
Chapter 1: New to Town


In Your Arms

Chapter 1: New To Town


I’m Ashton Levy and I’m 20 years old. I recently just moved from New York to Alabama… I wanted something different; I can’t wait to see what Alabama holds for me. My plane finally landed in Alabama and I made my way out of the airport and to my car. I unlocked my car door jumping inside starting up my engine and my gps… After a couple of seconds my address popped up on my gps and I pulled off.


I was nearly home when I decided to do the dumbest thing ever! I turned into the lane next to me and hit the back of a black Chevy pickup truck…. I shattered this person’s freaking tail light! What was I thinking! I saw the pickup truck turn into a halfway empty parking lot so I followed behind. I parked my car; I jumped out when I saw the guy get out of his truck to check his tail light.


“I’m sooo sorry… Let me pay for the damages.” The guy looked up at me and he caught me off guard… He had short light brown hair, light blue eyes and he had a muscular figure.

“Ha-Ha that’s quite alright.”

“Are you crazy, I just hit your car?”

“It’s just a tail a little tail light… I can fix it.”

“I’ll give you my insurance number just in case.”

“How about you give me your number and I’ll take you to dinner.”


I stopped and looked at him as he reached in his back pocket grabbing his phone.

“Dinner with me?”

“Yes you.” I hesitantly grabbed his phone and put my number in. I looked up at him and smiled. “Well Ashton, I’ll pick you up at 9.”


“Yes if that’s alright with you, I won’t be in town for a couple months.”

“Sure tonight will work… What’s your name?”


“I guess I’ll see you later tonight then.” He nodded his head yes… I walked back to my car getting inside driving off.

I’m not really sure what to make of all this…but… I’m not going to lie, I kind of like it… I finally made my way home; I was happy that I did because I was tired. I opened my door; got out locking it behind me… I walked to my front door, opening it seeing all of my things were already set up. I took my shoes off and walked upstairs jumping on my bed like I was a little kid. I sat down setting my alarm to go off around 7 so I could have enough time to get ready. Then I laid on my bed and went to sleep.


Chapter 2: Date


Chapter 2: Date

I began to start getting ready at 7:30 sharp. I was already dressed wearing light blue skinny jeans, a sheer top with a pair of black heels. I didn’t want to do something to dressy when I had no idea what we would be doing exactly… I looked in the mirror seeing my hazel- brown eyes and my perfectly shaped eyebrows. I’m just a beautiful girl… I grabbed my phone and started walking downstairs…

*Ring Ring*

“Hey Jake.”

“Hey, are you almost ready?”

“I am ready.”

“Oh ha-ha okay, where do you live so I can pick you up.”

“954 Peck Woods.”

“Okay, I’m on my way.”

“Okay.” I hung up the phone and started to panic a little… I can’t believe I’m actually doing this right now! This is crazy… Right? I walked to my kitchen and grabbed a glass putting water inside… After about 20 minutes I started to calm down; just started thinking positive…. My doorbell rang and I knew that was Jake… I took a couple seconds to breathe then I walked to my door opening it. I saw Jake with roses in hand.

“Thank you.”

“No problem, you look beautiful Ashton.”

“Thanks, you’re not looking so bad yourself Jake.”

“Ha-Ha thank you.” I sat the roses down and we started walking to his truck. He opened up the door for me and I jumped in and put my seat belt on. Jake looked amazing to be honest… Dressy casual just like me... We talked until we reached our destination. Jake walked over to my side door. This place is very beautiful… My jaw dropped at the sight of it.

“What do you think Ashton?”

“It’s amazing who did this?”

“I did… I wanted this date to be special for the both of us.” I turned towards him and smiled then looked at the beautiful date… Twinkling light were hanging down from the trees and there was a candle lit pathway leading to our dinner table.

“Jake this is the best thing ever!”

“Glad you like it.” He lightly grabbed my hand and led me to our private dinner. We sat down and I could feel my eyes starting to tear up a bit but I fought the tears back and looked at the amazing food.

“Ashton I’m happy you hit me with your car.”

“Ha-Ha I am too.”

“Ha-Ha so tell me about yourself.”

“What do you want to know?”


“Well I was born and raised in New York; I actually just moved here today… I have six siblings… My parents died in a terrible car wreck when I was eight years old and my aunt took care of us all… Also, I’ll be building my own bridal store soon.”

“I’m sorry to hear about your parents.”

“Oh it’s okay… Anyways tell me about you.”

