"Tamara, look out," my mother yelled but it was too late so I said my last words before I crashed head-on into the pole.
"I love you, mom." My last sight was my mom's face in a twisted frown that showed worry. When the light came I had no choice but to accept it but it was such a bright white light I had to shield my eyes. Then the end came and everything went black before everything started glowing. The grass was so soft, it was like it was a glowing green pillow. When I floated across the grass I almost ran into a building's golden wall but instead I went straight through. That was the moment I realized I was a ghost.
"Ah, Tamara, you're here. Come here, will ya," a male voice said from a dark corner. I whirled around to face it but the man ended up to be right behind me. A small smile was on his handsome face. "I'm Jake, your mentor." He held out his tan hand for a shake but I was never good at manners on Earth so that didn't change while I was in... where ever this place was. His hand went down and the smile fell a little. My eyes roamed around the room taking in the marble floors, high ceilings, and plus couches. Was this place just a place for the rich? Because I was far from it on Earth.
"I'm sorry, you must have me confused with someone else. I didn't live this lifestyle," I said noticing for the first time the mirror on the other side of the room. "Oh my gosh." My hand went to my mouth slowly as I stepped closer and closer to the silver glass. The black hair I had on Earth had now grown to my waist and my blue eyes turned as light as ice. My nose, eyes, and mouth had grown smaller; cuter. And there was a faint pink glow around me that was indescribable. My gown was much different. I was in a black dress made from lace and no shoes.
"Oh, yes, your outfit changes to what you want it to be," Jake said, finally speaking up after a long period of silence. I thought of a black wispy dress and when I opened my eyes it was there. A gasp left my lips before I could stop it and he let out a small chuckle. "Yeah, I reacted the same way, sweetheart."
"Don't call me sweetheart."
"Okay, sorry." I turned around and looked at Jake, I mean really looked at him. His brown shaggy hair always fell in front of his eyes so he was constantly shaking his head to move them, but it didn't work too well because the hair just went back in the same spot over and over again. They covered up his ice colored eyes as well. He was lean, tan, and very muscular. Basically everything a teenage girl dreams about. When he noticed I was looking I pretended like I was staring at the door behind him.
"What are you supposed to be mentoring me on," I asked, quickly remembering what he had said earlier. Every ounce of a smile fell of his face right then and there.
"I thought we would get to know each other first but okay." He paused momentarily, looking me over once before he continued. "I'm supposed to teach you on being a Guardian Angel to someone on Earth that are troubled, looking for a place to go," he continued. I think my mouth fell to the floor.
"I am seventeen! I didn't even have a job down there," I yelled pointing down where I was pretty sure Earth was.
"You mean up..."
"Up?" My mouth hit the floor once again. "I'm in Hell?!"
"No, not Hell, just the After Life. Its a place below Earth that everyone goes to. Not just 'bad people'. Everyone here is from Earth and some were very good people."
"So there is no God?"
"Oh, no, there is a God. Trust me, you do not want to get him mad," he said with a chuckle of his own, which I did not join in on. My eyes wandered back to mirror instead of glaring at the man in front of me who I decided was a whack-job. "Oh, come on, you can't seriously think that about me." My eyes danced back to him with surprise.
"You can read my thoughts?" I asked. He nodded slowly, as if I was a grasshopper and he the master.
"Everyone here can read everyone else's thoughts. Well, except for a few since they put up mental blocks in order to keep their thoughts hidden," he replied. My mouth started to fall open but when I noticed I stopped it and put it back in its rightful place.
"Well, maybe you should stop probing my mind because I don't think I like it very much."
"Why? Do you think bad things? If so I need to know right now." That time I couldn't keep my mouth from catching flies. "I'm gonna take that as I was wrong." I nodded and closed my mouth, thanking God that there wasn't any flies in here. Jake let out a full-belly laugh at what, I guessed, was my thoughts.
"Look, can you just mentor me, or what," I said, annoyed. "And how long is this going to take? A day? A week? Is there even time here? If not then why? If so then how is it? Help me out here." I took in a big breath of air after talking so fast but then I realized I didn't need
air. It was like my lungs were filled automatically. Just to prove my point I held my breath for about five minutes. Yep, nothing, I don't need breath.
"Okay, I'll answer all your questions. Lets just sit down first," he replied with a smile. He clapped and the couches that were on the other side of the room were now behind each of our back. I sat in the one behind me and waited. "How long it takes is up to you. It can be a hour or it can be a year, its up to you. There is time here and it is the same as Earth's days, only we don't age. And you don't need breath since you are here. In Pixita."
