
Chapter 1

Her name is Isadore Phillips and she's 18 years old. Isadore's mother and father died when she was 5 years old so she doesn't remember them that much. She remember her mother having hazel eyes and a height of 5'4 with really long jet black hair and had hazelnut skin like hers. Isadore's father was 6'2, light-skinned and had long dirty-blonde hair. She remember him singing to her every night during bedtime, while her mother used to watch from the bedroom door. She Remember cooking breakfast in the mornings with her mother while singing aloud to songs on the radio. But those days were long gone now.


She's living with her older brother, Dane. Rhys lives with another aunt on their father side, nearby. He attend to some highschool called CVCA. Isadore's the youngest between the two. Where she's 4'11 in height, dane stands to almost to 6"5 and rhys stands up to only 5''9. Isadore's hair is a wavy jet black of curling stream, passing her shoulders just a little. Where dane has a hightop hair do, with hair fading from a honey blonde to black and Rhys has long chestnut dreads with a few of odney blond streaks runinnng through. Where isadore has huge opal brown eyes, dane's eyes are slanted and of a emerald green and rhys eyes are egyptian-like and of a pastel light grayish color. Where isadore is more of a rich brown color with freckles, dane is a caramel color and rhys is of a high yellow tone.


Isadore now lives with her older brother Dane, in Chicago. She used to live with her auntie in New York and missing her old friends back in Chicago. But after the way things were going between she and her aunt, it became to the point where she grew tired of isadore's ways and sent her shipping and packing straight to her brother's doorstep; who was happy to have isadore in his home. Finally happy to be in a place she has known her whole life, back in Chicago and couldn't be anymore happier. Isadore guess she can say that she's happy with the way things are going between them two, not ecstatic but content. Isadore goes to Chrevford highschool and currently starting her juior year now.


"Are you sure you don't want to stay home and help me unpack the new furniture for the house?" dane asked, as he parked in front of the school.


Looking outside the window at the school that awaited her, isadore thought she couldn't be even more happier by being here; Seeing old friends and new different faces, if so. She looked over her shoulder at dane and nodded. Isadore said her farewell and got out, watching as he drove off, giving a loud beep to the moron who almost crashed into him while backing up out of a parking space.


Isadore closed her eyes for a brief moment, feeling the cool air whisk past her face gave her some balance and comfort. Sighing heavily, she opened her eyes to find a guy glaring directly at her from the steps of the school. Frowning, he packed up his things and descended into the bushes on the side of the steps. Isadore frowned at the mysterious guy but decided to let it go and headed inside.


Just like she thought, everything was still the same: The walls that held spray painted art, colorful lockers, old bustered out darkwood floors, the old brown classroom doors, and then the students that held up this entire school.


"Oh how can I forget them," Isadore mumbled as she made her way to her old locker. She took off her jacket and purse, storing it on the hook and grabbed her green book-bag. Isadore paused for a second, thinking about the guy that had been staring at her from just moments ago outside. Who was he and why hasn't she seen his face before? Well she hasn't been here for her sophomore year, isadore thought. So maybe he was new? she asked herself.


"Boo!" a high pitched voice screamed.


Isadore knew exactly who it was. Her bestfriend she'd known ever since kindergarden, Shirah Higgins. Right along side of her was her oldtime boyfriend , Doug Robinson.


Isadore ran and hugged them both.


"So.. what's up?" Isadore asked.


"Shit, besides this sexay thang right here..nothing," Shirah giggled, as she held on tight to Doug. He rolled his eyes, grinning and blushing all the while.


"Like my boo thang said, nothing. But what's up with you though? you been distant with us, why?"


"Y'all know I just came back from my aunt's and I'm still trying to get situated in the house I'm living in now. I'm living with my big bro and he's a cool dude. He let me do whatever I want and stuff like that, and my curfew is 11:15 now."


Shirah punched isadore in the arm as she was locking up her locker. "Aye, that's good but you still sittin' with us, right? and you gotta start chillin' with us again, you know you my home girl!"


Isadore smiled and hugged her tight once more before they walked off to first period together. Doug had another class so he went opposite of them.


As they entered the class isadore bumped into a tall figure standing on the other side of the door.

"Damn, my bad."


Isadore grimaced as she held her head down without looking, striding towards her seat. Just before she was about to head to her seat next to shirah, a firm hand grabbed her upper right arm. Recognition hit isadore as her head snapped up to look into the the eyes that were staring down at her so intense and overwhelming that she found herself unable to speak all of a sudden.


That same face that had been frowning had now cracked into two wide lines that bore a dazzling white smile, with amazingly sharp teeth.


"Sorry, I didn't see you down there," he chuckled.


Was that suppose to be some joke isadore thought to herself.


"My name is Elijah Wormwood. I seen you outside, remember?"


Isadore's shyness kicked into gear and she suddenly found herself biting down on her lip and looking down at the floor. She's been doing that alot with guys that she came across, knowing that she's not a guy magnet so don't get asked out or they don't usually bother looking her way like most girls.


"It's okay," she said as she held her head down at the floor . "I'm Isadore Phillips and yeah..I've seen you outside."


Smiling down at her in confusion, he began rubbing the top of his ears. "Is there something you dropped? are you looking for something?" he asked.


My sense of will, isadore told herself. Finally finding her voice and the the compulsure to look up at him, she gave him a brief smile. Isadore knew she must've been blushing because he asked her the question to follow the answer she'd eventually have to give him.


"Are you cold?"


She began to smile at that question. "No, why the question?"


"Because your-". Before he could say the rest, the class bell rang and Isadore took her seat beside shirah, who was staring at her with a wide grin.


"Girl I seen you ova there talkin' to him," shirah said, giving her that taunting grin she knew Isadore hated.


"No, we were just talking but not talking talking like as in-." Isadore stood up giving shirah her best thug impression. "Aye shawty can I have yo name and yo numba?," Isadore said in her best thuggish voice. Shirah laughed.


"You could pass for a thug because thats the best gangsta impression I've ever seen from a girl, besides dikes."


Isadore laughed, taking her seat aside shirah, looking over at the eyes she felt watching her the entire time. She stared back densely hearing shirah blabber on about how fine the male teachers are this year and some other stuff.


Elijah sat across the class watching isadore, chuckling at the sight of her acting like a gangster and chanting thug rubbish.


"Aye dude, where yo mind at!?" his friend said, waving his hand in front of elijahs face. Finally being caught by isadore's eyes staring upon him, he quickly tore his gaze away from her. "Oh sorry, it's just that..well none bruh but what's good?"


Antoine looked over from where elijah was staring and then looked back at him. "Who you liking over there. You know shirah already taken bruh , but I don't know about isadore, she seems pretty content with being alone but other than that she's a good person though."


"Oh really?," he thought to himself. "She is cute and funny."


"You want me to hook y'all up together?" antoine asked as he rubbed his hands together, looking back to isadore and eyes finally locked back on elijah.


"Nah I can take it from here," elijah said laughing and shaking his head at antoines offer. The last time antoine tried to hook him up with a girl he was caught with a bad hang over and a broken heart.


The bell rang and it was time for the last class...Isadore sat in class, looking out the window and partially listening to the english teacher chatter on about his crazy night at wisconsin dells with his wild girlfriend.


"Umm hey. May I sit here?" a deep voice asked.


"Sure," isadore said, unconscious to whom it was that she answered to. Staring outside to the cars passing by, the woman dancing with the earphones in her ear standing at the bus stop, the man being dragged by his pitbull, the old lady yelling madly at the man and his dog for almost knocking her over. Isadore laughed out loud and looked around to see if anyone paid attention to her random outburst. Everyone was still amused by Mr. Banks story and asking questions as isadore finally turned around in her seat, recognizing the person sitting right beside her.


Giving her another one of his dazzling smiles, he waved at her. "Hey," he said. "Hi," she smiled back at him. He went back to drawing in his book as she looked and examined him closely.


He reminded her somewhat of her older brother dane. He stood about six feet, four, had dark brown dredgs with a trimmed linning and slicked down in the front; they were more like braids and were a lil longer than dane's. His skin complexion was a shade lighter than hers, he had hazel eyes like her father and a soft but manly jawline, and lets not forget about those dimples that appeared everytime he smiled!


Hearing a cough snapped isadore out of her thoughts, finding elijah staring at her. Blushing she looked away.


"Why, your nose is red again," he said smiling all the while. "It doesn't seem to be cold, but if you are-" he stopped and took out his jacket. "Then here." He wrapped his jacket about her shoulders and went proceeded his sketching.

"Thank you," she said.


"No problem," he responded without looking up.


His jacket felt warm and cozy, even though it wasn't all that cold in the classroom. The interior inside was made of fur, felt so good and even the smell was so invitingly warm, fresh, and so male. She closed her eyes and inhaled his scent that was on the jacket. The scent was so fresh. It smelled like that cologne, Cool Water. It was extremely intoxicating.


Isadore sighed absentmindedly.


Elijah heard the soft noise she made and stared over at isadore, giving her an odd expression at the way she seemed so at ease with his jacket. He chuckled at her smiling and sniffing his jacket. Hearing elijah low sexy laugh caused isadore to snap out of her trance and gaze up at him. Elijah just stared back at her in silence, evaluating her whole experience. She look so cute and small and so sexy, like the little pixies back at his homeland, elijah thought to himself. Elijah had the urge to just scoop her up in his arms and just nuzzle her neck.


Isadore's eyes widened at the facial expression elijah had upon his face, he was now biting down on his lower lip and giving her a sexy yet exotic stare that left isadore stiff and breathless. Isadore Groaned inwardly at how sexy he looked right now.


It must've let out because his eyes grew in alarm. Isadore quickly turned away back towards the window and burried herself deep into the coat, waiting for the bell to ring so she wouldn't have to die in embarrassment. After minutes of waiting, the bell finally gave out a loud rang and she gave him his coat back and quickly departed from the class before the rest of the students.