“Simple really…. I have three siblings and I’m in the Navy.”

“The Navy.”


“Wow that’s interesting, so you’re gone a lot huh?”

“Sometimes yeah.”

“What’s that like?”

“It’s okay I’m used to it now but it might get tougher though.”

“Why’s that?”

“I’ll be leaving you behind.”

“I’ll also be here when you get back.” He smiled making me blush a little. I felt a drop hit my cheek… I looked up at the dark sky. “Jake did you feel that?”

“Feel what?” Jake looked up at the sky and we saw lightning and a bunch of rain came pouring down. Jake and I stood up at the same time… I looked at Jake seeing him soaked.

“Race ya to the car.” I took off my heels and took off running, I looked back to see Jake right on my tail. He picked me up spinning me in the air. I looked down at Jake laughing…. “You’re cheating!” I said laughing. He sat me down and held me by my hips. “How did I find a girl like you?”

“Well you see in life thi—“He kissed me gently on the lips…. I opened my eyes and he opened his. That kiss felt magical to me…

“Uh… Can you do that again?” I asked

“I’d love too.” He smiled then leaned in and kissed me again and I kissed him back. I don’t know what it is but this just feels right… He pulled back and we opened our eyes…

“Let me take you home.”

“Okay.” He gently grabbed my hand and led me to his truck; he opened the door closing it once I got in…. We arrived at my home and he walked me to my door kissing me goodnight.


Chapter 3: The Lot


Chapter 3: The Lot


Jake and I have been dating for two months now and I couldn’t be happier. I wanted him to see what I do so he’s coming with me to pick a building for my store. I’m really excited for him to come check out places with me. I’m dressed really professional today, which is kind of weird for me but I have to. I’m wearing a suit…. Well… women’s suit. My doorbell rang; I went to go answer it.


“Hey babe.” Jake stared at me for a long time before he could speak.

“Uh… I thought this was a casual thing…”

“This is casual.”

“The hell it is ha-ha, are you a lawyer now?”

“Not funny!”

“Okay okay let’s go to court.”


“I’m joking ma’am ha-ha okay that was the last one.”

“Better be.” I could hear him chuckling as we walked to his truck, he opened the door and closed it when I was in. We arrived at the first lot and I thought it was perfect it had exactly what I wanted. The platform in the corned was what I really liked.

“When was this built?” I asked the realtor

“Two years ago… so it’s pretty new.”

“How much?”

“105 grand and 107 per month.”

“That’s a really good deal.” Jake’s phone rang and he stepped out of the door to talk… The realtor and I continued to talk when Jake stormed in. “Ashton we have to leave… Now.”


“We have to leave now.” I told the realtor that I would call him later to discuss the place… I walked out with Jake in anger and confusion.



“That made me look real unprofessional back there! What’s your problem?” He didn’t respond he just opened my side to his truck and he slammed it shut… He got in the car and didn’t say a word. “Jake what the hell is your problem?”

“You’re the one yelling Ashton.”

“Because you made me look unprofessional back there!”

“I’m sure that place will still be there.” I didn’t say anything else… We just sat there quietly… “Ashton.” “Don’t… Just don’t…” Tears started to fall don my face really fast… I’ve never liked arguing… I really hated doing it with him… He pulled into the driveway and I opened the door myself slamming it behind… Jake ran around the truck grabbing me lightly around the waist… He turned me around; he saw my tears. “Ashton I didn’t mean to hurt you… I’m just under a little stress right now.”


“I have to leave for a few months…”



“Why months…”

“It’s my job… I’ll make it up to you when I get back.”

“Okay… Be safe and come back to me.”

“Always.” He kissed my fore-head getting in his car speeding off.



Chapter 4: That Feeling


Chapter 4: That Feeling


I haven’t been able to sleep since Jake left… I’m just worrying non-stop… So I’ve been trying to keep my mind on other things like work. I bought my store! No I’m just painting the walls and well thinking of a name of course. I was legit thinking of “Dress Mania.” Stupid as hell I know… Until I found the perfect name… “Paris” Cute right? I bought a bunch of Paris furniture and artwork…. I’m obsessed with Paris if you couldn’t tell… I heard my door open so I turned around seeing a couple.

“Hi can I help you?”

“Who’s the owner?”

“I am… Can I help you?”

“I’m Jake’s sister Chrissy.”

“Oh my god is he okay!” I ran over to her. “We came here because we haven’t heard from him and he would normally call or something…”

“What are you saying?”

“Have you heard from him?”

