
The Very Beginning

My name is Violet Boatright, and I am demon possessed. Back when I was about seven I took a trip to go see some of my family in Santa Barbara, I took a walk by myself along the Santa Barbara shoreline and came past a strange place. There were woods all around and a shack that looked like it was made of rocks and driftwood. Even though it was mostly sunny that day with a bit of cloud cover it was really dark around this place. My interest being spiked, I stepped through the crack that must have been a door. It was so dark inside and I couldn’t see clearly whatsoever. Taking a few steps forward I could suddenly feel myself falling. Screaming as I was falling down this mysterious hole, minutes later I hit the ground.

Excruciating pain filled me and I almost couldn’t breath, I looked around and could make out that I was in a tunnel lighted by a very very dim twilight. I tried getting up but I think my leg was broken, so I lifted myself up with the rest of my body and started to limp toward the right tunnel where the very very dim twilight was coming from. Tracing the wet rock wall I entered into a place where rocks glowed bright and I wondered if this was all real.

Stalagmites and stalactites hung from the ceiling dropping water into pools below. Looking down I could feel and hear a waterfall right next to me, falling into the rocks below and disappearing. Again I looked down at the pools below and saw a dark shadow hiding beneath the water. Obviously, this was strange, so I leaned down so I could see a better glance. Still leaning, I fell (again) into the mysterious shadowy pool, instantly I opened my eyes shocked by the freezing water and struggling to scramble out. My strength dropped so quickly and my struggling was making me weaker. I opened my eyes again to see the shadow racing toward me. At first I didn’t know what was going on then the shadow went right into me. I started screaming and tried to understand what the heck was going on. It felt like it was wrestling inside me trying to control my being, without a second thought I lifted myself out of the water onto the rock. My brain couldn’t comprehend all of this, something had taken over me and I couldn’t seem to fight it, from this point sitting on a rock cave floor I knew my life was going to be a living hell! Everyday it would hurt me and since it came into me I’ve been trapped inside myself (but I’ll never go down without a fight); deep, deep inside waiting to be set free. My parents never knew, because the demon inside would force me to act normal around mostly all people and when I was alone it would thrash me against a brick wall. This morning when my parents went to work early and I was left alone it woke me up, took me to the kitchen and reached for a giant cooking knife. I screamed and started to run away but it felt like it grabbed me and my mouth shut itself, I was left helpless but I still fought back.

Secrets Are Secrets

Giant slashes started appearing on my arms and legs and then the demon started to laugh making me cringe.

Screaming inside my head, the tears started pouring down as I curled myself up on the floor not daring to touch my gushing slashes and frustrated at myself for not being strong enough. Bloody pools started forming and I knew I couldn’t do anything about it even though I desperately wanted to. Every time I was severely hurt I had to give my parents excuse after excuse or the demon said it would kill them by my hand. This control was so severe, I had no grasp whatsoever on how to control myself; the only option was to be controlled and sadly that’s what happened. Day by day, I was breaking apart little by little, but I still stood strong desperately forcing myself to believe I could concur this. Which brings us to the present and now comes the real story. So I wrapped up my wounds as best as I could, got dressed, ate breakfast, and then started to walk painfully to the bus stop.

The morning was foggy in Oakhurst, California and the sky was somewhat lit up I wondered, How could this morning look so beautiful...but terrible. It makes no sense to me but I guess I should enjoy something other than my own self pity.

The bus pulled in and I sorrowfully got on board picking a seat at the back and sitting by myself. I had to be along for the ride to pick up everybody else too and I was just praying that no one would sit next to me (Just an F.Y.I the demon you could say sometimes “sleeps” and doesn’t do anything to me except for when I’m alone or it wants to show very few witnesses what’s cursing me. I’m just hoping it doesn’t go for the surprise element). Sitting one seat away from the very back I stayed, staring out the window wishing my life would end so I wouldn’t have to go through this anymore. I plugged in my iPod and started listening to Demon Hunter, still starring out my window, then I felt a poke on my shoulder that made me almost pass out. Removing my earphones I stared up at a guy that I had a crush on since third grade (dude now I was sure that I’d almost pass out, but heck like I would!), Andrew Blake. I mean we’ve said “hi” and “bye” but never really got to talk that much at all.
“ Hey. Is anyone sitting here?”
“ Um, no.”
“ So........Can I sit?”
“ Ya, sure.”
“ Awesome.”
This was probably the most awkward moment ever! I embarrassingly looked out my window wondering what would happen next.
“ So how have you been?”
“ Could be better...”
“ Oh, I’m sorry.”
“ Don’t be. It’s not worth it...”
“ What happened?”
“ I honestly don’t think you’d want to know.”
“ Actually I’m interested.”
Damn it! Why do you care?
“ Sorry if this seems rude but why do you care?”
“ No, that question kinda makes sense. You just seem so isolated...I wanted to know why?”
“ Oh....”
“ So, why?”
“ Why what?”
“ (laughs) It’s ok if you don’t want to tell me.”
“ ...........”
“ Well-”
“ My whole life has been a lie...”


