


On Planet Luau....


A star exploded and killed millions of people on Luau that's what they say but I think their lying. I was born on May 1, 9890 BC. The destruction of Planet Luau and Planet Sparta was on May 1, 9891 BC. When this happen a woman named Marina who was the goddess of Creation. She made the Spartans (oh yes the Spartans are real)Planet Luau she sent her ten children including me to a planet called Earth to her old friend Madurai and her husband Kolya Ivanovna.

Two years later, I was two years old when we found out my father was killed in action his name was General Kolya Ivanovna. After we found out that happened it was now just my mother, my eight brothers Nikifor, Kolya Jr., Aleksei ,Averki, Dmitri or Dima, John, Rikonnoin, and Lusen also my three sisters Marina, Anya, Nynia, and then there was me. But I'm the oldest out of the girls. One day these men came in and took my brothers and they left and we never saw them again until...

Chapter 1

May 6, 2012

I was nervous as I reached the tattoo shop I was in my uniform I was and will always be part of the Navy Seals. I just parked my 1976 Ford Mustang I was about to knock on the door when a man opened it and he said “Yes?”

I replied, “I'm here for the job”

he looked at me than asked, “Are you Brynhildr Ivanovna the daughter of General Kolya Ivanovna?”

I was really surprised and I replied, “Yes. And it's Brynhildr. This is my sister Marina she is under my protection fuck with her. I with kill you and steal your soul. Ok?”

“Yes ma'am. I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Lee but you can call me Ghost. Let me show you around.”

“No thank you. I can figure it out on my own.”

I start to walk towards my car then Ghost said, “Wait Brynhildr you need to meet the rest of the guys” I

turn around then I walk toward Ghost then I said, “Okay.”

As I follow Ghost; he takes me into the tattoo shop there were a lot of guys talking to each other than Ghost got their attention and he said, “Blake, Yin Yang, Rikonnoin, Kolya, Ryan, Rick, Tools, Billy, Nikifor, and Vladimir. I want to introduce you to our newest member this is Brynhildr Ivanovna and Marina”

then I heard Rikonnoin again suddenly I started remembered my brothers and then Blake came up to me said, “Welcome Brynhildr This is where we live”

I look around and I wave at every one so I thank Blake and then Vladimir came up to me and said, “You look fucking hot”

I blushed and I said, “Thank you”.

I was showed around and then Blake ask me “How good is your combat skills?”

so I said, “There better then every fucking person in this shop house or in the military”

he look at me than said “We'll see about that. Come with me.”

I follow Blake we end up in a training place next he said to me “Hit me”

 I look at him and said “Are you sure you can handle it?”

then he replied, “I can take anything thrown at me”

“Okay whatever” I punch Blake in the gut then I hit him in the jaw with my right hand then I step forward and I punch him in the ribs after that I do a round house and then Blake said “Good. That’s good.”

I said “I'm not finished yet”

I tackle Blake to the ground and I punch him with my left hand then my right and then Marina came in and said in a commanding tone, “Stop Brynhildr!”

I look at him then I said “You’re lucky” so I help him up then took him to the shop. Next thing I know every one stops looked at me someone grabbed Blake then Vladimir grabbed me by my arm, took me out side than said,

“What did you do to Blake?”

so I replied, “He told me to hit him plus he did said that he could take it and handle it”

“And you believe him”

“Yes” then Vladimir walk off. I was standing there in the rain then I drove off and I didn't come back for a while.


2 Hours later....


I came back to the tattoo shop and I come in and every one looks at me and then they continue to talk as if I wasn’t there and I went to my new room and I stayed there. I lay on my bed someone knocked on my door so I said, “Who is it?”

 the person replied, “It's me Vladimir”

and I said, “Come in Vladimir” then Vladimir came in with some whiskey, vodka, and beer. I look at Vladimir so he offered me some and I said,

“Sit down with me”

so Vladimir sat down and I grab some of the whiskey, vodka, and beer. Vladimir looks at me then he grabs a bottle of vodka and he drinks it. After five of each bottle I was completely drunk but I didn't care. I come downstairs and I look at the guys then they look at me and they shake their heads so I left to get something to eat. I head back to my room when Tools stopped me and he said

“You have a phone call”

I replied “Tell them I’m drunk as hell. I'm asleep and tell them to call me at noon tomorrow, ok”

Tools told them what I said. I get ready for bed and I look at my only picture of my father and I start to feel tears run down my cheeks and I said to the picture,

“Why dad? Why did you leave us?”

 I hold to the picture and I fall asleep with the picture.



The next morning....


I just woke up I had a bad hangover then I run to the bathroom. I start to puke into the toilet and Kolya comes in and he asks me, “Need a hangover cure?”

“What's that?”

“It's three ibuprofen and coffee”

 I replied, “Yes please”

I hear him in the kitchen and I'm still puking he comes upstairs and gives me the Hangover cure so I thank him than I take the hangover cure. As the day gone by I was in the garage working on my truck with my music turn up max and Kolya comes in and turns off the music and he shakes my foot and I come rolling from my truck and I said

“Yes Kolya?”

 he said, “Blake want to see you right now”

“Well tell him I have to fix my truck right now”

“That can wait. He wants to see you now!”  I sigh then finally I replied,


I follow Kolya to Blake's room, he opened the door and Blake said, “Brynhildr I want to talk to you about Rora?”

 fear started to take over my body but I fought it and was scared I said, “What about her?”

“We need her dead. Can you do that?”

“No she's my sister asshole!”

I stormed off and I went to my truck and I went back to fixing it. Marina came in and look at me with sorrow in her eyes and ask, “What did the ask you to kill Rora?”

I didn't look at her and replied, “Yes they did and I said no and I walked off”.


That night.....


I was asleep and I started to have a flashback about the time when I was part of Operation Overlord or known as D-Day and I remember seeing General Aleksandr Ivanovna I ran to him and I started to shake him and saying, “General Ivanovna wake up. GENERAL!!”

 then I woke up and Marina was next to me and she said, “You were yelling out his name again sister.”

I replied, “I know Marina. It's my fault that he died.”

“No. It’s not” she said.

Then I went back to sleep and I have another dream about him and he was standing in front of me and he said, “Niko my beautiful wife why you leave me?”

“I didn't leave you baby”

he puts his hands on my cheek than he said, “Wow I forgot how soft you were. You will see me soon and by that I mean alive.”

Then he disappeared. I woke up and I looked at the clock it was 6:00 am. I got dressed and I went downstairs and I put on a song called So Far Away and I started to make breakfast and then Marina came downstairs and said, “What's for breakfast?”

I replied, “Biscuits and gravy, scramble eggs, bacon, and toast. Sit down and eat Marina I know how hungry you are”

“What about you?”

“I'm not hungry”

“You still miss Aleksandr?”

“Yes. And he said he's still alive but I saw him die in front of me”

“Well I felt his presents last night and I actually saw him and-”

then Kolya came downstairs he said,

“Wait you guys talking about General Aleksandr Ivanovna?”

I look into his eyes then I saw that he was hiding information about Aleksandr so I said, “You’re hiding something from me. I can see it in your eyes so tell us now”

he said, “He is still alive. I can call him every day-” I stood there frozen “and he'll be here at 012:00 and he wants to see you and he wants to know if you still married to him.”