Chapter 2

The next day had came and was going by so fast, isadore was greatful that the hours in school were passing by so quickly, she hate being in english class. It's so boring isadore thought to herself as she made her way into Mr.Banks class. Taking a seat next to the window as usual, isadore took out her notepad to sketch in. Noticing that it was getting too hot, she took a rubberband and balled all of her hair onto the top of her head and tied it into a messy bun.


Damn! what the fuck do they have the temperature set to?Hell?! It's burning up in here, she screamed in the inside of her head.


She always talked to herself, no one else understood who she really was sometimes, besides dane and shirah.


Elijah laughed at isadore's distraught facial expression and how she was mumbling, complaining about the heat was bothering her so. Elijah was taking out his own thick leatherback journal and utensils when isadore looked over his way, frowning. "What's so funny?," Isadore asked, still kinda upset about the class being so dang hot.


"It's nothing, just old memories," elijah lied. He was still inwardly laughing at how mad she sounded when she said that.


Isadore frowned up at him, turning towards the window once again, her back towards him, "Mhmm yeah, iight!" she said with a little edge in her voice.


Head snapping up to look at isadore, he tapped her lightly on the shoulder. God she's so small and fragile he thought to himself, when his finger touched her gently. "Is there something wrong?" he asked.


"Nah it's just that this heat is killing me and I have bad sinuses; my nose will start burning if it get too hot," isadore said through gritted teeth. Smirking at her temper he closed his book and set it aside.


"You sure it's just the heat because if I'm a bother you can tell me. I'll move," he said, folding his arms across his chest.


Still looking outside the window she turned her head just a little and smirked at his statment slash half question. Why would you be a bother? she thought to herself. "Nah I hold nothing against you besides the fact that you have to endure this heat and suffer in this boring class." He laughed at that.


"At least I get to do my drawing and I'm glad you find me tolerable do to the heat and this boring class," he added on with a chuckle. She turned towards him, "It's not even cold outside, it's damnly 50 degress out and they blast the damn heat like they're crazy or some shit".


And that's hot to her? he asked himself.


Grinning he placed a hand on her backside and looked her in the eyes as best as he could, depending on how she was sitting. "Calm down," he said softly.


"I'm calm," isadore said with a sly grin. "So where are you from. this your first year here?" Isadore asked, running her index finger along the window pane.


"Nah, nuh-uh this my second year here," elijah said, holding up two fingers. "And I'm originally from here..Chicago."


"Oh, okay because I just moved back to Chicago. I used to go here during my freshman year but transferred after that and now... I'm back," she said turning around with a smile.


"Well... welcome back, Isadore." He said with a slight smile.


"Thank you," she smiled back.


Elijah felt something inside him when he talked to her and loved the feeling oh so well. He found her intruiging and wanted to know more about her and who she is. Patting on his thighs, elijah stared over at the clock on the right side of the wall. It was 5 minutes before class was about to end, and if he wanted to get to know her well he had to start right away. Why in a rush? he thought to himself. Elijah looked over at isadore, wondering if it was too soon in asking if he can walk her home..Afterall, they have only known each other for two days. Elijah sensed isadore wasn't a mean person so he decided to take his chances.


Isadore was packing up her things all the while, thinking to herself. Gosh he's so cute and charming. I don't usually like guys with them braid thingies in their head but it fitted him and he looked oh-so sexy with them. She wondered if they would become friends while taking this class together, she'd like that a whole deal, isadore thought to herself. Isadore was just strapping up her book bag when she felt a hand tap her shoulder. Sometimes isadore got annoyed with being so short and people having to tap her on the shoulders all of the time. But then again, she was getting immune to her height. Rolling her eyes, isadore stopped doing what she was doing and turned around with a frown on her face. "What!"


Elijah threw his hands up in defense mode, stepping back. "I meant no harm isadore."


Feeling completely stupid and embarrassed by the way she reacted, she gave her most sincerest apology.


"I'm sorry elijah," she half giggled.


Elijah then threw one hand behind his head, scratching in his hair while the other was tucked into the front pocket of his jeans, he was half smiling and seemed kinda nervous. "Umm I don't wanna come off as a creep but you seem like a nice young lady and I was hoping we could hang out more. Besides, I like your sense of humor," he added with a dazzling smile.


Isadore was too shocked and unable to respond to that so she just nodded her head. Because she never hung out with guys like that and she knew she wasn't all that humorous. She wasn't the type to get attention from guys, even if she did try. Too lost in her thoughts she didn't notice the bell ringing, indicating departure time from school.


Before she could even gather her wits and leave he stood before her and grabbed her hand. "Let your new friend walk you home issy, please?" he asked in a very low voice. He had already given her a nickname!?


Isadore just stared at him for a moment. "Why? and why are you whispering?" isadore asked, whispering back at him.


"I want to at least walk my new friend home and there's creeps out there issy, I want to be the one to fight them off and I don't know why I'm whispering," he said.


They both burst out in laughter. She smiled and nodded at his offer. "By the way, that was a cheesy answer," she said as they grabbed their things and left out the door. "Very cliche!"


Once outside elijah followed her down the street, leading off the sidewalk into what seems to be a forest preserve. "I usually take the long way home since I'm in no hurry, hoping thats okay with you?," she asked.


"It's okay," he replied.


As they walked to her house through the forest preserve they talked about random things about their life and even their worst fears and stuff they never told anyone before. Isadore felt as if she knew this guy her whole entire life. He likes to play the guitar, cello, flute, and piano. She had to admit he was multi-talented. He likes to play hockey, soccer, and his favorite is playing basketball. He said he goes to the court with antoine and his other homies he chills with. His favorite foods are fries, spaghetii, and pizza. His favorite color is an emerald green just like hers almost, except isadore's color was more of a forest green. He loves to go camping, partying, or anything thats fun and adventurous. He told her he tried smoking once and didn't try it again after that first time, knowing it wasn't his style.


"Would you like to come watch me play ball tomorrow, issy?" he asked, stopping in his tracks and staring down at her. There he go again with that name!


"Umm sure why not, but can I bring a friend?" isadore asked.


"I don't care" he said. Elijah heart dropped. Great she already seeing someone!


"Good because shirah doesn't like when I diss her on girl night." isadore rolled her eyes at how shirah be overreacting when things doesn't go her way, but she still loved her though.


Elijah paused for a minute to make sure he heard her correctly. After feeling foolish for his assumption , he began to walk faster. She fucking with my mind, he thought to himself. Lawd girl! "It's cool though isadore, I'm okay with you bringing whomever you like," he said as he picked up his pace.


Meeting the same speed she looked up at him, "Geesh, can you slow down a little, my legs are short and I don't think I can keep up much longer." Before she could even fathum what happened, he grabbed her by the arm and swung her about his back and began to walk faster.


"Oh my god dude like can you slow down," isadore said as she burried her face into the back of his shirt.


"I just want to make sure you get home on time," he laughed.


"I don't want you to get into any kind of trouble isadore and stop being such a girl."


He looked over his shoulder after she didn't respond and found her closing her eyes really tight. One of isadore's hand was clutching at her stomach and her face was scrunched up as if she was in pain. "Damn it!" he whispered.


Coming to a stop, he gently sat her down and took her face into his hands. "Are you okay?" he asked with urgency looking down at her.


"I didn't eat anything and by you going fast it must've upset my stomach." She sucked in a sharp breath, waving it off with a hand." But I'll be okay."


"Lets get you home, you look tired." Before she can protest he grabbed her backpack and tossed it over his shoulder, and scooping her into his arms, he began to walk slowly as she gave him directions to her house. Finally making it there, he grabbed her keys and opened the door and into the living room, settling her down onto the couch.


"Thanks for carrying me home," isadore said through gritted teeth.


"Anytime isadore." It got quiet for a few second. Elijah began to shift from foot to foot, worried. "You sure you okay with being here alone?"


"My brother should be here in five minutes, I think I can manage 'til then."


Elijah then wrote his number down on a piece of paper he'd gotten from his back pocket and closed it in her hand. "Call me issy when you're feeling better."


Isadore stuffed the paper in her pocket. "Will do."


"Oh! and issy?"


She looked up at him. "Yes, Eli?"


"I'm sorry," he said looking into her big brown eyes with sincerity.


"It's okay I'll be fine and I'll give you a call later on," she said as she got up and walked towards the door. With that he left as she locked up behind him. Isadore slouched up against the door. "Did I really just call him eli?" she asked herself, smiling all the while.


Elijah stopped in his stride for a quick second, noticing that she too had already given him a nickname...Eli. He smirked at that.


After that day when she had called him, they talked for hours over the phone and even when they hung out at school together they became like bestfriends. They sat together all the time and joked around with each other. Sometimes he'll crack jokes or tease her in ways that made her mad. She'll hit on him until he start to laugh and make funny faces and eventually she'll find no choice but to join in on the laughter. She'll hide his coat whenever he got up to sharpen his pencil or go to the washroom but eventually he'll find it. They hung out everyday, almost all day. The more they hung out, the closer they became.

Chapter 3

Isadore was sitting with shirah during lunchtime when she noticed she didn't see elijah at the lunchline. She stretched her neck to see over the people that were crowded around in the cafeteria.


"Damn you try to stretch it any further, people gonna mistaken you for a girraffe," shirah said. Laughing at her own joke.


Isadore stopped and looked down at her plate, blushing. "Nah I was just trying to see what's going on around the cafeteria," isadore lied. Shirah sat her fork down and looked over at isadore.


"Girl please! you were looking for mister hot stuff," she said out loud. 


"Shhhh! dang shirah," isadore mumbled, throwing a french frie at her.


Shirah laughed. "So you do like him, huh?"


"Yeah.. I mean we have a lot in common but I'm not sure he has the same feelings I have for him," isadore said. Not completely hungry anymore.


Shirah smacked her lips at hearing isadore talk like that. "Trust me I know he likes you."


"No he doesn't," isadore said, shaking her head.


"You don't know that and plus you should see the way he look at you!"


