


Leader: Firestar

Deputy: Brambleclaw

Medicine cat: Jayfeather


Apprentice: Rainpaw
Apprentice: Rosepaw
Apprentice: Mudpaw
Apprentice: Briarpaw
Apprentice: Mosspaw
Apprentice: Bumblepaw
Apprentice: Toadpaw
Apprentice: Blossompaw


Mother of Spiderleg's kits:
Bluekit, Fernkit



Leader: Blackstar

Deputy: Rowanclaw

Medicine cat: Littlecloud
Apprentice: Flametail

Apprentice: Ferretpaw
Apprentice: Pinepaw





Leader: Onestar

Deputy: Ashfoot

Medicine cat: Kestrelflight

Apprentice: Furzepaw
Apprentice: Boulderpaw




Leader: Leopardstar

Deputy: Mistyfoot

Medicine cat: Willowshine
Apprentice: Petalpaw

Apprentice: Hollowpaw
Apprentice: Troutpaw
Apprentice: Mossypaw
Apprentice: Rushpaw




Lake territory

Chapter One - Welcome back!

"Bramblenose, welcome back to Thunderclan." Firestar said.
"You did it! You joined Thunderclan again!" I cried.
"I did, didn't I?" Bramblenose agreed.
I was delighted for the ex-rogue, who'm I had fallen in love with and ran away with.
"Well done, Bramblenose." My father, Swiftpath, was padding up to us.
"It feels good to think that I'm back in Thunderclan." Bramblenose said.
"Hmph. At least you'll be a tiny

bit loyal to your clan." Thornclaw, Bramblenose's mentor before he was a warrior, scoffed.
"Thornclaw! How could you say such a thing?" I scolded.
"Mosspaw's right, Thornclaw! I am

loyal to Thunderclan! You are just as bad as when I last saw you!" Bramblenose hissed.
"Bramblenose, you do not want to get into a fight." I told Bramblenose.
"Okay, Okay. It's just, Thornclaw can really get on my nerves." Bramblenose muttered.
"I know what it's like from personal experience with my brothers." I told him.
"Mosspaw, let's go on your first ever hunting patrol." My new mentor, Poppyfrost, was calling to me from where she was sharing tongues with the rest of the hunting patrol.
"Okay!" I called, giving one quick lick on Bramblenose's cheek affectionatly before joining the patrol.

Chapter Two - The gathering

Once out in the forest, I imediatly scented prey. I looked around and saw a plump vole scurrying around in the fallen leaves that covered the forest floor. I dropped into the hunters crouch, pounced onto the vole, and gave on quick nip to it's neck before feeling the vole go limp.
"Good work, Mosspaw!" Poppyfrost commented.
"Thanks." I murmered around the dead body in my mouth.
"That vole is really big and fat. I don't think I'll need to give you any hunting lessons. You seem to have a natural hunting ability." Poppyfrost continued.
"Since I've caught this mouse, you've caught that squirrel, and Mosspaw's caught that vole, shall we head back to camp now?" Cloudtail asked Poppyfrost, padding out of the undergrowth.
"Good idea. Let's go." Poppyfrost agreed, flicking her tail as a signal to follow.
"Wow! Great catch!" Bramblenose exclaimed, bounding over to greet me.
I dropped my prey on the fresh kill pile, and was about to go choose a nest in the apprentices den, when Firestar leaped down from his den, and yowled:
"Let's go to the gathering now. Mosspaw, Bramblenose, you come too."
"Okay!" I agreed enthusiastically.

As I crossed the dead tree bridge, I glanced back at Bramblenose.
What will the other clans think about Bramblenose rejoining Thunderclan?

I wondered.
I was so busy in my thoughts that I hardly noticed myself toppling into my brother, Mudpaw.
"Hey! Look out!" Mudpaw told me.
"I'm sorry, Mudpaw. I didn't mean to." I apoligized.
"Uh! Just leave me alone!" Mudpaw grumbled.
"Take no notice of Mudpaw, he's just jealous that you fought of the foxes that would have torn him to shreds when you had no practice or training at all!" Bramblenose whispered in my ear from behind me.
My mind flashed memories of the foxes that had attacked camp and how Bramblenose and I had scared of the foxes that would have killed my brothers.
"How do you know?" I asked.
"I heard Mudpaw talking to Rainpaw about it. They both agree that they could have stopped the foxes even though they coudln't." LBramblenose replied.
We jumped of the tree trunk side by side, and I was about to sit by Bramblenose when Blackstar yowled:
"Many young cats have just been apprenticed in all the clans. Let us explore the island and meet new cats."
I headed away towards some bushes that looked like a nice place to chat with Bramblenose and gestured to him with my tail to tell him to follow, but heard paws bounding after me. I turned around and saw the Riverclan medicine apprentice, Petalpaw, staring at me.
"Come on, lets go sit with the other medicine cats." She told me.
"Sorry, I would love to, but I'm not a medicine cat anymore." I explained.
I saw her eyes cloud with confusion, and quickly added:
"You'll find out what I mean, Firestar is going to announce it during the gathering."
"Okay. Um, I'll go. You look like you want some privacy." She said when she saw Bramblenose.
Who's he? I've never seen him at gatherings before. Wait! I think I have! A long, long, time ago. I think that he ran away or something.

