
chapter 1

Lola rolled her eyes and spritzed more window cleaner on the glass. She could hear them having sex right through the damn walls. If she had to hear them fucking one more time, she would quit. Well, no she wouldn’t, because she really needed this job and they paid her a shitload, but she would seriously scream and rip her hair out. The loud thumping of what she assumed was a headboard banging against the wall was so distracting, she couldn’t even focus on cleaning the damn windows. Her concentration was shot, and if she was being completely honest, she was so turned on she couldn’t think straight.

Being the weekend housecleaner for two of the wealthiest men in Pleasure, Colorado, (yeah, the irony wasn’t lost on her) should have been simple enough, but of course it wasn’t. She had been working for the McKnight brothers for a little over six months and every Saturday and Sunday morning, like damn clockwork, she could hear them tearing up some poor woman -- or two. Tearing might have been an understatement, because if the sound coming through the walls were anything to go by, it usually sounded like the woman was dying.

She grabbed her ear buds out of her pocket and slipped them in her ears. If she was forced to work in these ridiculous conditions, then she was going to tune it out. She ran her finger over her iPod and chose a song that best depicted her current situation. I Can’t Get No Satisfaction by The Stones blasted into her ears and blissfully blocked out all sounds of the debauchery in the next room.

An hour later she took a step back and looked at the study. Everything smelled of lemon disinfectant and shined like brand fucking new. Lola took her ear buds out and slipped them back in her pocket. The time showed a little after ten in the morning, and already her back ached and her stomach growled. She still had three other rooms to clean, too. At least the ‘fuck brothers’ were done with their weekend girlfriends. She left the study and made her way into the kitchen, figuring Ian and Max McKnight would probably be sleeping off their sex marathon until at least mid-afternoon. When she rounded the corner and saw both of them standing at the breakfast bar, she stopped in her tracks. Their backs faced her as they leaned over the counter, their attention on the newspaper. Of course they were shirtless, because there was no rest for the wicked. Her poor, neglected libido raised its head and growled in desire. She wanted to slap the bitch.

So what, if she hadn’t had sex since her last boyfriend -- which was one year, three months and sixteen days ago, but who was counting? Maybe she could sneak out and work on one of the other rooms until they decided to go find something productive to do? Like, for instance, not walking around the house shirtless and tormenting her. She planned on being all stealthy in her retreat, but of course the bottle of window cleaner chose that moment to jump out of her bucket and land by her feet. The plastic bottle hitting the tiled floor was so loud she winced. Ian and Max straightened and looked over their shoulder at her. They weren’t twins, but damn if they didn’t look like they could be. Both were at least a foot taller than her meager five-foot-three frame, with no shortage of muscles or testosterone. They were all man, and damn well knew it.

Max, with his brooding dark eyes and equally dark hair, turned fully around and crossed his arms over his chest, his brow raised at her. He was only a year older than Ian, whose eyes and hair color were a shade lighter. Both oozed Tall, Dark and Handsome -- and she wasn’t immune to it. Hell, they were thirty-five and thirty-six years old, at least ten years older than she, but damned if they didn’t pull off that hot older man look. How many times had she pictured them doing to her what they did to those faceless women every weekend? It was damn near torture knowing that they double-teamed women. Like they were some kind of dual machine that could make every single woman they had behind a closed door scream so many times, Lola wanted to cut her own ears off.

They both stood there and watched her, no one saying anything and the awkwardness increasing with every second. “Um,” she looked around, momentarily forgetting what she was doing. She took a step back and accidentally kicked the bottle of window cleaner across the floor. Wouldn’t you know it, that bastard rolled right over to the McKnight brothers. It stopped between their feet, the blue liquid inside sloshing around, as if to say yes, it was an asshole for putting her in this situation.

A moment passed and then Ian bent down, picking up the bottle. Her mouth went dry as she watched the play of muscles bunching and flexing as he moved. Holy hell. She didn’t even know men could be built like that. When Ian stood back up he made no move to give her the bottle. The brothers stood side-by-side, their chests carbon copies of chiseled perfection. Their pecs were hard outlines atop their chests. Their abdomens were rolling hills, putting the term six-pack to shame, leading down to a defined V-cut of muscle that disappeared beneath the sweats they wore. Mouth gone dry, she lifted her eyes to their faces and looked between them. They wore equally amused expressions and she knew damn well they had seen her eye-fucking them.
 Her face heated to an uncomfortable level and, like any other time she was mortified, she started to sweat. She knew she was the color of a ripened tomato. It was a curse, a damn-it-all-to-hell curse. Without saying anything, Lola walked over and grabbed the bottle, mumbling her apologies under her breath. Ian let her have the bottle without any resistance and she was thankful that neither of them pointed out the obvious, that she had been checking them out. It wasn’t her fault though, because men who clearly worked out like they did and had bodies to show for it had to know the effect they were going to have on the female population.

Lola didn’t wait around for them to finally open up those perfectly delectable mouths and call her out. Gripping the bottle like she could strangle the life out of it, she practically sprinted out the patio doors. The weather was nice, and she needed to get out of that house and away from those men. She may have wanted them in the worst sort of way since first sight, but she wasn’t a fool. Men like them didn’t want a woman like her. She was their maid, for heaven’s sake, and she knew the kind of women they took to bed -- women that came from high-class, wealthy families. They were women with mile-long legs, big fake tits, and unnaturally blond hair.

Once in the pool house with the door shut behind her, she set her bucket of cleaning supplies down and exhaled roughly. She glanced up at her reflection in the mirror in front of her: Her dark hair wasn’t smooth and straight. The curls were unruly because of the humidity and it looked like she’d stuck her finger in an electrical outlet. She was short, by normal standards --hell, standing next to Ian and Max, she only came up to their delicious chests. Her breasts were probably the best assets on her body -- not fake and of a pretty good size, with a natural slope to them. But it was clear the McKnight brothers preferred the silicone look.

She cupped her breasts through the thin white T-shirt and tilted her head. Not bad, and to hell with them if they thought any less. Forgetting about them for about five minutes, Lola went about the task of cleaning the pool house. Bras and panties littered the floor and couch, and she wasn’t even going to get started on what she found in the bedroom. Who in the hell, especially at their age, fucked so much? They were nearly forty, for fuck’s sake. Of course it wasn’t like they were ancient, but she was younger than them and she wasn’t even getting any. All that money, plus their good looks, probably attracted women like bees to honey. What she needed to do was quit thinking about their fine asses and get the job done, so she could go home and not have to worry about seeing them for another week. Of course, that was easier said than done.

chapter 2

 When Lola was finally finished with the disgusting pool house, she headed outside and immediately heard the sound of feminine laughter and splashing water. Great, maybe she’d walk in on a nice orgy. Cue the freaking sarcasm and eye rolling. She opened the door and lo and behold, found two scantily clad women in the pool, atop Ian and Max’s shoulders, playing a game of chicken. Their monstrous breasts jiggled as they tried to knock the other one down. Why in the hell they even bothered wearing those miniscule triangles was beyond her. The material only covered their nipples, and that was stretching it.

Water splashed in every direction. Did these men have lives, outside of fucking women? For as much as they screwed during weekends, she doubted they could even get it up during the week. For all she knew the two women squealing like schoolgirls were the same from the previous night. It sure would explain the marathon session, and the overly loud screams coming through the wall. There she went again, thinking about their butts, naked, as well as other parts of their anatomy.

Lola tried to be inconspicuous because she was still embarrassed about her encounter with them in the kitchen, but of course she couldn’t go unnoticed.

“Hey, Lola,” Max’s deep voice called out to her and she stopped and looked at him. “Wanna come in for a little dip? It’s kind of hot out today, and I know you must be stifling in all those layers.” He did a really slow once-over of her body and she felt her face heat.

