"I can't do this Angel!" I shouted over the roar of the plane engine. Angel was like my sister we grew up in the same lab together just she was one year older than me. She was going to teach me to fly today but being 6 miles up in the air I couldn't. Yesterday watching her come free falling down toward the ground and then at the split second she had opened her massive wings a soared back up into the air. I wanted to learn to fly like her I could barely get two hundred feet off the ground when I tried to fly. "Amber I have told you a million times you can do this. Imagine your swimming through the ocean and your wings are your arms. Remeber when you were littler you used to run around flapping your arms because you couldn't even leave the ground? Well I know you can do this okay we jump when I say now!" I looked down. Spreading out my wings the 16 foot wing spand I pulled them in tight around me ready to go into a free fall. Angel looked at me and smiled doing the same thing with her pure white wings. "Now!" She yelled and jumped. I followed after her falling at a hundred and thirty miles a hour. I watched her spread out her wings. She motioned for me to do the same but I kept falling. When I reached 200 feet up I whiped out my wings and gave one very powerful flap. Up I went. All the while holding my breath. I looked at Angel who was flying a few feet above me.I kept falpping doing anything not to fall to my death waiting below. I went up until angel told me to stop and try working on my dogding.In her hands a blue ball of energy was forming. I smiled my most dangerous smile as she flung the ball at me I stopped beating my wings so I fell. Then I flapped hard rushing her when she least expected it. She rebounded and through another ball of energy at me. I easily dodged and made a ball of my own. I threw at her and I finally saw it's color, red werid it was supposed to be blue the kind that doesn't harm. Angel gasped and dodged at the last minute.The ball exploded where her head has been a second before. Angel looked at me and her jaw dropped. I turned and took off as fast as my wings could carry me. "How did you do that" I heard Angel's voice right next to me. But I knew she was just speaking in my mind. I blocked her out. I took off faster than I would have thought possible within ten minutes I had traveled four miles. I could fly just fine, better than ever actually I dont even remember learning to fly like this?! I heard the sound of the jet two miles back. I dropped twenty feet and looked behind me. It wasn't our jet. I had moments to think! I Flew up high and went into a nose dive straight down. The jet followed me swerving when I did going up and down as I did. I couldn't lose it. So I folded in my wings and fell down into the ocean below me. As I hit the water it was shockingly cold. I went straight down instead of up. Using my wings to push me down faster. I kept my eyes open when their bodies hit the water and came after me. Two of the people held a net. The other three were trying to catch me. I had to get out of the water but I knew I wouldn't be able to fly. My wings were wet, soaking wet for that matter. The only choose I had was to stay under and swim as fast as my wings could propel me. I had the ability to hold my breath under water for up to two hours maxium. I heard a werid sound from up above. I whipped up to the top to see a fishing boat I needed to get on it. I started to swim over to it my head above water. As I reached a range of twenty feet away from the boat one of the fisherman saw me. He helped me a board until. He saw my wing then he staggered back a few steps. I pressed them against my back and spoke. "Thank you very much." I looked back down at the water and saw a couple of heads bobbing up and down on the surface of the water in the distance. I frowned why had they chased me I hadn't done anything too them. I sat down as the boat went to shore. "Hi, are you an angel?" I looked up to see the fisherman was really a boy my age with golden hair and a well built body. I shook my head. "I don't know what I am!?!" He took a seat next to me and looked wearily at me wings. I looked at them too and lowered my head. They were almost dry and we were still miles from shore. I stood up and the boy rose with me I strechted out my wings and began flapping them. I got a little ways off the deck of the large boat but not much. I landed again and sighed. Looking up at the endless sky I hoped to see Angel flying past but I wasn't that lucky. "What is your name?" I looked at the golden boy."Amber Wolf what's your name?" I asked. He just frowned at me and shrugged. "MIGUEL!!" A booming vocie called as a round man rounded a corner and saw us. I tucked my wings in a tightly as possible and looked at the man. "Who is this girl Miguel?" I stepped backward and answered for haim "Amber sir uh.. Miguel here helped me aboard It was a freefall gone bad and I landed in the water he helped me out." I waited for a reaction from the man but none came so I spread out my wings which were mostly dry now. " I can go now Thank you again Miguel." With