Chapter one-Leaving
Leaving home, for me, was always very difficult. I couldn't stand to leave my mother. How would she go on without me
? How will I
go on without her
? I thought as I hugged my mother, Sharon, for the last time; until I would soon see her again. I got on the plane without hesitation. The entire plane ride to my father's house was very frustrating. I hadn't seen him for almost 5 years, what did he even look like anymore? Billy and I always had a strained relationship. I used to think it was because he never got a boy, but now, I see. For one, I was never allowed to call him by his real name. He always hated that. Maybe now since I'm almost legal, I can do whatever I please. Doubtfully, I thought.
I looked out my plane window, seeing the clouds pass by, thinking to myself, almost daydreaming. Time was passing really fast today, because the plane landed too early than what I had wanted. I didn't want to get up, but my father was waiting, if I squinted really hard out my window, I could see him. Billy was the kind of dad who was excited to be hanging out with his one and only 17 year old daughter. It frightened me. I sighed and stood up, waiting for the other passengers to grab their things and depart. As soon as the man next to me was gone, and half of the others, I decided it was okay to finally get my things from the overhead storage and myself leave the plane.
"Elizabeth! Elizabeth!" Dad called, always over excited.
I was pacing myself as I sprinted slowly toward Billy. "Hey, Dad," I said as I put my things down and he jerked me into one of his giant bear hugs. Billy wasn't that big, or tall. He was just about over five foot-ten. Compared to me he was a giant, only because of my five foot stature.
"So, kid, are you excited to be here?"He hugged me tighter, "Oh! I've missed you so much!" "Yeah, Dad. Me too." I said sarcastically. Honestly, I wasn't, but I might as well make him happy. As we walked to his red, 2008 Dodge Avenger, he kept watching me eye fully. I acted as if I didn't notice.
After a limited conversation car ride, we finally arrived at Billy's 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom house. It was a nice house, yellow paneling on the outside, and a small Carpinus Caroliniana tree in the front yard, very original for this small town. Billy lived in Washington, I'm from Arizona, and I like the heat. I shivered as I rose from Billy's car. I hated the cold. The cold to me was my worst enemy; I mean who likes being cold all of the time? Obviously Billy does, that's why he dragged my mother here; and I know why she left too.
Forks was never a place I liked. It was cold everyday, and even when or if the sun came out, it was still cold. Plus, the sun never lasted long.
I'm not completely sure how long I would last here, nor did I want to. I missed the sun on my skin. I missed Arizona. Although I was never tan and sporty such as the girls from home, I spent almost everyday outside. Sharon was part albino, and so I inherited most of her genes. The one thing I did inherit from Billy and liked, was the dark curls of my hair. Billy had short dark brown curly hair. The funniest thing about Billy, was he had a moustache that always made me laugh. Thinking of Billy's moustache made me giggle silently in my room. I remembered when I was 6 and Billy would always kiss my cheek and his moustache would always tickle me. My mom always liked Billy's moustache and scruff. Thinking of Sharon made me sad, I missed her and it had only been 14 hours. I would save the tears for the night.
Billy had gone downstairs to watch his baseball and the flat screen. I sighed and sat on my bed. I glanced around my room. It wasn't too small, but exceptionally big for a teenager. I noticed that Billy had rearranged the room since my last visit. He added a desk for my laptop from home and to do homework on. I sighed again when I thought of school tomorrow. Uggh. School. I stood up and grabbed my bag of toiletries and headed to my bathroom across the hall. I placed all of my things inside the cabinets and organized everything how it was at home. I never noticed how obsessive compulsive I was until just now. I hadn't even been in Washington for a day and it was already messing with me. Great, my inner voice agreed.
After I finished un-packing my clothes and things, I went downstairs to fix something to eat. I didn't know whether or not I was actually hungry, but for Billy's sake, I ate. I sat with Billy in front of the tv for a couple hours, and then decided it was late enough for bed. I headed up the stairs and parted Billy with a "goodnight" and went in my room locking the door behind me.
I dressed in my old sweats from home and got underneath the covers. Just as I was close to unconsciousness, it began to rain. And it wasn't a drizzle.
This is going to be a long night
; I sighed and closed my eyes.
Chapter two-Strangers
I woke the next morning confused, frustrated and sad. I didn't know how I was getting to school, nor did I want to. I eventually got out of my warm bed and hopped in the shower quickly. As I stepped out of the shower, I noticed myself in the mirror. I could tell I was sad, which made me even sadder. I would definitely need to perk up before I saw Billy.
I got dressed in a daze and went down to the kitchen. I noticed it was quiet, and Billy's cruiser was gone. I sighed, Great guess I was taking the bus, thanks Dad. My mind was so sarcastic when I was angry. I grunted and walked under the arch of the kitchen. I noticed a yellow paper on the fridge which was placed there by a magnet. I read the note scratched by Billy's handwriting.
Liz, I know how much you hate the bus. Go outside, and you're welcome. Love, Dad.
I wasn't sure whether to be extremely happy or confusingly surprised when I walked outside. I wasn't sure where to look until I saw it sitting right in the middle of the drive. I gasped when I saw how nice it was. Billy had gotten me car to drive, a 1995 Explorer Expedition, it was sleek black with tinted windows. It was better than anything else I've had. I ran over to it and hopped in. The keys were sitting in the passenger seat, I quickly grabbed them and started the truck. It roared to life, almost made me jump from my skin. After the quick excitement I realized it was too early for school. I turned the key over and went back inside. I quickly called Billy at the station and thanked him a bunch. Billy being the type of person to not show much affection, he pleaded that it was a gift and he didn't need to be thanked too much.
After I hung up the phone with Billy, I glanced at the clock. It was almost 7:30 so I grabbed a breakfast bar and headed out the door to my new truck.
I felt like a stranger-which I was-as I enter the student services office. It was nice and warm in the small cramped office; I assumed it was because it was so small. When I opened the door I saw a boy-more like a man- standing at the desk whispering quietly to the attendant.
I couldn't make out what he was saying but as soon as the door slammed shut behind me, he turned to glance at me. I looked back, and blushed deep red. He was the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen. He had light brown hair, semi-full lips, now curved into a perfect crooked smile; and his eyes were a deep blue color, almost black. I couldn't breathe and my heart stopped beating.
He looked back at the woman behind the desk; I noticed her name plate read Ms. Brown, in the most perfect velvet voice he murmured, "Thank you, Ms. Brown." He took a couple papers from the woman, smiled and winked at her.
As he was passing me, he smiled the crooked smile, opened the door behind me, and left. I took in a deep breath to steady myself. I shook my head thinking, Whoa, who the hell was that? My head was spinning, and fast. Contain yourself, Liz.
I walked up to the desk, "Hi, I'm Elizabeth Hudson," I said sheepishly. Ms. Brown looked at me, "Ah, yes, hello Elizabeth," she said as if she already knew me. I must've been the talk of the tiny town. "Here is your map of the school, and schedule." The door opened just then and I was hoping it was the boy again, but it was a small, lanky girl, with two blonde braided pig-tails under each ear. "Hi, Ms. Brown! I'm here to show," the girl glanced down at her paper briefly, "Elizabeth around," she said, her voice was very determined.
Ms. Brown looked at the girl and glanced at me, "Good Morning, Makayla, this is Elizabeth Hudson. Show her to her classes, please. Oh and Elizabeth, at the end of the day come back with this paper signed by each of your teachers," she reminded me. "Okay, thank you," I said.
