
Where’d they go?
Chapter 1: The problem
Sara walked down the white halls of Georgetown High School. She had gotten an urgent message from the office saying that her mother was here to pick her up early. She wondered what was so bad that she had to leave so early in the day.
When Sara got to the office her mom and Mrs. Tot, the secretary, were talking secretly, but once she walked into the organized room they stopped talking and her scared-looking mom frantically grabbed her arm and said “Sweetie, we need to go…now.”
“Mom where are we going?” said Sara as she is being tugged away from her school building.
“I’ll tell you in the car, they may be listening.”
“Who might be listening? Mom what’s going on??” says Sara a little freaked out.
Once they get into the dark blue car her mom turns the car on and whispers “I’m in a little bit of trouble right now Sara.”
“What did you do?”
“It’s not my fau...” before her mom could finish something hits the car really hard and flips them and the car completely over.
“Mom!” Sara yells. Her head is pounding and it feels like her heart is in her head.
She looks over and sees that her mother is sitting upside down and has blood gushing out of her head. Sara panics a little. “MOM!!” she says again. She unbuckles herself and gently, but frantically crawls over to her mom she checks her pulse and it is faint and slowly slowing down. She keeps her hand on her mother’s neck and feels the pulse until it isn’t there no more.
Sara starts to cry her mother was dead now and she doesn’t even know a thing that is going on.
Sara slowly gets out of the damaged car and onto the school parking lot. She looks around to see all the cars there and they were surprisingly undamaged. She turns around to look at her mom’s car that she was just in and it, too, was perfectly fine. It was like she was never in it and that it was never upside down. She looked inside to see her mother still dead and still bleeding, but there was no broken glass, no blood stains, and no scratches.
Sara ran inside to make sure everyone in the building was safe. She ran into the first couple of classrooms and there were no loud students or boring teachers there. So she went to the other classrooms and there, also, was no one there. She ran into the principal’s office to ask Mrs. Tot where everyone went and she or Mr. Gynther weren’t there.
She walked slowly outside of the office and stood in the hall. Where did everyone go? Sara says in her head. She stands in the halls of her empty school that was before filled with loud and obnoxious kids five minutes ago and is now completely empty like a ghost town.
As she walks down the halls she sees a boy. He stands there in all black. He has black hair and his eyes are bright blue. His face is a little scruffy and has a bit of a five o’ clock shadow showing. His hair is long and wavy but not too long, but the cute short so when his bangs were in the way he could just flip his head and they’d move.
Sara walked down the hall slowly, tiptoeing. Once she is ten feet away from the boy she stops and just stands there.
“There all gone,” the boy says.
“Where’d they go? I never saw anyone leave the school and all their cars are still here.” She says nervously.
“Let’s just say there in a sort of safe place,” he says with a slight grin on his face.
“My mom? Is she really…?”
“Dead? Yes she is gone. I don’t think she went to hell if she did I would’ve known.” He said with a little frown on his face.
Tears start to well up in Sara’s eyes her mom was truly gone. She couldn’t believe she was all alone.
Her father died when she was only a young girl. It was her and her mom for 13 years and now she was all by herself.
“So what are you doing here? If there all gone and it is just me then why you here?” she said sadly trying to be strong.
“Because I want to help you,”
“Help me? Why would you want to help me?”
“Because I have been watching you and I’m pretty sure you would want my help with what is coming to get you.”
“Coming to get me?” Sara says nervously.
“Your mom said that she was in trouble, did she not?” he said in scary way.
“Yea, wait. How’d you know about that, only my mom and I were there?” She said suspiously.
“I’m everywhere and right next to you and over here I’m in Africa and Asia. I am everyone.”
“So like God?”
“No, not exactly,”
“So are you the Devil?”
“Sort of,” he says a little sadly
“Then what are you? You’re not God and you’re not the Devil. Is there something in between?” she asks confused.
I’m a fallen angel,” he says as he takes off his black jacket and two huge black wings fly out.