There! I said it! God, kill me now!

“ Whoa, not the answer I was expecting, but ok. Um, be a little bit more specific.”
“ It’s hard to (glancing around at people in the bus).”
“ Ah...well tell me at lunch. Where do you normally sit?”
“ I sit by that fountain where it’s enclosed with trees growing.”
“ Hm....don’t think I know where that is.”
“ I could show you. We could just meet by the regular cafeteria tables. It’s kind of my secret spot you could say.”
“ Oh, ok. That would be cool.”
“ So I meet you at lunch and bring you to my secret spot, tell you why my life is a lie and then keep on living it?”
“ No. I

meet you

at lunch and you

bring me

to your secret spot, explain why you’re

so isolated and then have me

be the person you

can regularly talk to.”
Why all of a sudden does he want to be involved? I’m so confused...Should I tell him the truth? Should I tell him anything? I just realized how awkward this is going to be. Damn!

“ Why are you emphasizing you

and me

“ Maybe so you don’t forget.”
“ I’ll do my best not to.”
So we sat there in silence, I plugged back in my iPod and he plugged in his and nothing else was said. I noticed once when I was rocking out to Demon Hunter and saw him sort of staring at me out of the corner of my eye. When I turned my head he looked down. Um, ok.......So what exactly do you want?

“ Look I don’t mean to be rude (taking my earplugs out) but why exactly are you sitting by me?”
“ You need somebody to talk to and I stepped up to be that person.”
“ Guys don’t just sit by someone and don’t want something.”
“ You have real low expectations for guys, don’t you?”
“ Wait a second all you want is to seriously talk to me? That’s hard to believe.”
“ Ya, you just seem so lonely. Lonely people make me want to talk to them, in some cases.”
“ Is this one of those cases?”
“ Ya, it is actually.”
A little bit more enlightened in both cases we plugged our iPods back in and continued till the bus stopped at Hell High. It’s not actually called Hell High but that’s what I call it, it’s actually called Eiffel High. Basically its Hell High because of most of the people, what happens to me, and the teachers.
“ Thanks, I guess for caring....”
“ You’re welcome. Just looked like it was time you needed to be cared for.”
“ I probably do.....even though I don’t realize it

“ Well I’ll see you at lunch.”
“ Ya.”
We waved bye and then went to our home rooms. Before lunch I isolated to maximum so no one else would somehow randomly care and come say something. Thank God, no one did. I was utterly alone till the bell rang for lunch, knowing that he wouldn’t forget even though my hope was he would. Walking silently with Demon Hunter screaming in my ears and my lunch in hand I almost walked out of the cafeteria but then I remembered I had to wait. So I waited anxiously to see if he’d actually have the heart to come or the weakness to back out, I bet he had weakness and started eating my lunch with doubt clinging to my mind but an odd hope that he’d come.

Secrets Out...

Why do I always think that people won’t care? Yes! I know! I’m a freak! Who cares! Life is to short to judge people! I need to calm down or it’ll wake up.

After arguing with myself and just finishing my sandwich he walked in. Touching my shoulder, I thought I would pass out again.
“ I’m really sorry,” he said laughing.
“ You should be! I might die the next time you do that.”
“ I am sorry.”
“ Ok, I believe you.”
I motioned with my hand and he followed me to my secret spot or the fountain place. Then I sat down on the fountains edge and he sat down with his lunch right next to me. This seemed so awkward, even though he just wanted to talk.
“ So how has your day been so far?”
“ Alright...”
“ You know something, you’re really hard to figure out.”
I started laughing so hard and didn’t start to breath till I finally calmed down.
“ What was that about?”
“ (laughs) You can’t figure me out? Well good, nobody can or should..”
“ Why not? And why exactly is that funny? (chuckles)”
“ Because you’d find my heart in a very sad state and it’s funny because you tried to figure me out.”
“ What would I find? Wait, nobody else has tried figuring you out?”
“ You dig deep...and nobody has tried because they never got a clue that anything was wrong.”
“ You mean you don’t show any emotion?”
“ I’m a wall with eyes, except when you saw me this morning...”
“ So, how do I dig deep?”
“ Something unexplainable (more like very explainable).”
“ You sure about that?”
Can he read my mind now?! Ok, I’d like a double cheeseburger with a small vanilla shake and fries. Get that?

