
First Day of Third Grade

Chapter One
My alarm clock goes off and I slowly get up. My joints are stiff from a nights rest. My mother cooks eggs and then lays out my uniform for school. A Navy Dress, with ruffles on the bottom. Underneath i have my white blouse and white tights. I slip on my Leather dress shoes and walk down stairs. My mother sat me down before the couch to braid my Waist length, Curly brunette hair into Pigtails.

She then puts two red ribbons on the end and hands me my Hello Kitty lunch box as I grab my book bag.

"Love you,Honey!" My Mother yelled as i got in closer range of the school bus.

I turned around to return her call but the door was closed.

As I stepped onto the bus, the smell of new clothes and perfume was toxic. I Sat in the nearest seat to the exit, Just in case i had to hurl. I sat by Marilyn. My best friend since Pre-K. She had on her Thigh high, skirt that made her look like the people on T.V.

I Hated her for this. She was great! Just i don't want to be noticed and she has all eyes on her! For some strange reason, I get this really weird feeling that something bad is going to happen to her and i when she wears those clothes. Mommy told me that i was to never wear clothes like that, and if i did i wouldn't be able to sit for a month! Whatever that means! I Tolled her that didn't make any since. She said

' Baby girl, you will one day,'
Ever since daddy died we have lived on edge. I love my mother so much but she has never been the same. Lonely looking.

When we got to school, My teacher, Mrs. Galasco, was assigning seats. I had the seat in the very back. I was so happy! Marilyn looked at me and smiled then rolled her chocolate brown eyes at me. I couldn't help it but let out a slight giggle. Mrs. Galasco looked at me and said,
"Now what do we have here? This little munchkin has a giggle down there!" I almost laughed louder, but the class was watching me with curious eyes.


Chapter Two
After a few months of school, A new Boy is here. His Name is Dylan. He has Sandy colored hair that is down to his eyebrows and when he flips it, all the girls faint. Those Crystal blue eyes are like a secret world you can get trapped in and never find a way out. One day, Two months after he got here he came over to me at recess.

I was sitting alone in the corner with a book, THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDROBE, He came and sat next to me not even asking!

"I'm Dylan, Whats your name?"
I hesitated and stuttered at the chill of his breathe. Yes he was that close. I almost blurted,' Have you ever heard of personal space? You should try it!'

"I,I,I, ... I'm Katheryn."
"Well Katheryn, I am just wondering, Why do all the other girls trample me, and you... you could care less?" He asked with curious tone.
I Stared into those famous eyes that imprison girls. I seemed to be immune to his third grade chubby cheeked face.
" I guess the lover-boy act is not enough for me, sorry." I said, that struck a note. His hands clenched into balls and turned red. I got up and walked to the nearest shady area that could fulfill my needs.

I didn't talk to him for the next couple of weeks. Then He sat by me at lunch, I looked at him like he was crazy! I always sat in the empty seats at the back of the lunch table. Alone.

"What do you want, Dylan?" I asked in a nervous tone. He stared at me and didn't say a word. I Felt my face flush red.

"I wanted to see what you were doing, Is that okay?" He had a cute smile. No braces. A little crooked, but what the heck, Third grade. I looked at Marilyn and she was staring at me as well. A smile at big as a banana was on her face. I must look scared because she got up and asked Dylan to come sit with her. He Got up and moved to her table and got stole a quick look back.

Our Weekend Date

Chapter Three
Over about a month, Dylan became my best friend. All the girls didn't care because in Mrs. Freeman's Class There was a Justin Bieber-wanna-be. I Would talk to Marilyn here and there but, I always talked to Dylan. He was my safe house. A storage for my secrets to be stored away and i was the only on that had the key.
Dylan and his Parents were going to the beach and he asked me if i wanted to come. I think it was just an excuse to see me in a bikini. But i said I'll ask my mom.

When I got home i dropped all my things in my room and bolted down stairs to my mom and gave her the great news.

" Absolutely Not." My mother said. She was just grumpy because she wasn't asked out on a date, and i did! I Looked her in the eyes and gave her my puppy dog stare. She was a sucker when it came to MY puppy dog face. I would Pout me Lips and put on a sad look like no ones seen before.
"Why can;t i go? It is just for a few hours and I'll be good. And Safe. I Have My money and i will call you!" I Pleaded. It was no use. My mother has made up her mind, and that it that.
I Gave her a look back and i said to myself,You are going to the beach with Dylan, No matter what i have to do.

The Next Day
I walked into the classroom, more like ran, to give Dylan my news. He was sitting at my desk waiting for me with a note in his hands. I found my destination.

"Katheryn, This is for you," Dylan handed the note to me and walked to the farthest point in the room, from me. I looked down and unfolded the note. As my eyes scanned the page, I was so happy, i was shaking! My eyes got huge and teary, and my jaw hit the floor.

The Note

Chapter Four
I looked up and found my right mind. I looked at Dylan and i was scared. I didn't know what to say!