I was nervous and I replied “Well he has to find that out for himself.”

Chapter 2


I was working on my truck. I remember that wedding ring I sold. I sigh as I continued to work on my truck. While I was fixing the truck I got oil all over my jeans, shirt so I got out from underneath it then took off my shirt. I left on my black tank top with red lacing. When I got underneath my truck someone came in and said, “Guess who baby doll”

there was only one person who would ever called me that. I rolled out from underneath the truck and there stood Aleksandr a I ran up to him then hugged him I felt emotions flooding out and I started crying then

I said, “If your truly real than prove it”

then he pulled me into his arms then he kissed me. I knew that's him alright I look him than I said, “How? How did you survive all this and never let me know?”

he notice that I just had my tank top on and he said, “I forgot how beautiful you were damn you look fucking beautiful since the last Time I saw you. I love you”

“I love you too. But still why?”

he looked at me than said, “Let’s go on a ride alone. How about that?”

I replied, “Okay baby”.

We took the Dyna and rode around I notice guys were staring at me because I still had my tank top on and my holey jeans then Aleks pulled over so I got off and Alekssaid,

“I need you to infiltrate Travolta's base by helping Ivan destroy the base and bring the traitor to justice. Can you do that baby?”

I thought about it then I replied, “Yes I can. When do we start?”


so I nodded. We went to Dairy Queen, got a shake then I asked Aleksandr,

“Where have you been all this Time?”

he looked at me and said, “I had to fake my death. I've been with the Navy Seals the whole Time you know General Sasha?”

“Yes. Why?”

“That was me the whole Time.”

I grabbed his shirt and I muttered, “No wonder you always protective of me. But you have no clue how much pain I went through. Do you know how bad I was hurting? What I had to tell the...I have to tell you something Aleksandr.”

“I don't know how much pain or hurting you went throw but I'm here now and what did you want to tell me?”

“After I...was pregnant but our child Rikyan died after he was born.”

he stood there pissed and then he said, “It's about to rain”

I replied, “I know”

then he look at me and he said, “You get to walk I need cool off”

so he left me there then it started to rain so I began to walk home. Once I go there I was soaking wet then one of the guys ask, “Where Aleks? And why are you wet?”

“I walked home in the rain. He took my Dyna than left. Have you seen him?”

he replied, “Not at all.”

I sigh then I remember I'm still in my black tank top and holey jeans then Tools comes in then he says, “Someone from the Navy Seals called Coronal Dimitri he needs to talk to you he says it's an emergency”

“Thank you Tools.”

I take the phone and I said, “This is General Brynhildr Alma Ivanovna. What do you need sir?”

Coronal Dimitri said, “Reck we need you back ASAP.”

“Why sir?”

“I can't tell you over the phone. Be here at 019:00 hours tomorrow”

“Yes sir” then he hung up. I gave the phone back to Tools. I went upstairs and I started to pack my cloths.


Next Day.....


I arrived at the destination then the team showed up and one of them we called him Ryn but his real name was Rynerano said, “It's nice to see you again Brynhildr”

“Same here Ryn, Recker, Destroyer, Dimitri”

then someone came up and said, “What is the bitch doing here? I thought I was her replacement?”

I walked up to the person and said, “What's your name soldier?”

“Why do you need to know?”

“Kid do you have any idea who you’re talking to?”

“No and I don't care”

“I’m General Brynhildr Ivanovna or known as Reck and the daughter of the legendary General Kolya Ivanovna”

“And I don't care. I'm out of here.”

I watch the person walk off then I look at them with shame and I said, “I'm leaving and you guys can deal with whatever you guys needed me for.”

I walk off too and then Dimitri said, “It's about Vladimir Travolta, Salonika, and your sister Rora.”

I turned around then walked toward Dimitri and I said, “What about them?”

“They have your brother Nikifor, and remember Killer”

“Yes. What about him?”

“They have him” then I my eyes turned black and I said,

“Okay let’s do this.”

Dimitri looked at everyone and said, “Get ready everybody we leave 018:00 hours” we left.

I got to my place and I put on my uniform and then I put on my battle gear I grab all my weapons and ammo and put in one of my pockets. I head outside, I see the team and then Recker said, “You look ready Brynhildr.”

“I am”

“Well Brynhildr, I hope the traitors get captured”

“I don't know Recker”

then I look at my droid and it said it was 018:00. The team and I got into the airplane. Dimitri was showing us the plan and what to do once we jumped out of the plane. Once we landed, we took off our parachute and put on our night vision. I look at Dimitri and he crawled towards me and said,

“Call Whiskey Bravo”

“Yes sir” so I call Whiskey and I said to Whiskey Bravo,

“This is Delta Echo do you copy?”

“Roger that Delta Echo. Whiskey Bravo out” so I hung up I look at the guys and we moved forward.


15 hours later....


We were under heavy fire and Dimitri called for backup then Ryn said, “We need to find some cover Dimitri. NOW!”

Dimitri said, “Okay”

we started to run when we got split up. I look around and out of nowhere a tango came out shot me in the leg then I called Whiskey Bravo and I said, “This is General Brynhildr I need back up now! I'm wounded and I don't know where the rest of the team is”

“Reck you have tangos surrounding your position. We just sent the Special Ops and the Air Force-” I start to shooting and I get hit in the chest close to the heart


 I replied,“If I die tell everyone I died as a hero”

 then Whiskey Bravo said, “Get out of there Reck”

 then I take a grenade, pull the pin and I said, “Halal Mother…”

and then the grenade explodes finally one of the Special Ops team member came towards me and said, “Reck stay with me. I'm Averki”


“Can you walk?”

“I got shot in my leg and in the chest but other than that I'm fine. Where's my team?”

“Their safe.”

he picks me up and get me to the chopper and they put me on a seat one ofthem said, “What happened Reck?”

  “I got teamed up then shot by tangos and I killed some with a grenade”

I hold the wound on my chest then I hiss in pain and I pass out. I wake up and I notice my team members were sleeping in the same room as me. I clear my throat and I said,

“Wake up boys”

one of the guys said, “You’re a wake Reck”

“Well I'm ready to finish off our mission. How about you guys?”

“Yes” then Ryn wake up the rest of the guys and we get out of the hospital and we continued.


5 weeks later....


We finally get to captured Vladimir Travolta, Nikita Dragovish, and the traitor. We head back to the base and then we lock up the three murders. One day I visit Travolta and he said to me, “This isn't over yet”

“What do you mean by that?”

“What I mean is that a nuclear bomb so powerful that it will wipe out everything on Earth”

“Thank you for your cooperation.”

I left and I see my sister Rora Ivanna the wife of Itash Ivanna and I pasted her without talking to her. I call Itash  I said, “We got yourwifeand you’re not going to see her forever”

 Itash said, “I'll be there to talk to my wife!”


 I hung up. I started walking around then Shadow comes up to me and said, “What's wrong Reck?”

I looked at Shadow I start to cry and I replied, “I'm losing everything I care about.”

“That's not true Reck and you have a letter from someone”

he hands me the letter so I thank him. I opened it and I read it and said, “Meet me at Golden Corral 08:00 hours alone” and then I left. I got home at midnight and I took my clothes off but I left my bra on and I went to bed.


The next day...


