
And So It Begins

Once there was a fire god named Pyrome and a water goddess named Raine. Pyrome lived in the underworld controlling the fire that crashed against the brimstone cliffs. Raine lived in Olympus with the gods and controlled the waters from above. One twilight evening Hermes was sending a message to Hades and wanted Raine to come with him to make sure the fire didn’t get to close (wouldn’t be good). So they both traveled with winged sandals to the underworld (awesome, right?). As they traveled inside the dark cave they arrived to the heat and brightness of fire and the smell of burning flesh and flames. As soon as Raine entered Pyrome glanced up to see the visitors and was stunned by her beauty. She glowed blue with a flowing dress eluding water and protecting Hermes from the terrific flame. His heart instantly exclaimed the love for her and knew one day they could be crossed together in love. He quickly went back to his work when she glanced and then stared at him she was also stunned by his brilliance. In minutes they came out of Hades lair, leaving the underworld. Pyrome was sad to see her go and at least needed to know the name of the beautiful goddess.
“ Excuse me.” He said lightly touching her shoulder.
“ Oh, Hermes would you excuse me, I’ll meet you in Olympus a bit later.”
“ Are you sure?” (I’m pretty sure she’s sure if she says so).
“ Very, thank you.”
So Hermes left the underworld returning to Olympus and Raine stayed quite close to Pyrome waiting for him to speak.
“ I’m sorry but I didn’t catch your name.”
“ Well I’m quite sorry bout that.”
“ Will you tell me it?”
“ Tell you what?”
“ Tell me your name.”
“ ..........No.” she said with a smile mischievously walking away then walking back.
“ Why not?”
“ Because, you have to tell me your name first!”
“ But-” He said baffled of such an answer he wasn’t expecting.
“ Well? I’m waiting.”
“ Alright, it’s Pyrome.”
“ Hm...”
“ What?”
“ I like it! It sounds so majestic and godly. It fits you very very well.” (wink-wink)
“ And yours?”
“ My what?”
“ Your name?” Sadly he was getting frustrated by this little game the goddess kept playing.
“ Should I tell you? I don’t think you’re ready for it yet.”
Pyrome was thinking at this point why bother if she’s not going to tell me, but I will ask once more.
“ This is the last time I shall ask your name.”
“ I’m still not going to tell you.” And with her winged sandals she flew out of the underworld.
“ I’ve never been treated by a woman like this ever. Maybe that’s why my interest in her has increased. I doubt I should ever see her again.” He said gloomily getting back to the control of fire.
In Olympus all Raine could think about strangely was Pyrome. She thought how funny it was that she tricked him into telling his name not but not hers and now knew exactly when she would tell him if this would go farther then it already had. The next day she couldn’t take being in Olympus, being in the midst of the gods bickering, so she went to see Pyrome.

Is This Love?

“ Well hello my lady.”
“ My lady? Ah, you still don’t know my name do you?”
“ Only because you refuse to give it to me.”
“ Don’t worry. One thing I can promise is at some point you’ll know my name.”
“ You’ve got to be joking.”
“ I don’t joke. Just kidding, have a little fun sometime.”
“ I can’t have fun, I have to stay here in the underworld controlling the fire.”
“ Then get someone to replace you, for at least tonight.”
“ I’ve never thought of that.”
Pyrome raised up his arms bringing lava up from below forming a bridge and crossed it to the lair of Hades and found a replacement fire apprentice (basically an average fire wielder) that had lots of practice during the years and could at least control the fire.
“ Alright, I guess I could go out tonight.”
“ Good, don’t worry I’ll show you a great time.”
She took his hand and walked out of the underworld. Pyrome was so shocked how beautiful the world was and how beautiful the world outside of the underworld was. She smiled seeing the awe on his face.
“ Would you like to see the waters I control?”
He nodded.
They both looked down on the earth staring at the Hawaiian waters.
“ Watch this!”
He watched very intently as she raised her arms and then crashed them down to her sides. The water, in unison, went up making a very large wave then crashed down on the shore. He smiled feeling the power of this beautiful goddess. She took his hand again and walked over to a very nice place in the sky to watch the sunset. She stared in wonder at the beautiful painted sky then sat down. He sat down next to her and she rested her head on his shoulder. The sky was splashed with beauty as far as the eye could see, then she looked up at him. He caught her stare and continued and like a flash flood she kissed him. All he could think was how this was possible, and was she beginning to like him (no! more like no DUH!). They held the kiss till the sun went down then stared at each other walking their separate ways until they lost sight of one another. Now they snuck out everyday to some new place to be together for a long time or just a little while. And every time they saw each other they met each other with a kiss. Now one day Zeus was walking through Olympus when he saw the young lovers kissing underneath a beautiful tree. Now he had nothing against love but he recognized that Pyrome was from the underworld and wasn’t aloud in Olympus. Once Pyrome left Zeus called Raine over to explain the matter. He tried not to show his anger but he burst trying to hold it in. Raine ran as far as she could then fell to her knees in sharp tears and screamed down at the sea. The sky turned dark and stormed with heavy rain. The sky light up with lightning and boomed with thunder. She sent a message to Pyrome to meet her at the cave of Peaceful. As soon as he entered the cave, she rushed to him and kissed him and held it as long as she could.

