

I climbed the stone wall, the sweat on my hands not making it any easier. I was pulling myself over when something hit the back of my head. “Who are you?” a voice boomed in my ear. I crawled out of his way and grabbed my sword. “Well?”
I swung upwards and slashed him in the chest, “Doom,” was all I said before jumping off the side of the wall again. I pulled my black scarf out and wrapped my head, so only my eyes showed. I put my razor sharp sword into its place and took off. I stayed on the side of the buildings, stopping here and there when someone passed by.
Ways away I saw another wall, but was almost impossible to climb. I shoved my elbow into the window behind me and climbed in. I sneaked up the stairs and climbed out the window to get to the roof. Up here you could see the town perfectly. Behind the wall is a huge white castle and scattered around the town is little parks my father paid for.
But I didn’t have time to see the view, I jumped building to building. The feel of wind passing you and a sword by your side is blood pumping, body shaking fun. A few times I almost didn’t make it over. I made it to the last building when the siren went off. It was loud enough to hear from here and it was to tell me that they are coming and quickly too.
The distance from the building and the wall was unbearable. I paced back and forth knowing they are already tracking me and will be here in minutes. I looked down and saw dogs barking up at me, maybe seconds. I made my mind and backed up. I turned around to see a bright red soldier a couple feet away, “Come on Daniela, you don’t have to do this,” he cooed to me. But I didn’t listen; instead I ran to the edge and pushed myself off, hoping that I would make my target.
I grabbed on to the metal pole and started to climb. The sweat really wasn’t helping me this time. One hand in front of the other I made it to the top. It was two inches in diameter and I could only keep one foot on it. Wind pushed against me, but I thought of all the lessons I learned from my dad. I conjured up the courage to look down at the ground that was twenty feet away. I gulped, “you can do this, you are almost there,” I tried to pep talk myself.
I pushed off and was falling towards the wall. I was inches away, but I could feel myself dropping and I was sure no one wanted a pancake for a princess. A hand reached out and grabbed me. I looked up to see red haunting eyes, “Hello princess.”
“What do you want?” I tried struggling out of his arm; falling was a better option at this time. He pulled me up and over then pushed me onto the ground.
“You know what I want,” his eyes glistened and he held up a black knife, “the heart.” He plunged the knife into my chest and twisted. I could feel my heart beat in my head as it slowed and stopped.

