
Ch. 1 Family Reunion

Marty dialed a number belonging to her older brother Dominic that she had found in her father's wallet. Marty just hoped that it was actually his.

Her father Tom had kicked her out because he didn't want to put up with Marty after he had kicked out Dominic.

Tom had become very abusive to her and it was only because Dominic wasn't there to stop him.

When Tom father had told him to leave, Dom tried to take Marty with him, but Tom told Dominic that if he didn't leave than bad things would happen to Marty.

The thing was that that they both believed him. At first Tom didn't do anything to her, but then that's when things changed.

So when Marty got her chance to leave she took it. But how was she going to explain this to Dom.

Dialing the number she heard it ring and prayed that he would pick up.

Jericho was in the kitchen when he heard Dominic's phone ring.

"Hey, Jer can you get that I'm in the shower!" Dom yelled from his room.

Picking it up he said, "Hello." Marty smiled when she heard a voice, but she knew it wasn't Dom's.

"Hello? Is Dominic there?" she replied.

Jer was wondering who would be calling early in the morning. "Yah he's here. Who wants to know?" Jer stated.

"It's his sister Marty. Please may I talk to him it's really important." Before he could say anything Dom walked out the bathroom.

"Hey Dom, do you have a sister named Marty?" Jer asked holding out the phone.

Then all of a sudden he grabbed the phone out of Jer's hand. "Marty is that you? What happend? Are you ok?" he panicked.

She felt so happy when she heard her brother's voice. "Can you please come get me now?"

"Where are you?" Dominic asked.

"I'm at dad's house. Please hurry before he gets home," she pleaded.

Hanging up Doninic quickly got dressed and ran out the room with Jericho on his heels.

They pulled up and saw Marty sitting on the steps with her things packed.

Marty ran to her brother when she saw him getting out of the car with someone who had to be the guy that answered the phone.

Dominic wrapped his arms around his sister tightly.

"Let's get you out of here," Dominic said.

But then another car pulled up and Marty knew it was their father Tom.

With only exchanging glances with one another, Jericho knew what Dominic wanted him to do.

He sat her things down and stepped in front of Marty, shielding her with his body as if there was going to be a fight.

"If I'm not back in five minutes, then I want you to take my sister home. You got that Jericho?" Dominic commanded.

"Don't worry I won't let anything happen to her."

Jericho turned around and looked at her from head to toe and frowned when he saw Marty's busted lip and a bruise under her left eye.

"It's not as bad as it looks," Marty tried telling him.

Jericho grabbed Marty's things then her hand and pulled towards the car. "Come on, we can wait for Dom in the car where it's safe."

As Marty sat in the car she kept trying to figure out why she couldn't read Jericho's emotions or anything. It was just blank for some strange reason.

Finally, after ten minutes of waiting Marty saw Dominic come around to the driver's side and get in.

"What happend?" Marty whispered. Dominic turned around in his seat to face Marty and Jericho, who had concerned looks on their faces.

"Well, all I'm gonna say is that I don't think father will be bothering us anytime soon," Dominic smiled.

Ch. 2 Meeting The Pack

Dominic turned the car on and headed back home. Marty looked out the window and noticed a huge mansion as Dominic pulled up to park in the driveway.

Marty could tell from the way Dom was smiling that he was happy to have his lil' sis home.

As they got out the car Dominic turned to Marty and said, "I'm going to go ahead inside and let the guys know that you're here while Jericho can help you with your things."

When Dominic was in the house, Jericho grabbed Marty's things from the back.

Marty was watching Jericho get her things when she bumped into him and tripped over her feet.

Before she hit the ground Marty felt a strong arm wrap around her waist pulling her back to her feet. They stood there starring at each other.

Jericho noticed that Marty had long curly brown hair with bright blue eyes and her brother Dominic had short curly brown hair with dark brown eyes and was 6'3 while Marty was 5'6.

Just looking at Marty you could tell that her and Dominic were related.

