
Chapter Twenty

“I am with out a doubt the best savory’s maker that I know do you not think?” asked Mrs James. “Indeed my wife is a dab hand at the making of sweet meat,” said the clergyman. “You must try my pigeon pie, said Mrs. James as she lifted the silver cover from the dish upon which lay a plump bird in a layer of congealed grave. ” It looks wonderful I shall have a piece,“ said Sophia.

The reverend gentleman’s guests sat down to eat captain Aubrey having decided to forego the offered pigeon as he had heard much of Mrs. James’s custard pudding which was to be served later. In the mean time he contented himself with a glass of port.

“I have seldom seen a dish with an aroma of such fragrance, said Sophia ” pray do tell me Mrs. James what is this fragrance for I have not come across it before?“ asked Sophia as she placed the first forkful in her mouth.

“It is a Calcutta curry from India some what different to the fair we are used to, bit wholesome and good for a cold,” said Mrs. James. Sophia it seemed had grown quite flushed tears creased the corners of her eyes and a sweat broke upon her forehead.

“I fear that I am unwell” she gasped, taking a sip of water from a glass near at hand. “Oh dear what is amiss Mrs. Aubrey you are quite red with exertion you must lay down I fear” said Mrs. James rising from her seat.

“Yes if I lay down I will recover,” said Sophia “Yes step this way there is a room where you can rest,” said Mrs. James “Later you can finish your dinner. I am quite surprised for just a moment ago you were quite well could it be that you have a little bundle to deliver?” asked Mrs. James. For she was a woman wise to the world and knew that young woman of Sophia’s age did with in a year after marriage bring forth bundles of joy. It gave her great pride that when in years to come the Captain would speak of the announcement of the arrival of there first born would be due to her.

The ladies having left the room the to gentlemen were left quite alone with nothing much to say the reverend gentleman eyed the plate upon which Sophia had been feasting and then looked knowingly towards the captain. “I fear that the pigeon will be quite spoilt,” said the clergyman. Captain Aubrey perceiving that the older gentleman would show no mercy knew where his duty lay. Saying bravely “Well there is nothing for it I shall have to dispose of the bird and moved Sophia’s plate to his and begun to eat the dish.

The first bit of the dish had but a small effect upon the brave seaman for he had previously eaten curry while on active service in the Indies however he began to taste a certain discrepancy. It was at this moment that Mrs. James returned and took once more her seat. “I trust the pigeon is to your liking?” she enquired of the captain “Indeed a fragrant dish one of the best I have ever tasted,” the captain gasped as a sweat began to break from his forehead. “Pray what is its construction?” he asked of the woman.

“It must be soaked in the curry powder for a day and a half before certain other elements are added then boiled in a soup of water and oil,” replied the lady. This was indeed a surprise to the good navy man for he had never heard of the dish been prepared like this and he knew his curries.

“Remarkable quite remarkable” said the captain reaching for the glass of sherry, he had learned his lesson previously and knew better the n poor Sophia to drink water for water it seemed only increased the pain one felt with in ones mouth after eating a curry. To the captain it seemed that the poor pigeon having died had been subjected to the cruelest of fates having fallen into the hands of a woman who believed herself to be the best cook in the world. but was in fact a dangerous weapon indeed if the good woman had ever been a cook in the armies of Wellington or the navy of Nelson she would have been the most formidable weapon in Bonaparte’s grand army.

Never the less to preserve the duty placed upon him by society he continued to eat the poor bird for it would have been considered most offensive if he had not. As the newest member of Sir Thomas’s family it was incumbent upon him that he make a good impression upon the clergyman and his wife for the most reverend gentleman had always been most obliging to the Sterley’s when called upon to be of service to the family.

For it was well known that he had been instrumental of ridding Morton of the ghost of poor Lord John. To have in any way offended him in any way even to the extent of his wife’s efforts in the culinary field would it seemed be an insult to the good people of Notheringay.

Thus on he soldered through the battlefield that was the dish much to the delight of the reverend gentleman’s wife who continued to make remarks and receive high praise from the brave captain.

After the mean Sophia had quite recovered while her brave husband refused the proffered custard pie saying the curried pigeon was quit enough for him. Shortly thereafter the Aubrey’s took there leave of the clergyman and his wife who stood upon the front step of the rectory enjoying the view as the coach made its departure the good woman waving to Sophia remarked “That what an excellent gentleman the captain was and what good taste he had. for she had seen that he had indeed emptied the plate, it was a pity that he had not seen his way clear to a slice of custard pie. However it was to be expected these naval sorts are seldom big eaters” this all said to her good husband who ever mindful of his wife’s desire to impress upon there guests the skill with which she employed herself in the kitchen made him smile.