"Pixita? I thought you said this was 'The After Life'," I said.
"Well, yes, it is but Pixies, such as yourself, are brought here. There are humans because Pixita is only part of the big picture; The After Life."
"I wasn't a Pixie though."
"You had to of been, your pink glow tells it all. You see pink means a Pixie, black means human, and white means Angel."
"Angel?! There were Angels on Earth?!"
"Of course, the 'saints' of the world. Who else would it be?"
"I don't know... really good people? Human people."
"Humans are greedy and deceiving, not one is nice. But Angels are nice, witty, helpful, and lovely creatures. They took on human forms when God sent them down because, well, they wouldn't of fit in unless they did," he said. I blinked a few times along with pinching myself a few times, too. I must be dreaming. I must be dreaming. "You're not dreaming." I must be dreaming. Wait... I can't be dreaming.
I watched as Jake walked across the room and touched a button on the wall. A bookshelf twirled around and it was filled with a ton of Angel, Vampire, Werewolf, Pixie, and Human books. "You see not many people believe in Guardian Angels anymore. Matter-of-fact anything that has to do with magic doesn't exist in the modern world. But, fortunately, people are wrong. Guardian Angels are everywhere. When a human is born, an Angel is born. The only difference is that we are trained to be smart, fast, and vigilant. The great thing about us is that only humans who open their eyes and believe can see our wings," he read from one of the books titled 'Your Guardian Angel'.
"MicahLynn, you're wanted in the headmistress' office," a female voice said over the intercom. My head swiveled up to the speaker and I slowly stood up.
"You're excused, Micah," my teacher said. I nodded and started to walk out of the classroom. When I was finally out in the hallways I started towards the office. The marble hallways were deserted, students being in class. My hand slid across the smooth surface that was splattered with green, white, and tan. Marble was such a beauty, it took my breath away. The cool touch calmed my nerves a little.
When I reached the office the door opened to show an angry looking headmistress. It didn't help when she saw me. "You, you little brat, get in here and sit down," she yelled. I cringed but stepped inside her office and sat in one of the three purple velvet chairs. She sat in the office chair behind the back and sighed. "How many times do you have to get in trouble before you realize it's not good?!" I shrugged and started picking at my nail polish. I had painted them blue awhile ago but it was a huge failure and now it wouldn't come off!
"Look, Micah, we are sending you to California. To a different school. A public school... and you will be living with foster parents," the woman that had been sitting silently in the corner said. I glanced around. Foster parents? "Yes, foster parents." I stared at the woman, it was like she could read my mind!
"Why foster parents? I thought I would be living in private schools until I'm eighteen," I replied. They shared a look before replying.
"Micah, you haven't been getting into trouble as much here lately so you'll be going to a public school. And you'll be meeting new people and you don't have to wear an uniform."
"But what if I don't want to go? Can you force me?"
"Hon, don't you want to leave? Everyone here is mean to you and bullies you. I just thought you would like California better, that's all," the headmistress said. My eyes wandered back to my fingernails and I started to pick again.
"I suppose you are correct. Plus, California would be awesome," I replied. They both nodded and had smiles on their faces.
"Okay, I will get you on a flight as soon as possible," the woman said and started out the door. My eyes followed her until she left. Then they danced back to the headmistress.
"So, you can return to your room and pack up, then finish today's classes and eat dinner. Good-bye, dear," she said. Of course she's nice as soon as I'm leaving. I smiled a fake smile and walked to my room.
When I got there, I grabbed everything I could find of mine, okay maybe one or two things of my roommate's, and stuffed them into the luggage. I was done soon so I walked down the seven flights of stairs and into the cafeteria's waiting arms. Laughter, food, and words were being thrown into the air. Usual day... but for some reason I kept thinking something big was going to happen...
"You want me to what," I yelled. Jake was telling me that I had to be some Guardian Angel to some stupid human back on Earth. "I thought I died! Why would I have to work?" He was currently crouched behind a chair because I threw books, tables, and sofas at him in order to get started with the lessons. But when he finally told me it didn't help his case since, well, I was told I had to work...while I was dead.
"You just have to guide and help them to their right path and, of course, save them before they die. But that's only if it's before their time. I hope you'll make a great one but if you keep on throwing things at me I might just not teach you because that last one almost hit a place that would've really hurt," he replied. I just stared at him. Wondering how stupid someone could be, and if he could surpass it. My eyes roamed around the room and landed on a dagger that was lying on the dresser. "No!" Jake had yelled the words and the dagger moved without anyone touching it. A look of horror crossed over my features.
