

Damien rolled onto his side, yawning as he did so before finally laying down on his stomach, it had been a restful night like most the others he had but this one was different... he seemed rejuvenated as he stretched and a smile played across his features.

The scent of bacon filled the home as he took a deep breath in before sitting up and rolling out of bed. Searching through his drawers revealed nothing that he wanted to wear but instead, the pile of clothes next to his cabinet to the left held what he wanted.

"Ahh, there you are" Damien spoke to his shorts, they were knee length and dark tan, a golden tan. He stripped, dropping his boxers and pulling on a clean, random pair he found before pulling his shorts over top. Shoving the pile over he dug out a blue tee that had random logos across it; it'll do.

He threw it on before running downstairs, not wanting to miss out on any bacon. Though it was just him and his adoptive mother, he still always raced to the table.

"Good morning, sweetie. How'd you sleep?" Lexi asked over her shoulder, the bacon still sizzled in the pan on the stove; the sounds were like heaven to him.

"Perfectly" Damien spoke after a moment, he wanted to find the right word but everything else that came to mind seemed to sound funny to him.

"Oh really? Great, that's wonderful" Lexi said with a smile before placing the pan onto the table between the two plates that were placed opposite each other.

"Dig in, I made plenty this time" Lexi said, remembering the last time that Damien nearly licked the pan clean because he had loved it so much.

"Thanks mom!" Damien spoke before pulling a large amount of meat onto his place, Lexi returned to the stove laughing softly to herself. She put the last of the pancakes onto the plate to her left then opened the oven and pulled out the eggs that were left in there to warm up as she finished the bacon.

She turned off the stove and oven before taking the last of the food over to the table, placing her oven mitts to the side as she sat down.

"Any plans for today?" Lexi asked, crossing her legs underneath the table, pulling the eggs over to give herself some.

"Eh, not sure yet, I might go out and hang with some of the boys, maybe not. Haven't given it much thought since I woke up only about ten minutes ago" Damien explained, Lexi eyed him.

"Really? I thought you had been up for some time once the bacon first hit the pan, usually you are" Lexi said jokingly, both laughed.

"Not this time though, I was surprised myself but I had slept really well last night" Damien said, Lexi smiled.

"Good, I'm glad we had gotten rid of whatever it was that was causing you to not sleep well in the first place" Lexi said triumphantly.

"Same" Damien said as he shoved a couple of pieces of bacon into his mouth.

"Don't you choke" Lexi demanded, watching as her son stuffed his face, eating her eggs herself.

"I won't because then I'd lose some of the bacon and that'd be bad" Damien stated through the food in his mouth.

"Oh no, we wouldn't want that now would we?" Lexi asked with a small giggle.

"Nope!" Damien said mock seriously, all Lexi could do was shake her head before eating.


He rubbed his neck as he groaned, growling as the kink in his neck wouldn't go away. Another nights rest ruined but he didn't care.

He stood up, brushing himself off before leaving the alleyway, looking either way before crossing the street and entering the old coffee shop. He sat down at one of the tables and waited for his order to be taken.

After three minutes a middle-aged woman came around, she was a wider woman who seemed to waddle as she walked, her blonde hair pulled back into a loose-curled ponytail that was lopsided.

"Would you like anything to drink?" The woman asked, Xavier rubbed his face and exhaled sharply.

"A simple coffee is fine" Xavier stated, holding back his need to smack something; his lack of sleep made him edgy.

"Would you like anything else?" The woman asked.

"No thanks" Xavier stated, shifting in his seat.

"I'll be right back with your coffee then, sir" She said politely as she placed her pad into the pocket of her apron as she walked away.

Xavier laid his head down on his crossed arms, he knew he'd have to go back to the foster home he had been placed in and collect his things before they'd relocate him for the umpteenth time; he was well used to the process. He knew it was because of him, he was proud of it and didn't show any trace that he'd change for any of them; just to finally get a home.

He didn't seem to care either that he'd never been loved in any of the homes he had been in because he was such a nuisance, he tormented the children because frankly he hated little kids who weren't babies that were hushed; he hadn't ever harmed a child just tormented them.

Xavier chuckled softly to himself as he remembered the time he had scared a kid to the point that he started to cry, simply bawl his eyes out right in front of him. The parents had asked what had happened and before the kid could say anything Xavier simply said something had spooked him in the calmest tone he had, like he always had.

Before the kid could protest his parents had walked away the same way they had come; later was when they'd find out the cause of their sons night terrors and reasons he was so terrified, all the time, to be left alone.

When they found out, he was quickly if not instantly moved to another home. He remembered clearly the look on their faces as they yelled at him on how he could scare a child so badly, he aggravated the parents once he grinned and said 'easily'.

The coffee cup being placed on the table stirred him from his train of thought, he lifted his head and stared at the small white porcelain as the coffee was poured into it and small packets of creamer were placed onto the table.

"If there's anything else I could get you just give me a holler" The woman said, Xavier muttered a thank you before bringing the coffee closer to him, he sipped it black and closed his eyes.

It helped him to cope, half with the lack of sleep and the other half with the anger he felt towards people. He had already been arrested three times in the last month for beating a person with his bare fists.

He was trouble and everybody knew it but he was cool about it, always calm and the hardest son-of-a-bitch to read. Nobody could predict what he would do next nor had they known what he had done in his past or what he had been through. He told nobody anything though he spoke often. He was a chatterbox to those he knew, trusted rarely, and quiet around authority or anybody he didn't know.

He hung out with a small group of people who were much like himself with the occasional person who was nothing like him or the other guys. Many people who were new to the area often wanted to cling to him, wanted his protection because that was the least they knew about him; if that.

