Legend has it that when you are near death, you can split your soul. Monks, Mystics and priests from ancient Liaria used this tactic to live for over 200 years. They say that only the chosen ones can split their soul and survive. In order to be brought back to life, you must go to someone who can use this skill. Ever since Liwal, there has been no more chosen ones born in Liaria. Maybe there are chosen ones out there who haven't discovered their true meaning. If there are no more chosen ones, Liaria will fall to the shadow beings, beasts that live in Kartal the deep dark forest at the borders of Ilani, the capital of Liaria. The chosen ones can only use this tactic 4 times, though. if they try to use it a fifth time they will die. There is a rumour of the daughter of Noclotl, the ultimate chosen one. They say the daughter of Noclotl will be the saviour of Liaria and distroy Tyum, the leader of the shadow beings. Is this real or is it just a legend? Nobody knows.
"A long time ago, during Liwal, the great war against the shadow beings, the 10 chosen ones came forth and drove them out." "MOM", sighed Leia, "why do you keep telling me this story. I know they are testing all the children of Ilani to see if they are the new chosen one. I get the gist already. I don't even think I qualify. To date, all the chosen ones have been men!" She glared at her mother. "Come on Leia, you know your best friend is going. You should.., No, you must go. It is a coming of age ritual here in Ilani. I heard that the twins and that nice girl from lessons are going too!" Leia looked longingly at the same cloudless sky she had seen for 14 years. "I know Courtney, Gabrielle and Alexandra are going. Heck, half of Ilani is going. It's not just the kids. The adults just go to watch. They might just bring their young kids to see what happens. You should know, mom. You brought me every year! Anyways, please tell me how dad died in that stupid war already! All you ever say is 'Not right now'. Do you know how that makes me feel? Worthless!" She glared again and her mom, whose name is Sophie, told her ,"You know, Leia, this is a tradition that happens every year. Girls can still qualify. The legend states that the first chosen one was a young girl. The daughter of Noclotl still hasn't shown to save us. The shadow beings are still drawing closer to Ilani! She should hurry up! And on the subject of your dear father, I'll tell you after the test."
Leia sighed and thought. Why can't I leave, and why do I keep looking at the sky. There's nothing up there but an endless blue field. It's so boring but intreaguing. I hope Nyla isn't there tomorrow. She'll be boasting that she's the daughter of Noclotl. What would be so funny is if it's brought to public intrest that I'm the daughter of Noclotl. That's never possible, though. She looked at the sky again. "Tlynal! Come here!" echoed her mothers voice, "Can you deliver this to Karla?" Leia jumped up and called Tlynal. "You pesky griffon, come here this instant!" That was their secret call. That told Tlynal that she wanted him to deliver something to Courtney. Since Tlynal was going to deliver to Courtneys mom, it only made sense that he would deliver her letter too. As soon as Tlynal left, she went to her room. Leia loved her room and it was a safe haven for her. Away from everything that could hurt her. Including Nyla. Nyla, in Leias opinion was loud obnoxious, self-centred and just plain mean! Everything her mother criticised her about included Nyla. Nyla this, Nyla that, Leia was sick of it. In her room, Nyla didn't exist, she was invincible and alone. Her mother called her, "Leia, you're going to be late for dinner! Try to be more like Nyla, she's never late!"
The day of the coming of age ritual crept up on everybody like a wild bilare (What people on earth would call a leopard, I think?). When Leia met up with Courtney, the two of them were so happy to see each other(Courtney had been sick). As soon as they got to the 'testing grounds of doom' as the older kids called it, sure enough, Nyla was there, boasting up a storm. Leia and Courtney exchanged matching glances. Nyla stomped over (Well, not really stomped but she looked mad) and said, very rudely, "Courtney Gerif and Leia Slianva, wipe those stupid grins off your stupid faces". Courtney then respnded, "What do you know about a stupid face, because unless you look in a mirror, you obviously don't know what one looks like!" She recoiled a little. Courtney started laughing. Nyla looked at her and said, "When I'm announced as the chosen one of Liaria..No, the daughter of Noclotl, you won't be laughing!" Neither Courtney or Leia said a word. Leia looked at Courtney and whispered, "We'll see."