Makayla looked like a friendly girl, but also prissy; someone who couldn't contain herself with gossip. We walked to the door; she opened it and offered I go first. I went through the door as she soon followed. She waited for the door to close before she started talking. "Hey, I'm Makayla Johnson. I think we have a couple classes together. Can I see your schedule, please?" she asked so politely. I was stunned, "Um, yeah, sure. Here," I said handing her my paper. She glanced at the one with all of my classes briefly, "Yep, we've got Calculus and American History together." We walked around the school twice before the three minute bell rang, "So do you have it memorized yet?" Makayla asked in a hurry, "Oh, um, yeah I think I do. Thanks," I rushed to answer her. She walked me to my first class and told me she would meet me in front of our next class together and went on her way.
As I walked into my first class I saw the teacher at the front of the room. I went up to her, not in the most orderly fashion; I tripped. I caught myself on the teacher's desk. "Oops! Ow!" I groaned. I heard gasps behind me as I steadied myself. I blushed, "I'm Elizabeth Hudson." The teacher, whom pointedly told me she was Mrs. Donald, looked at me concerned then knowingly, "Oh, well, welcome Elizabeth," she said smiling. "Here are your books, welcome to English 11," she said in a mockery tone. "Your seat is right over there," she pointed to the only desk available.
When I went to sit in the desk, I noticed a small boy looking at me. I sat down and glanced to my left, out the window. I could feel the boys' eyes on me, so I turned to look around.
Since I was in the very back, I could look at everyone and see the familiar faces later. I sat back in my chair and glance over at the boy who seemed to be fond of me. He was small and lanky like a lot of the other boys and girls here. He had medium length black hair, light green eyes. His face was still round with boyishness. He glanced back under his eyelashes at me, not knowing I was looking. When he noticed I was, he blushed and turned around. I blushed as well. Just then the teacher called on him, "Mr. Kindle? Jack?" He wasn't paying any attention, "Huh? I'm sorry, what was the question?" he asked in a confused, deep tone. Everyone giggled and laughed at Jack, while he sank into his seat. I was happy to be in the back of this class; it seemed that the people who got called on were in the front or in the middle.
A while later the bell rang, and I gathered my things and left with the other kids.
I had a chance to look over my map during first period, so I knew where I was headed. While I was walking through the school, finding my next class, absentmindedly I looked out one of the windows. There was water pouring from the roof, ew, I thought. Then glancing back to the aisle filled with teenagers slamming lockers and chatting too loud, I bumped into something and fell. It was hard and solid. I thought it was a wall until I looked up and saw the beautiful boy from the morning.
Chapter Three-Heaven
"Oops, sorry. Can I help you up?" he asked in his musical voice.
Just like this morning I couldn't breathe again.
There I sat, on the floor, stunned and speechless. He grabbed my sleeved elbow and helped me to my feet.
I still couldn't say anything, just staring at him mindlessly.
He picked up my books from the floor, organized exactly how I had them and handed them to me.
He looked concerned toward me, waiting for me to say something, "Uh, th-thank you," I stuttered, breathless.
"You're welcome, Elizabeth," he purred then smiled that perfect crooked smile.
"H-how do you know my name?" I asked, confused.
He didn't know me at all, but then I thought; I was
the talk of the town lately.
"Oh, I think everyone knows your name," he chuckled.
"I'm Daniel Collins."
He was even more beautiful up close, and his breath smelled amazing, he smelled even more amazing.
Stop, I told myself, before he notices.
"Hi," I said sheepishly. "Nice to meet you."
He chuckled again, "Hello, nice to meet you, too. Where were you headed before I so rudely interrupted?" He joked.
This time I laughed, I had totally forgotten where I was going, uh-oh. "I-um, don't remember," I said confused. "I think I was going that way," I said pointed one way.
He looked that way, and then back to me, "I think you were going this way," He laughed.
"What class were you headed to?" He asked when I didn't answer.
"Oh, um, Calculus, I think," I said fumbling through my books and papers.
Then I noticed him bending over and picking a small paper off of the floor.
"Here you go," He said handing it to me.
My stomach was still having a hard time adjusting. I tried my best not to make it noticeable, I failed.
"Are you okay? You look pretty sick," Daniel asked, concerned.
I gulped, "Y-yeah, I'm okay, I think."
Daniel looked around, "I think we better get you to the nurse."
The nurse?
"No, no. I'm fine. I promise. I just need to get to class before I'm late," I said, anything to avoid needles.
He looked like he knew I didn't want to go to the nurse. "Okay then, let's go. We've only got a few minutes and a long way," he said placing his hand on the small of my back guiding me down the hallway.
We made it to my class in time, "Wait, what about you? Aren't you going to be late?" I asked now, concerned. He laughed, walking into the classroom; "No." was all he said, sitting down.
I was astonished, by how exuberant he was.
I watched him walk swiftly and gracefully to his assigned seat; there was an empty open seat next to him.
Just as I was about to approach the teacher, Mr. Evans, Makayla Johnson came running in at the last minute, "Hey, Liz!" she called to me, hurrying to her seat.
Mr. Evans noticed me standing confused at the doorway, "Ms. Hudson?" I was still staring at Daniel, like an idiot.
"Huh? Oh yeah," I said as I walked up to the teacher's desk, handing him my slip and him giving me my books and papers. He told me, to sit in the seat right
beside Daniel Collins, I was pleased.
I went quietly-as I could- to my seat, right next to the most beautiful boy in the room. As I sat down, he smiled, of course it not the wind out of me also.
I looked away from the beautiful boy next to me to find where Makayla had sat. She sat in her seat fumbling for her homework as Mr. Evans came around to collect it. Then she glanced over at me mouthing, "We have to talk."
I could tell class was about to end when everyone started to put their books and things away and Mr. Evans was giving the homework for tonight. I wrote down the assignment and started to close my notebook when I heard the fire alarm go off.
I groaned, that meant I had to go outside
in the rain
Daniel stood up, and turned around when I didn't follow, "Aren't you coming?" he asked.
I wavered. "I'd rather not," I said, relaxing in my seat.
"Well unless you want to die in the fire-if there really is one- you'd better get up," he threatened me.
I thought about it for a minute, Daniel looked like he was going to pick me up, put me over his shoulder and carry me out.
"Okay, fine," I grumbled.
I stood and walked pass Daniel out the classroom door.
When we got outside I was surprised to not have any cold fluids on my head.
After they declared we were allowed back in the school, the teachers told us to gather our things and go on with the next class.
I wouldn't consider my next 'class' a class, it was lunch.
I gathered my things, alone and left the classroom only to be ambushed by Makayla.
"Oh my gosh! Liz, you have to tell me everything that happened between you and Daniel Collins!" she squealed.
Nothing really did happen, besides the most wonderful walk to class. "Nothing," I lied.
She noticed my expression change; I was never good at lying. "Oh, whatever, Liz. Tell me, I promise I won't tell anyone," she vowed.
I was sure she would anyways, but nothing did happen.
For the rest of the walk to the cafeteria, I was silent, not telling what 'happened,' Makayla was annoyed at me, although she did invite me to sit with her table of friends during lunch.
I wasn't surprised to see Daniel Collins sitting at a table of his friends, although they didn't look like friends, because all of them-including Daniel- looked the same.
They all had the same pale white alabaster skin, and deep blueish-black eyes.
The only thing different between the 5 of them, was that there was 3 boys-with Daniel- and 2 girls.
One boy was short and muscular, with deep brown chocolate hair that looked matted to his head. The girl next to him looked like a six-foot tall model, she had long golden blonde hair, like a retriever; she was the most beautiful of them all, not including Daniel. Next to the blonde beauty, was a lanky boy, who also had golden blonde hair, but it was cropped shorter than the others, his skin looked paler than the others; which made me more interested.
The last, shortest, lankiest girl was in between the blonde boy and Daniel. She had long, black hair; when the light would hit it, it looked blue. I noticed that none of them had food or drinks for that matter.
Makayla and I got our food-apple juice for me-and went to sit down with her group of friends, whom I recognized only one of. Jack from my first class sat next to Makayla, I assumed she had a crush on him; she didn't hide it well.