that said even though I was tired from the flying and swimming I ran over to the edge of the boat where no rail was and dived off. I gave a powerful flap of my wings and rose into the air just slightly above the water. "Wait ma'am ride to shore with us." I heard the booming voice call I stopped and turned around just looked at the man forty feet away and hovered above that water. "I don't want to be trouble and I must find my sister sor-" I was saying one thing one moment the next I was being pulled under water by a hand grasping my ankle. I kicked at the water and flapped seriously hard trying to get away. Yet I couldn't. I heard shouting from above the water. I looked around me the water was dark but I could make out the figure of the boat bottom. I saw something hit the water next to the boat. I flapped like crazy. Then my wing hit something. I flapped more and gave one final kick this time I hit a head of someone with my foot. The hand realeased it grip and I rose to the surface gasping for air. "Miss come quickly. Has my son reached you yet." Just as he finished speaking Miguel popped up next too me. I tried to keep my wings from hitting him as we swam back to the boat he let me go up first. When I reached the top of the boat I helped Miguel up I looked down at where I had been pulled under. "Miss Amber are you alright?" I nodded even though I wasn't. My breathing was coming out in short uneven pants. A towel draped ove my shouldars. I looked at the sky and tried to locate Angel. No respose came back. I knelt there on my knees head lowered. "Miss Amber do you have family you can call." I looked up finally and shook my head. "I don't have family" I felt tears form in my eyes I rarely cried in my life. "Well what about friends someone?" I looked into the roundmans eyes. "Angel, and Zack are all I have!" I felt the tears spring to life when I heard the call. I stood up faster than any human could ever had. I shook my wings and water went flying. Protest came from Miguel and the round man with big blue eyes. "Angel!????" I shouted to the sky and a small figure appeared way up there. I flapped my pure black wings and tried to fly. The figure slowed and began to drop. I watched it realizing too late that it wasn't Angel but Zack. Zack stopped and front of me and wrapped my in his arms. I hugged him back for just the heck of it. "Amber why are you soaked? Ugh never mind have you seen Angel she has dissappeared off my radar?" I shook my head "Mine too! I tried to locate her but zip!!" I hugged Zack again and pulled back. Looking at him his brown hair was tossled and his blue eyes were filled with worry and love. "Can you fly?" I shook my head and he sighed. Folding in his wings he finally noticed the two men. "Um hi?" He said to them. I looked at them their jaws were dropped a little.The round man said something in a language I didn't understand. Miguel nodded and spoke "I am Miguel and this is my father Tomas" I nodded politle to tomas and spoke " Ya'll know me Amber but this here is Zack my bestie" Zack shook their hands and turned to me " Amber maybe we should go soon John is worried about you...and you can't fly darn it" I spread out my wings and looked at them. they were still dripping wet. I woudl have shook them out if Miguel hadn't suggested we ride with the to the main land which across the street was a bus stop. Zack decided we ride back with them. Him and Miguel got lost five minutes later talking about a new shooting game that had just been released. I smiled at them and went to the edge of the boat and sat down dangling my feet over the edge. I kept looking up at the sky, I remembered the littel seen that had played out. I had sot the red ball of energy at Angel then ran off because I was too scared that I had almost killed her. "Amber are you okay? Where are you? Come meet me?!" A voice sounded in my head and I shoot into a stand. I looked around and spread out my wings. I began to flap. I rose easily this time since my wings were dryer. I rose in the sky and looked around again. I wasn't to far up maybe 70 feet or so. "Amber come meet me in time square in New York." I shook my head Angel had never been fond of New York why pick it now? "Amby what are you doing?" Zack called to me from below. I looked down at him, his eyes filled with confusion. Down I went...no not falling flying....! He helped me once I reached the ground. By take my hand ever so lightly as my feet touched the ground. I spoke "Time Square....thats where Angel wants to meet up with us again." Zack sighed and shook his head "We'll go but we walk not fly." I frowned at him. Yet I nodded andhugged him too me nice and tight. He laughed and hugged me back. Zack, Miguel, and I all sat and talked till we reached the shore. When we reached shore Miguel stood and stretched yawning big. I watched as his abs tightened up and then relaxed I smiled quickly to myself . He saw me looking at him and gave me a lazy side smile. I looked away and stood as well Zack's which he had placed on my thigh fell off. He quickly rose not even bothering to hide the fact that he didn't like