
By. R.E Remkes
Intro-Different love

Different love
Aviline a sixteen year old girl has everything a normal girl would want; she is beautiful, smart, and strong. To others her life seems extravagant and perfect. But she knows better than to believe as others do, her race is Mooonkind but women are moonling.
Her mom is not much of a mom, the only caring family she has is her sister Basiel and her cousin Jeromiah she knows they care.
All she wants is love but where will she find someone to love someone like her, she has many pack members but none of which she is in love with. She seeks love outside the moon folk. But what will she give? What will she sacrifice for love?
Gavin was a seventeen year old trouble maker that was until he met Aviline, she found some long lost responsibility deep inside his soul.
Gavin always knew Aviline was different, ever since sixth grade but not this different. ‘I t doesn’t matter.’ He told himself frequently; I love her ……. Unconditionally, besides she doesn’t know my history as I know hers.
I awoke suddenly, and sat upright in my bed, I shot a speedy and thorough glance at my color coated calendar Today was the only black one. I groaned sleepily, today was the worst day in the year.
My mom entered my room quickly and even though she was only inches from my face, she was yelling. ‘Happy birthday baby!’ as loud as I think she could. I stared blankly at her as if she was yelling at a deaf person, and ignored her unwanted comment.

I hated my birthday because as soon as I turned eighteen I had to be engaged or married or I would have to have an arranged marriage, one of the many things wrong with the moonkind laws that I did not agree with.
’ Why on earth do I have to marry a man I do not know or love? ‘I had once asked my mother Miranda, she had an arranged marriage and clearly had no problem with him.
‘Cant I just skip my birthdays and stay fifteen forever then I could leave all our stupid laws behind along with my age?’ I asked suddenly
She heard that, and with a quick ‘Humph’ she stood flipped her long golden brown hair and swiftly exited.
I sighed she was gone. But soon her empty space was filled by my real family, Basiel and Jeromiah entered soon after Miranda’s departure, sleep could not capture me soon enough to miss them.
‘What are you doing in bed?’Basiel demanded ‘you still have school you know’ I groaned, rolled over, covered my face, and muttered ‘No. I may not like it but it is my birthday!’Basiel
was -and always will be-a better mom and caretaker than Miranda, even if she is the youngest of the three of us.
I remember a time when I was eight Basiel was six and Jeromiah was seven. Miranda had left on a date; she left a package of pre-heat able noodles, on the counter.
Basiel was furious and her fury turned into three hours in the kitchen and a gourmet dinner of spaghetti French bread and salad!!!!
Ever since then she has been a full time …..I guess second mom but better.
So I wearily stood in gratitude of her efforts to help us.

At school every one just sat and stared at me, as usual all except that Gavin. He looked at me with curiosity, not a rejecting stare like the rest not at all.
The bell sounded and everyone rushed out as fast a possible, everyone except for me. I slowly picked up my books, I was determined to make a
dramatic entrance into the science lab, the third class -so far-that the Gavin was in too. i had only been here a qhile but i had met Gavin before and we raced ti my house every day. in a way we were connected, i felt it, and im sure he felt it too.

I swiftly entered the warm room, and quickly found my seat.
My lab partner was kind, her name I found out was, Sarah.

‘You are the new girl, aren’t you?’ She smiled kindly ‘I’m Sarah. Welcome to Florida!’ Well at least she’s enthusiastically nice. I thought. Then I noticed something odd, she glowed and her skin shimmered, but only for a moment. I wasn’t even sure I had seen it for sure.
At that moment Mrs. Carter came down our row and handed each table six slides to observe under our microscopes. I started immediately I chose three and started with my moon eyes I knew what they were without the microscope but I had to blend in. So I sat there and wasted time using the tool like everyone else.

When the bell rang for a change I swiftly stood, gathered my books and exited.
My seventh class was History. I passed easily in that class.
I was good as listening and memorizing, I may be in my less capable human form, but my mind and senses were always moonkind.

The day was finally over and I wanted to see Gavin i loved him –a lot- sometimes he looked at me like he knew and felt the same way.
So i ran speedy and thorough I‘ll beat him home today for sure this time. i knew i was wrong for as soon as i entered the warm home, there he was. Lounged on the couch lazily as if he’d been there for hours was her boyfriend though she thought of him more as a soul mate than a high school blow off. She told him that many times before he looked like he actually belived her, others not so much.

‘’Beat you!’’ Gavin stated playfully. ‘’ You just wait until tomorrow.’’ I answered as I sat on the couch beside my lover for life.

‘You can’t tell him Aviline.’ ‘Yes I can Basiel; I love him and trust him.’ I argued. ‘It’s against the rules, and he will leave you he’ll tell, them.’ He won’t tell…..Them’ I know he won’t. I know him more than anyone. i coudl tell him anything. i was going to tell him, with Baisils permission or not. ' he dosent even know about them, i will teach him as one of us in our ways.' i tell her. 'you musnt be thinking of turning him.' she asks appalled. i smile at her, a sneaky unrevealing smile. that was exactly wha t i was planning to do, tomarrow. i was going to do just that. indeed, he wouldnt run, nad he wouldnt tell them. he isnt that kind of person. true i had only known him a few mnths but we had a connection. we met in my back yard during summer. there was no school nad i had just moved here. i had fould him in my tree deep in the woods. i climbed it to find him drawing in a sketch book. he idint see me at first. i sat there just watching him, until a branch beneath my feet snapped. he looked down, and right into my eyes. we were trapped there locked in eachothers eyes. we met there for months, every night. unitl one night icouldnt come. it was a full moon the one night we gave thanks to the moon. goddess, Artemis. i told him i couldnt and lied to the one person i trusted most. he , he saud ok and jumped from the tree. the way he looked at me showed he didnt belive me. and after a while, he became my boyfriend. now came the hardest most dangerous part, meeting the family. that was terrifying for me, and i insisted that it was a bad idea but Gavin insisted otherwise. i finnally bent and invited hi mfor dinner. i told the family letting them think he was of moon kind, he wasnt. Basiel was prepairing dinner. i had another huge dilema i had no idea what i was goin to wear. i wasnt really for fancy dresses and frilly things, but since this was officially Gavin and my firstt date i was bringing in the big guns. i pulled out my box of old ceremonial dresses. ther were made of a material that was soft as silk and never got dirty. it was amazing, the elves made an outfit for each of us once a month. for an offering to it was a deep fiery red and sleeveless. i hung below my knees and made my chest look much larger than it really was.


Publication Date: 05-03-2010

All Rights Reserved

For my Mother, whose love of wolves inspired me to write this novel. And to my bonus mom who encouraged me to follow my dreams.

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