
Please hold my hand

You leave me every day..

And My waiting to be with you passes as an everlasting dream..

Though the mothers are poor,

Hug and kiss their children..

I have neat dress, food, toys, sweets..

But alone.. I miss everything..

When I come to see the children holding mother's hand and walking..

look deeply and long for the same..

Kids reply 'Bye' to their mother..

On seeing this, my hand gets up heart becomes weightless..

When the kids sleep on the lap of their mother I stand beside..

But I don't get lap ma..

Kids fall down when they run..

are immediately up by their mother and looked carefully..

It happens to me.. I don't get any hand..

Lads get different stories while taking food..

Even while neglecting, mother's fingers feed food, feed much love ..

You work to earn money

to make my life good..

But you are poor to understand that

I lose life-blood - your basic love ma..

You switch on the TV just to divert my attention..

Where also the ferocious animal licks the cub with love and care..

Am I worthless than a street dog ma?..

You think the toys, TV, snacks and others are enough to me..

can't talk to them ma..

They can't make me laugh..

Even if I have life for a day,

I need your hand, hug, lap, kiss, words…

I want to sleep on your lap..

I want to walk with you by holding your hand..

Want to lean on your shoulder and hear all your stories..

I want to play with you… Laugh with you..

Even if it is cry, that should happen in front of your eyes..

so what you can hug me...

I have lot of words to share with your ears.. with your eyes..

But most of the time you are in tension..

Either because of the work or pa..

I'm alone.. I feel loneliness even if others are with me..

Couldn't play with anyone..

and I don't get interest on anything..

I lose the base ma..

That's your invaluable, sweet's sweet love..

Cry like an orphan left in an unknown desert..

And try to extend my hand towards the people

to hold my hand and walk for sometime..

But bend my head by thinking whether rightful..

Even if someone does for me..

Can it bring your love ma?

But still in my heart I beg

‘Please hold my hand'…

rajeshlane © 2008

Son’s Eye

Little heart was patiently expecting at the door..

… Only for you Dad..

Angry face you had

Arrested my vocal cord..

Eyes innocently looked you..

Slowly turned down.. the budding face got closed..

You were busy..

I was waiting… waiting..

Even you didn’t look at me..

For a single sound

You stared

I got scared..

I could hide myself on the door screen..

Hid my wish to share everything with you..

Hid asking to get balloon.. Teddy bear.. Candy..

Hid my eagerness of telling rhymes learnt at the school..

Hid my daily stories, games, chat..

Wanted to hug your neck at back..

Wanted to sit with you very closely..

Wanted to talk like a friend..

Wanted to come with you for shopping..

Wanted to have food by your hand..

Wanted to show the picture I drew..

Wanted to get idea..

Everything was buried in the coffin of my heart..

The drinks you had..

Words you used..

Gave only afraid..

I couldn’t tell you,

I wanted to tell you..

I lost..

I’m ready to pay any cost..

..Will I get the buried alive?

rajeshlane © 2008

Please.. Take care

When aged starts going bald,

The youth gets bold..

..if tired, becomes mere waste..

Son becomes the father of father..

Daughter becomes the mother of mother..

If articulation is tired, kids take the position of teacher..

No ear waits to hear,

When the heart longs to share..

No leg stands to help,

When yelp..

No hand gives water,

When the dry tongue struggles for drops..

The hands designed the home,

The legs carried the pain,

The eyes forgotten the sleep,

The body paid sweat and blood

is unnoticed.. Left unwanted..

Man who decorated each wall and opened the door

is searching water on the dirty floor..

Mother who gave the food by paying her blood

is thirstily seeking food..

The hands hugged the sun and daughter with true love

is longing for human touch..

The mouth told the stories of life

is waiting to tell the pain..

.. but no man with patience..

Deep inhale of father proudly thinks,

My daughter will take care of me…

Close attachment of mother decides

My beloved son will be with me…

Sister boldly remembers I have a brother

to stand for me..

Husband holds my wife will hug me..

Wife stands husband will hold me..

Each kid hugs mother and father

With much hope they'll not leave me..

Aged believes with faith on son and

Daughter-in-law in taking care..

Who can take care who?..

Who will love you?..

Who will care you?..

…Please take care..

rajeshlane © 2008

Death of a Saviour

You were the Saviour..

To protect us from the heat of sunlight, rain..

When it rained heavily we gathered very near you.

you held the water by your hands and left away..

Sometimes endured thunder.. and got wound..

You inhaled the heat and exhaled the breeze..

Could feel your kindness…

We were standing on your foot..

Waiting for the bus..

Chatting with friends..

You were listening all our flatteries..

When happened to wait alone,

You were the one standing with me..

Your shadow has given me patience to wait..

I learned a lot from you..

Especially taking care and endurance..

When you were nailed by advertisements,

You didn't slap anyone.. but shed the blood..

I got flabbergasted on seeing the scene –

Bulldozer grabbed your heart

With iron hand and pulled down forcefully..

The nerves were broken..

Heart was taken out and cut into pieces..

The hands were on the road..

Vehicles were squeezing your hands..

You couldn't make voice.. and

Didn't have voice..

I could cry in heart.. Couldn't express..

I know if I express,

The world will mark me as mad..

You didn't hurt anyone..

But you cared everyone on not seeing their status..

You are more worthy than human heart..

I know your soul will not be disturbed in paradise..

Sure the cruel hearts are going to be boiled

in excess of heat on loosing you..

rajeshlane © 2008

I will never commit wrong to my Love

A soundless soul in soul..