Isadore looked up at shirah now.


"Mhm I knew I'd have your attention then." Isadore just rolled her eyes, smiling all the while.


"Girl he looks at you like you're the only one he has eyes for. Shit, and when he be smiling at you..Girll!," shirah shrieked, giggling. "He totally wants you, no doubt about that!"


Isadore began gnawing down on her lip, thinking about what shirah just said. "How can you be so sure?"


"Because your friend knows these kinda things. Just look at me and doug. Helluuurrr!!Duuuur," she said as she threw a french frie at isadore's forehead.


They were both giggling when doug and elijah showed up at the table. Dough sat down next to shirah, taking a frie off her plate, giving her a kiss on the cheek when she slapped playfully at his chest. Elijah came onto the other side of the lunch table, taking a seat beside isadore.


"Bae I told you about being too thirsty for this lunchroom food," she teasingly said towards doug.


Doug muffed her in the head playfully, "Girl, please! I can go to popeyes right now and not give a damn about this crummy ass cafeteria food."


"Shiid I'm with you!" elijah said as he and doug high-fived each other on that.


Shirah shook her head, waving a finger in dougs face."Nuh uh, don't try to front like you haven't smashed this food before."


Dough started laughing, "Okay, that was one time! but not anymore." He then turned his head, ducking and scratching the back of his head.


Shirah rolled her eyes, "Exactly but you've eaten the food though! So shut up!" Elijah laughed hysterically at what she just said and how doug was giving her a side-way look now.


Doug stood up and grabbed shirah from behind, lifting her off the seat and up into his arms. Shirah screamed out loud, getting stares from everybody in the cafeteria but it died down once they seen that it was playfulness. "Aaaah! bae put me down, you know I'm scared of heights!"


Isadore shook her head at them joking around like little children. "They do the most at times."


"I won't not unless you say the four words," he threatened, squeezing her tightly by the waist.


"I love you," shirah giggled.


Doug swirled around in cirlces faster, "You missing something in that sentence!"


Shirah screamed, covering her eyes. "I love you, bae!"


He suddenly stopped and settled her firmly onto the floor, smacking her ass. "Better had!"


"Bae lets go to popeyes I'm craving for some chicken now."


Doug smacked his lips and grabbed her hands. "My baby hungry so WE FINNA GO GET HER SOME MUH FUCKIN' CHICKEEEEN!" he yelled out.


Isadore and elijah laughed as they got more stares from people and as shirah was covering half of her face with the one free hand she had.


Elijah stared back at isadore who was still laughing all the while texting on her phone. Silence filled the space around them as he continued to watch her text at a fast pace on her keyboard. He looked amused by her little thumbs moving fast across the keys in such speed, he'd be sure she'd sprain her thumbs. "Don't hurt yourself now," elijah said jokingly.


Isadore was too busy to even notice that he was watching her, but once she did she slid the keyboard up and put her phone back into her backpack. "Sorry," she laughed out loud.


"Its okay," he began running his hands throw his dregds again.


"So how's classes been?" Isadore tried to talk without stammering, he was just so damn sexy. So she tried to play cool and be herself.


"It's been okay I guess. How 'bout you?"


"The same here," he shrugged.


It got back quiet between them two. Elijah was so scared to ask isadore out. He liked her from the very moment he started talking to her, so how was he to go about it. Because if he don't tell her, then someone else might come and take her, and he couldn't have that. Taking a deep breath he looked back at isadore, who was staring at him for the longest.


"What?" he asked.


Isadore just smiled, shaking her head. "It's nothing."


Elijah propped his elbows on the table and smirked at her, "You sure because you cheesing hella hard right now."


Isadore punched him in the arm and he pretended that he was injured, causing her to laugh out loud and snort. Elijah stared at her in shocked, as isadore covered her mouth with her hand, too embarrassed that she just snorted right in front of him. "omg!" she shrieked as she covered her face in hands.


Elijah grabbed her wrists and tried to pry her hands open but as little as she was, she had a surprisingly strong hold. "Issy! it's okay," he chuckled.


Gosh she loved when he chuckled, it was so sexy and low. "No it's not!" she mumbled back.


Elijah smacked his lips and began to shake her vigourousy, which caused isadore to look up at him. "Issy I'd like to ask you something important!" elijah said, gnawing at his lip nervously.


But before he could ask her, the bell rang and they quickly hugged each other and went to their seperate classes. Shirah was not lieing about what she had told isadore.


Days past as her and elijah got close and closer in getting to know each other. It felt as if she'd known him her whole enitre life. Sometimes when the teacher wasn't looking he'll throw a paperball at the back of hes head and have the whole class bursting out in laughter. He'll bring her Mcdonalds which was her favorite food. She'll bring him olive garden, which was his favorite food. They hung out in the library and fooled around until they got kicked out. He'll walk isadore home sometimes and they'll play I-spy or the twentyone-question game on the walk to her house.


Sometimes he'll hide from her when she isn't looking and have her wondering where he is. Eventually, he'll drop down from out of the tall trees or a big rock and scare her. They really got close as the days past. They took their route to isadore's house after school. "Elijah I didn't know you were so good at basketball," isadore said, giving him a slight shove to the arm.


Isadore stumbled over a broken piece of sidewalk but he caught her around the waist just in time and let go once she was steady. "Thanks, I'm a little unbalanced," she laughed nervously.


He nodded, "It's okay just as long as you don't fall on your face again," he laughed aloud.


Isadore slapped his arm and he laughed even more. "Whatever." Isaodre stopped and began pouting, pretending to be mad. Elijah scooped her up in his arms, as she screamed when he twirled them both in circles.


Stopping, he went over and slumped down against a tree trunk. "Aww is the poor baby tired and dizzy," isadored said teasingly.


He tried to reach out and grab her but she quickly dodged his fingers just within grasp of her shirt. Laughing, she stuck her tongue out at him and he got up and chased after her. Isadore tripped over some moss. Elijah caught up to her and snatched her up." Caught ya!" He said giving out an devilish laugh.


"No," she screamed. "I tripped no fair!" They both laughed as he held her and sat down with her in his lap. Isadore leaned against his chest and inhaled his scent, holding him tighter. She began to nuzzle his neck and nibble at his skin behind his ear, touching one of his most sensitive areas.


Elijah sat into a more comfortable position. "Isadore?" he groaned.


She giggled at the sound of his voice. "Yes?"


"C-can you-u-u-u stop that please," he begged, but made no movement of discomfort.


Sensing that he liked it she licked his neck. He grabbed her waist as she began to kiss him. He slid one hand about the back of her head, deepening the kiss. Wanting more of him, isadore grabbed the front of his shirt, tugging it upward. Sensing what she was trying to do, elijah broke their kiss and whipped off his shirt, exposing a wonderfully hard toned body with an eight pack. Their bodies then joined again as they kissed and groped each other and until isadore was so hot and craving to touch him in places, giving her feelings she never felt before. She had to stop. She didnt want to. It felt so good.


No! a voice screamed in the inside of her head.


Feeling unconscious and scared of everything that was happening, she tore her lips away from his and moved far away from him. Watching his reaction to what just happened, she turned her back to him and pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms about her legs.


Unable to grasp the concept of what he done, elijah just sat there in silence waiting for her next move. minutes passed so he broke the silence between them."Issy, did I do something wrong? was I coming on too strong or too fast?" he asked, concern in his eyes, as he was putting back on his shirt.


"No it's just that I've never gone this far with a guy and I like you alot eli, I don't want to ruin our friendship," she said. Wiping her bruised mouth from his lips.


"Issy I like you too and I'm sorry if me acting this way has lead you to believe it'll change the way I feel for you."


"So you telling me if we did go all the way and afterwards you'll treat me the same as before?" Isadore was now turning around to meet his gaze. She waited for his response.


"If that was to happen I'll treat you entirely different from just some "bestfriend" issy," he said with a little mildness in his voice.


"But you just said that we co-". He cut her off with a wave of a finger. "Meaning issy that I would treat you more as a girlfriend than just a bestfriend, I already feel at one when I'm with you."


Looking down at the ground and shuffling her feet in the dirt, she began to smile. "I've never thought of it that way because guys are usually just after one thing and on to the next."


"I'm not them guys issy, I'll go through hell and high water for you, I won't leave you in any bad situation, I'm your bestfriend after all," he said smiling back at her.


Isadore got up and began to pace back and forth. "Besides I never really had a boyfriend," she said, stopping and looking away at the trees. Staring at her in total disbelief he bolted to his feet and turned her to face him. Looking down at her he touched her face gently then snatched her up into his arms and gave her a tender kiss on the lips. "Issy I want to be more than just a friend to you. give me a chance issy, I won't break your heart and that's a promise on my life."


"What if you don't like my ways and I'm a little too emotional for a girlfriend?"


"You're perfect in my eyes issy. I need nothing more but you beside me and breathing."


Isadore cheeked so hard, "I'll give us a chance and that's one of my best lines from twighlight".


"Good and what's twightlight?" he asked as he held her tight and rocked her in his arms.


Isadore laughed at him in shock. "You never seen twight light before?" she asked.


"Nope." Isadore shook her head in shame. "We have to watch it together sometime," she suggested.


"Okay but lets get you home for now, love." He grabbed her hand and lead her towards her house.

Chapter 4

"Y'all was doing what!?" shirah yelled, her spoon sliding halfway out her mouth.


"Damn shi-shi be quiet, if I wanted everbody to know I would've yelled it out over the intercome," Isadore whispered to shirah."


"My bad! So did y'all go all the way?"




"Why not, he cute girl. You better jump on that before he leaves for anotha chick," shirah said waving a hand at isadore.


Rolling her eyes she stopped eating her salad and sat her fork down. "Now ain't just the time to be humpin' and freakin' on a guy. I'm just now getting close to him and he's my bestfriend ever, I won't do that to him."


Shirah stared at isadore in confusion "Wait I thought y'all was going together as a couple."