There were a couple of other girls sitting across from me, one had short chopped platinum hair-I assumed it was dyed-and light blue silver eyes. She was the prettiest at our table.
Another was a small girl with dark, deep brown chocolate hair that covered the tip of hair shoulders.
At the other end of the table was another boy, he was the one who stood out with his bright red orange short hair, and blue eyes. It was unusual for this town to have red heads, I thought, looking around at everyone else in the now-full cafeteria; they all had brown or blonde hair.
Makayla, Jack and the others-whom I'd only heard their names once so I couldn't remember-were planning for the long four-day weekend.
"Jack…" Makayla said shyly, turning her head, blushing; I'd missed what they were discussing. I saw Jack lean over toward Makayla while everyone wasn't paying any attention-except for me- and whispered something in her ear. Makayla giggled and nodded.
Lunch was almost over and I was still curious about the family who sat 3 tables behind me. I decided it was okay to look; I turned my head slightly trying not to make it obvious.
I glanced up under my eyelashes at the alabaster skinned family of five, they were gone.
Vanished. Poof
, like in a movie. I was sure they were there just a couple minutes ago. Weren't they? I thought, confused.
Just then the lunch bell rang, I jumped in my seat.
There was still a lot more of the day that hadn't been undiscovered yet. I put the lid to my juice bottle and stood up.
Makayla waited for me, "So do you know where you next class is? Or should I show you the way? Ms. Brown said I had to show you around all day," she said, annoyed.
"Yeah, that's okay. I'm sure I know how to get to...Chemistry," I said glancing around the lunchroom one last time today.
I walked into the classroom, not knowing what was going to happen-just like always-but to find the beautiful boy in the same class with me, again, was just pure luck; and I was never
I handed my slip to the teacher, Mr. Corona, he signed, handed it back and told me to sit in last open seat; which also happened to be exactly next the Daniel Collins.
I wonder what he would say as I sat down.
"Well, hello there," the musical voice purred.
I felt an electric shock go down my spine as I sat in the chair, my bare forearm slid across and accidently touched his elbow, I couldn't breathe, for once again today.
If just being around him and barely touching him, I felt faint I wondered what it would be like to kiss him. I couldn't let myself get to far ahead.
He looked at me, there was something in his eyes, but I couldn't place it.
I was still staring at Daniel, breathless, speechless, like an idiot, once again. He probably thought I had some kind of brain damage, I wouldn't blame him.
"Are you okay? You still look sick," Daniel asked.
I gulped, "Why? I mean how do I look sick?" I said, not very confident.
Mr. Corona was starting to lecture so Daniel leaned his face in closer to whisper, I could almost taste his breathe.
I started to lean in closer as well. The smell was so sweet and invigorating, that it was hard to stop myself from tackling him to the floor, but in public
? I resisted.
"You're really pale," he said, looking down at the black-top table.
I let out a laugh and Mr. Corona glanced at me then continued talking. "I'm part albino," I laughed again.
He leaned back, smiling, "Okay."
For the rest of class, we kept peeking at each other; I just wish I knew what he was thinking.
Anytime I would glance at him under my eyelashes, he would already be looking at me, so I would turn my head, blushing.
I hated that about me. My face would always give me away to all of my emotions, especially my anger. When I would get mad at Billy-I hardly ever got mad at Sharon-when I was younger, my tears would betray me and slip over the edges of my eyes.
As I was sitting in my seat, I started to doodle on the front page of my notebook, absentmindedly.
While my right hand was doodling, my left was hanging of the edge, my elbow facing the students in front of my table. I went to stretch it when my hand accidently went too far over and fell onto Daniels arm. I noticed it was hard and cold, like marble.
I immediately removed my hand, but his caught mine and held it.
Then I noticed that everything became blurry, I was still standing by my seat; I had never sat down. It was all a dream, daydream to be exact. Damn it all
! I cursed myself.
Chapter 4-Dreaming
I shook my head and sat in my assigned seat. Daniel looked at me, “Are you okay? You sick look pretty sick,” he said. This couldn’t be happening, I thought. Déjà vu or something else? I turned to look at him, mistake. I couldn’t breathe as soon as I looked into his beautiful onyx eyes. I inhaled, mistake again; I could smell his breath, smelled like sweet honey with some freesia. I turned away toward the front of the room, that was better, I wouldn’t be distracted by his beauty, or his essence, “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m always this pale, I’m part albino.” I smiled. He chuckled, in a low whisper he said, “I knew that.” What did that mean? I was speechless, but I thought quickly-as I could-to respond and not look like more and idiot than I had already today. “Wh-what do you mean?” I said, confused and dazed, I inhaled. He laughed under his breath; he leaned in closer, “You look albino,” he whispered. I exhaled. “The obvious,” was all he said.
I did and I didn’t want my déjà vu to come true. I did only to see if his skin actually was hard and cold like marble, and to see if he really would hold my hand. I doubted that very much, and when I went to look over at the beautiful boy next to me, he looked frustrated; like he was concentrating hard on something. When he saw I was looking at him, he quickly looked away, as did I. Although he didn’t blush deep red. I wanted to touch him so badly, but just as in my daydream, I resisted. I hadn’t ever felt this way about anyone, ever. Not even back home. Thinking about home was a bad idea, it made me sad. I hung my head in my seat, then gave up and put it on my arms, folded across my notebook on top of the table. I could feel Daniels eyes on me, but I resisted looking. I didn’t want to feel the pressure of giving in to anything he would ask or say. Minutes passed by, I held my position, occasionally taking notes, we were studying something I already knew, that was good. The bell rang, I gathered my things, and I thought Daniel would just leave, but he waited on me. Today is weird day, I thought to myself. “Would you like me to walk you to your next class, Liz?” Daniel asked, ever so politely. I smiled, “Yes, thank you.” Forget weird, today was the best, I re-thought.
Daniel and I stopped at my locker to put my things away because I had Physical Education next, great. We walked through the school and outside, we walked a little more ways, went into another building and then we were outside of the school gym locker rooms. The entire walk to the locker rooms, Daniel was asking me questions about me. They were awkward questions, some I felt the need to avoid but every time I went to avoid them, I ended up looking into those beautiful dark blue looking eyes, and gave in; like always. He asked me about Sharon and Billy, and why I ‘chose’ to come to Washington. For some reason I couldn’t lie-I was never good at it anyway-to him, the way he stared at me made me feel like I had to be truthfully honest. It was the way he looked at me with those, piercing dark blue eyes and devoured the protective wall I was trying to keep up.
We stopped outside the gym locker room doors, I could feel my heart pounding; it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. He smiled and looked down at the floor, as if he had heard my heart sputtering. I exhaled; I hadn’t realized I was holding my breath. The 1 minute bell rang, “I guess I have to go,” Daniel said with longing; as if he didn’t really want to go, I didn’t want him to go, that was a bad thing. My heart beat sputtered when he said go, “Okay,” I said weakly. I assumed he noticed my heart and my longing for him, that was also bad, “I’ll see you after?” I got excited, “Okay, I’ll-uh meet you by-” He cut me off with his hand, “I’ll be here,” he promised. He walked casually away, but looking back occasionally.
During PE, I saw some more familiar faces. I saw Jack Kindle from English. Jack noticed me observing the faces, and slowing started to walk toward me. He shyly waved his hand in the air, “Hi, I’m Jack Kindle. You’re Elizabeth, right?” Not again. “Liz, or Lizzy,” I shyly corrected, I was starting to like that nickname. He smiled, “Yeah, I heard Makayla call you that.” I laughed, “Yeah, it’s nice. My dad sometimes called me Lizzy when I was young, but I didn’t really connect to it.” He laughed now. “Well, welcome to Washington!” We continued to talk until the coach had us settled to tell rules for Mind Field. Apparently Mind Field was a game that we had to be blindfolded during. We had to work in pairs, Jack had asked me and I accepted because I didn’t know anyone else in the class. When the bell rang all of the students and I dispersed to the locker rooms, coach didn’t finish with all of the rules so I was happy that tomorrow would be another day of sitting, listening and me not hurting people with my uncoordinatedness.