Looking down at her clothes, she had no idea what he was talking about when he said “layers.” She was wearing a thin-ass T-shirt and cutoff jean shorts – probably the least amount of clothing that would be considered acceptable in the company of one’s bosses. But she was cleaning their house, and they had never specified her wearing a uniform. If they didn’t like what she wore to clean up their whorehouse, then they could come out and tell her.


Before Lola could get another word out, one of the buxom blonds decided to answer for her. 


“She’s the help, isn’t she?” The way she looked at Lola, like she was a piece of dog shit on the bottom of her shoe, had Lola’s hackles rising. Of all the fucking nerve…

The other woman on Ian’s shoulders started giggling and said, “Just let her go back to cleaning up after you stallions. That’s what she’s good for anyway.” If Lola’s face could get any hotter she was going to blow a gasket, but to her utter surprise Ian and Max looked at each other and tossed both women backward into the pool. There were a couple high-pitched screams as they realized what was happening and then silence as they were submerged in water. Lola knew her eyes had to be the size of saucers, and she didn’t stop a laugh from spilling forth.

Serves those skanks right.

The ‘Barbie twins’ surfaced a second later, sputtering as their mascara ran down their cheeks. “It’s time for you guys to leave.” Ian looked at Lola as he dismissed the blonds. Their mouths hung open, and they looked to Max for help.

“Sandra, Mechelle.” They swarm over to him, expecting him to fawn all over them and their pitiful state, but what he said next had their perfectly made up faces going as red as the lipstick they once wore.

“Get the fuck out of our house.”

They were too stunned to speak for a solid minute. Then one of them sputtered out, “Max, baby, what’s wrong? We were having so much fun.” Lola didn’t know which woman was which, and it really didn’t matter, because the show she was getting was as good as gold.

“You don’t talk to Lola like that, understand?” Max’s voice was calm, but deadly so. Lola was shocked to hear him call her anything besides Miss Shyne. In the six-plus months she had worked for them, neither brother had ever called her by her first name. Take that little surprise, and the fact he was pissed at his fuck buddy for speaking down to her, and it opened something up in Lola that she wasn’t sure she wanted to explore.

“You two aren’t welcome here anymore. Get your shit and leave.” Ian swam away from the three of them and climbed out of the pool. He was so close to her that she could see the individual beads of water slide down his body. She wanted to follow those drops with her tongue and see where they disappeared.

Never had someone stuck up for her like they did. It was refreshing and made her look at them in a different light. Here she thought them egotistical, sex-starved assholes, but in reality they didn’t look down at her. It had her smiling.

“Excuse me,” Ian’s deep and gruff voice startled her out of her thoughts and before she could move he was pressed against her.

“W-What?” She sounded like a stuttering fool, but the fact that his big, wet body was pressed against her chest had her heart pounding, and all rational thoughts deserted her. He turned toward her, standing so close Lola felt his warm, sweet-smelling breath slide across her lips. He gave her a wide smile, showcasing his perfect white teeth, and took a step away from her. He held two towels in his hand, and she realized her face was hotter than hell. Damn her genetics.

She watched the women huff and puff their way out of the pool. They murmured to each other as they grabbed their shit and left the house, their noses in the air. Max climbed out of the pool and Lola once again zeroed in on the water that disappeared underneath his swim trunks. Damn them both for looking so fine. It was hard to get any work done when they were around. What she needed to do was to get laid this week, like good and hard. That would surely help her get her mind off the two men that tempted her more than chocolate and strawberries. Hell, they were better than chocolate-covered chocolate dipped in chocolate. Yes, she would go out and get laid. She could always call up Jake, an old ex-boyfriend. They’d broken up on pretty good terms, and had even screwed a few times after that before she’d met her last boyfriend, that douche bag.

“So, Lola, my offer still stands.” Max took the towel his brother gave him and started drying off his short hair. The strands stood up in all directions, which only made him look that much more delicious. Both of them standing together, their hair a mess, their bodies half-nude made her picture them in bed, her body sandwiched between them as they did naughty, naughty things to her.


“She’s the help, isn’t she?” The way she looked at Lola, like she was a piece of dog shit on the bottom of her shoe, had Lola’s hackles rising. Of all the fucking nerve…

The other woman on Ian’s shoulders started giggling and said, “Just let her go back to cleaning up after you stallions. That’s what she’s good for anyway.” If Lola’s face could get any hotter she was going to blow a gasket, but to her utter surprise Ian and Max looked at each other and tossed both women backward into the pool. There were a couple high-pitched screams as they realized what was happening and then silence as they were submerged in water. Lola knew her eyes had to be the size of saucers, and she didn’t stop a laugh from spilling forth.

Serves those skanks right.

The ‘Barbie twins’ surfaced a second later, sputtering as their mascara ran down their cheeks. “It’s time for you guys to leave.” Ian looked at Lola as he dismissed the blonds. Their mouths hung open, and they looked to Max for help.

“Sandra, Mechelle.” They swarm over to him, expecting him to fawn all over them and their pitiful state, but what he said next had their perfectly made up faces going as red as the lipstick they once wore.

“Get the fuck out of our house.”

They were too stunned to speak for a solid minute. Then one of them sputtered out, “Max, baby, what’s wrong? We were having so much fun.” Lola didn’t know which woman was which, and it really didn’t matter, because the show she was getting was as good as gold.

“You don’t talk to Lola like that, understand?” Max’s voice was calm, but deadly so. Lola was shocked to hear him call her anything besides Miss Shyne. In the six-plus months she had worked for them, neither brother had ever called her by her first name. Take that little surprise, and the fact he was pissed at his fuck buddy for speaking down to her, and it opened something up in Lola that she wasn’t sure she wanted to explore.

“You two aren’t welcome here anymore. Get your shit and leave.” Ian swam away from the three of them and climbed out of the pool. He was so close to her that she could see the individual beads of water slide down his body. She wanted to follow those drops with her tongue and see where they disappeared.

Never had someone stuck up for her like they did. It was refreshing and made her look at them in a different light. Here she thought them egotistical, sex-starved assholes, but in reality they didn’t look down at her. It had her smiling.

“Excuse me,” Ian’s deep and gruff voice startled her out of her thoughts and before she could move he was pressed against her.

“W-What?” She sounded like a stuttering fool, but the fact that his big, wet body was pressed against her chest had her heart pounding, and all rational thoughts deserted her. He turned toward her, standing so close Lola felt his warm, sweet-smelling breath slide across her lips. He gave her a wide smile, showcasing his perfect white teeth, and took a step away from her. He held two towels in his hand, and she realized her face was hotter than hell. Damn her genetics.

She watched the women huff and puff their way out of the pool. They murmured to each other as they grabbed their shit and left the house, their noses in the air. Max climbed out of the pool and Lola once again zeroed in on the water that disappeared underneath his swim trunks. Damn them both for looking so fine. It was hard to get any work done when they were around. What she needed to do was to get laid this week, like good and hard. That would surely help her get her mind off the two men that tempted her more than chocolate and strawberries. Hell, they were better than chocolate-covered chocolate dipped in chocolate. Yes, she would go out and get laid. She could always call up Jake, an old ex-boyfriend. They’d broken up on pretty good terms, and had even screwed a few times after that before she’d met her last boyfriend, that douche bag.

“So, Lola, my offer still stands.” Max took the towel his brother gave him and started drying off his short hair. The strands stood up in all directions, which only made him look that much more delicious. Both of them standing together, their hair a mess, their bodies half-nude made her picture them in bed, her body sandwiched between them as they did naughty, naughty things to her.

chapter 3

“I’m sorry … offer?” Lola had to clear her mind and focus on what Max had said.

Max grinned and said, “Yes, my offer for you to come in for a swim. It’s getting kind of hot out and you have been working pretty hard.”

