I am Anna and I am going to share a story about a little girl with a big heart. Her name was Morgan. We go back to 1985 where Morgan entered a very disturbing high school. Morgan may have only been 10 but she had a huge brain under her brunette hair. When I say disturbing I mean there where kids doing drugs, kids spiting spitballs at teachers, trash all over the place, but the one that bothered her the most was there were no recycle bins.
There was another girl who was Morgan’s sister who agreed with Morgan that they should try to change the school. The other girl was Morgan’s sister. The first thing Morgan had to do was ask the school board if she could but recycle bins in the school. The school board said yes but they said she had to set everything up. So Morgan did all that she had to do to get the recycle bins.
Next she had to stop the behavior in the school so she started a discipline rubric so that way if the kids did anything inapporite then they would get in trouble depending how bad they did. That stopped most of the kids of doing bad things. The only thing she had to do left was stop the kids from doing drugs. She had a very good plan by talking to the kids. But she never got to finish that plan for 1 and 1 reason only because a drunk guy came in to school one after none. Morgan and her sister were both about to have the speech when the drunken man came up and shot Morgan in the head and then shot himself in the head. Morgan never finished what she wanted to do but her sister did. Now you ask me how I know all this and how I know that Morgan got shot in the head? I Morgan’s sister. I finished what she started.
Publication Date: 06-23-2011
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