
Are the Demons posing as Aliens?

I'm going to ask some questions, this is to get your mind thinking. Many people throughout the history of man, have heard the stories or legends about the great men who roamed the earth.

1.Who were these great men?
2.Where did they initially come from?
3.What happened to them?
4.Where are they now?
5.What powers and limitations do they have?

These are the questions I hope to provide the answers to. According to the Bible many of God's creation, called angels came down to the earth taking the form of man. They subsequently mated with some of the women, and had children that were called
“ Nephilim.” This can be found in the first book of the Bible, at Genesis 6:4, where it states “ The Nephilim proved to be in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of the {true} God continued to have relations with the daughters of men and they bore sons to them, they were the mighty ones who were of old, the men of fame.”

This is also mentioned at Numbers 13:33, where it states “ And there we saw the Nephilim, the sons of A'nak who are from the Nephilim; so that we became in our own eyes like grasshoppers, and the same way we became in their eyes.”

According to this same book, the “Bible” at Genesis 6:5, “ God saw that the badness of men was abundant in the earth.” Following along at verse 7, it states that God was going to wipe the earth clean of everything, regretting he ever made them. Thus showing he had great disappointment from what he created. So he set in motion a great flood to cover the whole earth, verse 13 says: “ After that God said to Noah; The end of all flesh has come before me, because the earth is full of violence as a result of them; ( meaning the fallen angels, along with the children they bore) and here I am bringing to ruin together with the earth.”

Reading this got me to thinking “ Why the whole earth?” Was it because some of these Nephilim, or ' mighty men of old” had moved to other parts of the earth?

Each culture has legends of great men of strength. Also the pyramids have not only been found in Egypt, but Mexico and on down in South America.

Also there is no record of how long these fallen angels were on the vicinity of the earth, nor how many children they had fathered. The Bible does say that when Noah got to be 500 years old, not only did his father (Lamech) die at the age of 777 years old. But that Noah became father to three sons " Shem, Ham, and Japeth. This is recorded at Genesis 5: 31,32. Lamech was around 182 years old when he fathered Noah, because according to Genesis 5:30, it states “ Lamech continued to live another five hundred and ninety-five years.”

Only Noah proved to be a righteous man, proving himself to be faultless among a society rampaged with violence & degradation. According to the Book of Enoch; the book of Jubilees, and the Watchers over 200 angels descended upon the earth.

Enoch was the son of Cain, who had slain his brother Abel. God allowed him to leave the area of Eden, which his parents ( Adam and Eve) had already been kicked out of the garden because of their transgression. This cam be found at Genesis 3: 17; 4:1; and 4: 8-17.

While no mention of the names of these fallen angels appear in the Bible; the other three books name only the 10 chieftans. The Book of Enoch refers to the days of Jared, that these fallen angels came down to Mount Hermon, not far from the city of Damascus. Which is still a city in the northern part of Israel to this day.

According to the books aforementioned, these angels ( Greek-egregoroi) or watchers, had a leader, or Samyaza- meaning an angel of high rank. With Uriel, an angel over the world and over Tartarus. These chiefs of ten being: Samlazaz, Arikiba, Rameel, Kokablel, Tamlel, Ramlel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, Asael, Gamaros, Batarel, Ananael Zaqlel, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jamjael, and Sariel, along with Uriel.

The Book of Watchers has been dated between 200-150 B.C., and in Chapter 20 it mentions seven main watchers or angels.

These are as follows:

1.Uriel " watcher ( holy angel) over the world and Tartarus.
2.Raphael " the angel over the spirits of men.
3.Raguel " the angel who takes vengeance on the world of the luminaries.
4.Michael " the angel set over the best part of mankind and over chaos.
5.Saraquel " the angel over spirits, who sin in the spirit.
6.Gabriel " the angel over paradise, and the serpents, and the Cherubum.
7.Rumiel " the holy angel whom God set over those who rise ( I assume this means the ones who are resurrected from the dead.

