
Chapter 1: The New Eye in town.
Waking up every morning to an annoying alarm and a little six year old sister screaming in your ear is not very great. First off, Emily, my six year old sister, loves to annoy me. I mean what younger sister doesn't love to annoy their older sister? But my sister never leaves me alone. Ever. She even tried moving her bed into my room. Whatever. Her being annoying is the least of my problems. My mom is a drunk. And my dad is never home to help me take care of Emily. On that note, my mother too. Its like my mother and I switched rolls. I'm the mother and she's the daughter. I cook and clean while she goes out with friends. I take care of Emily while she goes out with friends. I dont understand why someone as smart my dad ended up with a crap ass thing like my mother. Yeah, thats bad to say about your mother, but you try living with her for 17 years and not get tired of all this crap. And I hate being the one to explain to Emily why her mom is at the door, lying on the floor. I have to tell her that she's so tired from work she just passed out. I'm happy she's still six and believes me. Anyway. I'm Grace. I live in Chexson Valley. A small town in Delawere. Not many people knew about it. There were two schools. Chexson Middle school and Cexson High. Being i'm 17, i'm in the high school. I am in my third year. So ready to go to collage and get away. But when that somes to mind, I think about Emily. What'll happen to her? Eh.. Not thinking about this now. I stared at my clock. 5:45 a.m. I just wonder why Emily wakes up every morning to wake me up. Whatever. I sat up and pulled the covers off me.
"Emily.. Go to bed. Its to early for you to be up." I said quietly. She frowned at me.
"But.. Emily wants to get ready early like sissy." I shook my head.
"Please go to bed." She just nodded and walked away sadly. I took a deep breath and got up slowly. I walked over to my dresser. I knelt down to the last draw and pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans. I closed the draw and then open the one above it and pulled out a 'He is We' t-shirt. I threw the clothes on my bed and stood up, opening the top draw. I took out some socks, a bra, and underwear. I threw all that on my bed also and walked over to my bathroom. I undressed and turned the water on. Warm, but not too hot. As I stepped into the warm water I felt awake, alive, and happy. Showers always do that to me. As I cleaned my body and washed off the soap, I pulled the two in one shampoo out. I slowly put some in my hand and cleaned my hair. I then washed it out. I sat in there for two extra minutes, loving the warm water on my body. I turned the water off and stepped out, wrapping a towel around my fresh, clean body. I stared at the girl in the mirror across from me. I had long black hair, down to the middle of my back. My eyes were a deep green. I feel like they are the best part of me. I'm skinny, with just the right amount of curves. I dried my hair and my body. My hair was still a little wet, but I didnt care so much. I just wanted to get clothes on. I walked into my room, chaming into what I threw onto my bed. I went back into the bathroom and brushed my hair. My hair was already straight, but I pulled my flat iron out anyway and made it better. I had some wave to my hair that bothered me. People didnt even see it. But I sure did. I looked at my phone. It was 6:15. Time to get outside. I walked out of my bathroom and put my black converse on. I then put a back of gum in my back and threw my back over my shoulder, walking down the stairs. I opened my door and found my two best friends in the car with their mom. My two friends are Madison and Mia. They are sisters. As I ran down the pathway to get to the car, Madison opened the back door. I jumpped into the car.
"Hello, Mrs. Joy. Nice to see you." I said while smiling at her.
"You too, Grace." She smiled back. Madison flicked my arm.
"Guess what!" I turned my head to face my friend.
"Dont flick me, Madi-" She cut me off.
"Thats not a guess. Anyway, Mia was talking to her friend, and they heard that there is gonna be a new student today." She looked pretty happy about it.
"Not to be rude, but why the hell should I care?" She laughed at me.
"Its most likely a guy." I just stared at her with my, 'So?', look. "I dont knowm just though i'd tell you.." I nodded as Mrs. Joy clicked the button and the bakck door opened.
"Have a good day girls." We both smiled and nodded. We walked down the walkway to the school. Mia saw us and ran to her sister's side.
"Sorry. Came with my friend 'cause I woke up late." She sighed.
"No worries, Mia." I reassured her. We all walked in scilence as we always do in the morning. I looked at everyone that walked by, or that we walked by, I looked out for a new set of eyes to look into. I enjoyed doing that, It was really easy to find out what someone is feeling that way. I can tell if the person is hurt, depressed, happy, anything. I guess from always seeing those in my mom's eyes, I could see it in everyone else too. I searched and searched but didnt see any new eyes. As my three friends and I walked into the school, we all walked out different ways to our lockers. I walked over and turned my lock, opening my locker. I pulled out eveything I needed for my first two classes and stuffed it into my bag. I closed the door and saw someone standing next to me, It was a different person. 'New kid, new eyes.' Is what I thought. I looked up his body. He actually had a really great body. I gazed at his face. He had swoopy light brown hair and the greatest blue eyes. I then looked away and headed for homeroom. Oh so new boy has great eyes. And he just happenes to have the locker next to mine. This is gonna be fun.

