It was Friday, June sixth eight forty- five P.M. and of coarse a bright sunny day, the perfect kind of day for a picnic. “It was a shame,” thought Kelsey, “that this picnic went down with murder.” She was in an open daisy field where a deadly picnic scene was. This scene was found by another couple that planned on having a date here talk about putting a damper on the mood. “Kelsey,” shouted Rian, Kelsey’s partner and husband, “You are pregnant can’t you wait at least a week after the baby is born to come back to work like everyone else. The doctor said to get out of bed until after the baby came.” “Well murder doesn’t take pregnancy break now does it,” replied Kelsey. She looked at the victim, he was on a yellow sheet laying face up with blood flowing out the back of his head. There were tire tracks and footprints at the right edge of the sheet. They were about five miles outside of town. The body died at seven forty- five P.M. Items with lipstick smudges surrounded him and food, this reminded her how she didn’t eat breakfast. Man, was she hungry.
Once they got back to the police base the forensic team scanned the body’s fingerprint and found out that this was a man named Mr. Sampson while Kelsey was eating. Kelsey and Rian went to where Sampson worked and asked the people there if they knew if he was with someone. They found out that he was dating six women. They were Rita, Lauren, Peggy, Gail, Janice, and Elaine. That was when Kelsey was more on the killer’s side but she continued the case. The fist women she went to check out was Rita. She worked as a florist and seemed quite nice. The first thing she learned was that Rita doesn’t wear lipstick. Then she learned that she lived three miles west of Centerville. Then when she learned that Rita’s father owned a riffle range she called the forensics team to see if they knew what did or didn’t kill her. They told her that all they knew so far was that it was some type of knife. Well that kind of eliminated Rita.
While Kelsey found out about Rita, Rian found out about Lauren and Peggy. She seemed like the perfect murderer. She was six feet tall and played basketball. She had red hair and worked at a chemical supply house perfect for poisoning Mr. Sampson. The only problem was that she was allergic to species of flowers. So, he moved on to Peggy who only had the fact that she lived with Elaine in a two –bedroom apartment in Centerville as evidence pointing her towards being a murderer. Not only did she not wear lipstick, she was severely allergic to grapes. Which eliminated her being a suspect. During this whole time the Forensics found out about a lot of things such as that the female footprint the found was size five, the car treads were from Mr. Sampson’s car, the prints at the scene weren’t on the database, and that the weapon was a knife.
Kelsey and Rian discovered facts about Gail and Janice together. Gail lived in a town called Jordan and worked as a teacher. She hated the color yellow and was allergic to chocolate. Anyway like always she was at aerobics on Friday. The aerobics teacher was Janice; she worked their part time on Friday at seven thirty. She was petite, size four jeans and not very nice. She also, worked full time as a hair stylist. She hated chocolate and the color yellow, but loved daisies. When asked about Sampson’s other girlfriends she said she never met Elaine.
When they went to the last suspect, Elaine, they learned about a plastic knife from the forensics team. Elaine was five feet and two inches tall. As Elaine was interrogated they learned that she lived in the two –bedroom apartment with Peggy, she was a schoolteacher and that she loved daisies. Without asking her about Sampson’s other girlfriends, Elaine told them that she never met Janice. With a little more of the true story slipping through the fake story, she confessed to murdering Mr. Sampson.
On the confession paper she wrote; he took me to the middle of the field in his old car. The field was full of daisies and he had set up a picnic. He knew I loved daisies and it was our ten- week anniversary. We ate and I knew he was cheating on me, so I asked him to stop. He laughed. So, I threw a plastic knife into the back of his neck. Then I was scared at what I did so I drove away in his car and left it abandoned at an empty parking lot in downtown Centerville.
I pulled Rian out of the interrogation room and whispered in his ear, “you know I hate that I can’t be a witness in her case.” Rian more puzzled than before asked, “why?” So, in reply I answered, “because, my water just broke.”
Publication Date: 07-13-2012
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to my csi teacher
csi lab partner