Lady Ann entered the library for a moment she stood looking at the Ostrich a strange bird its eyes seemed to follower her every move. Who ever had done the job of mounting it had done a wonderful job she thought.

Her eyes drifted across the room looking for any sign that might betray the occupancy of her husband there was none, as she turned to leave her eyes dwelt for a moment on the small table near the door. A poem of some sort she thought, she picked it up and began to read “Dearest Juanita long have I admired you from afar?. ”Could it be? Sir Thomas had taken a lover? How could this be? She wondered. She cast her mind back to the last season in town could it be that her husband had found a woman of loose morals of whom Sir Thomas had taken advantage? No it could not be more likely the hussy had marked Sir Thomas for an easy target of her charms but surely her husband was passed calf-love
Was he not? Had he not found an Incognita?

Just like a man to fall for the charms of a hussy had Sir Thomas taken mistresses? Had he found a light-skirt? For a moment, Lady Ann considered consigning the poem to the fire but then she dismissed this idea she did not want to give Sir Thomas any advanced knowledge that she knew what he was about.

Of one thing she was certain she would have her revenge for she was not a woman to be trifled with. her many years as a wife and mother had taught her one thing if there situation changed then one would adapt and apply ones mind to the new situation. Now a new situation was presenting itself and she would be ready for it she would not be bested by a woman of low class, no she would not be made a cake of by any one.

Sir Thomas entered the drawing room coming across the room he placed his hand upon the chair upon which Lady Ann sat leaning forward he tried to plant a kiss upon her cheek but lady Ann moved just then and he ended up kissing the air.

“Ann what is amiss?” He asked “Amiss dear husband pray what can be amiss everything is as it should be pray what do you mean sir?‘ she asked ”I am quite sure I do not know what you mean“ she continued.

“Ann my love you seem distressed what has occurred that has made you so cold towards me?” he asked. “Sir I am quite sure that your imagination is once more at play for nothing is amiss save that you have not had your dinner and it is quite cold by now,” she said dismissively. For she meant to make her husband suffer for the long years that they had been companions had taught her every thing there was to know about his nature she knew that should peace not be restored before bed time. He would be quite unable to sleep and would pace the bed chamber until he would fall into a restless sleep which would come in the small hours of the morning.

“I take it then your call at Morton was a pleasant one,” said Sir Thomas giving up for the moment trying to please his wife. “Indeed husband it was one of the most pleasant calls I have ever made,” she said.

“Pray tell how our grandson is?” he asked “The lad is well and grown big like his papa he is sure to do well in the world,‘ she said coldly.

It always came as a surprise to Sir Thomas how an woman of longstanding acquaintance could make even good news sound so formidable like the speaker in the house announcing the butchers bill for the last quarter he mused. As the saying went the apple falls not far from the tree for Sir Thomas had in mind a number of occasions when he had seen his own female children behave in the same fashion that Lady Ann now was?

Leaving Lady Ann Sir Thomas went about his daily tasks bemused by the fact that he could not fathom what had occasioned his wife to take such a set against him. Had he not always done his duty by her did he not show the measure of his affection for her by telling her on as many occasions that he still loved her even though they were now grown to that time of life when one should be comfortable with each other?

“True he had not always been at home but this was due to his service to crown and country a man should always do his duty to crown and country first before considering his own needs was the motto he had been brought up to believe in and he thought that his wife knew this. but there must be some new occasion for this strange behavior of the woman who had been his devoted companion, what can it be he mused as he began cutting some flowers. Maybe if I bring some flowers into the house and present them to her she might change her mind and forgive me for what ever slight I have afforded her he thought.

From a window on the upstairs Lady Ann observed her husband she was angry extremely angry did he think that she would not find out, did he indeed think that a kiss would save him? And now what was the silly man up to cutting her roses did he not understand that they had taken a long time to grow that much care had gone into there breeding?

At the entrance to Oakland Park a messenger hurried through the gate he had been sent with a letter of the greatest urgency from Ireland his master had instructed him to hand it to no one but Sir Thomas Sterley of Oakland Park. Then to wait for a reply from Sir Thomas, The livery of the messenger denoted a great house an old and ancient line one which the Sterley’s had seen before not many months earlier.

For the Earl of Waterford had in the months since the challenge to Sir Thomas’s honor grown brave enough because of distance in time and space now to wish to settle the matter of honor. At the same moment another coach was making its way to Oakland containing Young Harry Watson with some very agreeable news.

Chapter Twenty One

“Remarkable” said Sir Thomas as he waved a letter in his hand. “It would seem that his lordship the Earl of Waterford has decided that he needs to settle the matter of honor at the earliest convince,” he continued “Indeed husband I would have thought that you would be most pleased at this communication,” said Lady Ann.

