
Chapter 1

 The thing I hated the most in the world-my first day in a new school. I walked quickly from away my old Toyota Corrola, trying not to attract any attention to myself. I knew how people could be to the new kid.

I hadn't wanted to move to Burnt Wood but of course I hadn't had a say in the matter, even if I had stated my dislike in moving I would've been in major trouble with my father.

I trembled as I thought about my father, he insisted on me calling him daddy, though I always called him Rick behind his back.I was to death scared of him, Rick hated me. Once he told me "The only reason you're not in a foster home right now Jaclyn Matthews, is 'cuz I have use of you later." I didn't know what he meant then, but now I do, and I certainly can wait till that day.
   One of the reasons Rick hates me is because my mother abandoned me in the trash can in front of his house with a note that said: 'Don't want, you have her-K'.I knew what the note said because every once in awhile , Rick will shove it in my face and explain to me how much my mother must have hated me.
   I shook my head as I made my way up to the front door of Thomas Holden High School, thinking about my father would make my day worse than it already was, I didn't want to have to deal with that until I got home.
   As soon as I entered the front door, I slammed into someone. The person gasped and dropped her iced latte all over her designer mini skirt.
   "OMG." She screamed, some people paused in the hallway, staring at us.
   The girl was tall, blonde, and had boobs that her father must have paid a lot of money for.She had sky blue eyes, was decked out in designer, and had an ugly, mean look on her face.
   "What in the world did you do newbie?" She shouted, "You know this cost five hundred dollars right?" she motioned to her now stained skirt.
   Then she laughed, "And by the looks of it, you wouldn't be able to afford paying me, just be glad that I am such a nice person."
   Everyone in the hall laughed including the girls posse, who were 3 other blondes. I got that sinking feeling I always get when I feel like crying but I can't, I only usually feel that way when I'm around Rick, because he hates crying.
   The girl turned around and stalked away, one of her posse following her yelling "Allison, wait up."
   The two other blondes stayed and glared at me for a while, than followed Allison. The commotion had died down but some where still staring at me, and I could some whispering things like "Who is that?", "Is she new?", and other things.
   I tried ignoring as much as I could and made my way to the main office.


   As I entered the main office I thought about the school, my first step in had been horrible, I hadn't said a word but I had made a huge fool of myself on my first day.
  The school was pretty nice, the exterior was made up of red and brown bricks and it was a two story building. Inside,the walls were lined with silver, black, and red lockers, it was obvious those were the school colors.
   The floor was made up of gray and tan marble, and the walls were painted a tanish-gold with some pictures of silver colored wolves baring their teeth on it. The wolf was the school mascot.
   I pushed open the red door of the main office, I was careful to make sure that I didn't bump into anyone.
   The office was large and it was seperated in half by a long brown desk. There were sets of cozy red plush couches around a large nutmeg colored coffee table and there was a large brownish-red rug on the floor.
Behind the desk stood an old lady, she looked up as I walked towards her.
   "Hello dear, how may I help you?" she asked.
   "I am here for registration." I mumbled.
   I wasn't a big talker; I am very shy.I can never make friends easily, in fact in all my last schools I never had an actual friend.
   The old lady-Mrs.Sammis was her name, pulled out a thick file from a cabinet behind the desk.
   "And you are?" she questioned.
   "Matthews," I said, "Jaclyn Matthews."
   Mrs. Sammis stuck her tongue out in concentration, as she flipped through the file.
   "Ah. Here it is." she murmured.
   She handed me a packet which consisted of an ID card, a schedule, and a school map. Mrs. Sammis opened the map and showed me the quickest routes to all my classes.
   My classes were pretty far from each other, a consequence of registering just before the school year began.
Fortunetly, for about the third time in my life, I wasn't starting a new school during the middle of the school year.
   As I gathered up my stuff, Mrs. Sammis patted my hand reassuringly and wished me a nice day.
   I Wish.

Chapter 2

I wish that I could say that my day got better- it didn’t, it got even worse than before. My first class of the day was gym, which I hated. I stunk at every sport known to mankind, every time a ball, a puck or whatever came near me, I would cringe away in fear of being hit.

Gym was followed by a load of AP classes; lunch during fifth period, college electives, and then my last class of the day was Computer/Video Essentials.

My locker was located on the west wing of the school, as I made my way over there, I met them. Trouble Crew or TC I later learned, they were another clique at Thomas Holden besides Allison and her posse who were called The A’s. While The A’s were simply snobby and rich, TC were cruel, rich, and determined to have their way. I’d rather face The A’s a million times than TC once.

