
Bouquets of fresh flowers or even just a single stem are probably the most popular and well received gifts in the world. Nothing can bring a smile to the face of someone you love or care about like the sight of fresh, sweet-smelling flowers. Flowers connect us with nature and the outdoors, they are a delight to the senses, they bring joy into our home and our hearts and they remind us the sender every time we look at them!

Flowers and herbs have been used for centuries for a variety of purposes and have a strong place in history. In fact, every culture has invested flowers with some kind of significance.
Far away from these medieval superstitions, flowers are simply considered to be signifying an important event in an individual's life. Flowers are presented as gift in a bevy of occasions like weddings, births, funerals anniversaries and congratulations. Even psychologists agree on the fact that flowers do have a positive impact on human emotions. Whatever the case, a flower delights us with its fragile beauty besides being a symbol of eternal love and affection.

Not only do flowers express the exact sentiment, but also gifting a different color of flower would convey a different emotion, which you might find inhibitive to convey by words. You have the choice to put together the bouquet yourself or have it done by a professional floral artist. You only have to let your imagination run wild to make your bouquet as expressive as your emotions.

Of all nature's bounties, flowers are the most exquisite gifts to all of us. Not only because they are wonderful gifts to give to a friend or loved one, but also because they hold the power to change our mood and raise our spirits. The sheer variety of shapes, sizes, colors and fragrances of flowers is absolutely astounding. They stun us with their optimism and their ability to give. They are lovely lessons in magnanimity and selfless love. They perfume the very hand that crushes them. And they stand for youth, beauty, joy and continuity of life. Thus, fresh flowers can say it all for you and say it with dignity and eloquence.

The term is a bit misleading, since the aromas of oils, whether natural or synthetic, are generally not themselves therapeutic. Aromas are used to identify the oils, to determine adulteration, and to stir the memory, but not to directly bring about a cure or healing. It is the "essence" of the oil--its chemical properties--that gives it whatever therapeutic value the oil might have. Furthermore, vapors are used in some but not all cases of aromatherapy. In most cases, the oil is rubbed onto the skin or ingested in a tea or other liquid. Some aroma therapists even consider cooking with herbs a type of aromatherapy.

The essential oils have the power to purify the air we breathe while they relax, stimulate, soothe or sharpen our senses . . . a wonderful antidote to the air pollution and sensory imbalance of modern life. It also claims inhaling the scents balances the biological background, revitalizes the cells, and produces a strong energizing effect on the sympathetic nervous system.

I would not reject aromatherapy out of hand, however. When I have a cold and a stuffy nose, I'll use a mixture of camphor, menthol and eucalyptus oil. However, when I look at what people who call themselves aroma therapists claim, I have to conclude that aromatherapy is a mostly a pseudoscientific alternative medical therapy. It is a mixture of folklore, trial and error, anecdote, testimonial, New Age spiritualism and fantasy.

The question is whether it was able to eliminate snoring?
As far I know from my family members it sure has eliminated a major portion of it.


Publication Date: 03-24-2010

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