Xavier tended to beat anybody who wanted to try and hurt somebody. He'd protected a significant amount of people throughout his days and that earned him a special place with them, whenever they could they'd stay within eyesight of him. hoping not to get mugged or harmed and with him around... they never did.

Xavier slowly finished his coffee, playing with the half&half packets, flipping them in his fingers, eying it. He placed it down after a moment then stood up, fished the money for the coffee and a small tip, out of his pocket, for the woman and left it on the table before exiting the shop without a single word.

Xavier walked the streets, he didn't yet want to go back to the place and face yet another family, yet another tear struck woman, sad that she had to let him go. Sad that they had to let him be parent-less yet again.

It was nothing new, nothing different, and nothing out of the ordinary for him. He had been well used to it, he didn't ever seem to care and just looked away when they said the 'pitiful news'.

Xavier walked around, looking as he passed random buildings, he saw many kids with their parents, pointing at things they wanted and the parent either smiling and nod to the person helping them or shake their heads and speak to the kid.

Shaking his head he fixed his sight on the sidewalk in front of him. He stopped after he crossed the block, sighed and knew he had to go inside.

He quietly walked inside, avoiding anything that would make noise, stepping over spots on the floor where he knew the boards were old. Walking upstairs, he entered the room he had been using. He grabbed an old Abercrombie, drawstring bag he had from years ago and shoved his stuff inside; he didn't have much since he was always adopted by poor families who could just about provide for the family.

The agencies only had families who wanted to better a child's life and give them what they needed to not get killed or end up drugged. The rich families didn't have children or only kept their own to spoil them rotten, and so many children in foster care suffered with just the basic things to live.

Again, Xavier didn't care, as he filled his bag with his things. He made sure to pack his cologne, his skateboard bracelets, his other small items that were to do with bands or skateboarding ;before pulling the bag closed and slinging it over his shoulder. He left the other things the family had gotten him or were theirs.

He sneaked down the hallway, back down the stairs and stopped in the kitchen as he caught site of the family dog. The only thing Xavier had ever loved were dogs, dogs were loyal, they clung to one person and loved without judgment, they cared in their own special way and stayed by your side. Xavier deep down always wanted that though he wouldn't admit it and so, loved the dog.

He went outside where they kept him fenced in, the fenced in yard was huge, big enough to satisfy the dogs needs for running. He knelt down next to where Buddy lay. Buddy raised his head and grunted, licking the palm of Xavier's outstretched hand, Xavier smiled.

"Sorry to be leaving you, Bud" Xavier spoke in a hushed tone, Buddy wagged his tail and stood up. He watched the dog and pet his head, Buddy rubbed his head against Xavier's chest and licked him, seeming to reassure him that he understood.

Xavier smiled, petting the old dogs head before walking away, Buddy didn't follow.

He walked the streets, it would be a few hours before his foster family would wake up and call the agency so he had a few hours to wander the town and do whatever he wished to do.

Though there was nothing to do in the small town of Louisiana that he had lived in for a few different families, he still managed to not get bored to the point of pulling his hair out. Xavier hoped that with the next family he was moved to, they'd kick him far away from the small states and to somewhere much larger.


Damien sat in class, watching his friends talk to one another about their plans later, the pranks they'd do and which parties to hit. Though Damien hated parties he didn't like being left behind from his friends and so he went to them, he was shy so it made him appear 'cuter' to the girls and he liked that.

Once having all the details from Jake, Chase turned towards Damien and whispered the plans to him, Damien took a minute to think about it all and make sure he heard Chase right before nodding towards Chase.

"Got it" Damien whispered, Chase nodded then sat up straight. The night had been planned out and it wasn't even ten in the morning.

The day continued at a steady pace, seeming to slow down once the last period of the day rolled around, Damien dropped his head down onto his crossed arms and closed his eyes; The. Worse. Class. Ever.

The teacher had a monotonous voice and he was bored, tired beyond belief, and it was hard to focus no matter how hard he had tried to on any day.

The class finally came to an end as '3:05' ticked onto the clock and the bell rang, giving everyone the big sigh of relief as they left the class.

"So, when's our plans coming into action?" Chase ran up to where Jake and Damien stood talking, they had yet to figure out where the rest of their crew was at.

"Hm, I was thinking four thirtyish because if we wait too long I'm going to get bored with the night" Jake stated, Chase nodded.

"We gotta get the news around" Damien spoke up after a moment, as if on que, Kaden came out of no where and rested his arms on top of both Chase's and Damien's shoulders.

"Did I hear somebody needs news to be heard?" Kaden asked simply, both Chase and Damien nodded.

"Got'cha covered" Kaden stated, Kaden was the loud mouth, never cared what anybody had thought, and said what came to mind. Kaden ran over to a small platform and jumped up onto it. A bunch of people were still standing around in the hallways.

"Hey, everybody! Anyone who is sixteen years of age or older is invited to a party at Jake's place! Nobody under that age and it starts at four, got it?" Kaden asked, the entire crowd went wild.

"That's what I like to hear!" Kaden said victoriously before jumping down and returning to Chase's side.

"Thanks" Jake said flatly, though he hadn't wanted to host the party, he didn't quite have the option now to protest.

"No problem, bro" Kaden said with a smug smile, Jake smacked him upside the head before turning and leaving the building, leaving the rest of them following after him.

"So we're going to need money and booze" Jake said as he walked, he knew he was going to end up hosting the party anyway since Damien was too shy and Chase would flat out tell him 'go to hell' if he asked him to do it all. Jake was the expert at parties and knew what and how to keep the people entertained.

He needed a place to host the party and though he knew he would have to do it at his place, he didn't quite like the feeling of doing that.

In the corner of his eye Damien recognized a car in the parking lot, his mothers car. It struck him as odd that his mom would be there since Damien walked home after school every day since he had been in middle school, why suddenly would she be picking him up?

