in awe, her eyes fluttering up to look into those vibrant eyes.
“I’ve endured a lot. Plus I grew up with an older brother who pushed me off of things a lot; I guess I just got used to falling and catching myself.” The moment he realized what he had said, he sucked in a sharp breath. Skye looked at him with surprise.
“You have an older brother?” She asked him.
Jules sighed and rubbed at his temples. “I had

an older brother. He passed away last year.” Jules’ face dropped, he looked devastated as if he was reliving the moment it all happened.
Skye gasped and turned away from him, she felt her heart drop into her stomach and she wanted to cry. I upset him again, why can’t I just get out of this all. I’m only making things worse for everyone.

“I’m so sorry, Jules. I—I didn’t mean to bring back anything. Sorry.” Her voice trailed off in the breeze and she felt her stomach tense up. She was ready to cry. Doing the only thing she thought she could do, she ran into Jules and wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his chest.
Jules took it as a shock for a moment, but the next moment he was smiling and hugging Skye preciously. “It’s okay, Skye. As sad as it is…we all kind of expected it. He was always getting himself wrapped up in the wrong crowds and into drugs and gangs. I even took it as a shock when he survived so long. We were always trying to protect him and warn him about what could happen, but he inherited my father’s pride and stubbornness.” He said it within sorrow and contentment. Jules stared at the ground as he held Skye closely.
Skye let out one last tear and smiled to herself, she was sad about the loss but happy that Jules was always so kind to her, it was starting to give her hope; hope in her never ending doubtful and gloomy world. “I’m sorry, Jules.” She whispered.
Jules smiled and pulled her away so that he could look into her eyes. “Don’t be sorry, Skye. You didn’t do anything

wrong.” He dropped his hand and rubbed his fingers along hers. “Let’s just go have some fun; wallowing in sorrow has never got anyone anywhere.” His face lit up again and Skye felt compelled to touch his face, to touch something so perfect and beautiful.
She nodded and wiped at her eyes. “Okay, what did you have in mind?” She asked him, her voice echoing harmoniously in the air.
Jules grinned. “I don’t know; whatever you want, I just want you to be happy, stool girl.”
“Okay. Well, if you are serious and you want to do something together, I would be perfectly alright with just talking or walking around the playground.” She grinned up at the caring boy standing before her.
Jules examined her face and chuckled. “I had something else in mind, actually.” He said mischievously.
Skye regarded him with a questionable smile and looked at him like he was crazy. “Then why did you just tell me to decide? You big liar,” She shoved him playfully.
“Oh really? Come on.” He gently grabbed her arm and pulled her after him. They ran through the woods, Skye asking him where they were going over and over again. Jules only laughed and urged her on. They ran into an opening in the woods, far away from the park and tree house, and Jules let go of her arm. There was a calm gathering of water at the bottom of the waterfall to their left. A huge rock nestled by the edge of the water and Jules jumped up onto it. “Are you coming?” He asked, his eyes glistening in the setting sun’s light.
Skye looked up from staring at the beautiful clear water and stared at Jules’ bright face. “Coming? Where?” She said quizzically. Why would he want me to join him on a—

Her train of thought was lost when she looked at the rope in his hands. Oh, no way

. She doubted herself in the ability to actually make it into the water without hurting herself.
Jules pulled his shirt over his head, showing his tan and muscular chest, and tossed it down to the ground. Skye fought back a gasp when she caught a look at him. Wow.

She found herself looking up him and she blushed when she saw him grinning. “The water will feel good, I promise.” He said before grabbing onto the rope and swinging on it. He dropped into the water and a splash erupted. She climbed the rock hurriedly and peered down below at Jules. He had just popped his head out of the water. He shook his head and his soaked hair perfectly fell around his face. “Hey, come on in, Skye. It feels great!” He exclaimed.
Skye shook her head and laughed at him. “No, I’m good up here.”
Jules swam closer to the rock and managed to pull himself out of the water and onto the huge smooth rock. He jumped to his feet and grinned at Skye. His entire body was drenched by the cool water and he opened up his arms to her. “Oh, you want a hug?” He said closing in on Skye.
Skye backed away until she was completely on the other side, one more move would knock her off of the rock. “No, come on Jules, don’t.” She pleaded through laughter.
Jules grinned ridiculously and stopped right in front of her. “Too late,” he said quickly as he pulled her into his arms and carried her, squeals escaping her lips fluidly. He held her over the edge of the rock and she squirmed in his strong but careful arms. “Any last words, stool girl?” He buried his rich green eyes into hers and she let up on the squeals.
“You’re such a looser,” she said teasingly. She looked at the eyes hiding behind wet strands of hair and sighed inside. She closed her eyes as he threw her into the water, her body flailing before she plunged deep under.
Jules let out a playful yell as he jumped into the water beside her. Under the water, Skye opened her eyes after feeling the pressure of Jules’ body beside her and smiled. Jules opened his eyes and swam right up next to Skye, their bodies only inches apart, separated by one’s own restraint. Both of them extended their hands and molded them together, Jules’ big hands protectively closing in on Skye’s dainty hands.
After a moment of the both of them getting lost in each other’s company, Jules helped Skye up to the surface. They gasped for air once above, but they didn’t look away from each other. How can someone so perfect be in my life?

Skye collided with the thought, slapping herself on the inside for even getting so close to someone in such a short time.
There was a dead silence between the two; Jules was asking himself the same question Skye was, over and over again in his mind. The thought that he doesn’t deserve her kept crossing by his mind and he shook his head of the thoughts. Skye reacted the same way, almost as if they were the same person, and shook her head clear of thought. Suddenly the silence flipped into a sheer awkwardness and Jules scattered himself away from Skye, swimming back to solid ground.
Skye sighed silently and followed after him. I’m pushing him away. Stop acting like such a lost and confused puppy, such a sickening puppy

. She scolded herself angrily. You

have a boyfriend

Jules hopped up from the water and reached for his shirt, before pulling it down over his head he looked at Skye’s shaking body. She had just come from the water and she was shivering. Jules tossed the shirt over to her. “Here, keep yourself warm.” He said gently.
Skye shook her head in disagreement and held the shirt out to him, her hands shaking. “No—Jules—k-keep—it—you—n-need—it—m-more—than—I—d-do.” She said through chattering teeth.
“I don’t.” Jules walked closer to her. “You’re freezing, Skye, please take it.” His usually bold eyes were filled with concern but his lips tipped into a soft smile. He stood right beside her, his eyes glazing over her timid expression.
Skye stared down at the dry shirt in her hands, something so warm felt so good, and carefully stepped away from Jules. She didn’t say anything more; she only looked at him while she pulled her wet tank top off.
Before Jules could even have seen anything he had turned around and headed for the path back through the woods. He bit his fingernail nervously as he waited; he was suddenly very uncomfortable around Skye. “Um, we should probably be heading back.” He said uncomfortably.
Skye walked over to him, clutching her wet top, and looked up at his tired face. “We should.” She agreed. Jules smiled uncomfortably and tipped his chin in the direction of the path. Skye couldn’t understand why he was acting so awkward, but she didn’t want ask him; silence was better than finding out things she didn’t want to hear. It was just a simple action, Jules, our touch didn’t mean anything.

She wanted to tell him. She didn’t want to find the one good and promising friendship she had crumbling because of one mistake.

They were walking through the dark moonlit park, an awkward silence still biting at the air. A glow from the moon eclipsed the night, and the shining stars decorated the night sky. Jules glanced down at Skye and moved his lips to speak, but he backed down.
They neared the exit of the park and Skye stopped in front of Jules. “Where are you going?” She asked him.
Jules stared at her. “Walking you home, is that alright?” He wouldn’t believe that she wouldn’t want him to.
“Oh, yes. Thanks, Jules.” She smiled up at him.
“Anytime.” He grinned and his white teeth glistened in the darkness. He looks so much paler in the night glow.

Skye thought. Her own skin was ghostly pale in the darkness of the night and it practically was glowing.
“Look, about tonight…” She let the words hang; she didn’t know how to finish it.
Jules started walking and Skye was quickly into pace with him. He looked tired, as if he was tired of trying to explain things. “It was good. We’re good, there’s nothing we need to explain. I understand that what happened back at the water meant nothing. I don’t even know why it happened.” He explained lamely. He squinted and laughed at himself awkwardly. “Wow that sounded pretty stupid.”
Nothing you say sounds stupid.

Skye smiled despite her own sheer feelings for him. She didn’t know if the feelings were real or meant nothing; they were too confusing. “No, you’re right. It was silly and I don’t know why I did it. It was just a silly move; we don’t have to feel weird about it.”
Jules nodded his head. “Exactly, I mean let’s just start over and have a good rest of the night.” He said kindly.
Skye couldn’t help but smile, truly smile, at his words. “I’d like that,” she said in relief, “what’s your favorite summer activity?”
Jules laughed abruptly. “What kind of start over question is that?” He teased.
“Hey, don’t laugh at me; it’s a very understandable question.” She laughed carelessly, her life at home falling to pieces.
“Okay, miss know it all, if you really want to know what it is I’ll tell you. My favorite summer activity would have to be going to the beach on a clear night and stargazing. I know, I know, it must sound strange hearing it from me, but I really like it; it’s refreshing and good for freethinking.”
“It’s not strange at all. It’s actually nice to hear a guy say that his favorite ‘summer’ activity isn’t something involving a girl. Just don’t even ask.” She said softly.
“Okay, I won’t.”
“Good.” She exhaled the breath she had been holding and sighed. Finally. I don’t have to explain myself.

Minutes later, they arrived at Skye’s house. “Well, this is it.” She said walking up the steps.
Jules looked at her and regarded her with a carefree smile. He wanted to follow her up the stairs and give her a hug, but he couldn’t find himself doing it. “I’ll see you later, Skye. It was a nice night.”
“Yeah, it was great. Thanks for the refreshing splash.” She said around a smile. “See you later, Jules.” She waved goodbye and turned the doorknob, walking inside quickly.
“Goodbye, Skye.” Jules whispered before leaving the property. He gave glances back at the house as he walked away with his hands in his pockets.
Skye leaned against the door and grinned in satisfaction. He thought it was a nice night

. She thought happily. Maybe this will actually be a good friendship

. When Skye brought herself back into the moment she realized that all of the lights were off. She took a step forward. Why is it so dark?

she asked herself.
Suddenly a shadow near the staircase stood out to her and a figure stepped out. She gasped and fell back against the front door. “Bryan?” she whispered in disbelief.
He stepped out of the shadows and Skye could see the grin that had crept up his face. “Hey, beautiful.” He whispered darkly as he stepped right in front of her and pressed his hands up against the wall, capturing Skye between them.
“What are you doing here?” A cold fear trickled down her spine and she swallowed hard. If he had seen Jules she was dead.
Bryan looked her over, the moment his eyes met up with Jules’ shirt they became coated with furry. “What’s this?” he fingered the shirt and showed it to her.
No, not the shirt. Why did I have to wear the stupid thing?

She thought dreadfully. “It’s nothing Bryan, move out of my way.” She tried to go under his arms but his hand violently shoved her back against the wall. “Bryan, you’re scaring me.”
Who’s is this?

” He said venomously, his bold eyes darkening to a threat. Skye gasped as his hands pinched at her hips and he shoved her against the wall again. “Skye!” He said through gritted teeth.
Skye could feel the anger he was feeling and she thought better of telling him a lie. “Jules’,” she breathed, “it’s Jules’ shirt.”
Bryan’s jaw tightened and he growled under his breath. “That was a very stupid choice, Skye.” He said angrily as he slid his hand up her and slapped her across the cheek. “Goodnight, Skye.” He clutched her neck between his strong hands and squeezed, Skye grabbing a hold on his arm as she was slightly lifted off of the ground. He threw her to the ground violently a moment later. She crashed into the ground, her head hitting the floor with skull cracking force. Bryan grinned wickedly down at her as the world crashed into a dark coldness.

Torn Apart

Skye opened her eyes drowsily to find a coffee table right in front of her. Her eyes shot open and she realized that there were strong arms holding her close. Her head was throbbing and aching, so much that she thought it would explode. What’s going on?

She thought offhandedly. She pushed gently on the arms engaging her and winced as a pain pierced her head. She sucked a breath in sharply when Bryan’s arms squeezed her. A smile crept up his face.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked Skye drowsily. Skye shut her eyes tightly and took a deep breath.
“Nowhere—I mean I was just going to go to the bathroom.” She stammered in a whisper.
“The bathroom? Skye, come on beautiful, you expect me to believe you? You broke our promised agreement.” He said sinisterly.
Skye felt overwhelmingly cold, despite Bryan’s warm arms around her. “No I—I’m so sorry, Bryan. But, you can’t be mad at me for getting out of the house; you sure got around

when I was all alone at home.” Skye’s body started shaking and she tried

to hold back the fear. She was still entirely angry at Bryan, but there was still that part of her that wanted to work things out and forgive him.
Bryan swallowed hard on his own anger and squeezed her even tighter, squeezing the breath right out of her. Skye could feel the vibration of his quiet laughter roughly against her back. “The difference being, I

didn’t promise anything.” He whispered slyly in her ear, the warm breath sending chills down her spine.
Skye gasped and her eyes suddenly stung. “Do you even love me anymore, Bryan?” She said softly, her entire body trembling.
“Of course I love you, beautiful. I was just joking, babe.” He snickered. “You’re so easy

,” he growled quietly.
Skye couldn’t breathe; all of her breath had been sucked out of her by his words. She let out a muffled sob and her eyes stung with tears, tears of pain and hatred. “Get away from me, Bryan.” She said, desperately clutching at his arms and trying to pry his arms away from her.
Bryan chuckled darkly. “I don’t want to.” He groaned. “Stay with me, we have some unfinished business to take care of. How about you come with me downstairs,” he hissed.
Skye’s heart stopped beating. She couldn’t move, her body went numb as she was still grasping what he had said. We don’t have any unfinished business; you’re only a psychotic freak!

She wanted to scream at him, but the words weren’t coming out, it was as if there was some amount of feeling still inside her that cared enough to hold back. “No, Bryan, get away.” She breathed.
“You’re mine, Skye; you need to listen to me

.” Bryan got up from the couch, holding Skye by her stomach, and dragged them over to the door to the basement. Skye dug her nails into his arms and he let her go as he yelled out in pain. She scrambled away from him, slipping on the wooden floor. Bryan’s jaw tightened and he cursed under his breath. He spun around and reached out for her shirt, catching her from the back and yanking her into him.
“No, stop!” She screamed, flailing her arms to hit him anywhere.
Bryan grabbed her wrists painfully with one hand and with the other hand he cupped it over her mouth. “Shut up, babe. You wouldn’t want to wake everyone up now would you?” He growled.
She squirmed in his grasp and tried to make as much sound as possible. Bryan, let go, I hate you.

She screamed, but it was muffled by his hand.
“It’s okay, beautiful, it’ll be quick and gentle.” He said chillingly as he pulled her down the basement steps, locking the door before going. Skye followed clumsily along with him, his grip on her wrists tightening violently. She was sobbing in fury and wanted him to be done. Bryan threw her against the couch and aggressively threw himself on top of her. He grinned wickedly at her flustered face and chuckled. “Be quiet or we’ll have to do things the hard way,” he warned.
“Please, Bryan I’m begging you, get off me. I don’t want

to do this.” She sobbed.
He looked down at the T-shirt of Jules’ that she was still wearing and something worse than anger twitched across his face. “You don’t have a choice anymore; you owe me, for this

.” He spat, clutching the shirt so that she knew what he was talking about.
Skye was flushed and filled with disappointment, mostly in herself. “No, Bryan, I’m sorry. Don’t do

this!” She cried as he gripped her by the shoulders and shoved her against the couch cushions. He traced his lips over her lips and traveled downward, rolling her shirt off with his hands. “Bryan,” she breathed with as much air as she could get.
“Hush now, there’s nothing you can do, just relax.” He whispered.
What am I doing, I can’t let him do this to me, not for real. I have to find a way out.

She was trembling and could hardly think; her head was pounding a menacing beat over and over again. She reached for his neck and clawed at it, trying to hurt him as much as he had hurt her.
Bryan’s eyes shot up darkly into her eyes and he laughed. “Stop fighting it, Skye, you’re only making things harder.” That’s the point, idiot

. Bryan pinned her body under his and traced his fingers over her stomach, leaning down to kiss her. He pressed his hands on her stomach, trapping her delicate body under his strength.
Skye winced as he pressed harder and harder, causing her breath to be taken away. He grinned when he heard her, knowing that he was breaking her down. “That’s my girl,” he said around a kiss.
“Bryan, stop

.” She said breathlessly.
“No, I’m good.” He slammed his fist on her stomach and let his lips travel down her neck.
I can’t endure anymore, I wish this was over.

She stopped fighting, she gave in. She closed her eyes and tried to think back on a memory, vanishing the present. The first memory to come to her mind was her and Jules under water. Why is it that every time I think about something, he’s there?

She asked herself helplessly. She saw his eyes, those beautiful orbs that tranquilize her, and she saw their hands touching; she could almost feel his hands against hers.
Bryan yanked his shirt over his head and tossed it, shoving his lips back against hers. Skye unwillingly kissed him, feeling overly uncomfortable as his bare chest pressed down against hers and his hands traveled under her.
Suddenly, the door knob rattled and Leah’s soft voice called through. “Skye, you have company.”
Bryan shot up and moaned, his legs were still pinning Skye down. “Not again,” he growled. Cursing under his breath, he jumped off of the couch and hurried over to grab his shirt.
Leah became bewildered by the long silence. “Sweetie, what are you doing down there?” She asked, her voice tinged with disproval.
Skye got herself up but everything was spinning and she could hardly breathe. She tried to call out to her mom but anything she said came out in a rasped quietness. Bryan threw the T-shirt over to her and glared at her. “We’re not done here,” he hissed quietly.
I know we’re not.

Skye moaned and collapsed, her body shaking uncontrollably. Bryan ran to her side and carefully touched her forehead. “You’re burning up, babe. Here,” he whispered, lifting her up and helping the shirt over her head. Skye’s skin was ice-cold; the only warmth she felt was Bryan’s body heat. He lifted her up and cradled her in his arms, her body limply dangling. Everything is numb, what’s happening to me?

She thought dizzily.
Bryan rushed her up the stairs and carefully opened the door, managing to keep his hold on her. “Mrs. Rich, something’s wrong with her. She’s ice-cold, but her forehead is burning.” He said the moment he saw Leah. She looked at her daughter and her mouth gaped open. She had sucked in a breath and wasn’t exhaling. “Breathe!” Bryan yelled at her.
Leah snapped out of her horrified stare. “Johnny, come here! Hurry!” Leah called out, trying to stay as calm as possible.
Johnny ran around the corner, a spatula in his hand. “What is it Leah, what—” He cut off and dropped the utensil when he saw Skye’s limp body hanging in Bryan’s arms. He gave him the death stare. “What did you do to her Bryan? If you hurt her, you can forget about ever seeing her again, I swear. You would have to sleep with your eyes open at night, if I find out you touched her—”
Leah cut him off, hitting him on his shoulder. “Stop it Johnny, just do something helpful, we can yell at Bryan later.” She said, her tone was calm, but behind her stability she was dying inside. Skye was hardly breathing, her chest moved slightly up and down and her breathing was rough. Leah wouldn’t forgive herself if her daughter died. “Go!” She shrieked when Johnny didn’t move.
Bryan handed Skye off to Johnny and followed him into the living room, Leah right behind them. “What can I do?” Bryan asked, worry edging its way into his voice. He realized just how serious it all was, Skye was barely breathing.
“What happened?” Rachel said hastily as she ran up to see what was going on, her hand over her mouth.
“Skye and I were talking and she suddenly fell cold.” Bryan lied. Skye could barely hear everyone, she was slowly fading away from the world, her vision blurring, her heart slowing down. This is it. I must be dying

. “She needs help, Johnny can’t do anything!” Bryan yelled at Leah.
“Johnny was trained in medical emergencies, he can help her.” Leah said loudly, maneuvering herself around so that she was kneeling down beside the couch that Skye was lying on. “Everything’s going to be okay, sweetie, everything is going to be okay.” She whispered to her daughter as she held her cold hands. Her daughter was slipping away from her.
Skye shot up in bed, her head aching from a piercing pain that shook inside her head. “No!” She shrieked, her breath rasping.
“Skye, sweetie what’s wrong?” Leah cried, running into Skye’s bedroom.
“I—I don’t know, my—my head, it hurts.” Skye stammered as her eyes let tears spill down her cheeks.
“Let me get Johnny,” Leah said quietly.
Skye’s eyes bugged out. “No don’t; I just need some medicine, that’s all.” She said desperately, even though she had no idea what really had happened.
Leah looked at her daughter carefully and regarded her with sympathy. “Okay, I’ll get that right away.”
Skye nodded, regretting it the moment later as her head pulsed. What happened to me? Was it Bryan? Skye thought in pain. The “fall”, and when he threw me to the ground pushing all of his weight onto me had to be it. He did all of this to me. I need help, desperately. Bryan’s not right for me. What’s another broken promise going to do to me?

Leah walked out of the bathroom carrying a glass of water and two pain killers in her hands. “Here sweetie,” she said as she placed them in her daughter’s small hands.
“Thanks.” Skye swallowed the pills quickly and sighed, trying to forget about all that had happened in the past 24 hours. She couldn’t believe that her father had been abusive, or that Jules was unchangingly kind, and she certainly couldn’t believe that Bryan had overtaken her again. She wanted it all to end, but she still felt something for him that wasn’t allowing her to tell anyone. She still felt something for Bryan.
Leah looked into the eyes of her beautiful daughter, she saw Skye’s father so deeply, and that gave her the urge to cry. Her daughter almost died earlier that morning and Leah couldn’t help but think that it had something to do with Bryan. “Skye, you weren’t being completely honest with me, were you?” She asked, patting Skye’s leg that was buried under the blankets.
Skye looked at her mother in shock. “About what?” She asked softly, her voice faltering. Her mom knew, she knew about Bryan, at least something about him somehow.
“About Bryan,” she sighed, “you told me that everything was fine with you two. What were you both doing downstairs? You’ve never had trouble with your heath that badly. I don’t want you to get hurt, take things slow, okay?” She was entirely too calm around the stern tone. She hated seeing her daughter, her own blood, in so much pain. She could read that something was wrong about Skye, she only couldn’t figure out if it had something to do with Bryan or not.
“I know, Mom. Nothing happened down there, I didn’t want anything to, and so it didn’t.” She lied, choking on her words but covering for it. “I’m not going to get hurt, okay, Mom?” Skye faked a smile at her mom to assure that everything was fine, even though she clearly knew that it wasn’t.
“Then why are you so ill? Sweetie, we found bruises all over your arms and chest. Something’s going on, and I need to know what it is.” Concern and sorrow caked Leah’s voice as she talked to Skye about what was troubling her so deeply.
Skye’s smile faded and she covered her mouth, her eyes watering with regret. “Mom, it has nothing to do with Bryan. I have been doing it to myself, I have been hurting myself. It’s all very easy, almost natural; and when I heard about Dad, I—I couldn’t help but do it even more. Bryan was just trying to be of comfort, a helping hand to carry me through. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you sooner, Mom, I—I meant to.” She sobbed, her muffled words echoing through Leah’s mind.
Leah gasped at her daughters painful words; she didn’t want to believe that her daughter would really be hurting herself. “What?” She said in astonishment. “You’ve been harming yourself

? Why—why would you do that?” Leah’s eyes darkened with worry.
“Because I can’t stand the pain, I figure that a little physical pain can’t do any more harm. I know that I shouldn’t let him bother me—Dad—but I can’t help but feel pain when I think about him. He left you because of me, even though you hadn’t even been ready for that

kind of relationship he had pushed you into it, and it’s horrible to think about. Everything I know about him is painful and I just want it to be over, but the next best thing for me would be causing more pain.” She said quietly, the words streaming out with no difficulty. It all was true, everything except the harming herself part. She really was angry at the father she never met, and she was lost in the pain.
Leah looked at her daughter utterly horrified. “I’m so sorry I ever told you,” said Leah, barely above a whisper, “I knew that it would only bring you pain.” Leah shook her head as tears welled up, threatening to gush out.
“Don’t be, Mom. I needed to know the truth, it is better that I know the truth. I’m just sorry that you had to go through something like that, the entire situation that brought me here.” She mumbled, her head suddenly aching despite the pain-killers. She swallowed hard on the lump in her throat. Skye was insanely tired of all the lies; but she knew that they would not only protect Leah, but that they would protect her too. Bryan’s wicked and cruel spirit wouldn’t ever change if she gives up on him, and she knows that. Skye’s his last resort.
Leah let out a sob and broke down, the tears and sobs filling the room. Skye scooted herself over to her mom and pulled her fragile body into her arms. Skye soothed her mom and listened to the cries in agony, she hated seeing Leah cry and she hated it even more when she knew that it was because of her. She had tried everything to keep Leah away from the pain, but nevertheless, it all came in a destructive force. The two sat on the bed, Leah and Skye hugging each other, and cried. Skye wasn’t shedding a tear, but inside she was sobbing her heart out.
Johnny walked past the room and stopped, turned around, and leaned on Skye’s bedroom door frame. He watched as two of the women in his life sat in sorrow, with little sorrow that he caused. He glared at Skye, thinking of how she was giving Leah reason to cry. Skye caught his harsh glare and she frowned at him. “Hello my lovely ladies, how’s everything going?” He said with manner. He no longer looked angry or fierce, for he looked emotionless, calm and careful. Skye could tell that hiding under the façade for Leah he was undeniably infuriated.
“Everything is going alright, nothing’s wrong.” Skye chirped in, trying to encourage Johnny, to keep him from getting any more upset than he already has taken on.
Leah scooted away from Skye and rubbed Skye’s arm. “Something is wrong, Johnny, Skye has been hurting herself.” She said between a sob.
Skye wanted to speak up, but she couldn’t, not with Johnny’s eyes burning into her soul. She knew that he would harm them both, and Skye was perfectly fine with taking the burdens as long as Leah was okay. She would die for her mom if the situation ever came.
Johnny smiled for a moment before wiping it off and rushing over to Skye, pretending to care and have sympathy for her. “Oh, no. Don’t do that, Skye, you’re mush too sweet of a girl to hurt yourself.” He said in a hushed tone, wrapping his arms around Skye carefully. Skye could practically feel

his smirk, only there was none; he had to keep up the façade.
“I know, but maybe life just isn’t so sweet right now.” She mumbled and gently pushed Johnny away, she was tired of him always getting so close to her, and she was utterly exhausted. “If you two wouldn’t mind, could you please leave? I need to think,” she told Leah and Johnny, causing Leah’s expression to drop into fear for her daughter.
“Okay, but don’t hurt yourself, okay sweetie?” Leah said quietly as Johnny helped her off the bed and put his arm around her.
I’m not, I can’t believe that you could ever think that I could

. Skye wished she could say, but instead she half-smiled at Leah and sat back against her bed-frame. “I won’t, Mom, I promise.” She whispered softly, glancing between Johnny and Leah. Johnny gave her a quick look of disgust but smiled when Leah looked up at him.
“Come on, Johnny, we should go.” Leah said as she pushed him out of the room, shutting the door behind them.
Skye took a deep breath of relief, but the moment she relaxed was the same moment that Bryan walked into her bedroom. She gasped and jolted upright, her body suddenly ice-cold.
Bryan looked at her and smiled, “You’re awake,” he commented as he shut the door and stepped halfway into her room. “How are you feeling?” He asked quietly, he was suddenly very different from how he had been earlier. He looked as if he actually cared for her, filled with sympathy and something similar to regret.
Skye settled herself down and tried to relax, he couldn’t hurt her with Leah and Johnny right inside the house, and especially not when everyone was awake. “I feel like I was hit by a truck, no thanks to you.” She muttered and winced as her chest went tight.
Bryan looked at her for a moment before rushing to her side with caring eyes. Skye only gave him a look of disgust and bit her tongue to refrain from saying something that would upset him. “Hey, look,” he tried to stroke her cheek but she smacked it and looked away. “Skye, I’m sorry, really sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you like that, I really didn’t.”
Skye couldn’t contain it any longer. “Then why did

you?” She shrieked, looking him directly in the eyes as rage steamed its way off of her. Hot tears of anger splashed down her face as she looked at the boy that supposedly loved her; the same boy that beat on her and yelled at her one moment, but the next he was soft and gentle. She couldn’t stand his retched behavior. “You could have killed me, Bryan.” She whispered, scared of the words she admitted. “And you know what else you did? I had to lie

to Leah—lie

to her—the very woman that gave birth to me! For once, Bryan, why can’t you just stay away from me? If you really love me, you would do that for me.” She was desperate, she needed him to understand her, and she needed him to leave her alone for a while. They need a break.
Bryan looked at Skye with a horrified stare. He was trying to figure out all of what she said, he couldn’t believe it all. “Skye, I’m really sorry, I hate

that you had to lie, I don’t want you to have to do things like that. I love you, Skye, I really do; but I don’t know if I can stay away from you, you

are what continues to keep me alive and running.” For once, Bryan was the desperate one; he was the one that wanted understanding from her

Skye fought the small side of her mind that screamed “kiss and make up” and she managed to choose what she knew actually was the right decision. “Bryan, I have had enough of this relationship for the time. We need a break, and I can’t promise you that I will still be here when you get everything figured out. You really need help, Bryan. I love you, Bryan, I really do; but you definitely need someone’s help for a little while, and I am not

that someone. Go get help and call me when you have things figured out.” She said bravely, exhaustion had taken a toll on her.
Bryan became angry for a moment but then it all settle. She wanted time away from him, she wasn’t saying good-bye forever but she was saying that things between them were not going to be the same for the time being. Suddenly, Bryan felt a hallow place in his heart, he finally saw what he had been doing wrong. Bryan had finally latched onto reality. He let go of his anger and actual tears of regret stirred within him. “Jules doesn’t have anything to do with this, does he?”
Skye sighed and relaxed herself back into the comfort of her bedding. “Bryan, you know the answer to that question. I have told you he has nothing to do with us.”
Bryan got up from the bed and stood the distance away from her, staring down at her week body. He knew that he had done everything to her, he had caused everything in their relationship to go wrong and he needed to come to terms with that. “I’m going to believe you, Skye. I love you,” he reached for her hand but she drew away and rolled onto the other side, her back facing him. “good-bye, my love.” Was the last thing he said before he left the room, blocking their worlds by the door.
Skye couldn’t believe that she had made it out of that conversation alive, but more than that, she couldn’t believe that they were on a break. She felt sick to her stomach; her heart was crumbling inside of her. She wasn’t heartbroken that Bryan was gone, she was heartbroken more for the reason that she knew that she had to avoid Jules as best as she could. Tears gushed out from her eyes as she sobbed into the sheet wrapped around her hand. Jules meant so much to her, everything about him made her feel secure, but after how close she saw they could get, she had to stay away from it. She didn’t know enough about him.
“Why does everything always have to go bad before you can even get a taste of the good?” She murmured thoughtfully. Every season has an end, and she wanted the season of fighting herself for Jules to end. Part of her never wanted to see him again while the other part wanted to never leave him. Skye drifted into a deep slumber, Jules fading into the background.
She never knew that life could get so complicated.

“Skye, hey Skye, are you awake?” A manly voice said, as a gentle hand shook Skye.
Skye moaned as an unknown pain crippled her voice and she kept her eyes closed. She knew the voice but she wasn’t in reality enough to fully place it.
“Skye, you should get up, I want to talk to you. Stool girl, are you okay?” Jules whispered caringly. He was knelt down beside the bed and had one hand on the bed, while the other hand was on her shoulder shaking it carefully.
Skye woke up and opened her eyes to find Jules’ radiant emeralds burrowing into her. He grinned when he saw her but Skye only flinched back—they were so close to each other. “Jules, what are you

doing here?” she asked groggily, a yawn escaping from her lips.
“I came over to see what was up since you weren’t answering your phone and your mom told me what happened. Well, she told me the best she knew, at least.”
“What do you mean? Whatever she told you what happened, is

what happened; she doesn’t lie.”
He blinked and drew his head back a little. “No, no, Skye, I didn’t mean that. I just meant that I think there’s more to what happened that she doesn’t even know about.”
Skye stared at him questionably. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t think that you

did this to yourself. Skye, you couldn’t possibly do harm to yourself. I may not know you all that well, but you wouldn’t do that unless someone pushed you into it. That much I do know.” He said sweetly, his eyes filled with sincerity and care. He believes in her, really believes in her.
Skye couldn’t believe it, she couldn’t believe that Jules was doing it again; he was building her up in even one of the hardest times. She wanted to tell him the truth, but she knew that he could get into something with Bryan and she didn’t want to see that happen again. The only thing she believed that she could do was lie. “I did all of this to myself, Jules. I don’t like who I am, and I don’t care about how things have become anymore, so I’ll betray myself anytime.”
Jules touched her arm and gently rubbed his thumb over a scar. “You didn’t do any of this to yourself, but if you don’t want to tell me, I’ll leave it all alone. I’m not going to pressure you into telling me, and I won’t go searching for answers; but I do hope that you eventually tell me, because, Skye, I’m here to listen.”
Despite the anger she had towards him for figuring her out, she couldn’t help but smile. He understood her, he somehow could tell something that her own mother couldn’t even seem to grasp, yet he knew what it was and he didn’t pressure her about it, he didn’t want to cause any trouble or upset. Jules really does care about her enough to not want to hurt her. He’s far from being near Bryan’s settlement. “Thank you, Jules. I’m glad that you’re here.” She whispered, sleep calling back for her. She closed her eyes and smiled, feeling the warmth of Jules’ hand close by her. She felt warm and secure again, he changed every thought in her mind clear of Bryan, he brought her away from the past and into the present—nothing else mattered.
Jules smiled warmly and leaned in to kiss her forehead. “No problem, Trouble.” He whispered around the kiss.
Skye’s smile became a little bigger as she thought about the new name she had from him. “Now I’m ‘trouble?” she murmured.
Jules chuckled and stayed leaning down towards her. “Yeah, it seems to fit you perfectly. You’re trouble for me, I just can’t stay away.”
Skye blinked her eyes open and looked at his gorgeous face, the face that in her mind was so perfect in was angelic. “You’re a dork.” She teased.
Jules pondered that for a moment and nodded. “Sure I am. But that just makes me ten times more irresistible.”
Skye rolled her eyes closed and chuckled. “I never would have guessed that.”
“That’s because you’re not a dork, remember? You’re trouble—my favorite kind of trouble.” He sighed and pulled himself upright, examining her from the short distance. She looked peaceful, he thought. Little did he know that she always felt peaceful

around him, no matter how uneasy she could feel because of the simplicity of his presence. It was always that good uneasy though, and she never disliked it. “Sleep well, Trouble.” Jules was satisfied just looking at her, but he knew that she needed her sleep.
She mumbled something inaudible and reached out for his shirt, grabbing it and pulling him down towards her. Jules clumsily fell to her bed as she opened her eyes. Jules was leaning over the bed and their faces were only inches apart. They smiled at each other and looked from eye to eye, finding themselves lost in each other’s souls. “Jules there’s something I never told you,” Skye explained, her hand reaching up and tracing his chin.
Jules resituated himself a little bit better and grinned. “And what’s that?” he inquired.
Skye breathed in his scent and traced her finger over his lips, the soft lips that she desired and longed to kiss. “I’ve never made a habit of falling off of stools, but if I had to go back and change that moment that night, I wouldn’t do it.” She purred. Her voice was soft but crisp.
Jules brushed his hands through her hair and filled another inch of space. “To be honest, I’ve never been good at staying away from trouble.”
Skye grinned and put both of her hands around his neck. “Good,” the word trailed off as she filled another inch of space, “I can live with that.” Come on, Jules, you only get so many chances in life.

She thought about their lips brushing against each other and she sighed. Skye slowly started to close her eyes. Take a chance and unravel this mystery.

Things happen in a moment’s time and feelings can bloom before they’re even found.

Complicated Nightmares

One week later

The morning sky was blinding, a bright yellow glory traced by beauty. Skye sat on the window ledge, thinking about the beauty that she finally felt in her heart. For one week, Skye had been free from Bryan’s rage, free from living with the fear of having him hurt her. For an entire week, Johnny hadn’t touched her—he was gone on a “business trip”. For an entire week, she and Jules had been around each other a lot, free from Bryan’s threats. She finally felt that life was getting better, that Jules really was changing things.
She breathed in the fresh summer air, air that was clear of the past humidity. Closing her eyes, she felt the warmth envelope her, taking her over, and, somehow, refreshing her. The sky was painted with those bright colors, fluffy white clouds drifting slowly across the smeared beauty that had been created. She could feel the beauty and tranquility in the air, a rich melody of peace. “Beautiful,” she sighed, fluttering her eyes open.
“Yes, you are.” Jules said as he stepped into her bedroom. His voice was harmonious, breathtaking really.
She practically fell off of the ledge at the sound of his voice, smiling to herself with glee. He came for her again, just as he had promised. Once she gained her concentration, she turned her head towards him. He was leaning against the door frame, hands hooked in his pockets, and a grin was plastered on his face. She could hardly help but stare at him, there was just something about him that set her off into a whole other world, a world free and all too unreal. “Look who decided to show up,” she said, circling her feet over the edge.
“Who, me?” He said playfully, raising his eyebrows curiously.
She laughed and leapt off of the ledge. “No, I was talking about my imaginary friend Jimmy.” She scoffed playfully.
“You’ve been holding out on me, Trouble? Is he your new boyfriend? Wait, he’s not any more irresistible then I am, is he? No, that’s right, he couldn’t be.” He winked and unhitched himself from the frame.
She laughed and felt her face burn. “No, of course not, nobody could be.” She purred, stepping closer to him. Jules walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, their bodies cuddled together.
“Exactly,” he whispered as he bent his head down to kiss hers. “I missed you, trouble.”
She smiled and pulled herself away from him so that she was looking straight into his eyes. “It has only been one day, Jules.”
“Really? Oh, that was one long day.” He brought his hand up to her face and stroked her hair behind her ear. “Every day without you seems a little bit too long,” he whispered, his deep green eyes bold and glistening.
“How charming,” said Skye as she pulled his hand into hers and fit her fingers between his. “You’re an original Romeo.”
“Actually, I thought I would rather portray the knight in shining armor,” he chuckled. “But I guess that doesn’t really fit with this scenario, does it?”
Skye smiled casually and dropped his hand, staring into the eyes of someone she has always felt something with. “It doesn’t, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t be that for me. I think that you easily could be.”
“Maybe someday,” said Jules, as he pulled Skye up by her hips and bent down to kiss her. “I’m willing to wait for miracles.” He whispered into Skye’s ear.
Skye closed her eyes and waited for their lips to meet, but then suddenly everything felt very wrong. She gasped and scrambled away from him, pushing on his hands. “Wait, Jules, this isn’t right.” She backed away breathlessly, practically scared at how Jules would react.
Jules looked utterly confused and helpless, like a lost puppy. “Skye, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to—” He cut himself off, afraid that his words weren’t enough. Skye looked genuinely afraid of him, nervous and lost, just another dying soul from Bryan’s intimidation. Jules carefully stepped closer to her, his hand outstretched in front of him, but Skye only backed away and shook her head.
“I know you didn’t, it’s just too personal Jules. I can’t deal with it yet.” She said from short breaths.
“What really happened to you, Skye? I need to know, I—I want to help.” Jules searched inside of Skye’s eyes for something that would bring an explanation. “Please, let me in, Skye.”
Skye knew that she should let him in on Bryan’s abuse; she knew that he deserved at least that much, but she was afraid that he wouldn’t want to be around her if he found out that she was weak. She didn’t want him to leave her—he meant everything to her now. Who knew that from only one week of interacting with someone, you could feel something that meant more than anything else, something truly beautiful? Every touch, every conversation, and every bit of laughter shared could be more beautiful than life itself. She knew that what was going on was wrong; maybe Bryan had cheated and beat on her, and they were on a break, but what she and Jules were doing wasn’t right and she didn’t want to ruin their friendship. She needs at least one relationship to last.
Every part of her was battling against another, most of her didn’t care what she did to Bryan, but the other knew it was wrong. Every action could cause a chain reaction, and that was exactly what she wanted to avoid. Skye figured out what she was to do. “If I were to let you in, would you promise not to tell anyone? You have to promise not to tell anyone, otherwise we don’t have a deal.” She said sternly but quietly, hugging her arms as chills shot over her arm.
Jules smiled nervously and looked at her with compassion. “Skye, I promise I won’t tell anyone. If that’s what you want, I will comply with your proposal.” He reassured her, taking a step forward and giving her a look as to ask if it was okay. Skye nodded and smiled around her tears that began to fill her eyes. Jules stepped over to her and embraced her, holding her as if she was his own.
Thinking about even talking about Bryan was harder than anything she had ever thought about confessing. She was nervous that the words would come out wrong, but in a way, she didn’t even care anymore. Bryan should be a thing of the past, something that is long gone and forgotten, and by a miracle, Skye was finally beginning to realize that what she felt for him was never true love. For true love is hard to find, but if all of the suffering that she has faced is what was required for her to get a glimpse of what love isn’t, than it simply was worth it.
Skye believed that what she had gotten herself into was far less than “perfect” love. She knew that it would take time to trust again and eventually fall madly in love with someone, but when the thought came across her mind that maybe by some impossible odd she had already started to find something—someone—honest, she started to believe in miracles.
Jules breathed in Skye’s fragrance, taking everything about her in, and sighed deeply. He only desired to keep her safe for the moment—nothing else mattered. “I don’t want to lose you, Skye. I will do anything that you need me to, just say the word, I’ll be there.” He whispered to her as his own spirit was swallowed up by Skye’s every emotion, bringing himself to her own level, feeling all of her heartache.
“Thank you,” Skye sobbed, clutching his shirt in her fists and letting her tears gush out. Jules didn’t seem to mind; in fact, with every sob he heard he held on tighter, clinging to her as if no one could claw her away, no one could steal her away from him. “I wouldn’t even be alive if it wasn’t for you.” She whispered against his chest, the words muffled and inaudible for Jules. He couldn’t hear it, Skye knew that, but for some reason he still tensed up.
“Skye?” He pulled her away from him and looked at her face. He looked confused and terrified, as if something was frightening him. Something close to anger crossed his face for a moment and then the next his expression was blank. “I need you to wait for me, okay? I will come by later tonight, I promise. There’s just something I really need to do.” He said hastily, wiping a stray tear off of her cheek.
Skye looked up at him as if someone had just slapped her. She didn’t know how to respond, or how to even think about what he had just said. He was ditching her; she couldn’t believe that even though he had seemed so promising moments before, he was suddenly skipping out on her. “Okay, you go ahead,” she stuttered, her tiny voice barely noticeable.
Jules smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek before running out of her room and down the stairs to leave. He stopped at the door and cursed himself for leaving. “Idiot, you always have to ruin anything.” He muttered to himself, pounding his fist against the wall and clenching his teeth. He hated himself—he hated himself for leaving her—even though something very important had come up. Before leaving the house entirely, he whispered a few last words to Skye as if she was standing right in front of him, “I think I’ve made a mistake, Trouble. You’ve become more to me than I thought you ever would be,” he let out a lonesome and heavy sigh, “I think I’m forgetting about who I am—you top everything now.” With that, he hurried out of the house, shutting the door behind him.
Skye felt colder than she thought was even possible; she wanted his warmth around her, comforting her. She trembled and fell to the floor beside her bed, shaking and holding her arms as she thought about someone who changed all perspective she had.

Skye sat downstairs on the couch, watching the TV but not really understanding what was on. She couldn’t get Jules out of her head, she couldn’t forget about him, and she wanted him back in her house with his arms around her. She wanted to feel his touch, to smell his scent, and to see his beauty. She needed him back. The only thing that she could think about was that he was going to be back for her.
Her cell rang out in her hand and she jumped before clutching it tightly and flipping it open. Rachel was calling her.
“Hey, what’s up?” She answered immediately.
“I have a surprise, are you home?” Rachel asked bluntly.
Skye flinched, taken aback. “Yes, I am. What’s the surprise, Rachel?” She asked timidly.
Rachel laughed on the other line. “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it?” She giggled, satisfied with herself. “Skye, open the front door, I want to show you the surprise.”
Skye rolled herself off of the couch and walked over to the front door, her head throbbing from having so many things going through her mind. She couldn’t stop thinking about Jules. The moment she opened the door, Rachel squeaked and wrapped Skye in a huge hug.
Rachel peeled herself off of Skye after a moment and grinned vibrantly. She turned around and waved someone on, giggling under her breath. “Come on, Victor.”
Skye stared at her friend, confused but sort of giggly. “Rachel, I know Victor, I mean sort of, is he your surprise?” She asked her friend, shying away at the memory.
“Yes, I know, but he is the surprise. Basically, I am going to give him to you for a day, he’s a good chauffeur, you two will have fun. Just don’t go too crazy, I mean—” Rachel rambled on, hardly stopping to catch a breath, as Skye watched her intently, slightly startled. She was giving Skye Victor so that he could chauffeur her around? She didn’t want to go anywhere, she wanted to stay at home and wait for Jules to show up, he meant so much to her.
“Rachel, I don’t need a chauffeur, I’m staying home today.” She whispered to Rachel as Victor stepped out in view, his tall and masculine build hidden by large dark clothes. He still looked almost frightening, but when he smiled it was almost as if he had knocked the wind out of Skye, just by his own beauty.
Rachel giggled and slapped Skye’s shoulder playfully. “Skye, don’t be silly, I can’t take you out today, so let Victor do it. Jules suggested it, he wants you to have someone to watch out for you, he thinks that you’re not safe, which I think is pretty ridiculous, but gosh, it’s so adorable too. He wants you to be protected, he’s such a sweetheart.”
“He said that?” Skye asked in disbelief, her gaze glued to Victor, searching for an explanation as to why he was the one chosen to “protect” her. She hardly even knows Victor. Suddenly, Skye remembered where she had seen Victor: at Buxton’s, he was the boy hanging around Jules. “You know Jules?” Skye asked Victor, narrowing her eyebrows at him.
Victor nodded, his grin slipping into a smirk. “I’ve known him forever, we’re good friends.” He said, his dark and heavy voice startling Skye. It was such a beautiful sound though, deep, but beautiful.
She smiled at him; only, she wasn’t smiling at him as much as the thought of hearing Jules’ beautiful voice again. She was slowly losing her breath without him around. How did it all happen so fast? She could tell that she was falling for him deeply, quickly, and almost perfectly. Her heart started beating quicker as she thought of him, as she thought about his smile and his laugh, and his eyes and his voice—all incredibly perfect.
Rachel gave her a look, “Skye, of course he knows Jules, why else would Jules entrust him with you?” She giggled, pushing Skye on the shoulder playfully.
“I don’t know, I just didn’t know that he and Victor knew each other.” Skye said lamely, fingering her shirt nervously. Suddenly Skye understood everything and she hit herself mentally for not understanding it all earlier. “You two met at Buxton’s, didn’t you?” She said, pointing to Rachel and victor.
Rachel chuckled, “Yeah, he’s the guy I told you about.” She purred, whispering the words playfully into the air. Victor stood beside her, casually, with his arm draped over her shoulder. He stared at Skye with a smirk plastered on his face.
What is he so amused about?

Skye thought uncomfortably as she noticed his stare. She tucked her hands in her pockets and put on a fake smile. “You both can come in if you want,” she said softly, her voice frail and drained. She was tired and lost without the comfort of Jules or Leah around her, she needed someone; and because of Victor, Rachel hasn’t been her number one friend lately. “There’s really not much happening.”
Rachel looped her arm through Victor’s and led him inside, stepping over the threshold. They followed Skye into the living room and sat down on the couch, Skye falling down into the lounge chair clumsily. She looked slightly ill, as if something stronger than her feelings was draining the energy from her. “Are you okay, Skylar?” Victor asked Skye, his sharp voice cutting through her ears painfully.
She drew back and glared at him. Johnny

, She thought instantly. Johnny’s the only one who calls me that

. Her stomach twisted in a knot at the mere thought of Johnny and she gagged on her own words. She wanted to tell Victor that she preferred Skye, but she couldn’t speak. Her throat was suddenly overwhelmingly dry.
Rachel saw her expression and realized she was thinking about Johnny. Rachel never could understand why Skye hated Johnny so much but she knew that there was something between them. She elbowed Victor and cleared her throat. He instantly smiled and leaned in to kiss her. She smacked his shoulder and pushed him away playfully. “Victor!” She squealed, half anger half giddiness in her tone. “Stop it, little man.”
Skye watched them carefully, her head pulsing, and laughed. They looked happy, carelessly happy. Her heart did a little thump against her chest and she thought about how much she would give to just have a happy relationship with someone. Not a relationship that either resulted in physical or emotional pain. She wanted a real carefree relationship—she thought she would have gotten that from Jules, but he had acted so strange earlier. “Not to be rude or anything, but why are you both really here?” She whispered, her throat releasing enough so that she could slip the words out.
“Oh! Right. I have to go actually.” Rachel and Victor snapped away from their frenzy of playfulness and looked at Skye, slightly shocked.
She frowned at Rachel and sat up in her chair. “What? Where are you going, Rachel?”
“Work. I have to babysit a few little snobby kids, but it pays well. I’ll see you later, babe.” Rachel said quickly, kissing Victor on her way out of the house.
Skye jumped up and hurried into pace to catch up with Rachel, scowling. “You’re leaving me with him?” She whispered with distaste. Even though she didn’t know why and couldn’t place it, Victor made her feel nervous, almost how Johnny made her feel, only, much more on edge and almost curious.
Rachel grinned at her even though she knew Skye didn’t want Victor there. “Yes, he’s great, trust me.” She gave her a quick hug and slipped through the front door, leaving Skye staring after her, stunned. She hated those words. Trust me

. They left such distaste in her stomach; a turning that felt as if it would never let up. Bryan had used those words, over and over again, and for the most part, it was always when he either wanted something from her or he just wanted his own way.
A hand touched Skye’s shoulder and she shrieked and pulled away, her back slamming against the door and knocking her head into it. She shut her eyes and winced as pain shot up her neck and into her head. She touched the back of her head with a hand and felt someone else’s cold hand on her arm. She blinked her eyes open and sucked in a breath.
Victor was standing in front of her, staring carefully into her eyes. He looked scared for her, maybe even nervous. “Hey, look I’m sorry I scared you. Are you okay?” He said quietly, but there wasn’t anything quiet about the way his voice echoed in her ears. His voice was still deep, not harsh but also not smooth.
She blinked her eyes a few more times so that the tears of pain would go away. She was sick of getting herself hurt—or even pretending to. “Look, I’m fine. Just get away from me,” She hissed, ducking under his arms and wobbling over to the couch.
He looked taken aback by her words. He surely hadn’t expected them to come from her lips. “Jules didn’t tell me you were snappy.” He chuckled on the words, as if they were some sort of joke.
She didn’t get it. “Really? He didn’t tell me anything about you.” She bickered, throwing his idea back at him. She hated how he had to bring Jules into this, she was already aching and missing him, why did he have to bring up that painful and beautiful name?
He sauntered over to her and sat down beside her, his long arms sliding behind her on the couch. “Maybe he doesn’t talk about me because of his infatuation with you. He really fancies you, you know?” His voice was calm, the words flowing out smoothly and calmly. He looked at her carefully again, probably examining her head.
She flinched away from him and felt her throat start to sting. She wanted to cry out and yell at him for talking about Jules. He had left her so suddenly and she missed him. Her feelings were overwhelming her heart and clutching it so hard that she couldn’t think straight without him near her. He was a weakness to her just as he kept saying she was with him. “He doesn’t care about me like that,” she whispered, the room around her suddenly seeming dark and cold. Her head throbbed, and when she lifted her hand off of it she spotted a small amount of blood. “Oh, I think I’m going to be sick.” She muttered, holding her head with both of her hands and keeling over.
Victor leapt to his feet fluidly and gently pulled her into his arms, rushing her into the bathroom. He set her gracefully near the toilet and she wretched into it. Nothing came out, she was just sick from all of the pain and confusion. Victor put his hand on her shoulder and rubbed his thumb over it, soothing her as if he was an older brother figure. She didn’t flinch, she didn’t move. She fluttered her eyes shut and dropped herself into Victor’s arms, her head slipping onto his leg and her hands falling over him.
He took a towel and wiped off her mouth, even though nothing had come out of her mouth, and gently set his hand on her arm. He moved the hair out of her face and stoked her arm, whispering soothing words into her ears.
She fell asleep on him, exhaustion and heartache wearing her down, and drifted off into a whole other world.

Jules was there. Standing above Skye and staring down at her. He looked worried and nervous about something but she couldn’t figure out what. She looked around the environment, strolling her eyes around everything, taking it all in.
They were in a field, flowers blossoming from the ground along with sorts of weeds. The sky above them was a light grey and the clouds covered everything. She could smell the flowers beautiful fragrance and she wanted to take a long sniff of them. Two hands gently gripped her shoulders and she spun around to look up at Jules. He looked almost ill. “What’s wrong, Jules? Is everything alright?” She croaked, her voice scratchy and unclear. She feared something too, only, she couldn’t figure out what.
He shut his eyes for a second and looked straight ahead of them. “He’s looking for you,” he whispered, a cold fear caked within his beautiful voice.
It scared her even more to hear the worry in his voice. She had never felt so unsafe, so insecure and sure that something awful was going to happen. “Who, Jules,” she asked, “who’s looking for me?”
Jules frowned and took a step forward, releasing his grip on her shoulders. “He is,” he shook his head. “The dark man.”
She stood up and cuddled herself into him, his arms limply dropping around her shoulders. “Who is he? Is it Bryan? Johnny?” But wait, he didn’t even know about Johnny. And why would he be calling either of them “the dark man”? Did he think that telling her the name of the man that he was talking about would frighten her? She was already frightened enough.
“He’s—,” but something stopped him from continuing, no not something—someone.
Skye swirled around and out from under his arm and searched for the source. It was a man—dressed in all black with a hood—and shaded by the dark sky that suddenly gloomed ahead. She shrieked when she saw that he had stabbed Jules with a long silver dagger and covered her mouth in absolute shock. She couldn’t tell who the man was but she figured that it had to be either Johnny or Bryan. She didn’t care about who it was though, she only cared about Jules.
Blood was dripping from his mouth and he was gagging on it, his hand clutching his chest. He doubled over and dropped to his knees, gagging and coughing up blood. The hooded being yanked the dagger from Jules’ body and walked around to his front, kicking him so that he fell back the other way.
Skye shrieked again and her heart slammed against her chest. She could feel her pulse in her neck thumping and her eyes went blurry with tears. She dropped to her knees, too weak to stand any longer, and crawled over to Jules.
The man kicked her away and she stumbled backwards, letting out a cry of pain. The man growled and brought the bloody dagger down to her throat. She couldn’t see his eyes or his face very well; she could only hear his ragged breathing. She was sobbing, her stomach twisting up into painful knots and her heart slamming so hard that she figured it would explode.
Before the man could do anything more, Jules cried out, his voice wavering and ragged. “Don’t,” he urged. “Please don’t hurt her. Kill me, do whatever you want to me. Just don’t hurt her.” He pleaded, his head peering up at the hooded man. Blood still dripped out of his mouth and he tried to wipe it off but he keeled over, coughing.
The hooded figure whispered something under his breath and approached Jules, his knuckles white on the dagger in his hand.
Skye crawled over to Jules, trying to stay slightly clear of the man, and cried out for him. “No, please don’t kill him. Don’t hurt him, I—I—love him.” She stammered, clutching for Jules’ hand and intertwining their fingers.
The hooded man spat in disgust and yanked Jules up from his T-shirt, causing him to choke on his own blood. She was shrieking, impulsively hitting the man as if it was the best she could do. She pleaded with him and pleaded with him, but all too soon, he kicked her out of the way again and plunged the knife into Jules’ chest, twice.
He gagged and made a terrifying face, he was in pain and agony, waiting for death to carry him away. His body crumpled to the ground as the man released him, and she scrambled over to him, fighting the pain in her stomach. There was so much blood, so much of Jules’ blood. She cried and pressed her palm against his wounds to try to help, but it was no use, he was dying. Tears poured from her eyes and she whispered words hastily into his ears. “Don’t leave me, please don’t leave me. I love you, Jules, I really do.” She begged, falling into him.
He slowly reached up a hand and tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. “You’ve always been incredibly beautiful. I love you Skye, please, just run.” He whispered his last dying words and his eyes rolled back. He was gone.
She cried out in furry and pressed her body all of the way into him, clutching him like he was still with her. She shook him and tried everything, but when she pressed her ear against where his heart should be beating, there was nothing. She sobbed and glared at the man standing above her, anger stirring up like a fever. “You monster,” she spat, scrambling to her feet and shoving herself against him. He was hard and firm, unmovable when she pounded her fist against him. He had to be Johnny, no one else was that strong. She remembered Jules’ advice when she noticed that the man wasn’t moving and she tried to run away, but his hand gripped her arm and yanked her into him.
“Finally, I have you all to myself.” A cold voice whispered. She couldn’t tell if it was Johnny’s, though, all she knew was that Jules was dead and it seemed to be her fault. She let out a scream as the man started to drag her away, her gaze sweeping over Jules’ cold corpse.

Skye bolted upright, gasping and shrieking, as a cold sweat stuck her hair to her neck and arms. She clutched for bedding and slowly realized that she lay across the couch, Victor right beside her kneeling on the floor. She slowly tried to calm herself as she saw Victor’s stricken expression. Only a nightmare

, she reminded herself, nothing else, Jules is still alive

. Her heart started to slow back into a natural beat and her breathing calmed. “What happened?” She asked Victor quietly, her voice hardly there.
He touched her arm softly and moved upright. “You passed out and I brought you over to the couch. Next thing I know, you’re shrieking Jules’ name over and over again. You must have been having a nightmare, are you okay?” Surprisingly, the tone of his voice was soft and gentle, calming even.
She rubbed her hand over her face and tried to clear her head. She wanted to believe that all of it truly was just a dream but there was something deep inside her that was telling her that there was something else to the dream. “I’ve been better.”
“Here,” he turned and swiftly pulled a glass of water from the table, giving it to her. “Drink something.” He pressed her.
She folded her small fingers around it and took a long drink, downing the glass. “I’m sorry.” She whispered afterwards.
He stared at her. “For what?”
“Passing out on you.” She laughed timidly at how stupid it sounded and set the glass on the table beside the couch.
“It’s okay, you were in shock. I’ve heard I have that effect on people.” He grinned, showing his incredibly white teeth.
She let out a chuckle and curled her knees against her chest, wrapping her arms around them. “I can see why you and Jules are friends.” She smiled at his name, knowing that he truly was alive. She still missed him and wished that she could see him more than ever, but she didn’t let it break her down.
“I’m the better looking one,” he remarked, gliding himself over to the couch cushion beside her. He sat down and stared straight ahead, hardly laughing anymore. He looked lost in thought, suddenly totally unaware of the surroundings around him.
“Victor? Can I ask you something?” She asked him, peering over at him. He didn’t react, didn’t even move. She sighed and set her chin between her knees. “How did you and Jules meet each other?” She asked in a whisper anyways, even though he didn’t look as if he was paying attention.
He clasped his hands together in his lap and his lips were set in a hard line. He didn’t look as if he wanted to speak. “That is a very long and complicated story.” He spoke quickly, rushing the words as if he didn’t want her to catch them.
She let go of her knees and scooted over to him. “How so?” She inquired, touching his shoulder. He drew away from her and was up on his feet within a flash of a moment. She hardly even had the time to realize that he had moved. “Victor?” She narrowed her eyebrows at him and stood up, trying to understand him.
“You don’t want to understand me,” he murmured.
“How did you—?” She began.
“I could tell from the way you were looking at me. Look, Skye, I know Jules, and I don’t think that it’s the best if you hang around him a lot. There are things that you don’t even know about him, things that would make you change your mind about him if you knew what they were.”
She was intrigued and surprised by his words. What could Jules really be hiding from her? “What kinds of things?”
“Just things. Look,” he said urgently, grabbing her roughly by the shoulders and shaking her a little bit. “You need to stay away from him.”
“Why would you care? I don’t even like you, why would I listen to you?” She growled, aggravated by his rough touch and words. She really was starting to doubt that Victor was as cool as she thought he could be. “Victor, you’re hurting me.” She said quietly as his grip on her arms tightened.
He let go and took a step backwards, the veins in his neck more noticeable. “Look, I’m sorry. Just, promise me you’ll stay away from him?”
She scowled at his proposition and stepped away from him. “No, I can’t promise you that. You have to tell me why I should stay away from him before I’ll listen to you.” She raised her voice, her mind swirling with pictures of Jules.
“He’s dangerous.”
Skye choked on her own saliva. “What? He’s dangerous? Victor, I think you’re thinking of the wrong guy. Jules couldn’t be dangerous!” She shouted.
“Look, if you’re not going to stay away from him than at least promise me that you won’t fall in love with him. It never ends well for the either of you.” Victor actually looked as if he feared for their well-being for a moment. It was quickly replaced with a sort of anger. “Skye, if you don’t be careful you will get hurt. I’ve seen it happen before!” He shouted at her, causing her to stumble back in surprise.
What is he talking about? It doesn’t end well? Jules is such a sweetheart

. She was starting to doubt her own sanity when she actually believed Victor. She didn’t know why and she thought that is was ridiculous, but she felt as if the words he had told her actually fit. There had always been a part of her that knew something was off about Jules. But he seemed perfect, so what could it possibly be? “What do you mean you’ve seen it happen before? What happened, Victor?” She yelled back at him, fear clutching at her throat.
“Let’s just say that you’re not the only girl he’s ever gotten close to. And trust me when I tell you that he wants to get close to you.” There was an honest urgency in his voice that made everything he was saying slightly believable.
The bedroom, when he pulled away from me and ran off

, She recalled. He didn’t have something to do; he was just trying to get away from me so that he didn’t have to face his own struggles

. She fought the urge to cry and the urge to lash out at Victor. She couldn’t be sure that he was telling her the truth, but whether he was or not didn’t matter—she was too scared that Jules was something she thought he wasn’t. “Get out,” she muttered, pointing in the direction of the front door.
Victor turned in the direction of the door and opened it. “Tell Rachel that I went home. I wasn’t feeling well.” He said before grinning and stepping out of her house.
She was weary again. Everything was making her hurt, confused, and utterly lost. She was starting to dread seeing Jules again—no matter how strong she cared for him. She dropped herself over the couches’ arm rest and draped her hand over her head.
What have I gotten myself into

? She sighed and closed her eyes, images of Jules flooding into her head and piercing her heart. This can’t be happening to me.


Skye paced back and forth in her bedroom, waiting for the moment that Jules would walk in and greet her. She was scared—nervous about seeing him. She wasn’t entirely believing all that Victor had said, but she wasn’t about to let it slip away either. She was angry with him and when Rachel called to ask where Victor was, she answered grudgingly that he wasn’t feeling well. If anyone wasn’t feeling well it would be Skye. Her stomach was the car of a roller coaster, zipping around and going through loops. She felt sick

Downstairs, Leah was racing around and getting things packed for another business trip. She’s going to be gone for a few days. Johnny still wasn’t back, which made Skye slightly at ease, but he would be back soon enough, and then she would have to face him again—all alone. She didn’t want to even think about the things that he could do to her, for they would be all too wrong for her.
She heard a knock on her door and jumped out of her skin. She clasped her hands together and sucked in a deep breath. She knew who it was and she was dreading seeing him. She sat down on her bed and tried to calm herself down. “Come in,” she croaked, taking another deep breath.
The knob turned and the door creaked open, Jules slowly stepping into view. He was carrying a small bunch of white roses and smiling, his face glowing. “Hey, trouble.” He greeted her, holding out the roses in front of him.
She felt her chest go tight when she saw the roses and she wanted to cry. How could someone so sweet and perfect hold some big dark secret? She tried to shake the words Victor had said about her and Jules but they kept repeating themselves in her mind. Promise me that you won’t fall in love with him. It never ends well for the either of you

. She hated how Victor somehow knew so much about her, things that she was unsure of herself. What could he mean though? How does it not end well, and about whom was he talking about? She couldn’t wrap her finger around the questions. “Hey.” She whispered, feeling her heart go numb.
Jules gave her a look of sympathy and set the roses down on her dresser. He stared at her with careful eyes and pulled her into him. “What’s wrong, trouble?” He asked quietly, his voice soft and beautiful.
She unclasped her hands and cuddled into him, pushing herself as close as she could to him. She wanted to stay like that forever—wrapped in his secure arms—and never leave him again. She didn’t care what Victor said anymore, he would have to be wrong about Jules. Seeing Jules again changed everything; she no longer wanted to ask him about what Victor meant, she only wanted to cuddle up with him and rest, peacefully. Tears poured out of her eyes and soaked Jules’ shirt but neither of them pulled away, they sat cuddled together, Jules’ head on her shoulder and her head in his chest.
“You know that you can tell me anything, Skye. I won’t be upset.” He promised her in a calm voice. “Did something happen?”
Yeah, your stupid friend tried to get me away from you. Great friend he is

. She stopped her tears and pushed herself carefully away so that she could see him. “I just missed you,” she whispered, caressing his cheek. She was staring into his eyes, such beautiful and caring eyes, and smiled faintly.
He smiled too, but it was quickly replaced with an expression of regret. He shook his head. “I’m so sorry I left earlier, I—”
She pressed her finger to his lips and shook her head. “No, it’s okay. You came back, that’s all that matters.” She brushed her hand through his hair and smiled up at him.
“Skye,” his voice trailed off when he saw her—really saw her—and looked into those crystal eyes that held so much desire. He saw her desire and felt the same way, but with him, it was controlling everything he did. He wanted to let her get close to him but there was always something pulling him back and it was keeping him away from letting their lips touch. He didn’t want her to get hurt. “We can’t be anything more than just friends,” he blurted out when she had started to push herself closer to him.
She frowned and felt her heart drop into her stomach. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. “Who said we were more than that?” She said loudly.
He sighed and took her hand in his. “I did.” He murmured. “Listen, you mean so much to me, you always have. But we don’t know each other all that well, and even though I feel as if I have known you forever, it’s not the truth. I l—care

about you, but we can’t be more than friends. It wouldn’t be right.” He made a face as if he was in pain; and after saying those words, how could he not be in pain? He knew that he didn’t want for them to be just friends, he wanted for them to be more, but it wasn’t right. They both were starting to understand that much.
Skye backed away in shock and pain. Had he really just said the words that she wished he would never say? She realized that she really was falling in love with him and that it was being covered with a veil before it could ever even happen. Her heart went out in flames and she wanted to cry. “But Jules, I don’t need something more, I just need you to stay by me. Please Jules, don’t leave me. I—I can’t even think about a life without you.” She pushed herself away from him and shook her head, tears cascading down her cheeks.
“I won’t leave you; I would never be able to leave you. I’ll always be here for you, trouble. Always,” He looked at her with an expression of regret. He felt terrible, she looked heartbroken and scared. He never meant for the words to hurt her, he wanted them to be able to stay close without being too close, but the words hurt like a sword to the heart—to the both of them.
“Jules,” she breathed, clutching his shirt in her fists. “Please, save me.” She slipped into a deep sleep, still nuzzled in his arms.
He smiled and lied down, bringing her down with him. “I will, trouble, I will.” He whispered, brushing his finger through her hair and staring at her sleeping face. He held her in his arms as if she was his own and he didn’t once let her go, he didn’t want to move away from her, he would stay with her forever.
Skye awoke to the quiet sound of someone’s heartbeat in her ears. No not just someone’s—Jules’. She could feel his hot breath on her and she smiled as she thought about how he stayed with her all night. Wait, he stayed with her all night! She blinked her eyes open and tried to scramble away from him but he still had his arms around her. She didn’t want to wake him, so she slid out from under his arm and rolled onto the bed beside him. She stared at his sleeping face for a minute. She thought of how he looked even younger and more beautiful when he was sleeping and she sighed.
Thinking about how much trouble she would be in if Leah walked in on her and Jules in the same bed, she crawled off of the bed and wobbled over to the bathroom, her head still a little dizzy from sleeping so long. She had slept in, and considering the fact that Jules was with her, she must have slept peacefully.
She slipped out of her clothes from the day before and got in the shower, drenching herself with hot water. It burned her skin but it felt too good to change the temperature. She always liked really hot showers, there’s always something comforting about them. After she had scrubbed herself clean she turned off the water and jumped out of the shower. She wrapped a towel around her and stared at the reflection in the mirror. For the first time in a long time, her face didn’t have any scratches or bruises, just the leftover scars from the past. She dried her hair with a towel and smiled before opening the bathroom door.
She peered out and looked for Jules. He still lay on the bed, his hair askew and a silly smile plastered on his face. She chuckled and sneaked over to her dresser, pulling out a tank top and jean shorts and slipping them on over her undergarments. She watched Jules as he slept. She watched the rise and fall of his chest, the silly smile, and the still beautiful and peaceful face he featured.
Jules started to stir and Skye backed away from the bed, chuckling. There was a pang of pain in her chest as she thought about how they would always be just friends. She cared for him too much to want that, she wanted the hole in her heart to finally be healed and she thought that Jules was supposed to be the one to do that.
He reached out for something but frowned when he didn’t feel it. Turning around, he saw Skye and smiled. “Morning sleepyhead,” Skye said the moment he saw her.
“I don’t think it is morning anymore, beautiful.” He grinned and sat up, patting the spot next to him for Skye to sit.
She hated him for calling her beautiful, it was not only something that Bryan and Johnny both have called her, but it was playing with her heart. She timidly sat down next to him and glanced at the clock. It wasn’t morning, it was already noon. “Okay, you’re right.”
He draped his arm over her shoulder and grinned even bigger. “Yeah, I am.”
She slapped him on the shoulder and laughed, the feel of it all creating something beautiful. “Shut up,” she hissed playfully.
He laughed under his breath and pulled her into a hug. “Did you sleep well last night?” He paused and chuckled. “On me

She grabbed a hold of the arms securely around her and stared at the wall, smiling. She wanted to hit him playfully again but something pulled her back. “I did actually. Don’t flatter yourself though; I couldn’t have cared less if you hadn’t been there.” She stated.
Jules held on tighter and laughed. “Oh really? Well how about I test that theory and leave right now than?” He teased.
Skye didn’t want to think about that and she tensed up for a moment. “No!” She squealed, “I—I mean, how about not.” She stammered, smiling innocently.
He mumbled something under his breath and let himself fall onto his back, pulling her with him. She screamed and giggled when she felt the close contact they were in. Smiling, she wiggled herself around so that she could see him. They stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, studying every detail. She then pinned Jules’ arms against the bed and chuckled. “You’re a silly boy, Mr.”
He grinned and raised an eyebrow. “I am, and you like that. Who knew you could be playful too,” he said as he shifted his gaze to where she was pinning his arms down.
She rolled her eyes and brushed a hand through his bed-head hair. “I am, and you like that.” She restated.
He chuckled and released his arms to spin her around so that he was the one on top. She squeaked when he pinned her arms and for a moment there was fear in her eyes. Memories of Johnny and Bryan flashed before her eyes and she pushed them back away. She didn’t want to think about them—Jules would never be anything like them. She replaced the fear with a sudden playfulness and flirtatiousness. She didn’t care about what Jules had said before, and in that moment, he didn’t either. They weren’t made to be just friends.
“You cheated,” she pouted, pushing on the arms restraining her.
“How?” He gave her a wink and displayed that breathtaking grin again.
“You’re stronger than me, I was supposed to be the one winning here.”
“How about I let go and you admit that you liked sleeping with me.”
“Jules!” She hissed. “What if my mom somehow heard you?” She chuckled at the thought, “She’d kill you, and I’m not joking. Keep your voice down.”
His mouth twitched into a smirk at that. “Does she even know that I’m in here?” He asked, his eyes shining.
“I don’t know, but she will if you don’t shut up.”
“Aw, you’re not going to tell her I stayed over? We’re just friends, trouble; I think we can handle sharing a room.” He teased.
She didn’t like hearing those words over and over again. She averted her gaze and frowned. “Jules, you’re a clueless wonder.”
“Oh? You mean I’m wonderful? Yes, I know.”
She groaned and tried to pull her wrists free from his grip. “Jules, stop it.” She whispered, laughing under her breath.
He let go and rolled off of her, laughing. They lay there, laughing until their stomachs hurt, and enjoyed actually being carefree. Eventually they both settled down and he was the first to speak. “I’m going to use your bathroom.” He announced, jumping to his feet and starting towards her bathroom door.
She scrambled upright and hurried over to the door, stopping him in front of it and spreading her arms out. “Wait, you have to do something before you can go in there.”
“Come on, Mom, let me through.” He pouted, playfully carrying on.
She stood tall and smiled at him, even though she’d rather not continue in his games. “No, I don’t think so, child.”
“Child? Jeez, I don’t even want to know how you’ll treat your kids.” He said, shrugging.
“Jules, knock it off. You’re not getting through unless you pay me something.” She bit her lip and looked up. How can someone really look that beautiful after just waking up?

The thought dawned on her.
“Sorry, I’m fresh out.” He shrugged again and tried to twist around her to get by.
She continued blocking him and pressed her hands against his chest. “I don’t want money,” she purred, trying to imply what she wanted with her eyes.
He bent his head down and closed the space in-between them. “You mean?” He whispered, dropping so close that their faces were only inches apart. She only nodded. “Okay,” he trailed off and traced his thumb over her jaw line. Cupping her face in his hands and smiling faintly, he closed the space between them drastically. He brushed his lips over hers and little butterflies flew around in her stomach.
She tried to pull him even closer but he stopped her and grabbed her hands. She gasped quietly and giggled. “Jules,” she breathed. They both closed their eyes and he pressed his forehead against hers. Smiling and kissing her cheek, he stood straight up quickly and moved her beside the door. He closed the bathroom door behind him.
Skye stood still, confused and wanting more, as she stared after him—her eyes locked straight ahead—and sighed. A couple minutes later the water turned on and she sat down on the bed, waiting patiently for him.

Jules walked out of the bathroom, his hair damp and falling slightly into his eyes, and smiled when he saw Skye. He was wearing the same jeans that he wore before, but as for his shirt, it was bunched up in his fist, leaving him exposed.
Skye almost let her jaw drop when she saw his bare chest. Even though she had seen it before, it still surprised her. “I hate to break it to you, but you have to put on a shirt if you want to leave.” She said, laughing under her breath and slowly shaking her head.
He looked down for a moment and then met his gaze with hers again, a huge grin painted on his face. “What if I don’t want to leave?” He said, sitting down beside her and leaning into her side.
She pushed him off of her and stood up, rolling her eyes. She didn’t want him to keep playing with her emotions, as far as she knew, he could be trying to break her heart. “You have to. My mom’s leaving and you

can’t still be here in my

room.” She crossed her arms and sighed. She hated telling him to leave, she wanted him to stay. If she doesn’t know enough about him to trust him though, it would be hard to.
He apparently didn’t care about what she said. “Does that mean that you don’t think she’ll like me, I think she will.” Standing up, he neared her and brushed his fingers playfully through her hair. “I mean, come on, it’s not like she’s going to be mad if she finds us in here together. You were the one who fell asleep

on me

.” He added, his words hinting at more than she could stand.
“I’m sorry if I fell asleep on you and held you back, it’s not like you told me not to though.” She wined back.
He chuckled and brushed his thumb over her cheek. “Is that all you have to say, trouble? That’s not a very strong case.” He looked proud of himself.
“Wipe that smile off of your face, Jules; you’re not making anything any easier.” She complained, pushing him on the shoulder as she walked over to the window to open the blinds.
“Who said anything about making things easier? Skye, I don’t want to make things difficult, but I never said anything about making things easy. Will you come with me today? I’d like to show you something.” There was a sincere pleading within his calm voice and she wanted to accept his offer.
Only, she couldn’t. “Look, Jules; I know that you want for us to be just friends, and it seems to be a common thing in your friend circle, but doing and saying all of the things that you’re saying isn’t helping at all. I don’t want you to play these kinds of games with me, I really don’t need any more ‘games’ going on in my life.” She told him, sighing fragilely as she thought about how many “games” Bryan and Johnny had played with her.
“Skye, I’m not trying to play with you, I mean, maybe I am playing with you, but I’m not trying to make anything hard for you. If you really want to be just friends, then maybe that’s all we will be.” He walked over to her and wrapped her into his arms, not cuddling her or smothering her, just hugging her as a good friend. Suddenly, he remembered part of what she had said. “Wait, did you say that it’s a common thing in my friend circle? What do you mean by that?” He suddenly didn’t sound very confident in himself.
“It’s nothing. Victor just told me that he thought it would be better for the both of us to stay away from each other. He said that you’re dangerous and that it wouldn’t end well for the both of us if we ever got close to each other. Is that all true Jules? Is something bad going to happen if we get close to each other?” Her voice came out in a crackled whisper and she had to fight the pain of her twisted stomach. The knot was pulled so tight she wanted to scream, but she didn’t, she only frowned and looked away from him.
He didn’t look the same, he looked nearly stricken. “He said that?” He blurted out, shaking his head at Skye. “I can’t believe he told her that,” he mumbled quiet enough so that she couldn’t hear him. “Skye,” he tried to pull her hand in his but she shook it off and brushed herself away from him. “Please, don’t do that. Don’t push me away, trouble, I need to tell you the truth, you asked me for it.” He was generous with his carefulness and he didn’t let his weary thoughts drag him down—he cared for her too much to let that happen.
She stared right through him, a pain piercing her heart. “Pushing people away is what I do best, it’s all I’ve ever done well!” She snapped, her voice quivering as she thought of the man who left her before giving her a chance. She shivered when she thought about all of the times he had revived himself in her memory, of all of the times when she felt alone; but this time she wasn’t alone, she had Leah and Jules, and if she didn’t mess things up, they would stay in her life.
He drew back at her words, feeling his own form of pain strike his heart. “No, Skye, that’s never been true. You’re beautiful inside and out and if someone has ever left you it was because of their own stupid decision, you had nothing to do with it. Skye, if Victor told you that I’m dangerous than he only was saying it’s dangerous how much that I care about you. You’ve become something so much more than I could have ever expected, you seem to be the only thing keeping me sane sometimes, and I never want that to change. Nothing bad is going to happen if we get close. I’ll never let anyone hurt you if I can stop it, I’m going to be close to you, but I’ll never hurt you either.” He was standing beside her by this time, their bodies inches apart. He wanted to touch her but he feared that if he did she would only reject him, so he stayed in place, his rich eyes calmly staring into hers.
She tried to speak but nothing came out. She felt the same way, but she still had to question whether or not he was actually telling her the truth, it almost seemed too good to be true. She traced her hand over his arm and up to his head, entangling her fingers in his hair, and pulling his head down to hers. She hesitated a moment before pulling herself into him and pressing their lips together. When their lips met she felt as if the whole world faded away and it was only the two of them, just as if it had always been just the two of them.
After a moment of hesitation Jules loosened up and lifted her slightly off of the ground, kissing her back with a careful desire. He didn’t push her into it but he also didn’t push away, he knew that she would probably feel uncomfortable afterwards, but all he could think about was what was happening in that moment—nothing else mattered.
Skye stopped first, supporting herself against him and looking into his bright eyes. He looked satisfied with the slight hint of surprise; he really hadn’t been expecting it. She hadn’t either. She couldn’t believe how different the kiss felt from Bryan’s. It felt right, clean, gentle, and perfect—there wasn’t anything that would change her mind on that. For once, she felt good about being close to Jules. She let all of the things Victor had told her slip away, and she didn’t even care about Jules’ past—she just wanted to be with him. She smiled as she thought of what they had just done and calmly let out breath that she had been holding.
Jules’ lips tipped into a smile at the corners and he sighed, gently brushing his hand over her cheek. “Wow,” he breathed, stepping back without losing his gaze on her.
She nodded slowly and tried to catch her breath. Her heart was pounding against her chest and she had butterflies swarming inside of her. “Can’t you see that I don’t want you to be just my friend?” She breathed, her body tingling.
Before he could respond, there was a knock on the door and Leah’s voice called through, “Skye, may I come in?”
Skye jumped at the sound of her voice, springing forward and slamming into Jules’ chest with her hands. He scrambled back, allowing her small hand to push him back, and chuckled when he hit the door of the closet. She tried not to laugh when she caught his bright smile and quickly glared at him instead. “Get in,” she whispered as she pointed directly behind him and backed up a little bit.
A smirk crept up his face and he breathlessly turned around and hid himself inside the closet. Laughter crackled in the room when he stumbled upon his own T-shirt in the bottom of the messy closet. Through the crack in the closet door, he could see Skye hurrying over to the bedroom door and tossing her hair into a sloppy ponytail—she didn’t want her mom to see how tousled her hair had been.
“Hey mom,” she said as she opened the door, faking a smile. “Is there anything I can help you with?” Her breathing still hadn’t caught up with her and she was panting in the slightest.
Leah looked at her with a quizzical stare, trying to figure her daughter’s behavior out. “I wanted to say goodbye before I left. You do know that I’m going out of town for a couple days?” She questioned, laughing a little at how Skye was acting. She hadn’t seen her that quirky before, and, in a way, she found it very calming. She was finally thinking about getting hope for her daughter, no matter how strange she saw that she was acting.
Skye chuckled nervously and nodded her head. “Yes, Mom, I know. How could I forget, I’m going to be left alone with your fantastic husband. What’s his name again? Oh yeah, Johnny.” She muttered rhetorically. Johnny made her upset enough to the point that she really couldn’t care less about what Leah thought of their relations.
Leah only wanted for them to get along enough to where she didn’t have to bud in and stop their fighting, and, in her mind, they were treating each other very well. “Look, I know that you don’t like him, but you still have to respect him and respect my decision. He’s a good guy, Skye, give him a chance.” She spoke in a calm and careful voice, laying her hands on Skye’s shoulders and staring into her eyes. “Please, sweetie, it has been almost four years.”
Skye desperately wanted to tell her mom how far off she was, to tell her just how bad of a guy Johnny really was, but for Leah’s sake, she didn’t. “I’ll try, I really will.” She assured Leah, despite her own worries and fears about Johnny. Accidentally, she let out a long sigh and frowned.
“Hey, sweetie, it’s going to be okay. Johnny cares about you, he’s not going to let anything happen to you while I’m gone.”
“I know,” she whispered, her voice threatening to disappear, “he’ll keep me safe.” She lied, thinking better than to express the dark truth. She couldn’t be sure that either of them would be safe for long, and, according to Johnny, if she ever spoke a word of their “games” both of them would be suffering, and she was determined to keep her mom out of it.
“I love you, sweetie. Stay safe, and whatever it is you’re doing in here better be rated G. I may be leaving, but if your hiding something in your closet I’ll figure out whatever it is and I won’t shy away from a punishment.” She teased warningly, kissing Skye on the cheek. “Bye, Skye.”
Even though she knew Leah was teasing her and probably talking about something to do with her newly developed “cutting”, she somewhat tensed up at the thought of her finding out that Jules had stayed over—unintentionally of course, but nevertheless, he had stayed. “I love you too, Mom, don’t ever forget that.” She wrapped Leah into her arms and held on as tight as she could for a few moments, never wanting to let go.
“I’ll always remember that, you’re my beautiful baby.” Leah chimed in Skye’s ears. “I’ll never ever stop loving you.” Tears bubbled up in both of their eyes but neither would let them spill, they were both holding out for each other.
“Bye, Mom. I’ll see you in a couple of days.”
They separated and Leah stepped back into the doorway, smiling at her daughter. “A couple of days. Be good, baby girl.”
“Promise.” Skye finished, waving daintily at her mom as she left, a fake smile creasing at the corners of her mouth. The days would take too long once Johnny arrived and she knew that all too well. He was similar to that of a disease, deepening her life into a dark and oppressing hole of pain. “You can come out now, Jules”
At the sound of her words, Jules perked up in the closet and slowly made his way out of it. “G rated? I’m sorry, but who says that?” He snickered, grinning like an idiot as he stepped out and wrapped her into a bear hug.
“My mom.” She replied weakly, subtly laughing at his lame attempt at making her laugh. “You listened?”
“Not really, but when she brought that up, I just had to hear it.” Pulling away, he examined her expression, trying to read what she was thinking. “Hey, are you okay, trouble?” He added, pushing away her bangs and dropping his smile.
She rolled her gaze up to him and sighed. “Yeah, I’m okay. Things are just a little awkward when Leah’s not here.” Johnny’s not going to be easy with me this time, he’s going to cross the line, and Leah’s gone

. She thought with remorse, subtly blinking away a few tears of fear.
Jules flinched, noticing her tears but not saying anything about them, and sighed. “I’ll be here, whenever you need me. Things don’t have to be awkward, Skye, I’m not going to let things get that way.” He traced his finger around her jaw and carefully bent down to kiss her, forgetting that he had ever told her he thought they should be just friends—he knew that shouldn’t be the way things are. The touch of their lips created fire that pulsed through their bodies and sent them into shock, frenzying their bodies into a gentle but more aggressive passion.
She let thoughts of Bryan and Johnny fall away as they kissed, and she didn’t bother to feel the pain she felt when she kissed them. The kissed they had shared were nothing but painted memories that were uncomfortable, but when she and Jules kissed, it was as if the world all melted away and they were on top of the universe, alone together.
Chuckling, she took a breather and pulled her lips away. “You know what? I think that you should put on a shirt, it’s more mannerly.” She teased him, feeling his muscular abs as she put her hand on them, scooting him away from her.
He laughed and ruffled his hair, closing one eye and regarding her with a playful smirk. “Should I put on the shirt from the closet? Or the one from last night? I think that they both belong to me,” he played, displaying both of the shirts in his hands.
Her cheeks flushed a bright pink as she thought back to when he gave her the shirt after swimming, and of the moment Bryan violently pushed her too far, the night that so much had happened in a few instances. She tried not to think about Bryan and shoved away the memory, replacing it with the moment and smiling at Jules. “Sure, whatever you want, hotshot.” She purred, recalling the word she had spoken to him the first time she met him.
“In that case, maybe I’ll just leave like this; I bet it would freak out the neighbors.” He chirped, tossing the shirts on the bed.
She slapped him on the shoulder and let out an objection. “Stop it, Jules! Just put on a shirt and get out. I’m not keeping you away from getting home and risking the possibility that your dad will be displeased seeing you without a shirt and have stayed out all night.”
He groaned and rolled his head, “Do I really have to leave? I know that you don’t want me to.” He traced a thumb over her cheek and batted his eyelashes playfully.
“Jules, will you ever stop acting like this?”
“You know what? I don’t know. You’re right though, I should probably get home, but don’t worry, I’ll see you soon. Tomorrow, you and Rachel meet me and Victor at the beach?” He raised his eyebrows and grinned. “Sound good? Great,” he whispered, trailing the words into her ears and pecking her cheek.
“Uh—Okay,” she stammered, trying to think of something to say. She wouldn’t turn him down though, that much she knew. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.” She smiled as she thought about the four of them at the beach together. She still didn’t like Victor, but she was going to have to grow to like him if she wanted to be around Jules a lot, no matter how hard it could be.
Jules flashed her one last smile before ducking out of her bedroom and hurrying down the stairs, throwing himself off of the step three away from the bottom and leaving the house.
Skye sighed and sat herself down on the bed, a smile unmovable striking her features. Maybe I was wrong about Bryan; we’re really over


Skye was cleaning her room when she heard a knock on the front door. Snapping her head towards her doorway she frowned, who’s here

? She asked herself. She hadn’t told Jules to come back over and Rachel wasn’t the kind of person to stop by often without calling ahead.
Tossing a blanket on the bed, she scrambled out of her room and down the stairs, anxiety brewing inside of her. She looked into the peep hole and sighed. It was Maria.
Opening the door, she felt her anxieties slip away as annoyance took its place. “What do you want?” She asked Maria wearily.
Maria’s smile dropped a little, “Is Johnny home?” She countered, feigning a smile again.
“No, he’s not.” Skye mumbled, leaning her head against the side of the door and regarding Maria with a look of slight distress. She hated seeing the girl that Johnny obviously had a secret thing with, it just made her hate Johnny even more. He had so much power over her and she wished he hadn’t. “You do know that he’s married, right?”
She laughed a little at Skye, “Of course I know that he’s married

Skye tried not to gawk at her and stood up, suddenly very uncomfortable. “That doesn’t bother you at all? He’s not married to you.”
“You could say that it bothers me, but we have something. It’s not a big deal.”
“Well, he’s not here, so you should probably just go.” Skye didn’t want to be rude, but she couldn’t stand to look at Maria for very long.
“Okay, you’re right, I should. Sorry for being a bother, I’ll just call him.” She chimed in, smiling as she turned to leave.
“It wasn’t a problem.”
“Goodbye,” Maria turned back for a moment. “When he gets back just tell him that everything’s fine with me, I already saw the doctor.”
Skye’s heart jumped into frenzy for a moment and her mouth threatened to drop. “D—doctor?” She stammered.
“Yes, thank you.” Maria replied, turning away from Skye and heading back towards her car.
Skye tried to protest and bring her back, but she stopped herself mid-sentence, shutting her mouth. She closed herself back inside the house and leaned against the door, sighing. What could she possibly need to tell him about? Why did she go see a doctor?

She tried to deliberate between any possible answer she could to those questions, but she couldn’t resolve anything. The questions were unsolvable in her own mind—she needed to find the answers out from Johnny, indirectly.
She thought of the many times Johnny had freaked out when she had gone into his office for something, and that’s when she got an idea to figure out the truth. He had gotten angry all of those times not because he wanted his space, but because he was hiding something, and she was going to find out what that was.
Building up the courage, she mounted the stairs and ventured down the hall to the “forbidden” office. She had time before he would get home and that was her only chance at it.
Twisting the doorknob, she sucked in a breath, hoping that the door was unlocked. To her surprise, it was. She let out the breath and closed her eyes for a moment, her nerves jumping to high alert just as they always did when she did something that could jeopardize her safety. He’s not here; he’s not going to see me

. She reminded herself, saying the words repeatedly in her head.
She ducked into the room and carefully shut the door behind her, as if he really was home. She pressed her back against the door and took a deep breath. All I have to do is find something incriminating and then I can turn it into the police

, She told herself, stifling laughter as she thought of how much she was playing the seeking game. Pull yourself together, Skye, it’s not like he’s some sort of criminal, he’s just a man with a bad temper who likes to take it out on teenage girls

Her body was objecting as she walked over to his desk, shying her away from it. She fought against part of herself and built up the courage to take a peek into his drawers, her shaking hands grasping the handle and pulling it open.
In the first drawer she searched through, there was nothing but papers about his job. In the second, notepads full of appointments and bills. There wasn’t anything incriminating, anything that would make people question his line of work or his relationship with Skye. He looked proven innocent.
Drawer number three spoke otherwise, though. “What?” She gasped when she opened the drawer three down on the left side of the desk. Her eyes bulged, and, for a moment, she didn’t breathe. Her mind was thrown into a whirlwind and she had to pry her eyes off of the thing in front of her to even breathe again.
Hands shaking erratically, she picked up the photograph in both hands and studied it, her eyebrows furrowing with confusion. “What are you doing with these, Johnny?” She whispered, her voice retracting on the words. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing; it was all too confusing and surprising to be real.
In her hands was a picture of her when she was five-years-old and playing on the playground with Leah. She looked very happy, not scared or sad, really happy

. After having picked up that photo she uncovered many more, plenty of her life growing up. And with every different photograph she picked up, her heart started beating a little quicker.
The same question kept replaying itself over and over again in her mind, why did he have these photos?