"Well, look who we have here!" came a voice from behind them. Courtney turned red. "Hi Andrew, how did you know it was me?" She stuttered. He thought for a minute then replyed, "I'd recognise the back of your head anywhere" "Why not my face?" "You've turned away from me enough that I could probably recognise you in the middle of a crowd of people with the same hairstyle as you." Leia sighed. She's hopeless! By my observations, Andrew is a medium sized boy with black hair, just like Courtney, he is the local idol for all the girls and he can recognise someone by the back of their head. To me, he's just a bit weird. When Andrew left, Courtneys face was so red you'd think she had coloured it with ink! "Leia, this is the best day of my life! He actually TALKED to me!"Courtney was super excited, but in the middle of her outbust someone walked up. "What did we" "Miss?" said two almost identical voices. When Courtney calmed down, they saw Alexandra and Gabrielle standing there. "The Testing" "Is about to begin!" they said. The four of them walked over to the testing grounds and when they got there, the person running it all was giving a warning. "We will not be held responsible for any injuries that happen today. Be aware, there is an unexpected sinkhole....." That was all Leia heard. Save me....Hurry......Dissapear.....Crystals........Die...
"Are you listening? Come on... Are you awake?" Leia snapped back into reality. She opened her eyes and saw she had fallen down and hit her head. Someone, she didn't know who, was looking at her,shaking her and yelling at her asking if she was okay. "Good, it's not serious. Oh, you're awake! How are you feeling?" Leia closed her eyes. Her head hurt so much. "Justin, get away from there! I need your help with something!" "Just give me a minute Nyla, I still don't know if she's okay!" Nyla then responded, "Just leave her. She's fine." Leia heard Courtney yelling at Nyla, Nyla yelling back, Justin yelling to ask if she's okay and Gabrielle and Alexandra yelling at them all to stop yelling. I all faded into a soft buzz, then it was silent.
There was a faint blurry image in Leias head, but clear enough to see that someone had just screamed and fallen down, clutching their shoulder in pain. The others hurried to where the person was. She heard a voice, a very muffled voice. they said, "Take the crystals, and save me. Hurry, or I will dissapear forever, along with the crystals. I will die." Then there was crying and someone repeating "Why?!" over and over again. Then, the image fizzed and dissapeared. Her head was once again filled with the sounds of yelling. Leia opened her eyes to the sight of the man who was running the testing threatning to throw Courtney and Nyla out. "Courtney....Stop" Leia stammered. "Are you really okay now?" Justin asked. "Just... fine.....tired" Leia answered. The man walked over. "Justin, you've got yourself a fine catch! What's her name?" Leia opened her eyes agian to see Justin making a strange face at the man. "Come on dad, she fell and hit her head, I'm just seeing if she's okay." Leia, who wasn't very pleased at this comment glared at the man and proceeded to tell him to bug off. "...... WHAT DID YOU SAY?????" replyed the man. Nyla gave a triumphant smug grin, tiptoed up to the man and whispered, "If she's being oh so rude to you, why don't you just throw her out, she obviously doesn't deserve to even be here!" The man looked pensive. "Mr. Laknera, what do you think of my proposal?" "Hellooooooooooooooo? Mr. Laknera, are you listening?" He glared at Nyla. Leia saw it coming but didn't bother to warn Nyla. "Shut up, young lady, or I will have to throw YOU out instead of HER." Leia gave a little silent chuckle. Nyla, with her sensitive hearing, didn't notice at all.
Mr. Laknera decided (finally) to throw Leia out. Just as she was about to walk home in disgrace, she heard arguing. "Come on, dad, let her stay. Now we have an odd number of people, so there will be a trio or someone on their own!" "Fine, she can stay, but NO more chances okay?!" Leia turned around and ran back. then, they had to choose their parteners. Courtney was about to ask Leia when she got a tap on her shoulder. "Courtney, um, would you mind, if it's alright with you, to be my partener? Leia looked at courtney and nodded her head, as if to say 'go ahead, they asked you first.' Courtney turned around and to her surprise, there stood Andrew. Leia smiled as Courtney stuttered her reply. "Um, sure, i guess, ish, Ok" "Is it a yes or a no?" asked Andrew, blushing heavily. Leia replyed for her. "It's a yes." Courtney looked at her strangely, then smiled. Leia gave her a thumbs up. The twins had already paired up, so Leia couldn't ask them. She thought about asking one of her other classmates, when she heard Nyla whispering to Justin, "She won't find anyone who will be willing to be that mass of uglynesses partner." Justin replyed in a normal tone with a hint of playfulness,"I'm not so sure about that, Nyla. See?" Nyla watched as Justin walked over and said, "Leia, is that your name? It doesn't matter, all I wanted to ask is this, will you pair up with me?" In that moment, Nyla looked like she was about to explode.
