
Chapter 1: Madison White

Let me introduce myself


My name is Madison White I'm 17 turning 18 this year, I've been to 3 different schools in the past 2 years Well I've been kicked out of 3 schools just because I'm misunderstood people call it "being rude" well of course they'll think I'm rude not for letting them talk to me like they want, for standing up for myself and for speaking my mind, I like being respected and if anyone dares to disrespect me I will let my madison bomb off on them it doesn't matter if their the "principal" if he/she disrespect me I will put them in their place from where I from I'm highly respected well in my 'secret life' I just wonder what that pathetic human teachers and principals would say if I tell them I'm the daughter or Alexander White the alpha of the Moon Shield pack and I'm the next alpha in-line,shift into my big pure black wolf and let them fear for their life and regret that they ever disrespected me? 


 Well as much as I would LOVE to do that sadly I can't its a law that no human can ever find out about werewolves and me being the next alpha can't be irresponsible and let them find out now can I? 


I can at least daydream about ripping their throats out there is no law against that now you probably think 'a girl alpha yeah right' well its true my parents only had me and I'm the next alpha at first the pack members were unsure if I'll be strong enough to lead a pack being a she-wolf and all but I completely proven them wrong time and time again 


Chapter 2: The Madison bomb explodes

  I'm actually in the principals office right now waiting for the bald freak to come and talk to me apparently calling ms Sparks a low life no good piece of crap is not acceptable but she rudely disrespected me by telling me I'm no better than Melissa (some Cheerhoe that I was busy giving a piece of my mind) and that I'm just a little child that will never survive this world with my 'attitude' 


well if she can tell me what she thinks about me I can tell her what I think about her too but guess I was wrong I was sent to the principals office for the first time at THIS school, I've really been trying to be nice I only punched 2 girls and threw one guy with a chair since I got here you see I've really been trying 


I don't actually want to be kicked out of this school I've made a lot of new friends and I'm currently dating the oh so hot captain of the football team Carter Johnson I know he is a human and I have a 'mate' somewhere out there but I honestly don't care I really like Carter and who knows maybe one day I can tell him my big secret and mark him 


the reason why I like this human is not only the fact that he is super yummy but that he is respected around here people look up to him and nobody dares to mistreat him and there is the fact that he begged me to go out with him wrote me silly love poems which I thought was kinda cute although he's a poetaster, the girls seem to worship him so that's a bonus for me that I have what everyone wants its a good thing I don't get jealous otherwise all these bitches will be dead or at least armless you touch my man I cut your arm off literally its only fair but again I can't actually do that I'm sure I'll go to jail 



I'm still in this office alone, right when I was about to stand up and walk out of here because clearly this people is wasting my precious time a very ugly mad bald freak aka principal Mathews walked into the room he gave me a look that I honestly did not appreciate, slammed the door shut and went to go sit behind his desk looking angry as hell well I'll be angry too if I had to look at myself looking like that in the mirror every morning 


I gave his a disgusted look and his eyes grew wider 

"Ms White .. Do you know why you're here" He said in a low tone 

"Yeah ms Sparks disrespected me and you're here to give me permission to smack her out of her granny panties" I bluntly stated he looked at me a few seconds emotionless while I looked down on my nails he sighed took his glasses off and put it down on the table 

"Ms White you are something else" he said while he shook his head 

"Mr Mathews YOU are something else" I copied he looked at me in disbelieve what the hell did this weak human think he can say something like that to an alpha I think not! 

"Tell me what happened in class today" he said ignoring what just happened

"I told you she disrespected me" seriously dude I already told you this 

"Tell me the whole story everything Ms Sparks said to you and everything YOU said to HER" he spoke 'you' and 'her' louder 

"Well I was minding my own business telling some CheerHOE in the class exactly how pathetically physio slut she is about her being a hoe and all i mean she slept with 8 guys in this school how disgusting then Ms SparkBitch that looks totally like a man said that I'm no better than Melissa and that I'm just a little child that will never survive this life with my attitude I guess she was just telling me what she thought of me no hard feelings so I just simply just told her what I think about her I mean she can't just tell me what she thinks about me and gets nothing in return" his eyes were now wider than I ever saw it if looks could kill right? 

"And what is exactly what you think about her what did you tell her?" He asked wow I guess this dumb ball seriously just wants to know only what I did and said not what that bitch said 

"Well honestly I think she is a complete waste of space that seriously need to get laid that woman's sex life is probably just as bald as your head sir, but I wouldn't want to embarrass her like that in front of the class so I simply said that she is a low life no good piece of crap" I said while smiling at him I clearly am the right one here! 

"Oh Ms White you have no idea in how much trouble you are never in my life have I came across a arrogant spoiled little brat like you" he said angry .. WHAT??, what did I say wrong? Well my wolf definitely did not appreciate his tone and she wanted out to rip his throat out but I kept on reminding her that he's human and that we can't risk putting the werewolves in danger just because this pathetic man don't knows who the hell he's messing with

"I guess you just told me what you think about me shall I return the favour and tell you exactly what I think about you" I replied with a smirk I was really mad now how dare he disrespect me? 

"Go ahead but if I were you Ms White I'll be very careful about my next words" he said while sitting back in his chair and putting his hands at the back of his head resting into it I took a glimpse at his hands no ring I'm not surprised!

"No ring? Well I'm completely not surprised by the fact that you are not married I mean who in their right mind will marry a bald freaky dude, you have no life other than keeping you 'boss' around here and I know the real reason why you're so worked up about me speaking my mind about ms Sparks you have a thing for her but don't get me wrong you both are perfect for each other your looks and sour personalities fit perfect together now Mr Mathews you are just a lonely pathetic man and I actually feel bad for you well not really but I'll just say I do to make you feel better about your snobby life" with that being said he slammed his hands on his desk and looked deadly at me trying to intimidate me but dude you have another thing coming I will never be intimidated by someone I can kill in 3 seconds 

"You are expelled from my school walk out of my office right now and wait outside I'll call your parents" he yelled 

Damn what did I do?? about what about my cuddle buddy Carter I will miss him so much 

"You can do what you want man I'll go clean out my locker and get my books out of class" 


I stood up and walked out I walked fast to ms Sparks class I need to talk to Carter when I walked into class everyone looked at me guys made kissy faces and the girls that weren't my friends simply glared I ignored them walked over to Carter's desk 

"Ms White-" Ms sparks started but I cut her off 

"Listen bitch I have no time for you right now stfu and let me kiss MY guy before leaving this pathetic school" everyone looked shocked and some guys laughed and clapped their hands but my friends looked sad about the fact that I was leaving 

"Madison nooo you can't leave" Jade one of my girls said 

"Sorry Jade but I promise you I'll see you a lot!" I smiled at her and that's when Carter stood up towering over me he was so hot gosh! he is about 6'2 brown hair and beautiful light green eyes 

"Babe wait what you leaving me?" He asked looking sad 

"I'm leaving this school if you want we can still be together I guess its whatever" I said acting like I didn't care but in reality I actually did I wanted to be with him he made me happy! 