Fresh Start

“ What’s wrong?”
“ Zeus said we couldn’t be together anymore.” She cried.
“ Do you really believe that they could separate us?” he said doubtfully, holding her face up to his.
“ Maybe not...”
She hugged him and he held her tight and at the moment they planned to go against Zeus and meet secretly. So months after meeting secretly Pyrome had an idea.
“ My love?”
“ Yes?” She said resting on his chest watching the sunrise for the fiftieth time.
“ I’ve been considering us a lot.”
“ And what have you been considering?”
“ Well, would you marry me?”
Stunned she looked up and turned her shocked face into a smile.
“ Of course I would!”
He was so happy they started kissing in the warm rising sun that made them glow like gold.
Raine’s friend Aphrodite made her a gorgeous light blue flowing dress with a veil that looked like a pane of glass. They were getting married on the earth on a beautiful island where there was a gorgeous water shrine which the ceremony would be held. When she walked down the beach to the shrine all Pyrome could do was stare and not speak for fear of ruining the moment. As soon as she stepped into the shrine it seemed to glow blue and as the monk spoke she whispered into Pyrome’s ear.
“ By the way my name’s Raine.”
He smiled thinking how beautifully she matched her name and to finally know the name that stole his heart. They exchanged vows and rings that matched their elements and then gave a kiss that caused the waters to part and rise as fire swirled into them causing a beautiful display. They flew back into Olympus and had a beautiful honey moon in Japan with the full moon in the sky almost every night. Nine months later she had two beautiful baby girls and loved them as much as she loved their father. But it wasn’t long till Zeus heard about Raine and Pyrome’s marriage and their children. So he meet with the gods in the front of his palace and they all decided to banish them to earth for the time being. Raine took the child that was given her element named, Araxie and Pyrome took the child that was given his element named, Ember. They took them both to places where they could relate, Ember and Pyrome to Hawaii and Araxie and Raine to Kauai. Both of the girls were growing up fast and very powerful at the same time. After fourteen years events have started to happen. Now Araxie was almost sixteen and Ember was sixteen both practiced their elements everyday. One day when Raine and Araxie were making a trip back to the main island of Hawaii they bumped into someone unexpected.

The Two Rivals

“ Mom? Why exactly are we going here?”
“ To get food and supplies.”
“ But why?”
“ So we can live? This hasn’t been a problem before. Is something wrong?”
“ I just don’t know I have this weird feeling....”
“ Your probably just a bit sea sick.”
“ Maybe.......”
They got off at the dock and stared at the city filled with people walking and all the beaches filled with people.
“ Well this seems like busy day.”
“ Ya think.”
We walked through the crowds to the giant market that stretched down long streets. Raine purchased all the food they needed and to a very surprise of her mother she spotted Pyrome and Ember walking through the market. Pyrome could feel Raine there and looked around at the people in the market and spotted his beloved Raine and his other daughter Araxie.
“ Araxie, wait here I need to get something from a stand over there.”
“ Ok....I’ll stay here.”
Pyrome told the same thing to Ember. They walked toward the same stand and embraced then kissed and told each other of the goings on.
“ Ok..I know mom told me to stay here..” Araxie sighed.
“ Ok..I know dad told me to stay here....” Ember said.
“ But it’s taking too long!” they both said.
They walked toward the stand where their parents were now acting like they didn’t know each other because they sensed them coming and a man bumped into Araxie causing her to bump into Ember knocking herself over.
“ Watch where your going!” Ember screamed.
“ Oh sorry...” Araxie said
“ Sweetheart are you ok?” Raine said rushing over and helping her daughter up.
“ What happened?” Pyrome said looking from Araxie to Ember.
“ Nothing dad. This spaz just nocked into me.” Ember said frustratedly.
“ Ember, don’t start fights I’ve told you about this.”
“ I didn’t she did!”
“ Are you ok?”
“ Ya, I’m fine no biggy.” Araxie said.
“ I’m sorry bout all this.” Raine said.
“ It’s perfectly fine.” Pyrome said.
“ The heck it is!” whispered Ember.
“ Jerk off!” whispered Araxie.
Pyrome and Raine exchanged a look of longing but quickly hid it and continued down the market opposite ways.
“ Mom, I have a feeling this isn’t the last I’ve seen of her.”
“ Please no fights! You get into them enough.”
“ I don’t care she started it! And someones going to have to finish it.”
Since Araxie thought that this predicament meant a brawl she practiced wielding her power every minute she could. Ember knowing that this was going to be a brawl practiced wielding her power every second she could.
“ Araxie?”
“ Ya mom?”
“ I have something to tell you?”
“ Yes..?”
“ Well we have to use a boat all the time if we need to get to the city so I’ve decided we should move to the main island of Hawaii.”
“ Say what?”
“ We’re moving to Hawaii.”