“Why not take a little break and enjoy the water?” Ian smiled wickedly. “We promise to be good.” “He promises, but I can’t make any guarantees.” Max tossed his towel aside and the two of them stared at her, waiting for her answer.

“I’m kind of on the clock.”

“It’s not like your bosses will care.” Ian grinned again. “Come on, sweetheart.”

Damn him and his husky-voiced endearments.

“What my brother is trying to say is that we would like your company in the pool. It’ll be fun.” The corner of Max’s mouth curved up and made him appear devilish.

“I, uh--”

What in the hell was she supposed to say? Her two bosses, the men she had been thinking wicked things about, wanted her to get in a pool with them? “I don’t have a suit.” Was she actually contemplating doing this? She could say no, as it wasn’t like they could fire her if she refused. Why was she even thinking about not getting in there with them?

“There are some extra suits in the pool house.”

Ian’s words were like a splash of cold water to her raging libido. Ah, yes, the pool house she had just cleaned. Lola remembered all the bras, panties, and even condoms that hadn’t quite made it in the trashcan. These men were playboys in the wealthy, high-class community. Why on earth would they want to spend any kind of time with the help?

Did they think her some kind of conquest? Liked the idea of sleeping with the help, because their supply of rich pussy had run dry? It was a pretty farfetched thought, even for her, but why else would they want anything to do with her? She was a Plain Jane compared to the women they went after.

“I think I’ll pass.” It was too dangerous and far too tempting. She didn’t want to end up doing something that would screw up this job. She may only work on the weekends, but the McKnight brothers were generous with their pay, which resulted in her not having to work during the week. If she fucked that up because she couldn’t keep her legs closed, because she let them have their way with her like all those other women, then she would be no better than the females she bitched about every Saturday and Sunday morning.

“Come on, Lola. What’s the worst that could happen?” Max’s words held a lascivious tone and she felt herself grow wet from her desire to be under both of them.

“It’s just a little swim.” Ian winked and tilted his head toward the pool house. “It’s not like you have to spend all day in there with us. Although--"

Max cleared his throat and Ian continued. "Just go change, and we’ll order some lunch and enjoy this gorgeous day.”

Ian made it sound so tempting, but she didn’t forget that they had just screwed two women last night and probably would be doing that again tonight. All she could picture was the three of them rolling around in the sheets, their sweaty, naked bodies moving together, touching, caressing…

She had to stop right there or she was going to do something very embarrassing, like throw herself at them and beg them to do all the dirty things she knew they were capable of.

“Okay,” she exhaled, and found herself walking back into the pool house to find a suit. It should have irked her that they had extra swimsuits, like they were storing them up for their fuck-buddies, but she knew they hosted parties so it wasn’t too farfetched that they had extra clothing lying around. She picked the skimpiest one, because really, if she was going to be forced to swim with the half-naked McKnight brothers, she was going to make sure she was showing an equal amount of skin.

chapter 4

Ian and Max were already in the pool when she emerged. She had a towel around her waist, cursing herself for actually picking the suit she had. She was no better than those damn sluts and their triangle-top bathing suits. When they heard her approach they stopped talking and turned to look at her. Neither one of them spoke until her feet curved around the lip of the pool and she took off the towel. Ian’s strangled cough and then Max’s throat clearing had a smile tugging at her lips. She was glad they weren’t immune to her.

“Damn, girl.” Ian ran a hand over his hair, his bicep bulging. “I had no idea you were hiding a body like that under your clothes.” Sometimes she could see the youthfulness of him come out, like he wasn’t one half of a billion-dollar company.

“Ian, manners,” Max spoke sternly but he never took his eyes off of her. In fact, his eyes continued to move up and down her body, stopping several times to stare at her breasts and then her pussy, which was barely covered by a white inverted triangle of cloth.

“Don’t act like you don’t see what’s right in front of you. The girl is smokin’ hot. She’s tiny as hell but her legs go on for miles. Fucking. Miles.” Max didn’t respond but his hand was running over his jaw, back and forth. Lola dipped her foot in the water and shivered. “The water is freezing.” Changing the subject seemed like a good idea since Ian was starting to embarrass her. She had never thought her body anything special, but the way these two were looking at her made her feel like she was beautiful, maybe even better looking than the Barbie twins.

Max and Ian splashed water on her at the same time and she cried out before laughing. “You assholes!” As soon as she said it they stopped and stared at her and she slapped a hand over her mouth. Did she really just call her bosses that? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Max swam over to the edge, his face a mask of serious composure. “Come here, Miss ... Shyne.” Oh shit. She took a few hesitant steps toward Max and when he gestured for her to come closer she bent at the waist, knowing he was about to fire her. It was her own damn fault, though. When would she ever learn to keep her mouth shut?

He lifted his hand and gripped her wrist so fast she didn’t know what his intentions were until she was flying through the air and doing a belly flop in the water. When her head surfaced and she gasped for air, she called Max every curse word she could think of, including a few she made up. Hair was stuck in every which way on her face she shoved it out of her eyes and glared over at him. Max was laughing his ass off and Ian scowled at him, swimming over to her and slinging his arm across her shoulders.

“You had it right the first time, Lola. He is a massive asshole.” Ian started laughing, which in turn made Max laugh harder. It was like a domino effect, and before long she too was giggling. Giggling! When in the hell did she start giggling?

Scooping water in her palm, she pushed the water toward Max and grinned wider when he choked on a mouthful. She screamed when Ian grabbed her by the waist and tossed her in the air. Her arms and legs flapped around for a split second before she flopped back into the water.


Half an hour later and the water had since warmed -- either that, or she had just gotten used to it. Lola sat on one of the cement steps as she watched Ian climb out and head into the house.

“You guys want to eat inside or out here?” He stopped and looked over his shoulder at them. A towel was wrapped around his waist and fell to his knees. It looked like he had nothing on underneath, and she couldn’t help but picture him nude under that strip of terrycloth. All big and just … hanging there.

“In.” Ian nodded at Max and then disappeared inside. She leaned back against the steps and closed her eyes, letting the sun warm her face. It felt so good to be outside and just absorb the heat.

Water lapping at her chest had her opening her eyes. They widened when she realized Max was right in front of her, his big body looming over hers. He was so wide, with shoulders so muscular that a shadow covered her. Her breath stalled and her pulse quickened. “What are you doing?” She whispered, not trusting her voice to go any higher, especially since his mouth was so close to hers.

“What are you talking about?” His voice was a whisper as well and she didn’t miss how he kept looking down at her mouth. “I’m just talking to you.”

“You’re awfully close.” The air came out of her in fast pants and she prayed he didn’t notice the effect he had on her.

“I know,” he moved in another inch, “but you like it like that.”

She licked her suddenly dry lips. “Wh-What makes you think that?” Was that her voice, all husky and needy?

“Just admit that you want me, Lola.” His eyes were on her mouth now, completely focused on her lips.

Her heart was beating so fast she wondered if he could hear it, or if he could see her pulse beating frantically at the base if her neck. Did she dare admit that to him? It seemed dangerous to show her vulnerability, but at the moment she wasn’t thinking clearly. All she could think about was what he would taste like. His scent was clean, fresh. Leaning in, she stopped right before their lips touched. His breathing was heavy and fast and she smiled slowly. Yeah, he wanted her just as much as she wanted him.

“Maybe you should admit that you want me?” Why in the hell was she playing with fire? Even as this thought slammed home, she also couldn't deny that getting burned by them would feel damn good.


chapter 5

 Max’s mouth was on hers as soon as the words left her lips. His kiss was firm, demanding, just like the man himself. Groaning, Lola threw her arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer. Kissing him was so much better than anything she had ever imagined. His tongue stroked first her top and then her bottom lip, teasing her until she opened and he could slip inside. His kiss tasted tangy with a little bite to it, like he had taken a shot of whiskey. It was potent, yet addicting. “God, Lola, your mouth is so soft, so fucking sweet. I could kiss you all day.” He spoke in-between nibbling and sucking at her lips, causing them to swell as the blood rushed to the surface.