“ Whoa.”
“ What?”
“ Right now for some reason I’m craving fast food.”
OHMYGOSH! Ok where’s the thing connecting my mind to his? Seriously this is madness.

“ Sorry (laughs), random moment.”
“ It’s ok.”
“ So we were at something you couldn’t explain.”
“ Why don’t you leave me alone.”
“ What?”
I slapped my hands over my mouth. Crap! It’s awake. What do I do?

“ Nothing. Sorry, my mind is going crazy.”
Those words were hard to say since the demon was fighting inside me to say GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME! I desperately need to tell someone about this. Dealing with this by myself is going to lead to my downfall. This is going to be a big freakin risk but I’m going to take it.

“ Do you want the truth?”
“ Yes, that’s kind of why I’m here.”
“ Ok....”
“ If you feel-”
“ I’m...demon possessed.”
“ Whoa, um seriously you can trust me.”
“ I’m not joking.”
“ You don’t have to make up stuff just because you don’t want to tell me.”
“ Look into my face and tell me I’m making it up.”
He looked into my eyes and read my expression but the eyes had truth screaming from them.
“’re really demon possessed?”
“ Unfortunately...” my expression dropped.
“ How long?”
“ Nine years...”
“ Wow...that’s a long time...”
“ Ya. Can i show you something?”
“ Um...I guess.”
I pulled up my sleeves and unwrapped the bandages, revealing my giant slices.
“ Did you do this or did..”it” do this?”
“ “It” did..I tried to fight back but...”
‘I wouldn’t say another word if I were you.’ Crap! It’s really awake now. I’m going to fight as hard as I can!

Awake But Still Alive

“ Are you ok?”
“ Do you think I’m ok!” I screamed trying to cover my mouth but I couldn’t move my arms.
“ Well no but your expression totally changed all of a sudden.”
“ Who said you were supposed to monitor me!” STOP IT!

“ What are you talking about?”
“ I think you should leave, before you get in over your head.”
“ I think I’m witnessing her being taken over.”
“ Hey! Jackass! Get out of here before you find your head in a brick wall!”
“ Vi, snap out of it!”
“ You asked for it!”
The demon controlling me went over to Andrew and grabbed him by the neck shoving him against the wall. Air knocked out of him, he looked me in the eyes to see red instead of my secret blues.
“ You can fight this!”
“ Shut the hell up!”
Going over to him I punched him in the stomach.
You’re going to get caught! Then everyone will know something’s up!

The face, that wasn’t mine at the moment, smiled.
“ Alright then, it’s your turn.”
“ What?”
The demon took me by the neck and shoved my face in the fountain, screaming at the same time then it stopped and the manipulating grin took its place.
“ Vi!”
Andrew tried to pull me out, but my leg kicked him back against the wall. Next thing I faintly heard were footsteps, instantly I was pulled out of the fountain trying to get myself breathing on the floor but my lungs were filled with too much water. Passed out on the ground, the health teacher found me lying there half wet and Andrew unnoticeably in pain coming to consciousness.
“ What happened?”
Andrew knowing that my secret needed to be kept.
“ I was walking this way and she was sitting on the edge, I accidentally knocked into her and she fell in while I fell down and apparently went unconscious for a while. I think she just pulled herself out and then passed out.”
“ How long has she been out?” He said rushing down to me checking my pulse.
“ I don’t know. I don’t even know how long I’ve been out.”
“ Well you, follow me on a trip to the nurses office.”
“ What about her?”
“ Would you mind? I just bought this suit yesterday and have a very important meeting in twenty minutes.”
“ I guess not.”
He picked me up and followed the health teacher to the nurses office.
“ Oh my goodness! What happened?” The nurse said looking from the health teacher to Andrew to me.
“ She fell in a fountain for a while it seems like.”
“ Hurry and put her in here.”
“ Is she going to be ok?” Andrew said transferring me to the table. The nurse felt my pulse.
“ Well she’s breathing a little bit, so I think she’ll be fine.”
“ Do I need to stay?” The health teacher said looking at the clock.
“ No, I’ve got this under control.” The nurse replied.
“ Well then I’ll see you all later.” He said rushing out the door.
“ You sure she’s going to be ok?”
“ Don’t worry, she’ll be fine.” She instantly started CPR to get the water out of my lungs.
“ Why don’t you wait outside. I’ll call you back in when she’s breathing better.”
“ But-”
“ No use worrying and waiting.”
With that he left the room and sat in a chair staring at the ground.