Chapter Two: Whats your name?
As I was walking to homeroom, I looked into Noah Green's eyes. He has really pretty green eyes. Like mine, but lighter. He just so happens to be the least popular guy in school. I really dont understand why. If your eyes placed you on how popular you were, he'd be in the top 5. I've talked to him before, but he's really quiet. Thats most likely why. He doesnt open up to many people. Only his friend Jayden. They're always together. Jaden just has brown eyes. Dont get me wrong, brown eyes can be really pretty. But his eyes are always so.. tired. I guess that was the best word to describe it. I stopped at a door. The door to my homeroom. The the room with asshole boys. Yeah, that works. All of them are pervs. I think the only guy I can stand is Noah. But thats 'cause he doesnt talk to anyone but Jayden. And Jayden isnt in out homeroom. I took a deep breath and open the door. I walked in quietly, not wanting any boy to see I walked in. I took my seat next to Mia.
"Damn, Grace, took you long enough." Mia shook her head. "I had to sit here alone with Jason over there staring at my boobs."
"Ha. Sorry." I laughed while watching Jason from the corner of my eye. "You know, you said that pretty loud. I mean, look at him. His head is as bright as a tomato." We both laughed as we watched him turn around.
"I love doing that to him." She giggled and turned to the door. I did the same. The new kid walked in and she punched my arm.
"Hey! That hurt!" She just shhed me and gazed at the new kids body. I looked around. Every girl in the class was doing the same. I laughed to myself. I get that he has a great body, but dont stare. Thats kinda creepy. The only think I looked at were is eyes. He was freaked out. I laughed to myself again. Who wouldnt be? Mr. Hinkle walked in.
"Sorry I'm late class. Oh," He looked to the new kid. "I got an e-mail I would have a new student." He smiled at him. They swapped papers. New kid walked to an empty seat right next to me. Mia punched my arm again.
"Damnit, Mia. Stop doing that!" She just laughed at me. I put my head down and saw at the corner of my eye, new kid looking at me. I gazed at his eyes from the corner of my eye. So.. pretty. Near the pupil it was very hard to see, but it was a darker blue. The it got lighter. And on the outer rim, it was a darker blue. I could stare at his eyes for hours. And just as I was about to fall off my chair and full on stare into his eyes, the bell wrang and pulled me out. I stood up and waited for everyone to leave while I was picking my stuff up. When I walked out a hand touched my arm. New kid?
"Yes?" I asked him.
"Whats your name..?" He stared at me.
"Luke." He smiled a bit. But his eyes showed lust. And that kinda freaked me out a bit. And just as soon as I wanted to ask him why he wanted to know my name, he stared walking away.
"Grace!" I turned around quickly to see Mia all up in my face. I just looked at her. "Well, fine. Dont say I hi back."
"I dont remember you saying hi. Just my name." I retorted. SHe frowned at me.
"I'm so sorry." She smirked. "Oh Grace, you were the first to talk to the hot new kid." I shook my head.
"He talked to me."
"What he say?!"
"Asked my name."
"What you say?!" I laughed at my best friend being a complete fan girl.
"I told him my name, Mia." She smiled.
"And whats his name?"
"He said his name was Luke. Then he walked away." She hugged me tightly. Yet I didnt understand why. I just ignored everything she said and kinda zoned out. I kept thinking about Luke's eyes. Why, I dont know. They just kept pulling me in. I wanted more. And I wanna know why. No one else's eyes has done that to me before.

Chapter Three: Dont Touch Me.
As the rest of the day went on, I found out Luke was in all my classes. It ws hard to not look at him. But will all the will power I had, I used to focus on anything but him. I just sat in all my classes and stared into space. Everything I looked at him, I cought him looking at me. And everything we both look away. I watched the clock, waiting for the bell to ring. Then I could get all my stuff and head to lunch. Then just one more class, and I get to go home. I dont really know if that was a good thing, but its better then being here and getting sucked into Luke's beautiful blue eyes. And when I started thinking about his eyes, the bell wrang. My good luck is coming. I picked everything up and walked out quicky, walking to my locker. Thankfully, my locker is on the same floor as the lunch room. I headed downstairs. And when I turned the corner for my locker, Luke wasnt there yet. Good. I dont need his eyes distracting me. I ran over to my locker and opened it. I stuffed everything in there. As I was shutting my locker I saw Luke standing there with his lunch.