"Yo, guys... I'll catch up with you guys later, I have to go check something real fast" Damien said before turning and running off, the rest of them muttered 'okay' and 'sure' as he ran off, not bothering to ask in his hurry. They continued walking.

Damien ran off towards the blue Saturn, placing his hand on the hood of the car once close enough, it was still hot from when it had been running previously.

"Mom?" Damien asked out loud, wondering where she was since she didn't appear to be in the car.

Instead, she was off in the field, standing in front of a strange looking man in a suit. Damien cautiously walked over to them both, stopping a few inches from his mom's back.

"Hey ma" Damien said, not wanting to startle her, she turned around and smiled up to him.

"Hey there, what're you doing, aren't you supposed to be with your friends?" Lexi asked, Damien nodded then wondered the same thing.

"Was going to ask you the same thing minus the friends part, what's up?" Damien asked, shifting his feet and meeting her eyes.

"Damien, this is a man from the adoption agency, now don't go freaking out. He asked me to come here and talk with him for a moment because they've been looking for a boy named Xavier and they say you, thinking you were him. I reassured him you weren't" Lexi explained, Damien brought his eyes up and stared at the man.

"Why would you think I'm somebody I'm not?" Damien asked, the man cleared his throat.

"Xavier is in the agency, he's seventeen years old and the reason I had questioned your mother here is because you were in the agency long time ago and Xavier... is well, your twin" The man explained, Damien gave him a funny look.

"What?" Damien asked, Lexi sheepishly smiled up to him, she had not ever been told this before.

"Follow me and I'll explain it to the both of you" The man stated, Lexi gently took Damien's arm and led him to the building across the street.

Once inside they followed the man to a small office to the back of the building, once inside they took a seat and the door was closed for privacy reasons.

"Before we get started, my name is Mr. Bakster" Mr. Bakster stated then went on before either of them could say anything.

"I know this is random, it's sudden, and it's definitely not something that is often brought up. Xavier has been in foster care for seventeen years, he has been through more families than I have ever seen any child in this agency go through. He is a large part of this problem, we know that but still none of the families want to go through the trouble of controlling him since they have kids of their own. Now, Xavier isn't much of a trouble maker he is just a rough child who has been through more than I could explain to you, half because he bottles up everything. He's been arrested for protecting people and sometimes beating people with a coffee mug. I know he sounds violent but he's not half bad... I was just wondering if you'd be offering to give him a chance, you are the strongest mother I have seen to adopt and this is Damien's twin... he needs this, it's that or we have to do something with him because he just keeps running" Mr. Bakster explained, Lexi squeezed Damien's arm gently while thinking about it, she knew she had to for Damien.

She wanted him to get to know his twin and she felt bad for him, seventeen years in the foster care and not one of them housed him for more than a few months, seeing as he always ran.

"Is he violent?" Lexi asked, she felt stupid for saying this.

"Uhm..." Mr. Bakster started.

"What I mean, sir, is would he randomly smack Damien with a mug if he says something or would he wake in the middle of the night and I have to fear for my sons life?" Lexi asked, explaining it thoroughly.

"Oh no, no definitely not, he's not like that. You see, where he lives there's thousands of fights a week, he's a protector and thus helps people in need of aid. He doesn't go looking for it, they come looking for him because they know he doesn't take any of that stuff." Mr. Bakster stated, Lexi nodded before looking up at Damien.

"What do you think, wanna give your twin a chance?" Lexi asked, Damien looked straight, thinking about it.


Xavier continued walking, pulling his hood up as he did, the skies seemed to growl as they rumbled, signaling a storm was approaching if not already there.

"Great" Xavier mumbled, he shoved his hands in his pockets and continued towards his destination, he normally didn't mind storms but he didn't feel like getting soaked.

He finally entered the cemetery, walking a few rows back of graves before kneeling in front of a newer gravestone, the dirt had just about settled. He placed his hand gently down on the dirt and sighed softly, closing his eyes.

Xavier didn't budge once he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned his head and stared at it before looking up the arm to the source; Danny.

"Hey, kid" Danny said softly, he knew it had annoyed him but they had become best friends over time so he knew he was the only one allowed to say it.

"Hey Danny" Xavier said, looking down, Danny was tall and scrawny with strong arms, he had short, black, spiked hair that was styled to his likings every day, and deep green eyes.

Xavier sighed before putting his face into his hands, he bit his lip to the point that blood slowly trickled into his mouth to keep from breaking down, he felt weak when he cried and had only once ever cried in his entire life.

Danny knelt beside him, he knew the amount of pain Xavier was going through but hadn't ever gone through what he was. Xavier didn't look up at him, he dropped his hands back down to the dirt.

The cool dirt felt soft beneath his calloused fingers, it just wasn't right. It had been a few months since the incident and he knew none of them had blamed him but he still couldn't help but blame himself for the entire thing; and that's half of what hurt him the most.

After a moment he raised his hand and trailed his fingers across the letters that had been carved on the gravestone, the numbers, the words, the name 'Jimmy Williams'.

"Xavier... please, look at me" Danny pleaded unnoticeable, Xavier forcefully looked up at him.

"I.." Xavier started but cut himself off, his eye's were swollen from his silent crying, Danny's heart dropped. He had seen Xavier cry the first and only time he had ever cried in the past and that time had killed him.

Xavier had cried on the night Jimmy had been pronounced dead, Danny was the first to arrive..

The car sped faster than the signs speed stated, nobody in the car seemed to notice so Jimmy kept it at that pace. They were laughing and telling jokes, it was two seconds but enough. Jimmy shifted his gaze from the street to Xavier, that was his mistake.