She couldn’t think about the fact that he could’ve known her as a child, the fact that he could’ve been watching her and Leah for years. It frightened her, chilling her every bone.
Finally, getting to the bottom of the drawer—about twenty photos bunched in her arms—she came to something even more surprising. A photograph of a young man carrying a briefcase with the words Skye’s father

written on it, rested, staring back at her. She dropped all of the other photos and gasped, covering her mouth with her hands.
“Dad?” She cried in a hushed whisper. “How did he know you?” Her voice croaked, choking on her own tears. Her heart had slammed itself in the pit of her stomach and she wanted to cry. Was the man in the picture really her father? Could Johnny possibly no more about her life than she does? “This can’t be possible,” she breathed, picking up the photograph in her hands and tracing her finger over the man’s face.
Tears cascaded down her cheeks as she thought about the possibility that she knew someone who could show her to her father, the real one. This, this could be my father

. Her lips slid into a crooked smile as she thought of finally seeing him. Yes, he had left her before she was born, but she needed to meet him one day, she needed to find out if he was really all that bad of a guy.
Setting the photograph onto the desk she wiped away her tears and sniffled, shaking her head a little. She needed to clear her head, that’s what she needed to do. Johnny not only had photos of her and her mom but he also had a photo of her father.
A piece of paperwork caught her eye when she glanced down into the drawer. It must have been hidden under the photograph. On the piece of paperwork three names stood out to her: Derik Ryan Pembroke. Was that his name?

She tried to recall if Leah had ever given her his name, but she figured she hadn’t. My father. Derik Ryan Pembroke. It has to be.

She snapped herself back into reality when she studied the paper. It was a bunch of information about where this man, Derik, worked. He was a lawyer who lived in Wyoming and ran his own organization called, Hope in a Box

, an organization that gave to the needy and orphaned.
Skye would have found it funny that the same man that could have left her before she was even born was now running an organization where orphaned kids were involved if she hadn’t been so surprised. She couldn’t get over the fact that Johnny may have been looking into her life since she was young; and he wasn’t only looking into her, but also, Leah and her biological father. It was too unbelievable but at the same time it was believable. The thing she didn’t get was why he had done it if he really doesn’t even care about the people. He didn’t love Leah, and he sure didn’t care about Skye as anything more than just a toy. Johnny was suddenly even more frightening than before.
She tried to make sense of the whole situation, but she couldn’t. Making sense of the situation was almost the last thing she could see herself doing. It wasn’t going to make sense unless she had more information, but if Johnny found out that she even knew about it all he would blow up on her.
A loud thudding sound crashed beyond the barrier of the door and shook her from her daze. She hastily ducked down and scrambled to pick all of the pictures up, her dainty hands thrashing around the floor for them. “Why is he back so soon?” She panicked, feeling her heartbeat instantly fly into a quick pace. Her heart was pounding so loud that she thought it just may explode, threatening pressure against her lungs.
She heard footsteps in the hallway and instantly sucked in a breath, snapping her head back to the door. She gathered all of the photos from the ground and shoved them in the drawer—carelessly forgetting the one on the desk—as she jumped to her feet and ran behind where the office door would open.
Her breathing was loud and choked up, just as if all of the air in her lungs was being sucked out from her. She doubled over, gasping as she pressed her hands against her legs. Fear was taking over her body and causing her to fall into overdrive, just as it had done when she was with Bryan that night many days earlier.
Pulling herself straight up, she glanced over at the desk and saw the one picture of Derik that she had left out. No

, she froze, not that picture.

Please Johnny, don’t come in here.

It almost seemed as a lost cause trying to hope that he wouldn’t go in the room, he always went straight to his office when he got home from anything, and it almost screamed at her that that was exactly what he was going to do at the moment.
The sound of the footsteps stopped just outside the door and she squeezed her eyes shut, hoping that he wouldn’t turn the knob and enter the room. She held her breath as the knob rattled, and all of her hopes fell apart.
Johnny opened the door, opening it so that she had to press herself hard against the wall to keep away from it, and walked within her sightline. He was whistling something under his breath, but when he looked towards the desk, he stopped.
He saw it, oh no, he saw it!

She panicked, keeping her eyes closed as tight as she could. She didn’t want to see him when he realized that she was in his office; this time she probably wouldn’t get out alive.
He looked side to side before taking a few steps forward and handling the photograph, twirling it between his fingers. Anger pulsed through his veins when he clearly got the picture that Skye was in the room. His jaw tightened and he clenched his teeth as he slipped the photograph back into the bottom of the third drawer; and it was only then when she remembered that she had left the drawer wide open too.
He slammed the drawer shut and turned around, perching himself up against the desk and regarding Skye’s terrified presence with a smirk, despite his own anger. He played off of her fear, and the fact that she couldn’t even open her eyes to see if he was watching was a dead giveaway that she was afraid. She looked as pale as snow, all of the color from her face was gone. She barely even looked as though she was breathing.
“Skylar, what would you be doing in my office?” He drawled, rolling the words off of his tongue with a sheer coating of anger and threat. There was anger in his eyes, replacing the usually bright blue with the dark and menacing color that always took its place with stress.
She screamed at herself not to open her eyes, but she knew that if she didn’t he would make her anyways. Terrified of seeing him, she slowly opened her eyes and flinched when she saw how close he was. She let out a scream and scrambled away from his devilish self.
Johnny grabbed her arm and yanked her into him, growling, “I asked you a question, Princess.” His hand gripped her arm painfully, causing her to wince.
“I—I don’t understand,” she stammered, whimpering when he shook her.
His lips crept into a threatening smile again, “You know that I don’t like it when you stammer your words, Princess, right? Now why are you in here?” He bellowed, grabbing onto both of her arms roughly and shaking her small body.
“I—I’m sorry. I just came in here to find a pencil,” she lied, crying out as his hands bruised her arms.
He laughed at her and shoved her against the wall then, growling under his breath. He was incredibly upset and he wasn’t going to allow her lying game. “Don’t lie to me, Skylar, I know when you’re lying.”
She closed her eyes and begged with him to give her a chance, she needed an explanation. “What are you doing with all of those pictures of me and Leah? Have you been stealing pictures from her, or are you really just so sick that you’ve been spying on us for years?” She said through clenched teeth, opening her eyes and struggling against his arms.
He slapped her hard across the cheek and tossed her against the door, sending her sprawling to the floor and the door slamming shut. She winced and put a hand to her head, dizzy. “You shouldn’t have looked in those drawers, Princess. You’re going to wish you never had.” He sneered, walking slowly over to her.
She backed away frantically, suddenly very cold and aware that he could try to kill her, and searched for something she could use in defense. “Please, Johnny, don’t do this. You don’t want to do this, I know you don’t.” She pleaded, gasping as she backed into the wall. She was out of options, he was getting closer. Something on the corner of the desk caught her eye and she scrambled to get up, kicking with all momentum she could get.
Her aching body protested as she dove for the phone and picked it up, dialing the first number she could think of: 911

. Her heart skipped a beat when arms wrapped around her stomach and yanked her back, sending a shrill out of her lips and the phone flying. “No, Johnny! Please don’t—” she gagged when Johnny’s hand covered her mouth and muffled her words.
He pulled her back and painfully squeezed her stomach, knocking the breath out of her. “You made a mistake, Princess, and now you have to pay for it.” He whispered with venom, springing such distaste into her mouth.
On the phone line the authorities spoke and Skye tried to scream, but Johnny slammed her against the door, crushing her body. She didn’t make a sound as she slumped to the ground, her head throbbing and her body shutting down. She could hardly breathe and all she could do was cry, tears resonating from her bloodied lips.
Johnny hung up the phone and pulled something out of his pocket—a knife. “Princess, it’s time for your payment.” He said around a deadly smirk.
Skye fell on her back and looked up at him, whimpering. She was amazed that she was still conscious, but she knew that consciousness wouldn’t be with her for very long. She coughed and blood trickled down her chin, along with the tears that poured from her eyes.
He fingered the sharp knife as if it was a toy, tracing fingers over the blade and twirling it between fingers. Looking at Skye, he walked towards her and lowered the knife. Chills instantly prickled her body and she couldn’t move, frozen in place, waiting for the end.
He dropped down on his knees and traced the knife over her arms, red lines appearing from underneath, and then down over her shirt. In one swift motion he slashed the knife against her fabric, ripping it and exposing her chest.
She closed her eyes as pain struck her body and embarrassment flooded through her—hating Johnny. “J—just—d—do—it.” She whispered, finding enough breath between a sob to speak.
He grinned and slashed the knife across her chest, chuckling as she let out a cry. “I don’t like it when you cry, Princess.” He said a little too pleasantly. His free hand yanked on her hair, causing her to grimace, and slammed her head against the floor again, with skull cracking force. Her eyes fluttered shut and her world went blank.

Strange New Him?

Johnny caressed Skye’s cold and frail cheek, whispering eerie words in her ears. “That’s a good girl, sleep now.” He said, brushing his finger around her chin and pulling her limp body into his arms. He lifted her off of the ground, her still body dangling in his arms, and brought her out of the office, setting her down on the bathroom floor to clean her off. Blood had spilled out of the thin slashes across her chest and arm, coloring the white tiles of the floor as he set her down.
He leapt to his feet, swiped a towel off of the counter, and hurried back into his office. Wiping away at the puddle of blood that had leaked onto the floor, he could feel the dirt of what he had done. He hadn’t wanted to kill her, just scare her and teach her a lesson, but he was starting to worry that maybe he had gone a little too far this time.
Standing up, he looked at his quick clean up job and smiled wearily. “You’ve really gone a little far—she’s different than what you ever could have imagined, Johnny.” He told himself, choking on laughter as he finished it.
He hurried back into the bathroom, tossing the bloodied towel into the hamper and grabbing a clean one. He crouched down next to her and wiped the blood off of her arm and floor, cringing as he smelled it. For someone who causes so much blood to spill, he’s never liked it. “It’s okay, Princess, I’m going to fix you up.” He told her motionless body in a hushed tone. Soothing her, he cleaned up the blood from her chest and tossed yet another bloodied towel into the hamper.
“Dirty and unclean blood,” he grumbled, scrubbing his hands clean of what little blood had gotten onto his hands in the sink. He dried his hands and looked down at her breaking down form, smiling faintly as he thought about how much she looked like her mother—aside from the vandalized frame. He thought she looked peaceful like that—unconscious—and he didn’t want to wake her from that peacefulness. He knew that his life with Leah and Skye was so much better than any time he spent in the life with Maria, yet he still kept placing himself in that life. He kept placing himself in the betrayal, and as far as he knew, it was all because of a few insecurities.
The doorbell rang, snapping him from his stare. He shook his head and tried to calm his suddenly quickly beating heart, maneuvering himself out of the bathroom and down the stairs. Anger coursed through his veins as he walked down those steps, worrying that the people at the door could somehow have been the authorities.
He stopped at the door, taking a deep breath and regaining what composure he had so many times used on Leah. Opening the door, he looked for the visitor, frowning when he realized it was a young man. “May I help you with something?” He greeted the boy, faking a small smile.
“Hey, uh—actually, I was just stopping by to say a few words to Skye. Is she home?”
Johnny leaned against the doorframe, blocking the boys’ view of the inside. “And you are?”
The boy laughed nervously, shrugging his shoulders and tucking his hands in his pockets. “Right, Sir. Jules, Jules Rane.” He informed him, reaching a hand out to shake Johnny’s.
“Jules,” Johnny inclined, tapping his finger against his chin thoughtfully, “as in Julian?”
For a moment, Jules was taken aback, but he covered his surprise with a crooked smile. “Yes, that’s right.”
“Skye’s not feeling well, you won’t be able to see her tonight.”
Jules suddenly looked worried, afraid that she had gotten hurt again. “Has she been home all day?”
“Yes, she has. She just came down with the flu a few hours ago.”
“The flu? Is she alright?” Jules asked, his eyebrows furrowing with worry.
“She’ll be fine, but no one can visit her right now, she has to get better.”
“Please, Sir, she’s a good friend. She would want to see me,” Jules pleaded, stepping a little closer to the door.
Johnny stood his ground, blocking the path for Jules, “I’m sorry, Julian, but she can’t see you right now. She’s ill.” He spoke the words with a patient warning. “Come back later.” He added, slipping behind the door and starting to close it.
Jules stopped him at the last second, blocking the door with his hand and poking his head through the gap in the door. “Please, Sir, I’d really like to talk to her.” He begged, his bold emeralds piercing into Johnny’s soul.
Only, Johnny didn’t have a good soul to pierce. “I’m sorry, Julian—not tonight.” With his last words, Jules slid back, defeat and worry pinching the nerves in his face. Johnny slid the lock in place and groaned, anger flailing in his body. He couldn’t stand Jules. He only saw Jules as an extra reason for trouble with Skye and that wasn’t acceptable to him.
Growling, he rushed up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and hurried into Skye’s bathroom. She lay on the floor, the slight rise and fall of her chest calming his nerves. He couldn’t want for her to be suffering any more than she already was, and he certainly didn’t want for her to have stopped breathing.
He rushed down to her level, smelling the fresh blood in disgust, and brushed her tangled black hair behind her ears. “It’s going to be okay, Princess, I’m here now.” He said softly, his hot breath bathing her. He reached for another towel atop the counter and wiped her wounds, sighing. Tossing the towel, he stood up and shuffled around for some bandages.
He found gauze and wrapped it around Skye, sealing the wounds. Smiling, he lifted her into his arms and carried her out of the bathroom, setting her down on the comfort of her own bedding. He tucked her fragile and sleeping body under the blankets, chuckling as he thought of how he had “saved” her from Jules. He wasn’t going to allow anyone else to be near her.
She was very cold and pale, her breathing very faint. Johnny walked into the bathroom to clean up after himself, tossing all of the towels into the hamper, throwing away the evidence of her bandages, and cleaning the counter and his hands. “Dirty blood, dirty boy, no good suffering,” He murmured, his voice barely audible.
He put the towels in the laundry and ran the wash, cleaning off the filth of blood. Brushing his hands against the other, he walked out of the laundry room and back into Skye’s bedroom, checking on her. She lay there, cuddled in the blankets as he watched her from the doorway, smiling at the girl before him. Shutting the door, he leaned his head against it and sighed, thinking about what he was to do next. He knew that she knew the truth, maybe not much of it, but she knew it—and that scared him. He couldn’t want her ever finding her father, she was too much his now.
He turned around and looked at her again, slowly stepping into pace and walking towards the bed. He bent down to her, caressing her cold cheek, and smiled vaguely at her. “Rest now, beautiful, we’ll have plenty of time to talk tomorrow.” He said in a hushed tone, leaning his head down to kiss her forehead. His hands cupped her face and massaged it, his large fingers gently—quite unnatural for him—brushing against her pale skin.
Skye awoke in bed, her head pounding an unnatural and painful beat inside it, and blinked her eyes drowsily. She hadn’t remembered being placed in bed, and she hadn’t even believed that she would be alive to wake up again. Rubbing her eyes with her clammy hand, she breathed an exaggerated breath and let it out. What happened last night?

She wondered, her mind swirling with the thoughts of the worst. Johnny couldn’t have let her live without some sort of terrible plan in mind for a later time.

, she remembered, I’m supposed to meet him and Victor at the beach with Rachel. How could this possibly be a choice now, though, I’m incredibly weak.

She could feel the strength that she had was very low and that she wouldn’t be able to go anywhere with anyone without stirring up plenty of questions.
Suddenly, she realized the fact of reality—a disturbing and unnerving fact—that she wasn’t alone. She could feel supporting arms around her, the hands clutched together on her stomach, pulling her against a muscular body. She sucked in a breath as she tried to pry the fingers apart, trying for escape. Her heart rapidly picked up in its pace, tapping obnoxiously against her chest and in the pulse of her neck. Come on Skye, you can do this

, she told herself, fighting the fear and defeat that her body was trying to commit to.
Johnny shifted a little, breathing against the back of her neck, and loosened his grip, his arm draping over her side. He murmured something drowsily, not in the same state of mind she was in. She wiggled from his arms, her vision clouded with sleep and her heart tapping ferociously. She bit back the urge to make a sound and crawled out of the bed, her body aching as she did so.
She wanted to make her way into the bathroom without Johnny seeing her, but, as soon as she thought of the hopeful desire, Johnny stirred. He blinked his eyes open and a smirk instantly crept up his face, frightening Skye.
“Good morning, Princess. Sleep well?” He asked her groggily, his deep voice low and subtle. He looked at her with something close to affection which chilled a frosty gloom inside her.
She couldn’t respond with words, her tongue was tied and her breathing stumped with fear as oppressing as a brick. Instead of replying with words, she nodded her head slowly, feeling anger spark a flame beside the brick of fear.
“Good,” he drawled, sitting up and letting the comforter fall down. It was only then when Skye noticed that he wasn’t wearing a shirt and his large muscles were bulging. “Where are you headed?” He asked curiously, grinning at her even though he knew she hated that sickening grin.
She pointed to the bathroom and fought herself for words. “Bathroom. I need to get cleaned up,” she told him, her voice crackling with the welded up fear escaping past her lips. She gulped down a lump in her throat and averted her gaze, the image of Johnny freaking her out enough.
“Be careful, you know I don’t like it when you hurt yourself.”
Even though she wasn’t sure of it, she almost thought that she heard him chuckle. A strong coating of distaste bathed her mouth and she begged with herself not to gag. This is all so wrong

, she thought, eventually I will find a way not to let him control me. He’s only a twisted and confused psychopath anyways.

She could only imagine that she was right but there was always something that told her there was way more behind Johnny’s true story.
He certainly caused her to doubt her own judgment sometimes, and that squeezed every breath out of her, fear choking at the strings of her vocal chords. Leah needed to know the truth and Skye knew that she did, but every single measurement of doubt and fear she compressed told her to take the narrow and dark road to protect Leah. After all, Leah was the only one that she knew would stay with her as long as possible.
Skye slipped into the bathroom and closed the door, blocking Johnny from her world for the time she could. She clutched for the support of the counter as she felt her stomach tighten and inflame with pain. She slowly made her way over to the shower and undressed, wobbling into it. She let the warm water wash away her anger and fear, gently massaging the nerves in her body. As the water cascaded down her newly bruised and wounded body, she bit her lip and waited for the pain to ease a little.
Finishing up the shower, she turned off the water and slid down to the floor, little tear crystals sliding down her cheeks. She thought of how Johnny knew of her father and how long he probably has known. He kept it from her, kept it from the man’s own daughter—the daughter who longed to know her true father. She would have to find her father, no matter how hard it could be.
She knew that she had to cancel on Jules and the others, and that she was going to be stuck in the house with Johnny for an entire day; after all, she was sure that he had told many she was ill. She snatched the towel off of the hook on the wall and wrapped it around her, curling into a shameless ball and letting the tears pour. She was torn between the ideas tugging on the strings of her heart, all of which were pulling in many different directions.
Freeing herself from the dark thoughts of a life so twisted she could hardly breathe, she shuffled her feet from underneath her, attempting to get up. A pain shocked her body and she winced, falling back against the tub, her already pounding head hitting the wall. She closed her eyes and took a deep and painful breath, only to let out a sob in the next moment. She had no more tears though, her well had dried up, leaving desperate sobs in replace.
Grasping the edge of the tub, she pulled herself up, fleeting the sobs and whimpering through the pain. She got out of the tub, the towel still wrapped securely around her, and walked over to the counter. Regarding herself in the mirror above the sink, she looked at the dark shadows under her eyes from a restless sleep and saw her own broken soul stare back at her. She hated it when she could see the pain; she hated feeling the sorrow she suppressed. Her heartbeat tapped lightly within her, calming the nerves she was starting to feel tense.
Thoughts of Johnny lingered in her mind, presenting a slideshow of memories so painful and guilt-ridden that she wanted to scream for help. She wished she could scream for help. Help was always something she wanted, something she needed

; but she knew that help wasn’t coming for her, for it had a hard way of making its way into her life.
She took a calming breath and blinked away any fading pictures of Johnny, clearing her mind as much as possible. Skye needed a way out of the life spinning in front of her and she needed it soon. She dried herself off, got dressed, and brushed the straggly hair that was framing her face. Finishing up, she put the dirty clothes and towels in her hamper and exited her bathroom.
Once in her room, she found a hairband and tossed her hair into a sloppy bun, the ends of her long raven hair stuck together. Keep calm

, she reminded herself, Johnny isn’t going to be a threat right now

. She didn’t fully believe the words she told herself, but she needed an assuring way to settle down.
She left her room, her thoughts drifting off into the realm of a world spent with Jules—a world she wished she could escape to at any moment of every day. Even though there was the option for her to escape with him she didn’t want to risk anything to do it; she knew Johnny too well to know that he wouldn’t accept her hanging around Jules.
Jules couldn’t be her safety net, but maybe Rachel could. Rachel, Johnny liked; Jules, not so much. Skye wanted to be in the presence of Jules but she also felt bad enough that being as alone as possible would be better.
As she descended the staircase, she took in the fresh smell of hot pancakes and sausage and couldn’t believe it. She wouldn’t have thought that Johnny would really make a nice breakfast after how violently things ended the night before. In her mind, he had to be trying for something, for some sort of reward for taking care of her for once.
She ventured into the dining room first, eyes scanning for Johnny or the evidence of his cooking. On the table, two plates framed with two glasses and silverware rested across from each other, inviting company. She tilted her head to look into the kitchen from where she stood, eyeing the slight frame of Johnny beyond the arch of a new room. She carefully made her way around the dining room, gulping down any last little bit of fear that was coming up.
Peering around the archway into the kitchen, she planted her dainty hands on the frame and watched Johnny as he shuffled around, flipping pancakes and sausage. “Johnny?” She said, all too quietly.
He turned around for a moment and gave a quick wave of his full hand, before turning back around to the food. “Good to see you clean Skylar,” he chimed, surprisingly happy. “The last time I saw you—well, you didn’t look too good.” He could sense the fear that she was trying to compress and he enjoyed it, smiling to himself with satisfaction.
She didn’t know what to say at first, she only stared blank-faced at his back, her body shaking a little; but she eventually found her voice again, moving herself upright. “What’s with the food? I didn’t know you cooked breakfast.” She countered, her clear voice quietly timid.
“I just thought that it would be a nice change for me to make you something. Besides, after how badly things went last night, I figured it would be good to start over.” At that, he turned around with a full platter of pancakes and sausage in his hands.
Start over? He has never wanted to start over

, she thought in disbelief, stepping back, Did I miss something?

As much as he had made it clear what he said, she didn’t know how to believe it. Could he really want to “start over”? It wouldn’t be the perfect kind of starting over, more like the forgive and forget kind, but even that felt incredulous.
“Oh,” She sighed, averting her gaze, “starting over is good.” She said, trying to hide her disbelief.
Johnny grinned and raised the platter as he stepped forward. “Shall we?” He asked, tipping his head in the direction of the dining room.
Skye bowed her head and tugged on her arm, as if she could hide herself from him. “Sure,” she mumbled as she turned around and walked over to the closest chair. Johnny was beside her in a moment’s time, scooping a couple pancakes off of the platter along with some sausage. As much as the glorious smell of the pancakes enveloped her, she didn’t feel any urge to touch the food; her stomach was still fighting the twisting and unnerving sensation it always felt around Johnny.
As he sat down in the chair across from her, he grinned at her and set the platter down before him, those large and aggressive arms reaching and flexing, releasing the fear Skye had bundled up inside of her. She knew she was perfectly safe from his rage for a little while with the big enough distance between them both, but she still couldn’t help but remember those strong arms mercilessly tugging on her and shoving her around abruptly.
Once he finished scooping a couple pancakes onto his plate, he looked at her carefully, examining her expression as she stared back at him. He noticed that she wasn’t eating and it struck a funny chord in his mind. “Skye, what’s wrong? Why are you not eating?” He asked her, pleading gently with his eyes.
She glanced around, trying to avoid looking at him while she told him the answer—an answer she wished she truly understood. Meeting up with his stare, she fought the urge to snap back at him, but the pleading gentleness in his gaze made her hold back. “I’m not that hungry,” she answered quietly, placing her head in her hand gingerly. She stared at the wooden table, the swirled runes carved into it, creating a lovely pattern.
“Skylar, you must be hungry for something, you should eat.”
She snapped her attention back at him and frowned, “I don’t want anything, Johnny. I’m not hungry, and it’s not like I even asked to be here right now. By the way, I prefer Skye.” She hissed, pushing away from the table, her weary body trembling inside. She blinked a few times and tried to clear her mind, freeing herself from any fear or nervousness that could weigh her down.
She heard the creak of weight being lifted off of the dining chair and sighed, preparing herself for the worst. When Johnny reached her, he carefully took a hold of her upper arms and directed her to look at him. “Where do you want to go, Skye?”
She was shocked by the coolness in his voice, the calm that replaced what was almost always too rough and angry. Finding her words, she took a step back in instinct, fidgeting as she caught his gaze. “Why does it matter?” She croaked, screaming at herself that it was all too wrong. Johnny wasn’t a good guy, he hadn’t ever tried to be, and he never would be in her mind.
“Why are you so tense, Princess? There’s no need for that now,” he purred, rubbing his finger over her frail cheek.
She flinched back again and pushed against him, careful enough not to upset him. She didn’t want him to touch her, she couldn’t stand it. Her throat constricted on the words she tried to form and for a moment, she barely breathed. “Please just leave me alone, Johnny.” She pleaded, finding her voice.
“If you insist,” He drawled, chuckling roughly as he walked away—far from normal.
Skye couldn’t believe that he had actually left her without touching her forcefully. He didn’t force her to stay, or yell at her when she objected, he only left. Left

Chills springing down across her body, she shivered, holding her arms as she left the room. She hurried into her room, shutting the oak door behind her so that she felt safer. Her mind was still trying to process what all had just happened. She was around Johnny, talking down to him, yet, he didn’t so much as lay an abusive hand on her. He was calm, in such an eerie way that she almost found herself wondering if she truly was safe. Maybe he wanted something from her in return later, something that she certainly wouldn’t be able to handle.
Not wanting to think of all the possibilities of what those things could be, she shook her head and looked for her cell phone. She needed to call Jules, he would know something’s wrong if she never did. Plucking it from the desk, she flipped it open and dialed his number, waiting patiently for his beautiful voice to answer.
“Hey, Trouble,” he said the moment the second ring took place.
She silently flinched back, surprised at how quickly he had answered. “Hey, Jules.” She said wearily, the sadness of being without him for the day sinking in. She couldn’t go to the beach with fresh wounds, it would be too obvious that someone had cause them. Before Jules could say something smart, she glumly spoke eight weary words: “There is something I need to tell you.”
He was silent for a moment before replying. “That doesn’t sound good. Are you alright, Skye?”
“I’m fine, but I can’t go to the beach today,” she insisted. She hated telling him something as painful as that to him. She wanted to go with him more than anything, but not only would Johnny hate it, but, it wouldn’t show well for her friends.
“Are you really sick?” He asked her, the worry seeping into his voice, “Johnny was telling the truth?” He didn’t sound too convinced, more lost than convinced.
“Yes, Jules, I’m really sick. I’m sorry, really.” She sounded weak, and though it was unintentional, it helped in her case. She was weak in the heart, the beating slow and painful against her chest. She was tired, still worn from the wounds she had been given the night before.
“Can I still see you, or are you too embarrassed that you’ve been vomiting up all night?” He teased, chuckling under his breath on the other line.
She stifled a laugh, feeling a numbing weariness inside of her, and dropped to her bed in defeat. “That’s not funny, Jules. You would feel the same way if it was the other way around, smart boy.”
“Maybe; although, I’d just be happy to see you, trouble.” He added sweetly, the connection Skye felt to him growing deeper and deeper by each word. She had to resolve whatever problems Johnny had with Jules—she could tell they were there—, and she had to do it quickly. “I believe that your silence is a no?” He hinted, the soft laughter coming in through the phone connection.
“It’s a no for today. Rain check?”
“Rain check. But, it’s going to cost you,” he trailed off, chuckling again.
Skye hated it when he did that, his laugh was not only breathtaking and beautiful, but it was contagious; and, maybe that’s just what she needs, but she still can’t stand it. She wants to be able to laugh on her own, to feel the beauty of it without the help of someone else. She needs something beautiful and safe. “Don’t count on it,” she stated simply, rolling herself over so that she lay on her stomach.
“I will, you’re not getting off that easily.”
“We’ll see,” she added, calm laughter escaping her lips, creating the beautiful sound she needed to hear. Her laughter may not be anything special, but to her it was the only thing that meant she had a real reason to believe again. Hope was weaseling its way into her life little by little. Now, if she could only find true safety.
A knock shook the door slightly, bringing her back into the reality that Johnny was still in the house, still a threat. “I’ve got to go, see you tomorrow,” She whispered hastily, snapping the phone shut before Jules could reply. She grimaced as she thought of how he probably took that—to higher extremes then it was. She scooted herself up against the bed frame and scurried herself under the sheets of the bed, hoping Johnny wouldn’t enter in that moment.
“Skye, may I come in?” He asked from the other side of the door, so casually it almost would seem that he could actually be her father, instead of the terrible menace he had so easily portrayed. It made her wonder how much she actually knew about this man, and then she realized that she really didn’t know much.
She buried herself under the blanket, her head and arms the only things out, and croaked a small, “Enter.”
He slowly opened the door and grinned at her, the smile more casual then creepy or menacing. “Are you going anywhere today?” He asked her curiously, sitting on the end of the bed as casually as an average father figure.
She didn’t want to look at Johnny though, she kept her gaze straight ahead, watching the goldfish in the bowl on her desk swim. She almost wished she had a life like the fish. Its life was the simplest life one could desire, it would swim, eat, and then eventually, slowly slip from the world. So much easier than what her life had become.
Remembering his question, she chewed on her bottom lip and took a deep breath. She could feel the heat of his body next to her feet and it chilled every bone in her body, pinching on the nerves. “No, Johnny,” she told him, her voice refraining from showing any irritation or fear.
“Good, because you really should stay home and let those wounds heal.” By the way he spoke the words, she didn’t believe that it was even the same person. He sounded…different. He was no longer thrashing words and threats at her like she could’ve imagined him doing, and that made her uneasy—unable to decide if he was changing or if he was faking everything. The only thing that she knew was that she couldn’t trust him, not then, not ever.
“Johnny,” she started, only, she didn’t finish because she lost her breath, feeling his back right beside the nook of her stomach. She sucked in her breath and everything about her froze. Memories of the night before and so many other times flashed before her eyes, creating a nausea so overwhelming that she would have hurled if she had anything inside her.
“Princess,” He said quietly, brushing a hand over her arm and bringing the hair out of her pale face. “Are you alright? I’m sorry about last night, you know.” There was a certain hint of care in his voice, but she couldn’t discern whether it was real or not.
“Please Jonny, don’t do this,” She pleaded, her quiet voice catching as she fought tears of regret.
“Do what?” He recoiled a little, frowning.
“Don’t apologize when you know that you’ll just do it again,” she informed him, her breathing picking up as she looked him in the eyes.
He chuckled at the words, slightly amused yet still unsure, and this time, a little more himself. “Hurting you was a mistake, Princess. I just got carried away when I saw you in that room. There are private and personal things in there and I just didn’t want you to spy around. I’m sorry I hurt you, Skye, but there are consequences for snooping in other people’s business, if you haven’t already learned that.” He was gently stern—just the right amount of stern and gentleness—as he spoke, staring at her with bold, icy eyes.
“Then what makes you different than me? I know that you had files of research on my father, and pictures of me and Leah. Does she know? Were you ever going to tell her?” She threw back at him, a little too sharply, sitting up and pushing her back against the bedframe.
Anger flashed across his features for a moment, but he quickly replaced it with a look of cool amusement. “You shouldn’t be looking into things of the past, you have a bright future ahead of you, Princess. And as far as Leah, she doesn’t need to know, it doesn’t concern her.”
Skye had to fight the jaw dropping urge that threatened her, surprised by him. “Johnny, my father isn’t just the past, he’s my present, he’s part of me—I mean—I’m part of him. You can’t seriously think that this doesn’t concern us! You had pictures from years ago of us sprawled all over in that desk drawer!” She retorted, ignoring the fear that had weighed her down just moments before. She wanted to know her biological father more than anything else. Sure, she had seen a picture, and he had never been good to her mom, but she still needed to know the truth behind it all, before everything in her life could crumble even more. “How long have you been stalking us, Johnny? Or is that even your real name?” She bickered, bitterness bubbling up inside of her. She wasn’t sure who this man sitting before her was anymore—if she ever even had. Who has Leah let come into their lives?
He simply stared at the exasperated girl in front of him, wondering how she could ever have figured it all out in the first place; after all, she was never the bravest girl he had met. He hadn’t met anyone like her and Leah before and he knew they were special, from the beginning, when he first found them, he knew there was something more to them. He was right; they had a lot more written into their life story than they even knew about.
“Princess, where is all of this coming from? Your father left you and Leah, he didn’t care about you and he has never tried to look for you, don’t you find that unworthy of being a part in your life?” He asked calmly, resituating himself so that he was a little closer to her. “Leah doesn’t need to know, and you don’t need to worry. Nothing more was going on with those pictures, Skye, I only found them.”
She glared at him, fighting the surprise she felt tighten in her throat and face. “He left us, yes, but that doesn’t mean that he didn’t care about us. He was just scared and confused, they were both too young. It was…a mess.” She breathed, catching her rapid breath as she looked away from Johnny, ashamed. She knew that she was the result of something so entirely wrong, something she hated thinking about, something that was almost so near to becoming her.
Turning towards him again, she narrowed her eyebrows at him, “You didn’t find those pictures did you, Johnny? You stole them, or had someone take them for you. They were never yours, were they?” Suddenly everything settled into her mind at once. She wasn’t sure of it all, but she had the strongest feeling she was right, and it twisted her stomach so hard she thought she would collapse from sleep.
Johnny was at a loss for words. He opened his mouth to speak several times, but all that came out was a quiet sound of honesty. He was hiding something worse than she even imagined. Finally, he mustered enough voice to say something to her, realizing how suspicious he was acting. “Why would you think that, Princess?”
“You got them from someone, Johnny, and Leah and I know this someone. That’s why you’re hiding it. How long have you known about us—since my birth?”
“You were five, just like the picture,” he admitted, closing the space between them a little.
Skye couldn’t believe he was actually telling her the truth, not lies. She blinked a few times to make sure that it wasn’t all some sort of nightmare, but he was still there, staring at her with a look of distress. It was a nightmare. Johnny has known about them since she was five, and not only that, but he’s known so much about them.
“He told me all about you both, giving me the pictures he had taken already as his research,” he went on, stressing the word he, “he loved you and told me that I would love you too.” He added, his heavy voice breaking the truth to her before her ears, his eyes full of thought. He moved himself closer and closer to her, reaching out for her face. Cupping her chin in his hands, he smiled faintly and chuckled wearily. “You have always been beautiful, just like your mother.” He whispered, brushing his dark finger against her lips.
She pulled away and backed into the bedside dresser, frantically breathing. “Johnny,” She breathed, shrinking back against the dresser. “You’re scaring me,” she added.
“He knew that he had messed up and told me to fix things, he wanted me to fix you, bring you into a cold world so that he could see you again. The days were so long,” he murmured, reaching a hand to touch her again.
She slapped it away and crawled away from him, gasping for air. All of the air in her lungs was seemingly digressing, leaving her body in a fluid motion. She choked on tears, thinking about the man Johnny was talking about, and stopped herself on the other end of the bed, hands propped and back hunched over. Everything was so twisted, unbelievably wrong; she didn’t understand how her life could be so messed with.
Feeling warm hands touch her shoulders and the bed sink a little, she realized that he was right behind her, breathing down her neck. “All of that time spent watching you, then hurting you, it has all been because of my love for you and Leah. You really are both too perfect for me,” he purred, bending his head next to her next and nuzzling it. She couldn’t move, her body was growing numb and she had to close her eyes just to think. “He has loved you in a better way though, one that’s not as ugly. Right, Princess?”
Trying to find words, she stumbled over her own breathing, thinking of ways to say what she had to say. “It—it couldn’t be him, Johnny. He wouldn’t have done that, he’s not that kind of man.” She stammered, swallowing hard on the lump in her throat.
“Maybe not now, but he certainly was back then, remember? He couldn’t believe you were truly his, he only brushed it off and tried to get over his love. He may have been wrong in many ways—I mean, he was—but nevertheless, he was in love and had something to show.”
It couldn’t be true, not that, never that. “No, I don’t—believe it.” She croaked, hot tears splashing down her face.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her up against him, causing her to gasp. “It’s about time you do,” he mumbled, bringing her down with him.


“Johnny!” Skye screamed, pushing her hands against the arms securely wrapped around her. “Let go of me,” she sobbed, fighting the man whose grip was too strong for her state of strength.
“Princess,” He drawled, laughing as he twisted them around so that he was on top of her, “You believe me, right?”
She glared at him, hatred surging through every vein in her body. “No,” she spat, looking him straight in the eyes.
He stared back at her, chuckling, a tainted anger clear in his eyes. “It’s true, Princess, he’s the one who brought me into your life—your real father.”
She sucked in her breath, biting her lip so that she didn’t scream, and turned her head away from him. She didn’t want him to see her crying, figuring that it would only upset him further than she knew he already was inside. “My father

couldn’t have done that to us, he couldn’t have set this life up for me and Leah.” She said quietly, irritation and tears choking any clarity in her voice away.
“He did, Skylar,” He used one hand to stroke the side of her face, “Of course, he had no idea who I was, he only knew that he needed someone to watch over you both and I was there at the time. He was a selfish man, really; always wanting to have his dirty work done by someone else when he could have just confronted it. If only someone could have taught him the facts of life back then; maybe you wouldn’t be in this situation right now.” The coolness in his voice was tainted with a dark hint of anger, a sound so bitter it left a horrible distaste in Skye’s mouth.
She wanted to slap Johnny—no, she wanted to kill

her father; after all, it was all because of him that Johnny had ever found her and Leah. Even more, it was all because of him that she was even living a life cocked full of lies and secrets, a tragedy seemingly just as bad as death itself in her own mind. Still, everything that she suffers through seems worth trying through, no matter how bad it can get.
She choked on the tears caught in her throat, threatening to release sobs that would weaken her. She needed a lot more strength, more space, more—something

. Her concentration was lost in a sea of confusion and anger, torn between the bitter truths. “You’re saying that my father, who left before I was even born, came back five years later to find us again? You’re saying that he screwed things up, but are you forgetting how much you have screwed up, too? I may not know him, but if he wanted those pictures for himself then why didn’t he just take them himself? It doesn’t add up, Johnny; nothing you say ever adds up.” She spoke the words quietly, feeling her heart sink a little.
She wanted to believe in her father, in Derik, somehow and by some incredible strength; but with the ties that started to unwind before her, she didn’t think she could anymore. Derik had hurt them, not physically as Johnny has hurt Skye, but emotionally—the hardest way to get over.
Johnny wasn’t happy with her words, taken aback with a harsh anger that was written all over his face, but he still stayed calm, holding back his anger with such strength and causality he seemed different. “Naïve, little Princess.” He muttered, shaking his head and chuckling a little too uncomfortably. “Skylar, he wasn’t able to take them himself because he knew that he would get caught. He was married and knew that it would be dangerous to be seen around his ex and her daughter, people would get the wrong idea.” Suddenly and without warning, he pushed on Skye’s shoulders, pinning her against the bed as he leaned his mouth next to her ear.
He continued when he saw that she wasn’t objecting or asking any questions, only staring to the side with a frown, “As far as those pictures, I’m sure you’re curious as to why I have them instead of him.” He phrased it almost as a question, pausing as his hot breath sent chills down her spine. She wanted to know why, though, that much was true; but she didn’t respond or nod, knowing that he wasn’t really asking her. “Derik thinks you’re dead, he doesn’t even know that I have them. He doesn’t know you’re alive, Princess,” he rolled the words into her ears, his whispers shaky.
She gasped, hating herself the moment it happened, and bit her tongue to hold back a sob. Her lips quivered, eyes stung, and she could barely accept the answer he had just given her. It pained and surprised her, shocking her body into a bitter charge of hatred.
Turning to Johnny, she glared at him, screaming from the inside. She hated him, truly hated him. She had never hated anyone before, not entirely; but, Johnny, he deserved the hatred. To her, he was nothing but a menace. He was just someone she needed to escape from, no matter how badly he could treat her in the process. “I can’t believe you—you—how could you Johnny? How could you tell him I’m dead?” She screamed. Her voice was shaky and unsteady.
He smiled and looked at her, having already brought his head up before she screamed at him. He took a hand and played with her hair for a moment, his large fingers flouncing the ends. “Easy: I wanted you and Leah to myself. He didn’t deserve to see those pictures, he was a bad man, so I told him that you had died in an accident and he believed me, barely fighting it.”
She was appalled, literally sick because anger and sadness had clenched so hard in her stomach. Derik

, she spoke his name in her head, tears burning the back of her eyelids. He thinks his daughter—me—is dead. Now I’ll never know him,

she thought in defeat, coming to the wall in the road to finding her father—her real

father, the one that had left her and Leah.
Something lit up in her mind, clear as day and real. Derik only left because he was scared, afraid of raising a daughter under the circumstances, one of which being, he never gave Leah a chance to object to what happened that night. He had messed everything up when he had used her, all of his chances at a normal life. He was selfish and just wanted out. She knew that Leah had wanted that too, only, she was the one having the baby girl.
“Johnny, you’re wrong about him,” she said, building enough courage to look deep into Johnny’s icy eyes.
“Oh?” He asked thoughtfully, laughing under his breath, “And how is that?” His hand was back on her shoulder, painfully pinning her down.
She fought the urge to yelp in pain, knowing that she was strong enough to let it not bother her. Catching her breath as her heart rate sped up, she knotted her hands into the comforter. “He’s not the bad man, you are.” She didn’t know why she was saying it, she knew that once the words were out Johnny could do whatever he wanted or willed to do, but the words still left her lips. “You’ve done so many things to me, so many things to Leah, maybe she’s blinded by your façade, but I’m not. If you want the secrets you’re hiding to stay secret, then you’re going to have to stay away from me; otherwise, I spill everything.” She said grudgingly, swallowing a lump of fear caught in her throat. Had she just warned Johnny? She couldn’t believe it.
Johnny was taken aback, the shock tenfold on his face, and he stared at her as if he was trying to figure out what had just happened. Swiftly, he lowered himself on her, his face mere inches from hers as his body squeezed the breath out of her. He laughed viciously, the venom in even his laughter creeping its way eerily into her ears. He brushed a finger across her cheek, practically purring. “Was that a threat, Princess?” His cold voice sang, chilling her bones.
She kept eye contact, trying to hide her fear, even though she knew he could sense it and maybe even feel it. They were so close to each other, closer than she ever wanted to be with the likes of him. “If that’s what you want to make it as, then yes. It was a threat.” She hissed, glad that even though her body was shutting down she could still defend herself by appearing brave against him.
“I don’t think you’re in the position to be the one making threats, Skylar.” He informed her. He sounded more like his normal self again, upset. His hands slid down her face, down to her neck, and stopped, pressing the fingers between the skin and bone.
She didn’t cry out, didn’t scream, only shut her eyes and choked back the tears. She didn’t want to let Johnny have that kind of power over her anymore; instead, she wanted to be the strong one, the girl who saved herself. Only, she knew that wasn’t as easy to find as she hoped.
His other hand—the one that had been at her shoulder—traveled down her arm and grabbed a hold of her chest right where he had cut her the night before. He knew he was hurting her; but he fed off of that pain and misery, suffocating and terrorizing her with it. He loved it, the satisfaction of tormenting her and keeping her under his control, and he knew that he could make it continue.
Pushing hard on her chest and neck, he kept his devilish eyes on her. She shifted uncomfortably under the weight of his body, flailing and screaming on the inside. She wanted so badly to cry out, the pain and humiliation strongly enveloping her. “If you want to make threats with me, then you better be prepared for a whole lot of misfortune. I wouldn’t want to see what happened with Leah years ago to happen to you now…in a different way, of course.” He growled, the anger vivid in his ragged breath. He crushed her then, pushing his lips against hers sickly as his body slammed into hers.
Pain fired across her wounds as his body pressed down on hers. She screamed around his lips, trying to pull away as quickly as possible; but he was quicker, and his hands were suddenly at the sides of her face, forcing her to kiss him. She was disgusted, ashamed, and utterly furious about it. She pushed on him, squirming from underneath him, and cried out, the screams muffled by his lips.
Finally, he broke away from her lips, pulling himself away from her. His chest was heaving, for reasons Skye was terrified of, and he looked excruciatingly satisfied. His lips tipped into a smirk at the corners of his mouth, and he made a sound she could only guess was laughter.
She was in absolute shock, breathing heavy from her panic, as she stared at him, her eyes wide and fearful. She felt absolutely sick to her stomach, disgusted with the guiltiness and horror of it all. She pushed herself back, so quickly and far that she almost fell off the side of the bed. “Johnny,” she breathed, trying to tell him off or something, but it only came out choked and fearful. She tried again, “Johnny, don’t

touch me.” She trembled as she watched him scoot a little closer to her again. She spun herself off of the bed instinctively, putting her hands in front of her to ward him off, the pain numbed by her apprehension.
He smiled at her, back to his normal disturbing self; only this time, he had crossed the line kissing her. He didn’t look sorry or even close to it, he only looked satisfied and as if he desired more. “Skylar, I told you not to tell me what to do, or not do, in this situation. You’re so beautiful, come here,” he said venomously, reaching his arm out as he moved towards her.
She jumped back, looking from him to the door and back. She deliberated on whether she felt confident enough to make it there or not, deciding that she had no other choice. She took a quick breath, lunged away from him, and ran for the bedroom door. She didn’t look back, only ran as fast as she could out of the room and down the stairs, bounding for the front door. The lock was bolted shut and she scrambled to open it, gasping for breath as the fear of not making it out in time clasped down on her lungs.
She threw the door open as she heard footsteps racing down the staircase and sprinted for the outdoors; only, a hand clamped around her arm and pulled her back inside. She let out a scream as he wrapped his arms around her, trapping her. “Let go of me, Johnny!” She shrieked, thrashing around as he roughly dragged her into the kitchen. He tossed her into one of the stools and grabbed her wrists, bending down right next to her face. She was crying, he saw, and that only encouraged him to do what he was about to even more.
“I told you, Skylar, I’m the one in authority here.” He sneered, closing the distance between them drastically.
She spat in his face, her eyebrows furrowing in anger. He had seen her cry and she hadn’t wanted him to see that. “Filth,” She hissed, “that’s all you are, Johnny. Disgusting filth

.” She choked on the bile in her throat.
He laughed at her; although, there was something behind it, an uncertainty. He wiped his free hand quickly over his face, laughing with distaste, and tilted his head to the side as he gave her innocent eyes, feigning innocence. “What could you possibly be talking about?” He asked her.
She scoffed, anger firing inside of her. “You kissed me, y—you psychotic monster!” She shrieked in outraged, tugging at the strong grip around her wrists. “Let—go—of—me

!” She stammered, her throat constricting with tears every breath she took.
A grin taunted her, mocking her. “Are you going to stay put?” He seemed as if he was trying to negotiate it, but why would he be negotiating anything? He doesn’t have the right to be that way, to treat her that

way. “If you run away, or talk about our precious secrets, you’re going to wish the only thing I will do to you is kiss

you.” He whispered, brushing his lips over hers, her body squirming around.
She couldn’t believe it. Her mouth stayed intact, but it had threatened to drop open, to gape at him. She wanted to throw her hands up and slap him, but she couldn’t break out of his grasp. There was a wave of fear that washed over her, making her want to cower away, find a way out. Even though she wasn’t sure that he would really do what he threatened her about, she knew that she wouldn’t want to risk it. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to picture herself somewhere else far away and clear from him, somewhere that she knew she was safe. Wishing she was with Jules

“Please,” she begged, tears spilling out of her eyes. “Let me go, I promise I won’t run,” her pleads whispered, catching Johnny’s attention. She opened her eyes as he let go of her wrists and stepped away from her. Painfully, she calmed herself, watching as he went around the island counter, grabbing two glasses of water.
Her nerves hitched up a couple notches every time he stepped near her. “Here, drink this, you need to get something in your system.” He told her, his once angry voice voicing some shaky concern.
She took the glass from him carefully, watching him intently to make sure that he didn’t try to touch her again. Him touching her, it was worse than anything Bryan had done to her, it always felt even more wrong and unhealthy. She had to find a way to escape his destructive hold on her. Despite her own feelings of disgust with him, she forced a smile and thanked him, her voice quiet and breathless.
The moment the cold liquid washed down her throat, she tasted something sour and repulsive. She gagged, coughing as she brought the glass away from her lips. Without warning, she felt sick and dizzy, almost as if what she had just put into her body was not

water. Or at least, not only water. Fog clouded her vision and her lips quivered as the room started spinning. There was a painful ringing in her ears and she couldn’t concentrate on anything.
Her heart thumped against her chest, pounding so hard she thought it may explode. She tried to look at Johnny but her vision was fading and she couldn’t see him. Her stomach tightened and she keeled over, wincing. “What did you do to me?” She whispered, her breath leaving her.
Johnny set a hand on her shoulder and grinned, saying, “You need some more rest, Princess.” There was a cold pleasure within his voice and if she had really heard him, she would have panicked. Sleep was taking over her, carrying her away, and she rolled over the edge of the stool, falling into the arms of the older man. She was out just like that. “Sleep well,” was the only thing he said as he stroked her hair away from her face and smiled at her.

The bedroom was bright, illuminated by the sunlight streaming in through the windows. Skye fluttered her eyes open, a yawn escaping her lips as she rubbed at her sleepy eyes. The heat of the sunlight hitting her sheets warmed her, keeping any cold that her body had felt away. All too suddenly, she remembered what had happened and realized that it was already the next morning. And that shocked her into the question: What could Johnny have given her? She had been out for over twelve hours.
Digging the palms of her hands against the bed, she pushed herself up and took a deep breath, the room slightly spinning from either too much sleep or just the dose of whatever Johnny had drugged

her with. Johnny had drugged her. She still didn’t want to believe that he could do something like that. She only hoped that nothing happened while she was out.
A pulsing fire blazed in her head, creating one of the loudest and most painful headaches she had ever experienced. I’m so dead

, she thought, if Johnny could do that to me easily what else could he be capable of doing? Anything?

Behind her eyelids visions of horrifying images flashed, causing her heartbeat to rapidly slam itself against her chest. She scrambled to get off of the bed, tossing the sheet away and wobbling over to the bathroom.
Her head throbbed as a side effect of whatever he had drugged her with and the room slowly spun around as she attempted to climb into the tub for a shower. Warm water always calms and clears her mind.
After finishing her shower and getting ready, she stood in front of the mirror, desperately trying to find herself in it. Although, she seemed to feel as though she couldn’t do it, all she saw was a falling apart girl with weary eyes and scarred cheeks. She brushed her hand over her cheek and then down to her lips, remembering the sour pang of distaste that accompanied Johnny’s hard lips the day before. She hated it—every single part of it. It wasn’t only uncomfortable and disturbing, but it felt too wrong and painful, a pure violation of standards.
Hiding something like that was going to be harder than all of the violation she had already taken by him. It was wrong

A knock on the door snapped Skye out of her thoughts, breaking the calm silence with an erratic banging. “Skylar?” Johnny said. His voice was cold yet warm, contradicting itself with a confusing amount of both. “How are you feeling?” Saying those words was enough to inflame a nerve of anger and disgust in Skye’s body, carrying her as far away from the door as possible.
She looked at the rattling doorknob hoping that he wouldn’t find a way to somehow break through it. Part of her knew that he could do it if he wanted but the other part, a stronger one, believed that he wouldn’t. Sliding down to the ground against the wall, she curled up into a ball, hugging her knees against her chest.
“Go away Johnny, I’m not talking to you, I can’t

.” She croaked, partially through anger and partially regret. She felt like she should have stopped him; maybe pushed him away before he kissed her, or broke free and ran long before it had happened; but how that seemed impossible was what angered her the most. Johnny’s oppressing power over her. His force; his nature; and his powerful ability to take matters into his own hands could change everything she felt or knew. He always knew what to do to keep her in his trap of the deceitful and dark game—a misfortune all too unreal.
“Come on now, Princess; don’t be that way. You are

talking to me. Maybe you don’t want to talk to me

, but sooner or later, I will get you to talk to me.” He told her crisply. Another threat to add to the long list of horror he had already created.
“Please Johnny, don’t.” She begged.
He chuckled from the other side of the door, a low laughter that repeated over and over again in her ears. “I’m not going to hurt you Skylar. Just tell me how you’re feeling and I will leave you be for the day.”
She hardly believed the words that sang out to her ears: leave you be for the day. Could he have meant it?

She wondered. “I’m doing just fine.” She replied plainly. Finding a little courage, she stood up and walked towards the door as her heart actually slowed its racing. “Johnny?” She whispered as she leaned her head against the door.
He dropped his hand away from the doorknob and it shook in abandonment. “Yes, Princess?”
Despite how strongly she felt against him she felt the urge to figure something out—she needed to know the truth. “My father—Derik—had he changed at all?”
“Depends on what you mean by ‘changed’. Derik was still only seeking out his own desires and finding what he wanted; but from what I have heard of his behavior before you were born, yes. He had changed in the slightest.”
“Was it for better? The change, I mean.”
Another pause.
“It was, yes. But Skye, that no longer matters anymore; you don’t need him. You have me.”
Skye’s heart sank when she felt the longing desire to see her father—a common feeling that has burdened her for the past seventeen years. “I don’t want to have you Johnny, I need

my father. You’re not him and you never will be.” With her quiet words, she twisted around so that her back was against the door.
“You don’t need him; you want

him. And it’s pointless. He doesn’t even know you’re alive, Skye. I’m sure that he has forgotten all about you by now. He already was those many years ago, why would now be any different?” He replied cryptically, his anger slipping out of his lips and into the air.
“What made you so believable than? How could he believe your lies? I’m not going to back down, I’m going to find him and you can’t stop it.” She said. Her voice was raspy from a sudden wave of anger and sorrow.
“Princess, he was just like anyone else: easy to fool. And if you really want to find him, go ahead and find him. You’ll only put yourself into a lot more pain by doing it, but I’m not going to stop you.”
“You’re sick,” she muttered. Her fists clenched on either side. “Do you honestly think you can keep on fooling everyone, Johnny? Someone is going to figure out the game you’re playing whether I tell anyone or not. You can’t hide everything forever.”
“Oh but I believe that I can. You see, as long as you don’t say anything, I’ll have what I want and need to get people to believe me. And even if you do spread the word to people, you and I both know that I can be a much more of believable figure than you. I mean, considering your… cutter of a reputation which you have so conveniently upheld for me.” He reminded her. His voice filled with a sheer coating of mockery and laughter to it.
She felt nauseous talking about it; knowing that he was right—who could really believe her after all of the lies she and Johnny have told trying to keep the secrets secret? “Please Johnny, I can’t keep lying to Leah like I have been. There has to be something you can do to convince her that everything that has happened was my fault—or something. I just need her to know something that’s not lies.” She pleaded, her desperation controlling every feeling she should have lived by. Her emotions were still running wild from the confusion and worry.
“I’m sorry Princess, but I can’t do that,” he finished. A sound like the shuffling of his footsteps came from the other side of the door, telling her that he was done with that conversation.
She spun around and slapped her hands against the door, crying out. “Wait!”
There was a halt in his footsteps encouraging her to go on.
“What did you do to me yesterday? The drug—it…hurt.”
“I just gave you something to give you a better sleep. It was obvious that you needed sleep; you were acting a little freakish and squeamish—both things you don’t need to act. I’m sorry that you didn’t take to it well, but I have a job to do now.”
She couldn’t help not believing him. She knew that she had every right to act the way she had; his violation had gone too far. “What are you doing?” She asked, pressing her ear against the door.
“Just as I said: I’m going to work, Princess. We will meet again tonight. Goodbye, Skylar.” He answered. And after he said it she knew that it was true—and that terrified her. She didn’t want to “meet” with him again; she wanted to be carried away from him. She has never been or felt safe around him.
He was leaving for a good enough amount of time that she could get out of the house and finally feel free again. She could be with Jules—the only person that kept appearing in her mind, over and over again, besides Johnny. She didn’t want to think about Johnny though; he was out of the picture for the day. Leah would be home soon enough too.
Wrapping her arms securely around herself, she walked out of the bathroom cautiously, being sure to check if he was anywhere to be seen. Finding a small glimmer of hope, she sighed and walked down the staircase. She hurried out of the house after grabbing her purse from the closet and ran down the streets.
Phone in hand she called Jules to see what the deal was with the beach, discovering that he was ready to give her a ride at any time. They ended the call as she told him where she was and that she would need the ride. She was sitting under the tree in the park, thinking about all of the things she still didn’t know about Johnny or her father. She would still find Derik and that was what she knew had to happen. She needed that, whether it surfaced as closure or an actual chance at a relationship with him.
“Hey,” Jules’ voice sang from above her head.
She looked up and smiled, instantly taken away from all of the worry and troubling thoughts. “Hey, Jules.”
“Are you ready to go?” He asked, grinning down at her.
Hesitantly she nodded her head and smiled a little bit bigger. “I am.”
He held out his hand for her and laughed, “Come on then, we’ve got to get there before Rachel and Vic.”

and Victor

; the two names she didn’t want to hear together like that, ever

. “Victor is really going to be there?” She questioned, feeling a pang of uncomfortable weariness.
“Of course he is. Do you not want him to be?”
“Jules, he told me to stay away from you; I doubt he will be happy seeing me again.” She reminded him. Her voice was quiet and careful but also begging him for an answer.
“I talked to him about us and he’s going to forget about it, okay? We’re going to be okay, Skye. I want you to be happy and that’s all that matters. No one can tear us away from each other.” He smiled, the words graciously flowing from his soft lips.

, the word she had wanted to relate perfectly for them since the day she first met him. She knew that she loved him, her feelings were too strong and oppressing to be hidden, but she also knew that she had been clinging to him because of Bryan and Johnny; she needed to see Jules for Jules—no one else. “Thank you,” was all she could say to that.
He pulled her into him and embraced her, the hug so gentle and careful that Skye thought it was too good to be true. She couldn’t kiss him yet though; she knew that it would only bring up Johnny’s lips against hers in a painful way—the torment of such a small gesture.
“Come on,” he said as he led her back to his car, his arm around her waist as she leaned her head into him.


Waiting for the arrival of their friends, Jules and Skye walked down the pier. They shared silence between one another, neither bothering to talk to each other as they walked. Skye hated how strangely she felt. It was as if being around Jules, back in his safe company, was still not enough for her. In fact, she felt even more on edge around him. She knew that he was her safety net; but how long could she really stay away from Johnny? He had changed her in the past few days, and in no way was it for her own benefit.
Something made Jules stop beside her, his head tilting to the side as he examined her face. “Is something wrong, trouble? You’re not acting like yourself.”
She looked at him then, her gaze meeting his. “Something’s very wrong,” she muttered before thinking. She watched him carefully, wondering what he would do if she kissed him, and frowned when she thought of rough lips against hers—not Jules’s

. She hoped he hadn’t heard her.
“What’s going on with you? I mean, you’ve been acting strange the entire time I’ve known you. And I can tell that something has been bothering you and troubling you. Did someone hurt you, Skye?”
She flinched away, shaking her head. “No—no one hurt me Jules,” she lied. Her tone was sharp and scratchy, guilt ridden, but she hoped he wouldn’t notice. She needed him to believe her lie—again.
“You’re lying,” he said quietly. His eyes dared her to tell him the truth, to open up and finally get some help, but she knew she couldn’t speak of the truth if she wanted to stay safe from Johnny’s wrath. His threats were an example of what he’d do.
“Excuse me?” she gasped, faking offence.
“I can tell you’re not being completely honest with me, Skye. The way you’re looking at me right now…it shows it all. You’re lying; someone hurt you, didn’t they?” He looked sincerely worried for her, like there wasn’t an amount of doubt in his mind that she really was lying to him, and it pained him.
“Please not now, Jules. They’re going to be here soon,” she told him, hesitating before averting her gaze and starting her walk back to the shore.
A hand reached out and stopped her, gently holding her in her tracks.
“Look,” he spoke quietly, his words a calming melody in her ears. “I didn’t mean to upset you. If you want to talk about it later, than that’s okay. All I want is to see you clearly; I don’t want to lose you, Skye.”
“I’m not upset,” she breathed. Her eyes lingered as she locked her gaze with his caring eyes, taking in the clean kindness about him. “I’d just rather not talk about it. I may lose you.” She lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes hovering downward. She couldn’t look at him, the face that looked distraught enough to make her cry.
She could see it now—she really was falling apart.
He sighed. Wrapping a strand of her hair around his finger, he stepped in closer and caressed her cheek. “You’re never going to lose me, Skye. I’ll be here—with you—as long as you want.” There was such a deep sympathy that sang out through his words, transforming them into something beautiful.
She looked at him then, her crystal eyes peering into his soul. She was tempted to look away, afraid of how he would see her; she wondered if he would see right through every façade and mask she hid behind—the only things keeping her alive.
But in that moment, while they were only inches apart and divided by that tiny distance longing to be closed, she longed to touch him or feel his lips brushing against hers. It didn’t matter that Johnny had been the last to touch them anymore; she only wanted to feel the security of something beautiful again.
In his eyes, she could see the same desires, passions. He looked as if he was carefully holding himself back, afraid that if he made an attempt to kiss her she would draw away. And she hated seeing him like that. So careful and gentle that she only wanted him to hold her so much more. The beauty and sympathy was all too different than what she had seen or heard about from Johnny in the past few days, and that made her heart burn for the opposite even more.
Jules wouldn’t hurt her.
She was the first to move. She stood on her tip-toes and lightly brushed her lips over his, sighing for more. Pulling her up into his arms, he kissed her softly, his full lips joining hers in a gentle dance together. She wound her legs around his chest and clasped her hands together behind his neck, pressing herself for a more passionate kiss.
He chuckled when he felt her fingers play with his hair, clutching a wad in her hands and then releasing again and doing it all over. Drawing himself away, his hands cupping her face, he looked at her. She was practically out of breath but he could see the pleasure she got from it; he felt that same wonderful pleasure.
He traced his finger over her jaw line, the soft touch of his finger sparking her desire a little. And he kissed her again, a careful and sweet gesture. “Trouble?” He breathed.
She lifted her eyelids and smiled at him. “Mhm?”
“I’m not hurting you, am I?” His tone was gentle and quiet, displaying a heartbreaking curiosity.
She didn’t understand how he could ever even think that. But instead of raising her voice and screaming a no, she kissed him again. Their touch sparked a flame in each other’s bodies.
“You couldn’t possibly be hurting me, Jules,” she whispered. She didn’t ask him why he would think that, because she already knew the answer. Since the moment they met, she allowed her fear and weakness to show a little, unwillingly hinting that someone has hurt her in more ways than one.
“I could never want to,” he said quietly. It was almost an inaudible sound—so cautious that at the sound Skye’s body warmed. She always felt warm around him; and that was many times better than how Johnny made her feel. “I think we should find Rachel and Victor. They’ll be looking for us.”
She grinned. “Let’s make them wait, than.”
Chuckling, he pushed her hair behind her ears and grinned at her. “Come on, Trouble. You know just as much as I do that it is better we’re not making them wait. I mean, Rachel just can’t wait to set her eyes on me.” Winking, he set her down on the pier.
She laughed at him, the feel of it calming any nerves she had once had about seeing Victor again, and pushed herself against him.
He hugged her and then dropped his arm around her waist, keeping her as close as he could while they walked.
At the top of the dunes of the beach Victor and Rachel were looking for them. Rachel’s gaze glazed over them and she squealed, grabbing Victor’s hand and prancing down the hill. She called out for them over and over again, an unusual giddiness illuminating off her.
“They spotted us,” Skye whispered to Jules.
“Do you think we should make a run for it? Get out of here?” He questioned, enjoying the idea of actually freeing them both from the unrelenting hold Victor and Rachel could have on them.
“Nah, not this time,” she said. Flaunting herself in front of him, she grinned and playfully moved backwards. “As much as I want to be with just you, I can’t. Rain-check?” she countered.
“Okay. But you owe me now,” he warned playfully.
Rachel collided into Skye, embracing her in a hug. “How have you been, Skye?” She said breathlessly. Her lips were hitched in a smile, her face shining with a measured amount of happiness.
“Alright, hanging in there,” Skye said, shrugging. She smiled at her friend, remembering how much she missed her best-friend. For years, she was the only person she could talk to about anything and nothing; but, ever since things have gotten bad with Bryan and worse with Johnny it seems that all she cares about is keeping her out of it all. Rachel deserves to know though; she hasn’t ever done anything to Skye to make it otherwise.
Grinning mischievously, Rachel leaned in to tell her something. “You have to tell me everything. And I mean everything,” she chuckled. Tugging on Skye’s arm she nodded her head in the direction of the shore. “Come on.”
“You two go have some fun. We’re going to talk for a little bit,” Jules told them, grinning nervously as he patted Victor’s lean shoulder. “Right, Vic?” He added, cocking his head to the side so that Victor’s gaze was clearly resting on him.
Victor grinned then, showing his sharply crafted white teeth. “Right,” he agreed.
Skye faked a smile, trying to push away the thought that whatever it was they were going to talk about could involve her, maybe even what happened between her and Victor.
Rachel led her away, laughing and chattering on about all of the latest gossip from the people who used to be part of Skye’s life. Again, ever since Bryan and Johnny, she hasn’t been around her old friends a lot.
“Skye? Something’s bothering you, isn’t it?” Rachel asked. Her words snapped Skye out of her swirling state of mind, the one that was aching to discover what Victor and Jules were talking about.
She bit her lip and groaned. “Why would you think that something’s wrong? Why does everyone always think there’s something wrong?” She snapped, pulling her arm out of Rachel’s.
Rachel was surprised by her outburst, partially offended, but more than that, curious. She hasn’t seen her upset like that since the last time they talked about Bryan. Stepping in front of her, she blocked the path and set her hands on her friend’s shoulders. “Skye, I’ve known you since we were in diapers, I think that gives me the advantage to know when something’s wrong with my best friend.” She said, creasing her eyebrows. “Besides, you’ve been avoiding me the past few days, and that’s not like you.”
Despite the built up tinge of anger that Skye felt towards her for figuring her out, she sighed and gestured toward the empty place in the sand. “I’m sorry about that, Rachel, really. It’s just—things have been—well… rough

. A lot has changed in the past few weeks.” She explained, having a hard time finding the words. She didn’t want to actually tell Rachel about Johnny and how he’s been limiting her access to her own life, but she also knew that she wasn’t going to be able to keep it secret from her for much longer.
“It’s no big deal, I forgive you. Tell me about it, please. You are my best friend and you can trust me with anything, remember?” she said. Her eyes plead for answers while she stared at her friend as they laid towels down and sat on them.
“I don’t know if I should, it’s a touchy subject.”
“Please, Skye? I promise it will stay between only us.” She added.
“Okay. But you have to keep that promise, Rachel, I’m serious. This isn’t just something flaky; it’s real and dangerous.” Skye was nervous, her pitches climbing and dropping into different octaves. “Please, Rachel. You can’t even tell Victor, really.” She added hesitantly, choking down the displeasure of saying his name. She didn’t understand it, but for some reason, she absolutely feared and disliked Victor. Sometimes she wishes that Rachel wasn’t involved with him, even though she had absolutely no reason to feel the way she did.
“I’m not going to tell anyone

, I promise.” She replied, her eyes showing that she meant business.
“Rachel,” Skye started, fighting the prickling ill sensation that was gnawing on her insides. She couldn’t believe that she was about to spill something that she had worked so hard to keep private so easily; especially right after having told Jules that she couldn’t talk about it with him. She had been right, she couldn’t tell him then because of the situation, but telling Rachel now seemed so frightening and cold.
She choked down any fear and pushed away all of the dark thoughts. Looking at Rachel, she noticed that she was sitting calmly, waiting with bold eyes. Chickening out, she hastily said, “Things are rough at home.”
Rachel wasn’t taking that as an answer though. She folded her arms across her chest and raised an eyebrow. “Skye…”She trailed off warningly.
“Fine,” she muttered. “You know Johnny?” She continued, starting the conversation she was afraid of. She didn’t think that she should be doing it--for her and her mom’s sake. But she couldn’t hold herself back either, she knew that she wanted someone to know more than anything else. Maybe if Rachel knew about him she could rescue Skye by inviting her over a lot and keeping close by more. Maybe there would be hope if someone else knew. Not everything, but enough. She wouldn’t tell anyone about how he kissed her the night before.
Rachel nodded, rolling her eyes as she disliked Johnny too.
“Well, he and I haven’t been on good terms lately. That’s partially why I haven’t been trying to hangout with you lately. He’s been busy…’talking’ with me.”
Rachel’s eyes bulged, her jaw threatening to drop. She covered her mouth, her eyebrows furrowing in distress. “What has he been doing with you, Skye?” She gasped.
“Nothing really. He just lost his temper when he found me rummaging through his desk drawers and took it out on me. Abusively.” She shuddered, her lower lip trembling. Shame clasped a tight hold on her throat as her stomach twisted with knots and she bitter sobs of regret. She wasn’t going to be ready to tell Rachel it wasn’t only a one-time thing.
“You’re lying,” Rachel accused. She knew Skye wasn’t lying though, and it was tearing at her heart. She couldn’t believe that Johnny, the man that got under her skin yet seemed harmless, had done something so…wrong

to her best friend. She wanted to scream but she held it in, remembering that there were

people around them. “What exactly did he do to you?” She whispered, leaning closer so that no one could hear them.
Skye sighed, the memory of the night clear in her mind. She remembered every detail whether she wanted to or not. From him throwing her around, to his yelling, and to the slicing of her skin; she remembered it all. It felt just as awful to think of the memory.
“He—he grabbed me, slapped me, threw me against the ground and door, and then he…” Her lips quivered and she realized that tears were trying to spill. Closing her eyes, she tried to stay away from the memory and instead say the words she needed to. “He cut wounds along my arm and stomach, knocking me out a moment later. The next day—yesterday—he told me I couldn’t leave the house because I ‘had the flu’.” She finished the terrifying story, swallowing her tears down. She did it. She had admitted to Rachel of Johnny’s abuse. And it felt good.
Rachel was speechless, her mouth gaping open as little crystals formed in her eyes. She barely looked like she was breathing.
Skye wrapped her in a hug, sucking a deep breath in and letting it out, relieved. No matter how Rachel would take the news, she at least knew that Rachel could take it. She knew about his abuse and Skye was no longer going to have to go through it all completely alone. The only thing she wanted was for Leah to know. Leah was the one who truly needed

to know.
“He did that to you? Skye, I’m so sorry I didn’t know. What about all the other times in the past few months that you’ve acted differently? Was it him those times too?” Rachel asked. Her voice quiet and shaky, so much different from the normal perky or overdramatic tone she usually used.
“Hey, don’t worry about me, I’m okay. And those other times, it was Bryan. He was unstable when we were together.” She was quiet, sorrowful.
“Bryan was a loser, it’s a good think you got rid of him. But Skye, you really should get some help, talk to someone else about Johnny. I mean, does your mom even know?”
“No, she doesn’t, and she can’t. Johnny would kill me, and I mean really, kill me

. Or he would kill her, and either way, I can’t have anyone being responsible for that. I’ll find a way to take care of things, I promise. I’m going to figure it out.” She grimaced as she thought of the mere possibility that she wouldn’t figure it out. She’d be trapped living with the abuse until her eighteenth birthday, which seemed to feel as long as an eternity away from her.
“Skye, you can’t let this go without it being dealt with, you’re going to have to go to someone. I mean you can’t just sit here and wait until he hurts you again, you have to—”
“Rachel!” Skye called desperately, pulling away from her and looking her in the eyes. “Please, don’t tell me that. I know, okay, I know. I’m sorry.” She drew herself away, dropping back against her back. She needed a break, some rest. After everything Johnny has done she’s seemingly more tired than she ever has been.
“I’m sorry, Skye. I’m just worried about you. I haven’t seen you this distressed in a long time, and I only want you to be careful. You’re coming over tomorrow and I’m not letting you leave my side, okay?” Rachel said.
“That sounds good, Rachel; I’d like that. Leah isn’t getting home until late tomorrow, so that will give them a little time to be together too.” She said, closing her eyes and putting her hands behind her head.
“You really want them to be alone together, Skye?”
She shrugged. “Not really; but they’re married, it’s not like I can change anything about what they want together.”
“Yeah, I guess,” Rachel added blankly, fiddling with the edge of the towel.
“Rachel?” Skye called, turning around on her side so that she was looking at her.
Rachel lay on the towel, closing her eyes and soaking up the little sunlight there was. “Mm?”
“What’s the deal with you and Victor?”
She smiled, smacking her lips together and turning over to look Skye in the eye. “We’re together, if that’s what you’re asking.” She said cheerfully.
“I mean, why are you with him? Doesn’t he seem a bit…off

? Like there’s always something turning in his head and he’s trying to mess with you.”
Rachel frowned, her eyebrows creasing. “Skye, he’s not like that. He’s a great guy and he really likes me. I mean, really likes me. Not like that Gabe trash I dated last year.” She laughed lightly.
“Maybe he is. I’m just not sure he settles with me.”
“Well, I’m not judging your boyfriend, don’t judge mine. Okay, Skye?” She added. She didn’t sound irritated, only a little too happy. Just a few moments ago they were talking about Johnny and his abuse and now it seemed as though Rachel had completely forgotten about that.
Skye wasn’t sure if she thought that was a good thing or bad. “You’re not going to tell anyone, right?” She whispered, poking Rachel’s arm.
Rachel shook her head slowly and sighed. “Not a soul, promise.” She confirmed. A small smile grazed her lips and she pushed herself up and off the towel, brushing away any stray sand. “Ready to swim?” She asked Skye.
Skye blinked, forgetting why they had even come to the beach in the first place. It wasn’t a random selection but a choice because of the water. The only thing she could think of was her bruises and scars painting her body though, and she cringed at the thought of people knowing about them. “No,” she said. “The wounds, remember?”
“Oh. You can swim in your clothes than,” she countered, grinning.
“Yeah because that’s not obvious there’s something wrong with me,” Skye muttered.
“Fine,” Rachel grumbled. “Just sit around, wallowing.”
“I’m not wallowing, Rachel. You don’t even know how I’m feeling right now.” She retorted, hurt creeping its way up her spine. She couldn’t believe Rachel wasn’t being more understanding. Johnny had abused her and no one knew about it—she wasn’t going to show herself to a large group of strangers so that they could judge her about the scars.
“You know that’s not what I meant, Skye,” Rachel said. She set her hand on her hip and looked at Skye with the best sympathy she could get.
“Do I? Rachel, I’m not in the mood to talk about this anymore. I’m getting a drink,” she announced. She pushed herself up, wincing as a small pain pinched her stomach, and looked around for the restrooms: where the drinking fountains were located. She saw Jules and Victor standing where they had left them, lost in some sort of argument. She found it humorous in some strange way.
Rachel ran in front of Skye when she saw she had found the restrooms. She held up her hand, hastily. “Wait, please.”
“What is it now, Rachel?” Skye groaned.
“Vic has water bottles in the car, he can bring you one. Besides, let’s not argue.” She hesitated, breathing quicker. “I’m sorry.” Her voice almost sounded pitiful.
Skye didn’t feel like buying it though. “I have to go, Rachel.” She lied, brushing past Rachel’s shoulder. Pain struck a chord in her heart and she wanted to run to the restroom and cry; she didn’t. She’s had enough of crying in the restroom for a lifetime.
Rachel didn’t bother to chase after Skye anymore, and instead, she sighed heavily and dropped herself on the towel again, irritated.
Skye didn’t look back; and part of her didn’t want to look back. She felt a warm tear roll down her cheek and she hastily wiped it off. Crying was something she least wanted to do. Her heart was tapping obnoxiously against her chest, the rhythm reminding her that she hadn’t treated Rachel fairly. She wasn’t wrong with what she said; Skye only was taking it the other way out of her own weariness.
She headed towards the restroom, the warm sun beaming down on her already warm back. The restrooms were crafted on the other side of the building, nestled against a tree filled grass field. She walked through the trees, remembering that the drinking fountain was right up against the wall besides the nook in the cinder-blocked restrooms.
The day wasn’t over, or anywhere near it, and she deliberated on when she would apologize to Rachel and talk to Victor to work things out. She knew that they needed to discuss everything that had happened when he had been over before.
As she maneuvered her way through the forest-like area, she remembered Johnny’s repulsive smile while he was with her the day before. She hated that smile, hated everything about him. She couldn’t get over how badly he had crossed the line that time, and she wanted to try to forget it more than so many other things.
Leaving the forest-like path, she started towards the corner, but someone pulled her by the wrist and tugged her back. She screamed on impulse, and a large hand slapped over her mouth. She squirmed in the grip as the figure twisted her around and shoved her against the wall, one hand on her arm while the other was on still on her mouth.
After the haze of hitting the hard wall dissipated, her heart stopped beating and her breath caught up in her throat. She froze, pinned between the man and the wall, her heart hammering in her chest painfully.
“Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you, please just be quiet,” Bryan told her. His voice was cold and all too painfully familiar to her. He looked different. His usually shaggy brown hair combed up and his bold blue eyes a shade brighter than before. Something had changed about his voice too—it was more like how it sounded when they first met.
Skye nodded her head slowly, gulping down her fear.
“That’s a good girl,” he crooned, smiling.
She didn’t want to be his ‘good girl’ though. Rejecting the part of her that was afraid of him, she screamed as loud as she could, pushing his surprised body away from her breathlessly. She ran, her breathing catching in her throat; but besides the fact that she had just caused a commotion, he grabbed her arm again, this time a lot rougher.
She was thrown against him, thrashing in his arms in objection, but he easily overcame her and pressed her against the wall again, silencing her. He pinned her there, pressing his body against hers. “Stop struggling, Skye,” he growled. “I just want to talk to you.”
She yanked on his hair with her free hand and he cursed. “Stop!” She shrieked, the sound muffled by his hand.
“I guess you want to do this the hard way,” he muttered. Pulling her away from the wall, he yanked her towards the family restroom, her body thrashing beside him. Hot tears of anger splashed down her cheeks as she felt the tormenting grip of his hands pinching her into the dark memories. She had no desire to have things go back to the way they were before. He yanked the restroom door open and tossed her against the ground.
Locking the door, he turned around and sneered at her. “I only wanted to talk, Skye. But now, maybe I need to teach you a lesson first.” A grin slithered its way up the corners of his lips, a sick and uncomfortable sight. He looked like an angry mess, and every nerve in Skye’s body was throbbing and pulsing with fear.
She wasn’t ready for him to touch her again. Crying out, she backed herself all the way against the wall and shook her head. “I—I’m sorry, Bryan. I—” she stammered. It was too late for begging though.
He was down beside her in a moment, grabbing her chin forcefully so that she had to look at him. “It’s too late for that, beautiful.” He hissed. His eyes welled into the dark orbs they had always been before as he forced himself on her—his legs trapping her underneath him, his hands pinning her arms against the wall, and his lips forcing hers to kiss him.
She gagged in disgust and tried to turn her head away from him, but he only slapped her cheek, dizzying her enough to not fight against it for a moment. She kept struggling though, squirming from underneath him. She hated his taste in her mouth; it was just as revolting as Johnny’s. “Please,” she begged. “Please stop.”
He moaned against her lips, the pleasure gleaming in his opening eyes, and traveled down her neck, small kisses pecking against her suddenly ice-cold skin. Placing one hand over her mouth and one on her stomach, he kissed her aggressively, licking her skin.
No, not this, please not this again

, she cried in her head, every part of her twisting and turning to try to get free.
Bryan’s hand traveled up her chest and neck and to her cheek, aimed to hit again. The force of the blow threw her head against the wall painfully, cracking the skull. She whimpered, giving in a little to his menacing actions. She couldn’t fight him, he had gotten stronger and she had gotten weaker. It was a lost cause. She stopped fighting as much, squirming under his grip but nothing more.
“Like I have said before, you’re mine

, Skylar.” He whispered, the sickening satisfaction gurgling in his voice.

She wondered dimly, Johnny’s the only one who calls me that. How does Bryan even know about it?

He knew her full name, as twisted as it was, he knew her full name and he could have only gotten it from one source: Johnny

. But how

he got it was the question.
His hands ventured around her body, pulling at her sweater and lifting it away as she weakly fought against him again. She wasn’t about to give in, not again, not like that.
Finding herself, she managed to wiggle her hands free and pushed on Bryan’s chest. Her cries were stifled by his kisses, the taste of his mouth mixing with hers distastefully. She used to love his touch, his scent, his gentle kisses, but, that was a long

time ago. “Get off!” She shrieked, freeing her lips for one moment.
He only pushed harder, his lips crashing against hers. His hands traveled down her shirt, stopping at her stomach where he squeezed painfully and lifted her up, his body following along with hers. With one hand, he maneuvered his T-shirt off his body and tossed it.
She fought, trying to inflict some sort of inconvenience and pain on him, but failed as he kept her trapped between him and the wall. She wanted to be free, more than anything else.
He squeezed tighter and lifted her shirt up, his fingers fiddling with the ends as she winced in pain and humiliation. She tried to push him away, but, with one hand, he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head. With his other hand, he resituated them so that she was on the cold dirty ground and he was on top of her.
He pulled his lips away from hers, panting in exasperation, and looked at her. She was gasping for air, tears streaming down her cheeks as she stared at him with desperate crystal eyes. She glared at him behind those tears, falling into the pain all around her. She hated him; she felt nothing else. Everything she thought she could do to help was fading into the background and she no longer believed he would ever get the help he needed.
“What’s wrong, beautiful?” He asked her.
She looked away and whimpered. The pain in her stomach and arm was inflamed and irritated, the wounds stinging and pulsing. He ran his finger down her injured arm and she grimaced, flinching away from him.
He rolled her sweatshirt sleeve down, exposing her reddened wound. His face twisted into an expression of cold confusion. Instantly, he froze, his hand still on her arm.
“Bryan, please. You’re hurting me,” she pleaded, looking into his dark eyes.
He moved away a little, only to position himself on her legs as he rolled up her shirt. His fingers moved gently over her skin, something that seemed so foreign to what she had just witnessed. When he saw the second wound, he clapped his hand over his mouth and inspected the wound with big eyes.
She was hurt. And that was something he knew wasn’t right. Someone else had caused those wounds.
He looked at her, worries wrinkling his forehead, and crawled above her, planting his hands firmly on either side of her head. His back was arched, his knees on either side of her stomach, as he looked into her eyes and frowned. “What happened, Skye?”
She tried to move but he was all around her and his face was so close to hers she didn’t believe she wanted to try too much. “Get away from me Bryan,” she spat.
He sighed. “Please, Skye. I’m sorry about all this. I really just wanted to talk.”
“Sure looks like that’s all you wanted to do,” she scoffed, pressing her small hands against his chest. She could feel how tense his muscles were and it reminded her too much of Johnny. And that terrified her.
“Skye, stop!” He screamed at her, grabbing her hands with his. “Stop fighting me!”
She elbowed his other arm and he fell over, crashing on top of her. A scream echoed through the bathroom and she pushed him off of her with all the strength she had. She leapt to her feet and sprinted for the door, her body weakened and aching with pain.
She just about made it to the door before a hand clamped around her ankle and yanked her back to the ground. She stifled a scream and crashed against the ground, her knees scraping against the hard ground as her hands protected her head.
Bryan crawled over to her and rolled her over so that he had her pinned again, this time by her shoulders. “You’re not getting away from me that easily,” he said. Every part about him, his voice, his expression, and the tight grip he had on her shoulders, all displayed an upset man.
Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stopped fighting again, crying out as he kissed her again. All of his concern for her had been abandoned when she tried to escape.


“Forget it, Vic. There’s nothing more we need to discuss.” Jules groaned, turning away from Victor.
Victor grabbed his arm quickly, the movement so quick it irritated Jules. “Where’s your girlfriend?” He asked Jules, looking him straight in the eye. There was all of the sudden something dark in his deep eyes, something dangerous

. “She’s not with Rachel.”
Jules looked at him, really looked at him, narrowing his brows. “She’s not my girlfriend, Vic.” He said sternly. But behind his strong delivery there was something saddening about it. Something communicating that he didn’t want that to be the case. He wanted there to be something more between them. He wanted the kisses to mean more on both ends. “But, what do you mean, Vic? They’re swimming aren’t they?” His tone was weary, remembering the way she hadn’t seemed herself.
“No. No they’re not.” There wasn’t a bit of emotion in Victor’s voice. He looked at his friend with a blank expression, sliding his gaze back over to Rachel a moment later.
Jules whirled around, his brows furrowing in distress. He searched for Skye, but just as Victor had said, she was nowhere around. “Where did she go?” He croaked. Suddenly he looked very unnerved, as if he knew there was something wrong going on.
“Don’t know, man. But I think your best guess is to ask Rachel.” Victor said dryly, sauntering forward.
Jules hurried through the hot sand, the tiny grains moving over his sandaled feet. “Rachel,” he said. He watched as she set the tanning lotion down and twirled around, fluttering her eyes tranquilly. She certainly didn’t seem to think anything was wrong. She seemed to be enjoying the weather and calm beach.
“Mm?” She murmured, looking up at him, squinting. As she blinked a few more times she smiled, noticing Victor coming from beside him.
“Where did Skye go?” Jules asked urgently. He looked nervous. His hands trembled a bit and his eyes gave away a worried hint in them.
“She went to get a drink,” she said. “We had a little squabble and it seemed she wanted some clear air, to refresh her thoughts maybe.” She stood up, brushing the sand off of her tan legs.
“Where’s the drinking fountain?” He asked, with more urgency keen in his voice.
“Over by the restrooms,” she flicked her index finger in the direction of the building. “Why do you ask? She’s fine, I’m sure she’s just clearing her mind.”
He frowned, squinting and spinning himself in the direction of the restrooms. “Something’s just not right here,” he mumbled, quiet enough so that Rachel and Victor wouldn’t hear him. Clearing his throat, he started walking towards the building, a dark and unnerved feeling tugging him forward. He didn’t stop moving, his pace quickened, he was clearly on a mission. He needed to know if she was okay or not. To see it for himself.
He knew that she could have just wanted some space, she was famous for that. But there was something more inside of him that was telling him—no, screaming

at him—that something was terribly wrong.
“Jules, she’s fine. Just give her some space.” Victor called after him, walking into place behind him.
Rachel scrambled over to Victor, snaking her arm around his and leaning into him. “Let him, Vic. There could be something wrong; she’s not usually gone this long.” She whispered in his ear, walking on her tip-toes so that she could reach up.
“If you say so,” he cooed, bending his head down a little so that he could kiss her. “Let’s hope everything is alright.”
She smiled, clearly enjoying the way his words brushed over her ears, softly. “It should be,” she murmured.
As Jules gave a quick glance back at them he groaned, irritated that they were so calm and casual about everything. Victor may be his closest friend, but he certainly can mess with him sometimes.
He hurried his pace again, trudging through the sand as his heartbeat sped a little, thumping inside him. He maneuvered himself through the shaded green trees, thinking of it as a possible shortcut to the drinking fountains. Turning the corner, he looked for her near the drinking fountains. And found no one.
Something hot and wet trickled down his forehead and he gulped down his worries. She’s got to be around here somewhere

, he told himself, it’s not like she’d get lost. She probably just went on a walk to clear her mind.

He shook his head, a dark oppressing thought squeezing all of the life from him. What if she hadn’t just wandered off, but instead she was carried off?
He flinched, caught up in the worry. No, don’t think that

, he scolded himself. You’re just overreacting.

