Ezra Of The Forest
Warm wind whipped through the slit in the window, gently caressing my face. My hair whipped in and out of my line of sight excitedly. This was going to be the first summer of fun since, well. . . that's not important. My older brother Casey Stone planned a big vacation for the rest of the summer, with the rest of the family. Him and me. Deep green trees whizzed by, their brown trunks blurred in with dusty asphalt covering the ground. Casey broke the silence with his excited chatter about the Whispering Wood Lodging Resort. We had to go from a little town in Cali to the middle of nowhere Oregon.
"I can't wait! We're gonna go swimming, and your gonna get tan-" I scoffed at that. "And we're gonna have the best summer ever! Okay?" That last part sounded a little bit forced.
"Yeah," Was all I could say. There wasn't too much else that needed to be said. He grew silent, and then flicked on the radio.
A good ole country song came on that I guess he knew, and he started singing along. . . badly. I cringed at first until he started to get louder, surprising myself I started to laugh. I guess it surprised him too, because he stopped and let a slow smile creep over his face. He started wiggling around at the wheel and dancing around ridiculously, bobbing his head to the music. I sang along with him.
The sun slowly began to crest the mountains that seemed so close, causing a vibrant spray of gold and purple to ooze across the sky. It was beautiful, and both Casey and I grew silent in appreciation. "Hey, Robynn I-" Was all he managed to say as something suddenly darted to the middle of the road. Casey stomped on the breaks, but was too late. The animal and Casey's car collided. It wasn't a small animal either; it bounced up on the windshield and caused cracks to spider web across the whole surface. Casey and I both smashed our heads into the roof of the car. Then, bounced back down; he blacked out as my vision swirled. The car came to an abrupt halt, and then settled as the sun finally sank below the horizon as everything got eerily quiet.
"Casey?" No reply.
"Casey? Hey? Are you okay?" Nothing.
'Weird flashback'
she thought to herself as the blonde hairs on her arms stood up. She rubbed them viciously, trying to rub away the dark thoughts that threatened to cloud her mind. She let the sweet summer air fill her nose and linger, swinging her feet off the edge of the picnic bench, almost lost in thought. Almost.
She peered around at the ruins of the place that started it all. The picnic bench was one of the only un-charred remains left at the site. She shivered. Only months ago she had everything she'd ever need, and now all that was replaced and messed with. It's crazy how little time you actually have with people, how few you can actually trust. As she thought that Ezras' scarred hand touched her shoulder and rested there. "I think we should move along. We have too much to get done to just sit and swing our feet. I'm sorry that's the way it is but, well that's the way it is." He said gently, quickly squeezing then letting go and walking out of the only patch of green grass for miles. She watched his perfectly scruffy white hair glint in the sun, scrutinizing his lean figure closely. He was getting muscle tone fast, his gait was gaining confidence. A tears dripped from here hazel eyes like rain, she hated him. She hated what she did to him. She hated herself, and that she couldn't save Casey. She even hated him, even though he was gone.
He turned around and saw her tears and held out his hand, a sad look in his eyes. She smiled, she loved him. He still let her cry, even though now it was down to noiseless tears, and the occasional dry sob. He wiped the tears from her face, and kissed her forehead. "It's okay." That’s all he said, and it’s all she needed to hear. The tears stopped, she took another deep breath and smiled at him. He smiled back, his lips lingering maddeningly close, but he backed off. He wouldn't kiss her again. Probably ever. Not after the first one. Not after the literal fire that came from it. He said wouldn't do that to her, she wasn’t sure about that. Anything at all, for that matter. Not sure about anything. . .
Nothing really came to mind except to comfort it somehow. I crawled over it and looped my around its shaking body, it was almost as big as me but I still managed to get it in my lap.
He cringed then put his hand to his head, groaning in pain. I looked out the window and saw something hunched just out of the light. My heart skipped a beat. Was it a deer?
Did we just hit a deer? It moved a bit, then stopped and moved again. I felt the bile piling up in the back of my throat, we just hit a deer and it was trying to get away. I kicked my door open and threw myself at the ground, I could smell the animal from here. It was in a word, intense.
“Robynn get back in the car. I don’t. . . know what that was and it could be. . . dangerous.” He said between gasps of pain.
I looked at him wondering what I should do, but not too entirely sure.
“We just hit something, and we could have killed it. I’m not leaving til I find out what happened and what that was. “ I slammed the door before he could say anything else to stop me. I crawled slowly toward the silhouette hunched on the ground, wondering fleetingly if I really should get back in the car and pretend it didn't happen. . . but then thought better of it.
With my new resolve, I quickened my pace. The smell was actually way worse up close, it burnt through my nose and I'm sure through my brain a bit too. As I crept into the shadow I realized with a little bit of fear what it was.
