I woke up to the sound of my stupid alarm ugh, I picked it and threw it at the wall only to see it break, great thats the 3rd alarm I broke this week I going to have to get a chatter proof alarm some day, I mean cant a 16 year old girl get some sleep!.I used the outer side of my hand to rub my aqua eyes most people said the were unique but I couldn't care less . I got out of bed slowly still dizzy and went to grab a shower after a quick wash and hair dry, I put my long black wavy hair with dark purple and blood red highlights in a messy bun and put the schools uniform which is a white shirt stripy red and light blue tie with a black sweater and long black trousers. I grabbed my black bag, “Audrey come down for breakfast” shouted a voice from downstairs ,“coming” I replyed whilst yawning and putting on my percings I had 1 on my eye brow and 1 on my lip aswell as my ears today I put a nice purple one, I went downstairs to the kitchen, nearly tripping at the end I was always clumsy. I sat on the table and ate my toast.Josh came down his wavy black hair not brushed and his big green eyes looking tired, (he’s my brother he’s 14 and annoying) "do you have any oj? (orange juice)" he asked whilst munching his toast,just then Bex came down she walked over and hugged me "ello Audrey",she’s my little sister she’s 3 years old ,don’t tell anyone this but she’s my favourite. She was wearing a yellow long dress with her blonde hair in plats and a big smile on her face even though the uniform was ugly she looked so cute, but that’s because anything goes with her. I smiled at Emily she’s our foster mum she was sweet and had blond curly hair she never made us do anything if we didn’t want to she understanded us and wanted us to have a nice childhood. Every morning me and her would make cookies but we just moved to america a week ago and that was about to change today I had to start a new school at england I'll try to keep a low profile but she said that we can make cookies on the weekends.
“Bye Emily, Ben and Bex lets go!” my new school wasn’t to fair away but I had to drop of bex at her school because bens going my school. Emily said that she couldnt take them today because her new car is not ready so I'm stuck with them, I grabs my car and went to drop of bex after we helped her to class me and ben set of.
The school was huge and full of children from lots of different ages, I walked to the reception area and a nice old lady with gray hair looked up, "My names Audrey Adamson and my brother Ben Adamson were new here" I said nicely.She looked up and started going through files then she pulled out 2 with our name on it "Here you go sweety behind your timetables is a map of your school, oh and heres your locker keys" she told us giving us our things and gave us a late slip explaining why were late to homeroom, "see ya meet you outside after school" said Ben, "bye" and with that Ben walked off. I looked at my map but all I saw was boxes urgh I hate maps, "ouch!" I bumped my head on a wall, "Oh sorry" said a voice I looked up and reliesed that that I bumped a guy not a wall he had brown wavy long hair and percing blue eyes,"no problem" I said whilst rubbing my head."Hey im Zack" zack said holding out his hand. I shook it "Audrey"he shook my hand back "your new here I don't remember seeing you before" ," yep ,hey do you know where this class is??" , he looked at my timetable," cool im with you for most lessons follow me I'm going there" , "awesome thanks" we walked around then stopped at a door we knocked and I hear a voice "come in" .I stepped in quietly everyone stoped and stares at me I walked over to the teacher who looked 20 with blond hair and green eyes when I stopped he looked up "can I help you?" I showed him my timetable "ok everyone quiet", he looked at me, "would you like to introduce yourself?", "No not really." I replyed."Oh ok urmm sit in one of the empty seats for now" Everyone was glaring at me to see where I would sit.There were 3 seats around the room that were empty there first at the front with the jocks and cheerleader umm no thanks,the 2nd was in the middle with the geeks sooo not me and last but not least was a seat at the back “hi I’m Elli what’s your name” said a small voice I looked up it was a girl with nice long brunette hair where there were other goths and emo thats soo me so i started walking and when i went past the first seat I hear them blow out the breath