Dear Katheryn Taylor,
I am glad to say that you are my love. I have not been able to take my eyes of you. Will you please, Be my girlfriend? -Dylan Sanders

him and i did not talk for the rest of the day. He tried to talk to me, but either ignored him or dodged him.
anyway, he didn't hear a word out of me for a while. I didn't speak to him for weeks at a time.

That night when i had enough, i tolled my mother because it was eating me from the inside out. My mother was saying that i was so focused on my school work that she was seeing gray hairs. At third grade! I got scared my whole head would turn grey. I walked up to her and asked to talk. She looked like i do when she calls me by my full name. Which means i am in trouble.

"Mommy, A guy that is in my class, Dylan, the one i wanted to go to the beach with, he, he, he..... HE ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!! There, I said it!"
" Honey, all you had to do was tell me, You are going to be in fourth grade next year. More like in a few months. I Would like you to save your first boyfriend for the special one that you can't live with out. That one guy probably is not going to be the one you marry and have children with, but what i am trying to say is that, be careful with the boys you choose." She explained. I listened to every detail. I normally do that with everything and everyone.
" Thank you!" I said and i bolted up to my room and grabbed my phone and dialed Dylan's number and with that, the night went downhill.

He said...

Chapter 5
Katheryn, You do realize that i gave you the note two months ago, right?"
I Made sure i dialed the right number before speaking.
"Yeah, and i am so sorry for the wait, it is just my mom, I had to tell her, but i was scared of what would come if I tolled her!
"Katheryn, Stop, i will see you tomorrow." Then, he hung up.
With that being said, I hung the phone up as well, and got into bed. I did not cry, or get mad, or sad. I just sat there.
The next day, as I entered the classroom everyone was extremely quiet. I looked over at Dylan only to see that his eyes did not return my invitation to look. My heart ached and hurt. At lunch, at the very quiet and isolated end of the table, I sat. chewing and chewing until my food was liquid in my mouth. Dylan failed to get me to talk.
" Hey, Kathy Kat! I um... wanted to talk, about... Last night..." Dylan tried to get the most awkward words out of his mouth. they didn't flow as I thought they were going to in my fantasized and sick mind. That's right Sick. Love sick. I was drowning in a puddle of love in hell. Were all the other 3rd grade girls that are sick with the love influenza go.
" Did you just call me, Kathy Kat???" I blurted out. Out of all my thoughts and emotions that flooded through out my brain, it found the words for that.
"Yeah, I thought you could have a nickname. I mean you called me Dyl. Like the Pickle. you know!" He tried and tried but it wasn't worth it. I packed my lunch and sat in the corner of the lunch room where no one sat. the place that the spiders roamed.
" Kathy Kat, only Daddy called me that!! How does he know about that?!" I ventured on a quest in my imagination. I was the Princess and there was a dragon. Just like any regular story, right? Wrong. It was a sick and twisted version where everyone dies because of the Princess actions. I tried and tried to shut down. Stop this Day dream but it didn't have and over ride combination. That night Dylan Called. As the phone rang, i hesitated. As I picked up the Phone, I grabbed the note.

I couldn't get my hand to grab the phone fast enough it seemed. I slowly picked the phone up and whispered into it, as though it were top secret information.
" Hey Katheryn, Ummm.... This is Dylan." He sounded ask though he was crying or.... hurt or, just maybe he was merely having a hard time with the words.
" Hey Dylan, Whats up?" I tried to sound as though i were totally emotionless. Like i was drain by a vacuum of emotions. He bought it.
" I wanted to say I am SO sorry!" He said. " I hung up on you the other night is because me and Merilyn are going out now.......... Are you there? are you O.K?"
With that tiny bit of information i slammed the phone down and cried. My mother eventually came upstairs because i was so quiet. She came and put me in her lap. The last time she hugged, or comforted me like this is when we found out that Daddy died. I say cradled in her arms. my head rested in the crook of her neck and i was in a small, ball in her arms. Finally after a while she broke the silence. the peace.
" What happened, Baby girl?" Momma tried to get me to talk.
But i couldn't. I should, but i can't.


Chapter 6
I woke up the next morning. I smelled toast and jam. I Hopped out of bed. I was super Happy for some reason. I walked down stairs and met my mother. She helped me get ready. i ate breakfast and not once did momma say a word... quite strange.

I Got onto the bus and sat by Marilyn. She looked at me as though i were some foreign bug that she wanted to swat away, because she though it wanted to inject venom in her.
Then it hit me. Last night, the conversation with Dylan. Marilyn. MARILYN!!!!!
" How dare you!" I said. She looked back at me bewildered and that is the end of a friendship that lasted 5 years. It was a shame to see this happen. It is as if all this hard work was just thrown out to be destroyed. No point, no purpose. Just there to be there. That is all she is. She was just this thing that walked, talked and applied to much lipgloss.  


Publication Date: 04-08-2012

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