
Chapter One

September 10, 2016

 I wake up to the sound of my sister’s Big Ben alarm clock going off I turn over to look at my clock ugh it's already four am well time go get my butt up and out of bed I thought to myself.

I throw my blankets off and eventually get out of bed. I get dress, my bag packet, and I make sure I have everything I need for school today.

I finally get upstairs and I realized that grandma aint up yet. Hm I guess I’m gonna make us breakfast.  I head over to the fridge, pull out bread, eggs, sausage, and orange juice. My sister walks into the Kitchen, looks at me

“Calla what’s for breakfast?”


“Well no poop Calla”

“Well don’t ask me stupid questions and you won’t get stupid answers”

“Ugh whatever”

She sits down and she begins to eat.



“We need to be leaving in a few minutes if we want to make it to seminary early”

“Hannah we still need to read the Book of Mormon”


“How about we read the Book of Mormon on our way to seminary?”

“Okay that works”

On our way out I grabbed my Mountain Dew Game Fuel. We arrive to seminary then went our separate ways.

I drive over to the high school, parked my truck, took the positive plug off my battery (or else my battery will drain), walked over to the high school. I reach my English 12, Mr.Jima class, he looks at us and smiles

“Good morning Seniors.” says Mr.Jima

“Good morning Mr.Jima” responded the class

“Today we will be reading Lord of the Flies today”, say Mr.Jima

Great I thought

He starts to pass out the books and we began to read. As we listen to him read the book I began to actually like this story.


“Oh crap” says Catalina


We hurry to our next class US Government, Mr.DeLuna, and we sat down in our seats. I didn’t notice the Army recruiters in the corner.

“Hello Students”, says Mr.DeLuna

“Hi”, I muttered back

“Today the Army Recruiters came to teach us about opportunities in the Army..” continues Mr.DeLuna

Wow, I can’t believe Army Recruiters are really here! I thought to myself

“Hello, I am Staff Sergeant Jacob Trodaí”

“I am Staff Sergeant Kody Grassrope”

Catalina leans close to me, whispers in my ear “Holy Shit they are cute”

“I know right” I whispered back

Staff Sergeant Grassrope continues to talk to us about the Army

“You ma’am the one in the black shirt-” He points to me “What’s your name?”

“My name is Calla Night”

“Calla what do you want to do in the Army?”

“I want to be a Combat Medic. Sir.”

“Ah. That is a tough job”

“Well I like challenges”

He nods his head. He continues to talk more about the Army then finally he starts to talk about the Army Rangers. I will be an Army Ranger I swore to myself. An hour and fifty five minutes go by and the bell rings.

I stay after class to talk to Staff Sergeant Jacob Trodaí

“Hi Calla”

“Uh hi Sir” Just kill me now

“So you want to be a combat medic?", asked Staff Sergeant Trodaí

"I actually want to do alot I want to be a Combat Medic, Army Ranger. I want to do things that will challenge me, push me past my limits."

"Do you have class next?"

"Yes, I do" 

"Well you better get to class"

He shakes my hand holy shit his hands are warm and he has a good grib I thought to myself

"Thank you Staff Sergeant Trodaí and thank you Brother.. Sir... Staff Sergeant Grassrope" I said 

I grabbed my stuff and quickly left the room. I reach my next class flushed and I start to giggle.

I began to do my work for credit retrieval. 



Chapter Two

 Hour and Fifty Five minutes go by....


 Finally the bell rings for PE Two I rush up to Mr.Kelly 

"Mr.Kelly the Army Recruiters are here may I be excused to talk to them please?" I asked

"Yes Calla you may go see them" 

I grab my stuff and I rush to the College and Career Center in the Library. I smile at the recruiters.

"Nice to see you Calla", says Staff Sergeant Trodaí

"You too Sir" I replied back

"Calla why do you want to join the Army?" ask Jacob

"Well I want to prove my mom wrong because she says I would never make it into the military and I want to prove her wrong"

"Calla you do know this is serious things you are talking about."

"Staff Sergeant Trodaí I know. Trust me. I want to serve my country and I been wanting to serve my country since I was nine years old"

He nods his head.

"Calla..." says Catalina

"Yes Catalina?"

"We should head to PE"

"I know Catalina but I really want to talk to the recruiters"

She leaves.

"Calla, the Army is great they will pay for your college. They provide great oppurtunities to travel the world, see new things, however; I do sugest that you score high on your ASVAB."

"Sir, I already did my ASVAB last year."

"What was your score?"

"Its a 51"

"That is good. More than fifty percent of Americans score higher than a fifty."

"It could of been better though."

"Don't critize yourself that is a good score Calla."

"Thank you Sir."

Catalina looks at me, smiles than says, "Calla can we please go back to PE?"

"Sure." I responded back

I shake the recruiters hand, thanked them for their time, and for serving our country. We head to PE, I text Staff Sergeant Trodaí

 Hey this is Calla Night

I waited, my phone buzzes.

Hey Calla

I smile and blush

How are you?

Minute goes by

Great! How bout you?