"Well we are."


"So he bound to ask you for it or its just gonna happen on basic human instincts," she said with a shrug of her shoulders. The bell rang so they got up and walked towards their eigth period class.


Laughing at shirahs statement, she waved her off with a swift of a hand. "Girl please I dont think so, we'll do it when the time is right for the both of us."


"A'iight but don't say I didn't warn you when you at least expecting it."


"Trust me I know he can wait, hes that type of guy. We ain't mad, starved, sex craved couples like you and mister jack rabbit," isadore said, laughing all the while. 


Giggling shirah muffed isadore in the head. "Aye, what can I say me and my baby have mad love for each other," she teasingly said, licking the top of her lip seductively. Laughing they went to class and talked while the teacher held another boring conversation that had nothing to do with the class.


Finally the last class came and she gets to see the most wonderful person that makes her heart stop with just one look. The one person that could hug her and make her melt in his strong arms. The only guy that can cheer her up just by smiling. Minutes past as she waited for elijah to show up but after 30 minutes had gone by she realized he must've ditched. The hour past as isadore packed up her stuff and departed out the class. Just outside the door was elijah whom she bumped into.


"Hey babe." he picked her and and nuzzled her neck.


"Why haven't you come to class?" isadore asked, gripping her backpack straps hard.


"I had to take care some business with my uncle," elijah said.


"Oh, because I missed your company," isadore said, fidgeting.


"Awws i'm sowwy pookie face," elijah said, giving her the pouty face.  Isadore laughed and slapped him on the side of his face. "My place or yours?"


"Definitely your place, my uncle is getting on my last nerves," elijah said with a frown.


Once inside isadore's place, isadore found a note dane had wrote, saying he wont be home til tomorrow night. To behave and no setting the house on fire while he was gone.


Laughing at that last part she crumbled the note up and threw it in the trashbin. "Looks like I have the place to myself til tomorrow night," she said to him over her shoulders.


"Mind if I keep you company, love?" elijah asked picking isadore up and nuzzling her neck.


"Sure I can use the company for now."


"Great. So what do you wanna eat? hmm?" he asked, grabbing his keys out his coat.


Isadore folded her arms about her chest, "Didn't know you had a car, we could have drove to my house."


"I'm glad we didn't though, and I wanted it to be a surprise, besides I don't really drive it all the time." he said with a grin.


"what? because you got a little touching and kissing from me and now you gonna go tell all your guys!?" isadore screamed, getting pissed.


His eyes darkened and in one quick stride he was upon her, looking down at her. Isadore looked away with her arms crossed over her chest, she knew she was frowning but had a good reason to. He tried to grab her but she moved, which made him frown even more. Elijah snatched her up so fast that she barely had time to react. He held her face in his hands. "Isadore I would never do that, that's not me and not how I get down!"


Isadore frowned even more. "And exactly how the fuck do you get down, hmm?!?"


Elijah sighed and held her tighter, looking down at her."Isadore I'm not like those dogs at school or any other guy, I'm way different from them in so many ways and even ways you wouldn't even understand. I like you alot issy and I wouldn't jeopardize our relationship in any way, do you understand me?"


When isadore didn't answer he nipped at her chin playfully and gave her the puppydog face. Isadore couldn't help but smile and hug him, he's right he didn't seem like the kind to do that.


"Now that we have an understanding in trust, lets go get something to eat or would you like to starve?"


"Don't play with me!" Isadore gave him a stale face. Elijah burst into laughter, gripping the doorknob while leaning against the door.


Just before opening the door he stopped and came back and picked her up and gave her anothe one of his long tender kisses, leaving isadore breathless at the door. "I'm going to run to the store for soda. Be right back, love."


Wasn't long when he came back isadore was on the phone talking. She had a lock of her hair, twirled around her fingers, with a big grin on her face, partially giggling. As soon as she seen him and the pizza in hand, she ended her conversation, with whomever was on the other side of the phone. "Hey!" she smiled back at him.


"Who was that?" he guestered towards the phone.


"No one in particular," she answered.


"Still not an accurate answer issy," he frowned. He didn't like the way she was acting when holding a conversation she clearly didn't want him to hear. Seeing that she abruptly ending the phone conversation in his presence.


"I'm sensing jealousy,"Isadore squared her shoulders and crossed her arms over her chest. He smiled and sat the soda pack on the coffee table. "I just really like you thats all, I'd kill someone over you," he said in a darkened tone. Isadore laughed uneasily."Relax it was just shirah," isadore explained, grabing a slice of pizza.


"Oh okay." He watched her eat. On her 5th slice of pizza, sauce had fallen off  and landed on the swell of isadore's breast.


"Aww man!" Smacking her lips, she sat down her pizza and reached for the napkins sitting on the table.


"Nuh-uh," elijah interjected, slapping away her hand. He moved over her as she laid back on the couch, reclining her head on the arm of the sofa. His head got lost at sight as she felt the tip of his tongue touch her skin and instantly melted. He licked lower and pushed her shirt down and started licking her nipple. Gasping, isadore gripped his hair tightly. "You like that?" he asked in deep voice.


"Yes!" she moaned.


He laughed. He trailed hot kisses from her breast up to her neck. Sucking and biting on her neck, til her reached behind her ear. Isadore's body began to shiver at the feel of his tongue flickering all over her ear. She groaned inwardly at the feeling it gave her.


Elijah watched her closely as he kissed all over her. Loving the way her body repsonded to his touch and even more when he got behind her ear. "that's yo spot issy?" he asked on a half laugh.


Isadore could do nothing but lay there and enjoy it all. Elijah then caught her mouth with his while he gave a soft purr, kissing her deeply, gripping her hips tightly. Isadore was intoxicated by this guy. The way he treated her, the way he touched her..GAWD he even smelled good! She kissed him back hungrily.


As if sensing her hunger, elijahs lips cracked into a wide grin as he kissed her back with the same urgency. "Damn issy, calm down before you eat my face off!" Isadore was too lost, sehe continued her kissing frenzie on him , running her hair through his dreads. They continued to kiss and grope each other, completely lost in the track of time.


All of a sudden the doorbell rang and isadore instantly froze in his arms. "Get off!" she shoved at his chest. He kissed her neck once more before settling on the opposite side of the couch. Breathing heavily after their little fun session on the couch, She rolled off the couch, turned on the tv and ran for the door.


"Hey girl what's sup,?" 


It was shirah and doug and an familiar face isadore has dreaded seeing for months.


"Hey girl, none just chillen and-." Before isadore could say anything else shirah pushed past her ,dragging doug along side her. "You know I love pizza, girl," she said making her way to the couch. She waved at elijah, "Hey whatchu doing here?" Doug nodded in elijahs direction, too busy stuffing pizza in his mouth.


"Actually I came to chill with issy."


"Issy?" shirah laughed at that.


"Yes, issy is what I call my girlfriend," he said in a sarcastic tone.


That made her spit out her pizza in surprise. "I knew y'all would hook up!" She clapped her hands proud of her prediction. Shirah looked over at doug, slapping him on the arm, almost knocking his pizza out his hand. "Didn't I tell you baby, that they had something going on," she said laughing. Shirah gave elijah a smirkish grin."like we didn't know."


Doug just smiled and started eating the pizza. "You didn't," doug said. Elijah laughed at his response.


"But I figured though," she said, rolling her eyes at him.


"Okay then so that's two different things," doug said, rolling his eyes and jerking his head. Mimicking her actions. Elijah laughed at them as they argued over who was right.


"Why are you here daunivan?" isadore asked in a disgusted voice.


"I just came by to see my baby."


Frowning, isadore held up a hand. "How did you even know where I lived?"


"I told rhys that I wanted to see you so he gave me yo address."


I'm going to kill him isadore screamed to herself. She looked at daunivan once more. "Okay, so what do you want?"


"What's good baby!?"


"I'm not your baby or anything of that kind and I told you to leave me alone," isadore almost yelled. Hearing isadore's voice rise caused elijah to look over at the front door, all the while shirah and doug played with each other. "Is everything okay", he yelled out. Isadore nodded at his question, giving him a slight smile.


Turning back to daunivan, who was too busy trying to see who elijah was, she smiled, "Im about to shut the door if you can just move back." But before isadore could shut the door he snatched her up by the arms and began shaking her fiercely. "Look at me! you know you still love me!"


"Let me go!" isadore screamed.


"Girl quit with the frontin' like you don't know who I am. "Who the fuck is ole dude sitting in ya house?!"


Just before he tried to kiss her, two firm arms yanked isadore away from daunivans grasp and pushed her back inside the house. Elijah's force on isadore made her crash into the coat rack and knocking the stuff off the hallway table. Shirah, heard and came squating down next to isadore, who was trying to gain conscious of what just happened. 


"Who the fuck are you supposed to be?" daunivan asked, staring elijah up and down.


Elijah shook his head as he began taking steps towards daunivan."Don't worry about that bruh but all I know is if you ever touch her again, I will kill you. you got that?"


daunivan laughed and took three steps towards elijah, seeing that elijah taken steps towards him.


"You want some bruh because I'm ready to lay these on you, ain't got nothing but time to beat the shit out of you," elijah said as he began raising his sleeves up.


Daunivan laughed and backed up. "Man I ain't got time for this." looking back at isadore who stood inside the door, with shirah help, he eyed her once more. "But I'll see you another time girl," he said smiling. Making his way back to his black expediton. Elijah stood in front of isadore, completely blocking her from view. "Nah, I don't think so bruh." And with those words he slammed the door.


Shirah was too busy asking isadore if she was okay when doug came up to talk with elijah, slice of pizza in hand. "Damn my dude I ain't know you was like that," he laughed and patted him on the back for respect.


Elijah,looked over his shoulder for a quick second to see if there was any sauce stains on his white v neck. "Sorry you and shirah had to witness that, it's just that I really care for issy and I'll be damned if I let anybody hurt her."