"Well I see someone is having a little fun," a voice said.

Jericho let go of Marty to see Noah standing there with a big smile on his face.

Marty looked up at him and noticed three other guys coming out the house along with Dominic.

"Marty, this is Noah and on his right are Gaven and Tanner and next to Dom is Bryce," Jericho said with his arm around Marty's waist.

"Hey, it's nice to finally meet everyone," Marty smiled.

After saying hi to the rest of the guys Dominic showed Marty to her new room that was already prepared.

When Marty saw how huge the room was she started jumping up and down with excitment.

Dominic smiled saying, "Well I'm glad you like it. Your room and Jer's are the biggest rooms in the house. Even though we all have master rooms."

Marty just starred at her room in amazment. "Why do I have extra doors?" she asked.

Dom saw her point to the two doors. "The one on the left is your master bath and the other one to the right is a small empty room that conjoins with Jericho's room," Dominic replied.

Marty started unpacking after her brother left to go get something to eat.

The one thing she kept thinking about was how she couldn't seem to read anything from Jericho.

There must be some reason why and she was going to find out.

Then Marty heard a knock on her door. "Hey I was wondering if you would like to ride with me and Noah to the mall?" a voice asked.

Marty turned around to see Jericho standing in her doorway.

He had long straight black hair that came just passed his ears with bangs that hung over his amazing forest green eyes and he was 6'3 also.

"Um...sure. What about everyone else?" Marty asked not able to look away.

"The rest of the guys are riding with Dom. So you and Noah can ride with me," Jericho smiled, then kissed Marty on the cheek.

As Jericho turned and walked away leaving Marty to get dressed she thought about how easy it was to be around him.

Marty was wearing a black tank top, skinny jeans, pink and green jacket, and black combat boots.

Letting her hair hang around her shoulders Marty grabbed her purse and headed downstairs.

When Marty got to the living room she saw Jericho and Noah waiting for her and noticed that they looked alike.

Noah had short wavy black hair with grey eyes and was 6'4. Jericho came to stand next to Marty, putting his arm around her waist. Marty looked at Noah and read his emotions.

"So you are Jericho's older brother?" she smiled happily.

Noah smiled, "Yes, but only his half brother. Also I've never had a lil' sister. So would you mind if I considered you mine because I consider Dominic my brother?"

Marty thought how great it would be to have another brother. "Yes I would love that only if I get to consider you my brother?"

Marty gave him a big huge when he shook his head yes and with that they left the house.

CH. 3 Hanging with the Pack

When they got to the mall they all kept arguing where to go first.

Marty just wanted to wonder around the mall and look at all the stores until she found someone.

Gaven, Tanner, and Bryce wanted to do what guys do best; scope out girls.

Gaven had short straight red hair with light green eyes and was 6'1. Tanner had wavy dirty blond hair with brown eyes and was 6'2. Bryce had short straight blond hair with blue eyes and was aslo 6'2.

So Jericho, Dominic and Noah went with Marty to show her around. All around Marty could feel what people were thinking.

At first she thought coming to the mall would be fun, but now she doesn't know.

Then Jer grabbed Marty's hand and squeezed it tight.

Somehow he must have sensed how uncomfortable Marty was cause Jericho's hand in her's helped quiet the voices.

They had been walking around the mall for about 30 minutes when Dom, Noah, and Jer decided to go look at shoes.

Marty didn't want to go into to large crowded shoe store and have thousands of voices pop in her head, but she didn't say anything.

Marty followed the guys into the store trying so hard to keep the voices out.

Normaly Marty can put a wall up to keep the voices out, but for some reason she couldn't concentrate.

The voices became to much and she let out a small whimper of pain before she turned running out the store.

Jer had been looking at shoes when heard Marty cry in pain, but not loud enough to draw attention.

When he looked back he saw Marty covering her ears with her hands then rushing out the store.

As soon as Marty was out the store, she found a bench outside by the store window and sat down taking her hands off her ears.