Although, every part of him was screaming at him that he wasn’t overreacting but in fact was somehow right. But he didn’t want to be right about that. He wanted her to be taking a walk along the beach—alone, safe.
He didn’t understand the force inside of him that was telling him everything had gone wrong. He hardly understood the entire situation. Skye had to be okay. There couldn’t be anything wrong with what was going on.
Then it hit him. A sound. So quiet, so dark, it seemed to scream at him for help. His feet carrying him forward, legs slightly shaky, he neared the family restroom in-between restrooms and pushed away his worry enough so that the ringing in his ears faded away. He heard what he had been dreading. Only, the dread was worse than he thought.
Pressing his ears against the door, he heard the muffled cries of a girl. Anger pulsed through his veins, overwhelming his body with the sudden urge to break through the door. He felt responsible for protecting Skye in that moment. And he sure didn’t feel as though he was doing his job well.
Reaching for the handle, he jiggled it, the lock holding it shut. He knocked his knuckles against the door, his senses intensifying. He didn’t want to even imagine what was going on with her in there. He didn’t want to think of her getting hurt, of her cries that were trapped from someone else.
“Anyone in there?” He called. He made his voice as natural as possible, trying to pull off how anyone else would sound if they wanted to use the restroom, under different circumstances.
Victor and Rachel rounded the corner, finding Jules leaning against the door.
He heard them coming and turned his head, hushing them before they could say a word.
A murmuring voice came from the other side of the door, “Yeah, so why don’t you just buzz off man.” It was a male voice. A familiar male voice. Not Skye’s.
Jules knew that he recognized the voice. And the moment he heard a faint cry come from the other side followed by the same male voice cursing, was the moment he realized what was going on.
Skye’s ex was in there. And he was certain that the girl inside had to be her.
“Skye?” Jules said, loud enough so that his voice was heard through the door. “Skye, I’m coming in.” He added rashly. He didn’t know what to say, he only knew that he wanted her to be safe and in his arms again. “I’m getting security.” He hadn’t even had time to think about that though, he only said it out of impulse. He was acting on impulse.
“Stop,” he heard her scream. Her voice was muffled by sobs, inflaming Jules’ body with fear and hate. “Bryan, let go!”
Rachel was by Jules’ side now, Victor’s lean arms holding her close as if she was the one needing protection. “Bryan’s with her?” She whispered, panicked. Her eyes went huge, her mouth gaping in horror, and she slammed her hands against the door. “Bryan, let her go or we call the police!” She screamed, making a scene.
Victor pulled her back, wrapping his arms around her protectively. “It’s okay, love, it’s okay.” He soothed.
Jules looked at him funny, pleading with him to do something more than to just stand there. He nodded his head towards the door impatiently, his veins pulsing.
Victor carefully pulled Rachel out of his arms, moving her in front of the ladies room behind him. He looked at Jules and nodded, taking the situation lightly. He mouthed something to Jules.
They both slammed themselves against the door, throwing it wide open. They stopped themselves, Jules breathing hard as he bent over from the impact and Victor straightening himself casually as if he had done something of the sort many times before.
A hand landed on Jules’ back, making him jolt upright, and his eyes snapped to the scene.
Bryan, pressing Skye against the wall, his hands tangled in her hair as he breathed heavily, was looking at Jules, infuriated. He slowly moved away from Skye, bending over to pick up his shirt. Wiping sweat off his face with the shirt, he sneered at Jules.
“What is your problem? You didn’t have to break through the door, idiots.” He growled, cursing himself under his breath.
Jules couldn’t respond to Bryan though. All he could do was stare at Skye.
She was panting, tears pouring down her pale cheeks as she stared at Bryan in fear. She didn’t look away, didn’t bother to acknowledge Jules or Victor. She looked fragile like that, shaking and humiliated, her sweater stripped and her clothes frayed from the amount of struggling she had gone through. She looked sickly pale, sweat dripping down her forehead along with the fresh tears. She slid down to the ground, whimpering, and curled herself in a self-protective ball.
Jules felt heartbroken, seeing her so fearful and used. He wanted to comfort her but he also knew that she probably wouldn’t want him touching her so soon after Bryan had tried to do who knows what. He obviously hadn’t succeeded but he came close enough, and just the thought of him using Skye made Jules’ stomach turn with disgust and anger.
He wanted Skye to be safe

. Not in any kind of danger.
Rachel frantically charged in front of them, gaping when her eyes landed on Skye. Murmured sobs escaped her lips as she scurried over to Skye, dropping down and wrapping her friend in a hug. She cried in her arms, regretting the fight they both had even more. She never could have imagined what she was now a witness to. She never knew Bryan could be so disgusting. “I’m so sorry Skye,” she whispered, her voice quiet enough so that no one else, besides Skye, could hear.
Skye shook her head, “It’s okay, Rachel. It’s n—not y—your f—fault.” She stammered quietly, her voice hoarse and shaky. All of the screaming was catching up with her. Weariness was starting to eat away at her.
Rachel sheltered her in her arms, holding her like she was her own hurt sister. Protecting her as if someone had just offended her own flesh and blood. And in her mind, Skye was her sister. Long time best-friends was enough for Rachel.
As she regarded Bryan with a cold glare, she wiped at her tears hurriedly. “Get out of here, Bryan. And leave her alone. You’ve done enough damage,” she hissed, anger and disappointment breaking from her lips. She, just as Skye, really hated

When Bryan looked back at Skye, she flinched, averting her gaze. Sighing—though it resembled more of a groan than a sigh—he shook his head and slipped through the door, shifting his head just enough to glare at Jules on the way out.
Jules wanted to take all of his anger out on Bryan, he wanted to grab his arm and give Bryan all of the violence he deserved. But when he looked at Skye intently and saw how broken she was, down on the floor, crying, he stifled his anger and slowed his jagged breathing. He had to use everything he had just to hold himself back.
He knew she was who needed him.
Closing his eyes, he tried to calm himself, picturing a time when Skye was less vulnerable, something that would assure him she was a strong girl and he could help her. Helping her, protecting her, caring

about her—that was all he wanted, needed

. She was suddenly more important than anything else that had occupied his mind at one point in time.
Though he knew it was all very dangerous.
He opened his eyes and instantly knew what he had to do. “Trouble?” He asked, trying to smile though the truth had him fighting himself and the smile appeared crooked and weary.
Skye looked at him then, stifling back another cry. “Jules,” she breathed, crashing against Rachel, sobs trembling out of her. She wanted him, needed

him. Wrapping her arms securely around herself, she cried and pleaded for strength and courage, but it couldn’t come. She knew that she was still too shaken up to allow herself to get close to Jules. It was too soon. She needed him to go away, as much as she was eternally grateful towards him for saving her from Bryan’s malice.
She felt a warm hand touch her shoulder and she flinched away, knowing that the warm, strong, safe

hand belonged to him. He meant no harm, only security, she knew that much, but it still didn’t feel right. Not in that moment.
Rachel frowned, looking up at Jules and seeing his perplexed expression. She, at first, didn’t understand why Skye had flinched away; but it didn’t last long until she understood.
“Jules, I don’t think she can handle this right now,” she said. Her voice was quiet, drastically different from any normal time. But it wasn’t a normal time, it was borderline on tragic. “She needs some space, from you two.”
He didn’t understand right away but when he did, it was sudden, and it was hard

. His posture crumpled and he nodded his head slowly, understanding but wishing it could be different. “We’ll be waiting outside,” he said solemnly. “Take your time.”
Rachel managed a small smile, nodding. She was no longer crying but the tear stains still painted her face, the black run of her mascara smudged along her cheek.
When he turned around, eyeing Victor, he cocked his head towards the doorway and sighed silently. Leaving Skye was getting harder, even though he knew she was safe, and it pained him and caused a burning sorrow to course through his body. He longed for her heart now, it wasn’t as simple as it all had once been—before he met

As he left the restroom, he gave one final glance back at Skye. She was slowly moving herself beside Rachel and against the wall, her small frail body clinging to itself as she stared longingly after him. He saw it there, in that moment, that he wasn’t alone in the feelings he had towards her. Everything they shared…it was all real, depth, beautiful

. And he was sure that it was how it should be. No matter how much of a consequence it could carry later on.
Smiling, he left, giving her the space she needed while he waited in the near distance, his thoughts not once ceasing to be about her.
Ducking Skye’s head in her knees, she wrapped her arms around them and curled inward, trying to separate herself from the world and situation around her. All she wanted to do was cry, to refrain from holding her emotions in. She could hardly breathe, trapped in her own solitude of weighing emotion and regret.
“Skye, can I help you?” Rachel asked her. The sound of her voice was so quiet, so gentle and sweet that it almost broke Skye’s heart. She didn’t deserve to have such a support system beside her. And now that Rachel knew little about Johnny, she had actual support beside her dealing with him too.
Although, none of that could change how wrong she felt—how used

she felt. Maybe she had been saved from Bryan for the time being, but she was sure that he wasn’t finished with her. She was certain.
And she couldn’t call Jules for help.
She didn’t want to even think

about that. The thoughts detested her, and she was finding herself ill and queasy, unnerved. She not only hated what Bryan was trying to do to her but she hated how she almost let it happen to her. It was those

moments when she fell short, almost giving into him, those

were the moments that could have broken her completely, shattering any chances of hope in life she had.
Fighting with herself, she tried to push the thoughts away, telling herself that she did nothing wrong. But she kept asking herself the same aching question, over and over again.
If I did nothing wrong, than why do I feel so guilty?

It was impossible for her to imagine a right answer. She was too weary and her body was throbbing and aching from the beating she had succumbed to. All she could do was lecture herself in means to her sorrow. She also wanted to lecture herself about making Jules leave, even if she couldn’t stand to have him so close to her.
She knew from her heart that she needed him, whether the closeness would recreate something she didn’t need or not. She needed her handsome, kind savior, who, once again, saved her from Bryan.
Shedding one last tear, her well ran dry and she slowly pulled her shaky body upright. Peering over at Rachel, she blinked a few times to clear her sight and wiped away at the gliding tears, her pale hand shaking from the aftermath.
“Hey,” she said quietly, choking on her own tears. “Thanks for getting them out, I just…” she trailed off, failing to find the right words.
Rachel smiled, just barely. “I know, Skye. It’s okay now,” she assured her, rubbing her arm.
Skye fought the urge to cry, the burning sensation lodged in the back of her throat; but she was done crying. Her well had run dry and it wasn’t the time for it to magically fill up again.
“He promised me something—Bryan—right before they broke the door open,” she told her best friend, a mournful expression taking place of the previously calm one. “He promised me that he wasn’t going to let me leave him, that I would always be his

. He promised

me that he would do whatever it takes to keep me, even if it meant Jules had to go.”—at this point her voice was quivering, and she had to close her eyes and hold her stomach not

to puke—“Rachel, I think he wants to kill Jules, just so that he can be sure I’m with him. And I don’t want to be with him. I don’t want to be kept prisoner by him any longer, he’s revolting

.” She was shaking erratically, her voice so quiet that she could tell Rachel was having a hard time hearing her. She was having a hard time hearing herself.
When she noticed, really

noticed, how freaked out Rachel looked—her mouth hanging open, eyes wide, brows furrowed with concern—she wanted to give up and curl away, to disappear into nothing. It frightened her. The disturbed, horrified, and dominantly saddened expression she was giving her. Seeing that sort of uncomfortable surprise in her own friend made her want to take it all back, pretend it never happened. But it did, and Rachel was the only one she could

Closing her gaping mouth, Rachel closed her eyes and took a long, deep breath. She didn’t look into Skye’s eyes when she asked her a strikingly important question. “If he wants to kill Jules, why didn’t he try something before leaving?”
Skye shivered; her body was suddenly ice-cold despite the warmth of summer. “Probably because he knew he couldn’t really do anything, here, in a public place like such. He’s disgusting and delusional, yes; but he’s not stupid, Rachel. He’s a lot smarter than we give him credit for. That we’ve ever

given him credit for.” She explained. She wasn’t one hundred percent positive about her explanation but she was ninety-nine percent sure.
Rachel sighed; sorrow had assaulted her in a matter of moments. “I’m sure you’re right. But what can you do about it? The only thing you should do is go to the police about the threats and about him

. He needs to be locked away for what he’s been trying and wanting to do.”
Skye couldn’t agree more in one regard. She really wanted him to be locked up and away from her so that she could be safe from him again. But part of her couldn’t let herself give up on him so easily, couldn’t do something that would ruin him when she knew there could be other ways for her to help him. She had to at least try

. No matter how much she hated him.
“No, I don’t want to do that. I can’t

do that. We really don’t have any substantial evidence that Jules is in danger, or that Bryan’s going to try to hurt me again. You know how it works, they need liable proof.”
Rachel shook her head, fighting it. “But Skye, he hurt you. He practically stripped you of everything. And there were basically three witnesses. I mean, how could that not be substantial enough?”
Skye wasn’t sure. Though, for some incredible reason, she wanted to protect Bryan from jail, even if it meant he would still be out there able to abuse her again. She knew she hated it, but there was that part of her that couldn’t resist giving him another chance to save himself—whether he deserved it or not.
She shuddered, thinking back to the moments when his lips crashed against hers and his tongue invaded her mouth, threatening to make her gag.
“I don’t know, Rachel. But please, don’t say anything to anyone and just trust me, alright? I need you to promise me that you’ll stay out of it all, please.” She said, regarding Rachel with her best serious and threatening glance. She needed to know that Rachel got the picture. She needed to know that she wasn’t going to go blab everything to her boyfriend or anyone for that matter.
Her own safety could depend on it.
“Fine, Skye. But I hope you know what you’re doing, ‘cause to me, it all seems very risky and dangerous. And I don’t want you getting hurt again, Skye, you’ve already taken too much. I promise I’ll stay out of it, but I have one more question.”
Skye nodded, telling her that she could go on. She, despite her own fear and pain from the situation, looked much better, settled at least.
“If Bryan’s so set on getting Jules out of the picture, then how are you going to stop him?”
Skye was taken aback a little, but all the same, she expected as much coming from Rachel, from anyone. Taking a long, deep breath, she answered, “I’m going to give him what he needs. I’m going to tell him that, for me, he needs to get help. It’s the only way Jules will be safe.”
Rachel didn’t trust it. “Do you really think that it will work?”
“If I can get through to him, than yes, I do.”
“But that’s such a big ‘if’, Skye. What if

it doesn’t go how you plan? What if

he hurts you again? I can’t just stand by watching my best friend put herself in danger like this. I won’t.”
Skye, feeling the grief well up inside of her, sighed. “Please Rachel, you have to. I’m going to be careful. I’m not going to let him hurt me ever again, okay? Trust me.” Hearing those words, trust me

, come out of her mouth seemed so foreign. She was always the one to hear those words, never say them.
“Okay, okay. But you have to be careful, promise me you won’t go near him without pepper spray?”
Skye almost laughed, even though her stomach was still queasy and her body still ached from everything he put her through. “Pepper spray? Rachel, I don’t know if I need it, I mean he’s—”
“Promise me, Skye.” Rachel cut her off, narrowing her brows at her, a deep worried look spreading across her face. “Take pepper spray, or at least something to defend yourself, and don’t let him get to you. You have to promise me you’ll be careful.”
Sighing, she nodded her head, not entirely sure she wanted to go through with it. “I promise. I’ll be careful.”
Rachel smiled, sure that she had gotten her to do the right thing in a situation to those extremes. “Are you feeling okay? Can we go? I’m sure it’s got to feel bad being in here after what he…tried with you.”
“Rachel, he didn’t exactly try that. But, you’re right, I want to go. I just may need some help getting out of here; I’m a little weak.”
Rachel managed a smile and slid her arm under Skye’s, supporting her as they stood up. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
Skye winced as pain inflamed in her wounds and new aching muscles, and her legs wobbled, barely strong enough to keep her up. She hadn’t realized just how weary she really was until she stood up, and that’s when all of the aches and weakness shattered her body.
As they left the restroom, Rachel safely helping her out of it, Skye took one quick glance back. She regretted it the moment she saw herself, buried under Bryan, struggling, while he aggressively kissed her.
She suddenly didn’t believe that she was just as strong as she led on.
As Rachel and Skye came around the corner of the building, Skye tripped on a small stone and almost sent them both spiraling down to the ground.
But with Victor’s impeccably quick moves, he caught them both in an instant, his hands gently holding them upright by separate shoulders.
“Are you two okay?” He asked, glancing back and forth between the two.
They both nodded. Rachel smiled wide as she curled herself into his arms more. “Thanks, Vic.” She said around a smile.
Skye tried to smile, but the truth was, she couldn’t stand being that close to him. She already didn’t like him very well, and then with everything that happened between her and Bryan, she couldn’t stand being near him. Victor wasn’t who she wanted to be near her, if anyone, Jules was.
“Yeah…err…thanks…” she murmured, trying to steady herself. Her heart was pounding, her legs shaking, her head throbbing, and her body numbing, but she didn’t let that keep her in his hands. Stepping back a little, she wobbled, trying to steady herself.
He quickly slid his glance over to her, staring back at her shaky form. “No problem,” he said. “Are you sure you’re alright, though?” He looked at her with a sort of genuine concern, but she didn’t want to buy into it.
“Yeah, I’m alright.” She breathed, catching her breath and balance. “I think I’m just a little tired, worn out.” She shrugged her frail shoulders and faked a smile, shifting her gaze past Victor. She had to see Jules. She needed to confirm that there was still something between them, even though he now knows part of what’s been up with her.
Victor grinned for a moment, quickly replacing his grin with a subtle tip of the lips, and straightened himself, wrapping his arm around Rachel as he cleared the way towards Jules who was standing a few feet away, leaning against a post.
Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at him, his tan skin, the bright green eyes accenting his face, the disheveled golden hair atop his head, and that charming half-smile creating butterflies in her stomach. She sighed, thoughts of Bryan’s threat drifting to the surface of her mind, and started walking towards him, her stomach turning.
What did he do to deserve the secret threats he earned? He hadn’t done anything wrong to her; yet, things were suddenly taking a turn for the worse and she was confused. She was going to have to try getting Bryan away, alone, and she feared that it could go wrong in a split second, just as before. She never imagined her feelings swaying in so many different directions all at once. Nor did she ever think that Bryan would turn on her, threatening the one person who seemed to really believe in her.
Taking enough steps to meet him, she took a deep breath, watching him carefully as he straightened himself and his face changed to expressing worry—as if he feared that she couldn’t handle being near him. No, Jules

, she wanted to say. Don’t worry about me. Don’t be so careful around me, you’re the one person I need right now. You’re the only one I want to understand me right now.

She stayed quiet for a moment, her stomach swarming with butterflies, her body suddenly electrified with a flaming desire, and her mind reeling with things she could say to him. Her hands shook at her sides and she had to grab onto another post nearby just to steady herself.
It only made Jules more concerned but he didn’t say it. “Hey,” he said, instead of the question she was tired of hearing.
“Hey,” she breathed. Looking into those stunning emerald eyes, she actually found herself smiling. “Um, thanks for coming to my rescue back there. Things just got a little…”
“Out of hand?” He finished.
“Yeah, I guess that’s the way to put it.” She added, awkwardly looking away, searching for an easy escape. She glanced at Victor and Rachel but they were already talking together, laughing and messing around. Taking a breath, she looked back at Jules, prepared to tell him all about Bryan, but he stopped her; his lips gently connecting with hers.
At first, she wanted to push him away from the impact of someone’s lips on hers so soon after Bryan’s, feeling uncomfortable and scared; but when his arms carefully wrapped around her, she grabbed onto his shirt to steady herself and realized how she

was kissing him

The caress of his lips against hers was so gentle, so safe, that it almost brought tears to her eyes, forcing her to realize just how wrong Bryan was for her. As they kissed, she felt her body tingling, her weak body suddenly grasping onto an unknown energy that sparked her feelings. She didn’t care about anything else in that moment, only the feel of Jules’ protective arms around her.
She could feel his fear that he had done the wrong thing as he pulled away, slowly. “I’m sorry,” he said the moment his lips were free. “I don’t know what I was thinking, I shouldn’t have done that.” He mumbled, turning away from her.
She had never seen him so frantic and tense than in that moment, his hands going rigid at his sides as he paced away from her. She hated seeing him that way.
Standing there, catching her breath, she stared after him, waiting for a time to tell him that she really didn’t mind it. The kiss surprised her and scared her at first, but when she let herself take in those tender and perfect lips that didn’t belong to Bryan, she felt a strange safety about it all. She remembered that he wasn’t trying to hurt her.
“Jules,” she whispered. “It’s okay, really. Don’t—don’t put yourself down, I’m fine.” She was desperately quiet, the words slowly pouring from her mouth.
He turned around, peering at her behind the hair in his eyes, and made a face. “Are you sure? Skye, I shouldn’t have touched you so soon. I know I shouldn’t.” He said. His voice was low, slightly above a whisper, as he neared her, looking to see if anyone was watching them.
She shook her head, shrugging. “I’m sure, Jules. It wasn’t too soon or anything, I—I just don’t know if we should be doing this.” She sighed.
He stopped, confused. “Doing what?”
She looked around, grimacing and biting her lip as she thought of an answer. She hadn’t expected those words to spill from her mouth. “You know,” she gestured between the two of them, “this

. Us

. I don’t think that I can really handle all that’s been going on between us, it’s just too confusing.” She shivered, despite the blazing sun burning down on her back.
He looked genuinely surprised. “You’re not making any sense, Skye. What are you trying to say?”
She considered it, wondering what she really was saying, as tears threatened to cascade down her cheeks. “You have to forget about me. We shouldn’t be friends, Jules.” She had to use every last nerve of her just to say those words. Separating herself from Jules wasn’t what she wanted, that was what Bryan wanted. She didn’t want to forget about Jules or their kisses, or anything they had together. But, for the sake of a better illusion for Bryan, she had to make it seem as though she could forget about Jules. She felt the need to protect him.
“Forget about you? Skye, you don’t really want this. You don’t really believe that we shouldn’t be friends, do you?”
“I do, Jules.” She said, so clearly it seemed as though she was telling the truth, when she was so deeply lying to him. “Being friends just doesn’t seem easy enough, not now. You have to forget about me. I’ll forget about you too, we’ll never hurt each other, ever. I can’t be your ‘special’ friend anymore, Jules. So please, just take me home and forget you ever knew me, really. Don’t call, don’t come see me, just forget I was ever a part of your life.” She gulped air, finishing with foreign words that welled up tears in her eyes and shattered her already tattered heart. She could barely breathe, looking at Jules’ stricken and hurt face, praying that he would somehow see through the mask she put on to make the scene.
“Skye, are you serious? How can you be talking like this? You know that if we tried that it would be all lies, you know there’s something more between us. I know you see that.” His voice was louder this time, defense and sorrow subtly protruding.
Skye glanced over to make sure that Rachel and Victor weren’t listening when she realized they were nowhere around. Without even realizing it, she had gotten a text from Rachel saying that they were heading out.
“Jules, please stop. I can’t explain this any more than I already have. You’ve just got to forget about me for now. We wouldn’t be living in a lie, Jules. ‘Cause— well because I don’t feel anything more towards you. So please just take me home,” she pleaded, weariness clouding her again. She was so surprised by her words, so torn up, she hardly seemed to breathe.
“Skye…” He started, his bold eyes searching for answers.

Sighing, he nodded his head and gestured towards the parking lot. “Okay, Skye. I’ll take you home.”
She wanted him to promise her that he would stay away from her, that he would forget about her; but there was still a part of her that couldn’t live without him and didn’t want to press it any further. That part that knew there was something more between them but was only trying to protect him. And she knew she had gotten the picture across enough to keep him away from her and Bryan away from him, as much as it broke her heart.
“Thank you,” she whispered. She stepped into pace beside him, holding her arms across her chest protectively. “I’m sorry.” She murmured, quiet enough so she knew he couldn’t hear her.
He kept his eyes focused straight ahead, dark circles shadowing underneath them.
When she looked up and saw his fallen spirit, she couldn’t help but hope that her plan works and he’ll someday understand why she did it. A day when she’s safe, they’re both safe, from Bryan. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach when she imagined Jules’ fallen feelings.
As Jules drove Skye home, the car was frighteningly silent. Neither had spoken a word since Skye thanked him, and the there was a sudden unknown and saddening tension between them. Skye wondered if things would ever be the same again.
Finding enough courage to break the awkward silence, she spoke up. “Rachel and Victor ditched us,” she told him.
He seemed to nod a little, keeping his eyes on the road. “Yeah, Vic told me.”
“How long have you two been friends?” She asked, before she could stop herself.
He sneaked a peek at her, his usually bold eyes orbiting around dark and swallowed in despair. “A few years ago. We met shortly after my sixteenth birthday.”
“Is he a good friend?”
“Yeah, usually.”
“Do you ever get the feeling there’s something a little…off about him?”
He frowned. “Why do you ask?” Defense took power in his voice.
“I don’t know. There’s just something about him that seems to not feel right. I asked Rachel the same kind of thing but she seemed to shake it off, like she didn’t sense it.” Her brows were narrowed, her eyes glazing across the street they were traveling on. It was getting darker outside, rain clouds cutting into the once perfectly sunny sky, ready to release the water at any moment.
“Sure, he’s a weird guy sometimes, but I’ve never sensed anything all that strange about him. Even if he did try to…never mind.” He murmured.
She wasn’t sure if he was talking about when Victor had told her to stay away from Jules or not, but it didn’t matter. Maybe he was right: things never end well once involved with Jules. “Yeah, I guess.” She whispered.
It was deathly silent again, neither one wanting to speak.
But then the silence was filled with a scream as Skye jolted forward in her seat, screaming at Jules to stop the car.
He slammed the brakes, the tires shrieking as the car came to a sudden stop. Both his and her face was stricken with surprise and fear, hardly believing what was in front of their eyes.
“Bryan?” She breathed, gulping down the vile that surged up her throat when she slammed into the seatbelt, pain pounding against her body.
“What was he doing in the middle of the road?” Jules gasped, clutching the steering wheel, tightly.
She was about to respond when her words got stuck in her throat halfway, fear pulsing through her body. Bryan was walking towards her side of the car, with a gun in his hand. She shook her head frantically, tears cascading down her cheeks, as she whispered “no” over and over again. She locked the doors, but it was no use.
He banged on the windows with the gun, yelling at her to open the door. She didn’t know what to do or how to react as she lost all of her thoughts at the sight of the gun. She was so frightened that she didn’t even hear Jules’ voice telling her not to, that he would handle it, over and over again.
That was when she realized what he was going to do and stopped him, thrashing a hand out and grabbing his arm. “No, don’t! He’ll kill you, Jules. Just let me talk to him.” She screamed, sobs escaping her lips.
He shook his head. “No, I can’t let you—”
Bryan smashed the glass of the car window, reaching his hand in to unlock the door. “I told you to open the door, Skye,” he growled, opening the door and dragging her out of the car by her shirt. She screamed, clutching for Jules’ hand, for anything, but Bryan was too strong and quick and had her neck clamped under his arm, the gun aimed at Jules as he stepped away from the car a little.
Jules, eyes wide and frantic, put his hands up, surrendering. “Look, Bryan, you don’t want to do this, man. Don’t hurt her, or do anything rash. Just calm down,” He said hastily, trying to sound as calm as possible.
Skye was struggling in Bryan’s grip, kicking and pulling, anything that could get him to surrender the gun, but the attempts were feeble. She was too drained and afraid.
Bryan shook his head, once. “I’m doing what I should have done a long time ago,” he sneered. Clicking the gun, he straightened it towards Jules, aiming to kill. But Skye hit him hard in the chest and he pulled the trigger, the gunshot echoing in the darkening street.
Jules gasped in pain, eyes wide with shock, as he moved his gaze to look at his shoulder. Blood poured from the bullet hole wound, and he made a cry of agony as he fell against the seat, cursing.
Skye screamed, frozen in her place. She couldn’t believe Bryan had actually shot Jules, she couldn’t stand the guilt that washed over her as she watched him reel in pain. He managed to say her name once as he tried to push himself over to the other side of the car, but fell back again in defeat. She remembered screaming Jules’ name, over and over again through sobs, as Bryan rushed them over to his car, her body limp in his arms.
Instead of taking her to the passenger side of the car as she thought, he brought her to the trunk and popped it. She sobbed, shaking her head as he lifted her up and dropped her in it, her head slamming against a beer bottle on the floor. Her vision blurred and swirled as she begged with him to stop, but he ignored her and slammed the trunk on her.
Faintly, she heard him curse himself for shooting Jules, and then, she heard him open his car door, slam it, and turn on the engine, her world fading out by darkness. The only thing on her mind was that she hoped Jules would be okay, no matter what happened to her, he would manage to be all right.


A loud noise woke Skye from her eerie slumber, snapping her out of the hollow of nightmares. She blinked quickly, gasping, and pushed herself up on her elbows. In the dark trunk of the car, she shivered, fearing the worst that could happen. She thought of the pain, Bryan’s anger seeking revenge on her, and of all the horrible things he could do to her. She wanted it to end, wanted the pain and insecurity to go away. She wanted it all to end.
She thought of Jules in that moment, remembering the way he was always so kind to her and the way he made her feel, and it was then when she regretted lying to him and letting him get shot. He didn’t deserve the mess he was in. And it was all because of her that he was involved.
Her heart ached for him; ached to touch him, to kiss him, to see him, and, most of all, to help him. She didn’t know where he was and how he was doing. She knew he was strong enough to look for help, but feared that he would do something stupid and she would lose him. She couldn’t lose him though. Just the thought of losing him broke her heart and suffocated her, squeezing all of the life from her.
Pain ripped across her head and she winced, falling back onto the floor of the trunk in agony. She felt as though someone had shattered a vase on her head and the shards were still stabbing into her head, piercing her. She wanted to drift away, to slowly and painlessly sink into the ground, unnoticed and uncared for. She just wanted to be set free of the misery she replayed in her heart and mind over and over again. Everything seemed to want to crumble around her.
A thump echoed through her eardrums, fracturing the brief silence, and she flinched, scrambling back against the part furthest from the trunks’ opening. Tears trailed down her cheeks, remembering the immediate situation. She ached, in dire need of sleep and medication. She was too bruised, too violated, that she felt the world closing itself around her as the trunk opened, numb light pouring in.
It was raining, she realized, grimacing as she blinked away her tears. “No, please—” she tried, looking into Bryan’s cold eyes. But she couldn’t speak, her throat constricted on even the smallest of words and she wanted to scream at herself to manage. She only had herself to survive and she needed to figure out an escape.
He was shadowed by the downcast, his shoulders heavy and his eyes weary, looking thoroughly upset. At what, she didn’t even want to imagine.
“It’s okay, Skye. I’m not going to hurt you,” he told her. The way he said it sounded so sure, so true, but Skye knew otherwise. She wasn’t about to give in to the man who was finding ways to ruin her life.
Trying again and again, she finally managed to form words, even if they came out as croaks. “Bryan, you shot him. You shot Jules back there. Wh—why?”
He groaned, shaking his head. “Because Skye, he was trying to keep you away from me. And I need to talk to you, Skye. That’s all I wanted, even earlier.” His eyes lit up, forcing her skin to crawl.
She gagged, coughing with disgust. “No, Bryan. W—we have nothing to talk about. I don’t want you near me anymore, Bryan. Not since you…”she trailed off, unable to say the words. She couldn’t say the words, they were too dark, too deafening. She didn’t want to think about what he had done.
He frowned, his expression increasingly darker. “No it’s not like that, babe. You never gave me a chance to explain myself, and when I saw him, I couldn’t have him ruin my only chance at telling you the truth. I had to do it, he—he was going to try to save you from me. And you don’t need someone to save you. I’m not going to hurt you, Skye.”
She cringed at his words. The world suddenly seemed to spin out of focus. She pressed herself against the barrier trapping her in the trunk again, wishing she would just slip away. “No,” she breathed. “I don’t want to hear it, Bryan. I don’t believe you. All you’ve ever done is hurt me. I mean, don’t you remember what you did today? You violated me, Bryan. How could I ever trust you again?”
He was above her, stroking her hair and kissing her neck. “You’re going to wish you never rejected me,” he whispered before tearing at her clothes again.

She sobbed, hot tears pouring down her cold face, and curled herself in a protective ball, hoping he would just get everything over with. Hoping that he would just kill her already, even though she knew he wouldn’t. She felt as though she was dying already. The wrong he had done that afternoon was too hard to bear.
He looked hurt; his eyes filled with sorrow and his lips dropping into a frown. He suddenly didn’t look like the same person who had abused her only hours before, but someone entirely different. He looked as though he actually cared for what she had to say. “I’m sorry, Skye. I never wanted to hurt you, really. I just got so…scared. When you panicked. I thought I was going to lose you again, and I needed to talk to you before it happened.” His voice, ringing in Skye’s ears, sounded calm and gentle. He wasn’t angry, wasn’t yelling. It was as if something was holding him back, something new. “But, then you lost it and I got angry because all I wanted to do was talk to you. I wanted you to know the truth, but I blew it.” He started reaching in, trying to stroke her hair, but he stopped. In his eyes was the familiar emotion that Jules had before he left Skye in the restroom—pain

She froze, unable to breathe. Was he serious? Did he actually feel pain for doing what he did? Did he really just want to talk and she provoked him by doing what she thought was protecting herself? She wondered. Trying to catch her breath, she stammered, “Wh—what?”
“This isn’t the place, Skye. I’ll tell you everything inside.” He said abruptly. “It’s not safe here.”
“And it’s safe inside

, with you

?” Her tone was weak, so much weaker than she wanted it to be. Shaking her head, she kept herself hidden in the shadows of the trunk. “I don’t want to hear whatever it is you have to say, Bryan,” she croaked. “Please, just let me go.”
He shook his head, taking a deep breath. “Listen to me, Skye,” He said, reaching in and grabbing hold of her arms. His grip was gentle but firm, just enough to keep her in his power without hurting her. “If you let me explain everything to you, talking and that’s all, I’ll let you go in a heartbeat. And I’ll never bother you again. I swear. All I want for you now is to know that I love you, and that I’m going to fix my life. And maybe, someday, I’ll be the person that I want to be—the person that someone could love

She shivered, so taken with his words that she didn’t know which way to turn or what to believe. She didn’t see clearly what he meant or how he meant it, all she saw was the sliver of hope that he was going to set her free. After all he put her through—the pain, the lies, the confusion, the insecurity—he was releasing it all, setting her free to find her control on her own life again.
Taking one long, quivering breath, she slowly nodded her head. “Okay, Bryan. I’ll listen.” She breathed. “Promise me you won’t hurt me, though. Please.”
He smiled a little, a careful smile as he had at their first meeting, and released her arms. Drawing his hand back a little to offer his hand, he nodded his head. “I promise not to hurt you.”
Though her mind was spinning with fear and disbelief, she managed to give her shaky hand in his. She winced, her head throbbing with pain at the small movement. The dark town spun as Bryan helped her out of the trunk, his touch reassuring in a strange way. She couldn’t have imagined letting him touch her willingly, but she knew that she was too weak to manage on her own. For the time being, she needed him just as much as he needed her.
She collapsed in his arms, her breath hitching out of her as she closed her eyes. Bryan caught her, his hands holding her close as he carefully lifted her in his arms. She couldn’t feel his hand touching her, which she was thankful for, but when she opened her eyes again they were inside a house—Bryan’s house.
He carried her over to a shabby door and opened it, adjusting her so that she wouldn’t fall. It led down to a stairway, cold air wafting through the air upon them.
She whimpered, remembering her own basement and the force of his lips against hers. “Bryan, please—” She tried, but words wouldn’t come. Her throat was too dry, her body falling under exhaustion.
“It’s okay, Skye. I promised, remember? My room’s in the basement, that’s all. And you need something to rest on while I explain things; I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” He assured her, taking a few steps down the stairs, the wooden boards moaning under their weight.
Gaining better consciousness, she felt his finger lightly stroking her arm. She bit her lip, imagining Jules’ finger stroking her. She imagined Jules carrying her, not Bryan, to assure herself that everything was going to be okay. But when she pictured Jules in the car, the look on his face when he whispered her name and drew back in pain, she felt a tear running down her cheek, and all of her fear returned.
“Bry,” she whispered. “What about Jules? I need to make sure he’s alright.”
She was afraid of how he would react, imagining his anger resurfacing and driving him to throw her down the stairs, and cringed. Trying to assure him that she was all his for the time being, she carefully wrapped her arms behind his head and pulled herself closer to him.
It wasn’t Bryan holding her though, it was Jules. He was there, not Bryan. She admitted she was a liar and there was more between them, and everything was going to be perfect. She created the scene. In her mind, she was going to fix everything.
She noticed Bryan’s grip tighten a little, his body gone slightly rigid. He stepped off the last step and steered them around the staircase, towards the door across the way—the door to his bedroom. She had only been at his house once, months ago for a school project, but being there again and under the circumstances that still unnerved her, the place had no appeal.
Bryan pushed the door open with his foot, the hinges creaking as it swayed away from his path. Finally, he opened his mouth to speak. “Jules is going to be fine, Skye. It was just a shot to his shoulder, nothing lethal. I promise.” He spoke the words naturally, the usual tension he’d carry whilst talking about Jules absent.
She sighed heavily, waiting for him to release her and get everything over with. She wanted to make sure Jules was okay for herself; she needed to know that he was safe. All she could think about was the look he gave her before she was dragged away, and the look he gave her when she told him to forget about her. She never wanted to see such hurt again.
Gingerly setting Skye onto his double sized bed, he smiled at her. As he watched her settle against the head of the bed, he sat himself on the foot of the bed. He shook his head, his now shaggy hair framing his face, and sighed. “You called me, Bry. You haven’t called me that since—well, since we first started dating.”
She looked at him then, her crystal eyes searching for his. She hadn’t even realized that she had called him by his old nickname; it seemed so natural, as though she had always been calling him by it. “Oh,” she murmured. “I guess I did.” She pressed her cold hand to her forehead, giving pressure to her aching head.
He shifted his gaze in her direction, a crooked smile swimming on his lips. “I guess the whole we thing is pretty irrelevant now, though,” he mumbled, his lips quivering into a frown. “Skye, are you feeling alright?” His brows narrowed and he scooted a little closer to her.
She jumped back a little, dropping her hand. “Err…yeah, I’m fine.”
“Skye, did you hit your head?”
Gulping down lies, she nodded carefully. “Yeah…” she murmured. She felt her pulse thumping in her head, her body crashing down in agony. “Bryan, please…help me.” She whispered.
He scrambled over to her, putting his hand on her head. “You seem fine but what about how you feel

“Like someone crashed a vase over my head,” she said. “It’s really not that bad though. You can tell me what it is you have to tell me.”
He looked appalled to the idea. “That can wait, Skye. I’m not letting you sit here and suffer. I’ll go get something to ease the pain. Look,”—he took her hand in his—“I’m sorry I ever hurt you, Skye.”
She looked into those bold blue eyes, the rims dark and rimmed with worry, and a small smile occupied her lips. “It’s okay, Bry. I know.” She whispered.
She had no idea where the forgiveness came from. Just minutes before, she was sure she hated him; but when she saw this side of the boy, the side she had once developed good feelings for, she remembered just how wonderful everything felt back then. That was the side she loved. Not that beast he had so often become. Maybe something somehow had changed after all.
When she looked at his hand, holding back tears, she grimaced. She didn’t see his hand, but Jules’s. She didn’t feel his

breath on her neck, but Jules’s. She didn’t think about his

lips brushing against hers, but Jules’s. Looking up, she didn’t see his

face, she saw Jules’s: his smile, his eyes, his skin—his beauty

. She forced herself not to see the fear or worry in his eyes when she was dragged away, but the twinkle in his eyes when he looked at her as if he was seeing her for the first time.
Jules gave her thrill she had never experienced before, butterflies she couldn’t have imagined, happiness she could only dream of, peace she always wanted, and love she’d always yearned for. If one thing was for certain, it would be that she felt incredibly more towards him than she led on. In all those past moments when she wanted to give up, it was he who changed her mind, no one else.
It wasn’t until she heard the smack! of cabinets closing that she realized Bryan had ever left her side. Gazing at him, she lay down, shaking as chills prickled her skin. Something had changed with Bryan and whatever it was, she was grateful for it; even though she felt an incredibly strange uneasiness when she thought about the things he could tell her.
Bryan hurried over to her, a glass of water and some pills in his hand, and sat beside her as he held them out for her. “Here,” he insisted. “Take this.”
She took them, nodding her head as a thank you, and swallowed hard on the pills, followed by guzzling of the water. Handing the glass over, she smiled timidly. “Thank you, Bry.”
He set the glass down on the bedside table. Positioning himself in the middle of the bed with his legs hanging over the edge, he looked away from her. “Anything for you,” he whispered. “I’d do anything for you.”
She stared at him, noticing the hunch of his shoulders, the worn out look on his face, the way his body was shaking as if he was nervous, and she wondered what he was thinking. It didn’t matter how incredibly odd sitting right there next to him felt, she knew she was doing the only thing she could to protect herself: not running or fighting it.
“Bryan?” she said after a moment of silence. As she watched him turn his head, she sucked in a quick breath, fighting the urge to let any kind of fear well up inside her. She searched his face for a look to go on or continue and when she noticed he raised a brow, she took it as a signal. “You do know that what happened today, your shooting Jules, hurting and taking me, isn’t going to go untold, right?”
He sighed heavily and rubbed at his temples. “I do.”
“Then why did you do it all? Why would you throw yourself into trouble? You couldn’t have thought that you would get away with what happened with me. I mean, I know I’ve been quiet before, but that

—” she stopped herself short. Even with recalling the eerie events of the day, she was surprisingly calm. She wanted answers. That mattered more than getting upset and wallowing.
He thought about it for a moment, his face working as the wheels in his head started turning. Looking her in the eyes, he shook his head a little. “I don’t even know why, really.” He hesitated, pursing his lips. “I think it’s partially because I don’t really care what happens to me, but also because I don’t seem to have liable control over myself right now.” He took a breath. Turning himself to face her, he sat awkwardly, fidgeting every now and then. “Can I explain?”
She pulled herself into a sitting position and nodded her head carefully. “I’m all ears.”
He smiled nervously and continued. His gaze was firmly locked on her face.
“As you know, months ago, I started having issues with controlling my temper and emotions. At first, I didn’t think anything of it; I figured it was just some sort of defense mechanism, a simple reaction. But when things started to get worse and I noticed I was always having this inner battle against my own emotions, I started to think about things more, evaluate myself more. Of course, that didn’t open up enough for me and I started feeling irritated a lot more, always angry at something. So when we hung out, I had forced myself on you, pushed you around and, well—you know what started happening. I literally started losing it.
“I tried controlling myself but it kept getting harder and harder and eventually I started doing things I never thought of doing. Things like, drinking more, getting myself trashed, releasing my anger towards you, cheating

…things that normally—and usually—disgust

me. I kind of lost all of my thoughts on life and, as I know you want to put it, ruined

it. Everything was going downhill, including our relationship, and it all started because of something I must have tried blocking from my mind of. I hated—hate

—what I did to you. I put you through hell and didn’t even stop or take a minute to fix things; I just kept on hurting you, destroying

“All those weeks of putting you through agony and confusion seemed to blur together in my mind, evaded by an illness I wouldn’t have imagined having, and I haven’t fully recovered from, obviously. After you broke up with me, I realized just how badly I had screwed up. I had pushed the person I loved most away, and I knew what I had done was unforgivable. I looked at myself and my life, really evaluated how things were going, and decided I needed to get help. You were right the entire time, Skye, I did need help. I just hadn’t realized how much

help I needed until I searched it out.”
He stopped to catch his breath, small tear-droplets trickling their way down his face. When he looked at Skye she seemed to stare right past him, through him, her eyes casting crystal tears down her cheeks. He continued, wiping his eyes in a futile attempt of masking his emotions.
“I went to see a psychologist, admitting to everything I had done. Practically giving him my life story, every struggle, every achievement, I had to give myself a thorough examination of every part of me. I thought about you a lot, always asking him for advice on how to handle my feelings for you. I’ve loved you the entire time. Even throughout those days when it must have seemed impossible to believe, I loved you. We talked a lot about my anger problems, too. The intense rage I would get when something didn’t go my way, the malice I exhibited so many times; and it all felt terribly wrong. He showed me small things I could do to restrain myself and hold back the urges of anger. But, like today, there are still times when I just can’t stop myself.
“It’s part of the illness, too. While I was in sessions with him I discovered why all my emotions don’t always add up. I was clinically proven with bipolar disorder, a milder case of it, but nevertheless, that’s how I am. That’s one reason I am the way I am. I sometimes can’t find a place when I can keep myself in check because of the disorder. Sometimes I don’t even feel like I’m in control of my own body—like today.
“It wasn’t until we made it to the events before I first noticed a change in my attitude that we discovered a severe problem. Three months ago, I walked in on my dad sexually abusing a young girl—a few years younger than us—in his bedroom. It was one of those wrong-place-wrong-time kinds of things, and I was the victim to it. I couldn’t even remember why I had gone into his room in the first place, but when I did, there was no turning back.”
He stopped, choking on sobs.
Skye curled herself into him, crying and shivering at the info she was receiving. Part of her couldn’t bear to listen anymore, but another part of her knew that she had to know the truth. She couldn’t have imagined everything that Bryan had told her, moments before, but when the memories settled it, she believed every word.
He held her protectively, and she wondered if he was picturing her as the girl in the horrid event that resembled a nightmare. But it hadn’t been a nightmare, and she knew that. “You don’t have to continue,” she whispered, hoarsely finding her voice. “I think I’ve heard enough.”
He shook his head, refusing to hold anything back. “You have to know everything that happened. I’m not holding anything back from you.”
Whimpering, she grabbed a hold of his hand and nodded her head, assuring him that she was ready for the rest.
“After he finished with her, he tossed her on the ground like trash and threw a sheet over her. I knew her from school, Kayla Mills, and seeing her like that after what he…did

, I couldn’t help but cry and yell at him. I was angry with him, for hurting her, tormenting her. He covered himself, and the next thing I remember was getting up in his face, shoving him and yelling at him for what he did. The girl had never left. She’d stayed on the floor, crying as she tried to cover herself, and watched nothing.
“Then my dad hit me, brutally, until I couldn’t stand anymore, could barely even breathe. She had screamed some of the time, my dad having yelled at her to shut her mouth before he suffocated her screams. He told her she couldn’t tell and it was the same for me—I couldn’t tell anyone about what he had done to me. And after that night, he would hit me a lot, angering me more and more so that I would ‘be more like him’. But I didn’t want that. So, a few weeks ago, I went to get some help.”
Bryan finished, sobs quivering from his lips. “How are you doing, Skye? I’m sorry I just, I—” he croaked. His voice wouldn’t go above a whisper.
Skye, looking up at him through blurred vision, pulled his shaking hands into hers. “I’m fine, Bryan. I—I just can’t believe you went through all that, I had no idea. You should have told the police, Bry. You know they would have arrested him. They still could, Bry.” She shivered. Her heart was hammering in her chest, anger and sadness pounding away at her body. She couldn’t believe it. All those times he hurt her, abused her, it was all a lack of control beyond his power. He wasn’t the same person she had known before, but he also wasn’t the terrible menace she thought he had become. He was just a lost boy with a tainted soul, desiring change.
He pulled her into him, heaving sobs as he stroked strands of her hair. “I’m going to, Skye. B—because, thanks to my physiatrist and you…I finally have the strength to be brave and conquer him. He’s not going to hurt anyone else, and I hate that I ever even let him.” He was no longer crying, only left with the raggedness of his breathing. His voice was heavy, deep, and sorrowful. There was no mistaking the regret he felt, it was live in the beat of his heart and air of his breathing.
“Those times when I hurt you, there was a part of me that knew I was doing the wrong thing, and there was a voice that told me not to do it. I regret losing myself and rejecting the voices, since they were so right and I was so wrong. I wish I could take it all back, pretend it never happened. But I know that closure is what’s best for me, for us

. So here I am, apologizing, asking for your forgiveness, opening up, letting you see the real

me. Because, even though I don’t want to lose you, I know that I need to set you free. And that’s what I’m going to do; I’m going to let you go. And you’ll never have to see me again.”
She whimpered, curling herself closer and closer to him. The realization had set it: she was losing someone close to her. It didn’t matter that he had hurt and abused her, though. In that moment, as she cuddled with him, after she listened to his story and found out the truth, everything from the past melted away into a black hole and she felt a connection with him. He was her friend, they had been close, and she was about to lose him. Things had changed between them, which she was sure of, but when she opened her heart to the reality of whom he’d become, she realized that letting go was harder than she thought. They both had to let go, she knew, and it brought pain to her heart to imagine how different his life would be. After all, he truly was in love with her. It was shown by the fact he trusted her, even after how things had gone before.
“You’re doing the right thing, Bryan,” she told him, voice even, stronger than she would have thought possible in her state. “Sometimes we have to do things we’re uncomfortable with, and that’s just life. And years from now, when you look back, I’m sure you’ll feel satisfied, knowing that you had done the right thing in the end.” She sighed. “I forgive you, Bryan. We don’t have to pretend things never happened, because there will always be that part of us that seeks out the reality. But we sure can release the pain and set our souls free. I may not want to be with you Bryan, and that’s just as how in life things change; but if there’s one thing I know for sure, it would be that I’ll always

remember you. Even if throughout the years, we go our separate ways and don’t see each other, we’ll always have our hearts. And I don’t want to lose that. There’s no shame in remembering all those good times we had, too. We’ll always have those, just as our hearts will have the other.”
He pealed her away from him, holding her so that they were able to look into each other’s’ eyes. “I’m sorry I ever hurt you, Skye. I’m going to do the right thing, though. I’m going to tell the police about my father, and about me. I don’t want you to live in fear anymore, beautiful. No matter what you say or forgive me for, I have to do this. It’s the way I can finally resolve things.” He finished. His voice was secure and unwavering.
She blinked back tears, her lips quivering from leftover tears. The pain was there, in her heart, but she couldn’t feel it. All she felt was numb, as if someone had beaten all the life out of her. Bryan’s turning himself in

, she told herself, testing the words out in her head and pondering whether she liked them or not. She knew that it was the right thing to do, and she loved him for that, but there was still that part of her that cared enough to look for another way out. Part of her wished he could find hopes another way.
Nodding her head, she waited as he caressed her cheek, leaning forward and kissing her head following. “It’s okay, Bry. Everything’s going to be okay,” she whispered, her breath taken away by his incredibly gentle touch. She closed her eyes, feeling the heaviness and sting of the past tears. Her heartbeat was slow, calming. Her fear had settled, surprisingly, and she was finally at peace with him. It felt good knowing that, even though things would never be the same with them once he could be released, their relationship would no longer be a burden for either of them. She needed that security.
She listened as he whispered “I’m sorry” over and over again in her ears, hugging her. The time spent was comfortable again, free of fear and worry, back to how things had been at the beginning. She knew Bryan liked it just as much as she did, if not more. He was incredibly gentle with her, comforting her as the good friend she’d once been. There was a minuscule part of her that did fear being in his arms again. But she knew that as long as she didn’t upset him, she really was safe.
Carefully, she pulled herself away from him, smiling. “I should probably get home, Bry. Johnny will be waiting up for me,” she said, glancing at the alarm clock beside his bed. It was later then she thought, and she knew that he would be home, waiting for her. She feared that if she was late he wouldn’t be pleased, and that wouldn’t spell good fortune for her.
He nodded, his eyes slightly brighter, his lips tipped in a smile. “Right,” he mumbled. “I’ll give you a ride home.”
“No, you don’t have to—” she started.
“But I want to, Skye,” he cut in. “I want to say goodbye the right way. I’m always going to love you, Skye, but I need to have all the closure I can get. I need it to survive.” His smile grew wider, almost showing teeth. “I’ll just drop you off and be on my way.”
She thought about it for a moment. Being in that car again, waiting impatiently for them to arrive home so that she would know she’s safe, and fearing what would happen to him when she finally was dropped off. She knew the walking home after dark, in the rain, around the neighborhood they were in wasn’t a good option either, so she chose the first option. “Thank you, Bryan. I’d like a ride home,” She said softly, slipping her legs off the bed.
She stood, her legs wobbly from the sudden pressure, and managed to make it to the bedroom door. “Coming, Bry?” She asked. Turning around, she saw him on the edge of the bed, watching her.
“Of course,” he breathed.
Skye wobbled, using the door handle to help her out. Her body was shaking, from lack of food and proper rest she was sure, and there was still a throbbing pain in her head she managed to calm a little.
Bryan’s arm snaked around the small of her back, making her jump. She stifled a gasp and tilted her head up, looking at his eyes. “Sorry,” she apologized.
He shook his head, “No, I’m sorry. You just looked…unstable

. Are you sure you’re alright?” He said. His voice echoed concern, his eyes frowning. He started to slip his hand away when she grabbed onto it.
“No, wait!” she cried. “That helps, Bry. I’m just a little tired.”
He pulled her against him again, her body nesting right into his perfectly. “Better get you home, then.” He smiled again.
She felt it then: fear.

She couldn’t read why, but as they walked beside the staircase, together, she felt an oppressing wave of fear wash over her. “Bryan?” She breathed, stopping in her tracks as they made it to the foot of the stairs.
He put one foot on the first stair and looked down to her, a quizzical expression swimming about his face. “What’s wrong?”
It hit them both then, hard. The reason for the sudden fear, the fever of her pounding heart, and the abrupt freeze of her muscles, was standing before them. At the top of the stairs, glowering at them both, stood Bryan’s father, his large body blocking their only exit.
Bryan’s jaw tightened and he backed down a step, swiftly pulling her into his arms. Skye could feel the intensity of his grip on her, crushing her into him, but instead of feeling afraid of it, she felt safe. He was protecting her, fully aware of the threatening man ahead of them.
“Who’s the girl?” His father asked, gruffly. He grinned, Skye noticed, though his frame was mostly masked in darkness. “She’s beautiful. Perfect

,” he sneered, taking a thudding step towards them.
Bryan pulled her closer, moving them both back a step. She was shaking, heart pounding. Her breathing hitched as she watched his father, wishing he would go back and leave them alone but fearing the worst. Horrifying images of him assaulting the young girl flashed before her eyes, spreading havoc of fear throughout her entire body.
“You weren’t supposed to be home tonight,” Bryan growled, his chest heaving. Skye could feel his anger, his breath harsh and his body shaking. It scared her a little, but she ignored it, trying to think of safety. She imagined herself far away, safe and happy, in a faraway place where she could be with Jules.
Coming back to reality, she remembered what Bryan had told her. She knew he wasn’t going to hurt her, but protect. She was safe, she reminded herself, as many times as she could. But it was a lost cause and all she could think of was Bryan’s father’s hands invading her, his breath against her face. She didn’t see another girl under him, she saw herself

“I changed my mind,” His father said, matter-of-factly. “And boy am I glad I did,” he added, licking his lips.
Skye retreated in disgust and horror, pressing her face into Bryan and closing her eyes so that she didn’t have to look at his father. He was getting closer, she heard, his heavy footsteps burdening the creaky steps. Her fear intensified, pulsing uneasiness throughout her body. She leaned against Bryan, needing all the support she could get. Bryan’s grip was loosening, sending chills along her spine. She wanted to cry out, but couldn’t. She wanted to cry, but couldn’t. She wanted to run away, but couldn’t. She was frozen with fear.
“Get away from her,” Bryan snapped, pushing her back so that she was behind him. “I mean it.”
She couldn’t see his face but she knew that he was angry, strong, and ready to strikeout at any moment. She felt her back press up against a cold surface and she realized she had backed herself into the wall. Frantically, she searched the room for a phone, anything to save both herself and Bryan.
It caught her eye.
A few feet away, hooked up on a post in the middle of the room, was a phone. It was their only chance at escape. If Bryan’s father had beaten him up once, she knew he could do it again. And if he had violated a girl before, there was no doubt in her mind that he wouldn’t do it again. She knew she wouldn’t be able to fight him off in the condition she was in. There was only one option in her mind. She had to call the police.
She didn’t even hear Bryan’s voice calling out to her to stop as she threw herself in a sprint for the phone. She only heard his father’s bellowing footsteps behind her, terrifying her. She grabbed the phone, dialing 911 frantically as she held it in shaky hands.
She stifled a scream and dropped the phone as strong arms wrapped around her stomach, pulling her back. She thrashed around, tugging on the arms around her, and screamed. It was Bryan’s father.
She stopped moving when something sharp was pressed against her throat, cutting off her feeble cries. She kept her chin up, knowing the blades’ feel too well, and whimpered.
“Be quite or I swear I’ll cut your throat,” he growled, cutting off her breath as he squeezed her tighter.
Glancing in Bryan’s direction, she whimpered. I’m sorry

, she mouthed.
Bryan was infuriated, anger pulsing in the veins of his neck, his fists clenched at his sides. “Don’t do this, Dad. Just let her go, she won’t tell.” He said, to Skye’s surprise, very strongly.
Skye wanted to speak and confirm that she wouldn’t tell, but couldn’t. The grip on her stomach loosened and she gasped to breathe, sobbing. She hadn’t realized she was crying or holding her breath until then.
“It’s too late, son. She’s mine.” He sneered at Bryan. Laughing darkly, he moved the phone back on the hook and turned Skye around to look at him, all in one quick motion. He examined her, stoking her cheek as his smoky breath choked her. “It’s okay, Beautiful. I’m not going to hurt you too bad.”
Before she could fight him or do anything, she was slammed against the post, her vision blurred as Bryan charged towards them, worry painted sickly across his face.


Bryan rammed himself into the post, reaching out for Skye the moment he made it there. He tried to pull her into him, to comfort and protect her, but a large hand stopped him, catching him by his neck. He stumbled back, anger and pain coursing through his inflamed body, and sneered at the man he despised calling father

. He grabbed his father’s arms, digging into them until he knew he broke skin.
“Get away from her,” he spat, choking on the words. He was growling, his anger charging through his veins as he stared into the cold eyes of his father. He hated him. There wasn’t one part of him that felt love towards the man before him; he was only the monster who abused him and others.
His father laughed, grabbing Skye’s shoulder and pinching it, painfully. He yanked her against him, his arm still extended towards Bryan’s neck. “You’re in no position to be telling me what to do, son,” he sneered. “Besides, you and I both know that I could snap your neck right now, and then do the same to miss perfect right here.” He snaked his arm around Skye’s neck, her body shaking as sobs escaped her, and took a long whiff of her scent. He smiled, slightly.
Bryan glared at him, knowing he was right. He fought the tight and repulsive grip on his neck, trying to pry the hand away. “Let. Go.” He managed.
“As you wish,” his father said. He slammed his foot into Bryan’s chest as he let go of his neck, knocking him down to the floor.
Bryan coughed, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. He crumpled in pain, groaning as his vision blurred and spun. Vaguely, he heard Skye’s protests to his father. He heard the shuffling of their feet growing in distance, her words and screams muffled by his father’s gruff voice, and the painful word he heard most clearly: Help

Crawling to his feet, he scurried behind them, the room spinning before him. He saw his father taking her unwillingly into Bryan’s room, and before he had time to even think about it, he found himself slamming into them.
They were sent to the ground; Skye whimpered as she tried crawling away, Bryan’s father grunted in irritation, and Bryan slammed his fist into his father’s face. He knew that, in one regard, it hurt him more than his father, but he didn’t care. All he wanted to do was to inflict discomfort on him, tearing him down just as he had done to him. He was trying to hurt Skye, just as he had with how ever many girls before, and Bryan couldn’t stand it. He could kill him for what he had witnessed.
In one quick movement, Bryan’s father had him tossed against the wall with some incredible strength. Bryan winced in pain, his head feeling as though someone had bashed a rock onto it. He tried to blink away the blurriness in his vision but couldn’t manage it; the room was cloudy and swirly.
He heard Skye scream and the moan of the mattress, and scrambled to his feet, searching with his eyes for the sight before him. When the blur faded a little, he gagged on his own saliva. He froze, watching the horrid sight in front of him, bringing anger and putrid memories to his mind.
“Get off me!” Skye cried, her screams piercing Bryan’s chest like a sword. She was underneath his father, fighting against the immovable strength of the man above her. Her feeble cries were coated with sobs as the man ripped her clothing, tearing her apart right before Bryan’s eyes.
He did the only thing he could possibly think of in that moment, and screamed for his father to stop. “Wait!” he yelled. His voice was cracking, but he managed to keep it strong and angered. “Let me do it first,” he added, quieter seeing as how his father had peered over to look at him. “I want her first.” He wanted to puke, the vile in his throat choking him. He hated saying those words. He knew they weren’t true. He was far too angry and disgusted with his father to even think about hurting her; besides, he remembered his promise to her, and he was keeping himself in check, protecting her.
His father looked thoroughly intrigued and pleased, along with a smile that showed something near…pride

. He looked proud

of his son. No matter how twisted it was. “You want

her first, son?” He asked, chuckling. “Go ahead than, do

her in.”
Bryan struggled to breathe, disgust and anger tearing at his body. Taking small steps towards the bed, watching as his father lifted himself away from Skye and the bed, he wiped blood off his face, hands shaking. He wanted to growl and spit at his father, to attack him again, but he knew he couldn’t. He had to get him out of the room so Skye would be safe, at least for a little while.
He got onto the bed, the mattress moaning against his weight, and slowly moved closer to Skye. He studied her, looking at the fear in her eyes, the disheartening sadness she displayed, and the shaking of her body. He realized she wasn’t just afraid of his father but him also, and it pained him. Knowing his expressions were guarded from his father, he calmed them, regarding her with a sad sympathy. He mouthed that he was faking it, to save her, but she still scrambled away from him.
Suddenly, he realized that there was still a putrid smell of smoke in the room and peered over his shoulder to look behind him. He thought that his father would have left by then, shutting the door behind him and listening for something on the other side of the door; but when he saw him there, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his massive chest and his expression repulsive with pleasure, he sucked in his breath.
“Go on, Bryan, do her in. I’ve got to watch my son finally get the nerve and become a man,” he said coolly. “It’s about time you act like a man. So go ahead son, I know you want her, just do it, use her like you’ve always wanted to.”
The statement brought heat to Bryan’s face, his body stirring with anger and regret, and pain pinched his nerves. He wanted to beat the life out of his father, but he kept his cool and gulped down his rage. His plan had backfired; he wasn’t going to be able to protect her how he wanted.
Turning around, he pushed himself closer to her, breathing heavily. His heart was pounding. He had to think of a way out of it; he wouldn’t allow himself to hurt Skye, especially not with company. For the first time since he started losing control of himself, he didn’t

want to use her. His love was overtaking the surging emotions and illness; from everything within him he only wanted what would be best for her.
Just in time, something beside the bed caught his eye. He cringed as he realized how close he and Skye were and how badly she was shaking. He didn’t want her to be scared of him, but he also knew there was no reason for her not to be.
He pulled her up by her arms and she whimpered, whispering pleads again and again. He tried to ignore the queasiness in his stomach and pressed her against the bedframe, crashing his lips clumsily against hers. The room still spun a little, his head reeling from the beating, and as he scooted them closer to the bedside table. Passionately making a scene, he subtly reached out for the knife.
Pocketing the knife, he nuzzled into the nook of her neck. “Get off the bed and on the ground, okay?” he whispered, making sure she was the only one able to hear it. “I’m going to get him away but you have to get down and trust me. Please, Skye, for your own safety.”
Nodding her head slowly, she whispered “okay” and crawled away from him. He pretended to try to get her back to him, yelling things at her as if he was angry with her for escaping. Then, when he heard the shuffle of his father’s steps, he leapt off the end of the bed and rammed himself into him. He fumbled with the knife hastily, stabbing it into his father’s side.
He couldn’t kill him though, his fear wouldn’t allow it, and instead he convinced himself that injuring him would be enough. He imagined that it would allow him and Skye enough time to escape.
He watched as his father stepped back in surprise, eyes wide, hunched over a little, and felt the fear subside. Once they made it out, he would call the police and his father would finally get the justice he deserved. And the thought of justice melted the misery in his heart.
“Good one,” his father gurgled.
Bryan stepped back in horror and reached a hand behind him. “Skye, come on,” he urged. “Hurry!” Before he could turn around to make sure she was coming, he felt cold fingers wrap through his and tug him forward. They left the room, running, although his and her bodies were each throbbing with fear and pain.
Everything’s going to be alright

, he told himself, tightening the grip on Skye’s hand as they stumbled along the way beside the staircase. He was getting her away from the awful man he was ashamed to call his father, and her safety was all that mattered to him anymore.
And that was when his life started to slip away from him.
He barely felt the knife stabbing into him the first time. But then it came again, twice, and he choked on his own blood. He shoved Skye away, pushing her towards the stairs. “Go!” he managed, blood spluttering from his mouth. Gripping the wooden posts of the staircase, he watched through spotted vision as she stepped away from him, hand at her mouth, sobbing. He had been stabbed, by his own father, and Skye wasn’t going to be safe and happy again.
Crumpling onto the ground, he coughed blood, tears trickling from his eyes. He couldn’t let himself die without saving her, that’s all he could think about as he realized he was going to die. He could only think about saving her

He didn’t look back at his father; the pain was intoxicating and numbing his body. He knew he would see the same cold look he had always seen; he would see the same look he had gotten all of his life: an empty, heartless, pained look. And he knew that his father was never a father. He never even loved his own son.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and tried to shake it off but only crumpled over more. He was losing time, hope, and he knew he had little time to save Skye. Spotting the only thing within reaching distance, he grabbed it, and, with all his remaining strength, turned and smashed it over his father’s head.
The shards of glass shattered around him, raining on him. He fell against the ground, weak and throbbing in pain. The world was fading in the slightest, his vision speckled with blackness as he found himself retreating to the darkness of death. There was no light. Until he heard the cries of the girl he loved, and felt her cold and frail hands tipping his head up.
Looking into her eyes, he smiled inside, feeling warmth that he didn’t think he could have in such a cold place. Then it hit him. He had done it: his father was unconscious and Skye would be able to protect herself.
He tried to tell her something, everything

, but nothing came out. He wanted to tell her that everything would be okay for her, that she would finally be free from the misery he and his father had put her through. His heart reached out for her though his body wouldn’t respond. He knew she had so much to live for, no matter what she thought, and he knew that even though Johnny was beating her, she would pull through. She had Jules and Rachel, he knew, and in the end she would finally find peace.
She was going to be safe if she listened to him, and, in his mind, his own life was just the right cost for her safety. All he cared about in those last moments, when he believed he was dying, was her

. He had told her he would do anything

for her, and dying for her safety was that anything

. Dying didn’t seem scary to him anymore, it only seemed like the perfect way to leave.
“Skye,” he whispered. He noticed her smile, though her eyes and expression were sad and scared. “Call the police, tell them everything, and save yourself. Don’t stay here with me, don’t wish for me to come back—” he coughed again, his life slipping away from him quickly. “Remember one thing, beautiful. I love you. I’ve always loved you.” He uttered the last words he would ever say, curling over. He fumbled for her hand, searching for something to hold, but all the light faded around him and he fell limp against her.
The last words he ever heard were Skye’s: “Bry, I love you. I love you too.”

Skye pulled Bryan’s lifeless body into her lap, sobbing and shaking her head. “No, Bry, don’t leave, please don’t leave me.” She whispered, begging through sobs. “You can’t leave me Bryan, not now. Please

not now

Tears cascaded down her ghostly pale face, her eyes reddened and puffy. Her emotions were zigzagging in every direction, dropping her heart into her stomach and clouding her mind. She couldn’t believe it. Bryan was gone, her

Bryan, the boy who was crazy in love with her. In those moments, she didn’t remember the bad memories, only the good ones, and it broke her heart.
She cradled him in her arms, rocking back and forth as she let her tears pour. She tried catching her breath, her hands and clothes covered by the fresh blood of his wounds. Everything ached, her head, her body, her heart; she was slowly losing herself in the agony and heart-shattering truth of it all. Bryan was dead, lifeless and gone, and she was never getting him back. He gave his life for her, and, in her mind, all she had given him was reasons to hate her.
“Bryan, I’m sorry. I’m s—so s—sorry.” She stuttered, crying into his cold body. “It’s my fault this happened. I—I should’ve been stronger, I shouldn’t have let this happen to you.”
She waited, for a response though she knew there would be none. When there was no response, not even the beat of his heartbeat next to her ear, she grasped a tight hold on him, wishing he would breathe again, wishing he would come back to life. She knew it was a lost cause, he was already gone, but it didn’t seem real to her. Nothing seemed real anymore.
Get help, Skye

, she heard echo in her head, call the police before that foul man gets away with murder

. She knew to listen to the voice. Even though it was her voice, she felt Bryan’s soul within it, telling her to save herself. His last words would never be forgotten by her: I love you. I’ve always loved you.

Looking up, she saw Bryan’s father’s unconscious body covered in small shards of glass. As her heartbeat sped, the thought of that man waking up and harming her, she stumbled to her feet, wiping her blurry tears away.
She scurried over to the phone on the post, dialing 911 frantically as she tried to calm herself. Her lips were dry, her mouth parched. She needed water, sleep, and medicine, the previous pain pills had worn off. Her new injuries throbbed, along with her pounding head as everything started crumbling down on top of her, squeezing the life from her.
Bryan’s dead, gone,

she thought to herself in distress, and it’s all my fault. He was trying to save me, me. Even after everything he’s done to me, I still don’t feel worthy of that kind of sacrifice

. Her heart ached, screaming regret. Why, Bryan? Why did you save me?

She wished he would answer. She needed to know why he saved her so willingly. Just hours earlier in the same day, he had violated and hurt her; yet, when the time came to sacrifice his life for hers, he took it. He gave her his life. All for love’s sake, he sacrificed everything just to save her.
Skye wished she had never hated him. He was ill, there was nothing he could do about it, yet she’d still hated him. Though it was too late, she realized that she really did

love Bryan— it had only been masked over when he’d changed. He had been so good to her from the time he brought her to the house, so much like he’d been before the illness had enveloped him. She knew he didn’t deserve to die like that, so brutally, so suddenly—especially when it was done at the hands of his own father

She pressed her hand against her forehead, trying to relieve the overwhelming pressure. She needed to get home, though she knew she had more important things to handle.
Even though it had only been a matter of moments before the emergency line picked up, it felt like an eternity to her, everything around where she stood suffocating her. She gasped to breathe, her nerves tingling when she heard the person speak on the other line.

, her words spoke, hidden behind the cries of what had happened, slurred into a nondescript explanation of a plea for help. After she hung up the phone, she barely remembered what she had told the person on the other line. Words like—Help, stabbed, possibly dead, scared

—all sang out in her mind. They were on their way; she knew that much from the small town’s sirens ringing in the distance.
Dropping down near Bryan, she sobbed, the reality sinking deep within her broken heart. Again and again, she tried to tell herself that he was still alive, that it was all just a dream; but she knew better. She knew the truth as well as she knew the pain; and she felt as though the pain was killing her inside.
“Bryan, I’m so sorry,” she whispered, crawling over to his lifeless body and resting her head on his cold shoulder.
Never again would she see his piercing blue eyes, feel his warm hands caress her cheek, or hear his low and mystical voice calling out for her. Never again would she feel his heart beating, laugh at his terrible jokes, or listen to him rant on and on about sports and why he cared so much to pay attention to them. Never again would he be with her, alive

. Never again would she

be quite the same.
She heard the sirens get louder, her thoughts floating away with the putrid air, smelling of blood and death. Her breathing was short, quick breaths, speeding and slowing as profusely as her mind reeled. She tried to carry her thoughts away, to let them drift to a time when everything was perfect. Nothing came but dark memories of Johnny and Bryan—in their own separate moments of weakness.
Pushing those memories away, she tried to think of better ones again. Only to bring back a memory of Bryan so sweet, it took her breath away and stomped on her heart.
It was the memory of the first time they met. Fourth grade—the year Bryan moved into town.
“Hey,” Bryan said quietly, sitting in the desk next to Skye.
She slid her gaze towards him, away from the paper that lay before her, a sketch of a flower scribbled by her own hands. “Hi,” she greeted shyly, shifting her gaze back towards her paper.
He leaned across the space between desks, peering at her drawing. “What’s that you’re drawing? A flower?”
Defensively, as if he had intruded, she covered the drawing with her small hand and frowned. “It doesn’t matter,” she mumbled, shoving it under her textbook.
“It was beautiful, if you’d ask me. Do you draw a lot? ‘Cause you’re really good.”
She twirled her hair around a finger, biting her lip. Her gaze stared straight ahead, avoiding his beautiful blue eyes. “Doodles, yes.”
He laughed then, a sudden and mocking laughter. “Well, that was the best ‘doodle’ I’ve ever seen. Mind if I have it, please? I promise to give you something in return. Anything you’d like.”
She looked at him, studying him. He was grinning at her, his eyes focused only on her. He was close to her, a small distance breaking the uncomfortable shyness she felt before. Her lips tipped into a smile, her nerves retreating. “Okay,” she said. “But it’ll cost you.”
He grinned brighter, his eyes lighting up. “Anything you want.”
“Give me your candy bar,” she squeaked, cheerful. He affected her, in ways she hadn’t imagined before. He made her feel comfortable in her own shell, something she hadn’t been most of her life. “It’s my favorite.”
Slightly surprised, he glanced down at his desk and picked the candy up. “Your favorite candy bar is Milky Way? No way! It’s my favorite too!” He laughed at his outburst. “Here,” he added, passing the bar across the space between them. “Think of this as the start to a grand friendship.”
She took the bar, nodding her head, and slid back in her seat. “I’d like that,” she whispered. Grinning, she pushed the bar in her bag and handed him the piece of paper, her small fingers brushing against his. “Friends?”
He nodded. “Friends.”

When the memory faded, she heard the loud sirens of help outside the house, summoning her to run to safety. She wouldn’t leave Bryan though, she couldn’t

. Nothing else mattered; she needed to be with him as long as possible, the last time she ever would. She owed him that much.

Once the officers had bombarded the premises, everything passed in a blur for Skye. She remembered them pulling her away from the scene, leading her outside as they told her everything was going to be okay.
She knew that wasn’t true though. Nothing was going to be okay for Bryan, he was dead

. Nothing was going to be okay

for a long time. In a way, it hadn’t ever been okay

Outside, she sat on the porch steps, a blanket draped over her shoulders, watching as paramedics and officers hustled around. She watched as one of the officers talked to another, waving his hand around and saying things she feared she didn’t want to hear. Tears trickled down her cheeks, like rain trickling down a cold windowpane. Her eyes were heavy, her head spun, rest too far away to reach.
One of the officers had her call Johnny, to inform him on what had happened and that he needed to come to the scene right away. She asked to call Rachel, to let her in on what had happened too. After both calls were made, she waited on the wooden steps, awaiting the questions to be asked from the chief officer. She knew he would come once the situation was under control and she feared that she wouldn’t have the courage to tell the whole story.
She watched as they brought out Bryan’s father, leading him over to the cop car. Anger was unmistakably written all over his face, and fear chided her skin. Without thinking, she dug her back into the steps.
Moments later, they brought out Bryan’s lifeless body and hauled him over to the gurney, covering his blood covered body with a white cloth. Tears welled in her eyes, her throat burning. Closing her eyes, she tried to picture someone else, a stranger

, under that sheet; but she knew it was just a lie, Bryan’s

body was under the sheet—he

was gone.
Her entire body was shaking, the cold sadness sending frigid chills along her arms. There was a scuffle around her but she kept her eyes closed, imagining her own perfect world far from reality.
“Skylar?” An officer said, his voice worn and older sounding, droning on in her ears.
Skye lifted her head up, the night spinning before, and looked at him. He looked tired, she noticed, his eyes dark and his skin worn. He looked too old for how young she supposed him to be, too. Working on the police force would have to be one of the toughest jobs out there, she knew that much.
“Yes?” she barely heard herself say. She didn’t recognize her own voice, it sounded so far away and sad she wished it hadn’t been her own.
“We’d like to talk to you about what happened, if that’s alright with you.” He explained, trying to smile when it only looked like a grimace.
She nodded, not trusting her voice. Beside the first officer was another, an older looking man with gray hair. She noticed the gruffness in his voice the moment it escaped, and she almost cringed. It reminded her of Johnny and Bryan’s father, all too well.
She explained everything as best as she could, refraining from telling them about Bryan’s illness and strikeouts with her. He didn’t deserve to be looked down upon anymore; he had saved her life and deserved the honor of being a hero—what he really was.
Rachel and Johnny had arrived shortly after she started telling the officers everything about what happened. Rachel was at her side the moment she laid eyes on her, holding and comforting her best friend as she listened to the horrific story.
Skye left out a few details, like the fact that Bryan had brought her to his house without her consent, but everything about what happened between him, his father, and her, was out in the open. She fought back tears most of the time, holding Rachel’s hand a few times for assurance, and kept her eyes from looking at Johnny. It would be too tempting to explain to the police all about his problems.
After explaining the entire nightmare of a night, the officers left her to go home with Johnny and told her everything was going to be okay—Bryan’s father was in police custody and would do years of time in prison. She was safe from him.
But she wasn’t safe from Johnny, or what nightmares could become of her dreams. She had lost a friend that night, and that was never going to change.
Rachel stayed with her for the rest of the night, calling her own parents and giving them the scoop. She was going to stay over at Skye’s. She knew that her friend needed her.
“We should get you home, Skye,” Johnny said, giving his hand out so that Skye could take it. “You don’t look well.”
She knew she wouldn’t look well. She had not only been through a tremendous ordeal but she’d lost her friend and part of her heart. Feeling well

was far out of the question. She felt terrible.
Taking Johnny’s hand, she let him help her up. Her eyes were heavy, her legs barely holding herself up. Sleep deprivation was gnawing at her body again, tearing her consciousness away. “I think—” she managed before collapsing in his arms.
Her head was pounding, her heart slowing, barely breathing. The night slowly faded away. The only thing she felt before slipping away was Johnny’s strong hands picking her up from the ground, cradling her like a small child as he brought her to his car with Rachel following behind.


The next three days passed in a terrible blur for Skye. Nightmares were the cause of restless days and nights. And, as the time passed, memories of Bryan flooded her mind, frightening her. Sleep, real

sleep, was far away during that time, masked by the horrifying nightmares that haunted her. She had slept most of the time, though, only waking in sweat once in a while, reeling in the pain of a broken heart and tattered spirit. The agony that clutched her heart had overcome her body, sending it in a downward spiral to the depths of darkness and despair. Her body had lived in that state of darkness during that time.
The nightmares were painted pictures on a cycle around the life she’d lived with Bryan—dark memories, happy memories, things that broke her heart. She yearned for him to be alive, in reach, with

her. But it was the same every time she woke—nothing

. Bryan was no longer with her, only in heart and dreams.
For the first time in those three days, there wasn’t a piercing ring in her head. She woke with her mind refreshed, the pain had subsided. It all seemed clearer, no images torturing her or thoughts scrambling around Bryan’s death. She wanted to pick herself up and out of the depths of despair; she wanted to forget about the bad times. She knew she couldn’t for long, soon the taunting darkness would come back, but she needed to, no matter how short-lived.
Opening her eyes, nothing was blurred; she saw everything in the new light, slicing in through the blinds of her bedroom window. She blinked, her lids recovering from the heaviness of weighing sleep. Her memories of the past few days were only fuzzy. Vaguely, she remembered the nightmares, the waking late into the night with her mom beside her bed trying to calm her screams, the oppressing waves of heat, cold, and exhaustion. All of it slurred into a tainted glower of her own depression—the loss and mourning.
Taking a deep breath, she carefully pulled the covers off of her, leaving them folded on the other side of the bed. Her head was slightly heavy, recovering at its own pace. Stretching, a yawn escaped her lips and she sighed, releasing the long breath. She wanted to go downstairs, looking for her mother or Rachel, but feared Johnny would also be there. And she didn’t need to see him so soon.
She padded her way across the room, slowly. Her body tingled from the stretching of her muscles, lazing in the previous lack of exercise. Touching her hand to her forehead, she felt the clamminess beneath her fingers and decided a quick shower would be the revival she needed.
After she was showered, her mind was clearer, her entire body refreshed. The revival had come; she was in a better place, forgetting the nightmares and thoughts of loss. She still felt the cold hole that dwelled in her heart without Bryan, but she didn’t let it bog her down. She knew that it wasn’t healthy.
Dried and dressed, she stepped back into her bedroom, sighing again. Her heart remained heavy, relenting to release Bryan and let him go, making her insides cry out. She wanted him, wanted him to come back home.
There was a small creek of the floorboards in the hallway, and Skye jumped a little, surprised.
Rachel peered around the doorway, smiling, and looked right at her. “Hey you’re up,” she said. Taking her place as Skye’s best friend, she stepped around the door and into the bedroom, approaching her friend for a hug. “It’s good to see you back in the land of the living,” she added quietly, embracing Skye into a hug.
Skye cringed at even the mention of the word living

; she couldn’t help it. It reminded her that Bryan was no longer living

. Darkness tried to swallow her back up, to toss her into the abyss of missing Bryan and the times they had together, but she pushed it away. She wanted to be stronger. Even if it took all of her to do it, she would find a way to let Bryan go. After all, that’s what he wanted for her; he wanted her to be happy and move on.
“Hey, Rachel,” Skye said quietly, hearing her raspy voice for the first time in days. “How long was I out?” Her mouth let out. Her arms wrapped around her friend tighter. She’d been wondering how long she was out all morning, racking her brain for a clue to how long it had been but failing.
They could have already had the funeral

, she supposed, biting her lip. In one way, she hoped that that was the case, she didn’t have to let go like that; but all the same, she wanted the closure she could have from a final goodbye. She needed to say goodbye and let go.
“Three days,” said Rachel, a little too softly, like she was holding back pain of the thought. “Your mom came home, and she’s been worrying about you most of the time, waiting beside your bed through the nights. We—Johnny and I—finally convinced her to go get some sleep though. That’s where she is right now, sleeping.” She hugged her friend tighter. “I’m so glad you’re awake and alright,” she whispered.
Skye held on, deciding she needed the support of her closest friend. Rachel was with her, she knew about Johnny, nothing was going to go wrong anymore. But maybe that was only a wish, she figured. “I can’t believe she’s been waiting up with me,” she breathed, a pang of guilt swallowing up her stomach. “How am I fine though? I mean, have I even had anything to eat?” She asked, bewildered.
Rachel slowly pulled away, looking into her friends eyes carefully. Her face, Skye noticed, looked extremely pale compared to the tan contrast she usually bore in the summertime. She looked ill it seemed. Her chapped lips parted and let out warm air, a sigh. “You managed to eat something yesterday while you were out of it,” she explained. “I’m not surprised that you don’t remember; it was like you were barely there when it happened. Seeing you like that…” She took a sudden quivering breath, “it was hard. We were all worried about you; we thought we might lose you.” She choked, sobs quivering out of her mouth. “I’m just so glad you’re alright!” she cried, falling into a clumsy embrace.
Skye caught her friend, hugging her back. She felt the pain, pounding in her heart, as she sensed Rachel’s worry, tearing at her own feelings. Once again, someone worried for her, and she wished she didn’t. “It’s okay, Rachel. I’m here now, I’m alright, and that’s all that matters.” She spoke softly, soothing Rachel. Her eyes watered but refused to produce a river; she was done with tears for a while.
But Bryan came to her mind again, and the tears stung in her eyes. She closed her eyes, squeezing until the image of his face was gone. She’d seen him when he was scared, the moments when he was trying so hard to protect her the night before, and she realized how much he really had loved her. She saw how he really couldn’t lose her. But he did lose her, and she lost him; they lost each other.
Blinking away her tears, she heard Rachel sniffle and shake a little. She felt warm tears splash down her cheeks and grimaced. She didn’t want to cry or express her pain; she wanted it to go away. Though she knew it was unlikely to happen, the only thing she really wanted was to be set free of the pain in her heart—to be set free of him

. She desired it, needed

“I’m sorry, Skye,” Rachel said around quivering lips. “I’m not usually like this, you know? I mean, I know you’re alright and the worrying should be over, but it’s just not that easy. I know you must be hurting, I can feel it, and it’s affecting me too. But you need to know that I’ll always be here for you, even if I’m a wreck, I’ll always be ready to help you. Don’t ever forget that, okay Skye?” Her lips formed a small smile but it didn’t reach her eyes.
Despite the haunting pangs of guilt, regret, agony, and heartache, Skye smiled. She needed Rachel to say what she’d said, even if it hurt, she needed to hear that Rachel was there for her. Rachel wouldn’t ever understand the feelings that she felt towards Bryan, Johnny, and Bryan’s father, but she wouldn’t need to. All Skye needed Rachel to do was be there for her, to assure her that she would never be completely alone. And she’d done that.
Though she never expected it, Skye was actually grateful that she had told Rachel about Johnny. If Rachel knew, Skye figured, she could help keep Johnny away from her. And just knowing that cleared her mind enough to discard the feelings of heartache. It would all get easier, she realized, it was just going to take some time.
Nodding her head, Skye looked at her friend since kindergarten and wondered where those days had gone. Everything had been simple when they were kids. But that didn’t matter anymore, the fact was that they had left childhood, and growing up always has its own hardships. Maybe, as tragic as it was, Bryan’s death was just another time for her to grow. Maybe it was going to happen all along, and the pain was her soul growing with the sudden change.
She let out a breath and pushed the grief away, replacing it with peace. She suddenly felt peace throughout the loss of a friend, grateful for the times she had once had with Bryan. Her mind drifted back to the time at hand, and she smiled, grateful for the chance at life she still had. He had died saving her, knowing very well of what he was doing, and he still had the courage to do it. And that, the small act of love he’d left her with, gave her a reason to be happy. Her life was important; she didn’t want to waste it by playing the mourning game. He wouldn’t want her to.
“Rachel,” Skye started, attempting a smile as she guided her friend over by the arm to sit on her bed. “Thank you for being here. It really helps to know that you’re here for me, honest.” She let out a breath, the feel of release freeing her anxieties.
“Skye, I wouldn’t have it any other way. You’re my best friend, practically my sister, and I’m not going to abandon you. You got that? I couldn’t.” Rachel said, sniffling a bit. Laughing shakily, she wiped at her teary eyes. “Ugh, look at me, I’m such a mess.”
Skye chuckled, soft laughter biting away at the pain she felt inside. “I wouldn’t say you’re a mess…” she trailed off, avoiding the truth. Rachel looked at her pointedly, awaiting the rest. The truth made it hard for Skye not to laugh. She knew her friend wasn’t literally a mess, but with the mascara and eyeliner smudged and runny around her eyes, Rachel did look a little off. “Let’s just say you’re an adorable raccoon.” She finished, giggling.
Rachel pushed Skye’s shoulder, laughing and protesting though she seemed to know defeat. “Thanks a lot, Skye. Now I am

a raccoon.”
Standing up, she hustled over to Skye’s dresser and grabbed a tissue, dabbing around her eyes. Finishing, with the blackness cleared away, she turned to look at Skye, tissue in hand. “Better?” she asked.
Skye nodded her head, eyes wide and lips in a small smile. It felt good, she realized. Laughing, smiling, living without the constant fear nipping at her nerves; for the first time in a long time, she felt good, happy

even. Because, even though she missed Bryan with all her heart, she knew that she had a few people who cared about her and wouldn’t let her down. She knew that even though Bryan, her first love, was gone, she could still feel happy. The man responsible would rot in prison for what he did, Bryan would be marked as the hero for the life he saved, and she could finally resolve her feelings for Jules, find a way to escape Johnny’s grasp with Rachel’s help, and draw closer to her parents—the real ones.
She was starting to discover herself, strengths and weaknesses, and she wasn’t going to let others change her. She knew she was ready to live her life, as best as she sees fit. All because of Bryan’s sacrifice, she was ready to turn her life around, even if it takes everything she has in her to do so.
“Much better,” she told Rachel. Teasingly, she added, “You’re no longer a raccoon. Congrats!”
Glaring, Rachel put her hand on her hip and scoffed. “You know what,” she exclaimed. “You’re a little too honest. Brutal much?”
Biting her nails, Skye laughed a little, peering up at her friend through her bangs. “I’ll just take that as a compliment.” She said softly.
Chuckling, Rachel pranced over to Skye’s bed and hopped beside her friend, tucking her feet under her legs to sit Indian style. She fingered the fray from a throw pillow at the foot of the bed and began humming.
Skye turned to her and pulled her feet up from the floor, tucking them under likewise. She gathered her thoughts, fighting anything from the night before that threatened to resurface. Intently, she watched as Rachel picked at the fabric, smoothing it between her fingers and then flicking it the next moment.
“Are you worried about what I told you yesterday—I mean, three days ago?” She asked suddenly, not thinking before she spoke.
Rachel gave Skye a face, taken aback. “What?”
“The whole thing with,”—she took a breath—“Johnny

Frowning, Rachel stuffed the pillow under her arms and let out a puff of air. “I have been,” she said quietly. Her face twisted with a mixture of emotions. Worry and sadness the most, Skye supposed. “I feel terrible just knowing about it, like I should be able to help you more. But if you’re right, and he really is abusive and threatening, it could be dangerous. Especially since we don’t have enough proof that he’s hurt you before. It aggravates me, Skye. He

aggravates me.” She gulped air, growling under her breath as her hold on the pillow tightened.
“The past three days, waiting for you to wake up, fighting carefully against the idea of letting him check in on you, has scared me. I didn’t want him to do anything to you, and I knew I couldn’t let anything happen. Nothing happened, I’m sure of that. But it still scares me to know that he’s abused you before, violated you so shamefully. And I’m going to do everything I can to make sure he doesn’t hurt you again. We’re going to figure out a way to tell others without hurting anyone else, okay?” She was looking directly at Skye, communicating just how much she meant everything she’s said.
Skye nodded her head slowly, taking in everything that Rachel had said. She saw it, everything Rachel was saying, and understood it. Though she felt sadness about including her friend in something so wrong she wished it would just go away, she also felt reassurance. She felt hope nibble its way into her thoughts.
“Okay,” was all she could say. She needed to shed no more tears.
A sound, resembling knuckles tapping the door post, resonated throughout her room and jolted her nerves, sending her head and body springing towards the sound. Before registering who it was, she pictured Johnny, his large and threatening body standing in the doorway, glaring at her and Rachel, ready to strikeout. But when she realized who was really standing before her, she froze, an entirely different wave of nerves pounding through her body.
It was Jules.
“Knock, knock,” he said around a sloppy grin.
Skye’s heart started slamming against her chest, the surprise of seeing him again warming her body in an overwhelming frenzy. He had been in her dreams too, always hiding in the background, too far away for her to run and be with him though. And seeing him there, in her room, standing before her, was all too unreal. When her gaze met with his shoulder, she wanted to cry. She couldn’t believe he had been shot, even if it hadn’t been lethal. She hated living with the guilt that she was partially the reason for the wound in his shoulder; it brought her heart slumped down, aching in pain. Even worse, she had lied to him, hurt him before everything had happened. So why was he even there, standing before her in her room? She didn’t think she deserved a second chance.
Her emotions were going every which way, tossing her into a whirlwind of insecurity. She didn’t know which way to turn next, only that she needed to talk to the boy before her.
Nudging Rachel on her shoulder, she forced a quivering smile towards Jules’s direction. She couldn’t have Rachel in the same room when she talked to Jules, if he’d let her.
“Come in,” she said quietly, barely above a whisper.
Rachel slid off the bed and whispered into Skye’s ear subtly, “Don’t let him get away. He’s definitely worth it.” Then she was walking out of the room, passing Jules and closing the door behind her.
Despite her nerves, Skye smiled, thought about what Rachel had said. It seemed too good to be true to think like that, to think that she could have a second chance with him. She only wanted for it to work out between them, though. If one thing was for sure, her feelings towards him were more than she could handle. They thrived in a good way, one that knocked on the door to her heart and jiggled the handle.
Before she could even think about it, she was on her feet, throwing herself at Jules. She wrapped her arms around his stiff body, curling into him and wanting to never let go. Breathing in his scent, she sighed and felt a pang of unbelievable warmth suffocate her. She felt his body release the stiffness, arms falling around her, and leaned closer to him. His warmth, so strong and safe, overwhelmed her cold and shaky body, releasing any insecurity she felt. And she liked the feeling, it was intoxicating, in the best way.
“I’m so sorry,” she sobbed. The sound of her voice was muffled in his shirt, but she didn’t care. She only needed to get the words out, before, guilt-ridden, she did something more she would regret. “I didn’t want to hurt you; I never

wanted to hurt you.”
“Skye, it’s okay, don’t do this to yourself,” he told her in a hushed tone, brushing his fingers gingerly through her hair. He was holding her then, in that moment, his gentle touch soothing the hammering beat of Skye’s aching heart.
Blinking her eyes wide and open, she took a quivering breath. “No,” she objected. “It’s not okay, Jules. I shouldn’t have lied to you,”—she gasped, surprised by why she was admitting to have lied to him—“I led you right into getting shot. Unintentionally maybe, but nevertheless, I pushed you away. Don’t you see it, Jules? You never would’ve gotten hurt if it wasn’t for me.”
She retreated, sunk to the floor, curled away from him. Guilt washed over her like a tidal wave, beating against her brutally. Admitting to the lies cut through her like a knife, peeling away at her very last nerve. He knew, she imagined. He knew she had lied about the way things truly were and should be.
A soft brush against her shoulder, the shuffle of someone sitting beside her, broke her away from her thoughts.
“Please don’t,” a voice, so quiet and forgiving it seemed to rip right though her spoke. “Don’t blame yourself for what happened, Skye. It wasn’t you.”
A pause, sigh.
“You may have lied, pushed me away; but I know you were only trying to protect me. Rachel told me everything Bryan warned you about. She only wanted to help. She would have never told me if it could’ve risked breaking the boundaries of trust. But let me tell you something, Skye,” he explained. Pulling her hand in his, he smiled faintly. “It’s good she told me; because, now it all makes sense. You’ve done nothing wrong here, Skye. I could never blame you for what happened—never

Even though part of it didn’t feel right to her, after such a rough past few days, she enlaced her fingers carefully in his, gulping air. Pressure, in her stomach, shattered all of the wrong feeling. It broke away the pieces that didn’t want to work right, setting off wrong from the right. The pressure was an unmistakable power, a force beyond physical feeling. Vibrant life filled her body, revitalizing the once frail and uncertain patch of love in her heart. Her feelings for Jules blossomed, thoroughly, into something so much more than a friendship.
All those times they’d had together brought her love for him at bay, waiting, simply waiting for a time when the love could be displayed. But then, in that moment, it was peeling away from the bay, letting her give a small glance.
“Jules?” she breathed, turning around and peering at him through her bangs. He nodded, encouraged her. “How come you’re here, with me?”
He smiled, faintly. “Do you even have to ask?”
“Yes,” she whispered.
“Because I’ve forgotten, it’s

forgotten. We don’t have to wallow in it—the pain, that is.”
“You mean, you want to start over? Act like nothing happened?” She tried to grapple with what he was saying, surprise clinging in the back of her mind. “After everything I said to you, you still want to be around me?”
His face contorted into thought, pondering. In a moment, he had both of her hands in his, brushing them with his thumbs. He brought himself closer to her, looking her straight in the eyes. “Skye,” he whispered. “I want to be with you. I don’t want to leave or lose you. You mean way too much to me. I’m not going to let an injury or misunderstanding tear us apart, I couldn’t.”
Crying inside, the words so precious and perfect in her ears, she looked down at their hands. She studied the way he was so careful with her, not once taking the situation for granted. It reminded her of Bryan, what he hadn’t always been, but she tried to ignore the memories. She was letting him go, as he wished, and was done showing weakness.
Not knowing which way to go next with their conversation, she tested the waters. Slowly, Skye pushed herself into his lap, letting go of his hands and clasping hers behind his head. She kissed him then, letting their friendship fall into something more. It felt right, even with all the withering problems of reality, it seemed right. Jules was always meant to be something more, no matter how much she had tried to deny it before, it wasn’t enough, they were meant

to be more.
He kissed her back, hands at her sides, gently holding her. He was always gentle, always careful with her, and she needed that. It made things so much better, made everything fit into place. She carried the storm and he, the aftermath, soothing over the pestering wounds left with the damage of the storm.
She didn’t pull away, but waited for him to, knowing it would be too soon when he did. But, to her surprise, he didn’t pull away, he followed

her lead. Hastily, she broke free from his lips, gasping. “You were right Jules,” she breathed, still catching her breath from their passion. “It would have been lies; there’s definitely something more between us.”
Jules, his breathing heavy, regarded her with wide eyes, obviously a little surprised she’d said something like that, broke it out into the open. “I told you,” he whispered. Brushing his lips over her jaw line, he let his hot breath wisp her hair back a little. Slight vibration—she felt against his chest— quiet laughter. “Start over?”
Without thinking, she nodded her head. A smile played with her lips, dancing. Heat flared across her cheeks when he caressed her, bringing his lips back against hers gently. She didn’t mind his lead, it allowed her to bathe in the new feelings she’d uncovered from inside her, it allowed this feeling—love

—to peck around the edges of their relationship.
“And Jules,” she murmured around his lips. “This time, let’s not hide what we’re feeling. We should be honest about us

, honest about what’s going on around us, and not hide anything

from each other.”
Something was pushing her to keep going: confidence. Finally, though it took too long to come, she was finding herself again. She was finding her own confidence, even with relationships. And that, was something she had never thought she could feel again after Bryan. But Bryan gave her something when he left. He gave her more than that lost confidence, but also another chance—another chance at love. And this time, it wouldn’t haunt her like the previous one had.
Jules smiled against her lips, “Sounds perfect.” Chuckling, he shifted, picking her up from underneath and carrying her as he rose, standing up.
She giggled. The shift of his movements surprised her, pulling her away from his lips. She wrapped her hands behind his head again, playing her lips with his. Wrapping her legs around him, she helped keep herself upright. She didn’t doubt his strength, but it felt right that way.
His hands were at the small of her back, pulling her close. Breaking away, he looked at her wide eyes, grinning, panting. “You really know how to make me happy, don’t you?” he said.
A pink, vibrant blush heated her face, embarrassed. She shook the hair out of her face, looking into his bold emeralds and smiling. “I guess so, yeah,” she mumbled. Biting her bottom lip, she played with his shaggy hair.
He laughed, rolling his eyes.
“What?” she whined.
“Nothing,” he replied. “Everything’s perfect.”
More blushing, a shy smile, was her response.
She felt his heartbeat against her, the thumping beat caressing her. She liked the feel of his heartbeat against her, the feel of being so close to him she felt safe. It was…reassuring

. Touching his face, she felt the structure of it, as if for the first time, and smiled sheepishly when her fingers brushed his chin, one on his lower lip.
He grinned, his own hands hitching her up as she started to slip. They were lost in each other’s gazes for a moment, taking the time they had together for granted.
Eventually, her gaze, slipping away from his face, caught his shoulder and she grimaced. “Your shoulder,” she gasped, letting go of him. “Are you hurting? Oh Jules, I’m so sorry,” she rushed, scrambling out of his arms.
He shook his head, setting her down carefully. “No, it’s okay, Skye. I don’t mind a little pain as long as I’m with you, okay? Besides, it wasn’t that bad.” He smiled, sincerely.
“Are you sure? I mean, I don’t want you hurting—” he cut her off before she could continue rambling, pressing a finger against her lips.
“I’m positive, Trouble,” he confirmed. “Don’t worry about me so much, the pain isn’t too bad anymore. It’s practically forgotten anyways, alright?” He was so calm, his words soft and sweet. It rang the bell of her heart even more, sounding a sound so precious she wished it would never leave. She could feel that song, like a separated beating inside her heart, and everything—all her troubles, memories, the darkness of mourning—fell away.
“Alright,” she agreed. “It’s all forgotten, in the past, left behind, right?”
“Exactly,” he said.
There was a moment of pure silence, a silence so sweet nothing could ruin the moment, and Jules pulled Skye’s hands in his, enlacing their fingers.
“Will you wait for me?” he asked her quietly.
She flinched, laughing a little too uneasily. “Wait for you? What do you mean?” Her small voice carried out into the silence.
“I don’t know,” he stated matter-of-factly. “I just couldn’t resist using the moment, I guess. Gotcha,” he teased, grinning like an idiot.
She shoved his wound-free shoulder, letting go of his hands. “Jerk!” she yelled at him, laughing.
He caught her arm in his hand, raising his brows at her, challenging her. “Hey, I’m just lightening our spirits. There’s no need for name-calling.” He was smug, grabbing both her wrists when she lifted the other arm to hit him. “Nope, not happening,” he mocked.
She glared at him, trying to preserve it long enough to look as a threat but failing. “Let go!” she screamed, laughter finding its way out too.
He was laughing too, the sound of it warming her. “Kiss?” he countered.
Shaking her head, she pulled against his grip, giggling. “No,” she said.
He faked hurt, hunching his shoulders like a disappointed child and frowning. “Aw, why not?” Puppy-dog eyes came next.
She sighed. “Fine,” she gave in.
He let go of her wrists and bent over, leaning in to kiss her. He let it be a soft brush of the lips, giving room for more desire if necessary. But there wasn’t enough time for more anyways, seeing as how the door to her room creaked, someone having entered, and drew them both away from the kiss.
Skye turned around first, gasping silently when she saw who it was.
Johnny stood before them, large arms crossed over his chest, an expression of disappointment painted on his features. “Hello again, Julian,” he addressed to Jules, causing him to turn in the direction of the doorway.
“Hello, Sir.” Jules said, cautious.
Skye felt an unknown tension in the room, imagining that it was coming from both of the men around her. She didn’t let herself tense up or show fear—she didn’t need that, not around Jules.
“Johnny,” she said, cutting in before either man could say more. She not only felt

the tension, but saw

it in both of the men’s eyes as she glanced between the two. Johnny had been staring Jules down, as if he was doing something wrong, and Jules almost seemed to have been challenging Johnny to do something to him, by his eyes.
At the sound of her voice, Johnny looked at her, his expression softening, and Jules grabbed a hold of her hand, the one hanging at her side beside him. “What are you doing in here?” she asked, breathlessly.
He smiled, lips wavering. “I wanted to make sure you were okay, of course,” he said, all too kindly.
She didn’t believe it, not at all. He wanted more, she knew, but she wasn’t going to cross into his side of things. She had Jules; she had too much going for her to be scared any more. She was about to speak, to reply, when Jules squeezed her hand and stepped forward a little, stopping her.
“Well, she’s fine,” he spoke for her. “So if you’ll excuse us and be on your way now…” he trailed off, stepping forward, again and again.
Johnny stood, unmoving, watching Skye. “I’d like to speak with you, Skye.” He didn’t waver at all, only watched her, eyes light and blue. “Alone,” he added, his eyes darting to Jules. His eyes were daggers, daring Jules to refuse.
Skye felt Jules’s hand shaking around hers, and though she didn’t know why Johnny upset him so much, she stepped in front of him, stopping him from objecting. She looked at him, watching his forehead crinkling with anger, and pressed her hands against his chest.
“Jules, it’s okay, he just wants to talk with me,” she whispered, pleading with him. She didn’t know why she was inviting the situation of being around Johnny in, but she also knew that he couldn’t do anything to her in a crowded house, nor did she fear him as she did before. She was trying to be brave, and, in a way, it was to avoid anything going on between Jules and Johnny.
“Are you sure?” he asked, surprising her.
“Of course!” she exclaimed quietly, holding his hands reassuringly. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I don’t know, he just—gets

to me, like something’s…off

,” he said, too quietly, whispering in her ears.
She pulled his head in front of her, kissed him quickly, and patted her hand against his heart. “Nothing’s off with him, I assure you, just go. I’ll be downstairs in a minute,” she told him.
He smiled, quivering a little, and slid past her and Johnny, watching her as he left the room. She’d watched him too, smiling faintly.
Before she could object to it, Johnny had closed the door, shutting them away from everyone else. He turned around, looking at her, a smug smile across his gruff face. “Let’s talk,” he said.
Skye watched, backing away, as he approached her, grinning. Fear found its way into her veins and she was screaming at herself not to panic. “Just talk, Johnny.” She found herself saying, practically pleading, as the back of her legs ran into the side of her bed.
“Of course,” he agreed cryptically, a frightening grin playing about his lips.
She sucked in a breath, watching his large body nearing her too quickly. She didn’t know what to think, whether she had real reason to be afraid or not. Sure, he seemed to be threatening her, but how could he do anything with so many others in the house, aware of him being in there? Certainly, if he did try anything, it would give away everything he had tried hiding before, right?
But if he kept her quiet…
Her blood ran cold.