" I feel you man, ain't like that bastard form the moment isa started talking to that foo. But I'd hate to have to eat and run but I got to take shirah to go get her hair done," he said in a stale voice. Elijah laughed. "So how you gone get yours done?" he asked jokingly. Doug gave him a punch in the shoulder."A'iight man see y'all tomorrow at the party, right?"


"For sure!" elijah said. They all said farewells and isadore watched them both leave and drive off. "I think you should go too," isadore said without looking at him. Rubbing the shoulder she fell on when elijah pushed her. Elijah searched her face for a moment until his eyes settled on her rubbing her shoulder.


"I wish I could pound his damn face in for hurting you!" elijah's hands soon balled into fists as his jaw tightened, just thinking of daunvian made him sick.

Isadore gave out a sarcastic laugh. "Ha! ...He didn't do this to me." Elijah was then confused because if daunivan didn't hurt her and before that incident happened, she was cool and not injured.


Scratching behind his ear and giving out a long sigh, he bagan to think. Wasn't seconds after isadore had her hand on her hips, with her eyes slanted. "Foo you did it!" 


Scowling at her now, he tried to recall when he could have possibly...uh oh. it finally came to him. mouthing out all types of explicits as he looked away, hand rubbing at his forehead."Damn it issy, i said i wouldn't hurt you and I did. I'm fuckin' sorry!"


Isadore tried to reassure him but he kept fussing. So she raised her voice, as it being squeaky and high pitched. "It's okay elijah! I know you didn't mean it. I understand, so stop before you make me mad."


He came up behind her and scooped her up, carrying her to the couch. shielding isadore in his arms he began to sing and she turned to stare at him in surprise. "I didn't know you could sing," isadore said intrigued.


He laughed, one of his eyebrows raised in confusion. "So is that a good thing or a bad thing?" he asked. "Shiiid that's a good thing," isadore told him as her lips descended on his.


Isadore felt something harden on her buttocks and lifted a brow. "Either someone's really happy or just excited."'


"how about both," he answered as he sat isadore firmly to the side."


"I have to stay way from you because your little body is just...GIRL!" Elijah laughed the rest off , partially groaning.


Isadore pouted like a little kid and stomped. Puffing out her bottom lip, eyebrows knitted together in an angry face. He laughed and jumped ontop of her and playfully nipped at her lower lip; only when isadore groaned, he bit down harder, puncturing her skin.


"Ouch! what the fuck boy!" Isadore rolled off the couch, wiping the blood that dripped profusely down her lower lip.


"Damn I'm sorry bae." He grabbed her face and wiped the blood off with a napkin. Applying pressure onto her lip with the tissue, she smiled at him. "It's okay eli." 


Elijah placed his hands back in his dreads. "Is it hot in here or is it me?" He began to open the windows in the house. Isadore just watched him act like the house was on fire. "Elijah it isn't all that hot in here...actually it's a pretty good room temperature."


Elijah stopped and turned towards her, his left eye was slightly twitching. He began to jerk his neck back repeatedly, turning back around quickly. "ummm lets step outside, it's kinda stuffy in here." Without a reply from her, he gripped the doorknob, til you could practically hear the metal bending, yanked the door open and stepped out.


Isadore was still stuck on why all of a sudden he started acting like he on crack or something. What the fuck has gotten into him! isdore windered as she stepped onto the porch. The night sky filled with stars. It was a cool breeze outside but still felt good. Isadore reached back to grab the knob, closing the door. 


Turning back towards elijah, his back facing her she realized he seemed kinda taller than before. Did he just grow or did I just shrink? Maybe its the porch and how it's scaled off. I really don't know. Isadore tilted her head slightly, looking at the broad expanse of elijahs back. Why does he seem so the fuck is really going on tonight?! 


Sweeping her hair behind her ears, she stepped along side of elijah, but he just turned away. Listening to elijahs heavy breathing, she figured he was mad at himself about what just happened minutes ago. gently touching his elbow, she smiled and leaned forward to see his face. 


"Eli, I'm perfectly fine. It will heal."  Minutes went by as he said nothing. She still waited by his side, listening to the air planes fly above them and the crickets. Suddenly elijah shifted slightly, a low growl pertruding from his mouth. Startled by the sudden noise, isadore shifted away, looking over at him. Well trying as best as she could depending on how he was side facing her. 


Elijah couldn't believe this was really happening. Not right now. Not when he was with isadore. He didn't want to frighten her in any way. What if she finds out?! She would never talk to him again, she would probably run and tell everybody. That could fuck up everything, elijah thought to himself. He tried to hold back but felt his self slipping and it bursting out slowly. He thought he controlled this better already. It's been along time since he actually let it take over him. He never showed anyone and wasn't planning on it. Uh oh, he felt it coming.... For elijah couldn't say anything , afraid it might come out as something else. something she's not prepared to hear nor see. 


He tried to muster a steady voice as he turned his head slightly. "okay isadore."


Isadore backed up by the deep eerie voice elijah used. "unn unnn eli, whats going on?" she asked scared. backing up, her hands reaching and gripping the doorknob.


Elijah could feel her fear , not even having to see her face to know she was scared right now. He didn't want her to be scared of him. He didn't like the idea of her not being able to look at him without love in her eyes. Knowing if he said anything more, she would probably freak out completely and run from him.


Making an attempt was futile, for when he began to walk away he heard her voice, small and soft.

"Please, don't leave me."


Sighing, he backed up onto the porch. Clearing his throat, he tried to talk again for the second time. "I'll be right inside issy." Yes, it sounded like him. A little too deep but still sounded like him. Thank god, he thought to himself.  Hearing that, she went inside the house.


Sensing that it was slowly fading and going inside, he waited for a good 10 minutes to catch a fresh scent of air in his lungs and calm down before going back inside the house. Shutting the door, he realized the knob was practically bent up and hanging. Oops elijah said to himself, shutting and putting the bolt lock on the door, he turned to see the house was completely quiet and dark. He didn't recall turning the lights off before stepping out. Maybe isadore did, he was outside for quite a while. 


He called for isadore but didn't get an answer. Taking the steps two at a time he checked the rooms down the hall. No sign of her. Then he heard a loud sound of glass breaking coming from downstairs. Growling deeply, his instincts kicked into gear. He tried to fight it back and headed back downstairs. 


"Issy!" He yelled. going into the kitchen, he didn't see her either. He took the kitchen door, that led out to the patio. "Girl where the fuck are you!" He growled out, now officially pissed off. His voice getting deeper and deeper. 


Isadore was down in the basement , doing laundry when she heard heavy footsteps coming from upstairs. "Who the fu..." she quickly raced up the stairs, slamming the basement door behind her. She forgotten she turned off all the lights. Balling up her fist , she called softly for elijah name. "Eliiii...."


Elijahs keen hearing heard isadore soft call from all the way inside the house. He rushed back in ,slamming the patio door. "where the fuck you at?! " elijah growled out.


Isadore heard the deep yet scary voice, shaking her head. Hell no , thats not elijah. She turned around and tripped over the carpet. "ouch!" sitting up, she rubbed her carpet burned hands together slowly. "fucking carpet!" Two strong hands snatched her up. She could hear strong heavy breathing and a slight growl.




He chuckled, kissing the nape of her neck. "who else would it be?" Isadore tried to turn but he held her really tight..actually tighter than necessary. "why umm...why you sounding like that?"


"isadore, didnt you hear me calling you, huh?!" he half yelled at her.


isadore eyes widened as she wiggled out his grasp, falling on the floor. Who the fuck he think he is talking to me like this. he really has lost it tonight, isadore thought to herself. straightening her clothes as she turned towards him , she looked up slowly. "i don't know what has gotten into you but...but....-" her words trailed off suddenly. 


 Isadore was too shocked and horrified to pay attention to anything he was doing. She stared in disbelief as his eyes were now from a hazel to a jetblack and glowing marks appeared on his face.

Chapter 5

He must've realized it shown because he took two steps towards her and she backed away. "Issy please let me explain," he pleaded as he stepped towards her.


Isadore was backing all the way into the living, tripping over the carpet and getting back to her feet, running to the other side of the coffee table. "Elijah what the fuck is going on with your face?!" she yelled.


Elijah balled his hands into fists as he bowed his head. Ashamed and angry that she had to see him this way. Now everything is fucked up, elijah thought to himself.


"What are you?" she whispered, half afraid and half curious. Isadore examined him closely , realizing he was not what he seemed to be at all. He damn sure ain't human! Humans don't glow in the damn dark nor have lights on their face, isadore thought to herself. Time seemed to tick by as she stared at him in dead silence, her body completely stiff.


"If I show you, you have to promise you will treat me the same and not to scream, issy,"he begged. He was almost a little emotional and had to get his voice in check, it was cracking kind of. He cleared his throat and stared over at her under his lashes.


Isadore was waiting for...well she didn't know exactly what the hell she was waiting for but she was slightly afraid of the freaky shit that was happening right before her eyes. This is definitely some Syfy shit, isadore thought to herself. The way he was looking at her right now, really creeped her out. She bout damn ready to jumped out the window, fuck the glass. She'll manage to get through it.


Elijah cracked a sideway smile , showing his long sharp animal like teeth. Isadore almost damnly had a stroke right then and there. She started to step sideways to the nearby window, trying to lift it ip without looking back. Elijah's eyes were still on her, they never strayed. Which was really fucking freaking her out, beside the fact they were all black. He never blinked. Now he has the nerve to smile at her like that. Her heart was surely to burst right now.


Elijah could hear isadores heart beat faster than normal and he straightend his head looking at her and stopped smiling. I don't mean to frighten you isadore, but can you really deal with what i'm about to show you?


Isadore still couldn't get over the fact of his voice changing so drastically. She couldn't say a thing but nod.


With that sign of agreement, elijah stepped back and fully transformed right before her. she watched as his skin went from a mocha to catlike animal. His skin was an indigo color.The only furr he had on him was on his head. He had long ears just like a cat, with small hairs at the tips. His dreads even changed colors. They went from dark brown to jet black. They were more silky than normal hair, its like they moved at one little soft blow of the wind. He began to sprout a long tail that had glowing spots running down the tips, wrapping it around his legs. He had sharp fingernails too. That's the main thing isadore recognized.