She tilted her head and opened her mouth wider, urging him to slip his tongue back inside, tease her own. He didn’t disappoint and she moaned, pulling him closer and closer until it was like their bodies were fused. She spread her legs and he moved his hips into the cradle of hers until she felt the hard, expansive length of his cock press against her pussy. The very thought that only a few pieces of thin material separated his shaft from sliding into her pussy made her clit tingle and her nipples bead. Legs now wrapped around his hips, Lola rested her heels right above his firm ass and tugged him closer until he was grinding all that hard male length against her.

His hand cupped her breast and massaged the globe. His grip tightened and then loosened. Tightened and then loosened. It was a crazed sensation, and when he took his other hand and mimicked what he was doing to her other breast, Lola made a small mewling noise in the back of her throat. A little voice in the back of her head reared up, telling her what she was doing was wrong on so many levels. This was her boss, for fuck’s sake.

She pulled back from their kiss and sighed as he continued to squeeze her tits. “Wait. Max, we have to stop.” He kissed the side of her mouth and made a slow trail down her neck. When his mouth started sucking on her pulse point she let her head fall back. Everything drifted from her mind except what he was doing to her. It just felt too good to think about anything else.

“This feels too good to stop, baby.” His head continued to makes its way lower until he pulled her top down. Her breasts sprang free, swaying slightly as their restriction no longer bound them. The sound of Max groaning and then latching his mouth onto her nipple caused her to thrust her chest out, shoving as much of the turgid flesh in his mouth as possible.

“Fuck, Lola.” Scraping his teeth across her flesh, he slid his hands down to cup her ass. He thrust his hips forward at the same time he slipped his hands beneath the bottom of her bikini. His hands ran across her bare bottom and she dug her nails into his back. There was no doubt in her mind that there were little crescent marks on his skin. “I am so fucking hard for you, baby. I could drive nails through steel with my cock right now.” The vibrations from his voice on her breasts sent a shot of electricity straight to her clit. “I bet you’d want me to fuck you good and hard right now, wouldn’t you? Yeah, you would. You’d spread these pretty legs and let me shove my dick right up your cunt.” He groaned at his own words and started biting her flesh, drawing it deeper into her mouth until she felt her nipple become long, swollen with need.

Little pants left her at the eroticism of his words. “We should stop.” It sounded lame, even to her own ears. Lola honestly meant to stop all of this, but the pleasure was too addicting. “This is wrong, right?” He made a sound against her body but didn’t make a move to stop. She felt his fingers pull her ass cheeks apart and slip between them, running the pad along her anus and causing chills to race up her spine. She wasn’t a stranger to anal, and if she was being honest she secretly loved a good, hard dick fucking her ass.

“God damn it, Max! I thought we fucking talked about this.” Lola’s eyes snapped open and she gasped when Max slid his finger into her asshole. The fact that Ian had just caught them, yet Max felt the need to keep going, didn’t deter her. No, it turned her on even more.

“We said we were going to go slow and talk her into it. Fucking hell, Max. You couldn’t even keep your damn dick in your trunks while I stepped out for five fucking minutes.” Ian sounded pissed, but from what he was saying Lola almost thought he was jealous that Max started without him. But that couldn’t be right. Could it? The very idea that both brothers wanted her, quite possibly at the same time, had her pussy creaming something violent.

Max groaned against her chest and lifted his head to glare at Ian. “What the fuck, dude?”

“What do you mean, ‘what the fuck’?” Ian’s face was becoming a dark shade of red and Lola tried to disengage herself from Max, but he wouldn’t have any of it. “You know damn well what I’m talking about.”

“Um, guys, I don’t know what the fuck’s going on. Mind filling me in?” She pushed on Max’s chest and he finally let her go, but not before he squeezed her ass one more time. She climbed the steps to get out and grabbed her towel. When she had it wrapped around her body she sat down on one of the chairs and waited for one of them to explain. Ian blew out a breath and pulled one of the lounge chairs in front of her. After a second Max did the same. It took a minute for them to talk but finally after she glared at them long enough they spoke. “Listen, we were going to take things slow with you, work you up to the idea, but my dumb fuck of a brother decided to jump in dick first.” Max scowled at Ian and his choice of words.

“Ian, if I didn’t think she wanted it I would have never made the move.”

“You should have waited for me so we could have talked to her first.”

Lola watched the brothers bicker, confused and stunned to see the normally tight-leashed billionaires arguing over what they should and shouldn’t have done in regards to her. She had no clue what was going on, but she was going to find out.

“Hold on a minute.” She held her hand up and waited until they stopped their personal conversation and finally remembered she was sitting right in front of them. “Can one of you please tell me what you guys are talking about?”

Max and Ian looked at each other for a suspended second before they looked back at her. “We want you, Lola. We both want you, at the same time.” They spoke in unison, as if they had rehearsed exactly what they planned on saying to her if they ever got the chance.

For a moment she was stunned, speechless. They stared at her as if they were afraid she would bolt. A part of her couldn’t believe they had told her they wanted to have a threesome with her. How many times had she thought about this moment, and fantasized about doing what they wanted? Too many times.

“You want me? Both of you?” She could hear them both swallow and then they nodded their response in unison. “Like, you want me?” Oh, she knew what they were asking, but she wanted them to be crystal clear.

“Lola,” Ian leaned forward, “my brother and I want to fuck you. At the same time.”

Max’s eyelids dropped and he murmured, “We want to do filthy things to you, Lola. Will you let us?”

“We can go to one of the bedrooms and get lost in each other. We can make you scream.” Ian’s equally low words had her pussy clenching. She had no doubt they could and would deliver on all their promises.

Her whole body heated at the way Max and Ian spoke to her, like their words were liquid sex and they wanted to paint her with them. She was oh-so-tempted to take them up on their offer, but reality set in. She wanted them badly, but all she could think about was hearing them fucking this morning and every weekend before that -- not to mention them with the Barbie twins, just hours before.

“Is that what you see me as, just another hole to fuck?” Anger was starting rise and she didn’t know why. Did she actually expect them to see her any differently? This was what she wanted, to have them both desire her, but when she was actually faced with it all she felt was used. They didn’t see her any differently than the numerous women they’d screwed.

“Where the hell is this coming from?” Confusion was clear on Max’s face and then Ian said, “Lola, why are you mad? I know you want us. Hell, you were all but fucking Max in the pool.”

She wasn’t going to even try and deny that yes, she did want them, but she wasn’t a fool, either. “You’re right, I do find both of you attractive, but what woman doesn’t?” She stood and wrapped the towel tighter around her body. “I see how you guys live -- well, on the weekends at least. I don’t think I would be okay with just being another woman you fuck on the weekends.” She gave them both a smile. “Besides, I’m just the housecleaner.” Embarrassment flowed through her and she hurried away from them. Damn, she should have known she would fuck that up. Now they probably thought her some kind of freak, or worse, a cock tease. She had made out with and dry-humped Max, and when they told her they wanted her she freaked and ran away, like a wimp.

Letting out a breath, she stepped into the pool house and took the towel off. The air conditioner blasted ice-cold air on her, and goose bumps popped along her flesh. Strong arms wrapped around her from behind and she squeaked in surprise. She hadn’t realized one of them had followed her in. Warmth from his body seeped into hers and the chills were raced away.

“We didn’t mean to scare you off, baby.” Ian’s sweet, warm breath whispered against her ear. “You won’t be a conquest for us, Lola. You aren’t one.” His lips glided over the shell of her ear and she let her walls crumble just a little. Letting herself feel Ian like this melted all of her good intentions away.