She could still her voices, but they weren't as bad.

Before she could return to the store to find Jericho, she was blocked by some guys.

Marty looked up as their thoughts popped into her head.

Marty took a couple of steps back so she could go around them to go back inside, but then she felt one of them grab her waist yanking her back.

Marty tried to scream when the guy put a hand over her mouth.

Tears streamed down her face as their thoughts and memories of her past flowed through her mind.

These guys knew her brother and Jericho. "Dude, you know that's Dominic's sister and Jericho's mate?" said Adam.

"Yah Reece, Adam's right," said Caleb. Marty tried getting away from Reece, who's grip only tightend on her.

When Marty heard the doors open Reece's grip losend enough that she got her left arm free and elbowed him in the chest.

Reece let go of Marty and she ran towards the door and noticed Jer, Dom, and Noah coming out.

Jericho had heard a scream come from outside that sounded like Marty.

So he rushed out the store with Dom and Noah following behind.

As soon as he opened the door Jericho saw Marty running towards them. "Jer!" He heard Marty cry out.

Jericho pulled Marty hard against his chest wrapping her safely in his arms. She was shaking and sobbing horribly.

Dominic and Noah came to stand on each side of Jericho when they saw Reece, Adam, and Caleb running towards them.

Jericho looked down at Marty and softly whispered in her ear, "Get behind me."

She looked up and nodded her head. Jericho let go of Marty as she stepped safely behind him.

When Marty was behind him Jer held her hand in his and squezzed it tightly.

"If you touch her again I'll skin you alive Reece!" Jericho growled.

Dominic grabbed Reece by his collar and punched him in the jaw sending him falling to the ground.

Before Dom could do anymore damage, Noah stepped in front of him and damanded, "If I catch you near my sister or my family again I will personally rip your throat out and that goes for the rest of your group too!"

Caleb and Adam grabbed Reece and left before a big fight could brake out.

Marty watched as Reece and his friends left them standing outside the store alone.

While she was standing behind Jer she wrapped her arms around his waist resting her forhead in the middle of his back.

Jericho felt Marty's arms around his waist and her forhead on his back as Dominic and Noah cooled down a bit.

"Marty if you're up to it would you like to get something to eat before we head home?" Noah asked softly.

"Yes. I'm really hungry and it'll help me feel better," Marty mumbled behind Jericho.

"Ok. Noah and I will go find the guys and meet back up with you at Pizza Hut in half an hour," Dominic answered.

Once they were gone Jericho turned around to face Marty. Putting a finger under her chin, he lifted her gaze up to meet his.

Just by looking into Marty's beautiful bright purple-blue eyes he knew that she was his true soulmate.

CH. 4 Puppy Surprise

Marty felt safe with the guys, but she prefered to be with Jericho. When she was around him she didn't have to worry about hearing the voices.

When Marty let go of Jer's waist and started walking away he grabbed her hand and pulled her softly back to his side wrapping a protective arm around her waist.

Jer had finally found his mate and he wasn't about to lose her when he just found her.

All he could think about was what would've happend if he hadn't heard her scream.

They meet up with the rest of the guys at Pizza Hut and decided to order the pizza to go.

Marty laughed at the 6 boxes of pizza that they had ordered.

Tanner said that everyone got their own pizza because it was easy than to fight over who gets more.

After Dom paid for the pizza they headed to the car. As Marty stepped onto the road her foot hit a pothole making her lose her balance.

Jericho caught Marty before she hit the ground and pulled her up carrying her bridal style back to the car.

She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly and buried her face in his shoulder.

Marty hadn't realised that she was tried until Jer laid her down in the back seat and it was only a little after 2 in the afternoon.

When Marty woke up she was laying in her bed covered up. Jericho knocked on her door and came in.

"Hey baby girl! How'd you sleep?" Jer asked sitting on the end of her bed.