Sara falls back a little bit even though she was ten feet away. She was taken aback that she was standing ten feet away from a fallen angel.
Her mom always said that there was such-a-thing but Sara always thought she was just saying that like how parents tell their kids that Santa and the Easter bunny were real.
Now, Sara felt bad that she always flipped out on her mom when she said that when she was a teenager and her mom was telling her that lie.
“Why would I want help from a fallen angel? Isn’t there a reason you’re a fallen angel? Don’t you have to do something bad to be fallen?” she says a little snotty.
I fell in love with a human…”
Chapter 2: The Truth

“You can become a fallen angel by falling in love with a human?” Sara asked confused.
“No, you can only become a fallen angel if you try to act on it,” he said shyly looking toward the ground.
“May I ask who you fell in love with,”
“No!!” he yelled loudly.
Sara jumped back scared of the sound of his voice. “Ok you don’t have to tell me but tell me this why do you want to help me?”
“Because I can’t see you getting hurt your part of the prophecy,”
“Aren’t prophecies like with people who have powers? I’m only human.”
“That’s why you need to be protected more than any other prophet, because you’re a human prophet,”
“Oh ok. Well can you tell me what’s going on? What kind of trouble was my mother in?”
“Your mother has been hiding from a mystical monster since before even you were born. She was in an army. Not one that you are thinking. It was more of a fantasy army. She and the army went to go conquer land everywhere but they were always being followed by the monster known as Gorlick. Her and her army decided to go hide but Gorlick found them. All the women ran but more than half had died. Your mother as you can figure was one of the survivors. But every 13 years he comes after those he hasn’t killed and their kids. And your mother had you so are meant to be killed.”
When Sara had heard that she is meant to be killed, her heart started to pound hard against her chest. She started to feel faint like she was going to fall. She stumbled into a locker and tried to hold herself up. But her legs felt like jelly and she fell to the ground. The fallen angel was by her side in a second.
He knelt down next to her and whispered while rubbing her back trying to calm her down. “Everything is going to be ok. I’m here to help.” The she blacked out.
When she woke up again she was laying in a bed she was in her p.js but she wasn’t at home. She was in a nice little room. The walls were made of wood like as if she was in a log cabin and the floor was made mahogany wood. She sat up in bed looking for a clock. She found one on the night stand next to the bed. It said 5:00, but she didn’t know if it was A.M. or P.M. so she set her feet gently on the ground and walked over to the window closest to her. She tore the shades away from each other and looked outside. She saw a beautiful beach with white sand and clear blue water. She could smell the wet sand and she can feel the sea breeze on her face.
She went to the dresser and opened all the draws until she found her clothes. She found a tight, white tank top along with dark blue short shorts. She passed by the closet of shoes and decided she didn’t want to wear shoes and let the sand go between her toes.
She headed out to the beach. She stood and stared at the clear blue water with the hot sand in between her toes. She let her hair fly in the wind.
Sara walked up to the water and picked up a sea shell. She looked at with astonishment. How can something so small be so beautiful?
From somewhere behind her someone said “Why do you think you’re so beautiful?”
She turned quickly behind her and saw the boy from the school.
“You think I’m beautiful?” she asked blushing slightly under her skin.
“Yea, my name is Jessie by the way, for me you are something so small yet you are so beautiful.”
“Oh, are there others that you think that about,” Sara asks questionably.
“Maybe,” Jessie says secretly.
Sara stretches out her arm toward Jessie and says “Come here,”
Jessie takes Sara’s hand and walks over to her. He stood right next to her still holding her hand.
“This is so beautiful,” Sara says quietly under her breath.
“Yeah it is,” Jessie says staring at Sara as she looks out into the sea.
“Where are we?”
“We’re in a remote island off of the Bahamas.”
“Wow, so were completely by ourselves?”
“Yea, well except God and the Devil are watching us, but humanly yes were by ourselves.”Jessie says jokingly.
They both laughed and looked into each other’s eyes.
