I was taking a short cut through the woods when I heard them. The fans. Still a half mile away and I could already hear them shouting out, losing all their dignity to a Boy. Band. "One Direction, One Direction!" "Niall will you marry me?" "Your what makes me beautiful!" I rolled my eyes at that last one. How corny.
Finally at the back of the school I felt a sudden burst of pride. Because my mom works... no used to work here... I've been coming here since I could walk. That means that I passageways that haven't been used in years. Not even the janitors know about them. Just when I was about to go in I heard, "I'll never see Kevin again." I froze then whirled around and saw four guys on top of one , all with their hands on his mouth. And here I was presented with none other than One Direction.
I sighed. The idiots were probably trying to find a way in without being mobbed. I considered my options. 1. I could let them go in and have some entertainment before school starts. 2. I could let them in through the back and have them in my undying loyalty. Deciding to go with the second one I started over to their car where was parked and praised myself on the fact that I can walk normally and you can't even here me.that probably comes from playing volleyball and cheer leading from when I was little. Wish I could do that again. Right outside the car door (the car is a convertible ) and none of them saw or heard me. I fight a giggle. Then I lean down and whisper " I can get you in." To the guy with the curly hair. He gives a high, short, girls scream and immediately all eight hands are on his mouth, all of them staring at him wide eyed. Then they fallow his gaze, see me, and fear registers on their faces. Real slowly like he was talking to a three year old, Blondie said "Now don't scream. I promise if you don't scream then we'll give you backstage tickets for our next concert." I just look at him.
Finally I say " I don't really care about you or your band I just thought I could get you in, but I could still really use those tickets." I think about how for my science project on brain tumors and I met a little girl whose birthday is coming up soon and how she loves one direction. How this is her last birthday. Then I'm back to reality. "You see boys." curls said(I know their names but I like my nicknames) "if their not in it for the money all they want is tickets." What a brat. He doesn't know me, or even why I want those tickets.
I put my hands on the edge of the car door and lean down, prepared to make them feel horrible. "Do you even know why I want those tickets. No, don't answer that. I want those tickets for a friend of mine, who happens to be a big fan. A-" I got cut off by "ooohhhh a friend what's her name imaginary." My eyes blazed and I snarled out "Her name is Baily and she happens to be dying from brain tumors. I figured that since she was a fan and you offered me tickets it would be the perfect birthday present. But I guess I'll have to stick to posters. " I was finished lecturing and I saw that they all looked guilty, but it wasn't enough.
"Oh and one more thing." turning to the crowed I shouted as loud as I could "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!OMG, OMG, OMG, IT'S ONE DIRECTION!" Then I turned on my heals and streaked into the corridor.
Her friend is dying. She wanted the tickets as a birthday present. I feel like crap. Now that she was done I was going to apologize when she did something that I so did not expect. She started screaming.(I wish I knew her name.)"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!OMG!OMG!OMG! IT'S ONE DIRECTION!" Then she turned and ran towards the back of the building like there was a door there, but there wasn't. Or maybe there was but we didn't see. I guess I wont know because BAM! we're consumed by people. Now I don't like her as much.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SKIPING THEM GETTING THROUGH THE CROWED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"God that crowed was huge." I say as me and the rest of the guys wait in the office to get our schedules. Then the principal comes out and he says "One Di-rec-tion. Never would have thought I'd have you here. Well I'll let you know that just because your a bunch of pretty boys, you'll be treated the same as all the rest of the students. If you act up you will be punished. And you, curly top," he glairs at Harry, "I've already warned all the teachers about your...ah,preference to older women." I could tell Harry was about to punch him, hell I was about to punch him, when Liam said " Yes sir, well just take our schedules and be on our way."
"Good going Liam, sign us up at a school with a principal who hates us." I say once were in the hall. "Oh come on guys it's not that bad. Just stay away from him. Now it looks like the bells going to ring soon so just go to class and meet back at the car when schools over." I look down at my schedule to see what I have.
Period one-science
Period two-biology
Period three-math
Period four-math
Period five-lunch
Period six-history
Period seven-special(gym, art, music, health, tech Ed)
Period eight-study hall
Period nine-language arts
Then the bell rings and I'm off to science. When I find the science room I'm a little late so when I walk in they all look at me like I just murdered someone. The teacher looks up and says " Ah, our new student. I don't believe that I need to introduce you so I'll just find you a seat." While she looks around I see that all the girls are drooling over me now but I don't know why, I mean its not like I'm hot or anything. "A-ha, I'll sit you next to Mariette. Mari, please raise your hand." What hind of name is Mariette? Then I see her face.
It's the girl from outside. I feel my eyes widen in surprise and her nose wrinkles in distaste. I smile a little at that because she looks so cute when she does that. Realizing that I'm just standing there like an idiot I walk to my seat at the back of the class. Mariette is kinda a mouthful. I think I'll call her Ma.