Isadore hesistated before walking up slowly towards him as he watched her intently. He bent down and his fastlike motions sent isadore backing up, startled. Realizing he meant no harm, she moved towards him once again. Isadore raised her hand out and he leaned his nose into her palm. She gently rubbed the side of his face and laughed as he purred, feeling the vibration running into her palms.


"Elijah this is...incredible!" isadore laughed out. "you are so adorable!"


As if content with that he picked issy up several inches up off the ground and hugged her. She sighed in his arms and rubbed his ears, watching as they flickered. Liking the way they move she rubbed them again and watched it repeat the same motion, she giggled. He licked isadore's cheek and nuzzled her neck with his wet nose, causing her to giggle even more. "Elijah I think I might be in love with an animal. Is that a bad thing?"


Feeling his body stiffen she looked up into his black eyes. "Isadore there's something you must understand," he said as he settled her down firmly to the floor.


"Oh my god!" isadore squealed, clasping her hands together. Elijah stopped in mid sentence and just stared down at her, half frowning. "what issy?"


"You're so fucking adorabllllllllle!" isadore cooed. Elijah huffed in disgust at her mushiness. Folding his arms across his chest, he stared down at her. "isadore this is a serious moment right now!"


Isadore tried to hide her happiness , bowing her head and nodding. elijah proceeded to talk. "Isadore how can i say this without freakin'-" he was stopped once more because isadore was playing with his tail. running her hands along the mane.


Elijah couldn't help but smirk at the image of her playing with his tail. He liked the fact that she accepted him for who he truely is. But he had to get some things situated. Slapping her softly with his tail, he wrapped it about him and walked away, continuing his speech. Frowning, she waited to hear what was comming next.


"Isadore I cannot stay here without mating with my one true love and.."


"So I'm not your true love?" she looked at him with sadness in her eyes.


"You can live with someone like this forever and love me for who and what I am, are you ready to do that?"


"I couldn't ask for nothing more that would make me happy. I love you for christ's sake. I've never felt this way about any guy eli and you are the one I want forever and for always."


Turning back into his human form, she ran and jumped into his arms. "You do realize that your shirt is ripped up right?" she whispered into his ear. Chuckling he gave isadore a quick kiss on the lips and set her down. "Do I need a shirt?" he aked as he unbuckled his belt.


"No elijah!" isadore giggled at his nakedness.


"Let's just snuggle for now and maybe later."


"I was just teasing love," he said as he climbed on the couch behind her, holding her close to him with one arm wrapped about her.


Minutes later isadore fell asleep and he realized she said "maybe later"... What did she mean by that? elijah asked himself, staring down at isadore's sleeping body.



Chapter 6

Isadore woke up stretching, realizing she must've slept the whole night on the couch. Standing up and stretching once more, she heard the sound of a sizzling pan on the stove. Walking into the kitchen she smelled the delicious scent of pancakes ,bacon, eggs and ...pickles?



"Rise and shine sleepyhead."


Isadore woke up stretching, realizing she must've slept the whole night on the couch. Standing up and stretching once more, she heard the sound of a sizzling pan on the stove. Walking into the kitchen she smelled the delicious scent of pancakes ,bacon, eggs and ...pickles?


giving isadore a kiss on the top of her head as she yawned. Elijah covered his nose. "Don't forget to go brush," he added jokingly. Isadore tried to punch him in the back ,which he dodged.


She went upstairs and brushed her teeth, washed her face and headed back downstairs to the kitchen to find him texting at the table. Isadore took a seat across from him and made her plate and ate. Afterwards she watched him text, noticing him laughing and doing that biting thing with his lips. the only time she know when he does that is when he finds someone or something attractive. She let that momentum thought out of her mind because she know he wouldnt cheat on her or hurt her in any way.


"Breakfast was good," she added to fill out the silence.


"Mhm," he stated without looking up.


"Imma go get dressed. Still up for that party right?


"Urmm no actually have to go and visit my uncle, isadore. But I'll see you later in the day or tomorrow." Getting up he placed his plate in the sink and grabbed his coat. Giving her a kiss on the forehead, he out the door. Hearing the door slam isadore sunk back into the chair and tried to figure out why he just ignored her the way he did.


After a while of sitting there and thinking she got up and went upstairs and showered.


Oh well. He's been acting stranger than he really looks, isadore thought  to herself. Erhaps it was the traits of being..being...well being whatever the fuck elijah was. He better have a good explaination for not going to the party with her, she frowned. Leaving the table, she skipped off upstairs to her room. Once she showered and picked out an outfit that would be fitted in all the right places and then styling her hair, she was set to go. Heading towards the door isadore thought it would be too early to go but she guessed shirah can use the help with decorating. Even though she knew shirah would be too busy trying to get the food ready and drinks. Shirah was always lazy when it came to decorating for events. Isadore walked over to shirah's house and rang the doorbell. To her surprise doug and antoine answered the door. "hey isadore! came by to help?" antione chimed.


"yeah did you? because we can use the help" doug said from behind.


"Yeah I most definately did."


Hours went by as they fixed up the place for the party. Of course Shirah was in the kitchen , stuffing her face and trying out the snacks and candy. As soon as she seen isadore she ran from behind the counter and hugged isadore. "girl im so glad to see you!"


Isadore gave shirah the stale face as she placed a hand on her hip. "Girl I been here for two hours , helping out doug and antoine fix this place up." shirah gave isaodre an apology look "ooo you have?! gil im sorry. I been in here trying out these food and stuff"


Isadore sucked her teeth, giving her a sideway glare. "You mean stuffing yo face like there's no tomorrow?!" shirah only rolled her eyes and proceeded back to her tasks.


"where's mister tall hot stuff?!" shirah asked as she assorted the candies, now being finished with the foods. isadore turned her back, assorting the drinks on the counter island. "he's ummm..I don't know really?" she looked up, giving shirah a slight smile.


that only caused shirah to jerk her head back in confusion, her nose all scrunched up. "Umm ..wait what?"


Shrugging it off as she finished grabbing the pepsi and sprite cans from the crate onto the counter, she paused and tilted her head thinking. "I mean maybe he had an family emergency with his uncle or aunt." 


Shirah slammed down her bowl of mixed variaties of candy in a big bowl , sucking her teeth. "girl please, if he ain't tell you, that means he doing some shit he ain't got no business doing!" she continued over to the chips. "You better check him girl, before I do!" 


isadore only rolled her eyes. she couldnt blame shirah from the way she was acting and to be honest, from the way she was thinking at the moment. Isadore has the same thoughts inside her head. But she refused to let them come out as assumptions for now. She couldn't imagine him doing her bad....He wouldn't... At least that's what she thought.


Snapping isadore out her trance, shirah grabbed her hand as they walked through the flip doors , into the living room. They were right on time because the doorbell rang and there stood outside the door was damnly a whole concert of people. Good enough Shirah had a nice size house. 


People showed up hours after and the place was getting crowded. There was loud music and drinking, people dancing on the table and furniture, couples making out on the stairway and in other areas of the house. Surprisingly no one was smoking.


A hand Tapped isadore lightly on the shoulders. "So He really ain't making it here huh?" shirah yelled over the booming music.


"He had to go to his uncles'," isadore yelled back.


"Mhmmm...." shirah said ina sly voice as she pursed her lips as isadore, slanting her eyes. "If you say so.." But isadore smiled and shook her head. Shirah gave isadore a bear hug before asking if she liked something to eat or drink. Isadore shook her head and shirah disappeared back into the dancing crowd, screaming and juking on everybody.


Isadore was standing by the stairs dancing when she felt hands wrap about her waist, picking her up and lips kissing the nape of her neck. Isadore smiled and turned around. Shocked that it was daunivan, isadore backed up completely, settling back on her feet with disappointment displayed across her face.


"Oh so you really thought I was that niggah didnt you," he asked as he stepped towards her.


"How did you get in here?!" isadore asked in rage. isadore began to look around for shirah and dough. She knew dough was never too fund of daunivan the moment she started liking him and he started abusing her. Staring back at him , she placed her hands on her hips waiting for an answer.


"I got my ways of getting into things," he said as he steadily stepped towards her.


Just as she was bout to turn around and walked away, he grabbed hold of her wrists. "C'mon and lets take a walk, I promise I wont try nothing."


Isadore contemplated for a while. She knew daunivan like a book. He say one thing and mean another. But he looked sincere about it. She thought maybe if she finally give him this last chance of getting things out of his chest, then he would leave her alone for good.


"Only for a few minutes then you leave me alone." He noded in agreement.


They left the party and walked down the street to a nearby bench and sat there. "How you been lil mama?" he asked.


"I've been fine I guess." isadore tried not to keep eye contact. She really didn't like staring at him because he always thought her looking at him meant something different. He just really look at her in a uncomfortable way at times. Besides, he was ugly. She really didn't know what she was thinking when she talked to him. Scooting closer he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.


Isadore rolled her eyes. Did she mention he was played out with having "game" and corny as fuck. She gave him a sideway glare. Lawd why! She felt even more disgusted. He doesn't need to be that close to me..All this ugliness jesus! She could still hear him blabbering on and off about his absence out her if she cared!


Isadore soon began to shake her legs as annoyance took place more than anything. Should've stayed my ass at that damn party she thought to herself. I wish he just shut the fuck up, he like a damn motor mouth!


"You know I miss you, right?"


isadore rolled her eyes and laughed out at that lie. "boy please. I don't miss you. I dont think about you and i damn sure dont want you. so why keep pressing, huh?!"


Frowning, he got up and snatched her up.


"let go of me right now!" she spat out.


Daunivan just chuckled, spit flying onto isadore's face. "And what you gone do if I don't hmmm? He shook her til her teeth rattled and her head spun. "Gonna tell your bitch ass boyfriend?!"