He has such beautiful eyes. He has the face of an angel just darker to fit the role of a fallen angel. I just want to kiss him so badly. He said I’m beautiful maybe he wants to kiss me too. Sara says in her head.
She is so beautiful. Her hair is beautiful flowing in the wind. Free just like her. I want to kiss her so badly but she doesn’t know that she is the human that made me fall. She can’t know. I don’t want her to feel bad for me. It was my fault and I don’t regret it for a second. I’m going to kiss her, maybe not now, but soon. Jessie thinks in his head knowing she can’t read it yet.
“I’m going to get us some food. What would you like?” Jessie says as he turns around.
“But there’s no restaurants here how are you going to get us food?” she says confused.
“I’m going get like coconuts and fish for me. Do you want bananas and what?”
“Oh um ill have some bananas and make me some fish too please.”
“Right away” he says smiling
As he walks away he starts to strip down to his pants once he is inside he has his jacket, his shirt and his socks and shoes off. After three minutes of being inside he comes out with his swim shorts on and a spear to get the fish.
Sara stares at him. His abs are so masculine and his arms small but have muscles. He gets into the water and gets all wet. He has the spear over his head aiming at one of the fish watching its pattern to learn when to attack it.
Sara is jealous that she isn’t in the water so she runs inside and looks through her drawers and finds a black bikini. She changes from her tank top and shorts and into her bikini. It fits her nicely. You can see every curve and it holds her chest up nicely.
She walks outside and takes in the sun for a second. She loves the feel of the sun on her skin. She closes her eyes and takes in the fresh smell again smelling stronger than when she was inside. She opens her eyes and looks at Jessie and see that he is staring right back at her. She looks away quickly blushing.
She walks over to the water and puts her feet in. The water is cold but she keeps walking loving the coldness of the water and the hotness of the sun mixing together in her body to give her a luke warm temperature.
She walked in deeper into the water. She started to swim she dunked her head under water to get her hair wet. When she came up the sun beamed on her like she was a goddess. She smoothed her hair back so it was out of her eyes. Sara wished she could live there forever. It was paradise for her. Sara wouldn’t have to worry about anything. Sara wouldn’t have to worry about her mom or. That’s when it hit her. Sara remembered all that happened just the day before. Her mom had died by a mystical monster. Everyone disappeared. Sara now remembered the reason why Jessie was at this beautiful place. Not as a romantic thing but to keep me safe.
She swam to shore and walked onto the beach. She grabbed a towel and walked inside. The beach suddenly had no appeal to Sara. She put o a pair of sweat pants and a t shirt and sat in the bedroom. Memories of yesterday flashed before her eyes. She started to get tears in her eyes. She brought up her knees to her head and laid her chin her knees she put her face in her hands and started to cry. She fell asleep crying.
Jessie woke Sara up not even 30 minutes later. Jessie saw her tear stain t shirt and saw the outfit she was wearing.
“Are you ok? You look sad and it looks like you cried,” Jessie asked in a concerned way.
“Do-Do you like me in anyway?” Sara asks still with tears in her eyes.
“Of course I like you. Why do you think I am helping you?”
“No I mean like in a romantic sort of way. Because I am falling for you and I just keep remembering that your only here to help me. And after all this is done and if I don’t ever see you again then I might as well try to get over you now.”
Jessie sits on the bed and puts and arm around Sara’s shoulders. He kisses her forehead and says “I do love you. More than even I can understand. You’re the human I fell in love with. You’re why I was willing to become a fallen angel.”
“I-I am?” she says with a slight smile.
“Yes,” he says wiping a tear that was running down Sara’s face, but instead of taking it away he holds his hand there and cups her face staring into her beautiful dark brown eyes. “You are so beautiful; I wish I could have married you when I was a human,” he says still staring.
Sara holds up her hand to his hand and closes her eyes. His touch was so warming she felt safe now and never wanted him to stop. “How old were you when you died?” Sara asked opening her eyes and staring back into Jessie’s bright blue eyes.