“How can I believe that? If we did this, it would ruin everything.” Her feelings were strung too tight regarding the McKnight brothers. She didn’t know if they did brush her off after it was all said and done if she would be able to handle it. Then there was the little matter concerning her job. How in the hell would she be able to come to work, and hear them through the walls after what they did together? Or worse, what if they fired her after they got what they wanted? All of these thoughts were helping her make the smart decision to stay away, but Ian continued to kiss and nibble at her flesh. Slowly, with each kiss, he was taking a sledgehammer to that wall she’d erected around herself. “Nothing will be ruined, baby. Us being together will only make things better.” His tongue stroked along the tip of her ear and she shivered. “Don’t you trust me? Trust us?”

Did she trust them? It wasn’t like they had any kind of relationship outside of a professional one, well, not until today anyway. She still couldn’t believe they wanted her -- wanted this. And even if they had wanted her for so long, why just now say something? Why fuck all those other women knowing damn well she could hear, when she would be forced to clean up after them?

“Stop thinking and just feel. I can’t explain why we did the things we did. I can’t try and break down what monumental ass-hats we are. Believe me, Max and I have had this conversation more times than not. It always ended the same, with us deciding that there would never be anything between us. Up until today, you never showed any inkling that you wanted us, and we knew you could hear us with the other women from the very first day. There was no way we could just come up and admit we wanted you something fierce.” His arms wrapped tighter around her. “I was surprised when Max invited you in the pool, because we were both so hesitant concerning you. I’m glad he did say something, though. When you agreed to join us in the pool I could see a spark in your eyes. You’re a good liar, Lola, but when your defenses are down you can see right into your soul.” His hand snaked down and caressed her belly. “Then when I saw you with Max, I was pissed that he got to you first, but then you know what happened?”

The last part was whispered at the same time his fingers made slow circles around her belly button. “I got so fucking hard.” To emphasize his point he thrust his hips against her and she felt the mighty swell of his erection against her lower back. “Can you feel how hard I am for you?” His voice dropped to a husky timbre that had her thighs tightening and her pussy creaming. “All I have to do is think about you, and I get so unbelievably hard, Lola. All I can think about is spreading these pretty thighs,” he placed both hands on said body parts and urged her to open them, “and guiding my dick between the folds of your sweet little pussy.” His teeth grazed the side of her throat. “You’d like that wouldn’t you, Lola. You want me to talk dirty to you while I fuck you good and hard.” His chest pressed against her back and he began to lead her toward the wall. “I’d give you nice, long strokes in your tight little cunt while my brother fucked you in the ass. Would you like that, baby? Would you like being filled at the same time by me and Max?”

Of everything that was holy. Thinking about both of them filling her at the same time, fucking her raw until the three of them came, had her knees going weak. She placed her hands on the wall to steady herself and felt the rhythmic thrusting of Ian’s hips against her back. His cock felt so hard and big. The McKnight brothers were certainly not lacking in that department. Could she do this with them? Could she let them have their way with her and keep her emotions in check? It seemed impossible at first, but with arousal slowly consuming her every cell it didn’t seem that unrealistic. She knew if she went through with this that there was the chance everything would change. Hell, what was she saying? Everything would change, but was it worth this one time to be with the two men she had wanted for what seemed like forever.

She pushed away from the wall and turned around in Ian’s arms. His eyes appeared glassy and his mouth was slightly parted, his breathing ragged. He searched her face and she didn’t give herself time to think of anything else. Throwing her arms around his neck, Lola stood on her toes and pressed her mouth to his. There was no going back now.

chapter 6

Ian’s hands were everywhere. She couldn’t get close enough to him and all she wanted was more. His hands gripped her ass, squeezing the flesh in the same maddening way Max had. Her pussy, so ridiculously wet, was clenching and unclenching, trying to grip something substantial to ease the ache.

“God damn it I want you, Lola.” He dropped to his knees and started kissing and licking the flesh of her belly. Holding onto his hair, Lola let her head fall back against the wall as her eyes slid shut. The feel of his tongue making slow, wet strokes around her belly button was as expertly done as an artist with a brush. She felt like his masterpiece, and she wanted to be completed by him.

His fingers gripped the edge of her bathing suit bottoms and he slowly pulled them down, revealing her mound to his gaze. She had since opened her eyes, watching with a racing heart as his hungry eyes took in her bare vagina. A Brazilian wax was her best friend, and by the look on Ian’s face she surmised it was his now, as well. “Lola,” he ran his hand over his mouth, his stare still on her slit. She knew he could see it so clearly, especially from his vantage point. He lifted his finger and ran it down her cleft and then back up again. He took his other hand and spread her lips, revealing her inner flesh to his wandering eyes. “Your clit is so swollen, baby. I bet if I licked it with my tongue you’d come right on my mouth, wouldn’t you?” He lifted his eyes to her while his finger continued to hold her flesh apart. His other finger ran up and down her slippery sex, teasing her hole before drawing closer and closer to the engorged little bud at the top. He was right. She would come just from a little lick. She was so worked up from Max, and now with Ian standing before her, that she couldn’t even think clearly.

“You’re so pink inside, baby. I bet you taste sweeter than sugar.” Without breaking contact with her eyes, he leaned forward. He stopped teasing his fingers through her cleft and now spread her lips as wide as they would go. She knew she was obscenely on display, but she didn’t care. There wasn’t an ounce of self-consciousness flowing through her at that moment.

When she felt his hot breath tempting her most intimate part she held her breath. God, she wished he’d stop tormenting her. As if he read her thoughts he opened his mouth. She saw the flash of his pink tongue emerge before it stroked over her aching clit.

“Ohhh, yesss,” she hissed and closed her eyes again, feeling her orgasm rising to the surface. She didn’t want it to end, not when he was dragging his tongue over and around her clit, making it harden under his ministrations.

“Mmm.” He hummed against her, and her legs shook from the force of trying to stay upright. “You taste better than anything I’ve ever imagined.” He sucked and licked her like she was a Popsicle on a ninety-degree day. She was vaguely aware of pulling at his hair and bringing him further into her pussy. The fact she was acting like a sex-starved maniac wasn’t lost on her, but who could act rationally when they had one half of the McKnight brothers between their thighs?

He gripped her behind the knee of one of her legs and brought it up to drape it over his shoulder. The new position opened her up even further. The wall was cold against her overheated back, but the chill helped her stay right where she was, refusing to let her give up all the control. She needed to stay coherent because there was no way she was going to get lost in what was happening. Not when this was probably her only chance at finally getting to sleep with the McKnight brothers. Max’s face came to her mind and she moaned, feeling herself growing wetter, and becoming more swollen. Heavy breathing penetrated the room’s quiet atmosphere and she suddenly realized it wasn’t just hers and Ian’s. Opening her eyes, she stared with half-closed lids at Max. He stood in the doorway, his hand gripping his erection through his trunks, his eyes on what his younger brother was doing to her. As if he sensed her gaze, he looked at her. Lola licked her lips and disentangled her fingers from Ian’s hair. Lifting her arms, she gripped the knot that held her string bikini together behind her neck. When the strings came undone and the material fell away, revealing her breasts to his hungry gaze, she beckoned him with a tilt of her lips and a lift of her brow.

It only took him three long strides to reach her, and when he did it was like the angels sang. His hands were immediately on her breasts, pulling at her nipples, causing them to harden further and become more sensitive. Thank God Ian didn’t stop sucking at her flesh. Instead, he added a finger to her quivering pussy.

In and out he pumped that digit while Max dipped his head and replaced his hand on her chest with the hot suction of his mouth. He alternated from one breast to the other, the sounds of him suckling her chest and Ian slurping her cream down an erotic symphony to her ears. A strangled cry left Lola and she wantonly thrust her chest further into Max’s mouth and ground her pussy in Ian’s face. The gruff sounds that came from the two men were fuel to her arousal filled fire and she wanted to hear more of it.