Saying Goodbye

“What do you have to speak to me about, Johnny?” Skye asked carefully, her body stiffening.
He looked away, thoughtfully, and chuckled a little. “Skylar,” he addressed her, turning to look at her again. Something flashed across his face—anger, regret, maybe, she didn’t know—and he examined her body. There was something about the action that made her skin crawl, shivers prickling her skin. He seemed to notice something about her too, and chuckled. “Are you scared of me, Princess?”
She almost fell against the bed, surprised. Struggling against the fear, she shook her head and crossed her shaky arms, feigning bravery. “What

do you want, Johnny?” she asked again, stronger this time despite the crawling fear that was invading her.
“I just want to make sure that my princess is alright,” he stated. “Are you, Princess?” He fractured the space between them, making it too small for Skye’s approval.
“I’m fine, Johnny.” Testing the waters, she told him something else. “And I’m not your princess, Johnny. I’ve never been your princess.”
It didn’t seem to make him pleased. In an instant, he was in front of her, grabbing her wrists and cocking his head to the side, hot breath bathing her face. “I think you are, Beautiful,” he purred, stroking her face.
Appalled, she spat at him. “You’re wrong, Johnny.”
Chuckling, he pinched the skin on her wrists and pushed her. She fell against the mattress, scrambling to get away from him frantically. He laughed shakily, like a rumble of sorts. Crouching on the mattress, he neared her, gaze locked on her.
She pushed herself farther and farther back, searching feebly for the other side of the bed so that she could leap off, but was brought short of her destination.
Johnny grabbed her ankles, tugging her aggressively towards him. He crawled over her, pinning her down by her shoulder with one hand and covering her mouth with the other. “Make one uncalled for sound and I swear I’ll hurt you,” he growled.
Fighting tears, she nodded her head in impulse. She gagged, the simple act of being so close to him disgusting her. He was repulsive, filling her with only feelings of hate towards him. Whatever he wanted from her, she wanted him to stop wanting it from her. She wanted him to get away from her, set her free. That’s all she really wanted.
“Good girl,” he crooned. Removing his hand from her mouth, he propped himself up beside her.
She gasped for air, fear and anger choking her. Clutching the bedspread for security, she bit bat the urge to scream, knowing he could easily kill her and

others. He didn’t have to tell her, she knew by the darkness in his eyes, the heaviness of his voice, and the strength of his body. He could kill, without thought or consideration.
Shaking, she resituated herself so that Johnny wasn’t touching her anywhere but her shoulders. Being near him was enough; she couldn’t have his body lingering on hers too long. She knew there was fear in her eyes—and actions—and tried to cover it up, steadying herself under Johnny.
“What do you want, Johnny?” she croaked, finding her voice.
He smiled, devilishly. “Nothing,” he said, “for now.”
“Than what did you want to talk to me about?” she breathed. Her pulse raced, her nerves going unsteady, and she bit her tongue so that she wouldn’t say something she’d regret.
“Nothing, Skylar,” he told her. “I just wanted you for myself; away from that young pest Julian

,” he sneered. “He’s nothing but trouble, Princess. That’s all men are.”
Before she could stop herself, she grumbled, “And you’re no better. You’re just a messed up and abusive, repulsive, monster

In one quick moment, Johnny slapped her, the impact of his hand across her face throwing her head to the side. She quivered underneath him, carefully bringing her hand to her face. “Johnny, I—” she whimpered.
He took a quick breath, easing himself on the mattress beside her. “I’m sorry, Skylar. I shouldn’t have,” he whispered. His breathing was ragged, fighting off anger and sorrow Skye supposed, and his fingers were cold when they brushed her cheek gently. “You just make me crazy, Skye. I don’t know what I want to do with you when I’m around you; I’m not in control of myself. This has to be our little secret, okay Princess?” he spoke slowly, clear. “You ran into the wall,” he added blankly.
Skye curled up into a ball, holding back tears. The pain burned her cheeks, fire searing her skin. She blinked rapidly, letting her eyes adjust. She waited silently as the bed creaked, praying that he wouldn’t touch her again. And when she bolted upright to scramble away, she saw that he was sitting on the side of her bed, shoulders hunched over, head in his hands.
He’d apologized, but she hadn’t taken him seriously. He’s done it too many times to forgive. But seeing him there, looking upset with himself instead of her, she didn’t know what to think. She tried to imagine him being vulnerable, an entirely different person, but couldn’t grapple with the idea. He wouldn’t be that person. Johnny couldn’t change. He’ll always be a monster.
Scooting herself off the bed, she wobbled over to the door, watching him carefully, hoping he wouldn’t attack her again. When she reached the handle she stopped, turning towards him and sighing.
“I ran into the wall,” she repeated his last words, sourly. “But Johnny,” she watched as he lifted his head to look at her, “I don’t

forgive you. And if you ever

hurt me again, you’ll regret it. I’m not your little ‘Princess’ anymore.”
With that, she left her room, wishing she was really that strong. In the truth of the matter, Skye didn’t trust herself; she didn’t believe he’d regret it. She knew he’d somehow manage to have his own way eventually, and, in her mind, it would be in the worst of ways.
Descending the creaky staircase, Skye waited moment by moment, knowing that Jules and Rachel could be around the corner and at her side in a second, questioning her with worry. And from the shakiness of her body she knew her nerves were just dying down, slowly fading in the aftermath of Johnny. She really wanted to avoid talking about him, at all costs.
As she walked around the staircase, peeking into the living room, she tried to ignore the pain on her cheek. It pinched at the skin, tingled underneath it. Her face was still pinkish where she’d been hit, inflamed by the strength of Johnny’s hand. Jules would see it, Rachel would get an idea, and both

would question her about it, Skye assumed.
Slowly touching her cheek, she felt the heat like someone had placed a hot pillow against her face, unnerved by the fact that Johnny was still out to hurt her. He had apologized, but it didn’t matter—Skye knew better. Apologies—unless they came from someone she could trust—were not worth anything to her anymore. Too many times had she lost trust in others because of their actions.
“Skye? Are you alright?” Rachel spoke from behind her. In a matter of a moment of time, she was in front of Skye with a certain look of concern spread across her features. Surely, Skye thought, she was looking for a sign that Johnny had used foul play.
In instinct, Skye turned away from her friend and bit her lip. Only to be face-to-face with Jules, standing there intently watching her every move. Her mouth parted, breath sped up, eyes blinking hard at the new situation. Even though part of her knew Jules would be with Rachel, in the moment at hand, she wished he hadn’t been. Her red cheek would catch his eyes quickly, much sooner than she wanted.
A hand touched her shoulder, carefully. She jumped a little, not having felt Rachel’s delicate hand but Johnny’s strong one. Another hot pulse of beating sprang through her body, irritating her stomach. Her body was shaking, no matter how hard she tried to stop it, everything crashing down around her. She thought she might have puked, right then and there, if she would’ve had anything to bring up.
Johnny’s words rang in her ears: You ran into a wall

. Vile swam up her throat, sickening her. She had to lie; otherwise she would pay the price. That was her conclusion to the nauseating situation around her. Lies

, she heard in her thoughts. They can solve situations like this

. But Skye knew that it wasn’t right to lie, especially to the people close to her, and that the voice inside her head must have been from the part of her that Johnny corrupted. And that

sickened her.
She noticed Jules’ concern the moment it crossed his face. Her heart ached, feeling his pain along with her own. Her comprehension belittled from the nerves, she faintly heard slurred together words and watched as Jules’ mouth twitched. But it wasn’t just a twitch, she realized, it was his lips forming words.
“What’s wrong, Trouble? You’re all jumpy.” Jules, having placed a reassuring hand on her opposite shoulder, was saying. “Did something happen up there, with—”
Before he could say anymore, she shook her head. “Nothing happened with me and him!” she objected. “I’m fine, really.” As if surprised by her small outrage, Jules raised his brows.
“Are you sure, Skye? Because your cheek’s all red,” he countered.
She gasped silently as his hand touched her burning skin, the cool of his touch suppressing the heat. The room seemed to fall away, the situation along with it, Jules the only thing Skye could focus on. Her hand reached for his other hand, lacing her fingers in his. Vaguely, she noticed Rachel’s presence beside her, but it seemed secondary when she felt Jules’ assurance.
And suddenly she didn’t care to share the lie with him as long as it meant she would be safe. Safe felt good; she couldn’t lose that too. Jules was her safety.
“I’m sure, Jules,” she breathed. “I just ran into the wall coming out of my room. I guess I’m still a little under the weather.”
“And distracted maybe?” He added. His breath caressed her skin, tickling a nerve Skye hadn’t felt tickled before. “At least you’ll be okay. But next time Skye, try not to run into any walls. I think your skin is just as beautiful without a bruise, don’t you?”
Ignoring his comments almost all together, she murmured a response and curled into him. She didn’t care if Rachel wouldn’t believe her lie, which she could only imagine would be the case; she only cared about spending as much time possible with her loved ones. She couldn’t imagine losing anyone else she cared about without giving more of an effort in the relationships.
“Everything’s just right, Jules,” she spoke into his green T-shirt. “I’m just fine.”
His arms were wrapped securely around her, his head on top of hers. He whispered a response in the air, “I’ll be sure things stay this way. I promise I’ll keep you safe.”
But you can’t, Jules

, she objected silently. You couldn’t possibly keep me safe from Johnny unless you knew about what he’s been doing to me. And I certainly can’t tell you, unless I want to lose you, and I couldn’t want that.

Her heart ached to tell him what he needed to hear, word of Johnny’s abuse, but, of course, she ignored it quickly. She disregarded her emotional baggage at the gate and jumped into the departure of a new chapter in her life; a chapter—in which only two people could complete—that revolved soundly around Jules and the compelling feelings she felt for him.
She spoke this instead: “Okay.”
“Look, I hate to break up this little romance you’ve got going on between you two, but I think we have company.” Rachel, tapping a finger against Skye’s shoulder, spoke quietly.
Slowly, Skye pulled away from Jules; sighing inside. Once she pried herself away from him, she looked in the direction Rachel was looking and instantly jolted to start. She felt Jules’ body enclose around her and let him. She was just as tense—if not more—as he.
“Would you all like some dinner?” Johnny asked sluggishly. He didn’t look his normal self, Skye noticed. He looked tired, strained, and utterly wasted. By what he could be wasted by, was that of which she didn’t know. He wasn’t drinking. She didn’t smell the alcohol in the air, nor had she smelt it back in her room only minutes before.
The tension suppressed the air again, sucking all of the life from Skye’s lungs. Nodding her head stiffly, she grabbed Jules’ hand in hers. “Sure, Johnny,” she said. “Thank you.”
He smiled, though it didn’t reach his eyes, and brushed by them, entering the kitchen around the corner.
“Are you sure everything’s okay, Skye?” Jules asked. “You seem a little tense.”
She let out a long breath and nodded her head, clearing her mind from any memory of Johnny’s abuse. It seemed that every time she looked at him, a small, dismal action, memories of his abuse plagued her aggressively. Most of the time she warded them off, trying to think of a better time, but there were still those times when she couldn’t clear her head from the images without a little help too.
Jules and Rachel seemed to be the help.
“I’m sure,” she sighed. “I’m just a little shaken up from the past few days still, I think. It’s nothing, really. I’ll be okay.” She could feel Jules’ hand tighten around hers, holding her securely. Behind her, she felt his body tense up a little more, confusing her. Wasn’t he supposed to be less worried that she was okay? “It’s okay, Jules—really. You don’t have to worry about me.” She squeezed his hand reassuringly.
He wrapped his arms around her. “I just want you to be happy, safe. Is there anything you want? Anything at all?” His breath was hot against the back of her neck, tickling her. “I want to help.”
“Will you take me to see Bryan?” she blurted out. “I mean—see his grave

. There was already a funeral for him, wasn’t there?” It was odd, saying those words about someone she cared so much for, out loud, with witnesses; but, even odder, she didn’t cringe or weep. She’d started accepting the fact that he was long gone by now. And she had no need for tears and pain, though she had to fight for the freedom. “I need to say goodbye. He was my hero that night; he deserves that much.”
From the look on Rachel’s face, she could tell she’d struck a broken cord, talking about Bryan that way she imagined, but she tried to ignore it. Bryan was her hero. She didn’t want to think of him as anything less.
Rachel’s expressions softened in a quick moment, a warm smile resting upon her lips. She put a reassuring hand on Skye’s shoulder and nodded her head slowly. From the water in her eyes, Skye noticed Rachel was holding back tears, faking smiles all in her favor. “They did,” was all Rachel uttered.
“Then I’d like to say goodbye. I have

to,” she whispered. Turning around to face Jules, she looked deep into his wide emeralds. “Would you go with me?” Her voice was strong, unwavering. So unlike what used to qualify as her voice. But that was just it. That night changed her. And this time, the change was for the better. Maybe she still hated—feared—Johnny, but she was no longer under the painful hold of grief and sorrow with Bryan. She only felt the love that they had once shared; and she treasured it deep inside her heart, allowing herself to shed only tears of joy for him if she needed.
When Jules smiled, it surprised her. She knew he must hate

Bryan. After all, he had been the one who abused Skye; and Jules was witness to the aftermath. But he must have heard the other side to the story too; she was sure it would be out there by now, and just that could change his feelings towards the guy at least in the slightest.
“Of course I’ll go with you, Skye,” he told her. Cupping his hands around her face, he kissed her softly. “I’d do anything for you.”
Heat spread up her face, radiant blushes pinking her pale skin. The heat was good this time, comforting. Warmth spread in her body from the brush of his lips against hers and Skye had to calm her beating heart before it erupted from her chest. Though her heart was racing, her face was on fire, it felt good. It wasn’t from fear or pain this time—but from love. It was a love that burned a kindle spirit in her heart.
Pulling away, remembering Rachel, Skye laced her fingers together behind Jules’ neck. She gasped for air, having lost it from the soft touch of his lips, and smiled.
“Bring me to the dining room?” she asked. “You said anything.”
“Won’t Johnny be upset? I don’t think he likes me very much,” Jules replied. Though he seemed entirely serious, Skye saw a smile playing about his lips. “I couldn’t imagine why not either. I mean, don’t you think I’m pretty incredible?” he added teasingly.
She gave him an incredulous look, which he only returned with laughter. Holding back her own laughter, she ignored his last comment. “If he has a problem with you then he’ll just have to deal with it. You’re not getting away from me that easily, Jules.”
He shrugged, withholding his laughter. “I’m good with that.”
“Good.” She glanced back at Rachel, smiling wider. “Invite Victor for supper, Rachel. I don’t mind,” she paused, looking back at Jules, “I’ve got my own partner right here.”
Jules grinned. “Yes you do,” he said loudly, swopping her up into his arms. “And I’ve got mine. How could I get so lucky?” Skye giggled, trying to ignore the blushing that spread across her face again.
When she looked at Rachel, hands tightly holding her against Jules, she couldn’t help but notice how Rachel’s expression changed. She looked thrilled, almost to the point of disbelief.
“Are you serious, Skye? That’s okay?” Rachel cooed.
“Positive,” Skye said. She returned Rachel’s happiness with her own amount of glee, surprised by how free she felt. Jules had something to do with it, she didn’t know what, but she knew he was the reason she felt the way she did. He made her worries and pain slip away into the shadows.
“Great! I mean, I’d love to hang out with you, but you’re obviously…busy

. And I don’t mind it one bit, honest.” Rachel grinned, pulling out her cell. “Just give me a minute, I’ll be right back.”
Skye nodded, as best she could having been in Jules’ arms, and chuckled. “We can go into the dining room, you know,” she told Jules. “It’s not like we have to wait right here

for Rachel.”
Jules chuckled, carrying her over to the dining room. “I’m aware.”
She couldn’t help the warm tingling sensation that spread through her body when she looked into his emerald eyes, separating the rest of the world from her. She could take on anything with him around, even the intensity of Johnny and the strange feelings towards Victor. She could handle lunch, no matter how difficult it could get. As long as she had Jules by her side, she could do anything.

* * * * * * *

Outside the gates of the graveyard, Skye and Jules stood, hand-in-hand, looking past the gates. After supper was over, Rachel and Victor had left together and Johnny had gone upstairs and into his office. The supper table wasn’t as awkward and awful as Skye had imagined it to be, and everything seemed to go a lot smoother. And as the two—Skye and Jules—stood before the gate, they contemplated their next move.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Skye? You don’t have to say goodbye. I’m sure he knows how you feel,” Jules said. He squeezed her hand reassuringly, pulling her closer to him. There was an unusual chill in the air, nipping at the both of them. The clouds above were gray and eerie, rumbles of thunder echoing behind them.
Skye exhaled, digging herself into Jules. “I’m sure, Jules,” she whispered. “I have to have some closer.”
He pulled her into him, kissing the top of her head. “Alright,” he said. “Just stay with me.”
She nodded her head, snaking her arm around his waist. As they walked away, into the graveyard, the air seemed to get colder and colder, despite the time of the year. It didn’t bother either of them though, only encouraged them to go in further and find Bryan’s grave. When they came to a small gravestone, engraved with the inscription Bryan Wesley Echols, they stopped short, the breeze around them picking up.
Skye gasped, a sudden pain as sharp as a needle piercing her heart. She read over the inscription over and over again, trying to take it in. It seemed so unreal to her. Even though she’d been there when he died, standing there and seeing his name engraved into a gravestone felt incredibly wrong. Her knees instantly went week, buckling from underneath her, and she covered her mouth as she broke out into sobs. It was real, all of it. Bryan was gone, really gone. And the stone in front of her was liable proof to it.
Her heart ached. She thought she was ready to say goodbye, to let him go the right way, but as she sat, doubled over, beside his grave

she felt a whole other wave of emotions envelope her. Breaking down hadn’t been something she’d expected herself to do at all.
Someone kneeled down beside her and, for a moment, she’d forgotten Jules was with her. “Jules,” she whimpered. Her hands fell against the muddy ground, clutching for support. She sucked in breath after breath, dark images of the night he died flashing before her eyes. She remembered everything about him there, beside his grave, so close to his corpse. Everything went darker, threatening to swallow her up. She fought off the darkness, the pit of grief that tried to consume her, closing her eyes and imagining Bryan’s charming smile that she loved instead. She reached out to touch his face, though part of her knew he wasn’t there, and found Jules’ warm hand instead. She grasped it, whimpering. He was with her, wanting to help.
“Skye,” his low, beautiful voice spoke. “Bryan’s watching over you right now. And did you know that he’s crying with you? Do you know why?” Skye shook her head. “He’s crying because he doesn’t want to see you so sad. He loves your smile and the way your eyes twinkle when you smile. He loves the way you laugh, the adorable giggling sounds you make. He loves it when you blush a bright red if someone compliments you, or when you’re embarrassed. He loves each and every part of you, everything

about you. And he doesn’t want you to be unhappy; he never wanted you to be unhappy. He wants you to say goodbye and remember those good times you had together. He doesn’t want you to think about how he died, or that he died—only the memories of treasured moments. He loves you, Skye, he really does.”
Catching her breath, Skye managed to stop crying. Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked at Jules. As he stared back at her, a small, fragile smile on his face, rain started pouring from the clouds above. Thunder echoed in the distance, startling Skye. Lips quivering, she tried to respond to Jules but failed. She’d thought about everything he said as he said it, reliving all the times when Bryan was her friend and there was never a better moment between them, and realized he was right.
She watched Jules through the sheets of rain that cascaded off her lashes, sniffling. Shuddering, she quivered a smile and caressed Jules’ face. He watched her every move, studying her. She liked it when he looked at her like that, so carefully. It assured her that there was something more between them. It assured her that everything was okay.
“You’re an angel,” she whispered. Brushing her lips against his, she shivered, gripping his shirt for support. She kissed him then. It was a soft kiss, mixed with the fresh water of the rain, and the moment their lips parted, she longed for more again. “What’s your secret for making someone feel better? It’s like you change me.”
His eyes fluttered open, along with hers, and their eyes met again. His heart was beating normally compared to Skye’s restless heart, and his hands rested gently on her hips, holding her close. “I’m certainly no angel,” he murmured, moving his hands up along her spine. Shivers of excitement crawled up Skye’s spine but she ignored them. “But I am sure that I change you. I know you’ve changed me; maybe even more than I should have let you. I’d be lost without you, Trouble.”
“What do you—?” Skye started, cut off by the intensity of Jules’ lips traveling along her jawline, giving small kisses as they went. She breathed heavily as his lips traveled down her neck, carefully, stopping a few times as if he was afraid to go on. She encouraged him by pulling him closer.
“Jules,” she breathed in exasperation. One moment she was having nightmare flashes of Bryan, the next happy memories of the good times they’d had, and then the next, she was sitting in Jules’ arms getting the kind of love and care she’d always wanted. She couldn’t let Jules get away, not when she needed him most. She’d gone to the graveyard to say goodbye to Bryan but all she could think of was Jules—of his smile, his kindness, and, most of all, his touch. “Jules.”
He stopped, frozen against her. “Am I hurting you? Going too fast? Skye, I’m sorry—I—” he stammered, pulling away a little.
She held onto him tighter, shaking her head. “No!” she gasped. “Jules, don’t stop; everything’s perfect.” A small smile played with her lips and she pulled him down on top of her. They lay there, taking quick breaths, rain soaking their clothes and bodies, creating a situation so different from the ones Skye had experienced before. She wasn’t sure if it was how things should be; all she cared about was being close to Jules, holding him and never letting go. She needed him, as much as she needed to escape from Johnny’s cage if not more. Her heart yearned for Jules and only Jules. If there was one thing she’d learned from Bryan’s passing, it was that life is too short to live in the past and regret what has already happened. Bryan’s loss was devastating, and she knew it would always keep a safe place in her heart, but she also knew that she had to try to move on with her life. Jules was right. He loved her, that much was true, and he would want her to be happy. He told her that much.
“Skye,” Jules breathed. “I—I don’t want to hurt you, or—” he started.
“You’re not going to hurt me, Jules. I promise.” Her lips twitched into a smile. “Jules kiss

me,” she whispered. Rain dripped onto her face, blurring her vision, but she didn’t care. She blinked a few times to rid the water and pulled his head closer to her.
He looked like he didn’t know what to do for a moment, frozen above her, just staring into her eyes. But when he got the courage to do something, he carefully kissed her, a small meeting of their lips. “Skye,” he murmured against her lips, cringing. “I can’t.”
“You can, Jules,” she said louder. “I know you want to. And I want you to. You’re not going to hurt me Jules, I can handle it.”
His chest heaved against hers, their bodies so close Skye felt heat stimulate her entire body. She gripped the grass, closing her eyes, and waited for his lips to caress hers. No matter how different it was from when she’d been with Bryan, she craved it. She craved the soft touch of his lips, his hands; the gentle words he whispered in her ears; the taste of his mouth in hers; the scent he carried, of mint and cologne—she craved it all.
One of his hands held himself upright while the other traveled down her body, fiddling with the ends of her shirt. He glanced at her, to ask if it was alright with his eyes, and when she moaned quietly, he grimaced. He seemed to not know what she wanted him to do. And when Skye opened her eyes to look at him, she noticed how much he was struggling to figure something out.
“What’s wrong?” she asked him, touching the side of his face.
“I’m going to hurt you,” he uttered.
She shook her head, water spilling over her lashes and into her eyes. She blinked a few times, frowning at him. “You couldn’t hurt me, Jules. You’re too gentle, too perfect.”
He looked away from her, frowning. “But you don’t know me, Skye. You don’t know what’s happened in my past, who I’ve hurt. You barely know anything about me.”
The words hurt her, thumping painfully in her head. She ignored them as best she could though, coming up with her own response, warding off the pain.
“I know everything I need to know, Jules. You haven’t hurt anyone, Jules. And if even if you have, you wouldn’t hurt me

. I can see it in your eyes, in the way you look at me. You weren’t fooling anyone back when you were talking for Bryan. You were talking partially for yourself, weren’t you? Those things you said, you meant them between you and me too.” Her body was shaking, shivering. Her voice raised a few notches, only a little quieter then the storm around them itself. “You have feelings for me, Jules. I know you do. And I do too, for you. Neither of us can deny it. The way you kiss me, it’s different than anyone’s ever kissed me before. And I know you feel the same way. There’s a lot between us, Jules. You know that, I know that, so what are we hiding from? You’re not hurting me when you trust me.”
He was looking at her by then, eyes peering deep into her soul, searching for answers. His eyes were wide, surprised. Surely, he hadn’t expected her to say the things she’d said. Skye smiled back at him, hands limp at her sides. For a moment, she thought he would listen to her and drop the matter of ‘hurting her’, but then he grabbed her wrists, tightly, and grimaced.
“But I can hurt you!” he said in exasperation. “See? I can.” His eyes were light, showing no anger, only life. His voice echoed in the air, in Skye’s ears. But the sound wasn’t rough and frightening, only desperate.
Skye, frozen underneath him, in a position so close to how Johnny and Bryan had hurt her so many times, still didn’t feel fear. She only shivered, smiling. “But you won’t. You would never take advantage of me like that, Jules.”
His face twisted up, confusion bold in those piercing green eyes. “How do you know that? How do you know I wouldn’t?”
“Because I know that you want to protect me. You’ve told me how much you care about me, how much you want me to be happy and safe. Why would you ever jeopardize that with hurting me?” she explained. “No, you wouldn’t. It’s like you’re my guardian—you only want to watch over me and keep me safe. Though, you want so much more than just that. And so do I.”
“I want you,” he whispered. “I love you

, Skye.” His hands released hers, his chest heaving a breath Skye was sure he’d been holding. “I love you, Trouble. I really do. And I guess I just don’t know what to do. ‘Cause I don’t want to ever get carried away, since I love you so much.”
“And that’s exactly why you won’t get carried away, Jules. Because you love me, you’ll be able to hold yourself back. You know you’ll be able to. And Jules,” she paused, taking a deep breath as she touched his face. “I love you. I really do.” He smiled then, a small smile that played with her heart. Her emotions were flying everywhere, mingled with so much joy and exasperation she could barely boarder them. He’d told her he loved her. He’d managed those three words she’s waited so long to hear. All of the sudden, she remembered something. “Jules, how’s your shoulder?”
He shrugged, indicating that it wasn’t that bad off. “I barely notice the pain when I’m with you. And even though they said to be careful with it, I couldn’t care less. You’re more important.”
Flutters burst inside her stomach creating a hurricane of feelings so tantalizing she wished she could ignore them. “Julian!” she squealed. “You have to take care of yourself!”
“Not if I’ve got someone like you to help nurse me back to health. Besides, like I said before, I don’t notice it that much when I’m with you; you’re my own personal healing solution.” She was about to object when he placed a finger on her lips and shushed her. “Just shut up and kiss me already, Trouble.”
Giggling, she kissed him. It was a soft brush of the lips. “Your turn,” she breathed.
Chuckling, he kissed her lips, her jawline, her neck, and traveled down, slowly. He was careful, pausing to make sure it was okay with her a few times before continuing. His hand traveled down her chest, his lips pecking her collarbone. Skye’s eyes were closed. Her chest was rising and falling quickly, her breathing wild and heavy.
“Jules,” she moaned. Her hands were pulling on the wet grass, plucking strand after strand out.
Sitting up, his legs on either side of her, he carefully unbuttoned the buttons of her blouse. “Skye?” he breathed, chest heaving with desire. “Should I stop?”
Opening her eyes, she saw the frenzied look on his face, the desire so clear behind his eyes. And though part of her didn’t want him to stop, she nodded. “I’m just not ready for that yet; I need more time.”
Nodding, he moved beside her, lying next to her. “I understand.”
“Is that okay with you?” she asked, her breath catching up for the first time. She watched him intently, studying his face just as he had hers many times before.
He smiled, inhaling and exhaling calmly again. “Of course it is, Skye. That’s nearly what I’m looking for with you, Trouble.”
It was comforting, she realized, being so close to someone without having to fear that they’d try to use you at any moment. Jules was better than she could have imagined. He wanted to wait with her; recover with her; be with her without intruding. He really was the perfect boyfriend, even with the flaws.
She nestled into him, calming her erratic heartbeat, and put her hand against his heart, feeling the slow beat beneath her skin. It was the safest she’d felt in a long time. Being there, next to a boy, in a graveyard nonetheless, felt safer than at home or anywhere she’d been with Bryan for months. But she didn’t need to think about Bryan.
She went there in the first place to say goodbye to him. And as she lay with Jules, in the almost silent graveyard, the only sound being the rain and their breathing, she said one final goodbye to her first love.
Goodbye, Bryan

, Her thoughts whispered to him. I wish things could have ended differently, but I know that this is exactly what you started to want, so I’m going to give it to you. It’s my gift to you. My happiness. I just wish it hadn’t taken me so long to discover it. I love you, as my friend. And sometimes I wish I loved you more, because after you saved me I felt like I needed to love you more. But I just can’t. I’d already started falling in love with someone else. And it’s unexplainable how much I feel for him. Remember one thing, Bryan. I’ll never forget you, okay? You’re in my heart, forever and always

The rain finally stopped, the thunder far in the distance, and from the light that tried to peek through the clouds, Skye felt the closure she’d wanted so badly. Bryan was happy. And so was she.

Back at the house, Jules accompanied Skye to the door. They walked up the steps, hand-in-hand, and stopped at the door. Skye turned around, a glowing smile spread across her face. She let go of his hand, stepping close enough to him.
“Thank you for tonight, Jules. I really needed it,” she said warmly.
He shrugged, glancing around the house before meeting her gaze again. “It wasn’t a problem, Skye. In fact, I think I quite enjoyed it, don’t you?” he replied briskly.
She chuckled, nodding. “I do.”
“Would you like to do it again sometime?”
“Of course,” she beamed. “Although, next time, let’s not go to a graveyard to hangout. I don’t know about you, but to me it’s a little freaky.”
“Sounds fine with me,” he agreed. “I must say that I enjoyed freaking you out a little more on the way back though, too.”
Shoving his good shoulder playfully, she scoffed, “Hey! It was already creepy enough there!”
“I rest my case,” he said. He winked, snaking an arm around her waist in reeling her into him. “Shall I say goodnight?”
“You should. Though I don’t want you to,” she admitted.
“I’ll call you tomorrow,” he kissed her cheek, “Get some good rest and tell your mom I said ‘hello.’”
“Fine,” she muttered.
“Goodnight, Skye.”
Standing on her tip toes, she kissed him on the cheek and watched as he walked away. “Goodnight.”
He left her, drove off in his car, and separated the space between them drastically. Something felt off when he left, like part of her was missing. And when she brought her hand against her heart, felt the rhythmic beating, she felt a warm feeling she could only imagine was her love for him. It was so clear to her now; she didn’t have to second-guess it. She loved him. Jules

Unlocking the front door, she went inside, immediately taking off her wet and muddy shoes. A warm shower sounded impeccably swell to her in the drenched state she carried on in. Before she made it to the first step of the staircase, someone stopped her. She barely had time to think about who it was before her heart started beating quicker. But when she realized how small and gentle the hand on her shoulder was, she calmed. Leah was awake.
“Mom,” she sighed, spinning on her heel and opening her arms for a hug. But before she could hug her mother, Leah stepped back, smiling at her daughter.
“You’re soaked,” she complained.
Skye looked at herself, biting her lip. “Right,” she mumbled.
“Who were you out with? It’s fairly late.”
“I was with Jules, Mom. We visited Bryan’s grave and I guess we just kind of lost track of time. I’m sorry I worried you.” Skye brushed her damp hair out of her face, head low.
Leah rested her hands on Skye’s shoulders and chuckled. “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. I’m glad you went to see Bryan; it was probably a good idea. I just wish I could have been with you more. I feel like I haven’t been around enough.”
“It was a good thing,” Skye replied. “But don’t worry about that, Mom. You needed your rest and we could use the money from your job. You’ve simply been working for the family.”
“I still should have been here. Especially when what happened to you happened.”
“You couldn’t have known though, Mom. Don’t worry about it. I’m feeling much better now; it’s all in the past now.”
“I should have,” Leah added, wearily. She didn’t look healthy, Skye realized. She knew that her slumber must have put a lot of stress on her and a day of sleep couldn’t be an instant cure, but something seemed a little off still. Around her eyes the skin was rimmed with blackish blue, a sign of a little more of a problem than just stress and lack of sleep. Her skin was also porcelain white, too white for its usual tone.
“Mom, what’s wrong?” Skye asked, worry replacing any feelings she’d had a moment before. “You don’t look so well.”
Leah murmured something, lips stumbling over words to make out, and her skin turned a sheet of white lighter. Her eyes went heavy and droopy, struggling to stay open, and from the wobble of her stance Skye knew she had to do something as quick as possible. Something was incredibly wrong with her mother.
Without thinking, she grabbed onto Leah’s arms and tried to hold her upright. “Johnny!” she gasped. “Johnny, hurry! It’s Leah, something’s wrong.” Her heartbeat sped, racing against time in a frantic pounding. Fear took a chokehold on her vocal chords but she fended it off, crying out in a desperate plea for help. “JOHNNY!”
She heard footsteps rushing down the floorboards in the hall, far away, too far. Leah’s eyes rolled back in her head, her body went limp, Skye’s arms desperately trying to keep her up. “No, Mom, stay with me! Don’t do this, please don’t do this! WAKE UP!”
When she heard Johnny rushing down the stairs, in a rampage, tears had already began pouring from her eyes. She couldn’t understand what was happening. Just a few moments earlier Leah was fine, smiling and giving remarks at her, and in that moment she was limp in her arms. It was terrifying to even think that something was wrong with her health, especially so soon after Bryan’s passing.
She couldn’t lose Leah too.
“What happened?” Johnny demanded, rushing to her side and picking Leah up into his arms. He glanced fanatically back at Skye, eyes dark and full of fear and urgency. “What happened

?” he repeated.
“I—I don’t know. She just passed out. Please help her, Johnny. I don’t think she’s breathing.” Her voice was jumping octaves, fear screaming from underneath her words.
“Call 911, now.” She hesitated, frozen in fear, compelled by the oppressing worry that overtook her. “Now

, Skye!”
Her head was pounding, heart aching, ears ringing, everything falling apart around her. Why was it that one moment everything could be so perfect and the next be so terribly messed up? Under the circumstances, all Skye could do was ask that same question over and over again, praying for an answer. And a miracle.


“Skylar,” Johnny’s quiet voice came from behind Skye, waking her from her restless slumber. She lay curled on two chairs in the waiting room at the hospital, eyes closed, mind wandering through waves of dark thoughts, heartbeat pounding around her temples, sleep too far away from her worried spirit. “You should get some real rest, Skylar. Go home, Princess, Leah’s going to be alright; doctor’s words, not mine.”
Vaguely, she felt Johnny’s large hand touching her shoulder, but she didn’t slap it off, exhaustion having deprived her of much strength. “I can’t leave, Johnny,” she murmured, eyes still shut. “I have to be here when she wakes up; she’s too important to leave.”
He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze, assurance. “You need your rest, Skye; Leah will still be here when you come back. Only when you’re back, she’ll be awake.”
“I am

getting rest,” she whispered. The room was cold, chilling her more than she already was. Thoughts drifted through her mind, wandering in the darkness of what a life would be without Leah. She wanted to be there when her mother woke up; she wanted to stay. “Please don’t try to get me to leave, Johnny. I’m staying here, waiting for her. I’ll catch up on my sleep when I know for a fact that she’s going to be okay.”
“Are you sure?” his voice echoed in her ears from above, a soft sound. Johnny’s softer side was actually making itself known again, allowing Skye’s relaxation process to begin a little. “Because the doctors said that it may be awhile before she wakes up; they gave her a sedative to stay under. She needs her rest too.”
“But what’s wrong with her? What have they found out?” Skye’s voice was caked with worry, following along with the rest of her body as she opened her eyes and sat up to look at Johnny. The room was bright in her eyes, causing her to blink a few times. Johnny looked just as bad as she figured he did: eyes heavy and rimmed with dark circles, hair in disarray, face a sheet of pale cream, lips chapped. He looked tired and utterly wasted.
Rubbing a hand over his face, Johnny sighed heavily. “I’m not sure. They said that Leah should be there, so that she can give us the news. But whatever it is, they say she’ll pull through.”
“So she’s going to be okay?” She exhaled a breath she hadn’t even noticed she’d been holding. “We’re not in danger of losing her?”
“No, Skye, I don’t think we are,” he admitted. “Now if you’re not going to go home and sleep, you should get some sleep here. Go ahead, Skye, lie down and rest. I’ll be right over there.” He motioned to the lounge chair across from her and walked around her chairs to the other.
Skye, taking long, deep breaths, settled back in the chairs, letting go of the tension she felt from the worry for her mother. “Maybe you’re right,” she mumbled, quietly. Her eyelids went heavy, closing as she slid down in her chair, lying down to rest.

“Skylar?” a low voice called, stirred Skye from her heavy slumber. Warm breath washed over her face, the smell of breath mints and medicine full in it. For a moment, Skye thought that the voice belonged to Johnny, but when she bolted upright slightly, on her elbows, gasping from fear, she came face-to-face with Leah’s doctor.
He backed away a little, surprised. “Miss, are you alright?” he whispered, quiet enough so that his voice didn’t carry too far. He examined Skye, his muddy eyes staring back at Skye’s with worry.
Skye laughed unevenly, catching her breath, and grabbed a hold of the chair from underneath it. It wasn’t Johnny; he wasn’t trying to hurt her as he was in her dream.
“Um,” she murmured. “I’m fine, Doctor, sorry. I guess I was just having a bad dream.” Her eyes scanned over the room, avoiding the doctor’s intent stare, and found Johnny, asleep, on the chair she’d last seen him in. Apparently he was exhausted too, but for reasons she wasn’t sure of. What could he possibly have been doing that had drained him so much? Surely he hadn’t lost that much sleep because of Skye; she didn’t mean enough to him for that.
“Don’t apologize miss, it’s understandable in situations like this. How are you feeling?” the doctor inquired.
Though she knew the ‘situations’ referred back to what was going on with Leah, she couldn’t help but imagine talking to a psychologist about Johnny and having them tell her everything was going to be alright. If she were to have a psychologist, she wouldn’t believe him.
Taking a calm breath, she faked a smile and looked back into the man’s eyes. “I’m feeling alright, considering all that’s going on with my mom. How is she? Is she going to be alright?” She spoke quickly.
He smiled, white teeth glistening under the bright white lights. “I’ve got some good news. But I think you’d much rather hear it from your mother. Am I right?”
A pang of relief flamed her insides, warming her entire body. Good news

, she sighed. Leah’s really going to be okay after all

. Her body went light, no longer weighed by worry and anticipation. The bright room around her came into clear view. The desire to sleep fell away into the back of her mind. She wanted to see her mother, talk to her mother, hold her mother and not let go until she begged her to.
“Of course!” she gasped, though the sound didn’t travel too far. “So she’s awake?”
“Yes, she’s awake and ready to see you. Should we wake your stepfather, too?” The doctor said, pointing to Johnny. There was a look on his face, almost as if he couldn’t bear to look at the man, for a moment before it was quickly replaced with a small smile.
Hesitantly, Skye glanced in Johnny’s direction. He was out, cold; she had no desire to wake him. Shaking her head, she put on a small smile.
“There’s no need,” she whispered. “We should let him rest.”
“Alright, miss. Well, would you like to see her now?”
“Yes,” she confirmed. “Thank you.”
He nodded, as if to say “you’re welcome”, and held his hand out to accompany her. “Follow me,” he said pleasantly.
Though she’d never enjoyed hospitals (they always reminded her of misery and death), she’d always liked Leah’s doctor. He was a kind gentleman, always looking out for people’s best interest. He never once had failed them in any manner or regard, and his gestures were always suitable to whatever the situation.
There was even one point in time, Skye recalled, that Leah and the doctor had been interested in one another. But after a long while in the relationship, Leah decided it wouldn’t work out and broke everything off. Shortly before that, she’d found Johnny. Maybe if Leah had known how awful Johnny could be, Skye would have ended up with a much more suiting stepfather.
As the two traveled a little ways down a white hallway in silence, there was a cold chill in the air that prodded at Skye’s nerves. She knew it was only the air-conditioning that was so cold, but even so, something strange told her that the chills were from the topic of her memories more than how cool the air was around her.
They came to a large wooden door with a room number on it and stopped. The doctor gestured towards it and gave Skye an assuring smile. “Here we are,” he sighed. “Let me know if either of you need anything.”
Skye nodded and grasped the handle, slowly turning it. She took a deep breath, exhaled, and closed her eyes, preparing herself for what awaited her inside the room. Certainly, she imagined, tears would be the first things that trickled out from her, along with Leah’s name. Opening her eyes and smiling at the doctor, she mouthed three quick words: “Thank you, Joe.”
He grinned then—face filled with light—and tipped his head forward a little, a small gesture. Mouthing “don’t mention it”, he stepped back a little and walked away, only to stop himself and look back at Skye.
She was about to step inside when his voice reached her, bringing her gaze back on him.
“And Skye,” he called, “the news is pretty big. Be sure you give her a big smile. She always loves it when you smile.” With that, he turned and left down the hall.
Tears welled in her eyes, spilling down in tiny little droplets, as she pressed her head against the door. Seeing Joe like that, a smile on his face, talking about her and her mother, had made Skye’s stomach clench up with regret. In a moment’s time, she remembered all those times from the past when he and Leah had been together, so close and happy together, and all the times he told Skye to keep smiling because it looked good on her and pleased her mother. Joe had not only been a good friend to Leah, but to Skye too; he would have made a great second father.
“And she always smiled when she was with you,” she whispered, caught in memories. She remembered one of the nights Joe had visited Leah and Skye at their home for dinner. It was a dark autumn night; three weeks after Leah met Johnny. And at first, it was a great night. Only, that was before Leah told Joe things wouldn’t work out, that she had met someone else, and broke his heart. Leah would never know that Joe had planned on proposing to her that night. Nor would she ever know that Skye knew about the proposal and wanted it more than anything. She’d always wanted to have a family like they had back then; she always wanted a real father who loved her and her mother richly. Instead, she got Johnny.
Turning the door handle, Skye stepped into the room, slowly, blinking away her tears. The moment she laid eyes on Leah, she smiled, sighed, and felt warm droplets of water sliding down her cheeks. Leah turned her head towards the sound of the closing door and caught Skye’s gaze, retuning it with a smile.
“Mom,” Skye breathed, rushing to her side. She managed to wrap herself in Leah’s arms, avoiding all the machines and obstacles at her bedside, and burst into tears. She couldn’t help but cry tears of joy for her mother’s life, nor could she help crying for what could have been. She couldn’t help but miss the past life she had before Johnny; a time when everything was so much better.
“It’s okay, sweetie, I’m going to be just fine,” Leah’s voice whispered around Skye’s ears. The warm breath sent chills down her spine. A broken side of her mind imagined the times when Johnny’s breath had touched her skin, but a better side remembered Jules’ breath against her skin, tickling her in a good way.
“I know,” Skye whispered, holding on tighter. “I know, Mom.”
After about a minute passed, both holding onto each other, rocking in tears, Leah slowly pulled Skye away, touching her daughter’s face and pushing stray hair away. “I love you, Skye. You know that, right?”
Skye quivered a laugh, blinking away a few stray tears. “I love you too, Mom. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t woken up.”
Leah blinked hard and shook her head a little, regarding Skye with such love and care. “Oh sweetheart, you shouldn’t think like that, alright? I’m here now, and that’s all that matters.”
“Yeah,” Skye choked on her tears, forcing a small smile. “I’m just so glad you’re going to be okay!” She gasped, wrapping her arms around her limp mother again.
“I know, sweetie, I know. I’m fine, the baby is fine; everything’s right where it should be.”
Skye froze inside, involuntarily on edge. Baby?

The word echoed in her mind over and over again, pounding painfully against her skull. She must have heard her wrong, right? Leah couldn’t be with child, she couldn’t. But as Skye registered Leah’s glowing smile, a smile with so much radiance and happiness that it could only belong to an expecting mother who’d always dreamed of having another child, she gave up second-guessing. It had to be true. After all, Joe had mentioned that it was really big news.
Slowly pulling herself away from Leah, she took her mother’s hands in her own. “Baby

, Mom?” she gasped. “You’re pregnant?” She was utterly surprised, her voice small and squeaky, eyes big and bold, everything about her shaken up.
Leah nodded her head enthusiastically, tightening her hold on Skye’s hand. “Yes, Skye,” she chirped, “You’re going to have a baby brother or sister! Isn’t that wonderful?”
Everything hit Skye at the same time, clouding her vision and twisting her stomach. Leah was pregnant with Johnny’s child. Johnny: a man so vile and horrid that every last nerve of Skye’s is put on high alert by the small mention of his name. Not only was Leah pregnant, but she was ignorant to the terrible thing that was happening around her. She was clueless of both the physical and emotional pain this new baby’s father had caused on her daughter practically every day for the past four years. If she were to know about Johnny’s dark secret, there’s no possible way she would feel the same way.
Skye didn’t want to upset Leah with more news, especially considering how happy she was about the news she’d just gotten, but she wouldn’t let her mom have this child in a few months without knowing the truth. She needed to tell her now; it wasn’t only for her sake or Skye’s, but the baby’s. She wouldn’t let Johnny hurt his own child too.
“Um, Mom,” Skye mumbled, “There’s really something you should know.”
Leah drew back a little and cocked an eyebrow, surprised and slightly eager to hear what her daughter had to say. “Is everything alright, sweetheart?”
Skye cringed, dropping her head to avoid looking her mother in the eyes. “Not really.”
“Well than, what is it? Are you not excited to be an older sister?”
“It wouldn’t be right!” Skye exclaimed, a sudden pulse of anger raging inside of her. She watched as Leah drew back in shock, her heart beating obnoxiously against her chest. “I—I mean, it wouldn’t be the same. Johnny’s not my birth father, Mom; the baby would be part him. ” She stammered. “He’d be part monster,” she mumbled, barely audible.
“And what would be so bad about that, Skye? No matter what, the baby will be your brother or sister and it will need your love and affection too.”
“Yes, but—” she paused, deliberating on how she would tell her mother the truth. “Well, I’m happy you’re having a baby and that I’ll be a big sister. Really, I am. But I’m not sure that it’s a good thing. Now, I know you probably think that I’m just being dramatic and childish, but Johnny’s not someone you should be having a child with. He’s never been a good father figure to me and I’m sure he never will be. So do you really think that if he has his own child it will change that?”—she took a quick breath but didn’t allow her mom to put a say in the matter—“Because it won’t, Mom. Nothing is ever going to make him a good father. I mean, he’s not even who you think he is, Mom. And if only you knew who he really was, then maybe—”
She was cut off by the sound of the room’s door closing and loud footsteps approaching. Her heart slammed itself against her chest, speeding up in a matter of seconds.
“Johnny!” Leah exclaimed, looking up in the direction of the door.
Skye froze, chilled to the very bone, and sucked in a quick breath before turning around. He looked about the same as he had when she’d left him: exhausted and weary. The only difference was that he was wearing a slightly amused expression on his face. But behind the amusement, Skye saw wrath in his eyes. Could he have heard what Skye was saying? She didn’t want to stay and find out.
“Hi, Johnny,” Skye managed to say, putting on a fake smile. She told herself she had to play innocent, whether he had witnessed the previous conversation or not.
“What’s going on in here?” He asked, looking directly at Skye.
Those were the last words she wanted to hear. Leaning back against Leah, she regarded him with a winning (but fake) smile and shrugged. “We were just talking about the big news,” she stated casually. Though, inside, she was on-edge, waiting for a sign that he for certain had heard what she was telling Leah. If he knew, it would be the end of her. Or worse. He’d make her suffer to extremes.
“You were?” He said, almost hinting at disbelief.
Leah went slightly rigid around Skye, something she was known to do when she was about to lie or cover the truth. “Yes, Johnny, we were. Would you like to hear the good news?” she said quietly. In technicalities, she wasn’t completely lying, but Skye knew Leah hated bending the truth. It was something she didn’t do often; and yet, for some strange reason, she bended the truth this time around. But maybe she didn’t want to believe Skye, maybe if Johnny hadn’t entered, she wouldn’t have let Skye continue. It was always a possibility.
Johnny walked over to them, bending down to kiss Leah on the forehead before standing up and grinning. “Yes, of course I would,” he replied.
Getting up, unable to look at Johnny in the eyes anymore, Skye brushed past him and sat down in the chair by the window on the other side of the room. She didn’t want to be near him; she couldn’t handle being so close. It made her imagine what misery he could bring her, all too well. Instead of listening to Leah give Johnny the “good” news, she tuned out, staring out the window in a feeble attempt to get away.
She thought of Jules in those moments, curled up in a chair in the hospital, waiting for a sign that Johnny wouldn’t hurt her though she knew it wouldn’t come. Jules was in her comfort zone. He was the only one who could make her forget all of the mess she had in her life; he made it so much more of worth.
Coming to, she heard Leah and Johnny laughing and looked to see what they were doing. Johnny was rubbing Leah’s stomach, what little of a bump there was, and whispering things in her ear that caused her to laugh. They looked happy, Skye concluded, sighing a deep sigh of regret. She hadn’t convinced Leah enough; she was still just as taken with Johnny as before.
Standing up, she let all of her nervousness about being around Johnny fall away and cleared her throat loud enough to break their playful gestures. “I hate to break up this ‘happy couple’ thing you’ve got going on here, but if you don’t mind, I’d kind of like to know why we’re still here, at the hospital right now. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with you anymore, right?”
Leah and Johnny both looked at her at the same time, smiles spread wide across their faces. “Technically we’re going to be just fine, but even so, the doctors say that I need to stay here tonight. All the lack of sleep was hurting the baby and caused my body to fall into a downward spiral. But there’s nothing to worry about, sweetie, because we’re going to be okay. I’m just going to be really tired for the next couple of days.” She took a hold of Johnny’s hand and closed her eyes.
“Well, as long as you get better, I’m fine with whatever.” Skye assured her, stepping up to the bed and squeezing Leah’s other hand. With her free hand she rubbed her tired eyes, sighing. Her head had begun aching from everything that was going on, and all she wanted to do was curl up, sleep, and forget anything ever happened. She wanted to forget that Johnny could know that she was about to tell Leah the truth; she wanted to forget that Leah was pregnant with Johnny’s child; she wanted to forget everything and move onto another life, one where pain didn’t lurk at every corner.
“Um, hey, I don’t feel very well, and I think that, like Johnny said earlier, I could use some good sleep in my own bed. So is it alright with you, Mom, that I go home and get some rest?” She opened her eyes only to avoid Johnny’s intent stare, looking into Leah’s for an answer.
Leah squeezed her hand, grabbing it with both hands, and smiled. “Of course, it’s alright, Skye. You should get a good sleep too, sweetie. We wouldn’t want you having a relapse of what happened earlier. So go ahead, sweetheart, we’ll see you tomorrow.”
Skye shivered a little, a wave of cold washed over her. “Are you sure? ‘Cause if you wanted me to, I could stay. I mean, I’m partially the reason you’re in this situation.”
Leah frowned, brows narrowed. “You most certainly are not the reason I’m here right now, Skye! I’m here because I’ve been working myself too hard and haven’t been getting the nutrition the baby and I need. It has nothing to do with you, sweetheart.”
Skye shook her head. “But you stayed up with me, all those nights while I was out of it. You didn’t get enough sleep! And I

put you through that.” She didn’t fully understand why they were arguing. Leah and Skye barely ever argued, even when it was more a matter of a disagreement, they just didn’t. They were always so calm with one another. It surprised all of them.
“Enough!” Johnny spoke, loudly. He put both of his hands up between them, as if to silence their argument. He caught both Skye’s and Leah’s attention. “Skye, you had no control over what happened while you were out and you couldn’t have possibly made your mother get hurt. Now, listen to me when I say this because I’m not taking sides, but your mother has been working herself really hard lately. You know that, I know that, she knows that. So let’s not break out a war about something that’s only going to upset one another, alright? Got it?”
Skye was thoroughly surprised. Never could she have imagined Johnny playing the role of Peacemaker. In her mind he was always the one stirring up the trouble. But frequently in the past couple of days, he’s surprised her in more ways than one. She couldn’t know what to expect or consider true anymore with him.
He was right though, she conjured. Though she hated to admit it, he was right. The yelling wasn’t appropriate in a time like that and the subject didn’t need to be dealt with. It was only a matter of apologies now.
“Sorry,” Skye said, ashamed. Grabbing her mother’s hands with both hands, she put a wavering smile on and pleaded with her eyes for forgiveness. “Johnny’s right; can we start over? I didn’t mean to stir up an argument. I know that can’t be good on the baby.”
Leah, looking as though she was holding back tears, smiled a sad smiled and nodded. “There’s nothing wrong here, not anymore. The baby will be fine, I will be fine, and you need your rest. Go home, I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you, my precious darling. Johnny will bring me home tomorrow when the doctors say I’m free to go. It’ll probably be sometime late in the afternoon. Now go, please, I’m feeling pretty sleepy.”
Practically in tears, Skye gave one last reassuring squeeze of Leah’s fragile hand and stepped around the foot of the bed. She glanced towards Leah and smiled, sadly. “Goodbye, Mom.”
As she was heading towards the door, as an exit, a large hand gripped onto her arm gently and turned her around. She avoided looking him in the eye, holding her breath. She was too close to him again, too close to Johnny.
“Do you need a ride?” He asked her, voice calm and—almost—sweet.
She shook her head. “No, I’ll get a ride,” she said before wiggling from his grip, rushing herself towards the door in a casual manner, and pulling on the handle to leave the room before tears spilled from her eyes and washed down her cheeks. She was a mess and she couldn’t figure out why. It was all just too much. Running down the long white hall, silent tears running down her face, she came to a wall and leaned against it to catch her breath. Before she could even pull her cell out to call for a ride, she collapsed against the wall and balled. She sobbed, sobbed until she couldn’t anymore. She sobbed until someone sat down next to her, black shoes and a long white coat coming into her blurred eyesight.
She felt a strong hand touch her shoulder, carefully, and couldn’t help but flinch, though she knew it wasn’t Johnny’s. “Joe?” she gasped, turning her head towards the man sitting beside her. Wiping her tears away, she saw the worry in his eyes, framed by pale skin and cropped dark hair atop his head. She saw Joe; the man who she’d wanted to be father back in seventh grade and again wouldn’t mind having him married to Leah instead of Johnny now. At least there wouldn’t have been all the hurt and fear.
“What’s wrong, doll? Did something happen in there?” He asked her, squeezing her shoulder as a simple gesture of assurance. She knew Joe very well; she knew he’d never be hurting her, unless he was helping her in the process. But even though she knew he was only trying to be a friend, she pushed herself away from him a little, fearing just about anything that could go wrong.
She thought she was stronger than she’d been before, but something had brought her back down to Johnny’s level, and she wasn’t as strong as she wanted to be—by far. “My mom’s pregnant,” was her only response as she curled herself back into a protective ball and looked straight ahead. “She’s pregnant with that man’s baby. And it’s hard being happy for them when I can’t even get over the fact that there is a ‘them’. I never wanted her to marry him.”
“Neither did I,” Joe agreed, to her surprise. “I know how hard it must be to watch someone you love, love someone you don’t think is right for them. But I also know you’re strong enough to get through it, Skye. And you deserve to be happy. So can you remember that for me? Remember to be happy, even when all you see in that baby is him. Though it’s never wrong to be sad, it only means your human, you deserve to smile sometimes too. And when you smile, you look just like her. So what do you say? Will you give me a smile?”
Skye didn’t know what to think about what he was saying. She knew he was right, but how right was he? Did he know more than he led on or was he just talking figuratively because she was crying? If she knew one thing for sure, it was that Leah made the wrong choice when she chose Johnny. And Skye’s been living with that mistake for much too long.
Right when she was about to tell him everything, to save herself from all the pain Johnny could cause her in the future, she stopped herself. Instead of admitting to the abuse, which she wasn’t sure Joe knew about, she took a long deep breath and smiled. For him. After all, in her mind, the only way to relieve the pain was to fake a smile, move on, and wait for whatever came next.
She was too weary to spill anything else for the night; her body was shutting down and everything went cold and dark. Shuddering, she sucked in a breath, wobbled to her feet and faked a winning smile for Joe again. He doesn’t need to know everything about me

“Thank you, Joe. If you’ll excuse me though, I should get going.”
He regarded her with a sympathetic smile, rubbing her arm gently. “Are you sure you can handle driving? You look pretty exhausted.”
She nodded, the simple movement causing splinters of pain to slice throughout her head. “Uh, yeah. I’ve got a ride.” She lied. She didn’t have a ride at three in the morning, she knew that, but what could she do? Joe couldn’t drive her home, he was working. Stepping a few steps away from him, she turned and waved goodbye, the last words he spoke ringing in her ears: “Goodbye, Skye. Don’t forget.”
Pulling her phone out, eyes stinging, head throbbing, body going cold and numb, she dialed the first number that came to her mind. She needed to get out of the hospital and far away from Johnny and the unborn baby before she lost it and broke down again. She needed proper rest. Her body probably couldn’t take any more of the stress.
After three rings, someone picked up, surprising her. She hadn’t expected him to pick up the phone at such an early hour. Though, all the same, she was incredibly grateful.
“Skye?” Jules’ voice echoed through the phone, the sound thumping beautifully in Skye’s head. His voice was scratchy, obviously drained from sleep.
“I’m sorry I woke you,” she whispered. “I just didn’t know who else to call.”
The breathing on the other line became louder. “Did something happen? Are you okay?”
She frowned, holding back a sigh. “Yeah, I’m fine. I was just wondering if I could get a ride home?”
“You’re not home? Why aren’t you home? Where are you?” he asked hastily, his voice clearer than before. Despite the clearness in his voice though, he sounded incredibly confused.
Quickly, she headed towards an exit. She could see the dark outdoors as large glass doors came into view, and she let out a long sigh of relief. She was that much closer to leaving the hospital and getting far away from Johnny, Joe, and everything that seemed to cloud her mind. She needed an escape. She needed rest.
“I’m at the hospital,” she said simply, rubbing her temples. There was a quick shuffle on the other end of the phone.
“You’re where?” he gasped.
“Hospital,” she repeated. “It’s a long story. I’ll tell you everything on the way to my house. But could you please pick me up? Sooner is better.”
In the background, she could hear creaking and lots of thumping. He must have just gotten out of bed. For a moment, she thought of the morning she woke up to him beside her in bed, and smiled. It was times like those when everything seemed as it should be.
“As long as you tell me what’s going on when I get there…” he trailed off. There was a thud and a chain of muttered curses from Jules on the other line.
“Are you okay?” She asked hastily.
He chuckled. “Never been better,” he whispered playfully. “I’m on my way.”
Skye let out a long breath, a sigh. Relief washed over her in a wave. “Thanks,” she whispered. “See you soon.”
“You bet,” was all he said before hanging up.
Snapping her phone shut, she stepped out into the warm, heavy air of the outdoors. She needed the fresh air, whether it was clean or not. The humidity enveloped her as she stepped away from the entrance a little, away from the bright lights and sounds of the hospital. Her head still ached as her need for sleep got more and more oppressing.
Drifting farther and farther away from the hospital’s entrance, she bit her nails in anticipation of Jules. Her legs grew weaker with each step and finally, reaching a curb where there was grass to lie on, she collapsed, gulping air.
Closing her eyes, she willed Jules to come quicker. “Please, Jules

,” she begged with the still air, quiet enough so that it was barely audible. “I need you


Back at the house, after getting in the car with Jules and telling him everything about her long night and early morning, they sat in the parked car, staring through the windshield in silence.
Skye twirled strands of her hair between her fingers, sighing occasionally. “Thanks for the ride home, Jules,” she started, cutting the deafening silence. “I just couldn’t stay in that hospital any longer; no matter how much I wanted to be by my mom’s side. It brought back too many memories, good and bad.”
“Glad I could help,” he said. Turning to look at her, he reached a hand out and grasped a hold of her cold one. “Let me get you inside.”
Glancing at him, she shook her head. “You don’t have to, Jules. I can walk myself inside.”
“I won’t have it,” he added, confident. “Stay there.” He squeezed her hand and used his other to open his door, letting go of hers the moment he stepped outside.
She opened her mouth to object, but he had already closed the door and started towards her side of the car. Despite herself, she smiled. She allowed her gaze to follow him, watching with intent as his too-lively-for-how-early-it-was-self hustled around to get her door. She noticed the smile on his face, so radiant it gave her butterflies. Of all things, she still felt butterflies when she looked at him. He helped her forget about the past and sometimes, the present.
Opening the door, he waved a hand in a downward motion and bowed forward. “Madam,” he said briskly, playing around with her a little more.
She couldn’t help but smile a little bigger. “Mr. Rane,” she addressed him.
He laughed and lifted his head, giving her a strange expression. He held his hand out, stifling laughter. “Will you take my hand?”
“Of course,” she played along, reaching for his hand.
But just as she was about to grab onto it, Jules stood up and shook his head. “Oh forget this nonsense!” he announced. “Who are we kidding?” And with one quick move of his arms, he scooped Skye into them, carrying her bridal style. She squealed a little, surprised. “Inside, shall we?”
Slugging him on the shoulder, though her entire body was growing heavier by the minute with sleep deprivation, she scoffed at him. “I have legs, Jules!”
He looked as though he was thinking about it for a moment before walking up the drive to her house. “I believe you do. But you, my lovely girlfriend (oh, how I love saying that), are very tired and need your Prince Charming to sweep you off your feet—literally.”
“And I suppose you think that you’re him?” she challenged.
“Why yes, I do believe that.”
“Get over yourself,” she teased.
“You know you like it,” he retorted, winking.
They came to the front door and Skye managed to pull the key out of her jeans pocket. “Now’s the time when you let me walk,” she reminded him.
“Sorry, my princess,” he said, chuckling, as he set her down gently, holding the small of her back.
She’d tensed at the sound of the word “princess”, instantly thinking about Johnny. Her heart slammed against her chest and she gasped unintentionally.
Jules notice the change in her mood and gently brought her face towards his. “Hey, are you okay? Did I say something wrong?”
She shivered, trying to forget the revolting image of Johnny arched above her that came to mind. She shook her head, looking Jules in the eyes and saying, “I’m just tired, that’s all.” Adding a feeble smile, she took his hand in her free one. It was the perfect way to bend the truth and get away with it. It was foolproof; it all played out genuine.
His face scrunched up for a moment in thought before he put on a smile and squeezed her hand. “Well, let’s get you inside then.”
Without another word, she turned towards the door and unlocked it, dragging Jules in behind her. The air in the house was cool and crisp as a result of a well-working air conditioner. Kicking off her sandals, she tugged Jules forward, leading him over to the couch and pushing him down against it. He fell against the cushions with a thump; he no longer held her hand, and his face was filled with bewilderment as he stared at her, clearly unsure of what to think.
“Kiss me,” she whispered, dropping herself into his lap. She pressed her hand against either shoulder of his, pinning him against the couch’s back. “Please,” she pleaded.
He flinched, slightly taken aback. “You want me to kiss you? Right here and now?”
She nodded slowly, ignoring the slight pain it inflicted. “I want you to.”
“Look, as much as I want to kiss you,”—he paused, sighing—“I can’t. You need your sleep and I need to let you have it.”
“No, Jules.” She ran her hands through his tousled hair, biting her upper lip as she stared into his breathtaking eyes. “I don’t want it. As long as I have you, I don’t need it.”
He frowned. He was holding her carefully by her hips, making sure she didn’t slip. “You do Skye, you really do,” he insisted. “But if you want a kiss this badly, I guess I’ll have to make an exception.”
She smiled, pulling herself closer to his face. Before she could kiss him though, Jules pressed a finger against her lips and raised a brow.
“If, if

you promise

to get some sleep afterwards,” he added.
She rolled her eyes.
“I’m serious.”
“Jules,” she whispered. “I promise.”
“Good,” was all he said before he cupped his hands around her face and kissed her—a soft, gentle kiss. After a few more kisses, each with more passion and aggression, Jules pulled away, breathing heavy. His hands were at the small of her back, holding onto her. He smiled, kissing one last time with a small brush of the lips.
“I have to admit,” he breathed. Their foreheads were touching, each of them staring at each other with smiles on their faces. Brushing his lips over Skye’s ear, he murmured, “You’re a great kisser.”
Skye blushed, a bright pinkish red, and caught up with her own breathing. She couldn’t help but notice his touch, his smell, his taste—she noticed everything about him. And everything about him warmed her from the inside out, creating such a wave of security that it washed away all of her problems. She only had Jules to think about.
“Jules,” she whispered again. “Stay with me?”
He caressed her face, sighed. “Forever,” he mumbled.
She traced his jawline with her finger, feeling the smooth of his skin as a reminder that he really was real. He really was hers. “No. I mean, stay with me,” she repeated. “Tonight.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.
He blinked heavily, grinning. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure,” she confirmed.
Taking her hands in his, he kissed her knuckles, spreading shivers across her arms, and mumbled something inaudible. “I’ll bring you to bed, trouble,” he whispered.
She knew, in that moment, that everything was real. Jules cared about her more than she could ever imagine; and that in itself was worth more than anything in the world to her. And with each passing moment they spent together, she couldn’t help but love him more and more. She needed him just as much as she needed air. She needed him to survive. He, and only he

, was her lifeline.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she let him lift her up and carry her upstairs. She leaned into him, as far as she could, and breathed in his scent, to treasure it forever. She wanted to remember everything about him for as long as she lived. And though in some ways, she knew she barely knew him, she had never been closer and more in love with anyone in her entire life. She cared about him with everything she had.
As he brought her into her room, she unclasped her hands and trailed them down along his shirt, grabbing onto it the moment he stopped walking. She didn’t want to let go of him. He’d never said he would stay, and it was slowly beginning to occur to her that he could leave. Groaning, she tightened her grip on his shirt and shook her head.
“Please don’t let go,” she begged. Vaguely, she realized he was laying her on the bed, her grip still on his shirt.
“I have to,” he whispered. “But I’m not going to leave you, Skye. I’ll stay beside you, as long as you want me to.”
Slowly releasing his shirt, she opened her eyes and scooted away from the edge of the bed. She searched for his face, found it, and smiled. “Please do” was all she said before her eyes went heavy, the world went black around her, and everything fogged out into a lazy mist of darkness. Sleep finally captivated her, only to release when the right time came.

The Dangers of Security

Morning came in a gray and gloomy fog. Skye, having been lost in a peaceful slumber, started stirring shortly passed ten, her once restless spirit tamed. Her eyes were heavy, unwilling to open as her mind drifted away from the enchantment of her dreams. Her mind was in-between reality and dreamland when she first came to, her body calm and tranquil.
Peeling her eyes open, she opened her mind to the reality around her. The light in the room was dim; the only illumination came from the windows, pouring in gray light from the fogginess of past rain. She took one long, deep breath, pulling the covers closer to her chest. The security of the blanket calmed her, gave her something to hold onto. But when she remembered all of the events from the night before, she realized she was not alone.
Warm breath was caressing the back of her head, instantly sending chills down her spine. It wasn’t from the cool of her room, she knew, but from his

presence so near. Jules had stayed with her all night. He stayed even when he could have left.
Slowly and carefully, trying her best not to wake him, she turned herself around to face him. The moment her eyes met his sleeping face, a small smile crawled up the corners of her mouth. Her body tingled, shivered, moved by the sight of him. He looked peaceful, Skye thought, as peaceful as a sleeping child. He wasn’t a child of course, but he looked much younger while asleep.
His breath bathed her face then, brushing across her skin. She propped herself up on her elbow, watching him in content. She could watch him for hours, days

, all the while perfectly content. All she wanted was him, by her side, always and forever. It wouldn’t matter whether he was there to mingle with her or not. Being in his presence, so near, was all she could desire.
He lay on his side, body facing hers, both hands lazily placed beside him. One hand was close to Skye, as if it had once held her but had fallen at some point in time. His breathing was quiet, a sweet sound in her ears. In that moment, all of the past slipped away, leaving her in the beautiful present with a man she couldn’t have stronger feelings for. She wanted to stay away from the past, to be free and live for the future. And she knew that only one person could help her, revive her. Jules

Gently, she intertwined her fingers with his, sighing. Warmth spread throughout her body from the touch, heating her desires to cuddle into him and never let go. She pushed herself towards him, ignoring the fact that he could easily wake up, and kissed him softly, a brush of her lips. Closing her eyes, she brought her lips against his cheek and kissed him.
She felt him stir beside her, the bed creaking under his weight. When she dropped her head against her pillow, opening her eyes, she noticed a small smile on his lips. She bit her lip, smiling.
Ever so slowly, his eyes opened, the emerald pools full of life. “Good morning, trouble,” he whispered. His voice was soothing, breathtaking—the perfect mixture of warm and inviting. His smile grew, his face lit up.
Skye felt him squeeze her hand, holding on tighter. She couldn’t help but smile, wide and lively, enthused by the beauty and care of the boy in front of her. Her heartbeat sped a little, tapping gently against her chest. Her eyes stayed locked with his, relenting to gaze away.
“Good morning,” she replied, a soft response. Her fingers played with his, brushing each other. She pushed herself a little closer, so there was barely any space between them, and let out another long breath.
Caressing her cheek with his free thumb, he smiled wider and pressed their foreheads together, their heads so close they could easily kiss. He didn’t kiss her though, only stared into her eyes and enlaced their fingers together, over and over again. Not a word was spoken, nor a sound made, but the silence was what bound their souls together more, creating a conversation without words from only their eyes.
Pushing herself into him, she kissed him, softly. “You stayed with me,” she breathed. “All night.”
He closed his eyes and nodded, letting out one long breath. “I told you I wouldn’t leave you until you wanted me to, didn’t I?”
“You did,” she confirmed. “Thank you.”
“I wouldn’t have had it any other way,” he said, kissing her forehead. He sat up, pulling Skye in his arms with him. He didn’t let go of her hand as he went, only tightened his grip, giving a reassuring squeeze.
“How long are you going to stay today?” she asked him. Cuddling into his arms, she breathed in his scent, pulling herself as close to him as possible. In all honesty, she knew that she didn’t want him to leave her—she wanted him to stay with her forever. She wanted to feel as secure and safe as he made her feel as long as possible; she wanted to be free and happy with him.
She felt the fall of his chest against her head—the reality that it would be much sooner than she wanted it to be. She felt and heard his heavy sigh. “For a while,” was his reply.
She wrapped her arms around him, dropping his hand, and embraced him in a long hug. It was comforting, cuddling in his arms, speaking with him—it gave her reason to be at peace with the world. It gave her reason to let go of her fear for Johnny. In those moments, nothing else mattered.
“Can you stay until—”
He knew the question, without her even having to finish. “Until Leah and Johnny get home safely?” he cut in. “Yes. I’ll stay.”
She smiled, tears of gratitude welling in her eyes. “Thank you,” she cried into his chest. No tears were shed; it was but a cry of gratitude and happiness. She couldn’t have asked for anything more.
“I want to,” he told her. “I want to be here with you, Skye. You have to know that I don’t want to leave you a lot. You’re incredibly important to me now. You always have been.” His voice carried passed her ears in a beautiful melody. His words were music to her ears. They relaxed her already peaceful body.
“I know, Jules,” she added. “I know.”
“Here,” he directed, peeling her away from him so that he could look into her eyes. “Let me make us some breakfast.”
She gave him a look of disbelief. “You cook?”
“Yes, Ma’am.” He grinned, playing with the ends of her hair as she stared back at him with a bright smile.
Chuckling, she shook her head slowly, playing with the fabric of his shirt. “I don’t believe you.”
“You’d be amazed by how much I could surprise you,” he said, hot breath bathing her face. In one quick movement, he pulled Skye into him, spun them both around so that his body was above hers, and pinned her underneath him, hands on either side of her shoulders. She lay below him, giggling and breathing heavy. A smirk spread across his face as he leaned into her, brushed his lips over hers, and whispered in her ear, “See? I’m full of surprises.”
She smiled at the man above her, disregarding any dark memories and replacing them with a clean sheet of anticipation. It felt right with Jules. She knew he wouldn’t take things further than she wanted. No matter how many times he’d insisted that he could hurt her before, she knew he wouldn’t. He was too gentle, too kind. He was more of an angel than a monster. He was nowhere near the standing point Bryan had once been in, nor was he even close to where Johnny was. He was better than that.
“I guess you are,” she breathed. Her heart was pounding against her chest, her pulse thumping in her ears. Laughter trembled from her lips, soft sounds of a happy melody. She was finally experiencing pure joy that she’d always wanted—she was finally happy again. As she stared into Jules’s emeralds, she couldn’t contain the butterflies that fluttered in her stomach and throughout her body. He gave her an incredible feeling she’d never truly felt before from another man. Not even entirely with Bryan.
He gave her the true and tender feeling of love.
“What are you thinking about, trouble?” he asked, taking one of his hands and brushing his thumb over her cheekbone. “Me?” He wiggled his eyebrows.
Instantly, blushes heated her cold face and she had to fight just to keep her mouth closed. She wanted to gape at him, flabbergasted that he figured her out. Was it that obvious that she was thinking about him? Must’ve been.
Hastily, she shook her head and laughed abruptly, playing innocent. “No, of course not,” she breathed, still catching her breath from surprise. She knew she was a terrible liar when caught red-handed.
He chuckled, removing his hand from her face, his gaze having rolled right over her pinkish-red cheeks. “Admit it, Skye. You were thinking about me,” he said. “You were thinking about us.” Enchanting chills spread up her arms as he resituated himself a little, trailing his fingers against her arms and up. He searched her face for what seemed to be some sort of expression for him to stop, but when he realized she was smiling, watching him, he didn’t hesitate. Gently, he kissed her, traveled down, and lingered on her neck.
Skye moaned, biting down her squeals. She couldn’t decipher whether or not they were squeals of pure bliss or squeals of desire, all she knew was they were aching to get out. Going against everything her buried fear told her, she pulled his head up and kissed him, aggressively. His taste collided with her mouth, still unbelievably minty and clean under the circumstances. She felt his surprise in the way he kissed her, so much more subtle than hers. She twirled her fingers in the shagginess of his hair in disarray, gripping it almost for more support.
Jules, his hands supporting him on the mattress, kissed her back. He was still careful; checking a few times to make sure it was okay to go on. She wouldn’t have had it any other way though. She wanted to be close to him, to hold him and make sure he was not only real, but he was hers. She was hungry for those sorts of closure.
Eventually pulling away, chest heaving, eyes wide from their passion, he tried catching his breath. His eyes lingered above Skye a few moments before returning to her eyes, reaching into her heart and soul. He was taking long, deep breaths as he regarded her with an expression of contentment.
Skye shook her head and brought him closer to her again, trailing her hands down the front of his shirt. She started lifting it off when he sat up, grabbed onto one of her hands and stopped her, kissing her knuckles.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he cautioned. “I’d never want you to do something like this if you weren’t ready. In fact, we can even slow down a bit. We should probably take our time, not rush things.”
She shook her head vigorously, touching his face with her free hand. “I want to be with you, Jules. I’m not scared of you.” Her voice barely went above a whisper, her breath still catching up with her.
“Maybe you should be a little more scared of me, Skye,” he whispered, squeezing her hand. “I could hurt you, somehow, somewhere, and then you’d wish you had never trusted me. Look, I’m not saying that you can’t trust me or that you should be scared of me; but we should slow down a little. I’d never want you to be pressured into anything you’re not ready for.”
She thought about it for a moment, her mind swimming with reasons for why he kept telling her he could hurt her. She knew he could hurt her, but the difference was that she knew he wouldn’t. She wanted to turn things around, scream at him that she was ready; but when she looked deep into his pleading eyes, she noticed something she hadn’t before. She noticed how much he knew her. He almost knew her better than she knew herself. And she wanted the feeling to be mutual. But she knew that she barely knew anything about him. Just the thought shook her away from giving everything to him. She’d already given him her heart. That was all she needed to for the time being.
“You’re right,” she whispered. “I—I just got carried away. I just don’t want to lose you.”
He smiled, bringing her hand to his lips and kissing her knuckles again. “You’ll never lose me, Skye,” he murmured against her hand. His body shook a little as he rolled off of her, Skye noticed. From what though, wasn’t clear. He sighed beside her, his shoulder touching hers. “I’ll be with you as long as I’m living.”
Her heart slammed against her chest, her breathing faltered, her mind spun in circles. Never? She gasped internally. As long as he’s living?

She wondered if he really meant it or not, but didn’t question it aloud. She didn’t want to doubt him. She wanted to believe that he was being completely honest with her. That’s all she wanted.
“Jules,” she spoke, quietly, “don’t make promises you can’t keep.” She hated the words. She felt they tasted bitter and wrong. But they had to be set free, unleashed. She had to know he wasn’t toying with her like every other guy had once done to her. Although, every fragment of her heart told her he was better than that. He was different

“I’m not,” was all he said before he moved onto his side and kissed her cheek. “I’ll never leave you, Skye. And that is a promise I’ll always keep.” His voice was only slightly above a whisper as he brought her face around to look at him and spoke words that warmed Skye’s entire body with an energy that took her breath away. “I love you, Skye. I always have, always will.”
What was this always? He couldn’t have fallen in love with her the first time he met her, could he? Skye didn’t know what to think, how to react—she was still trying to process everything. He’d made a commitment, a promise, followed by words she’d always wanted to hear and be able to truly believe. She’d found herself someone to love.
Doing the only thing she figured she could do, Skye kissed him, and whispered into his ears something she was aching to admit. “I love you too, Jules. I love you with everything I have.”
And with that, Jules caught her hand in hers and pulled her on top of him, watching her intently. They never lost eye contact, so wrapped up in the beauty of their confessions and feelings that nothing else around them mattered.
They lay there, Skye above Jules, leaning against him as he stroked her hair, in silence. Everything they could say didn’t need to be said. The quiet beating of their hearts was the only melody.