I just got up it was now 7:00 clock. I remembered the letter so I got in my uniform and I told Golden Corral to reserve a spot for me I got in my mustang and left. Once I got to Golden Corral and they ask me, “Are you Brynhildr


“We have your reservation. Follow me.”

I replied, “Thank you.” I follow the person and I see another letter so I opened it then it read

“Look behind you”

so I looked behind me and there I see Marina so I said, “Marina what are you doing here?”

She replied, “I'm so sorry Reki they told me too”

“Who Mari?”

“I can't tell you”

I replied, “I understand Mari”

just as I left the sirens started going off and I hear the intercom say, “This is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill. Man your battle stations!!”

so I started running to my base and I put on my battle gear along with my weapons. The team and I started running towards our battle station when we got spitted up. Then I come across a wounded soldier so I ask him, “What's your name soldier?”

He replied in a lethal sinister voice, “It's Hauk.”

“Where did you get hit Hauk?”

“I got hit in my leg and in the arm. I don't want to die”

as he started to cry and I said, “You’re not going to die. Not on my watch you are. I'll get you to my station”

I get Hauk on my shoulders then we get cut off so I get on the radio and I said, “This is General Brynhildr! Does anyone copy! I repeat does anyone copy!!”

Nothing and I said again, “This is Delta Echo. My team and I were separated. I have a wounded soldier-”

I see the aliens “- HOLY SHIT....Sent back up...”

then gun fire and I hear someone reply, “This is Black Bird. We're sending back up. Hold on General Brynhildr we have your team right here. Where’s your exacted location”

I didn't respond and then Hauk said, “General Brynhildr is down so am I. We're in the West Bay we're being surrounded by aliens -” then gun shots “- Hurry!!!”

I look at Hauk and I said, “I'm in so much fucking pain... Almira is that you”

Almira replied, “Yes it's me Mommy”

“It can't be you died in a car crash”

“I was pulled out when you were looking for Aleksandr Jr.”

then she said, “Mommy save me please”

then Hauk said, “Reck she's not really there snap out of it”

I look at him and I started crying, “I want my Almira back. It's my entire fault”

“Reck I know where Almira is.”

“Where is she? Where's my baby girl?”

“She with Nina”

“She's with that BITCH!!!”

“Reck calm down she's okay. I'll call Nina right now”

“You better”

“Okay Reck”

I watch him take his phone out then call Nina and he said, “Hey Nina this is Hauk... can you send Almira to the West Bay”


“Well I can't wait to see Almira”

Hauk stopped and he whispered to me, “We need to find somewhere to hide right now.”

I replied, “Follow me”

I turned into a black wolf with dark blue eyes. Once we turned a corner I turned into a woman again and there were aliens that looked like some type of Royal Guards were working together and they turn around then one of them said, “Are you Brynhildr?”

I said, “Why do you need to know?”

“We need her help”

I replied, “Yes I'm Brynhildr"

suddenly they all bow downed to me and I said, “What's going on here?”

 one of them said, “You are our goddess”

“I'm no goddess. I'm a soldier of war”

“Yes you are. Did you ever have a Time when you couldn't hide your marking?”

“Yes how did you know that?”

“Goddess Thantia” suddenly I knew instantly that the stories my mother told me was true. But I still didn't believe him so I just went along with it. As the day continued I was getting weaker by the minute.

Chapter 3


June 1, 2012


I was being chased by a group of creatures that wanted to cut me open then experiment on me. While I was running to Hauk I was shot on the side of my chest and in the leg so I got on my Dyna. Once I got to Hauk's cabin I started to pound on the door but there was no answer so I used my powers to find and locate Hauk. I found Hauk at the Dark Motel on top of the Dark Night Club. So I pound on the apartment door and Hauk opened it then said, “What the fuck happen?”

I replied, “I was being chased by them”

“Who’s them?”

“The Kimono”

“That's bad”

then the phone rang and Hauk answered it then handed to me then said, “It's for you and the leader name is Issachar.”

So I took the phone and I said, “What the fuck do you Issachar?”

he said in a cold lethal voice, “We have your daughter-” I hear my daughter screams bloody murder “- if you ever want to see her again meet us in the woods your house at sunset. Or you'll never see your daughter again”

Than he hung up.

I looked at Hauk and he knew what I was thinking so he stopped me then Hauk said to me, “I know what you’re thinking Bry, and please stay”

I growled “No they have my only child that survived out of five. I need to save her. I don't want to lose my baby girl. After all these years. You won't understand”

than Hauk said to me, “Yes I do. Because I don't want to lose you”

I was about to exit when I heard him muttered something like I love you Thantia I didn't pay attention to it. After two hours of putting on my weapons and all that shit I notice that it was 7:30 pm it would take me thirty minutes to get to my house. So I got on my 2009 Dyna Low Rider and I drove over to my house in the woods. After I got there it was now 8:00 pm and I said out loud,

“I'm here Issachar. Where are you?”

“Right here” he came out of the dark and following him is his helper and one of them was holding Almira then she said to me,

“Mom I'm scared”

“Everything is going to be okay honey”

then Issachar said, “Take your weapons off now and fight hand to hand”

so I did and he attacked me. I was on the ground then I started hearing my daughter scream so horribly I woke up. I attack Issachar and I said to him, “You mother fucking bitch. You hurt my daughter. I don't care where you are I will rip you in little fucking pieces”

then he shot me and I bowed down on my knees then he walked over to me then grabbed me by the hair than he whispered to me, “Look at as I kill your daughter”

he look at his men and yelled to them “KILL HER NOW”

 Issachar shot her and they forced me to watch as my daughter die in front of me. I was screaming bloody murder then Hauk appear right after I clawed my way to her. I was holding on to her dead body and I poured my heart out. Hauk watched me as while I hold on to Almira. I let no one touch her and I screamed to the gods, “WHY!? WHY DID YOU TAKE HER FROM ME!! WHY!?”

then I felt the demon inside me craving for vengeance. I just couldn't let her go. Not after all these year I found her then Hauk came up to me and said, “It's Time to go Reck.”

He helped me up then he pulled me into his arms and he said, “Ssh”.

After Almira death I finally calmed down and I fell asleep.


Five hours later...


I wake up and I find myself in my house. I try to get out of my bed but he pushed me back then I saw a sad look on his face then I remembered that my mother was killed by Issachar and I ask him,

“Is Almira really dead?” he shook his head slowly. I felt my heart slowly break and I scream as the loss of my only child.


Part II


After Almira's Death


Chapter 1


As I hear my mother's voice and I start screaming for vengeance then I run into a God and so I bowed down then the god said, “Raise Almira. I'm Ares and I heard you screaming out for vengeance-”

I nodded my head and she continued “-and if you like you could come back to life and you can be part of our army”

“Forgive me for asking but what army?”

“Army of super soldier call Shadow-Hunters”

“I would be honored Akri”

Ares he says to me, “Hold your hand out”

Ares grabs my hand and place the medallion. I felt so weak and it drained me so fast. I was about to ask them how I was going to fight and then I felt a warm feeling go throw me and I asked Ares,

“Akri ,I was wondering. What am I fighting?”

“I thought you never ask Pecado nor should I say Almira”

“How do you know my real name your Majesty?”

