
Teenage Love <3

Teenage Love...
By Samantha Allison

It had been another LONG and terrible day, and all Aliza had wanted was to come inside and take a shower, then curl up next to the fire with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book, but her mom had a different idea.
“Please take your sister and brother to the park for at least half an hour!” her mom said.
“Mom, no! I want to go take a shower and relax!”
“Mom, please don’t make me.”
“Fine... go take a shower and “relax”, don’t help me out.”
“Thank you!”
Aliza went to her room and grabbed a pair of pajamas from her dresser. As she was walking to the bathroom to take a very LONG hot shower, she thought back on the day. First, there was a new boy in her class. Caden. He was to DIE for. He had long blonde hair that covered his beautiful blue eyes that lit up when he smiled. She was head over heels and she wasn’t sure he felt quite the same way.
As she walked towards the shower to turn it on, she noticed just how cold she actually was. She undressed and grabbed a towel, the warm tile rubbing against her freezing feet. As she stepped into the shower she could already feel the radiation of the warm water taking over her freezing body. She didn’t know how long she stood there, but the next thing she knew her mom was knocking on her door, saying that someone was there to see her. She turned off the water, no longer cold, and dried off with her towel. As she climbed into her clothes, pulled her hair into a messy bun, and applied her makeup, she wondered who was here to see her. She heard her mom offer someone a soda, and a snack, but didn’t recognize the replying voice. She grabbed her car keys and her cell phone and walked towards the kitchen. When she walked in, she saw someone with blonde hair that covered his beautiful blue eyes that lit up when he smiled. No... It couldn’t be. Why on Earth would Caden be here?!
“Hey.” He said when he realized she had walked into the room.
“Hey.” She replied. “Let’s go for a car ride and we can talk.”
As she walked towards her car with Caden right beside her, she couldn’t help but wonder why he was here. What did he want? Maybe he wanted her to “talk” to one of her friends for him.
She climbed into her white Chevy, and watched as Caden climbed into the seat beside her. She wondered where she would take him, what could she possibly do to make him like her. She pulled out of the driveway and stopped.
“Where do you want to go?” she asked.
“We could go have dinner, I’ll pay. I need to tell you something.”
As she drove in the direction of Vincennes, she wondered what he wanted to tell her. If it was so important, then why couldn’t he have called her or texted her?
She pulled into Applebee’s, and made sure Caden liked the place. They walked into Applebee’s and chose a booth by the entrance. They ordered their food and drinks and waited. It was silent for a few moments.
“So, what did you need to tell me?” she asked.
“I don’t know how to say this, but... I like you. A lot. You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen and I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way, but I had to know.”
Her heart froze. What should she say? What was she supposed to say?
“Uhm... I don’t know what to say.” She replied.
“Just tell me if you feel the same way.’
“Yes... I do.”
“So, will you date me?”
“Write down your number and I will text you.”

They ate in silence from that point on. As she climbed into her car afterwards she thought about what had just happened. She was so happy her heart was racing. She was halfway home when her phone buzzed, and she picked it up to read the message. It was from Caden.
“Hey baby. (:”
“Hey. (:”
“Don’t text when you drive. I would kill myself if you died reading a text I sent.”
“Haha. Okay. Text you when I get home.”

As Aliza walked into the house freezing again, and wanting another hot shower, she wondered if she really did feel the same way... maybe, her and Caden couldn’t be, would never be. As she picked up her phone to text him and end things, her phone buzzed, once again it was from Caden.
“Aliza, I love you, I don’t know what I could possibly ever do without you... your beautiful in every single way... if you ever left me... I don’t know what I would do. You’re the reason I keep telling myself that life is going to happen, that I do have a chance in this world... you’re the reason I drag myself out of bed every morning, so I can come and see you. Baby, your amazing in every way... your heart, body, mind, and soul are the beautiful parts that make you, you. If beauty were starlight, you would shine from a billion light years away. Your eyes remind me of stars twinkling ever so brightly. Please Aliza... don’t ever leave me.”
From that moment on, Aliza was in love with Caden Devine. They did everything together, just like best friends.
On their one-year anniversary, Aliza faced her worst fears...