Rain pattered against the ground, mud and grass mixed thoroughly into sludge. The sky was gray and foggy, the summer air humid and stuffy. Wind blew through the porch, whistling passed Skye and Jules’s ears. They sat, cuddled up together, on the wooden swing hanging down from the roof of the porch. They had finished their late breakfast, freshened up, and shared many conversations with each other, sharing small things about themselves.
Silence crossed paths between them, each of them speaking in the significant action of merely being together. Neither spoke; only in their hearts did they communicate. For a few long moments, that was.
“They’ll be back soon, you know,” Skye murmured, breaking the silence. She was gazing out at the road, part of her mind somewhere far away in her own little world. Although everything seemed right with Jules, next to her, keeping her safe and happy, she started to fear the near future. She started to fear seeing her mother again, seeing Johnny again, seeing them together again. And she hated it. Leah didn’t deserve to be feared by her own daughter; she had done nothing wrong.
But she didn’t fear Leah

. She feared the idea of Leah having Johnny’s baby. She feared what would happen if that monster had his own child. She couldn’t stand thinking about what he would do to it or how he would treat it. Everything he would do, she imagined, would all be wrong for the baby. Someone as heartless as Johnny wouldn’t be able to take proper care of a child.
He certainly had never done a swell job handling Skye.
Jules’s smooth voice spoke into her ears, warming her unbelievably cold body, “I’m aware.”
“I don’t want to believe it, Jules,” she whispered. Her voice was shaky, wavering with apprehension.
Jules kissed her head and pulled her closer to his warm body. “I know, trouble,” he mumbled. “I know.”
Tears stung the back of her eyes, threatening to spill over. Every part of her fought to stay strong, for Jules, but in a matter of seconds, she was curling herself into him, tear droplets spilling down her face. “I’m so sorry, Jules!” she sobbed into his chest. “I ruined our perfect day.”
He hushed her, rubbing her back and kissing her head repeatedly. “No, no, no,” he was saying. “Skye, you haven’t ruined anything. Today has been wonderful, yes, but nothing’s ever perfect. And besides, you’re hurt, overwhelmed. There’s nothing wrong with sharing those feelings, trouble. Neither is there anything wrong with those feelings. You’re wonderful, Skye. You don’t ever

have to apologize to me for being your beautiful, honest self. I love you, no matter what you do. And I’ll keep loving you until I breathe my last breath.”
Skye shivered underneath his warm body, chilled by words so meaningful she almost didn’t believe they were spoken. Her heart thumped against her chest, a beat so slow it was almost painful. He confessed love to her, again. Those same words rang a melody in her mind, over and over again, so beautiful and peaceful that for a moment it was hard for her to breathe.
“Jules,” she sobbed. “Please don’t leave me? Stay with me, even after they get back. I don’t want you to leave me yet, I need you.”
He sighed deeply, his chest practically heaving. “I’m sorry, Skye,” he whispered. “I have to leave. I wish I could stay, I really do. But I have to go for now. You know my father needs my help. I’ll keep you on my mind, you know I will. And I’ll always be on call for you, if you ever need me. I’m going to be back soon, don’t worry, Skye. I’ll never leave you like that.”
Her entire body was shaking, her emotions and nerves shattering all hope she desperately tried to grapple onto. No, no, no

, she screamed at him in her mind. Don’t tell me you love me and then leave! Even if you have good reason

. She wanted to yell at him, tell him everything that was running across her mind—her love for him; her pain; her insecurities because of Johnny; her hurt; her everything. But she couldn’t. Her heart was beating too loud and fast in her ears, the sound stripping her emotion away. She fell numb, gasping for air though she knew she had plenty of air in her lungs.
The words came out of her lips without permission as she spoke, “It’s okay, Jules. You go ahead; I can handle whatever comes next as long as I keep you in my thoughts. Just, please, don’t stay away from me for too long.” She pulled herself away, searching for his emerald eyes. When she gazed into his eyes, every worry, every fear, every doubt, every pain seemed to slip away. It was as if, just by the mere glimpse into his soul, she was warmed and comforted in a way no one else ever could. How could he have so many very different affects on her?
“Are you sure, trouble? I don’t want you to be hurt,” he conjured. “I want you to be happy, free of this pain. I don’t want to be the reason you’re in pain, either. It would kill me.”
She smiled, despite the slight pang in her heart. She was happy; only, the happiness was also surrounded by a lot of pain from the continuing abuse that plagued her soul. She wouldn’t admit that to Jules though. She couldn’t.
Wrapping her hands behind his head, she played with his golden hair and shook her head slowly. “I’m sure you won’t hurt me, Jules. You’ve already helped me more than I could have asked just by simply being here for me. You don’t have to worry about me now. I’m going to free myself from any pain there is left inside me. I’m going to be genuinely happy again, soon. Please understand me, Jules? I need you to understand what I just said to you. Because, I love you, Jules; and I don’t want you feeling bad for me anymore. You’ve helped me in every way you can, and now it’s my turn to help myself. I can feel this way, remember?”
He nodded, once, twice, in agreement. “I understand you whole-heartedly, Skye. And I’m going to let you have things as you wish; because, you’re right, it’s alright to feel the way you do. I can’t change that, nor should I want to. But I will leave here with one last thing.”
Skye chewed her lip, apprehensive. “What’s that?”
“This,” he said, cupping his hands around her face and kissing her. It was a soft kiss full of so much emotion, depth, spirit. It was a kiss that warmed each of their bodies, shooting imaginary fireworks in the backdrop. They didn’t pull away right away, but instead kept their heads mere fragments apart, their breath coming out heavy and edgy.
“That was—” Skye breathed, choking on the rest of her words.
Jules finished for her. “Incredible.”
His hands were at her hips, keeping her securely on his lap. His full lips parted as he carefully brought them back against hers. He made a small sound as she pulled away again, almost a sigh.
The rest of the world had been clearly stripped away when they’d kissed. It was just the backdrop, barely there really. Skye caught her breath, pulling herself upright. She brushed her thumb over his chin as his hands traveled up to the small of her back. She saw the smile in his eyes, felt the previous emotions fall away. Something flew up into her stomach and fluttered repeatedly, tickling her enough so that a small smile played about her lips.
Looking at the boy who changed everything she once thought she knew about herself, she realized just how much she needed happiness. She’d craved it for so long, but never once really tried to find it. She found it with Bryan for awhile, before he changed, and she used to find happiness with Leah. But ever since she married Johnny, she and Skye’s relationship changed, for the worse—though Leah barely noticed it. Rachel had brought her joy and happiness many times; but it still wasn’t the kind of pure joy and thrill she got with Jules. She knew real happiness when she was with him.
He really did seem to be her angel.
A sound clapped behind them both, startling them. Skye’s nerves tensed when she felt his presence—Johnny’s. They were back from the hospital. And Jules was still there, right beside Skye. He would be close enough for Johnny to get upset. Skye could only imagine how ill-minded he would react.
She felt the alertness of Jules’s suddenly very shaky body. She could feel the tension in his body as he gently pushed her to her feet and followed suit. She closed her eyes, swallowing hard on the lump of anxiety that was caught in her throat. She felt someone’s strong, warm hand grip hers, squeeze it, and let go again.
Something brushed through her hair and into her ears—whispers. “I should go,” the voice said.
In the driveway before them, only feet away, were Leah and Johnny, making their way around and closer to the slightly on-edge couple. “Go ahead, Jules. I’ll wait for you.” She stood on her tip-toes and kissed him on the cheek—something she knew Johnny couldn’t speak out about. Johnny would have no right.
Skye, practically in the separate worlds that were playing themselves around her in slow motion, breathed a long breath. She closed her eyes a moment, remembering the past eventful morning, and put a smile on her face. She could handle anything, she reminded herself. Anything.
As she watched Jules leave, only giving a small acknowledgment of Leah and Johnny on his way by, she contemplated how she would handle Leah and, more importantly, Johnny. After all, he must have had something in mind earlier that morning when he asked her if she needed a ride home. He wasn’t being a kindhearted step-father looking out for his daughter, she knew; he was being something much different—and scarier—than that.
And it was then, when that thought crossed her mind, that she wished Jules wasn’t leaving her.

Skye watched as Johnny and Leah neared her, hand-in-hand, too close for her own approval. She kept her mouth shut though, didn’t speak out. She had nothing to say that wouldn’t hurt Leah’s feelings. And, after all, Leah couldn’t possibly understand why the thought of her and Johnny together seemed so impulsive to Skye.
She took a few deep breaths, disregarding any personal feelings towards Johnny, any pain that was still latched onto her heart. Freedom was waiting at the edge; she only needed to grab onto it and let go of her bitterness towards Johnny. As long as she hated him and let her emotions get the best of her, she wouldn’t be a strong defense in her case against him. She knew she needed to be strong, for not only her own good, but Leah and the baby’s too. She needed to be strong and set them all free.
“Welcome back, Mom,” she greeted Leah, feigning a smile. It was a lopsided smile, torn between being genuine and fake. She was happy to see Leah. But it didn’t make it any less painful.
“Oh, Skye,” Leah exclaimed, rushing up to her daughter and wrapping her in a warm hug. She pulled her daughter close to her, holding her as tightly as possible. “How are you feeling? Did that boy bring you home?”
Skye sighed into her mother’s shoulder. “I’m feeling perfectly fine, Mom. And yes, Jules brought me home. Is that alright with you?”
“As long as you’re feeling better and nothing happened between you two that I should know about, yes, it’s alright with me.”
Skye chuckled a little. She was glad to see Leah as her normal, somewhat-protective (at least when it involves boys) mother; she was glad Leah didn’t hate her for what she’d spoken the night before. The last thing she needed was for her own mother to be unhappy with her too. Johnny was enough. In fact, he was too much.
“Nothing happened, really,” she said, pulling away from Leah and smiling, this time genuinely. “He was a perfect gentleman.”
“And you were a well-behaved young lady?” Leah questioned, knitting her brows together. She was smiling in the slightest, lips quivering between a smile and strict line.
“Of course I was,” Skye scoffed. “You know me.”
Leah brushed Skye’s hair behind her ears and smiled, holding her daughter’s face in her hands for a moment. “Yes, I do.” She planted a kiss upon Skye’s head. “Now let’s get inside!” she cheered. “It’s humid out here. And I’m dying for real lunch; not the garbage they serve at the hospital. You’re right about it Skye, it’s awful.”
Stifling laughter, Skye bit her bottom lip and nodded, slowly. She didn’t say anything else though, only followed behind as her mother headed towards the house. As they both neared the door, Skye felt a hand clamp over her arm and stop her in her tracks. She sucked in a breath, quietly.
She’d practically forgotten Johnny was even behind them; he’d been so quiet.
Frozen to the spot, she gulped down her fear and squeezed her eyes shut a moment so she could recollect her thoughts. Her heart was beating faster, the rapid pulse throbbing against her neck. She grabbed onto her jeans with her suddenly sweaty palms and let out one long breath.
“May I have a quick word with you, Skye?” Johnny’s cold, lucid voice spoke from behind her.
She could feel his presence, so near, so overwhelming, that she had to struggle with herself not to lash out at him and run away. She wanted to let the secret lose, right then and there; but, she didn’t. Instead, she turned her head towards Johnny, stiffly, and, against her better judgment, nodded.
After giving a quick glance back at Leah, she noticed she hadn’t moved inside. Although she hated doing it, Skye forced a smile and, with her eyes, told Leah to go on inside. She hated the feeling that stirred inside her, a raw feeling that something was incredibly wrong. She still stood, back facing Johnny, watching Leah until she’d entered the house completely and closed the door behind her.
“What was he doing here with you, Skylar?” Johnny demanded, abruptly spinning Skye around to face him. She was practically thrown into his chest by the force he used, her feet barely stopping her before she smashed against him. “Julian

isn’t right for you.” He spoke Jules’s name with such vile and hatred, that she flinched away at the sound of it.
She was utterly lost, unable to speak in the midst of confusion and horror. Why was he so upset about Jules? What had he ever done to him? Her heart slammed against her chest and she thought it might explode.
“W—what are you talking about, Johnny?” she stammered, trying to get a grip on why he was so appalled to the mere idea of Jules being with her. Jules hadn’t done anything to him to make Johnny hate him. Could it have been something Skye had said about him? Suddenly, a thought dawned on her—a disturbing and torturous thought. “Is this just another one of your sick, twisted ideas? The one where I’m nothing but a little doll you can torment and mess with? Because I’m not, Johnny! I’m not your helpless little victim anymore!” She was practically screaming at him. If she’d had more air in her lungs, the sound would’ve carried far into the house and around the neighborhood.
Johnny’s face twisted with anger, disgust, and—possibly—guilt. His grip on her arm tightened, cut off her circulation and caused her to cry out a little in agony. She didn’t seem to follow up with her outburst. She looked helpless and scared as she grabbed onto her arm and keeled over a little.
His other hand clenched up at his side, his entire body shaking with rage. “Don’t talk to me like that, Skylar! You’re whatever I want you to be, and you’ll listen to me if you know what’s best for you. Answer my question, Princess, or I swear I’ll take you far away from here and give you the kind of punishment you deserve.” With every word he spoke, water sprayed from his mouth, spit. His chest heaved when he finished and his eyes were like daggers as they stared down at her.
Skye was on the verge of tears; pain, humiliation, and fear, squeezing all of the life out of her. Her eyes stung as she looked into his dark and soulless eyes, and her heart raced. She shook her head hastily and gasped for air.
“Johnny, I—I’m sorry. Look, nothing happened between Jules and me. He just brought me home last night and came back this morning to make sure I was okay. N—nothing happened, I swear.” She stumbled over the words, barely catching her breath enough to speak them. Once they passed by her lips, she narrowed her gaze and looked down, down at her clenched up hand.
His grip loosened, his breathing slowed, as she heard him groan. “Whatever you say, Princess,” he said darkly. “Whatever you say.”
She pulled away, stumbling a few steps back. Her eyes were starting to water but she managed to keep it all inside with one quick squeeze of them shut. “Johnny I—” she started.
“Don’t,” he warned. “Let’s just go inside and pretend nothing happened, alright? Leah’s waiting.”
Skye didn’t know what to think. But, against her better judgment, she obeyed Johnny’s wishes and turned around to go inside. She could feel him behind her, his ragged breathing that was finally calming, and it repulsed her. How could he be so good at controlling his anger when he had to contain it for Leah but not when Skye wanted him to stop? Why did he torment her like that? She would never understand him like she wanted to; she would never understand his reasoning.
She tried to shake everything that had just happened off, for Leah’s sake. And when she stepped up the front door, grasped the handle, and took one long, deep breath, she hoped she could be stronger. She’d already had to give up so much, waiting for Johnny’s torment to stop—she didn’t want to give anything more.

After a long, awkward afternoon spent with Leah and Johnny, Skye retreated up to her bedroom for “rest”. Truth was, she needed a break from being around Johnny, a break from seeing him with Leah so calm and normal. He wasn’t normal though, she knew. He was a monster who enjoyed feeding off of her fear and weakness. He was the monster who ruined her relationship with her own mother; he stole her away from Skye with all of his lies and acts. Leah sometimes trusted the soulless man who was carrying her baby more than she trusted her own daughter. Skye’s relationship with Leah had grown a little as they’d spent time together that afternoon. Yet, it still was not near what it had once been.
Skye faked her own happiness when she was with Leah, from fear of Johnny’s wrath. She had to be the perfect actress down there; watching movies together, eating lunch together, and having leisurely conversations with one another—she had to tolerate whatever came next for her. Luckily, Johnny was well-behaved and Leah did most of the talking, questioning Skye about everything there was between her and Jules. She didn’t mind talking about him; in fact, talking about him was the highlight of her time spent with them. It was a pleasure for her, talking about the boy she’d grown to care so much about as she watched the soulless monster’s eyes grow cold. She found satisfaction knowing that he was the uncomfortable one for once.
As evening drew in, Leah became tired and wandered up the stairs and into her room for proper rest. She’d kissed her daughter goodnight (something she hadn’t done for years), and closed the door to her sleeping chamber.
Skye hadn’t wasted even one moment before she’d departed from Johnny. In her room, she gathered her thoughts and placed herself in front of the computer screen to—finally

—look up her father’s name. She’d wanted to do it ever since she discovered him, but the right time hadn’t arrived—until then.
Clicking on the internet browser, she typed his name into the search engine that first popped up. Almost instantly, many different sites popped up. Each one involved at least something with the name Derik Pembroke. Skye scrolled down the page, searching for something that seemed to fit the man from the picture; but she found nothing. With every page she clicked many different men would come up, but none of them would be him.
She was getting anxious, her heartbeat quickening. She needed to find him; she needed to know how to reach him. He couldn’t possibly go on with his life thinking that she’s dead. The truth had to be brought to his attention, somehow

—and she was that somehow. No one else was going to tell him. Who else could’ve known besides Johnny?
Clicking page after page, searching for the father she wanted so badly to meet, she managed to not find anything. She scanned pages after pages, looking for a picture or sign of her birthfather; still, nothing came. With her free hand, she tapped the desktop over and over again, her nerves getting the best of her. She was starting to doubt her chances at finding him.
“What are you looking at, Princess?” a dark voice spoke behind her. The sound of the cold and cryptic voice chilled her to the bone immediately, jolting her body into the state of a frozen statue. The hair on her arms stuck up, chills spreading down along her arms. Johnny.
Closing her eyes, she hoped that if she said the right thing he would go away without saying anything else. But, deep down inside, something told her otherwise. She inhaled and exhaled painfully, exiting out of the browser.
“Nothing, Johnny,” she lied. “Nothing at all.”
Johnny didn’t buy it. “Now why don’t I believe you? Could it be because I can’t trust you anymore, Skylar? Could it be because of your inability to keep a secret?” His voice was hard and cold, sending chills down Skye’s spine. “Well, I think you’ve become quite a liar, Princess. And you know I don’t like liars.”
Her blood ran cold. No, no, no

, she chanted in her head. This can’t be happening. How could he possibly have found out that I’d told someone? All of the air in her lungs was sucked away by his words, her breathing hitching in her throat.
Gaining her composure, she sucked in a deep breath and slowly turned towards him. She didn’t want to face him, see his dark and cold eyes, but she knew she must. If she was going to play in this game, she had to be strong. There was no time for weakness. Or recklessness.
“Johnny I—” she choked out, getting up from her swivel chair.
“No, don’t speak,” he told her, waving a finger at her. “Be quiet, don’t lie, and everything will be okay for you. I promise.” His voice was low, menacing. Slowly, he stepped closer to her, a small smirk forming around his lips. There was a deep, cold look in his eyes, full of schemes. And to Skye’s dismay, they were dark schemes.
“But Johnny, I—”
“No,” he snapped. “What did I tell you, Princess? Don’t speak. I’ve had enough of your excuses and lies. You told our little secret, Princess. And I told you there would be consequences.” His jaw tightened, his face gone hard. He only had a few steps to go before he reached her.
Searching for an escape, she backed herself against the desk, and kept going, hands searching feebly for something to fend him off. He wanted to punish her. It wasn’t a game to him anymore—he was willing to do anything to her as punishment, she knew. He’d made it very clear before that he wasn’t messing around.
Her heart was racing, the beat loud and erratic in her ears. Her voice kept catching in her throat as she stumbled around, throat gone dry from fear. Her palms were sweaty, slipping on near everything she tried to grasp. Eventually, she backed her way into the corner near her bed, yelling at herself inside for being so weak. She would be trapped if she didn’t try something.
Finding her voice, she shook her head, her gaze locked on Johnny, and spoke. “W—what are you going t—to do? Leah’s here. She’ll hear you, hear me.” She stumbled over the words, clenching her hands at her sides in fear and anger. He was getting closer, rounding the corner of her bed as he watched her, a heartless soul looking back at her.
“Oh, Leah,” he mumbled. “She’s taken care of. I gave her something to stay asleep, for a long while. So you won’t need to be screaming, Princess. No one will hear you anyways. I’m very careful.”
Her stomach lurched, twisted in a wicked knot. Tears welled in her eyes but she held them back, trying with everything she had to stay strong. “But,”—she gasped for air as he neared her—“W—what will you do to me? I don’t even understand why you’re doing this.”
There was a quiet sound that passed his lips and hung in the air, resembling laughter. It sent shivers throughout Skye’s entire body. “I caught you yesterday,” he said. “You were about to tell Leah about me, I heard you. And the other day, when you were talking to Rachel, I heard things. Let’s just say I’m going to do everything you deserve for that kind of betrayal, shall we? And for starters, how about I make you mine, officially?”
Her heart stopped beating. As soon as the truth came out—what he wanted, how he’d found out—she wanted to die. She’d rather die than give herself to that monster. He was nothing more than filth to her. He’d already invaded her by kissing her before—she wasn’t about to give into him more without a fight.
But she didn’t have time to think about fighting him.
Johnny, having seen the look of utter-most terror and disgust on her face, lunged for her. He grabbed her arms, roughly, and spun her around so that she was crushed against the wall, head hitting it with incredible force. He slapped her hard across her face, with so much force that she shrieked in pain.
Heat flared up her cheeks instantly, burning the skin. She couldn’t let him do this. Why was she letting him do it? Although everything in the room, including Johnny, was spinning and speckled with black dots, she managed to grab onto a pencil and stab it into Johnny’s side. She knew it wouldn’t do much, but she also knew she needed any time she could get to use as an escape.
As he growled in momentary pain, Skye pushed him aside and managed to scuttle a few feet away—only to have been caught again, with strong arms wrapped around her waist. She screamed, cried out, but a hand clamped over her mouth quickly, muffling the sounds.
“Where do you think you’re going, Princess?” He sneered, hot breath sending shivers down Skye’s spine. “We haven’t gotten to your punishment yet. You’re going to be mine, all mine. And nothing is going to stop that. Not you, not anyone.”
Skye sobbed, her breath practically lost, and tugged on the arm around her. She fought, with everything her crumbling body had—kicking, hitting, pulling, screaming—but it was all a loss.
“Hush, hush,” he whispered in her ear. “I know, I know, you’re scared. But don’t worry about it too much, Skylar. After all, you brought this upon yourself when you betrayed me by tampering with our secret. And now, now I’m going to betray you, you see. I’m going to make you scream and beg for me to stop. But the thing is…your screams won’t be heard. And I’m not going to stop until you’re mine.”
That was it. She couldn’t take anything more. She was fighting with everything she had to stay awake, to save herself, all the while Johnny brought her into the dark abyss of danger. He pushed her onto the bed in one swift movement, and, with an impossibly dark smile, followed along with her.


Skye, taken aback and full of fear, scrambled back on the bed. She clawed her way back, searching for something to grab in defense, but found nothing. Her heart was pounding, slamming painfully against her chest. Her breathing was choked, gasps replacing the natural inhaling and exhaling. Johnny was so close to her, his body causing the bed to creak and sink from his weight. Everything about the situation terrified her; she wanted a way out, a way out of the nightmare. He was trying to take advantage of her; she couldn’t let him.
Her back pressed into the headboard and she sucked in a quick breath. “Johnny,” she whispered, catching her breath. She tried to say something else, but he yanked on her ankles, pulling her across the bed so that she was underneath him.
He put his strong arms on either side of her, attempting to kiss her. But before he could, she twisted herself away and clawed for something to grab onto, something to help her get away, only to end up tugging the covers back with her feeble attempt. Whimpering, she spun back around, ready to lash out at him, but his strong hands gripped her wrists and pinned them beside her.
Crying out in discomfort, she squirmed and did the only thing her aching mind thought to do—she kicked him where it would count, as hard as she could.
He doubled over, grunting and sneering, and fell on her. Desperately, she shoved him away by the shoulders. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she rolled over, managing to get her aching and darkening body into a sitting position. She climbed off of the bed, stumbled in a sprint for her door, and yanked hard on the knob. It didn’t budge at first and she cried out, glancing back at the bed to make sure Johnny was still there.
He was looking at her, eyes dark and unforgiving, and was no longer grunting in pain. “Skylar…” he warned, voice heavy and low.
She shook her head and spun the knob, opening the door in one quick movement. Before she could tell herself to do anything else, she was running out of her room and down the hall—heading for the stairs. Her breath caught in her throat as she dashed down the steps, taking them two at a time. In her vain attempt at an escape, she tripped over the last step and tumbled to the ground.
Her body ached upon impact but she knew she had no time to waste. She had to run. Her life was quite possibly on the line.
Standing up, she heard screams coming from behind her; she couldn’t tell how close they were though. In a feeble attempt to escape Johnny’s tormenting clutches, she scurried over to the front door, unlocked it and tried to open it. Her hands were sweaty though and slipped on the knob.
It was too late.
Strong arms wrapped around her waist and yanked her back, sending her abruptly into something hard. Johnny had caught up to her again. And he was angrier than before.
“I told you Skylar,” he growled, chest heaving against her back. “You need to be punished. And for that little stunt you pulled back there, you’re going to suffer much worse than before. Princess, I was considering being good to you, doing things right, but now—now you’re going to wish you hadn’t tried escaping. This

is your fate.” His voice was gruff, full of rage.
She whimpered in his strong grasp, fighting him with everything she had. “No, please,” she begged. “Please don’t do this.”
He laughed, the sound dark and unsteady, and dragged her along with him, both arms wrapped around her waist. He carried them both up the stairs, into her room, and slammed the door shut, locking it. “You’ve left me no choice, Princess. I have to teach you a lesson. And if this is the only way to keep you silent, then let it be.”
She shook her head, gasping. “B—but it’s not the only way, Johnny,” she choked out. “I’ve learned my lesson. I promise I won’t tell anyone, I won’t betray you again. Just please don’t do this!”
He only squeezed her tighter, cutting off her air supply. “Your promises mean nothing to me.”
She couldn’t breathe; her head became heavy and foggy from the abuse it had taken and the lack of oxygen. She tried to struggle in his arms but she was so weak and worn down that it was hard for her to grapple onto any hope. He’d thrown her onto the bed, pinning her underneath his heavy body. She couldn’t stand it, couldn’t stand what he was doing to her. All in all, she couldn’t stand him—his presence, his hot breath bathing her face, his abuse, his touch—he was all monster. And she only wanted it all to end.
He pressed his hand against her stomach, crushing her, and used his other hand to hold hers above her head. Then he leaned into her and crushed his lips against hers, kissing her aggressively, more than once. Unrelenting.
Skye tried to tune out everything that was happening, tried to imagine herself in another place, but couldn’t. Reality had her in a chokehold, sucking the life out of her. Tears poured from her eyes as she squirmed underneath him, trying to get her lips away from his. Her cries and pleads were snuffed out by his lips at first, but when he lifted himself off of her, panting, she screamed as loud as she could, using as much air as she could get.
Johnny didn’t hesitate before pressing his hand on her mouth and chuckling, his eyes dark and unreadable. “There’s no point screaming Skylar, didn’t I already tell you that? No one will hear you. And you should probably save your breath—you’re not going to want to miss this. You’ll finally be mine

She could hear the disgusting pleasure in his words. He was enjoying it. He was enjoying invading her in the worst way imaginable. And he didn’t care that it was wrong.
Whimpering, she stared into his eyes and tried to plead for him to stop, for him to give up and let her go. He didn’t. Instead, he grabbed her chin, bent down, and kissed her again. It was a sloppy kiss, and the taste was so bitter in Skye’s mouth it was hard not to gag.
Releasing her face abruptly, he grabbed her sides, pressed her into the bed, crushing her stomach and knocking the wind out of her, and shook his head.
She cried out, shrieking, and, with her freed hands, gripped the headboard. Pain exploded in her stomach and spread throughout most of her body, creating a wave of nausea so overwhelming she could barely keep herself from vomiting. Her body was cold, unconsciousness seeming to be at the edge of her. Her whimpers never ended; the pain and humiliation was too intense to bear. She choked on her own saliva, coughing up liquid. It wasn’t clear. It was somewhat red.
Clutching the covers for support, she squeezed her eyes shut. “Stop!” she choked out. “Please, Johnny, stop

He let go of her sides and moved his hands to unclasp her belt-buckle. “Shh,” he hushed. “It’s okay, Princess. You just need to be taught a lesson, that’s all. It won’t hurt too badly.”
She wouldn’t let him do that to her, she couldn’t. “J—Johnny y—you,” she rasped. “You’re already hurting me!”
He shook his head, hushing her, and bent down near her ear. “Don’t struggle, Skylar. Or things will be much, much more uncomfortable and painful for you.”
Her stomach clenched, her nerves shattered, body went stiff. In her mind, all she wanted to do was struggle—struggle for her life. But her body kept telling her otherwise, collapsing on itself from the inside, all of the fight she’d once had had slipped away. She couldn’t look at him, disgusted by what he was starting to do to her and what he’d already done, and she had to grip onto the covers and close her eyes to think of something else. She had to think of Jules; although, the moment he came to her mind was the same moment she knew he couldn’t save her.
Then there was a ring in the distance. At first, Skye didn’t recognize it as anything special, she only thought it was more of the same ringing in her ears, but then Johnny covered her mouth again and hushed her, somewhat on high alert. Finally, she realized what it was.
It was the doorbell.
Skye tried to scream, to make an audible sound to give away her need for help, but from underneath Johnny’s hand it was only muffled. She tried to claw at his hand, but he only pinned her hands above her head again with his free hand and cursed.
“Stop it, Skylar,” he sneered. “You’re going to be quiet. Because I’m not letting anyone stop me from claiming you as mine.” His voice was low, deep, unyielding. He kept his hand over her mouth, watching as she squirmed and quivered underneath him, and started tearing her apart, ignoring the doorbell.
He even ignored the ringing cell phone in the distance—Skye’s cell phone. But she was fully aware of it, desperately trying to get her hands out of his grasp so that she could answer it. Although, it was no use, she was too weak and Johnny was too strong.
Shaking his head at Skye, Johnny squeezed her wrists painfully and pressed harder on her face. His large hand covered her nose for a moment, making it hard for her to breathe. “Stop fighting it, Skylar!” he hissed, voice low and deadly. “You’re making this so much harder for yourself! All I want is to teach you a lesson, to show you that I’m in control. Don’t you see it, Princess? You have no power in this situation. You were always destined to be mine, Skylar, so I suggest you stop fighting destiny before someone gets hurt.”
She couldn’t breathe. His hand was suffocating her as much as his words were, creating a sharp pang of pain in her lungs. Her heart started slowing, thumping against her chest as if it was about to explode, a sign that she was slipping away. Her eyelids went heavy, threatening to close, as her vision blurred and her breathing shuddered.
As she struggled to stay conscious and alive, holding onto what little hope she had for the person at the door, she managed to nod at Johnny before sinking into the bed, eyes slowly closing.
Johnny, smiling grimly in satisfaction, moved his hand off her face. His breathing was heavy and erratic, chest heaving. He watched her as she gasped for air, coughing and whimpering under his body. His dark eyes glimmered a little, with what, Skye didn’t look to see. Her eyes were still sewn shut, the crystal orbs out of sight.
Pain shot through her chest like a firework, a sharp pang of displeasure caused from none other than lack of air. She kept gasping for air, choked sobs quivering from her lips, as she winced in the pain and humiliation of what Johnny was putting her though. His hand lingered on her wrists for a moment before he took it away, touching her face with it instead.
She cringed at his touch, turning her face away. She couldn’t look him in the eyes as he invaded her so appallingly, chills crawling up her spine. Her heart began beating quicker, tapping obnoxiously. She couldn’t bear the horror, the thoughts of what Johnny was doing and was about to do to her. It was all too much for her to handle.
Something crashed against her lips, hard and unrelenting. He was doing it again, kissing her, tearing her apart from inside out. She bit down her screams, cries for help that was much needed, fearing what he would do to her and Leah if she so much as made a sound. He could kill. And she knew he was entirely prepared to do so if needed.
The situation disgusted her, threw her into a pit of darkness and guilt. She couldn’t handle the oppressive feeling that she was doing the wrong thing, that instead of listening to him and adhering to his threats she should fight with everything she has. But something in her heart told her that she was doing all she could, and if she were to fight him it would only result in someone else’s displeasure. And she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of ruining more than one person’s life. She could take the pain, humiliation, betrayal, and torment—as long as she knew it would save someone else.
So she let him do what he wanted, without struggling, knowing that she could handle it, somehow

, and in the end he wouldn’t hurt anyone else. She hated that she was giving herself to him, letting him take something so important to her away from her—he was trying to take away what little innocence she still had. Her body objected to his touch, shuddering beneath his large body. Her breathing was short and unsteady, still catching up from the violation.
That was when she knew exactly how she felt. She felt empty, hollow, like Johnny had taken away the life out of her. The world was hazy, clouded by her desperation to be somewhere else, the only things from the situation around her being his

touch and the deafening ring of a doorbell.
Vaguely, torn between the hazy reality and fantasy, she felt Johnny’s hands as they traveled down her body, tormenting her, bringing her down to the terrible level that was his own. Lifting her up by her hips, he slid off her jeans and tossed them away, groaning. A moment later, his hands returned to invading her body, starting at her stomach as he ripped off her shirt.
She gasped, unintentionally, and whimpered as his hot breath caressed her now exposed skin. She’d never felt as used as she felt in that moment, utterly exposed and useless. “Please,” she whispered. “Please don’t.”
He chuckled as he brushed his lips over her stomach, pecking her with kisses. “It’s too late, Skylar. You’ve left me with no other choice. I love you too much to let this pass.” His voice was quiet, less aggravated and harsh, and part of her wondered how he’d calmed down so easily.
She, on the other hand, was only thrown into more despair, tears gushing out of her eyes as she whimpered in disbelief. Sobs trembled from her lips and, gently, he put his hand back over her mouth and shook his head. Not only her conscience but also her body was aching to be free of him.
“Hush, Princess,” he whispered, wiping her tears away with his free hand as his legs pinned her beneath him. “It’ll be perfect this way.”
Someone’s voice echoed in the house, sending Skye’s body into high alert and desperation, and she used her hands, which had been clutching the bedding for support, to claw Johnny’s hand away so that she could scream one, shattering scream.
“Help!” she cried, desperately trying to get out from under Johnny but failing as his legs kept her trapped between him and the mattress. What she’d just done not only shocked Johnny, but it shocked her too. Fear instantly overwhelmed her—fear of what Johnny would do next, fear of not making it out of the situation at hand, and fear that whoever was inside the house with her wouldn’t make it out alive.
She glanced at Johnny, his face red, jaw set, eyes as dark as the midnight sky, and frantically shook her head. “I—I’m sorry, Johnny, I—” she stammered, pleading for forgiveness and understanding.
But he had no more sympathy, no more gentleness; he was only upset and cold—two things that didn’t spell good fortune for her. “I told you to stop, Princess,” he growled, grabbing her by the neck and squeezing her. “And because you didn’t listen, I’m going to hurt you, all over.” His voice was cold, dark, and merciless, utterly infuriated.
Her blood ran cold, shivers crawling up her spine as she choked for air to breathe. “I—I’m sorry,” she gasped, clawing at his arms in a feeble attempt at escape. She couldn’t breathe again, his hold on her throat painful and unrelenting.
“Me too,” he barked. In the blink of an eye, he released her neck, slapped her hard across the face and yanked his own shirt off. He cursed as someone’s voice came through the closed door of her bedroom, pleading with Skye to open the locked door. “Shut up and don’t fight me,” Johnny sneered at her. “Or I’ll kill your friend and Leah.”
She was sobbing, gasping for air to breathe as she rubbed her sore neck. Her face was searing with heat and pain, as if someone had torn off layers of skin, and her legs were aching from underneath Johnny’s heavy body. Jules

, she tried to scream, even though she’d never fully registered the voice of her possible savior outside the bedroom. Please, save me!

But her voice only failed her.
She knew she couldn’t fight Johnny, she’d have to let him do whatever he wanted if she wanted to save Leah and her friend, but her body was aching to escape his tormenting clutches, aching to retaliate. She wanted to be saved, with every last nerve she had.
Before she could move away or object, Johnny leapt off of the bed, tugged her to him by her wrists, and grabbed something out of his jean pocket. Shaking his head, he muttered curses under his breath and pulled on the wire that was now in his hand.
Skye, having lifted her head up to see what he was doing, gasped and mumbled incoherent apologies. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw the wire, fear and desperation keeping her in a chokehold.
“I—I’m not going to fight you anymore, Johnny,” she whispered. “I swear. Just please, please don’t hurt anyone I care about.” Her words were quiet, desperate pleads, desiring for nothing more than a little mercy. No one else deserved to get hurt because of her actions.
“I won’t,” he confirmed, gruffly. “But that doesn’t mean I still don’t trust you anymore. I want to be sure you don’t fight me, Skylar. And this,”—he held out the wire, stooping down to her level with the crafting tool spread in front of her face—“this

is my assurance that you won’t escape me.”
She bit her tongue, fighting screams, as he flipped her over and yanked her arms behind her back, tying the wire around her wrists as a restraint. She cried into the sheets of the bed, her whimpers and pleads muffled from the silk. Her heart pounded with fear, the beat pulsing against her neck. He was about to get what he wanted.
Once the bonds were strong and tied around her wrists, she closed her eyes as he let go of her, the pain and humiliation unbearable. She could feel his hot breath against the skin of her back, ragged and heavy. Faintly, she heard a zipper and cried into the sheets in agony, understanding what it meant came next for her. She tried to move away from him, but it was a lost cause with her hands bound behind her.
There was a voice behind the door again, loud and anxious, but she couldn’t decode who it was or what he was saying. Desperate, she managed to move into the middle of the bed, her wobbly and weak legs struggling against the bedding. She didn’t make a sound, even though every part of her wanted to scream and cry out.
Before she could get any further away from Johnny, she felt strong, cold fingers grabbing her shoulder and pushing her into the mattress as it moaned from the new weight on the bed. She squeezed her eyes shut, tightly, and avoided looking him in the eyes. She couldn’t look at the monster that was tearing her world apart, piece by piece of it.
Off in the distance, she heard loud thudding, unable to place where it was coming from. Against her own better judgment, knowing that she wasn’t supposed to fight against Johnny, she tried to squirm under his weight, digging her back and hips into the bed as far as she could. She didn’t want him to do anything more, he’d already abused her enough. But he confirmed her fears when he grabbed her hips, crushed his lips against hers, and pulled her upwards, closer to him.
She whimpered at his harsh movements; the agony of guilt, humiliation, and pain, all overwhelming her into a dark abyss that was her reality. That was all she could take—there was no more fight left in her. She gagged, tasting the bitterness of alcohol in his breath, and fell limp in his arms, her body betraying what her mind now wanted. She wanted to fight; but it was all too much to handle for her beaten and invaded body.
His lips parted from hers, retreating down to the crook of her neck, nipping at the flesh. Skye squirmed a little, discomfort and pain crawling in her skin, and let the tears pour down her face. She wasn’t ashamed of her tears. They were, in her mind, a sign that she’d tried all she could and was only too overpowered by the beast to hold them back. She was sure she’d done everything she could to fight him.
“Now you’ll be mine,” Johnny whispered against her cold, slightly damp skin. “Forever.”
His voice gave her chills, her body shuddering in his tight grip. She felt his fingers slide into the elastic of her panties, his “punishment” about to be fulfilled, and let out another quivering sob. This is it, the beginning of an end, she thought bitterly, choking on the distaste in her mouth. Uncomfortable

couldn’t explain how she felt in that moment, waiting for the extent of his assault. No, she felt miserable

—used, empty, and utterly disgusted. Nothing could heal what he’d battered.
And just when she thought he was going to do it, strip her of her innocence, something else happened.
Her bedroom door crashed in, along with her knight in shining armor.
Johnny, surprised by the incident, let go of her hips and pinned her to the bed by her shoulders instead, looking over his shoulder for the knight. His body tensed up, the grip he had on her shoulders tightening. He cursed, sneering at the boy who’d seemed to fall to the ground upon impact.
Skye tried to move, tried to get a look at the boy’s face, imagining Jules’s bold emerald eyes searching frantically for hers, but she couldn’t, Johnny’s grip was too firm. Pain flared in her arms, causing her to cry out a little. She felt the muscles tearing, breaking under the pressure of a position that was never meant to be used. She wanted to say something, whether it was to be a cry for help or another plead for Johnny’s mercy, she didn’t know, but also didn’t have the chance to find out.
Before she had time to even gasp for air, Johnny’s hand covered her mouth and nose again, cutting off good air supply. She squirmed, trying to maneuver her way around for air, but her bound hands were keeping her at Johnny’s hand. The pain became too much and she screamed in agony, the sound muffled but high-pitched.
Johnny still wasn’t looking at her, only the boy she couldn’t see. “If you don’t leave now, her death will be at your hands,” he warned the boy. And in one quick movement, he rolled off the bed, grabbed Skye by her bound wrists, and tucked her in a chokehold between his arm and chest.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” he spat.
Skye could see him now, the boy that had come to her rescue, dressed in dark jeans and a black T-shirt. Behind her tears, she saw the dark, tousled hair, the pale skin, the bright blue-grey eyes staring back at her. He didn’t look frazzled or nervous, only thoughtful. He didn’t seem to fear the situation around him at all, something she could only imagine Jules would do.
“I wouldn’t think about it,” Victor said. His eyes lingered on Skye for a moment before flicking back up to Johnny’s. “Let her go, sir, you wouldn’t want to hurt her any more than you already have. She’s your stepdaughter, practically yours.”
“Don’t be giving me orders, pest!” Johnny bellowed, tightening the hold he had around Skye’s neck. “If you so much as come one step closer I’ll kill you, and then her. But not before I get what I wanted from her. She’s mine, I own

her, so you better stay away before I do something you’ll regret.”
Skye couldn’t breathe—her neck and body throbbing in pain as the air in her lungs started to deteriorate. Her mind grappled onto what Johnny had just spoken, fear, betrayal, and humiliation overwhelming her. She tried to think of an escape, before it was too late and someone got hurt. As much as she didn’t like Victor, she couldn’t stand by and watch him get hurt too.
Doing the only thing that came to mind, she used every ounce of strength she had to stomp on Johnny’s feet. She felt his arm release a little, just enough for her to wiggle out of his grip and sink to the floor. Stumbling to her feet, she managed to get a short distance away before someone slammed her against the foot of the bed, sending her crumbling to the ground. She was gasping for air, sobbing, and had to use what little strength she had left to manage consciousness.
Everything else happened in a blur for her. She heard groans, grunts, growls, sneers—all sorts of sounds, vaguely, as she sat on the floor and wept. Many times, she’d tried getting up to run away from the chaos, but her weak body only failed to follow along. They were fighting, Johnny and Victor, fighting for her

. Victor was trying to protect her, while Johnny was struggling to cut Victor’s life short so that he could “claim” her.
They cursed at each other, grunting in pain many times, and managed to destroy the majority of her room—dressers, lamps, tables, all broken or battered. Eventually, after what seemed to be forever in Skye’s mind, there was a loud crash—a shattering of glass—and someone fell to the floor.
She couldn’t bear to look, afraid that Johnny had taken away her only chance at escape, and instead squeezed her eyes shut and waited for a beating to come. She would have tried to get up again but she knew her body was too incredibly weak to handle it and it would only result in further pain as the bonds at her hands would rub more of her skin raw.
But a beating never came.
Instead, she heard someone’s heavy breathing in the otherwise silent room, and knew by the steadiness of it that it wasn’t Johnny’s. A sob caught in her throat as she felt the sickening presence of him dissipate.
“Victor?” she breathed. She still wouldn’t open her eyes, fearing what lay before her.
Victor made a small sound, one she couldn’t quite decipher, and sighed afterwards, his breathing calm and slow again. “Don’t worry, Skye, he’s out; everything’s going to be okay now.” His voice whispered in the room, the words crisp and clear.
He’s out

, she sighed. I’m safe from him. At least for the time being.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and gasped at the sight before her. Johnny lay on the ground, blood leaking from his nose and sliding down his head as his chest barely moved up and down. There were glass shards all around him, the result of Victor’s strikeout with a jar that once had been beside her dresser. She shivered, frightened yet amazed by the scene before her. Victor came through for her, saved her, even though she’d doubted him.
“Thank you, Victor,” she sobbed, sinking against the cold, hard floor. Restrained and traumatized, she couldn’t do anything more than sob, sob for everything that had just happened to her.
Part of her still couldn’t grasp and fathom that she’d escaped his clutches, Johnny’s dark, powerful clutches, and found safety from someone else. She’d really thought those moments, stuck in Johnny’s grasp, were going to be the end of her. If he had taken the one thing she had left away from her, she figured she’d rather be dead than his victim, the weak damsel that couldn’t save herself. And in a way, she still was that damsel, but it didn’t matter, because Johnny hadn’t claimed her. He didn’t own her like that.
She was free. And she realized how much she was glad to be alive.
Something touched her shoulder, gently, and she drew away, shivering at the touch. The cold fingers reminded her of Johnny’s even though she knew they didn’t belong to him. Victor was being careful and considerate, and yet, she was scared. Scared of contact; scared of being hurt again.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. Her voice was soft and worn, so soft that she figured Victor couldn’t hear her words. She didn’t really know why she was apologizing—she knew she had every right to be afraid of a man’s touch after what she’d just gone through—but there was something about Victor that she couldn’t quite understand, something she’d never entirely felt before—kindness

. There was a sense of something more behind him, something more considerate than what he gave away. Had she missed it because of her feelings for Jules? Or was she mistaken? She wasn’t sure.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Victor said in a hushed tone. His hand fell away from her shoulder, his breathing the only thing touching Skye. He was leaning beside her, close enough so that there was barely an inch between them. Sighing, he shook his head, unable to decide if he should touch her again or not. “He’s not going to hurt you again, Skye. Consider him dead to you, all right?”
Shaking her head, she managed to pull herself up, not without complications, and looked into his bright eyes. When she saw his face all of her thoughts fell away, guilt pulling at her heart. “You’re hurt,” she breathed. “Oh Victor, I’m so sorry. I can’t believe you got mixed into this.”
He laughed a shaky and empty laugh, bringing his hand close to her arm but stopping short. “Don’t be sorry, Skye,” he told her, hastily. “I’m not really all that bad off. I’m the one who should be apologizing. I didn’t get here soon enough.” His voice fell, Skye barely catching the words as they drifted in the room’s heavy air.

?” she gasped, taken aback. “You couldn’t have known, Victor. Why on earth would you feel responsible for this? You saved my life

. If you hadn’t been here…well…h—he would’ve…” she stopped short. Her breath caught in her throat and tears burned in the back of her eyes, images flashing in her mind of Johnny’s body above her, abusing her. She turned away from Victor, ashamed and scared.
“I know,” he replied. There was pain in his subtle voice, possibly understanding and sorrow of the situation. “But I wish I could’ve stopped him sooner. I let Jules and, more importantly, you down. Jules was worried about you, he told me Johnny seemed like bad news and wanted me to check on you, make sure everything was okay, so I came as soon as I can. But I feel like I should’ve gotten here earlier, should’ve saved you before that man went as far as he did. If you’re important to Jules, as important as he says you are, you’re important to me. And I almost failed you both.”
Even though her mind was still spinning with burdening confusion, humiliation, and sorrow, Skye managed to grapple onto the words being spoken to her. It was hard for her to think about Jules, hard for her to really think about anything, but when it came to realizing how much he really cared and looked out for her, she tried with everything she had to think about him. She wanted to understand how he’d read into her and Johnny so well, understanding and seeing something even her own mother couldn’t see—she wanted to know him as well as he knew her. Her heart yearned for him with power so strong it oppressed her.
Dividing her thoughts about Jules from her thoughts about the situation at hand, the one involving his best-friend, she took an unsteady breath and looked at him again. In his eyes she saw a sort of pain he seemed to be struggling with, his usually bright eyes dark and empty. It pained her to see him like that, so different from his normal, smug self—she didn’t want to see any more pain from someone close to her, even if the two of them weren’t really all that “close”.
He averted his gaze quickly, as if he could read her thoughts, and looked at her wrists instead. A frown slid up his features, she noticed behind the hair falling around his face. He touched her wrists then, where the bonds still were, and his fingers brushed across the aching skin. He’d never seemed to be such a careful man before; he was incredibly graceful and composed most of the time, but Skye hadn’t ever thought of him as careful—until that moment.
“You haven’t failed either of us, Victor,” she whispered, unsure of her own voice. “Or come close to it. You saved me, Victor. So there’s nothing else you have to worry about, okay?” She choked on her words a little, slightly unsure of them. They were true, yes, but hard for her to believe. Victor was the last person she imagined would be her knight in shining armor.
He nodded his head a little, shaking. His breath brushed over Skye’s skin, sending chills up her already cold arms. Something about his touch, so soon after what Johnny had just done to her, triggered a deep and troubling fear, a pain she wished she could rid from her system, and she pulled herself away, grimacing.
His hand slipped from her bound wrists for a moment, dropping to a place on the floor beside her. He muttered something incoherent under his breath, shaking his head, and kept his eyes on her bleeding wrists.
“I’m sorry, Skye,” he sighed. “I’m just trying to help. I know it must be hard for you, physical contact that is, so soon after what that monster just did to you. But your wrists are bleeding; you need my help.”
“It is hard,” she confirmed, shuddering. “But you’re right, Vic. I need help.” After the words passed her lips, silence filled the air, heavy and unbearable. Chills prickled her exposed skin, a sudden awareness of her lack in attire toppling into her thoughts. Suddenly all she wanted was to cover up, get away from Johnny’s unconscious body, and care for her beaten body.
Managing to turn in the other direction, she bit down fear with bitter sobs and forced herself closer to him, her hands right beside his. “Please,” she pleaded. “Help me?”
His lips tipped into a small smile as he pulled on the wound wire, untying the restraint. “I’m sorry you had to go through all that,” he mumbled, sliding the wire off of her wounded wrists. “You didn’t deserve any of it.”
“Can you drop it, please?” she asked hastily. “I’d rather not talk or think about it.”
He ran a hand through his hair, flustered. “Of course.”
Rubbing at her newly freed and sore wrists, she attempted to get up, only to fall back on her behind just as quickly. Her body ached all over, disabling her ability to manage well on her own. She hated it, all of it. Hated the pain, the fear, the insecurity—it made her feel weak. And she didn’t want to feel that way anymore.
Before she could even object, one hand touched her back while the other touched her legs, pulling her up into lean arms in the next moment. Without the realization of who it really was, she tried to pull away but couldn’t, too exhausted.
“Vic,” she breathed, shivering in his arms. Around her wrists, where the wire had once been, blood trickled, painting her hands and his shirt with red. “What are you doing?”
“Getting you out of here,” he said. “You’re cold, wounded, and exhausted, Skye. And don’t even try to tell me you can stand being in the same room as that man, even if he is unconscious, ‘cause I know you can’t. You’re afraid of him, and you have every right to be, but please don’t be afraid of me too. I only want to help you, Skye.”
She didn’t fight him at all, knowing what he said was right, and closed her eyes instead, letting herself burry into his chest, the warmth somewhat reassuring. “Thank you,” she murmured, clutching his shirt with weak hands. She tried to bury her fear, bury her worries, but Johnny’s abuse kept flashing through her memory on repeat, creating uneasiness in her stomach. Vaguely, she felt the heavy air cling to her bare skin and shivered, aware and embarrassed about how exposed she really was.
“Wait,” she snapped, suddenly uncomfortable with how close they were. “Set me down, Victor. I—I have to do something.”
He looked down at her, stopping in his tracks, and narrowed his brows. “Don’t you want to get out of here, Skye? Last time I checked, you couldn’t even stand, so how do you suppose you’re going to manage anything else?”
With a sigh she tried to wiggle out of his arms, pressing against his firm chest. “Please, Vic,” she pleaded. “Put me down.”
Carefully, he set her down, holding onto the small of her back to keep her steady. A smile played about his lips, amused by something. “What is it you need to do?”
Intimidated by how close he was to her, she stumbled back a step and kept her gaze on the floor. Uncomfortable with how exposed she felt, under the certain circumstances, she shied away from him, blushing.
“I’m cold,” she spluttered. “I need to cover up.”
When he didn’t say anything right away, curiosity beckoned her gaze away from the floor and on his face instead. He stood, much taller than her, examining her with an almost bewildered expression on his face. Then it hit him, like a ton of bricks, and his expression changed back to a cool, amused look.
She bit her lip, even more uncomfortable than before.
“Of course,” he finally said. Turning on his heel, he looked down at Johnny’s still unconscious body and grimaced. “Make it quick though, Skye. We’ve got to get out of here and call the police. Johnny will stay under awhile longer, but even I can’t stand the sight of him.”
Nodding her head, though she knew he wouldn’t see it, she stumbled over to a rack beside her dresser and pulled on her bathrobe. As she wrapped it around herself, she sighed in the warmth and security. She still felt uncomfortable, partially exposed, but she knew the sooner she was out of Johnny’s presence, the better.
Driven by the thought of leaving the room that now held such dark memories, she started making her way out of it. But, with the little strength she had, she only made it a few feet before her knees buckled and she fell to the ground. She winced upon impact, cringing at the pain that spread up her shaky legs.
“Skye!” Victor exclaimed, turning around and hurrying towards her. “What were you thinking? Did you forget I was going to help you get downstairs?”
“No, Vic,” she snapped. “I just thought I could make it myself.”
He touched her shoulder, carefully. “Here, Skye,” he insisted, “let me help you.”
She didn’t fight him as he lifted her back into his arms and headed out of the room, too weary and worn to be stubborn. She only wanted to be free from the hazy nightmare.

“They’re on their way, Skye,” Victor said, snapping his phone shut and sitting down next to her on the couch.
Skye, rubbing her newly bandaged wrists with the help of an unexpected friend, took a deep breath of relief. The police were on their way. The secret had been revealed, Johnny will be thrown in prison, and she can go back to living without fear, back to how things were when that monster wasn’t a part of her life. She would finally be able to live with peace.
Sinking into the couch, she closed her eyes and tried to let the world fade away. Her consciousness was dim, her cloudy mind dwelling at the corner of sleep. She wanted to sleep but she was too anxious and uneasy about what was about to happen. She wanted to be awake when they led Johnny away, led him to a place he should have been long ago. She needed to be sure it was really happening.
So she held onto consciousness, no matter how oppressing sleep became. “Thank you, Victor,” she said. She spoke quietly, the words caressing the humid air as she fluttered her eyes open. The longer she held her eyes closed, the harder it became to fight sleep. Smiling a little, she added, “For everything.”
He looked at her, eyes peering deep within her soul, and returned her smile. “Anything for you, Skye,” he replied. “I’m really sorry we got off on such a wrong foot before. I never meant to wound you with what I told you, I was only trying to look out for both of you. But I know that I should have stayed out of it. And honestly, I haven’t seen Jules this happy in a long time, a really, really long time. He really does care about you, Skye. It’s obvious he loves you, or at the least has strong feelings towards you. So nevertheless, do you think we can start over?”
She thought about what he said for a few moments, registering it. A smile crawled up the corners of her mouth as she thought about her time spent with Jules, the boy she loved. She thought about how he was always telling her he could hurt her but she didn’t bother asking Victor about it. She wanted Jules to be the one to tell her what it was that made him so afraid of hurting her.
As she examined Victor, she noticed something was different about him, but couldn’t quite place what it was. All she knew was that she liked it. It made her want to give him a second chance, start over fresh. After all, he saved her life; it was the least she thought could do.
“It’s okay, Victor,” she told him. Muscles aching in protest, she managed to sit up. “I know you were just trying to be a good friend. So don’t worry about me, or him, we’re going to be just fine. And I really would like to start over, if you’re interested.”
He grinned, white teeth framed by light lips and pale skin. And instead of saying anything else, he nodded and held out his hand.
Slowly, she held out her hand as well and shook it, finding the entire situation odd. It was nice of him to want to start things over, she couldn’t deny that much, but the timing was what really seemed odd to her. She’d been through an ordeal, and maybe he was just trying to lighten the mood, calm her down, but suddenly something didn’t feel right. Fear clasped a hold on her again, choking any minuscule form of happiness away.
She drew her hand away, abrupt, and grimaced, overwhelmed with sudden worry. She could hear the sirens a short distance away, but it still wasn’t enough—something felt incredibly wrong. Her heartbeat sped, mind trying to grapple with the fast changing state around her. The house hadn’t changed at all, it was still quiet and cool, just as it had been since Johnny was left unconscious. But something didn’t seem right, and it terrified her.
Seeing her unease, Victor was at her side in one swift movement, holding her hand in his and regarding her with careful eyes. “What’s wrong?”
She’d gasped at his touch, taken aback. “How did you—? Victor, I don’t know what’s wrong, but something’s definitely not right.”
He frowned, brows furrowed in confusion. “Why do you think something’s not right? Just a second ago you seemed happy.”
Her head ached, confusion and fear building up. She could hardly move, pain lingering in almost every part of her body. “I was happy. But I just have this terrible feeling that something’s gone very wrong now.” Her voice was urgent, despite the short breaths she was taking.
That’s when it hit her. She figured out what put her at such unease.
“Victor!” she gasped. “Is it possible that Johnny could have regained consciousness already?”
There was something dark in his eyes, possibly fear. “It’s possible, yes. But it’s very unlikely, Skye. He couldn’t have woken up already.”
She shook her head, panicked. “He’s awake, Victor, I can feel it. I’d recognize this feeling anywhere. It’s overwhelming right now.”
“You’re scared, Skye, that’s all. You went through something very traumatic and you’re probably just scared. He’s not a threat to you, Skye. The police are almost here.”
She pushed his hand away, appalled. “Not a threat

?” she gasped. “Victor, if he gets out of this house as a free man, there’s no telling what could happen! He could hurt the ones I love if he escaped. So don’t tell me he’s not a threat. You don’t know what he’s put me through!”
By the time she’d finished screaming at him, she scrambled to get off the couch, only to be blocked by him with each attempt. “Please, Victor!” she wailed. “Do something! Give me proof that I’m wrong!” Tears poured down her face as she sobbed, imagining and remembering all of the terrible things Johnny could do or has done. She couldn’t get his face out of her mind, the dark, cold eyes he looked at her with. She couldn’t get the memory of his abuse out of her mind, playing itself on a never ending repeat. She saw him above her, remembered his hot breath bathing her skin, and felt his rough hands invading her and bruising her now battered body.
She was crumbling from the pressure, left sobbing in Victor’s arms.
“It’s okay, Skye, they’re here now. And if he did somehow get away like you fear, they’ll find him. He’s never going to hurt you again, all right?” he soothed, holding her frail and beaten body. He rocked her in his arms, hushing her, trying to calm her, as she thrashed in his arms with bitter sobs that shook them both.
Police bombarded through the front door, yelling things to each other as they looked around the house. Skye felt the assurance that she was safe for the time being, but feared what was to come. She couldn’t imagine what would happen to her and the ones she loved if Johnny had gotten away. He wouldn’t be as understanding now that she’d exposed their “little” secret to more than one person. She knew he would find a way to make her regret it.
Everything started to fade out around her as she wept, still wrapped securely in Victor’s arms. She tried to tell him he wasn’t helping, that he was making things worse, but her throat constricted on the words, choked with tears. The house was no longer silent, her fear turned to utter horror, and vaguely, through ringing ears, she heard two little words that made her blood run cold. She heard two words that changed everything, right before she slipped from the world in a deep, dark slumber.
“He’s gone.”


“You’ve got it all wrong, Princess,” Johnny drawled, stepping up to Skye and wrapping his arms around her. “You’re supposed to be with me.”
She stood there for a moment, frozen in fear, before she took a deep breath and closed her eyes to think straight. “No, Johnny,” she snapped. “I’ve got everything just right. You’re the one who’s wrong. I will never be with you.” Fear surged through her body, adrenaline pumping. She was trying to stay strong, to not give in, but her pounding heart was driving away her confidence. His touch, so familiar and sickening, violated her, bringing back the horrific memories of his assault.
He pulled her into him more, as she struggled a little, and nuzzled his face in her neck. His warm breath brushed her hair, chills springing down her spine in response. He kissed her ear, whispering, “You will be, Skylar, I promise.”

Screaming loud enough to shatter glass, Skye bolted upright in bed, only to be stopped short by skinny hands gripping her shoulders. Tears cascaded down her pale face as she gasped for air to scream again, shaking erratically in the grip someone had on her. “Please, stop!” she wailed, eyes squeezed shut from fear.
“Skye sweetie, it’s okay,” Leah soothed, giving Skye’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “It’s just me. It’s your mother.”
Relief crashed over Skye in a wave, washing away the horror of what was only a dream. I’m safe,

she reminded herself. Johnny can’t hurt me again.

She stopped pulling away from her mother’s grip, even though she was still somewhat afraid of contact, and let out a quivering breath. However, when she remembered the events of the night before, shivers ran down her entire body, chilling her to the bone. But maybe I’m not safe. Johnny is out there, somewhere, and he never got what he wanted. He never got me, all of me.

Sweat ran down the sides of her face, along with a few tears, as she peeled her eyes open. The room around her came as a surprise. She was in the guest room, greeted by warm brown walls, dim sunlight coming in from the shaded window, picture frames that hung on the walls, and one person whom she knew cared about her very much. Leah was with her, watching over her, and that was all that really mattered. She had to try to believe that everything would be okay, no matter how strong her fear of Johnny really was.
Leah sighed beside her daughter. “After the ambulance arrived, I pushed them away but asked that Joe would stay and take care of you. I thought it would be safer if you were in a familiar environment when you woke up and Joe agreed with me. So that’s why you’re in the guest room. Because we figured you’d want to be far away from that room and the terrifying memories it holds.” Leah’s voice faltered as she spoke. She hadn’t even looked at Skye as she spoke; only stared at the bedding with weary eyes. And suddenly, without warning, she broke into sobs, falling on weak knees beside the bed.
“I’m so sorry, sweetie,” she cried, patting Skye’s knee. “I—I’m just so, so

sorry. I can’t imagine what you must be going through right now, and I only wish I could do something more. I wish I could help you, sweetheart. What he did to you was unforgiveable. And I’m terribly sorry I let it happen.”
At her mother’s words, Skye trembled, gulping down her own sobs. Images of the Johnny were scattered throughout her mind, replaying the many different times he’d abused her, including little from the night before. She couldn’t help the stray tears that slid down her cheeks as little forms of her misery, nor could she bear the pain that pierced her heart when she thought of her mom blaming herself. No matter how much she did blame her mother for inviting Johnny into their lives, she couldn’t blame her for what Johnny had done to her. It wasn’t Leah’s fault, but Johnny’s. He was the one who stole away Skye’s freedom; no one else had. And she kept it from her mother to save her. She’d given Leah no reason not to trust Johnny, and neither had he—until the night before, that is.
Turning towards her mother, she let herself fall against the bed so that she lay beside Leah’s head, running her fingers through Leah’s dark hair. She hushed her, trying to cope herself with the dark feelings that burdened her heart. She hated seeing her mom grieving in pain. It ripped at her tainted soul until there was nothing left but grief.
“Don’t be sorry, Mom,” she whispered, too afraid to find her voice. “You couldn’t have known he was going to hurt me. No one ever gave you reason to believe he would do what he did. So, please, don’t blame yourself. You did nothing wrong. He did. It was all him.”
Leah looked up at Skye, frowning, as tears trickled down her face. “I should have known Skye. I’m your mother. I should have known that something was off between you two. Only, instead, I let my stupid feelings towards that man cloud my better judgment. And now you’re hurt, again. And I—I’m just so sorry, sweetie.” Sobs broke out again, her body shaking erratically against the bedding.
“You are my mother,” started Skye, grabbing Leah’s hand in hers, “but that doesn’t mean you should have known something was wrong. Mom, I know it must be hard for you, seeing as how you’re my mother and you care about my wellbeing, but you can’t blame yourself for all that’s happened. Johnny is a twisted, sick man. He’s a betraying, deceitful, liar, with low self-esteem. And it was he

who hurt me, he

who abused me and betrayed us both. You and I both know he

is the one responsible, neither of us. So there’s no need for either of us to blame ourselves. He did the wrong.”
The room went silent, Leah’s sobs subsiding as she must have been taking in Skye’s words. Skye could feel the pounding in her head, along with a tingly pain that pierced deep inside. Something took a tight grip on her heart, squeezing it like a juicer, and she felt a pang of utter strength beckon her away from Leah, back into a sitting position. She held her mother’s hand in hers tightly, not once letting it go, and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
“Please, let this go, Mom,” she pleaded. She felt warmth spread throughout her body, like warm water rushing through her veins, and suddenly wanted to brave telling Leah everything. She needed not to hold anything back any longer; part of her was free from Johnny, she didn’t need to protect anyone anymore.
“It wasn’t your fault in any way, and you couldn’t have done anything to stop him. Truth is—as I’m sure you don’t know—Johnny has been abusing me since shortly after you married him. It started out small, whenever I did things he didn’t like he’d hit me or push me around, but as time carried on he got a little more aggressive. And this year, he grew much, much worse. He became more possessive of me, always telling me what was ‘best for me’, and started to tear me down, piece by piece. His aggression became worse with each passing day and, in the past couple of months, he’s hurt me more times than I can keep record. He was the reason I broke my ribs; he was the reason I went to the hospital three months ago with ‘stomach problems’; he was the reason for all the times I told you I was okay when in reality I was not; he is the reason I’m afraid.
He told me that everything he did to me had to be kept a secret or he would hurt all those that I loved, particularly you. He convinced me that it would be better to hide the secret and take the pain than to spill it and face far worse problems. Johnny knew how to control me, Mom. He’s been doing it for a long time now. So when he overheard me and Rachel talking about him a couple days ago, and walked in on my miserable attempt to tell you everything the next day, I guess it pushed him over the edge. And that’s why he…that’s why...”—she let out a long, deep breath—“That’s why he tried to rape me.”
“He said that I needed to be ‘punished’ for spilling our secret. And he saw forcing himself into me, making me ‘his’, as my punishment. He’d warned me before, but I didn’t want to believe it. I’d fought him, struggling with everything I had, while he told me he couldn’t stop himself because he ‘loved

’ me. I still don’t understand why he did it, everything, but something tells me that the main reason he abused me for so long was because he wanted to be sure he had power over me; he wanted to be in control of me, whether by my fear or weakness, so that he could one day steal me away from you. I think he thought that if I feared him enough I would willingly give myself away to him. But I couldn’t ever do that. And all I want now is for him and the memories to disappear, out of our lives for good, so that we can really be a family again, just you and me.”
After telling Leah their story—Johnny and hers—she collapsed on the bed, sinking against the mattress and pillow. Tears were streaming down her face, crystals of mixed emotions—sadness, fear, anger—just to name a few. Her head ached from stress. She couldn’t believe she’d actually told Leah the secret she’d tried so hard to keep hidden for so long. In one way she felt relieved to have told Leah, but in another, she was worried how her mother would take it all.
Giving a quick glance in her direction, she stifled a sob. Leah knelt beside the bed, with a stunned expression, completely speechless. She knew that look; it was Leah’s way of hiding all her emotions inside, afraid they would come out wrong and hurt someone else. She’d given it to her daughter many times before, whenever something went wrong and she didn’t know how to handle the situation.
“Mom?” Skye whispered, unsure of her own voice. It was then when she figured the information she’d given Leah was too much to handle all at once, and she regretted it. The healing process would be a lot harder than she’d thought—for both of them.
Looking at her daughter with sad eyes, Leah pushed Skye on the shoulder lightly and stood. She shivered, bitter sobs on the brink of her lips, and crawled into the bed beside Skye. They stayed there, in cold silence, for minutes that felt like hours.
Eventually, Leah gained enough courage to speak. “I’m sorry, Skye,” she said, slowly. Her voice was raspy and quiet, sobs caught in her throat. “I just can’t believe he did all that to you. I don’t know what to say, sweetie. I wish you would’ve told me. You didn’t deserve to go through any of that.”
“It’s okay, Mom, I know. I wish I would have done things differently, but the thing is, I didn’t. So now we have to move on, get over the past and survive the future. I don’t want you to feel any pain for what happened to me. I’ve suffered enough pain for the both of us already. There’s no need for more.”
“But Skye, I let this happen to you,” Leah whispered. “I should have taken better care of you. You’re my daughter. I’m responsible.”
“I don’t blame you, Mom,” Skye added quietly. “You have taken care of me just fine. You couldn’t have known I was in trouble because I never gave you reason to think I was. And there’s no possible way you’re responsible. Johnny is responsible. He

did everything to me. He

tricked you. He

made this happen. You had nothing to do with it.”
More silence filled the warm air, heavy and oppressive.
“I never really asked you about him,” Leah finally said. “I should have made sure you were alright. I mean, you hurt yourself Skye—that was a sign. I should’ve followed up to it better.”
“I hurt myself because of what Bryan

did to me,” Skye corrected. She turned herself so that she was looking at Leah, holding her gaze. Touching her face, she managed a small smile. “Mom, stop blaming yourself, please. I want you to trust me when I tell you that it wasn’t your fault. It never was your fault, alright? Please, just try to forget it ever happened? I want us to move on, no, I need

us to move on. It’s the only way we’ll ever forgive ourselves for what happened.”
“I’ll trust you Skye, I really will. But I want you to promise me, promise me

, that you’ll come to me if you’re ever in trouble. I don’t want you to get hurt like you’ve been ever, ever

again. And in return, I promise to be a better mother to you.”
“You’ve always been a good mother to me,” Skye told Leah in confidence. “And I’ll always love you the same way I always have: with all my heart. Don’t worry about me, Mom, I promise to come to you if I’m in trouble. I love you, Mom. I could never blame you for what happened.”
They embraced each other in a hug, crying despite the small smiles on their faces. Skye’s body warmed at her mother’s touch, so soothing and safe, and she sighed in relief. She didn’t care that Johnny was on the loose in that moment, all she cared about was the fact that she was with Leah, safe, and no one could sabotage it. Not even Johnny.
Drawing herself away from Leah, she fell against the bed in exhaustion. Her beaten body was still caught in the healing stage, battered and sore. Her eyes became heavy, sleep so close yet so far away. She couldn’t grasp onto sleep, only wish for it. A restless heart kept it much too far away as she thought about what was going on around her.
She knew that Johnny was out there, somewhere, most likely waiting for the perfect time to make a move. But she also knew that he wouldn’t get the perfect time—the cops wouldn’t allow that to happen. And for that, she was grateful. In a way, she wasn’t afraid of him. She knew that he could still be a threat, but it didn’t matter. As long as he was out there and her loved ones were not, everything would be okay. Her only hope was that Jules had made it to her house safely.
She looked at Leah, who quietly lay beside her inhaling and exhaling normally again, and her smile quivered. “What’s going to happen to us? Are we going to be safe?”
Leah stared deep into Skye’s crystal orbs, face contorted in thought. “We are going to be safe,” she replied, voice small and quiet. “The authorities are going to make sure we stay safe; all the while, they’ll be searching for Johnny. They’re not going to let him get away, Skye.”
“So there are police here, right now?”
“Yes, sweetie,” Leah confirmed. “One’s outside, one’s downstairs. They’re here to protect us, but they’ve assured me that they won’t be in our way. They’ve given me their word that they won’t be a bother to us. Although, Chief would like to talk to you, get the facts straight about what Johnny did to you. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, though. He assured me it was up to you. We understand it’s not an easy thing to discuss. ”
“I don’t have to?”
“No, sweetie,” Leah soothed, rubbing her daughter’s shoulder, “you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“I’ll do it,” Skye added hastily. “I’ll tell him everything.”
Leah looked at her daughter carefully, eyes furrowed in confusion as if she hadn’t expected Skye to do it. “Are you sure, sweetie? You certainly don’t have to. I’ll manage for you.”
“I want to, Mom. I mean, maybe it will be good for me to talk about it some more. It felt good getting it all off my chest by telling you, even if it was hard. And I know it won’t be easy, but I should be the one to tell him. After all, it happened to me. I

have to share it.”
“Oh Skye,” Leah sighed. “You’re so brave, baby. I’m proud of you.” She kissed her on the forehead softly. “I’ve always been proud of you.”
Skye smiled a little, despite the unnerved feeling that overwhelmed her body at the thought of telling a practical stranger of Johnny’s abuse. She knew she wanted to be the one to tell the Chief what happened between her and Johnny, not Leah, but it didn’t make it any easier to think about. Part of her was still fighting that it had ever happened; part was still fighting the nightmares.
“I love you, Mom,” she whispered. A stray tear fell down Leah’s face and she wiped it away with her shaking hands. “Please don’t cry about this anymore. I’m going to be okay, soon.”
A cry trembled from Leah’s lips as she managed a small smile in return to Skye’s. “I know, sweetheart, I know.”
Pulling away from Leah, Skye rolled on her back and stared at the ceiling, eyelids threatening to close. Her head spun a little but she didn’t care to ask for Joe; she wanted to be sure a few questions were answered first.
“Are Rachel, Victor, and Jules safe?” she questioned, winding her fingers together on top of her stomach. Everything threatened to go back into the abyss of a dark slumber, filled with an escape of nightmares and dreams, but she strained as best she could to hold it back. “Are the authorities keeping them safe too?”
Leah sighed beside her as she moved herself in the same position as Skye, staring deeply into the warm ceiling’s color. She hesitated before speaking, lost in thought, and took a few long breaths.
“Yes, Skye, they are. In fact, Jules and Victor are downstairs as we speak. Joe and I tried to get them to leave and get some rest, especially Victor because of his minor injuries, but they wouldn’t. They’re quite stubborn young fellows. They must both really care about you. They’re both quite gentleman if you ask me.”
Skye heart warmed, tension released, at the sound of Jules’s name, security wrapping a blanket over her spirit. She thought about his smile, the same charming smile that gave her strength when she didn’t feel any, and couldn’t help but allow her own smile to form at the corners of her lips. He gave her peace just by the small thought of him being close to her, even when many things had gone wrong around her.
After a few moments caught up thinking about Jules, she pulled her mind away to wrap around everything that Leah had told her. She’d mentioned that Victor had stayed, despite his injuries, and refused to leave. The reasonable part of her figured he’d only stayed because Rachel wasn’t around and there wasn’t another place to go but home where, as Jules had once mentioned, was quite low on Victor’s list of places he’d want to be. But then there was another part of her, one that churned her insides around in confusion, which told her he had entirely different motives. She’d noticed something seemed off the night before but what it was wasn’t close to her comprehension.
Biting her bottom lip, she thought about the ways he’d looked at her and shivered, unnerved by her own imagination. Gentleman they are

, she reminded herself in her head. Both of them. Jules and Victor are both gentleman. Victor would never be that stupid, he’d never do anything to risk relationships. Jules is his best friend.

Snapping away from the thoughts that didn’t seem to fit right with her, she took a breath and calmed her hammering heartbeat. “Yeah, they are,” she murmured. “And Rachel? Are the authorities going to keep watch over her too?”
“They will be,” Leah confirmed. “Once she gets back from her cousin Savannah’s house, if Johnny’s still on the loose, they’ll be at her house making sure she’s safe. Johnny wouldn’t be able to get to her even if he tried.”
“You’re sure about all of this?”
“Yes, sweetie, I am and so are they. Although, if you have any concerns we can always talk with the Chief some more about it—anything to make you feel better about this.”
Skye let out a long breath. “I understand. Thank you, Mom. Everything’s really going to be okay now. Johnny can’t hurt anyone I care about.”
“That’s right, baby,” Leah soothed. “Johnny’s not going to hurt you or anyone else ever, ever again. He will be caught soon. There’s only so far he can get without being discovered.”
“Mhm,” Skye murmured, letting her eyes fall shut as the warmth of the room enveloped her in a blanket. She felt sleep trying to pull her away, to steal her away into the pit of dreams, and reached for Leah’s hand to grasp onto. As the darkness started to take over her before she fell under, she squeezed Leah’s hand and hoped that nightmares wouldn’t consume her.

“Skylar?” someone spoke, waking Skye from her eerie slumber.
For a moment, before she processed the actual owner of the voice, Skye heard the menace of Johnny’s deep voice right before an attack. Her eyes sprang open as she gripped the sheets underneath her out of fear. She tried to calm herself when she looked into the rich, brown eyes belonging to Joe, but it wasn’t as easy as she wanted it to be. Her heart was hammering in her head, causing her to grimace in pain, as haunting images of Johnny flashed before her eyes. He’d returned to her through nightmares, threatening her as if it was real.
“How are you feeling, Skye?” Joe asked, standing above her beside the bed. “You look quite pale.”
She swallowed her sobs and shook her head of the images. “Not so good, Joe,” she murmured, sighing. “I can’t seem to sleep well and my head kind of kills. What’s wrong with me?”
He looked at her with caring eyes as he knelt down beside her on the floor. “You have a pretty bad bump on your head, a minor concussion, and I’m sure the lack of sleep is coming from nightmares, am I right?”
Slowly, she nodded and took a deep breath, letting go of the sheets as her body calmed a bit. Besides the aches that pounded throughout her body—especially her neck, head, stomach, and chest— she’d fallen into a different blanket of tranquility, holding her in peace and security. She wished the pain would go away but decided it wasn’t about to and decided she’d deal with it as best she could, pushing the emotional pain in the back of her mind so that she could work on healing.
“Your body took the abuse but not without a price. You’ll be tired a lot for the next couple of days, in which you really should sleep, as your body tries to recover. You have quite a nit of bruising and your head suffered much trauma. It’s quite amazing you don’t have a worse concussion. You got lucky with that one.”
She strained to process his words, splintering pain stretching across the back of her head. “I must look pretty awful then,” she muttered, rubbing her hand over her face.
He smiled then, the corners of his lips stretching up. “I wouldn’t say that,” he replied. “You look as great as ever, just a little on the tired side.”
She scoffed, glaring at him. “Yeah right, Joe!”
“No really, Skye,” he insisted. “You look just as beautiful as ever, even if you have a couple of bruises. And the good thing is you’re alright; you’re alive.”
“Yeah sure,” she sighed. “You’re right.”
He pushed himself back up on his feet and watched her carefully, as if he was inspecting her. “Do you need anything, Skye? Anything at all?”
With a weary smile, she nodded and started to sit up. He quickly assisted her in sitting by carefully pushing her up by the small of her back with one hand while the other took her hand. Once all the way upright, Skye pulled her hand away and placed both hands in her lap, looking at Joe again.
Seeing him again reminded her of how much she wished he’d been her stepfather, not Johnny, but Joe. He was gentle, kind, caring—so much sweeter than Johnny ever was. And Skye knew that he and Leah would’ve been perfect together; she knew they both had feelings for the other, but Johnny had ruined it. Thinking back a little, she realized Johnny probably had known Leah was falling for Joe and made his move when he did, all because he ultimately wanted Skye.
Suddenly she felt sick, her stomach clenched up in tight knots. Johnny repulsed her. With his vile ways and schemes, he’d violated her trust in more ways than one and it was a miracle that she’d even given Jules a chance to enter her life so intimately; she could’ve pushed him away. She still could push him away. But she’d fallen in love with him; he meant everything to her.
Taking one long, deep breath, she cleared her mind from the images of Johnny’s violation, replacing them with Jules instead. She remembered the morning before he left her and the way he touched her, how he carefully explored her limits without pushing her further. She remembered the way he looked at her, as if she was the most important person in his world, and how the look gave her a sensation she’d never felt before. She remembered his scent, his taste, his everything, and she wanted him back; she wanted to be with him more than anything else. Nothing else mattered, as long as she got to be with the man she loved.
At the thought of seeing him again, she smiled. She remembered what Leah had told her about Jules. He was downstairs, mere walls and floors separating them, so close she could almost feel his presence beside her. Her worries fell away almost instantly. She didn’t think about Johnny and his abuse, nor did she think about her meeting with the Chief to explain what Johnny had done to her; all she could think about was Jules, her hero.
Back in reality, she felt Joe’s hand touch her shoulder, carefully. “Skye?” he called, repeatedly. “Skye, are you alright?”
She exhaled, opening her eyes and looking up at Joe who stood beside her. She noticed the concern he was trying to suppress under a crooked smile and nodded, still torn between reality and Jules.
“I’m doing much better,” she admitted. The truth of the matter was that she really did feel better. Besides the aches she still felt where her body had been beaten, she felt as though much had healed. Her head only ached when she moved it quickly and her nerves were put at ease. Even without Jules by her side, she’d managed to improve, just by the thought of him.
“Do you need anything?” Joe asked, his expression changing. “Pain medicine? Or maybe you’d like something to help you sleep? It’s best if you get plenty of rest.”
At the mention of sleep, she sighed. Part of her longed to fall into a peaceful slumber, one without the haunting nightmares of Johnny’s betrayal, but another part of her, a stronger one, didn’t want to do anything without seeing Jules first. Part of her believed that if she saw him or felt his presence right next to her again, she’d be free of the haunting feeling that gnawed on her insides while she slept. And she’d finally get the sleep she needed afterwards.
“May I have something for my headache? I think it would really help.”
He smiled, nodding his head. “Of course, Skye,” he said. “I’ll be right back. Try not to get yourself hurt while I’m gone.”
“What’s that supposed to mean, Joe?” she scoffed, forcing a frown as she stifled a giggle.
“Don’t do anything risky,” he added, winking. “I’ll be right back.”
“As if,” she retorted, smiling proudly. “I’m never risky.”
He laughed then, an abrupt laugh filled with disbelief. “That would be quite the understatement, doll. But I’ll let you win.”
She bit her lip, suppressing a laugh, as she remembered the games they used to play when he and Leah had been together. She and Joe had been great friends back then, always teasing each other and making each other smile. He’d told her he considered her to be his little girl once, a couple days before Leah broke everything off, and she’d only laughed at him. But now, she wished she really was his little girl, not just another patient that happened to be an old friend’s daughter. If only he had proposed to Leah an hour earlier that night many years ago, maybe than he would’ve joined their family and Skye never would’ve been abused by a monster.
But that no longer mattered.
What mattered was that she had been abused but she’d pulled through it all; she still was pulling through the abuse, with fear harbored deep inside her heart, and it didn’t change anything. She’d grown stronger, she realized, not weaker. Maybe she’d fallen under Johnny’s control by fear, but that didn’t mean she was weak, only provoked. All she needed was a little help, along with some confidence, and she’d be able to handle anything that came at her next. Even if it was Johnny.
Leaning her back against the headboard of the bed, she gazed around the room as Joe started to leave, finding nothing but a bunch of brown and furniture. Where had Leah gone while I was asleep? She wondered, chewing on her lip.
“Hey Joe,” she spoke up, gaze fixed on him. He turned around. “Where’s my mom?”
He stared through her for a moment before her question really hit him. Instantly, his face lit up, a sign of the feelings he still seemed to have for Leah. “She’s asleep in her room.”
“Is she okay? She’s not sick, is she?”
“She’s just fine,” he said. “The drug that Johnny gave her didn’t cause any harm to the baby, but it did wear her down quite a bit. She should be back to normal in a day or two as long as she rests. I think the stress of the situation has taken quite a toll on her too. She feels terrible about what happened to you.”
“I told her not to feel bad,” Skye murmured, quiet enough that Joe couldn’t hear. He looked at her with curiosity and she shrugged. “I just wish she wouldn’t blame herself for what happened. It’s not like she could’ve known, you know?”
He thought about it for a moment, face twisted in consideration. “She’s your mother, Skye,” he replied. “And, being your mother, she’ll always feel responsible for what happens to you, even if it was something she couldn’t have prevented. She’ll just need some time to deal.”
Registering his words, she felt a pang of guilt pinch her nerves. She suddenly felt responsible for her mother’s pain, wishing she’d told her sooner and gotten them both out of all the pain. But Johnny had threatened her, so she knew she hadn’t had much of a choice. Johnny, once again, was responsible for someone else’s pain.
How could he do all he’s done and not feeling anything at all? She would never know, nor would she want to.
“I guess we’ll all need a little time to deal,” she whispered.
Joe nodded a little and pointed to the door. “Do you still want those meds?”
She smiled weakly and let out a breath. “Yes, please.”
He walked over to the door and turned the knob, giving Skye a small before leaving the room entirely, the door opened only a crack.
She let out an exasperated breath and closed her eyes, releasing the oppressive fear that managed to slip through the internal wall she’d put up. “Jules

,” she breathed, sinking against the headboard. “I need you

Her mind drifted off into another world, filled with light and happiness, a world where Jules was the only one with her. She felt warmth spread throughout her body, heating her cold nerves, as she saw his breathtaking eyes staring back at her, framed by golden locks of hair and a tanned face. He was only a few feet away from her, almost in reach, when something snapped her away from the daydream, gasping as she came out of it.
“Skye?” Jules’s soft voice whispered from the doorway. “You awake?”
She bolted upright at the sound of his voice, nerves on sudden high alert. It was a good sort of alert though; it was nothing like it had been when she thought about Johnny. She felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach, causing a sensation that devoured all her fears.
That was when she saw him, peeking through the crack in the door, smile spread wide across his face, looking straight back at her. Heat instantly burned her cheeks, tingles shooting down her arms in a blooming progression. He took her breath away, in a good, clean way, and she couldn’t look away from him.
“Good, you’re awake.” He straightened up, pushing the door open and stepping inside. “How’re you feeling?”
She rubbed her sweaty palms against the bedding, smiling crookedly. “I’m good,” she answered honestly, giggling inside. “Just a little tired.”
He ran a hand through his hair and walked over to the bed, sitting down on the side opposite to her. “Do you want me to leave then?”
He was close enough to where she could smell his familiar scent, inhale it if she so desired, and despite any pain it inflicted, she shook her head and crawled over to him, drawn by a force she couldn’t repel. “I want you here, Jules.”
Grinning, he helped her over to him and pulled her in his arms, their gaze never breaking from each other. He brushed a hand through her tangled hair, chuckling. “Need a brush?”
She pushed him by the shoulder. “Jules!” she hissed, scowling.
“Ow!” he exclaimed, putting on a hurt expression.
She looked at him carefully for a moment before it dawned on her that she’d hit his bad shoulder. “Oh, Jules, I’m sorry, I—”
He cut her off, pressing a finger to her lips and leaning his face near her ear. “I was only kidding, Trouble.”
She shivered as his breath brushed by her ear, tickling her. Her breath caught in her throat for a moment as she remembered how his lips felt against her skin and she had to fight to stop herself from grabbing him to kiss him. She knew he was sweet and would never hurt her, but something ticked when his hands touched the sensitive spot at her hips and she flinched away.
“Stop,” she breathed, prying his hands away from her hips. “It hurts.”
His face contorted in concern as he pulled his face away to look her in the eyes. “I’m sorry, Skye,” he said hastily. “I wasn’t thinking. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“I—I know, Jules,” she whispered. “It’s just sore still, that’s all.” She shuddered, remembering rough Johnny’s hands invading her.
Jules pulled her into his chest, holding her protectively with gentle arms. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, resting his chin on her head. “I wish I could’ve stopped him.”
She whimpered, tears welling in her eyes as she remembered Johnny’s breath ragged against her back. She tried to ignore the memories, to shove them far into a dark abyss where they could stay, but it wasn’t easy, even with Jules holding her. She realized just how much Johnny had broken her when he’d decided to invade her. She was broken, beaten, and scared, all over again.
Clutching Jules’s shirt in her weak hands, she breathed in his scent and convinced herself he wasn’t Johnny, he wasn’t going to hurt her. “Jules?” she rasped.
He kissed her head. “Yes, Skye?”
“They’re going to catch Johnny, right?”
He sighed. “Yes, trouble, they will catch him.”
“And he’ll never hurt anyone I love?”
She inhaled his scent and felt that familiar reassurance bubble up inside of her, warming every inch of her body. “Jules?” she asked again.
“Hmm?” he murmured, rubbing her back.
She pulled away from him, looked in his cool emerald eyes, and touched his face, tracing a finger over his jawline and then lips. “Kiss me,” she whispered, barely audible. Her heart started pounding, fear and anxiety coursing through her veins. Part of her feared what a kiss would do to her; the other wanted it more than anything else.
A frown crawled up his face, his expression darkening with unease. “Skye, I don’t want to do anything that’ll bring back bad memories,” he countered. “I don’t want you to do something you’d regret.”
She shook her head vigorously, despite the pain it caused, and pushed herself closer to him, their faces mere inches apart. “I could never regret kissing you, Jules. I love you, and I’m willing to take a chance kissing you.”
He opened his mouth to protest again, but Skye pushed herself forward, kissing him. His taste collided in her mouth, mint and vanilla, sending tingles down her spine. She threw caution at the wind, kissing him more aggressively as her hands tangled in his hair. Jules’s lips softened at her touch, melting into the kiss, and quickly his hands were at the sides of her face pulling her into the kiss.
Her heartbeat was banging against her chest, from passion and aggression, burying the fear she’d once had about the kiss. The kiss, she realized, was exactly what she needed. She needed assurance that Jules was hers, he wouldn’t hurt her, and in time everything would go back to how it was when Johnny wasn’t a threat. She needed Jules; her heart ached to be with him.
Pulling away from the kiss, she pressed her forehead against Jules’s. She was breathing heavy, taking short breaths as she stared into his heavily lidded eyes. Catching her breath, she pushed on his shoulders until he fell back against the bed and she fell down on top of him. She lay on him, running one hand through his tousled hair while the other traced his jawline again. Her body thrived on the energy that sparked when they’d been kissing, but as she lay above him, the world started to fall away as sleep began to take her away.
“Jules,” she breathed. He stared deep into her eyes, still catching his breath from their passion. “Please stay with me,” she pleaded. “Stay with me while I sleep.”
He narrowed his brows. “You want me to stay with you while you sleep?”
Giggling at his surprise, she planted a small kiss upon his lips before rolling off of him. “I just said so, didn’t I?”
He laughed nervously, turning over so that he was again looking in her eyes. “But what about what Johnny did? I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
Why does everyone keep bringing him up?

She sighed. I just want to forget he ever happened to us.

“I don’t care to think about what he did anymore, Jules. What he did doesn’t matter when I’m with you. All that matters is being with you. I want to forget what happened, Jules, and you’re the only one who can help me forget.”
Something flashed across his features for a moment, so fast she couldn’t even comprehend what is was, and a weak smile crawled up the corners of his lips. Surprising her, he leaned in and kissed her on the lips, the brush of their lips sending shivers up her arms.
“I’ll stay,” he mumbled around the kiss, smiling wider. “I’ll stay for as long as you’d like; as long as your mom’s okay with it too though, of course.”
“Good,” she whispered, pulling him closer. “Tuck me in?”
He chuckled, nodding. And in one quick movement, he lifted himself up off the bed and looked at her for a moment. “You really could use a brush,” he teased, pointing at her hair.
She tried to scowl at him, but his voice tickled her nerves and soothed her already sleepy body, cradling her in a shelter of peace. “You’re an idiot.”
“Maybe.” He grinned. “But at least I’m your idiot.”
She smiled as he picked her up and cradled her in his arms before laying her down at the head of the bed and tucking her under the blankets. She loved the way he touched her, so carefully; it reminded her why she trusted him in the first place. She could tell by the way he touched her that he loved her; he didn’t even have to say it.
She peered up at him, catching his hand in hers and intertwining their fingers together. “Stay with me,” she repeated. “Right next to me.”
Vaguely, she felt something touch her legs before the bed creaked under someone else’s weight. For a moment she tensed up, remembering every time her bed had creaked under Johnny’s weight, but when she felt warm arms pull her against a warm chest, all fear fell away. Jules was with her, holding her, and she had nothing to fear anymore.
“I’ll stay with you forever, Skye,” he whispered in her ear. “I’m not going to let anyone hurt you ever again. You’ll never have to worry about losing me.”
Those were the last things that settled in her mind before a warm blanket of darkness took over her body, cradling her in a long-awaited shelter of dreams.


“How’re you feeling?”
Jules had his arm snaked around Skye’s waist as they sat beside each other on her bed, careful not to touch any of her fading bruises. She appreciated his gentleness with her considering the fact that she wasn’t completely healed yet. It didn’t bother her when he touched her unless he gripped too hard or pushed too far, which she knew he wouldn’t cross the line doing.
It had been three days since part of her worst nightmare became a reality. Two days since she’d first woken up free of Johnny’s tormenting grip on her life. And one day since she’d first admitted everything Johnny had done with her to the police. Being in the room alone with the Chief had been even harder than she’d expected it to be. No matter how hard she’d tried, she hadn’t managed to contain her tears as she told him about Johnny’s abuse. She told him everything, holding nothing back. And by the end of their session together, she’d become numb, silent and in a daze. Relief replaced the grief she’d felt talking through everything with the Chief. But the reality of it all had left her in a haze.
Letting out a sigh, she twisted her way out of Jules’s arm so that she was sitting on his lap instead. “I’m feeling great, Jules,” she told him in confidence. “I’m better now that everything is out in the open and I don’t have to hide anything anymore.” She scooted forward a little, straddling him, and traced a finger over his jawline, pulling his face closer to hers. “Plus I have you by my side. Nothing could be better.”
He grinned. “What about this?” he countered, brushing his lips over hers before kissing her passionately. He pulled her closer to him, gently, hands at the small of her back. At first, she kept her lips frozen against his in surprise, but in one quick moment she melted into the kiss, allowing him free access.
His touch sent her body into a start, thriving off of an entirely different energy. There was a tingly sensation that sprang throughout her, spreading warmth along every inch of her body. She broke free of the kiss for a moment, catching her breath, as her heart started to race from the sparks of their sudden passion. A smile spread across her face as she looked at Jules, eyelids heavy in satisfaction.
“I guess I was mistaken,” she whispered, their faces only mere inches apart. “That

was better.”
He chuckled, eyes suddenly bright. “I thought so.”
Before Skye could even reply, he spun her around so that she lay underneath him on the bed, his arms supporting himself on either side of her head. She was afraid for a moment, memories of Johnny vivid in her mind, but she quickly bit down her fear and smiled at him, a little on the nervous side. Seeing the look of most sincere love and desire Jules has for her, she bit her lip and pulled him closer to her by his shirt.
He chuckled, brushing a thumb over her cheek. She shivered. Noticing her shiver, he pushed himself away from her a little. “Is something—?” He didn’t finish his sentence, only pulled upright and shook his head. “Oh, Skye, I’m sorry,” he breathed, worry creasing his forehead. “I’m making you uncomfortable, aren’t I?”
She frowned. Great job Skye, now he’s worried about you

, she chided herself. Why did I have to shiver? I mean, it was a good shiver, so why did it have to seem so wrong to him?