He hadn't noticed it, hadn't noticed the deer, he could have hit it and risked it hitting the windshield, small damage to the car but sadly he shifted the wheel and slammed on the break. The car was incapable of coming to such a sudden stop and thus went rolling, two rolls, three, even four and finally stopped once on it's top.

He grunted and coughed up blood, fumbling with the seat belt that held him in place, once undone he freed himself and fell harshly to the ground. He panted before shifting and looking at his friends faces in the back seat, cringing once he noticed one of the two dead, their necks proved that.

The others eyes suddenly flashed open and screamed before Xavier flinched, he seemed to notice this and hushed up.

"Xav?" The boy asked, Xavier made a sound in agreement, it was hard to see through to him.

Xavier suddenly panicked and climbed out of the car with a small struggle, he ran over to the other side and pulled the rest of the boys out of the car. Jimmy was alive but barely, his breathing was ragged and blood was already fiercely pooling underneath him.

He wanted to break out and scream if it wasn't who he had trained to be against, Jimmy had to be okay, it was the only thing Xavier could think about.

Xavier reached into Jimmy's pocket and fished out his phone, he quickly flipped it open and dialed '911', telling them every detail he could manage to get out. After he hung up he dialed Danny.

"Danny, please, hurry to old forge bridge just before it!" Xavier rushed out, Danny didn't have to get a word in, with the tone and edge to Xavier's voice he knew something had to be wrong.

Danny quickly ran out of his job, not stopping to speak with anyone, he jumped into his car and sped away. He made it to the bridge in time to notice a white sheet being pulled up over Jimmy; Xavier sat ghostly to the side.

Danny approached him slowly, unable to process anything that was going on, he went to speak but couldn't get anything out once he noticed tears slowly sliding down Xavier's cheeks.

"Xav... what happened?" Danny asked, he knelt down in front of Xavier, he hadn't ever seen him like this, it killed him just as much as the words that came next.

"Jimmy... is dead" Xavier whispered, at that moment, Danny blacked out.

"You're not to blame" Danny said softly, it hadn't happened too long ago.

"I feel like it is, he was looking at me, Danny" Xavier stated, he rubbed his face and gained his composure back. Danny looked at him as he sat beside him.

"Shit happens, I miss the little guy like crazy and I know you do too. None of us blame you and we know you didn't put a gun to his head and tell him to crash the car then kill himself in the happening. You aren't to blame, bud" Danny explained, Xavier knew he was right but for some reason he couldn't ever get rid of the nagging feeling inside of his gut that if Jimmy hadn't been watching him, he wouldn't have crashed the car.

"Yeah, I know" Xavier said half truthfully, Danny stretched out.

"So how've things been for ya?" Danny asked, Xavier raised his eyes and stared at him for a moment before dropping them again.

"They're pretty good, a family finally are letting me stay for a little while now, so things are going" Xavier lied, he didn't feel like getting into why he was leaving yet another home yet another time.

"Ah, well am happy for you, glad to hear that" Danny said before sitting up, Xavier nodded a thanks.

"What've you been doing?" Xavier asked, stretching hard.

"Well you know, jobs and family" Danny stated, Xavier nodded before standing up and brushing himself off.

"Where're you going?" Danny asked as he stood and did the same, Xavier shrugged, his bag hidden in the darkness.


A lot had been thrown at him in just a few minutes, he was a twin, his twin brother was in deep with problems, had been suffering, and they were asked to take him in. Damien didn't know what to say, he knew he had to take in Xavier and help him, for crying out loud he was his twin. They shared everything down to their blood.

Damien played with string that hung down from his sweatshirt as he thought about how Xavier was and how hard he had it while he himself had been adopted when he had gone halfway through high school; had been living in nice homes since he had been in foster care.

Damien often found himself wondering what Xavier was like as a person, whether they'd get alone or if Xavier was some kind of half-insane individual who couldn't control himself at all. It made him wonder but left him wanting to know even more

He hadn't noticed the person walk plainly up behind him, his name being called caused him to jump.

"Huh?" Damien asked, Chase laughed almost uncontrollably.

"Yo, party, you comin'?" Chase asked, crossing his arms.

"Oh, yeah!" Damien said as he jumped up and ran off towards Chase's car, Chase followed.

They got there within ten minutes, they pulled up to Jake's house, music blaring and cars parked all out front.

The party hadn't started yet, they had been waiting for Damien. Once Damien walked in the door Jake shouted.

"Heeey! There he is! Finally, alright everyone, put your keys in this bowl better remember what ones are yours. Don't complain either, I'm not gonna have any of your little bastards driving while intoxicated!" Jake exclaimed as he went around, making sure everyone put their keys in the bowl.

Damien chuckled and dropped his own into the container, even the goody little boy was going to have a good drink tonight.

After the keys were collected the beers and harder alcohol was then served, everyone taking their fair shares as small groups formed to challenge each other to shots, one group hosted beer pong while another in the back just sat and listened to music while enjoying their booze.

Damien leaned back in a lazy boy and yawned, holding a beer in his left hand, taking gulps every now and then. He took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds then exhaled slowly. It would be a long night and he still had to think about whether or not to bring Xavier to them.

"Hey" A feminine voice came to his right, Damien looked up at her as he shifted in his seat.

"Hi" Damien said lightly, drinking more from his beer.

"I noticed you alone, was wondering what a good looking boy as yourself was doing all alone" The girl flirted, he watched her and grinned softly.

"Eh, haven't seen anyone as pretty as you yet so didn't wanna talk" Damien said with a small wink, drinking the rest of his beer, placing the bottle down next to him.

"Oh, well maybe I can change that" She said before sitting down on the arm of the chair, Damien moved over for her and she slid into place.

"My names Traci" Traci said, she had long blonde hair with blue eyes, a small body yet very well endowed for being seventeen.

Damien eyed her then smiled.

