
The Day You Went Away


Throughout the storm and the endless rain
Throughout the tears and eternal pain
The memory returns time and again
Of the day you went away. 


The garden you planted has turned to weeds
I couldn’t attend to its constant needs
My spirit is broken and my heart still bleeds
Since the day you went away 


The house that we shared is in disrepair
I’m ashamed to say that I no longer care
For it’s just not a home without you there
Now that you’ve gone away 


I walk through the park where we used to go
And I sit by the lake where we used to throw
bread to the ducks, and I miss you so
Since the day you went away 


You come to me each night in my dreams
You say you forgive me but to me it seems
That my self respect I can never redeem
Since I caused you to go away  


My world is now just a black hole in space
But deep in my mind there's a secret place
Where we meet each day and we kiss and embrace
And together, we drift away.

You Don't Know Me


You don’t know where I go

in the night when you’re asleep

when the darkness imprisons my mind

when demons bind me in remorse

and exhume long-buried memories

that return to taunt and haunt me

and leave me silently weeping


You don’t know what I hear

when the voice in my head suggests

what I’m doing is somehow wrong

yet that same voice commands me

to do it, and to conceal it

to hide it from the judgmental eyes

of a non-understanding world


You don’t know what I do alone

in my private house, with curtains drawn

where the mask of conformity is discarded

where inhibitions are a thing unknown

where the outside world is cast aside

where I alone rule my kingdom

and cast out intruders, including you


You don’t know what I feel

when my eyes gaze down upon you

as you undulate and moan

from my sensual loving touch

and you call my name in ecstasy

and you take the love i offer you

though the love is never returned


You don’t know my sadness

when you turn and look away

when you refuse to even answer

my obvious cries for help

or my pleas for understanding

and as a final dagger to the heart

you pretend not to hear at all


You don’t know my emptiness

when you eye me with indifference

and you see what you want to see

and I feel like nothing more

than your constant work in progress

as something you want to change

to suit your personal needs


You don’t know my regrets

of the life that I have wasted

of chances I should have taken

of words I should have spoken

of dreams I couldn’t share

because i failed to find someone

who seeks the same as me


You don’t know my mind

when I gaze at the endless skies

at the infinite stars and galaxies

when I wonder at time eternal

when I wonder where I came from

when I wonder where I’m going

or if nothing lies beyond


You don’t know me at all.


If Only



If only I had known before
If only I had seen
The consequences coming
From my actions so obscene 


If only I was noble
And my soul divine and pure
Instead of being the disease
I could have been the cure 


If only I had told my friends
The words I should have shared
To tell them they're important
To let them know I cared 


If only I had shown my love
To those who craved for it
To those who gave their love to me
Though my heart seemed cold and desolate 


If only my words were compliments
And not a loaded gun
My friends would not have turned away
Would not have cut and run 


If only I had made my bed
Before I laid down to die
I wouldn't be fearing eternity
As I head toward the sky

Evolution of Love


Across the bar,

Through smoky haze

Your eyes entice,

Your looks amaze
I'm interested


I watch you dance,

I hear you sing


Just your thing
You sing to me


I say 'hi' 

'Steve's the name

I chat you up

 I'm on my game
I want you bad


We share a drink

We share your bed

I should have left

But stayed instead
You made me breakfast


Every night

Every day

Need you with me

Wish you'd stay
You own my heart


My mind is set

The die is cast

I offer you

a love that lasts

Marry me


You come to Vegas

Become my bride

Married by Elvis

Crazy ride
Make love all night


Give you a home

Lavish surrounds

My love for you

Knows no bounds
Happy ever after


Work two jobs

To make ends meet

You watch TV

All day and eat


We go to bed

I kiss your cheek

Filthy hair

Your breath reeks
Where's my wife?


Eat so much

Your arse has grown

Cellulite legs

You constantly moan
Give me some peace


You dont clean

You dont cook

I ask for sex

You read a book
Hand and lube


I come home early

Dont mean to be rude

But why you in bed

With some random dude
Who isn't me


I kick his arse

Kick yours too

Get the fuck out

Both of you

Yeh, fuck you too


I throw your shit

Out the door

Good luck i say

Ugly whore
Take your fat arse with you


"Thanks for nothing"

You curse and sneer

I say "you're welcome

Anywhere but here"

Different Worlds


In your world your sky is blue
Your summer hot, your winter bitter
Last Saturday you slept in
This morning you missed breakfast