So...What Now?

After about twenty minutes of waiting the nurse finally came out.
“ She’s breathing and awake right now, I told her to take it easy for a little while. So you could go keep her company if you like?”
“ Thanks.” Relived he got up from the chair and walked into the room to see me lying on the table eyes open.
“ Hey, you ok?”
“ Sort of.” I said glancing at him.
“ I’m sorry about that.”
“ Why? It wasn’t your fault.”
“ I just feel like it was.”
“ Don’t, believe me. Look at me, I’m fine.”
“ After slamming me into the wall and punching me in the stomach, you grabbed yourself by the neck and started drowning yourself, kicked me into the wall when I was trying to help. Knocked me out for heaven knows how long, I woke up and you were out cold on the floor, wet, and not breathing.”
“ Ya...told you...”
“ Well now I really believe you.”
“ And you didn’t before?”
“ Well, I didn’t know what to believe. People have said one thing to me then said or did another.”
“ So you have to see to believe because you’ve been betrayed?”
“ Ya, pretty much.”
“ Well now you know.....”
“ I bet that hasn’t been the worst, huh?”
“ No, it hasn’t. You don’t want to know.”
“ Well I’m seriously here for you if you need somebody.”
“ Do you seriously want to get involved?”
“ I already am..”
“ Good point...”
“ Want me to leave you alone?”
I looked at him as if he were crazy.
“ Do I look like I should be left alone?”
“ Ya, I can’t think very much right now.”
“ Sorry bout that. I tried to wouldn’t listen. But I didn’t stop fighting.”
“ I believe you.”
“ Do you? I’ve gone through this everyday of my life since I was seven. Do you even know half of what I’m going through?”
“ No, I don’t know. I do believe you though and I may not fully understand but I do know and am here for you.”
Turning my head I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine, one of those moments when you can loose yourself but I got myself together, mostly.
“ So why are you here?”
“ To keep you company and to make sure you stay safe.”
“ That’s a hard job.”
“ I think I’m pretty good at it.”
“ I meant keeping me safe.”
“ Well, judging by your very tough to read expressions I think I’m the only person that knows. Am I right?”
“ Then am I the guy for the job?”
“ I guess.”
“ Good, someone needs to be there for you.”
“ I know I just didn’t want anyone at risk.”
“ Do your parents know?”
“ (chuckle) Unless I wanted them dead, no.”
“ You need to be happy, even though I know it’s really tough.”
“ What do you recommend?” I said smiling (which is the first real smile I’ve had in a while).
“ How about life discussion and pointless conversation?”
“ Sounds good to me.”

Friends :)

So I talked with Andrew about life and interests, and meaninglessness. The happiest I’ve been in years, we talked till the bell rang.
“ Here’s my number if you ever need to call.” He said writing on a sticky note.
“ And here’s my number if you ever need to check up on me.” I said writing on the same sticky note and tearing it in half, one number to me, one number to him.
“ Remember I’m here.”
“ I know.” I said smiling and walking backwards to the bus as he hopped in his parents car. We waved, then both lost sight of each other. Trying to not think my life would be hell if my parents weren’t home I looked to the bright side of spending pretty much a whole day with my supporter. But I knew that danger awaited me wether I wanted it or not! The key went into the lock of the door and it opened.
“ Mom? Dad? You guys home?”
No response. Great, well I’ll be smart about this and try avoiding being alone.

So I did my homework and after having a snack and being tempted by the demon inside to go upstairs, instead of being by the window in my dining room, the phone rang.
“ Hello, Boatright house.”
“ Hey, this is Andrew and I’m calling for Violet.”
“ This is she.”
“ Oh, (laughs) hi.”
“ What’s up?”
“ Well, I was going to go see a movie with some friends and wondered if you’d like to come?”
“ Sure, give me twenty minutes and meet me at the bus stop for Cherry Wood neighborhood.”
“ Oh, ok I know where that is. Sounds good. Also I’m checking up on you. You ok?”
“ Yes, at the moment, more like now I am.”
“ Honest?”
“ Yes, I’m being honest.”
“ Ok, I believe you. See you soon.”
“ Alright, bye.”
“ Bye.”