they where holding and when I went passed the 2 chair everyone looked at me like I was crazy finely I made to to the last one and they brown haired, she was wearing a shirt with a black improved skirt “I’m Audrey” I said silently “cool name maybe we could hang out once in a while” “umm, sure” I smiled a little, she was the first person that was nice to me. A few mins later the bell rang I went on a long boring search for my locker once I found it and finished putting my new books in I turned and bumped in to a guy “sorry” “no problem hey your the new kid right, Im fang” “yep, and my name is Audrey!” he laughed silently then he left, he was weird dressed in black and had black hair covering most off his eyes. The day
went by fast and Elle and a few more goths were the only people I talked to, at last it was lunch once I got my lunch I made my way to the empty back table, I had a sandwich with a drink I wasn’t that hungry but started to eat but stopped as the guy I bumped in to earlier came towards with me “I though u might be a bit lonely” “thanks sorry about what I said earlier its just I don’t like being called new girl. so..” I said completely forgetting his name,“fang” He laughed “well fang we haven’t had a proper introduction lets start again I’m Audrey” I found out about fang like he was tall and didn’t like to talk to a lot of people.he was a goth and loved the same band I listened to. (btw Audrey s not a goth or emo she just like the colour black and rock music).p.s if your a emo or goth please don't take what i wrote offensive
It was the second day off school and my first lesson was P.E I know horrible we had to run around a giant field, everyone was looking at me at the end race to see how good I was so I tried my hardest and ended up winning a few people were cheering but the others just looked at me angry trying not to be surprised. At break me and fang was hanged out when a group of girls came by and whispered words about me and them I jumped up in front them “what did you say” “jerk” I throw my fist at the girl and we got in to a fight everyone cheering but it didn’t last long the teacher came out and sent me and fang and the jerk to the principles office where we had to wait out side “sorry u 2 I just got angry I don’t know what happened to me!” “Its ok there jerks anyway” fang said giving me a small smile, smacking me a high five. “Come in!” boomed a voice from the other side of the door. “Here we go” I said looking at fang. we made our way inside and sat down “so you think its acceptable to start a fight with other people in this school well guess what I hope your happy with the results of that you 3 detention for 1 week . Go straight to your next class and if I hear anything more about you then I will have to think of a harder punishment dismissed” said Mr Green as it said on the office door. We walked out quietly and once we were in the busy hall I said “that sucks” “yep” they both said“well see you later” I waved “bye” said fang waving back “bye” said Jacob waving too. The rest of the day went by like a blur. “Hey I was wondering if you two would like to come to dinner. You don’t have to but my mum wants to see you two asked whilst walking home with them. “I’m sorry but I can’t my aunties coming over, well bye see ya later” replied Jacob “bye, what about u fang?” “Well I haven’t got much to do sure why not?” “Yeah I knew I could count on you!” I said hugging him. I opened to front door and walked in dumping my bags on the floor “Emily I’m home o and I brought my friend.” I shouted, Emily came out the kitchen with powder all over her and she was still wearing an apron “Emily this is fang he’s my friend” “o so this is the fang u keep talking about well hi fang your welcome to come here anytime.” Said Emily “hi” replied fang in a quiet voice. We sat down in the sofa “umm fang there’s something I haven’t told anyone well Emily is my adopted mum.” I said trying to look serious. “I was wondering she doesn’t look like you” fang said in a little amazement. Just then bex came rushing down the stairs “Audrey Audrey!” she said whilst rushing to hug me “hey bex how was school?” I asked with a giant smile on my face. “It was wonderful we played princesses and I was a princess I was beautiful!” she said quickly just before she turned and asked “who is he?” “oh he’s fang my friend fang this is my adopted sis bex” I replied fang look down and said “hi” just