"Damien" He said softly, being handed another beer from a random person at the party who happened to be next to the cooler, Damien popped the top off then chugged half of it, if he wanted to do anything fun, he'd have to be drunk.

After five full bottles of beer and ten random hard liquored drinks, Damien was wasted to the point he couldn't see straight. He closed his eyes as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

This was one of the worst times he had ever gotten wasted but he couldn't complain, he was drunk with a more than beautiful woman next to him and she was flirtatious.

Soft kisses were trailed along his neck, making him shiver before sliding his hands along her body...

Damien awoke in the morning, stretching out before glancing around the room, trying to figure out what had happened. His head was pounding and the smell of booze lingered thickly through the room.

Once the memory from the previous night came flooding back into his mind he couldn't help but grin, knowing he had finally lost his virginity to someone he wasn't the least bit shamed about having done it with. He tried to stand up but was stopped by drunk bodies strewn across the floor in random places.

Some people were propped up against the wall, some laid in random spots on the floor while some were laying against each other by the pool table. Damien chuckled as he glanced around the room at the large amount of bodies that had been passed out and showed no signs of waking up any time soon.

Jake groaned then stretched, Damien thought he'd wake up but was sadly mistaken once Jake just hugged a bottle of tequila closer to him and stayed against the wall.

As he found and pulled on his clothes that had been tossed to the side from the night before, he checked his phone, four messages and two calls.

His shoulders sagged as he checked his messages, one was from hours before asking him where he had been for the party and the other was from his mother, just saying that she hoped he was having fun but hoped he had thought about Xavier.


He stretched to crack everything in his back, he turned out of the cemetery and headed towards town.

A wider man stood across the street near the doorway to a rundown building, he looked familiar but from how far away Xavier was he couldn't quite tell. Once walking closer confirmed that it indeed was Mr. Bakster, Xavier sighed heavily.

"What do you want?" Xavier asked as he crossed the street, his usually bitter tone returning to him. Mr. Bakster didn't seem to notice.

"We have a woman looking for you, an adoptive mother" Mr. Bakster stated, Xavier eyed him then shook his head, shrugging.

"Fine, where is she?" Xavier asked, swinging his bag over his shoulder before following Mr. Bakster towards his car, as they got in Xavier listened to him babble on and on.

Once there Xavier couldn't get out of the car fast enough, he nearly tripped over himself as he walked towards the building, grumbling.

Mr. Bakster chuckled and followed him into the building, they headed back towards his office; Xavier knew that place front and back.

As they entered Lexi sat in the seat next to the window, Xavier hesitated once he saw her.

"Xavier? What's wrong?" Mr. Bakster asked as he watched him, Xavier eyed her, his light blue eyes pierced her. Lexi blinked while watching him.

"Nothing" Xavier said calmly before sitting down, staring at a paper on the desk in front of him, not making eye contact with either one of them.

"I know this is stupid to say but he looks just like him" Lexi said as she covered her mouth, Mr. Bakster nodded.

"What?" Xavier asked coldly, looking up at her.

"Xavier... I haven't told you this before but ... you have a twin. You guys were given away at birth because your mother couldn't handle twins, I've only told you about your mother... not about your twin. He's been housing with this woman" Mr. Bakster explained, Xavier basically hissed as she reached her hand out. He turned his head and dodged making any contact with her.

"What's his name?" Xavier asked, Lexi drew her hand back then spoke.

"Damien" Lexi stated, Xavier nodded then looked up again.

"Why are you here?" Xavier asked bluntly, Lexi hesitated but continued regardless of Mr. Baksters expression.

"Well, I want to be your foster mother, I want you to get to know your twin and have a life" Lexi said point-blank, Xavier eyed her to find try and find even the smallest amount of lie in her words but couldn't find it, not this time.

"I... really?" Xavier asked suddenly, first time she had heard him speak normal.

"Yes" Lexi stated, Mr. Bakster interrupted.

"Have you and Damien talked about it?" Mr. Bakster asked, this time both of them looked at him, Xavier glared at him.

"Yes, Damien hasn't answered me but this time I'm not leaving it up to him, I know he wants to meet you Xavier, he and you both have that right" Lexi explained, Xavier nodded before Lexi turned and signed papers that were handed to her after a few moments.

"He can be a handful" Mr. Bakster warned once Xavier was in her car, she nodded to him.

"As all boys can be and I have yet to find one who can break me" Lexi stated before walking to her car, Mr. Bakster called out to her.

"Why are you doing this?" Mr. Bakster asked, Lexi paused as she opened her door.

"Because you asked me to in the first place and now that I thought about it, I know he needs a mother, he needs his brother, he needs a life and I'm willing to love this boy" Lexi said plainly before she climbed into her car and closed the door.

Xavier looked out the window, the words he just heard lingering in his head.

The trip took an hour before they finally arrived in the driveway, Lexi parked in front of the garage, once out she led Xavier towards the house.

"Good, he's not home yet, I can surprise him this way" Lexi stated, leading Xavier into the house.

Lexi led him through the house once, giving a quick tour and showing him which room would be his, it was across the hallway to Damien's room.

Xavier examined everything carefully, analyzing each room she showed him. He was unpacking his small bag alone before a small knock was heard on the door and Lexi popped her head in, he looked up at her then continued what he was doing.

"Is that all you have?" Lexi asked, opening the door as she stepped in, Xavier gave her a small nod.

"Oh, heaven's no! We're going shopping for you tomorrow then we can get you registered into school, when's the last time you've been there?" Lexi asked him, looking him up and down.

He had a bad scar going down from his collar bone to his left nipple, a few scars on his right cheek and hadn't shaved in a week, his black hair hung down over his eyes and was messy from the places he had been sleeping in the last few nights. His bright blue eyes were the only things that hadn't changed.