Chapter 1

I fell out of my bed with a huge thump. “Princess, are you Ok?” Jules walked into my bedroom and helped me up. She pushed back my bangs and checked my forehead.
“I do not know who Princess is,” I escaped her hold and walked to my bathroom. I plugged in my straighter and turned on the shower. I stared into my reflection while the water warmed up; red hair flowed down my back and golden eyes, literally. I am the girl resemblance of my father, King Joseph, the ruler of my small home Castlevania.
“Daniela do you want my help?”
“With what Jules? Why would I need your help in the shower?” I complained and closed the door in her face, “Thanks for asking, but I think I got it.” I slid to the floor and banged my head against the door. I jumped into the shower, scrubbing off sweat and dirt.
When I got out Jules was sitting on my bed with a dress in her lap. “You are wanted in an hour,” she turned her head and smiled at me. Jules came over to me and handed me my undergarments. I dropped the towel and slipped the black lace on before turning around. Jules had a corset in her arms that was suppose to make me look thinner and my chest bigger.
“Do I have to where this?” I stared down at the white corset with gold lace. It was beautiful, but I can hardly breathe and Jules hasn’t even tied it yet.
“Your mother would disapprove if you shoe up without a corset on and you know your mother.” I rolled my eyes and sucked in a deep breath as Jules placed a foot on my back and pulled at the strings. It tightened making everything start to slowly spin.
She helped me put on my green dress that weighted ten pounds, but curved my body to make it look like I was in my twenties. I gave Jules a kiss on the cheek before walking out of my bedroom and down the stairs. I could already hear my mother’s annoying voice from half way down the stairs, getting louder every step I took.
“Darling, how swell of you to join us,” she stood up and motioned to her so called friends. Marcie a tall blonde with big lips and small eyes stretched her hands to me. They were rough and unbearable to touch, but I managed.
“Morning ladies,” I curtsied to them and sat at an unoccupied seat. They spent hours talking about next week ball and what shoes will go with what dress. I nibbled on my biscuit when Jules walked in, “Introducing Sir Darrell.” The door opened to show my only friend. His dirty blonde hair and grey eyes attracts many suitors, but I was never interested.
“Mother may I be excused?” she nodded her head and I stood. I almost ran towards him, but every eye was on my back, so I kept a steady pace and curtsied when I was in front of Darrell, “Sir Darrell.”
He bowed and kissed my hand, “Princess Daniela.” We hooked arm and walked out of the dining room with much grace to offer in my body. When we were outside I jumped into his arms and he spun me around, “How I missed you Dani!”
“I missed you to Darrel,” he set me down and we walked towards the pond, “how was the war?’
“Bloody. You would faint at the sight of what I saw every day. But now I’m back and your smile makes those days worth it.”
“Darrell,” I blushed and shook my head, “don’t try charming your way back. What happened there? Did you see Lucy again?”
This time Darrell was the one who smiled and pulled me down next to him on the bench, “She was beautiful as ever. We met every other week at a lake, much like this one. She would tell me what happened and I would promise her that I will have her hand in marriage one day. I sometimes talk about you and she seems very interested.”
I slapped him in the arm, “Don’t waste your time talking about me.”
“Well she wants to know everything about my life and you are a very big part of it.”
“Yet again you are a very good charmer,” I pressed my lips to his finger tips, “I am happy you talk about me, but please don’t talk anything embarrassing about me, please.”
“A little too late for that,” he smirked at me then grabbed me by the waist. He lifted me above his shoulder and threw me into the lake. A very cold rush hit me and I swam up to the surface.
“You…. You,”
“Say it.”
“Asshole,” I gasped and covered my mouth. I can’t believe I just said that. I have never cursed before, but lately Darrell has been teaching me new ones. Darrell laughed and started to strip. “What are you doing?” I screeched and whispered at the same time.
“I am swimming, what are you doing?”
I climbed out of the lake and stared out of my outfit. It was drenched and clung to my legs. Darrell handed me a knife and I cut it to knee length, “Thanks.”
“No problem,” he picked me up again and he jumped into the water. This time I didn’t sink as quickly, but I still had five pounds dragging me down. I swam to the top and got onto Darrell’s back.
“You know I hate when you do that,” I slapped him on the back of his head.
“I know, but it is funny.” He climbed out of the lake with me still on his back and he walked back to the castle. The look on my mother’s face was priceless, it looked like she just saw a ghost and was about to barf.
“What are you doing on his back?” she screamed.
“Having fun,” I never talked back either, so I quickly got off Darrell’s back and curtsied to him. “I will see you again before you leave, right?”
“Whenever you like just call me,” he kissed my hand again, bowed to my mother and left. My mother turned to me and I started to run away.
“Get back here!” She raced me up the stairs and she trapped me before I could open my door. “First you are wet, why are you wet?!”
“I went swimming in the lake.”
“Second, I never want to see you on his back again and since I can never make you not see him because you are joined at the hips. At least don’t do that again!”
“Yes mother.”
“Thirdly what happened to your dress, it was one of the kind!”
“Well now it is very special,” I got inside and closed the door, locking it just in case. I took off the horrid dress and put on some sweats.
“Do you need anything Pr- Daniela?”
“Could you get me something to eat please?”
“Anything for you,” she turned around and left. I crawled into my bed and pulled the cover around me. That dream still scared me, but it made sense. I wanted, no needed to leave the palace. I wanted freedom and felt like the only thing that would make me truly happy.
In one month I am leaving, dead or alive.