The first thing I noticed, was how tall all the boys were. The tallest detached himself from the group and began following me. He was well muscled and very athletic looking. He had a shaggy mop of dark brown hair and hazel eyes that reminded me of the yellow-brown eyes of a dog.

I walked faster, this boys aura seemed to permeate horrid things. Already I was to death scared of him, of TC. 

He continued to follow me until I got to my locker, then he just stood and watched me. His eyes slowly grazed down my body as I shrugged of my jacket and opened my locker. He was watching my every move and I was very freaked out. Was this some trick to scare the “newbie” or was this guy a serious sociopathic stalker. He wasn’t advancing or making any moves, he just stood silently, his dog eyes following me.

I’d had enough, I was just about to turn around and ask him what his problem was, when he spoke. “

The name’s Keith Dillon.” He growled, even his voice was canine. “So you’re the chick who ruined Allison Moore’s headband of a skirt?”

I said nothing; in truth I didn’t know how to answer his question. If I said yes, it’d seem like I was happy about what I’d done. If I said no, than I’d be lying. Also, was I supposed to be glad that on my first day that one of the most popular girls in the school already had a problem with me?

Suddenly Keith’s hand slammed into the locker next to mine and he leaned in closer, his nose almost touching mine. I jumped.

“Did you hear me newbie!” he shouted.

He grabbed my hands; he took the right one, twisted it above my head and shoved it onto my locker. He was squeezing my wrists, the pain shot down my arm. Keith seemed to be filled with strength; I struggled against him and failed to free myself. There was absolutely no one in the halls; they were all in their first period classes.

“When I talk to you, you answer!” he continued shout.

Still I said nothing, I was too petrified. Keith seemed to have serious anger problem and was capable of performing violence against me.

“What the hell is wrong with you?! Are you mute or something?!”

Something had angered Keith and it couldn’t possibly be me. In the short time that I’d been here, in the zero words I’d said. How could he come to hate me so quickly?

Keith’s dog eyes were slowly filling with large amounts of dangerous yellow fire with each second that passed. I knew it was only a matter of seconds before he did something drastic and violent.

So I acted before thinking. Without hesitation, I brought my knee up to his abdomen with all my strength. He let go of my hands and grunted painfully, surprised.

“You…” he swore, clutching his stomach.

I knew that I was playing on dangerous territory; if I hit him again it could only get worse.

He lunged at me; I pulled my arm back and used my palm to shove his nose upward. I massaged my palm; Keith’s nose was rock hard. He was livid; he threw back his head and roared like a lion, clutching his possibly broken nose.

I wondered how no one heard us, with this entire calamity.

He lowered his head and raised his eyes. His nose was a violent shade of red, but definitely not broken.

“Damn you b-.” he cried out and reached for me again.

I ducked under his arm and rushed away before he could reach me. Keith followed me, yelling various insults until I ducked into the nearest girls’ bathroom. I entered a stall and locked it. I stood still, not daring to breathe. He hadn’t seen me though, so he ran by.

I slid down the blue door of the stall, breathing hard. I dropped my black backpack on the floor next to me and placed my head in my hands. I was gasping loudly, like a fish out of water, but luckily the bathroom was deserted.

I was more than shocked; I’d gotten attacked in the middle of a school hallway! Now there was one more person on my list of people who extremely disliked me.

My first day and it was already so horrid. Tears threatened to pour out of my eyes, but I pushed myself off the floor and out of the bathroom. I shouldered my backpack; I had gym to get to- no matter how much I loathed it. So far Brentwood, Washington, was my hell on earth.

Chapter 3

 Even though I expected gym to be atrocious, it wasn't as bad as I thought it’d be.

The uniform was bad enough though, a black t-shirt and maroon shorts, with three silver stripes running down either side.

I had a slight build, not thin but not big either. With an average height, honey-brown skin, shoulder length black hair, and brown eyes, I was basically as plain as can be. Not only did I look horrible in shorts, but I was very self conscious in them. Most of the time I wore jeans and a t-shirt or blouse (I loved skirts and dresses, but I looked ridiculous wearing them).

I soon found out we were playing volleyball. Every time it was my turn to serve, I’d end up smacking someone in the face or whenever the ball came near me, I’d skitter away. Our team lost 8 to 23. I’d pretended not to notice when some of my teammates stared daggers or shot me dirty looks. When I’d first walked into the gym, everyone had wanted the new girl on their team-that was until I’d served my first few balls.