“I know everything Almira now we're getting off topic and I'm the one who created the Shadow-Hunters that's you. What you are fighting human beings that were cursed a long Time ago in 8000 BC and they use to be called Arzanatina for my sister Arzana created them. Until one day they killed her husband and her only daughter Raininna. So she cursed her creation and they were forever called Shades they are very strong yet beautiful. And you have 48 hours to find two people that go by the names of Marissa and Tristan Ininnoa.”

than I look at him and I replied, “Yes Akri”

I start to walk off when Ares said, “And Almira”

“Yes Akri”

“You're a very lucky woman”

I turn around and I ask him with a smile, “Why's that?”

“Your mother loves you more then you know it come and look for yourself”

Ares pulls out a mirror and I see Kimono run off and my mother crawling toward my lifeless body. I never seen my mother wanting vengeance and crying so bad and my rage was so bad and I look at Ares, “Where's Issachar and the Kimono. TELL ME ARES!”

“Here you go this is their location.”

“They’re going to wish they never killed me. I'm going to rip their fucking jugular out. Bathe in their blood. Send me to their hideout NOW!!!”.


 Issachar came out and he said, “I killed you.”

“Well I'm back from hell and I'm here to beat the living fucking shit out of you then kill you”

he yelled to his men, “KILL HER NOW”

then they started shooting at me but that only pissed me off even more so I expired their worthless ass and now it was Time to kill Issachar. It took me a while to find him when I did... I made him suffer like no other have before. Now that I had my revenge I went looking for Marissa and Tristan Ininnoa and then I remember a poem I read and it was talking about a women feeling so dead inside.


That Night...


I finally found Marissa and Tristan they were at Dark Warrior Bar and I said, “I was sent by Ares.”

 Marissa replied, “You must be Almira Pena Ivanovna. Well it's Time for your training. Follow us Miss. Almira” “Okay and just call me Alma or Pecado”

“Okay Pecado”

So I follow Marissa and Tristan to the training camp in the woods. It's been four weeks since I was resurrected from the dead by a god name Ares. I've been training for two weeks and finally. Now that I am out of camp to find those soul sucking bitching from hell.


10,000 Centuries go by....


It was eight o'clock me and my best friend Rivianna Helsinki were heading to Helmsmen Cafe like we always do and Ricky my usually waiter comes to take my order than he came back with my coffee. Suddenly I felt a shade was nearby and I said to my friend Rivianna, “Shade...Coffee...Shade....Coffee”

Rivianna said, “It better be Shade Almiraor Ursa will ride your ass if you fail” “But it's chicory coffee”

“And Ursa will have your ass. If you let the shade live”

“Your right” so I get a drink and I left. As I felt the presence of a group of Shades ganging up on someone with a soul that was strong after I find them I look at the man and I said him,

“Run now!”

As he left I shielded him with fog. Now they were mostly focused on me now. I look at the shades and I said, “Let's dance fuckers” so I took five out and there was eight and then one of the bastards pushed me in the street and then I was ran over by a parade float then remember what Ursa said unconscious Hunter is a dead Hunter so I fought to stay conscious and then the guy came back and he said,

“Oh Shit! Are you okay? I'll call an ambulance”

than I replied, “No don't”

I passed out. I wake up to the smell of my hand burn and I hiss is pain so I have the clouds block out the sunlight. I find myself naked in a room so I rapped a black blanket around my body, got out of the room, and I see a man and he was talking to some of his friends than one of them whisper,

“Hawk that lady is awake” so the guy turned around and he said,

“Hello my name is Hawk and your name is?”

 “It's Alma but some people call me Pecado” but I my real name is Almira and he look at his friends and said to them,

“Pecado that sounds so cool”

they start chatting away and I said, “Where's my cloths!”

then Hawk said, “Ooo someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed” he must of washed and dried it so I ask Hawk,

“Hawk did you wash my cloths”

“Yes I did and they kinda got destroyed”

“Did you save my thing in my pockets?”

“Yes I did”

“Okay good”

 then he added, “But your money, phone, and keys were stolen”

“Where's my boots?”

“Over there”

I walked over to my boots and crouched then I got up and I ask, “Um what's your friends name?”

He called over his pals and then Hawk said, “Sin this is my sister’s boyfriend Sasha, my right hand man Jacob, and there's Demyan”

“Hi guys”

then Demyan whispered to Hawk, “Man. She looks like a goddess”

I remember something and I ask Hawk, “Can you pull the curtains please. I can't handle the sunlight”

“Sure thing”

“Do you have a phone I could borrow?”


 he handed me a phone and I called Kyon next I said to Kyon, “Hey Kyon can you head over to my house and pick up my spare keys, money, and the other phone”

“You lost your stuff “

"I need a pair of cloths also can you bring my Dyna to me”

“Sure. Where are you?”

I hold the phone to my chest “Um Hawk where the hell is I?”

“Do you were the Dark Warrior Bar? Is it Talinoka Avenue?”

“Thank you Hawk. It's Talinoka Avenue”

“We'll be there soon”

“What do you mean we?”

“Sonya and me”

“Okay see you soon bye”

 I hung up I look at Hawk “Well I'm completely bored”

“Hey! How about my sister Riviera go by you some cloths”


“Um… can I borrow this blanket until they come with my stuff”

“Yea sure” I walk over to the kitchen and I sit down. I was aching so badly. Hawk walked over to me and asked,

“So my friends are gone and it's just you and me now”

“Where's your bathroom?”

“It's on the left next to my bedroom”

“Thank you Hawk” I find the bathroom and I take a cool shower. I come back out with feeling fresh but clean and I rap the black blanket around me again. Once I got out of the bathroom, I see Hawk talking to someone and I notice it was Kyon and Sonya. So I walk up to them and I said,

“Hey Sonya. Hey Kyon. Do you guys have my cloths and everything I that need?”

than Kyon replied, “Yea. Here you go”

so he handed me a bag of stuff and I ran over to the bathroom and changed.

Chapter 2


I was on a mission for Ursa when I ran into Hawk. I was at the alley way when Rivianna showed up and we started talking when Ursa appeared out of nowhere then she said, “Leave Rivianna”

“Yes Ursa”  

Rivianna left then Ursa said to me, “Your so fucking screwed Almira. You know that right?”

“Yes I know Ursa” then she left and I was all alone but I didn't whine about it. As the night went on I slayed more and more Shades. I got home and a splitting headache and I fell to the ground and I curled up into a ball and I fell asleep.


Four hours later...


I woke up from my phone ringing and I said, “Yes may I help you?”

“Hey this is Hawk. I was wondering if we could go out for dinner sometime.”