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" Nyla screamed while pointing at Leia and Justin. "I guess that would be fine." Leia stated, completely oblivious, "Should we get started?" Nyla threw a hateful glare and some mild colourful language at Leia. As soon as Nyla was out of earshot, the questions began.
"Where are we supposed to go? What are we supposed to do? How do we know if someone won?" Leia asked with a puzzled look on her face.
"I'll answer those in a sec, first I have to ask just one little favour. Can you teach me to ignore and be completely oblivious to the world around me?"
"Oh, that? That's a natural talent."
"Oh, that's too bad. Anyways we are supposed to avoid traps, accidents and death at all costs. You may pick a weapon to defend, and defend only. In order to win, you need to survive long enough to get our citys sacred item."
"What item is that? I didn't even know we had a sacred item here in Ilani."
"This may sound lame, but it's a sacred......AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH"
Leia looked around before hearing a faint and distant voice calling her. "I'm down here! Look out don't fall in too!" Leia snapped her head around and stared at him.
"Are you ok? You just fell into a sinkhole. Maybe that's the one they were warning us about. Now, what's the sacred object?" Leia reached out her hand and pulled him up.
"It's a sacred griffon."
"You must be kidding me, a griffon?!"
He gave her a stare that told the whole story, he wasn't joking. Sighing Leia pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. She quickly scribbled a note and put up her hand. Softly, she whispered a sentence.
"Come here this instant you pesky giffon."
As if by magic, Tlynal dropped out of the sky. Landing gently on her arm, he picked up the note in his long curved beak. Leia nodded as Tlynal glided up into the sky, off to deliver the note to Courtney and Andrew. She closed her eyes, thinking. Should she get Tlynal to fly around and find the sacred griffon? No, that might be classified as cheating. Look on her own? That would be too hard and take too long. Maybe she should go with her first idea. she opened her eyes again to see Justins jaw dropping so hard it was (literally) hitting the moss covered stump he was sitting on. A questioning look came to her eyes.
"What's the matter? Is something wrong, or is your jaw not working anymore?"
"Something's definintely wrong. Why did you let it get away?!"
"The griffon! That was what we were looking for!"
"WHAAAAT!? So you mean to tell me that Tlynal is what we're looking for?!"
"Yup, well, you called it by holding a note in the air. Let's see if that works!"
He wrote a note and held it high. After ten minutes, Leia got a smug expression on her face. After another five she started to laugh.
"Why are you laughing?! My arm is seriously hurting!"
"Silly, that's never going to work. Let me take care of this."
Doubtful, he slowly lowered his arm and passed her the note. Just as she was about to take it, however, they heard a pair of familiar voices behind them.
"We got" "Your note!" chimed two almost identical voices. Turning around, Leia saw it was Alexandra and Gabrielle. Confused, Leia asked for an explanation.
"Courtney and Andrew were busy" "So they sent us instead!" the twins explained, "Anyways, did you" "Pick up your weapons yet?"
"Not yet, we were on our way. Do you two want to travel with us?"
The twins looked at each other in the eye,"Of course!"they chimed, in perfect harmony.
Following the twins, the group made it safely to the weapons booth. Justin chose a long knife and Leia, being a pacifist, chose a blunt staff.
When asked, she explained her choice.
“Why did you pick that little girl?” asked the man who was at the weapons stand, “No one ever chooses that?
“I hate hurting people, so I chose something that would only knock them out, not kill them.”
Just then, Leia asked for the slip of paper. As soon as she got it, the two of them walked into the woods, out of sight. Leia made sure that she was out of earshot before summoning Tlynal again. Within seconds, the golden griffon dropped out of the sky. Leia grinned and looked at Justin. “That's how it's done.” She explained to Tlynal that he didn't need to bring the blank piece of paper to Courtney, just stay with her. As soon as Tlynal agreed, they set off for the checkpoint. Again and again Justin warned her about the reason for the testing. They both shuddered at the fact that some of their friends, and maybe even them might not return. Halfway to the checkpoint, they had to walk along a very steep cliff. Being a gentleman, Justin walked along the edge. Tlynal cooed in restlessness. Something was wrong. Cautiously, Leia edged closer to the edge of the cliff to see if something was amiss there. As she looked, Justin grabbed her hand.