She was flustered underneath him, unsure of what she could do or say to give him the right idea—show him that she was perfectly comfortable with him even around the momentary unease. Her heart faltered when she looked into his distraught face, torn and cautious.
Sighing, she pushed herself onto her elbows, ignoring any small pains it inflicted, and shook her head slowly. “Jules,” she began, looking into his eyes with pleading ones, “please don’t apologize, okay? I’m doing just fine. It may take me awhile to get used to certain things again—but what you just did, I didn’t mind that. Please don’t worry about me so much. I’ll let you know if I can’t handle something.”
He looked away a moment before returning her gaze. Lips squirming around a frown, he sighed. “Are you sure, Trouble?” He hesitated. “I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable or afraid in any way. I want to make sure you feel safe, and happy.”
A smile curled up her lips. “Positive.” She giggled a little, relieved that he understood her feelings, or at least was trying to. Warmth flooded her body in an uncontrollable wave of security and strength as she looked at his tan, perfect face and wished he’d fill the void of space between them. “You make me happy, Jules, and safe. Don’t you forget that, ever.”
He ran a hand through locks of his tousled hair awkwardly and chuckled. “I guess I’ll try my best not to,” he said huskily, leaning closer to her.
She bit her lips to prevent herself from erupting in a chain of squeals and giggles, and tried to calm the beat of her anxious heart. She could feel his breath on her face already, the scent of mint and vanilla causing a new sensation to electrify her body, washing away any insecurities or fears she’d once had.
He leaned closer so that he was right above her, pressing his palms against the bedding beside the sides of her face. “Now,” he breathed against her lips. “Where were we?”
She shivered again, adding a smile so that Jules could tell it was a good thing, and closed her eyes in anticipation. “Right about here.” Fingering his shirt, she pulled him down, his lips meeting hers in a collision of eager kisses.
She could feel him chuckling, his body shaking a little. It charged an electric surge of energy throughout her entire body, warming her from the insides out as their lips parted and met, again and again. Pangs of butterflies fluttered up and down her stomach, springing a sensation so new yet so natural, she couldn’t imagine why it had taken her so long to find. With Bryan, even from the beginning, there had never been quite a spark or energy. There had been butterflies and moments of pure glee, but nothing else. It was then, in that moment spent mingling with Jules, that Skye realized just how wrong she’d been about her feelings for Bryan. She’d never loved him like that—and certainly, she had not felt the same way about him that she now felt about Jules.
“Jules,” she murmured, parting from their kiss and dropping her head against the mattress as she tangled her fingers through his hair and kept his face mere inches from hers. She had no idea why she’d said his name, it only slipped out, but once she looked him in the eyes she couldn’t help but smile and catch her breath quickly before pulling his lips back against hers.
He laughed around her lips, holding her face gently by the side. His hand knotted into the bedding as he broke away from the kiss and traveled down her neck, careful not to push Skye too far. She could feel how much he was trying not to hurt her and she couldn’t help but sigh in appreciation. Where had Jules been all those times when she needed someone as protective and gentle as he? She certainly would have been happy with his entry in her life long ago. But she also thought that if he’d come any earlier she would have missed him, missed something special. And they would’ve never fallen as deeply in love as they had.
And that thought scared her.
She made a small sound as his lips stopped in the crook of her neck, gently nibbling on the skin. She bit her lip and pushed away any troubling memories that started to well up in her mind, reminding herself that it was Jules—he wouldn’t hurt her. But the truth became too oppressive; the pain from when Johnny had taken a hold of her neck and just about cut her life short eclipsed her nearly healed skin, granting a small whimper from her lips.
Jules pulled away instantly, hair hanging in his eyes as he looked at Skye with an apology at the brink of his lips. “Skye—”
She shook her head and cut off his apology with a kiss, sighing when she pulled away for a moment. “Don’t Jules,” she warned, breathing heavy. “I told you I’m fine. That was just a weak spot. You don’t have to stop though…” she trailed off, brushing her lips over his cheek and giving him a slow, small kiss.
He smiled at her, brushed a strand of her hair out of her face, and lightly kissed her forehead. “I think maybe it’s best if we stopped for now,” he whispered. His eyes peered deep into hers, gaze not once moving away. “I don’t want to see us getting into things too fast, Trouble. We have all the time in the world, we don’t need to rush. Besides, it’s probably not the best idea to make out like this with your mother right downstairs especially. Wouldn’t want her to get the wrong idea, right?”
While part of her wanted to pout and object to everything he’d said, the other part—a much stronger part—told her that he was right. She shivered as his fingers grazed her arm for a moment and smiled widely. As much as she enjoyed being with Jules, she knew their good time had to end sometime—at least for a little while—and she sighed heavily as she ran her fingers through his hair once more and smiled up at him.
“Yeah,” she mumbled, “right.”
He grinned. “I thought you might agree with me.”
She raised a brow at him, lips tipped at one corner. “Don’t go getting cocky now,” she teased. “I think I like the humble side much better.” Now it was her turn to grin, disregarding any previous feelings of unease. Jules had that effect on her—he made it all go away.
He laughed abruptly, shaking his head. “You know you love it,” he murmured, bringing his face down to hers again. “Don’t even try denying it, Trouble. You know you’re crazy about me.” He brought his lips against hers again, teasing her, before pulling away, his warm breath caressing her face with his scent.
She glared at him, struggling as it was hard to keep a straight face with his bold, breathtaking eyes staring back at hers. “You’re such a tease!” She smacked his shoulder. “What’s your problem?”
He looked at her with sincere, undivided attention then, pulling her hand into his and entwining their fingers together. “You.”
She scoffed, yanking her hand away from his (though she hated doing so). “Me? I have done nothing! I’m just minding my own business here. You’re the one who’s—”
His lips crashed against hers again, sending a jolt of energy through every nerve in her body. His taste collided with her mouth again—mint and vanilla—causing her to forget whatever it was she was about to say. She felt his lips starting to pull away from hers and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him in place, so he didn’t get what he wanted. Something drove her to keep kissing him, by whatever pulsing energy it used, and overwhelmed all of her senses.
“Skye, what about Leah?” Jules managed against her lips, the words barely audible in Skye’s tingling ears. She registered the words but didn’t want to think about it. Leah had left them to talk half an hour earlier to make lunch; she wasn’t about to intrude on them—they were safe for the moment.
Giggling from the butterflies that overwhelmed her as Jules’s fingers played with her hair while they kissed, she shook her head. “Change of mind?” she breathed, breaking free long enough to get the words out and catch a glimpse of his heavily lidded eyes.
He grinned. “What can I say? You’re my weakness.”
Though she was screaming on the inside, she only chuckled and brought them into another kiss, wondering why she was so taken with the entire experience. She wondered if it was because for once, along with the previous times Jules had kissed her, she felt good kissing someone. No one was forcing her; no one had pushed her to make the decision; it was all up to her

Just as Jules was about to finally pull himself away for good, his lips leaving a trail of kisses on her lips behind, something snapped both he and Skye away from each other.
“Knock, knock,” Victor called from the other side of the partially opened door, tapping it with his knuckles.
Jules shot up, head snapping in the direction of the door as he propped himself above Skye with one hand beside the headboard while the other awkwardly shot up to his disheveled hair.
Skye snapped her head in the direction of Victor’s voice, utterly surprised, running off of the energy that Jules had given her. She couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of being caught in the act, as innocent as it truly had been. She would be eternally grateful, as would Jules, that Victor had been the one to knock on her door, not Leah or Joe. Victor wouldn’t care like they would. In fact, she wanted to think he wouldn’t care at all.
As Victor made his way into the room, dressed in dark jeans and a white T-shirt, he took in Skye and Jules’s position on the bed, a smirk crawling across his face. He came to a halt as he made it a little ways in and crossed his arms, the look on his face giving way that he was having a hard time trying not to laugh. “Well, as much as I hate to break up what you two have going on here,” he started, chuckling. “Lunch is ready and Leah was hoping we’d all sit together and eat today.”
Skye bit back an outburst of giggles, watching Jules as he looked at her with bright eyes and a playful smile, and tried to catch her fleeting breath enough so that she could speak. “Thanks, Victor,” she said, turning to look at him again. “We’ll be right down.”
He showed his white teeth then, uncrossing his arms. His voice lowered a notch when he spoke next. “Good thing I came up to let you know, huh?” he asked Jules, pointedly looking him in the eyes.
Skye watched Jules nod his head a little, returning Victor’s gaze in the next moment. “Yeah man,” he replied. “Perfect timing.” His voice drifted away from Skye, the sarcasm and deepness of it all, faded when he looked back at her and winked.
“You know what I mean, Jules,” Victor insisted, laughing under his breath. “Better me than Leah to drop in.”
Jules chuckled, staring into Skye’s eyes. “Right, Vic,” he added. “See you in a few?” He turned his head then, looking at his friend who stared at them with a quizzical look.
Skye, put a little on unease at the way Victor looked at her, forced a wide smile and tugged on Jules’s shirt a little, almost as if to prove something. She sighed gratefully on the inside when Victor nodded at them and departed from the room, leaving her with the look he’d given her imprinted on her memory. He’d looked at her with something she’d never seen before—adoration.
When Victor was clearly out of sight, she let out a quivering laugh, cupping Jules’s face with her hands and searching for his eyes. She felt all the warmth overwhelm her body again once she’d found his eyes, forgetting about everything around them.
“Should we go?” Jules asked her, a grin spread wide across his face as he supported himself above her with his hands at the sides of her face again. “Couldn’t have anyone waiting for us now, could we?”
Despite the part of her that wanted to make everyone wait, to curl up with Jules and hold him until she fell asleep again, she nodded. She could tell from the rumbling that erupted in her stomach at the thoughts of lunch that she was hungry and it was about time she’d had something to eat. Jules would still be with her through it all—she didn’t have to worry about him leaving.
“Yes, we should,” she finally said. She planted one last kiss on Jules’s lips before carefully pushing him off of her and rolling off the side of the bed. His quiet laughter made its way into her ears, sending tingles of pure bliss along her inner core.
Warm arms wrapped themselves around her, breath tickling the back of her neck as it slithered through her hair. “That was fun,” he whispered, lips against her ear. “If you’d like to, we should definitely do it again sometime.”
Her entire body tingled at his touch and the way his words caressed her thoughts. “Agreed.”
He shifted so that he was beside her instead, arm slung over her shoulder. “It’s a date then,” he confirmed. “Sometime. Somewhere. Whenever you’re ready.”
“Sounds perfect, Jules,” she breathed, hard at finding her voice with the sensations that lingered inside of her. “I can’t wait.”
He pulled her hand in his. “Come on,” he instructed, standing up and regarding her with a caring smile. “It’s time.”
Hesitantly, she stood up and followed him out of her room, leaning on his shoulder for unnecessary support as she felt a reassuring amount of strength and pleasure mingle with her body. He had done it yet again, she realized, he’d made her feel incredibly good even when things outside of their world together seemed to be on the border of danger and safety.
“Oh good, you’re here!” Leah exclaimed cheerfully, watching as Jules and Skye took their seats beside each other at the table. “You two have a lot to talk about?”
Skye bit her lip, remembering how little talking her and Jules had actually done, and fought to keep her expression neutral. Jules pulled her hand in his from underneath the table, squeezing it reassuringly. She couldn’t help her heart but quicken its pace, thumping in her ears loudly. And as she glanced at Victor, watching him shift in his chair and cough abruptly as if he was trying to cover a laugh, her nerves hitched up another notch. She couldn’t lie to Leah, she knew that much, but the truth was also too humiliating to admit.
And just as she was about to cover for what she and Jules had done, as innocent as it was, she was interrupted. “We did,” Jules cut in, squeezing her hand again as he directed his attention towards Leah. “Skye can be quite the chatterbox when she wants to be. A real talker, she is.” He looked down at Skye, a wicked grin plastered on his face.
Relieved, Skye let out the breath she’d been unaware of holding and whispered in Jules’s ear casually, “Thank you.” He let go of her hand, nodding once. Turning her attention back on Leah, she smiled and folded her hands in her lap, adding simply for good measure, “Guilty as charged.”
Leah chuckled a little, scooping salad out of a bowl and dropping it on her plate. “Good to hear you’re both enjoying each other’s company,” she said. “We wouldn’t want you two getting sick of each other so soon.”
Jules, having picked up a platter of bread, chuckled and slid a piece of sesame on his plate. “Don’t worry,” he said quietly, handing the platter to Skye. “We’re in no danger of that.”
Skye couldn’t help but giggle at not only his statement but the way his voice sounded in her ears, so sure and confident, so beautiful. There was that familiar blanket of warmth again, covering her entire body, as she glanced at his face and saw even from the way he upheld his smile that he was right. They were not going to tire of each other’s company, at least not any time soon.
“Hey, trouble,” Jules purred in Skye’s ears, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Want to pick up where we left off earlier?” His voice was quiet enough so that no one could hear but them, but even so, she couldn’t help but worry someone else would hear him. She’d only barely made it to the living room, and surely at least Joe, who was still in the dining room picking up the last remains of lunch, could hear Jules.
She spun around in his arms, pushing on his chest a little. “Jules!” she hissed. “What if Joe or Leah heard you?”
He laughed. “Does it even matter, Trouble?” He cupped her face in his hand, rubbing his thumb over her cheek. “Leah loves me. And I think I might have just won Joe over during lunch. Besides, it’s not like Joe would ‘tattle’ on us, and I’m sure Leah can’t even hear us right now.”
Deciding it would be easier to go with him than against him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her, whispering, “Why don’t we pick up from where we left off than?”
He grinned wickedly, murmuring, “As you wish.”
In one quick movement, he lifted her into his arms by the waist, her legs circling his body as he drew them closer together, and carried them both upstairs, stumbling a few times. They were both distracted, caught up in the moment, giggling and managing small kisses, as he walked down the hall and came to an abrupt stop at her door.
Skye gasped as her back came in contact with the hard, cold wood, giggling when she realized how silly she was acting. “Jules,” she breathed, brushing her lips over his. “Did anyone see us?”
He tried to groan but it came out more as a chuckle than a groan. “Skye,” he purred, “no one saw us. But we are being quite loud, you know?”
She closed her eyes and pressed her lips against his, a much more aggressive kiss. Her body shook with energy so oppressive, so heated, she didn’t know whether to stop or keep going. “I’ll shut up if you will.”
He chuckled, the vibration sending jolts of pleasure coursing through her body. Clumsily, he spun the knob, releasing the door of its jam, and tossed it open, filling the space it once was. He brought them forward a little, gripping the door and closing it behind them as quietly as possible, and lifted Skye up as she started to slip.
She pulled away from his lips to catch her breath as he carried her over to the bed and laid her down against the mattress, catching his own breath in the process. She stared into his bright eyes, the green bold and inviting, asking her to request permission of something, anything. She grinned, butterflies springing, warmth flooding, and anxiety gripping her restless heartbeat.
In that moment, everything else disappeared. Leah and Joe, Victor’s behavior, Johnny’s betrayal, the uncertainty of what would happen next—all vanished. There was nothing that could bring her down, nothing that would change the life she finally felt inside. Jules was her medicine. He and he alone, stripped all of her troubles away.
Jules, climbing on the bed beside her, grinned sheepishly at her. He crawled over her, hands brushing against the sides of her arms, breath warming all the cool of the air-conditioner away. Once their faces were mere inches away from each other, he stopped, playing with her hair as he stared into her eyes.
“You’re beautiful, Skye,” he whispered, the sound caressing her ears. “I can’t believe I went as long as I did without finding you. I really wish I’d met you sooner.”
“You’re perfect,” she breathed, reaching a hand to touch his face. She hesitated before brushing a finger against his jawline, distracted by the way he was looking at her. “I don’t deserve you.”
He grabbed her hand in his, shaking his head. “No, Skye,” he muttered. “I don’t deserve you. It’s like you’re too good to be true. I’ve waited my entire life for someone like you, but I’d never expected to really find you

. You’re…incredible

Before she could say anything else, his lips were against hers, kissing her with gentle poise. He didn’t push harder than she led on, nor did he try to touch her. They lay together, him above her, hands at the sides of her head, kissing with a much less aggressive, reckless attitude, but instead, a gentle, genuine expression of their feelings towards each other.
When they broke away for air, Skye took the opportunity to say three words she’d been aching to speak for what felt like an eternity to her: “I love you.”
At the sound of her voice, Jules smiled and ran his fingers through her hair. “You don’t know long I’ve wanted to hear you say that.” He kissed her forehead. “I could never tire of being with you, listening to the beat of your heart, hearing your voice, seeing you—I could never stop loving you, everything about you. You mean everything to me, Skye. And I mean…everything

.” He kissed her lips gently, just a simple brush of the lips.
Her heart skipped a beat, body gone rigid with fresh, renewed energy. She was about to say something, but stopped herself short, clumsily seeking his lips instead. There was a jolt of needles that tingled its way through her body, coursing through her veins, so raw and so enchanting she didn’t know whether they were pure or impure. All she knew was that she couldn’t stop herself from clinging to the man she loved, the man she’d wished for all those times when she’d been lost with Bryan. She couldn’t reject the gravitational pull Jules had on her, luring her to push the level of their relationship up a big step.
Maybe even a leap—a leap of courage.
Drawing him down closer to her, she fumbled with his shirt, unbuttoning the buttons and pushing it off of him as she leaned in for another kiss. She gasped as his hands brushed against the bare skin under her shirt, gently. It wasn’t fear that caused her heart to race, but desire. There was very little distance between their faces, lips meeting and parting repeatedly as they lay next to each other, deciding where to go next.
Slowly, she moved her hands along his chest in a downward motion, causing him to groan as he gripped her sides, almost roughly, and pulled away from a luscious kiss. She winced as the pressure of his hands at her side caught her off guard. She became restless, torn, by the sudden aggression he had. She didn’t want to fear him though; she wouldn’t allow herself to go down that road.
He won’t hurt me

, she chanted in her head. He’s not trying to hurt me. We’re both simply caught up in the moment.

And just as she was about to swallow her fear whole and try for another kiss, she was stopped short. She couldn’t stop the inevitable fate that suddenly plummeted into her life, as treacherous as it would seem.
Abruptly, Jules had drawn back, climbing off of the bed quickly enough so that she had no say in the matter before he was on his feet, running a shaky hand through his tousled hair. “No, Skye,” he snapped, disoriented. “We can’t be doing this.”
She sat up, hurt and trembling. “What?” She gasped for air, all of it having suddenly left when he’d spoken such distant, unnerving words. “We can’t be doing what, Jules?”
He avoided her gaze, staring at the floor instead. “This

,” he whispered. Without looking her in the eyes, he pointed to her, eyes terribly distant and dark. “Skye, we can’t get that close. You’re going to get hurt. I mean look what I had done to you already? You didn’t tell me to stop, Skye, and I was that close to crossing a line. You can’t tell me you wished I hadn’t touched you like that.”
Her mouth threatened to gape at him, taken so far aback that she couldn’t feel the pulsing in her temples anymore. She fell completely silent, trying to speak again and again, but only coming short. She screamed at herself inside, demanding that she’d speak and tell him he was wrong, but no matter how hard she tried, nothing happened. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach, eyes stung with tears, breath caught in her throat—she was frozen, staring at the man she loved with such a frazzled, timid stare.
“I’m so sorry,” he mumbled, squeezing his eyes shut. “I shouldn’t have let that happen, Skye. I’m terribly sorry I did that to you. It was wrong—we both know it was wrong.”
Tears cascaded down her pale face, emotions raging inside of her. Gaining enough courage, she managed to speak quiet sounds of a trembling heart, “I wanted you to touch me, Jules. I wanted what just happened to happen. Maybe it could have been better, how it came about and ended up, but I don’t regret it.” She shook her head. “I could never regret being with you, taking chances. What you did wasn’t wrong, Jules. So please don’t apologize, it wasn’t your f—”
“It was

my fault, Skye!” He looked at her—eyes red and swollen, dark and far away—face set in a grim expression. “I hurt you, and if you don’t think I did, well—I could have

hurt you. Don’t you see that, Skye? Don’t you get

that? You have no idea what I’m capable of!”
She scooted closer to the edge of the bed, closer to him, but he only backed away, fists clenched in distress. Her breath was escaping her, the air growing frighteningly cold around her, everything clenching her in a miserable knot, squeezing the life out of her. What was he saying? Was he trying to tell her that, without a doubt, he would hurt her

? She couldn’t breathe as all of the air in her lungs left her, leaving a desperate ache in its place. He wouldn’t hurt her, she’d convinced herself, frowning when she remembered his sudden temper, something so unusual it didn’t go unnoticed. She could tell from the look in his eyes that he was torn and nervous, angry with himself too. It broke her heart to see him so worked up.
Slowly, she closed her heavy eyes and took a deep breath. Breathe, Skye,

she instructed herself, you can handle this

. Despite the pain that pounded through her head, clouding her thoughts and fracturing the feeling of security she’d once felt, she shook her head. Her hands were clasped together, tightly, palms sticky with sweat. She was so confused, so torn, wondering why Jules could possibly be acting the way he was. Don’t know what I’m capable of?

What was that supposed to mean?
She had no idea.
But what she did

know was that she had to change his mind. She was certain that she had to calm him down, convince him that everything would be fine. With every last nerve in her body, she wanted to be sure he knew that she wasn’t scared of him. She wanted him to understand that she trusted him and wasn’t worried about him hurting her, needed

it. Although, despite her feeble attempts at clearing his unease at what they’d found themselves doing away from her mind, there was still that part of her—small but painful

—that told her there truly was something more behind Jules’s warnings. Something wasn’t quite right—something awfully unnerving.
Searching for his face, Skye crossed her legs and chewed on the insides of her cheek, on edge about what was happening between them. “Julian,” she croaked, using his full name for the main purpose to get his attention solely focused on her. Her heart dropped when she saw the pain and confusion flash across his face as he tilted his head to peak a glance at her. “You would never hurt me.” A sob threatened to burst from her lips, to break down the barrier she’d put up. She softened her raspy voice, with every will she could muster. “Please

, Jules,”—she hoped calling him by the name he preferred would lighten the situation—“stop suggesting that you will hurt me. I know you would never sink to that level; you’re too loving, too gentle.”
He gave away no emotion for a moment. His face was expressionless, slack, as he seemed to be processing her words. In that moment, Skye felt a glimmer of hope, air flooding into her lungs again. But the hope vanished as soon as it came, leaving her heart in a million pieces as her lungs went hollow again.
His face contorted in frustration, eyes darkened and lost, jaw tightened, brows creased. “I’m capable of much more than you’ll give me credit for, Skye!” The way he said her name, with an edge near disdain, caught her off guard, striking her right in the chest, tearing her heart apart. “I’m sorry, so sorry, that I touched you like I did. I’m sorry I’ve hurt you, confused you, and invaded your life like I have. It was a horrible

mistake of mine. But most of all, I’m sorry

this ever happened. I never wanted you to see me like this. I guess I’d just hoped I would be able to disregard my issues

before they caught up with us and changed things. But the truth is, you don’t really know me, Skye. You don’t know my history, my past life, my problems

; all you see is this

side—the better

side—of me. You have no idea what I’ve done. And I’m just—I’m sorry.” His voice was straggled, rigid, by the time he finished.
Skye slumped against the bed, distraught, ashamed, heartbroken, and utterly confused. What was he trying to say? Was he trying

to push her away? No, he couldn’t be. He wouldn’t do that to her; that would do much more damage than just hurting her physically. But something nagged at her shriveled up heart, telling her that she had been wrong about him.
Jules, the boy she’d fallen irrevocably and madly in love with, wasn’t who she thought he was. He was capable of hurting her, not physically but emotionally. There was nothing more she could do, nothing more she could say, to change what had just happened. She’d lost a piece of her heart, broken off by the only person she wanted to confide in.
She was sure then, in that moment, unable to look Jules in the eyes or breathe properly, that her world was truly falling apart. But she didn’t want to let it crumble easily; she wanted to fix things before there was nothing left. Yet, her emotions got the best of her.
“You were right Jules,” she whispered, hoarsely. “I don’t

know you.” She looked at him, briefly, and saw only emptiness staring back at her. Jules’s soul—his caring, lovable soul—had fleeted. And she realized just how terribly she’d wished there had been pain—or something

—because at least pain would mean he felt something more than simply empty

. A shell of numbness eclipsed her, raw and icy, replacing her desperate ache for resolve as she struggled to think. The truth was she didn’t know what

to think, or say. So she sat there, eyes glued on Jules’s masked face, heart shuddering as she slowly came to the conclusion that she and Jules had had their very first—major

—fight, and some things could possibly never be the same again.
Making a sound that resembled a choked up sob, Jules lowered his head, body rigid and shaky. “I’m so, so sorry, Skye,” he mumbled, quiet enough that the sound of his voice barely reached Skye’s ears. “I’ve messed up. I hope you’ll be able to forgive me later. But for now, please

don’t follow me.” He sounded desperate, almost tortured, as if his words were killing him from the inside. And for a moment, Skye caught a glimpse of his soul, his emotions that expressed the same kind of pain she felt, but it quickly faded when his last words really began sinking in.
Follow him? Where was he—?

Everything shattered at the truth.
“No!” she cried out, unable to stop herself. Her heart slammed itself against her chest, her vision clouded with gushing tears, her body deepened in agony—every part of her scattered out of balance. He couldn’t leave her, not how she was; he couldn’t betray her like that. But she knew it was inevitable, unstoppable, and too late

—Jules was already almost out the door of her bedroom, leaving her completely broken and lost. “Please stay, Jules! I need

Her pleads carried away with the air in the room, unable to stop Jules from making the terrible mistake of leaving her. She watched in utter horror as he left, glancing back at her only once, his shirt returned to his body, his eyes sad, everything about him giving off the anguish Skye could only hope he felt for leaving her like he did.
She wished she was strong enough to go after him—to chase him until he would wrap her in his arms and promise her that everything would be okay—but she wasn’t. She’d tried getting up, only to end up collapsing against the floor beside her bed, limbs too shaky and numb to hold her up. So she stayed there, curled in a ball with her back pressed against the bed, as she shook with body racking sobs, heartbroken and alone—again.

After a few miserable moments left curled up on the floor, in tears, completely torn and alone, there was a vague shuffle of someone’s feet near the doorway. Skye heard it but couldn’t force herself to look up and find out who it was. She was having a hard enough time breathing properly; opening her eyes and moving was out of the question. Every time she tried to move, to gather her bearings so that she could run after the boy she wanted desperately to be close to, she couldn’t. Her body had grown weak—too weak to stand or function properly.
Someone’s hand touched her shoulder, gentle words leaking into her ears, “Skye, I’m so sorry.”
There was a moment, right after she processed the words, in which she thought the bittersweet words had been spoken by none other than her beloved, Jules. But when she peeled her eyes open to see for herself, her heart plummeted into her stomach.
“Victor?” she croaked, blinking away a tear. “What are you

apologizing for?”
He captured her eyes in his steady gaze, not once looking away as he spoke with her. “I couldn’t stop Jules.” He sighed. “Honestly, I don’t know if anyone could stop him right now—he’s not quite himself. He looked very…distressed

. May I ask what happened?”
Skye tried to calm herself so that she could speak with her new friend, breathing long, deep breaths and pushing away the memories of the last couple of minutes away. She had to find a way out of the ache that plagued her insides, stealing the life out of her. This ache, a pain so raw and vile that it threatened to shatter her composure completely, was brought about solely from the way Jules had treated her and, even more so, the last three words he’d spoken to her: Don’t follow me.

“I—” she began, quickly cut off by sobs that broke out from her lips, her body shuddering under the pressure of it all—their fight, Jules’s temper, her weakness—everything

. Vaguely, as if it was merely a trick of her mind, she felt warm, lean arms wrap themselves around her, holding her securely in sudden security. She had no time to push away, gasp, or make any kind of reaction, before she found herself reaching for the comfort, pulling it closer. Her voice barely above a whisper, she croaked, “I don’t know.”
Victor held her against him, protectively, rubbing one hand up and down her arm while the other stroked her back. He rocked her, gently, cradling her in his lap. “It is all going to be okay,” he soothed, a gentle promise. “Jules will come back—he loves

you. And I’m sure that despite whatever he said or whatever happened between you two, you’ll both recover, soon. Really. I promise

Warmth, unlike anything she’d ever experienced around Victor before, traveled along Skye’s insides, ridding all of the cold anguish she’d felt mere moments before away. Her breathing started to come properly, her heart slowed into a normal beat, her pain numbed. There was something strange about how she felt, but she couldn’t wrap her finger around it; and, being in the state she was in, she decided it was best if she let it go for the moment. She had more important things to think about.
She had to find out why Jules had run off so abruptly. She had to gain back her composure so that she could do the only thing she’d been told not

to do: follow, or in this case, chase

after Jules. Not about to give up easily, Skye pulled Victor’s hand in hers for a moment, looked up at his smooth, deeply in-thought face, and tried a smile. Her lips wavered, unable to fully form a real smile, but it didn’t matter.
Doing something she’d never imagined herself doing, she kissed Victor on the cheek and whispered, “Thank you, Vic. You’re a good friend.” With that said she wobbled to her feet and turned straight for the bedroom door. She’d caught a little glimpse of Victor’s surprise and confusion a moment before, conflicted about something. And before she could make it out of her room, a hand clamped over her arm, gently.
“What are you doing?” Victor asked, frowning.
She’d glimpsed over her shoulder at him, blinking residue of her tears away. “I have to find him,” she explained, still choked up. “I have

His expression softened. “I’m coming with you then. I can’t let you go out there alone, not now.”
She blinked harder. Coming with?

She thought, carefully weighing her options. Figuring she really didn’t have any other options, she nodded and swallowed hard, clearing any forms of distrust she’d had towards Victor. I have to at least give him a chance. Besides, he’ll probably be of help finding Jules

, she concluded. “Let’s go.”
He let go of her arm and smiled, a small, kind smile. “Let’s.”

“Hey Skye,” Rachel’s sweet, chipper voice spoke into her cell phone. “I know it’s pretty early for me to be coming home, but I heard all about what’s been happening with you, and after a lot—and I mean, a lot

—of talking with my cousin and sorting my thoughts out, I finally came to a decision. So now I’m heading back to your house, and I should probably get there in about a half an hour or so, give or take. I just thought that I would let you know ahead of time so you don’t totally freak when I arrive. But, seeing as how you didn’t

pick up your phone, I bet you won’t even get this message before I get there. Either way, I’m on my way, so I guess I’ll see you soon.”
She ended the message with a quick snap of her phone and tossed it on the passenger’s seat. For two days, she’d been worried about Skye, wondering exactly how she was dealing with everything that had happened, desperately hoping she would recover okay, and wanting to be back with her best friend, comforting her. There hadn’t been a moment when she’d actually stopped

worrying about Skye in the past few days, even during her dreams.
Unable to handle the uncertainty of the matter any longer, she’d packed up her things from her cousin’s house and hopped in her car for the forty-five minute drive home. She’d already been driving for about ten minutes or so, during which she’d spent the time listening to music and trying not to worry about Skye. Leah had left her a message earlier that morning, telling her about Skye’s confrontation with the incidents by talking with the Chief and how Rachel wasn’t to worry about her because she was doing better, but Rachel still felt slightly unnerved. She needed to see for herself that Skye was adjusting.
The roads were clear, very little traffic across the map. She’d tried to keep her speed under the limit, but as her anxiety grew so did the speedometer. Glancing in the mirror to scope out cops, she saw nothing. That was it. There was not another car on the road for miles, almost as if the roads were supposed to be clear. And suddenly something didn’t sit well with Rachel’s nerves, causing her to push on the break a little and slow the car.
Just as she was about to reach out for her phone to call Leah, sirens blared from behind her. On instinct, she let out a small chirp and clenched her hands on the steering wheel, heart jumping in her chest. She’d never been pulled over by the cops before, never had received a ticket, and she was beyond nervous at the thought of it. Taking deep breaths, she glanced in the mirror, grimacing when she spotted a police car tailing her.
Why now? Why me?

She bit her lip. Maybe he’ll just drive right passed. Maybe’s there’s someone in front of me speeding.

Taking in the clear roads ahead, she cursed herself. She pressed her foot on the break a little and veered off the road, pulling over. The best she could do was hope the officer would be merciful and let her go, unscathed.
The police car pulled up behind her, stopping a few feet away. Nerves clenched, mind spinning, Rachel busied herself trying to think up a good excuse. My friend needs me,

she came up with. She’s gotten caught up in some trouble and I need to make sure she’s okay. So you see, Officer, I had to push the limits a little.

She could do it; she could convince the gentleman to leave her with only a warning. At least she hoped she could.
Knuckles rapped against the window, jolting her out of her hazy thoughts. She was shaking, but tried her best to control it. Slowly, she brought herself to roll the window down and took a sharp breath.
Before giving the officer a chance to speak, she hastily began, “Look, I know I was speeding, Officer, but I—”
She let out a high-pitched, shattering scream, catching a look at the man outside of her car. Everything crumbled around her; her voice was lost, heart pounding rapidly against her chest, as she misplaced her thoughts in a frenzy of reeling fear.
“Hello, Rachel,” Johnny’s cold, dark voice cooed, a smile at the edges of his lips. He leaned his head closer to Rachel’s, hands on the edge of the window. “Heading back to see Skye? What a coincidence; so am I.” He chuckled, playing with her thin, blonde curls, eyes firmly locked with hers.
She flinched, drawing away from Johnny’s cold hands. “You’ll never get her, Johnny!” she spat, rage boiling quickly. “Everyone’s looking for you. You’ll never get away with anything. You might as well give up.” She shuddered with fear and pent up anger. She hated Johnny, just as much as Skye. Stay strong, Rachel

, she told herself. Don’t let him get to you. Just roll up the window, now!

Listening to her own advice, she jolted into motion, attempting to roll up the window.
But Johnny was quicker than her, already a step ahead of her, and grabbed her wrist, jerking her closer to him. He laughed then, the sound sickly in her ears. “Oh but I think I will,” he drawled, breath brushing across Rachel’s cheeks. “I’ve got you now. That’s got to be worth something.”
At his words, she jerked, frantically reaching for an escape. She screamed, but knew it was only a feeble cry. No one was around to hear her. Johnny gripped her under one arm painfully, yanking her closer to him, as he fumbled with something in his hand. Before she could inflict any discomfort on him, something pierced her skin, clouding her vision with swarms of hazy colors and speckled blackness, her body gone slack at the liquid that coursed through her veins. Then, everything went dark.

New Beginnings

Stumbling down the hall, Victor following close in stride, Skye raced as best she could for the front door. She had to get out, had to find Jules, that was all that ran through her mind as she hightailed it down the staircase. But due to her shaky legs, she stumbled over the last step and collided with the floor, hands having broken the fall. She winced, dizzied by the sudden move in another direction.
Quickly, Victor was by her side, helping her up as she grimaced at the red of her hands. “You good?” He measured her state, looking her up and down.
She gulped air, brushed her sore hands against her jeans, and nodded. “Yeah,” she rasped. “I guess I’m just a little wobbly, that’s all. Let’s—keep going.”
“Here,” he instructed. Snaking his arm around her waist, he pulled her closer to him, the touch of their shoulders causing a sudden flood of chills along her core. “Let me guide. We’ll cover ground more quickly if you’re steady.”
She froze for a moment, close enough to feel the energy of his body radiating over hers, causing a feeling so powerful, so different

, she couldn’t help but cling to it. And despite the part of her that didn’t want to be close to him, she knew he was right—she was much too unsteady. So instead of arguing, she simply said, “Don’t let me fall.”
He smiled. “I won’t let you fall. I promise.”
Taking the lead, he led them out the front door, careful not to draw any attention to the both of them, and scurried down the front steps. “Where to?”
Taking a small step forward, she murmured, “Anywhere.” And then, muffling a sob, she curled over, grasping for something to hold her up. “I have to see him again, Vic. I need him.”
“Hey,” he whispered, pulling her into him. “You will, Skye. Whatever happened between you two hasn’t changed the way he feels about you. We’re going to find him, okay?”

.” She shook her head against his chest. “What if we don’t

find him? What if things have

changed?” She cringed, tears falling freely from her eyes. “Or what if—he doesn’t want

me anymore?”
Wrapping his arms tightly, protectively around her, he hushed her, shaking his head. “No, Skye, don’t think like that. We will

find him. Nothing’s changed. He still wants you, just as much as you want him. I’m sure of it.” Carefully, he pulled her chin up, guiding her to look at him, and put up a small smile. “Everything is going to be okay. I promise.”
His bright eyes peered deeply into hers, gaze steady, unwavering, intense. For a moment all she could do was stare into his eyes, finding assurance in the cool pools of blue, drawn by a force too compelling to look away. But eventually, she gathered herself and managed to avert her gaze, biting her lip as her body reacted in ways she’d never imagined possible to their close contact.
Her breath hitched in her throat as she realized just how close

they both really were, one of his hands on her face while the other held her upright by the waist, sending flutters in her stomach. Her knees went weak as she saw the way he was looking at her, undeniable affection in his gaze. Along with feeling slightly unnerved by it, she felt comfort, warming her insides. She tried to shake the feelings, but couldn’t. He was too close, his presence too strong, to shake the heat of his gaze.
Using what little strength she had under the pressure of the swirling world around her, she stepped back away from him, holding her arms as shivers sliced her skin. “Maybe you’re right.” Her voice was weaker, shakier than she’d wanted it to be, and she tested it again. “We should probably go.”
He stared at her, brows creased in concentration, before his face softened again, and a small smile crawled up his lips. “We should.”
Taking a long, shaky breath, she turned away from him and took a few wobbly steps forward. Her legs protested to keep her steady as she walked, but she didn’t stop. She kept her objective in mind, longing for Jules, back beside her, holding her in warmth and security again. She wasn’t sure she was comfortable with the strange feelings Victor stirred inside her, and the sooner she was with Jules, the better.
Before long Victor was walking in stride with her again, quiet and thoughtful, as they wandered the streets, searching for the boy who’d left them.

JOHNNY, WORKING with haste, made sure that the bonds at Rachel’s hands and feet were secure; binding her to an old wooden chair he’d taken from the dining table at Bryan’s old house. It was perfect, he thought, hiding in an abandoned house no one would think to look in. And even better, he would finally have his Princess with him, soon. Just thinking about it gave him chills of anxiety. He knew he had to play it smart and safe, have patience, but he was almost too eager to wait.
Once satisfied with his work, he stepped back and leaned against a nearby wall, wiping sweat from his brow. The air in the house was musty and humid, a stench crawling into his nostrils. He didn’t mind the smell though, as long as it meant he would soon have what he wanted.

All he needed to do was wait for the perfect time to send her a safe

message of how things were going to work. With Rachel in his possession, he knew he would have her wrapped around his finger. He was aware of the fact that she would do anything to save her best friend, just like she’d done for her mother.
He knew she would run all the way from her house, late at night, when no one was watching, if it meant saving her friend’s life in the end. She wouldn’t fail her, or him.
It was turning out to be the perfect little game—his own dark, twisted game—and as long as he played it safe, planned things carefully, and waited for the right time, his pawn would finally be in his hands again, under his absolute control.
“She’ll be yours soon, Johnny,” he whispered to himself. “Only this time, no one will be able take her away—no one

. She’ll forever be yours.”
His dark, menacing laughter echoed in the otherwise silent house, contaminating the air.

“WAIT,” SKYE ORDERED breathlessly, stumbling over her own footing. “I need to catch my breath.”
Complying with her request, Victor stopped in his tracks, assisting her as she moved to sit down on the lush, green grass of the local park. “Would you like to go back to the house and wait for him to show? He will eventually, Skye, I assure you.”
She swallowed and closed her eyes, pulling her knees close to her chest as she tried to catch her fleeting breath. They’d been jogging all around town looking for Jules, though without any luck, and she was beginning to feel the heaviness of longing she carried in her heart. Along with the growing need for his company, she was beginning to crash under the pressure of their race around town.
But despite all of her weakness, she gathered enough courage to brush off Victor’s offer by saying, “No. I’d like to keep looking.”
He nodded dismissively. “Very well, then.”
Unsure of what to say, she took long, calming breaths and tried to shut out the world around her so that she could think about Jules. She needed to understand why he’d left her and kept her in the dark about his past. Although, she didn’t have enough clues to understand; he was the only one who could help her understand.
Pulling her from her thoughts, Victor spoke up. “Do you want to talk about what happened? I mean—maybe I can help. I’m a good listener.” He smiled in the slightest. “But of course, I understand if you’d rather not talk about it and I’d never want to pressure you. It’s completely up to you.”
She flinched at the sincerity in his voice, the way it was so sweet and caring to her. It reminded her of Jules. Tears burned in the back of her throat, heart clenching at the slideshow that displayed Jules’s pain on repeat of the moments before he’d left her. She gasped for air, clutching the muddy grass with her shaky hands, grasping for something solid and real. She avoided Victor’s gaze as she bit her lip, hard

, and set her head on her knees.
Struggling to find her voice, she said, “Are you sure you want to get wrapped up in this? It’s really nothing you should have to worry about. You’d probably be better off not knowing.”
He shifted, kneeling in front of her, wiping a stray tear off her face. She gasped—silently—as his cool skin brushed hers, pulling her to look him in the eyes by an invisible energy. “Hey,” he whispered, gaze so steady, so deep, so intimate

, Skye couldn’t decide whether or not to look away. “I want

to know. I want

to help.” He smiled then, a warm, inviting smile, untangling the knots in her stomach.
What’s happening to me?

she thought, bewildered, cringing at the way her body was reacting to not only his touch, but his smile, his eyes, his—kindness

. She couldn’t grapple with the force of energy that sent coursing through her veins by one mere look in his direction. Nor could she grapple with the pull in her heart that was telling her to stay clear of getting any bit closer to him. There was something about the man kneeling before her; something didn’t quite add up in her mind.
Before she could stop herself, she blurted, “Why are you still here?” And thinking she needed to correct herself, clear her question up a bit, she added, “I mean—you could’ve gone home. You didn’t have to spend all this time here, with us

.” She hoped the urgency in her voice wouldn’t set him off; hoped that he wouldn’t take it the wrong way; hoped that she hadn’t made a huge mistake asking him and avoiding the previous conversation.
After a moment deep in thought, he cleared his throat and said, “Because I don’t really have all that much of a home to go back to. Usually I either stay with Jules, or, when he’s gone, at Rachel’s. The only other place I have to work with is in an apartment occupied with people I’d rather not spend amounts of time with, no matter how long or short. And after everything that had happened to you—all the hurt you endured—I guess I just didn’t have the courage to leave you, to leave and go back to a place I knew I wouldn’t be wanted. Part of me hoped I could be of worth—or help

—if I stayed at your place. So here I am, sure that I must’ve made the right choice somewhere along the way.” Watching her carefully, he moved to sit beside her, legs stretched out, shoulder mere inches away from hers.
She had to blink a few times, straining to think straight at what he’d told her. She knew that Victor’s home life hadn’t been all that great, but having actually heard

the grief behind his words, she felt incredibly worse about ever having brought the subject up. Maybe she’d been curious, and slightly frazzled about why he’d stayed so long, but now she only regretted thinking that way. Victor really was a good guy, not

the bad guy she was trying to write him off as.
Shamefully, she turned her face away, mumbling, “I’m sorry, Vic. I—I didn’t know.” Her mind blurred with cloudy images of Jules, far away, just out of reach, trembling with sorrow. She couldn’t handle the pain that prodded at her heart, raw and icy, taking all of her pent-up anger at Jules’s absence and hammering it out of her system. She couldn’t stay angry at him, no matter how hard she tried, because the only thing she wanted to feel was him

—all of him—back in her heart; the pure, lively energy of his love breaking apart all of her heartache. Blinking away what she thought was a tear on her lash, she sniffed, realizing the moment she looked up and felt water touch her forehead that it wasn’t a tear in the first place. It was a raindrop.
Bowing her head, she let out a small whimper and curled into herself, yearning for warmth in the cold rain—yearning for Jules’s

warmth around her. She needed him. She needed him just as much as she had before, if not more, and she was tired of searching to no avail, waiting desperately for him to show up when he never did. Right then, in that exact moment—curled up on the ground, beside an intriguing new friend, fumbling through her thoughts—she finally figured out what she had to do, where she had to go.
If there was only one place left that Jules could be, it would be at the waterfall in the woods. The place they first became something more than just friends. The same place they’d almost had their first kiss at.
Somewhere deep down in her heart, she felt it; felt the way he’d looked at her underwater, felt the pull of his presence there, so loud, so oppressing

, it was almost too much to bear. Jules wasn’t as far as she thought he was, and by an incredible, unexplainable force of energy, he was calling for her.
Bolting upright, she stumbled to find her footing on the wet ground, managing a rushed, “I know where he is, Vic. I know where Jules is.”
He hopped to his feet, brushing his jeans off. “You do?” He raised a brow at her questioningly, surprise imprinted on his expression.
She managed a small smile, feeling the pull of Jules’s whereabouts in her heart, feeling an uncontrollable surge of electric course throughout her entire body. Whether Jules wanted to see her or not, he was going to. She couldn’t bear to be apart from him any longer, and she only hoped he felt the same way—despite what he’d told her up in her room.
“I do.” She grabbed his hand, tugging him forward. “Follow me.”

WITH HIS BACK pressed against the wall, Johnny watched as Rachel finally began stirring from her deep, heavy slumber. A smile crept up his lips, chills of anticipation crawling along his spine. The sooner Rachel knows how things are going to work, the sooner the plan will come into play

, he told himself. And the sooner I’ll have my beautiful Princess back in my hands.

Rachel’s eyes fluttered open sleepily, her drooping head rolling up a little.
“So glad you’ve finally decided to grace me with your waking presence,” he drawled, watching her carefully as she came into consciousness. The moment she looked at him, her eyes widened and she sucked in a breath, ready to scream. He noticed, and quickly overpowered her, clamping a hand over her mouth. “Don’t scream,” he whispered against her ear. “It will only bring you pain, and plenty of it. Understood?”
He waited as she nodded her head, stiffly, before removing his hand and moving to stand in front of her. “Good girl,” he crooned, a sick grin slithering upon his face. “I’d hate to have to hurt such a young, pretty face like yours.” He brought his face close to hers, stroking her hair out of her face, fingers brushing her skin in a way he was sure made her uncomfortable.
“What are you going to do with me?” she whimpered, shrinking away from him. When he looked at her, he saw the fear in her eyes, mixed with loathing and disgust. It pulled at his insides, reminding him of the way Skye looked at him, and made him even more anxious to see her. My Princess

, he thought to himself. She’s really going to be mine—all mine. Soon.

“Nothing.” He chuckled, pulling her chin up so that she couldn’t look at anything but him. “If you cooperate, that is. But if you even think

about not cooperating—well, let me just say that you’ll regret it. Not only for your sake, but Skye’s too. One wrong move and she suffers.” He watched her intently, dark eyes burning into her soul. He could feel the tension coming off of her in waves, fear and disgust towards him eminent in it.
Her breath caught in her throat and she shied away from him, trying in vain to keep the distance between the two of them further than it was. “Don’t hurt her,” she croaked. “Do whatever you want with me, but please

—don’t hurt her. She’s been through enough.”
“You’re a sweet girl, Miss Harper,” he said, voice low as he drew closer to her, their faces mere inches apart. “But that kind of sacrifice won’t work in this situation. Because in this situation, you’re either going to help me lure Skye here, safely

—or I kill everyone who gets in my way, including you. Okay, dear?”
Shuddering under their close proximity, she carefully tugged on her bound hands and grimaced at how pointless it was. Avoiding Johnny’s gaze, she closed her eyes, whispering, “Why are you doing this?”
Why am I doing this

?” he repeated thoughtfully, scrunching his face in concentration for a quick moment. In the next, he pulled Rachel’s face in his hands aggressively, rubbed his thumbs over her cheeks roughly, shook his head, and growled, “Because she belongs to me! She’s always

belonged to me. And no matter what I have to do, or who I have to go through, I’m going to take her back.” He lowered his voice. “She’s supposed to be with me, no one else. I own

Shaking her head, Rachel opened her eyes, stared him down. “She doesn’t belong with you.” She pulled on her bonds again, fidgeting under his cold glare. “You—you don’t deserve her.”
Infuriated, he clenched his jaw, gave her hair a painful tug, and pinned her by the shoulders, haggard breath bathing her face as he came in contact with it. “Oh but I think I do,” he whispered harshly. “In fact—I deserve her more than that delinquent Julian. He’s not good for her; but I am. I can give her everything she could ever wish for. I can make everything better.”
“No, Johnny,” she snapped. “You’re wrong. You

are the one who’s not good for her, because all you ever do is hurt

her. And if you really wanted to make everything better—you wouldn’t be doing this. You wouldn’t be trying to take her away from everything and everyone she cares about. Instead, you’d let me go, leave her alone, and turn yourself in. That’s when you’ll be giving her everything she could ever wish for.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He squeezed her shoulders, the pressure of his fingers bruising her. “Skye belongs with me

. I

can make her happy.”

?” she scoffed, spitting at him. “She’ll never be happy with you, Johnny! You’re nothing but sick, repulsive filth! And you can go to h—”
His hand silenced her, striking her face with incredible force, driving it to the side. He stepped back, chest heaving, hand shaking; his rage had passed its boiling point. He couldn’t look away from her; surprised by her sudden outburst, he stared at her, trying to figure out what he would do to her next. He didn’t want to hurt her again, but he wasn’t about to let her get away with her disrespect either.
“You shouldn’t have said that, Rachel,” he sneered, stepping towards her again. “Disrespect like that only brings misfortune.” She whimpered, shaking her head slowly. “And I’m not finished with you yet.” He took that last step and pulled her face towards him. “While you are here, under my control, you will learn to keep your mouth shut. If you don’t—I’ll have to punish you.”
“No please,” she begged. “Don’t hurt me again. I—I didn’t mean to—”
He pressed a finger to her lips, hushing her. “Promise me you’ll behave,” he murmured, pulling a thin, sharp pocketknife from his jeans. “Promise me you’ll behave, and—in return—I’ll promise not to hurt you too badly.”
A tear rolled down her cheek as she stared at the knife numbly, whispering, “I’ll behave, Johnny. I promise.”
He sighed, relieved, and a small, satisfied smile crept up his lips as he said, “Don’t scream. This may sting a little.”

COMING OUT OF a clearing in the woods, Skye stumbled upon the waterfall, froze in her tracks, and took a quick intake of breath. She stared at the hunched over figure atop the boulder, tossing pebbles in the water carelessly, paying no attention to the world around him. Her heart started pounding; insides throbbing as a knot clenched tight in her stomach. She stifled a sob, knowing it was him

—Jules. He was there, right in front of her, only mere feet away. All she had to do was gain enough courage to call out to him, find out why he’d left her, and heal her tainted heart.
Throat dry, constricting on the words, she croaked out a weak, “Jules?”
At the sound of her voice, the figure startled, turning towards her. The moment she saw him, Jules, the boy she was in love with, her heart missed a beat. His eyes were rimmed with dark circles and redness, a clear sign of distress, as he stared at her in surprise. “Skye?” he breathed, running a hand through his hair nervously. “What are you doing here? I mean—why did you come after me? I thought—”
She stepped forward, her legs wobbling, hands shaking, heartbeat pulsing in her ears. “I had to see you. I mean—I couldn’t just wait for you to come back. You left me, and I had no idea when or if

you’d be back, so I went looking for you.” She took a long, shaky breath, trying to steady her unstable body.
Jules’s gaze drifted past her for a moment before returning, face contorted in an expression she couldn’t decipher. “You brought Victor with you?”
She felt her cheeks go hot, though she didn’t understand why, and spun around, finding Victor right behind her, watching Jules. “Y—yes,” she stammered. “He wouldn’t let me go alone.”
Something crossed Victor’s face for a moment—something she wished she hadn’t seen—before quickly being replaced with a small, charming smile as his gaze ventured down to her. “She insisted to find you, Jules. I wasn’t about to stand in her way.”
Spinning back around, Skye swallowed hard, overwhelmed with a wave of nausea. The nature around her started to whirl, vision gone blurry, heart hammering uncontrollably, knees gone week. This can’t be happening

, she chanted inside her head. Feeling

the tense energy between Jules and Victor, knowing

something was going incredibly wrong, wishing

she was strong enough to handle everything, as she lost her balance and sank to the ground.
“Skye!” she heard Jules call out above her, vaguely, as if in the distance. “What’s wrong? Are you okay? Say something, trouble—please

Struggling to form words, she mumbled, “I—I’m fine.” Longing for Jules’s touch, his warmth, and the security of simply being with him, she reached out her hand. The moment fingers entwined with hers, she gasped, a new wave of energy coursing through her veins. Tears trickled down her cheeks, her voice faltering as she spoke. “You left me.” She squeezed her eyes shut, unwilling to look him in the eyes, afraid that she would give in too soon. “You really left me—alone.”
She could feel him there, beside her, his breath bathing her face, his hands holding hers, warmth radiating even in the harsh, cold rain. “I know,” he whispered, voice low and worn down. “And I’m so, so

sorry I left you, Skye. I shouldn’t have hurt you like that; you didn’t deserve it.” He touched her cheek, tingles of warmth prickling the skin underneath his touch. “If it’s possible, I’d like to make it up to you. Because if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that I screwed up. I made a reckless decision running away from you like that, and all I can do now is hope that you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me; even if I don’t deserve it.”
Trembling, she opened her eyes, met his gaze. “You did hurt me,” she whispered. Rain cascaded down upon her, body shivering in the cold. “But I forgive you. And I’d love it if you could make it up to me. Maybe tell me why you left in the first place?”
He sighed heavily, a smile spread across his lips, as he pulled her into his arms. “I’ll tell you everything you want to know, trouble. Just not here, okay? Let me take you home first.”
Despite the weight that was still on her shoulders, she felt relieved. Jules still cared about her, wanted to tell her the truth. She wouldn’t have to worry about being left in the dark for much longer. Gripping his shirt in her fingers tightly, she smiled, and forgot about all the troubling things still in her life, focusing on Jules instead. Focusing on his voice, his touch, his warmth, his care, his love for her—everything.

“I love you, Skye.” He kissed her head, holding her against him as he stood up. “I promise not to leave you like that ever, ever

again. I’ll be with you as long as you want me.”
With his words still ringing in her ears, she smiled, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him, passionately. He kissed her back with the same passion, holding her waist as she straddled him, ignoring Victor all together. The moment their lips had met, they’d forgotten about everything else, leaving it all in the background.
Pulling away for breath, Jules cupped her face in his hands, kissed her once more, and pressed his forehead against hers. “Let’s get out of here. We have a lot to talk about.” He winked, sending flutters in her stomach. “It’ll be difficult. But for you—I’d do anything.”
Unsure of what else to say, she murmured a quick “Thank you”, curled into him, and tried to block her mind from everything but Jules. He was all she wanted, all she needed. And she was finally back with him again. He still loved her, still wanted her, and was ready to open up to her, tell her about his past, giving her everything she could ever wish for.

Dark Night

“Please stop,” Rachel pleaded, biting her lips to keep herself from screaming. “I’ll do what you want—just please, Johnny, stop

.” She squeezed her eyes shut, fighting the nausea that threatened to overcome her weak, aching body.
Chuckling, Johnny ran the blade covered in blood along her arm, not hard enough to pierce the skin but enough to prove a point. “If you insist,” he murmured pleasantly, as if he hadn’t been cutting her flesh, breaking her down both emotionally and physically. “Just remember, Rachel, I

am the one who’s in control here. Your fate rests in my hands.”
She nodded, swallowed hard on the bile in her throat, and closed her eyes, fighting the urge to cry. It was there, trapped in Johnny’s presence, under those circumstances, when she realized how much misery Skye must have really gone through—and all she wanted to do was cry. She was being tortured, slowly and surely, and the only way of escape was unattainable. She was trapped, as long as Johnny had her in his clutches, and part of her would never be the same.
“What do you need me to do?” she whispered, choking on the words. Her heart was pounding, arms stinging where Johnny had cut her, eyes watering from the pressures suffocating her. Please don’t let him hurt Skye,

she prayed silently, desperately trying not to show fear. Oh Skye, please forgive me. I wish there was something I could do to save us both.

“Nothing really.” He stepped back, a cruel smile on his lips. “All I need you to do is cooperate. If you can do that, things will go quite well for you. But as you very well know, if you don’t cooperate I’ll have to punish you—and Skye—for your bad behavior.” He chuckled. “I would do as I say if I were you.”
She opened her eyes carefully, watched him as he crossed his arms, leaned his back against the wall, and stared her down, eyes dark and full of schemes. What kinds of schemes, Rachel did not want to imagine, much less understand. All she could do was hope that both she and Skye made it out of Johnny’s clutches alive.

LATER THAT NIGHT, after changing from their wet clothing and filling Leah in on what they were up to, Skye and Jules lay together, nestled in warm blankets, bathed in each other’s company.
Sighing, Skye buried herself in the crook of his neck. “I missed you.”
He took a deep breath, and then said, ever so softly, “I missed you too. More than you even know.”
A small smile crept up her lips. “Prove it.” Tangled in his arms, she brought his face down to hers, kissed his lips softly, and whispered, “Show me just how much you missed me.”
He grinned then, pulling her face in his hands. “Whatever you say, Trouble.” He teased her at first, brushing his lips over hers, before he crushed his mouth against hers, bursts of energy shaking her core. She felt one of his hands sliding down along her arm, leaving chills in its wake, and couldn’t help but shiver in anticipation. He proved it enough with one kiss, but she still wanted more. She couldn’t bear the thought of him letting go yet. Not after everything they had been through.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close, while his hands moved her onto her back, rolling himself on top of her. Her breath hitched, giggles suppressed in her throat. She knotted her fingers in his hair as he kissed her, gently, carefully exploring her. One of his hands rested on her hip, the fingers teasing the skin underneath her shirt, while the other kept her face close to his.
After a few moments like that, Jules moved his lips along her jaw, her neck, soft kisses on her skin, before giving her one last, fulfilling kiss on the lips. He pulled away then, disheveled hair hanging over his eyes, a grin spread wide across his face, breathing heavy.
Skye’s entire body tingled, riveted with the fierce, undeniable effects of their passion. Her heart was racing, her mind spinning, as she fought to catch her breath, lost in the measures of Jules’s love for her.
“Good enough?”
She grinned. “Yes—definitely.”
“I thought so.” He laughed heartily, before lying down beside her and pulling her against him. A sigh escaped his lips, so quietly that she barely caught it. “Are you sure this is what you want, Skye?”
Taken slightly aback by the change in course, Skye froze. Her mind shut down for a moment, torn between what she wanted and what she feared. Without looking into his eyes, she laced her fingers through his, and quietly replied, “This is what I want. I want to be with you, know everything about you. I can handle you. And that’s not going to change any time soon.”
“Are you absolutely certain?”
“I am absolutely certain.”
“It won’t be easy.” He caressed her cheek, pulling her to look him in the eyes. “The truth—I mean. It’s . . . not pretty.”
“I can handle it, Jules,” she said, and kissed him. “I love you. And I know that whatever the mistakes are you’ve made in the past, they won’t change the way I feel about you. I’m not going to abandon you, Julian Rane. I’ll stay beside you—no matter what.”
A small smile graced his warm face. “I really hope you’ll still feel that way after I explain myself.”
She smiled, kissed him once, and buried herself into his chest again. “I will. I promise.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
“I wouldn’t.”
He exhaled shakily, his warm breath bathing the top of her head. “This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.”
It became obvious to her that he was nervous. She could feel the shakiness of his body beneath her, and hear the thudding of his heart. Despite the part of her that craved the truth, wanted it more than anything else, she felt compelled to comfort him a bit by saying, “We don’t have to talk about this right now. It can wait. We’ve been through a lot today already.”
“No, Skye.” He shook his head. “We should. It’s about time you know the truth about me. The truth I’ve kept hidden underneath this—this picture perfect

façade. The truth that will show you just how innocent I truly am not.”
“Then tell me,” she whispered. “Tell me the truth. Tell me why I should be scared of you? Or why you can’t get too close to me without pulling away? Tell me why, Jules, why you’re so afraid of what could happen if we take a few chances, a few risks. Please

—just tell me the truth.”
He swallowed hard, closing his eyes. “Truth is,” he began, running his fingers carefully through Skye’s hair, “I didn’t use to be the good, tenderhearted man I strive to be now. I was something much worse than that. I was a thief, a criminal, a liar, and worst of all, a murderer

.” He took a quick intake of breath, opened his eyes, searching for some sort of reaction from Skye, but she made none. Either too shocked to do anything, or too focused on her thirst for knowledge to steer him away from the path he was venturing on.
Squeezing his hand, she told him to continue.
So he did, voice low and cautious as he treaded into murky water. “After my mom walked out on us, my dad sort of dropped out of his duties as father, and gave his full attention to his career, leaving me and my older brother James to fend for ourselves. We were only kids back then—ages nine and seven—without proper guardians to show us the way. Our dad had shipped us off to our aunt’s most of the time, desperate to be rid of anything that reminded him of Mom. And despite the fact that they’d eventually agreed to the divorce, he never really let go of her. It wasn’t until I became of age that I truly realized how much he’d really loved her, and how much hurt she’d caused him.
“And by the time I realized he’d simply transitioned into a lost, grieving soul after she left, busying himself in work so that he didn’t have to face the painful longing he felt in his heart, it was already too late. I’d already made too many mistakes. I’d already vowed to never forgive him for abandoning me. And James was already gone, along with my innocence.
“All of my biggest mistakes were made when I was sixteen,” he continued, working to catch his breath. “It was the year of my rebellion, the year of my loss in control, and the year I ventured deep into an abyss of trouble. James had gotten himself involved with a gang two years earlier, unable to see a brighter side in anything, and somehow he’d managed to reel me into it, too. And I’d never put up a fight about it since part of me couldn’t care less. Back then I was still angry with my father, angry with the change in course my life had taken, and nothing seemed to matter much anymore.
“It wasn’t until I met Clara, a girl I grew to care deeply about, that I realized how in-over-my-head I was. It wasn’t until the night things went too far, the night we crossed a dangerous line together, that I came to my senses and decided I made another vow to turn things around for the better. I promised Clara, and myself, that I would get out of the gang, turn away from the drugs and violence, and finally be the kind of guy who could truly love and forgive. But by then it was too late. I had already hurt Clara, and James, and I couldn’t save them. After my confrontation with the leader of our gang, telling him that I would no longer me a part of the mess they were creating, all hell broke loose.”
Tears were rolling down Skye’s face, little droplets cascading down her cheeks as Jules’s words rang in her ears. Her heart ached, her throat burned, and she struggled to hold herself together, grasping for the security of Jules’s warm hands. The truth was so far from what she’d expected, so different than what she’d imagined it to be, that she needed something solid to cling to—something real that wasn’t breaking her heart into a million shattered pieces.
She heard, and felt

, a choked, suppressed sob sputter from Jules, and held on to him for dear life, unwilling to release him in the slightest, wanting to be of comfort.
He took to her actions well, and instead of stopping for too long or giving up, he barreled ahead in the story of his past, saying, “Later that night, when Clara and I got into a heated argument, things got messy and we both ended up hurting each other, her mentally, me physically. She stormed off before I could apologize, and I was too shell-shocked at what had just happened too really stop her from leaving.
“Later on, I received a call from the leader of my old gang, Dave, and he told me that I had to meet them all for one final task before I could be out for good. I was already numb from fear of losing Clara forever, that I didn’t care what I had to do. I would have done anything to get out of their nasty little group. Only I wasn’t prepared for what awaited me when I got to their hideout in an abandon warehouse. Not prepared at all.
“The first thing I remember seeing was Clara, with her arms tied to a wooden beam, her clothes torn and dirty as she sat, hunched over, head hanging low. The second thing I remember seeing was James, his shirt torn away from his body, revealing gruesome bruises and gashes, his usually golden hair dark and filled with dried blood, while he shook on the floor, gasping for breath. And before I knew what was happening, I was being shoved forward as two of the gang members restrained me, forced to watch as Dave strolled in front of me, a nasty grin spread wide across his face as he lectured me about how disappointed he was in me, and how it wasn’t in my best interest to try to escape, but that it didn’t matter anyway because he was about to make me suffer. That’s all he wanted me to do, for the rest of my life—suffer

—and he made that very clear as he kneeled before my brother, beat him a few times with his fist, before he pulled a knife out just as quickly and took his life.
“I watched him die a brutal, inhuman death, which will forever be etched into my memories, and didn’t do anything to stop it. In fact, according to Dave, I was responsible. It was because of my

rebellion that he’d decided to murder my brother, and that made me responsible. I’d killed by own brother. Just at someone else’s hands. And that wasn’t even where the torment stopped.”
Jules could hardly catch his breath as he spoke, choked up with tears as, Skye could only imagine, the scene was playing inside his mind like a horror film, clawing at his heart all over again. She wanted to tell him to stop, to tell him that she couldn’t bear to hear any more, just as she assumed he couldn’t bear to tell any more, but couldn’t. She was also too choked up, and her own heart was pounding loudly in her ears as she imagined the end of this tragic story that had been Jules’s life once upon a time.
“By the time Davewas finished ripping at my brother’s body, I was in a heap on the floor, gasping, sobbing, and screaming in agony as my heart was torn in two. Dave had killed my brother. I

had killed by brother. And in those weak moments, I vowed that I would never forgive him, never forgive myself. I didn’t believe it would even be possible.”
“But as soon as my screams faltered and my eyes reached upwards, Dave taunted me with another devilish grin, playing with the knife in his hands. He wasn’t finished yet. He still wanted me to suffer, still wanted me to pay for rebelling against him. And as he took a few steps backwards, set his knife on the ground, and kneeled down in front of Clara’s unconscious body, I felt my heart break a little more, along with my soul. I’d figured out what he was about to do, and I couldn’t bear it. I tried to talk him out of it, pleading that I would do whatever he asked of me if he would just spare her life, but he wouldn’t be moved. He had already made his decision. And that was to destroy me. To break me down until there was nothing left inside. And he did just that.
“He enjoyed how I begged with him not to do it; I could tell that much from the look in his eyes, the glint he got when he glanced between Clara and me, tossing threats into the space between us as we both cried for each other. He didn’t hesitate long before he tore Clara apart, abusing her in ways I wished she’d never had to experience and I’d never had to witness. And then,”—His voice cracked—“he took her away from me too.”
Feeling him shudder around her, Skye squeezed Jules’s hand and whimpered, blinking through tears. She could barely breathe, too horrified by the truth, and lost in Jules’s agony that she felt seeping into her soul to stand a chance at catching a breath. He’d witnessed two brutal, horrifying murders when he was only sixteen, two murders he somehow blamed himself for, and in the process, he’d lost two people he cared for deeply. Never could she have imagined that being Jules’s deep, dark secret.
Jules had made mistakes, gotten involved with the wrong things, and yet, he was such a kind, fruitful spirit. He was no monster. No liar. No Murderer. He’d been a confused, hurting boy, torn in all sorts of troubling directions, but that didn’t mean he was a terrible person, or someone capable of terrible things. He’d simply made mistakes. No matter how big or small they were, that’s all they were.
And the fact that he’d come from such a dark past and had turned into such a light spirit was enough to give her hope. Hope for a better future. Hope for a future filled with him, and his warm, precious heart.
“Are you okay?” she asked, finding her voice. “I’m so, so sorry, Jules. I can’t believe you had to go through all of that, witness all of that. I wish I hadn’t ever brought any of this up. I never wanted to bring back pain.”
He laughed a harsh, gurgled sound that resembled nothing of the pleasant sort. But then quickly caught his breath and sighed, knotting his fingers in her hair gently. “It’s okay, Skye,” he whispered then, and kissed her head. “I needed to tell you. I wanted you to understand why it’s so hard for me to get close to you. I just—I don’t want to get close to you and then realize too late that I’m going to lose you. I don’t want to hurt you like I hurt Clara, or James, or my dad. I just want to protect you, love you, be with you as long as I possibly can, and never let you go. But I’m so afraid. I’m so afraid that something will happen, and you’ll end up hurt, all because of me. Because of the monster I have inside of me somewhere.”
“I do understand.” She swallowed a sob. “But I also promise you—promise you

, Jules—that you’re not going to lose me. I’m going to be with you as long as I possibly can, and I’m not going to leave you. I promise. So please

don’t be so worried, so afraid, because I’m sure that you are the greatest and kindest person I’ve ever met. You’re no

monster. No liar, or criminal, or murderer. You’re my sweet, beautiful boyfriend, the boy I’m madly in love with, and nothing can change that. Nothing can tear us apart.”
“I love you, Skye Montgomery,” he whispered, pulling her up into his lap. He pulled her face towards his, wiped a stray tear off her cheek, and kissed away the dried tears, holding onto her with as much cautious strength as he could. “I want to be with you, and I’ll never push you away again, never let you go like that. After all, you mean everything

to me now, and whatever happened in the past won’t matter anymore. All that matters to me is you. You’re more important.”
“Julian Rane, thank you for coming into my life and saving me,” Skye said, wrapping her hands around his neck, her fingers running through his hair. “You’re my hero. You’re a survivor. And you’re most definitely a keeper.” She leaned her forehead against his, breathing heavy. “Just say the words and I’m all yours, forever and always.”
He smiled, tugging on her bottom lip as she leaned in to kiss him, and breathed, “Be with me, Skye, forever and always.” And before she had time to respond, he tangled his fingers through her hair, pulled her down on top of him, and kissed her like he’d never kissed her before, holding on to her for dear life.
WHAT HAPPENED TO Dave and the gang?” Skye asked as she lay beneath Jules, gazing at his flushed face. “Did the police catch them for what they had done? And after everything that had happened, how did you escape?”
A faraway look crossed his face for a moment before he gathered her hair in his hands and gently guided her up towards his face, leaning in. “They got what they had coming for them: life in prison.” He caressed her cheek, gazing intently into her eyes. “And as far as my escape was concerned, they let me go. They didn’t have the guts to kill me, too; even though at the time, I’d begged them to do it.”
She caught herself before a gasp could spring from her mouth, biting her lip. “You begged them to take your life?”
He averted his gaze. “Yes.” His voice barely went above a whisper. “I couldn’t bear the loss I’d suffered, and thought I wanted to die, to give up. It wasn’t until I came back here that I realized I was wrong.” He tried to smile, placing a soft kiss on her lips. “It wasn’t until I found you

that I realized how much I wanted to live

She closed her eyes and inhaled, breathing in his scent. He was so close, the feel of his body above her stimulating her senses, the breath on her face sending chills along her arms, everything about their close proximity warming her to the core. “I’m glad you came back, Jules.” She pushed herself on her elbows, drawing even closer to him. “I’d be so lost without you.”
He murmured something in response, but it was lost in communication when he nuzzled his face in her neck, leaving small kisses on her tender skin. “Want to go somewhere with me?”
Skye’s heart leaped. “W-what?” she spluttered. “Now?”
“Yes, now.” He pushed himself upright, straddling her waist. “Or tomorrow. Or whenever you’d like.” He pulled her hand in his, placed a kiss on her knuckles. “Please just come away with me. We can get away from this town and all of the troubles inside it. At least for a little while.”
Despite herself, she shook her head. “We can’t.” She sighed mentally. “I mean—not yet. I can’t leave Leah right now. She needs me.”
His hopeful expression faltered, replaced by a quivering half smile. “Are you sure? I have a feeling Leah will understand. She trusts me, you know. She trusts me to keep you safe.”
“I know.” She sighed, feeling the tug in her heart, tempting her to give in, take a chance, and leave town. But she still couldn’t bring herself to do it. “It’s just not the right time now, Jules. We can’t.”
“You’re right,” he said, “it’s not. Maybe we can wait awhile, until you’re ready.”
“That sounds great.” A smile graced her lips. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you, Trouble,” he murmured, nuzzling her neck again. “Anything.” His fingers tangled through her hair as he breathed her in, his heartbeat thumping against hers. Gingerly he pulled her face towards his, kissed her forehead, and breathed out one long, steady breath. “Skye?”
“Yes?” she whispered, out of breath from the sweetness of his touch. “What is it?”
“There’s something you should know about Victor, before you let him get too close to you again.”
At the mere mention of Victor’s name, her entire body went rigid. Her stomach lurched, heartbeat sped. During the short time she’d interacted with him, she could tell something was a little off with him. She hadn’t been able to put a finger on what it was, but she was starting to have an idea—and it made her very uneasy inside.
Swallowing her fear, she croaked, “What?”
Jules moved off her, pulling her into a sitting position with him. “He’s very . . . possessive

when he falls for someone. I’ve seen him lose himself over a girl before, and it wasn’t a pretty picture. He went to great lengths just to be around her as much as possible, and eventually it all became too much for her, she rejected him, and he shut down.” He grasped her hands, stopping them from their erratic shaking. “He tried to get her back a few times, convinced that they were meant to be together somehow, but didn’t succeed. And he didn’t move on until about a year later.”
He gave her hands a reassuring squeeze and pressed his forehead against hers. “I’m not saying he’s going to be like that with you, but I have a bad feeling about him, so just be careful. Please.” He ran his finger along the side of her face. “I don’t want anyone to get hurt. Especially not you.”
Trying to take everything in, she closed her eyes, took deep breaths, and pressed herself into Jules for support. She tried to convince herself that because Jules was with her, looking over her, she had nothing to worry about. He was all that mattered.
But it was easier said than done, and part of her couldn’t forget about the two major complications in her life at that moment: Johnny and Victor. She had no idea how things were going to turn out in the end; she could only hope that she would make it out unscathed.
Clutching Jules’s shirt in her hands, she whispered, “I’ll be careful. I promise.” Her stomach was tangled in knots, and her head felt much too crowded, but she tried to ignore it all, mentally prying herself away.
“Great.” He let out a relieved breath. “I was worried you’d try to defend him or something. I don’t know why, but I get this feeling that he’s trying to step in between us. It’s odd, but hard to ignore.”
“I agree,” she croaked through her dry throat, swallowing hard on the bile that threatened to come up at the topic of discussion. “Something is really off with him. And as much as I hope what you just told me is not it, I wouldn’t put it all passed him.”
“Definitely not. But hey”—he brought her face up towards his, smiling at her—“let’s forget about him for now, okay? Move on to better things.” He grinned. “Things like food. I’m getting pretty hungry, and a late snack sounds really good right now. What do you say? Should I go bring us up some food?”

?” Skye spluttered, gulping down a laugh. “Right now? Jules, it’s almost ten o’clock. Don’t you think it’s a little late? We already had supper.”
“So we’ll call it an almost midnight snack. Come on, Skye, don’t make me starve.” He flashed a wicked grin before bringing his mouth to her ear, and lowering his voice as he added, “I’ll give you a surprise reward later for being so considerate if you let me bring us something. I won’t bring a lot, and the surprise will totally be worth it.”
Butterflies fluttered in her stomach at the warmth of his breath, untying the previous knots that had been tangled. A bright smile lit up her face as she thought of how much she always ended up enjoying Jules’s “surprises”, and all of their previous discussions were soon discarded for better things. Things like Jules and his wonderful surprises.
“Fine,” she grumbled, feigning frustration. “You can go bring us something. But don’t get a lot, and be sure to check in with Leah before you go too crazy. I’ll be waiting up here for that . . . special surprise.” Now it was her turn to grin. “Make it quick, Julian Rane.”
“Whatever you say.” He snickered, kissed her quickly on the cheek, and sprang off the bed, hurrying out of the room before she could say anything else to him.
With giggles suppressed in her throat, Skye buried herself in the bedding, hugging the pillows. Her once heavy heart felt free, as light as a feather. She could breathe properly again, the air coming out in a steady, healthy rhythm. Jules

, she thought, sighing. He does this to me. He’s the one who frees me from the terrible things in reality, allowing me access to real peace and happiness.

He was incredible, she concluded, and nothing could change her mind.
Jules was the reason she was even still alive.
He gave her peace. He gave her love. He gave her . . . hope

With him, everything felt perfect.

“LISTEN TO ME,” Johnny sneered, venom in his words. “I’m going to handle the call, but you have to listen to me. If you say or do anything—and I mean anything

—wrong, I won’t hesitate before punishing you and Skye for your behavior. And trust me when I say it won’t be pleasant, Rachel. For either of you.”
Swallowing the urge to spit at him, Rachel nodded stiffly. “I’ll be good. I promise.” She took a shuddering breath. “Just tell me what I should

With a wicked grin on his face, he stepped towards her, saying, “That’s a good girl.” He bent down and pushed the curls away from her face, looking her in the eyes. “Now,” he said, dropping the smile. “When I ask you to speak, you will speak. You will not scream, or cry, or tell Skye anything unless I tell you to. You will be quiet, and you will follow my orders. Do we have an understanding?”
Drawing away from him, she nodded, swallowed the lump in her throat, and said, “Yes, Johnny, we have an understanding. I promise I’ll behave.”


NESTLED IN A cocoon of warmth, Skye forgot about the troubles of reality around her. She wrapped herself in a nest of comfort and hid, waiting impatiently for the moment when Jules would come back to her, bearing gifts. She wanted him back so badly it hurt—like an unwelcome stab in her chest.
Buried deep in the cover of blankets, lost in a dreamland so perfect it’d be almost impossible to let go of, she hazily acknowledged a buzzing in her ears. And it wasn’t until she crawled out from underneath the covers, listening more carefully, that she realized where it was coming from.
Her cell phone had been vibrating. Someone had tried to call.
Scooting closer to the bedside table, she plucked up the shiny black flip phone and checked the number. Rachel’s. I better call her back

, she thought, placing her finger over the re-dial. But before she could call her back, the phone began vibrating again.
She dropped the phone in surprise, cursing herself. When she reached down to retrieve it, she noticed the time and frowned, suddenly curious as to why Rachel was calling so late. Must be something important,

she concluded, flipping the phone open and saying, “Hey, Rachel. What’s up?”
“Hello, Skylar,” Johnny’s low, cruel voice answered. “Did you miss me?”

?” she gasped, breathlessly. “W-What are you doing answering Rachel’s phone? W-What have you done with her?”
There was a pause on his end—a long, taunting pause—followed by a dark, sadistic chuckle, before he spoke again. “Don’t worry, Princess. I haven’t hurt her too badly…yet.” The words hung in the air, leaving an awful, nagging ache in Skye’s chest. “But I could. I could even get rid of her if need be. She’s here right now, if you’d like to talk to her. Maybe say your own little goodbye.” He chuckled again, the sound of it causing bile to rise in her throat. “Unless you’re willing to sacrifice yourself for her. Then maybe I’d spare her.”
Time stood still. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think properly. Johnny had taken Rachel. And he was threatening to hurt her, maybe even kill her. But Skye knew she wouldn’t let that happen. She would do anything to protect Rachel, even if it meant leaving everyone she loved behind and succumbing to a monster’s commands. She wouldn’t let her best friend suffer. Whatever Johnny wanted with her, she could handle. As long as she knew her loved ones would be safe.
Bracing herself for whatever his horrific request could be, she cleared her dry throat, swallowed her fear, and took a deep breath. “Let me talk to her. Then we’ll discuss the details of what happens next.”
“As you wish, Princess,” he drawled, chuckling under his breath. “Here she is.”
“Skye!” Rachel sobbed on the other end, cutting her off before she could speak. “Skye don’t listen to him. Don’t do anything he says. I-I can handle this. Really I can. But he’ll hurt you

if you trust him. He’ll try to use you again, you know he will. So I’m begging you, Skye, please don’t—”
A glass-shattering scream echoed through the phone, sending a shiver to run down Skye’s spine. “Rachel!” she breathed, too weak to scream. “R-Rachel, what happened? Are you okay? Rachel, talk to me! PLEASE!”
“She disobeyed me.” Johnny’s gruff, agitated voice rang through Skye’s ears, making her numb with fear. “I’m sorry, Skylar, but she’ll have to be punished. If you get here in time, you can save her from a fate worse than death. Otherwise, she’s all mine, and I’ll make her wish she never tried to cross me. You have until midnight. If you don’t show by then, I can’t promise you’ll ever see her again. And worse than that, I’ll come after everyone you love—starting with that miserable boy, Julian

—one-by-one, before taking you for myself. Have I made myself clear? You have two hours before I make your best friend suffer everything I made you suffer. I suggest you hurry.”
Tears cascading down her face, she shook her head, and sobbed a miserable, breathless “Wait!” Her heart was pounding, body on edge. He was going to break Rachel; she wouldn’t be able to handle what he wanted to put her through. It was clear as day what she had to do now. She had to stop Johnny. She had to sacrifice her own freedom for Rachel’s safety. It was the only thing she could

“D-Don’t hang up! Please, don’t hang up,” she begged, barely above a whisper. “Where can I find you?”
There was a harsh chuckle on the other end. “That’s my girl,” Johnny sighed. “Meet me at your ex-boyfriends house. And come alone. If you tell anyone, or bring anyone, Rachel dies. Do you understand?”
“Y-yes, Johnny.” She sobbed, hearing a muffled scream on the other end. “I’ll come alone. I promise.”
“Midnight. Not a second later.”
His last words would haunt her forever. If she even survived the night, that is.
Her throbbing heart was torn to shreds by the mere thought

of losing Rachel. They’d been best friends since kindergarten; they’d grown up together. Rachel was the sister she’d never had. And the thought of losing someone so close to her was breaking her down.
But she had to be strong. Johnny was trying to scare her, make her weak. He didn’t really want to kill Rachel, did he? She couldn’t risk it even if he didn’t. She would go to Bryan’s house, free Rachel, and let Johnny take her. If it meant saving her loved ones, she’d do it.
Every part of her body was shaking with fear and despair. She was about to give herself over to Johnny—the one thing

she hated most in the world—and there was no way of escape. Everyone she loved—even her beloved, Jules—was going to lose her, just as she was going to lose them. The heaviness of it all was suffocating her.
Collapsing into the covers, she broke into uncontrollable sobs. Her nightmare had come to life, and she was scared to death of the end. She couldn’t imagine a life with Johnny, or even another minute

with him, and yet—she was about to willingly run into his arms. She told herself she would find a way to escape when she knew Rachel was safe, but the thought of even seeing Johnny again was killing her inside. It shattered any hopes she’d once had in a second, leaving her with a throbbing ache in her heart.
She wouldn’t give up though. As long as she was alive and breathing, she’d deter Johnny’s schemes. She wouldn’t let him take her without a fight. She would give him hell for all he had put her through—even if it killed her.
Shaking her head, she took a deep, unsteady breath, wiped her tears away, and tried to calm herself down. If she was going to survive the night, she couldn’t be weak and afraid. She’d spend her last hour-and-a-half of freedom with Jules, savoring every minute. If she was going to lose him too, the least she could do was keep him out of the mess. And to do that she had to be strong. She couldn’t let him see her fear.
At the sound of Victor’s voice, Skye startled, frozen in the covers, heart in her throat. She snapped her head up to find him standing in the doorway, gaze solely locked on her. “Victor?” she gasped. Her voice cracked from the surge of anxiety that spiked her nerves. Stiffly finding her way into a sitting position, she cleared her throat, clasped her hands together tightly, and bit her lip, watching him. “W-what are you still doing here?”
The hairs on her arms stood up as his low, sultry voice filled the air, reminding her of the look he’d given her in the woods—a look filled with so much possession and jealousy it chilled her to the bone. Reminding her of the things Jules had said about Victor. “I can’t leave. I tried—more than once—but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I don’t want

to do it.”
She started shaking, afraid of what was about to happen, knowing by the look of both misery and desire on his face that something was going to go terribly wrong if she didn’t stop it. “But you should go, Vic. It’s not a good idea for you to stay. I just—I don’t want you here anymore. I don’t need you. Jules is back.” She knew she was being rude, and a little blunt, but she couldn’t think of a better way to get rid of him, and couldn’t stand the thought of being around him for another second. He stirred too much confusion within her, and he need to leave.
But instead of leaving, he began walking towards her, a pleading look on his face. “You don’t mean that,” he said, shaking his head. “You don’t really want me to leave. You want me to stay. I can see it in your eyes. Part of you wants me to leave, because it’s scared, but the other part wants me to stay. We share a special connection, Skye. There’s no denying it.” He took a few more steps closer, while she on the other hand scurried off the bed, avoiding him. “Come on, don’t be like that.” His lips crept into a small half smile. “Why are you so quick to judge?”
“Get away from me, Victor,” she hissed, scooting a few steps back. “I know all about you and that girl awhile ago. And I know what you’re doing, and how you’re feeling right now. But I’m in love with your best friend

, and he’s in love with me, so it’s probably best if you just leave right now. Before anything gets out of hand.” She stepped back again as he stepped forward, realizing too late that she’d backed herself up against the wall. “I’m serious. If you don’t leave right now, I’ll tell Rachel everything, and you’ll be all alone.”
He stopped in his tracks, searching Skye’s face. “Go ahead,” he whispered. “Tell her. I don’t care. I was just using her to get closer to you. I’ve always wanted you


” Skye breathed, pressing her palms against the wall for support. “You were just u-using her? H-How could you do that? W-Why would you do that?”
“Because of you

,” he said, a little harshly. “Because ever since the first time I saw you at Buxton’s, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. And when I found out you two were best friends, I thought I could get closer to you without seeming suspicious to Jules, by dating her.”
“No.” She shook her head vigorously. “You could’ve tried to get to know me like a normal person would! Did you ever think about that, Vic? Because maybe if you had just talked to me like you did yesterday, we could’ve been friends. But now I want nothing to do with you. And I want you to leave. Now

“Skye, please—”
“No, Vic,” she snapped, cutting him off. “Just go. Please

.” Her heart was hammering against her chest, like a bird trapped in a cage. It was getting hard for her to breathe, the truth catching up with her all too quickly. Victor had used Rachel. He was worse than she’d thought. “Please just—”
He cut her off with a kiss, aggressively seeking her. One of his hands held her face, keeping her in the kiss, while the other tangled in her hair. His body pressed on her, trapping her between him and the wall. His chest heaved against hers, his breath coming out in quick, desperate gasps.
She tried to push him away, tried to get away, but couldn’t. He was too strong, and she was too weak. Not to mention the fact that there was nowhere to go with his body blocking her only exit. She was trapped, kissing a man she couldn’t stand.
She tried to scream, but he quickly overcame the scream, kissing her with more desperation. “Don’t fight it,” he murmured around a kiss. “You wanted this earlier.”
In her own utter horror, she realized he was right. She’d been so heartbroken, so lost, so desperate

for someone’s love earlier, she’d almost let her emotions get the best of her. Maybe she hadn’t wanted to kiss him, but she’d been close to it.
She tried to shake her head, to tell him something—anything

—to get him to stop what he was doing, but before she could, something else stopped him. In a blurry instant, Jules had grabbed Victor by the back of his shirt, punched him, and wrapped Skye in his arms, holding her against his chest. It wasn’t until a few long, overwhelming moments had passed, that she realized Jules was speaking.
“What the hell

were you doing, Vic?” he screamed at Victor. “Have you lost your mind? After everything she’s been through, you decide to force yourself on her too? Did witnessing her fear earlier not get the point across?” He pulled Skye closer to him, his entire body shaking. “She was trying to push you away! You’re madder than I thought if you think she wanted

you to kiss her. Please, Vic—for your own good—just leave

. If you don’t, I’m calling the Sheriff in. You’ve caused enough problems for one night.”
Skye turned her head to look at Victor, watching as he wiped his bleeding nose, stumbled into a standing position, and looked at her with sad eyes. “I’m so, so sorry, Skye,” he told her. “I shouldn’t have hurt you.” He sighed. “I really wish I hadn’t.” And with that, he turned away and left the room, leaving Skye in tears, holding onto Jules’s shirt for dear life.
“Hey, are you okay?” Jules’s warm, gentle voice asked her. “I’m so sorry I didn’t come up any sooner. If only I had known he was going to…I never would have left you…”
“Don’t,” she whispered, “it wasn’t your fault. And besides—he didn’t physically hurt me. I’m going to be just fine. So please don’t let this change anything. I just want to be with you and forget it ever happened.”
He lifted her in his arms, carrying her over to the bed bridal style. “I’ll try to forget if you will,” he murmured, setting her down carefully. “Is that all right with you?”
“That’s perfect,” she whispered, too weak to speak any louder. Her body was starting to crash under the pressure of everything that had happened in the day, desperate for rest. Whimpering, she pulled Jules down onto the bed with her, kissed him, and relaxed, letting the needs of her body control her. “Stay with me, tonight? I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep without you by my side.”
“Of course.” He smiled, a kind genuine smile, filled with so much love, so much adoration, it broke her heart. She was going to miss his smile. She was going to miss him with every fiber in her body. “Just let me turn off the light.”
Despite herself and all the trouble that awaited her, she smiled. Her body was desperate for sleep she wouldn’t be able to have, her heart was breaking more and more with each moment she spent together with Jules, her mind was crowded with dark memories and haunting fears, and yet despite all of that—she smiled. She smiled for all of the good times. All of the happy times. She smiled because, even though there seemed to be no hope for a brighter future, she’d already experienced the joys of life. And if this was the beginning of the end for her, she was grateful for the time she’d already spent.
After Jules turned off the light, he went around to the other side of the bed, slipped under the covers, and wrapped his arms around Skye, bathing her with his warmth. “Jules,” she whispered, reaching for his hand and entwining their fingers together. “Can I tell you something?”
He kissed the top of her head. “Of course.”
She turned around in his arms, tangled her hand in his hair, and kissed him, as many times as she could, before breaking away, pressing her forehead against his, and saying three words that had never carried so much meaning in her life before. “I love you.”
Faintly she could see him smile. “I know,” he said, caressing her cheek. “And I love you, too. More than I ever thought possible.”
Afraid that this night could be their last together, Skye pushed him on his back, rolled on top of him, and searched for his lips with hers, desperately. She ran her hand up his shirt, rolling it up, pulling it off his head, all the while barely breaking away for air. Her heart was pounding, her mind reeling with the extremities of what she was about to do, temperature rising.
Jules made a small sound in the back of his throat, clumsily trying to sit up with her. He pulled her face in his hands, kissing her with a fierce aggression, igniting small fireworks in her stomach. She gasped when his lips ventured down into the crook of her neck, nipping softly at the tender skin. Her stomach did a few flips when he fingered the buttons on her blouse, carefully undoing one. She giggled, thriving off of his energy, lost in the heat of the moment.
His fingers paused at the third button of her blouse, quivering. “Are you sure you want to do this, Skye?” he asked her, looking into her eyes. “We can stop, right now, if you’re not ready. Because as much as I’d like to continue, this is something you can never undo.”
She froze for a moment, torn. Part of her feared taking such a huge step in their relationship, but the other part wanted it more than anything else. And despite the part of her that knew they shouldn’t—the part that knew it wasn’t right, at least not yet—she nodded, taking a deep breath.
Jules seemed hesitant for a moment, sitting there, looking right through her, but eventually returned to what he was doing before, taking things a little slower. As he undid the final button and took the blouse away, images of Johnny plagued her all at once, creating a slideshow of her in a terrifying scenario much like the one she and Jules were in at the moment except darker.
Scrambling out of Jules’s arms, she sobbed into the covers, terrified of the visions that continued to plague her. “I’m sorry, Jules,” she cried, shaking her head. “I-I just can’t shake the memory. I can’t shake him.