"YES of course I want us to be together still DAMN babe but I'll miss you around school everyday" he started off with a smile but then just looked sad I got on my toes and kissed his lips he grabbed my waist picked me up I wrapped my legs around his waist and roughly kissed him I didn't care about that we were in a class full of children and a teacher he didn't seem to care either I mean if I'm going to leave I might as well make it memorable 

"Ms White and Mr Johnson that's enough" a ugly voice said the voice match the woman perfectly Ms Sparks I jumped out from his grip, wicked at him and strolled out of class 


I went to my locker cleared it up and walked out the exit 


Chapter 3: Dealing with the parents

When I got outside there standing next to a silver/smokey grey mercedes-benz was a very angry/disappointed daddy alpha I walked up to him and he looked right at me when I got to him I was about to speak when he interrupted 

"I'm angry but I'm more disappointed this is the 4th school Madison I honestly think that is a record! I thought you were settled in made some close friends, have that human boyfriend what happened Madz" my dad started strong using his alpha voice but ended with a lower voice of a concerned father 

"I'm sorry dad but they disrespected me I'm not good with people disrespecting me they think because I am a female that I'm vulnerable but they are wrong father I'm an alpha not just yet but I take my role very serious and I don't care if they are human they can not speak to me like that everyone will respect me I will respect them if I am respected otherwise I will show them who they messing with and daddy you can't be mad at me because i learned to be strong and independent leader that needs to be respected by you" it was true my dad raised me to think strong and walk tall even when I'm just 5'4 my dad looked at me like he was impressed and proud

"Madison you make me proud even when I want to be mad I just can't get in the car we'll talk at home" dad said and kissed my forehead


when we arrived home a few of the pack members were standing outside as we got out the car they bowed their head in respect


"Alphas" Jake future Beta said he has dark hair and hazel eyes CUTE! 

I smiled at him and my dad nodded 

When we walked into the pack house my mom were standing there with crossed arms when she was about to speak my dad interrupted 

"I already spoke to Madison she is really sorry about what happened and it wasn't her fault people should learn to respect my daughter!" My dad said wow go daddy I love my parents but I love it even more when daddy stands up for me he could've picked any strong member from the pack to fill the role of alpha after him but he chose to make me a girl and his only child the alpha because he believes in me and I don't plan on letting him down 

"I understand Alexander" my mom said to my dad then she walked over to me and hugged me 

"Don't worry baby girl we will get you a school where people know they must respect you" she said and kissed my forehead but what does she mean a school where people would know they must respect me the humans doesn't know about werewolves and that I'm soon to be alpha 

"Caroline let us talk to her first" my dad said I was confused but I listened

"Madison let's go to the office" my dad said oohhh what the hell is going on? Where is he sending me we walked into the office and sat down my mom were the first one to speak 

"Madz you going to a different school a school you'll fit in perfectly-"

"Caroline we have to ask her first does she want to go.." My dad interrupted woow what's up 

"Madison we want to ask you would you like to go to a .. werewolf school?" My mom asked uh well I'm a werewolf and I'll get people will respect me more but that school also is a united school meaning not just one pack but a lot of packs, a lot of alphas guy alphas I'm the only girl alpha and I don't want anyone to look down on me or think I'm not as strong as the others but I'll show them wrong I always do 


I didn't want to go but I can't disappoint my parents anymore! 

"Uh..sure why not" with that being said my parents were very pleased

"You start tomorrow we already made arrangements" my dad said wow tomorrow? 


That's a bit early but after my stunts today I just nodded we went into the kitchen and ate dinner carried out a normal conversation over dinner and then I went upstairs to my room, showered and laid in bed my phone went off and I got a text

Carter: "Hey babe guess what happened today?"

Me: "Heyy :) what?"

Carter: "so just when you left ms Sparks had a breakdown she tore papers screamed slammed her desk like the mad woman she is it was hilarious mr Victor had to come out of his class to help her get control of her madness she kept on crying saying you are a devils child then Jade went crazy she wanted to tear the woman apart she made weird growl noises and almost attacked ms sparks you should've seen everyone's reactions it took almost all the guys to keep Jade back" 

Oh did I mention Jade is also a werewolf! And my best friend

Me: "wow go Jade! What happened next did she get into trouble"

Carter: "yeah babe sadly she was expelled too"

Wow Jadey was expelled that's horrible 

Me: well okay Carter ttyl sleep tight

Carter: I miss you! A LOT see you soon sweetdreams princess 


When I put my phone down I drifted away into a peaceful sleep 


Chapter 4: Awkward morning

The next morning I woke up and went downstairs some of the pack members who will be going to school with me, sat at the table and ate breakfast that my mother prepared I took a s seat next to Jake 

"Hey Madison how did you sleep girl" Jake said elbowing my shoulder lightly

"Oh I slept nice I guess and you" I said elbowing his shoulder a bit harder he looked at me and smiled we were just sitting there at the table looking at each other it was kind of weird but I liked it 

"Dude she has a boyfriend and he is a HUMAN do you know how badass humans are damn man they are the strongest creatures in the world you should back down before that human go all human on you" Kyle said completely sarcastic he is literally the most sarcastic person in the world he has blond/brown hair and blue eyes 

"HA HA HA whatever man" Jake said I just looked at this two weird dudes talking about humans they have serious problems

"So Madison you coming to school today with us" Kyle said smiling like the retard that he is 

"Yeah I am" I sad smirking 

"You'll love it!" Jake said I nodded and walked upstairs again 


I ran a shower and when I was done showering I walked to my closet and got out a high waist skinny light blue jean a red crop top that says 'swag' written on it with my red converse I curled my hair into a lot of small curls, put light makeup on and lip gloss I jogged downstairs 


The guys :Jake,Kyle,Tyrone(buff AF black hair with brown eyes and a tanned skin can you say daaamn with me) and Jackson(light brown almost red hair not so tanned and he got green eyes) all smirked at me weeelll I was used to it they were un-mated but they are also my 'guards' and my friends "you look like you always look-" Jake started but Kyle cut him off 

"Like she stepped out of a fail rap video" Kyle said and Jake rolled his eyes

"Beautiful" Jake said and smiled I but was a little pissed at Kyle I know he doesn't mean anything by it and that he is just being his sarcastic ass I gave everyone a hug except him 