“I was 17 when I died.”Jessie says sadly.
“And how long ago was that?”
“100 years ago,”
Sara looks at him with wide eyes. “So your 117 years old?”
“No, well yes but the hundred years don’t count it doesn’t do anything to my body. It is like I am 17 right now. If I was human then I would be 17.”
“Can you ever become human again?”
“Realistically no, but God has agreed to give me my life back if I can prove to him that I can still protect you without having my love come in the way.”
“So if I don’t die and we kill this Gorlick thingy, then you can become a human and we can be together?”
“Yes, of course.”
“But what if I do…die? Then what will happen to you?”
“You will become a pure angel and I will still be a fallen angel.”
“So in other words I should try my best to stay alive so because if I don’t then we’ll be separated forever,” Sara says making everything obvious.
“Yep, pretty much,” says Jessie putting down his hand and grabbing her hand and holding it tightly.
Sara wiped her eyes and looked at Jessie. She was happy that the one guy she is crazy for is crazy for her too. But she knows she can’t die, she can’t be separated from him.
Then something popped into her head. How was she going to defeat Gorlick? She had no training in fighting. She was going to be like a jellyfish up against a shark.
Interrupting Sara’s thoughts Jessie says “We’re going to train you. You’re not going to be helpless up against Gorlick.”
“Wait, you mean you can’t help me?” Sara says surprised.
Jessie shakes his head and squeezes her hand, “but I will teach you everything you need to know.”
Sara got up off the bed and grabbed her athletic clothes and went into the bathroom. She took off her sweats and put her athletic clothes on she threw up her hair into a ponytail and walked out of the bathroom.
“I’m ready,” Sara says with pride in her voice.

Chapter 3: The training
Jessie and Sara were out on the beach. Sara was hot and sweaty and it had only been 10 minutes since they started. She had a stick in her hand. It is suppose to represent a sword. Jessie won’t risk her using a sword on her first training session.
“Again,” Jessie says.
Sara picks up the stick and gets into fighting position. She is sore all over and she can hardly pick up the stick any more.
Jessie got into the fighting position also. He went easy on her but was also a little hard on her. He wasn’t afraid to hurt her. He knew that what he did to her was nothing compared to what Gorlick was going to do.
“Fight,” he yelled.
Then Sara and Jessie would start fighting both using swords. Sara was doing pretty well for her first day of training but she knew she still had a way to go.
They fought for ten minutes, none stopping between each hit. Sara knew that her muscles ached and that she couldn’t last much longer but she also knew that if she didn’t when then she can’t be with Jessie.
They fought hard against each other trying to hurt the other so much. Jessie hit her so hard that the blow went straight through her stick and knocked her down.
He pointed the stick at her throat and says “killed,”
Sara fell down onto the sand and just rested. She was so tired. Jessie put out a hand to help her up. She grabbed it and instead of getting up, Sara pulled Jessie down with her.
They both laid on the ground laughing. Sara rolled onto her stomach and laid her head on her hands and closed her eyes.
“Mmm, naptime,” Sara says sleepy.
“Nuh uh,” Jessie says trying to pick her up.
Sara feels that he is trying to pick her up so she makes herself really heavy.
“Ha ha, very funny, but you have forgotten haven’t you?”
“Forgotten what?” Sara says as her eyes get wide trying to think of what she had forgotten.
“I’m an angel, I have wings.” As Jessie says those words his wings pop out from his back and he holds on tighter to Sara. He jumps up into the air and they soar through the sky.
Sara holds onto Jessie with all the strength that she had left. She couldn’t believe she was flying. It was so beautiful. The water looked so far away and you could see the animals swimming under the water. Sara could look up and touch the clouds with her bare hands. She smiled and looked at Jessie. He was staring at her the whole time. He had a huge smile on his face. All his teeth were showing and they were pearly white.
After flying for awhile, Jessie landed himself and Sara onto the beach. Sara was still clenching onto Jessie with all her life. He pried her fingers and stepped back and smiled.