H-He’s always there. He always wants to hurt me.”
Warm breath brushed the side of her face. “Hey, it’s okay,” Jules whispered in a soothing tone, stroking her back in a comforting manner. “He’s not going to hurt you. He’s never going to hurt you again. I promise.”
She cried harder, knowing that that wasn’t true, but wishing it was. She had to be careful though; Jules couldn’t find out Johnny had talked to her. She wouldn’t put him in that kind of danger. “I know,” she lied. And trying to lighten the mood a little bit, to push away the darkness, she added, “Can we maybe have a rain check on tonight? It sort of went up in flames.”
He laughed nervously, pulled her hand in his. “I’d like that,” he agreed. “But maybe we can wait a little while. Take things slow. It’ll be better that way.” He pulled her into him, and she let him, wanting to feel him around her for what she knew could be the last time.
“Of course it will,” she sighed, overwhelmed with grief. “Goodnight, Jules.”
“Goodnight, Trouble.” He hugged her, kissing the top of her head. “I love you.”
Knowing that she had very little time left with him, she curled as far into him as possible, felt the smooth of his skin against hers, heard the beat of his heart, and wished she had more time. More time to be with him. More time to avoid the darkness of night, and the troubles it holds.
More time to say goodbye.


Disgust pulsed through Johnny’s veins, boiling uncontrollable anger and hatred. He lashed out at Rachel, slapping her with enough force to drive the chair to the ground. “What the hell

was that, Rachel?” he growled, teeth clenched. “Did I not make myself clear before? I told you not to cross me!”
Heartbeat pulsing in his ears, he slammed his foot into the fallen chair, drove it into the ruff, splintered wooden flooring. He cursed, grumbling under his breath, sickened with the girl’s crying. He hated the crying; it was only acceptable when it came from his Princess

“Be quiet!” His voice cracked. He was losing control, much too quickly. Despite the fact that he knew Skye would save her friend no matter what, and he’d have her in his possession soon, he was upset. Rachel had betrayed him, lied to him. She deserved to be punished. Bending down in front of her, he started to undo her bonds, roughly.
Her cries turned into whimpers, her body coiling away from his wrath—and his touch. “W-What are you doing, J-Johnny?” she croaked, drawing away from him. “I-I’m sorry. I-I just want her to be safe.”
He scoffed. “You should have listened to me then.” His fingers brushed her soft, dirt covered skin as he took off the second restraint. He held her other hand firmly in his, keeping her close. He could feel her fear, seeping into him. And when he looked into her eyes for a brief moment, before going back to his work, he saw just that, mixed with the pain he could only imagine she was feeling.

fight me.” He gripped both her wrists in one of his hands, while the other tugged on her hair, inflicting another whimper in response. He put his lips by her ears, whispering, “You make one wrong move, and I’ll make you wish you were dead. More than I already am going to.”
From the way she flinched at his words he could tell he’d gotten the point across. If she disobeyed him again, he’d be sure to make her never forget it. “Now come.” He dragged her to her feet, her legs shaking and breath catching as he did so. Sobs trembled from her lips as he brought her down into the basement, yanking on her wrists hard enough to leave horrendous bruises in the wake.
He dragged her into the bedroom, tossed her onto the bed, and tried to gain back his composure. He needed it for what he was about to do.
She was in his game now.
And if she didn’t follow the rules . . . game over.
“Lie down,” he ordered her. She snapped her head up to him, eyes wide, brows narrowed in miserable confusion. “Lie down on your stomach and keep your hands where I can see them. Now

Slowly, she made her way onto her stomach, hands shaking on the mattress beside her. Johnny smiled, happy with her cooperation. His heartbeat sped when he picked up some rope from the floor, carried it over to the head of the bed, and—with his free hand—tugged her wrists towards the bedframe. He tied her wrists to it, tightly, before pulling her face in his hands, brushing a tear off her cheek, and saying, “I hate to hurt such a pretty face, but you didn’t listen. You put yourself here, Rachel, just remember that.”
“Please, don’t do this,” she whispered, trembling. “I’m sorry. I was just trying to protect my friend. Please

don’t do anything more.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, as genuinely as he could. “I really wish I didn’t have to do this. But you need to be punished for crossing me. I told you there’d be awful consequences.”
“No,” she whimpered. “No, please

He let go of her, turned away. He couldn’t bear to look at her pleading, desperate gaze anymore. It was driving him to feel things he couldn’t let himself feel. He couldn’t be weak.
As he walked around to the other side of the bed, he shook his head, forcing himself to turn off his emotions. If he let himself fall into Rachel’s emotional pull, he’d easily lose himself at the thought of Skye. And he couldn’t lose. He had to take control.
Crawling onto the bed beside Rachel, he smiled at the way she tried to evade him, and at the way her attempts at escape failed so miserably. He pushed her hair to the sides, and then trailed his hands down her sides. He could feel her freeze and tense up, sensing her thoughts and fears, feeding off them.
A chuckle escaped his lips when she shivered, knowing exactly what she was thinking. His hands stopped at the hem of her shirt. Ever so slowly, tauntingly, he rolled up her shirt until the majority of her back was exposed. He smiled in satisfaction, noting how smooth and perfect the skin looked.
It won’t look that good for long

, he thought, sharing a secret with himself. Too bad for her she had to go and speak without being spoken to.

Sitting up, he unclasped his belt buckle, began to remove it. Rachel sobbed, the sound of it muffled from the mattress she hid her face in. He chuckled, crawling over her and slipping off the bed, belt in hand.
Tentatively, she turned to look at him, tears leaving tracks down her face. It only took her a moment, watching Johnny play with the belt, for realization to grace her features. She shook her head, whimpering. “Please don’t. Johnny, please.”
“Don’t worry,” he cooed. “At least it’s not going to kill you.” A grin spread across his face. “It’s just going to hurt—a lot

As soon as his belt came in harsh contact with her flesh, a scream ricocheted off the musky walls, filling the room with the shrill awakening of aggressive pain.
He let out a harsh breath, positioned for another blow. “How does that feel? Terrible? Because I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but it’s going to get a lot worse. That was just a little preview.”
After the second blow, he showed no mercy.

NESTLED IN JULES’S warm arms, Skye tried to pull her thoughts together. She had twenty minutes left before she had to face her fears. Twenty minutes before her entire world could crash and burn. Twenty minutes before she disappeared from Jules’s life forever. And less than ten

before she had to leave him, the only boy she’d ever truly loved.
Fighting the painful sobs that bubbled up inside, she blinked her teary eyes, let out a shaky breath, gave Jules one last, tender kiss, and whispered, “Please forgive me, Jules. I love you so much.”
Her heart dropped when a smile graced his face, tearing her apart with his precious, unforgettable charm. She longed to stay with him, hold him, kiss

him, but knew it couldn’t happen; there was too much to lose.
Without wasting another second, she untangled herself from his arms, tip-toed downstairs, and sneaked out of the house, leaving behind only her memory for those she loved so dearly. She hurried down the quiet, vacant streets, desperately hoping Johnny would keep his word and not do anything rash before midnight.
Her heart raced, and her head throbbed with pent-up pressure, causing everything to blur out of focus around her. The streetlights became too bright, and the world spun. She was starting to lose herself to the weight of sleep deprivation.
Determined not to let it slow her down, she stumbled into a jog, hurrying towards Bryan’s old house. No matter how hard it became to see and keep her own footing, she continued to push herself forward, afraid that if she gave up she’d never see her best friend again. And that was the last

thing that she wanted to happen.
When she managed to stumble into Bryan’s old yard, her heart was beating a mile a minute, her head felt like lead, and her vision was trapped in an eerie mask of fog. She collapsed on the cold, damp grass, legs too weak to support her any longer. She whimpered, trapped in a haze, desperately trying to figure out what she could do next.
A faint crying woke her from her stupor, perking up her drained subconscious. Crawling into a standing position, she blinked a few times in a vain attempt at trying to clear her mind, and took a few deep breaths. Her legs shook as she stumbled over to the side of the house, using the wall for support. When she came to a window, she tried to take a peek inside but found nothing of any interest to her, just a heavy drape guarding the inside.
Her heart skipped a beat when she heard a muffled voice coming from inside—the sound of someone in dire need of help. Rachel

. Desperate, she found her way to the front door, shoved her way inside, and tumbled onto the hardwood floor, winded. She winced at the pain that shot up her arm, like an electric current jolting her system. Spots speckled her vision for a moment before she blinked them away, fighting the urge to cry.
She was exhausted, both physically and emotionally, and couldn’t seem to grasp onto any solid facts. Both her mind and body were shutting down, distressed, and all she wanted to do was go back home, curl up, and cry herself to sleep.
But she couldn’t do that; she had to save Rachel. The only reason she was even still awake was to protect her, and if she failed the task now, she’d lose everything and everyone

she cared about most.
She had one option: to succeed.
Fighting pain and weakness, Skye pushed herself back on her feet, stumbled over to the basement stairs where the cries were coming from, and began to venture down into the dark abyss, searching for her friend.
When she came off the last step, she was on high alert, terrified of what could happen next. Her throat felt like sandpaper, and her breath came out in choked up gasps. “Rachel?” she whispered, breathlessly. “Are you down here?”
Vaguely, she thought she heard a muffled whimper, coming from inside Bryan’s old room. A flashback blipped into her mind, revealing horrific events of what had previously happened in there with Bryan’s father, causing her to shrink back in fear.
A stray tear rolled down her cheek. Cold wrapped its icy claws around her, causing a shiver to run down her spine. She took a few tentative steps forward, trembling. Go ahead, you can do it

, she told herself, closing her eyes. Just keep going. Rachel could be in there, hurting. And you’re the only one who can help her now.

She reached the doorstep. Her skin crawled.
Slowly opening her eyes, she checked out the scene before her, took it all in. Rachel lay on the bed, whimpering and crying, her shirt torn away from her body, revealing large, red gashes all along her back, the aftermath of a brutal beating. Her hands were bound to the bed, and there were cuts along her arms, too.
Skye covered her mouth with her hand, on the verge of tears, utterly horrified at what lay before her. “Rachel,” she gasped, suppressing a sob. “Oh, no. Rachel . . . how could I let this happen to you?” Her voice barely made it above a whisper as she spoke, gasping for air.
For a moment all she could do was stare, frozen to her spot. But then Rachel made another miserable cry for help, and everything swam back into focus, reminding her why she was where she was.
In an instant she was at the bedposts, untying the restraints on Rachel’s wrists. “I’m going to get you out of here. Everything’s going to be okay.” There was sudden strength in her voice, strength that hadn’t been there before, and she was grateful for it. It almost

made her believe what she was saying, too. “Hang in there, Rach. You’re going to be just fine.”
Rachel shook her head into the bedding, crying out as the bonds fell away, leaving her wounded arms limp on the mattress. “No . . . I . . . you . . . Johnny . . . leave . . . please . . . danger . . .” she mumbled, breathlessly. “Skye . . . go . . . it’s . . . trap . . .” Her voice trailed off, eyes rolling back as her body went still.
Skye’s blood turned to ice. “Rachel?”
A shuffle of feet.
“Welcome back, Princess,” a voice cooed from behind her. “I’m so glad you could make it.” An arm snaked around her waist, pulling her into a firm chest. “We’re going to have a good time together.”
A sob trembled from her lips as her body went stiff, terror plaguing her entire being. Hatred and sorrow was evident in her voice as she whispered a weak, “Johnny.”
“Don’t cry, Princess,” he whispered in her ear. “You’ll learn to enjoy my company.”
She struggled but it was no use—he’d already won.
As a cloth covered her mouth, a heavy darkness took over her weak body, surrendering to Johnny’s poison.

* * * * *

IF THERE WAS one thing Victor hated most—it was rejection. Having faced so much rejection in such a short lifetime, he’d worked up an ugly hatred for it. Rejection seemed to have become such a common occurrence to him, that it was almost second nature. Lately he’d managed to find himself out in the storm, alone and rejected, quite a few times. First, when his housing didn’t work out. And second, when Skye and Jules pushed him out of their lives, possibly for good.
With nowhere to go, he had no choice but to wander the streets, alone with only his thoughts and the night sky to keep him company. And as he walked, all he could think about was Skye, the kiss they’d shared, and how badly he’d messed things up. Jules probably hated him, and he couldn’t imagine Skye thinking any better of him; even if she’d been the only one who’d truly ever given him a second chance.
“I shouldn’t have let her slip away,” he said softly, like a whisper in the wind. “I went much too far, and I’ll probably never get her back.” He sighed, shaking his head. “And now I’m talking to myself, too. Jeez, I’m a mess.”
His lips crept into a smile as the realization of what he’d just said checked in, forcing him to put aside the burdens he was carrying for a quick moment. He stopped on a sidewalk a little ways down from Skye’s house, looking up towards the sky. Clouds drifted in front of the stars, blocking them from view, and he sighed again, suddenly torn.
He thought of Skye again, this time reminiscing back to when he’d first approached her that night, noting the way she’d acted—like something terrible was bothering her—and wishing he’d realized it sooner. Wishing he’d realized sooner that something must be wrong.
Before he fully registered what he was doing, Victor took off in the direction of Skye’s house, going over the possibilities of what could’ve been wrong in his mind. She’d looked like she’d been crying, and there had been undeniable fear in her eyes, so whatever the trouble was, it deserved undivided speculation.
As he hurried along the sidewalk, beads of sweat running down his forehead, he racked his brain for some kind of explanation. And it wasn’t until he’d made it to the house, standing before the front door as if in a dream, or in this case nightmare, that he revealed an answer that had the power to change everything.
Skye had been in contact with Johnny

He remembered seeing that same kind of fear when he’d found her with trapped in her room with Johnny. He’d never seen someone so afraid.
Swallowing the bile that threatened to choke him at the mere thought of Johnny’s hands on her, abusing her, breaking her down until there was little of her left, he pulled out his cell phone with shaky hands, mentally pushed away the image of Skye’s horror-stricken face, and dialed her number. All he could hope was that she’d answer it; although he knew there was no chance of her answering it even if she had heard it.
After four rings, no answer.
He punched the buttons in again, breathing heavy. His heart was thudding inside his chest; his mind was buzzing with hopes and fears; his body was shaking erratically; everything about him was thoroughly unnerved by the situation.
He listened again—still, no answer.
Desperate, he tried again, but it never rang, and instead only went to her voicemail. He began to think he was too late, that something had already happened, and slammed his fist against the side of the house, breaking down at the thought of Skye hurting, stolen away by a sick, sadistic man. His chest heaved, angry sobs threatening to break free. He couldn’t bring himself to imagine what he’d do to Johnny if he ever got his hands on him. Skye was a sweet girl; she didn’t deserve the torment she’d been through.
After calming himself down a little, Victor straightened up and rapped his knuckles on the door. He didn’t want to wake everyone, only Jules, but he had no other choice. Skye could be in danger, and after everything he’d done, Jules would never answer his call.
He waited a moment before knocking again, feverishly pounding on the door. “Please,” he whispered. “Someone, please answer the door!” His weak voice cracked.
After a few more agonizing moments, pounding on the door, longing for an answer, the lock clicked and slowly the door was opened, revealing a flustered Jules. “Jules—” Victor started, and leaned one hand on the door, panting.
“What do you

want?” Jules groaned, rubbing his face. “Did you come by to beg for forgiveness? Because now is not

the time.” He started to close the door, ever so slightly. “I think it’s best if you go home, now. Goodnight, Vic.”
“No, wait!” Victor snapped, supporting his end. “Is Skye here? Please tell me she’s here.” He swallowed, hard. “It’s important I know that she’s okay.”
Jules frowned. “Of course she’s here.” His brows furrowed in confusion. “Why wouldn’t she be here, Vic? It’s after midnight. A little late for her to be taking a stroll, don’t you think?”
“She’s in danger, Jules,” Victor said, with as much desperation as he could. “I think she’s been in contact with Johnny. And if she has—things could go very badly. Please just make sure she’s here, safe. You love her, right?”
Jules seemed to think about his proposal for a few moments, at a loss for words, before raking a hand through his hair and opening the door wider. “Come in. I’ll go make sure she’s okay.”
“Where is she?”
Jules headed up the stairs, saying, “In the bathroom.”
As soon as Jules disappeared from his sight, Victor noticed Leah standing at the top of the stairs, watching him. She asked him, “What’s going on?”
“I just wanted to make sure Skye’s okay. She wasn’t answering her phone, and when I was here earlier she seemed a little upset, so I figured I’d drop by.”
“It’s late. She’s been in bed for hours.” Leah began descending the stairs, eyeing him with an intense glare. “Wouldn’t it have been better to wait until morning? She’s had a long day.”
“I know, ma’am—and I’m sorry—but I just have a really bad feeling there’s something going on that’s beyond us. I’m afraid morning would’ve been too late.”
“You’re right, Vic,” said a voice from the top of the staircase, drawing Victor’s attention away from Leah and towards a tormented looking Jules. “Morning would’ve been too late. In fact, right now is too late.” His voice cracked. “Skye’s gone.”
Victor’s worst fear came to life at the sound of those two haunting little words.

WHEN SKYE STIRRED from her deep, heavy slumber, everything seemed fuzzy. Her vision was cloudy, her body numb; she felt deprived of something, although she couldn’t be sure of what. Blinking her heavily lidded eyes, she looked around the distorted room, searching for some kind of explanation.
All she found was warm walls, earth toned furniture, a ceiling fan, window, and two doors that gave away nothing but the fact that she was no longer in Bryan’s home. From what she could tell, she’d been moved into a cabin of some sort, left alone.
As her senses started to kick in, she noticed a harsh, strong grip on both her ankles and wrists, holding her in place. Ever so slowly, she tugged on one of the restraints at her wrists, testing it. The rope didn’t allow much, and she ended up getting nowhere, giving up.
It was no use. She was trapped. Like a bird in a cage. Helpless.
Stifling a sob, she lay still, thinking about how she’d managed to get herself into this mess in the first place. She’d called Rachel, found out Johnny had taken her, agreed to meet him, and rushed to her best friend’s aid, only to be caught in a sick man’s game. He’d wanted her all along, and despite the part of her that had been prepared for this moment—prepared to face Johnny and her own fears—she began to break down under the circumstances.
Could there really be any hope for her? She was not only bound and lost, but also utterly terrified and helpless. What good could she do to save herself now? She was too weak—too exhausted. Nothing seemed to be on her side.
A small clicking sound rang in her ears, snapping her from her state of mind. She froze, her body on sudden high alert. Her heart began thudding inside her chest; anxiety pulsed through her veins. She swallowed, closed her eyes, waiting for something to happen. Waiting for Johnny.
And all too soon, there was a soft thud of the door hitting the wall, and a shuffle of feet, giving Johnny’s presence away in an instant. She could sense

him watching her, hear

his steady breathing, and feel

his presence like an awful frost-bite on her subconscious, chilling her to the core.
“You’re awake,” he said, sighing. “Finally

. I was starting to worry I’d drugged you too much.” He shut the door, taking his time. “It’s been over an hour, in case you’re wondering. Rachel should be waking up soon, too.”
Slowly, she braved opening her eyes, careful to avoid his gaze. “You’re not worried she’ll call for help?” Her stomach dropped at the horrifying memory of Rachel’s abused body. “You must know she’ll try.”
“I’m aware,” he said, almost pleasantly. “In fact—I’m looking forward to it. See, the thing is, even if she gets the authorities involved it won’t stop me. It won’t stop us

from being together, like we should be.”
She choked on the bile in her throat, utterly disgusted. No

, she replied silently, too shaken to speak aloud. It will. You’re never going to get away with this, Johnny. I’ll never be with you.

He smiled—a sick, repulsive twitch of the lips. “If you have something to say, Princess, just say it.”
She turned her face towards him, glaring, and shook her head. “I have nothing to say to you.”
“Aw, don’t be like that, sweetheart,” he crooned, stepping towards her. “You’ll learn to enjoy my company, soon. Everything will be just fine. You just have to remember to listen to me, okay?”
“You’ve taken everything I love away from me,” she snapped, voice cracking. She fought back the tears that threatened to leak. “Nothing will ever be ‘just fine’

again. And you’re kidding yourself if you think I’ll ever

enjoy your company. I can’t stand being around you. You make me sick

“Now we’re getting somewhere.” He smirked, reaching out to catch a lock of her hair in his fingers. “I like it when you’re honest with me, Princess, but I can’t have you running your mouth like that, either. And if you want to keep your ‘innocence’ intact, I suggest you start keeping some of your thoughts to yourself. Things will go better for you if you don’t fight what’s going to happen.”
Stricken with an aggressive surge of fear, Skye recoiled, pulling herself as far away from Johnny as she possibly could with her restrictions. “What do you want from me, Johnny?” Her voice was small and weak, showing fear she wanted so desperately to hide. “Why are you doing this?”
He leaned in, cupped her face in his hands, and pressed their foreheads together, sighing. “I just want you

, Skylar. I’ve always wanted you.” He brushed his lips over hers, inhaling. “Everything I’ve done has been for you.”
She whimpered, blinking back tears. “No, stop—”
“Shh, don’t worry, Princess—it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.”
“Please—” she croaked, trying to pull away. “Don’t.” Bitter sobs shook her body as Johnny pressed his lips against hers and kissed her, invading a boundary she wished he hadn’t. She had to fight the urge to gag, repulsed by Johnny’s sick tongue probing its way into her mouth. Her stomach lurched at his taste, so bitter, so vile

, she could hardly bear it.
When he finally pulled his lips away, Skye gasped for air, choking on the aftermath of his aggression. “Johnny,” she whispered, mentally slapping herself for how weak and insecure she was being. “Please—don’t touch me. Not like that.”
He frowned, gave his head a little shake. “I’m sorry, Skye—but I’ve wanted to be with you for so long. It’s not easy for me to hold myself back, especially with you right here, so close to me.” He pushed himself onto the bed, placing himself above her. “And besides, it’s not like you’ve been very respectful to me in the past. Things could be much worse; I could be making you do things you’re not ready for, or hurting you—but I’m not. I’m being merciful, instead.” He nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck, breathing heavy. “You should be grateful.”
She shivered, feeling his teeth graze her soft, tender skin. “I-I am grateful,” she lied. It wasn’t entirely a lie though; she was

grateful he hadn’t made her do anything she wasn’t ready for—this time. But then again, he’d already abused her too many times for her to trust that he’d really be able to hold himself back if the time came. “I-I’m sorry—I guess I’m just afraid.” She swallowed hard, biting back what she really wanted to say. She had to be strong now; she had to fight for her own freedom. And maybe—if she told Johnny what he wanted to hear—she’d have a chance at winning this battle.
It was the only hope she had left.
“It’s okay, Princess. I know this is all must be very strange for you.” He nipped at a soft spot, pressed his lips against the skin. “But everything will be okay. I promise.”
She closed her eyes, fighting the urge to cry out. His touch created an overwhelming feeling of disgust, making her skin crawl. “Can I ask you something?”
He smiled against her skin. “Anything.”
Her heart was pounding, but she tried to calm herself down, too afraid that if she didn’t keep herself together she’d later regret it. She had no choice but to fake trust in him. “Why?” Her voice wavered, and she cleared her throat. “Why do you want me so badly? Why do all of this just . . . to have me

He hesitated, lips parting from her skin. His breath was warm and heavy on her skin when he let out a long breath, before saying, ever so softly, “Because you’re just like her.”
Her eyes flashed open; body went rigid—suddenly wide awake. Her? She tried to wrap her mind around what he’d just told her, perplexed by the deep sorrow she’d heard in his voice. Could there have been another girl? A girl like me?

“Who was she?” she managed, finding her voice. “What happened to her?”
“Scarlett,” he said, quietly. “Scarlett Newman—the first girl I ever loved.” Skye could feel his body shaking around hers, just barely, as he propped himself up, hands on either side of her head. His stricken gaze bore into hers, so raw, so torn, so vulnerable

, it was like nothing she’d ever seen from him before. “I was going to propose for her hand in marriage, but before I could, she was taken from me.”
“Taken?” she asked, genuinely intrigued. “What happened, Johnny?”

killed her,” he spat, brows furrowing in disgust. “He had no shame, no remorse. He was just a soulless monster that ruined my life.”
“My father.” His voice was laced with disdain. “He didn’t care about anyone but himself. After years of abusing his family—me, my mother, and sister—he eventually broke down completely and told me I had to help him get rid of them, or he’d kill me too. He made me watch as he took their lives—and Scarlett’s—before taking his own life and leaving me with no one. He’d always hated me. But he’d also always wanted me to be like him.” He sighed, ran his hand through his hair, and sat up, straddling Skye’s waist. “I guess in a way, he got what he wanted.”
“No—he didn’t.” Subtly, she tested the bonds again, searching for some way of escape. When they didn’t budge, she focused all her attention on Johnny. “You don’t have to be like him, Johnny. You can be different—better

—than he was. You can change.”
“So you agree, then?” His hands ventured down to her waist, and then lazily crawled upwards. She stifled a gasp, the feel of his hands sending the darkest of memories to her mind. “I’ve turned into him.”
She froze for a moment before shaking her head, taken aback. “No—you haven’t—I—”
He bent down, leaned in. “Just admit it, Skylar—you’re afraid of me. You’re afraid of the kinds of feelings I have towards you. But wait—it’s more than that. You’re not only afraid, but also disgusted

with me. I mean—don’t get me wrong—I can’t really blame you. I’ve done some pretty awful things to you and

your loved ones. But the problem is, I’ve done it all for


. You’re just so much

like her, and I can’t help but want you.” His hands reached the top button of her blouse and stopped, hesitating, and at the same time, he brought his lips against her ear, whispering, “You’re special, Princess—no one can say otherwise. But you’re also mine—and I’ve never been good at sharing.”
The first button came undone. She sucked in a breath, prepared to beg for him to stop, but he pressed a hand on her mouth, silencing her. “Don’t. It’ll do you no good. You’ll just have to trust me.”
She tried to shake her head but didn’t get anywhere, easily held in place by his hand. Her heartbeat was pounding painfully against her chest, fear and desperation squeezing the life out of her. She pulled on the bonds but it did nothing. She was trapped, vulnerable at Johnny’s hands.
Another button came undone.
“Maybe I should just take you now,” Johnny said slowly, as if considering it. “Maybe I shouldn’t wait for you to be ready.” A muffled whimper was her only response. “Maybe I’ll have a little fun.” He kissed her neck, softly, as his fingers worked to undo another button. “What do you think?”
As he removed his hand from her mouth, Skye gasped for air, shaking erratically. She bit her tongue, trying to hold back a dangerous response. Her entire body recoiled at his touch, skin crawling, and stomach turning. She wanted to cry, wanted to give in, but she knew she couldn’t give up that easily. “I—”
He cut her off, aggressively pressing his lips against hers. When he finally pulled apart, he was breathing heavy. “I’ve made up my mind.”
The final button came undone.
And without thinking, throwing caution right out the window, Skye spat in his face. He drew back, a small, taunting smile on his face. Rage boiled within her, and with as much breath as she could get, she screamed, “Stop it! Just—stop—touching

—me! I’m not just another little play thing you can mess around with, Johnny! I’m not

Scarlett—no matter how much I may remind you of her—and you have no right to put your filthy, disgusting

hands on me! You’re even sicker that I thought if you think that what you’re doing is perfectly okay. Because it’s not okay, Johnny—nothing

is with you. You’re a monster, just like your father was.”
He’d sat up, taken his hands away from her, and was now staring at her, face contorted in a mask of uncertainty. Skye’s heart stopped when she realized what she’d just done, utterly horrified and shocked with herself. She couldn’t believe she’d snapped at him; she’d tried so hard to be careful. I have to fix this, before he loses it.

But before she could do or say anything else, he got off the bed, told her she shouldn’t have said what she’d said, and left the room, leaving her with nothing but an intoxicating fear of the unknown.

RACHEL’S SWOLLEN BACK was throbbing with unbearable pain when she came to. The dark, dirty room of the basement provided little light, and she could hardly put together what had happened. The only thing she clearly remembered was the feeling of horrific pain as something had whipped across her back, breaking the skin. Everything else seemed to blur into one crowded mess.
Tentatively, she pressed her palms into the mattress and tried to push herself into an upright position. But the pain soon became too much and she fell back against the bed in exhaustion. A whimper trembled from her lips as she closed her eyes, about to give in to the exhaustion. Her body was shutting itself down again, and if she didn’t do something soon, she could end up stuck in the basement, without treatment and help, for days.
Vaguely, in the haze of her clouded mind, she thought of her cell phone, remembering how Johnny had left it on one of the tabletops. She looked around the room, careful not to put too much strain on her aching back, and found it atop a desk a few feet away.
Wincing from the pain that plagued her drowning body, she managed to crawl off the bed and near the desk, desperate to find a way out. She reached up and grasped the phone in her hand, squeezing her eyes shut against the pain. “Safety,” she whimpered. “Finally.”
She dialed 911

as quickly as she could and waited for an answer, collapsing onto the floor. The room spun when she opened her eyes, spotted with black specks. When the operator came onto the line, she murmured a weak, “Please help. I’m in the basement of an old, abandoned house on Burk Drive. He took me, and I think he might have Skye now. Please hurry.”
And before she could say anything else, darkness wrapped her in its haunting clutches, stealing her away.

VICTOR’S HEART WAS beating a mile a minute. He was having a hard time accepting the news that not only had Rachel been caught up in Johnny’s psychotic schemes, but that Skye had also been taken—by the same sadistic man that kept trying to ruin her. He didn’t want it to be true. He wanted to believe that it was all just a nightmare.
But sitting in the hospital, waiting for information about exactly what had happened, made it all too real. Rachel was lying unconscious in a hospital room, and Skye was in life-threatening danger—a reality all too disturbing.
Sitting there doing nothing while the doctor’s and officer’s hustled around for answers, made him feel sick to his stomach, and he wished there was something he could do to help. He felt guilty doing nothing, even though the Sheriff and Rachel’s doctor had told him there was nothing more he could do but wait—for now.
He sighed, heavily. His head throbbed, heart ached, and body trembled, exhaustion weighing down on his body. The only thing that was keeping him awake was his need for information.
“How is she doing?”
At the sound of Jules’s drained voice, Victor startled, snapping his head up. When he caught his friend’s haggard gaze, he shrugged, gestured to the seat next to him. “They haven’t told me anything more than she’ll be okay.”
“Have you seen her?” Jules asked, dropping into the seat across from Victor. “You were there when they picked her up, right?”
“Yes,” he croaked, voice straggled. “She looked miserable. There were bruises and cuts all over her body, and when I held her hand she didn’t respond at all.” A sob shook his body. “She looked as if she was merely hanging on by a thread.”
Jules’s face screwed up, eyes sad. “But she’s going to be okay? She’ll make it?”
“That’s what they say.”
“Then she will be,” Jules said, reaching over and putting a reassuring hand on Victor’s shoulder. “She’s going to be just fine.”
“I sure hope so.” Victor tried to smile but couldn’t pull it off, burdened by an overwhelming feeling of guilt. “I’m really sorry about what happened earlier. I know an apology can’t help too much, but I really am sorry. I never meant to hurt anyone.”
Jules seemed to take in his words for a moment, watching the floor. “It’s okay, Vic.” He looked up, a small hint of a smile on his lips. “I know you didn’t mean to hurt anyone, and I’m sorry I reacted so strongly. How about we just forget about it, okay? Skye needs us right now.”
“Right.” Victor pressed his hands against his face, fighting off exhaustion. “Have you heard anything about her?”
Jules frowned. “No. Not yet.”
Victor’s heart missed a beat. “I’m sure they’ll have something soon,” he mumbled, almost to himself. “They have to.”
“Victor Knight and Jules Rane?” a deep voice called out to them, forcing them both to look in the direction of the entrance. An officer stood at the doors, holding a box in his hands. “Show yourselves if you can hear me.”
“Over here,” Jules said, and stood up. “What is it, Officer?”
Victor stood as well when the officer approached them, nerves on high alert. “Do you have information on Skye’s whereabouts?”
The officer shook his head. “But that’s where we could use your boys’ help.” He held up the box, opened it, and pulled out a cell phone, holding it in front of their faces. “Is this Skylar’s?”
Jules’s brows furrowed, his face scrunched up in a mask of what Victor could only read as sheer horror. “Yes, sir, that belongs to Skye.”
“Good,” the officer said, and set it back down in the box. “We are going to do everything we can to locate Skylar, but we’re going to need your help. Leah Richmond is at her house right now, talking to the Sheriff, and he’d like for you both to join them. With all of your input, we should be able to locate the girl. We know she sneaked out to meet Johnny Richmond at that abandoned home, and that he took her, but there’s also more.” He cleared his throat, hesitant to meet the boys’ gazes. “According to Rachel Harper, Johnny planned on getting out of the country by four o’clock this morning, which makes it’s even more crucial that we find them both—very soon.” He nodded to the parking lot. “Come with me, please.”
Victor’s blood turned to ice.
They had less than two hours to find Skye, before she was taken away from them forever—trapped in Johnny’s tormenting clutches.

THE WAITING WAS AGONIZING. Waiting for Johnny to come back, most likely prepared to do things Skye couldn’t even bring herself to think about, drove her into a state of desperation. Her heart raced uncontrollably, while her conscious struggled to keep herself calm. Stay strong. Don’t let him get to you. He likes to see you afraid; don’t give him the satisfaction.

But all too soon, the doorknob rattled, breaking down her resolve. She jumped at the sound of the door hitting the wall, Johnny’s familiar presence all too real. “Hello, Princess,” he cooed, sounding much too calm for Skye’s liking. “Did you miss me?”
“What are you going to do with me, Johnny?” she asked, hesitant. Fear had crept into her voice and she tried to focus all of her energy towards staying calm. No fear. He likes it.

“I’m going to have a little fun,” he drawled, and started to approach her. “You may not like it, but that doesn’t really make a difference to me. I’ve waited for you to respect me long enough, and now—since you’ve proven to not give a damn about respect—I’m going to show you the consequences. I’m going to make you wish you’d never said a word.”
She shook her head, sucked in a breath. “No—wait—” she stammered, swallowing a lump of fear in her throat. “I didn’t mean to say what did. I-I’m sorry, Johnny. Please, I didn’t mean it. Don’t

do this.”
He chuckled and pushed himself on top of her on the bed, straddling her waist. He pulled her blouse away from her body and bent over, leaning in for a quick kiss. “It’s too late, Skylar. You don’t get any more second chances. I’ve had enough of this generosity. It’s about time you learn

to respect me.”
His hands traveled down to her jeans, ripping off the belt and yanking the jeans down in one quick movement. She whimpered, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Please—Johnny, don’t.”
He chuckled again, and gripped onto her sides, bending down and trailing his tongue up her skin. His lips met up with her collarbone and pressed down on the sensitive skin, causing another whimper to escape her lips. He nipped at the skin.
Skye let out a straggled cry. “Stop—please!”
He nuzzled his face in her neck before moving to her ear and whispering, “I’ve waited so long for this moment. I’m not turning back now.”
All of her hope faded at the sound of those words, breaking her down little by little. “Please—don’t.”
He pressed a finger against her lips, saying, “Shh, don’t worry, sweetheart—it’ll be okay. I’ll be careful not to hurt you too badly.”
She gagged, utterly disgusted. She couldn’t stand what he was doing; she desperately wanted him to stop—more than she ever had before. But there was no way out this time. There was no hope. Johnny had her secure in his trap, and there was no way of escape.
In one swift movement, Johnny yanked his shirt above his head, and removed the rest of his clothing, all the while leaving sick, hungry kisses on her skin.
She turned her face away, repulsed by the sight of him. She closed her eyes, trying to forget what was happening, and where she was, trying to remove herself from the moment. She wanted nothing to do with Johnny. She wanted to believe she wasn’t the girl he was assaulting; she couldn’t be that girl.
His hands gripped onto her hips, carrying her slightly off the bed. His fingers hooked into her panties, pulling them down, as a scream trembled from her lips.
The reality of what was about to happen, mixed with haunting memories of the past, plagued her all at once, eating at her soul. She screamed, and screamed, over and over again, pleading with Johnny to stop, though she knew it’d do nothing—his mind was set; he was about to take the only thing she had left away from her. Tears shook her body. Her heart ached; her stomach lurched.
“I’m sorry it has to be this way, Princess. I wanted things to be different. But you chose otherwise.” His hands gripped her waist, bruising the skin. “This might hurt a little.”
She couldn’t breathe; the reality of what was about to happen so overwhelming, so terrifying

, she couldn’t handle it. I wish he would just kill me,

she thought, crying harder. It’d be so much easier than this.

Her entire world came crashing down in an instant when Johnny plunged deep inside of her, and whispered, “You're finally mine now . . . all



THE PAIN SEEMED ENDLESS. There was no escaping it; it was an unbearably dark, never-ending plague that coursed through Skye’s distraught veins. Every fiber of her body felt as though it had been torn apart and set on fire, aching in the wake of Johnny’s overwhelming destruction. Her lungs burned from the harsh, bitter sobs that had shaken her body just moments before; her breath came out in unsteady, fleeting breaths.
But her body wasn’t the only thing that hurt: her once beautiful, innocent soul was now shattered, broken to pieces from the blunt, disturbing assault it had received. Despite the repulsive reality of the situation, she was having a hard time grappling onto the fact that it really happened, and was happening. She tried to push it away, to block it from her mind, but when the climax of Johnny’s abuse came, everything crushed her all at once.
She’d been shattered; having overwhelming grief squeeze the life out of her, she could only feel disgusted, used, and worthless, as if nothing could ever fix her. When will this end?

she thought bitterly, whimpering as Johnny pulled out of her. I can’t do this anymore; I can’t live through much more of this.

Vaguely, as if it was trapped in the fog of her cloudy mind, she could still hear his grunts and moans as he’d stolen the only thing she had left away from her.
Defeat rushed over her, making her feel small, weak, and hopeless, only left to wish she’d have the chance to escape. But even if she did escape from Johnny, he’d always still be there with her. In the back of her mind she’d always remember the horrifying memories of his wet tongue bathing her face, his filthy hands invading every inch of her body, his dark, wicked eyes promising she’d never forget, and the haunting words he’d whispered in her ear, like an eerie reminder of what he’d taken from her: “Don’t worry, Princess, there was protection.”
She gagged, choking on her own vomit, as Johnny sighed on top of her, falling into her chest. His heavy body crushed her into the bedding, and she shivered—his bare, sweaty skin a reminder of what he’d just done.
She couldn’t speak, couldn’t move, could hardly breathe, pain and fear numbing her shaky body. Her heart hammered inside her ears, but she barely felt it, too overwhelmed by the consistent flashes of her worst nightmare come to life to notice. Every time she closed her eyes she experienced it all over again, like one of the worst horror films she’d ever witnessed before.
Johnny pulled her face in his hands, and she grimaced, recoiling in disgust. She closed her eyes, trying to avoid looking him in the eyes, but then a scene flashed in the darkness and she screamed, blinking her heavy eyes. “Shh,” he cooed, wiping away a stray tear. “It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you again. Everything’s going to be okay.”
She tried to scream at him, tell him he was dead wrong, but couldn’t. Her throat was too dry, her thoughts too scattered to do anything more than whimper. She wanted to spit in his face, to laugh in mockery at the sincerity in his voice, but again couldn’t. She was just a fragment of herself, so insecure, so destroyed

; it was as if she was just a ghost in the room, floating in the darkness.
Johnny’s hot, haggard breath bathed the side of Skye’s face as he whispered, “You were amazing though, sweetheart. If only it could have been done when you were ready.”
Her stomach convulsed, and an icy chill coursed through her veins. She shook her head, ever so slowly, and desperately fought off the image of his body above her as he took her. A tingly pain stretched from her stomach all the way to her throat, and she whimpered, feeling sick.
And before she could add to the humiliation by vomiting in front of Johnny, he’d already disappeared from the room, leaving her covered in blood, sweat, tears, and vomit. The putrid smell intoxicated her nostrils and, along with the realization that he’d just taken her last bit of frayed innocence, she came to the conclusion: Why doesn’t he just kill me now?

VICTOR WAS LOSING IT. Sitting in Skye’s home, watching helplessly as Leah and Jules talked to the Sheriff about the possibilities of her whereabouts, was tearing him apart. He couldn’t help but feel restless there as he waited for crucial information, and his hammering heartbeat and pounding headache weren’t helping at all. His stomach was reeling with a knot of frustration, and every time he glanced at the clock—which happened very frequently—he felt as if he was going to be sick.
The last time he checked, they had thirty minutes. But time wasn’t on their side and now they were only left with ten. Ten minutes to find Skye before she disappeared out of their lives—forever

His hands clenched into fists, angst and desperation boiling inside of him. “Are you even working to find her?” he blurted out furiously, and got back on his feet. “She’s out there right now—somewhere—and she needs our

help! Can’t you do something

more than stand here and argue?” His voice cracked as he swallowed the urge to cry. He couldn’t figure out where all of his irrationality was coming from, but he didn’t have time to figure it out. All he had time for was finding Skye.
The Sheriff turned to look at him. “We’re trying to find her, son. We’re doing everything we possibly can, but the problem is Johnny put a lot of thought into finding the perfect hiding place, and without any evidence it’s taking a while. I assure you we’re doing everything we can.”
Victor glared at him, fighting the urge to snap an ugly retort. In a feeble attempt at controlling himself, he took a deep breath and focused his gaze on Jules. His heartbeat faltered when he saw the tortured look on his friends face.
“We have hardly any time left,” Jules said softly. His eyes were rimmed with dark circles and his shoulders slumped; he looked miserable and heartbroken, as if he was barely hanging on by a thread. “But we can’t act irrationally. Something will come up. There has to be a lead somewhere.”
And right as he finished speaking, the house phone rang. Leah rushed over to it and picked it up with shaky hands, saying, “Yes?”
Victor ran a hand through his hair, anxious. “Who is it?”
She murmured something into the phone and held it out for the sheriff. “They have news. It—it has something to do with Rachel. She’s awake and speaking more now.”
The sheriff nodded and held the phone up to his ear.
Victor’s head was spinning. They had news. About Skye. Possibly. Anxiety pulsed through his entire body, like an electrical surge of energy coursing through his veins. He waited impatiently, clenching and unclenching his fists with each fleeting breath he took.
When the Sheriff finally hung up the phone, he had a glazed over look on his face, and his lips were set in a straight line. “We have a lead.” He glanced at Leah. “Apparently Johnny had said something about a cabin up in the woods to Rachel, and she has a feeling that’s where he took Skye. She also said that you’d know where it is, Leah. Do you?”
Leah’s mouth was agape, her eyes wide. “Yes,” she whispered. “It’s about twenty minutes away. Skye and I used to go up there every winter, but eventually she grew out of it and we stopped going. We’d never gone there with Johnny, though. How could he possibly have known about it?”
The Sheriff sighed. “Did you ever talk about it with him?” She shook her head. “Then he must have been watching you both before you had any idea about him. And if that’s the case, then Skye is like an obsession to him, and he’ll be sure to flee as soon as possible with her. We must hurry.”
Victor’s heart dropped into the pit of his stomach.
There wasn’t enough time. They had five minutes before the clock stroked four and Skye was gone forever. In his own aching desperation, he whispered, quietly enough so that he was the only one who could hear, “Hang in there, Skye. We’re coming


WHEN JOHNNY FINALLY came back into the cabin’s room, Skye, in a dizzying state of desperation and fear, had managed to gather her thoughts together enough so that she could plan her own feeble way of escape. The way she saw it, she had no other options. No one was coming to help her, Johnny had already had his way with her, and death had never sounded so horrifying. She didn’t want to give up; she’d fight until her very last breath.
But she wouldn’t let Johnny know about her intentions. She had to portray herself as weak and incapable of such deviousness, which—in her state of agony and fear—wasn’t hard to do.
“It’s about time we get going,” Johnny said suddenly, snapping her from her thoughts. “We can’t wait here forever.”
In the haze of her cloudy mind, she numbly pulled on the restraints at her wrists and winced at the searing pain that burned her raw flesh. She squeezed her eyes shut against the pain, fighting hard against the images that were forever etched into the darkness. She couldn’t let the memories haunt her now; she couldn’t lose focus on her plan.
Suddenly Johnny’s fingers were brushing the skin of her legs as he pulled up her panties, and she stifled a scream, remembering the pain, remembering the assault. She chewed on the inside of her mouth and shook her head, trying to stay strong; but her fear got the best of her and she whispered a raspy, “No.”
He hesitated for a moment before saying, “It’s okay, Skylar. I’m only helping you. I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.”
She turned her face away, on the verge of tears. And even though the tears could play a decent part in her plan, she wouldn’t let Johnny see any more. She didn’t want to give him that kind of power over her.
When he reached the top of her thighs, he hesitated, and Skye’s heart mercilessly hammered inside her chest. “D-don’t do anything,” she croaked, burdened with a current of fresh fear. “Y-You said you wouldn’t h-hurt m-me.” She froze, feeling the tips of his fingers touch the sensitive part of her skin, and whimpered. “Please—”
He sighed, heavily, and pulled the panties up all the way, his touch leaving licks of heat in its wake. And to Skye’s surprise, he began untying the ropes at her ankles.
She sucked in a breath when she turned to look at him, remembering the way he looked at her during the assault. But when she really looked at him, from his now clean, clothed body, to the look of undeniable grief and frustration on his face, she felt herself calm a little. At least he was feeling something

–other than sick, twisted satisfaction—from what he had done to her. Or so she hoped.
When the bonds were tossed away, he carefully pulled her jeans back on her, gently buckling the belt when he’d finished. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, so quiet Skye barely heard it. “It shouldn’t have gone that way.” She averted her gaze when he looked up, and trembled when she felt him straddle her waist. “I don’t like

hurting you. I just lost myself when you disrespected me like that.” He caught her face in his hand, forcing her to look at him. “I really am sorry, Princess.”
She blinked her heavily lidded eyes. “Please let go of me,” she begged, as softly as a whisper in the wind. “You’re hurting me.” It wasn’t a lie; the weight of him on top of her, and even the gentle grip on her face was sending spasms of pain throughout her body.
He looked confused for a moment, before he shook his head and let go of her face, working on the buttons of her blouse instead. “You’re not going to fight me anymore, are you? ‘Cause as much as I hate hurting you, there will always be consequences for your rebellion.”
She shook her head, numbly. “No, of course not.” Her voice was strong and steady, unwavering. “I’ve learned my lesson.”
He smiled. “Good.” His fingers stopped working on her blouse about halfway and instead knotted in her hair, pulling her face closer to his.
Her heart skipped a beat when his lips met hers, and she had to fight back the urge to choke on his bitter taste in her mouth. When he was finished, he brushed his lips against her ear and said, “You’re so beautiful, Skye. You really make it hard to resist you.”
A stray tear rolled down her cheek, and for the first time since she’d left him, she thought about Jules. She thought about the way he’d whisper sweet little nothings in her ears, and about the way he’d looked at her, as if she was the most beautiful thing in the world. A bitter sob trembled from her lips as she thought about how, if they ever saw each other again, he’d never be able to look at her the same. She was different now; she was nothing like the beautiful, innocent girl he must have taken her as. And she hated Johnny for taking all of that away from her—especially Jules.
Back in reality, Skye slowly came to the realization that Johnny had begun removing the ropes from her wrists, and grimaced against the pain. Her hand fell limp when it was free, arm tingling from the lack of circulation.
He worked to remove the other one, and soon both of her wrists were free and resting limp at her sides. A small gasp came out of his mouth when he pulled both of her arms in his hands, inspecting them. “Stay still,” he said quickly, and took something out of his pocket. “This is going to sting a little.”
She expected him to tie her hands together again, but what he did was nothing of that sort. Instead, he poured a liquid over the wounds that seared the exposed flesh, causing her to scream out in agony. “I told you it would sting a little,” he snickered.
She sobbed, trembling in pain. “T-That w-wasn’t a l-little.” She jerked away from his grip, tears rolling down her cheeks and blurring her vision. “Stop—please!”
“I’m sorry, Princess,” he said, with a hint of sincerity, “but these are going to get infected if I don’t help you.”
“What do you care?” she blurted, reeling from the sting, unaware of how she was reacting. “You like

to see me in pain.”
He gripped her arms tighter, poured more of the liquid over the torn skin. “I told you already, sweetheart, that I don’t

like hurting you. But it had to be done.” He moved off the bed, pulling her with him so that she lay on her side, barely an inch away from the edge of the bed. “Now stop squirming, I have to fix these.”
Biting back the urge to cry out again, she asked him, “Why are you doing this? I thought we had to leave.”
“We do.” He pulled some gauze out of the drawer next to the bed and wrapped it around each of her wrists. “But I wouldn’t want you to suffer the kind of pain these wounds would bring if they became infected. And I know I can’t heal your other wounds, so this is the least I can do.” When he’d finished, he inspected his work, brows furrowed in concentration. “Looks good.” Gently, he pulled her weak body into his arms and began carrying her off the bed, saying, “Come on, sweetheart, time to go.”
She shook her head, wincing in pain as his hands found few of the bruises that covered her unclean skin. “Please put me down,” she pleaded, weakly. “I-I can w-walk.” Her breath caught as fear of the unknown plagued her, and she tried to force herself to stay calm. “I won’t do anything, Johnny, I promise. Just let me walk—please

“Not in your condition.”

.” She became desperate, and pulled his face in her hands, forcing him to look at her. “Please

, Johnny. You’ve already had everything your way. Please let me do this one thing

my way.”
He stopped in his tracks. “You promise you won’t try anything? Because if you do, I guarantee you won’t like the consequences.”
“I promise.” She cleared her dry, hoarse throat. “I won’t try anything.”
Johnny hesitated before setting her down, gently. And as soon as she found her balance, he gripped a hold on the top of her arm, keeping her close. “You’ll need my help to keep steady. We’ve got to hurry.”
“Why?” she asked. “I thought we had all the time in the world. I thought no one would ever find us.”
He ignored her daunting statements. “We have an appointment.”
As he led her out of the quaint little cabin, something began to twitch in Skye’s memory, like an annoying little insect as it buzzed beside your ear. Something was familiar about the small, forest surrounded cabin. Something she couldn’t quite place in the imbalance of her exhaustion.
When they stepped into the darkness of the early morning, her stomach clenched up in anxiety and her head ached with the pressure of her thoughts, so disoriented, so desperate for sleep. “Where are we going?” She leaned into Johnny for support as they walked down a few short steps off the porch, trying to be as convincing as she could that there was no way for her to escape.
“It doesn’t matter.” The anger in his voice startled her, and she almost lost her footing. “Please try to keep up, Skylar, or I’ll have to carry you the rest of the way.”
She swallowed hard on the lump in her throat. Her legs were shaking and it was becoming hard to walk from the pain that still burdened her body, but she tried her best to keep up with Johnny, afraid that if he picked her up, she’d lose her chance at freedom.
When they reached the driver’s side of his car, she took a moment to gather herself together as he jammed the key in its slot and unlocked the door. It’s now or never

, she thought, taking a long, unsteady breath. Come on. Go!

And with all of her remaining strength, she stomped her foot on Johnny’s, screamed at the top of her lungs in his ear, and when his grip on her arm loosened, she turned around and kneed him where the sun didn’t shine as hard as she possibly could.
Her heartbeat was pulsing in her ears when she was done, and her breath was coming out in quick, fleeting gasps. Johnny grunted, sneering and reaching out to grab her, but she quickly avoided his grasp, jumping back. Adrenaline surged through her body as she clenched her hand in a fist and slammed in in Johnny’s face, chest heaving from the lack of proper oxygen.
She frantically searched for the keys, prepared to get away in the car, but couldn’t find them and instead decided it was best to run. In the state of panic she was in, she figured there’d be no way he could run after her in his condition. She figured she had time.
Without looking back, she plunged into the forest, running frantically on the uneven ground, desperately fighting to keep her footing. Her lungs burned and chest ached as her breath caught in her throat, but she pushed forward anyways, too determined to escape to let it affect her.
Vaguely, crowded out by the ringing in her ears, she could hear Johnny’s raspy voice calling out to her, getting closer instead of further, and she forced her legs to run faster. Branches clawed out at her, leaving scratches along her arms, legs, and face, but she kept going. She didn’t look back; she didn’t slow down.
She wouldn’t give up; she wanted to be free too badly. She wanted so desperately to see Jules again—wanted to see all

of her loved ones again. And no matter how painful or hard it became, she would push herself forward. She would fight with every last breath she had to free herself from Johnny. She had to. There was too much to lose.
Just because Johnny had taken away her virginity and scarred her both physically and emotionally, didn’t mean she had to give up. She was still breathing; she still had a life to live. A life that she wanted

to live, as long as it was far away from Johnny and his repulsive “love

” for her.
“Skylar, I told you not to try anything!” Johnny yelled from behind her. He was getting closer—much

closer. “If you don’t stop now, I’ll kill your boyfriend! And then I’ll kill Leah and the baby. I swear I will!”
Her pace slowed as she thought about what he’d said, heart pounding painfully inside her chest. No—don’t stop. He’s just trying to mess with your head, force you back to him. Don’t fall for it again.

She gasped for air, letting out a harsh sob. Without giving it another thought, she sprinted into a run again, trying to put a vast space between them both.
But as she raced for her life in the darkness, she lost her footing and tripped over a stump in the way, tumbling down a steep incline of ground. She wheezed as the breath was knocked out of her, and tried in vain to protect her head from the impact. When she reached the bottom of the hill, her body ached thunderously, and the cuts and gashes along her skin seared in pain. Her ankle throbbed, as if it had been torn apart, and she bit back the urge to scream in agony, knowing that Johnny could locate her easily if she did.
Her vision was specked with fuzzy lights, and she had to blink a few times to see clearly again. She tried to push herself back on her feet, but as soon as she put pressure on her ankle she fell down again, screeching from the pain. Get up, get up!

She tried to crawl back onto her feet, but again it only resulted in her falling back against the packed soil of the damp ground. He’s going to find you! Go!

Grinding her teeth together against the pain, she pushed herself up and stumbled to her feet, hopping on the uninjured ankle. She wobbled along the unsteady ground, her ankle screaming in protest to the little weight she put on it, as fresh tears rolled down her dirty cheeks. She could hear Johnny’s harsh calls above her, but only vaguely as the pain she was feeling overwhelmed all of her senses and blurred her vision. She could only push away exhaustion for so long before it took over her completely. And time was about out.
“There you are,” a harsh, bitter voice spoke from beside her. “I knew I’d catch up to you eventually.” Her breath hitched when Johnny slammed his fist into her side, knocking her off her feet. “You shouldn’t have tried to run, Princess. Now I’m going to have to hurt you again. And after everything, I thought you’d learned a lesson. Do I have to take you again to make you see you’ll never get away from me?”
She spat at his feet, sneering, “You’re pathetic.”
In an instant he was in front of her, pressing her into the ground as his fingers dug into her shoulders, pinning her in place. “Those words are going to cost you.”
She fought him as best as she could, thrashing under his weight. “Get off of me, Johnny!” she screamed, breathlessly. “Get your filthy

hands off me!” She beat her fists against his chest, desperate to cause him some

sort of discomfort.
He captured her fists in his hands and laughed, shaking his head. “Sorry, sweetheart, but I warned you there would be consequences. And since you broke your promise, it’ll be even worse. You’re not going to like this—at all.”
She spat at him again, anger overpowering every other emotion she felt. Tears blurred her vision and she blinked them away, working to catch her breath. Her hands and legs were shaking, and her entire body quivered in the aggression of Johnny’s anger. “Go to hell.”
“Ouch, Skylar,” he snapped, snickering, “that stings.” He brought his lips against her ear, quietly saying, “Too bad I’ve already been there.”
With as much air as she could get in her lungs, she screamed in his ear, sure that it would at least cause a little damage. He growled and covered his ear with one hand, while the other gripped her wrists and pinned them above her head. She tried to block out an oppressing wave of fear that eclipsed her when his dark, murderous eyes shot daggers back at her.
Pulling his hand away from his ear, he fumbled with something in his pocket and pulled it out, silver flashing in the darkness. Skye’s blood ran cold. And she was just about to scream again when he covered her mouth with his hand—the one holding the knife—and sneered, “Be quiet! Or I’ll make this even worse than it’s already going to be.”
She glared at him, trying to buck her hands free from his grip, but he was too strong and she was too weak, and it did no good. Her heart clamored around in her chest as he carefully pulled his hand away from her mouth, holding it above her stomach. When she realized what he was about to do, she shook her head, begging him with her eyes to stop.
He didn’t care. And before she could so much as let one word out, he plunged the knife into her stomach, creating the worst, most excruciating pain she’d ever experienced before. She could feel it tearing apart her flesh from the inside, and let out a shrill, ear-piercing scream, choking on her own blood.
She whimpered when he yanked it out, coughing and spitting out blood. “I-I’m sorry I-I s-screamed,” she spluttered, cringing against the bitter taste of blood in her mouth. “Please—d-don’t d-do anything m-more.”
He slapped her, the force of the blow tossing her face to the side. “I’m sorry, Princess, but I must.” He gripped her face in his hand once before he slapped her again, driving her face the other way.
She whimpered, weakly flexing her jaw as blood dribbled from her mouth. “I—” She couldn’t get another word out, too weak, too abused

, to even mutter one simple word. Her jaw ached thunderously and her bleeding stomach felt ripped apart, burning pain plaguing the torn flesh. Jules

, she tried to say, please—help me

Johnny’s fist collided with her side, causing her breath to falter. “You shouldn’t have lied to me. I told you not to do this. Why didn’t you listen?” His hot breath bathed the side of her face, and sent chills down her spine. He began to strip her clothing, ripping it apart, exposing her wounds to the bite of humidity in the air, and ran the blade along her collarbone, hard enough to pierce the skin a little.
And just when she thought everything was going to be over, just when she was about to give in to the weight of exhaustion and pain that burdened her beaten body, there was a soft cry in the distance—a familiar one. And before she could say anything, or cry desperately for help, Johnny’s hand reached out and covered her mouth again, this time enclosing her nose too, making it hard for her to breathe.
“Dammit,” he muttered, removing his hands from her wrists. His eyes locked on hers, and his lips quivered into a frown. “I never wanted it to be this way, Princess—you have to believe when I tell you I never wanted it to come to this. But if I can’t have you—then no one can.” And with those words ringing in Skye’s ears, he clasped both of his hands around her neck, cutting off her air supply.
She let out a straggled cry for help, and with her now freed hands, gripped onto Johnny’s arms, desperately trying to push him away. White specks started to spot her vision but she fought back, willing herself to stay awake, to stay alive

. That familiar voice was Jules’s; she was sure of it. But soon it wouldn’t matter . . .
She gave up the fight and her heart slowed, thundering inside her chest.
Her world became distorted; darkness eclipsed her entire body . . .
But in the same moment that she was sure she was going to die, Johnny was thrown off of her and she gasped for air to breathe, coughing and sputtering blood. Vaguely she heard, in the haze of her unclear head, grunts and growls as two men fought each other, and faraway sounds of people shouting. And when she turned her head to the side to see what was going on, her heart sank.
Jules was fighting Johnny, beating him, sneering words she couldn’t quite decipher, and all too quickly Johnny overpowered him, rolling onto his stomach and slamming his fist into Jules’s face a few times before wrapping his hands around Jules’s throat. He was still fighting Johnny while he strangled him, but in the fog of her mind she could tell that he was about to lose, all because of her. All because he was trying to protect weak, helpless her

Jules was about to die, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.
He turned his face towards her, mouthing “I love you”, before his eyes drooped shut and a sob trembled from Skye’s mouth.
The last thing she acknowledged before her drained body shut itself down was the sound of a gunshot ringing across the cloudy, early morning sky.


From a strong, unrelenting pull in the back of his mind he was being torn in a dozen different directions. Part of him longed to abandon his seat in the hospital’s waiting area so that he could go speak with Rachel and find out how she was feeling, and then offer the burdening truth of what he’d done, facing his troubles dead on. But the other part—the greater

part—wanted nothing more than to run away from his problems and seek refuge in the solitary of comfort he so desperately desired.
Part of him wanted to bask himself in Skye’s familiar, reassuring company. The only problem was . . . he knew she was in no condition to help him

, and he felt sick to his stomach just imagining the kind of turmoil she’d be going through the moment she awoke from her medicine-induced slumber.
And suddenly, like a slap in the face, he felt guilt ridden for even thinking so much about himself when there were two girls in devastatingly poor shape lying in hospital beds, while their loved ones all ached to see them feeling well again—which happened to be out of the question at the moment.
Rachel had gained consciousness for good an hour ago, and was now resting in her room with her father’s company, waiting for more information about Skye and what had happened while she was unconscious. And from her appearance the last time Victor had seen her, he could only guess she was living and breathing agony every time she tried to move.
She could use a little more company too,

Victor finally concluded. And even though he was leery about how he would act around her now—after having kissed Skye and cheated on her—he hoped it wouldn’t matter when he finally found the courage to tell her the truth. He knew she’d resent him, and he hated the idea of breaking her even more than she already was, but he didn’t have much of a choice—she had to know the truth. And he was the only one who could tell her. Properly.
To top all of that off, nestled deep in a conflicting cocoon of overwhelming feelings towards Skye, he began to realize just how much everything had changed. Skye was no longer just another girl he’d once cared about or wanted to be with; she was much more than that. She was, and meant, everything

to him now, and as much as he couldn’t stand the thought of leaving her, he decided it would be best for everyone if he left her alone.
If he up and disappeared from her life, after revealing his mistakes to Rachel, he’d be giving her a chance at forgetting. Forgetting him, and all the pain he’d caused her.
As much as it hurt him to admit, he’d screwed up. He’d ruined his chances with Skye the moment he used her best friend, and toyed with both of their emotions. And it was about time he gave up trying to win her heart when someone else already had—someone who could give her the world and save her from the pain, without wanting anything in return but her love.
His head throbbed and his chest ached, his soul filled with remorse and apprehension. That was it. He had to let Skye go. He had to tell Rachel the truth, and vanish, never to be seen again. It was the only way to fix the things he’d broken, and make up for what he’d done.
And he was just about to get up from his slouched position on the uncomfortable, rickety seat, when Jules stepped out of the ER, hobbling on one leg. His stomach lurched at the sight of Jules’s battered, stricken face, and the heaviness of exhaustion that splayed across his appearance. He was in terrible shape.
Waving him over, Victor sat up straighter and called, “How are you feeling, bud?”
A small, lopsided smile perched on Jules’s face, and he said, “Just peachy. It’s not every day you have to go to the ER because you were stabbed in the leg and almost strangled to death.”
Despite himself, Victor chuckled. “Big day, huh?”
“Grand,” Jules remarked, sagging down into the seat next to Victor. He turned so that he was facing his friend, sighing. “May I be honest with you?”
“I’d sure hope so.” Victor forced a small smile on his face. “Shoot.”
“I feel terrible.” Jules ran a distressed hand through his hair. “I . . . I just can’t stop worrying about Skye. I mean—I just—I want to see her. I want to know she’s going to be okay. And it kills me not knowing how she is, or how she will be.” His voice lowered to a whisper as he added, “I just want to be able to hold her, tell her everything’s going to be okay, and really, truly mean it.”
“I know,” Victor agreed, quietly. “I feel the same way. I just want her to feel happy again.”
“You really do care for her, don’t you?”
“I do.” Victor sighed, and shook his head. “She’s an amazing girl. But don’t worry about me; I’m not going to bother the two of you anymore.” From the look of confusion on Jules’s face, he knew he had to clear things up. “I’m heading out of town. I’m going to go back to my hometown, try to find a job, and get my life back on track. Things changed when I moved back here a few years ago. I lost connections with my family, my friends, and even just about lost myself all together. So, even if it may be difficult to leave everything from here behind, I know it’s what I have to do. It’ll be best for everyone if I take off.”
Jules’s brows furrowed together, and he shook his head as if trying to register Victor’s words. “Are you sure you want to do that, Vic? You don’t have to go; no one wants you to leave.”
Victor shifted uncomfortably in his seat, averting his gaze, and staring at a spot of dirt on the smooth surface of the white flooring. “I want to leave,” he said softly, struggling to get the words out. His voice cracked, and his throat suddenly felt too dry. “I mean—don’t get me wrong . . . I love it here. But—at the same time—I know in my heart that it’s time for me to leave. I need to find myself again, and figure out exactly what I want to do. I’m too old to be so far behind with figuring myself out.”
As the last words he’d spoken left his lips, the weight on his heart lightened, and he felt an air of relief flood through him. He smiled a little, and pulled his head up, forcing himself to ban the pressures of his throbbing head. He knew he’d miss Skye, deeply. And he also knew he’d still stop by to see her once more to say goodbye, just as he would Rachel. But it didn’t alter his decision in the slightest. He knew where he wanted to go, and what he wanted to do. He, after days of burdens and fears, finally felt comfortable in his own skin again. And he was ready to take on the world he had ahead of him.
Jules was silent for a few long moments, unsure of what to say. When he finally spoke again, there was a small smile on his face, and his weary, pale eyes brightened as he looked his good friend in the eyes. “You old

man,” he teased, stripping away the seriousness of their conversation. “What are you getting at now? The dangerous Three-O?” He pressed a hand against his heart, and then pressed his lips into a sad smile for added dramatic affect. “We’ve had a few good times together, my friend. Don’t forget about me now, oldie.”
Victor laughed, only briefly, considering the foreboding circumstances of the situations around the two of them, and brought himself to his feet. “I hate to break it to you, but last time I checked, nineteen wasn’t anywhere near ‘the big three O’. But thanks for the support, kid. I’ll take it to heart.” He watched as Jules stood his own ground, shaking his head. “And don’t you worry your pretty little head off about this—we’ll meet again someday.”
Jules chuckled, slapping his friend on the back. “Least of my worries,” he said, rubbing a hand over his face. “Thanks for the good times, Vic. Keep in touch, and let me know when you get home safely. It’s going to be strange without you here. Just try not to have too much fun

finding who you are, okay?” He grinned, although it looked a little tight and awkward on his battered face. “We wouldn’t want you to overwhelm yourself now, would we?”
“Trust me, Jules,” Victor said, and he strained to keep himself from crumbling under the reality that he was going to leave everyone behind soon. “I’ll keep out of trouble. No more screw-ups like I’ve made here. It’ll be a fresh start.”
“Aw, you sound so soft,” Jules cooed, tauntingly. “That’s my boy.” He set his hand on Victor’s shoulder, testing his boundaries. “Good luck, Vic,” he added, more seriously. “I hope you find what you’re looking for.”
Despite the twitch of pain he felt in his heart at the thought of really giving up on Skye, the girl he’d fallen deeply for, he smiled. And with incredible courage, selflessness, and humility, he gave in to the current pulling him away from the life he’d been living by offering, “Thank you, Jules.” He gave his friend a quick, friendly man hug, and added, “I’m going to try. And I owe it all to you.”

RICH, BRIGHT SUNLIGHT streamed through the hospital’s window, basking Rachel in its captivating warmth. Swaddled in a scratchy blanket, she curled in on herself, seeking more comfort. The muscles in her back screamed in protest to the slow movement, tightening in pain, but she didn’t care. She wanted the warmth, wanted the security. Physical pain couldn’t touch her.
Her throat was dry from crying, and lack of proper hydration. Every time her father told her to drink, she ignored him, pretending he’d never said anything as she tried to block out everything around her. Tried to block out the thoughts that had invaded her conscience ever since the moment she was informed that Skye had arrived, bruised and battered, barely breathing.
She didn’t want to think about what Skye had gone through, knowing very well what Johnny’s intentions had been, as much as she didn’t want to think about how poorly he’d abused her

. She just wanted to forget—to forget anything bad had ever happened to either of them.
And yet . . . she knew it wasn’t going to be that easy.
Overwhelmed with a sudden wave of grief and horror, she let out a straggled cry into the blanket, and blinked back the images of Johnny abusing her, along with the images of what he could’ve done to Skye. She sobbed, a gut-wrenching, soul-shattering pull tearing her apart from the inside out. Her head throbbed with burdening images of Johnny’s sick, dark eyes roaming all over her body, and she cringed, fighting back the bile that swelled in her throat.
A hand touched her shoulder, gently, and she jumped at the contact, crying out. “Sweetheart, it’s just me,” her father whispered, holding his hands up in front of him. “It’s just your father.”
She sobbed again, remembering the way Johnny had spoken that word—sweetheart

—to her one time too many in the past. And, very carefully, she turned onto her back, looking up through the blurriness of her teary eyes at her frazzled father’s face. She tried to say something, but all that came out was a choked up sob.
“Oh, Rachie,” he said, crystal tears building up in his own eyes. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to remind you of—”
She put up a shaky hand and shook her head, silencing him. And with as much of her voice as she could get, she croaked, “I-It’s okay. It’s just going to take some time for me to get used to physical contact again. Especially sudden contact.” She pulled his hand in hers and forced a weak smile. “But I love you, Daddy.”
“I know, baby girl, I know.” He smiled, squeezing her hand reassuringly. “I love you so much.”
“Could you possibly get me some of that water now?” she requested, dropping his hand and curling into the blanket again. “I’m sort of thirsty.”
He nodded. “Sure.”
She reached out and caught his arm before he could go any further, saying, “And get some coffee or something for yourself. You could use a break.”
“Are you sure you don’t want company?”
“Yes,” she whispered, falling back into the cocoon of warmth the blanket created. “I mean—I don’t need you watching over me all the time. I’ll be okay.” She forced another smile in a desperate attempt at trying to convince him as she glanced up at his face once more. “I promise.”
He hesitated another moment before slowly nodding his head in agreement. “If you’re sure . . .” he trailed off and Rachel nodded, closing her eyes.
A few minutes after he left, she tried to clear all of the foreboding thoughts and images from her mind, replacing the hollowness with thoughts of all the good times she’d had instead. Times when everything was good and peaceful—happy even. Times when there was nothing left to lose and so much to gain. Times when all of the darkness and pain weren’t a major factor of her life, but brightness and joy were.
She let out a long sigh, feeling a current of security rush through her veins, and released all of her worries and fears—at least for the moment. She needed the change.
“Knock, knock,” someone called from the doorway to her room. Her eyes flashed open, her body suddenly alert, and slowly, timidly, she maneuvered herself so that she was now facing the owner of the voice. She smiled immediately, warmth running through her body like an electrical current, and let herself breathe again.
“Did someone order a glass of water?” Victor asked around a lopsided smile—the kind of smile that Rachel had grown so fond of in the past couple of weeks. “Maybe a beautiful girl like the one I’m looking at right now?”
She rolled her eyes, and covered her face with her hands. “Did my dad put you up to this?” She groaned, despite the life and tranquility that suddenly overwhelmed her by his presence. “I asked him to get water, not put my boyfriend up to it.”
He was grinning now. “No, he didn’t,” he said, and took a few long, easy strides towards her. “I asked him if there was anything I could do for you when we bumped into each other in the hall, and he mentioned water. It was all my idea to bring it to you, though.”
“Oh,” she breathed. “Well—thank you, Vic.”
He held out the water, and pulled a chair closer to her, settling down. “No problem.” He shrugged as if it was nothing. “I figured it was the least I could do for you.”
“Thank you,” she repeated, lost in his bright, bold eyes.
He chuckled. “You said that already.”
“I thought it was worth repeating.” Her lips slipped into a small smile as she pulled his hand in hers and entwined their fingers together. “I missed you.”
Victor’s grin quivered, and his face fell, just enough for Rachel to notice. “Yeah, about this . . .” he said, and unwound his fingers from hers, “. . . about us.” He swallowed hard, letting out a long, heavy breath. “We should talk.”
Her stomach dropped into the pit of her stomach. He wanted to talk. Victor, her boyfriend, the guy she’d fallen hard for, wanted to talk to her. And by the way he said those three words—we should talk

—she could tell it wasn’t going to end well.
“Why don’t I get the impression this isn’t going to be a good talk?” she asked hesitantly, shifting so that she was leaning on her side and peering up at him.
He averted his gaze, frowning. “Because it won’t be.”
She held back the urge to cry, afraid that she wasn’t going to like what he had to say, and afraid that he was going to leave


. She couldn’t lose him. Not now. Not after all that had happened. “What is it then?” Her voice was a straggled whisper. “What should we ‘talk about’, Vic? What

Her heart was pounding by the time he finally gave her an answer, and the moment she registered his words it stopped, and she wished he could take them back.
His exact words were: “I cheated on you, Rachel. And I really, really screwed up.”
Part of her wanted to slap him, but she didn’t. She was too taken aback, too hurt

to do anything more than stare at him and mutter a broken, “W-What?”
“I cheated. While you were gone.” He clenched his hands into fits in his lap. “I kissed”—he broke off, looked at her with remorse filled eyes, and grimaced—“. . . Skye. I forced myself on her. And I wish I could say that I didn’t mean to, or didn’t really want to—but I can’t. Because it would be a lie. And I’m through with lying to you.”
An overwhelming, body-shaking sob wracked her core, shattering her resolve. She crumbled, both physically and emotionally, and pressed her face into the pillow behind her head, too overwhelmed with devastation to let Victor see her face. “Why?” she croaked, the sound muffled. “Why did you do it?”
He hung his head low, rubbing his face with both of his hands. “Because I thought she and I could have something together, and I wanted to prove it to her.” He groaned, slamming his hands against his knees. “I was selfish, and I was stupid. And I wish I’d never done it. I wish I’d never hurt you—and

Skye—like that. I’m really, really sorry, Rach. I never planned for things to be like this.”
“How could you?” she cried, snapping her head around to glare at him. “How could you do that, Victor? Did you ever really even have feelings for me?”
He paused, taken off guard. “I care about you, Rachel—I always have.” He watched her carefully, regret evident in his gaze, and she felt a pang of pain deep inside her chest. “But I never really had the kind of feelings for you that I know you have for me. It was only a façade. Only a show.” He avoided looking her in the eyes again, and when he spoke his voice cracked. “I was using you to get closer to Skye.”
Her lips quivered as a sob trembled from her mouth, and she closed her eyes, wishing it wasn’t true, wishing he would just shut up and tell her it was all a joke. It had to be a joke. He couldn’t be serious.
But deep down, nestled between her feelings for this man and her heart, she knew he was dead serious. He really had cheated

on her, used

her, all the while pretending to be in love with her. Her heart shattered into a million tiny pieces, and she struggled to breathe, so conflicted, so torn, so hurt, she didn’t know how

to react.
All for her

, she thought sadly, whimpering. He did it all for Skye

. She couldn’t be angry with Skye because she knew that she had nothing to do with Victor’s actions, but it still hurt to know that her best friend

was the reason for her own broken heart. Everything hurt.
“Please go, Vic,” she whispered, burying her face back into the pillow. “Just go.”
Victor touched her shoulder, gently, carefully, and said, “I truly am sorry, Rachel. I hate myself for what I did to you. It was wrong, it was cruel, and I never should have crossed that line. I really screwed everything up.” She shoved his hand away, which resulted in a heavy, guilt-ridden sigh from him. “I’m sorry it had to end this way. But I’ll be leaving for good, so you don’t have to worry about me hurting you again.”
She looked at him one last time, wiping tears off her burning cheeks, and muttered a hoarse, “I’m sorry too.” She took a deep breath, and with as much grace as she could muster, added, “But I don’t hate you. I never could

hate you. And maybe I don’t forgive you yet, but give me some time, and maybe someday, I will.”
He tried to smile, but it quivered into a frown instead. “I really am sorry.”
She curled in on herself, whispering, “I know.” Her tainted soul felt battered and bruised, shivering in the wake of Victor’s confession, lost in the agony of a broken heart. “Please go now, Victor. My dad will be back soon, and I don’t want him to ask questions.” Her voice was quiet, frail. Choked up sobs still burned her throat.
And after a moment that felt like an eternity, Victor stood up and headed out the door, leaving one last painful farewell to Rachel’s memory: “Goodbye, Rach. I hope you find the right guy for you someday, and—unlike me—he treats you how you deserve to be treated.”

JULES—HE WAS NEAR. Skye could feel his strong, comforting presence like a warm blanket of safety draped over her entire body—and soul. Coming back to consciousness, she grappled onto the faint sounds around her: her own calm, steady breathing, along with the measured beating of her heart, and soft, quiet whispers coming from familiar voices. She couldn’t make out who the voices belonged to, but—from the overwhelming warmth that spread through her body—she could only guess that one was Jules’s.
She tried to say something—anything

—but what came out of her mouth was nothing more than a weak, straggled whimper. Her throat was dry, and her entire body felt wrapped in a veil of exhaustion, only ever so slowly reviving itself.
“Skye?” she heard Leah gasp. “Are you awake, baby girl?”
Skye shifted in the hospital’s bed slightly, in a weak attempt at sitting up, as she carefully peeled her eyes open. Bright light blinded her heavy eyes for a moment, and she pulled her shaking hand up to block out the brightness from her sight. In an attempt at finding her voice, she croaked, in a small whisper, “Yes. I’m a-awake.”
In an instant, Leah was by her side, pulling her small, fragile hand in hers. She was teary eyed, sniffling ever so often, and her face was scrunched up with concern. “Oh baby,” she breathed, clasping Skye’s hand tightly in both of hers, “we’ve been so worried about you. How are you feeling? Do you need anything?”
Skye’s head was spinning, trying to grapple with a clear thought, so disorganized, so confused

it was as if she’d woken up on a strange, foreign island, and she couldn’t place what had happened to bring her there. She tried to remember what had happened and why she was in the hospital, but part of her subconscious was blocking the information. “W-What happened?”
Leah’s eyes crystallized with tears, and she muffled a sob with her hand. “J-Johnny took you, baby. He lured you to our cabin in the woods by holding Rachel captive until you showed up.” She squeezed her daughter’s hand. “You’re here because we found you in the woods in terrible shape. He hurt you very badly, Skye. He almost took your life. Don’t you remember anything?”
And in an instant, all at once, everything—all of the haunting memories and images—returned to her, bombarding her soul and tearing her apart again. She squeezed her eyes shut, bitter sobs shaking her body, and fought against the horrifying flashes of all the agony she’d gone through. She remembered Johnny, and all of the sick scheming he’d used to lure her in his clutches; she remembered Rachel, and how battered she’d looked when Skye had last seen her; she remembered the cabin, and the brutal pain she’d felt as Johnny had used her body for his own sick pleasure; and then she remember Jules, and how—just moments before she’d passed out—she’d thought he was going to die, all because of her.
Her eyes snapped open again, searching the room for Jules’s familiar face. She’d felt his presence, and she could have sworn she’d heard his voice, so that meant he had to be in the room with her now, alive

When her eyes finally landed on what she was looking for, her entire body relaxed. Jules, he’s alive

, she told herself, flooded with relief. He miraculously survived

. Despite all of the overwhelming misery that clung to her conscience still as she continued to remember all the horrible trauma and suffering she’d had to go through, she felt better knowing that Jules was okay. He was alive. And she hadn’t lost him.
“I remember,” she whispered, watching Jules intently as he stepped out of the shadows in the room. “I remember everything.”
“Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry. I wish we could have stopped that wretched man before he’d hurt you.” Leah’s voice broke, and she cleared her throat. “We should have been more careful.”
Skye shook her head, numbly taking in her mother’s words. With a shaking hand she reached out and brushed a tear off Leah’s cheek. “It wasn’t your fault. I’m the one who walked into his trap. I should have gotten help. I was just so scared. I thought he’d kill Rachel.”
“It wasn’t your fault either, Skye. You did nothing wrong.” This time it was Jules who had spoken, his low, tender voice startling Skye. “The only person at fault here was Johnny. He—and only

he—was responsible. No one else.”
Skye’s heart raced when she looked at Jules again. He was closer now, only mere inches away from her, and she could feel his breath on her face like a warm reminder of just how real and good he was. “What happened to you?” she asked him, letting go of Leah’s hand. “I—I thought Johnny had . . .” Her voice caught in the back of her throat.
“The Sheriff got to him first. I thought Johnny was going to be the end of me, but when the Sheriff shot him in the shoulder, I took the opportunity to revive myself and pushed him off of me.” He shuddered. “He got my leg with his knife though, before one of the officers on the scene took him out for me.”
Skye’s heart stopped.
“Took him out for you?” she repeated, dumbfounded. “You mean . . . ?”
“Johnny’s dead, Skye.” Leah’s voice was small but carried a heavy amount of disdain. “Officer Welch fired the fatal shot.”
She turned her attention back on Leah, astonished with the promises of the words she’d last spoken. Her heart began hammering in her rib cage, so hard she thought it might burst, and little butterflies fluttered in her stomach. The thought of Johnny . . . dead, gone, out of her life for good, was almost too much to handle. She wanted desperately for it to be true.
“He’s not going to hurt me again.” She meant for the words to come out as a question, but they were too final, too . . . real

to be questioned. “He’s really gone.”
“Yes, Skye,” Leah said, sniffling. “He’s gone, and he can never hurt you again.”
“What about Rachel?” She swallowed the urge to cry, suddenly filled with so much relief, so much hope

, all of her previous fears and discomforts fell into the back of her mind. “How is she?”
Leah wiped at her teary eyes, and smiled a thin, timid smile. “She’s doing all right. Joe says she should be out in a couple days, and that—apart from the scars she’ll always carry inside—her wounds shouldn’t scar too badly. She was very fortunate Johnny didn’t do anything worse.”
“But how is she . . . coping?” Skye swallowed hard, clearing a lump in her throat. “Have you talked to her?”
“No, I haven’t.” Leah rubbed her hand over her face, and for the first time since she’d began speaking with her mother, Skye noticed how tired and run down she looked. Her eyes were not only red and puffy from crying, but there were also dark circles under them, and her entire appearance resembled that of someone who hadn’t slept in days. When she spoke again, Skye could hear her exhaustion in her weak, straggled voice. “I did talk to her father, though, and he said that she hasn’t been speaking to him a whole lot. She spoke to Officer Brandon and the Sheriff for a little while, along with Joe, but other than that she’s seemed to prefer the silence.”
Skye’s heart ached to comfort her friend, to hug her and tell her everything would be okay, but she knew it wasn’t an option. For the time being, she knew she had to stay where she was and rest, allowing herself time to heal. And as much as she hated being stuck in a hospital bed, hooked up to numerous noisy machines, with bandages all over her beaten body, she knew it would all help her in the end.
“I wish I could be there for her,” she sighed, thumbing over the bandage across her wrist. “Maybe I could help.”
“I know, baby,” Leah said, “I know. But you’ve got to get your rest. You’ve been through a lot over the last twenty-four hours, and the best thing you can do for yourself now is rest.”
“You should get some rest too, Mom.” Skye settled back into the hospital bed, sighing. “You look exhausted. And I’m sure you could use some proper sleep. It’s perfectly okay if you go home—I’ll be in good hands.”
Jules chirped in then, and Skye startled, having almost forgotten that he was sitting right next to her. “She’s right, Mrs. Montgomery—you could use rest yourself. You’ve been up for hours with her already, and you’ve got to do what’s in the baby’s best interest, too. Like Skye said, she’s in good hands here. You have nothing to worry about.”
Skye turned to look at him, mouthing a quick “thank you”, before turning around, clutching Leah’s hand in hers, and adding, “Please, Mom? I’ll be okay. Just go home and get some rest.”
With a heavy sigh Leah nodded her head. “All right.” She stood up slowly and kissed Skye on the forehead, smiling down at her daughter. “I’ll go. I’ll get some rest for now. But I’ll be back later. ”
“That’s all we’re requesting,” Jules said, standing up. “Let me walk you out to your car.”
Skye frowned at his proposal, reaching her hand out and grabbing the fabric of his T-shirt. “Wait!” she croaked. “Please stay. Please stay with me, Jules.”
He glanced down at her, gaze warm and inviting. “You want me to stay?”
She nodded. “I do.”
A smile crawled up the corners of his lips as he turned towards Leah. “Rain check?”
Leah giggled, waving him off. “Don’t worry about it, Julian. Skye could use your company more than I. But thank you for the offer.”
He grinned. “Anytime.”
Warmth wrapped Skye in its satisfying clutches as she watched Jules return to his seat next to her. He pulled her hand in his and gently laced their fingers together, before placing a soft kiss on her hand. She shivered at the brush of his lips on her skin, and tried to relax herself again before unwanted images of Johnny could enter her mind. She told herself that it was only Jules and he wouldn’t hurt her.
When she took a deep, cleansing breath, she felt her insides flutter with a pure balance of tranquility. Jules loved her. Deeply. And he was there, watching over her, wanting nothing more than to comfort her.
She really was in good

“How’re you feeling, Trouble?” Jules asked, and immediately Skye was snatched away from her thoughts and gathered back into the present. “Better now that I’m here?” He was suddenly grinning ear to ear.
Her stomach flipped nervously. “Yes,” she whispered. “Much better.”
He laughed, but the sound was quiet and short-lived. His grin vanished, replaced by a quivering frown. When she looked into his eyes all she could see was this distant twinkle of longing, outlined by pain, and it tugged at her heartstrings. “I’m so glad you’re okay, Trouble. I was so worried I was going to lose you.” His eyes bore right into her soul, and she could feel tears sting in the back of her eyelids. He crumbled then, burying his face in their entwined hands. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again, Skye! I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
The urgency and pain in his voice struck her in the heart, and she felt an aggressive pull to cuddle into him and tell him she wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Not this time. Not like that. Never again.
Wincing slightly at the pain that spliced her stomach when she moved too suddenly, she leaned towards him, captured his face in her weak hands, and pulled him closer to her, pressing their foreheads together. “I won’t, Jules. I promise.” She whimpered, wanting so badly to kiss him, but too afraid that it would only cause her to remember the man she wanted so desperately to forget. Tears rolled down her cheeks, sobs catching in her throat. “I’m sorry I ever left you in the first place.”
He brought his hands to the sides of her face, hesitantly, and ever so slowly, brought his lips to her forehead, leaving a soft, precious kiss in place. “Don’t be sorry,” he cried, so quietly, so softly, it was merely a whisper in the air. “Just don’t leave me again. Not like that.” Skye could feel him shudder, and when she looked up at his face she saw tear tracks along his cheek. “Please

She couldn’t help it. She sobbed, and with every fiber of her body screaming at her to, she kissed him, desperately. His warm taste collided in her mouth, mixed with salty tears, and she smiled at how refreshing it felt. The bliss and the comfort

of the kiss were so much better than Johnny’s wet, intolerable kisses. And the moment she thought of Johnny, she pressed herself closer to Jules (despite the pain it caused in her stomach), aching for the security of his warm embrace. Aching for him

, and all of his love for her.
After a long, wonderful moment lost in the heat of the moment, Jules pulled away, making a small noise in the back of his throat. “We should stop. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
She whimpered, desperate for his gentle, reassuring touch. “Okay,” she breathed, letting her good judgment steer the way. She yearned to keep going—to fall tangled in his arms and never let go. But her body was weakening, crumbling from the stress of her injuries and the strain she’d put on them, and all she could do was agree. “Maybe we can continue later.”
He chuckled, only a little, and brushed her hair behind her ears. “Maybe.”
She smiled, overwhelmed with the goodness of his presence. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For still loving me, even after everything I’ve put you through.” She pulled the blanket up to her face and cuddled into it, hiding herself. “You’ve been so good to me, and I just wanted to thank you.” She bit her lip, nervous flutters bouncing in her stomach as she added, “I love you, Jules. More than anything.”
He pulled the blanket away from her face, and his hand found hers under the scratchy fabric. A small smile lit up his face. “I love you more.” He squeezed her hand, and winked. “Much, much more.”
She pushed him on the shoulder, giggling, relieved to be comfortable in her own skin again. Relieved to be back with her loved ones again, and finally free from Johnny’s taunting clutches. “Whatever,” she sang sweetly, conceding. “You’re ridiculous.”
“And you still love me,” he growled tauntingly, as if he was suggesting much more than those innocent words did. “Can’t take it back now.”
She sighed, neither a happy sigh nor a sad sigh, and fell against the pillow in exhaustion. She closed her eyes again, and, to her own surprise, was no longer greeted with the horrific memories of Johnny’s abuse that had haunted her dreams and plagued her mind since the moment he’d stolen her innocence. Instead she was greeted with a warm, inviting darkness that promised her nothing but good things.
Things like pure, beautiful hope. Hope that, even if it took a long time to come alive, she’d eventually find the kind of pure, nightmare-free peace she’d been desperate to have for years.
And with that last thought drifting through her mind, she gave into her own exhaustion.