Miguel looking at me like that. I smiled shyly at Zack and too his hand in mine.The tension rolled off him. He leaned into me. His wings brushed mine and a shock went through my body. I coughed a little and then we started walking to the docks where the boat had docked. I bid Tom and Miguel good bye Zack said bye to tom but just glared at Miguel. I walked toward the main street tugging Zack along behind me. When we reached the street I went to flag down a taxi when I remembered I didn't have any money on me and Zack never carried any with him. I frowned again and folded in my wings extremly tight as a group of people walked past. I glanced at Zack he was holding his wings in so tight I could barely see them. I squeezed his hand and looked at the street again. My credit cards!!!! I zipped around again and hualed Zack over to a ATM machine that I'd seen by the docks I withdrew $200 and Zack looked at me confused. "What??? I actually saved my money for a rainy day good thing I did to." He laughed shaking his head low. "You always think of everything Amby" I smiled brightly at him. Then we went back to the street I flagged down a cab and we climbed in. We had our wings tucked in and we were careful not to lean back against them too hard. "Where too youngin's?" I looked at the cab driver. "Time square New York." I said simiply the drivers mouth opened until I put my hand up. "Drive we have enough to pay!" He nodded and then he started to drive. I looked at Zack and he looked at me the look in his eyes made my heart skip a million beats. I laid my head on his shouldar and fell asleep. I had only been out for maybe 34 minutes when Zack laughed making my head bounce. I jerked awake and alert. "Hey there Amby" He said with a smile then he saw my expression. "Relax babes we're still in the cab a couple minutes from Time Square." I relaxed instantly and slunched back against the seat only to jump forward yelping because of my wings. The driver's eyes darted to me as we pulled over. "Sorry" I mumbled and I looked at Zack who was turning bright red. "Ah, Zack are you about to laugh?!?" He pressed his lips together and nodded. I swatted his arm playfully. "Are you too dating?" The driver asked. I galred at him and told the only lie I'd ever told in my life. "No, we're brother and sister!!" He smiled slighty as if in to say sorry. We got out when I finally noticed we had parked. The driver rolled down the window for me. "How much?" The driver looked at the machine and said "$50.99" I looked at the 100d's in my hands and handed him one he gave me 49.01 back then he pulled away. I smiled at Zack, taking my hand he gave it a squeeze. We walked the few steps to the middle of Town Square. We sat down on a bench careful of our wings and we waited. What seem like hours of waiting. Someone behind us gasped. We quickly rose to our feet and whirled. It wasn't Angel but just a nomal citizen. "Angels!!!! I knew it GOD IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!" the woman shout and I staggered away from her as did Zack. In a insant we were surrounded by people all normal. They whispered and pointed at our backs. I folded in my wings as tight as they would go. Zack looked at me in panic. I spoke "Please all of you go away!" They just pressed closer. I unfolded my wings and flew up above the crowd. Zack followed my lead he took my hand and puleld me away. I tried to say up long enough but my wings were made for speed not distance. Zack pulled me into his arms and kept flying. "Wait!!!!!!!" I heard someone yell Zack stopped flying and we both looked down to see the most wondeful person in the world "Angel???!!!!!!!!!!!!" I wiggled out of Zacks grip and fell toward the ground. "Amber!" She shouted and ran toward me. I spread out my wings and gently landed. She gathered me up in a hug so tight I couldn't breathe. I went to hug her too but when I felt she didn't have wings I ripped out of her grasp and flew into the air backwards. "Amber?" Zack said from the ground. I stared at Angel and noticed differences not just that she didn't have wings but that her hair was lighter than normal. Her dark forest green eyes were now brown. I zipped down and grabbed Zacks hand pulling him up into the air with me. I could feel the confusion burning off Zack but he trusted me and he held his own wieght up. I didn't let go of his hand as I formed a ball of energy. Zack stared at it and I looked down. It burned bright red. I hread the Angel look a like gasp. And I flung the energey at her then took off flying in the other direction as fast as I could go. I just knew Zack was behind me but he wasn't as fast as I was. I landed eight miles away and tucked in my wings. I knelt and tears came to my eyes. Zack came and landed next to me a few momentls later. "Red energy!!" He sounded upset but I knew it wasn't directed toward me. He was anger at the scientist who had created us. "Yes, Zack Red ENERGY THAT MEANS....." I frowned as soon as I'd realized it. A moment later Zack figured out what I was about t say and he went crazy. "No, No, No, I can't......NO!!!!" He was crying now too the