She put her head back down and in a couple of minutes she was asleep. She really was pretty. Her face was kind of a pale/tan and when you look closely you cam see a light scar across her cheek. I wonder what that was from? Ma's hair goes down around her shoulders and it is a nice brown with darker brown streaks. When I touched it, it was really soft. Remembering from earlier her eyes were a really nice, warm chocolaty brown that makes me melt. WOAH! Where did that come from. I don't like her do I?" God where's Harry when you need him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SKIP TO AFTER SCHOOL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When I met up with the guys after school I was so pissed. I had Ma for every one of my classes and she made sure that I was miserable. "so how was your day?" Liam asked and I shot him a glare. " You know that girl from earlier. she has every one of my classes." I got in the back and closed my eyes. I hate this place already.
I slip out of the school with a smile on my face. I was still angry about before school when none other than Flip up(my nickname for Zayn)came into my homeroom. He had been assigned to the empty seat next to me and I decided to ignore him so I put my head down and in a couple minutes I was in that weird sleep where your asleep but your not at the same time. 'Maybe this isn't so bad', I had thought. 'I could use this time to annoy him.' It was then that I felt someone playing with my hair, but it felt good so I let it go. Turns out he has all my classes.
I step into the woods and let the shadows of the trees engulf me. I like the woods because they make me feel like a spy. I can see everything in the woods and on the roads easily, but to see in the woods you have to look really hard. Hearing a crunching sound I turned to find the culprit, but as soon as I do the sound stops. I start to feel uneasy walk faster and the sound fallows me. Whirling around I think I see a shadow move behind a tree and now I'm all out running.
That's when I feel the hands. They grab my arms and turn me around so that I'm faced with the biggest sleaze-boy from school(Derek) who has banged every girl in school except for me, and by the look in his eyes I think I know what he wants. I gasp and start to struggle to get away from him, but he tightens his grip so that I wince. That's going to bruise. Derek leans down and slurs "Nnoowww, don't ssstruugle. Just g-give mme what Iii want and I'll leeet you gooooo." He's beyond drunk and I look frantically to the road but no ones there. No one to save me.
Suddenly his hand is under my shirt and he's reaching for my bra. "NO!" I scream and struggle, but he just grunts, puts both my hands in one of his, and rips my bra off and throws it to the base off a tree. Before I know it my hands are free and he's trying to get my pants off. Taking my chance I knee Derek in the nose and start to run. I don't get far though because he slams me against a tree causing me to cry out in pain. Keeping me pinned to tree and with the other he pushes my pants down and throws them over with my bra. I'm all out sobbing now and I scream out again because its starting to get hard to breath.
Then Derek's hand is gone and I see Liam standing there looking furious. Louis comes over and he kicks Derek in the stomach. I cant stand any more and I fall to the ground as I struggle to breath. Niall comes over and leans down grabs him by his thought and says "Who the hell do you think you are that you think you can treat a woman like that." I cant believe it. The boys who I made feel horrible are defending me. I take in a ragged breath and Zayn delivers a blow so heavy that it knocks him out cold. He has to be really strong to do that with one blow. Then someone's hugging me close and I look up to see Harrys kind face. I start to cry and he hugs me tighter and whispers "Sshhh, sshhh, its going to be okay. Its going to be okay."
"Lets take her back to our place." someone says. Harry picks me up and we start to their car. "Why?" I ask whisper "Why would you do that for me when I was so mean to you?" "No one deserves to be treated like that and besides we kinda deserved it" answers Lou. I look at him like he's an angel and say "Thank you," probably to low for anyone to hear. We're at the car now and they put me in in-between Zayn and Harry. They put the roof and soon I fall asleep with my head on Zayn's shoulder.
Someone is shaking my shoulder. My shoulder hurts. I open my eyes and everything is too bright and blurry. Taking a deep breath I open my eyes wider and sit up with a wince. Or sit up straighter. Looking around I see the boys of One Direction looking at me with worried faces. I take a quick scan of my surroundings and realize that in in a limo. Why am I in a limo? Then everything comes back to me with such force that it feels like someone punched me in the gut. Me walking in the shaded woods alone. Me, full of fear as I realize what Derek had wanted and that he intended to get it no matter what. Me being slammed against the tree and giving up hope. Me being saved by the boys, thinking Zayn is strong. Me blacking out. I let out a whimper, pulled my feet up and started to cry.
"Oh, don't cry love. It's okay. Your okay." The voice was soft and comforting and I unintentionally leaned towards it. Warm arms embraced me an I turned my head into whoever a chest and we just sat there while I cried. Finally I pulled my head away and looked up. It was Zayn. "Thanks" I said my voice scratchy from crying. "No problem love, but we talked it over and from the looks of it it seams like you live alone. Am I right?" Normally I would have denied everything but I trusted them and said, "Yeah, I do. Ever since my mom died I've been living by myself. I had just turned eighteen so I was able to live alone." "Then it's settled. You are going to live with us from now on and to marrow we'll move all your stuff in." I smiled and said "really, thank you!" I jumped around and hugged every one of them and I winced when Louis squeezed to tight and he let go quickly. "It's a little sore." I said. He nodded.