"Oh hey, Grace." He said in a husky tone.
"Oh.. Hey there, Luke." I held my breath.
"Going to lunch. Can you show me where that is?" He gave me a seductive smile. I just nodded. I turned and started walking, making sure I didnt look into his eyes. I heard him walking next to me. I turned the corner and walked down the hall with him. Girls looked at me, then him, then me. Some looked jealous. And I knew why. I was walking down the hall with the new kid. The hot new kid. And I was just a normal girl. Not popular. I was just kinda, there. To the girls anyway. Mia, Madison, and I had boys follow us. And stare at us. Like Jason follows Mia. I smiled at that thought. What he didnt know is that Mia used to like him. If he'd just talk to her, I'm sure they'd end up going out. And thats what he wants. I walked into the lunch room with Luke right next to me.
"Well.. I'm going to sit with my friends. Im sure you can find some fan girls to sit with." And before he could answer I turned around and walked over to Mia and Madison.
"Hey, Grace." They sang in unison. I smiled at them and waved. I looked all over the lunch room and spotted Luke. He was sitting a table away from up with three girls. The three most popular girls in the, to be exact. Isabella Jonson, Ava Daron, and Brooke Jacob. He was sitting with lowlife, bitchy rich kids. I just rolled my eyes. I looked at him and saw him looking at me. Da hell?! I slumped in my chair and crossed my arms on the table and set my head down.
"I'm tired, guys." Mia laughed at me and just continued eating.
"We're all tired." Madison yawned. I looked up and saw Jason walking up to Mia.
"Mia, turn around." She tilted her head and looked behind her. SHe began to giggle.
"Oh hey, Jason, here to look at my boobs again?" His face turned bright red. He's such a cutie.
"I-I No I-.. Excuse me." He walked away and out the lunch room. I laughed at her.
"You know, he liked you a lot. Why do that to him?" She just smiled. I stood up and leaned over the table. I flicked her forhead. And as I was sitting down some perv pinched my ass. I turned around with my face bright red to see Chris Walker standing behind me with a smirk on my face.
"Dont touch me!" Then before I could bitch slap him, Luke was infront of me. And before I could tell him to move, his fist connected with Chris' cheek. I covered my mouth. Why the hell did he just do that?! "Luke! Why the hell did you do that?!" Chris stood up slowly, holding his cheek.
"Yeah! What the fuck was that for?!" Luke glared at Chris.
"Dont touch her, asshole." And with that, Luke grabed my hand and pulled me out of the lunch room out to the court yard.

Chapter 4: You're beautiful.
"Luke, Luke! What the hell?!" He just kept pulling me away. We finally stopped in a small alley type thing. "Luke, what the fuck?" He covered my mouth with his hand.
"Shut up and listen to me." I rolled my eyes and zipped my lips like a child would. "Grace. You're beautiful. I saw you this morning at your locker and my first thought was, 'I get to have a locker next to that beautiful human being?' And when I saw you looking at me, I thought it again. Pictures of your face keep going though my head, and I cant get it to stop. I'm going crazy, Grace. Crazy." I just stood there. Speechless. No one has ever said anything like that to me before. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it. Why do I even say to that? He sighed. "I'm sorry, Grace. But when I saw him touch you.. I couldnt help but punch him. I was so mad. No one should treat a girl like that. No one at all." I felt my face burning up. His hand slid onto my cheek and she smiled as he whispered. "So beautiful.." I looked down and started to tear. He lifted my head staring into my eyes. He seemed he was gonna cry. "Did I say something wong?" I shook my head.
"N-No.. Not at all, Luke. Not at all. They're.. happy tears." I smiled a bit as he wiped my tears away with his thumb.
"Shall we go back inside?" I looked at my watch. Lunch was about to end.
"Sure.. But i'm not going back to that lunch room. Its gonna end soon anyway.. lets just go to our lockers." He nodded and softly took my hand in his.
"May I?" I just blushed even more and nodded. As we walked back into the school, some people were already in the halls. They all stared at us, hand in hand. I had a blushing face and and Luke was just smiling. You'd think we just came back from a makeout session or something. But no, all he said was that I was beautiful, and that he couldnt get me out of his head. I mean, what other girl wouldnt blush to all that? Oh well. We got to our lockers and my hand slowly removed from his as I opened my locker. I took my bag out and put everything I needed for after school and for my last class, World history.
"Hey Luke, what class do you have next? He turned his head and smiled at me.
"World History with Mrs. Moore." I smiled back and nodded.