tears rolled down his perfectly tanned skin. I stood and pulled a knife out of my left boot. His eyes went huge. And he shook his head. "No, Amber I cant.... I just can't" I twirled the knife in my hand expertly and I threw it. It hit it's target dead on. Zack's eyes followed the knifes path. I had thrown it good and hard into the enemies heart. He spread out his wings and tok to the skies. I ran for my knife and joined him in the air. Then the Jets appeared four of them and each of the jets had guns. I frowned then grinned wildly. I looked at Zack. And he was gone. I tucked my wings in and dropped only to whip out my wings and go striaght at them. The jet were loud and noisy, when they were suppose to be quite and sleek. I grinned wider as I landed on top of one of the glass protect things that protect the person inide the jet. I knocked on the glass and frowned at the man. I slid over to where the jets' fuel tank was and I started ripping it apart. The jet plumited into the earth. I headed for the next one. Shootin energey at the next one it exploded in air. The other two were no where in my sight range. They must have gone after Zack darn he cant fly fast enough to excape them. I took off in the direction he had gone. I flew as fast and as long as possible but I couldn't find them anywhere. Fear swept over me as I brought myself to the ground. My wings ached so did the rest of my body. "Amber?" I whirled around and there stood Miguel. My body tensed and my wings flew open automaticly. I began to flap them backwards when I saw a large shape knife in is hand. He looked at it then dropped it kicking it away from him. I smiled dispite the moment I quite flapping and then I sank to the ground. My body shook violently. As I sighed and hugged my knnes too my chest resting my head on them. "Amber didn't think I'd see you again. Where's Zack?" I looked a Miguel he was covered in sweat. l could smell him, he smell of perpsration and pine wood. I snorted kinda like a horse just more human like. Miguel started to laugh as I rose to my feet and stretched out my wings they were so sore. I relaxed them and they ended up wrapping around. Me like a protective sheild. I was flooded with warth from the heat they gave off. I shruddered. I couldn't believe he was here in front of me in New York. I natuarlly got supious. "So why are you in New York?" I asked. He shrugged. "I live here come I'll show you" He beckoned me. I didn't dare start to relax or even think about getting comfortable. We walked through the streets I didnt pay attention to the senery. I was watcing the people. They stared as I walked past. I stil lhad my wings wrapped around me like a cape. He stopped suddenly and faced me. I smacked into his chest cause I had been too busy listening to the whispers. I lost my balance and fell to my butt. "Oww!" I said getting up and shaking the filth off my wings. A wave of loud whispers spread around me. I crused under my breath and looked around. Eyes looked at me then darted around. I turned back to Miguel when I saw the door to the house behind him had opened and in the doorway stood Tom. "Tom!!" I screatched then ran to give him a big bear hug. "Amber?" He said ooking surprised to see me but he hugged me right back careful of my wings. "Hi Dad! I found her couple blocks over but no Zack?!" I pulled back and looked up.at the sky. "The last I saw Zack we had to split up otherwise they would have been too strong together." I could feel tears forming again. I felt the atmosphere around me change I looked at them there faces full of concern. "Who would have been too strong??" Demanded Tom and Miguel at the same time. "I dont know but yesterday was the first attack. They had attacked the lab. And killed everyone we've ever known in the process. Now we dont know where angel is and Zack I can't find him.....Their all I have I just gotta find them." I spread out my wings. "Oh-no you dont your gonna rest Amber come on!" Tom grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. I started to freak I didn't like being in places I couldn't just fly up into the sky if nessicary. I panicked looking around. It was a nice home. Persian rug a coffee table, flat screen tv. Big kitchen. Big bathroom(as far as I can see). It had tan painted walls. It all tied together (as tied together as a guy house could get). I was lead to the back of the house. And into a small guest bedroom. That had a Zebra stripped bedset lovely...not!!!!!! "You can sleep in here till your fully rested, there are fresh towels in the bathroom down the hall. Dinner is at six. Please get some rest before you do anything Amber you look really tired." Tom left the room. Miguel stayed with me. The dissappeared fromm view into the hall. I walked over to the bed and sat down. Miguel reappeared holding a shirt in his hand. He smiled at me and stuck out the shirt for me to take. "Here for you too sleep in your small enough it should fit you like a nightgown." I smiled and took it. Then I did something that I always tried to aviod because it hurts so much. I pulled my wings into my skin so I looked human