I pause

Really tired, I got to go to work after school and then go to Band Practice.

I put my phone away, my phone goes off

I get it. 

I get a new text from a new number

Hey this is Jacob Trodaí, this is my personal phone text me on here that way I won't have personal converastion on my govt. phone.

"Catalina! Jacob just texted me from his personal phone!"


"What do you think that means?"

"He must like you because he kept lookin' at you the whole time"

"I really hope not, because I'm engaged to Ricky"

"Calla, Ricky ain't good for you he always complains about work and he doesn't make you happy ."

I sigh

"I know but we will work it out."

"Calla, honey, y'all relationship ain't healthy"

"I know."

Hey my love, I miss you and I love you so much

 Great it's Ricky I thought to myself

Srry. Can't talk rn. In PE.

"Calla, he won't even go back to high school until you move back to Arizona."

"I know. Trust me our relationship is startin' to fall apart sadly."

Okay <3 you

I don't respond back to the text, phone goes off again


It's Jacob, I smile.

Sorry, I got distracted

The bell rings for school to end. Yus! School day is over! Time to go home grab my work clothes and head to work. Ugh! I thought to myself. I head out to my truck, I wait for my sister to get to the Senior parking lot. Well she not here I really need to head home and get my work clothes. I thought to myself. I began to leave when I get a text from my Aunt

Hurry home! Grandma been in a car accident!!!

I text my sister

Get your ass to the truck now please!!! Grandma been in a car accident"

Two seconds later she responds back

Holy shit! Grandma okay? I will be there in a sec!!!

I sigh

IDK! I just got a txt from Aunt Abby sayin' Grandma been in a car accident!

Gosh she takes a long ass time to get here I thought to myself. I text my boss

Hey Jenny, it's me Calla Night, I won't be able to make it to work my grandma been in a car accident. I promise to make it up to ya and work overtime. I am SO sorry!

A second later

It's okay Calla I understand n don't worry bout makin it up to me. Family comes first! I will pray for your family. Love ya lots ,Jenny.

I say a thankful pray to God. My sister shows up throws her bag in the bed of the truck and I take off.

Chapter Three

I race home, I find Aunt Abby waiting at the door for us

"Hannah, move over of Aunt Abby please."

"Okay Calla."

Hannah moves to the middle and Aunt Abby climbs into my truck.

"Ready Aunt Abby?" I ask

"Yes" she replies back

I race out of the drive way and went to Las Vegas.

It feels as if time went by slowly. Minutes felt like hours, hours felt like months. I prayed in my head that my grandma will be okay. I finally reach the Nellis AFB (AFB is Air Force Base) hospital. I pull out my drivers license , my aunt pulls out her military ID and my sister pulls out her school ID. I thank the MP (Military Police), took our ID's back and drove onto the base. I drove around the parking lot of the hospital Finally a good spot! I thought to myself.

We rush throught the emergency doors, down the halls, up the stairs, and to Grandma's room.

"Grandma! Are you okay?" ask Hannah

"Yes I'm fine"

I look out of the window, I hear the thunder roar, I see the lighting touch the Earth, and the rain begans to pour. I feel the heaviness of how close my grandma was to dying, I began to cry, I try to stop myself from crying. I hug my grandma 

"Grandma, I am so glad you didn't die today!", I cried.

She hugs me back

"Me too Calla"

"Grandma I have to get going soon I have band practice"

The three of them look at me, smiled, and wish my good luck.


I run out of the hospital, to my truck, take off in a hurry to make it to band practice.

Chapter Four

 The Next Day....


I arrive to school tired, sore, and starving. I left my breakfast at home, I'm down to five dollars. I reach my open period, threw down my stuff when "Dovakiin" goes off I unlock my phone

Hey there :) 

Its from Jacob, I smile slightly

Hey Jacob :)

why is he even textin' me? Ain't he suppose to be at work?  I thought to myself

So we are comin' back to the HS today! 

I smirk

You should totally bring me food, I'm starvin'!

I wait


Yus! I'm gonna get food!

Thank you! 

Be a good ginger

I laugh.

As the day went by I became more frustrated from the rude students... 

Hey I am here

Its Jacob!

Where you at?

I'm in the College n Career Center in the Library

K! I'm comin!


I look at my teacher raise my hand

"Yes Ms. Night?"

"May I go to the Library the Army Recruiters are here and I really need some questions answered?"

"You may go Ms.Night"

"Thank you Mr.Casto!"

I go to grab my bag than remembered that my bag in in my truck, I rush to the College and Career Center, when I entered the Library I slow down my pace. I walk in with grace kinda like how an elf walks in the movie Lord of the Rings. I see my recruiter sitting there with a serious look on him face, he looks up at me and a smile appears on his face, I begin to blush, smile, and giggle. 

Damn why does he gotta be so darn cute I thought to myself. 

I sit down across from him 

"Good Afternoon Calla"

"Good Afternoon Staff Sergeant Trodaí"

"What is you questions for me today?"