I was half way out the door when warm hands wrapped around my waist I didn't turn around but he moved closer and stood tight against my back his face came close to my ear and he kissed my neck then whispered in my ear "you know..I never meant to offend you I just like messing with you because pissed you is even sexier than happy you" then kissed my neck KYLE! Ugh! But I have to admit in a really weird way that kind of turned me on I turned around pulled his head to mine so our heads were so close to each other he started breathing heavily my lips was so close to his it touched for a split second I pulled away and put my lips on his neck I kissed it slowly then whispered into his ear "you like that?" He got tensed and nodded biting his lip "good...cause it will absolutely never happened again" I then pushed him away and walked out smiling like an idiot he ran after me and turned me around "that was so unfair you torture me like that giving me an slight erection then say it will never happen again just as a punishment for being sarcastic with you" he said I laughed "oh you.." I couldn't actually think of anything else to say he smirked at me "damn how I wish you were my mate" I smiled at him "don't even talk about that I really don't want a mate not now at least" I said "you'll find him though" he said and smiled "you'll find her though" I repeated we were kind of the same we both don't want to find our mates right now "yeah yeah yeah whatever" he said 

and pulled me to the car Kyle,Jake and I drove in one car and Tyrone and Jackson in another the ride to the werewolf school was about 20 minutes 


That was the most uncomfortable 20 minutes of my life Kyle and Jake kept on talking about sex and who slept with who and 'boy talk' I guess 


Chapter 5: At school

 I'm Not actually so serious around J,K,T and J I took it way easier on them than on the other pack members when we arrived at school everyone was looking at Jake's car he got out walked over to my side and opened the door for me I got out then Kyle got out too and now all the eyes were on us! 


Jake and Kyle smirked guess they like the attention I was too busy looking around at this amazingly big building I didn't realize Tyrone and Jackson were already at our side 


I walked in the middle Jake on my right, Kyle on my left and Ty & Jackson behind me as we were walking the eyes never left us I heard a lot of comments such as 'wow what is she doing here' 'maybe she's looking for her mate' (HELL NO) I heard some guys call me beautiful and some girls saying they not going to mess with me while others say they hope I don't take over 'their' school


 Some people smiled widely at me and others bowed their head in respect I like that I like being respected I walked into the school through the halls and the eyes were again on us ugh tomorrow will be better I guess 


The boys walked me over to the front desk to get my schedule there was a lady sitting there I cleared my throat and she looked up 

"Hello what can I do for you?" She asked and smiled

"Hey I'm new here and need a schedule" I said and smiled back

"No problem sweetheart what's your name" she asked

"Madison White" when I mentioned my name she smiled brighter 

"Oh my the alpha your father called in yesterday let me get you your schedule" she stood up and walked to the back about 3 minutes later she came out and handed me my schedule for the day I smiled 

"Thank you" 

"No problem dear phone you have a. Nice day" I nodded and walked with the boys Kyle asked to see my schedule 

"With me" "with me" "not with me" "with me" he said I took it and looked at it 








I sighed well at least there's only 4 classes and then practice  

"History is this way" Kyle said leading the way I walked with him down to history and Tyrone,Jake and Jackson walked the other way to their classes I looked at Kyle and she was looking at this one blonde girl but with a disgusted look 


she walked up to us and Kyle took my hand before I could push him away he mind-linked me 

'Please just go with it' I sighed and held his hand 

"Heey Kyle" the blonde said looking at kyle then at me

"Hello Amber" he replied 

"Who is this Amber asked pointing to me"

"She's a nightmare" Kyle said I elbowed him

"Ohh okay well is she your mate" 

"No" I said

"Yes" Kyle said giving me a go-the-fuck-along-with-it I smiled and said

"Yeah we are" 

She didn't look happy with that she looked at us rolled her eyes and walked away 

"What was that all about" I asked him walking again

"Well she's my ex" he said 

"Then why did you do that" I asked confused

"She wants me back" he said okay now I was confused why would he want her to think he has a mate if she wants him back 

"Ugh then why the hell-" I was busy speaking then he interrupted me

"We broke up for a reason Madz" and he looked kind of 'sad'?

"What's the reason?" I asked curious

"You really want to know" he asked with a sigh

"Yeaah!" I said in a 'duh' tone

"Well I actually liked her really we went out for two years then she slept with my best friend and almost with my brother so here's the class let's go in" he said I stopped him before entering

"The fuck? She cheated on you with your best friend the bitch! You should've told me I would've kissed you in front of her" his eyes grew wider and he smirked 

"You would've kissed me??" He asked

"Well yeah just to show the bitch you moved on and don't need her" then I opened the classroom and everyone eyes were on me once again UGH! 


I walked to the teacher

"Hey" I said to him

"Hello you must be the new girl" he said smiling 

"Yeah" I sighed 

"Don't look so down princess introduce yourself to the class tell us a little bit about yourself and what brings you here" 

I looked at Kyle and he started to laugh

The teacher also looked at him

"Kyle Is there a problem" he looked up pulled his face straight a bit trying nort to laugh again

"No sir its just Madison .. Well Madison is Madison and she'll always be Madison and Madison doesn't like to be put on the spot so I don't know if she'll like the whole idea of speaking to everyone here oh and the reason why she is here is also funny" he said and looked at us

"Okay well I'm gonna go take a seat I'll love to hear what you have to say Madz" he said and walked to the back of the class and took a seat there I looked at everyone and all the eyes were on me UGH I HATE it but here goes nothing

"I'm Madison White from the Moon Shield pack my father is Alpha Alexander I'm here because I got expelled from my old school after calling the teacher out for disrespecting me I WILL not be disrespected I have nothing else to say. Thank you" I looked at everyone and they were smiling the teacher walked up to me

"Don't worry Madison here we respect our alphas" he said and smiled at me 

"You can take a seat where ever you want I looked around and the guys were trying to push the people next to them off their chair so I can sit there I just laughed at their silliness and went to go take a chair next to a guy at the back he has dark brown hair and blue eyes really cute 


"Hey can I sit here" I asked 

"Yes of course" he said I smiled and sit down 

"Hey do you remember me?" The guy asked

" should I?" I asked shrugging

"I'm Kai McLeod son of Jim alpha of the moon shred pack" oohh now I remember him we were like 11 when I last saw him my family invited his family to dinner

"Oh sorry looong time to see" I said and smiled at him he took my hand and shook it I giggled he because my hand was on my lap he just took mine in his and shook it cute..silly but cute

"So how does it feel to be almost alpha" I asked him he smiled brightly

"I'm not going to be alpha" I was confused why not though?