"Hm, well let me go get one of Damien's new razors then you can get cleaned up some and go get a shower... then we can discuss school and all that. We need to desperately go shopping for you though" Lexi planned it out as she headed out then returned a few moments later with a brand new razor in her hand, offering it to Xavier.

He watched her and blinked, staring at the small, blue razor in her hand before taking that and a towel she had picked up on her way back.

"Thanks" Xavier muttered before turning and heading into the bathroom, slipping into the hot shower without a moments hesitation; relaxing instantly.

Lexi stared at his bag as she heard the water turn on before she took all the clothes from the bag and took them downstairs, throwing them into the washing machine.

"This poor child" Lexi said as she shook her head, the thought of what could have happened in his past haunted her for the minutes she waited for him to finish up his shower.

Xavier turned the faucet off and stepped out, grabbing the towel and drying his hair off before his body. He wrapped the towel around his waist and headed towards the mirror, wiping off a spot, he stared into it then picked up the razor. He pulled the protective cap off of it and tossed it into a small trash can that sat underneath the sink.

He turned the sinks faucet on then dipped the blades, taking his hand and splashing his face with water before starting to shave.

Xavier eyed his reflection, running his fingers through his long black hair before grunting and leaving the bathroom, he noted the pair of clothes sitting on his bed for him.

He looked at the clothes carefully before picking up the shirt and jeans that were there and a brand new pair of boxers. He slid the clothes on that seemed to fit perfectly minus the slightly large tee.

Xavier exited his room and walked downstairs, sitting on the couch waiting for him was Lexi, she turned and saw him then smiled.

"There, isn't that better? No more scruff" Lexi said victoriously.

"Could I ... um, get my hair cut?" Xavier asked, flicking his hair, Lexi lifted herself up off the couch then nodded.

"Follow me!" Lexi said enthusiastically, she led him back towards a large bathroom that was just off from the dinning room hallway, she sat him down on the toilet then ran a comb through his hair.

"How short?" Lexi asked, Xavier gave it a thought before biting his lip ring.

"All of it" Xavier said finally, Lexi's eyes widened for a moment before complying and started to cut.

"Any style or literally all of it?" Lexi asked before she had cut much of anything off.

"I want a short spiked look" Xavier explained, remembering Danny's hair.

"Oh, I can do that!" Lexi said with a smile, happy that she could help him. Xavier relaxed slightly as she got to work, small clumps of hair started to fall from his head for a good five minutes before finally it stopped and the scissors were laid down on the sink. Lexi ran her fingers through his hair, grabbing a can of hairspray and quickly pinching up some of the tips.

"There" Lexi said, brushing him off, Xavier eyed her before standing up and glancing in the mirror. It was a completely new look for him.

His new hairstyle complimented his eyes along with his piercings that rested in both the middle of his bottom lip and his tongue.

"Thanks" Xavier muttered before they headed back out to the living room once the mess of hair was swept up.

Lexi sat down on the couch away from him, letting him have his room, he seemed to like that.


Damien wrote a small note and stuck it into Chase's hands before slipping away from the dead party, since his keys wouldn't be given back until later and his ride was still passed out, sprawled out across the floor, he decided to walk.

He walked three blocks before finally coming to his house, he climbed the stairs and went inside.

"Hey mom, I'm home" Damien stated, slipping his shoes into the rack before heading into the living room, Xavier didn't lift his head as he had been told to do.

"Damien, welcome home honey" Lexi said as she stood up and greeted him, Damien hugged her then glanced at Xavier.

"Who's he?" Damien asked that's when he looked up and Damien's breath was taken away. He was in fact a twin.

"Hi" Xavier murmured lightly, Damien looked from his mom to Xavier.

"I had to, hun, you needed to meet him" Lexi said, Damien didn't know what to think or do, he hadn't ever been told he had a twin until a day ago and was now meeting him face-to-face.

Xavier stood up and blinked a few times, just looking Damien head to toe, he was much like himself, dark skinned with the same sky blue eyes, the only thing that Xavier differed was with the piercings and the scars.

"I'm Xavier" Xavier offered, Damien nodded then swallowed, there seemed to be a solid block keeping him from letting any words out.

"Damien" Damien managed after some struggling, he couldn't figure out why he couldn't speak out of random.

"Why not sit down? Relax and try to learn something about each other" Lexi said, helping Damien sit down as Xavier sat back down in the same place he had been sitting before, Damien just nodded once again.

Damien glanced over at Xavier after a moment, his eyes darted from the piercings to the only slightly visible scars that played along his skin, to the same exact features that he himself had seen when he looked into the mirror in the mornings.

"Tell me..." Damien started.

Xavier looked up at him and blinked, remaining silent, waiting for Damien to finish but when he didn't he then spoke up.

"What do you want me to tell you?" Xavier asked once Lexi was gone, out of ears reach.

"Anything, what have you gone through?" Damien asked, Xavier scoffed; too vague.

"Well if I were to even tell you anything that is far too vague to even know where to start... we'd be here all night" Xavier stated, Damien nodded after a moment of examining his face.

"Yeah... how many homes have you been through?" Damien asked, Xavier leaned back.

"Probably a few hundred homes, I can't remember since I started going through so many homes since I turned nine" Xavier explained, Damien eyes widened.

"Why so many?" Damien asked, putting his elbows on his knees.

"I don't know, I never liked 'em" Xavier said plainly, Damien nodded.

"Fair enough" Damien stopped talking as there was a knock on the door, he glanced through the curtains to see that Chase stood there with bedhead, rubbing his face.

"Hey, will you do something for me?" Damien asked after a thought popped into his head, Xavier shrugged.

"Depends" Xavier said simply.