I thought.
Hang on! That was Petalpaw's thought, not mine! How in Starclan could I do that? I'll investigate some more later. For now, I need to speak with Bramblenose.

I padded into the small den that was sheltered by bushes and sat down next to Bramblenose.
"Do you need to tell me something?" Bramblenose asked.
"Yes. I first wanted to say, that I entered Petalpaws-" I stopped when I realised that I should probably investigate further before telling anyone about entering another cat's thoughts.
"Go ahead." Bramblenose urged me on.
"Oh, sorry! I almost told you the wrong thing!" I improvised, "I wanted to tell you that I'm worried about becoming a warrior."
Oh! I just remembered! Jayfeather said that I am destined to be a medicine cat! He said he had a prophecy! I need to tell Firestar! But first, I'll ask Jayfeather about it.

I remembered how Jayfeather had refused to letting me be a warrior at first, when I had a dream that I thought surely meant I had to be a warrior.
"There's nothing to worry! Beoming a warrior is easy! I assure you, ther's nothing to worry about." Bramblenose told me, snapping me back to reality.
"Okay. If you say so. Anyway, you've had personal experience." I agreed, and I followed Bramblenose out to where the gathering was starting to take place.

Chapter Three - An investigation

"Jayfeather!" I called, and bounded into the medicine den, but halted when I remembered how I had once slept here as a medicine apprentice.
"What is it, Mosspaw?" Jayfeather asked, his blue eyes staring sightlessly at me, making me feel as if he could really see me.
"Jayfeather, you said that I was destined to be a medicine cat, and here I am, training to be a warrior! You said something about a prophecy, and-"
"Mosspaw, I am going to be honest, there iosn't a prophecy about you being a medicine cat. I made that up because I thought you would be a perfect medicine cat, but I guess you are

destined to be a warrior." Jayfeather cut me off.
"What?! You lied

? Medicine cats don't lie!" I stuttered.
"I'm sorry, Mosspaw." Jayfeather apoligized, "You should pick your bed in the apprentices den and get to sleep."
"Okay." I agreed and padded out of the medicine den.
As I came out, I saw Thornclaw chatting with Dustpelt under Highledge.
"I don't understand. What does Mosspaw see in Bramblenose? He's so, so- disloyal!" Thornclaw insulted.
"What? How could you say such a thing! For the ten millionth time, I, AM, LOYAL!" Bramblenose yowled.
Thornclaw's eyes stretched wide.
How could I not have noticed Bramblenose there? Ugh! I still know that he's disloyal!

There it was again! How do I enter other cat's thoughts?

"Bramblenose! Calm down!" I called to Bramblenose.
Bramblenose dropped down onto four paws once again, and glared at Thornclaw before padding over to the warriors den.
As I made my way to the apprentices den, Bumblepaw came up to me.
"Hey, Mosspaw! Come get your nest. You can sleep by me." He offered.
As I was too polite to object, I agreed. "Okay."
I curled up in my new nest, closed my eyes, and slowly fell asleep.

Chapter Four - A murder

"Mosspaw!" Poppyfrosts call woke me from my sleep.
I expected to see the stone walls of the medicine den around me, but found the walls of the apprentices den instead.
Of course! I'm a warrior apprentice now!

I realised.
"Mosspaw!" Popyfrost reapeted, "Dawn patrol!"
"Okay, Okay!" I called, "I'm coming!"
I exited the apprentices den, and saw the dawn patrol waiting for me out in the clearing there.
"Has anyone seen Thornclaw? He was supposed to go on the dawn patrol." Hazeltail was asking.
"He's probably gone out on some early hunting." Cinderheart reasured her.
"Okay, let's get going then." Poppyfrost decided.

Once we were out on the Windclan border, Poppyfrost set about setting the scent markers. I went further up the stream that marked part of the border, and was shocked to see what I found in the bushes barely on our territory.
"P, Po, POPPYFROST! CINDERHEART! HAZELTAIL!" I yowled, and a moment later the three she-cats came bounding up the stream toward me.
"What is it?" Cinderheart asked, and her voice trailed away when she saw what was under the bushes.
"Thornclaw!" Hazeltail exclaimed, her voice full of sorrow, for the thing that I had so urgently needed to show them was Thornclaws dead body.
"How could this have happened?" Poppyfrost cried.
"We must take him back to camp." I said, gently picking his corpse up.
The other members of the dawn patrol helped me carry him back to camp, and returned to shocked faces.
"What in Starclan?"
"Who did this?"
"This is terrible!"
The cats in the clearing fired questions at us, but I kept on going until Hazeltail made a gesture that told us to put Thornclaw down, and as softly as I could, I set Thornclaws dead body onto the floor of the stone hollow.
"What happened?" Firestar yowled, and bounded down from his den.
"We were on dawn patrol, beside the Windclan border, and Mosspaw found Thornclaw, lying dead, under some bushes." Hazeltail explained.
"Who will stay vigil with Thornclaw?" Firestar asked.
"I will!" Bramblenose yowled over the murmers of confusion and sorrow.
"In that case, I will too." I decided.
I pressed my nose against Thornclaws pelt, and watched as my clanmates each took turns in pressing their noses to him.
"We will miss Thornclaw. He was a great warrior." Firestar mourned.
"Maybe..." Bramblenose said.
Why does he sound suspicious?