"Why not?" I asked confused

"Because I have a older brother he goes to some of the college classes here and he is alpha already I'm 17 only turning 18 this year and he is already 18" he said and smiled damn now I feel bad for him I have him my best smile

"Okayy.. Sorry!" I said

"No need to apologise you didn't know" he said and smirked

"Oh and may I say you are really beautiful" he said and looked down wow that was so sweet I can't almost ALMOST feel a blush coming on

"Awh thank you!, you not too bad yourself" I said and winked at him the teacher cleared his throat to get our attention we quickly turned to him and he carried on his lesson 

First period went by quickly the bell rang and people started getting up and to walk out 

"What is your next class?" Kai asked

"Math" I said 

"Ugh I have science but can walk you to your class? ... if you don't mind"

"Its okay bro I have math with her we'll walk together" Kyle said from behind me

"Oh well okay it was nice seeing you again Madison I'll talk to you later" he said smiled, nodded at Kyle and walked away

"Ready?" Kyle asked

"Ready!" I replied we got up and he once again held my hand seriously everyone is going to think we're a couple or even worse he's my mate


We walked down the hall to the next class and everyone looked at us again holding hands I heard some people say 'they make a cute couple' 'are they dating?' 'Kyle is settled down?' 'Damn she just came today and already have her mate' 'lucky dude' 'lucky girl' and crap like that Kyle has a huge smirk on his face because he heard them too 


Chapter 6: In trouble??

when we arrived at math it was the same thing again everyone looking, an introduction and a boring lesson at least in this class was Tyrone and Kyle when the bell rang I walked up to Kyle

"Ugh I have art now ALONE" I cried Tyrone laughed 

"Let's just ship this lesson I btw have spanish now" Ty said

"Okay!" Kyle said and smiled the both looked at me for my answer of well what the heck

"Yeah let's do it!" I said YOLO right, right? no? Okay! 

We walked out of class and started walking at 'science' Tyrone said there is a exit at the back there where we can go out we walked at fast but calm as we could when we reached the exit Kyle looked back and nobody was there we quickly ran out and I followed them to pavilion we sat there and just talked 

"I'm kind of hungry" I complained

"I got you girl" Kyle said and handed me a cheese sandwich but I swear its like 3 weeks old I smelled it and yup it smelled 3 weeks old 

"Ugh euw it smelled horrible Kyle how long-" I was busy asking but he interrupted 

"Not that long only 4 days" he said and shrugged 


"Gross and you want me to eat it?" I asked disgusted 

"Well you said you hungry" he smirked

"Not that hungry bro" I asked and Tyrone grabbed the sandwich 

"Gross you are a monster Kyle!" Tyrone said and threw the sandwich 

"Ouch!" We heard a girls voice 

We looked down and there a girl with dark brown hair with purple highlight stood looking at the sandwich on the floor

Kyle and Tyrone laughed hard I just giggled a bit

"Sorry" Tyrone said 

The girl just looked at us and went back to reading

"Hey girl are you skipping class?" Kyle asked she looked up and smiled shyly 

"Yeeaah" she said 

I smiled at her 

"Do you know how bad it is to skip class you bad dog! You won't know what's happening in class now what are you going to do when they ask you a pop quiz about the lesson you are missing" Kyle said sarcastically as if we're not doing the exact same thing now the girl giggled

"Mmm yeah whatever!" She said and rolled her eyes

"Come sit with us" Tyrone suggested 

She thought it over for a moment then walked up the pavilion to come sit with us

"Hey I'm Cassidy" she introduced herself

"Madison" I said and shook her hand 

"Wow you have a lot of power are you a beta or something" she asked I smiled

"Nah I'm alpha" she looked at me with wide eyes and smiled brightly

"That is great!" She pushed Tyrone to the side and sat next to me

"HEY!" Tyrone said she just smiled at him and there the 2 of us became friends she is really cool she likes a lot of stuff I like she even likes regular show YAY! She reminds me a lot of Jade oh how I miss Jade already 

Tyrone seems to like her they talked about cars and I didn't share an interest in that so I turned to kyle and talked to him

"So Kyle why do quiet" I asked him

"I'm just thinking about you babe" he said and smirked when I was about to reply a mans voice echoed from around the corner 

"Who's there?" The man asked we all yelled 'busted' together and got up and ran away the man yelled from behind "HEY! Come back now!" We just laughed and kept on running I really don't want to be in trouble today on my first day when we were in the school the bell rang so the halls started filling up 

"That was a close one" Cassidy laughed we all agreed and kept on moving it turns out we all have English now we walked into class out of breath we were one of the first people there so the back row was open we went to go sit there I sat in the middle with Kyle to my left Cassidy to my right and Tyrone sat next to Cassidy we were half way through the lesson when the intercom made a sound 

"Can Kyle Cooper,Tyrone Gray, Cassidy Preece and Madison white report to the principals office Kyle Cooper,Tyrone Gray,Cassidy Preece and Madison white Thank you" SHIT!!! We are in TROUBLE we all looked at each other and nodded we got up and everyone were staring DAMN 

we made our way out the class and down the hall to the principals office no one saying a word Tyrone knocked on the door and a voice said 

"Its open" he looked at us opened the door and walked in we all followed him 

"Hello students" a male in his late 30's said 

"Heey" we all said nervously 

"I heard you all skipped class may I know why but first let me introduce myself I'm principal Kane but you can call me Sean" he introduced himself to me

"Hey I'm Madison" I gave him a award winning smile he smiled back 

"Take a seat everyone" he said and we sat down 

"So what happened?" He asked looking at us all they all looked at me ugh why me why do I have to answer it was Tyrone's idea 

'You are alpha he'll take it easier on you' Kyle mind-linked me I looked at him and have him a glare he shrugged I looked over at the Sean and began

"I'm sorry Sean but I was feeling a bit light headed and overwhelmed from my first day here and so I decided to go outside for fresh air I have no idea why the 3 of them followed me" I lied saving my own butt they all looked at me it was hard to keep a straight face I wanted to burst out laughing

"Very well ms White and what is your story" he said to Cassidy,Tyrone and Kyle 

'I'm going to kill you bitch' Kyle mind-linked me I just smiled

'saving your own but and leaving us to dry huh?' Tyrone mind-linked I didn't look at them though 

"Well.." Tyrone started and then he looked at Kyle 

"I had to go see if my alpha was okay I can't let her be outside by her own but I don't know why Kyle and Cassidy was there" Tyrone lied 

'Liar' I mind-linked him

'You lied first!' He said back 

Kyle and Cassidy looked shocked they don't know what to say! Shame if I could I'd laugh them out right now