Night Out

We both hung up at the same time and I ran up the stairs to get ready for my night out. Getting my straightener ready I called my parents and told them I was going to see a movie and both gave their permission. Putting on a fresh t-shirt and jeans and some Vans I walked back into my bathroom and the demon struck.
“ I think you need some nice red hot burns on your arms.”
“ NO I DON’T!”
Struggling to keep the straightener from touching my gashes it only had more of a grip it seemed. Next thing I knew I was screaming my head off from the excruciating pain. The straightener was being held on my scarred gashes melting the scar and making my skin raw and gush again with blood and burning with an everlasting pain. Dropping the straightener to the floor I fell on my knees still screaming till my throat hurt. Angry painful tears fell from my frustrated fighting face and I felt like I couldn’t move. After a little while I got myself together, finished my hair, and freshened my make-up. Then wincing I started wrapping up my new wounds and headed out the door.
“ What took you so long?”
“ Sorry...”
“ It’s ok I was just worried. So ya, we’re meeting the other people there I just thought you might like a ride.”
“ Thanks for the thought, ya I do need a ride.”
“ Well, hop in and we’ll be on our way.”
I went around to the passenger side and got in.
“ So are you ok?” he said driving down the road.
“ No...”
“ What happened?”
Lifting up my shirt sleeve I unwrapped the bandages and he glanced down shocked at what was unexpectedly there.
“ Oh did that happen?”
“ “It” took the straightener and held it there for a while.”
“ I really don’t think you should be at home by yourself.”
“ Me neither but where can I go?”
“ Do you want to hang out?”
“ Every single day?”
“ Well, ya. If you’re ok with that?”
“ Hm....actually that might work. My parents sounded so happy when I asked to go to the movies with people.”
“ Were they home when you-”it” did that?”
“ No, I called them both.”
“ Oh ok. Ya if you’re ok with it and they’re ok with it then it should be ok.”
“ Alright, coolness.”
“ You seem really strong.”
“ Ya...I try my best to fight that’s why...even though I struggle way to much for me to stand it.”
“ That’s a good thing minus the not standing it.”
“ So what movie are we seeing?”
“ Alpha and Omega.”
“ Oh, cool. I’ve oddly been wanting to see it.”
“ Me too, sorta.”
We just made small talk till we got to the movies, then we joined up with a good sized group of people, purchased our tickets and then got snacks and seats. After fifteen minutes of introductions and miscellaneous talking the movie finally began. Thirty minutes into the movie I was really starting to get thirsty, but I didn’t want to get up because I knew what would happen...maybe. It didn’t go away after five minutes and by then my mouth was like a desert, so I whispered to Andrew next to me.
“ Hey I’m going to go get a drink, I’m super thirsty.”
“ Want me to come with?”
“ No, I’ll be ok.”

It Just Got Bad...

So I got up and inched past Andrew and up the isle to the doors and out into the land of snacks and okish prices.
“ I’m going to have a medium fountain drink.”
“ Alright, 2.50.”
I pulled out my chained wallet and gave the guy a five.
“ Alright, here’s is three fifty, four fifty and five.” He said counting out my change and handing me my cup.
“ Thanks.”
“ No prob.”
Going over to the soda fountain trying to decide what I wanted. Think I’ll go with Mountain Dew and Strawberry Lemonade

. Filling my cup up an unwanted voice spoke in my head. ‘How bout we go to the restroom’ NO! AND YOU CAN’T MAKE ME! ‘Watch and learn.’

Without me controlling my body I was hurled to the restroom. Are you crazy! This is a public place! ‘ There’s nobody in here so I think we’ll be fine.’

Next thing I knew I was slammed into the sinks bruising my head and making it bleed from what I could see in the mirror facing me. Then I was picked up into the air by the neck struggling for air and dropped to the ground, dislocating my ankle. I couldn’t lift myself up at all, I gave all my strength to at least sit myself up but I knew I needed to get back or they’d start freaking out. But every time I tried to walk I’d just keep falling down because I couldn’t support myself so I sat on the bathroom floor crying frustrated tears. I got up with a shot of pain through my leg, looking at my red tear stained bleeding hot face in the mirror.
“ Well I can’t look like this...” I said pulling out some mascara from my wallet and getting a wet kleenex. Somewhat satisfied with my newly done up face I mustered up all my strength left and tried to walk as normal as I could grabbing my drink on the way out. Making sure it looked ok before I shut the door I turned forwards to find Andrew right in front of me.
“ Where’ve you been?”
“ I was getting a drink and then went to the restroom.” I looked around and nobody was around at the moment.
He stared at my forehead. CRAP! My bruise! And it’s probably bleeding again.