“SKYE?” SOMEONE WAS saying, trying to pull Skye out of her heavy, tranquil slumber. “Skye, I’ve gotta talk to you about something.”
In the haze of her cloudy, sleep infested mind, she thought the voice belonged to Jules, but when she opened her eyes and looked up into Victor’s face, she realized how off she was. “Vic?” she croaked, throat dry and hollow. “What is it?”
He smiled. “Oh good, you’re awake.”
She groaned and covered her face with her hands. “I am now.”
He crouched down beside the bed, gaze locked solely on her. “Sorry.”
“No it’s okay,” she insisted, waving his apology off. “What’s up?”
“I just thought I’d let you know that I’m heading out of town. For good.”
“W-what?” she spluttered, coughing in the midst of a yawn. “You’re—you’re . . . leaving

? Why?”
“Yes,” he said, and to Skye’s surprise, took her hand in his. “I’ve decided that I’d like a fresh start. And if that means getting out of this town, then so be it.”
She shook her head, so miserably confused and taken aback that she didn’t know what else to say. “Are you ever going to come back?” She wasn’t sure why she hadn’t pulled her hand away from his yet or—more importantly—why she even cared that he was leaving, especially after their last confrontation with each other, but for some odd reason, she couldn’t let go of him that easily. “I mean—are you still going to visit Jules? After all, he is your best friend.”
He shrugged. “Maybe someday I’ll come back and visit. But as far as coming back to stay for good . . . no, I won’t be. I’d like to get a good understanding of who I really am before I invest into anything long-term. Sometimes it’s good to just get away, you know?”
She nodded before she even could tell herself not to. And without giving it any thought, she leaned over and gave Victor a quick peck on the cheek. Despite the rocky relationship they’d had in the past, she managed to find herself caring about him. And she decided it was about time she’d forgive him of his past mistakes and give him another chance. No one ever said you couldn’t give third-chances.
For a moment, his face was a mask of surprise and confusion, but he covered it up just as quickly as it had come and replaced it with a glowing bright smile. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he teased, raising an eyebrow.
She giggled, and shoved him away. “Shut up.”
He grinned. “A definite yes.” And before she could slug him again, he stood up and took a step away from her. “I guess this is goodbye, then.”
“I guess it is.”
“I really am sorry I ever hurt you, Skye. It was never my intention.”
“I know, Vic.”
“Well, I guess I’ll see you later.” He shifted nervously from side to side, hands jammed in his jeans pockets. “I wish you and Jules only the best.”
“Thank you.” She smiled sincerely. “That means a lot.” An awkward silence hung in the air between them for a minute, and Skye fumbled with her split ends, not knowing what else to say. Then it came to her. She snapped her attention back on him and studied him carefully. “Did you tell Rachel?”
He sighed, hung his head low. “Yes,” he said. “I told her everything.”
“I told her about the kiss, and about the move.”
“How is she?”
“Heartbroken,” he said gruffly. “I hate leaving her like that, but it’ll be better this way. I won’t be able to cause her—or anyone else—any more pain if I’m gone. And I think she understands that.”
Skye’s stomach sunk. Rachel knew about the kiss. And that could only mean that she also knew that he didn’t have real feelings for her, and he’d been using her. The sooner she could talk to Rachel, the better. She’d be in great need of a friend right now.
“You better hope she does,” Skye warned Victor. “Because if she doesn’t, and instead decides that she wants you dead, it’ll be my job to kill you. It’s in the Best Friend Handbook.” Despite herself, she smiled a smug half-smile.
“So, does that mean if you break Jules’s heart I have permission to take you out of the picture, too?”
Her only response was a cold-hard glare.
Victor held up his hands in defense. “Okay, okay, I get it. I’m gone.”
“Just don’t go breaking any more hearts, okay?”
He scoffed. “I can’t promise you that.”
She glared at him. “Victor . . .” her voice trailed off warningly.
“Don’t worry about me, Skye. Just take care of yourself, all right?”
She was about to tell him he was playing with fire, but before she could he’d already slipped out of the room, leaving her alone with only her thoughts to occupy her with.
Sinking back into the comfort of the blanket, she sighed and closed her eyes. She wished for sleep to steal her away again, capturing in its easy, uncomplicated clutches. And when her thoughts drifted to Jules and all of his love for her, she instantly found herself swaying in and out of consciousness.
And soon enough, she forgot about all the troubles of reality and fell into the calm, hazy realm of Dreamland.


A HARSH, BITTER GUST OF WIND SWEPT PASSED SKYE, almost knocking her over as she grasped the cool, steal door handle of Omar’s Coffee House. With only one hand clutching onto her crutches for dear life, she pressed herself against the wall beside her and used the leverage to assist her in opening the heavy door. When she finally managed to slip inside (not without many difficulties) she had to catch her breath from the effort. Even after five days experience of walking with the obnoxious things, she still hadn’t gotten used to using the crutches. She imagined she never would.
Wiping a bead of sweat from her brow, she sneaked a peek towards the service counter, searching for the familiar face of the man she’d fallen so madly in love with over the summer. It didn’t take her long to spot the boy she longed so deeply to see, flashing his trademark half-smile at one of the costumers at the counter—a girl she recognized from school but couldn’t recall her name—as he handed her a steaming mug of something Skye could only assume was either a mocha or tea.
She sighed heavily, body gone week from the sight of him, and if she hadn’t been using the crutches to support her, she could’ve only imagined that she would have tumbled to the ground in an entirely less than graceful manner. Something fluttered in her stomach as she watched him, and licks of heat spread from her core all the way to the back of her throat. She swallowed hard on the foreign sensation and licked her chapped lips, preparing herself to move forward.
Her heartbeat sped up, fluttering like bird’s wings against her rib cage, and she took a deep breath, closed her eyes. With the darkness that welcomed her behind closed lids, she slowly began to recall the memories of their past time spent together: memories of Jules resting beside her, holding her hand, watching over her even as she slept, and never once leaving her side unless she asked him to; memories of Jules portraying her protector, savior, and healer, rebuilding all of the hope she’d once lost because of Johnny’s dark games—all the memories of the past six days she’d spent with Jules—and her loved ones—since Johnny’s death.
Those were the memories that held so much promise for a brighter future. A future where she not only had new hope for a life void of burdening pains and fears, but also a promise of a new love that could carry her through even the darkest of storms. A future where she was no longer hiding secrets and pushing away the people she loved most.
When she finally peeled her eyes open again, and disregarded the wondrous thoughts drifting around in her muddled mind, Jules was watching her, with his beautiful, trademark smile luring her into his captivating gaze. For a moment she forgot to breathe. Her entire body and soul lost to the depth of the connection they shared.
Without giving it a second thought, compelled by a drive she couldn’t ignore, Skye moved towards him, with her hands tightly gripping the crutches so that she wouldn’t lose her grip and stumble. He moved too, around the counter and away from where he’d been stationed for work, hustling to meet her. When they met in the middle, he instantly crushed her into him, held her securely in his arms. She accepted him without question, desperate to feel him close again.
“Hey, Trouble,” he cooed against her ear, softly, tenderly. “How are you feeling?”
She curled further into him, appreciating the instant feeling of security and warmth that smothered her by his embrace. “Better now that I’m here, with you.”
“Perfect.” He kissed the top of her head, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Did you have fun last night? I know I sure did.” He chuckled, pressed his lips against her temple. “We should have movie nights

more often.” His low, husky voice provoked a feverish frenzy inside her, releasing chills throughout her entire body.
She shivered as she remembered the events from the night before. She and Jules on the couch, tangled in each other’s arms, thoroughly enjoying each other’s company instead of the movie they’d planned on watching—a classic “movie night” that turned into much more. A night filled with tender caresses, soft kisses, warm embraces, and precious declarations of their love for one another. A night she’d never forget. One she’d always cherish for the beauty and promise its memory withheld.
A small, barely noticeable smile crept up her face. “Last night was perfect,” she said shakily, quivering under the heat of is touch. “I really needed it.”
“I hoped you’d say that.” He pulled her face in his hand, caressed it tenderly, requesting that she’d look into his eyes. When she did, his warm, bright emeralds peered deep into her soul. “How’d you sleep?” He narrowed his brows in the slightest. “Sorry I left so early this morning. Duty called.”
“I slept well,” she told him, and for the first time in a long time, she meant it. “I always

sleep sounder when you’re around. And don’t worry about this morning—I understand.” She smiled sweetly at him, brought her face closer to his, taunting him. “You do still have a job to keep.”
“If only I didn’t need to,” he murmured, curling a lock of her hair around his finger. “We could have a lot of fun together with that free time.” A wild grin spread across his face. “I’d be perfectly all right with ditching work right now. . .” His words trailed off as he brushed his lips over hers, just the feather of a touch.
“Jules,” she breathed, clutching his shirt in her fragile hands desperately. Her heart missed a beat when he flicked his tongue across her upper lip teasingly. “You can’t ditch. . .” She struggled to find the right words, too overwhelmed by the sensations clouding her body. “You’re not going to skip out on work today, Julian Rane. I—I won’t let you. . .”
Her words were lost in his mouth as he crushed his lips possessively against hers and lifted her off her feet, basking her in the comfort of his warmth. She made a small sound in the back of her throat, melting into his body. He explored her mouth deeply, fully, and in an instant Skye found herself depending solely on him, counting on his strength to hold her.
And when he eventually began to pull his lips away from hers, after many long, beautiful moments, she found herself trapped in a fuzzy haze that his eager kiss had created. She closed her eyes for a moment, tried to calm her erratic breathing, and nuzzled her face in his neck, treasuring the feel of his body so close and so comfortable against hers.
She groaned quietly when she felt him setting her down, left to rely on her own two feet again, and grabbed a hold of his arms to keep herself from falling. Until that moment, she hadn’t even realized her crutches had fallen to the floor. And right when she was about to bend over and pick them up, Jules leaned over and snatched them up for her, holding them out towards her.
She beamed at him then, allowing her arms to fall into place atop the crutches, and let out a breath she’d been unaware of holding. Gingerly, her fingers traveled to her dry, bruised lips, thrumming still with the energy left from his hungry kisses. She couldn’t help but ache for more—there had to be more. She wasn’t ready for him to be done yet.
“Don’t worry, baby,” he said slowly. His glazed eyes sparkled with satisfaction, and his lips were curled into a goofy, lopsided grin. Her heart leapt at the sight. “I’m not actually going to ditch.” He chuckled, and his warm hands cupped themselves around hers. “I do have a surprise for later though. After my shift.” He lowered his head towards hers, his lips brushing her ear as he added, “You’ll love it.”
“I—” She shook her head, discarded her frazzled train of thought. “I’m not worried,” she said eventually, around a sigh. “At least . . . not anymore.” Grinning at the thought of another one of his surprises, she turned his face around so that it was right in front of her and kissed him, slowly, softly, teasing him with more. “You changed my mind.”
He chuckled in the back of his throat, and pulled away so that their foreheads were pressed together. “Good.” A stray strand of her dark, tousled hair fell in her face and he brushed it behind her ear again, grinning at her. “It’ll be worth it.”
Melting under the heat of his gaze, she shrank back a little, averted her gaze. The longer she looked at the boy before her, the harder she fell under his spell, and the harder it became to pull away. But she had to sometime. She couldn’t stay in his arms forever. She had other people to see, other appointments waiting for her. Jules had only been a stop on the way.
“I should go,” she said quietly, almost as if testing the words on the tip of her tongue. “Leah will be here soon, and I haven’t even found a table yet.” She sneaked a peak at Jules, and smiled in satisfaction at the look of longing on his pretty little face. “I’ll be home later, though.
And I’ll be waiting for your wonderful little surprise.” Her heart quickened at the thought.
Jules’s face lit up, eyes gone bright and lips curved into a devilish smile. “I can help you find that table,” he cooed. “After all, it is

part of my job.” He wiggled his brows, daring her to challenge him.
She giggled. “Well, as much as I appreciate your kind offer, I think I’ll pass.” She glanced behind him, taking in account the strangers around the two of them who’d been intently watching their friendly little display of their affections. “I believe we have an audience.”
After giving her a questioning look, he took a subtle move at glancing over his shoulder to the people behind him, watching from afar. When he turned his focus back on Skye, he was struggling not to laugh. He ran a hand down the side of her face, and said, “Why don’t we give them a real good show, then? Shall we?” He tipped her chin towards him, and brushed his thumb across her bottom lip.
Her hands grasped her crutches for dear life, and with a generous amount of resistance she didn’t know she had in her, she shook her head and wobbled back a step. “No, Jules. You need to get back to work. So go. Before you get fired.”
He frowned. “Oh come on

, Skye,” he groaned dramatically. “I’m not going to get fired. I’m the best addition they’ve got. And besides—you owe me one last kiss. If you’re going to ignore me until tonight, then the least you can do is give me one last kiss goodbye.” He gave her winning puppy dog eyes, and added pouty lips for good measure.
She sighed, easily caving under the heaviness of his pleading gaze. “Fine,” she muttered, trying not to smile. “One last kiss goodbye. And then you’ll get back to your job, okay? Promise?”
Without wasting a fraction of another moment, Skye quickly leaned up, planted a soft kiss on his lips, and began walking in the direction of the tables. She could hear Jules’s laughter trailing behind her, and grinned, pleased with herself.
“You call that a kiss?” he called out after her.
She didn’t hesitate before replying over her shoulder, “I call that just a little preview. The good stuff will come if you can impress me later.”

BY THE TIME Leah arrived at the shop, fifteen minutes had passed and Skye was having an even harder time keeping her eyes off of Jules. She just couldn’t do it. And every time he caught her looking at him, he’d grin and wink at her, like an agonizing little reminder of the long hours she’d have to wait before discovering his “wonderful” surprise. She’d tortured herself with the possibilities of what it could be, only to end up unsatisfied. By the time Leah sat down across from her, she was exhausted and ready to steer her mind elsewhere.
“Hey, sweetie,” Leah said around a smile, hastily discarding her purse on the vacant chair next to her and reaching a hand out across the table for Skye’s. “Sorry it took me so long to get here. I couldn’t get out of work.”
Skye smiled at her mother, relieved by her free, lively spirit. “It’s okay, Mom, don’t worry about it—I understand.”
Leah’s smile slipped away, but her face still gave a bright glow as she regarded her daughter. “How’re you feeling, baby girl? Any better?”
“Much better,” Skye admitted. “I think talking to you and Jules has really been helping me recover. I haven’t been having the nightmares lately, like I did the first couple of nights, and I’ve been able to block the thoughts centered on Johnny with more ease. Joe’s advice has really helped.”
“That’s wonderful, Skye!” Leah squeezed her daughter’s hand gently, reassuringly. “How about Rachel? Have you talked to her at all recently?”

, Skye thought sadly, remembering the pain she’d heard in her voice the last time they’d spoken at the hospital. “No,” she admitted. “The last time I talked to her was when she was leaving the hospital. I tried calling her a few times, but she never answered. I’m sure it’s all really hard on her. Victor dumped her, you know. Right after everything that Johnny did. He just left. Said he had to turn his life around, and that he didn’t really have the same kinds of feelings for her as she had for him. I just wish I could help her, you know? I’ve tried, but so far all she’s done is avoided me.”
“He dumped her, and then up and left?” Leah’s face fell. “I thought he was going to stay awhile. He was so good to her. He really seemed to make her happy.” With a small shake of her head, she sighed, seemingly lost in thought. “Skye, you should go to see her. I’m sure she could really use a friend like you right now. A broken heart can only be fixed by the others around you that you love. And you two have been best friends forever. ”
“You’re right,” Skye mumbled, around a sigh. “I really should go see her. Mind dropping me off after lunch? So Rachel and I can talk to each other, face-to-face.”
“As long as don’t plan on walking

home, no—not at all.” Leah’s tone was strict, yet her expression lightened. “But please get a ride from someone, or call me when you’re done. I’d rather you not be out late walking alone. Especially not with those little devils slowing you down.” She pointed to Skye’s crutches beside the table, a smile slithering around the corners of her lips.
Despite her concern for her best friend, Skye giggled, happy that she and her mother were getting along so well again. After years of losing her to work and Johnny, she was thrilled to finally have Leah back. The sweet, ambitious, and somewhat over-protective mother she’d missed so dearly.
“Thanks, Mom.” She smiled at Leah then, a bright, carefree smile. “I promise to either find a ride or call you when the time comes. There is no way I’ll be walking on those devils

any longer than I have to.”
“That’s my girl,” Leah said sweetly, around a perked up smile. “I had a feeling you might say that.”
“Right,” Skye played along, chuckling. “So . . . what did you want to talk to me about? I mean—besides how I’m feeling.”
Leah shifted in her chair, pulled her hands out of Skye’s. “I know that now may not be the best time,” she began, fidgeting nervously, “but I was hoping to talk to you about Joe. About what you think of him.”
Skye’s stomach did a little dip. “Joe?” she spluttered, and coughed to cover up her surprise. “Why do you want to know what I think about him

Leah cleared her throat, and averted her gaze. “I know it’s crazy, and I probably shouldn’t even waste our time talking about this, but I’d like to know what you’d think about the possibility of Joe and me . . . together

someday. I’m sure it won’t happen anytime soon—especially if you don’t accept the idea—but after everything that’s happened lately, and having spent so much time around Joe, I’ve realized how much he cares for the both of us, and how much I’d messed that up when I got with Johnny. I made a mistake back then, Skye—a huge, terrible

mistake—but if you and Joe give me another chance, I’d like to try to make it up to you. I’d like to give the possibility of all of us, as a family, a shot.”
With her heart rattling inside her chest, Skye fought to keep her mouth intact, on the verge of gaping at the plea written on her mother’s face. A plea for something Skye had desperately wanted four years earlier. A plea for the chance and possibility of the kind of family she’d always wanted. Sure, many things have changed since the first time Skye had imagined Joe becoming her father and the three of them living together in happiness, but that didn’t change the fact that she still wanted it. Even though she’d had to grow and mature after experiencing things no one should have to experience, she was still the same girl—she still loved her mother, loved Joe, and wanted for both of them to be happy. For her to be happy. Not only with Jules, but also with a family.
Chewing on her lip, she contemplated her mother’s offer. Joe had always loved Leah and Skye—that much she knew. He’d told her it enough times to know that it was sincere. And with the memories of all of the times the three of them had spent together running through her mind, she could recall one night that was a pure example of his admiration. The night he’d almost proposed to Leah. The same night all of Skye’s dreams had crashed and burned.
But was Leah trying to tell Skye that she was now falling in love with Joe, or was she trying to tell her that she’d always felt a connection with him, and it had just taken her awhile to see it? Could there really be a chance that the two of them loved each other? And more importantly, was Skye ready for her mother to jump into another relationship so soon after the tragedy of her previous one—even if she did approve of the man it involved? Or was it too soon?
Taking a deep, cleansing breath, she tried to clear her head, stripping it of all of the questions and memories bombarding her state of mind. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the happiness she felt bubbling up in the pit of her stomach at the thought of having a decent, well-intentioned man as her father figure, and her mother having the kind of man that would treat her well and love her with every part of his being. A man both of them could trust.
When she opened her eyes again, Leah was watching her in anticipation. “I don’t think it’s that crazy.” She spoke slowly, choosing her words carefully. Her throat suddenly felt dry, her lips chapped, and she swallowed on the nerves that swam through her stomach. She wasn’t sure how Leah would take what she had to say. “Sure, maybe right now is a little too soon—but that doesn’t mean that someday in the future will be, too. And I believe in my heart that Joe is a good man. I’ve seen how he is around you, and I’ve watched him love you before. In fact, I don’t think he ever stopped loving you, Mom. Maybe that’s why he never really dated very many women after you, and why he’s tried so hard to stay close to us.” She blinked, discarded the pang of pain that pierced her chest at the memory of his almost-proposal to Leah. “He almost proposed to you once. He had the ring and everything.”
Noticing the tears that had begun welling in her mother’s eyes, she cringed and averted her gaze. Her heart was pounding anxiously against her ribcage, and she had to clasp her hands together to stop them from shaking. What she was about to say could change many factors in her life. Once the words were out there, she wouldn’t be able take them back, and she wasn’t sure she would even if she could.
A small, nervous smile graced her features as she mumbled the last of what she had to say. “He really, truly loved you, Mom. And even though you may have rejected him once, there’s no doubt in my mind that he’ll give you another chance. Like I said, he’s a good man; I’m sure he’d be good for us. And I guess what I’m trying to say is . . . I approve of him. And I’d love to have a father-figure like him—even if it may be a little soon.” Her entire body warmed as her last words really sunk it, relishing in the beautiful possibility of actually having a father who didn’t hurt or scare her. But before Leah could respond to all of what she’d just spoken, she added a firm, “But you have to promise me, Mom—promise me

—that you won’t break his heart again. You have to promise me that you won’t get involved with him unless you’re sure that this is what you want, and you’re really ready to love a man again. Promise me

Leah’s mouth parted slightly, and her eyes filled with tears, but she didn’t speak. Instead, she made her way around the small, round table and over to Skye, wrapping her in a tight hug. Her warm tears trickled down the sides of her face and fell on Skye’s shoulder, dampening the bright, floral blouse she was wearing.
Silent words of understanding were exchanged, and after a few more moments in each other’s embrace, Leah finally pulled away, saying, “I promise you, Skye. I promise that this is what I want, and I won’t get involved if I don’t think it’s the right thing to do.” She smiled brightly at her daughter, wiping away a stray tear that ran down her face. “I really think this could be good for us. And after everything that’s happened, I’m so glad I still have my beautiful little girl here with me.” Leaving a small kiss on Skye’s forehead, she softly added, “I love you sweetie.”
All of Skye’s previous fears and nerves fell into the past and she sighed in the richness of the warmth that coursed through her veins and spread into her subconscious. “I love you too, Mom,” she whispered, catching Leah’s hands in hers. “And right now, I couldn’t be happier.”
The sweetness of their quiet laughter lulled a precious tune in Skye’s ears as she hugged her mother once again, ecstatic to finally have the kind of peace and hope she’d dreamt about for so long in her possession. Hope for the better, and peace from the security of all the kinds of love so generous it made her life a thousand times more worth living.

MAKING HER WAY up the stone steps leading to the Harper’s front door, Skye was careful not to loosen her death grip on her crutches, afraid that if she so much as let up on it a fraction of an inch she’d lose them in the bitter wind that howled past her. During the past few hours she’d spent inside, it had gotten notably colder outside, and the wind had picked up. A very powerful storm was brewing over the horizon.
As she stepped off the last step, she let out a sigh of relief but still didn’t loosen her grip in the slightest. Her heart was tapping out a restless beat in her chest, and her head spun from the vast amount of effort she had to put into a task as simple as climbing a few steps—but the way she saw it, no task that involved walking was as simple as it had once been.
With a wobble in her careful steps, she hurried as quickly as possible towards the door, desperate for a little coven of shelter. Pressing herself against the cool surface, she tried to catch her fleeting breath. Come on, Skye

, she chided herself. Keep yourself together now. You’ve got to stay strong. Don’t let exhaustion get the better of you. You won’t be good company if you’re half awake.

Taking a deep, calming breath, she tapped her icy knuckles on the door as hard as her tiring body would allow, and took a small, clumsy step back.
Less than a minute later, she could hear the locks on the door being unlocked and unbolted, and she found herself immediately relaxing. Someone was behind that door. And she could only hope it was Rachel—the best friend that she desperately wanted to talk to.
When the door finally squeaked open all of the way, Skye felt a wave of warmth and happiness wash over her body. Calmed by the sight of her dazzling best friend with the long, golden locks of curls she’d always envied, and the kind of sweet smile that could brighten anyone’s day in one mere glance.
“Skye!” Rachel exclaimed, eyes lighting up as she took in her friend’s presence. “What are you doing here? I mean—don’t get me wrong, it’s great

to see you—but I just didn’t expect to see you here

, at my house.”
Skye used the support of her crutches to hold her up while she answered her friend. “Well, since I haven’t seen or talked to you in the past few days, I wanted to check in and see how you were doing. And you weren’t answering any of my phone calls, so I just decided to drop by. I hope I’m not interrupting anything, though; I don’t want to be any trouble.” Her lips twitched in a small smile.
Rachel’s fingers fidgeted with the lace trim of her sleeve that hung just above her elbow, and she giggled sweetly. “You’re never any trouble, Skye. You’re my best friend, and you’re free to drop by anytime—as long as you don’t interrupt my beauty sleep, that is.” With a quick wave of her hand, she’d managed to discard any traces of unease left in Skye’s body. “And about the phone calls, I lost my cell to police custody and the new one hasn’t arrived yet. Plus, my parents haven’t been screening calls when I’m gone—and as you very well know, I never answer the home phone anyways—so if you left any messages on that line, that’s why I didn’t get them.”
“Oh,” Skye mumbled, taking the words in. Part of her found it a little odd that Rachel hadn’t called her at all, but the other didn’t want to press it. She was going through a lot, too, and even though they may be best friends, there was no rule that said they had

to talk to each other about everything. If she’d wanted to talk, she would have picked up the phone and dialed her number. And Skye understood that. “I guess I’m lucky I caught you here, then.”
“You bet!” Rachel’s smile grew, showing her pearly whites. “Come on, let’s go inside,” Rachel said after a moment of silence, waving her hand towards the wide open front door. “We can hang out and talk, if you’d like.”
“’Kay, sounds great.” Skye nodded, and clutched onto her crutches’ handles tightly, prepared to fight against the overbearing wind that struck her most when she was walking. After covering the space between her and the entrance to the house in a few long, tedious moments, she looked at Rachel apologetically. “Sorry. I’m a little slow at the moment.”
“Don’t apologize, Skye,” Rachel said around a giggle, scooting behind Skye to close the door. “It’s not like crutches are good buddies to have.”
Skye scoffed, “Definitely not.”
“Are you hungry or thirsty, at all? We’ve got plenty of options.”
Skye shook her head, and smiled warmly at her friend. “No thanks. Leah and I had lunch a little while ago.”
“Kind of late, don’t you think?” Rachel’s voice carried her famous lilt of teasing in it. “Although, I guess I did just offer you food . . . so I really shouldn’t be talking.” She winked playfully before prancing past the entryway to the kitchen on their left, and heading towards the door of her bedroom—a room almost as familiar to Skye as her own. She couldn’t even count how many times she’d been in it over the long years of the girl’s friendship.
“Hey, hold up,” Skye called softly, caught up in the recollections of silly childhood memories. “I know I’m walking as slow as your father after Thanksgiving dinner, but I can’t help it.” Despite the seriousness of her tone, she giggled at the thought of Rachel’s heavy-set father teasing everyone after dinner each Thanksgiving that he was carrying a rather large, late baby.
Rachel stopped at her bedroom’s whitewood door, and narrowed her brows at Skye. She scrutinized her friend until she’d caught up to her, and with her head cocked to the side, she gasped in mock horror. “Skye! Don’t tell me you’re pregnant! Did Jules . . . persuade

you? ‘Cause I’ll kill him!”
Skye guffawed at the absurdity of Rachel’s little joke. “Rachel!” she squealed, stifling laughter and slapping her friend’s arm playfully. “Behave yourself! You know I am not

pregnant! So hush.”
Rachel’s soft laughter carried in her wake as she shrugged, opened the door to her bedroom, and scurried over to the bed, dropping herself against the soft, fluffy mattress. She turned to watch Skye as she wobbled into the room, and grinned when her gaze lingered over her face. “You’re blushing.” Her eyes wiggled tauntingly. “Are you thinking about him

Skye stopped in her tracks, only a few feet away from the bed, and feigned innocence. Or at least, she hoped she looked innocent; she didn’t want Rachel to know that she had

in fact been thinking about Jules, simply from the mere mention of his name. “Who?” Her voice cracked, and she slapped herself mentally for sounding so guilty. Clearing her throat, she ignored the heat that coursed through her veins at the images of Jules running through her mind, and tried again. “Who? Your dad at Thanksgiving?”
Rachel made a face at her. “You know who, Skye,” she said deviously, grinning wider, “don’t try to play innocent. It’s written all over your face who you’re thinking about.” Her voice took on a sultry edge as she whispered, “Jules

Skye felt her cheeks go hot, and when she found herself thinking about him

and his little surprise she had spent most of the afternoon torturing herself with, her insides went week and she had to catch herself with the support of her crutches. Her palms were sweaty, her skin hot, and she suddenly felt embarrassed to be so flustered in the company of her best friend, all because of a boy

Sighing in defeat, she managed to crutch her way over to the side of the bed and sit down, with her heart beating a mile a minute and her head reeling in memories where Jules was the star. “So you got me. I was thinking about Jules.”
“I knew it!” Rachel squealed, shooting up into a sitting position and jumping up and down like an excited child. “I knew you were thinking about him! Heck—it was all part of my plan. I wanted

to see you all hot and bothered, so that’s why I brought him up. You’re quite the riot, all right.”
“Oh, hush,” Skye mumbled, bumping shoulders with Rachel. “I’m not all hot and bothered.”
Rachel scoffed. “Sure you aren’t,” she said sarcastically, shaking her blonde head. “Skye, he’s your boyfriend

, you love

him, there’s no need for you to be embarrassed about how you’re feeling right now. It’s only natural.”
Skye smiled at that, her knotted up stomach relaxing, and before she could stop herself, she said softly, “Did you ever feel that way when you were with Victor?”
Rachel’s smile faltered. “Yes,” she admitted, choking on the word a little. “Some of the time. I mean—I always felt a strong connection with him, but at the same time, there was always something that warned me to stay away. Of course, being me, I loved how mysterious he was and jumped at the chance to be with him. Now I just wish I’d never fallen for him at all.” She sighed heavily, falling back down onto her back. “I still don’t know if I ever loved him. I do know that I still miss him—even after all the crap he put me through—but whether or not I ever loved him . . . I don’t know.”
Skye’s heart ached to comfort her friend, to heal the brokenness left by a man who’d always had other intensions, and very carefully, she pushed herself down on her back and focused her attention on Rachel. “I’m so sorry for everything he put you through,” she said softly. “You never deserved to be treated the way you were. It wasn’t your fault in any way, and you deserve better, Rachel.” She offered a small smile. “And even though it may take a while to get over him, I know you’ll get through this. ‘Cause you’re the strongest person I know, and you’d never let one stupid guy get you down. If he couldn’t see how amazing you are, then that’s his loss. You don’t need him.”
Rachel chuckled, but her eyes watered and a couple tears rolled down her cheeks. “You’re such a good friend, Skye,” she said, turning to look at Skye. “Thank you for that. I just hope that maybe someday I’ll find a guy who can love me like Jules loves you, and I can love him back just the same.”
Skye’s heavy heart lightened at the small smile on her friend’s face. “You will,” she promised. “I know you will.”
“Thanks.” Wiping the tears from her face, she let out a quiet spill of laughter, and sat up, shaking her head. “Ugh, I’m a mess. You’ve got to stop making me so soft, Skye.”
Skye giggled, struggling into a sitting position as well. “At least you’re a hot mess,” she murmured teasingly. “I’m just a wreck.”
Rachel scoffed, and this time it was her

turn to slap her friend on the shoulder. “Skye! You are a very hot mess,” she played back. “And speaking of hot messes . . . I want to know everything about you and Jules—even all those juicy little details.”
Skye’s mouth gaped open. “What details?” She couldn’t help but blush at the odd turn their conversation had taken, and even as crazy as it was, she felt good about it. It gave her hope that there would no longer be any tension between her and Rachel—at least for a little while.
“Don’t play dumb,” Rachel scolded, wagging her finger at Skye. “Just spill! I’ve got to know all your dirty little secrets.”
Ignoring Rachel’s last comment, she plunged into the details of her rather uneventful love life (apart from the few make out sessions she and Jules had managed to fit in), and soon both of the girls busied themselves with conversations that entwined the heart and soul of a beautiful friendship worth caring for.

“WHERE ARE WE GOING?” Skye asked Jules, pressing the subject. With her own hands covering her eyes (following the instructions he’d given her before they’d left his car two minutes earlier), she couldn’t make out anything but the quiet sounds of their shuffling footsteps and the thunder in the distance. She could feel his supportive body pressed up against hers, his breath fanning the back of her head as he practically carried her over the damp, earthy soil beneath them. Her head was spinning with the possibilities of where he could be taking her. “Julian Rane, the suspense is killing me! For goodness sakes, just tell me already!”
He turned his head so that his lips hovered above her ear, the warmth of his breath causing her cheeks to flush and her heart to flutter. She giggled at the tender sensations, despite her anxious spirit. “You’ll see. Just hang in there a minute. We’re almost there.”
To say her interest was piqued was an understatement. Her breath hitched in her throat when one of his hands traveled over an exposed expanse of skin below her bellybutton. When she tried to speak again, it came out as a mere whisper. “Where?”
“I’m not telling you, baby,” he explained, chuckling, “it’s a surprise. So don’t even think about peeking, Skye. If you do, I’ll have no choice but to punish you.”
His words provoked erratic chills along her spine, and she gasped. “Punish me? Sounds fantastic.” She grinned wickedly at the thought of one of his tickling attacks—the only form of “punishment” he ever gave her.
And after a minute lost in the thought, she opened her mouth to put his words to the test, but instead she found herself lost in the abruptness of his sudden stop as he set her down on the ground, left to rely on her own two feet again. She chewed on her lip as she waited for him to say something, to explain what they were doing.
He guided her hands away from her closed eyes, whispering in her ear, “Open your eyes.”
Doing as she was told, she slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times to clear the blurriness that stuck to her vision. When she could finally see everything clearly, a gasp escaped her lips, and she felt herself relying on Jules’s support to keep her steady. The beauty that lay before her left her in awe, and all she could do was gawk at the sight.
All around her were tables after tables of boxed gardens filled with vibrant, breathtaking roses, accompanied by the company of small trees that grew fresh fruits and beautiful buds of blossoming flowers. And along with the growing beauty that captured each inch of the stain-glassed greenhouse’s floor, Jules had also carefully placed an assortment of caged, golden candles leading to a small circle in the middle where a blanket and picnic basket lay.
Pulling herself together, Skye righted her jaw and smiled widely. “It’s beautiful, Jules,” she breathed, and pulled his hands in hers. “Did you really do all of this for me?”
He turned her around in his arms so that she was facing him, and cupped her face in his hands. “Of course,” he said around a lazy grin. “I wanted to do something special for you. You’ve been cooped up in that house for too long.”
Her heartbeat soared in an almost pleasurable way, and she curled into him, enjoying the security of being so near to him again. Finally having discovered the “surprise” that had been taunting her all day long, she couldn’t have been happier. The surprise was better than she could have ever imagined.
“Thank you,” she said softly, the sound muffled by his shirt. “Everything’s perfect.”
Jules pulled her up into his arms, careful not to put any strain on her ankle, and carried her through the lit up pathway to the blanket. Setting her down gently on the soft, fleece blanket, he gathered the picnic basket and a bottle of sparkling water before sitting down beside her.
She grinned when she saw the wineglasses he manifested from behind a cooler that sat on the other side of him. “You just couldn’t resist, could you?”
He chuckled and set them down in between the two of them. “Nope.” He shrugged. “I’m a fan of the classics.”
She giggled, and snatched the picnic basket up from the edge of the blanket. “What have we got here?” she murmured, peering into the folds of fabric that separated the food and the lid. “Pretzel and cheese sandwiches, assorted fruits, and turkey rolls?” She turned to him with her brows raised.
Setting the bottle of sparkling water down for a moment, he held up a finger. “And for desert,” he began, digging into the cooler. “These.”
Skye couldn’t help the laughter that trembled out of her lips when she caught sight of the mini chocolate éclairs in his hands—her favorite. “You’re amazing,” she said, still eyeing the scrumptious desert before her.
“I know.”
“I was talking about the éclairs,” she corrected him, and smiled smugly. “But you’re pretty great, too.”
He laughed, and with his free hand, leaned in to give her a quick kiss on the forehead. “Thanks a lot.”
“Anytime.” Before he could put the éclairs back in the cooler, she grabbed his hand and guided it back towards the side of her face. “How about we skip right to desert?” she suggested, grinning wickedly.
His face lit up in the dim glow of candlelight, and his eyes suggested that he’d been waiting for her to say that. “Sounds good to me.”
With her free hand, she snatched an éclair from his hand and slowly fed it to him. Her stomach did a little flip when his fingers traced her jawline, and his warm breath fanned across her face. Their faces were now mere inches apart, their bodies pressed up against each other’s, and before Skye had time to even realize what he was doing, Jules had already shoved the other éclair into her mouth, rather messily.
As she savored the delicious taste of chocolate on her tongue, she tried to glare at him but couldn’t pull it off and ended up smiling at him instead. “You idiot.” Her voice came out quiet and weak, a side effect of his body so close to hers.
He grinned lazily, and licked the chocolate off of her lips. “I couldn’t help myself,” he growled, his voice husky. “You’re so irresistible.”
Her heart raced. “So are you.” She whimpered when he crushed his lips against hers and began to explore her mouth with his tongue.
It only lasted a moment before he pulled away a little, whispering, “You taste good.”
A giggle escaped her chapped, hungry lips. “You do too,” she murmured, and gasped as she felt one of his hands venturing under the hem of her shirt. “And don’t you dare think we’re done. Desert’s the best part.”
And with those last words drifting in the air around them, Jules grinned wickedly and carefully laid her down against the blanket, following suit. The taste of chocolaty goodness mingled in her mouth when he kissed her again, this time not holding anything back.

“PLEASE, JULES, JUST give them to me,” Skye begged as she leaned against a tree for support, just a few feet away from the greenhouse. “I can’t walk without them, you know.”
“I know,” Jules said around a grin, tossing her crutches back onto the passenger’s seat of his Mustang. “But this way I can be your Prince Charming and sweep you off your feet. Literally.”
“Julian Rane!” she snapped, trying to hold back the smallest of smiles that was beginning to form across her lips. “If you don’t give me those stupid crutches right now, I guarantee you will be sorry.”
Her heart missed a beat when he chuckled, and took a step towards her. “Will I?” he cooed, grinning like an idiot. “What are you going to do?” Another step. “You can’t walk by yourself.” Another. “And you definitely don’t stand a chance against me. So, what then? Come on, baby, don’t be shy; tell me. I’m dying

to know.” He was right in her face now, gazing at her with undeniable desire in his eyes. “Tell me

Her breath caught in her throat when his lips hovered above hers, and she closed her eyes against the warmth that coursed through her body from his almost-touch. But going against her own desires, she pressed her small hands against his chest and pushed him away. “No,” she breathed, still catching her breath from the butterflies in her stomach. “Just—just please get me my crutches, Jules. I’d like to walk on my own if that’s okay with you.”
He frowned, but said nothing more. She watched as he scurried over to the vehicle again, plucked the crutches from where he’d discarded them, and hurried back over to her all in a matter of a minute. “Thank you,” she told him when he handed them to her. “I know it’s killing you right now not being all Prince Charming, but sometimes you’ve just got to put him back into the closet.”
“Are you trying to tell me he finally came out of the closet?” He winked.
“Oh, shut up,” she hissed playfully, stifling laughter. “Stop being such a looser.”
“Ouch!” he exclaimed, and pressed his hand against his heart. “That hurt.”
“Just go,” she urged, sticking out her crutch in the direction of the old farmhouse that was his home. “Let’s get this over with.”
“Don’t sound so excited, now,” he teased her, walking in pace with her slow steps. “You’ll scare my dad away.”
“But what if I really do?” Unlike his, her voice carried no playful sarcasm. “What if he doesn’t like me?”
“He will, Skye,” Jules insisted, “I promise.”
He pressed a finger against her lips. “Stop,” he said softly, stopping to pull her hand in his as he cupped her face in the other. “Stop worrying yourself. He’s going to love you.”
Sighing, Skye dropped the subject. “Okay. I trust you.”
“Good.” He smiled, and left a gentle kiss on her forehead before moving away and walking up the porch’s steps. “Coming, Slowpoke?” A taunting grin spread across his face.
“Yeah, hot-shot,” she sang back at him. “I’m coming.”
And just for payback, she slowed her steps as she crutched her way up the sidewalk, the steps, all the way up to the front door, where he now stood waiting for her.
“Having fun?” he whispered against her ear, reaching around her slim frame for the doorknob. “’Cause you sure looked

like you were having fun.”
“You bet,” she replied perkily. “Lots.”
“Here we go.” Turning the knob, he pushed open the door and slipped in, called his father’s name. “Come on down; there’s someone I’d like you to meet.”
With her insides twisting and turning from the nerves about meeting his father for the very first time, she tried to put up a strong, happy façade for Jules. After all, she was doing it for him, because he really wanted her to meet his father. And if that’s really what he wanted, she’d be happy to do it.

“THAT WAS A DISASTER,” Skye groaned, lying down against the soft, comforting support of Jules’s bed. “I completely failed

Jules chuckled, kicking off his shoes and sending them into his closet. “You did not fail . . . my dad loved

you. You were perfect

She smiled, remembering how well her first meeting with Jules’s father had

gone—until it came to game time, that was. “Scrabble didn’t go well,” she reminded him. “I failed.”
He made a face at her. “That’s what you’re going on about? That stupid game of Scrabble?”
A grin slithered up his features. “Skye, you didn’t fail,” he told her, sitting down on the bed beside her. “I failed. I’m the one who lost, remember?”
“Oh,” she murmured around a grin, “right.”
Dropping onto his back, he pulled her hand in his and kissed it. “You really were great tonight. Everything was perfect.”
Her body warmed as he placed soft kisses on her skin, starting at her wrist and slowly making his way all the way up her arm. When his lips traveled into the crook of her neck, she whimpered, wanting him to hold her and love her forever. “Don’t stop.”
He pulled away, his warm breath bathing her face. “I have to. You should get some rest; it’s late.”
“But will you stay with me? Please?”
“Of course I will, Skye,” he promised her, curling a lock of her hair around his finger. “I’ll stay with you as long as you need me to. Just let me call your mom and tell her you’re okay.”
Smiling at the thought of another night with him, she closed her eyes and let out a troubling breath she’d been holding. Her body ached to be in his arms again, nestled in the comfort of his warm embrace, and she couldn’t wait for him to finish the call and join her in his bed, shielding her from all the burdens that could come in the darkness.
Her heart fluttered when he placed a soft his on her forehead, and she opened her eyes, watching him depart from the room to make that call. Crawling over to top of the bed, she nuzzled her face into his pillow, committed the scent to memory. And then, while she was waiting for him to return, she drifted into a hazy realm of peace, longing for the sound of his voice to enter her dreams, and the warmth of his touch to caress her once again.

Epilogue: One Month Later

STEPPING OUT INTO THE GLORIOUS WARMTH OF THE MID-summer day, Skye smiled from the sense of security and serenity that eclipsed her body and soul. She closed her eyes and breathed freely, deeply, drinking in the rich freshness of the mid-day air. Her once tainted and trampled on heart felt alive and free again, able to breathe in and accept the captivating beauty so magnificently crafted into the spirit of life.
She took three slow, small steps forward, appreciating the simple, easy pleasure of walking on her cast-free ankle again. A small but high-pitched noise whistled passed her ears, bringing her out of her hazy, dreamlike state of mind and steering her attention to where the sound had come from.
The moment she opened her eyes and caught Rachel’s impatient gaze from the driver’s side window of her mother’s Honda Civic, she smiled widely.
“Are you coming, Skye?” Rachel called, slapping the exterior of the vehicle. “We can’t wait for you forever. I’ve got a plane to catch, remember?”
“Don’t worry, I’m coming.” Skye’s sweet-as-honey voice rang across the open space of air between the two friends, and in the next moment, Rachel whispered something to the passenger in the back seat and relaxed against the seat, smiling to herself.
Skye’s heart fluttered in her chest when the passenger sprang out of the back seat, revealing himself to her in all his sun-kissed glory. His vibrant, emerald eyes shined even brighter in the blazing sun, and his shaggy, golden hair curled perfectly around his face, making Skye’s breath catch in her throat from his beauty.
“Baby, I thought we had a deal,” Jules called warmly, failing to take his gaze away from her once as he sprinted over to her. “I thought you had agreed to be on time today.” He grinned, flashing his pearly whites. “I thought I’d made it clear that there will be a surprise waiting for you afterwards.” His warm, heavy breath bathed her ears as he neared her and whisper-added, “A perfect and absolutely wonderful

Her knees grew week from the fiery air of seduction in his voice, and she pressed herself closer to him, hands tightly gripping his shirt. “You did,” she purred, brushing her lips against his jaw-line. “And we do. I just wanted a moment to breathe.” She let go of his shirt and pushed him backwards as she watched him carefully. Her lips curled into a smile at the playful glint in his eyes and, with her head spinning and chills spreading along her arms, she taunted him with her hands venturing down his chest as she kept him moving back towards the vehicle. “Get in the car.”
He chuckled and reached a hand out to touch her face, but she was quicker than him and slapped it away before it even brushed her skin. He raised a brow, and his face lit up even more. “Playing hard to get?”
She grinned. “Get in the car and I’ll let you know.”
His back collided with the car door, and, with a wide grin spread across his face, he pulled it open and climbed in. “Perfect,” he said when he was seated, grabbing Skye’s hand and bringing her down onto his lap. He held her close with his hands on her hips, keeping her in place. And when she tried to wiggle away, he laughed deeply in her ear, and brought one of his hands to her face, gently forcing her to look at him. “You were saying?”
She pressed her small hands against his shoulders in a vain attempt at pushing herself further away from him. She had no interest in actually getting away from him though; she was only messing with him, playing hard to get because he seemed to be so keen on getting her

. “You talk too much.” She raised her eyebrows at him, daring him to make the next move.
“I can change that,” he whispered huskily, trailing his fingers along the side of her face. “Just say the words and I’ll shut up.” He inched his face closer, his lips venturing dangerously close to hers. She shivered as his breath fanned her trembling lips. “Come on, Trouble, just say the words. I can tell you want to. I can feel

you giving in.” With the hand still on her hip, he pulled her closer, closing the tiny gap between them both until his lips were brushing against hers and her body was pressed up against his.
Sensations riveted her entire body but she tried to stay strong, tried to hold her ground—she couldn’t give in to him that easily. Not if it meant she’d lose their childish little game. She wanted to believe she was much stronger than she’d ever given herself credit for.
Running her fingers through his hair, she began to press her lips against his, only to pull herself back just as easily, away from him and his tempting gestures. “You lose.”
He growled in the back of his throat, and tangled his fingers through her hair, keeping her close. “No, baby,” he said quietly, sweetly, as if he was sharing a precious secret with her. “I win

And with those words drifting through the mere fraction of an inch between them, Skye finally gave in, forgetting her vow to herself to stay strong, forgetting everything else in the world and focusing solely on the incredible boy before her. She melted into his embrace, feverishly seeking the company of his lips against hers, and all of the riveting sensations that coursed through her body from their heated . . . games

Jules nipped on her lower lip playfully, and she gasped, taken aback. He used the opportunity to let his tongue slide into her mouth, exploring her fully. She giggled when she felt the hand on her hip venturing under her shirt, tickling her bare skin.
“Hey, love birds!” Rachel sang sweetly, tauntingly, suppressing a giggle. “Do you think you two could save that stuff for the bedroom? It just so happens that someone is trying to drive

up here! And she can’t have all of that riff-raff going on in the backseat while she does it!” Her voice echoed a playful lilt of mockery and friendly disapproval—which, in Rachel’s world, meant she was only teasing them for the pleasure of witnessing them all flustered and embarrassed.
It worked like a charm.
Skye scrambled away from Jules’s lap, almost falling onto the floor in the process, and her already rosy cheeks flushed with new heat and embarrassment. Her once pounding heart began to race, and she took a deep breath of much needed air. She realized, in her own dizzying state of mind, that she and Jules had possibly chosen the wrong time and place to play such silly games. What had they been thinking when they’d decided to make out in the backseat of her mother’s car, with her best friend driving up in the front? Fact was: they hadn’t; they’d merely been lost in the heat of the moment.
Glancing between Rachel, who had her eyes locked on the road ahead but also a large, smug grin on her face, and Jules, who had his glossy eyes pinned on Skye while his hands nervously fumbled through his hair, Skye couldn’t help but let out a small giggle, too high on adrenaline to care about whether or not she’d just partially lost it with Jules in the company of her best friend.
Jules grinned then, too, and in a minute they’d all lost it, breaking out into an all-out, uncontrollable laugh fest. There was nothing to be ashamed of. In the end they were all friends, and playful banter—whether it came from two best friends or two young people madly in love with each other—was expected, if not encouraged.
After a few long minutes tangled up in the pull of utter hysteria, Skye was the first to revive herself, wiping at her teary eyes and burying her face into Jules’s slightly shaking body, unable to wipe the smile off her face. She curled into his side, breathed in his warmth. A sigh of contentment escaped her chapped lips and, without looking up at all, she said, “Well. That was fun.”
Rachel scoffed, tossing her head back against the headrest. “Yeah, well, I’m sure it was even more fun for you two. Just warn me next time before you guys decide to get all . . . intimate

in my presence, okay? A little heads up would be nice.”
Skye looked up briefly, catching Rachel’s gaze in the rearview mirror, and grinned when her friend winked at her. “Sure, Rach,” she said slowly, rolling the words off her tongue carefully. “We’ll be sure to warn you next time. Although, with you being so far away from us for such a long time, I have a feeling it won’t be a problem.” This time it was her turn to wink at her friend.
“Right.” Rachel’s eyes twinkled. “No problem at all.”
Skye couldn’t help but chuckle at the hint of sarcasm in her friend’s voice, and with one final word exchanged—exactly

—she nuzzled herself into Jules’s outstretched arms, and closed her eyes, breathing in the richness of his warmth and the coziness of his body so close to hers. Faintly, like a whisper in the wind, she could hear—and feel

—a conversation beginning between her two closest friends, and her heart warmed at the sweetness of the soft, beautiful melody that hummed in the background of her peace filled mind.

“WELL, THIS IS IT,” Skye said, setting one of Rachel’s bags of luggage down onto the pavement. “This is where we go our separate ways. You’re going to have the greatest time in Paris. Savannah’s ecstatic, too, I’m sure.”
Rachel chuckled, and with her free hand, grabbed the last piece of luggage from the trunk. “She is, and I’m sure it’ll be great fun. But I’m definitely going to miss my best friend.”
“Aw, I’m going to miss you, too, Rach,” Skye sang sweetly, wrapping her friend in a hug, careful to avoid the luggage. “Six months is quite a long time. It’s going to be quite different without you here.”
“Ditto,” Rachel murmured, and pulled out of the hug, securing her luggage in her hands. “Well, I guess this is goodbye. Take care of yourself while I’m gone. Love ya, hon.”
“Thanks.” Skye’s lips curled into a smile. “Right back at ya.”
Spinning on her heel, Rachel peered at Jules, who was leaning against the car’s exterior with his hands in his pockets as he whistled a quiet little tune, and said, “And you, Mr. Nice Guy, be sure to treat Skye well. Because if you don’t, I swear I’ll hunt you down and poison you myself. Got it?” She raised her brows, and much to Skye’s surprised, really pulled off the threatening look well.
Jules stood there for a moment, seemingly processing Rachel’s threat, and in the next, stood up, approached Skye from behind, and wrapped his arms around her, all the while carrying a smirk across his lips. “You have nothing to worry about, Rachel—I’ll take good care of her. Promise.”
“Oh, all right.” Rachel dismissed him with a wave of her hand. “Well, I’ll see you guys in six months. Skye, call me sometime, ‘kay?” The moment Skye nodded, she grinned, gave a little wave, and called out, “Au revoir!”
Filled with a sudden spirit of glee from her best friend’s attitude, Skye twirled around in Jules’s arms, gave him a quick kiss on the lips, and mumbled, “We’ve got to get back home, now. And maybe later, after dinner, you can share that surprise with me? Sound good?”
He grinned wickedly, nipping at her bottom lip. “Sounds great, Skye.” His deep, husky voice provoked heat to course through Skye’s veins. “But first—you’ve got to give me a real

kiss. And then I’ll drive you home.”
With his request ringing in her ears, she grinned her own wicked smile and aggressively pulled his face towards hers, giving him the kind of kiss that he’d requested—a real, passionate, electric kiss that, in the end (after a few long, precious moments caught up in each other’s embrace), left them both breathless and desperately wanting more.

“WAIT, JULES, QUIT IT!” Skye squealed, flailing her arms in a vain attempt at pushing Jules away. “Come on, I—I’m serious, knock—it—off!” With fleeting breaths, she squirmed underneath her boyfriend’s tickling hands, hitting and kicking, desperately trying to suppress her uncontrollable laughter. Problem was . . . it seemed impossible. He’d been tickling her for too long, and even though she hated him for it, there was no chance she’d be able to contain her laughter until he stopped.
“Be honest, Skye,” Jules said around a sly, lazy grin, “you love

it.” With one hand still working on the sensitive spots beneath her shirt, he gently tangled the other in her hair and bent down to give her a quick, and nearly fulfilling enough kiss on the lips.
She could feel him laughing—at her, no less—and, despite how warm and good

it made her feel being explored and played with by Jules, she bucked against him, gaining enough control to veer his focus away from tickling her. “Like I said before,” she gasped, breathless from not only the laughter but also their close, intimate contact. “You—are—a—-total—idiot.”
Suddenly, and to Skye’s utter surprise, Jules collapsed on top of her, barely supporting himself enough so that she wasn’t entirely squished between him and the living room’s couch cushions. And, with his hands quickly at both sides of her face, he pressed his lips against her forehead, then her nose, and then, when she closed her eyes from the intensity of it all, her eyelids. “Maybe I am an idiot. However, you’ve got to admit, I’m a very sexy one.”
Despite the heat of his touch, and the breathtaking intensity of the entire situation, she couldn’t help but let out a small, quiet giggle, along with a faint whimper. From the way he’d spoken those ridiculous, childish words (even if she couldn’t agree with them more), her heart fluttered anxiously, and her skin tingled, aroused by the deep, seductive tone of it all.
Her small, shaky hands grasped onto the smooth, squishy couch cushion directly beneath her, and, ignoring the side of her that warned her not to taunt Jules any further—especially considering the fact that they were only one room away from where Leah and Joe were preparing dinner—she pressed herself against him, kissing his lips and asking for entrance. When he caved in (which took little convincing on her part), his taste collided with her mouth, and she explored him carefully, taking her time.
He growled in the back of his throat, and after a mindboggling minute suspended in his enriching presence, she pulled away, out of breath and at a loss for words. There was nothing she could say that didn’t request for more, so she said nothing, knowing from the racing of his heart and the creasing of his forehead that he wasn’t sure more was a good idea. And, as difficult as it was for her to admit, she knew it was time their little playtime was over. If they continued any longer, there was a good chance that Leah or Joe could walk in, see them in their . . . compromising

position, and babble on and on about the dangers of what they were up to, spoiling the mood.
“Rain check for later?” Jules whispered, snapping Skye out of her rather unappealing thoughts. “Right here, right now is probably not the best idea.”
Unable to string together a mere few words, she simply nodded her head and opened her heavily lidded eyes, peering around the blurriness to find a glossy eyed, practically glowing Jules. The boyish smirk on his face crushed her in a wave of her own desire, stealing away any chances she’d had at finding her voice—and breath—again.
“Great,” he said, and sat up, taking the seat on the furthest cushion away from Skye, so that he wasn’t sitting on

her in any way. “So . . . are you ready to hear what the surprise is?”
His bold, breathtaking emerald’s peered deep into her own crystal orbs as he watched her sit up, triggering butterflies to flutter anxiously in her stomach from the intensity of his intimate gaze. However, because she still couldn’t find her voice, she instead nodded in reply, very eagerly.
He chuckled, and slid closer, draped an arm across her shoulder. His warm, gentle fingers played with her sleeves while he nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck, distracting her, before he whispered in her ear, “I’ll tell you during dinner. But, just as a heads up, be prepared to enjoy it the moment dinner is over. You’re going to love

it, and it’ll be worth any wait.”
Her breath caught in her throat when his lips softly kissed her cheek, and her heart missed a beat from the sweet, playful lilt in his taunting voice. She tried to speak, tried to argue with him and convince him to tell her now, but couldn’t, too stunned by his insistence that it would be worth the wait.
Her mind cluttered with possibilities of what the surprise could be, and, taking a deep, cleansing breath, she turned towards him, gave him a quick kiss on the lips, and said, “You better hope it’s worth the wait. ‘Cause if it’s not, and I’m not pleased, you’ll owe me big time.”
“Trust me,” he countered around a grin, “I know.”
“Good.” A teasing smile crawled up her lips. “As long as we’re on the same page.”
Chuckling, he kissed the top of her head, and, when she curled into him, wrapped his arms securely around her. Skye appreciated the display of affection, and couldn’t help the overwhelming feeling of happiness that bubbled up inside of her because of it. She’d always been a sucker for even the simplest displays of love and affection; it always meant something to her, never to be taken for granted (especially after all the pain she’d gone through in her relatively short life).
“Dinner is ready! Come to the table, please.”
At the sound of Leah’s honey-sweet voice, Skye startled, squirming in Jules’s hold. Her heart crashed against her rib cage for a moment in a state of panic, before she managed to pull herself together again. When she realized what she’d just done, and how silly the act had truly been, she lost herself in a parade of giggling, only to be interrupted by Jules’s hand covering her mouth.
“Hey, Trouble, pull it together, would ya? We’ve got somewhere to be.” Warm breath tickled the side of her face as his own laughter echoed in her ears, the melody deep and enticing. “And what if they’re listening? You’re making a fool of yourself.”
She slapped his hand away, scowling. “Am not!” she squealed, and scrambled out of his arms, leaping to her feet. “I’m just expressing myself. It’s perfectly natural and understandable.” As she crossed her arms, she tried to keep her expression neutral, merely weighing more on the irritated side. But with one look at Jules’s beaming face, she nearly lost it. His cheeky grin was only working against her.
“Are you sure about that?” he teased, raising an inquiring brow. “’Cause you looked at least a little

“Jules!” she snapped, slightly exasperated. Despite the fact that she didn’t want to give in to his charming appearance again, she could feel a small, uneasy smile spreading across her lips, and she hated herself for it. “How can you say tha—?”
“I’m kidding!” he announced around another parade of laughter, cutting her off. “You’re perfect.” In a flash he was standing in front of her, cupping her face in his hands, and pressing their foreheads together. “Trouble, if I was being completely honest with you, I’d say that you’re the best kind of ridiculous there is. And you never have to worry about making a fool of yourself—I’ll always be here to back you up.”
Clutching his shirt in her small, trembling hands, she closed her eyes and pressed her lips against his, softly, tenderly. “Jules,” she breathed, overwhelmed with a sudden wave of warm, dizzying sensations. “Thank you.” Her voice echoed a mere whisper.
After a few kisses, Jules was the first one to pull away. “We should go. Come on,” he said gently, and pulled one of her hands in his, entwining their fingers together. “We wouldn’t want to keep them waiting.”
“Of course not,” she mumbled, wrapping her arm around his chest and nuzzling her face into his side. “Especially since there’s some kind of surprise waiting for me, too, correct?” A small smile graced the corners of her lips.
After a moment of trusting him to lead her in the right direction, she lifted her head up, focusing her attention away from him—at least for a little while.
When they rounded the corner and entered the dining area, the first thing Skye noticed was the room’s bright, warm glow, illuminated from the golden candles that were selectively placed around the room, some on the table top, others on the shelves that haphazardly occupied the walls, symbolic as Joe’s handiwork.
With a smile creeping up the corners of her lips, she thought of Joe’s own special surprise

for Leah (a surprise she’d been fortunate enough to be included in), and felt a pang of excitement stir inside her as she recalled the memory of her and Joe’s conversation over breakfast earlier that morning.
“Are you sure you’d be okay with this?” Joe, having just taken a sip of coffee from one of Skye’s least favorite mugs, the one with splotches of an ugly, puke-green color painted on it, asked Skye with a smile. After a moment’s hesitation on her part, his brows furrowed together, as if he thought he’d said the wrong thing, and he added, “You can say no, Skye. I mean, even though I really do love your mother, even more than I ever did before, and I’d love to make this kind of commitment to her, I also understand if you’d prefer that I wait. At least for a little while, until you’re ready, too.”
With her gaze practically burning a hole into the smooth, flat surface of the countertop, Skye opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it again, pondering her words over. She had two options: she could either say yes to Joe, granting him permission to possibly enter her and Leah’s life in a very intimate way, or she could say no, turning down his offer to be the father she’d always wanted and the husband Leah had always deserved, if only for a little while.
And recalling all of the good Joe had done so far in her life, and all of the good he’d done in Leah’s life, including the simple act of bringing a smile to her face with each new day, she made a decision. “My answer is yes. Yes, I’m okay with this.”
“You sure?”
Grinning, she added, “Positive.”

Back in the present, Skye watched as Leah, who’d been sitting next to Joe at the head of the table, shot up when she noticed her and Jules standing in the archway. “Oh good,” she exclaimed with a bright smile on her face, clapping her hands together, “you’re both here. Come, sit.”
Pulling Jules’s along with her, Skye made her way over to the seats awaiting them, her socked feet padding along the warm, wooden floorboards beneath her. “You sure went to a whole lot of trouble for one dinner, Mom,” she said when she was seated, and scooted her chair forward. “It does look incredible, though.”
Leah’s cheeks instantly flushed a light pink, and, with her gaze darting back and forth between Joe and Skye while her fingers nervously fumbled with the smooth hem of her black, silky top, she slowly returned to her seat. “Actually,” she started quietly, sheepishly, “Joe put all of this together, including the meal. He said that because it was a special occasion he wanted me to relax and let him do all of the work. So, even though I wish I could take credit for this incredible dining experience, it was all him.”
Skye’s heart warmed at the sight of Leah so happy, so lost in her love and admiration for Joe that she was actually blushing

(something Skye had rarely seen her mother do), and so different

from the Leah she’d seen just months ago. Not once had she really thought it would come to this—Leah with Joe, and Skye with Jules—both of the duos so madly in love that they did things they’d never imagine themselves doing. But even so, she couldn’t have been happier.
Joe, who’d been sitting in his seat silently, watching Leah, now gathered her hands in his and kissed them, not once breaking eye contact. “You were a very lovely observer, though, my dear.”
To Skye’s surprise, Leah giggled at this (another thing she was rarely caught doing), and Skye had to cover up her own form of laughter with a quiet, coughing sound. Sneaking a glance at Jules, she caught the amused look on his face, also, and casually whispered to him, “Behave yourself. This is a big night for them.”
Grinning, he squeezed her hand and leaned a bit closer. “I always behave,” he cooed in her ear, so softly Skye was sure she was the only one who heard it, considering the fact that Leah and Joe were lost in a conversation, seemingly unaware of anything that was going on around them. “And by big

, do you mean that Joe’s planning on proposing?”
Taken aback from the heat in Jules’s voice, she instinctively pulled away from him a little, turning to study his face for an explanation. “How’d you—?”
“It’s pretty obvious, Skye,” he said quietly, cutting her off. “Joe’s practically radiant.”
Ignoring his last comment, she hissed, “Well, hush. Leah’s not supposed to figure it out.”
“All right, Skye,” he said around a cheeky grin, leaning back in his chair, “whatever you say.
“So, Joe,” Skye said loudly, in an attempt to pull Joe out of his love-trance, “you really did all of this?”
He turned to look at her, a small, humble smile gracing his face. “Yes,” he said quietly, and shifted his gaze towards Leah again, only for a moment, before he returned his gaze towards Skye, “I did. But I had a little help with the preparations.”
Vaguely, almost as if she had imagined it completely, Skye thought she saw him wink at her, and she took that as a sign that he was hinting at her acceptance to his proposal and the idea that she could share the special event with him, with them. “Well,” she said sweetly, picking up the basket of bread to the right of her and placing a butter roll on her plate, before passing it to Jules, “it all looks incredible.”
“So, what’s the special occasion?”
Joe, who’d been about to take a sip of his water, the glass poised at his lips, stumbled to catch his bearings at Jules’s inquiry, eyes widening a bit as he set his glass down with a careful (yet clattering) thump. “Excuse me?”
Kicking Jules from underneath the table, Skye shot him a quick warning glare, telling him not to go too far with whatever wacky plan he had, and bit on her lip to keep herself from saying something aloud. She didn’t want the surprise to be ruined, much less the night. And even though Joe was quick on his feet at coming up with good cover ups—she knew this well because of all the times she’d came home later than normal when he and Leah had been together years ago, and he’d made an easy excuse for her that completely let her off the hook—her heart still sped a little, from fear that Leah would figure him out.
“Mrs. Montgomery said ‘because it was a special occasion’, and I was just wondering what that meant. Is there a special occasion?” Jules’s voice didn’t once waver from his impeccably even tone, and Skye wished he’d just stop, before he got in any deeper. “Just curious.” He shrugged, plucked a blueberry muffin from the basket Skye had passed him, and focused his attention on Joe.
And to Skye’s utter surprise, Joe just chuckled. “Oh, so that’s what you meant,” he said, as if it had all just been misinterpreted, all just one big misunderstanding. “Well, if you must know, Jules, tonight is a special occasion because it’s the anniversary of the day I first met Leah.” He grinned at Leah then, a bright gleaming grin that reached his rich, bold eyes. “Happy Anniversary.”
Leah made a small pitchy sound in the back of her throat, and beamed back at him, giving his hand a tight squeeze before picking up her wine glass and taking a sip of the dark liquid.
Skye, having been completely taken off guard with that fact, even though it was rightfully true, had to fight to keep her mouth intact, fighting the urge to gawk in her own surprise. The anniversary. Tonight. Right

, she thought, trying to catch up, that’s why he wanted to have the dinner tonight, particularly.

“Happy anniversary,” Jules said softly, snapping Skye out of her cluttered thoughts. “I had no idea. That’s wonderful.”
Shaking her head, Skye cleared her thoughts, replaced them with ones of Jules’s surprise, Joe’s surprise, and the entire evening’s events that were all jumbled together, about to create what could possibly end up being one of the most unforgettable evenings yet. At that thought, she smiled, pulled Jules’s hand in hers from underneath the table, and watched as Joe’s face lit up even more—which by this time, with his face already radiant, she wouldn’t have thought possible.
“Thank you,” Leah and Joe both said, nearly in sync, only a few beats apart, and they looked at each other, giving each other that look of sweet surprise.
After that conversation picked up, slowed down, and then picked up again, all the while the four of them filled their plates with scrumptious cuisine, and slowly began to pick away at their food, little by little, bite by bite. There were no awkward silences, no more complicated, unnecessary surprises, and Skye couldn’t help but think that everything was perfect. Like it always should have been.
Now, after thirty minutes of pleasurable conversation and interaction with one another, Joe, having just cleaned his plate, scooted his seat back, plucked something—a small, navy box from the quick glimpse Skye had caught of it—out of his pocket, and walked around to the other side of Leah’s chair. She watched him, asking what he was doing; all the while he just smiled, saying “you’ll see,” quietly, as Jules and Skye looked on in flourished excitement, giving sidelong glances at each other.
By the time he’d leaned down on one knee, holding out the small, velvet box before him, Leah’s mouth was agape, her brows furrowed, eyes wide with perplexed anticipation, while Skye’s heart picked up its pace and she had to squeeze Jules’s hand to reassure herself that this was what she wanted for her mother and Joe. She wanted them to be together.
“Oh, Joe,” Leah gasped, cupping a hand over her mouth, “what are you doing?” Her tone was soft, soothing, and Skye couldn’t help but smile gleefully at the expression on her mother’s face—one with such beautiful happiness and admiration there was no doubt she’d say yes to whatever Joe was about to propose—and the tears of what she could only assume was joy that already trickled down the side of her face. “Joe,” she said again, grinning.
“Leah Elizabeth Montgomery,” Joe began, opening the box in his hand to reveal a beautiful, glistening diamond engraved into the crook of a silver band—an engagement ring. “With all of my heart, all of my love, I kneel before you tonight to propose to you my vow of commitment into your life, and ask a question I’ve been longing to ask you for years now.” With his free hand, he pulled one of Leah’s hands into his, and hesitated a moment, prolonging the moment. “Leah Elizabeth, will you marry me?”
Skye held her breath as this rapid, invigorating silence crept over the room, leaving her with her anticipation pulsing in her ears. Her stomach tangled into knots, despite the fact that she could almost feel

Leah’s response—that highly desired, yes—on the tip of her mother’s tongue. She just needed to know for sure.
And the moment Leah took a deep breath, glanced towards Skye for confirmation (which she’d quickly found was a go), nodded her head in the slightest, and said the words everyone was waiting for, Skye’s entire body tingled with excitement. “Yes, Joe,” Leah had said, sniffling, “I will marry you.”
Everything after that happened so quickly. Joe slid the ring onto Leah’s finger, stood up and crushed her into his arms, while Skye jumped up and down in her seat a little, just like she’d done as a kid when she got something she wanted, and Jules watched the scene unfold before his eyes with a wide, genuine smile on his face.
In a moment, Skye had let go of Jules hand to scoot out of her seat and scurry into her mother’s and, soon to be step-father’s, arms, holding on as if her life depended on it for awhile, long and tight enough that it actually felt real

. It wasn’t all just a dream. Leah and Joe were going to get married someday, Skye was going to have a good, decent man as her father figure, finally, and nothing could’ve made that moment any more special.
Nothing, that is, Skye could have ever anticipated.
“Joe, is now really a good time?”
It was Jules’s voice, ringing in Skye’s ears, bringing her out of her haze of excitement for the two people enveloped around her. She pulled away slightly, only to hold on to her mother, and turned to watch Jules as he walked, hands in his pockets, towards them, his quirky smile provoking little butterflies to flutter around in her stomach nervously. Good time for what?

she asked herself.
Joe waved a hand in Jules’s direction, and took a step closer to Leah, wrapping her in his arms and pulling her away from Skye, just slightly, but enough that she noticed the gap. “It’s perfect. Go ahead. Leah and I give you our full approval.”
One look at Jules’s nervous stance and Skye knew that whatever he was about to do, whatever he needed the approval for, had something to do with his surprise for her. And she couldn’t stand the suspense anymore. “What are you talking about, Jules?” she asked, somewhat breathlessly, and took a step closer to him. “What’s going on? Is this a part of your surprise?”
He grinned, eyes twitching. “You bet it is,” he said hotly, his voice seductive and fiery in her ears; although she could only hope it hadn’t sounded that way to the two adults now standing behind her. “It’s all a part of the surprise.”
“So, what then?” She closed the space in between them again. “What is it? Just tell me already.”
“Okay,” he said, and kneeled down on one knee, his hand reaching for something in his pocket, too, just like Joe had done. Skye’s heart missed a beat when he pulled out a box, nearly identical to Joe’s except slightly larger, and held it up to her. “Open it,” he instructed, beaming.
Desperately, she tried to keep her hands from shaking when she reached out to do as he said, and when she felt the smooth, soft velvet beneath her fingertips, she closed her eyes a moment before taking a breath and giving Jules that same puzzled, surprised look Leah had given Joe, only without the tears. “Open it?”
“Open it,” he repeated, softly, tenderly, as if she could take as much time as she liked and it wouldn’t matter to him. “Please.”
With her insides tingling and her head spinning, pulse racing, she quickly peeled the lid open and looked down at the cool, object that lay in the box, unable to tear her gaze away. “Jules,” she breathed, taken so far aback she was having a hard time grappling what was happening, “what is this for?”
Without wasting a second, he answered with his own question. “Skylar Renee Montgomery, would you please accept this gift, this key to my father’s beach house, as a symbol of my commitment to you, and join me on a trip to the house tonight? A one night, one day stay out there, just the two of us, uninterrupted. And you get to keep the key as long as you’d like.”
Slipping the key into her hand, she examined it, from its small, old fashioned design to the warm promise it withheld in its possibilities, not visible but felt. Her entire body thrived with an entirely different energy when she focused her attention back on Jules, heart slowing, warmth spreading, happiness rising—if that was even possible. And after a few long, unforgettable moments caught up in his gaze, the boy she’d fallen so irrevocable in love with, she slowly nodded her head.
“Yes, Jules,” she said, grinning. “I accept your gift, and I’d love

to join you on this trip tonight. Just the two of us.”
Snapping the box shut, he tossed it out of the way, sprang to his feet, and pulled her into his embrace, crushing her the way she loved so dearly. “Perfect.” His voice was so warm, so beautiful, and so full of love that Skye’s eyes nearly watered as her throat constricted on tears she wouldn’t let out. Even if they were happy tears, she didn’t want to let them free. Not this time. This time things were different.
After that, a group-hug formed, Leah and Joe hustling to wrap themselves around the two kids, and they all finished off the dining part of the evening rather slowly, talking and hugging, celebrating the commitments made and memories shared. And it was in those moments, surrounded by the people she loved most, with bubbly laughter and silly conversation puncturing any silence that could evolve, when Skye realized just how happy she was to be free. How happy she was that there really had been hope after all—even when she’d once never imagined it possible.

“I’LL CARRY YOU HOME TONIGHT,” Jules sang loudly—and to Skye’s dismay, obnoxiously—as he scurried up behind her, wrapping his strong, wet arms around her waist and pulling her into his bare, also drenched chest. She squealed from the sudden cold of the water against her skin, squirming in his captivity, but it didn’t seem to faze him. “What do you say?” he purred in her ear, as if she wasn’t struggling against him. “May I?”
Skye scoffed, but gave up struggling for a moment. “Take me home? You better not,” she retorted, smacking his arm once before trying to pry it away from her body. He only chuckled and held on tighter, pressing her tightly against him, and provoking a fiery frenzy to overwhelm her body in response to their intimate proximity. “Jules

,” she gasped when she felt his arms moving down, unable to stop herself, “what are you doing?”
He chuckled deeply in her ear. “I’m going to carry you home,” he said, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. “To this

home—the beach home. Our

home for the night.”
Suddenly his hands were under her legs, scooping her up so that he could carry her bridal style, and she let out a high pitched squeal from the quick movement. “Jules!” she exclaimed around an uncontrollable fit of laughter, hating herself for giving in to him so easily (like she so often did). After all, she’d been trying to run away

from him and his

soaking wet body, not into it. “What are you doing? You’re drenched! You can’t go inside yet.”
He laughed at this, a long, hearty laugh, and hurried up the beach house’s porch steps, ignoring her weak pleading that he’d set her down. “Hate to break it to you, baby, but you

are also drenched. And it really doesn’t matter. We’ve got plenty of clothes inside.”
Sighing, her own personal way up caving (yet again), Skye finally let herself relax in his secure arms, pressing her face into his chest. “Fine,” she mumbled, and ran her fingers along the smooth, fit contours of his chest, “you win. But you really didn’t have to push me into the water back there. I only did it to you because you were teasing me. And you deserved it.”
Swinging the screen door open and squeezing in the doorway before it closed again, he pulled out his own key from the pocket of his dripping jeans and unlocked the front door. “You’re right,” he said, chuckling, “I didn’t. But I wanted to. I mean—what kind of guy would I be if I’d just let you push me around like that?”
“A nice one,” she offered, turning her head to look at his face, or at least what she could see of it from her angle.
“Maybe,” he said, and nudged the door open with his foot, stepped over the threshold. “But even nice guys have their mischievous side, too. And besides—don’t act like you didn’t like it. You were having fun.”
“It’s the principle,” she argued. “Whether I liked it or not doesn’t matter.”
He stopped, looked down at her, brows raised. “Really.”
“Really,” she said, smiling.
“You’re ridiculous,” he muttered, shaking his head. “But I still love you all the same.” Then he kissed her, a small, quick peck of the lips on her forehead.
“Good.” Now it was her turn to grin. “Because if you didn’t, we’d have a serious issue here.”
Grinning playfully, he carefully set her down and tossed the dripping wet t-shirt he’d been carrying towards a towel rack beside the door. “Lucky us,” he said, and ran a hand through his wet, darkened golden ringlets. “Looks like we’ve got nothing to worry about.”
Despite the fact that Skye had no desire to cut their night together short, she could feel her exhausted body crumbling from the pressures of the long, thoroughly eventful day, and wrapped her arms around herself, yawning, while she tried her best to stand on her own two feet. And with the air-conditioning in the house now hitting her wet, partially exposed body at full blast, she couldn’t stop herself from shivering erratically under the waves of cold, teeth chattering and body quivering.
Her stomach did a little flip when realization dawned across Jules’s face, eyes softening, and he snatched a dry towel from the rack, wrapping it around her and crushing her in his arms. “Skye, you’re freezing,” he pointed out, voice deep and gentle. “You should take a hot bath. It’ll fix you right up.”
Even though she’d instantly felt better just by being in his arms again, with a warm towel wrapped around her, she nodded her head anyway. “Okay. Sounds great.”
Without saying another word, Jules pulled her free hand (the one that wasn’t clutching the towel to keep it in place) in his, entwining their fingers together, and lead her up a stairwell just around the corner, leading her down the hall and to the master bathroom, where, after showing her where everything was and filling the tub with warm, sudsy water, he kissed her forehead and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

AFTER A LONG, soothing bath that left Skye feeling rejuvenated—warm all over and suddenly quite perky again—she padded her way down the hallway, once in awhile poking her head into the bedrooms, on the lookout for Jules. He hadn’t been in the master bedroom like she’d expected him to be, and there hadn’t been a sign of him since he’d left her in the bathroom to herself. Now she could only wonder where he’d disappeared to.
“Looking for something?” a warm, familiar voice said from behind her, stopping her in her tracks. She turned towards the voice, turned towards Jules, who, now dressed in sweatpants and a fitting white t-shirt, had his arms crossed over his chest, book in one hand, while his bright eyes roamed over Skye’s body innocently, and he snickered. “Like me, maybe?”
From her spot in the middle of the hallway, a few feet away from where he was, she couldn’t tell whether he looked sleepy or not, but she could only guess from the tousled locks of hair curling around his face to the casual sleepwear he now wore that he was ready for a little rest, and soon. And, having been caught off guard from his sudden appearance, she bit her lip and calmed her rapidly beating heart, ran a hand through her own damp, wavy hair.
“I wasn’t looking for anything,” she finally said, and when the words came out too small to pass as truth, she cleared her throat and tried again. “I mean—I wasn’t looking for you

. I was just looking around.”
He grinned. “Sure you were,” he said sarcastically, chuckling. “You were just looking around . . . for me

“Fine,” she admitted, and took a couple steps forward to close the distance between them, “you caught me. I was looking for you. But really it’s your fault; you didn’t tell me where you’d be.”
A smug smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and he took two steps forward, also, filling the gap. “I was in the den reading.” He held out the book in his hand, so she could catch the title, and said, “See?”
“Well,” she huffed indignantly, “you still could’ve told me. It’s not like I wanted to wander around the house all alone, looking for you.”
“What did you want to do, then?” he asked her, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. “Were you planning on cuddling with me? Or talking to me? No wait—you didn’t want to sleep with me, did you?”
Before she could stop herself, she gaped at him, mouth hanging open, eyes wide, as she put together what he’d just said. Knots were suddenly forming in her stomach, and, because of the intensity of his taunting gaze, she found herself unable to form words. But after an agonizingly long moment of floundering, she finally said, “No. I—I just wanted to be with you. I—”
“Skye.” Jules pressed a finger against her lips, shushing her, as his body shook with slight laughter. “I was only kidding. I know where you stand, and I respect that about you—admire it, even. So there’s really no rush.” He pressed a soft, gentle kiss against her forehead. “I love you. And I want to spend every moment I can with you, cherishing the time spent. Without rush.”
She thought about this for a moment. They’d never really talked about where they stood in terms of the subject of sleeping together

sleeping together, especially after everything Johnny had done to her, but she’d always made it clear that she wanted to wait, wait until she was ready. But now, flustered and all “hot and bothered”, as Rachel would say, she couldn’t help but wonder if maybe she was ready now. If maybe, under the circumstances, it could be the perfect time to intimately share a night together, uninterrupted.
“But what if I really did

want to sleep with you, tonight?” she whispered, nearly out of breath from the meaning of her words. “What if I told you I didn’t want to wait anymore?” With her pulse racing, heart pounding, head spinning, she reached up and wrapped her trembling hands around his neck, pulling his face even closer to hers. “What if I did this?”
Hoping to convince him to trust her and follow her lead, she pressed up against him, pushing him into the wall behind them, and crushed her lips against his, seeking entrance. Her hands traveled down his chest then, all the way down to the bottom of his shirt where she slid her hand underneath it, teasing the skin beneath.
He groaned, and grabbed her wrists gently but firmly, forcing her hands away. “Wait,” he said around a kiss, voice husky, “are you sure? You really want to do that, Skye?” In a flash, before she could say anything else, he turned them around so that she was now pinned between him and the wall, and pressed their foreheads together, his hand reaching up to touch her cheek. “I don’t want you to do something you don’t want to.”
She made a face at him. “I want to, Jules,” she told him, struggling to keep her restless spirit under control. “I want to be with you like that. I need

“I don’t—”
“You think too much,” she murmured sweetly, and kissed him again. “Just give in for once, Jules. You don’t always have to be responsible for everything.” With her temperature rising and her breath catching, she pushed her small hands against him, pushed with all of the strength she had. “Please, baby, just trust me. Trust me

He hesitated a moment before scooping her into his arms, carrying her down the hall, into the master bedroom, and dropping her onto the bed, following suit and climbing in. No words were exchanged as he laid her down beneath him, pressed his lips against her forehead, her nose, her mouth, all the way down to her neck, where he carefully nipped at the sensitive skin.
Skye moaned, clutching the bedding tightly into fists, and let him explore her carefully, taking his time, tenderly kissing her skin. She could feel herself getting more and more restless with each kiss, though, and before long she was fumbling to pull his shirt over his head, wanting so badly to feel his smooth, warm skin against hers (not because she was cold in the slightest, though).
Jules pulled away a little, helping her yank the shirt over his head, and tossed it to the side when they finished. When he looked at her briefly, a smile spread across his face, she caught a glimpse of the glossiness in his eyes, the desire that was now so evident in those eyes, and couldn’t suppress the giggles that trembled from her lips. Electric bursts of heat spread throughout her body with each touch, leaving her riveted and desperate for more, and she couldn’t help but whimper a little every time he explored a new part of her. His touch, no matter how familiar, always seemed so foreign, so scary, and yet so exhilarating.
He kept asking her if he was hurting her, even though he couldn’t have been gentler, and asking her if she was sure about this, if he should continue, to which she’d kiss him and assure him everything was perfect. Everything was better than she’d imagined it to be—every kiss, every touch, so tender, so full of love, it was impossible to think any of it was anything less than perfect.
But after a few minutes, entangled in each other’s embrace, half of their clothing discarded haphazardly around the room, kissing and whispering sweet little nothing’s in each other’s ears as they shared more of themselves than they ever had, Jules began pulling away.
“Wait,” he said, voice low, “stop.” Bracing his hands on the sides of her head, with his chest heaving and heart racing, he looked at her, really looked at her, reaching deep within her soul. She froze, hands gripping his shoulders. “We should stop.”
She stared at him. “What?”
“We should stop,” he repeated slowly, catching his breath. “You’re not ready. And even if you are—or you think you are—now’s not the time. It just doesn’t feel right.”
Frowning, she dropped her hands, let him go. “But it does

feel right,” she argued weakly, also catching her breath, “it feels perfect.”
“Okay.” He shook his head. “Maybe it does feel

right. But the timing just seems a little off, like we should wait. I mean—don’t get me wrong, Skye; I want

to do this with you. But I just think that—because it’s such a big step, one you can never undo—maybe we should wait. It doesn’t have to change anything.”
With her pulse ringing loudly in her ears, Skye lay there, unmoving, trying to work together her own thoughts and desires. She knew she’d wanted to be with him like that, so intimately (still did), but after hearing him talk about how it could be better if they waited, she started to believe it. Maybe it had all felt


even—in the moment, but now that she was thinking clearly again, about what she truly wanted, truly needed, it didn’t seem as right. In fact, if she was being honest with herself, she’d even admit that maybe she wasn’t ready . . . maybe waiting was the only way to go. At least until she was ready.
Like Jules had said before: there was no rush. No pressure.
Time was on their side now, their friend, and there was really no reason for them to rush into things just because of burning desires and emotions—their love for each other was truly all that mattered in the end.
“Okay,” Skye said now, tracing his jaw line with her finger, “let’s wait. I’m fine with that.”
“Are you sure?”
She smiled at him. “Positive.”
After that, he relaxed, face lighting up as he collapsed beside her on the bed, and wrapped her in his protective arms. “I really do love you, Skye,” he said softly, tenderly, running a hand through her tousled hair. “I love you so, so much.”
“I know,” she said, and tipped her head so that she could see his face. “And I love you. So, so

much more.”
He grinned. “Right.”
“Right,” she echoed, kissing his soft, swollen lips. “I love you more.”
He pulled her tighter against him, kissed the top of her head. “You’re so ridiculous,” he whispered. “Just so ridiculous.”
She giggled a little before, suddenly overcome with the realization of just how exhausted and tired she truly was, she mumbled a quick “goodnight”, and drifted off into a warm, undisturbed haze of sleep. Sleep with beautiful, wonderful dreams.

BRIGHT, BLINDING SUNLIGHT poured in through the bedroom’s window, bringing Skye out of her deep, dream-filled slumber, and making it hard for her eyes to adjust when she slowly blinked them open. Yawning, she reached out, waiting for Jules to pull her hand in his, but then realized he was nowhere around. She’d been left on the luxurious, king-sized bed, with a soft, silky blanket draped over her, all alone.
When she took a deep breath, she caught the aroma of her favorite breakfast foods—bacon, eggs, pancakes, French toast—and narrowed her brows in confusion. He’s making breakfast, she thought, slightly taken aback by the idea, but charmed all the same. And when she crawled out of the bed, tossing the blankets in a messy disarray, she noticed his t-shirt on the floor—the one she’d pulled off of him in their passionate, heat-of-the-moment incident the night before—and grinned, warmed by the mere thought of what they’d done, and almost done.
Snatching it from the place on the floor, she pulled it on, giggling at how large it was on her, coming down past the middle of her thighs. He’ll probably like this

, she thought, a little too much. But I guess I can afford to give him a little treat.

And with that thought drifting through her mind, along with many others—memories from the night before, mostly—she departed from the bedroom, wandering down the hall, the stairs, all the way through to the kitchen, following the familiar scents of early morning dining.
The smell of bacon filled her nostrils the moment she stepped over the threshold, strong and overwhelming, along with the sizzling sound of the eggs in the frying pan. When she noticed Jules, hustling back and forth between the stove and sink, cooking and cleaning as he went, she couldn’t help but let out a quick spurt of laughter. Watching him cook still seemed so unreal to her. What kind of normal teenage boy enjoys cooking?
He spun around at the sound of her laughter, grinning sheepishly. “Oh,” he said, and waved her in, “there you are. Have a nice night, Sleeping Beauty?”
Shrugging, she walked over to him, kissed him quickly on the lips. “Yes, of course,” she said, grinning at him. “Last night was amazing. I slept really well, too.” Her eyes scanned the kitchen for any signs of the delicious food she’d smelled, and, after finding a small stack of pancakes, a small platter of French toast, and a bowl of assorted fruits, she settled on the fruit, plucking a couple grapes from the vines and popping them into her mouth. “What about you, Prince Charming? Have a good night?”
Returning to his sizzling bacon and eggs, he scooped them both out of the pans, placing the food, half-and-half, on two separate plates. “Yes. The best.” He looked at her then, adding, “There’s nothing better than waking up to you beside me.”
“Yeah,” she agreed, snatching a piece of bacon from one of the plates and taking a bite. “So why didn’t you wake me? I wouldn’t have minded.”
“Because you looked so peaceful; I didn’t want to disturb you. You’d had a long day yesterday. You needed the rest.”
“Well,” she said, accepting his legitimate reasoning, “I guess that’s only fair. But next time—wake me. All right?”
“Sure,” he agreed, handing her the plate she’d taken the slice of bacon from. “Are you hungry? I hope you are. ‘Cause I think I went a little overboard with breakfast.”
“A little?” she scoffed, chuckling. “You went a lot overboard. But I’m starved. So let’s eat.”
“Sounds good to me,” he said, and let out a little holler. “Breakfast time!”
After that, they both broke out into an all-out laugh fest, playfully pushing each other around and fighting to catch their breath, as they made the best of the time they had together.

LATER THAT SAME EVENING, after a long, wild day spent with Jules around the beach house—having breakfast and a late lunch together, sun bathing out on the hot sand of the beach, taking long walks along the shore, and playing card games, along with other

games of their own making on the porch—the hopelessly in love couple lay on the couch back at Skye’s home, tightly wrapped in each other’s embrace.
“Today was incredible,” Skye whispered in his ear, and nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck. “I couldn’t have asked for a better surprise getaway.”
“I told you it’d be worth it,” Jules said huskily, his warm breath fanning through her hair. “And, just so there’s no confusion, these past few days have been the best of my life.”
She grinned, feeling that familiar warmth spread throughout her body from the heat of his voice. “Mine too.”
“Kiss me?” he asked, softly, tenderly pulling her face towards his. “Please? I’m desperate.”
Chuckling, she murmured, “Yes, you are,” before cupping his face in her hands and pressing her lips against his, once, twice, unable to keep track as they found themselves lost in the moment again, so easily distracted by each of their desires to be so near, and so intimate

with one another.
But this time, after many long moments, the thing that stopped them, snapping them out of their make-out session and sending them scrambling away from each other, wasn’t something they would have expected—not in the slightest.
The doorbell had rung.
Skye, running a finger over her swollen lips as she watched Jules’s face go from a slightly frazzled expression, to a full-on amused one all in the matter of seconds, couldn’t help but wonder who was at the door. In the corner of her mind, she thought it was odd that someone had actually used the doorbell—after all, most of the people who were close to either Leah or Skye knew that knocking was just as productive.
“I should probably go answer that,” she announced, standing up from the couch. “It could be someone important.”
Jules groaned, ran a hand through his hair. “Oh, come on

, Skye,” he said, reaching out his hand to grasp hers, “let Leah or Joe answer it. They are here, aren’t they?”
She nodded. “They are,” she confirmed, but pulled away from him anyways. “It’ll only take me a second, though. Why make them answer it? They’ve done so much for us. Why not return the favor?”
Chuckling, he shrugged. “I guess you’re right. Go ahead. Holler if you need me.”
“Thanks a lot.”
“Don’t mention it,” he said around a cheeky grin.
Giggling under her breath, she shook her head, wandered over to the front door, and hesitated before answering it, smoothing her hair and checking her breath, even though she already knew how it’d smell: of mint and vanilla, just like Jules’s favorite breath mints.
Without checking to see who it was, Skye unbolted the front door, and pulled it open, filling the space where the door had once been with her presence, stepping forward. Her head was still spinning from the short and yet, incredibly fulfilling, make-out session she’d just had with Jules, heart thumping against her ribcage, a smile spread wide across her face, as she thought about this; however, the moment she looked towards the man at the door, dressed in jeans, a red plaid button-up shirt that covered a plain white t-shirt, and work boots, her smile faltered, and her heart nearly stopped beating.
She tried to say something, but even a simple “hello” was lost in her throat, as she stared at the middle-aged man that now stood in front of her, so real, so familiar

—and yet—so unfamiliar

at the same time. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t believe her eyes.
It had

to be a mistake.
It couldn’t really be him

. That was impossible

“Hello, Skylar,” the man said, smiling what, to other people, would have been a kind, friendly smile, but to her it was something else entirely, something that chilled her to the bone. “I really hate to just drop by like this without warning, but I had to see you. It’s been so long, and I owe you an explanation. And well, I’m sure you don’t know this, Skylar, but I’m—”
“It’s you,” she managed to say, the words sharp and painful as they rolled off her dry, papery tongue. Her heart swelled, mind spun. “It’s really you

“—your father,” he finished, and swallowed hard. “Your real

For a moment, everything grew silent, and the only thing Skye could hear, besides the loud, erratic beating of her racing heart, was her own breathing, intermingled with the man’s before her. And then she could feel her stomach clenching, her eyes stinging, and she knew she was about to break down, right in front of this man, right in the front of the house, where anyone could look out and see her, and she had to struggle to pull herself together.
You can do this

, she told herself, knotting her hands together. Just speak. Just say something, anything. And try not to think about who he really is—Derik Pembroke, your father— just think about him as a stranger. You don’t know him. He doesn’t know you. He never did anything to you.

She repeated those words over and over again in her mind during those long, unbearably quiet moments while she stood there, frozen in place, staring at this man from the picture, the one Johnny had hidden from her, and tried to ignore the fact that he—her father, her real

father—was actually right there, only a few feet away.
But when she finally opened her mouth to break the silence, what she said and how she’d said it not only surprised her, but also the man she’d directed it to, catching them both off guard with its harsh, bitter sting.
She’d said: “What the hell

are you doing here, Derik?”



Text: All rights reserved, Stephanie Jane, 2012. Do not copy, steal, or re-post elsewhere. Thank you for your cooperation. :)
Images: Cover from Google images.
Editing: *Has yet to be edited.
Publication Date: 07-09-2011

All Rights Reserved

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