In your world is your friend, Kate

Italian food’s your favourite

Your mother stayed with you all week
She’d argued with your father

In your world your daughter blossoms
You cried last month, when she started school
Your husband got promoted at work
A certified accountant

In your world are holidays
Camping trips and private beaches
Your brother married last July
He swore he never would

You've planned your daughter’s birthday party
Last night you watched a movie
Romantic comedy, you laughed and cried
I know all this; you told me.
In my world I smell your scent
I feel your hands upon my skin
You bathe me daily; change my clothes
Your voice is calm and soothing

In my world I know your name.
Itself a comfort; so serene
I know your goodness, your pure heart
I know your beauty, though sight unseen

In my world I have no limbs

Or perhaps I do, I cannot tell

The only one that I can feel
Rises when you bathe me

If you knew of my awareness
Perhaps you would continue
It evokes in me a distant memory
A sense of hope, an unseen tear.

In my world are tubes and wires
A rythmic beeping of machines
Vague, incessant, distant voices
My food flows from a hanging bag

In my world my silent screams
Go unanswered, go unheard
My words imprisoned in my mind
My pleas for death just wasted thoughts

In my world I hear you sing
Happy birthday, happy birthday
And for you to hear my birthday wish
Would be the wish come true.

My darkened world has no view
There is only me, and only you
In my world I love you
And in my dreams you love me too 

A Light Ahead


A long firm push

A light ahead

Free at last

Placenta is shed


Umbilical is cut

A mother’s caress

Warm loving hands

guide me to breast


Two candles on a cake

I stand erect

I communicate

My mother protects


Loving kisses

Toys abound

Wondrous new world

is all around


I run with my friends

I graze my knee

I run pretty fast

For a boy of three


First day of school

A flood of tears

Mainly from Mum

From me, only cheers


A new bike for Christmas

I ride it to school

My favourite colour red

I’m looking so cool


I turn fifteen

And pimples appear

I hang out with friends

and taste my first beer


Hopelessly in love

with my classmate Prue

I ask my friend to ask her

if she likes me too


Seventeen years

A belated first kiss

Awkward fumbles

But sexual bliss 


Turn twenty one
     Key to the door
     Parties and women
     Couldn't ask for more


Twenty six years

Married for four

A loving wife

I cant help but adore


Second child born

A girl this time

So humble and grateful

For this life sublime


Promotion at work

A raise as well

More work to do

More cars to sell


Family vacations

Camping away

Loving and laughing

Come what may


All too soon

A mother and wife

Discovers the lump

That would soon take her life


Our tears are shed

Final memories are made
     The last rites read
     And her body is laid


Ashes to ashes

Dust to dust

Life goes on

For go on it must


Graduation day

A father’s face beams

A son comes of age

His head filled with dreams


A daughter finds love

Her wedding day looms

The house is soon silent

Now dark empty rooms 


A lover long gone

Just a face in a frame

And memories of her voice

Whispering my name


Long lonely nights

Cold empty days

A seat by her grave

In the sun’s warm rays


Years  fly by
     And time's running out
     And still no clue
     What this life's all about


A new song begun

But I fail to dance

To the new tune of life

And miss my chance


Seventy years old

By today’s standards, young

Yet the show’s almost over

The song's almost sung


My Summer’s been lived

My Autumn long gone

My Winter’s now here

And Great Grandchild born


Walking stick needed

Eyes barely see

Stroke slurs my speech

Arthritis takes my knees


A hospital bed

Faint voices are heard

I give them my love

With my final words


A daughter's last kiss

And her soft caress

A son holds my hand

A dying man blessed


A long dark tunnel

A light ahead

A new world awaits

My earthly ties shed







Before I met her, I had nothing

Now I have even less.

What I ever saw in her

I can never even guess


She stole my pride, destroyed my soul

And dignity during the course

She even took my testicles

Hers in the divorce


Her face could launch a thousand ships

But so could Adolph Hitler.

Why'd it take me so many years

To finally wake up and ditch her



Internet Connection


She appeared in my inbox late one night

A private message on Bookrix' site.

She loved my books, she craved my mind

She told me i was one of a kind


Who was this girl? I needed to know

Her personality, her highs and her lows

She shared with me her mind and soul

And once, through my own fault, vitriol


But she always speaks in lower case

And always in ‘Times New Roman’

She always cuts right to the chase

A mysterious, sensual woman


She says she wants to ‘learn my rhythms’

I don’t know what that means

But I share with her as best I can

My thoughts through this machine


Through the wires and atmosphere

They bounce off satellites

The heartfelt words we write and share

The countless megabytes


Two souls entwined, two minds alike

Though our ages are far between

But minds don’t age, they just engage

We communicate, unseen


Her face remains a mystery

Her voice I’ll never hear

But that’s the way it has to be

Or the magic will disappear

The Cryptic Verse. (An ode to the flowery works that are beyond my understanding.)