"You...can move things... with your mind?!"
"Well, yes, you can too if only you would listen to the lessons I have to teach you."
"I've been trying to get you to teach me for the past HOUR!"
"And I've
been trying to dodge books and chairs for the past hour."
"Good point," I stated because it was. It was a very good point. I had been throwing books and chairs at him for the past hour but its been because he wouldn't teach me! Besides girls always win.
"No, girls do not always win, guys just simply... don't like fighting." I couldn't help but think that he was right, that guys wanted something more but I refrained myself so he couldn't hear them.
"Why must you probe my thoughts twenty-four seven?!"
"Because you think immature thoughts and if you're going to be a Guardian Angel you have to learn to think wiser and better. Not just your life will be in your hands anymore, a teenager's life will be in your hands, too."
I sighed and replied, "Fi-i-i-ne." Jake smiled that cute smile he had and asked me to sit in a chair so I marched my booty over to a chair and sat down. He came up behind me and rested his hands on my shoulders.
"First we have to teach you to be human," he said. I probably had a confused look on my face because he continued on with an explanation. "You see, Pixies walk, talk, and look different then everyone else so even on Earth you were not acting human. So let's begin with the walking. Stand up and walk." I stood up and walked over to a clear spot in the room and walked normally.
"You see," he began, "you walk with your back to straight. You need to slouch in order to fit in with them up there..."
Ugh, kill me now.
I had all my bags packed and ready to go but we were waiting at the airport since there was a delay. "You will love this place! They will give you anything you want as long as its reasonable," the woman from the headmistress' office said with enthusiasm. I was feeling everything but excitement.
"I'm hungry, can we go eat at... McDonald's," I asked while thinking, What the hell is McDonald's?!
"Yeah, sure. I recommend their Ranch BLT," she replied. My growling stomach answered for me as we walked three steps to the restraunt. We both ordered the Ranch BLT with fries and a drink. There was an awkward moment when the girl behind the counter leaned over and pinched my cheeks saying, "Maybe McDonald's can do you some good." So you can imagine the happiness I felt when we got out of there a few minutes later.
The plane's number was called not too long after that and we were finally able to board! The plane was nice, we had first class seats so I won't complain. Oh my gosh! I looked over to see Taylor Swift
. My heart accelerated, she was like my idol! So after getting an autograph and maybe a few (37) pictures I went and settled down in my chair, careful to avoid the fat guy beside me with the green pop can.
The plane stopped at Hollywood, California. "Whoa, I get to live in Hollywood," I squealed. The woman nodded and led me to the limo waiting for me but I found out I was the only one who traveled farther then this.
"So, this will take you directly into your new parent's house. Remember, have fun," she said and closed the door. I waited patiently as we zoomed pass building after building. Then we finally got into the place with houses; the residential area. The house we stopped in front of was so huge I had to lean my head back to catch a glimpse of the top! We're talking almost thirty stories. A woman ran out with a smile and gave me a huge bear hug.
"Welcome home," she squealed. Her hair was in the perfect stay-at-home rich mom hairdo and her clothes were the kind you expect to find on an old lady on the golf course. Smelled like it too. Only difference was that she was wearing pearls. "Want to meet your foster sister?" I nodded and she grabbed my wrist and started pulling me into the house. After about, oh, twenty-seven flights of stairs we stopped in front of a room that's door was a bright blue with a black knob. Strange...
I was finally done training with Jake so he said it was time to put me back on Earth. The catch was that I wouldn't remember my old life, only that I died and that I had to protect, teach, and save the person I was assigned to. Plus a different name. Also, I had to be the complete opposite of my old life. So instead of tomboy I have to a girly-girl...how awesome. Jake raised his hands and, after saying miss you and bye, he clapped his hands together and I was thrown into the body just as soon as the door opened.
"There you are, Evermore," a woman squealed. Memories of this person flooded back into me. Okay, so that's my foster mom and my foster sister. I was placed in here because I accidently caught my old school on fire with my fingertips. And that was all I could see.
"Hi," the girl with her said.
"What's your name," I asked, hating the sound my voice made.
"MicahLynn, you?"
"Evermore, of course."
"Oh yeah, she just said it. Sorry."
"Don't worry about it," I replied. She smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. But it was a fake smile, on the inside I knew that it was fake.
"Anyways, want to help me decorate my room, Evermore?"