"Sir.." Cassidy said and cleared her throat 

"You see I have a phobia its called Be-in-school-too-long-phobia I can't be in the building too long or I start freaking out that's why I had to go outside to breathe but I don't know about Kyle" she made that up so easily! I like her we'll be good friends I'm really impressed Sean narrowed his eyes at her and she smiled he sighed and looked at Kyle 

'I'll kill you, I'll kill all of you, I'll, I'll!' Kyle mind-linked us at the same time 

"Kyle.." Sean said

"You see sir Cassidy is suffering from .. constipation its been going on for 2 years now and the doctor have little hope for her of surviving and she is the mother of my 2 children so I have to spend the last weeks of her life with her and if that means hold her hand when she's on the toilet or following her out of class I got to take it I'm a good dad" Kyle said and Cassidy looked at him I swear if she could she'll kill him right here this was the hardest time of my life to keep my laughter in Sean looked at us smiled and sighed 

" all have how can I put it crazy stories but I'll let you off the hook this time next time detention" Sean said I love it I love this school I love him when we got us and walked to the door

"Madison wait quickly can you give your dads number I just want to inform him on what happened today sorry dear but I have to" he said 

I hate this I hate this school I hate him

I sighed I have to come up with a serious plan now or all of us will be in trouble at home 

"Are you all in the same pack" he asked well Tyrone,Kyle and I are in the same back but I don't know where Cassidy is from just when I was about to say no Cassidy interrupted

"Yes" and she looked at us with pleading eyes we nodded

"Yes sir we are" I added 

"Give the number please" he asked

I took out my phone and scrolled down through numbers I have to come up with a plan and quickly! I looked at the numbers and saw Jake's number I'll just give him Jake's number I think Jake will go along with it I hope so if not I'll say I don't have my dads number I quickly changed Jake's name to 'dad' and handed the phone to Sean he took it and called the number 



Chapter 6: -JAKE-

I was outside practising with my team I was put in and wondering where Madison Kyle and Tyrone are right when I was about to tackle my phone rang I looked at the I'd and It said 'School' I was confused but answered anyways 

"Hello" I said

"Hello alpha Alexander" a mans voice said huh? Alpha Alex why would he think I'm him 

"Excuse me" I asked confuse

"Sorry to bother you alpha but your daughter Madison is here with Tyrone,Kyle and Cassidy from your pack and Madison gave me this number" Madison!! She is in trouble AGAIN we'll I guess I'll have to help her out but who the hell is Cassidy we don't have a Cassidy in the pack I'll sort that out later

"Oh yes sorry I was distracted how can I help you" I asked I'm beta but my voice is not so demanding as an alpha's voice I hope he doesn't realize because I'll be in huge trouble with the alpha for impersonating him 

"I just wanted to inform you that they all skipped class but I'm not mad at them Madison was overwhelmed, Tyrone just went to go check on her Kyle was being a good father and Cassidy is constipated and she has a weird phobia" he said wait wait WHAT KYLE = DAD? No he can't even take care of a doll for heath class but might as well go along with it

"Put them in detection for the rest of the week" I said I know they are going to kill me but my life is already over now for impersonating alpha alex 

"Are you sure alpha? I said I'll let them off the hook?" He asked 

"Yes they all get detention I'm sorry but I have to go now" then I hung up and walked over to my friends laughing although this was so funny what just happened I can't tell anyone alpha will literally kill me


Chapter 7: Jake you DOG!

 They were talking for a bit then sean said 

"Are you sure alpha, I said I'll let him off the hook" 

I couldn't hear what Jake said

"Okay alpha goodbye" then sean hung up the phone wonder what the hell Jake said? 

Sean looked at us in a apologetic kind of way and sighed

"I'm so sorry you guys but it is alphas orders" he sighed again and looked down

"What did Ja- my dad say?" I asked him

"He told me to put you all in detention for the rest of the week" Sean said 

I'm going to KILL Jake! Today is the last day of Jake's life!

"I'm going to kill that-" Kyle started but them realized Sean thinks he was talking to my dad

"How dare you that is your alpha!" Sean yelled

Shit shit shit shit shit!

"No sir! Wait there was a mosquito here" Kyle lied 

"Oh sorry" Sean said 

"So we have detention now for 4 days???" Tyrone yelled

"Yes Tyrone you do! I'm sorry but I'm just following orders" sean said

"I can't believe this" I said

"Well here is your detention slips for the 4 days starting today" sean said 


I took the slips and stormed out of the room the 3 of them following me we ran outside sniffing Jake out we saw Jake talking to some girl and we ran up to him as fast as we could 


"JAKE!!!!!" We all yelled together everyone stopped what their doing and looked at us when Jake saw us he yelled 

"SHIT" then turned around and ran I jumped in the air and shifted into my wolf and so did the 3 of them Jake was now running in circles around the field and we're hot on his trail he looked around and saw us shifted so he shift as well we make circles around the field everywhere we run people run out of the way and slutty girls screaming 


"THAT'S ENOUGH!" A alpha voice yelled I looked up and there my dad was standing


'You have to get out of here cass I'll talk to you later I can smell you are a rogue and so can my dad' she looked at me and ran the other way

"Follow me now!" My dad yelled and walked to where we'll be alone 

'You can't tell him I impersonated him' Jake mind-linked us

'I'll talk you guys just follow' I said 

'Understood!' I asked using my alpha voice 

'Yes alpha' they said together 

"Shift!" My dad said throwing a bag of clothes to us we shifted and quickly grabbed a blue skinny jean and a white crop top 


 Dad has style! I looked at the 3 of them and they were already changed too


"What is the meaning of this?? I came her to get my pack members early from school for a meeting and when I arrive her I see all of this!! Jake was running for his life explain now!" My dad said using his alpha voice

"Dad I'll explain.." I started but didn't really have any explanation 

"Go on!" Dad said

"Well we were actually practising our running skills and we wanted to show the other packs how fast we are" I said shrugging 

"We do not need to show off Madison! Everybody know we are a strong pack we do NOT need to show our skills this will never happen again do you all understand me!" My dad said

"Yes alpha" we all said even I said alpha and I don't ever call my dad alpha 

"Very well now go inside get your bags we are leaving early" my dad said

"Dad Tyrone,kyle and I have ... Detention" I said 'detention' really soft

"DETENTION? Whyy? I'll go talk to that principal right now!" My dad said

"No no dad its okay! Uh we asked for detention you see its not actually detention its helping out in detention" I said,Tyrone and Kyle nodded

"Very well then I'll come pick you up afterwards Jake gather the rest of my packs members and meet me at the parking area" with that said my dad turned around gave me a hug and walked off Jake was going to go too but Tyrone,Kyle and I circled him 

"Where you think you going traitor?" Tyrone asked him

"Alpha's orders I have to get the pack" Jake said laughing

"Don't laugh you bitch!" I told him

"Listen I know you guys are mad at me now but there is nothing we can do about it I'll make it up to you okay" Jake said and then ran past us

"Just leave him we'll get him later now let's go to damn detention!" I said then I walked towards the school and they followed 

"Wait!" Tyrone said

I turned around and asked about 

"The shoes Madz here's the shoes" he said and handed me a pair of white converse and Kyle a pair of black ones 

I took the converse and put it on now I look kind of nice I have a white crop top on my tummy is showing with a pair of light blue skinny jeans and white converse I walked into the school like a boss feeling on point 


Chapter 8: WHAT THE ??