I bit my lip

"I forgot my question actually"

He laughs. Ohmycookies his laugh sounds like angels and his voice is so rich and deep the type every girl dreams of...

He throws something at me, I catch it.

"Ohmycookies! Thank you Jacob!" 

I hug him, I pull away. I just hugged a recruiter! Ohmycookies I wasn't suppose to do that! Wait is that even allowed....



"Would you like the Enlistment Packet?"

"Oh yes please"

He goes into his bag and gets out a US Army Enlistment Packet, hands it to me.

"I need you to complete this, then we can begin the process of getting you in the Army"

I gasp excitedly.



Chapter Five

 October 30th


I wake up, look at my phone ugh it's midnight! damnit! I only slept for three hours!!! I thought to myself I notice that I had six text messages from my friends. Suddenly I notice one was from recruiter

Hey I'm visiting yer house tomorrow

I begin to smile, my heart starts to race. I began to watch Paranormal Activity movies to pass time. Time flies by and its finally morning.

"Calla! Today is Halloween we get to wear our costumes to school today!"

"Okay Hannah!"

I grab out my black halter top corset, Miss Me Jeans, my black ankle stiletto boots, and my choker necklace, and put it on. I start to curl my hair, put on my makeup and i run out of the door.  

Hey cutie <3

Oh its Ricky

Ricky its over.

I  block his number. I yawn, my phone goes off

Hey Calla <3

It's Jacob

Hey Jacob :D

I begin to smile and blush

I can't wait to see ya after school!

I feel my heart began to race, I hide my emotions and that heat rising. I close my eyes and remember his touch, his warm hands caressing my cheek as he wipe my tears away that awful day, when he pulled me close to him for a hug, the way he smells of aftershave, and old spice, how womanly he made me feel. I feel that need to make him mine forever... I bury those feelings.

I force my mind to focus of something else instead of that yummy lookin' recruiter. 


 Seven hours later


I take my Bestie, Rosia, home and I drive home in a hurry. I pull into the driveway and I see a Government official vehicle Jacob I thought to myself. I began to feel my breath shorten, throut and lips go dry, my heart racing, heat rising Ohmygoodness I am falling in love with him! I thought to myself in terror yet happy. I walk inside and I see Jacob sitting where I would normal sit. I walk into the Living Room and I sit next to my recruiter.

“Hello Calla” says Jacob

"Hello Staff Sergeant Trodaí", I respond back

Jacob smiles and my heart races to the point it could jump out of my chest. Grandpa begans to ask him questions so Jacob would answer them but the whole time my recruiter would look at me and smile. By the time three o'clock hits I look at Jacob then grandpa

"Grandpa I think Staff Sergeant Trodaí needs to head back to work now."


I smile at my recruiter.

"Thank you for coming Staff Sergeant Trodaí"

"Its been my pleasure to help answer any questions Calla", say Jacob

He shakes my grandpa's hand. When he shakes my hand he holds on a little longer but I swore that he felt that spark when our hands touched. He lets go, he begins to head out the door

"Staff Sergeant Trodaí, I have some cookies for you" I said

I rush into the kitchen and grap the cookies for him than hands it to him.

"Thank you Calla"

"Your welcome"

I watch him leave my driveway, my phone goes off it's Jacob

You look fucking  sexy in that outfit

I blush, smile, than laughed

The same goes for you 


He could have been a model I thought to myself. I go back to doing my homework.

IOU on Hug

I smile

Okay Jacob



Chapter Six



I wake up to the sound of my music still playing, I get ready for school. I reach school five minutes before the bell rings good thing too. I get to class and study for my Government test. When the test came I passed 98% I smile at myself. I'm so smart I thought to myself. PE two comes and I get a text from my recruiter

I'm comin to the school to see you Calla

I frown than smile


I wait

To redo yer fingerprints... again but also to see ya

I smile 

Awesome! :D

I head into PE class with a smile on my face. 

We did our regular thing in PE after we got dressed back in our normal clothes I waited for the bell to ring. Few minutes later the bell rang and I rush outside 

I'm in the staff parking lot

I smile

I c u

I run to him and get in the car with him. I really wish he would roll the windows down cuz I am so getting drunk on his scent I thought to myself. He helps me well basically takes my fingers one by one and redoes the fingerprints. 

"You have soft hands", says Jacob

"So do you" I said

"Thats because I got really rough skin that likes to dry out alot so I lotion them"

That is a shocker I thought to myself. My stomach growls, I blush.

"Lets get somethings to eat. Where would you like to go?" he ask

"Um how about Pirates Landing?" I ask

"Sounds good" 

Good thing I got a ride to Seminary today I thought to myself.

We arrive at Pirates Landing, we head inside.

"What would you like to eat Calla?"

"I will wait until I get home"

"Calla pick something to eat. I know you are hungry please pick something"


He looks at the lady

"She would like chicken strips, curly fries and root beer. I would like a double cheeseburger regular fries and water please."