"Good. Thanks for saving me back at the mall," she said yawning.

"Your welcome. Let's go eat cause the guys said that they wouldn't eat the pizza until you woke up," he said grabbing Marty's hand.

Jericho led Marty to the extra room that was in between their master rooms.

All the guys were spread out on the floor and on the couches watching tv.

"Ya'll can eat now she's awake," Dom said grabbing a box of pizza.

"Why did ya'll wait until I woke up to eat? I mean, you didn't have to do that," Marty questioned to the guys.

"We wanted to Marty because we want you to feel safe with us after what happend at the mall. Your part of our family now and we agreed to wait until you woke up so we could all eat together as a family," Tanner said sweetly.

Marty walked over to Tanner and hugged him saying, "Thank you for letting me be apart of your family."

She had only been there one day and the guys already considered part of the group.

Jericho pulled Marty down next to him holing her close to his side.

Before they started the movie the guys all had something to give her.

Marty grabbed the big bag that Gaven had sat in the table and started pulling out different things.

The fist thing she pulled out was a blue stuffed teddy bear with a heart on it's chest, foot and forhead.

Next she pulled out a new ipod touch with a lime green cover and purple headphones with it and a new camera too.

Then she opened a small box and pulled out a charm braclet that had different charms, each one standing for one of the guys and something they liked.

After that she pulled out a big blanket that was green, purple, pink, blue, and orange along with matching pillows.

Hugging her teddy bear tightly, Marty started to cry happy tears after she saw all the gifts that she had gotten.

"We have one more present for you and Dom said it's something that you have awlways wanted," Gaven smiled.

"It's not something you can wrap either," Bryce laughed.

Jericho pulled Marty to her feet and covered her eyes with one hand and put the other around her waist.

Dominic left the room and come back placing an open box on the intable in front of the couch.

Jeicho pulled his hand away and told her to look in the box.

Marty looked in the box and saw something small, white, and fluffy at the bottom.

She reached down and screamed with excitment as she pulled out a puppy.

"It's an American Eskimo puppy," Dom replied.

"Thank you! Thank you! I can't believe ya'll went through all this trouble and got me a puppy," Marty smiles with tears in her eyes.

"So what are you going to name her?" Jer asked standing next to Matry.

Marty thought for a few seconds before turning to thr guys and saying, "I think I'm going to call her, Peaches."

CH. 5 One Week Later

Marty was happy to find out that Peaches was house trained already, but she was still a little afraid of new people.

One thing Marty did know was that Peaches loved being around her and the guys.

Ever since the incident at the mall Dom told Marty that he would feel much better if she had Jer or any of the guys go with her if she needed to do something because he didn't want his little sis out alone again.

To make things better for Dom, Marty told him that she would make sure that someone was with her if she went out. That made everyone feel better.

When school started on Monday Marty got her schedule and looked at it.

She noticed that she had at least one of the guys in each of her classes.

Jer couldn't take on more minute of this. All he wanted to do was rip Reece's face off.

The one thing that sucked was that Reece, Adam, and Caleb went to the same school as them.

The day had been going great, but then changed when Jer all of a sudden didn't show up to walk with her to lunch.

Marty looked up when she heard footsteps coming down the hall only to notice that it was Reece instead of Jer.

Marty turned on her heel and headed down the hall to get away from Reece.

Her heart was beating loudly in her ears. If only she could get to the lunch room then all would be fine.

Pulling out her phone she texted Dom quickly.

Marty: Dom I need you now! Reece is following me to the lunch room!

Dom: Where are you?

Marty: Standing by the Art room!

Dom: Ok I'm almost there!

Marty put her phone up and started towards the Art room just across the hall when she was caught around the waist and pushed hard against the wall.

Reece pinned her arms above her head and smirked, "Now to finish what I started at the mall and this time you won't be getting away."

"Leave me alone!" Marty yelled as she kneed him in the balls.

Reece slapped her before whispering in her ear, "You'll be mine one way or another and your Dad will be happy when you're back at home again."