"Same as me. It seems we have all the same classes." He laughed.
"It seems this is fate." I blushed alittle and nodded. I closed my locker door and waited for him. A second later he shut his locker and took my hand into his again. I walked in front of him, being he didnt know where the class was. When we got to the door I let go of his hand and opened the door. He took the door and pointed inside.
"Ladies first." He smiled.
"Thanks you, sir." I smiled back and walked in as he walked behind me. I sat in my seat and he sat down next to me.
"This seat taken?" I shook my head no. He just smiled at me. When Madison walked in she smirked at the sight of Luke sitting next to me. I face palmed and just shook my head as she sat in her seat next to me.
"Dont even." She raised her hand.
"Sorry. Oh, but just to let you know, Mia and I are going home with friends so, you'll need to find a new walk home." She said to me.
"Mm, okay." Mrs. Moore walked in and everyone quieted down.
"Okay, class. Today I'm giving you all a free day to do any homework you got from another class you may pair with someone. But just one person!" Just as soon as she sat down every girl in the class other then me and Madison ran up to Luke. Madison and I started laughing at them. We both just turned our desks and faced each other. Madison and I are in evey class together but two. We both pulled out our English homework and our Math homework. We mostly did everything by ourselves, but every now and then we'd ask each other questions. We both finished the homework. But I still had spanish homework to do. With that, the bell wrang. I waved to Madison and headed for my locker. I didnt even worry about Luke. He had girls around him. And after what happened at lunch, I dont wanna deal with bitchy, jealous girls. I smiled at that and opened my locker. I put everything inside but my spanish. I remembered the gum I put in my bad this morning and stuck one in my mouth. As I shut my locker, I saw Luke at his.
"You dont have a ride?" I looked at him and shook my head no. "Need one?" I smiled.
"I like walking home everyday. Maybe next time.." He nodded. I turned and walked out the front door of the school. I headed down the street and stopped at a park. I walked to a bench and sat there. I slid my bag off my back and put it on the floor.
"Shouldnt you go home?" I turned around.
"I-I, No. Luke. Sorry. You scared me.." He frowned and sat next to me.
"Its gonna rain.. You should go home."
"Being out here in the rain is better then being home.." I whispered. He tilted head.
"N-Nothing. Never mind. I'll go home." I picked up my bag and stood up. He did also and took my hand in his.
"I'll walk you."
"You dont ha-"
"I want to." I blushed and looked down. He smiled at my blushing face and kissed my cheek softly. "Lets go."

Chapter 5: I hate this house!
As we were getting to my house it started raining. I felt really bad and let him inside.
"It isnt gonna last long, Grace. I can get home, I live a few blocks down." I shook my head at him.
"No no no. Its pouring rain. You can wait here till it stops." As I walked up the steps to my house I prayed that my mom wasnt home. And thankfully, she wasnt. I pulled him out of the rain and into my house." I'm gonna change. I'll bring you a towel." He just nodded and stood there. I sighed and walked up the stairs to my room. I ran into my room and to my drawer. I pulled out a black tank top and a pair of green shorts that went right in the middle of my thigh and waist. So they werent to long and to short. I also pulled out a different pair of socks. I kicked off my converse and my clothes. I changed very quickly and ran into my bathroom. As I came out, I had a big brown towel for him. I ran down the stairs and handed it to him.
"Grace, I can go home."
"No. You good at spanish?" He just smiled and nodded. I plopped down on the couch with my bag. "Come help me?" He nodded and walked over to me, sitting next to me. We said a few lines of spanish and and told me what some words ment. He was very good at spanish. Sadly, I wasnt. I never really cared for it. "Well. Done."
"Wait.. One more thing."
"Hm?" I must have looked confused.
"Dame un beso, Grace. Sólo un beso.." He leaned closer to me. "Please?"
"I-I dont know what that means.."
"Yo quiero un beso, Grace. Sólo un beso. Estoy ansia tus labios. Están atrapados en mi cabeza. Grace. Sólo quiero un beso." He smiled sadly.
"Luke. I dont know what you're saying to me.." He shifted closer to me and wraped his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. I blushed. He leaned his face so close to mine. Just an inch away.
"I said, I want a kiss, Grace. Just a kiss. I'm craving your lips. They are trapped in my head. Grace. I just want a kiss." I blushed even harder. But I smiled. His eyes were filled with lust. Oh god. His eyes. I stared into them for a moment. And with that second, I kissed him. The kiss held there for 20 seconds. Our lips moved together. He nibbled on my bottom lip and licked it. And just as I was gonna let him in, the door slamed open and we pulled away. I jumped off his lap. I looked over to see who was at the door and ran off the couch.