Who the actual writer of these books are is not recorded. Yet according to these books, the story of the Nephilim ( or giants) is chronicled more fully in the Book of Enoch. This along with the Greek, Aramaic, and main Ge'ez manuscripts of Enoch 1 and Jubilees were obtained in the 19th century are being presently held in two places " The British Museum and the Vatican. Thus connecting the Neplilim with the fallen angels, or watchers. With Samyaza being the leader of the rebel sect of angels. In the Book of Jubilees, at Chapter 7: 21-25 it states the purpose of flooding the whole earth was to rid it of these Nephilim. These works describe them as being likened to evil giants.

In the Catholic deuterocanonical books of Judith verses 16:6; Books of Serach- Serach 16:7, and Baruch 3:26-28; and the Wisdom of Solomon 14:6; also in the nondeuterocanonical book of Maccabees 2:4, they allude to the descendents of the fallen angels, or the Nephilim.

Now ask yourselves: What happened to these fallen angels? What kind of power did they actually have?

Being formerly in a spirit form they could leave the earthly body and ascend back to heaven. Yet the Book of Enoch, at 20:2, states that God cast them into Tartarus, a place of 'total darkness'. But in the Book of Jubilees it states that God granted 10% of the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim to remain after the flood, as demons- to lead the human race astray through idolatry, practicing the occult, and other various forms of wrongdoing.

So if these children of the fallen angels did indeed die where ever they lived during the flood. It begs you to wonder what happened to these fallen angels, who are now considered demons? Are they the ones responsible for the many legends that permeate throughout the earth today?

In 1 Peter 3:19, it states “ In this state ( being a spirit) also he went his way and preached to the spirits in prison who had once been disobedient when the patience of God was waiting in Noah's day.”

In Revelation 16:14; states “ expressions inspired by demons and perform signs.”

Also in 2 Peter 2:4, substantiate the fact they, these fallen angels were thrown into Tartarus, until the final judgement at Armagedon.”

But another spirit descended to the earthly realm long before the flood took place. His heavenly name has not ever been known, because he chose another path. He being an angel or spirit person, let wrong desires enter into him. To which he is now referred as the Devil, according to James 1:13-15; this is where he is referred as “ the God of this system of things.” And in Genesis 3:1, when he took the form of a snake, and began questioning Eve, he became the first liar, or deceiver Satan.

So he had the power to take over another creature- the snake! In turn God called this spirit by the names Satan, or Devil; but he is also known by Lucifer and Be'elzebub.

These demons that are the fallen angels had forsaken their natural place- Heaven. The would no doubt have many, if not some abilities such as Satan had in the beginning. And if these 200 fallen angels could take on the persona of a human or take over possession of a man. It is only reasonable that these other angels who were cast down to the vicinity of the earth would have certain powers.

According to the Holy Scriptures they are said to have the following abilities, and some could have more than one, where Satan had many. Now I will speak about the powers these evil beings are said to have.

~ Powers of the Demons ~

The first one is “Intellect” and at Mark 5:2- it states “ And immediately after he got out of the boat ( meaning Jesus) a man under the power of an unclean spirit ( ordemon) met him from among the memorial tombs.”

This shows that they have the intelligence to posses a body. Yet reading on it shows when he caught sight of Jesus he ran and did obeisance. Also showing his intelligence of who Jesus truly was. Verse 6 goes on to say, “ But on catching sight of Jesus from a distance he ran and did obeisance to him.” Then in verse 7 “ and, when he had cried out with a loud voice, he said “ What have I to do with you, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I put you under oath by God not to torment me.”

Jesus went on to say “come out of the man, you unclean spirit”; then asked what his name was. In verse 11, he says “ My name is Legion, because there are many of us.” So here it showsthat more than one spirit can inhabit a body at one time.

This scenario took place in the country of Gerasenes. Which was next to the Sea of Galilee, and 2 miles from the Yarmuk River. Gadara was one of the cities of the Decapolis. The ruins of Gadara are found at modern Umm Qais in northern Jordan today.

For these fallen angels, now demons we come to find that they have the power of 'Knowledge'. This is found at Acts 19:15 " The wicked spirit said to them “I know Jesus, and I am acquainted with Paul, but who are you?”