before bex rushed and hugged him he looked up in shock and turned pink I laughed “hi fang I’m bex I’m three” she said holding 3 finger, just then josh came in to the room walking to sofa watching TV. “Hey josh how is school?” “Whatever who the hell is he?”Josh asked whilst looking at the TV “o this is fang he’s my friend he’s staying over for dinner.” I said. “Hey man” said josh this time looking at fang. “Hey.” Said Fang quietly. “Your quiet aren’t you?” asked josh, fang just looked to the ground. “Want to play a game?” I asked fang “sure” we walked up to my room “Ill come too” shouted josh running up the stairs, we played monopoly and I won for the second time. “I don’t know how you do it” said fang, “well I’m gifted” I said smiling, “yeah right” said josh under his breath, “Tomorrows my birthday, you want to come over?” “Yeah sure” “Audrey, fang, josh come down dinners ready” shouted Emily. We walked down stairs toward the dining table and I sat next to fang and bex next to bex was Emily and next to her was josh who was talking to fang about video games. “So fang what do you like?”Asked Emily “umm I like video game and books like Audrey and drawing” replied fang “you draw?” I whispered to him. He ignored me and finished eating, after dinner fang was about to leave he was at the door ready to go, I walked him out and said “that was nice sorry about my brother and stuff” “your brother is ok and yep I enjoyed it well I got too go” I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek he started walking then I shouted “bye Picasso” “bye bookworm” he replied.
Chapter 3:
I woke up to the sound of birds singing , I rubbed my eyes with the outer side of my hands and walked out of bed with my pyjamas still on I grabbed a shower and got changed in 15 minutes I went to my room grabbed by bag and ran downstairs to the kitchen “Happy birthday sweetie!”Said Emily tiredly whilst smiling at me “I made your favourite pancakes and syrup.” she passed me a plate. I quickly finished my plate up and ran out the door.......I stopped suddenly, staring straight at a sleek black Ferrari with a red bow on it, the car I always dreamed of, “ I through new town, new school, why not new car?”Said Emily standing behind me, I ran to the car and hugged the front. “I LOVE IT!! PLS CAN I TAKE IT TO SCHOOL TODAY”I shrieked.
“Sure it’s yours not mine”
I parked in front the school and jumped out with excitement. Fang walked towards me “Happy birthday......... wow nice ride”, “Yep my mum got it for me” we walked to the school doors and made our way to our first classes I had geography at sat down in my normal seat at the back of the class whilst everyone was talking waiting for the teacher I got out a book and started reading 10 minutes went by and the teacher entered the room, I looked up from my book and saw she wasn’t alone with her was a boy about 5’4 long brunette hair just about covering his sky blue eyes he was wearing scruffy clothes, his eyes explored the room “Today we have a new kid joining us his name is Eric, I have chosen Audrey to show him round the school because she just joined too , well Eric tell them about yourself.” said Mrs. Battleaxe. Most of the girl in the class was now staring at him with there mouth wide open on the other had the boys were trying not to look impressed a pretended he wasn’t there.
“Hi, I’m Eric I came from America and I’m 5’4”all the girls awed and looked at him dreamily while I went back to my book not bovered. “Eric take a seat anywhere you like” the girls in the class with empty chairs started looking at Eric with please. I looked up as Eric took the seat next to me and smiled I looked down and went back to my book after a while the room was full of noise “Why is he sitting next to the freak?” “O.m.g did you see him?”, the teacher shushed them then carried on with the lesson. I felt a soft tap on my shoulder and looked up to see Eric “hey I’m Eric and you are?” “Audrey” I replied blankly he held out his left hand i stared at it for a while then shook it “Nice to meet you, so your new here to?”
“Yep it’s not that great”
“What class do you have next?”
“Math g4 room 5”
“Same here”
“You can come with me but i got to make a stop to the lockers I can show you yours if u like?”
“Sure the schools pretty big don’t want to get lost!”
“How old are you?”
“16, what about you?”
“I’m 17 its my birthday today!”
“Happy birthday ill get you a present if you like?”
“It’s ok.”