“No… I started pacing around my store franticly… I tried not to think the worse but I couldn’t help myself. I grabbed my phone and called him and of course it went straight to voice-mail. “What do we do?” I yelled as I started to cry… “We just wait… He’ll come back he always does.” I hate feeling this way…. Chrissy and her boyfriend left the store telling me that they would be right back. I started to just cry like a big baby…


“Ashton…” I looked up and saw Jake standing there with roses and his sister.

“Jake! That’s not funny!”


“Your sister came in here making it seem like you died!”

“Chrissy I told you to tell her you had a surprise!”

“That is a surprise! Chrissy yelled back. I ran out of my store and stood outside to get some fresh air.

“Ashton I’m sorry about my sister, next time I know not to ask her for help.”

“There won’t be a next time… It’s over Jake…”

“What! Just because of what my sister said?”

“Yeah, Jake that scared me… I can’t lose you like that.”

“Ashton you won’t.” He grabbed me by the waist and looked me in the eye.


“Quit what?”

“Your job...” He let go and backed p creating space. “I love my job Ashton…. I’m not quitting.”

“I don’t want to lose you Jake!”

“You won’t! I have too much to lose… I wouldn’t leave you like that.” I started to walk away. “Ashton…”
“I just need some time to think Jake...” I walked inside of my store telling Jake’s sister and her boyfriend to get out. I closed and locked my store door; sat on my chair…. I don’t want to lose Jake in anyway shape or form because I love him… What do I do?




Chapter 5: Run-In

Chapter 5: Run- In


I haven’t seen Jake in two days…. He’s been calling and leaving voice-mails non-stop, but I haven’t answered any. I missed him like crazy… I knew that I wanted to be with him it’s just his sister made me just start thinking about losing him… Anyways I needed some things for my store just for the finishing touched so I could open y store on Friday. I headed off the flea market…


I walked into the flea market and started to shop around… I turned the corner and bumped into a guy. I looked up and saw Jake standing there. “Jake…”


“Uh… How are you?”

“Shitty.” I looked in his eyes and I could tell he was telling the truth…. I just completely gave in once I saw him… “Jake I miss you…” I gave him a hug and he wrapped his arms around me… “I missed you too.”

“Promise me something.”


“Next time you come back just come see me on your own.”

“Deal.” I kissed him softly but roughly; he did the same. I felt like the world didn’t even exist when I’m with Jake… I snapped back into reality when I heard a little girl say “ewwww.” We both pulled away and saw everyone staring, we grabbed our carts and we paid then left…



Chapter 6: Talk


Chapter 6: Talk


Jake and I walked out of the store together… I told him to meet me at my place in an hour. I walked back to my car jumping inside and speeding off. I made my way home putting my things on my couch; I walked upstairs to think about what I should say when he came over…. Me seeing Jake at the store just did something to me… I love him and I don’t want to lose him… Whether it’s because of his sister or because of his job.

1 hour later….


My doorbell rang so I went to answer it seeing Jake. I let him in then we walked to my living room, sitting on the couch.


“Jake… I know that you love your job… And I know you love me so I’m not going to make you choose… Just the thought of me losing you scared me, but me not being with you killed me.”

“I hated that my sister made you feel that way… Ashton I love you with all my heart, I’m no ready to leave you alone in this world…”

“Just be careful when you’re out there okay.”

“I promise I will.” I smiled at Jake and I saw his smile just light up… “You know what kept me sane when I was out there.” He continued


“You on that lawyer suit.”

“Oh god… Jake it’s my professional outfit ha-ha.”

“I can tell ha-ha!”

“You’re so mean ha-ha!”

“Then the sleeves were to long for your small little arms.” Jake was laughing so hard his face turned red… I will admit the sleeves were a little long… I found myself laughing along with Jake. “You should’ve told me I looked crazy.”

“I enjoyed it, made me love you more.”

“I’ll keep this in mind when you wear something crazy.”

“Oh god luck with that!” This is why I love this man…. He’s just everything I’ve always hoped for… Jake looked at me smiling and I smiled back. “So we good?” He asked.

“Yeah, we’re good…. When are you leaving?”

“Couple weeks.”

“Oh okay...”

“How’s your store doing?”

“I’ll be opening Friday.”

“That’s awesome, I’m proud of you!”

“You want to see?”

“Of course.” We both stood up leaving my home and headed to my store.


Chapter 7: LOVE


Chapter 7: LOVE


Jake and I walked into my store; I locked it behind us…. We walked around the store; Jake’s mouth was wide open…

“Did you make these?”