Aliza woke up that morning feeling amazing... she and Caden had been together for one whole year! It was hard to believe that it had been one year since she stood in her driveway and read his text. Aliza dragged herself out of bed, took a shower, and ate breakfast. Aliza thought about texting Caden to tell him she was coming over, but she didn’t, she decided to surprise him. When she pulled into his driveway, she noticed an unfamiliar car. Suddenly a thought popped into her head... Could Caden, cheat on her? No. She dismissed the thought completely. It was probably just his mom’s boyfriend. As Aliza approached the door, she saw the door start to open, and out walked her amazing and beautiful boyfriend.

“Aliza?! What... what… what are you doing here?!”
“I thought maybe you wanted to see me on our one-year anniversary?”
“Oh, baby of course I do, but you need to leave. Please, go”
“What? Why?! I thought we were going to spend...”

What Aliza saw next stopped her in mid sentence. It was another girl walking out of his house. She walked up to Caden and kissed him on the cheek, and then, took his hand in hers.
“Who’s she?!” the girl asked.
“I’m his girlfriend actually, and apparently, I’m the girlfriend who just got cheated on.”

Aliza started to walk towards her car, tears blurring her eyes... her heart... broken.
“Aliza... wait!” she heard Caden shouting after her.
She turned and said,
“Caden... just... stop. You’ve explained a lot of things, but you can’t explain this one. You know, I actually thought you loved me... for once, I thought I had found the guy I would marry... but you know what, you’re a jerk. We had it all, and you threw it away. You threw away our relationship Caden, like it was GARBAGE!”
Then and there she knew she had to stop talking... she wanted to run to him, and have him hold her, and tell her that it wasn’t true. The girl was just another one of his mom’s friends. She knew it couldn’t be, and then she thought back to the day she stood in her driveway, and read his text. The text that he had poured out his heart in.

“Aliza... Please, don’t go!”
“I don’t want to... Caden, but apparently, you want to spend OUR one-year anniversary with someone else... someone who’s not me.”
“Aliza, please, you don’t understand. It’s not what you think!”
“No, Caden. It’s exactly what I think.”
She walked towards her car, and opened the driver’s side door. Hot tears streaming down her face. She wasn’t even sure she could drive home. Before she stepped into the car, she turned and saw Caden sitting on his front porch steps, crying. Then, she thought maybe it wasn’t true. She closed her car door, and walked up the pathway. The girl had left a long time ago. She kneeled so Caden could see her face.
“Aliza baby, please, I love you, you’re my one and only. I could never cheat on you.”
“Caden, I want to believe you. Trust me, I want you to hold me and tell me that it’s not true, that all this, is just a bad dream.”
“Aliza, I swear to you… that was not at all what you thought it was.”
“Then, let’s forget all this Caden. I don’t even want you to explain, but it’s over. I can’t date someone that I thought cheated on me. Not for awhile anyways.”
“Aliza, baby, please. I’ll die without you. I don’t know what I’ll do.”
They were both crying then.
“At least, let me give you our one-year anniversary present.”
“Caden, please, don’t do this to me.”
“Aliza, please. Don’t leave me. Please.”
“How can I not Caden?”
“Believe me.”
“Okay, I believe you, and I’ll stay with you, but if something like this ever happens again, it’ll be over, forever.”
“Now come on, we’ve got the lake waiting for us.” She said smiling.
They spent the day at the lake, and Aliza drove home, she was certain that Caden, would never, could never, cheat on her.
She got home and went up to her room to take a shower. When she got upstairs, she found balloons, and a note sitting on her bed, with some chocolates on the side. She walked over to where they were sitting, and read the note.
Hey baby… I just wanted to say I’m sorry for everything that happened today. I love you. Happy Anniversary!

Aliza smiled as she read the note. She taped her balloons to the window beside her bed, and then went into the bathroom to take a shower. When she got into the bathroom, she decided she was going to take a hot bath instead. She ran the water, and turned on her floor warmers, she also pressed the steam button on her bathtub. She walked into her room and grabbed her best dress, some high heels, underwear, a bra, her makeup, and hair products, along with a towel, and walked into the bathroom. After her bath, she had planned on going to a fancy restaurant with Caden for their anniversary, and then he was taking her somewhere special, a surprise place, as he called it.