"M-Mom? I thought you'd still be at the bar.. you're always at the bar late.." She laughed at me and stumbled over to me. She put her hand on shoulder. "Dont touch me.."
"M-My friend took me home 'cause I-I was about to s-start a fight." She just laughed some more and looked over to the couch. "M-My girl g-got a cute study date, hm?" She laughed some more and tapped my cheek softly.
"Dont touch me!" I pushed her hand away from me and backed up a bit. She glared at me.
"Dont speak that way to your mother, young lady!" She moved closer to me and slapped me across the face. I fell to my knees and silently started crying.
"You arent my mother.. you're a monster!" I got up and ran up stairs and into my room. I jumped onto my bed and threw my head on a pillow. A few seconds later I heard banging on my door.
"Go away!" I heard a loud sigh.
"Its Luke.." I gulped, sat up, and wiped away any tears on my face. But it was no use. They just kept coming back.
"C-Come in.." He slowly opened the door. When he saw the tears in my eyes, he ran over to me. He knelt down beside the bed and took my hands in his. He looked up into my eyes.
"I'm so sorry, Grace.. I should have went home.." I took a hand away from his and slid it onto his cheek.
"No.. you shouldnt have. I didnt think she'd be home so early. Dont worry about it." He smiled at me. His eyes lightened up a bit. Those eyes..
"Dame otro beso?" I smiled.
"I still dont know what that means."
"..Give me another kiss..?" I bit my lip and leaned in slowly. I kissed him slowly. Our lips moved in a perfect melody. His lips tasted like vanilla. So sweet. As he licked my bottom lip, I let him in. His tounge roamed my mouth. All the thoughts of my mom and everything else left my mind quickly. All that was on my mind was Luke, his eyes, and the sweet taste of his lips. After a few minutes we pulled away. "I dont wanna leave you.." I smiled.
"Its almost 6. Dont you think your parents will worry..?" He sighed and nodded.
He stood up and I got off my bed, standing next to him. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back. "I'll show you out the door.." He smiled. We headed down the stairs. I saw my mom sleeping on the couch. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the door. I opened it slowly. I really dont want him to leave. I looked up into those big, beautiful blue eyes of his. He walked out the door. And just before he turned and walked away, he kissed my lips softly for exactly two seconds. Yes, I counted. He then pulled away, smiled, and walked away. I closed the door. I slid down, leaning on the door. I bit my lip. I miss him and his eyes already..

Chapter 6: When did you get so friendly?
I picked myself off the ground and walked into the kitchen. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time. Its 6:30. Shit! Emily! Daycare ends at 6! I ran up the stairs and put a pair of pj pants on that had shooting stars on it. And threw a jacket over my tank top. I put some old converse on to run in the rain. I ran down the stairs and out the door. I ran though the park and all the down the block. Just as I was about to get to the day care, I blinked hard for a sec and ened up running into someone. I fell backward.
"I-I'm so sorry. I sut my eyes for a second and.." I looked up to the person I bumped into. "C-CHRIS?!" I crawled away and pulled myself up. I wiped my butt. It was kinda wet from the newly wet pavement.
"No.. Look, Grace. I'm sorry about lunch. When the new kid punched me, I knew I did something really wrong. I souldnt have touched you." He put his head down. I sighed.
"Whatever, Its over. We can pretend it never happend. I just really need to pick up my sister from Daycare. I'm really late." He looked up and I shook my head. I ran past him. As I was running to the daycare he yelled out to me. I slowed down a bit and turned my head.
"See you around?" He yelled. I smiled at him and just nodded, turning around to get my sister. I ran to the back of the Daycare. Thats where Mrs. Clayton waits if i'm late. She knows about out living situation so she's the one who take care of Emily and stays late with her when she needs to. As I got to the back, Emily saw me and ran into me, hugging my leg. I picked her up and hugged her tightly.
"Well I missed you too." I laughed at her and she giggled. She didnt have a very tight grip on me so I made sure I had a tight one on her.
"She's quite tired." Mrs. Clayton smiled at the half asleep child in my arms. I smiled a bit.
"I'll make her dinner when we get home then let her sleep." We both nodded and I said thanks. I headed back home with Emily in my arms. I wont why she's so tired. Oh yeah, she woke up at 5:45 to get me up! I shook my head. When I got home, I saw that mom had taken her drunken self up to her room. So I made Emily and I some tuna fish. I also poured her some milk. He ate and went right up to her room. I just sat there, playing with my food. I ate half of it, but all I could really think about were Luke's beautiful eyes..


Publication Date: 07-29-2011

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