I walked with Ty and Ky through the hall like every other fucking time we walk in the hall ALL eyes on us I saw Cassidy walking up to us I really need to talk to her it took me a while to figure it out but she's a rogue 

"Hey" she said nervously

"Hey Cassidy listen can I talk to you before we go to detention?" I asked her

"Yes sure" she smiled and I followed her into a empty classroom 

"You know I'm a rogue?" She asked nervously

"Yes I do" I answered

"I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how to say it I know you probably hate me now I don't want you to have me-" she says and I interrupted

"I don't hate you but I really would like to know why you are a rogue" 

"I'm a rogue because my mate rejected me I couldn't take it so I just ran no one followed no one called me they just don't care I love pack life but I just couldn't stay there anymore and-" she said and my heart immediately went out to her but then she said something but REALLY soft I couldn't hear

"What was that? I couldn't make it out the last part" I asked raising a brow

"I got raped by the alpha now let's go into detention" she said and right there my heart stopped dead gone that is so sad omg I grabbed her into a tight hug

"Do you want to join the silver shield pack?" When I said that she jumped on me wrapped her legs around me and shouted

"Yes!,yes!,yes! I hate being alone" aww she's adorable but I can't breath!

"Can't ... Breath" I said and she jumped off 

"Sorry" she said shyly 

We walked out of class well she ran out actually and I ran after her when I looked in the hall nobody was there I guess she ran to the other side so I turned around and ran as fast I could and BAM I bumped into someone and fell all the way back 

"Watch where the fuck you going!" I yelled I looked up and OH MY HOLY HOTNESS! A guy with dark brown hair, light blue eyes like 6'2 with big MUSCLES tanned skin everything perfect except the part where he is just standing there not saying a word and well just staring at me really its so creepy he is just looking!

'Mate!' 'Mate!' 'Mate!' My wolf yelled 

"Uh?" I asked 

"MINE!" he yelled  

Chapter9: I need time

This right here is my mate?  

He is full of hotness ....

BUT what the hell am I going to do now? 

He is has much power coming from him I can feel it, I can feel he's definitely not weak I'm glad


This is so awkward we are just looking at each other I want to say something but I have no idea what to say and I don't know if my voice will work right now


There is absolutely nothing wrong with this guy but I don't think I'm ready I'm not ready for a mate I need time to think about this entire thing I always thought the day I find my mate I'll reject him right away to lead my pack alone but right now I'm thinking completely different 

I can't reject him he is too perfect 

I just need to get out of here like right now before I say something wrong 

I'm just going to call Kyle through our mind-link to come save me 

I have A LOT of thinking to do 

'Kyle..come get me I'm in my hall hurry please' 

'What's wrong what happened are you okay' he sounds worried 

'Long story, tell you later just come now!' 

"What's your name" my mate asked after like 15 minutes of silence 

"MADISON!?!" Kyle yelled from behind me and jogged over to where I was standing

"Hey yeah .. sorry I gotta go" I said the first part to Kyle and the second to 

My mate I heard him growl aww is he jealous?? 

"I didn't get your name? And Who is this" he asked using a very intimidating tone well he's not intimidating me but I don't know about my buddy Kyle over here 

"Don't worry about it and I'm Madison" I said that and pulled Kyle down the hall I heard my mate say something but I couldn't quite catch it and I forgot to ask his name! 


"What was that all about" Kyle asked

"Uh nothing don't worry about it kay" 

I asked hoping he'll just drop it right there

"I'll ask you later again!" He said and winked at me we walked into detention and Tyrone,Cassidy and 2 other guys were in the classroom already 

Wait I know the one its Kai! That little troublemaker i walked up to Kai and he was busy looking out of the window 

"Kai!?!" He looked up and blushed 

"Madison? Uh what you doing here" he asked while smiling and looking down

"I skipped class now what are you doing here?" I asked really curious 

"Uh I kind of made out in the bathroom and got caught" he said not looking at me 

"What a naughty, naughty boy!" I said 

"It was just making out that's all and uhm I wanted to ask you something" our eyes met for a second there 

"Sure go ahead" I said and smiled

"Well uhm I got two tickets to go see the purge anarchy and I was uh ... Wondering if you can maybe go with me?" He asked and shrugged 

Reason why I can't go on a date with Kai

1)I have a boyfriend 

2)I just met my mate like 10 minutes ago

I mean I'll go if its not a date and if its just two people that didn't see each other in a long time catching up

As friends 

"Uh I have a boyfriend" I said and felt a bit bad his head quickly snapped up to me 

"You do? Does he go to this school?" He asked looking a bit down 

"No he is uh" 

"Human" I said and now I feel really embarrassed because he is holding back his laugh he is red trying not to laugh

"Wait wait did you tell him your secret" he asked more serious

"NO I didn't" uh how can he think I'll tell the secret! 

"Oh well I'm really sad now I wanted you to come with me" he said and pouted 

"I don't know .. I can go with you but then its NOT a date just two people catching up?" I told him and his pout quickly turned into a smile

"That's awesome! Can I come pick you up around 7? And can I enter your territory without dying" he said with a smirk

I giggled a bit and said "I can't promise anything sorry" I said back with a smirk "I'll take my chances" he said and winked

The door of the classroom opened and in walked a man with blonde/brown hair and an athletic built body

"Hello class my name is Andrew and I'll be keeping an eye on you" 'Andrew' said I quickly took a seat next to Kai and just waited and waited and waited for the bell to ring  


I was putting my books in my locker when I heard running I thought it might be someone running away from someone maybe in some sort of trouble so I stepped away from my locker into the hall and BAM a little person bumped into me I just went back a little bit while the person fell all the way back 

"Watch where the fuck you going!" A beautiful but angry voice yelled I looked down and sitting on her ground sat the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life she has long dark brown hair perfect tanned skin and I can't wait for her to look up so I can see her eyes 

I stood there admiring her beauty for a bit and then her amazing scent hit me 

'Mate!' My wolf yelled he was going crazy howling inside he wanted to take her right now right here but I kept him under control she stood up from the ground why the fuck didn't I help her up?? Oh yeah I was too busy drooling over her she brushed herself of and stood up straight I saw she was wearing perfect fitted jeans converse and oh my a crop top 

The things I'll do to this girl! 