I hiss at him

"You didn't have to do that" I told him

he turns to me

"I wanted to sweet Calla"

He pays her

"Where would you like to sit Calla?" Jacob ask

"The booths, where we could be hidden from other people" I answered

I take him to the booths to the best spot from view. The kind lady brings us our food and drinks, I thanked her, we begin to eat. He looks at me so I hesitate for a little bit than went back to eatting. After we were done eating, we sat there to waste time. I see two of his fries so I took them and use one of them to stab into the other. I look at him

"What?" I ask

"Why are you usin' the other fry to stab that fry?"

"I don't know" I answered

He moves next to me

"I'd like to stab you if you know what I mean" he whispers in my ear and winks at me

Ohmygoodness he wants me I blush, and he moves back to his seat.

"You can sit next to me. I promise I don't bite"

He moves back next to me, my heart begans to race even faster, he touches my cheek. Next thing I knew he was kissing me and I was kissing back, my hands are on his chest, then he moves one of my hands down to his pants. He puts one of his hands underneath my shirt than moves up. I pull away so I could breath normally, I hear the blood roaring through my veins. I pull him closer and we started to kiss agian except this time it was more passionate. We pull away breathing heavily he moves his other hand down my back and to my ass.

"You are so beautiful. I can never stop thinking about you since I first met you Calla" He whispers in my ear

"Your always on my mind, I dream of you at night, you drive me wild, I can never get enough of you" I told him

He kiss me again. He feels so good against me I thought. Laughing from a distance broke our kiss, we sat there awkwardly.

"Lets leave so we can get all the other things we need for your enlistment Calla"


He gets up and stretchs, I watch him stretch out. We head out of Pirates Landing and got in his car. He turned to me, I turned to him, and he kissed me again. He moves his cold hand underneath my shirt, goes up my back. I pull away, took his hand out of my shirt,


"Your hand is really cold"

He smiles

"They will warm up"

He winks at me. 

We head to the Eye doctor, I sign a form for Jacob, before he left to go inside he puts on of his hands in my hair to bring me closer to him, he kiss me than left. I watch him walk away from me and damn he is so freaking hot. He comes back, kiss me again, asked me to put the paperwork in the folder, and he drove me home. We listen to some of my music on my phone. No one is home I think I thought to myself

"Come inside please" I begged

"If your grandma is inside she will talk her head off" 

"So. You would get to spend more time with me"


I got out of the car, walked over to his side, opened the door behind him and grapped my bag. Doing so he stood somewhat behind me than grabbed my ass. When I turned around he pinned me against the car again kissing me but this time he pressed himself against me, so I pressed myself against him, our kiss became even deeper, more passiontate, I was losing control over myself. I really wanted to rip his clothes off oh so bad. He pulls away and helps me inside. I was right no one is home I told myself. 

"Is anyone here Calla?"

"No" I told him

He smiles, closes the door, I drop my bag into the living room.


I turn around to face him my mouth goes dry


"Come here"

I walk towards him, he gently grabs me and pins me against the wall and begans to kiss me. His body pressed against me. He moves my hand down to his pants where the bulge was, he starts to bite my next I feel my body responding back I moan he goes back to kissing me. He moves his hand down into my pants and begins to rub... I cry out, he takes my shirt off, thank goodness I got a tank on I thought, he pulls my tank down to were my bra is completely showing he takes his hand out of my pants

"Mmm, purple. Purple is my favorite color" he said in a husky voice

He pulls my bra down he kisses each breast softly, I moan softly. He wraps my legs around his waist. His phone goes off

"Hello this is Staff Sergeant Trodaí. How may I help you?" He answered

After a few minutes he look at me than sighed

"I have to go soon" 

He smiles evilly

"How soon?"

"Next hour or so"


He starts to to kiss me repeatedly. A car pulls into the driveway

"Its grandma" I said

He puts me down. I sit down in the living room

"Go get an ice pack please" I ordered nicely


so he goes get an Ice Pack. Grandma walks in.

"Calla what is Staff Sergent Trodaí doing here alone with you?" she ask

"He was helping me. I fell and hit my knee on the concrete pretty hard" 

He walks into the living room with an Ice Pack

"Thats so kind of you to do that Staff Sergeant Trodaí" said Grandma

he smiles

"So what type of panties would Calla have to take to MEPS?"

"Well I know they have to be white and cannot be thongs" 

I blush in embarrassement

"GRANDMA! Don't be talkin bout my underwear with my recruiter!" I yelled in a way

"Well she has bikini type panties" said Grandma

"It will work"

Chapter Seven

I watch as Jacob leaves my house, I felt a sadness as he left.

I would have kissed you good bye but yer sis was followin me around

I sigh

Ya. I chewed her out for tht

I wait

You are so beautiful Calla

I blush.

Hey when do ya want to go to M.E.P.S?

I stop to think

Monday and Tuesday

I stop and began to smile

Okay will you have a ride home

I stop to think about it


I waited for two seconds

Okay I'll give you a ride home then, just tell 'em yer "grandpa" is pickin you up

I begin to smile 


I realize that I smelled like him I breathe in his scent. 