“I will answer his letter directly I will also have to ask James to act as my second,” said Sir Thomas. “Pray why does that man in the Earls livery wait?” asked Lady Ann. “He has instruction from his lordship to wait for a reply, his lordship will be in Town till the end of next week and will be able to wait upon me on any day the following week. I will write to him this instant I think Friday fortnight will be suitable,” said Sir Thomas.

“As you will sir you know best,” said Lady Ann Sir Thomas left the drawing room to go and write the letter to the Earl of Waterford. Lady Ann pondered for a moment then taking from a draw in the bureau inn and paper, she began to write a letter of her own

Your Lordship,

I have thought long upon a certain matter and beg your indulgence... she began. Sir Thomas in the meanwhile had been writing his own letter when he returned he found Lady Ann gone and the messenger seated in the kitchen eating a small meal. Handing the letter over he watched as the man finished his meal and left.

“Sir Thomas and Lady Ann were in the drawing room he writing again she contemplation with a knowing smile some great matters which was playing upon her mind.


To Captain James Aubrey
Great Witham

From Sir Thomas Sterley
Oakland Park
Saturday 18th March 1816

Dear James,
I fear that I must call upon you to stand once more as my second in the matter of his lordship the Earl of Waterford.
I have given him to understand that Friday fortnight would be a suitable time for him to wait upon me here at Oakland’s I believe that every thing can be arranged with the greatest circumspection. I think that we can arrange for doctor Barry of Notheringay to attend the field of honor and render any service, which matters might arise from the settlement of the debit of honor.

I await your replay by return of post

Your obedient Servant
Thomas Sterley

From Sophia Aubrey
Great Wisham

Dearest Papa,
I have just this moment come away from James’s bedside the doctor is hopeful for his recovery after eating some thing the other day while visiting the Reverend and Mrs. James.

I fear that James has begged me to write and express his most sincerely regrets that he is quite unable to wait upon you as a second in the matter between yourself and the Earl of Waterford.

The doctor has forbidden him from rising from his bed until he is completely recovered

James has expressed his sorrow for been unable to be of service to you and begs that you will not consider this as a slight for he is quite unwell. The doctor has bleed him and is hopeful for his recovery however he has stated that it will take time

Your Loving daughter

“Remarkable, most remarkable I was not even aware that James was feeling poorly,” said Sir Thomas. “I have not heard of it what is amiss,” asked Lady Ann. It seems that some malady has affected James and he has taken to his bed,“ said Sir Thomas.

A servant entered and announced a visitor “Mr Watson” said the servant. “Pray let him step in” said Sir Thomas his countenance lightening for here was an occasion to ask of the young man a service.

“Good day Sir Thomas I trust that you are well?” said Harry Watson “Indeed I am quite well and I hope that you have had a good result to your efforts?” asked Sir Thomas. “Indeed I have the most wonderful news the fair lady was much impressed and has expressed a wish that I call upon her and her father at an early convenience.

“I am exceedingly glad for it” said Sir Thomas pray may I ask a service of you?“ enquired Sir Thomas. ”I would be glad to be of service to you in any way that suits you Sir,“ said Harry.

“Pray step this way,” said Sir Thomas as he lead the younger man away to the library to discuss the matter of acting as his second.

“Lady Ann had of late been very cold towards her husband the letter in his hand had startled her much. She was not a woman to be trifled with and had already set in motion the beginnings of a plan which if truth be told would have frightened Sir Thomas so much that he would have fretted and not slept a wink. For Lady Ann would have her revenge she was a woman scorned she who was of an old and noble family would not let any man least of all her husband tread upon her heart. For she had loved him through many trails and tribulations, she had eaten humble pie and had always as the good book instructed a wife to be a meek and obedient wife. However, this latest insult was some thing she could not bear.

It was not that she had not had the opportunity to be unfaithful to him indeed in her youth and as a newly wed wife of a naval officer. Of course there had been many opportunities for her to have a dalliance but she had risen above every attempt at conquest from the males of the species. For she considered such dalliances unseemly her honor meant much to her even though there had been times when she had been very lonely while her husband had been away at sea. Lady Ann’s temperament was not suited for unfaithfulness, thus she was unable to understand the latest infidelities of her husband for had she always tried to be most accommodating to what ever he desired?

The sound of a coach stopping outside the Grosverner Square home of the Earl of Waterford could be heard; his Lordship laid aside the volume he had been reading. His expected guest had arrived wishing to impress his guest he rose and crossed to a small table upon which to Snifters stood ready a decanter of the finest crystal stood filled to the brim with the nectar of amber. Only the finest French cognac would do for his guest who was one of the foremost persons of quality and style. For his royal guest was none other then His highness Prince Fredrick the duke of York.