I was rushing through putting my normal clothes back on just to see his face again. I’d missed it so much, and once again; that was bad. I knew I couldn’t-shouldn’t-be getting into something like this, at all. As I walked out of the locker room doors, I glanced to my right and just as he promised, Daniel was leaning against the brick walls; looking ever so beautiful. I forgot I was staring when he smiled; I quickly looked down so I wouldn’t lose my train of thought. He pushed himself off of the wall, whispering, “See, I told you I would be here.” I felt my cheeks get hot, shyly smiled, and said, “Yeah, you did.” We left the locker rooms and walked through the school, to my locker and got my things. Frustrated, I hurried to shove my books into my bag; I slammed my locker, and started to walk down the hallway when I realized Daniel wasn’t by my side. Had he decided not to walk with me now? I turned to find Daniel, and he was still standing at my locker. I looked at him, confused. I curled his finger calling me toward him. I walked to him, “What?” He chuckled and leaned into whisper in my ear, I felt his breath tickle the nape of my neck and I swore he sniffed my hair, “You’re going the wrong way, again, Liz.” He laughed again, feeling weightless.
Daniel walked me to my fifth period, and it was no different than my other classes. Daniel promised he would be at the door when class ended, just liked before. Soon, class was over and so was the day. Walking out of the classroom, I tripped. I wasn’t sure what had caused my klutzy move, but I had a good assumption it was my own feet, but Daniel caught me. He was always the hero and I the damsel in distress. That felt weird, for only knowing him a day.
I felt my face blush even deeper red than it had during the day. I looked down, my bag on the floor and my books sprawled out; everyone stepping around ignoring Daniel and I’s confrontation. “It seems like I’ve been saving you a lot today,” Daniel said, laughing and helping me to my feet. I blushed even more. “Y-yeah, s-sorry,” I stuttered. I knelt and started to gather my things into my bag when I felt him accidently brush against me, kneeling down as well. “No, I’ve got this,” Daniel said, pushing my hands away and cleaning up my books. I watched him pick up my books one by one and putting them in size order then placing them like that into my bag; just how I would do. Daniel then walked me to my truck. This was awkward. He was staring at me, his eyes boring into mine. I was instantly breathless. He then jerked his head toward his car as if someone had called his name. “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Daniel said as he was starting to walk away. I felt lifeless now, “Okay.” I stood at the driver’s door of my truck, still staring at Daniel walking over to his small, gray, Mini Cooper S and ducking into the driver’s side. His family glaring my way and one by one-except the tiny, dark-haired girl who was smiling- they slid into the back seat of Daniels car. I exhaled; I hadn’t realized I was holding my breath, once again. I slide into the driver’s seat of my truck, turned to key and jumped when the engine roared to life.
When I made it back home, it was quiet; Billy wasn’t home yet. I took my things upstairs to my bedroom and started on today’s homework. It was nearly five o’clock when I heard Billy’s car door slam shut. I closed my books, set them aside and rushed downstairs. “Hey, dad! Sorry, I was doing homework. I’ll get dinner started in a second,” I said as I hurried around the stairs and headed into the kitchen. I started to pull things from the cupboards and the fridge. Billy came into the kitchen and sat in his designated chair and took off his boots and his jacket. He slung the jacket on the back of the chair and placed his boots behind the chair. “That’s okay, kid. I’m in no rush to eat. There’s a game on and I wanted to catch the score,” Billy said as he walked into the living room. I putting something together for dinner, anything I could find in the cupboards and the fridge. There wasn’t much, Billy must’ve been eating out. I’ll have to go grocery shopping tomorrow, someone had to; and I knew Billy wouldn’t. I made a small dinner, mashed potatoes and chicken. “Mmm, smells good, Liz,” Billy said walking back into the kitchen. I waited for Billy to get his helping then got mine. I ate slowly, not wanting to go back to working on my homework. I was only half way through my first helping when Billy skidded his chair, stood and got another helping. When I was finished I rinsed my plate and started the dishes, another reason to put off things. Billy placed his plate next to the sink, “Thanks, Liz. That was delicious.” “You’re welcome, Dad. Oh, I’m going to need money to go grocery shopping tomorrow, if you’re going to want some more of my ‘delicious’ cooking,” I said quoting him. He chuckled to himself, “Yeah, yeah. I leave some money on the counter for ya in the morning.” I nodded and turned back to the dishes.
After I finished the dishes, I decided it was late enough to continue my homework, although I had other things on my mind. I slumped up the stairs when I heard Billy turn on the couch toward the stairs. I stopped half way up the stairs. “Liz, how was your first day?” Billy asked casually, I’d wondered why he didn’t bring this up during dinner. Maybe he’d forgotten, I didn’t blame him. I cleared me throat, “Good.” “Did you make any friends,” he asked, hopeful. “Yeah, I did. A couple. Makayla Johnson showed me around and invited me to sit with her friends during lunch.” I said, forcefully. He looked happy. “Well that’s nice. Have a good night, hon.” He turned back to the television, and relaxed into the couch. I sighed, “Night, Dad.” “Night, Liz,” he called over his shoulder. I walked up the stairs and went into my room, closing the door behind me.
I finished my homework within the next five minutes; I was disappointed, only because I didn’t want to sleep yet. Unwillingly I got dressed in my night clothes, which were just old sweats and a tank. I flip my light switch and snuggled into bed. It took me a few minutes to fall into a deep sleep because the rough, loud wind was making a branch brush against my window. I would need Billy to cut that down eventually. As soon as I was asleep, I had already known what my dream would consist of. More who of than what.
As I wondered through the woods behind Billy’s house, I saw Daniel. He was gracefully walking toward me. Wearing the same clothes as he had been today; a gray tee and black jeans. I was excited to see him, which was bad. I thought today was bad, thinking of how perfect he was, but this was just getting out of hand. I worried about what this meant. I had only known this beautiful boy for not even twenty-four hours. He kept walking toward me, smiling. He smiled that crooked smile of his, and even in my dream I became breathless. “Liz,” he purred. I started to walk toward him when the dim sunlight from my bedroom window shown through had hit my eyelids.
Chapter 5-Bothered
My eyes fluttered. I sighed, only a dream, I kept telling myself. The week had flown by and it was Friday, the last day of the week, the start of the weekend. I was excited, but not only because of the weekend. The weekend made me nervous, when would I see Daniel again? I flipped the blanket off of my legs and slid to place my toes on the hard-wood floor. I stood up; my feet tingled like I was stepping on tiny shards, from not moving for awhile. I grabbed my clothes and headed for the bathroom. I tried to rush through my shower, it was unsuccessful.
By the time I was out of the shower and fully dressed, I had only a few minutes to get to school. I was so absorbed in my dream that I had forgotten about school.
I hurried downstairs after grabbing my books, shoving them into my bag, and running into the kitchen, grabbing the money from Billy, shoving that into my pockets and ruffling in a box, in the cupboard for a granola bar. I found one and dashed out of the door. I sprinted for my truck when I noticed there was a small, gray car in Billy’s place. I skidded to a stop.
I cocked my head to the side, confused. Suddenly Daniel was at my side, I jumped. He laughed at my expression. “I thought I could give you a ride today, if you would like,” he asked, ever so politely. I shrugged and smiled, “Okay.” Then I blushed as he escorted me to the passenger door and helped me inside the mini car. I sat in his warm, tiny gray car for what it felt to only a millisecond, because Daniel was in the car as soon as I reached for my seat belt.