“I don't know if my boss will let me Hawk. I'll call you later if I get an answer from my boss. I have to go to bed Hawk.”


then he hung up. I went to my bed changed into my night gown and I got everything else ready for tonight Damn why am I so fucking tired then I went to bed again. I woke up when the sun was setting and I got ready. I grabbed my brass knuckles than I had my chicory coffee along with food. Now I locked, cocked, and now I’m ready to rock. It's Time for those soul thirsty bitches to die. As I was walking down the sidewalk when a god named Chronic appeared right in front of me. He was fucking gorgeous I mean drop dead gorgeous. His long black hair, a white tank top, and his skin was a light tan color... and I like him... then Rikoron showed up and I knew this was spelling trouble than I called Ursa. But it was no use so I went to Rikoron and I said,

“You’re not allowed in the Human Realm”

so I called back up just in case suddenly he said to me in a low sinister voice,

“Silence weakling”

“Boy I don't care who you are. You never talk to me like that. I will beat the holy living shit out of you bitch” then Chronic said to Rikoron,

“Riko, you better watch it. she's mine... and she's the daughter of Thantia”

I stood my ground then Rikoron bitch slapped me and now it’s on and he's going to get his ass kicking that he'll never forget and I said to him, “It's on now bitch!!”

so I attacked him with so much fury. Now there's no turning back or backing out. Since he started it now I'll finish it...until Chronic stopped me. And it was on...well for Chronic it was. The fight finally ended by Chronic ripping his fucking jugular out then ripping him into little fucking pieces now I felt so much better then I ask Chronic,

“What did you mean by I'm yours?”

he looked at me the he said, “Your mother Thantia she controls fate and other powers and she told me that you'll be my wife soon and then I could finally not have to fear of losing you to Roanlia she is the Goddess of Jealousy. You just meet her brother. Almira can I tell you something?”


“Do you have any idea what your name means?”

“Umm... no”

“Almira translates to Sryia and that means Survivor in Luanian and in Sparian the language of the Spartans it means Mercy.”

“Why didn't my mother tell me that”

“The reason why your mother never told you is because she was afraid that you get killed if Rikihana the God of Reckless and Wrong. My sweet Almira. I'm so sorry I didn't save you. I could have sent my angels to protect you.”

“It’s okay”

“No. It's not. Your mother told me to protect you and since you’re a Goddess and not a Demigod. You may think your father was Aleksandr your wrong. He was to help keep your mother and you safe and he failed big Time. Your true father is Rikihana. And Almira”

“Yes Chronic”

“Do you want to go out and eat sometime this month?”

“I would love to Chronic”

“Just call me Krina”

“Okay Krina”

then he hugged me so I hugged him back then he said to me, “We'll have that date two weeks from now, on the 16 okay”

“Sure...but I should let Ursa know”

“Don't worry she already knows. I'll see you later”

then he kissed me and disappeared. Then I remember when I rode in a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter and then I remembered my mom God I miss her so much but she cannot know that I’m alive. Now I'm bored to death and I have to head home soon than go to bed and I remembered to call Rivianna and tell her the good news about someone. I'm going out to eat with so I called her and there was no answer at all this is so not good. So I ran to my Dyna and I drove as fast as I can and once I got to Rivianna's house... I felt a disturbance and that something was not right so I called out to Rivianna and there was no answer. And I went over to H.Q and I ask everyone where Rivianna is and they all said no. This is not right so I went home and I notice that someone was in my house so I went into my house and I thought it was Hawk so I said,

“Hawk! What are you doing here?”

“Who's this Hawk guy Mira?”  I knew that was my ex-boyfriend and my only true friend that I thought he was dead 

“Kai I thought you were dead”

I run up and I hug him “I wasn't that was a decoy for my enemies. I'm so sorry baby can you forgive me”


“Back to the question. Who is Hawk?”

“I saved his live from a shade and somehow I ended up in his apartment with no cloth and I had to use a black blanket to keep myself cover and he made sure the sunlight didn't kill me”

Kai felt like a brother to me and he said to me, “Did he hurt you baby?”


then he walk to me than kissed me. I have to tell him now “Kai. I belong to a god he's...”  I look at Kai I could tell  by the look on his face said he is very fucking pissed off then he slapped me across the face it left a red hand-print then he said,

“Right before I taken. I was thinking of you and that we would get married have kids. I come back and I find out that you want to go out with a god. I thought that we could be together. And now a god taking you from me WHAT THE FUCK ALMIRA! FUCK YOU! YOU FUCKING STUPID WHORE!!”

I started to cry then Chronic appeared and he said, “Almira. Who slapped you?”

“He did”

I point my finger at Kai then Chronic said in Luanian, “Don't cry my love” he pulled me into a hug then Kai got very jealous and he said,

“Don't even bother with that stupid whore”

that hit a nerve and I could tell by Chronic's emotions that he was really pissed off then he said in a lethal sinister voice, “Get the fuck out of here Kai. Before I fucking rip out your heart and when I done that I'll feed it to you”

 Kai flipped him off now Chronic walked over to him, he grabbed Kai by the throat and he said, “You ever make my woman cry or hit her again I will make you wish you were never born. Do you understand me?”

Kai nodded then Krina threw him across the room then he said, “Get out of here. If I ever see you again I will kill you.”

 Kai scrambled for the door. Chronic looked at me then said, “How about we have our dinner at my temple”

I sniffed, “Sure”

“Almira I hate it when you are sad, because it makes me sad”

he pulls me into a hug. To tell you the true it makes me happy that I know someone... no... He’s not just someone he's a god and he loves me. Chronic helped me up one moment we were at me house the next we're inside of his temple. After we're done eating he walks up to me, then gets on one knee and took me hand then he said,

“Almira I know I just barely meet you but it feels like I known you my whole immortal life... I don't want to lose you. I love you so... Will you marry me?”

I was shocked then I finally said, “Yes Chronic. Yes. But first we must get my soul back from Ares. And can I ask you one thing?”

“Anything baby”

“Is Hauk a god?”

“Yes he is”

“What is he the god of?”

“Hauk is the god of Misery and Pain”


“He's a Lacianeran God of Misery and Pain. And yes your mother is going to marry him”

“So when do we get married?”

“Whenever you want” so I thought about it then I said,

“In two days”

“Okay we can have Teresa she the Goddess of Marriage, Love, and Happiness. We'll have her make the wedding plans and the dress and everything else we need”


“I'll get Ares to give your soul back to you”

“Thank you babe” he kisses me and he teleported to Ares.


Five Minutes Later...


Chronic comes back with a stone and he told me, “Hold your hand out”

“Okay” so I hold my hand out to Chronic and he presses the rock on the shadow-hunters marking and now I have my soul and then I ask Chronic,

“Baby, if I'm a goddess does that mean I stay immortal and I have my Shadow-Hunter powers too”



The Wedding Day...


I was so excited. I was dress in a white long. Teresa put red roses in my hair. Rikono the God of all Gods came in and he asked me, “Since your father is dead is it okay if I could walk you”

“Yes Rikono”

“It's Time for the wedding”

“Okay” I held his arm. Once we reached... Chronic looked so handsome... after what felt like forever the wedding ended. Chronic and I went to our house. I went asleep.

Chapter 3

  10 Months later


I was looking for my sister Marina. After five hours of looking for her I found her at the park. I call Marina and she starts to walk towards me then she fell and I started running at her. I hold my sister in my arms and she was bleeding badly and I start to become unstable and I scream in a demonic sinister voice


I have to absorb her powers or else the world will be....let’s just say it's not very pretty even though she is the goddess of war, the hunt, wisdom, mercy betrayal, dreams, warrior, and fire. So I absorb her powers and now I'm the Goddess of Creation, Chaos, healing, The Hunt, Betrayal, Wisdom, Death, Sorrow, Destruction, Fate, Day (Sun), Night (Moon), Justice, Sea, Wealth, Desire, War, Dreams, Warriors, Reckless, Wrong, and Fire. And if I die the world we know it will be...I won't even tell you what will happen. This is so awesome...not! But it could be worse... wait a second it's already horrible. I have blood all over me. I turn into a goddess and my hair is blood red with a bright blue highlights my skin is a pale blue, my dress is black, a crown made of tear of weeping angels, and my eyes are gold silverish color. I teleport to Hauk and we start to talk.