“Nothing's wrong here. What in Pliania is Tlynal upset about?”
As she turned around, she realized that the thing was behind her. The next few moments seemed to take forever. She turned around to say something to Justin, the rock underneath her gave way, she grasped for his hand but missed. Falling, she cried out in fear. Noticing this, Justin grabbed her along with Tlynal and heaved her back to safety. Just as she stood up, there was a loud bang and a stabbing pain in her side.
As she collapsed in pain, she put her hand to cover the spot. It came back red and sticky with blood. Taking a fallen feather, she wrote SOS on the blank slip of paper with the only ink she had, her own blood. Grimacing, she held up the note. Tlynal snatched the note and flew off. After a few minutes, they could see some people in the distance. Leia struggled to stand up to greet them, seeing as it was Courtney, Andrew and the twins, she breated a sigh of relief. Just as she was about to tell them about what had taken place, she screamed, and fell down, clutching her shoulder in pain. The other five hurried to where she was lying, face down on the hot, dusty ground. Wincing in agony, she could barely speak, but she did. "Take the crystals, and save me. Hurry, or I will dissapear forever, along with the crystals. I will die.", hearing this, Courtney started repeating over and over, "Why?". Leia started to mumble some gibberish, that soon took form as words. Love, Light and Life, heed my ancient call to the heavens, separate my consiousness, my soul and my very being. Save me from the reaper's scythe, let me live once more, Love to my best friend, Light to the pure and Life to the one who makes you feel like you're truly living. Love, Light and Life, heed my ancient call to the heavens, separate my consiousness, my soul and my very being. Save me from the reaper's scythe, let me live once more, Love to my best friend, Light to the pure and Life to the one who makes you feel like you're truly living.
With that, a pure white crystal, a bright pink crystal and a glowing green crystal floated out of her body, seeing this she breathed one last sigh, and faded away into nothing. The white crystal slowly floated towards Gabrielle, while Courtney received the pink one and Alexandra got the green one. As soon as the three of them held the crystals in their hands, they knew their task, the final job from Leia, her final act of gratitude. Andrew gave Courtney a gentle hug to comfort her but it was all in vain, Courtney was sobbing her eyes out, crying for her best friend. The three girls instantly vowed to keep the crystals safe, and the boys vowed solemnly to assist them and keep them safe. Even Tlynal bowed his head out of respect for the dead. It was only when the rustle of grass disturbed the silence, did they realise that someone had been watching the whole scene.
All five of them turned around to see what had made that sound. Standing there, inder the midday sun, was none other than Nyla. With an evil looking smirk on her face, she looked at the group. "Pity she died so young, she was such a sweet girl. So sweet that it made me pull the trigger while I was thinking." "LIAR!!" screamed Courtney, oblivious to the danger,"I know you are, you murderer, you traitor, you...you....you IDIOT!!! WHy did you kill my best friend?! I hate you, I always will!" As she was screaming her head off, she didn't see Nyla raise her pistol (which is a SIG pro semi automatic by the way) and tighten her grip on the trigger. Courtney didn't see this but another pair of sharp eyes did.
"Look out!", screamed Andrew as he dove and knocked her over, just as the pistol fired and barely missed her head. Sadly, the gleaming pink crystal had flown out of her hand and had gotten chipped. "Hmph, so I missed. Pity, you could have had it done with the easy way, just gotten hit the first time, now you'll have to suffer. No one here is going to be left alive after this. Nobody but.." she said as she turned towards Justin, "Nobody but you! You'll stay with me for the rest of your life!" said Nyla in a surprisingly caring voice, showing a side of her that was invisible to the rest of the known world. Scrambling backwards on his hands and feet, he looked somewhat like a crab. Andrew grabbed Courtney, and Alexandra and Justin piggybacked Gabrielle, who had passed out from the shock. As they ran away, they heard Nyla's evil laugh changing octaves and pitch. Courtney was the only one who dared to turn around. What she saw would scar and torment her for the rest of her life. Nyla wasn't there anymore. She had dissapeared into thin air. That was all Courtney could understand, but what about that laugh? That black mass of shadows that envelopped Nyla? I guess I won't tell anyone for now, she thought, hoping that this was the right decision. The only thing Courtney did not hear, was the near silent whisper, "You're playing right into my trap". "Courtney, are you coming? Hurry up!" came Andrew's panicked voice that shattered the silence around her. "Coming!" yelled Courtney, her long, black, silky hair flowing out behindd her as she ran into his arms.