Chapter 2

“Sit up straighter,” my mother hit me in the back with the ruler. I did as I was told as pushed my shoulders behind my ears. I was being taught the rules of ladies, since my mother thinks I am a harlot.
“I am sitting as straight as my back would go,” I snapped back at her and blew the hair out of my face. I was meeting with Alejandra, the princess of our neighboring town to discuss about how we were going to merge our two towns together. “Mother may I go powder my nose,” I asked as sweetly as I could and tried to smile, but it came out more like a grimace.
“Quickly now, Alejandra will be here in minutes,” she shooed me away and I stormed out of the kitchen. I went into our master bathroom and checked the mirror. My red hair was curled and held up with a huge blue bow that my mother picked out. To match it she gave me a knee length dress that is baby blue and very childish. The skirt had white dots and the top was shirt sleeved. If I let my mother dress me up for my whole life, I would never get married. EVER.
“Daniela come here,” my mother sand from the ball room. I tighten my bow and smoothed out my skirt. I held my chin high and ungracefully walked into room.
Alejandra had brown wavy hair that laid on her shoulder and caramel brown eyes that screams mess with me and I will punch your chest so hard you will have a flat chest for the rest of your life. Other than that she was quite beautiful with flawless skin and rosy cheeks and to make her more special is she was wearing the same dress I was, but yellow and it was more flattering then on me.
She stood when she saw me and we both curtsied to each other. Our mothers walked out arm in arm with smiles plastered on their faces. “So….” I stared down at my finger nails, twiddling my thumbs. Her eyes watched me and it gave me a shiver that ran up and down my back.
“I am Princess Alejandra,” she held out her hand.
“Daniela or Dani doesn’t really matter, but most people call me Dani…. But if you like Daniela you could call me that or Dan, Ella, don’t mind my rambling, I do it when I am nervous. Unless you aren’t nerves then I shouldn’t be,” I gave an awkward smile, “Wow has it gotten hotter in here.”
Alejandra started to laugh, “You are funny Dani. I thought you were going to be some boring Princess that likes her servants and loves politics.”
“Don’t worry, I learned at a young age not to like politics. Truthfully I was going to stay for a couple minutes then make some random reason to leave.”
“I was going to do the same,” she stood and held her hand out. “Let us go for a walk through your town.”
After we both changed into some more appropriate clothing, some jeans and a t-shirt, we were walking the streets. Alejandra said hi to everyone she passed, spreading a smile across their face, and sometimes she would give the children money to buy something nice. She was a good hearted princess and makes a great queen, but it is weird. It is said my mother is the best queen around, but I don’t see her giving away money or even remembering the names of the people in or town.
“Why are you so nice?” I questioned her.
“I am not nice, I am simply polite. I was taught at a very young age to respect the lesser folks and played with many of them in my youth. In my town, I know everyone by name and everyone knows me back. I am not their princess or soon to be queen, I am their friend.”
I nodded my head and we continued to walk in silence. Soon little group of kids ran up to me asking me about life as a princess. I spoke only good things, but didn’t tell them about not having friends or allowed to even talk to people less than me. I promised to come back one day and read them a book or two.
“Are we allowed out of the castle?”
Alejandra glanced my way and slightly smiled, “Technically we are what the city people say ‘sneaking out’.”
“You have been it the city?” I asked with wonder.
“Yes, many times. A lot of people walk the streets and no one cares for anyone.”
By the end of the day, my feet hurt and I gave away half of my money. “Goodbye,” I waved to Alejandra. I dreaded coming home, mother would always have a fuss about me being out to late, If I made it on time or not. I pushed opened the huge wooden door and right on time, my mother marched up to me.
“Where have you been!” she spit all over my face.
I dramatically wiped my face, “If you have to know, I was out with Alejandra.” Her whole face lightened up and I almost saw a real smile.
“Oh, ok. Umm Darrel is in your room, he said you asked him over,” she walked away with a second glance. I sighed and flipped her off. I ran up the stairs and opened my bedroom.
“Why are you here,” I ran towards him and gave him a bear hug.
“Well hello to you too. I am here to visit,” he closed my door and sat down at my desk. “You said you needed some help?”
I laid down on my huge bed, “Yeah, could you get ten sheets, black pants and shirts, and teach me how to use a bow and arrow by my birthday?”
“I am planning things,” I whispered and covered my face with the cover. He jumped onto my bed, crushing me under his body, and uncovered me.
“Are you going to meet someone?”
“EWE! No!” I punched him in the shoulder, “I am leaving.”
“As a vacation,” I shook my head and his eyes filled with tears, “ Forever?’ I nodded my head and closed my eyes. I felt drops of tears fall on my face, “Why?”
All I could think of was don’t cry now, “Because I want to leave this palace. You can come and go all you want, but why do you stay here?”
“Because I love it here.”
“Don’t lie to me. I have been here all my life and all I want to do is break out.” I shook my head and sighed, “Please don’t tell anyone.”
“Daniela, I am coming with you.”
“No you are not! You have a life here,” I opened my eyes and immediately I regretted it. “Darrell the only reason I stayed here this long is because of you, but now you are going to be married and you won’t come visit often. I don’t want to stay in here like a caged animal.”
“Dani the only reason I stayed is because of you,” he wiped away some tears and laughed, “You really want to do this?”
“I wouldn’t want anything else for my birthday.”