almost. Miguel gasped and stepped back as I dropped to the floor on all fours panting. After resting a few I stood and unbottoned my jeans sliding them off. Miguel's breathing quickened. I looked at him he gave me a lopsided smile. I stared at him and he backed out of the room hands up. I slid my shirt off it wan't ruined or anything. My wings somehow always passed through stuff that I wore. I wormed in to Miguels shirt and pulled my hair up out of the neck of the shirt. Then Miguel walked back in the room and smiled at me I smacked him hard enough that he stopped looking at my half bare theighs. I jumped onto the bed and snuggled up under the covers. Miguel switched out the lights and left closing the door behind him. I quickly drifted into a dreamless sleep. In the middle of the night I woke up to a loud knock on the door. I jumped out of the bed and took a fighting stance. The door opened creaking slowly. I pressed into the shadows. Then the lights flickered on and I pounced. Faster thn a jungle cat I twisted and dropped to the floor when I saw Miguel standing there. He looked frightened. I rose and stared a him in otter disbeilef "What are you doing waking me up in the middle of the night?" He smiled at me and said "Zack just showed up looking for you he says you are very hard to find on his radar." I pushed past him and ran into the living room my bare feet not mking a sound. He stood there looking like a fallen angel. And then I saw who was with him.. The mighty Angel herself. "Angel" I was hugging her in a flash. This I could tell was her "Amber you shouldn't have run from me!" I nodded and stepped back. I looked at Zack he held Angel's hand. I frowned and nodded tightly at him. Zack looked at me weird and then looked at thier interwined hands he seemed to finally understand how I felt about him. He looked at me and his eyes lite up. I bowed my head. Refuseing to meet his eyes. I looked at Angel and smiled big. I couldn't ever be mad at her. I yawned still really tired. She yawned too and smiled at me. I knew our reunion was over. I bide goodnights again and went back to the room. Aperently Zack had followed me. When I went to close the door it bounced off his shoe. I ignored him and went over to the bed I pulled back the covers and laid down. I turned my back to Zack and he sighed. I refused to speak with him so he turned out the lights and laid down on the floor next to the bed. I picked up a pillow and threw it down at him. I heard it hit the ground but not him. I shrugged and closed my eyes. Just when I was about to fall asleep Zack's arm wrapped around my waist pulling me and the blankets toward him. I sat up causeing his arm to loose grip. Even though the room was pitch black we could see each other just fine. "What do you want Zack?" I said facing him. "I want you Amber not Angel, she's like a big sister to me. You though your more Amber your the one I want to be with no matter what happens. It bothers me seeing Miguel look at you that way. Everytime I see you I have to fight to keep control. Amber let me have you please?" A knock sounded on the door causing me to jump. I stared at the door "Come on in!" I said lightly. The door opened and of corse there stood Angel. She flickered the lights on and saw us. I kept my expression bored. Zack just grinned a small smile at her. I swatted at him so he got up and laid back down on the floor withl his arm over his eyes. I rolled my eyes at him then looked at Angel. She stared at Zack and me. Flicking off the light she turned leaving the room. I sighed and fell asleep moments later. In the morning the smell of eggs filled the air. I sat up a stretched yawning and rubbing my eyes. I got out of bed stepping around Zack. Only to have him grab my ankle and him pulling me down too where I was laying on his chest. "Mornin' Beautiful!!" He said I smiled at him enjoying his closeness. "Hi, I think?" He put both of his hands on either side of my face. "I really do want you, you know!?! I have always!" Before I could say a word Zack kissed me. It was soft and sweet. And he tasted like coconuts. I smiled as his lips touched mine again. I pulled back and looked at him shaking my head. "Not now Zack, Not now!" He groaned and gave me one final kiss. Before I got off him I hugged him. He was taken by surprise but he chuckeld and hugged me back. I got off him and he got to his feet. I walked over to the door and opened it. We walked to the kitchen together close but not touching. I saw Miguel was the one cooking. I raised my eyebrows at him. He just picked up a plate and handed it to me. I looked at the food; toast perfectly toasted, eggs yummy yoak still editble, and bacon yummyly crisp. I grabbed a fork and lend against the wall and chowed down. The second I was done eating I went back to the room and got dressed. A I was zipping up my boot the door opened. Angel came in and sat down beside me. I looked at her and smiled. I walked over to the small dresser in the corner and picked up my army swiss knife tucking it in my boot. I turned toward Angel. "Is something going on between you and Zack, Amber?" She