When she got out of the tub, she drained the water, got dressed, and put on her shoes, and then she did her makeup, and scrunched her bouncy curls, so that they looked like cute little springs, she hair sprayed, and she was done. She walked downstairs, and put her car keys, wallet, and Caden’s present in her hand held purse, she grabbed her HTC, (her cell phone), and walked outside. She got a text from Caden, and it said to watch for a limo. A limo?! Since when did he have the money to rent a limo?! The limo pulled up, and she jumped inside. When she was seated and buckled, right beside Caden, she turned and kissed him tenderly on the lips. “I love you.” She said smiling. “I love you more.” He replied.
30 minutes later, they were seated at a table, and had ordered. Aliza reached for her purse, and pulled out Caden’s present that she had so nicely wrapped. She handed it to him. “This is your present.” She said. “Here, let me give you yours first.” He replied. He started to reach into his pocket, but stopped and said, “Actually, mine can wait till later.” He said smiling. He opened his box and found a ring that said Aliza && Caden… Forever True Loves, engraved on it. “This is amazing. Better than mine.” He said with a glum look on his face. “Hey! Cheer up!” She said smiling, “I’m sure your present is as good as mine.” She said. “I hope so!” He replied. They ate their food, and climbed into the limo. “Time for my surprise place.” He said, with a smile on his face.
The whole limo ride, Aliza was excited to see where Caden’s surprise place was. As the limo came to a stop, Caden took her by the hand, and led her out of the limo. When she climbed out, she saw they were at the park, all the trees and bushes were decorated with lights, and she saw a walkway with roses and a swing at the end. “Caden… This…. This…. Is amazing!” She said smiling. As Caden led her to the swing and down the walkway filled with roses, they sat on the swing and watched the lights and the stars. Caden got up, and took her on a stroll through the park. As he led her back to the bench, she sat down, but saw that he stayed standing. She looked at him, and their eyes locked. Aliza would never forget that moment when she fell head over heels for him all over again. “Time for your present.” He said, kissing her under the moonlight. “Okay.” She said. “What is it?” Caden pulled a box out of his pocket, and kneeled on one knee. He opened the box and said, “Aliza Janay Summers. Will you marry me?” Aliza was speechless. She didn’t know what to say. “Yes! Of course!” She said smiling. She jumped into his arms, and kissed him for what seemed like a lifetime. He slid the ring on her finger, and said, “I told you I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I’m in love with you Aliza.” Aliza smiled, and simply said, “I love you to.”
When she got home, she and Caden walked into the house together. Her mom was sitting in the living room reading. When they walked in, she smiled and said, “How’d it go?” Aliza saw her question was directed at Caden. “She said yes.” He said smiling. “Oh my god! That’s great! I can’t believe it! I always knew you two were perfect for each other!” Her mom exclaimed. “Mom, you…. Knew about this?” Aliza said. “Of course! I’m the one that bought him the ring!” Aliza looked over at Caden and saw him shaking his head at her mom. “Caden. You didn’t buy the ring, did you?” She said. “Aliza, I can explain.” He said. “Oh, what, did you give the ring you bought ME to that other girl I found you with coming out of your house today?!” She exclaimed. “I can’t believe you could afford to rent a limo, but you couldn’t afford to buy an engament ring!” She yelled. She turned and headed towards her room. “Aliza, wait!” He hollered after her. “Oh, you’re right, I almost forgot.” She said, “Here’s the ring back.” She took the ring off her finger and set it on the coffee table. The ring clattered on the table, and with each clatter, her heart broke a little more. “I thought you at least loved me enough to buy the ring yourself.” She said. “Aliza, I’m sorry. Please, don’t do this.” He begged. “Just… get out.” She said, and opened up the front door. Her mom stood there, horrified at what she had just done. “Oh, what?! Is your heart breaking? Well, know you know how I felt when you came out of your house WITH ANOTHER GIRL!” Aliza screamed, hot tears streaming down her face. “Aliza, you never let me explain that. You wouldn’t let me.” He said, with tears covering his face, and his breath barely coming to him. “I want you gone by the time I come back downstairs.” She said.