“Yes… Do you like them?”

“You’re really good at this.”


“I’m really proud of you.” I grabbed his hand and led him to my storage closet. “I have to show you something.” I let go of his hand and grabbed a dress that I was unsure of selling. “Do you like this one?”

“Wow… That’s amazing.”

“Really I was debating if I should put it out there.”


“I thought you like it?” He grabbed my hand lightly leading me to a body mirror.

“I love it… I want to see it on you.”

“What?” He turned me around so I was facing him. “Ashton… He got down on one knee… “Ashton marry me.” I dropped the dress on the ground; I was frozen. “Ashton will you?” Tears fell down as my smile widen…

“Yes! Jake Yes!” He stood up and I jumped in his arms kissing him.

“I love you.” He managed to say while kissing me.

“Love you too.”

“Stay here… I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?”

“Just across the street.” He ran out of the door and across the street…. I picked up my dress from the ground and walked back the storage room hanging it back up…. I can’t believe he just proposed to me! I’m really happy, I can’t begin to even describe it. I walked out of my storage closet and walked to my desk grabbing my phone… I called my aunt and my siblings telling them the news and they couldn’t believe it… They were so shocked… Then I realized I didn’t even tell them I had a boyfriend… Guess I was really busy… After I explained everything they were okay with it and wanted to meet him…

Jake finally came back… “Ashton close your eyes.”


“Trust me.” I closed my eyes and he grabbed my hand slipping a ring on my finger. “Okay open.” I opened my eye and saw a beautiful square diamond ring with little diamonds surrounding it.

“I love it!”

“I thought you would.”

“My family wants to meet you.”

“Okay, when?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Well I’ll make sure I’m in town.”

“Great!” We walked out of my store and I locked it behind and we drove home…




CHapter 8: Him


Chapter 8: Him


*NOTE: If you feel uncomfortable reading sexual parts like the one that’s about to take place, please feel free to go to chapter 9.*


We walked upstairs hand and hand… We made our way to my bedroom. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed him against the wall kissing him gently. He grabbed my butt and closed the little gap we had… He continued to kiss me as he picked me up placing me on the bed… He broke off the kiss and started kiss my neck… He sat me up taking off my top and laid me back down continuing to kiss on every part of my chest. I let out a light moan, I grabbed on to my bed sheets and arched my back wanting more of him. He started to unhook my bra; he threw it on the ground. He smiled and started to suck on my right boob as he played with the other… My moans became louder and I felt his erection grow even bigger. He stood up taking off his shirt. I helped him with his pants… I gazed at is body seeing a six-pack and tattoos... I placed my hand on his chest and outlined his body with my finger. He kissed me roughly as he laid me back down, he tugged on my jeans and he pulled them off, laying besides me kissing me… His hand slowly went lower and lower down my body; he slid his hand in my black lace underwear… I arched my back as he began to rub my pussy. I let out a more seductive moan as I closed my eyes biting my bottom lip. He made his way down and removed my underwear. He placed my legs on his shoulders and he kissed my inner thighs… “Jake… You’re teasing.” I felt him smile as he continued to kiss my thighs. He kissed my pussy then started to lick and suck it. I grabbed on to my boobs and squeezed on them while moaning in pure pleasure. “Jake I’m almost there!” He started sucking faster and I lost it. I moaned so loud… I moved pushing him so now he was laying down. His dick was sticking up so I just slid it in my mouth… well at least I tried to... He started to let out moans as I continued to suck. He placed his hand on my head as he guided me… He flipped my hair over to him could see my face… His moans became louder and he started thrusting in my mouth. He pushed my head down deeper and deeper than he cummed in my mouth… I made my way up to him and I sat on top as he placed his dick inside of me. I started to rock my hips back and forth; up and down. I laid my head on his shoulder and started moaning in pleasure. He flipped us over and he started to push while he was laying on top of me. The louder my moans became the harder he started to push. He started to moan along with me and our moans became N-Sync… He started to push faster and we reached our climax together… He laid next to me and we cuddled up falling asleep…

Chapter 9: The Next Day


Chapter 9: The Next Day


I woke up the next day just feeling amazing. I looked to my side and saw Jake sound asleep… I didn’t want to wake him so I tried to move silently… Once I made my way off of the bed, Jake woke up pulling me back onto the bed… “Where are you going?”

“Bathroom… Were you awake this whole time?”

“I’m as soft sleepier, I felt you moving around.”