A wolf, a rather large one but a wolf nonetheless. And it was hurt, bad. I reached out only to snatch my fingers back as it growled at me. Fear ebbed relentlessly through my arm, it crawled slowly toward my chest; spreading like fire up and down my body.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, choking a bit. Tears? I guess I was that upset. "I'm so, unbelievably sorry." I reached out again, and the growling ceased a bit. I let my fingers run through its surprisingly soft white fur, I held my hand in the light and was less than surprised to find that blood,was completely covering my hand.
My mind raced,'what can I do? What can I DO?'
It whimpered.
"Shhh... I'm sorry, so so-" A sob cut through my words. I buried my face in its neck, completely unfazed by my fear, and cried my hand supporting its head and chest. When I moved my face from it, it had stopped moving. Which made me cry more and harder.
I gently laid it down and got up,it deserved a proper burial. Or at least I thought so, but as a cold wind tore through the valley something became maddeningly clear.
I was not alone.
"We need to find it Robynn. It's the only thing that will help." Arc said with some exasperation. He kept running his thin fingers through thick unkempt brown hair.
He needed to find it for his sister, her body was gone but her soul wasn't. 'And neither is Casey's' they both thought at the same time. Robynn fingered through the ashes while Arc flew boards and pieces of crispy furniture around. It was probably useless, but they had to keep looking. They had to.
Ezra appeared suddenly at the door frame, the rest of the building was ash.
"Its gone." He declared grimly, rubbing his forehead.
"Gone?" Robbyn and Arc asked at the same time.
"What do you mean gone?" Arc bellowed, throwing a board down with such force that it snapped.
"I mean," Ezra answered, unfazed by Arcs aggression, "that Arez must have it.I don't feel its presence, anywhere."
Robynn stood carefully, thinking a little morosely.
"What if it was destroyed in the fire? We all saw how. . . alive it had seemed, Ezra. It took everything."
They all shivered, remembering the smell of burnt flesh and hair, and the screams as fellow pack mates were burned mercilessly by the raging fire. Swallowed up by the unnatural green flames caused by the stupid locket in the first place.
"Not possible." He said evenly. "That locket was blessed by the goddess of the moon herself, no harm will ever come to it. Ever." With that, a sense of finality in the air, Ezra stormed off towards the red EG Hatchback that Arc got as a gift. . . when he stole it from ReKandrin. Good times.
Of which he was noticing were far and few between. He sighed
As Ezra headed toward the Hatchback, the passenger door flew open and Alex popped his head out, then lunged at Ezra. He wrapped his little boy arms around him and refused to let go.
Ezra patted his mop of red hair lovingly , then gently pushed him aside.
"Let's go guys." He called but Robynn was faced in the complete opposite direction. She was looking out at the crystal river.
She slowly began walking toward, oblivious to everything around her.
"Robynn!" Ezra yelled, frustration oozing through his pores. This was not the time to sight see. He gestured calmly at Arc to see what was going on, who in turn shrugged and went after Robynn none too quickly.
After about a second, he stopped in his tracks, Robynn had ran toward the river as soon as Arc had started after her.
"Arc! What's going on? Why are you standing there?" Ezra yelled an irritating feeling of dread clouded over him.
Arc had stopped moving, and had visibly gone pale.
Robynn was trying desperately to pull something out of the river, something that was stuck to a log.
"Help me! Oh, God! Help me now! Why are you still standing there?!" Robynn cried, tripping a bit in the water,quickly righting herself.
Arc didn't even hesitate, he bolted after her with a quickness that was'nt humanly possible. He gently grabbed what was in her hands and quickly waded from the cold waters.
Ezra's blood ran cold.
Jades arm dangled limply as Arc rushed toward the car. Her fragile brown body looked pale, and, dead.
"Alex turn on the heater quick!" Ezra shouted as he ran to the trunk and grabbed some blankets. When he circled back around, he found Arc crying in heap on the ground with Jade wrapped securely in his arms. Ezra knelt down beside him, putting a reassuring hand on Arcs shaking shoulder. There was no way he was gonna let her down,especially since he could hear a fairly strong heart beat.
He stood up quickly and searched around the ruins of the once prime camp site, and spotted Robynn curled up in a ball by the river. Her body was wracked with violent spasms.
He sighed, 'how long will this go on for?'. To that question he was sure he'd never find out the answer.
Text: 2008-2011 if you copy this I WILL find you.
All rights reserved.
(P.S the guy on the cover is Mitch Hewer. Thank you for looking just like Ezra :))
Publication Date: 09-07-2011
All Rights Reserved
to Alyza, for helping me, because it's very evident that I need it. :)