A thousand cardiogram cannot understand a soul..

That wonderful.. beautiful.. sweet soul..

Love.. beyond love..

For my heart.. my soul.. my life..

Not for kissing passing passionate passion..

For this wasteland's thirst She gives rain as a baby..

Gives happiness.. thinking.. advice.. plan.. encouragement..

Then why should I touch her

If I express my love to her

May be a disturbance..Mind boggling

It may affect her psyche… education…

May give mental torture…irritation…bad name…

It may affect her family situation like famine..

Parent's kindness.. their mind..

So it may erode so many..

That bird should fly free..


So in any way

She should live as what she expects..

Should not be controlled..

What she likes as happy.. That should be..

For my love –

I'll never commit wrong..

Her face to face smile.. not cry..

But smile..

rajeshlane © 2008

Thoughts never fade

No look

No word


No meet

No call

No reply

Thoughts so sweet..

Beautiful.. brings lovely peace..

Day after day..

Year after year..

Heart beats.. Forgets time..

Like a newborn baby..

Moment by moment indicates like a mouse..

towards goodness..

Tradition abuses this modern girl..

Modern dress.. drinks.. dance..

Planned walk.. ego.. boyfriends..

Specially carved pronunciation..

…away from culture.. moral..

Away she is.. as modern..

My ears hear she is bad.. not mind..

I don't mind..

Pop and rock songs rock.. let her dance..

She may enjoy by permitting the boys by hugs..

Innocent good..

Better and better forever she is..

When she wakes, rains in my heart..

Never fade the thoughts..

rajeshlane © 2008

My girl

Do you know..

My girl is greater than wonders..

Beauties.. stars..

Flowers.. statues..

Heart felt heart

Unforgettable figure..

That shaped soft skin with green nerves..

Pure lips.. don't know any poster face laughs..

While I say, She jumps from my heart to lips..

But she won't come out..

She is very special than the other..

I haven't any intention to touch her.. for what men need girl..

If you don't mind, I draw an outline about her..

She has enough blood and flesh and fair heart..

Like a good mother..

like a lovely sister..

like a best friend..

Like a loyal wife..

I might have seen her face..

But I know her very well mentally..

My ears didn't store any of her words..

May be soft and sweet..

But I hear her rhythmic speech..

Every words are carved, shaped and sized..

Her innocent look limits me head to heel..

I'm not in me for a moment..

my attention is arrested..

My heart is unconsciously compelled to be calm..

Like in prayer..

I'm not ready to demolish her desire..

Let her be a free bird.. as she wants..

That flower has changed me brute into human..

She is the soul teaches me life..

Her soft smile fragrances my heart

That's sure

I won't touch her to stop the fragrance

Then you may ask who is she?

She is my part

Blood and heart

Part and parcel of my heart..

Her peace gives me peace

She is with in me

I can't give her out

Whether it is love or life

Or sole or soul

It is beyond that everything..

I can't explain

You can't understand my girl..

rajeshlane © 2008


Who gave me

First breath

First food

First hug

First kiss

First smile

First Love

First word

First walk

First idea..

is my mother..

rajeshlane © 2008

Manly man

A brisk brawny brave breast

If thousand arrows hit..

Brilliant ten brains

If supercomputer stops..

Eyes will never miss bull's eye

If hundred chicks undo dress…

High capable hands to tremble

If it is Himalayan task…

Giant body moulded by gymnastics

can face if brutal tigers attack…

Buxom steer's legs will bury

If stones turn against…

Looks would control the lives…

Voice would command to obey…

Power.. Power's power…

Powerful power…

What thwarted…

What bewitched…

And made topple the wisdom…?

Like Eve by serpent…

…. Luscious cruel kindness of speech…

Magical words kidnapped Ravana

Magical deer kidnapped Sita

A great power

begged and begged and

waited and waited for her approval

Didn't touch…

Praised her possessiveness on husband and

Cursed her husband…

Didn't touch… begged to marry…

But.. could have snatched, married forcefully…

Why.. Even can bury..

Why.. why… why… ?.. why

There was a stumbling block

before the beauteous beauty… ?

Paint-pot and brush..

Honesty was standing before beauty..

Returned love was questioned

by her faith…

Question on purity…

Faith asked her to cross the

fire to prove her chastity..

Which is pure love -

Flesh seeking or

Mind seeking…?

rajeshlane © 2008

Call by Nature

Miles and miles of smiles..

Than Leonardo da vinci's Monalisa..

Undressed beauteous beauty

Than Michaelangelo's David..

The grass field on trunk of mountain

Greater than Liberty lady's…

Cries for others smile..

Because falls fails to fall into human hearts..

Because tension induces the temper of human..

I'm forgotten.. after getting cheated you are turning towards me..

My breath will revive you..

My lips will never flatter..

Friends are ready to sing.. play music..

To mend your wounded heart..

Green bed will never through you away…

Hut stands in stick will safeguard you..

Huts are endless here..

Passing passes..

Come to get glee..

It's sure I ever love and trust you even if you hate me..

I'll hug even if you come back with broken hearted..

rajeshlane © 2008

Please Don't Throw My Heart

You fill up the thought

in the weak pot of my heart..

When you talk to me it gets strength..

If you leave me,

gets broken into pieces..

It takes time to set it back..

And expects you'll come back..

rajeshlane © 2008


Publication Date: 03-04-2009

All Rights Reserved

Dedicated to all the living things who seek love and peace..

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