"Answer the door" Damien said, looking over his shoulder at his twin, making sure not to be seen by Chase.

"One of your friends I'm guessing" Xavier figured out, he stood up and walked over towards the door, pulling his Labret stud into his lip.

Xavier opened the door, eying the boy who stood in front of him, Chase looked up at him and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Do you remember how I fell asleep last night? No? Me neither but my neck feels like I slept using a rock as a pillow... you gonna just stand there or you going to let me in?" Chase asked, Xavier shifted his weight onto his left leg.

"Well I was thinking about just letting you roast in the sun for a little bit, ya know?" Xavier asked, chuckling a bit, his smile was different than Damien's in the way that his lip curled.

"Yeah, you're funny! No way am I staying out here so move aside!" Chase stated, shoving past Xavier and into the house.

"Oh sure, come on in!" Xavier said mock enthusiastic, Chase chuckled then flopped down onto the couch, putting his leg up onto the arm rest as he laid on his back.

"So I was wondering, wanna go to another party tomorrow night or are there plans?" Chase asked, turning his head, before Xavier could fully close the door a scruffy, tattooed boy held the door.

"Yo" Jake said as Xavier opened the door again.

Xavier eyed him, he didn't know either of these boys nor did he know half of what he would say to them.

"Good timing" Chase said, straining and lifting his head then winced before lowering it back onto the couch.

Xavier let him in then swiftly closed the door before some other boy could worm his way into the house, Xavier growled slightly before walking back towards the couch. He crossed his arms and watched the two.

"So, answer my question" Chase stated as he crossed his arms under his head.

Xavier went to answer before his eyes caught Damien's who was at the top of the stairs, he watched him for a moment.

"Well... I can't see into the future now can I?" Xavier answered, dropping his eyes back down to Chase.

Chase's eyes widened as he looked up at him, blinking dumbfoundedly, he didn't know what to say.

Jake laughed suddenly and fell onto the couch like Chase had done.

"Liquor makes you funny" Jake retorted, he stretched and the cracking in his back could be heard clearly.

"Hmm" Xavier mumbled, he found out a new thing about his brother though he wouldn't exactly need the help of his twins friends to find out more about him; he was good at reading people.

Damien slowly and silently walked down the stairs, he knew they wouldn't ever leave since his home was a second home to them so he walked in silently, Xavier didn't watch him.

"Why are you so quiet Dame?" Chase asked, leaning on his arms at that moment Kaden opened the door and spotted Damien.

Kaden opened his mouth to say something but his breath left him once he saw both Damien and Xavier; his eyes bugged out.

Damien picked his eyes up fast enough to notice Kaden and place his finger to his lips, telling him to hush. He was silent enough to where Chase nor Jake had noticed him enter.

"Oh well, you know, stunned by your beauty" Xavier said sarcastically, Jake raised an eyebrow.

"I knew it!" Jake chuckled and laid back, closing his eyes. Damien leaned over the couch then smacked Jake in the back of the head.

"What the-" Jake started but cut himself off once he looked up at and saw Damien, Damien winked at him then climbed over the couch, almost sitting on Chase.

"Oh heck no" Chase stated, immediately darting up.

"What the hell?" Jake asked as he looked from Xavier to Damien, Xavier eyed them both before pushing his Labret stud back out and playing with his tongue.

"Guys, this is Xavier my twin, Xavier this is Chase and this Jake, Kaden is the one standing over there" Damien introduced them before placing both arms onto the back of the couch, all three of the boys stared at Xavier.

Though there was nothing to take in besides the small scars along his face and the piercings, they still couldn't believe it.

"Why didn't we ever know about your twin, we're your best friends since forever" Chase stated, leaning on his side.

"I just found out, it's crazy how much you don't know sometimes" Damien stated, just as baffled as they were about the situation.

"How'd you find out?" Kaden asked, taking a seat on the foot rest.

"Well the adoption agency called my mom, found out that we were twins and knew Xav was in trouble so they asked ma if she could take care of him" Damien explained, Xavier raised an eyebrow.

"You're adopted?" Jake asked blankly, Damien furrowed his brows and looked at him.

"Where've you been?" Damien asked, Chase chuckled.

"Anyways, they told me I have a twin because our real mom couldn't handle us" Damien stated, staring up at Xavier, Xavier's eyes softened while watching him.

"Mind if we ask a few questions?" Chase asked politely, Xavier glanced over at him then shrugged.

"Even if I did you'd still ask, well not you but the bone over there would" Xavier stated, motioning towards Jake. Jake scoffed.

"Whaa-" Jake started but Chase cut him off.

"Where were you before now?" Chase asked, Xavier shook his head; always that question.

"Louisiana" Xavier answered, Chase nodded.

"What trouble were you in?" Chase asked.

"Beat the blood out of this kid for trying to harass someone, anything else?" Xavier asked, amused. Jake suddenly perked up and watched.

"Uh" Chase stated, he didn't know honestly what else to ask, he was never one for questions, he had just wanted to know that one.

"Any tats?" Jake asked suddenly, Xavier glanced over at him and grinned.

Xavier pulled his shirt up, on his back showed a name, diagonal and in blue letters on his shoulder blade, a small tattoo rested on his chest while another one could be seen on his hip.

His arms were only half coated with them; all illegal ones given to him from connections he knew.

"Wow" Jake stated, he himself had only one along his arm, a long one that was done for his eighteenth birthday; he was the oldest in the group.

"Anything else?" Xavier asked, Jake watched him carefully as he slid his shirt back down.

"That's one helluva scar, where'd you get it?" Jake asked, silence fell over them as Xavier narrowed his eyes, he would have paled over slightly if he didn't wear an emotionless mask.

"I don't remember" Xavier said simply as his eyes returned to their normal state, if Jake had noticed the change he didn't seem to care.