“That’s it, baby. Come all over my face. Let me taste you.” Ian’s words were muffled against her soaked flesh and she knew she was close, so close to finding oblivion.

“How does she taste? Sweeter than anything on this earth, I bet.” Max grunted his words out, his tongue and mouth doing wicked things to her nipples.

“Fuck, Max. You have noooo idea.”

The way they talked to each other about her was so damn hot that Lola felt her climax take hold of her. Throwing her head back, she was aware of the sound of her skull hitting the wall, but there was no pain, only intense, red-hot pleasure. Max pumped his erection against her side while Ian drew out her orgasm. His finger pushed in and out of her and Max sucked on her nipple to the point of pain. It was so good, too good, that she couldn’t hold herself up any longer. Thankfully, Max had a hold of her upper body and Ian gripped her ass. The two of them kept her grounded as they continued to draw out her pleasure until she was begging them to stop, pleading with them that it was too much, too sensitive. The two men disentangled themselves from her but kept their hands on her body, making sure she didn’t do a face-plant. Never in all her twenty-five years had she experienced something like that. She was breathless and weak, but God, did she feel good.

“Come on, sweetheart.” She was aware of Max’s words but didn’t have the strength to open her eyes and see what was happening. Then she felt herself become weightless as strong arms picked her up and the clean, masculine scent that was everything McKnight washed through her. The chest beneath her head was solid and warm, and she let herself bask in the comfort of them taking care of her. Her back was the first thing that touched the cool, silk sheets as Max laid her down. She still didn’t have the strength to open her eyes and instead just rode the lust-filled high the two of them caused in her.

“Oh no, baby,” Ian’s big body pressed against her right side. “There isn’t any sleeping going on.” He pushed the hair away from her face and kissed the side of her mouth.

Max slid next to her left side and his hand found her breast. “We’ve only just started, sweetheart.” 

chapter 7

Lola opened her eyes when she realized both men were naked beside her. Their thick, long erections were hot as hell against her body. At some point her top and bottoms had been completely removed, and the knowledge that she was naked, in a McKnight sandwich, almost sucked the air out of her lungs.

Ian moved closer to her and she felt his cock slide between her slightly parted thighs, rubbing along her cleft. Even after the explosive orgasm they gave her, she felt herself growing wet again. Max’s shaft pressed against the crease of her ass and his lips found the back of her neck. Max pushed her hair all the way off her shoulders to give him better access to her sensitive flesh. She wanted to feel both of them moving inside of her, but she wanted to do something for them first, something she had thought about while she touched herself. Pushing away, she admired the view of the two of them sprawled on the bed. Their dicks were like iron rods, lying on their ribbed stomachs, reaching their belly buttons. The thick veins that ran the underside of their erections throbbed harder the longer she stared at them.

“You keep looking at us like that and I don’t think we’ll make it all night, sweetheart.” She lifted her eyes to Max and saw him grin. His hand gripped his shaft and he started stroking himself. Her lips tingled to taste all that male flesh. A look at Ian proved he was watching her intently. She had a feeling he could read her better than anyone ever had.

“If you want it so much, why don’t you come and get it?” Ian grabbed the base of his cock with his big hand and stroked it root to tip. Just like his brother, Max watched her like he knew what she was thinking, like he knew exactly what she wanted.

“Come here, Lola.” God, their voices -- so deep and rough -- made her insides quake. She crawled over to Ian on her hands and knees. He spread his legs so that she could fit between them and held his shaft up for her waiting mouth. Max ran his hand down her spine and she looked over at him through the tangle of her hair. He was running his palm up and down his length, his eyes on her mouth.

“Come on, baby. Open up and swallow my cock.” Licking her lips, she started to descend. When she was close enough to smell the masculine scent of his cock she stopped and took a fortifying breath. He grabbed the mass of her hair and lifted it up, piling it in curls on top of her head. She knew what he was doing, and knew he didn’t want an obstructed view of her giving him head.

Max’s hand drifted lower and lower until he was palming one of her ass cheeks. He slipped his hand between the crease and started running the pad of his finger over her slick pussy, bringing the wetness to her anus. When she felt her back hole become good and lubed, he pressed inward and she felt what little resistance she had back there break. The first knuckle slipped in and then the second. She couldn’t do anything but close her eyes and ride out the wicked feelings his finger in her ass caused within her. When she felt him start to insert a second finger, Ian decided to rub the tip of his dick along her lips. She opened immediately and engulfed the crowned head. The salty taste of him exploded in her mouth and she hummed her approval. He was thick and so very long that she couldn’t swallow as much as she liked. He bumped the back of her throat and her eyes watered at the brief feeling of a lack of oxygen. It was a frightening and exciting sensation.

Over and over she sucked him, wanting to taste his cum, wanting him to let go of his load so she could guzzle it down. Max worked his fingers in and out of her, scissoring those thick digits, preparing her for a good hard fuck in her ass.  “That’s it, baby. Suck my cock good and deep.” Ian gripped her hair tighter, using the strands as leverage as he fucked her mouth. His hips were lifting in time with her retreating mouth and his grunts of satisfaction were growing closer and closer together. She knew he was close, but right when she felt a thick jet of pre-cum dance along her tongue, he pulled her head back. His dick slipped from between her lips, his eyes riveted to the sight. He leaned in and ran his tongue along first her bottom lip and then her top. He didn’t kiss her again, but continued to lick her lips, causing them to swell even further.

Max removed his fingers from her and she felt him shift beside her. When she turned her head his cock was right in front of her face, hard and dripping cum. Leaning in, she ran her tongue along the slit at the tip, collecting all of the salty fluid and moaning at the flavor. God, why did they have to taste so good? She had never been one for blowjobs or cum, but when it concerned Ian and Max she was a freaking fiend. Max started thrusting in and out of her mouth, having her take more and more of him with each pump of his hips. He was just as big as Ian and all she could think about was his using that big tool in her ass. Her whole body clenched at the thought.

The bed dipped and she realized Ian was leaving, but Max kept his hands on each side of her face so she was unable to turn and protest his absence. A thick jet of spunk touched her tongue and she greedily swallowed it. She got lost in the feel of Max’s cock in her mouth and worked her jaw and tongue over his velvety flesh. He was so hard beneath her tongue, so very male.

“Fuck, sweetheart.” His words were gritted out through clenched teeth and she would have smiled if not for the fact her mouth was full of dick. The bed beside her dipped again and her heart pounded harder. The hand closest to Ian was suddenly in the air as he lifted it. She felt his hardness in her palm and curled her fingers around it, stroking him as she sucked his brother’s shaft.

“She has a sweet little mouth, doesn’t she, Max?” Ian was slowly pumping himself in her palm. Back and forth. Back and forth.

“God. I want to get off right now but I want to be buried in her tight little ass when I cum.”

Ian grunted his approval and slapped her ass. The sound of flesh against flesh didn’t dim the sting of pain his spanking caused.

“That’s so good, Lola. So. Fucking. Good.” Max tightened his hands on the sides of her head and pulled her away from him. She looked up, saw his chest heaving forcefully, and finally let her smile show. “You’re a damn seductress, sweetheart.” His thumb coasted over her mouth and then he straightened. “Straddle Ian.” The command was firm and held no room for argument. Not that Lola had any intention to deny either of them.

chapter 8

 Ian laid on his back, one arm behind his head the other rubbing his chest. His erection lay on his belly, a heavy weight just waiting for her pussy. Lifting her leg, she placed one on each side of his waist and gasped at how hot he felt beneath her. Two condoms were produced and she was instructed to apply them to both of their cocks. Never had she thought putting condoms on men would be so erotic, but the sounds they made as she slid the rubber down their lengths proved her wrong.