Marty froze in fear. She didn't want to go back to her father.

Tears slide down her face as the thought of what her father would do.

Then Reece let go of her arms when he heard Dom calling for her and left before he saw him.

"Marty what happend?" Dom asked hugging his sister closely.

She told him everything that Reece had said only to notice that all the guys were standing behind him.

None of the guys looked happy. Especially Jer, who had his fists clenched down at his sides.

"I'm going to kill him," Jer growled louding.

Gaven grabbed Marty by the arm softly and pulled her towards the lunch room with Tanner following behind.

Bryce looked at Jer and noticed that if he, Noah, and Dom didn't calm Jer down now then he would surley shift.

"Guys we need to get Jer out of here now!" Bryce said.

Noah and Dom grabbed Jer by the arms and took him home.

As soon as they got their they put Jer in the spare room they use when they need space to cool down and not shift.

When you have found your mate your feelings become stronger. Jer knew that if he didn't calm down now then he would most likely shift.

"The only person that can calm him donw is Marty," Noah stated.

"Tanner and Gaven are on their way home right now," Bryce said.

Marty quickly ran into the house. "He is upstairs in the spare room. Just remember to open the door slowly and try not to upset him more. You're the only one that can calm him down besides Noah, but you have to do it not anyone else," Dom stated.

Marty nodded her head and went up the stairs to the spare room with Noah right behind her.

Noah stood outside the door just incase Jer got too out of hand. Right before Marty opened the door Noah stopped her.

"Before you go in there I just want to tell you that I'll be right outside the door if you need help. Normally when Jer gets like this I'm the one to calm him down, but right now I would only make things worse for him since he found his mate," Noah informed Marty.

She knew about them being wolves and the whole thing about finding your mate.

"So that's why I don't hear the voices when I'm around him?" Marty asked.

Noah smiled, "Yeah that's why. It's also why he got so much more angrier at school. Since you're his mate his feelings will be a lot stronger than before."

Marty now understood why she felt so safe, secure, protected, and drawn to him more easily.

It all made complete sense. Jer paced back and forth in the room. He had torn everything in the room apart, leaving holes in the wall.

Jer was glad that Marty was his mate, but he didn't want her to be the one to calm him down.

He knew that Noah couldn't do it. Maybe he could convince Noah to come help him instead of Marty.

CH. 6 Wanting Revenge

Slowly the door opened up and Marty popped her head in. Jer could smell her in the room. He didn't have to look up to know that it was her.

As soon as Marty walked in she could see Jer standing in the corner with his fists clenched at his side.

"Jer," Marty whispered softly.

Jer looked up to see Marty slowly walking to him. He took a deep breath trying to calm himself down.

Then he felt Marty standing in front of him. She slowly wrapped her arms around his waist holding him close.

Jer felt his heart rate slow down and his body relax. He looked down at Marty and wrapped his arms around her.

They stood there for a couple of minutes before Marty stood on her tiptoes grabbing Jer's face in her hands and kissed him.

He could feel what she was feeling just like that. Sparks shot through his body as he deepend the kiss pulling Marty as close as possible.

Marty felt the sparks also shoot through her body. She felt Jer's body heat wrap around her like a blanket.

As they were kissing Marty heard Jer growl loudly as he tightend his grip on her waist.

Downstairs she could hear yelling and then all of a sudden she felt the worst pain ever, build up in her body.

Marty let out a whimper before her legs became weak and she lost all her strength.

Jer caught Marty in his arms holder her close. He shouted for Noah who came running into the run looking pissed off.

"Jer we need your help downstairs now! It's Dom, he and Bryce went hunting and were attacked, but Dom got the worst of it!" Noah said.

"Dom!" Marty cried out as she could feel everything he felt.

Jer's anger came surging through him once again. They rushed downstairs quickly.

Dom was on the couch bleeding badly, but what hurt Marty the most was the pain.