Oh Calla btw Yer comin to the Recruitin center on Friday

I sigh

Hey Jacob do you wanna date?

It felt like eternity




At the end of school  I follow grandpa to the Armed Force Career Center. I park next to him, got out than head inside. I couldn't see my recruiter anywhere 

"Hello Calla" says Staff Sergeant Grassrope

"Hello Staff Sergeant Grassrope" I responded back

"Did you fill out this paper?" asked Grassrope

"I swore I did"

"Hm. Well we don't have it"

"I guess I'll just have to redo it"

I began to redo that paperwork

"Where is Calla's folder?" says Jacob to another recruiter

My heart begans to race at the sound of his voice. I turn around and I see Jacob holding his ASU and he is in ACU. My heart begans to race even faster. I turn around and continue to do my paperwork. When Jacob walked over to me he ruffled my hair and chuckled. I turn around and punch him in the chest. 

"Don't touch my hair" I said 

He walked over to his desk and sat down. After I was done we went to Jacob's desk and he stared at me the whole time. 

"Calla what do you want your MOS to be?" asked Jacob

"I want to do Cannon Crewmember"

"Well Calla you got 75th Ranger Regimen, and others"


"Calla you need to choose a safer job" says Grandpa

I get mad

"Grandpa this is my life! I get to make my own decisions! If I want to do Cannon Crewmember I will be in a Cannon Crewmember!"

"I know Calla but I don't want to get that phone call" says Grandpa

"At least I will be dying for my country" 

"Calla lets go outside and discuss this" says grandpa

"I already know what I want."

I look at Jacob gave him a irritated look

"Grandpa I'm not gonna go outside. Its cold."

I stay inside

"Calla" says Jacob


"If you choose 75th Ranger Regimen which is Army Ranger and that has a 13,000 dollar bonus"

The other recruiters start to form around us telling me to choose this MOS. I was beginning to get really pissed off. 

"I'll go with 75th Ranger Regimen" I said

I look at him and smiled


After all this Jacob shook my hand for a long time. I pull my hand away, I could still feel the heat of his body on my hand. I laugh

"Be safe Calla"

"Bein safe is overrated" 

"I'll pray for you" He said in a jokingly way


Chapter Eight

 I get a text from Jacob

While you were do the paperwork I wanted to put you on my lap while you did that

I mourn his touch

I was checkin you out while yer runnin around. 

I wait

 I was checkin you out the whole damn time

My heart begans to race.

I wanted to pull you into the supply closet and kiss you alot

I blush.

Be ready for Monday i'll be there at six am


I went to sleep




I wake up at five am. I get ready for the day my aunt takes me to Maverik I got a Kickstart. We headed home I waited for like ever for my recruiter to show up. A car pulls up in the driveway. I see Jacob get out of the car but I was out of the house before he reach the door I smile at him. In thirt minutes we were at the recruiting center. Jacob and I walked in, while we were alone he pulled me into his arms and kissed me. A few minutes later he pulled away both of us breathing heavily. He picks up my bag, takes it to his desk.

"You didn't have to do that" I told him

"But I wanted to" he replied back

I take my brush out of my bag, begin to brush my messy hair. I bend over and brush my hair I straighten up, I notice Jacob was staring at me 

"What?" I ask

"I never met some one who brushed their hair like that" He said

"Well I am different"

He chuckles 

"Yes you are Calla"

His phone goes off

"This is Staff Sergeant Trodaí" Jacob answers

After a little bit he hangs up

"Well shit" he says

"They lost y'all tickets for M.E.P.S. Goos thing I got backups" He smiles

I look at Brenda and Jacob

"Come on I'll take you guys to the place where the van will pick you guys up at."

I follow Jacob out to the car, go in the passenger seat and Brenda got in behind him. For a little while they talked and I would listen to music. He takes out one of my headphones.

"Calla?" he asked


"You feeling okay?" he asked his voice filled with consern

"I'm just worried that I won't make it. I really want to be in the military"

"Calla you will make it" he said with absolute certianty.

He takes one hand off the steering wheel than holds my hand. For a long while we were holding hands until we made it to the AM PM in Moapa. We go inside to get something.

I look for the Arizona Rasberry Ice Tea, I found it. I head to the cash register to pay for my ice tea

"Calla let me pay of it please", said Jacob



"No! I got this. I'm a grown woman with money I got this." I said giggly

I paid for my ice tea and headed out to the car. Jacob walked out with Brenda, he unlocks the car. I get in

"Trodaí, May I go see the horses" ask Brenda

"Sure go ahead" he said

She gets out of the car, walks over to the stables and pets the horses. He holds my hand again, he smiles.


"Nothing. Your just so beautiful" he said

I blush, I look him in the eyes I could tell he wanted to kiss me, I knew he could tell I wanted to kiss him too. I notice how alone we were but I kew we werent really alone. Brenda gets in the car and we stop holding hands.

The van arrives, the driver asked us how we are doing but I muttered good. Jacob shakes Brenda's hand and he gives me a side hug, I blush, I put my bag in the van I look at Jacob but to be honest I know I will see him on Tuesday but I was already missing him really, really bad. 