The knock that came to the door was expected his lordships butler announced the presence of his most esteemed guest.

The prince once he entered the room smiled for he was delighted once more to find at home his friend of former days with a snifter proffered towards him “Glad to see your highness is well” remarked the Earl. “Indeed most well and most happy to have recived your note,” replied the prince taking a seat.

“So there is to be a duel?” said the prince, “I find that too many gentlemen of the lower nobility seem to find there honor offended and demanding satisfaction. When there better put them in there place” he continued.

“It seems your highness that Sir Thomas is an out and out rogue had he but heard correctly my question in the house was a fair one,” remarked the earl as he raised the snifter to his lips.

“I have never had occasion to have any dealings with the man before what occasioned this attack?” asked the Prince. For he had not been in the house upon the day in question and had only heard of the matter second hand.

Highness the details are not difficult to follow pray allow me to enlighten you about two seasons ago he approached me to make advances on the behalf of his son for a commission; well I tried and added to the commission a small fee of three thousand pounds which he was unwilling or unable to pay. I then was obliged to invite him to my country seat for a little sport, while there he became involved in a domestic matter of a scalawag and rouge that was agitating for Catholic emancipation and for the lower order. His intervention was most unseemly the end result of which was the servant who had caused all the problems was taken away from my service by Sir Thomas I lost a dammed fine cook to boot in the event,“ said the Earl. ”Dammed inconsiderate and quite ungentlemanly of Sir Thomas I would say,“ said the Prince.

“This is most unseemly how a man with a title can behave in such an unfashionable way,” enquired the prince. ‘This letter I recived from Lady Ann his wife with the reply to my letter asking for a settlement of the matter of honor most extraordinary indeed the contents makes me wonder what domestic upheaval has occasioned his lady to write asking me an avowed enemy for a favor,“ said the Earl

Taking the letter the prince began to read, the concern upon his countenance growing with each new sentence that he read. “William my friend there is but one thing that you can do in this matter,” remarked the Prince

“Indeed I see it plainly I have been placed under an obligation by Lady Ann not only to settle the old matter but allow her to play her part in this new matter a ladies honor has been impinged and Sir Thomas must pay for his dalliances‘ with the Spanish woman who ever she is” said the Earl.

“I have always wanted to defend a ladies honor well it seems that I am to have my chance this confounded fellow Sir Thomas I believe is a great favorite among a number of naval gentlemen,” said The Prince. “Indeed Highness he has always been an agitator and one of those who seeks to better the lower order with promises of a better life, said the Earl ”I believe he had some part to play when the navy mutinied at the Nore. He been one of the few officers whose men did not send him ashore. Thus his roll was pivotal in bringing to an end the troubles in the navy the men look to him for leadership I have heard“ said the Prince. ”Indeed he has some qualities but he is also quite ungentlemanly,“ replied the Earl. ”William one has got to give him credit for his achievements, however I believe that one should never gain say ones betters in any matter of importance,“ remarked the Prince. ”As for your request I will be happy to stand as one of your seconds in this matter of honor“ said the prince. Highness for this I am most happy, remarked the Earl as he refilled the snifter in the Dukes hand. ”I dare say Sir Thomas has all the marks of a mushroom,“ said the duke. ”Indeed I would not be surprised if he was one,“ replied the Earl

Sir Thomas was addressing the members of his household all were listening with the greatest concern for the house was to receive a number of visitors of the best society.
“Although there exists a measure of animosity between the Earl of Waterford, I would remind you that this house had always extended a hand of hospitality to all guests. I warn you now and take note each and ever one of you that the Earl and his company are to be treated with the greatest respect and civility, he said

“These people of quality will be here as my guests and I expect that each and every one of you will do your utmost to make them at ease,” he continued. I want the best rooms in the house aired the bed linen changed and fresh, Ill not tolerate any discrepancy, is this understood?“ there was a mumble of assent from the gathered servants and household member’s. ”Pray Ruth,“ said Sir Thomas ”heed my words for upon you rests the greatest work for you are to prepare the chambers for his Lordship the Earl and another for his highness the Duke of York. Make sure that when you have completed your supervision of the staff that you inform me that I might check that all is in order for there coming,“ said Sir Thomas.

“I would be most displeased should any thing not be as it should be Ruth I therefore require of you that you do you utmost to make these chambers as comfortable as possible,” said Sir Thomas. “Yes master I will do my very best to please you may I ask am I to prepare the addition chamber for Lady Virginia or will Elizabeth be doing that?” Asked the maid “Not to worry about that Elizabeth has that well in hand replied Sir Thomas.


Publication Date: 04-13-2010

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