We pulled away from Billy’s house and we were on our way to school. Being in his car, I could smell his scent. It was so over powering, it was delicious. I inhaled deeply, trying to make it unnoticeable, I fail. He turned his face to look out the window. It looked like he was trying to hide a smile. I decided to break the silence; I couldn’t take it any longer. “So, what brought this on?” I asked, casually. He chuckled, “I don’t know. I thought we could hang out, get to know each other,” he paused briefly, “more.” More? I thought I had already told him my life story, what more could there be? I asked myself. I laughed to myself quietly but he noticed. “What’s funny?” he asked, curious, looking at me with those beautiful, piercing blueish silver eyes. I looked at him, straight in the eyes, “Why you think that I’m interesting. Why you want to know ‘more’ about me.” He smiled, “There’s everything more to know about you. You’re very interesting to me.” I was confused. “But…why? Why am I interesting to you? I mean, how am I?” I asked, sputtering the words out of my mouth. “You’re different,” Daniel said, in a stern voice. That felt like the end of the conversation, but I couldn’t-wouldn’t- let it be.
We pulled into the student parking lot and parked in Daniel’s original spot. It reminded me, “Where’s your family?” I asked. He chuckled, mostly to himself. He pointed down the aisle of cars, “Right there.” I laughed, mostly nervous. “They don’t like me,” I said, sadly looking at my folded hands in my lap. He seemed to want to comfort me, his hand looked like it yearned to hold mine; or maybe that was me. “They don’t know you,” he said defensive, I was hoping he was defending me. I sighed and he sighed. I went to reach for the door, when I realized the door was already opened.
Someone with really nice, expensive-I assumed-shoes stood at the car door. I was looking at the ground still. My eyes over looked the broad boy, he was wearing faded jeans, and a fitted tee. I looked at his face, beautiful of course. He had the same blueish silver eyes as Daniel did, but his hair was darker, shorter and matted to his head. He grin was so wide it looked like it hurt. I smiled shyly, recognizing the boy. It was Daniel’s older brother, Edwin.
I glanced behind Edwin, Katherine was glaring at me. Edwin distracted me though, “Hey, there! I’m Edwin, Daniel’s brother.” His voice was deep and rough, but still had boyishness to it. He laughed when I didn’t speak. He held out his hand to help me from the car. I eyed it, and shrugged in my mind. He was Daniel’s brother, and Daniel was right there, what harm could be done? Oh that’s right, Katherine, who looked like she might rip my head off right now. I heard a low gasp, although it sounded like a hiss coming from Daniel’s mouth. He was looking at Katherine as well. Edwin wasn’t paying any attention to Daniel or Katherine “Well, come on!” he said, putting his hand out further. It looked like he was about to grab my arm and remove me from the seat. I was afraid that that really would happen. So I grabbed my bag and reached for his hand.
He was hard and cold, just like Daniel. It was a cold day outside, so there was no need for judgments. I smiled sheepishly, blushing red and looking at the ground. Daniel saw this as an appropriate time to introduce me. “Edwin, this is Liz,” he said, gesturing toward me. I wanted so badly to take his hand. I had felt it so much in my dreams that I wanted to know the truth of how it felt. Maybe it felt the same as Edwin’s; after all, they are brothers.
As Daniel and Edwin walked on each side of me to the main doors of the school, I could feel the one pair of eyes glaring at me. I could feel them burning into my back, and my head. I was too terrified of her glaring eyes to look back, so I moved my eyes to the cold, hard ground beneath my feet.
I felt awkwardly small between Daniel and Edwin. When I looked up from the ground I noticed they were looking at each other over the top of my head, but when they noticed I was looking, Edwin turned his head and Daniel looked at me. Suddenly Edwin stopped walking, and turned to us. He hesitated, “Uh…I better go get my things. I’ll see you later Liz.” I smiled shyly, blushing as well. I nodded, “Okay.” He laughed at my red face, glanced at Daniel and walked away. Daniel smiled his perfect crooked smile at me. “Well, we best not be late for class. Let’s go,” he said, placing his hand on the small of my back guiding me forward.
It felt weird walking into the school under Daniel’s arm. I could feel my cheeks getting hotter by every pair of eyes that turned glare and stare. Again, I kept my eyes on the floor, away from the curious students’ eyes.
The walk for my first class was excruciating. Everyone was just staring at me and Daniel. I think Daniel noticed it bothered me to have everyone looking at us, so he removed his hand from my back. He was walking silently beside me as we stopped in front of my classroom. I could see from the corner of my eye, the kids in the room watching out the door.
Daniel and I stood in an awkward silence for what seemed to be forever. He broke the silence with a question I didn’t want to answer, something I didn’t even want to consider. “Liz, do you not want to be seen with me?” he asked in a glum tone. I felt the need to comfort him. I was already shaking my head, but he took it wrong; I had to speak. “No, I’m mean…” I steadied myself, and sighed. “I…it doesn’t bother me to be seen with you, it’s just I don’t like the stares. That’s what bothers me.” I wasn’t looking at his face when I talked; I was staring at the floor, fumbling with my things. He sighed then chuckled. I stared at him, incredulously. “That’s all?” he asked, laughing again. “So you really do wa-” he was interrupted by the final bell. We were both oblivious to the real world when we were together. “I’ll see you after class,” he said as he walked away quickly. I didn’t want him to leave, but we were in school.
I turned toward my classroom and opened the door. Ms. Donald had already started teaching and eyed me as I walk swiftly to my seat and sat down. Everyone was staring at me as I sat into my seat; I already knew what they were all thinking.
Class ended and of course Daniel was waiting outside the doors. I felt the need to see his beautiful face; I was nearly tripping over myself just to get outside the doors. He smiled as I exited the door. I smiled back. He placed his hand on the small of my back once again, and I didn’t care. I was starting to like being with him; even more than normal. Not like any relationship where you want to be with them, but to need to be with them.
We walked to our next class-the only other one we had together-and sat in our seats. The bell hadn’t ringed yet so Daniel thought it was a good time to ask me more questions. “What’s your favorite color?” Daniel asked in a whisper, as class started. I hadn’t ever really had a favorite color. I liked all colors, except all of this squishy, wet green stuff outside. Daniel was still waiting as I contemplated my answer. I shrugged, “I don’t really have one in particular.” He chuckled in a whisper. “How do you not have a favorite color,” Daniel asked. “I don’t know. I just don’t. My colors vary from day to day basis,” I said, whispering. He seemed puzzled by my answer but composed himself quickly. His questions on my answer and then some, continued throughout class.
It surprised me when class ended so quickly, when the bell rang, I jumped out of my seat. Daniel laughed and rose from his seat. He held out his hand, waiting for me. I was nearly screaming on the inside. Finally I would get the chance to hold his hand. I place my hand gently into the palm of his. When our hands touched, it was like a spark of electricity ran through my body. When we touched it was like fire. I could feel it running through me. Daniel gripped my hand and pulled me from my seat. His hands found my cheeks; I could feel the fire more now. I hoped no one was in the room right now, this would be embarrassing. He hands held my face only inches away from his. I could feel the heat coursing through me, about to explode. He eyes were boring into mine; it looked like he was asking for consent. I hoped mine were saying yes. He understood and brought his face gradually closer to mine.
Chapter 6-The Fire
His hands were still holding my face as he leaned in. His lips gently touched mine. The fire exploded. One of his hands then slid down from my face and around my back; pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, stretching to reach; trying not to break the kiss. I thought I’d heard him groan with pleasure in the back of his throat but I did at the same time, so it’s could have easily been me.
He pulled away, leaving his hands on my hips and mine on his shoulders. I was gasping for air, as was he. He smiled the beautiful crooked smile at me. My breathing was coming easier and easier with each breath. I smiled back at him. I bit my lip and looked down. Then I remembered we were in a classroom. I glanced around noticing that we were the only ones in the room, thankfully.