When your a wolf your wounds heal faster, but they hurt a lot more.

Bryce was hurt too just not as bad. Tanner and Gaven took Bryce upstairs to look at his wounds while everyone else stayed downstairs.

Noah cleaned Dom's wounds best he could. After that Jer helped Noah carry Dom upstairs to rest.

Marty was curled in a ball on the couch crying.

Jer could feel how much pain she was in and tried his best to keep her calm.

"Dom will need several days rest, but he'll live," Noah said.

Marty breathed alittle better knowing that he was gonna live. Jer was rocking her back and forth on his lap soothing her.

Marty ended up falling asleep on Jer's lap while he, Noah and the others talked.

Jer soflty picked Marty up laying her down on the couch and headed for the door.

Jer knew who did this and he wasn't going to sit around and do nothing about it.

Noah and Gaven jumped in front of Jer to keep him from going anywhere.

Tanner had stayed upstairs with Bryce and Dom in case something happend.

"You need to think about what your doing Jer before you regret it," Gaven scolded him.

All he wanted to do was to kill Reece and his stupid little friends that had hurt his family.

"If you get yourself killed do you know what that's gonna do to Marty?" Noah questioned Jer shoving him into the wall.

Jer knew what would happen and he could feel his body scream in pain at the thought of Marty dying because she couldn't take the pain of her mate dying.

Noah gripped his shoulders roughly, "So help me God Jer, if you try and do anything stupid then I'll be forced to lock you up away from Marty until we know what's going on."

Gaven stood next to Noah and knew he would do what he said.

Jer couldn't think of ever being away from Marty like that.

Then they heard a small whimper. Jer turned his head towards Marty who was awake on the couch.

"Jer pleses don't leave me! What am I gonna do if you leave and get hurt? That means my father and Reece would have gotten what they wanted?" Marty cried out.

Tears streamed down her face. Noah let go of Jer so he could go to Marty.

Jer ran over to Marty and pulled her to him. "It's ok baby girl I'm never going to leave you," Jer told Marty wrapping his arms around her tightly.

As the night went on Jer took Marty to her room and put her to sleep.

The next morning Marty woke up and got ready for school. Dom was doing a little better so Tanner was going to stay home with him while the rest of them went to school.

Marty stayed close by Jer's side as they walked to school. Noah, Bryce, and Gaven followed behind them.

When they opened the door to go inside before school started there stood Reece with Caleb and Adam in the back.

From the way Jer growled next to Marty she knew something was going to happend. She could feel his grip on her waist tighten.

"You couldn't stay away could sweetheart?" Reece said looking at Marty.

Marty pressed herself closer to Jer's side trying to hide from Reece's view.

"Your going to pay for what you did to Dom!" Jer growled.

Noah stepped forward putting a hand on Jer's shoulder.

"Jer you need to calm down," Noad warned him.

Then Bryce pulled Marty out of Jer's arms pushing her behind him. Marty knew why Bryce was doing this.

He was doing it just incase a fight broke out in the hall way. Even though Bryce was hurt Marty knew that he would still protect her if something did happend.

Gaven and Noah stood by Jer's sides backing him up if Reece and his gang tried something.

"How about we just take the girl and we can forget this whole thing eveer happend," Adam said to Reece.

"Touch her and you'll wish you were dead," Gaven snarled at Adam.

Marty looked around Bryce's shoulder to stare at Gaven. She never thought Gaven to be the one to threaten Adam or anyone.

All Marty knew was that something bad was going to happend.

CH. 7 The Fight

Marty stayed close behind Bryce by holding onto the back of his shirt.

Before anyone realized what was going on Adam lunged for Bryce hitting him in the face.

Then Marty felt arms wrap around her waist pulling her away Bryce, who jumped up hitting Adam back in the stomach.

Marty started screaming only to see that it was Gaven who had pulled her away.

"Marty are you ok?" Gaven asked pulling her away from the fight.