“Grab my dick and put it inside, baby.” Ian’s hands landed on her hips, his fingers flexing against her skin. She lifted up on her knees and grabbed hold of him. The tip against her opening didn’t leave anything to the imagination. The head was bulbous and she knew it was going to be a tight fit, but she wanted a little bit of pain with her pleasure. Slowly sliding down his length, her eyes widened at the feeling of fullness that washed through her. He filled her so completely there was no room between the walls of her cunt and his cock.

“Holy fucking shit.” Ian squeezed his eyes shut and tightened his hold on her waist.

“I bet her cunt is as tight as her ass. Is she hot and wet, Ian?” That was Max, right behind her, wanting a play-by-play and causing her arousal to soar.

“Dude, her pussy is like a fucking iron fist.”

“Do you guys always talk like this when you fuck?” She panted as she slid down the rest of him. His big balls touched her ass and her pussy clenched around him. The fit was so snug she felt his dick twitch inside of her.

“Damn it, baby. You can’t go doing that or I’m going to fucking come right now.” She did it again for the hell of it. He groaned and gritted his teeth.

“Lola,” She looked over her shoulder at Max. He wore a serious expression. “There is no comparison between you and those other females. When it comes to you, there are no other women for us.” She didn’t know how to take his comment so she didn’t try responding. Her chest warmed, though. Turning her attention back to Ian, she started lifting off of him and then slowly gliding back down. “Yes, baby, fucking yes.” Sweat started to dot his forehead and the urge to run her tongue along it was strong. Up and down Lola rode him, feeling her inner muscles quake with suppressed pleasure. She was close, so damn close.

“Touch yourself, Lola. Let me see you play with that pretty little clit.” Ian’s gaze was already aimed at the area in question. Max’s chest pressed against her back and his cock fit perfectly in between the crease of her ass. She moved her fingers between their bodies and started rubbing circles around the hard little bud. Max’s hands spread her cheeks and then she felt something cool and slick coat her anus. She knew what was going to happen and she wanted it more than she wanted to breathe.

“Tell me you want me in your ass, sweetheart.” Warm breath coasted over her back right before Max’s mouth pressed between the shoulder blades. Her mouth was dry but she found the words he wanted to hear.

“You know I want that big cock of yours rammed in my ass.” Lola really wasn’t one for talking dirty during sex, but she found that when it came to the McKnight brothers, nothing was too much for her.

He groaned against her back and pressed his hips against her firmly. “You’re going to be the death of me, Lola.” The tip of him started to breach her opening and she bore down on him. A moan slipped from her when his crested head popped through the tight ring of muscle. He pushed his length into her. The lube made his movements glide, slick and easy.

Curses rang out from both men and she wondered what it felt like for them. Could they feel each other’s cocks through the thin strip of skin separating them? The thought was arousing as hell. Max started moving in and out of her, his hands holding onto the cheeks of her bottom as he plowed into her. Ian didn’t move beneath her, but he did rise up and capture one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking on it in time with his brother’s thrusts. Perspiration started covering her body from their combined body heat and she bit her lip, feeling the pleasure and pain of his length passing in and out of her bottom.

Ian let go of her nipple with a resounding pop and when Max pushed back into her he pulled out. When Ian pushed back in, Max retreated. Over and over they fucked her, their bodies like machines, as she sat there and took it. Their sweat-slicked skin rubbed along hers and created a sexual slide of heated flesh. The smell of their sex filling the room caused a sensory overload and her orgasm burst forth, making stars dance in front of her vision. They continued to move in and out, not giving her a chance to catch her breath before another quake moved through her. The pleasure was never ending. Both of them moving in tandem, the scents of their bodies, and the sound of their harsh grunts and curses were all stimuli that gave Lola rapid-fire orgasms.

The hard sting of Max’s open palm on her ass made Lola cry out and clamp down hard on both of them.

“Fuck.” Both of them swore harshly and screwed her harder, with more power. She rocked between them, holding on to Ian’s shoulders or she would have slammed right into the headboard.

“Oh God. Please, please. I can’t take anymore.” All the while she begged them, her climaxes never ending. They wouldn’t relent, and wouldn’t show her mercy from their onslaught. They were evil, naughty men, and she knew they wanted to kill her with pleasure.

“You’ll take it all, Lola, because we aren’t nearly done with you -- not until you are completely ours.” Ian rose up again and dragged his teeth along the underside of her breast. He used pressure with his teeth, adding more agony to her ecstasy.

“And believe us, sweetheart,” Max slapped her ass again and again, alternating between cheeks until they felt red and deliciously abused. “We will have you. All of you.”

Arching her back, she screamed out and felt the world tilt. Both men roared out their release, pumping three more times in her and then burying themselves balls-deep in her body. She felt their cocks swell and harden further. Collapsing on Ian, she felt Max do the same against her back. It was hard to breathe, but at the moment she didn’t care, and couldn’t even comprehend what the hell was happening. The idea of dying this way wasn’t nearly as frightening as she might have thought, especially if she was between Ian and Max. A blanket of darkness threatened to steal her and she fought it. Max pulled out of her and she winced as his girth left her. His weight left her and she couldn’t bring herself to move. Ian’s arms wrapped around her, holding her tighter, not letting her move even an inch. Max’s lips kissed a gentle trail along her back and that was when she couldn’t fight it any longer. Her energy drained, Lola blissfully passed out. 

chapter 9

 Lola woke to the sound of heavy breathing on both sides of her. Peeling her eyes open, she looked left then right. All she could see was hard, golden male skin. A sheet was draped over them and she tried to remember what had happened after she closed her eyes. The sex had been incredible, and her sore body could attest to that. The euphoric high she felt with them was a fading memory and all she could think about now was what a horrible mistake she made. She had fucked her two bosses -- her two, billionaire bosses that just happened to be brothers. Closing her eyes, she groaned internally. How in the hell are you going to fix this?

Max shifted beside her, his muscular thigh brushing her leg. She needed to get out of here and clear her mind. There was no doubt that everything they had said, about wanting her completely, was all said in the heat of the moment. What would they want her for, when they could have anyone? She was their maid and they were curious. They’d wanted to try out “the help” no doubt. Now that she had given into them, very easily she might add, no doubt they would want her gone. It was just a bad situation all around. What she needed to do was get the hell out and get her mind wrapped around everything.

Getting out of the bed had been harder than she thought. It took her a good ten minutes of stopping and slowly creeping down the mattress so neither of them would wake up. On her tiptoes, Lola crept out of the room. She quickly put on her clothes, and left the pool house.

The tears started when she pulled out of their driveway and she cursed herself. Wiping them away as fast as they came, she felt angry with herself for getting like this over them. They wouldn’t cry over her, so why should she cry over them? She had been a fool to fall for their shit, a fucking idiot to let their smooth talk and her overactive libido crumble her resolve.

Her fists hit the steering wheel over and over again. What in the hell was she going to do?


Two days. It had been two damn days since she had slept with Ian and Max and then snuck out like the wimp she was. Everything was ruined, that much was crystal clear. The tub of Rocky Road sat between her thighs, half of it empty because she couldn’t stop the spoon from going into her mouth. She refused to check her phone, to listen to her voicemail because she was dreading the phone call from them saying she no longer had her job, that it had all been a mistake. Why in the hell had she succumbed to their charms and slept with them? Ugh! She couldn’t blame them for everything that had happened. She had willingly gone to them, and had willingly let them have her body.

“You are such an asshole for loving the two most unavailable men in the world.” Yeah, she said it out loud. A humorless laugh left her at the fact that she loved Ian and Max McKnight. They were the worst type of men for her, yet her heart wouldn’t listen to her brain.