"Ah, well you'd think from something like that the memory would haunt you" Jake pressed it, he wasn't one to care and Xavier could read that, he could tell Jake was a tough one such as himself but blunt.

"Well after what I've been through, pretty much nothing haunts you anymore" Xavier said cooly, taking a deep breath then exhaling through his nose, Jake decided to drop it for now.

"Anyone hungry?" Kaden asked once the awkward silence had fallen upon them once again, Xavier shifted his weight to his right leg and crossed his arms.

"Don't talk much, do you?" Jake asked as they exited the house, for some reason he seemed fascinated with wanting to know his secrets and why he was so scarred.

"Not at first" Xavier stated, they had decided to walk to the pizza parlor.

"Why?" Jake asked, he was taking on Chase's personality, normally he was more barred than this, tougher and quieter but a new boy joined their group and he seemed the one to make sure he was real enough for them.

"I'm much like you, I don't trust on first appearances, I learn about somebody then I choose whether to start talking or whether to back off. Not everyone is who they seem to be and sometimes, nobody hesitates to stab you in the back" Xavier explained, eying him, they had stopped, looking either other dead in the eye.

"That's why I'm bugging you, no hard feelings" Jake said, holding out his hand, Xavier shook it though he felt stupid.

"Another thing you learn... is don't ever let your guard down, jail toughens you up" Xavier said, chuckling as he walked away from him, looking back over his shoulder; he opened a whole 'nother door of questions.

Ten minutes had passed and thousands of questions had been asked it seemed, Xavier had to wonder if he had even stopped to breath between the questions he was asking.

Sometimes, he had asked three or four questions in one sentence, Xavier just shook his head.

"You still haven't answered why you were in jail" Jake said, they had just finished two whole pies of pizza and were ordering a third.

"I told you earlier, I beat the blood out of a guy, you tend to get arrested for assaulting somebody. Especially since I had beat plenty of people" Xavier explained, Jake shook his head.

"You're alright" Jake stated, Xavier chuckled.

"You done with the questions yet?" Damien asked, he himself had heard each question that Jake was drilling and was amazed at some of the answers. Xavier didn't open up much nor did he give many answers, most 'I can't answer that' to the 'Who knows' sprinkled in. Though the one answer that amazed him most was...

"So, what was the last thing that got you kicked out of a home?" Jake had asked, Xavier stiffened but regained control over his composure.

"Killed my brother" Xavier answered coldly, Damien's eyes darted up to him.

"They said you were harmless!" Damien suddenly said exasperated.

"I didn't personally kill him... and Danny keeps telling me it's not my fault..." Xavier answered, he cut himself off and refused to say another word, he would only ever speak to Danny about anything; it was like Danny was his guardian. Nobody else had gained the right to know his personal details.

Half of the third pizza was gone before Kaden leaned back and patted his stomach.

"Man, they can make a killer pizza" Kaden said as he sighed contently.

"Oh yeah they can" Damien stated, shoving another piece into his mouth, he wasn't quite finished yet.

Jake glanced at Xavier from the corner of his eye as Xavier ate another slice.

"What has made you so cold?" Jake asked, Xavier lifted his gaze before dropping it again, chewing then swallowing before answering.

"The same thing that makes you so cold" Xavier said, looking him square in the eye.

"Never" Jake said softly, the others were talking amongst themselves.

Xavier looked him in the eye for a moment then chuckled and left the building, heading back the way they came.

Three months had passed and things had been going well, Lexi had grown to enjoy having Xavier around so Damien had someone to get along with, Damien learned the small things about Xavier such as his favorite color, food, brand of skateboards, the fact that he could skateboard and play the drums. He learned that Xavier had pierced himself and given himself the tattoo that laid upon his wrist.

Xavier learned almost everything about Damien there was to learn, the things that made him tick, the things he liked to listen to when he walked around town. He learned the big things like how he thought things through before deciding on what to buy. He wasn't predictable but if he changed his expression, Xavier could read it; not that Damien tried to hide it.

The boys of the group had also learned to take a liking to him, he learned to behave for the most part and gained a job where the rest of them had worked, at Kadens father's automotive repair shop; family business.

Even after a few months Jake hounded Xavier with questions when he could, one day Xavier tricked Jake and found a weak spot.

"How many homes have you been through?" Xavier asked at random one sunny day, Jake's eyes widened as he stared at him, Xavier wiped his hands on an old rag he had hanging out of his pocket.

"How?" Jake asked, pulling him outside, he motioned to the others who stared at them.

"Just have to talk to him" Jake stated, the others nodded before returning to their work, he closed the shop's door behind him.

"Tell me how'd you know that?" Jake asked, completely baffled but half frightened that he was readable, he hated for anyone to know what he held inside before he was ready for people to know.

"You never refer to them as 'brother' or 'sister' you call them by their names, you area always on edge and skiddish. If they were your birth parents or even step, you'd be more relaxed except you're always thinking you have to pay them back in any way you can, thus you behave and try to avoid fights for the better half." Xavier explained, Jake was at a loss for words, nobody ever before was able to put things together so well.

Jake looked at him then nodded.

"You really are different" Jake stated, Xavier grinned softly before turning around and walking back into the shop.

Jake shortly returned back into the building and went back, slowly, to work.

"What'd he talk with you about?" Damien asked, Xavier looked up at him as he drained the oil from a car that was up on a lift.

"Just about a few small things, is all. Nothing really" Xavier said, looking up at him, his face had grease on it, smearing across his left cheek. Damien nodded then went back to his own car.

Xavier watched Jake before turning back to the car and replacing brakes and the oil.

At closing Kaden was complaining, walking behind them all as they filed out towards Damien's car.


Publication Date: 06-02-2011

All Rights Reserved

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