Aliza stormed up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door closed. She flopped herself on her bed, sobs shaking her body, erupting in her screams. She couldn’t believe it. For once, she thought things were actually going to work out, but turns out that Caden didn’t even love her enough to buy his own engagement ring. She heard her door creak open and someone enter the room. She was too busy crying her heart out to pay any attention to who had walked in. She felt someone lay beside her on her bed, and put their arm around her. She was so cold, and the person was so warm. She snuggled closer to them, and 5 minutes later she turned and saw Caden’s tear stained face. “Aliza, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, but I saw that ring and immediately knew that it was the one. Until I saw how much it cost. I couldn’t afford it babe. So, I went to your mom for help. She paid maybe half. She didn’t buy the entire thing.” He said. “I’m so sorry.” She said, with fresh tears blurring her eyes. “I never should have reacted like that.” She said. “I love…” She stopped mid-sentence. She couldn’t breathe and her face was hot, she noticed the signs. She was having an anxiety attack. “Aliza?” Caden said panicking. “Brenda!” He hollered for her mom, and jumped up, grabbing her inhaler out of the dresser beside her bed. He stuck it in her mouth, and pushed on the medication release button. Aliza could feel the air coming back into her lungs. She was exhausted. “Thanks.” She said. “No problem.” He said. He turned to leave, but she stopped him. “No. Please. Stay with me.” She said. “Okay.” He said. He laid beside her and she snuggled up against him.
As Aliza’s eyes started to close, she thought back on her and Caden’s relationship, and thought… this is where teenage love had gotten them.
When she woke up, she saw sunlight streaming threw her curtains, and onto her face. She looked down and saw she still had on her dress and her shoes were on the floor beside her. She rolled over and saw that Caden was gone. She got up, changed into sweat pants, and threw her hair into a messy bun, washed the makeup off her face, and walked downstairs. She walked into the living room and saw that Caden wasn’t there either. She saw her engagement ring still sitting on the coffee table; she picked it up, and put it on her finger. She walked into the kitchen, and finally found Caden; he was standing at the stove with sausage links sizzling in a frying pan. She looked over at the table and saw two plates, and two glasses of orange juice, a plate of pancakes and a bottle of syrup in the middle of the table. She walked up behind him, and said smiled. She put her arms around his shoulders, and said, “Shouldn’t the woman be cooking?” “Not today.” He said laughing. “After last night, and everything that happened, I owe you.” He said smiling. “Well thanks. I didn’t really feel like cooking today.” She said laughing. She sat down at the table and waited on Caden to get done cooking the sausage. “Where’s my mom?” She said confused. “She went grocery shopping. She’ll be back in a little bit.” He replied. She walked up to the stove, and turned off the eye. “What’s wrong with you?” She said. “Nothing.” He replied. “No, Caden… there’s something wrong, what is it?” She said demanding an answer. “I feel kind of sick.” He said. “I’ve been nauseous all morning, and I have a horrible headache.” Aliza looked worried. “Go lay down. I’ll finish cooking sweetie.” She said. “No. I’m fine.” He said. “Are you sure?” She asked. “Yeah. Don’t worry about me sweetheart.” Aliza wasn’t so sure, but she let the argument settle.
After breakfast, she told Caden she was going to the gym, and asked if he wanted to go. When he said no, Aliza insisted she stay home and take care of him. “No. Go.” He had replied. Aliza drove all the way to the gym, and then even thought about turning back. So, she got to the gym, worked out for about half an hour, and headed home. Caden was going to be her husband soon, and she was going to have to take care of him when he was sick.
She pulled into the driveway and walked through the front door. She saw Caden lying on the couch. His face white as a ghost. “Caden, are you sure your okay?” She said worried. “I don’t know so much anymore. Want to take me to the hospital?” He asked. “Well, of course.” She said.