“That. Was. Amazing!” yelled Sara. “It was so beautiful I can’t even imagine what the rest of world looks like from that high.”
“Really? I was looking at something more gorgeous that I wasn’t even paying attention,” he says smiling at her.
Sara blushes under his stare. She knew what he meant, and it was so romantic. She had never had anyone ever say nothing remotely close to that to her.
Sara started to walk inside and grabbed some lazy clothes. She walked into the bathroom and started the shower. She didn’t have the guts to wait for a response from Jessie. She just walked in. Not asking if he wanted in first or if he wanted to do any more training. She was nervous and just needed to relax.
When Sara was in the shower she could hear Jessie outside the door. She didn’t know what he was doing. So she just stayed relaxed in the tub let the bubbles surround her and let the silence over take her.
Sara finally had gotten out of the tub. She had changed into her lazy clothes that she had picked out and opened the door. She was surprised to see what was there.
Sara set her clothes into the laundry pile that she and Jessie had started. She couldn’t take her eyes off the scene that was supposedly the room she was just in before her bath.
The bed that once had blue sheets now had pure white sheets. The floor and the mirrors and the tables were all clean. And had petals of roses thrown all over them. The bed was covered with them too. The room was dim. There were a few candles in the room as the light source.
Lying on the bed was a beautiful red dress. It was short, halter top. With it were silver heels where the straps climbed up her ankle. Next to all this was a note from Jessie saying: Hey Sara, I see out of the shower now and noticed the bedroom. Well I did it for you. Put on this dress and these shoes and gussy up. We’re going to have a night you’ll never forget. Love, Jessie.
Sara grabbed the dress and hurriedly put it on. The dress fit her perfect and it didn’t make her chest too small or too big. It also shaped her curves just perfect enough to show them off. She put her hair up into a Chinese bun leaving her bangs swooped to the side covering a little bit of her eye. She put on a silver necklace that her mom had made for her when she was young. Her mother said she could only wear it for a special occasion. And Sara saw this as a special occasion. She put on some hoop earrings also. She strapped on the shoes and headed out onto the beach. The sun was just setting, and Sara thought what a beautiful view.
Just then Jessie walks out in a white button up shirt and dark pair of pants with fancy shoes on and says “I think so too.”
“Jessie, this is just beautiful. But why are we doing this? What do you have planned?”
“That my dear is a surprise,” Jessie says with a little laugh to go with it.
Sara’s heart leaps for a second. She can’t stand not to think what he was doing.
Jessie took her hand and led her to a table. It was set for two. The table cloth was white just like the bed sheets. And in the middle as a decoration was a red rose.
Jessie pulled out a seat and waited till Sara sat down. When she sat down he pushed her in. Then he sat down himself.
“Wow, Jessie this is, just beautiful,” Sara whispers.
“Anything for the most beautiful thing in the world,” Jessie says gazing into her eyes.
They stared at each other for awhile letting the water be the only sound between them.
After awhile Sara says “So what’s for dinner?”
“Oh, I almost forgot,” he says he pulls out a sandwich for both of them.
“A sandwich,” Sara says as she laughs.
“Hey, it is hard to find steak and stuff like that out here in the middle of nowhere.”
They both laugh at how they had only sandwiches for their romantic dinner.
They both picked up their sandwiches and started eating. Sara put her sandwich down and picked up her cup. “What is this?”
“It’s Grape wine. There are a lot of grapes on this island.”
Sara took a sip and she could feel it go down her throat. She closed her eyes letting the tingle of the alcoholism flowed through her blood. She set down her cup and opened her eyes. When she looked at Jessie his sandwich was gone and his wine only had a drop left in the cup.
Jessie took Sara’s hand and squeezed it tight.”You know I don’t try to purposely hurt you during training,” He says while looking at her bruise on her arm.
“No, I know. I bet what you’re doing to me is nothing compared to what Gorlick will do if I don’t train.”