“ Then why do you have a bruise and blood on your forehead?”
“ .................”
“ I can’t leave you alone anymore can I?”
Silently I shook my head.
“ Well come on back inside, so your not alone.”
“ Ok.”
He walked right by me and noticed when we walked a few more of steps that I wasn’t walking normally.
“ I really can’t leave you alone. You’re going to end up really damn hurt if you’re alone.”
“ Thanks for the news flash.” I said with sarcasm.
“ If you need to go somewhere just tell me, ok?”
“ I will don’t worry.”
“ To late.”
“ (laughs (serious face)) I’m really sorry you got involved in this.”
“ That was my choice to make, don’t worry about it.”
“ I know but I feel so guilty, liked I dragged you into it.”
“ You didn’t. Don’t think that. Please.”
“ Ok, I’ll try.”
“ Good.”
“ Thanks, for everything.”
“ No prob, I’m here for you.”
We went back to our seats to see the ending of the movie and afterwards we hung out for a while and joked about the parts we saw and then we thought it was time to get home.
“ I’ll give you a ride back.”
“ Well no duh, like I could walk that far.”
“ Be my guest, then I could recommend you for track.”
“ I’ll pass thank you very much.”
“ Night guys!” We hollered at the high school group as we walked to Andrew’s car, at the far left of the parking lot, as they yelled the same thing back.
“ Should I be dropping you off at your house?”
“ Ya, my parents said they’d be there.”
“ Ok, good.”
“ Yes.”


There was a silence for a little while, and then.
“ Funny I’ve known you for not that long and I....” There was a bit of an awkward silence.
“ You what?”
“ Nothing.”
“ Ok..”
“ Here I don’t want you walking alone to your house so I’ll just drive you there.”
“ Oh, alright. It’s the beige one with white trim.....right there.”
“ All righty then.”
He backed up and parked, but left his engine going.
“ Well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“ Of course, or more like I hope so.” I said stepping out on the curb by my driveway.
“ Don’t do that it makes me worry more.”
“ Well in that case, yes I will be.”
“ Goodnight.”
“ Same to you.” I said waving by and walking up the driveway and slipping through the door.
With that life went on, I healed up previous injuries and got a whole lot of new ones. Everyday I saw Andrew and we always ate lunch (this time outside under a tree, some benches, and a table that was more public than my secret spot). We talked everyday and were getting to each other better day by day. He’d call me and text me every single day at different times and mostly more then once, depending on how bad my situation was getting but mostly to talk more. Andrew really encouraged me to get involved into the music program because back in seventh grade, he caught me singing a song and playing my guitar. So I said ok, since it was something to show my talent in and public which means safety for the most part. By the time we knew it fall passed, then winter, and the season of spring was finally welcomed. Andrew and my relationship had gotten closer and so did the words that screamed to come from my mouth. I’m falling in love with him. I wonder if he’s falling for me too?

Unfortunately he wasn’t there to read my mind as usual, because I was in English and he was in Math. Sadly my thoughts were interrupted by a voice on the intercom.
“ Good afternoon students, we’re having a Spring Fling or Spring dance which ever you prefer.” Awkward pause.
Get on with it!

“ Anyways, it will be on May the first, from 8:00 to 10:00. It’s more of a formal dance so I expect to see all coming in formal dress. Thank you.”
Hm...formal dance, huh? Whatever...

Even though I was a little interested, since I’ve never been to a dance, I sort of acted like I didn’t care. The day continued and I meet up with Andrew so he could walk me to the bus.
“ So how has your day been?”
“ Pretty good, and you?
“ Dito.”
“ Nice, well guess my ride is leaving.” I said looking up at the bus.
“ Ya, I’ll call you later, ok?”
“ I’ll be waiting.” I said smiling and getting into the bus.


Right when I got home I walked up the stairs and entered my room placing my backpack on my bed and then starred at my phone waiting for it to go off. I wonder what’s taking him so long...

After five minutes of starring at the screen I finally got up to get some iced tea. Carefully walking down stairs I tripped on...nothing. ‘Thought you could use less footing,’

it said with a sneer. Embracing the pain was the last thing I wanted, so I laid there on my face wincing from the increasing pain getting stronger and stronger every millisecond I thought about it. Why? IN GOD’S NAME WHY! Why do I have to live through this? Why must I live with this inside me? I don’t want to be scared all the time! I don’t want to shut myself up! I don’t want it to win! What can I do? What do I do.....?

Sometime later I woke up to the faint noise of a ringtone going off. Did I black out? Or did I fall asleep?