Before Marty had a chance to answer Gaven ran back towards the fight. Jer and Reece were face to face with Noah standing behind them.

Maryt couldn't hear what they were saying all she saw was Reece throwing a punch at Jer, but he was able to dodged it.

"I know Marty's Dad would love to see where she has disappeared to. He also would love to know what I did to her lame ass brother," Reece smirked.

Jer grabbed Reece by his collar shoving him against the wall.

"You ever come near my girlfriend or her brother again I'll break every bone in your body!"

That's when kids started forming a crowd around them. Matry moved to get away from the crowd, but was yanked back by Caleb.

"Well it looks like the plan is working. While Jer is destracted by Reece I'm gonna take you to see your father who'll be happy to see you," Caleb whispered in my ear.

Slowly Marty started to lose sight of Jer and the guys. Noone would even know she was missing until it was too late.

For the last couple of days Marty didn't have to worry about the voices in her head, but as Caleb was dragging her away she could hear them getting louder.

She knew Caleb was telling the truth about her being taken to see her father.

"Please just let me go!" Marty cried out.

"Hey what's going on here!"

Marty heard the principle yell. Caleb pulled Marty back into the view of everyone.

Jer was on top of Reece about to punch him when Noah and Gaven pulled him off.

As soon as Bryce saw Marty he ran to her. Caleb looked up at Bryce long enough for Marty to elbow him hard in the ribs.

Marty ran to Bryce when Caleb let her go. "You need to help Noah calm Jer down again," Gaven said from behind Bryce.

Bryce put an arm over her shoulder and took her to Jer. When Marty got closer to Jer she could feel how angry he was.

All around her she could her the voices of everyone but Jer. Noah was holding Jer up against wall trying to calm him down.

Marty looked at Jer and noticed that he had a big bruise along his jaw.

"The principle said that Jer, Bryce, Adam and Reece are all suspended for fighting. So that means that the rest of us can just skip school and relax," Gaven shrugged.

Bryce and Gaven left to go wait in the car while Noah and Marty stayed to calm Jer down before leaving.

Jer calmed down just enough for Noah to let go of his shoulders stepping back a few steps.

"I'm gonna go wait in the car with the guys. Meet us out there when you're done," Noah told Marty.

Jer looked down at Marty's face and saw that her eyes were puffy from crying. He was glad that he got suspended because then he would get to spend more time with Marty.

He took a deep breath and smiled weakly to let Marty know that it was ok to come closer.

Marty came closer and wrapped her small arms around Jer's waist. Then she felt him gently pull her closer to him.

"Please don't fight again because I don't like it when you guys get hurt it scares me," Marty whimpered against Jer's chest.

Jer tightend his arms around Marty's waist holding her as close as possible.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that baby girl," Jer apoligized kissing her on the forehead.

Still holding Marty close by his side they left to go meet the guys outside by the car.

CH. 8 After Getting Suspended

When Matry and Jer got to the car they noticed that Bryce was arguing with Noah and Gaven.

"Marty, please tell Bryce that he needs to have his face looked by Tanner and also that he needs to rest too," Gaven urged.

Marty laughed at how childish they were acting.

"Don't make me have to seperated you two. Also when we get home I'm going to have Tanner take a look at you and then your going to relax the rest of the day with us," Marty pointed a finger at Bryce.

"Yes mother," Bryce said sarcastically sticking his tongue out at Marty.

"Damn striaght I have to act like your mother because you guys act like child all the time," Marty said before hitting Bryce, Gaven and Noah upside the head.

Jer looked at the guys who all had on shocked faces because Marty actually hit them.

Marty turned away and shot Jer an evil look.

"Do you want me to hit you upside your head for laughing at them," she narrowed her eyes at him.

Jer stopped laughing at looked at the guys who were trying not to laugh at him.

"No ma'ma," he said looking down at his feet.

"Ok then. Well let's go home I'm hungry and I want to see how Dom's doing," Marty smiled.