A month after the accident, they were still searching for a chosen one to bring Leia back to life, and no one seemed to care! The test had been canceled after the casualty, but Nyla had dissapeared without a trace left behind. Nobody had seen or heard from her since. Tlynal cooed softly and gazed longingly at the backpack on Courtney's back, which held the crystals. Penetrating the silence, was the loud and obnoxious whistle of a very old and wrinkled man, so wrinkled, in fact, he could be classified as the world's first living prune. "Very nice, you're so lucky, little lady, to be so pretty! You'll have a long list of suitors in no time!", said the man (who for lack of a better name, we'll call Living Prune for now). Defensively, Andrew stood in front of her. "Get away, you dirty old man!", he yelled. Completely lost in Courtney's beauty, was of course, Living Prune, who completely ignored that statement. "Now if I were only 200 years younger..." said he. Alexandra grabbbed Courtney and yelled, "PERVERT! GET AWAY FROM US!!!!" Gabrielle, happens to be a lot calmer in such situations, she said, "Let's go.", and walked calmly away.
After 3 minutes, Justin started to speed up, then went faster, and faster, and faster. "Wait up!" wheezed Andrew, "Why are you going so fast? Just say something already!" Putting a finger to his lips, he motioned for the rest to keep quiet. Nodding their heads, they agreed. All of them walked over to a brightly lit room, a library, sighing, Courtney wrote in her notebook and held it up. What's going on here? You just wanted to show us the library? Shaking his head, he wrote back, and put it on the floor so they all could see. Can't you tell? It's been half an hour, and they're still following us. The other four stared at him in disbelief. Who was tailing them? Sinside their head, they heard a voice that sounded very much like Gabrielle, calmly stating that they should get some rest for the night. Also, when she should thell them that there was a great potatoe place around here. She looked up and stared strangely at them, who just so happened to be staring strangely at her. What's wrong? she wrote. Courtney picked up the pencil. A potatoe place sounds good, anyway, is there an inn around here, Gabrielle looks exhausted. Realizing what had happned, Gabrielle went all red. Andrew smiled and asked, telepathically if something was wrong. Gabrielle told them everything. As long as she was in the vicinity, they could communicate without a problem. Giving her a thumbs up, was of course her twin, who knew everything from the start. As they headed to the potatoe place, they all could feel the same kind of prescence Leia gave off, that warm feeling of love. As soon as they finihes dinner and found a place to stay, they realised that a very important member of their group was missing. Where was Tlynal?
After searching frantically the next day, they retraced their steps and found the golden griffon sitting on a ledge. When he swooped down to them, they noticed a note around his leg. It read, You are all invited to my 506th birthday party! "What, are they crazy? You can't be 506?!", exclaimed Courtney. "Just keep reading" said Alexandra impatiently. It is located at the shrine of Noclotl on the road of holiness. There will be a surprise greater than anything you can imagine! Please come, Almazun the greatest worrior ever! Not impressed, they heard Gabrielle say that it was probably supposed to say warrior. P.S. I can ecplain more about something you seek. Check your bags. After sharing a worried glance, they looked in their bags, the crystals were gone! Quickly, they walked around the whole marketplace in search of the life they sought, while Tlynal perched carefully on Andrew's shoulder. "Should we trust this letter?" questioned Andrew, "I mean, nobody can live to be 506! This must be a joke!" "Joke or not, it's the only lead we have. We have to try to trust this 'great warrior', at least for now." countered Courtney. Following the directions to the letter was key in finding the answer. The only one who noticed these subtle hints was Justin. Leading the group, he realised after a while that it was a test to see if they are worthy enough to succeed. Slowly, the others caught on. The tests were strange, but at that point, strange had become a regularity in their lives, so it didn't affect them much. Once they had to tunnel through some rich guys basement (bravery), another, to lie to the police, yet another, to carry 45 bone china teacups stacked inside one another on top of a 5' stack of plates while riding a llama up a set of stairs into the temple. They had no clue what that one was supposed to test.