I turned back to the beautiful face, he was watching me carefully. When we locked eyes, I smiled and he smiled. We stared and smiled at each other for what seemed to be a long time. Once again, my stomach gave away the time. My stomach purred, I sighed. I looked down and looked back up at Daniel. He smiled, reached around me, pick up my books and took my hand.
We walked to the cafeteria in silence, I hoped it wouldn’t last very long, but I was content with holding his firm and cold, but soft hand. I shuddered slightly when he gripped my hand tighter, firmer. He was still holding my hand when we walked into the cafeteria. As soon as we walked in, all eyes were on us, literally. This time I gripped his hand tighter, looking down at the floor. He noticed and pulled me closer to whisper, “It’s doesn’t matter what they think, Liz. It’s just you and me.” I looked up at him when he finished. My heart stuttered. I nodded.
We went through the line and Daniel picked out some food for us. We walked through the tables surrounded with other students, some glaring at us and others not. Daniel led us to an empty table next to a table with his family. I blushed as he held out a chair for me. I looked down and took the seat, my back to other Collins. I kept eyes down on the table as Daniel walked behind me and sat in the seat to my right.
I didn’t hear her approach but Daniel’s sister, Clara was standing next to me. Daniel sighed as she beamed her beautiful smile. “Liz this is Clara, my sister. Clara, this is Liz,” Daniel said, gesturing again. I looked up and smiled slightly. She smiled even more and said, “Hi there! I’m Clara! Well, you know that now. It’s so nice to finally meet you.” He voice was high-pitched and girly. Her hair was long and smooth, with a tint of blue to it. She was also beautiful, just like the others.
I laughed quietly and smiled. “Yeah, um, you too,” I said, looking down occasionally. She laughed and touched my shoulder lightly. I could see this bothered Daniel; he was glaring at her hand. “Well, it was nice meeting you, Liz. I’ll see you some other time,” Clara said as she patted my shoulder awkwardly, glanced at Daniel slightly and gracefully walked back to her table.
Daniel sighed again when she sat back down. I quickly looked away as I noticed Katherine glaring at me again. I thought I heard another low hiss coming from Daniel, but I wasn’t sure. I sank into my seat, glaring at the table under my arms. Daniel reached out and placed one of his hands on my arm gently. The fire was back but simmering. Daniel rubbed my arm for a second then slid the tray of food toward me. “Here, pick something. Eat,” he said, gesturing toward the food. I sighed and picked up the apple.
I started to nibble on the apple when Daniel sighed. He looked frustrated, like something was bothering him. I was concerned so I put the apple down and he looked up. “What’s wrong?” I asked. He shook his head, “Nothing, I just…” his forehead furrowed deeply. I was worried, “What?” He sighed once more and looked at me; suddenly his forehead unfurrowed and he was calm.
“It’s nothing, I promise,” Daniel said. I sighed as the bell rang. The rest of the day went by quickly. By the time I knew it, Daniel was walking me to his car. Daniel walked me to the passenger door and opened it for me. I slid in and buckled my seat belt. Daniel was already in the car before the tongue met the buckle. “How do you do that?” I asked, stunned. He laughed, “Do what?” Maybe I was imagining things, maybe I’m just slow. “Never mind,” I said, looking down at my hands. We left the school parking lot and went down the street.
If I wasn’t looking out the window, I wouldn’t have noticed how fast we were going. “Daniel! Slow down!” I screamed in hysteria. He looked at the meter and at me, “What?” What was he doing, “Watch the road! Slow down!” I was still yelling. Daniel was as calm as ever. “Liz, calm down. It’s okay. I’ve never been in a car wreck. You’ll be fine. Do you trust me?” I started to calm as he started to slow from 100 to 80. “Yes. Yes, I do trust you,” I said, looking at him.
We were at Billy’s house now, it seemed like only seconds had passed. I wondered what he was thinking. I was thinking about the kiss from this morning, I wondered what he thought about that. I sighed, looking out the door window, wishing that could happen again. He touched my arm, which sent the fire and electricity sparking. I turned my head quickly toward him and gasped.
He retrieved his hand quickly and placed his on the steering wheel. I touched his arm now. The fire was going wild inside me. He looked at me as if he could feel it too. He removed his hand from the wheel and placed it on my cheek. “Liz…I-Billy’s coming.” Daniel said, abruptly. He removed his hand from my face, but I left mine on his arm. “How do you know?” I asked, curious. He looked back at me. “I-I just do. Am I allowed to be here?” he asked. Would Billy allow him? No, probably not. “I-I don’t know.” “Well, another time then,” he said. I was afraid I wouldn’t see him again, since it was the weekend. “When will I see you again?” I asked quickly. He placed his hand on mine on his arm. “Is tomorrow okay? I would like to show you something,” he said. I nodded quickly reaching for the door handle with my other hand. “Okay, I’ll be here in the morning then,” he added.
I didn’t want to but I did. I got out of the car and watched Daniel drive down the road. Just then, Billy drove up and pulled into the driveway. “Hey, Liz! You just get home too?” Billy asked as he shut off the car. I nodded, “Yeah, truck was slow today. It’s fine though. I’ll go start dinner.”
Billy never cared for anything big for dinner. So I made fried ham and macaroni. During dinner Billy asked about school. “It’s good. Going to have a study session with…Makayla tomorrow, if that’s okay?” I asked. I hope he didn’t notice my pause. He held up his hand quickly, “No, no. You go ahead. Hang out with your friends. I’ve got to work all day and I don’t want you alone, so go ahead.” I did the dishes and headed upstairs.
My room was too quiet. I grabbed my iPod and headphones. I turned it on and turned the volume up. I kicked off my shoes and layed on my bed. It was, according to my clock, three in the morning when I woke up. I took out my headphone and turned off my iPod. I sat up and placed my iPod on my nightstand. I picked up my clothes and headed for the bathroom.
After I finished with my shower and headed back to my room, it was four o’clock. Billy would be up soon and that meant, I would see Daniel soon too. I tried to go back to sleep, unsuccessfully. I closed my eyes and when I opened them the foggy sun was outside my window. I glanced at my clock, seven o’clock, it read. I dressed quickly and hurried downstairs. I went to the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast: cereal.
I poured my bowl, sat down and started to chow down. I finished my bowl quickly, shoveling in mouthfuls. I rinsed my bowl and put it away. I looked at the microwave; it read seven thirty-two. I wondered when he’d be here. Just then there was a light knock at the door, I ran for it. I was panting by the time I was at the door. I had to calm myself quickly. There was another light knock on the other side of the door. My heart stuttered and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I reached for the handle and opened the door.
Chapter 7-Explanations
Daniel was standing gracefully, elegantly, and beautiful at my doorway. I stood speechless for a moment then brought myself back to reality. Daniel was dressed in his normal button up t-shirt and casual jeans. I, on the other hand, went all out. Wearing a skirt-which I never did, never-flats, and a short sleeved shirt. I wasn’t expecting much…till now.
Daniel looked me over a couple of times. Smiling to himself occasionally. I blushed and ducked my head. I had a feeling that I was just a tad over-dressed. I stepped back from the door. “Would you like to come in,” I asked him, keeping my eyes on the floor under my feet. Daniel laughed at my expression and accepted. He stepped one foot in the door then the other.
Daniel told me about our plans for today, which meant I would have to change. I hurried upstairs and found my quickest pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a hoodie for later. Daniel was waiting for me at the foot of the stairs when I came rushing down the stairs. I stopped as soon as he came into view. Daniel laughed at me a lot, but I was used to it. I asked if Daniel wanted anything to eat before we left he said no, thank you though. I’ll explain why later. Then he muttered something that sounded like if you’d still want to hear. I grabbed a couple waters anyway.