“Oh, come on guys!” said a tall and thin Indian boy. “It’s just a game. This isn’t the Olympics, Nunca doesn’t-“

“Shut up Sanjit!” interrupted a brunette who playfully shoved him.

“I’m serious Quinn.” Sanjit continued as the rest of the team groaned and shuffled towards the locker rooms. Most of them were rubbing the spots where they’d been hit with my crazy balls.

Sanjit walked towards me (Quinn trailing him), I was wary. I’d always been very shy around men, but due to the situation with Keith, I’d become very wary. Sanjit stuck out his hand when he reached where I was.

“Sanjit Abucar or San, age 16, grade 11, nationality Indian!” he said cheerfully ad I shook his hand.

“That’s Quinn Moore, you may know her sister.” He continued wearing a sly look.

Quinn smiled sheepishly and waved. Though I could see no likeness, I know knew that she was related to Allison. Quinn’s hazel eyes and nutmeg brown hair were a stark contrast to Allison’s blonde and blue eyes, also on my first encounter with her, Quinn had actually been nice. Then again, I hadn’t accidentally spilled an iced latte all over her. 

Sanjit asked me the usual “new kid questions”:

What grade am I in? 11th.

How old was I? 16.

Where’d I move from? Orlando. 

What class did I have next? AP chemistry with Iterra.

How did I like Brentwood so far? It was ok (that was a lie).

Coach Nunca blew her whistle, loud and piercing.

“The rest of you,” she shouted, “in the locker rooms!”

Sanjit touched his ear gingerly. “Coach Nunca needs to chill, or she’s going to get a letter from my parents, demanding that she pay for my ear-nose-throat bills!” he said with a totally serious look on his face.

Quinn and I giggled; Sanjit had that kind of laid back humor that I found amusing. He s easy to get along with and easy to be around, I could tell we’d be fast friends. I surprised myself, my ever so terrible day was getting better and I had a prospect for an actual friend, friends maybe.

“Watch it Abucar.” Coach Nunca muttered, passing us on the way to her office. Sanjit held up his hands innocently.

Quinn and I laughed even harder, he did look innocent. With those wide brown eyes, light cinnamon skin, and tousled dark brown hair, he was a picture perfect naïve little Indian boy!

“You have a nice smile, Jacy.” Sanjit said.

I blushed; I wasn’t used to getting compliments. Rick only ever handed out insults.

“Jacy?” Quinn said, “I like it!”

I smiled, a nickname Sanjit waved as he entered the boys’ locker room; Quinn and I went the opposite way. As she and I entered the locker room, she waved and we parted ways. 

In the locker room I was met with the sound of a gaggle of screaming and giggling girls. I couldn’t catch what most of them were saying. The girl with the locker next to mine was named Britney Lamb she was talking her best friend Kathy Peters (they’d both introduced themselves earlier), I was able to catch snippets of their conversation.

“…I heard he got a tan.” Said Britney.

“Are you kidding me!” replied Kathy, “He like, can’t tan, but that definitely makes him hotter!”

“I know right. The thing is though, I won’t see him until lunch, that’s four whole periods!” Britney said as she pulled on her way-too-tight jeans.

“I’d die a happy woman if I could kiss him once, even if it was only on the cheek.” Kathy sighed. “But no girl in this school is good enough for him though.”

“Yeah, he won’t even look at Allison Moore or Yolanda Hunt and the hottest girls in school!” Britney nodded her head then sighed, “Lincoln Karlant.”

“If I couldn’t have him though,” said Kathy, “I’d have his sexy brother Armando. Too bad he graduated last year!”

“What about Keith Dillon?” I shuddered in disgust when Britney said his name; all right Keith was very good looking but still a major creep.

“He’s kind of creepy though.” Katy said voicing my thoughts. ”Last year he asked Shelly Milano to the Hallowball. The thing is” Kathy dropped her voice low, ”they never showed up. Then Shelly didn’t come back to school for a whole month. I heard she had to go to some psycho ward and that she’s still on meds.” 

I shuddered and left the locker room before I could hear more about Shelly Milano and Keith.

Another subject began to invade my mind. The whole locker room seemed to be ablaze with the news of this boy coming back. Who was this Lincoln Karlant and what kind of spell did he have over the female student body of Thomas Holden?

Chapter 4

Being asked the "new kid" questions over and over again had 


Text: All Rights Reserved. 2011.Sole Property of Regine Vincent.
Publication Date: 10-26-2010

All Rights Reserved

First and Foremost, Thank You My Holy Father, God! All my family and my BFF's.

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