Chapter 3

I pulled back, feeling the strength I need build inside me in till all at once you let go. The arrow spun through the air and missed its target, the apple. “You see you are a natural,” Darrell handed me another arrow and stepped back.
“Yeah right, I can’t hit the stupid arrow to save my life,” I mumbled.
He placed another apple, farther this time and stood beside me again. I placed the arrow in its slot and drew back. “You are doing that all wrong.” He stood behind me with my back pressed against his chest and he held up my elbows a little straighter and pushed them back a smidge. “You need to keep still,” he softly whispered in my ear. “Make sure you keep an eye on your target and when the moment is right,” I let go of the arrow.
I looked at him with a smile on my face and felt his breath on my cheek. “I-I think I better get h-h-home before m-my mother g-g-gets worried,” I breathed out. I turned around and my breath hitched in my throat. Only inches away I could kiss him, but did I want to? I stepped away and patted his cheek, “I will see you later Darrell.”
“In matter of time, Dani.”
I fell on my bed when a knock came from my door, “Come in!”
“How is my favorite little princess doing?” Alejandra walked in with arms full of clothes in her hands.
“I am turning the same age as you in two weeks,” I mumbled into my pillow. She threw the pile of clothes on my back and sat down on my legs.
“That makes you smaller in comparison, so I was thinking that we could try on clothes for your birthday.”
“Not you too, I am not a dress wearing, trying on clothes kind of girl. So I was thinking that my mother could just hire the best dress maker here then they would make me a dress and I wouldn’t see it in till the day of.”
“They could make your dress pink or something,” she sneered at the idea.
“It wouldn’t matter anyways, it would be the last day anyone sees me, so I don’t care if I wear a clown suit.”
“What do you mean by that? You are going to lock yourself in your room forever,” she laughed at her pitiful joke then stood up pulling me with her, “if we can’t try on dresses, can we at least go outside of this depressing castle.”
“You know my mother would never allow it,” I grabbed a jacket on my way out of my bedroom and closed the door when Alejandra came out.
“Then we just won’t tell her,” an evil glint was in her eye as she pulled me down the hallway. Her brown hair swished back and forth with every step she took.
I looked around one last time, “Are you sure about this?”
“Not at all,” she lifted herself up and jumped out the window, landing in the pool. A wait awhile before I saw her pop back up. “Do you have the money?” she screamed from below.
“Shut up!” I covered my mouth again and mentally slapped myself. Now or never. This is a test to see if I could go through with my other plan, I told myself. Before I could back down, I was falling and landed with a huge splash. It hurt more then when Darrell throws me in. I opened my eyes and looked around, searching for a sign that tells me to go where. Everywhere was dark and I was slowly losing air.
A hand came out of nowhere and pulled me out. I greedily sucked in air in till I was breathing normally, “Thanks.”
“Dani, what are you doing? You know you can hardly swim!” Darrell whispered/screamed. Water dripped off the tips of his hairs and his shirt clung to him.
“We were going to go out,” Alejandra stepped in front of me, “Who are you?”
“I should be asking you the same question,” his eyes glistened with rage, “I am Darrell, Dani’s best friend.” He grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the castle, “Come on, you are leaving.”
“No I am not!” I tried pulling away.
He turned around and stared at me. He crossed his arm over his chest, making his muscled bulge out, distracting me. “Dani, you have no idea what you are doing. If you get caught now, then you wouldn’t be able to leave your room without a guard.” He lowered his voice, “How are you going to go with it then?”
Personally I never thought about that, and freedom was more important to me than sneaking out for rebellion. Alejandra jogged up to us, “What are you doing? Are we going?”
I looked between Darrell and Alejandra, “No I can’t.” Her smile fell and she started to slump forward a little, “But I will in some time. I just have something really important that I can’t miss.” She still looked a bit off, but she forced a smile and nodded.
“Ok, some other time.” She hugged me and nodded to Darrell, “See you soon Ells.”
I waved goodbye and turned toward Darrell, “Thanks for saving me,” I said before pushing past him and climbing up stairs. I felt bad, but what are you going to do?