We took my truck although it was sort of slow. Daniel minded, but I told him Billy might get suspicious. Daniel muttered to himself about how long it would take for us to get there, wherever that was.
We drove for what seemed to be a long time, but soon enough he told me to pull over. We got out and started going through the woods. I wasn’t sure it was safe to be out here, for me that is. I was never a nature girl. In fact it wasn’t that I didn’t like nature. Nature didn’t like me. I was always tripping over rocks, twigs, and my own feet. Especially when I was young, Sharon and Billy would take me out to the beaches and I would fall into the tide poles, a lot. Never went back.
Daniel was never impatient with me. Whenever I would get too slow, he would stop and wait. He never got tired of my slowness either. I tried to tell him that nature and I had our differences but he wouldn’t listen. He kept saying something about needing to show me something and how this would affect everything. It was weird, but I liked Daniel; a lot. And I hoped he liked me a lot too, at least it’d seemed that way.
I sighed once more because I knew I was slowing him down. Once I thought I heard him sigh but I wasn’t sure. So I tried to speed up and that didn’t help; I tripped often.
“We’re almost there,” Daniel said turning his head to the side to tell me, again. He’d probably said that at least more than once, sometimes I heard him, others I didn’t only because I was distracted by his beauty. I wondered if he knew how beautiful he was. Sometimes I’d catch myself staring at him for more and more periods of time during the day.
“We’re here, Liz.” Daniel called to me. I was about twenty feet behind him, but catching up. Daniel waited for me. While I was trudging along to get up to Daniel I was thinking about yesterday’s kiss in calculus. It was sensual but wild. I was still wondering if he was ever thinking about it. I also wondered if he would want it to happen again. The fire was amazing, I hoped he’d felt it too and maybe that was why he was with me, still. I knew I wasn’t interesting.
I finally caught up to Daniel, but not soon enough. I wasn’t prepared for what was about to happen. Daniel looked at me, cautioning. I was confused, why? Daniel looked at my expression and answered it. “I’m different and I want you to know, Liz. I don’t know if I can stay away from you anymore, but I want-no need you to know what I am.” What was he talking about? I was lost. I stared at him, waiting for him to continue; he didn’t. I stepped up to him carefully. I said slowly, “I don’t understand.”
Daniel shook his head. He sighed heavily, “You have to. What if I told you I was different than you, different than everyone at school, different from everyone period?” I thought carefully and hard. I glanced at the ground then back to his face. I said in a stern, determined voice, “I would say, it doesn’t matter. I don’t care if you’re different. We’re all different.” He was already shaking his head before I finished. “No, you don’t understand. I-I’m…not human,” he whispered, lowering his head. I thought about what he was trying to say, he wasn’t human; check. I clarified, “Okay, and?” He jerked his head upright. “What? I’m telling you I’m not human, that I’m a monster and-and that I’m dangerous.” His voice was low but his intent was clear.
I looked at him, not seeing someone who wasn’t human. “Well, if you’re not human, th-then what are you?” I tried to keep my voice as firm as his, but I slipped up. He turned and started walking again, showing me what he was. He walked into the sunlight and beams of the light reflected off of his body. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt-I now saw the purpose of it- and opened it so more like could show. I gasped aloud.
It wasn’t a frighten gasp, it was a he’s so beautiful gasp.
Minutes had passed and I was still staring at Daniel’s beautiful flesh. He started to button up his shirt and turned around. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. Soon enough they would betray me and fall over the edges. I blinked and they started to fall down my cheeks. While he was still turned I quickly wiped them away with my sleeve.
I was breathing heavily as he turned back around to look at me. “Do you believe me now?” Daniel’s voice was quiet and hidden, but serious. I didn’t stop staring but I nodded.
Obviously he wasn’t human, but what could he be? Would he hurt me? No, that was even more obvious. Would he hurt others? That was undecided. Hundreds of questions like these ran through my head over and over again. It was hard to concentrate as he walked toward me.
I wasn’t scared but he stayed fifteen or so feet back from me, giving me space; I didn’t like that. As I started to close the space between us, he stepped back more. “I-I don’t care,” I whispered when I noticed he’d moved. “I don’t-it doesn’t matter to me.” The tears were even more noticeable now. “What?” Daniel asked, incredulously. “It doesn’t matter to me…what you are,” I added. “It doesn’t matter?” I thought about, “No. I don’t care what you are.” “You don’t care that I’m a monster? That I could kill you within seconds?” Daniel asked strained.
I understood what he was saying. He was dangerous and was trying to restrain. A tickle ran down my spine making me shudder as he said that. I inhaled and in an audacious tone I said, “No,” then exhaled.
Chapter 8-Final Love
Daniel started walking again, I followed; he knew I would. I would do anything for him. I was in love with him and I didn’t care if he wasn’t human or if he was dangerous, I loved him.
He walked through trees and bushes, occasionally looking behind to see if I was still following. Suddenly he halted to a stop. I finally caught up to him. He turned his head to look down at me. He calmly said, “This is where I come to think.”
Daniel put his pale white hands on both sides of the big, green bushes and pulled them apart, holding it open for me. I looked at him then stepped through the hedge, ducking. As I stepped through the hole, my eyes slowly rose from the ground. I looked around and saw thousands of tiny flowers. Some lying on the forest floor, others growing tall. There were a bunch of trees surrounding this little circle of flowers and grass.
Daniel stepped around my still body and sat down in the middle of the small circle. He folded his legs and put his arms in his lap. I stood at the entrance for a few seconds that seemed to be minutes. I looked behind me to see that there was no entrance, just more trees. I whipped my head back around to where Daniel was, sitting peacefully on the ground. I walked over to where he was a sat next to him.
I folded my legs and put my arms in my lap now. I looked around at the beautiful meadow surrounding me and this beautiful non-human. That got me thinking, he never did say what he was, but that didn’t matter; I didn’t care.
“What are you thinking about?” Daniel asked as I went over our last conversation in my head. I cleared my throat, “I-if you’re not human, then what are you? Will you tell me, please?” My voice was low but not higher than a whisper. He didn’t raise his voice any higher than a whisper either when he answered. “I’m afraid you’ll run away if I tell you,” he said, looking down then glancing at me. He was scared that I would run from him? “Never. Nothing could ever make me run away from you, Daniel,” I sighed, “Y-you’re too important to me.” I looked up at his face.
Daniel looked up at me under his eyelashes. “Are you sure you want to know?” I nodded slowly. “What is one mythical creature you’d never thought would ever exist?” I thought about this carefully. There were so many ‘mythical creatures’ out there. Zombies, werewolves, vampires, aliens, goblins, etc. but which one did I believe in the most? Which one was the most logical? Zombies are brought back to life; Daniel didn’t even look like he had ever died. Just the thought of his dying had me shuddering. Werewolf? Was I crazy? Werewolves didn’t have beams of light shining off of them in the sun? At least not from the movies I’ve seen. A vampire? That was logical, I suppose. Movies and books say that they can’t come out in the daytime, if Daniel is vampire, then how is he outside?
I was trying to go over all of the things I’d read or seen in movies about all of these mythical creatures, but none made sense. My forehead furrowed as I thought and rethought. Finally I sighed and looked up at Daniel. “The most logical one I can think of would be…a v-vampire,” I said slowly, choking out the last word. When I said vampire I noticed Daniel’s eyes open wide but recover quickly as if nothing happened.
Daniel turned his head as if I were right. As if he was disgusted with himself. I didn’t want to be right, but it didn’t matter, I kept telling myself over and over again. I reached out one of my hands and gently placed it on his arm. “Like I said, it’s doesn’t matter.” He turned his head back to me and placed his hand on top of mine again. His hand was hard and cold on top of mine.