"We'll let's go in and we can eat some dinner. They all got out and I started to but then I remembered that I didn't have a bra or pare of pants and stopped. Harry stuck his head in and asked "Are you coming or what?" "Um, I don't really have any clothes on." I said. Niall must have overheard me because he took off his shirt and handed Tito me to put on. I took it gratefully and put it on.
Climbing out of the car I saw that it came down to almost my knees and I realized that even he was three inches taller than me. His shirt had a nice small and I pulled up to,we'll I don't know I just wanted to smell it. They were all looking at me weird and I smiled shyly and said "I like the smell. Old we go in?" They nodded and we went inside but before that I thought I saw Zayn glaring at Niall with jealousy?
The house is huge and I started to run around like a little kid at an amusement park. This is awesome.
As soon as we came in she started to run around like a madman. Me and the rest of the boys(except Niall, he went to the kitchen) went into the living room to watch the Telly. Ma was still darting around and every once in a while she would silently(like a ninja) pop into see what we were doing. Suddenly we heard a scream and Ma ran past us and into the room that we have incase one of our sisters come to visit.
We all ran up to the room to see her going through the clothes. "What are you doing to my sisters stuff?!" Louis yelled. Ma looked up and said "You guys have a pool, and any girl who comes here and knows there is a pool is going to have a bathing suit. And your sister is my size." Haz looked at her and said "Lou's sister hates sw-" but got cut off by an "A-ha! It's cute too." Then she turned to us and shooed us out so she could change. I looked at the rest of the boys and said "Lets go change too." and we all went into ous rooms. When we came back out I saw that Ma wasn't in her room and said "She must be in the pool already." to the rest of the boys.
We went down to the pool(we have an inside pool too)and saw Ma was already there and she was having a blast. After about 10 min. Harry came up behind her and said to her, "You know, if you weren't here I would be naked right now." Then she gasped and pushed away from Harry as fast as she could and hid behind Liam who was the next closest. I looked over at him and saw him smiling shyly and saw that...Harry Jr. has come out to play. "Oh, come on Harry!" Niall said. Hazza's eyes got wide and said "I can't help it! She's pretty!" Lim sighed and said lets go get some dinner."
We all got out, but I guess Lou's shorts were lose and when he got out the water weighed them down. Way down. Ma gasped and covered her eyes with her hand and said "That is WAY more Louis than I ever wanted to see!" Lou pulled his shorts up with a sorry and we all got out.
Well this was an eventful day.
After I dried off I barrowed some of Lou's sisters clothes and came out of the room. I looked over and saw than Zayn is going down the stairs and I jumped on his back with a "Weeee!" He didn't so much as move except than to wrap his hands around my legs to support me. "To the kitchen!" I shouted and he laughed and started to the kitchen. I'm not sure about my feelings for Zayn but I think I might like him. I also think that I might like Louis too and It's not because I've seen his dick. But I know he has a girlfriend so it would never happen and I pushed the thought from my mind.
We were in the kitchen now and I saw Harry was cooking. "Mmmmmmm. Chicken." It smelled good but it was missing something. Walking over to the cabinets I grabbed some basil. Walking back to Harry I hip-bumped him out of my way and seasoned the chicken. "What do you think your doing!" Harry shouted. Ignoring him I grabbed a knife and a fork and cut off a piece for him to try. "Taste," I told him. He did and his eyes widened. Suddenly he grabbed my shoulders and leaned over me(he's already towering over me)and said "Teach me all your cooking skills O' Wise One" I smiled and helped him cook the rest of dinner.
After dinner I was pretty tired so I told them "I'm going to go up to bed." I was stopped when Niall grabbed my wrist and said "You don't have a room here yet." "Until tomorrow that room is my room." I said knowing that he would know what I meant. He let me goo and when I got up there I changed into sweatpants and a plain white T-shirt. I flopped down on the bed to tired to bother with getting under the covers.
I'm almost asleep when I hear a soft knock on my door and Zayn pokes his head in. "Hey Ma, you awake?" Sitting up groggily I answered with "Ma?". He came over and sat on the bed making it sink down. "It's my nickname for you," he explained "but if you don't like it I can change it." he answered quickly. I smiled "No I like it. It's original." I saw him sigh in relief. "So is there something you want to ask me?" I asked more awake now. "Yeah, there is." he answered suddenly nervous. Zayn rubbed the palms of his hand back and forth across his thigh and awkwardly shifted positions. "Look I know we don't really know each other but I-I really like you. Like like you-like you." I looked at him surprised but he continued. "And I was wondering if...if you would like to go out with me?" he asked the last part half hopeful half scared. I beamed wide awake now and said "Yes, yes I would love too!" I hugged him and pecked him on the cheek. I froze wondering what he would think, but he didn't seam to have a problem with it.
Zayn gave me a kiss back, the corner of his touching mine, then he said "Goodnight" and left. I fell back against my pillow and knew that I could possibly be the happiest person alive.
Publication Date: 01-28-2013
All Rights Reserved
for my friend Oneder