She helped Caden to the car, and hoped into the driver’s seat. She started the car, and drove towards the hospital. When she pulled up, she helped him into the building, they checked in, and waited in the waiting room. When a doctor finally came to escort them to a room, Caden looked worse. Aliza was really starting to worry. She couldn’t lose Caden, she just couldn’t. The doctor evaluated him, and pulled Aliza into the hall. “It’s just a severe migraine.” He said. “Have him get some sleep, drink lots of water and Sprite, and lots of chicken noodle soup. I’m prescribing him some pain pills, and he only needs to take one every day, for two days.”
Aliza drove Caden home, and by the next day, he was better, and back to his normal self.
Aliza woke up feeling normal, and she once again, found Caden cooking breakfast. “What’s up with you?” Aliza asked. “Ever since we got engaged, you’ve been… distant. I feel like you don’t want to talk to me anymore.” She said. “Aliza, baby, I love you, I will always want to talk to you, it’s just… I see all these husbands and fiancés cooking breakfast for their wives… and doing all this other stuff… and how am I supposed to measure up to that?” He replied. A sigh escaped Aliza’s lips, “Honey, I love you… I want you to be you. You don’t have to cook breakfast and buy me presents for me to love you or want to marry you. Caden, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Your amazing in your own way.” She said smiling. Caden replied by kissing her gently on the lips. She kissed back, and they started making out in the middle of the kitchen. Neither of them could deny the desire and tension of the moment, because they were both feeling it. Aliza pulled back, and caught her breath. It was time… she knew and so did he. When they were finished… Aliza was so tired, she fell asleep, and so did Caden.
When she woke up, she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast and some orange juice. Caden was still asleep, so she went to grab a shower before he woke up. Once in the shower, she thought about what they had just done. She was happy, and excited, but also, a little sad. She had lost the one thing she controlled in her life, but she was happy she had lost it to someone she loved. She washed her hair, and got dressed. She straightened her hair, and started doing her make up when Caden walked in and wrapped his arms around her neck. “I love you.” He said sweetly. “I love you to.” She said with a smile across her face. She chuckled and kissed his lips tenderly. “Get dressed and we’ll go out to eat.’ She said. “Okay.” He replied.
When they were both dressed, and ready to leave, she started towards the car with Caden right behind her. They climbed into the car, and Caden started the engine. He backed out of the driveway, and started towards the interstate. “Where are we going?” She asked. “It’s a surprise.” He replied. They had been in the car for at least 2 hours until Caden finally pulled into an empty, grassy area with the few of a lake stretched out for miles. “Surprise.” He said with a smile on his face. What Aliza saw in front of her took her breath away. There, right on the edge of the bank, was a small, candlelit table, with food and wine on it. “Caden… this… this… is amazing.” He chuckled and smiled, “I just, wanted to show you how much I love you.” He said. He led her down to the table, and poured her a glass of red wine. Her favorite. He served her food, and finally sat down to serve himself and pour himself a glass of wine. They talked a little, and then he led her back to the car. She felt nauseous… she flung open the car window and hurled all over the green grass. Caden was busy putting up all the food at the bottom of the bank that he hadn’t seen her, and she was grateful, but she noticed the signs. No, it was too soon. WAY to soon. She put the thought aside, and said she would go and buy a pregnancy test tomorrow, and take it when Caden was out looking for work.
The next day, she told Caden she was going out with the girls. She drove to the store, and grabbed a pregnancy test off the shelf. She paid, and drove to the nearest gas station. She walked into the bathroom, took the test, and read how long it took. The test took 10 minutes for results, and one red line meant she wasn’t pregnant and two red lines meant she was. She stuck the test in her pocket, and drove home, before going inside she looked at the test and what she saw took her breath away. There, right in front of her, were the results. Two red lines. No, this isn’t happening. It can’t be happening she told herself. How was she going to tell Caden? Just then, Caden walked out the front door, and towards the car. “Babe, this is amazing!” He was saying. She stuck the test in her back pocket, and climbed out. “What? What is it?!” She asked. “I got a job!” He said smiling, “And the job comes with two weeks paid vacation, health care insurance, and a four story mansion with an elevator, and its only across town!” He said smiling. “Honey, that’s great!” She said and hugged him. He pulled back, and moved his hands to her butt. When his hands reached her pockets, his face fell. Aliza knew she was caught. He slowly reached his hand into her right back pocket, and pulled out the test. He looked at it, and said slowly, “Are you… pregnant?” He asked? “Yeah. Caden, I am.” She said smiling. “Honey, this, this is great! It’s all coming together! I’ve got you, the new job, the new house, and not to mention the high salary the job comes with, and our child.” He said smiling. “I couldn’t be more happier.” He said with a smile written across his face. He grabbed her hand and they walked into the house. They went to her room, and got onto the online bookstore website. Then and there, they bought every book on pregnancy and child birth that they could find. They also signed up for birthing and parenting classes.