Isadore spat in his face, which caused him to stagger back and release his hold on her, dropping isadore  to the ground.


Daunivan quickly wiped at his eyes before isadore could get up he yanked her up really hard and tight by her upper arms and next thing she know a strong hand came ascending across the left side of her face. Then again and another time. isadore dropped to the floor, struggling to get up by the hard blows to the face. Her vision began to blur and she felt an instant headache coming. she was then pinned down onto the cold concrete ground and slapped again. He gripped her chin and squeezed to the point she was sure she heard her jaw cracking. "Why the fuck you gotta play so much?! he yelled out.


Isadore bit his fingers with all her might and kneed him in the groin and got up and ran for shirah's house. Leaving daunivan balled up on the ground in pain, holding his crotch.


Pushing past people isadore managed to get hold of shirah, who was talking to some friends in the living room. Shirah turned to see isadore staggering and her bruised up face. "Oh god what happened, who the fuck did this to you?!" shirah yelled out in rage, looking around.


Everyone stopped dancing and looked over at isadore and shirah. "Just tell us who did this isa and we throwing them hands," doug said as he and his friends gathered up and was already looking around to whoop on somebody.


"Daunivan did this!" isadore cried out. Before she could say anything else doug and his crew went flying out the front door and into a white cadillac truck. "I've been waiting on this moment," daunivan yelled out. His crew howling and shouting.


shirah was already escorting people to the door while others stayed and helped clean up. "C'mon girl let me drive you home," she said. She yelled out at her cousins to watch the house while she went away. "Yall better not let these motherfuckers walk out here with nothing either!" she said lastly before turning back to isadore.


"lemme just get my purse isadore slowly breathe out" Holdingher aching head in agony with one hand as she made her way to the staircase, the other hand struggling to hold onto the balanster to keep her upright. She stopped at the middle of the stairs, taking a moment to catch her breath.


"You sure you can walk, you dont look so good girl." she asked concerned. Smiling, isadore patted her back "I'll be right back."  "just go back down stairs and stop following me and wait in the car."


"Okay I'll be waiting for you in the car." Isadore gave shirah a brief look of annoyance before rolling her eyes and turning back up the stairs. Shirah can be so dumb at times, isadore thought. which is why I love her crazy ass.


Wobbling her way up the stairs and retreiving her purse from shirah's room, isadore heard giggles, moaning and whispering in the nearby bathroom. She knocked lightly on the door. "Aye y'all gotta come out here the party is over."


Isadore staggered back only seconds before catching her balance. Causing her head to ache even more. Groaning in pain, she held her head with both hands, purse draping on her arm. Waiting for whomever was in the bathroom to come out.


Some seconds went by as no one said nothing, so isadore burst in the bathroom and couldn't believe her eyes. There was elijah sitting on the sink with some half naked blonde headed chick sitting on his lap ,facing him. His shirt was half way unbuttoned and pants unzipped.


Elijah looked just as shocked as she was. Struggling to talk for the chick was still trying to kiss all over him, he looked at isadore. "Issy please lemme explain," he begged. Isadore suddenly felt dizzy as if the slaps to the face, would've been enough to send her falling down.


Now seeing her boyfriend kissing on another girl did just that. Isadore tried to walk down the stairs but it felt as if her head was bound to burst at any moment. All of a sudden isadore lost her vision and faded into darkeness, sending her tumbling down the stairs.

Chapter 7

Why couldn’t she move?


Who held her so close to his chest?


She fell asleep in the arm that protected her from any harm.


Isadore awakened at the smell of breakfast being cooked.


Inhaling its fresh aroma flowing out the kitchen. Sitting upright on the couch, grimacing at the pain she felt on her backside, Isadore tried to recall what happened yesterday. Hearing the notification sound on her phone, Isadore slipped the device out her pocket, going through her messages.


3  new messages.


Going down her list of conversations she seen that Shirah was blowing her up with questions. Asking if she were okay over and over again.


Isadore looked at the time and seen that school had already started but knowing Shirah, she still text in class anyways.


“I’m okay, just now waking up.” Isadore replied back.


No faster than she went back to view her other messages, Shirah replied back. “ Doug took care of it btw. No worries.”


Lord that female always had hands like flash, Isadore thought. She laughed at that. Then she read the message over.


The fuck….. What did she mean doug took of what exactly?!


Isadore was sort of confused. But then she thought back to Doug recruiting the guys to go find that bastard that should be in a cage at all times. With a sign that says “Do not feed the animals.” Isadore pushed that thought aside because now she was worried if Doug was going to be behind bars once again..


Isadore fingers worked swiftly across the touchpad on her phone. “What do you mean by that?”


with that she sat her phone down on the coffee table, waiting to hear from her. Hopefully Doug didn’t do anything drastically. She’d hate if he were to get sent to jail because of something that happened between her and Daunivan…. once again.


Slowly standing to her feet she began to stretch, yawning. Something tore inside her mouth… No wait… It was her jaw! the sharp pain began to eat away as she struggled to work her jaw in place.


Fuck! she screamed, stomping hard. What happened to her… Then thoughts came back to her but she quickly pushed it aside...


Suddenly Isadore felt a hard piece of something small hit the back of her head.


“Watch yourself lil lady,” Dane warned through the doorway.


Staring back at her he leaned his tall frame against the door, winding a chrome spatula in hand. “So...are you going to tell me why I had to carry an unconscious sister home?” he asked in a very calm voice.


Isadore stared at him for a minute, debating on whether this was the rain before the storm, or either he was trying to stay calm giving the fact of him wanting to know everything that went down, before he starts ranting and then in that case nothing won’t get said. Dane wasn’t always the one to take things lightly. Even if the situation was just a little problem, he always had to get every single fact. Seeing him in a calm way and him talking as if he was trying to talk a scared cat out the tree, was rather strange.


Changing her position on the couch so that she was facing him, she clasped her hands in her lap and looked him directly in the eyes.


Dane always had eyes that could curdle milk or make any criminal confess. Isadore on the other hand was not ready to actually talk about what happened yesterday. Trying a different approach, she smiled a fake smile, giving the fact of how badly her jaw was paining her. She tried to work her jaw slowly enough that he wouldn’t recognize anything amidst. “What’s for breakfast?” she asked, clearly avoiding the question.


Dane only smiled standing to his normal height, he nodded in the direction of the kitchen before making his way inside. “Follow me, I know the way” he joked in an african accent.


Isadore only raised a quizzical brow as she walked slowly behind him, her shoulder bumping into the swing door. “Fuck!” she whispered vehemently at her arm. She didn’t realize the pain there until now. Testing the matter again, she gently poked at her upper arm, pain shooting along the rest of her arm. Sucking in a sharp breath she tried to shake it off as best as she could.


Dane was watching her the whole time but she didn’t realize it until she looked up from examining her arm. Which felt as if it was a touch away from falling off.


Dane only stared at her, arms crossed about his chest, leaning against the stove. “So…” he pushed on.

Isadore only gave him a straight face, pursing her lips together. Okay so now he’s really not going to let the issue go, Isadore thought.


Exhaling out on a long breath, she walked quietly over to the fridge, opening the door and retrieving a carton of milk. Closing the door, she made her way to the kitchen table taking her seat. “Can you hand me a glass please?” she asked in the most nicest voice she could muster. Right now he was really trying to force it out of her and he knew she didn’t like to be pushed into saying or doing anything. Please don’t piss me off, not today Isadore was screaming to herself. She could just feel his eyes burning a hole at the back of her head.


After a few seconds, Dane responded back in a way to only irritate her more. “Like what sort of glass appliance?”


Isadore balled her hands into fists, bowing her head. “Now if you see someone pulling out a carton of milk or juice with nothing to pour it in, then what do you think?” she asked in a now edgy voice.


Dane only pushed further, laughter in his voice. “Shit, you could be talking about a glass bowl, a glass plate, a glass spoon. Who knows!”


That’s it, that done it! bolting from her chair, she faced him with an ugly scowl on her face. “Why the fuck must you play with me?”  she almost screamed out. “Can’t you just give me a glass CUP. That’s C.U.P if you didn’t know. Shut the fuck up talking to me.”


Dane did the best thing he could only do at times like this when they argued. But now she really crossed the lines in between who is the adult and who isn’t. Without effort he shoved her back into her seat. Walking over to the cabinets he grabbed a glass cup. Slamming the cabinet doors he made his way to the table sitting opposite of her. “You asked for a glass cup right?” his voice was hard but his face was emotionless.


Isadore only rolled her eyes, leaning back in her chair. “Who knows? I could’ve been asking for a glass bowl right?” She shot back at him.


Dane slammed the glass cup on the table, the bottom shattering into pieces. “There goes your cup!” He stood up making his way out the kitchen. “Drink up” he muttered.


Isadore was quite annoyed with the way he was trying to force her to talk but now she was even more annoyed with herself by the way she was taking it out on her brother. He was only trying to help… But what good would that do anyway?


Isadore was no longer thirsty and she felt guilty about this whole thing. “Fine!” she yelled after him. “I went to Shirah party last night” she started out.


Seeing that Dane was sitting on the couch in silence, analyzing the hand that shattered a glass cup not too long ago. Sensing that he would no longer talk and wait for her to clear things out in the open, she went on. “And… Things didn’t go exactly as planned that night..”


She made her way further into the living room, making a seat on the couch that sat opposite of the couch Dane was sitting. “I sort of ran into a familiar face I wasn’t proud to see. Things got of hand when we decided to take a stroll down the street.”She was now fidgeting with her fingers. Her voice became raspy and started to crack in between words. “And…” Isadore stopped talking to compose herself.


Dane was already sitting at the edge now, his eyes on full alert. “And what?!” his voice went hard again. After a few seconds of silence Dane reached over placing his big hand on isadore small knee. “Isadore what happened?” he asked softly now.