Chapter Nine

 When we arrived to M.E.P.S I text Jacob

Omc! This person drives freakin nuts

I was really pissed and tired

Aw poor baby. I totally understand

I begin to relax

I really wanted to kiss ya

I waited

I know I could tell by yer eyes

I blush

I already miss you alot

I talk to Brenda, than I check my phone

I miss ya already.

We go into MEPS  and they send us to the hotel.

We go into the hotel, the lady told us the rules, when it came to me 

"What is your name ma'am?" she asked

"Calla Nightshade, ma'am" I replied

"Hm, I don't see your name on here" she said

I wrote down my name, Jacob's rank, last name, and his government number, the same for Brenda.

I went to my hotel room and tried to fall asleep.


Next Morning


I wake up, I text Jacob

Wish me good luck! Love ya Jacob! Can't wait to see ya 2nite!

I put my phone on silence. I take a shower, got dress and headed downstairs to eat. I see Brenda waiting for me at the elevator, I smile at her.

"Morning Calla" says Brenda

"Morning Brenda" I responded back

After breakfast we headed over to meps


10 hours Later...


I got in sworn in so now I'm in the Army, I text Jacob that I made it. Brenda and I leave from MEPS, while in th van Brenda looked at me, then said

"Did you know Jacob is being transferred somewhere else?"

"No" I answered

I felt my heart breaking but I knew Jacob will take me with him

"Yeah I overheard the other recruiters talking about it"


It got awkwardly silent. 

Hey sexy ;)

I smile, it's Jacob

Hey luv ;) <3

I wait

Do ya still need a ride home?

Yes, fam will be asleep

I waited

I'm takin ya home

My heart raced


I smile like crazy

I told 'em yer "grandpa" is comin to get ya

I chuckled


I listen to my music on the way home. Some where along the line I fell asleep. One minute we were in Meadow and the next minute we were in Mesquite gassing up and getting into a different van. I fell back asleep and I woke up again and we were in Vegas on Craig Rd. I text Jacob

I here Luv

I yawn and stretch out...kinda. I get out of the van when we reach the recruiting center. I go inside and the other recruiters were in the PJs haha this is so weird to see recruiters in sweats pants and a t-shirt I thought. 

I am at the recruiting center now

"Sergeant Kelty my grandpa is here" I told him

"Okay Calla," he said

I leave and I get in Jacob's truck. I sit in the passenger side and this is a bench seat.

"Where do you want to go eat?" He asked


"How does Applebees sound"


We go to Applebees. He walks over to my door, when I got out of the truck and closed the door he pulled me close and kissed me. His hands goes down to my ass. After a few minutes he breaks away

"Lets head inside." he says

I nod my head. He puts his arm around my shoulder and I put my arm around his waist, we walk over to Applebees. Jacob opens the door for me, I walk inside but I waited for him we walk to a booth holding hands. A waiter comes to us

"What would you like to dink?" the waiter asked

"We both would like water please", says Jacob

I begin a fit of giggles, blushing and smiling like crazy.


"I don't know. I'm really happy." I said

The waiter comes back with our drinks

"What would you like to eat?" 

"I would like Medium Rare steak" says Jacob

"I would like what he is having, please" I said

The waiter nods, then he walks away. 


A few minutes later the waiter comes back with our food. I could barely control myself from scarfing down my food. When we finished eating Jacob paid for dinner, which I felt bad, then we left. We got into the truck Jacob look at me

"Why don't you sit right here?" Jacob said, patting the seat next to him

I scoot over to him



I turn to look into his eyes. He caress my cheek, I felt the electricity go through my body, I kiss him. I pull away than I straddle him, he pulls me closer than kisses me. When he kiss me it was deep,and passionate, he begins to trail down to my neck. He bites my neck I moan softly desire shoot through me like lightning strikes durning a stormy night. I bite his neck, he moans, I bite his neck again he clinches my hair keeping me in place, after I bit his neck he kisses me again, I put one arm around his neck and put a hand on his chest, he takes that hand and moves it down.

"You got me hard again", he says in a husky voice 

I smile happily knowing that I was the only person he has ever risk his career for and that makes me feel special. He bites my neck

"Jacob" I moan softly

His hand moves down my shirt to the edge and he moves his hand up. I pull away and take my shirt off, good thing I got a purple tank on hehe I thought, he continues to move his hand up until it was completely underneath my bra. I knew if we continued I would probably lose control of myself and I probably wouldn't end up at home until tomorrow evening. He takes his hand out of my shirt and he unbuckles my pants, I stop him.

"Whats wrong?" He ask

"I'm just nevous. I haven't been with anyone for three years" I told him

"I told you I wont use you, I want you in my life forever" he sincerely said

I knew he ment it too. Forget it I ain't goin home tonight, I want to celebrate with the love of my life...My thoughts were inturpted when Jacob said

"Lets get you home"

"Jacob, its hostile at my house right now" I told him

"What makes you say that?"