When they finally arrived at the temple, it was glowing, as if it was a gift from Noclotl. It was simply amazing. As soon as they opened the door, there was strange reactions from everybody, Courtney fainted, Alexandra dove to catch her, Gabrielle was paralyzed from shock, Andrew just stood there and laughed. Justin didn't say a word, but was silently cursing his bad luck. Standing before them was Almazun, the greatest worrior/warrior ever, but what surprised them most was the fact that he was holding a hammer and was about to smash the crystal of life. He looked up. "Long time no see pretty girl!" he said directing a whistle towards Courtney. It was no other than Living Prune!
As Almazun swung down the hammer, none of them could look away. After a loud bang, they realised that he had hit a hand of some sort. "We can't have you disturbing us, little missie. You weren't invited to my birthday party were you? Now go away, or I'll have to kill you." Surplrisingly, Almazun was completely calm the whole time. "You dirty old man", said the voice, seething with anger, "how dare you, you're ruining my plan!" As this was said, a strange black mist slowly floated into the room. Is it just me or are those shadows? Beats me! Could it be a shadow being? The questions were being thrown around in their heads, all of them taking turns asking. All of them had the same question, however. What in Noclotl's name was this mist? After about 5 minutes of this, Gabrielle was getting annoyed. SHUT UP!!!!!!! Can't you guys be quiet for once? All at once, they shut up, just in time for the mist to start to take shape. They saw a figure of a girl start to emerge from the mist. They all gasped, it was Nyla! Almazun, who knew nothing, immediately scolded her about her manners. "Don't be so rude! If you're going to come in, at least knock first! Also, don't take so long. It was like watching grass grow!" All red, Nyla punched him in the face. As he fell over, she said, "1. I can't knock when I'm in mist form. 2. I can't go any faster than that! At least I'm faster than you, you old grouchy snail!" Snickering, Almazun froze in midair. "Little lady, I thought you tried to steal the crystals while in mist form." he said, "This doesn't add up." Realising her mistake, Nyla retreated.
It took all 4 of them to keep Courtney from going over and punching her, or worse, killing her. Andrew thought about quickly running over and snatching the crystals away. Maybe even knock Almazun and Nyla out on the way. Alexandra gasped, then drew in her breath to kep from crying out. Floaating towards them were the crystals. Andrew quickly turned and got a stunned expression on his face. As soon as he did that, the crystals started to fall. Wanting t save them, he thought of a plan. Diving to save them might not work, and asking Almazun to save them was too risky. Better go with plan A, he thought. During his less than gracful dive, he stumbled, tripped and fell face first into a little crack in the floor. Thinking it was all over, he thought of them slowly floating over to their respective owners. When he emerged from that dark crack, he saw the crystals safe and sound in the hands of his friends. "How did that happen?" Andrew said worried. They just floated over here!, said Gabrielle. "I thought of them foating over, and they did!" he exclaimed. You're a telekenetic! Courtney said with an appreciative tone to her voice. They ran and hid until the little fight (or should it be a catfight?) between Almazun and Nyla was over. Peeking out from behind the pillar, they saw Nyla face first on the ground, with blood streaming from her face. Almazun was standing above her with a trident like object in his hands. Serves her right! all of them thought simultaneously. "Children, come out!" Almazun said in an almost normal tone. Slowly the creeped out and stood in terror. Witnessing the outcome of the epic catfight that had taken place.
"Now children" said Almazun, "pass me those crystals and I will ressurect your friend." After exchanging looks and having a huddled conversation (ignoring the fact that Nyla was nowhere to be found), they agreed to trust Almazun. "Good choice, little children. It will only take 3 days and nights." "THREE DAYS AND NIGHTS!?" screamed Courtney, "WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO FOR THREEE DAYS AND NIGHTS?!" "Wait." "WAIT WHERE?" "Here" "STOP WITH THE ONE WORD ANSWERS PLEASE!" "Okay""NOW YOU'RE JUST GETTING ON MY NERVES!" and with that, she shut up.
Text: Jessica Hemsworth
Editing: Jessica Hemsworth
Publication Date: 04-08-2013
All Rights Reserved
For my best friends and my sister who encouraged me to write this story.