Sniffling, Isadore sat back in her chair trying to calm herself. “Daunivan! he tried to know” Isadore words trailed off, seeing it was best to gesture what he tried to do other than talking about it. She wasn’t really comfortable explaining. But there was no need by the look upon Dane face.


Slowly getting to his feet, he paced back and forth along the coffee table rubbing his head. After a few paces here and there he stopped, looking up at the ceiling. Lowering his head, hands in pockets, he stared over there at the one true thing he had to always protect and thought he was doing the best at.


He couldn’t bare the thought of someone touching his sister in a harmful way. Shit, barely in a friendly way. She’s so small and fragile. she didn’t deserve to be taken advantage of in any way and he’d be damned if he sit back and let the shit happen. Not while he was living. That’s one of the things he promised to his father at a young age. That he wouldn’t let a hair on her single head be harmed.


“Isadore would you like for me to…” he was cut off by the ringtone sounding off from her phone


Isadore scanned through their previous messages until she reached the bottom of the conversation box.“Yup, they officially taken care of yo lil problem. :) comin’ to class?”


Isadore guessed since shirah didn’t say anything bad happening to Doug, he was A- okay.

“Yep, i’m hitching a ride from my brother. Be there shortly :)”


Looking up at Dane with a sigh of relief displayed across her face, she gave a small smile. “No.”

Dane stared at her with a straight face. “No?” he asked. Now a little curious of the smile she wore so tightly on her face. As if someone took a sharpie marker and drew it there.


Nodding in response, she got up slowly. Aware that her back was still paining her and so was the upper part of her arms. Definitely the left one. Dang thing stung like hell! She tried her best to look as in best condition as she could, sprinting towards the steps. “Can you take me to school before you head for work?” she asked before going up.


He only nodded before going back to the kitchen. Isadore understood he was upset about what she just told him and how she wished for them to just forget about it. But it was already taken care of and she couldn’t tell Dane that. Besides, he know what type of guy Doug is and when Doug ready to thrash, there’s no conversation going on in between his fist connecting to some part of your body.


Isadore headed upstairs into her bedroom. Turning up her stereo, she went to her closet, fishing out comfortable wear for school. Thank god there really wasn’t rules to school wear. rubbing on her sore arm gently while searching her closet, she thought back to Elijah. Her whole mood changed and became darker. How could he have done that to her. Out of every person in the entire world, she put her trust into him. Now he just dissed and dismissed her like so much baggage. He could have at least broken it off with her appropriately. As if she was the kind to break down and have a fit right at the scene, if he did. She wouldn’t have made a scene or taken it in a harmful way. She would’ve respected his wishes. She would have…


A knock came at the door…

“Hurry up missy,” dane yelled on the other side of the door. “And turn that music down!”


“Okay!” she yelled back. Realizing the music was sort of loud,she turned it down and went back to her closet. Deciding it was best not to think at the moment, she grabbed some washed out light denim jeans and a black long-sleeve fitted shirt. She always had a thing for round neck shirts. “V-necks are for those who have cleavage” she muttered. She thought back to the blonde haired female who was straddled upon Elijah lap. She had enough cleavage to share with her and three other females.

Hearing Dane beep his horn made her quickly strip out her clothes from last night and dress in her clothes. Indecisive of how she should do her hair, she grabbed her gray beanie off the top of her mirror and placed it on her head accordingly. Grabbing her black waist leather interior jacket with an attached grey hoodie in the inside, she shrugged it on and buttoned it up, ready to leave. Picking up her back back that sat next to the door, she yelled out the window at dane informing him that she was on her way down. turning off her lights,she almost left out after looking down at her socks. Laughing she took out her converse and slipped them on. Running full speed down the hall and the stairs, she heard dane yelling for her to come on and other remarks about her being the slowest person ever. Grabbing her keys off the nearby table she locked up the house.


Just when she was walking down the stairs. there came a screeching sound of tires being dragged against the pavement, hitting the curb. Dane got out the car, looking around to see who was it pulling a fast & furious action, trying to show off before killing  their self. “The hell!” he murmured under his breath.



Chapter 8

 Okay.....I'm still updating to this point, so bare with me people. :/ If you have any suggestions about adding things inbetween the chapters, please feel free to tell. :D I would also love feedback if you really like my book so far. I'm trying my best to update and add the new chapters , I just now assorted out, every day. Lol.

Chapter 8

It was Elijah who was driving so reckless. He had to explain to isadore that what she seen wasn’t what she thought.


Parking the car off the curb, he turned off the engine, taking his key out. Sitting back in the seat, he ran his hands down his face. Things couldn’t be left unsaid in the way that it ended. Knowing isadore, she is so stubborn but he’d risk the chance in trying. Shit, he might just force her to listen.


He inhaled deeply, pulling open the door and hopping out. After all, if she loved him the way he love her then she should. stashing his keys in his back pocket, he made his way around the other side, walking up the pathway that lead to Isadore’s house. But then again if he were to be in her shoes, he’d probably rip the guy’s damn face off.


Balling his hands into fists at his sides, game face on and shoulders straight, he continued to make his way along the rest of the way. But stopping in the middle of his tracks by Dane.


Aww shit! Elijah thought to himself. Just great! Now her brother wants to rip his damn head off.


Dane walked up to elijah until they almost were bumping heads. “Can I help you?” He was now staring at Elijah in a way that said he wanted to do more than just ask what he wanted.


Elijah maintained a serious face as he looked past dane right to isadore, who was staring straight at him as if she was the deer who was caught in the headlights. moments from being hit by a freight truck. Bringing his attention back on the only obstacle that was blocking him from isadore, he cleared his throat. “I came to see your sister.”


Dane only stared at him in pure silence, analyzing him. But it was hopeless, elijah’s face was just unreadable. “Why should I let you?”


“Because..I-” But he was cut off by a palm held up to his face. The fuck, elijah muttered. stepping back a little.


“eeeeh! wrong answer homeboy.” with a nasty frown upon his face, he looked back at isadore then turned back to elijah. “Were you at that party last night?!” his voice started to rise, his features hardening.


Isadore was still on the steps, listening and staring at elijah. But when she sensed that things were about to go wrong, she hurried down the steps, stepping between elijah and dane. Looking up at Dane she shook her head. “it wasn’t him!” holding up her hands. “stop, it wasn’t him!”


Danes features then soften and a small smile came across his face. “oh! then hey, my dude.” he extended a hand in elijah direction. as if things didn’t just get ugly between them.


Elijah just stood there, looking down at his hand then back into dane eyes. To see if this wasn’t some sort of trick.

Dane pressed on, with a sly grin. “My apologies, I assumed you were the guy that laid hands upon my sister.”


Elijah’s eyes grew wide in alarm. Staring down at isadore, he unclenched his fists letting them go to his sides. His brows were now furrowed in anger that was building up inside him.


Isadore slowly turned her back to her brother, staring up at elijah. The side of her face carried a dark purple bruise and her jaw seemed as if it had been slammed against something hard and swollen up the size of a jawbreaker. His heart dropped and began beating faster than it was suppose to be. How could he have missed this when he seen her at the party last night. Was it there then or did it take time to get so bad.


A sound of a car backing up and driving off down the street interrupted his thoughts. Isadore was still staring at him.


Crouching down, he tried to touch her face but she only backed away turning her back to him. “Don’t, eli” her voice was soft and low.

frowning, he grabbed her arm but to only cause isadore to hiss in pain. Reaching for his hand that was latched around her arm, she cried to be released. “STOP!”


Elijah couldn’t believe the way she was acting towards him. His heart was breaking even more. She didn’t want anything to do with him and it’s all because of a big misunderstanding.


Isadore began to walk down the street. Since dane forgot all about taking her to school. She was still holding the upper part of her arm. head ducked under her hoodie, she proceeded down the sidewalk.


Elijah was running to catch up with her. amazing how small her legs were, that she could walk so fast. He grabbed her arm again spinning her around. He was going to get his story across, so what if she was hurt. But it’s only because of what she thought and not what really went down. Isadore was now bent over, her arm hanging loosely at her side, she was sobbing little sobs.


Elijah didn’t know what was going on, he didn’t know what to do.


He carefully picked her up by her sides trying to look her in the face.“Isadore what’s the matter baby. Why you acting like this?”


isadore only continued to cry, her cries getting louder.


He felt her arm shaking vigorously and profusely against him. Setting her down, he rolled up her jacket sleeves discovering a huge red and purple bruise circling her upper arm down to her elbow. That instantly drove him crazy. She couldn’t go to school in pain like this.


Gradually picking her up in his arms, holding her close to his chest, he quickly made it back to her house. Fishing her keys out her pockets, he allowed himself inside right along with her in his hands. Setting the keys on the coffee table, he sat her on the couch, stripping her of her jacket and hoodie. Making his way into the hall, he grabbed a spare towel out the bathroom closet, wetting it.


He couldn’t believe what he just seen. Who in the hell would hit her. Isadore of all people. She was so sweet, so loving...She kept to herself and didn’t fuck with people. She didn’t deserve to be treated like so…


The sound of glass went echoing through the house as elijah smashed his fist into the glass mirror, straight into the wall. Wall plaster went bursting in the air as glass fell into the sink. blood went dripping down his hand to his arm, but he couldn’t feel anything but anger.


Looking up at the ceiling, he inhaled deeply holding his breath for several minutes before exhaling slowly. Now he’s going to have to explain why there’s a big ass hole in the glass mirror and wall. Grabbing a big towel, he threw it over the mirror and made his way out the bathroom to go check on isadore.


She was silent as he made his way over, sitting beside her.



Publication Date: 01-20-2013

All Rights Reserved

This is dedicated to my friends & family. ____________________________ Tiara: For being a constant pest on begging me to just write one story, but I admire your support. Tarsheanna: For being a great sister and motivating me to keep writing even when I felt like giving up. Joanna: For literally helping me with my story and giving me mild suggestions. Mom & dad: For showing very little support and paying the cable bill (kept my editing alive lolz)

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