“Exactly, thanks for seeing my point of view.”
“No problem,”
As they both stared into each other’s eyes a dark shadow hovers of the sunset’s only light. They both looked up to see what was in the way. It was a human form but with wings.
She had beautiful blond hair that went far down her back and beautiful blue eyes. She had a beautiful body with beautiful curves.
“What are you doing here Selena?” barks Jessie.
Sara looks at Jessie with shock. He knows this girl?
“How-how do you know her?” says Sara with shock in her voice.
“Oh shut up you little wimp,”
At that instant Sara’s mouth was magically shut she could not open it no matter what she did. She could still breath but it’s like her mouth was open but it wasn’t.
“Good girl, now just sit there like the puny human you are.” Selena says as she magically ties Sara’s hand behind her back and magically pushes her chair close to the water.
Selena kicks the table out of the way and stands in front of Jessie.
“Why are you helping her? You know her path already.”
“Why do you care Selena? What do you miss me?”
“Oh you know it. Jessie don’t you remember all the good times we had?”
“What good times? Oh you mean when we used to kill people for Gorlick? Yeah, those weren’t fun that was torture.”
“Well depends on if we saved earth or not,” Selena says in a snotty voice.
“Whatever,” Jessie says he walks over to Sara who is still shocked about what had happened to her and everything that was going on. “Now let her g..”
Suddenly Sara was hanging off a cliff still tied her seat and mouth covered. “Tsk,tsk,tsk you really thought that I would just let her go. She’s got to earn it.”
“How can she earn it if she is tied over a cliff and can’t do a darn thing,” Jessie yells.
“Hmmm you figure that out Jessie you’re the smart one.” Just then Selena disappeared leaving nothing but a knife.
Chapter 4
The Ex. Girlfriend
Sara was freaking out she couldn’t hear anything that was going on done by the beach all she could hear was the water crashing against the rocks that she was hanging over.
But she could see the look on Jessie’s face and he looked scared and frightened. Suddenly Selena disappeared she just magically wasn’t there.
Jessie walked over to the knife and started to think. What could Sara possibly do to earn her life back? Then he thought of the thing Selena is most known for. Sara was to kill herself.
Jessie started to yell for Selena again. “Selena! Selena!”
Suddenly Selena came out of nowhere. “Wow that was fast I didn’t think you come up with her escape that fast.”
“It’s not an escape you witch! Why would she kill herself to have her life back?”
Selena got a sly look knowing that Jessie was close to what her point was in having Sara kill herself.
“You want her to die in front of Gorlick so I can’t become a pure angel, don’t you?”
Selena clapped her hands in sarcasm “Good job honey. Then you come back to me and we can continue from where we left off.”
“I’d rather die a thousand deaths then be with you again,” Jessie yells at the top of his lungs. His eyes are popping out of his head and his veins are popping out.
Sara heard those words over the ocean. Then it all came to her Selena was Jessie’s ex girlfriend. Sara thought in her head I wonder what this girl did so badly that Jessie didn’t want to be with her ever again. Sara started to squeal trying to get their attention and she caught Selena’s right away.
“Oh, it looks like our little human over here is trying to get our attention.” Selena snapped her fingers and in a second Sara was in the sand right between Jessie and Selena.
She could feel the tension between the two. It was very powerful the hatred that was coming from Jessie. Sara could only feel jealousy and lust toward Jessie, which made Sara a little uncomfortable now.
“What were you trying to tell us, human?” Selena says like a dictator.
“Will you please stop calling her human? She has a name!” Jessie yells before Sara is given a chance to talk.
“Fine, what do you want to say, Sara?”
At that moment Sara is able to talk she could move her mouth and her hands were untied. She quickly ran to Jessie’s side and held on to him as he held her not wanting to let go.
“I wanted to know something. Were you guys once a…a…couple?”
Jessie sighed and said “sadly yes,”
“Sadly!?!? When we were dating you said it was one of the happiest times of your life and not that your with THAT you say it’s the worst time!” Selena yells.