Pulling myself up I crawled up the stairs and picked myself up to the point where I could stand not far from my door. ‘I don’t think so,’

it said with a mischievous prick in its voice. My door suddenly slammed and the lock clicked into place.
‘Watch me.’

Grabbing the handle I started to jerk at it trying to get it loose and with my last jerk my legs were knocked out from under me. Slamming to the floor I slowly got up.
“You want a battle, I’ll give you one.”
All the strength inside me I tried to wield inside but anger was apart of it.
‘It’s useless!’
I was lifted into the air struggling and kicking then slammed down to the floor on my back. I can’t breath.

Then it felt like something picked me up by the neck and lifted me back into the air. My hands tried prying off its power but it was to strong for me to stand. Throwing me across the room I was shoved into the wall and on the floor unconscious, bruised and bloody. The phone started to ring and the caller was Andrew, as soon as it went to the answering machine a prick of worry was set deep inside him. I wonder if she’s ok.

So many bad thoughts went through his head that he finally got up, went out to his car and immediately started to drive to my house. Alright, Cherry Wood and the beige one with white trim.

He put it in park right then and ran up to the door knocking on its silent face.
“Vi? Hello?”
I didn’t answer, I couldn’t even hear him calling my name.
“Vi? Are you ok?”
Still no answer (I couldn’t even answer if I wanted to).
“I wonder if she’s ok...She said she’d be home...”
Should I bust down the door or break in...or should I leave....Alright if she doesn’t answer in the next few minutes I’m coming in.

After about a minute he remembered that I told him about a hidden door to the basement of our house. Don’t know why I didn’t think of that in the first place!

He climbed over the gate and made a left to the back of the house. Then started knocking on the back panels till it sounded hollow and finally he found it. “Look on top of the ledge a bit up for the key, it’s kind of a small door that blends in pretty well but does stick out a bit.”

He picked up the key from the top of the molding and then traced around the outer edges of the door. Now knowing where the door was he felt around the face for a key hole. This is taking such a long time... I should’ve just busted the door.

Right at that moment his thumb felt the shape of a keyhole covered by wall paper gone over with paint. Don’t worry Vi I’m coming, just hold on.

As soon as he unlocked the door he crept in locking it behind him then feeling around the darkness of my basement. Damn it! What can I do if I can’t see anything?

Then he felt what seemed like a stair, trying to feel more with his hands he felt another. God please I pray she isn’t dead!

Bringing himself to his feet he quickly stumbled up the stairs to run into a door.
The door was locked.
“Damn it to hell! WHY?!”
He kept shoving himself into the door while clutching the door knob with sweaty hands. That’s it, I’m kicking it open!

Stepping back a couple footsteps he met his foot at the door with all his strength and after two more shoves it broke open. With his mind set to overdrive he ran up the main set of stairs to find me at the end of the hall in a pool of blood and a smashed wall behind me.
“Dear God! Vi!”
He ran over to me and held me in his arms.
Please don’t let her die.

He thought as he looked down at me bruised face and bleeding mouth with branded hand markings on her neck.