When they got home Marty ran inside to see Dom. She opened the door to see that he was sitting on the couch with Tanner sitting in an armchair beside the couch.

"Tanner can you please go check on Bryce and Jer for me,"Marty asked.

Tanner nodded and headed to the kitchen where the guys went to get something to eat.

Marty watched Tanner leave the living to go see the guys.

She turned and smiled at her big brother who looked a lot better.

"Dom I'm so happy that your alright," Marty said hugging him.

Dom was glad that he was ok and that Marty was too.

"So I hear that Jer and Bryce got suspended for fighting at school?"

Marty gave her brother a confused look.

Dom smiled, "Noah called before ya'll got home to let me and Tanner know what happend."

Then all of a sudden Peaches comes running into the living room jumping up and down.

Marty's face light up as she picked Peaches off the ground sitting her in her lap.

"Hey Peaches I've missed you so much this week,"

"Who wants to go hang out at the beach for the rest of the day?" Tanner shouted from the kitchen.

"Hell yeah!" everyone shouted at once.

CH. 9 Meeting The New Neighbors

Everyone got really excited after Tanner had aksed who wanted to go to the beach.

It was the first in while that they got to do something fun after what happend at the mall.

Marty was sitting on the couch watching Bryce, Noah, Gaven, Tanner and Dom all argue over who was gonna find the hotttest girl at the beach while waiting for Jer to be ready.

Whenever the guys aren't trying to kill someone in a fight they can be so childish about eveything else.

"You look like you're having fun watching them argue, huh?" Jer whispered in her ear.

Marty felt a shiver go down her spine from him being so close.

"Oh yeah! It's like watching a bunch of five year olds on the playground," she laughed.

"If ya'll don't stop fighting then Marty's going to leave you here," Jer glanced at Marty.

She smile a wicked grin, "Do you want to repeat what happend in at school?"

Bryce, Noah and Gaven all rubbed the backs of their heads.

"No!" the said at the same time.

"Let's go then children," Marty joked.

Jer grabbed Marty's hand and held it tightly with in his. As they walked out the front door Marty stopped.

Jer turned to her quickly, "Marty are you ok?"

"Um, I think we have two new neighbors that just moved in across the street,"

Bryce looked across the street to see two umfamiliar girls walk out of the house.

"How'd you know they were new?" Tanner asked.

"I could hear their voices in my head. They are both cousins and will be going to our school," Marty answered looking at all the guys.

"Let's go say hi and see if they want to hang with us," Gaven smiled.

When they reached the house across the street the girls looked up from unpacking a box.

"Hi, I'm Marty. This is my boyfrined Jer, my brother Dom and our friends Noah, Bryce, Tanner and Gaven. We all live across the street together and we were wondering if you would like to hang with us," Marty asked after introducing everyone.

"It's nice to met you all. I'm Emma and this is my cousin Kathy May, but you can just call her Kat for short," she smiled sweetly.

Emma had long wavy strawberry blond hair with green eyes and Kat had long curly white blond hair with blue-grey eyes.

"It's nice to met you too," Kat smiled while not looking at them.

"So, would you like to come with us to the beach?" Noah asked.

"Yah we loved to," Emma clapped her hands happily.

"Em can you help me find my jacket? I don't know where I put it last?" Kat asked while looking for her jacket with her hands.

"I'll go get it for you Kat," Emma said walking back inside.

Kat could feel eyes starring at her from behind.

"You can tell us Kat. It's ok we won't judge you or treat you any differently," Marty encourged Kat to speak her mind.

"Well, I'm blind. I have been for the past year and a half," Kat confessed.


Text: shilohann.349
Images: shilohann.349
Publication Date: 12-06-2011

All Rights Reserved

Dedicated to chloe.cullen and also to my family and friends. Especially my mom who has always encouraged me to write. I Love you all. "FAITH IS LIKE MAGIC, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS BELIEVE"

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