"Sure. I'd love to," I said and followed MicahLynn into her room. It was bland. Tan walls, white carpet, a queen sized bed, and black curtains. "Girly, boyish, gothic, toyish, Candyland-ish, or something else?" She looked at me for a few moments before answering.
"A mixture of boy and girl." I nodded and whipped out a magazine from the bookshelf.
"You'll want to look through that then," I said and walked out of the room and into my own. From the pink carpets to the pink walls I was pretty sure the girl I was in chose Girly. I walked to the closet and opened the door. Rows upon rows of light pink shirts and tanks, jeans, and skirts, plus a few dresses littered the shelving. But I didn't see shoes anywhere...
I watched Evermore leave and started going through the catalog. There was a really cute pink and black comforter that I wanted but I didn't know my price limit or what to buy it with. As if to answer my question, my foster mom walked into the room with a credit card. A Platinum Credit Card!
"Here you go, sweetie. Just remember to be safe and responsible," she said and started to walk out.
"Thank you," I said for the first time in about five years.
"You're welcome." She made it out into the hallway and I heard her go downstairs. Then a male's laughter joined hers. Foster dad?? My curiosity beat my judgment and I tumbled down the stairs.
"Did you just fall," the guy asked.
I shook my head, "I was simply hugging the floor. Anyways, who are you?" The guy stopped laughing and put out his hand.
"Treavor, you're the new foster child right? MicahLynn? I am your foster dad."
"Why didn't you guys have your own children?" There was a moment of silence and I was kind of wondering if maybe it was too forward so I tried to be more subtle. "I mean, how come you guys foster children?" It was like I pressed the magic "Go!" button.
"Well, you see, when I was younger my parents...did things they shouldn't of and it damaged my body permanently so now I cannot have children and we now take in teens," she replied.
"Oh. Sorry." Then another question formed in my head. Man, I was on a roll! "How many foster children are there now?"
"Four. Two girls, two guys," Treavor replied. I couldn't help it, my interest peaked. And not just a little, a lot. But before I could ask another question the other chick...what was her name? Tamara! came down the stairs.
"Hello," she said, sticking out her hand to The Guy. "I am Evermore, you must be Treavor." The way she said his name was interesting, like she had an Italian side.
"Ah, yes, Evermore. I'm very glad you'll be with us," The Guy replied. She smiled that dazzling smile of hers but it didn't last long because as soon as the guys stepped inside the door my smile went on, her smile went off...completely.
Jake. Jake. Was. Here. I swear I almost went into Angel Form, I was that pissed and shocked. "Well, I didn't expect to find you here, Jake," I said with a forced smile. He laughed and came over to me. His arms wrapped around me in an imitation of a hug, but it takes two to hug, unfortunately. Since I didn't hug him back he didn't get to have a real hug. He pulled back awkwardly and let out a sigh.
"Well, I guess everyone deserves some surprises in there life, eh," he asked. I rolled my eyes and turned back to MicahLynn.
"MicahLynn, Jake, Jake, MicahLynn," I said, laughing when Micah did a small, awkward wave. "Well, I'm going to go upstairs... don't get into too much trouble." I dashed up the steps after Jake let out a sigh and an eye roll. MicahLynn stayed downstairs and her laughter carried up to my room. I walked over to my closet and opened it to girly clothes. My hands kept sweeping through the boxes of clothing until I ran across something that was soft and seemed comfortable. I pulled out a pink silk dress that had black on its edges.
"At least its short sleeve," I whispered to myself and slipped it on after taking off my old clothes. My hair didn't need much tweaking considering it was professionally done just this morning but I still fluffed it out a bit.
"Evermore, time for dinner," my foster mom called from somewhere downstairs. I sighed and went down the steps, making Jake turn and look at me in awe.
"You look very dashing, might I say," he said, making me want to gag but I put on a smile and continued into the kitchen. Through the kitchen I went into the dining area and helped put the boat of gravy onto the table. MicahLynn and Jake came through the swinging door behind me and sat down. Soon we had all seated and started eating. I remained quiet through the meal so that Jake didn't have a reason to talk to me but him and Micah surely it off. Maybe they could date, who knows.
"So, Evermore, how has your day been going?" Treavor asked me.
"My day has been fine. I can't wait for school tomorrow, we have a pep rally," I replied in a cheerful voice, the exact opposite of what I was feeling. Jake smiled at me before turning away and looked at Treavor.
"I wish I could get to know Evermore better but, unfortunately, I have to leave," he said and abruptly stood up.
Publication Date: 04-28-2012
All Rights Reserved