"My aunt told me to go stay at a friends house tonight and come back tomorrow when I'm ready to come home"

He smiles

"Than to my house"

"Yup" I giggled

He takes me to his house, and it what you would of excepted of a single military guy, plain except for his bed. His sheets are soft, silky, and pretty blue too. He picks me up, takes all my clothes off except for my bra and panties, to be honest I felt uncomfortable but I also felt like a woman. I take my bra off and put on one of his shirts. He smiles.

"Mmmm. You make that shirt look good"

"Thats cuz I'm in the shirt"

He nods.

I slowly began to fall asleep.

Chapter Ten



I jerk awake, I look around I am not home. Hm... I thought. I notice that I was alone. I head into the kitchen I see a note on the fridge

I left for work, I have new cloths for you, keys for my truck are on the dresser. There is food in the fridge that I made this mornin'. If you need anything just come see me and I will help you.

Love truly,


I notice he left his coffee home so I find the new clothes he got me, I got dressed, took Jacob's keys, and left to go see him. I arrive to the recruiting center I see Jacob talking to a really pretty blonde, I wanted to rip her hair off her head and beat the crap outta her. I realize that he was staring at me the moment I walked in the door, that made me smile. I walk over to him

"You forgot your coffee" I whisper in his ear

"Yeah, I realize that when I was half way to work" he whispered back

I smiled at him. 

"Congratulations Calla" says Sergeant First Class Jale

"Thank you" I muttered

I went back to his house and basically cleaned his house, than did the laundry. By night fall I was waiting for Jacob to get back from work. 

"I'm home" he says lovingly

I rush over to him and hugged him. 

"Lemme guess your really tired, freakin' starving, and you got a headache?" I said


I hand him some food

"Go eat Jacob. I have to head home soon"

"I know" he said

He pulls me close and give me a kiss

"I miss you" He told me

"I miss you too"

I smile. 

"Okay, just take my truck home"

"You sure Jacob?"

"Yes love. Go before you get into trouble." 


I kiss him goodbye it wasn't until I was half way home that I realize I left my other clothes at his house Great I thought. I laugh. I arrive home, grandma comes outside

"Whose truck is that?"

"A friends. She lettin' me borrow her truck" I told her

"Oh okay"

I head inside extremely tired. I text Jacob

Hey I left my clothes at yer house Luv

I waited for a second

I know I put them in one of my drawers ;)

I chuckled.

Chapter Eleven

 I wake up from a nightmare.  I look at my phone it was four am my phone buzzes

I'm out of prison

I freeze

Who is this?

It felt like eternity before this number responded back

It's Shaun Justice 

Oh no! I started to freak out 

Where are you at?

I waited

I'm almost in yer town

I really started to freak out he text me again

Whose red truck is park infront of yer house?

Oh goodness 

My friends. She let me borrow her truck

I lied

Oh good

I decided not to tell Jacob about this.

I heard you made it into the Army

Well I'm actually in the Army Reserve now... kinda


I knew he was no longer at my house now. I relax.




 I was waiting on my test results from M.E.P.S . I got a text from Shaun

Meet me soon. 

I do an eye roll

I can't rn

Hopefully he fell for my lie

Bull shit Calla!


I'm tellin the truth. I'm busy rn

I waited

Whatever I know when yer lyin or not

I get a text from Jacob

Hey wanna go out tonight

I smile


I wait

It's gonna be a formal attire <3

I looked through my closet and found my royal blue corset ball gown dress

What time?

I found my high heels for the dress

Lets say 2000

I smile

So basically in 30 minutes?

I quickly get dress for the date


I made sure my makeup on fleek. I hear him pull up in the driveway. I rush outside I was wrong its Shaun Oh goddess no! My mind screamed. I rush inside and I see Jacob pull up in the driveway. Shaun glared at Jacob, I rush to Jacob he is in his ASU.

"Lets go love" I told him

I give him a hug and a kiss

"Okay my love" He says lovingly

"Where are we going?" 

"Its a surpise"

We make it to a ballroom dance.

"I hope you know how do dance" He says

"I do" 

I smile. He takes my hand and we begin to waltz, tango, all that other fun dances. After a while I became hungry, he gets on one knee

"What is it Jacob?" 

I start to get to his level

"No! please stay standing" he says

I gasp, he pulls out a small red velvet box, opens it

"Calla Nightshade, will you do me the greatest honor of marrying me?" He ask


He puts the beautiful saphire blue ring on my finger. He picks me up around my waist and twirls me around. Everyone around us awed and cheered, Jacob kisses me.

"I love you so much Calla."

"I love you forever and always Jacob"

I text Catalina

OMC! Jacob proposed to me!

I try not to cry I am so happy.


I giggle

Jacob just proposed to me!

I knew you two would get married 

I laugh.  Jacob holds my hand out in public. I put his ring on a necklace, it is super important that no one takes this ring from me. 


 December 2nd


I am in my US Government class when my phone vibrated in my pocket

Hey these recruiters are comin to ask you some quesions

I frown

Are you gonna be here?