Then Ash showed up and said, “Thantia?”

“Yes Ash?”

“I have something to show you”

“Okay” Ash holds his hand out and I take it and he teleports us to Rininoa it was named after Rikono's wife. And I find myself in Chronic's temple and I look at Ash and I said,

“Why the hell are we doing here?”

“You'll see. YO CHRONIC!”

Chronic replied, “Hey Ash. What do you need?”

“I'm here with Thantia”

“Oh cool. Let me go make sure Almira knows.”

“Wait Almira is here”

then I hear Almira say, “Mother is that you?”

“Yes it is I Thantia your mother”

Almira's belly was huge and I ask Almira, “Are you a pregnant?”

“Yes mother. I've been pregnant for 8 months now.”

“I'm a Grandma know. Holy shit I'm not even 10 million years old yet. Well congratulation Almira”

“Thank you Matera” I look around and I sigh then I said,

“I have to go before Rikihana comes.”

then Chronic said, “I killed Rikihana”

“So that's why I got other new powers”

“Brynhildr. What are you doing here?”

I spun around when I heard Hauk's voice so I turned around I was shocked and then I said, “Hauk what are you doing here?”

“I'm a god too. You know. But I'm a Lacianeran God of Misery and Pain”




“Come with me”

“Okay” so Hauk takes my hand and he teleports us to his Temple then he said,

“Thantia. My love. Will you do the honor of marrying?”

I felt the wind knocked out of me then I said, “Yes.” then he put the engagement ring on.

Chapter 4




I was at a bar called Reckoning. I had five bottles of Vodka when Rikono came in and he said, “Thantia. I have something very important to tell you”

“What is it?”

“I must tell you how Luau was destroyed.”

“Um... Okay”

“About 30 billion years ago that's 10 billion year to Earth. There were two kings one king ruled the a planet called Lacianeran it was where the Weeping Angels live his name was Kalinoanno and the other rules Planet Luau and Sparta his name was Talonorao. Kalinoanno wanted Luau and Sparta. But Talonorao didn't want Kalinoanno to have the technology of both planets. If Kalinoanno taken over. Every world in this universe would be destroyed. Kalinoanno and Talonorao's children then there children’s children would stay at war until Reckoner married Marina your true mother. So Reckoner built a bomb that was a size of a star but Tikon took this weapon and used it against Luau but Tikon didn't know that when he destroyed Luau he destroyed the instructions on how to make that weapon. Marina put you and your other siblings in an escape pod and sent you here once it reached the core the world exploded.”

I sit there shocked I get up and I left the tips for the waiter then I get of my motorcycle as I was about to leave Rikono steps in front of me then he said to me, “Here's another thing Brynhildr.”

“What is it?”

“There's a war and she's on our doorstep” then Rikono disappears.


3 months later


As bombs exploded around the marines and I. There was gun fire coming from every direction. As I turn I see Hauk get hit by a bullet I rush to his aid trying my best to save him. He looks at me I see the light fading the look on his face tells me to let him go then he says with his last dying breath “Remember me”

then he dies. My soul was weeping. I go into a blind raged and I start killing almost every enemy on the battlefield until one shot me close to the heart. I was laying there bleeding I think to myself damn this hurts than I see two Marines running over and one of them call the medics and I start to slip away. Then the marine poured cold water on me and I punch one of the medics than I said, “Sorry about that”

then the Medic replied, “It’s okay. I'm Koran”


I walk around then I ask, “Where's Ryn, and Recker”

Koran and the marine look at each other than me and finally Koran said, “Their dead”

“No you have to be joking with me”

then the Marine said, “Since when do we ever joke about death” and I started to cry and I hardly cry

“I was supposed to let nothing happen to them...”

"They died protecting you. When you were shot they ran over to you while they were doing their best not to let you die and they don't get shot. Ryn got shot in the heart and Recker in the head.”

I start crying even harder than Koran said, “I'm sorry for your loss”

then I said my motto “I never forget. Never forgive. Let hell open its gates and rain my wrath down on them all. I will not be stopped and I have no mercy left inside me. I am death and fate and I revel in the killing of my enemies. Bring them all until I am drunk on their blood”

then Koran looked at me than I said, “Where's Lusen?”

“Outside...” then I interrupt Koran

“Bring him in. I want to see my big brother”


then Koran walks outside and I hear Koran say, “Lusen”

then Lusen replied “Yes”

“Your little sister wants to see you”

then Lusen runs in and I said, “Hey big brother...”

“Little One. I'm so glad you didn't die”

“Ya same here. If I died then you would spoil you”

then Lusen chuckles than he said, “I love you so much. Don't you ever do that again”

“Yes Lusen” then he pulls me into a hug and starts to cry

“I really thought I lost you forever”

then I whispered in Lusen's ear “Lusen if I died. This world would be in complete chaos”

“True. But I want you to know this Little One...”


“...I would take a bullet for you any day”

“Same here. Wait to late already did...Lusen”

“Yes little one”

“Ryn, Recker, and Hauk are dead. And I had to absorb Hauk's powers”

 Lusen looks at me then he said, “I need Hauk's powers”


so I transferred Hauk's powers to Lusen “Thank you little one.”

“Don't mention it Big Brother”

“I have to go little one”

“Okay love you”

“You too little one” and he left.


The Next Day


We had a funeral for was at 9 am Ryn, 12 pm Recker, and Hauk was 2 pm. Then one person asked me, “General Ivanovna?”


“Do you have anything to say?”

“Yes I do. Ryn was a more than a great soldier. He was my right hand man. He was by my side same as Recker and Hauk but Hauk was my husband. Hauk was shot while trying to follow my orders. Ryn and Recker were killed because of me. If I didn't go in a blind rage they would still be alive-”

I start to cry really hard then Almira gave me a tissue

“-and here with you guys. They sacrificed their lives to save my stupid ass. I wish I could go back and save them but I can't. They showed so much courage so much love for this country and loyalty that they would sacrifice their lives to keep this great nation free. No one can prove their loyalty love and courage like they did. I will have their names will be remembered forever. I promise you. I'm really sorry for your lose. Thank you”

 I go sit down. After the funerals were over a few people came up to me and thank me. It started to rain. I found a restroom changed into my uniform then I told Almira to change and we got on my Dyna than we left. As I was riding seven black Honda Suzuki's ganged up on us and opened fired.

I pulled out my shotgun and fired back two of the riders died and five were still following so I did my best to lose them. And one of them took a short cut then turned in front of me forcing me to turn a sharp left. When that rider did that it caused me to lose control of my Dyna causing us to crash so I told Almira to teleport home and she couldn't do it and then I blacked out. I walk up and I find myself in chains attached to the wall I look next to me and Almira was bruised and chained to the wall too.

I whisper to Almira, “Mira wake up. Mira please wake up.”

then she finally wakes up “Mother. Why are we here? I want Krina”

my daughter starts to cry “Don't cry Mira”

“I want Krina” after a while she calmed down. I started to think of a plan of how we're going to get out of here... Suddenly the doors open and three guys come in and one of them said,

“Hey boss their awake now”

"Good. Now we can...”