Lets Start This Fire

Araxie was in a state of complete shock! Thinking how could her mom move to the place where her mortal enemy (or immortal...but she doesn’t know this yet) most likely lived. So they packed up what they had and found a boat to cross to the main island. They moved into their new apartment with a beautiful ocean view. The next day she woke up to a brand new day and Araxie new everything would change. Ember woke up to a new day but knew everything would be the same, she’d wake up go to school come home do homework practice her element eat dinner then spend time with dad.
“ Ok mom, I’m going to go for a walk.”
“ No, you have school today.”
“ But I thought I wasn’t starting till I got used to everything.”
“ It’s not that big of a change and you need to go to school so I’d get ready.”
She went up to her room wondering why everything bad was happening to her, got herself ready and walked to school. It was cloudier that morning causing even more mishap to her day already. As soon as she arrived she went to the office to get everything all worked out. Right when she came out she got knocked into someone she recognized to well. Ember ran through the hall being chased by a preppy cheerleader that didn’t look happy and dripping water on the floor.
“ Dude, freakin a! Could you watch where your going!” Araxie screamed.
“ Don’t mess with me! I’m hell a busy so just shut up!”
“ Fine jack off!”
“ I’M GOONA KILL YOU!” The cheerleader screamed at Ember when she rounded the corner.
At lunch she waited in line and Ember cut straight to the front.
“ Dude seriously! Go to the back of the freakin line and wait like everyone else.” Araxie yelled from the middle of the line.
“ Hell no! You’re just gonna have to wait.”
“ Stuck up jerk!”
“ You know what shut your mouth rich brat!”
“ Ya right I’m not a rich brat I think it should be switched. I’m the not normal one and your a normal rich brat!”
“ Do you wanna go!”
“ Hell yea I do, bring it jerk!”
“ Freakin fine! Friday, 10 sharp in the school parking lot! Be there or I will hunt you down!”
“ Psht! Ya, right! You couldn’t hunt me down if you tried!”
“ Do you want me to try!”
“ Heck I don’t care! Just leave me alone prissy pants!”
“ How can you live with yourself?!”
“ For your information VERY WELL!”
“ I don’t have to argue with you dumb blonde!”
“ Oh were you talking to me? Well I’m not the one with blonde hair.”
“ Damn you to hell!”
“ Whatever.”
Ember ran off with her lunch while Araxie still waited in line thinking she won the verbal battle with a smug grin, but watched her back as much as she could. Throughout the day they both ran into each other but didn’t speak to each other, only glared. When Araxie got home she slammed the door and stamped up to her room.