To set the stage, God was allowing works of power through the hands of Paul, along with Jesus. But certain ones, roving Jews were practicing the casting out of demons. They tried to use the names of Jesus and Paul to charge the demons out. One was named at Acts 19:14 - “ Sceva, a Jewish High Priest was doing this.”

So this unnamed demon or spirit in essence called him out, showing a knowledge that this person did not have permission from God to be expelling any demons. In verse 16, it shows the man ( with the wicked spirits) mastery over the other, and prevailed against them so they fled.

The second one is “emotions”:

In James 2:19 it states, “ You believe there is one God, do you? You are doing quite well. And yet the demons believe and shudder.”

Here they showed fear for the God they betrayed!

Also, another power is self- awareness, this fact is shown at Mark 5:9 where it states “ What is your name? And he said to him “ My name is Legion, because there are many of us.”

Here he calls himself by one name, even though there was more than one entity. They were a group of demons that had taken over the body of this man. And after Jesus cast these demons out, he sent them into a herd of swine in which they drowned after jumping off a precipice and into the sea. This is found at Mark 5:11,12.

This also shows that they have the power of will. At Matthew 8:31, it states that they entreated Jesus to send them into the herd of swine. Which I recently spoke about, in which the herd all died.

These demons also have the ability to speak. Several scriptures back this up, the first is found at Mark 1:24, stating “ What have we to do with you, Jesus you Nazarene? Did you come to destroy us? I know exactly who you are, the Holy One of God.”

Then at Matthew 5:7-12, not only does he speak to Jesus, but he tells Jesus who he is by calling himself by the name 'Legion.'”

Also at Acts 19:15, the demon questions the Jewish High Priest Sceva, asking him who he was. It states again that the wicked spirit knew of Jesus and Paul, but didn't know who he was, nor the fact that he was sanctioned to be casting out demons.

So you see that they have powers, but they also have some limitations to what they can and are able to do. One is that demons are not omnipresent, nor do they have unlimited powers. Their freedom is restricted as is that of Satan, by their own nature and the power of God.

At Job 1:12 it states, “ Accordingly God said to Satan: Look! Everything he has is in your hand; Only against him himself do not thrust out your hand! So Satan went out from the person of God.”

At Job 2:6,7 shows that this is where God told Satan he could do what he wished to Job, except kill him or touch his soul. Showing God gave them a limit to what they could do to a human.

Also the demons are not all-knowing. Demons are the fallen angels and even the angels don't know everything. This is shown at 1 Peter 1:12, stating “ It was revealed to them that, not to themselves, but to you, they were ministering the things that have now been announced to you through those who have declared the good news to you with holy spirit sent forth from heaven. Into these very things angels are desiring to peer.”

There is no indication in the Bible that demons, ( or for that matter Satan) can read our thoughts. They are pretty good at predicting human behavior, because they are experts on human nature.

So far I have talked about the first fallen angels, and how they were bound in Tartarus until the final judgement day. And how they could have left evidence of their origin, before being cast away that is. Even though the Bible never named any of the fallen angels; the Book of Enoch, along with the Book of Jubilees does. Also these books along the Bible do state the powers and limitations of the fallen angels. Those before the flood and after the angels were free to roam the earth and heaven.

Demons in one form or another have been a constant fixture of folklore and myths in all cultures around the world since the dawn of history. They have been known to appear attractive, and they've masqueraded themselves so that even Christians are fooled. The apostle Paul warned at 2 Corinthians 11:14,15: “ Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then if his servants ( the demons) do the same
as servants of righteousness.”

Now that you have this in your mind, and know what they can and can't do. If they can take possession of a human body, why can't they pose as aliens? After all they were from outer space, or the heavenly regions. They have the power to transform themselves into beings of light. Also, ask yourself “If they could do this, and why not pose as beings from another world?”

All information derived from the following books and websites:

Book of Enoch
Book of Jubilees
Wikipedia on Anak & Giants ( mythology)


Publication Date: 06-28-2012

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