Almira says, “What do you want from us?”

“We don't want you Almira. We want your mother. Jake unchain Almira and teleport her to the gates of Chronic”

“Yes sir” so Jake unchains my daughter and then she head butts Jake but then Jake hold on to her then he teleports her to Chronic's gates.

Then the boss said, “I'm James”

he sticks his hand out to me and I spit in his face then I said, “Fuck you asshole”

“Okay. If you want to be like that. I'll be like that. Krieg”

Krieg was only wearing a pants and black Harley biker boots with no shirt on. He was very well muscular guy with a light tan skin green eyes, short black hair I think a crimson red highlights a tattoo on his chest was the grim reaper but with a 50. Cal rifle as his weapon and dog tags.

Then he said “Yes boss” then James replied,

“Take General Ivanovna to the interrogation room"

“Yes sir” then Krieg unchained me then he cuffed me. As we were walking to the interrogation room Ivan said, “I'm going to help you get out of here Brynhildr”

then I replied, “Why are you going to help me?”

“Because James is going to torture you over and over again until you ether tell him what he wants to know or until you die”

“If I die this world will be in total chaos”

“I know that”


 he ignored my question “Hauk was the one who told James that you know everything he needed to destroy the U.S. And I shot him. I’m your true soul mate”

“Wow. Thank you”

“You’re welcome. Now be very quiet”

“Okay” so I stayed very quiet then Krieg said, “Here's your keys and hold on-” he uncuffed me “-I'll be going with you too”


we got to my Dyna and Krieg started it “There, now we're ready to go. And I'm driving the Dyna”

“okay” so Krieg got on first and then I got on. I hold on to Ivan tightly and he drove the Dyna as fast as he could. Once we were far away and safe Ivan stopped and then he said to me,

“Brnyhildr. Do you know a place that only you know and that is safe?”

“Yes I do”

“Where is it?”

“It's away from the city out in the country on Menkalinan Rd”

“I know where it is. But first we're going to your Big brother's house.”


“So we can switch vehicles” now I know. Once we got to Lusen's house Krieg got out the Chevy Chervil SS but before we left I gave Lusen a ton of hug because I didn't know if I ever get to see him again then left.


4 hours go by...


I look over at Bry and she was still asleep. I stop at a gas station. While I was getting gas Brynhildr woke up and she told me she'll get some food and drinks. Brynhildr had dark red hair with blue highlights, light grey eyes, a tight tank top that was black, camo pants that were tucked into her combat boots, dog tags I thought to myself I bet she's in the Marines or the Navy Seals, she’s skinny, nose pierced, a tattoo on her arm that's a soldiers cross, she is a very well built body that's meant for fighting, a scar on her left arm, and aura that says I'll-dance-in-the-blood-of-my-enemies. After I was done gassing up the vehicle she comes back with food and drinks then she said, “People call me Reck or sometimes Nave”

“Okay Reck and people call me Feuer or Bry”

“That's cool. We should start going”

“Your right”

then we left. I put on some rock music then I said, “What did you get?”

“I got some monsters, beers, ice chest, and lots of ice, but don't worry I put the beers in the ice chest, soda's, crackers, candy, gum, and cigarettes”

“Can you get me a monster please?”

“Sure Ivan” she hands me a monster then she said,

“I can't believe I married Hauk”

“You didn't know”


“You know you’re very beautiful”

“You should see Nynia. She's a lot prettier than me”

“Not to me. You’re as beautiful as Aphrodite”

I see her start blushing “Awe thank you”

“Your welcome and you will always be beautiful to me”

then Bry fell back to asleep. It was nighttime and I found a hotel so we stopped there then I wake her up she said to me, “Are we there now”

“No. We're going to stay at a hotel for the night”

“Oh okay”

I go inside and woman looks up at me then she said to me, “Can I help you gorgeous?”

“Yes I need a room on the first floor, just for the night for me and my new wife.”

“Okay. You have room number 1”

and the lady gives me the key to our room “Thank you”

so I go outside and I wake Bry up “Come with me love”

“Okay” so we get dressed and we go to bed. It's 4:00 am I go wake up Bry then we get dressed so I signed out and we left. After eight hours we get to Menkalinan Rd so I descided to wake up Bry and she gets to drive to our location suddenly Bry said,

“We're here”

“Good” she goes and parks the car in the shed after she done that she started to unpack the car. I looked around and I notice one part of this house there was a room with so many fridges and I looked in the fridges and there were different types of beers. I went into the kitchen and I grabbed a beer then I sat down and drank it.

Bry came inside then she said, “I'll show to your room”


so I followed her we enter this one hallway and she said, “This is my room and your room will be next to mine. If you need anything let me know”


“No problem”

“I'm going to take a shower now. And you have a flat screen TV in your room”

“Okay” than she goes into her room and I go into mine. I hear something break in her room so I rush inside and I see her sitting on the floor with no towel on and also she's completely wet.

So I go put a towel on her than I ask her “What happened?”

“The glass painting Almira gave me fell and broke”

“Okay. I'll let you get dressed”

“Okay” so I leave her alone. I go out onto the patio I lit a cigarette. I hear someone coming out onto the patio so I turn around and I see her dressed in a halter top, holey jean, biker boots, and her dog tags then she said to me,

“Can I have a cigarette please?”

“Sure” I give her a cigarette and I lit it for her too



“How long are we going to stay here?”

“Until everything calms down”

“Okay” she looks out into the field. Once we were done smoking we went inside then Reck said,

“Do you want to watch a movie?”


“We have Death Race 1,2,and 3, Sinister, Mama, Olympus Has Fallen, Resident evil all of them, SKYFALL 007...” then I said, “Death Race 1,2, and 3”

“Okay” so she put it in and I make popcorn and I grab some beers. I come back into the living room with the popcorn and beer then Bry comes over and sits right next to me.

As we were watching Reck started to get drunk and I said, “No more beers for you Reck”


“Because you're really drunk”


“I don't want you to get even drunker than you are now. Because you will do something that you will regret”


“Thank you” I kiss her on the forehead then I clean up. Once I was done cleaning up I sit on the couch and Reck lays her head on my shoulder then she falls asleep than I pasted out too. I wake up with just my pants on and Reck in her bra and pants then I said,

“Reck do you remember what happened?”

“No. You?”


“Okay I'm going to make us breakfast”

then she gave me a kiss and started to cooking. Once she finished making the last round of making biscuits and gravy then I told her, “Damn this good”

“Thank you Krieg”

“Where did you learn to cook like that?”

“I had to teach myself”

“Really. Why?”

 “I really don't like to talk about it”

“Oh okay. How's Marina doing?”

“She's been dead for over a year and one month”

“I'm so sorry” I hug her

“I still don't know who killed her. But I was supposed to keep her safe from harm and I failed her”

“It wasn't your fault”

“I know may she rest in peace.”

Chapter 5



4 months later...


I was sitting in the back. My sister Brynhildr was driving and in the passenger seat was her husband Krieg. We were heading to Mom's house. We were about to enter the living room when I hear our mother said, “Who's there?”

Brynhildr replied,

“It's Lusen, my husband Krieg, and me. Brynhildr”

“Hello children”

Then Krieg said, “Hello Ma'am”


“Yes mother”

“We need to talk about something”

“What is it?”