Chapter 4

“Daniela, you look so beautiful!” My mother walked into my room. Her dress was long and golden, making you have to look at her when she walked into the room. Her black hair was in a tight bun on the top of her head and had pins to make it stand out. Her brown eyes and skin looked more beautiful in the dress, but I felt the complete opposite.
My mother picked out a light pink dress. Simple and curved with my hips, but it didn’t feel right. It stopped at the floor and had no sleeves. That was it, no sparkles or lace. I loved it, but my mother wouldn’t have picked something out so plain. It didn’t fit her personality.
“I brought you something,” she handed me a box from behind her back. It was red paper wrapping and a white bow on top. I undo the bow and ripped the paper.
Inside was a red velvet box, “Mom, are trying to propose to me?” I chuckled, but got nothing from her. I thought it was pretty funny. I slowly opened the box and got blinded by what was inside. “Mom…. It is beautiful,” she took my present out of the box and set it on my head. I turned around to see myself with a beautiful crown on my head. Now I knew why I had such a plain dress, she wanted all the attention on the crown. It shimmered with every twitch or movement you made.
“It was my first crown and I wanted to give it to you. It represents courage and responsibility, and was passed down from generation to generation.” She kissed my temple and started for the door, “Guest are arriving so come out in thirty minutes.” She closed the door before I could respond. Why did I to make a big entrance? I wanted to be down there, greeting the guest when they came in instead. What are you going to do?
A knock came from my door and I quickly answered it. Jules stood with a present in her hands, “I know what you are planning to do tonight.”
I let her in and she sat down at my desk, “What am I planning to do?”
“You are leaving tonight, gone forever,” a tear formed and rolled down her cheek. I ran towards her and gave her a hug.
“It is not because of you or anyone else, but-“
“You need to go find yourself,” she whimpered and cried in my shoulder. I stroked her back and cried into her shoulder, “You were like my daughter.”
“You are like my second mother and I promise to come back, soon.” She nodded her head and gave me the gift in her hands. I greedily opened it and tears sprung to my eyes. It was a picture of my father and I. He just got home from a business and promised to take me anywhere in the world. I picked the zoo. I was on his shoulders and we were making funny faces into the camera. A monkey was on the other side of the glass and eating a banana. “Where did you find this?”
“I was going through some boxes yesterday and came upon this. I thought you should have it,” she stood and brought me up with her, “Be safe and have fun.”
“I will try Jules,” I gave her another quick hug before she walked off leaving me to wonder if this was a good idea. I stared into my clock over my mantel. I lifted my dress and walked out of my room, but not before leaving the note I made for her on my desk.
I stood at the top of the stairway, waiting to be introduced. “Princess Daniela Valenzuela,” my mother announced and I made my first step. I held tight to my dress, making sure it doesn’t go above my ankles, and gripping the railing. Every time I practiced this, I screwed up. Once I slipped and another I started to awkwardly giggle. I smiled down at everyone who came. Royalty from surrounding towns and all my people in my little down was staring up at me. If I thought two maids and Darrel was hard, I could hardly keep a steady breath with thousands.
I took the last step and my smile brightens. I did a little curtsy and everyone started to clap and talked again. Alejandra, my mother, and Darrell came up to me, hugging me all at the same time. “You did great!” Alejandra said.