Bad Day, Could Be Worse

Araxie was in a state of complete shock! Thinking how could her mom move to the place where her mortal enemy (or immortal...but she doesn’t know this yet) most likely lived. So they packed up what they had and found a boat to cross to the main island. They moved into their new apartment with a beautiful ocean view. The next day she woke up to a brand new day and Araxie new everything would change. Ember woke up to a new day but knew everything would be the same, she’d wake up go to school come home do homework practice her element eat dinner then spend time with dad.
“ Ok mom, I’m going to go for a walk.”
“ No, you have school today.”
“ But I thought I wasn’t starting till I got used to everything.”
“ It’s not that big of a change and you need to go to school so I’d get ready.”
She went up to her room wondering why everything bad was happening to her, got herself ready and walked to school. It was cloudier that morning causing even more mishap to her day already. As soon as she arrived she went to the office to get everything all worked out. Right when she came out she got knocked into someone she recognized to well. Ember ran through the hall being chased by a preppy cheerleader that didn’t look happy and dripping water on the floor.
“ Dude, freakin a! Could you watch where your going!” Araxie screamed.
“ Don’t mess with me! I’m hell a busy so just shut up!”
“ Fine jack off!”
“ I’M GOONA KILL YOU!” The cheerleader screamed at Ember when she rounded the corner.
At lunch she waited in line and Ember cut straight to the front.
“ Dude seriously! Go to the back of the freakin line and wait like everyone else.” Araxie yelled from the middle of the line.
“ Hell no! You’re just gonna have to wait.”
“ Stuck up jerk!”
“ You know what shut your mouth rich brat!”
“ Ya right I’m not a rich brat I think it should be switched. I’m the not normal one and your a normal rich brat!”
“ Do you wanna go!”
“ Hell yea I do, bring it jerk!”
“ Freakin fine! Friday, 10 sharp in the school parking lot! Be there or I will hunt you down!”
“ Psht! Ya, right! You couldn’t hunt me down if you tried!”
“ Do you want me to try!”
“ Heck I don’t care! Just leave me alone prissy pants!”
“ How can you live with yourself?!”
“ For your information VERY WELL!”
“ I don’t have to argue with you dumb blonde!”
“ Oh were you talking to me? Well I’m not the one with blonde hair.”
“ Damn you to hell!”
“ Whatever.”
Ember ran off with her lunch while Araxie still waited in line thinking she won the verbal battle with a smug grin, but watched her back as much as she could. Throughout the day they both ran into each other but didn’t speak to each other, only glared. When Araxie got home she slammed the door and stamped up to her room.

Lets Kick It Up

Araxie was in a state of complete shock! Thinking how could her mom move to the place where her mortal enemy (or immortal...but she doesn’t know this yet) most likely lived. So they packed up what they had and found a boat to cross to the main island. They moved into their new apartment with a beautiful ocean view. The next day she woke up to a brand new day and Araxie new everything would change. Ember woke up to a new day but knew everything would be the same, she’d wake up go to school come home do homework practice her element eat dinner then spend time with dad.
“ Ok mom, I’m going to go for a walk.”
“ No, you have school today.”
“ But I thought I wasn’t starting till I got used to everything.”
“ It’s not that big of a change and you need to go to school so I’d get ready.”
She went up to her room wondering why everything bad was happening to her, got herself ready and walked to school. It was cloudier that morning causing even more mishap to her day already. As soon as she arrived she went to the office to get everything all worked out. Right when she came out she got knocked into someone she recognized to well. Ember ran through the hall being chased by a preppy cheerleader that didn’t look happy and dripping water on the floor.
“ Dude, freakin a! Could you watch where your going!” Araxie screamed.
“ Don’t mess with me! I’m hell a busy so just shut up!”
“ Fine jack off!”
“ I’M GOONA KILL YOU!” The cheerleader screamed at Ember when she rounded the corner.
At lunch she waited in line and Ember cut straight to the front.
“ Dude seriously! Go to the back of the freakin line and wait like everyone else.” Araxie yelled from the middle of the line.
“ Hell no! You’re just gonna have to wait.”
“ Stuck up jerk!”
“ You know what shut your mouth rich brat!”
“ Ya right I’m not a rich brat I think it should be switched. I’m the not normal one and your a normal rich brat!”
“ Do you wanna go!”
“ Hell yea I do, bring it jerk!”
“ Freakin fine! Friday, 10 sharp in the school parking lot! Be there or I will hunt you down!”
“ Psht! Ya, right! You couldn’t hunt me down if you tried!”
“ Do you want me to try!”
“ Heck I don’t care! Just leave me alone prissy pants!”
“ How can you live with yourself?!”
“ For your information VERY WELL!”
“ I don’t have to argue with you dumb blonde!”
“ Oh were you talking to me? Well I’m not the one with blonde hair.”
“ Damn you to hell!”
“ Whatever.”
Ember ran off with her lunch while Araxie still waited in line thinking she won the verbal battle with a smug grin, but watched her back as much as she could. Throughout the day they both ran into each other but didn’t speak to each other, only glared. When Araxie got home she slammed the door and stamped up to her room.