“Sit down”

so we sit down then mom came in and sat down in front of us. I notice there was a sad look in her eyes and I said, “Mother. What's wrong?”

“I have to tell you something”

“Tell me”

“You’re not really my son”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re not from my flesh and blood”


“I think Brynhildr should tell the story. How you got here? How your home world was destroyed?”

Then my sister said, “Why do I have to tell him?”

Then mother replied, “Because you know most of the story. And you were the first to know the truth?”

She sighs then Brynhildr said, “Okay mother. Now listen up people no interrupting me while I'm telling this story”

We said, “Okay”

“About 30 billion years ago that's 10 billion year to Earth. There were two kings. One king ruled the a planet called Lacianeran it was where the Weeping Angels lived his name was Kalinoanno and the other king rules Planet Luau and Sparta his name was Talonorao. Kalinoanno wanted Luau and Sparta. But Talonorao didn't want Kalinoanno to have the technology of both planets. If Kalinoanno taken over. Every world in this universe would be destroyed. Kalinoanno and Talonorao's children then there children’s children would stay at war. But that was until Reckoner married Marina your true mother. So Reckoner built a bomb that was a size of a star but Tikon took this weapon and used it against Luau but Tikon didn't know that when he destroyed Luau he destroyed the instructions on how to make that weapon. Marina put us in an escape pod than sent us here once it reached the core the world exploded.”

I look at mother than I said to her, “Why didn't you say something about this mother?”

“To keep you guys safe”

“But still you should of told us”

“I know. I was afraid that you guys would get experimented on. By the government.”

“Even if you’re not our true mother. We will always love you as our mother”

I look at mother and I notice that she was looking around. She seemed really nervous so I ask her, “Mother?”

“Yes dear?”

“What's wrong?”

“Nothing. Why?”

“You seem nervous about something.”

Reck yells, “GRENADE!!!”

He grabs the grenade but before she threw it a flash bang comes out of nowhere and so she throws the grenade and I threw the Flash bang Krieg looks at us then he said, “We need to get the hell out of here. NOW!!!”

Reck grabs the shot gun then she said, “Go! I got your backs!!!”

I said, “NO!! I'M NOT LEAVING YOU!!!”


Krieg grabs my mom and carries her out then Krieg comes back and grabs me by the arm, “Lusen”


“Let’s go”

“No!!! We can't leave her.”

“We have to”

Krieg grabs me by the shirt and tells me, “Your sister is risking her life. Do you think it would be fair for her to find out that you didn't fucking make it. NOW MOVE YOUR ASS NOW!!!”

we start to run. Once we reached the end of the driveway Mom's house explodes and then Krieg and I screamed, “NNNNNNNNOOOOOO”

we started to cry then a voice said,

“Why are you crying?”

Krieg replies, “My wife and her brother's mothers house blow up and my wife was still in there...”

“My love”

I see Ivan look up and it was Reck and then I said, “Are you really alive?”

“That's hard to explain. See I shielded myself right before the house exploded and it's weird.”

I clear my throat, “We need to go”


“What is it Reck?”

“They’re here”

“Whose here...”

“Follow me”

We get into the black 67 ford mustang. Once we reached my sister and her husband safe house Reck said, “I think we're good”

Krieg looks at my sister then he said, “Baby?”

“Yes love?”

“Looks like things are going to get a little bloody soon.”

“What do you mean?”

“Look out the window”

So Reck looks out the window “Oh SHIT!!!!”

My sister looks at me and she says, “LUSEN!! WE NEED TO GET THE TRUCK!!! NOW!!!!”

So I stop and I get in the hidden garage got out the special trucks by special I mean it has 50. Cal machine gun with unlimited ammunition along with rocket, heat seeking rockets, E.M.Ps, spikes in the front, smoke grenades, etc. so I get the trucks out and the four us separated and we would meet out at an abandon base in South Dakota. I was separated from my sister and her husband it took mother and me ninety-six hours to get to the abandon base in South Dakota. Once we got there I called out for Brynhildr but there was no response I knew my sister would be here before mom and me. I take out my phone and I text my sister and I knew that she would respond to my text. I got no response then I hear my mom yell out so I come running to her then I said,

“What’s wrong mother?” then mother replied,

“Your sister Nynia is dead”

I look down and I see the body of Nynia and I fall to my knees then began crying as I only seen my baby sister once. I’m losing everyone I care about why this has to happen to me this is not fair but there is one thing I know is that life is not fair. This can’t be happening to me. What did I do to deserve this? Then I see my brother Lusen walk overs to me and said,

“This isn’t your fault. You know that right”

“Yes I do.”

Chapter 6



I started to begin the ritual so that I could resurrect my dead sister Marina. First would have to I take my sisters’ body, next I would have to kill a goddess take her blood, after that I would have to go to the Mountain of Souls so I can clam her soul. So I done all these things now here comes the hardest part I would have to perform the ritual and if I mess up I will die. So I start to chant this, “Kia Tatto Amoroa Sakinora, Kia Tatto Amoroa Sakinora Kainniana Akia Alitera Amanna”

which means in the language of the gods Sweet Mother Sweet Mother send your child onto to me for the sins for the unworthy must be baptist in blood and fear

while I’m chanting I would have to add the ingredient to the body. Once the ritual was over my sister Marina woke than she looks at me with so much sorrow in her eyes and she said to me,

“Hela. The Blood moon is coming and you won’t be able to hold your human form. You will turn into your true form. The form of the Harbinger Goddess and you shall be known as Hela Thantia Fanio the Harbinger Goddess” I look down at the knife and I cut open my hand and I said to her,

“Here drink it. I know what I am. I despise my true form.” than she takes a drink of my blood and she closed the wound than she said in the language of the gods,

“Aitkin atota kianna (You are the Harbinger) toltoa ammonia sau sua (You are a goddess of destruction), mahanna aroemow (of chaos), Arrowanna (death) ankinrea tuywanna jiuynana Apollymia (even if you’re the true daughter of Apollymi), raquena talreaona mahanno kirea weria (you must fore fill your prophecy).”

I reply, “Helia Lantio Faliona Kianna gawy jiuynana Apollymia (I don’t want to be Hela Thantia Fanio the Harbinger and the daughter of Apollymi). Akianna otway luray tatuwera (I don’t want to be like my Matera) ankinrea jiuynana Apollymia atroya yuimna (even if I am the daughter of Apollymi I won’t be like her) Swya arroyute rerreo novo rate ratta aywa tuyia quingea (I want to do good not evil I will save this world).”

than my sister looks at me and she goes back to speaking in English,

“You will always be like your mother; even though, you have all these powers you will always be a god killer. You have no weaknesses. You are the all-powerful The Harbinger. You are the final fate.”

I look at her than I said, “I don’t want to be the Harbinger or the final fate, and I do have weaknesses” and that was the last word I said to my sister.

Chapter 7

The War...

The sound of screams woke me up i rush out 


Images: Google
Editing: Shianne Ayers and Ty Stevens
Publication Date: 11-02-2012

All Rights Reserved

This book was made for the people who inspired me. I would like to say thank you to all those who believed that I could do this. To my loving boyfriend Joshua Neumann, And Mrs. Carabajal. I thank you Joshua for coming into my life.

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