The bell rang killing our confiscation, I stood up got my books in my bag and walked out the door Eric close behind following me. Once i made it to the locker i showed Eric where his was and went to my locker to get my math books , once I was done I made my way to math. The rest of the lessons were a blur I talked to Eric, Fang and now i was on my way to the cafeteria (canteen) on the table sat Eric, Fang and Elli in between them was a cake with 17 candles on them i walked over and sat in the middle of Fang and Elli they started singing happy birthday at the end i ended up crying.
“thank you its just perfect!” i managed to get out , once i have recovered we all started stuffing our face with cake, made joke, and just enjoy our self “ this is the best lunch ever” I announced after school we went to the mall and i grabbed my self a red no lace dress and some shoes, everyone has gone and i was on my way home once i got the i parked and got out the car jumping with excitement wondering what Emily had in store for me. I walked in to the house drowning by quiet nice “EMILY WHERE ARE YOU?” “Over here” i heard it coming from the kitchen i started to opened the door “I had a great day at school .we went t......” I stopped talking and stared at the guy in the kitchen.....
"urm, Emily whose this?"I asked curious, some how in the back of my head i feel like I have seen this guy before but I couldn't put my finger on it.
" Hey sunshine , why don't you come and take a seat?"she said . I started my way through the kitchen and took a seat facing the guy and goot a good look at him, he looked like he was in his 40 with black hair that looked like he tried to brush it but didn't have time he was wearing a black shirt with a expensive looking leather jacket on took and normal jeans.
"soo..",started Emily" Audrey , this is Jack Gibson he's your farther."
I froze in my seat with hurt then horror and happiness flowing through me, but at last hate. I stood up avoiding eye contact and stormed my way upstairs to my room, and slamming the door ignoring the shouts of my name coming form downstairs, unfortunately for me my room had no lock so I wedged a chair on the door nob taking my ipod and putting it on the speaker ,I changed it to shuffle and put it on full volume. slowly as I started to fall asleep with the last words of 'If I die young , the band perry" leaving my mouth I let go and drifted in the darkness .
Not one hour later I woke with a screeching scream as a pain filled my body, I heard 2 footstep running up the stairs and Emily as she pushed the door open her face full of concern and a hint of recognition I fell unconscious....
sorry about the short chapter I just wasnt sure if i should carry on with the book. tell me what you think??
I saw a white light growing bigger in my vision I reached out trying to grab it and gradually I started getting control of my body but my eyelids felt heavy so I waited till I could open them only to be meetad to a blue wall thats weird I had purple wallpaper. I tryed to get up ignoring the pain only to be gently pushed back, I turn to see my mum and my dad? I was confused until my memory started coming back. “What happened and what are you still doing here?” I asked saying the last bit bitterly. “Audrey there’s something I haven’t told you.” Said Emily with a look of serious on her face . That’s unusual, I though. “I’m didn’t really adopt you, I’m you mother.”It took me a few seconds for me to register what she said, “oh” I barely whispered “can you start from the beginning?”, “yes sweety” she said whilst stroking my hair, “when I was 18 I found out I was an angel, I ran away because my mum wanted me to marry some jerk and your dad here found me and took me in which I was grateful when we got married I then found out he’s a vampire. When I found out I was pregnant I was concerned what species you will become so we went to a witch who told us that your father can’t be part of you life until your 17 birthday the day you awaken so we had to part but we still loved each other , so he came” she finished. “So if I’m not human what am I?” I asked still processing it. “Well after some test it shows that you’re... a Vampire like your father” “cool where am I anyway?” I asked after studying the room. “Well your at the hellcliff dorm its a vampire school you will be staying here with 3 other student which you will be sharing a dorm with, this is were we leave you some one will come to take you to your room you will have your books and card waiting for you the uniform will arrive tomorrow and you start school the day after if u need a talk, help or anything just call me or your father. Now rest my sweet child.”
Publication Date: 05-05-2011
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