Now Daniel’s brow furrowed. “What are you thinking?” I asked as I turned over my hand under his. He looked down at our hands briefly then looked at me. “I’m thinking that…this is wrong,” he said still looking at me. I was looking down at our hands, with my other on top of his, tracing the shape of his hand on mine. “Wrong how?” “Wrong like, you shouldn’t be near me,” he said and started to withdraw his hand from between mine. My hands were limp together as he removed his.
“I don’t believe that,” I said, looking at my hands and shaking my head. Daniel sighed heavily. “It’s-it’s not safe for you. I don’t know if I can control myself that easily.” I was still looking down at my hands when I heard him get up and move. I glanced up to see Daniel twenty feet away from me in the trees. “You have before and I know you can. You won’t hurt me,” I said impassioned. I started to get up then sat back down when Daniel stepped back more.
“I’m not afraid of you,” I said bravely. I was hoping that my tone wouldn’t sound too shaky, because I wasn’t afraid. Daniel’s eyes cautioned me as he walked slowly to the imbedded grass where he’d sat and sank to the ground once more.
We sat on the grass and talk for what seemed to be only a short while when Daniel suddenly rose from the ground floor.
I looked up at him from the ground, confused at his expression. He swiftly grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. “What’s wrong?” I barley gotten out of my mouth just as Daniel threw me over his shoulders and onto his back.
It felt like we were flying through the forest as Daniel ran. It didn’t feel like he was running. His breathing was normal and he didn’t seem to get tired. I was gasping as we ran, looking around at all of the trees-that I could make out as trees-were making me dizzy and nauseous. I tried to ask Daniel what was happening and where he was taking me but the flipping of my stomach was overtaking me.
I noticed that Daniel started to slow as we approached the little circle parking lot where I had parked. Daniel stopped as we reached my truck. He stood there, waiting for me to get down off of his back but I was frozen in place, hoping not to hurl on him.
I locked my mouth closed as he reached around to release my grip. “Liz, it’s okay now. You can let go,” Daniel said as he tried to untie my linked hands around his neck. Wait, he said it’s okay now, what was wrong before? I finally came to realize that my stomach wasn’t going anywhere and that I could let go from around Daniel’s neck.
Daniel turned, grabbed me from his back; pulling me into a cradle on his crest, in his arms. He went and sat down on the rock near the truck. He started laughing while I looked terrified, I’m sure. My breathing wasn’t normal yet, I was still gasping but not as much. When I finally got enough oxygen, I tried to ask Daniel what was going on then I realized that my throat was dry. I tried to clear it when Daniel propped me up on his knee.
“Are you okay?” Daniel asked as he observed my expression. My breathing was normal again when I answered; in a raw, scratchy voice. “Y-yeah,” I sounded like a 40-year-old smoker. Daniel stood me on my feet slowly. I wobbled a little, but I was sure it wasn’t from him running. Thinking about him running made me remember not even five minutes ago in his little meadow when he look worried or something. Then when he stopped here, he’d said that it was okay.
“Wait,” I said reaching out to Daniel. He was headed to the passenger door. “What did you mean by ‘okay’?” Daniel’s brow furrowed just little. He stared at me for a second then looked down laughing. He chuckled to himself then sighed. “Liz, I meant ‘okay’ because I thought that you might think you were in danger there.” I sighed. “Oh. But I was with you, so I’d never be in danger, right?”
This time Daniels brow furrowed even more. I was standing in front of my truck and Daniel started to walk toward me slowly. He thought about my question for a long time and then whispered, “I hope not.”
Chapter 9-Nerve Racking
We drove back to Billy’s in silence. I let Daniel drive because I knew he couldn’t stand for my slowness; well my trucks’ anyways.
I kept wondering when he would speak. I was fumbling in my head about everything I’d just learned in the past week. A week? It had seemed like eternity.
And what had he meant that he hoped I wasn’t in danger with him. He was the most harmless mythical creature out there, right? Were there more dangerous creatures out there? Would he protect me?
I kept my eyes on the moving forest outside my window as I pondered these aching questions. They kept creeping back up to the front of my brain, repeating over and over. I didn’t totally forget Daniel’s too still body in the driver’s seat but I slipped up on my thoughts by groaning and whispering ‘shut up already.’
I realized my mistake and looked at Daniel wide-eyed. Sorry, I mouthed. ‘No,’ he said shaking his head slowly. ‘Don’t be. It’s okay; it’s a lot to take in. I’m the one who should be sorry.’ He sighed and groaned, watching the road.
‘What? You? Why should you be sorry?’ I asked. I was racking through my brain trying to understand why he should be sorry for anything. I finally understand what true love it, and I wasn’t going to let it go.
We were half way to Billy’s house when he turned around a forest edge. We started driving down a long pathway. I looked at Daniel occasionally, he seemed completely at ease. Then he finally answered me as we drove up to a little yard with a big white house. This house was beautiful; I couldn’t imagine what the inside looked like. It was big and white with dark blue shutters and a porch that went all the way around the house. The railing of the porch was dark blue, just as the shutters on the stain-glass windows.
Daniel pulled the car up the yard a little more and put it in park. ‘Everything. I have everything to be sorry for. And I’m sorry for that,’ he laughed a little chuckle. ‘If you can’t tell already, this is my home.’ I smiled a little bit, almost laughing with him, but I was instantly nervous. If this was his home, then that meant it was his sibling’s home, too.
I gulped as Daniel got out of my truck and walked over to my passenger side door. Daniel saw my expression-terrified, I assumed- and calmed me down, a bit. ‘Liz, it’s okay. Do you remember what I told you yesterday during lunch?’ he asked smoothing my hair to my cheeks as I was hyperventilating. I was calmed just by his hands on my face, they were like marble. I knew I couldn’t speak just yet, so I nodded. ‘What did I say?’ Crap, he wanted a straight answer.
I swallowed my dry, burning throat and said, ‘That it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. That it’s just us.’ I sounded terrible. My voice was no higher than a whisper, but because of my throat being dry it was scratchy.
Daniel nodded, and then looked above my head and into the house as if someone had said his name again. His face was suddenly serious. ‘Liz, I…I want you to meet me family. Officially.’ I gulped one drier gulp and winced.
Daniel noticed my wince and grabbed my bottle of water that I had thought to bring, from the console in my truck. ‘Here,’ he handed me the bottle, ‘Drink. It’s going to be okay,’ he promised. ‘I won’t let anyone or anything hurt you, ever.’ I nodded, not sure of my voice and took three big gulps of water.
As I drank I thought of his words. Did they mean what I’d thought they meant?
I drank almost half of my water-stalling-and then he grabbed my waist, pulling me toward the big house. My stomach flopped at the thought of his family in the other room and my heart fluttered at his touch.
As we approached his home, his father, Dr. Claude Collins from our local hospital and his petite wife, Ella Collins opened the door and stood at the steps. I gulped, and Daniel looked at me. ‘Don’t worry, everything will be fine. They’re actually excited to meet you.’ I doubted that very much.
They stood, beautifully at the steps of their
home. Dr. Collins and Ella, smiling as we approached them. "Liz?" Dr. Collins spoke calmly.
He was smiling wide as was Ella. I nodded.
"Well, it's very nice to meet," Dr. Collins said,
"Finally." He glanced at Daniel quickly.
Ella stepped from beside Dr. Collins and greeted
me with the most politest smile I'd ever seen.
"Liz, I am so happy to meet you. I'm Ella, and this charming gentleman would be Claude." I smiled slightly, "Yes, I'm happy to meet you too." I was so nervous that I was figeting.
Ella seemed to be over excited and pushed Daniel out of the way and hugged me gently.
She was hard and cold also, and her eyes were the same as Daniels.
Publication Date: 03-21-2010
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