“I never said that you liar. I hated being with you, but you refused to let me say anything. So Awhile watching Sara I finally just ditched you.”
“Fine believe whatever you want,” said Selena trying to hide her anger.
Sara holds on tighter to Jessie. Her head half way into his shirt.
Jessie puts his arm around her so nothing could tear them apart. “Selena, we had some great times but there were a lot of times when it was all about you and I was so depressed. I thought I loved you but I didn’t it was rush of the time we had that were great that kept me with you.”
Jessie holds on tighter to Sara like he was her force field. Selena looked at Sara and Jessie how close they were and how much in love they looked.
“Fine, but Sara you still have to pay for taking Jessie from me,” Selena says trying not to cry.
“Wait, what payment?” Sara says jumping away from Jessie.
Just then Selena disappears just like she did before. But when Sara was yelling for her she never came back.
Jessie was speechless. How could she do this to his love. She knew how much Sara meant to her. But yet she is still going to have Sara die so he could be free of her.
Jessie walked inside he couldn’t be outside anymore. Plus it was pitch dark out now and getting a bit chilly. He left Sara standing there. She looked scared and frightened like all that is happening is just now hitting her in the face. But Jessie wasn’t surprised this was a lot to take in. But she was doing well. She had gotten most of the sword fighting moves down in one day. But they still had a way to go.
Sara was shocked. She was just hung from a cliff unable to move and when she was finally released she found out she had a payment to owe Selena for taking Jessie away from her.
Sara was still in her pretty red dress and pretty silver heels. Wearing the necklace her mother gave her for a special occasion. She took the necklace in her hand and thought This necklace has no meaning no, but I will wear this when I die.
Chapter 5
The Journey
Sara and Jessie woke up to the dark sky. There had been no sun for 3 days since Selena left so there has been no time to train. Sara was getting lazy. She didn’t want to train she didn’t want to do anything.
Jessie tried to push her to do at least 10 push-ups a day. After awhile of being nagged on she would do 10 push-ups. After that she will go get a tub of ice cream and eat. She would gain all the calories that she just lost and gained more.
Jessie went outside and stood in the rain. He couldn’t believe what Selena was doing to him. The one thing he loved and she was going to make Sara kill herself or die in some way. He couldn’t let Sara do that. Not to be with him.
He had to tell Sara that she just had to kill Gorlick. Then they would part ways. He wasn’t going to let her take her own life. He will give her something to remember him by but he can’t be there with her physically or she would have to die.
Jessie walked inside with that thought still in his head. He walked into the bedroom where Sara was at and found her sleeping. He loved watching her sleep. She was peaceful then you couldn’t see the worry in her eyes when they were closed and her lips were always in a smile.
He always wondered what she was thinking about when she was sleeping. He hated that in the morning he would have to ruin that dream and make her start training again and that they would have to begin on their journey to the other world.
Jessie laid down next to Sara. He started to fall asleep but he couldn’t without holding Sara because who knows how long it will be before they get to see each other again.
So Jessie wrapped his arm around Sara and he could feel Sara snuggle up against him. She could feel his presence and he could tell.
Then Jessie after pasting a smile on his face fell asleep with Sara in his arms.
The next morning Sara woke up with Jessie’s arm around her she didn’t want to get up. She loved the warmth that Jessie brought to her when they were close.
Finally Sara slowly lifted Jessie’s arm and slowly climbed out of bed. She headed into the bathroom and turned on the shower water. She looked at herself in the mirror and say a beautiful girl staring right back at her. She could see the scar that made her unique on her neck near her ear.
She had always wondered where that had come from. Her mom said it was from a stick but its more round to be a stick. She quickly shook her head to try and forget about it and to just relax.
She stripped down and got into the shower. The hot water hit her soft skin. She felt it trickle down past her belly button. She stood there and relaxed. The water was nice and she loved the feel after being cold in the sea water.


Publication Date: 08-25-2011

All Rights Reserved

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