“I shouldn’t have let you come home...”He whispered to me.
“What am I doing?!”
Swiping his phone out of his pocket he dialed 911.
“911 what is your emergency?”
Before he answered he took a deep breath because he knew this was no time to start freaking out.
“My friend is hurt.”
“What type of injuries does she have?”
“She’s bleeding pretty bad and bruised. She also has hand marks on her neck. Just please help her.”
“Alright I’m sending an ambulance right away. But until they get there I’m going to stay on the phone with you.”
“What’s your name?”
“Alright Andrew is your friend breathing?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“Alright they’re going to be there any minute. What’s your friends name?”
“Violet Boatright.”
The door downstairs was kicked open and paramedics rushed in.
“Oh my God. Ok, we have to get her there quickly.”
“Is she breathing.”
“I don’t know.”
“Alright, we’re going to need to get her down to the ambulance immediately.”
“I’m not leaving her!”
“Don’t worry she’ll be fine.”
“I don’t think you heard me. I’m not leaving her!”
“Alright kid come on then.”
Still in his arms he picked me up and carried me down the stairs and laid me on the stretcher as they rushed me inside the ambulance.
“Quick, hop in kid.”
He jumped inside the back with me and sat down with my hand in his.
“We’re not to far from the hospital so this is gonna be a short ride but we need to get her breathing.”
As the EMT tried to get me breathing but there wasn’t enough time, we were already at the hospital.
“Alright let’s get her to emergency care.”
“Kid you’re going to have to wait outside.”
“She needs me.”
“Look, I don’t know what happened but I do know that you want her to be alright and for her sake you’re going to have to wait.”
Reluctantly he turned around and sat down along a row of chairs. A couple of chairs over was more of a middle aged man.
“They told you to wait to?” Andrew said to the guy.
“Who are you waiting for?”
“My wife...”
“I’m sorry, what happened?”
“She’s a home nurse and was just getting in her car leaving a patients house...apparently there was a drive by on that street and she got caught in the fire.”
“Wow...I’m sorry.”
“I just hope she’s alright.”
“Me too.”
“What about you?”
“My friend got beat up and she’s not breathing. I don’t even know what happened.”
“It seems like you care about her more than that.”
“She’s just really special to me.”
“Well, it’s a good thing you found her when you did. These people know what they’re doing, even though it is treacherous...I’m sure she’ll be alright.”
“I’m hoping to God she will.”
They both waited there for a while till the man was told by a nurse he could see his wife. Andrew smiled at him and waved a goodbye. After a few hours of pacing the floor and fighting to stay awake he fell asleep in a chair.
“Sir?” A nurse said shaking his shoulder.
“Oh, yes?”
“The girl you brought in, you can see her now.”
“Is she alright?”
“She’s doing better we stopped the internal bleeding, but she’s still unconscious with a few critical injuries.”
Walking into my hospital room he drew his attention to my face. Still bruised but not bleeding out the mouth anymore, he pulled up a chair right next to me and took my hand in his resting his head on them. After a few hours he woke up from a horrible dream and then looked up at my pale sweating face. I’ll never leave you alone again...ever.

He got up and kissed my forehead then sat back down and watched me sleep with a sling and a cast on my left arm and fading hand markings on my neck.
I think I love you...

Awake and Alive

I don’t even remember what time it was but I just remember waking up in a pitch black room, in a hospital bed and someone next to me.
“Where am I?” I said almost on the verge of panic.
“You’re finally awake.”
“Who are you?”
“Andrew...why am I in a hospital?”
“You were beat up pretty bad...”
Then everything came back to me like a baseball bat hitting me in the side of the head.
“How am I even alive?”
“I don’t know I’m glad that you are though.”
“I’m not...”
“Did you forget about what I have to live with till I die?”
“I refuse to believe you can’t defeat it.”
“You have more faith in me than I do.”
“Because I believe you can defeat it.”
“If you say so.”
“I do.”
“Wish I could get out of here.” I said struggling to get up but then stopped with a wince of pain.
“Take it easy. You’re not all better yet.”
“How long have I been out?”
“6 days, 14 hours, and 22 minutes.”
“Wow...that’s precise.”
“I’m the one that found you so ya, I would know.”
“I’m sorry for making you all ...on edge.”
“Hey, at least I found you when I did.”
“Honestly when I finally did find you ...I thought you were dead.”
“I..I don’t know what to say.”
“Can’t say it didn’t freak me out a little...”
“And you’ve been by my side ever since?”
“Ya, you could say that.”
“I’m sorry for what I’ve put you through..”
“Don’t worry about it, believe me I wouldn’t be here unless I really wanted to. So, I’m still here.”
“Thank you.”
“No prob.”
“Guess I have a broken arm...”
“Hey that’s not that bad you’ll be all healed up in no time. And I’m gonna help you.”
“I don’t know, that’s a pretty big commitment.”
“Ya, that’s true...How about I make it up to you?”
“Wait what? ...Make it up to me?”
“Well you know I shouldn’t have left you alone.”
“Ya, I guess. Don’t blame yourself though... please.”

“I don’t but anyways, back to making it up to you.”
“Ok, continue.”
“Would you like to go to the dance with me?”

“Are you being serious?”
“Do I have to get down on one knee to make it official?
“Ok, you’re serious... Hm yes.”
“Yes, I have to get down on one knee? Or yes, you’ll go with me?”
“...Both.” I said almost laughing, so he got down on his knee.
“Violet Boatright will you go to the dance with me?”
“(laughs)This isn’t getting married. But yes, I’ll go with you.”
“I almost thought you’d say no.”
“Really? How could I?”
“I know, I’m quite a dashing man.”
I started to laugh but it made my insides stab with pain.
“Take it easy, we want you to get better, not worse.”
“You should get some more rest.”
“That might be good.”

“No might, it will be. Sleep.” So with that I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off as Andrew did his best to watch me as I slept but he drifted off too.


Publication Date: 11-22-2011

All Rights Reserved

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