Its On Like Donkey Kong

“ You ready for this?” Ember said clearly ready to start some heat.
“ Hells to the ya!” Araxie yelled getting her competitiveness on. Embers hair turned to fire her eyes flamed and flames creeping up her arms and in a flash she wasn’t just covered in fire, SHE WAS FIRE! Araxie’s hair burst into waves her eyes turned to bursts of ocean and water crept up her arms and instead of being covered in water, SHE WAS WATER! Both burt into battle state, and now let the brawl of fire and water begin! Ember put her arms together and made a giant fire ball and hurled it at Araxie, she put up a salt water shield that blocked the burning flames. Ember stood in the air and shot flames at Araxie which was getting something special together. She circled her arms causing discs of water to from and spin looking as sharp as pain! She threw them both at Ember causing her fire to extinguish for a second and a slash on her arm.
Ember ducked low then started rising up slowly causing her fire to expand so large it looked like half a football stadium of fire. She hurled it at Araxie having her fly back, arms burning and leg burnt and raw. Healing herself with water she glared at Ember who now didn’t have a scratch on her. She can heal herself with fire? That seems impossible. Araxie crouched down to the ground then came up very fast and kept scooping her arms up and up till she was inside a giant blade of water! She sent it flying at Ember in parts and after wards she was wet and bleeding. They kept throwing water and fire so much Araxie’s lip was bleeding and arm fully slashed and flaming and Ember had a bleeding slash above her eye and on her leg. Now Zeus had been watching this whole battle and was taking a liking to these to stubborn goddesses. Raine and Pyrome felt something wrong and went to go check on the girls at school. By the time they got there Araxie and Ember were both in bad states and still hurling fire and water through the air at each other.
“ What do you think you two are doing!?” Both parents said at the same time.
“ This was going to happen sooner or later! Now don’t get in our way!” Both girls screamed at their parents.
“ Wait!”
“ Just stop!”
“ Why the hell should I?” Ember yelled.
“ This is a brawl between her and I alone!” Araxie yelled.
“ You two are sisters!” Both parents blurted out.

Say What?!

Both stopped and faced each other, their elements fading away for a moment then bursting back.
“ She’s not my sister!” Ember exclaimed.
“ There is no freakin way we’re related!” Araxie yelled.
“ But you are.” Raine said gently (since so much screaming and yelling was going on).
“ Your mother and I feel in love and had both of you.” Pyrome explained.
“ Zeus banished us to earth and told us to separate you till you learned something.”
“ And till we learned something.” Pyrome added.
“ Let me get this figured out.”
“ Let me get this straight.”
“ We’re sisters?” They both questioned.
“ Yes, and goddesses.” Pyrome and Raine said.
“ Goddesses?!” They said.
“ Sweet!” Araxie said looking down at her arms.
“ Awesome!” Ember said admiring her flamed arms. Unexpectedly, Zeus came down out of Olympus.
“ You to put on quite a battle.” He exclaimed looking from one girl to the other.
“ About that...” Ember said.
“ Your welcome!” Araxie said smiling innocently.
“ I think you both learned a lesson, but would all of you care to elaborate?”
“ We learned even though fire and water are opposites when morphed we guess they get along well, with occasional brawls.” Said both sisters.
“ We learned that living without each other is very miserable and that if we need permission we ask.” Said both parents (totally sounding like kids).
“ Ready to come back to Olympus at least for a day?” Zeus asked.
“ I think we all are.” Said everyone but Pyrome.
“ Am I invited?” Pyrome said knowing that he came from the underworld and was one of the reasons they were banished.
“ But of course, since you’re all family.”
“ Ya, dad.” Araxie said for the first time in her life.
“ Dad come on, of course you’d come and mom too.” Ember said for the first time in her life.
“ Do we have to stay in Olympus?” Ember asked with Araxie nodding in agreement.
“ No but sometimes would be good.” Zeus said very casually. So after the rest of that day, getting Ember and Araxie cleaned up, moving into another new house and this time the whole family was under the same roof. The next day was Saturday they all went up to Olympus from the shrine Pyrome and Raine were married at. Zeus threw a feast welcoming Raine back to Olympus, two new goddesses, and a new member of Olympus. All of them in their god and goddess state. Ember and Araxie learned to get along with occasional out bursts and brawls (even practicing their elements together). They still got into trouble with preppy stuck up girls. Pyrome and Raine finally got to be together after 13 years and be the family they wanted for so long.


Publication Date: 10-12-2011

All Rights Reserved

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