I waited patiently


I get a little sad



Idk. but i didn't want u to feel blind sided without me there


I can handle myself

I smile

Ik thats another reason why I love you

I blush

When they ask you those questions don't mention our relationship

I sighed

I wouldn't cuz I will protect u I love you that much. You mean so much to me.

My heart races

Ik I love you too <3 btw plz try not to giggle or smile during this

I chuckle

I will try not to

 The recruiters show up, a lady in the office walked into my classroom, walk up to me, then asked, "Calla, there is a recruiter who needs to interview you. Do you want go now or later?"

I stop to think about it. 

"I'll do it durning G eight." I answered back


I continue to work on my credit retrival, when the bell rang I went to PE got dressed out and began my five minute run, when I was done I notice the office lady waiting for me.

"Oh man! I'm sorry I forgot!" I told her

"Its okay.", she said with a smile

I run over to the Library and I see the recruiters there. I walk over, I notice Staff Sergeant Spadaforde or what I like to call him Shark Bait, than I see this recruiter that I have never seen before. 

"Hello, I am Sergeant Caroline" says this recruiter

I try not to laugh

"Hello I'm Calla Nightshade. Nice to meet ya." I replied

I shake his hand. 

"So I'm going to ask you some questions and than you will have to sign some paperwork after it." 


"Do you have any personal relationship with a recruiter?" 

I tried very hard not to blush then I bust out laughing

"No! I'm engaged with a farmer!" I lied

"Okay good."

He ask me more questions and I answered some with lies and sometimes truthfully. Finally he was done asking me questions.

"Calla will you sign here saying 'I do not request any special request from this'"


I signed it.

"Okay, Calla this is for a bank account for you."


I take the paper.

"You will need to memorize the Warrior Creed, the Army song, ranks, LRDSHIP, the phonetic alphabet, military time, Warrior's Ethos. If you don't your gonna be screwed in Basic 'cuz those DI's will swarm to you ask you questions and if you get it wrong you go to the back of the line and that is like a two hour wait."

Damn, I thought.


"Also we are going to make you an account on that way if you want to be an E-2 before you go to basic you do this."


"What is your email?"


"What is your phone number?"



He types this all in. 

"Okay now we take your picture"



"Lemme atleast put on a good shirt"


I pull my PE shirt off thank goodness I have my camouflage tank on underneath. 

"Okay, I'm ready"

"You know you can smile."

I give him my best smile, he takes a picture of me.

 "Okay what is your MOS? Why did you want to service?"

"I joined 75th Ranger Regimen, Army Ranger, I did it for my country."

"You may go"

"Thank you for your service"

I text Jacob

I don't like Sgt Caroline

I waited

I don't like him either. He is a bit odd

I laugh

He is more then odd, he is to serious

I laugh

Yeah I know

I walk to PE

I love you

I blush

I love you too




Chapter Twelve

 December 6th

 My phone goes off. It's Caroline

Your drug test came in

I stop what I was doing


I waited

It came back positive

I had to keep myself from crying

Are you okay?

I didn't answer back. Jacob text me

Hey yer test results came back positive

I stop breathing


I waited

Why are they positive? 

I thought hard about it

It cuz I took some weight loss pills.

I hit send

I will get you back in the Army my love . 

I cried

I love you Jacob!

I waited

I'm pickin ya up today.

I froze.


I sighed

Cuz I want to see you, I still love you.

I blushed

I love you Jacob!

I smiled

I love you too.

PE came, I put up a mask to hide my pain and emotions, by the end of PE I still kept that wall up. 

Hey I am here

I smiles weakly

I'm comin

I head out to the Staff parking lot. I see Jacob in his car waiting for me. I put my stuff in his car, I get in the passenger seat.

"I'm takin you to my apartment" he says

I stay quiet

"Calla, my love, please talk to me" He says softly

"I don't know what to say," I said weakly

"Want some In N Out?


We drive to In N Out in Vegas, once we got there he opened the door for me, when I got out he stood there I turn to face him and he hugged me I responded back with a hug. He lifts my chin so I can meet his gaze, he kisses me softly.

"I love you soo much Calla."

"I love you more than you will ever know."

He caresses my cheek, he kisses me softly, takes my hand, and when we about to walk into In N Out he stops,

"I'm gonna take you out to dinner"


"I want to celebrate our relationship"

I blush


He moves his hand, put it around my waist and we walk into In N Out. This young man, around eighteen years old, bright green eyes, straight carrot red hair, tall,and very handsome, he looks at us smiles,

"Welcome to In N Out, how may I take your order?" he ask

"We would like two number two, one of them no onions on it please" says Jacob

"Okay that will be $10.56 please"

Jacob takes out the cash for it, pays for it.


Images: Raelynn8
Publication Date: 02-08-2017

All Rights Reserved

A shout out to the love of my life who's been there for me when I truly needed someone, whose willing to sacrifice everything for me I'm so glad I have you in my life. If it wasn't for you, I don't know that I could overcome my obstacles! I love you forever and always!

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