No one in this world could boast that he or she has never been in love or even have a special feeling towards someone.Though sometime it hurts, we can't deny that it is somehow a sweet feeling.I,myself did experience it and indeed it sometime arouse sorrow, pain and so on...
Trust,belief,love...I had it all but due to some mere little world crumbled down and as time passed, I felt like I was being engulfed in an abyss...losing everything I had,left alone in this cruel world...
What to mourn for when that something-no-someone that you needed ,had ceased to exist...
Well I'm going to tell you how everything for me it did...
One year ago...
"Words fail me!"I exclaimed as Anabella,my elder sister, stood with her hands on her hips in front of me."So how do I look?"She asked.And for the second time, I looked at what she was wearing and what she had not put on or forgotten.(Well I hope so!)
Her extremely short shorts showed off her panties, her v-neck shirt held tight her boobs which look like it was about to explode.I eyed them suspiciously before gulping.
"Does that give off the impression of...'not sexy at all but still average' or'TOO sexy!Jessica Simpson better look out!'...which one?"
"Do I get any other...options?"I faltered.
She glared."What is that suppose to mean?"
" should know that you're beautiful,one of the prettiest girl I know and I should be proud to have you assister!"
"Awww!Thanks, really-WAIT!You didn't answer my question!How do I look Now!?"
Dude,I'm dead,I thought."Sure...maybe I have ommited some facts like you lok like a stupid whore, easy going girl and so on but don't forget I'll always love you!So how do you feel!?"I said quickly,hoping she didn't take care of what I'd just say.But as you can guess it didn't work at all.I mentally smacked my head with a wall.
I think her eyes just flared and that made me shivered.
Publication Date: 08-01-2012
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