The next day, they started packing their things for their new house. They had all the money in the world, because of Caden’s new job. Once they had all their things packed, they took several trips from her mom’s house to the new house trying to transfer all their stuff. When they arrived at the house, Aliza was overwhelmed at all the things it had. An Olympic size pool, a flat screen with a hot tub in every room, an elevator to get from floor to floor, a playroom, a ballroom, everything you could imagine. The first thing they set up was their master suite. They put the pregnancy books on the nightstand beside the bed, and then they set out on the road to get things for the nursery. When they got there, Aliza realized they had gotten so caught up in all this that they hadn’t even scheduled a doctor’s appointment. What was she thinking?! Buying stuff for the baby before they even knew whether it was a boy or a girl. So, they turned around and went home. As soon as they got home, they were met by a group of people dressed in black and white. “Who are you?” Aliza asked. “We are your servants and maids.” One of the women simply replied. “Oh.” Aliza said puzzled. “Thank You for helping us.” Caden said. “We will make sure that you are always comfortable here.” The men and women smiled, and seemed happy that they weren’t going to boss them like all the other masters had. “You guys will always be welcome to sit with us at dinner, and you can use the bathroom whenever you want.” Caden said. “You don’t even have to ask.” Aliza added. They smiled and everyone went inside. “I hate to sound bossy, but will someone run me a bath?” Aliza asked. “I will.” Caden replied. “Thanks.” She said with a smile on her face.
Once Caden had ran Aliza’s bath, she climbed in a sat there for what seemed like forever. She heard a knock on the door. “Yes.” She hollered through the door. “Dinner is ready Mrs. Aliza.” One of the maids said through the door. “Okay.” She replied. “And one more thing.” She added. “Yes.” The maid replied. “Call me Aliza.” Aliza said with a smile that no one could see. “Yes ma’am.” The maid replied. Aliza climbed out of the tub, and got dressed. She walked downstairs to the dining room and sure enough there was a long table full of food. “Oh.. my.. god.” Aliza said, not realizing she had said it out loud. Caden laughed and she went and sat down beside him. He put his arm around her and she yawned. “After dinner, let’s go to bed.” She said. “As you wish.” He said smiling.
When they had finished eating, Caden grabbed her by the hand and led her upstairs. She lay under the covers, and suddenly she wasn’t tired anymore. She grabbed one of the books on pregnancy and handed Caden the second copy of the one she had grabbed. “Lets read it together.” She said smiling. She opened the book and began reading. She realized she should probably stop and go to sleep when she saw she had read to chapter 15. When she put the book down, she looked over & noticed that Caden had already fallen asleep with the book still open on his chest. She laughed to herself and picked the book up off Cadens chest. She covered him up with the blankets, and laid down and closed her eyes. Before she knew it, she was asleep.