asked me. I felt my eyes go wife as I said "I don't know!?!" She nodded tightly and stood. I walked with here back to the livingroom where the guys were sitting down and talking. "Hey Tom!" I said greeting him. He smiled through his cup of coffee. I sat down on the love seat and Zack got up too come sit next to me. Angel looked hurt. so I scooted over to the far end of the couch. "What are you guys going too do?" Miguel asked looking at me. I shrugged. "We go home that's what we're going to do!" Angel said with so much aditude. I stood up off the couch using my superhuman speed. "Im not going back there ever all they do is treat us like science projects. Cocualting our every move, watching what we eat, we have to have check ups every day.....I'm not going back there I will find my own place and stuff!!" I huffed anger burning in me. Angel looked confused. Zack understood like always. "I'm with Amber here Angs I'm tired of that place." Angel had too sit down on that one. I smiled I knew victory had been mine. I stood there waiting for Angel to say something when the door was broken down. I whipped out my wings and grabbed for Tom. He was surprisingly light for someone his size. I wrapped my wings around us. and I ran for the living room window I jumped out it and took to the sky Zack followed me with Miguel unconsis in his arms. Angel stayed put in the house. Taitor!!!! Was the frist word that popped in my head. I looked at Tom who I had pressed against my body. Then the popping sounds started. GUNS!!!!!!! I flew up nice and high then I started heading east the way the sun was rising. I flew until my wings couldn't carry me any longer so then I landed. Tom head toward a restraunt to go to the bathroom and Miguel was just waking when Zack alnded next to me. I walked around a bit looking at the buildings. We were now in Fremont, Nebraska. I looked around and saw a motel. Zack saw it too "Do we have enough to two bedrooms?" I looked at him and nodded "Just find me a ATM and we'll have enough for four!" He smiled and held up two fingers. I sighed and strechted my arms. Zack put his hands on my waist. I leand back into him. It was nearly dawn by time we all sat down at the local diner or what the place was called. We placed our orders and the boys started to talk. I was lost in thought. Angel was proably a traitor. My sister a traitor. The waitor came back and placed the food on the table. I loked at the double wooper I had ordered. It suddenly didn't sound so good. "Thank you" Zack said to the Waitor but the waitor was looking at my wings that I had forgot to put away. I met te waitors eyes "Shoo fly" I said and grabbed for my soda. Te waitor ran off to the back of the food joint. I took a drink of my soda and ended up setting it right back down. "Gross!" I said sticking my tounge out and saying blah. A baby started to cry somewhere in the place getting on my nervse. I stood up and walked out. I spread my wings and was about to fly when. Miguel came out of the restraunt. "Okay what's up?" He says to me I shake my head and fold in my wings. "I can't believe Angel didn't fly out with us. She has to be a traitor. She didn't come out!!!! why?" I said sounding small on the last part. Miguel put his arm around me and hugged me. He never did answer he just kept saying everything would be okay. Three hours later Tom and Miguel had gone off to their room to sleep and Zack was laying next to me trying to get me to calm down enough to go to sleep. My body wouldn't let me. I had already put my Wings away which had hurt alot. But I couldn't sleep I kept imagining Angel in a cage crying out for help. "Babes you need to sleep okay we'll find out what to do tomorrow." He realxed into him. I felt his heartbeat beating fast. I rolled over to face him placing my hands on his chest and burying my head into his shouldar. He shivered making me laugh. I kissed his jawline. He smiled and wrapped my in his arms.He never kissed me back but I knew he was still smiling when I feel asleep. In my dream I stood in the middle of a feild my knife in my hand. My great massive balck wings behind me were open. The wind blew hard. I knew be just the way the sun looked that today was the end of the world. I rose off the ground and took to the skies With each flap of my wings the ground below me crumbled away. In the distance I heard a cry. I looked behind me too see a Great Eagle flying around me. A wolf ran on the grond trying to get to me. A rabbit next then fox. Hawks screeched then they vanished. the wolf lept toward me. I caught it holding it close to me. The eagle also disappeared. All the animals vanished as did the earth. All that was left was me holding the wolf in my arms. I held out the wolf and looked it in the eyes. I could see everything through it's eyes. I woke with sweat covering my body. Beside me Zack breathed lightly. I sat up and sagged back against the bed headboard. And I looked at Zack he looked so peaceful in his sleep I knew I had to leave my dream was the key. (If your confused after reading this than sorry)
Publication Date: 03-22-2011
All Rights Reserved