“Yeah I feel great.”
“That mean you want to do it again next year?” my mother pleaded.
Knowing I wouldn’t be here, I nodded and gave mother a peck on her cheek. “I will be saying hi.” I rushed off before people grew suspicious because it wasn’t like me to agree with my mother or anyone in the matter of fact.
“May I have this dance?” I heard all night. I couldn’t have a couple minutes for myself without another prince coming to me asking me for a dance. I knew I couldn’t deny their request or word would get back to my mother.
I snuck out of the party and walked the path of the garden. The moon and my crown made everything sparkle in till I got sick of it and took it off. I set it on the bench, hoping I remember it later. “Dani?” Darrell turned around the hedge and sat down next to me.
“How did you find me?”
“Where else could you have gone?”
“True that,” I sighed and laid back. We watched the stars for, I don’t know how long, and listened to the music and laughter fill the air. “How can you deal with it?”
“Deal with what?”
“The annoying parents, abusive royalty,” I turned toward him.
“I became a warrior,” he got up and held out his hand, “your mother must be worried by now.” I grabbed his hand and got off the ground.
When we got back, no one was left and it was quiet, “Done already?”
Right when I said it my mother stormed up to me, “Where have you been?”
“I-I-I was saying good night to everyone.” Her face softened and she nodded, “Can I go to Darrell’s home tonight?”
“By yourself?”
“I promise nothing will happen,” we took a step away from each other, “and I will be home early.” I gave her a smile and put dog eyes.
“Fine,” she sighed.
I gave her a hug and tears started to slip, “Thank you mother.” I wiped tears away before letting her go. I smiled and walked past her with Darrell behind me.
In minutes, I had my bag and I was at Darrell’s house. He didn’t live far away, only a short walk from the castle. “Hello Daniela,” his mother gave me a hug, “Sorry I couldn’t make the party tonight. She had Darrel’s dirty blonde hair, but had amazing blue eyes. She had little Maggie in her hands, Maggie had black hair, but Darrel’s eyes.
“It is Ok,” I gave her another hug before climbing the stairs and into Darrell’s bedroom. He didn’t live with his mom anymore, but he stayed here when he came to visit her and me. “It never changes,” I laid on his single size bed.
“My mother would never want my bedroom to change.” His room had baby blue walls and pictures everywhere. His bed was dark blue and had a spaceship on it. Darrel sat down next to me, “I got you this,” he held out his hand.
In his hands was a charm bracelet, “It is amazing,” I picked it up and studied it. It only had three charms on it, a pond, bow and arrow, and my name.
“I bought it a while ago when I was had a break from the war,” he whispered.
I held out my wrist, “Can you help?” He slipped it around my wrist and snapped it close. I sighed and got up, “There will be no better time than now.”
I went into the bathroom and changed into jeans and a t-shirt. When I got out Darrell was by the window and already had my sheet rope in his hands. “Are you 100% sure about this?’ he asked me again.
I numbly nodded my head and put one of my leg through the window, “Darrel?”
I kissed the corner of his mouth, “Thanks for being there for me.” I ducked under and climbed down my sheets and landed in the ground. Darrel threw down my bag and I caught it. I waved him good bye before I went to his stable and took out my favorite horse. It was completely black and his name was Cello.
I climbed on his and strapped the bag to my back, “You ready?” I whispered to the horse. He neighed and we took off. Not knowing where we were going or where we will end up, but free.


Publication Date: 08-07-2012

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