The Notebook played on her TV and she brought another spoonful of ice cream to her mouth. “Why can’t I find a guy like Ryan Gosling? So determined, so in love with the girl of his dreams.” She rolled her eyes and brought more of the chocolate and marshmallow goodness to her mouth. There were no Noah’s out in the world. A dollop of ice cream fell onto her stained and ripped T-shirt, and she groaned. Oh well, it’d just add to the rest of her messy life.

A hard knock pounded on her door. Lola sighed -- of course someone would decide to stop by, when she looked like shit reheated. Tossing the spoon back in the container, she stood and took a look at herself in the mirror by the front door. A groan left her at her appearance: Baggy sweats that were on their last leg, and a shirt that looked like she peeled it off a homeless man. Lola thought she looked like she’d been run over and then the car backed up because she was still moving. Her hair was a wild mess atop her head, but there was no time to fix her appearance.

It was either Meredith or Rachel, really her only two friends. No doubt they assumed the worst, since she hadn’t answered any calls in the last seventy-two hours. She gripped the handle and opened the door. Time stilled when she saw who stood on the other side.

Ian and Max stood there, the sight of them in those dark suits they wore doing wicked things to her body. Damn them for looking so good. They looked pissed, like really fucking pissed.

“Can we come in, Lola?” Ian’s voice was clipped and cool.

She couldn’t find her voice, let alone make her legs work.

“Please, sweetheart.” It was Max’s gentle voice that finally had her moving. She stepped aside and allowed them to enter.

When the door shut behind them it was like she had just trapped herself in the lion’s den. Their big bodies seemed to fill her foyer and she pressed her back against the door. “What are you doing here?” They turned and looked at her. “I wasn’t expecting you.” Both of their eyes swept up and down her body and then Ian snorted. “That much is clear, baby.”

Realization that she looked the way she did made her eyes widen. “Oh, God.” Her hands lifted to her hair, trying to tame some of the craziness, but she knew it was no use. Max took a step forward and she froze. His presence was comforting. Both of them eased something inside of her and made her feel less lost, less empty. He lifted his hand and she tensed, not knowing what to expect. His thumb brushed along her bottom lip and he lifted it so she could see the smear of chocolate on the pad. Her face heated and her mouth went dry as she watched him bring it to his mouth and lick it clean. She couldn’t breathe, especially when Ian stepped forward. Max moved to the side and both of them stood blocking her in, caging her against the door.

“Why did you leave?” Ian was the one to speak, an emotion crossing his face that she couldn’t describe.

“I--” She dropped her gaze, but they wouldn’t have any of it. A finger lifted her chin so she was staring at them again.

“Tell us why you left, sweetheart.”

Could they hear her heartbeat, or see it? It felt like the damn thing was going to pound right through her chest. “I didn’t want to stick around to hear you guys tell me you didn’t want me.” They looked between each other and did something she would have never expected. They fucking laughed at her. She felt her brows knit and then her anger rose. “Is it that funny?” Lola knew her face was as red as a damn beet. What she really wanted to do was slap them across their two gorgeous faces.

“Baby,” Ian grinned and lifted his hand to cup her cheek. “Did you not hear anything we told you? We want you. Completely. For us there is no one else aside from you.”

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Really?” They had the audacity to look sheepish. “There is no one else for me but you, especially compared to those men that fuck anything with a twat.”

“Sweetheart,” she swatted Max’s hand away and pushed her way past them and went back into the living room. Of course it was the scene where Noah was confessing his love in the rain. Damn him and all his romance.

“Lola, we aren’t going to even try and make excuses for what we did, but you have to understand that we didn’t think we had a chance with you.”

“You’re just so damn beautiful, but you also intimidate the hell out of us.”

It was her turn to laugh at them. She turned and glared at them. “How do I intimidate you? You do realize you’re sex personified, not to mention billionaires…?” She raised her brow when neither spoke. “I’ll remind you I’m your maid and you can get anyone you want. If anyone should be intimidated, it should be me.”

“Are you blind, sweetheart?” Max moved until he was standing in front of her, his hands on her shoulders. He turned her around so she was looking at herself in the mirror. She grimaced at her horrid reflection and tried to look away but he held her head so she was forced to look at herself. “You’re beyond beautiful, Lola. Yeah, we may have been a little promiscuous, but if we thought we had any chance with you we would have only been after you.”

“We couldn’t even get hard without thinking about you.” She about choked when she heard Ian’s words. “It’s true, believe it or not. You had us so worked up, especially every time we saw you in those skimpy little cleaning clothes. Damn, girl,” Ian ran a hand over his mouth. “You’re smokin’ hot.”

“It isn’t just that, though,” Max glared at Ian’s reflection. “We want more with you. We don’t just want that one time, Lola. We want you to give us a chance.”

“We know it isn’t a conventional relationship, but if you’ll give us a chance we know we can make you happy.” Ian grinned at her, his boyish charm coming through. “All those other women were mistakes. Even if you turned us down right now, I would still tell you they were mistakes.”

“If we could take it back, take back all the times you had to pick up after us, heard what we were doing,” Max looked down, as if his words embarrassed him. “We would take it all back. It was tasteless and ignorant of us and we sure as hell weren’t thinking. We don’t blame you if you tell us to get the fuck out.”

All Lola could do was stand there, mouth slightly open as she tried to process what was going on. They wanted her? Like, really wanted her? Was she dreaming? They must have taken her silence as her dismissal because they both cleared their throats and stepped away from her.

“We’ll see ourselves out.”

“We’re really sorry, sweetheart. We can’t blame you for your decision.” She saw them walk away, heard the front door close, but still couldn’t make herself move. It was when she realized they were actually leaving that she found the strength to make her legs work. She ran to the front door and tore it open, but stopped when she saw them standing on the other side, smiles on their faces.

“Damn, baby. We thought we’d have to result to begging you on our hands and knees.”

“What?” The word squeaked out of her.

“Sweetheart, you didn’t think we would give up on you that easily, did you?”

Neither of them moved and she felt her mouth open and close a few times before she found the words to respond. “Okay, but I get to keep my job.” They looked at each other and she surmised they must have some kind of mind-reading ability between them, since they tended to do that a lot. A beat of silence passed between them and then they laughed.

“Okay, baby, but only if you promise to do it naked.”

Max punched his brother in the arm. “He doesn’t mean that.”

“Yes I do.” A devilish smile had Ian’s lips tilting up. “Don’t act like you don’t want to see her naked, bent over with a duster.”

Max took a minute to answer and then smiled. “I think I’d like to see her in a little nightie, maybe stretched up, trying to reach for something a little too high.”

She snorted and punched him in the arm, but all she came up against was solid muscle. “You two are incorrigible.” This had to be the weirdest, most fucked up two days she had ever had. If this was a dream she really didn’t want to wake up, especially if she got to peel those power suits off their bodies.

“Keep looking at us like that and we won’t make it back to the office.”

“Like you want me, looking like I rolled out from under a rock.”

“Baby, the way you look makes me think of chocolate and sex, preferably at the same time.”

“Mmm, how about chocolate smeared over your tits, or maybe on that sweet pussy of yours? Come here,” Max pulled her close and dipped his head to run his tongue along her lips. “Yeah, I can taste it now." He deepened the kiss. "Even without the chocolate you taste sweet as hell, sweetheart.” She was pulled in the other direction and Ian kissed her deep and hard. “You two are going to be the death of me.” Max moved behind her and all she could smell was clean, masculine McKnight brothers.

“Yeah, but what a way to die.” They said it in unison, and Lola couldn’t agree more.


Publication Date: 01-10-2016

All Rights Reserved

At war with her mind and body, Lola finally succumbs to her arousal and gives in to the potent and addicting McKnight brothers. But once it's all said and done Lola finds herself running from her feelings and the two men she left in her bed. Max and Ian aren't having any of that, not when they make it perfectly clear that they want more from her than just a one night stand.

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