
a collection of poems

Lost in Echo’s Cave

In Echoes cave peoples voices wander

The souls of the damned breath the dust

In the cave there screams walk o'er

There voices fade into the rust

In echoes cave my soul sings on

Waiting for long lost paradise

And though my heart does not fawn

It waits for long gone vice

My soul sings a song of dread

Even though already gone

It does not understand death

It still breaths it’s last breath

Gone forever in echoes cave

Ready to be bold and be brave        


Six word stories

Shes not insane, just the world

He has a secret, Shes dead

Gabriel's wings lost, She found hers

Loving trinity is loving in death

Cat loved fox, Fox ate cat

I tripped into Tartarus, forever falling

Tricked by Oberon, So I flew

I meet Lucifer, Now I’m dead

Went on the train never off




The Copper Haired Dancer

She danced on feathery feet

As her heart pounded out a simple beat

She sang a song worthy of Pans reed pipes

Her voice was young, fresh and ripe

Her nature was kind, thoughtful and sweet

She danced in a field of wheat

There was a day

Where she came out to play

The summer sun kissed her honey skin

And the sky opened up and let her in

She let her autumn copper hair flow

As her feet began their show

She had just begun

When through the field a noise rung

She stopped her feet and looked around her safe haven

She looked to the tree where sat a raven

“ you are a goddess in a guise,

but you cannot fool my eyes”

She stared at the obsidian black creature

She said with the voice of an honest preacher

“ Now raven, your eyes do not see through my guise.

You have thought nothing but lies”

She was speaking true

She could not hide that her eyes were blue

The raven left the tree

And the goddess was left be

She returned the next day

And began her play

She sang of honesty

She danced modestly

She sang till the sun hung high

Then she saw a sparrow butterfly

“ Hello kindred spirit, why do you fly among the wheat?”

“ Because I like to feel your hypnotic beat.

You are a goddess in a guise,

But you cannot fool my eyes

This time she she stayed silent

Her confusion was quite violent

She danced till night

When a howl gave her a fright

And under the the leafy hood

A wolf stood

The Wolf was beautiful and fair

But she did not see a goddess with copper hair

She saw a child the world was not ready for

She cried for what the raven and the butterfly thought were lies

She saw the truth to the very core

“ You,child are wise beyond your years

And have shed many tears”

The young child cried

She looked between her feet

And started to dance to a different beat

This beat was one of pain

It was one of a life that should have been refrained

but the world is not ready today and won’t be tomorrow

“ You dance to share your sorrows

And with that the wolf lunged for the kill

using all her effort, grace and skill

She killed the girl with autumn copper hair

Because the world was just not there

And the last song on the girls lips

Was a truth that will bring pure bliss

She was the key to the steady beat

The beat she danced with her feet

The truth was in her blood

As she left her last footprints in the summer mud


The Fall

I was there for the fall

I heard the noise I saw it all

I watched the trees form a wall

As I lay trapped in my leafy hall

Many lives fell to the mud

As they landed in the leaves of blood

The wolves cried

As Summer died

And winter slowly crept in to hide

The Fall was there and many died

They got their swords ready

There steel armor was heavy

There shield hands were steady

It was the time of the Fall

When blood covered them all

And the cries echoed through my hall

As swords cut into natures wall

By people we faced defeat

Never again did my heart beat

And here we are again ready to meet

A war with natures secret elite



Scarlet Secrets

My precious secrets

Held in your hands

Scars on my heart

Precious roses

Our precious secrets

Keep filling our arms


Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Publication Date: 11-12-2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-6158-2

All Rights Reserved

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