"Uh?" She asked and looked up into my eyes 


Her eyes is brown 

a light brown 

a beautiful brown 

a wonderful brown 

from this day forward I now pronounce my new favourite colour brown   

"MINE!" I yelled I just couldn't keep that one word in anymore she needs to know that she is mine! 

We just stood there looking at each other I really didn't mind it

I love looking at her but she is looking a bit uncomfortable and I don't want her to feel uncomfortable with me so I decided to speak up and ask her, her name 

"What's your name" just when I asked that a dude yelled something and jogged our way I didn't hear what he said I was way too busy looking at my mate wait wait is he walking up to her I'll kill him! 

"Hey yeah" she said and looked at the boy 

who is he? 

What pack is he in? 

Where does he live? 

What's his name? 

What's his surname? 

I'll find out!

I'll find everything out and destroy him! 

"Sorry I gotta go" she said and looked at me nooooo don't go I want you here with me, now I'm really angry how dare he take her away from me 

"I didn't get your name? And Who is this" I ask right after a growl escaped 

"Don't worry about it and I'm Madison" don't worry about it??? Don't fucking worry about it- 

Madison such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl I was still daydreaming about her I didn't realized she walked away already when I snapped back to reality 

Which was really hard by the way

she was already down the hall but she didn't ask my name? 

"I'm Tyler" I said but then she went around the corner guess she didn't hear me 

"TYLER!!!" A girl yelled from behind me I turned around and she jumped on me kissing me what the fuck? I pushed her off and she fell on her butt I took a look at the girl and its Mandy my girl shit! You see I've been trying this whole relationship thing because my parents think I'm irresponsible and I should try and settle down with somebody 

So far its been going okay I've only cheated 5 times and all 5 girls are her friends so I don't think she'll mind if she ever finds out right? 

Yeah I know I'm right 

Right now she is looking so confused getting up from the floor and brushing herself off 


"What the hell Tyler?" She yelled at me I DO NOT appreciate the way she is speaking to her alpha but oh well I did push her I'll let it go this time  

"Uh yeah so sorry babe I didn't know it was you" I said giving her my best innocent smile she looked pissed a bit but then soften her face sighed and walked over to me she put her hand on my arm and squeezed it a bit

"Its okay but it still hurt" she said with a pout making puppy dog eyes

The hell girl? You are a werewolf grow some girl balls

"I'll make it up to you" I sighed

"How?" she said with a mischievous smile on her face any other day this would've made me excited but I just found my mate! 

WHAT THE FUCK why the hell aren't I not in my room right now with Madison handcuffed to my bed? 

Oh that's right she ran away with a dead man walking I am literally going to kill that guy I planned everything in my head already how dare he talk to her I'm the only man alive who can talk to her my mate is not allowed to talk to other guys!

Okay maybe she can talk to them but any sort of touching is too inappropriate 

You handed Madison a glass of water and your hands accidentally touched for a split second? 

Yeah that's your last second buddy I'm glad you enjoyed it 

I'll kill them I'll kill all of them every single one 

Okay maybe not everyone she looks like the kind of girl who will literally cut my dick off and, and uh MADISON

Back to reality? 

Back to reality!

"I'll take you on a date" I shrugged 

"That sounds great babe what do you have in mind" she smiled

I walked down the hall slowly towards to exit and she followed

"We can go to dinner and a movie" I said not really too interested at this point

"What movie?" She asked

"The purge anarchy"  

Chapter 10: What are we going to do?

When detention was finally over Kai,Tyrone,Kyle,Cassidy and I walked out together outside waiting for me was my dad I need to tell him that I accepted Cassidy into our pack and that a member of another pack will be entering our territory tonight 

How do I tell him this ..

"Well here is my car, I'll see you tonight Madison" Kai said 

"See you tonight Kai" I said with a smile

He gave me a hug then walked towards his black mustang

I looked at Kyle he nodded and we walked towards my dad

"Madison" my dad smiled

"Daddy" I smiled back widely

"What you want Madz?, you just call me daddy when you want something"

He said and narrowed his eyes at me

"Whaaat me noo!" I said sarcastically 

He just looked at me so I went on

"Dad I accepted someone into our pack" I blurted out

"WHAT?" My dad yelled


"Madison you can't just make-"

"DAD! She had a tough life and we clicked instantly now I trust her just give me a chance okay" I yelled at my dad 

He sighed and said "Okay Madison what is her name"

"Cassidy" I said

I pointed out to Cassidy and she walked forward

"Cassidy? Hi I'm Alexander" he said giving a small smile 

"Alpha" Cassidy said and bowed her head in respect 

"Very well will you be staying in the pack house?" My dad asked her and I literally squealed I don't usually get along with girls as much as with guys except for Jade she's the only girl I really get along with and now Cassidy

"Yes dad she will!" I said I really couldn't help myself I had to 


When we arrived at the pack house Cassidy looked a little scared

"Don't stress yourself out Cassidy the pack will accept you" I said and gave her a real smile

She sighed and said "I'm just anxious"

"Don't be" I pulled her out of the car and we walked into the house everyone was already in the living room guess my dad called them all downstairs already 

There he announced that we have a new pack member 

"Uh why our pack don't need-" Cole a arrogant punk in my pack said

"Cole-" my dad started but I interrupted I'm the only one who knows the reason she doesn't have a pack and I will stand up for her

"Listen here Cole I suggest you keep your mouth shut if you want to live to see the sunrise tomorrow" he looked at me as if he's bored then continued 

"Madison I don't want to disrespect you but what is she doing here why is she in our pack now there must be a reason right?

That's it!