I wondered.

Chapter Five - Finding the murderer

"What I still want to know, is who is the murderer." Spiderleg said.
"Well, he was near the Windclan border, so it must

have been Windclan!" Rainpaw declared.
"I'm not so sure..." I objected.
"Why?" Rainpaw demanded.
"It's just, a feeling, I guess." I said.
"Okay, but if you trust just any random 'feeling', then you won't get very far as a warrior." Rainpaw snapped.
"Rainpaw! Don't be so rude to your sister!" My mother, Spottedhead, told Rainpaw.
"Whatever." Rainpaw mumbled, and turned away to talk with Toadpaw.
"How are we going to find out who did it?" Sorreltail was asking.
"We could measure the bite marks with every cat in the clan." I suggested.
"Good idea." Firestar agreed, "Everyone line up to have their mouth measured against Thornclaw."
Once all the warriors, apprentices, and the medicine cat were lined up, we started to measure.
No one fitted the teeth marks in Thornclaws throat, and soon there were only me and Bramblenose left. I bit into Thornclaw's throat, but the teeth marks didn't match my teeth, and then it was Bramblenose's turn.
He glanced aroud first, to see all the cats in the clearing watching him, and his gaze rested on me. I gave an encouraging nod, and Bramblenose bit in.
"What? It, it fits!" I cried in horror.
"Bramblenose, did you kill Thornclaw?" Firestar asked calmly.
"I, I, I did, Firestar." Bramblenose admitted, and then he looked me, his gaze sad, and said:
"I'm so sorry, Mosspaw. I never meant to do this."
"Never meant to? Never meant to!" I growled, my pelt burning with anger.
"How could you do this? I loved you! And what did you do? You came along, joined Thunderclan again, and then killed my clanmate! I hate you!" I screamed.
"Mosspaw-" Bramblenose began, but was cut of by Firestar.
"Bramblenose, I will not have a killer in my clan. I sentence you to exile."
"Please, I just couldn't stand

Thornclaw telling me I was disloyal to my clan." Bramblenose protested.
"But it isn't your clan anymore!" I yowled, and flung myself at Bramblenose, claws unsheathed, and raked my paw across his pelt.
"Get out of my camp! I never want to see you again." I hissed.
"Mosspaw! Stop!" Firestar ordered, and I followed his orders obediantly, before Firestar turned to Bramblenose, "Bramblenose, I request that you leave Thunderclan territory. You are no longer welcome in Thunderclan. Brambleclaw, you are my deputy. Please organise a patrol to escort Bramblenose out of our territory."
"Yes, Firestar. Mousewhisker, Cloudtail, Spottedhead, you come." Brambleclaw ordered.
"I'm coming too. I want to make sure Bramblenose is gone once and for all." I insisted.
"If you wish." Brambleclaw agreed.

Chapter Six - Saying goodbye

When we reached the edge of the border, I looked out and saw rolling hills, stretching on for what seemed like forever.
"Remember how we took this route when we ran away together?" Bramblenose muttered in my ear.
"Leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you." I shrugged him off.
"Bramblenose, I ask that you leave here." Cloudtail requested.
"And don't

come back!" I murmured, half to myself.
As I turned away, I looked back once more, to see Bramblenose staring at me sadly.
"Goodbye, Mosspaw. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry... I still love you, and you know that." He told me.
"Well, I

don't!" I hissed, but actually, a small part of me did still love Bramblenose a tiny bit.
I turned around, and stomped away, looking only back to make sure that Bramblenose had crossed the border.
When we reached camp, I padded over tpo the fresh kill pile, and grabbed a large rabbit. I started chomping it down, bit after bit, and thought:
How could I have loved him? How? He's terrible! He killed my clanmate! He cannot be trusted! I hate him! I hate Bramblenose!

"Mo, Mosspaw?" Bluekit was boucing up to me.
"Yes, Bluekit?"
"Do, do you think thatr Bramblenose will come back? And, and kill another cat?" Bluekit asked.
I was surprised by her honesty, and answered:
"I don't know Bluekit. I don't know. But where ever he is, I will never love him again."

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Publication Date: 03-05-2012

All Rights Reserved

This book is dedicated to Erin Hunter for writing the warrior cats book series, and to my cats, Pepper and Henny, for inspiring my love of cats.

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