The envious moon shone down upon my flaxon hair

Which way does the crafty wind blow?

I snatch a grasshopper from the bullet's chosen path

Am I not the keeper of my brother's empty womb?


The sea gives up its deadly secrets

The seven sins of Man

But when all is said and done

I love a sunburnt land


If anyone knows what this means, please contact the writer at this address.






The Prisoner

I stare blankly and numbly through the bars of my cell at the world outside. I feel as if the view is being dangled in front of my eyes as some kind of mental torture. 

I see in the distance a beautiful park. Green lawns, shady trees. The free world, where others are free to come and go as they please, to live their lives, find a partner, have children. But this is my life now. My reality. 

Each day they come to my cell and interrogate me in a language foreign to me.

“Are you ready to talk yet?” 

What are they trying to tell me?

What do they want from me? 

 They badger me day after day, repeating themselves constantly in words I don't understand, as I cower in the corner.

 I’m hungry and thirsty. What i would give to taste the sweetness of a piece of fruit that I once took for granted. 

I hear them coming. The sound of their footsteps evokes in me an unlikely mixture of excitement, fear and dread.

My life's necessities are pushed through a gap in the wall. I look in the bowls.

Same as always.

Water and sunflower seeds.





Mushroom Soup


Excitedly with torch in hand

We scour through the farmer’s land

Curious cows walk among us

As we search for magic golden fungus


Ten PM, the night’s still young

We check the many mounds of dung

Mushrooms large with gold on top

Everywhere, a magical crop


We race back home with bags of dreams

Two boys, two girls; excited teens

Fleeting fears go undeclared

For the experience that lies ahead


Bubble, bubble, trouble and toil

We watch the shrooms begin to boil

The water turns mysterious and dark

As we await our trip on Noah’s ark


We gather round and fill our cup

Drink it down and almost throw up

Primed at last we sit and wait

For time and space to oscillate


An eerie silence fills the room

We wait for the hit, the high, the boom

Before I can even comprehend

My mind floats skyward, reality bends


A blast of Metallica and we enter the zone

‘Sad But True’, ‘Wherever I May Roam’

The black light ignites the black light poster

And we board the illusory rollercoaster


The walls come alive and pulse with the beat

My body is freezing in the summer heat

I try to speak but my words just flow

From my mouth like lava from a volcano


I check out Melanie, she looks so nice

With three bare breasts and lust in her eyes

She floats and dances with erotic grace

Her hand inside her panties of lace


‘Look at the stars’ I hear Jack say

‘It looks just like the Milky Way’

I look above but all I see

Is my own eyes staring back at me


Melanie and Chloe, naked and free

Their inhibitions a casualty

Jack and I join the fray

The four of us, naked, dance and sway


The rhythm commands us to move and thrust

To chant the words, and obey we must
     We raise our hands to touch the sky

To grab the stars meandering by


Guitar solo screams in my ear

Bass riff distorts the atmosphere

Our minds enslaved by the driving beat

Our bodies drenched in the stifling heat


Liquid rainbow floods the room

Chloe’s hair becomes flowers in bloom

Her eyes the size of dinner plates

As she beckons me to Nirvana’s gates


Chloe backs against the wall

She offers me Heaven, I trade her my soul

Razor fingernails claw at my chest

Her ankles locked, her love confessed


Fireworks suddenly flood my vision

Planets explode in blinding fission

My mind and Chloe’s are somehow one

Our ascent to Heaven has now begun


A sudden gush, a molten stream

Chloe emits a climactic scream

Overwhelmed in passion’s throes

With my liquid love she overflows


We lie on the floor and scan the skies

The heavens seen through kaleidoscope eyes

Gasps from Jack and Melanie

Their door unlocked with Eros’ key


Chloe and I are swept away

On a cosmic sea; the Milky Way

Through a wormhole to a new dimension

Where lies the answers to all life’s questions


The colours soon fade to monochrome

The time has come for the journey home

The room now silent, the stars now gone

We lie in wait for a brand new dawn.



Publication Date: 02-11-2021

All Rights Reserved

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