"That's none of your fucking business! I accepted her into this pack because I have the fucking right to do so you are just a member in the pack you have NO right to give your opinion on anything now this little gathering right here is DONE I'm going up to my room and taking Cassidy with me NOBODY will dare to disrespect her!, we don't disrespect our pack members" I said 

"I'm sorry alpha" Cole said

I nodded my head and pulled Cassidy towards the stairs 

"Oh and there are a member of another pack entering our territory tonight to come and pick me up I will appreciate it if nobody looks for trouble where there is clearly not" I said and walked upstairs with Cassidy we walked into my room 

"Thank you" she said


"You know standing up for me nobody has ever done that before" 

"Its okay Cassidy you're in our pack are family" I said and gave her a hug she sat on my bed and I went to my closet throwing stuff out I'm looking for an outfit to wear tonight

"What you doing?" Cassidy laughed

"Ugh! I'm looking for an outfit to wear tonight" she walked towards me and helped me go through my closet

"Date?" She asked and wiggled her eyebrows

"Yea-" "NO!" I said 

She laughed

"No really I'm just doing some catching up with a guy I haven't seen in FOREVER" I said and she smiled

"What's his name" 

"Kai Mc something" I said

"Kai McLeod?" She asked shocked

"Uh yeah why??"

"Well if he'll anything like his brother he is a jerkface asshole" he said 

Uh he has a brother? .. Oh yeah the 'alpha'

"He's brother Tyler McLeod is seriously something else he is mean to everyone and his currently dating the biggest bitch Mandy" she said and I laughed

"No but seriously Madison that guy use girls for sex and he doesn't give a damn if he has a girlfriend or not he cheats he is serious bad news and his brother is probably the same just saying" this girl amuse me I love her

"Its not a DATE!" I laughed 

"Okay you know what come with" I told her

"Uh no thank you" she had a disgust look on her face

"Listen I'll take my boyfriend with and you can Kai can go-" my sentence were rudely interrupted by a laughing Cassidy!

"HAHA you must be joking right?" She laughed

"Me and Kai oh HELL NO!" She said

I sighed

"Listen do it for me please I feel kind of awkward going with him alone-"

"HELL NO!" He said

"2 outfits any two outfits you want" I said and pointed to my closet 

She hesitated a bit but then smiled

"Fine but I ain't kissing no one!" She said and I laughed 

We both picked out two outfits for us to wear and she showered first while she was in the shower I called Carter I guess I have to break up with him tonight 

"Hello" Carter voice aww I'm sure going to miss him but everything I felt for him vanished the moment I met my mate guess its true you can only love your mate .. Wait uh I don't love him well not yet but-

"Hey" I said

"Madz?" He said sounding happy

"Yeah its me listen do you have plans for tonight?" I asked him a little forward but oh well 

"Nah.. My girl asking me on a date?" He chuckled 

"Maybe .. Want to go see that purge movie tonight?" I asked him

"Sure thing babe" 

"So I meet you there?" I asked

"Yes Madz bye" he said and I smiled a bit 

"Bye Carter" I said and hung up just when I hung up Cassidy walked out of my bathroom I smiled at her and walked in 


When I was done showering I got a towel and walked out of my the bathroom and into my room Cassidy was there doing her hair I smiled at her fail attempt to straight her hair I walked towards my bed, my outfit were already sat out on my bed its a black skinny jean brown boots and a white plain tight long sleeved shirt I put everything on and walked over to my mirror it looked good but too .. Plain I opened my closet and took a golden brownish scarf out and let it hung loose over my neck I straightened my hair and put on some light makeup when Cassidy and I were done we took one more look at each other and walked out of my room when we got downstairs Kai were already there

"Hello Madison" Kai smiled

"Hey Kai listen change of plans?" I said to him and shrugged 

"Uh meaning?" He looked confused

"We are going out as a group you,me Cassidy and .. My boyfriend" I said and I heard Kyle laugh 

"O..okay" Kai said and sighed we walked out to Kai's car and got in I got in at the back and Cassidy followed me I looked at her weird

'Well there is no way I'm sitting next to him' she said through our mind like I smiled at looked at Kai

"Play some music!" I said as he started the car he laughed and turned the music on 

'Jealous' by Nick Jonas were playing

"I still get jealous" I sang along and they joined in we sang all the way 'til the cinema

When the car stopped I turned all serious

"Listen you two no funny business tonight okay I have a human boyfriend" I could see they both trying not to laugh I punched Kai's arm and just when I was about to punch Cassidy's arm she said 

"Okay okay okay! No funny business got it" I sighed and got out of the car with them following me we walked into the cinema and I spotted Carter he smiled and walked over to me he have me a hug 

"Hey madz" he said in my neck

"Hey Carter" I sighed and pulled away 

"We better go" I said and walked towards kai and Cassidy

We took our seats in the middle row it was Cassidy next to her Kai, me and then Carter 

"Carter this is my friends Kai and Cassidy" I whispered 

"Nice to meet you" Carter whispered with a smile

The movie started and I smelled this AMAZING scent gosh it was so good when I looked around I spotted my mate HOLY FUCK!

I quickly looked back at the screen but then he walked up towards us and looked at me the whole time

"Hello brother!" Kai said to my mate 

Wait BROTHER? Shit shit shit

My mate didn't say anything for a while just looked at me

"Hello Kai" he said 

Damn that voice so so-!

"Madison this is Tyler my brother" 



Wait Cassidy?? She told me about him 

"Yeah we already met" Tyler said and looked at my hand his eyes widened and turned a darker shade I looked down and saw I was holding Carter's hand I quickly pulled my hand out and just when I did a blonde girl walked up to Tyler and kissed him on the cheek I never in my entire life felt so jealous before I wanted to kill her right here 

Tyler quickly looked at me with a shocked expression I put my hand in Carter's again I couldn't help it I wanted to make him feel how I just did he growled and kissed the girl that's it I jumped up

"Tyler!" I growled

He smirked and looked at me 

"Can we talk" 

"Sure" he said and walked out I followed him out until we were outside

"What the fuck?" I asked he narrowed his eyes at me

"Why the hell did you hold that guys hand who is he?" He asked 

"He is my boyfriend! Who is that girl" he growled loudly and dragged me to the alley around the corner where we were alone 

"Your fucking what? You can't go around having damn boyfriends while I'm your mate!" He yelled I wasn't intimidated at all

"Who is that girl" he sighed

"My girlfriend" 


"What the fuck?" I yelled

"Listen I want to talk to you we need to sort this out okay I'll break up with that girl" he said

"I don't give a damn you can take the gir-" I was busy speaking but then I was pressed against the wall and kissed roughly by Tyler it took me a few seconds to respond but I finally did gosh I don't have any words to describe the feelings I'm having now sparks 

Sparks everywhere

He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I gave it to him our tongue danced together he pulled away for a second to breathe

"You have no idea how you make my feel" he whispered and crashed his lips into mine again we made our for about 15 minutes just taking small breather's then back at it again I pulled away breathing heavily he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist now we were face to face he is breathing heavily through his nose and biting his bottom lip 

"Damn" he finally said

I took a deep breath and asked

"What are we going to do?" 


Publication Date: 01-20-2015

All Rights Reserved

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