These stories are created by using my day to day experiance with people from my childhood. Also I have put in dialogue format to give the same effect as and How it happened.
I hope these will be interesting.
With Love
Sivapradayini Neelappan
Dialogue 1:
The conversation is between my team leader and myself.
Me: Good evening Balaji
Me:Hi Balaji, How are you?
Subha: (Looking at me) No one will even look at me or care for me as she only seems to be beautiful than me in this workplace.
Balaji: Do you think u r very beautiful than subha?It is the make up which you use and subha is naturally beautiful.
Me: The full documents were not properly downloaded by Diwaker to me so I have to request the vendor Nortel to get the invoice copies.
Subha: She is lieing Balaji, I saw Diwaker gave all the updates.
Balaji: slightly started shooting at me, Do u think u have very good english knowledge, U show u speak english well.I dont like your character.Ur behaviour is not good.
Me: I am innocent, I am trying to fix up the nortel issue soon by the time christmas leave gets over and all the overdue invoices in the statement of account is not overdue.
Balaji:Ur behaviour is not good. What is the need to talk to Adithya?When u have already escalated that he is teasing u in the cab, Why u talk to him?
Me: Because he is in payment team , obviously without talking the work cannot be done. More over the issue is resolved then and there, V have to friendly forgeting the past which is good for both.
Balaji: I will throw you out of the job.How powerful I am in flextronics? I recruited you and wanted you to come up in your career.
Me: Yes Balaji. ( I remined silent for whatever he scold becas I felt, It is not him who scolded me by intention, others are making him to do so.
Rajarajan:(When I am alone)No one in AP likes Balaji as he is not handsome and he is one pshyco and never mingles with any1.We never go to the team leader Balaji for any doubts.The Assistant Manager Sireesh will like only Telugu people and want only telugu team leaders.
Blessly:(When I am alone)If Balaji has taken any recruitment, defintly he will not fit into the process as he never selects any useful candidate.
Subha: (When I am alone) Balaji will always scold the team members so I fear not to go & talk to him, better u also dont go and talk to him.
Me: I am working sincerly on the statements so that all the over due is paid on time and the Statements become up to date.
Rajarajan: (Advising me) U can change the team if you wish? Better change the team and go to other process.
Dialogue 2:
The conversation is between my close friend Poonam and myself.Poonam loved Rizwan from school days and wanted to marry her.They both belong to two different religions. Their Parents did not like their love affair and they were facing lot of personal issues.
This was the time when Rizwan and Poonam were arrested by police along with one of our friend
Siraj. At that time, Eve teasing cases filed by Tamil Nadu police,and my frnds were also arrested in 1998-1999. It was a tough time for Poonam as her love affair with Rizwan reached Police, then to principal and then to her parents. The principal of the college took the issue to the parents of Poonam.
Them Poonams mom Rekha was threatening Poonam that she will burn herself if Poonam marries
Rizwan. Poonam was crying to me that she will commit suicide if she cant marry Rizwan.
Publication Date: 11-08-2010
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