The next morning, Aliza woke up, and turned to face Caden. He was still sleeping, and Aliza loved the moments when she could turn and look at him and see that this was the man she was going to have a future with. The only guy in the world that had sought her out and loved her unconditionally. She couldn’t have asked for anything more. She loved him and he loved her. Aliza crawled out of bed, and grabbed some jeans from her closet, and put them on. She threw on a yellow top with a white cami underneath and pulled her messy hair into a ponytail. She wrote Caden a note saying that she had left to go to the store, and would be back in about two hours. She grabbed her keys and headed out the door. She started the car, and backed out of the driveway, for moments she sat there. Wondering about the little life growing inside of her, and all that this child was going to be. She started to wonder weather her and Caden were moving to fast or if this was okay. She was only twenty years old, and she was married and pregnant with her first child. She pushed the negative thoughts from her mind and drove to the store, in about 45 minutes, she was in and out. Good. She thought to herself. Im going to get home early and surprise Caden. She smiled to herself and drove home. When she got home, she grabbed the grocery bags and walked inside. She set the bags on the counter and heard Caden taking a shower, but then she thought she heard something else. Caden telling someone to be quiet. That his wife was home and if she caught them she would leave him. She tiptoed to their bathroom and walked inside. “Caden?” She said. “Uhh, yeah?” He replied. “Okay, I was just making sure it was you in here.” She said. “Want me to join you?” Before he could answer, she tore off her clothes and flung open the shower door. It was just him. Whatever she had heard, she had been wrong. She walked into the shower with Caden and they made out. When they were done, Aliza stepped out of the shower and got dressed. She told Caden that she had went to the store, and that she had bought his favorite cookies. He got dressed, and pushed her up against the sink, he kissed her and kissed her neck. She laughed, and kissed him back. They walked into the kitchen and Aliza asked Caden if they could have spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. He said he didn’t care, and Aliza started on dinner. She couldn’t push the thought that Caden was hiding something from her. When they sat down to eat, Caden was unusually quite. She ate her food, and went to the living room to watch TV. Caden was taking another shower, and she saw his phone sitting on the coffee table. She picked it up, and started scrolling through his messages. When she opened a conversation with a girl named, Ashley, she saw that they had been sending each other nasty pictures. Aliza boiled with rage. She stormed through the bathroom door, and flung open the curtain. “What the heck?!” Caden yelled. “What the heck?! Why have you been sending pictures of yourself to ANOTHER woman?!” She screamed with hot tears running down her cheeks. “Aliza, baby, you don’t understand.” He said. “Really?! I don’t understand that you weren’t impressed enough with my body, that you had to go and look at another womans body?!” She screamed. She didn’t even give him a chance to answer. She turned around and stormed to the kitchen, Caden came running after her, wrapped up in a towel. “My friend sent those pictures to that girl! He dosent have minutes on his phone, and he needed to send them to her, so she would meet him, and he could get laid!” He said. “Why didn’t you delete them?” Aliza said, her voice cracked.”I don’t know babe. Im sorry.” He said. She grabbed her keys and walked towards the door. “Aliza, baby, please don’t leave me.” He begged her. “No, Caden. Im not leaving you, and im not walking out on you. Im walking out on us, because I guess I never really noticed, but you threw us out the door a long time ago.”
She stormed out of the house and to the driveway. She climbed into her car, and slammed the door. Caden was sitting on the front porch swing with his head in his hands, tears streaming down his face. She opened her car door. His head shoot up, and she saw a flicker of hope in his eyes. She closed her car door and stood there for about 10 seconds, and then she ran to him, and let him hold her in his arms. “Im so sorry baby. I should have deleted them. I was wrong to keep them on my phone. You’re the only girl that I love.”
“I know.” She softly whispered into his chest. “Let’s just forget about it.”
They went inside and Caden got dressed. They were laying in bed that night, and Aliza was having terrible abdominal cramps, and back pain. Caden was giving her a back massage, when a shot of pain tore across her lower stomach. She screamed, the pain was terrible. “Baby, maybe we should go to the hospital and get you checked out. It could be the baby.”
“No! It cant be the baby… its only been 4 months.”
“Still, please baby, let me take you to the hospital. Its hard seeing you in this much pain.”
“Okay.” She agreed.
When they got to the hospital, the doctor said that Aliza needed an emergency C-Section, and they needed to get the baby out as soon as possible.
Through the operation, Aliza found herself sitting their praying that their baby was okay.
After the operation, they sat in Alizas hospital room, and waited. When the doctor came in with the nurse, the nurse was holding two babies. A girl and a boy.
“You have two babies.” The doctor said. “Its amazing, we didn’t hear another heartbeat. We only heard one.” Aliza smiled, and burst into tears.
They named the boy James Lucas, and they named the girl Izzabelle Marie.
They moved into the mansion Caden had bought, and they lived happily ever after.


Publication Date: 05-10-2012

All Rights Reserved

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