“Oh well are you hungry?”

“Starving.” I started to walk off… “Oh wait!” I turned around… “What?”

“Your aunt Cheryl called your family is in town.”


“I tried to wake you but you were out cold so I went to go put them in a hotel.”

“You met them!”

“Yeah sweet people… They were wondering where you were.” I walked over to my bed picking up my phone calling my aunt.

“Hey Ashton!”

“Hey, what hotel are you guys in?”


“Okay, I’m on my way.”

“Bring that lovely fiancé of yours.”

“I will… I hung up the phone and walked over to my bathroom, throwing some clothes on. I walked out of the bathroom seeing Jake was already dressed…. We left my home and headed to Beckon.

Chapter 10: Uncomfortable


Chapter 10: Uncomfortable


We arrived at Beckon and saw my aunt and my siblings in the lobby. I ran up to them giving all of them hugs and kisses. Jake stood there shaking hands, saying hi…


“Let’s go to breakfast.” I said as my family agreed. We all walked out of the hotel room together. My aunt and younger sisters got in one car, then my older brothers got in the car with Jake and I… I knew this ride was going to be a pain in my ass, because my brothers ask too many questions… We drove quietly for a second then my oldest brother David decided to start talking…

“So Jake how long have you guys been dating?”

“4 months.”

“And you proposed already huh?” I cut in. “David please stop…” I could tell Jake was starting to feel uncomfortable… His face was turning red.

“I love your sister…”

“So you had to propose?” My other brother Grant cut in. “What do you do for a living.”

“I’m in the Navy.”

“Oh that’s cool man.”

“No it’s not!” David yelled

“David how is protecting my country not a cool thing?”

“While you’re out there who’s protecting Ashton!” The car went silent…. We pulled into Denny’s and we all got out except for Jake.”

“Babe you coming?”

“Not right now… I’ll come in a little later.”

“Jake don’t listen to David…”

“Just go with your family Ashton… I’ll be in there soon.” I closed the door and joined my family as we walked inside… We sat at a table and my aunt stared at me… “Ashton what’s wrong?”

“David lost his cool with Jake.”

“David! What did you do?”

“I found out he was in the Navy so I asked him a basic question and he couldn’t answer it.”

“What kind of question?”

“I asked him who’s protecting Ashton when he’s gone.”

“David that man has a lot on his mind when he’s out there, he doesn’t need to go crazy worrying about Ashton.” My head looked up and I saw Jake approaching the table… He slid in the booth right next to me and sat silently… I whispered “Are you okay.” In his ear; he smiled and nodded. Our food came to our table and we started eating.

“David when you asked who was protecting Ashton when I’m gone the answer is God.”

“Good answer Jake.” My aunt Cheryl replied. I was proud of Jake for handling the situation the way he did…He also did something no one else has been able to do; that’s shut my brother up…


Chapter 11: Save The Date


Chapter 11: Save the Date


Two months have gone by and Jake is arriving back in town tonight… I can’t wait to see my hubby… well… Future hubby… I’ve been wanting to tell him the date I want for our wedding… I want to marry him on December 25… My parents got married on December 25 so I want to… There will be snow on the ground, I just think it’ll be magical…


Later that day…


I arrived at the airport and saw all the Navy& Army guys go to their wives and family… The last one to exit was my man… He looked around and I screamed his name, while running towards him. He looked at me and his face lit up. I jumped in his arms kissing him repeatedly. “Ashton I missed you!” “I missed you too!” He sat me down and we walked to my car hand and hand; he drove us home…


*NOTE: If you don’t like reading love making scenes, please skip to chapter 12.

Jake and I arrived at home. I walked to the door and we walked inside… He picked me up and walked towards the couch laying me on my stomach. He kissed the back of my neck seductively. He sat me up taking off my shirt dropping it on the ground… He gripped onto my boobs from behind… I let out a wanting moan. He unbuckled my bra and laid me back down… He started to make a trail of kisses in the middle of my back… He stood up from the couch taking off his work clothes… He stared at my body seeing what he wanted to do first. He grabbed me off of the couch standing me up… He unbuttoned my jeans and started to pull them down. Then we laid down on the floor and he got on top of me, holding my thigh up to him as we were kissing. He let go of my thigh and started to rub on my already wet pussy… I started to let my moans out making him slide his hand in my underwear and he started to finger me… I arched my back and wrapped my arm around his neck. He removed my underwear and laid down on top of me and he pushed in softly… We started to kiss… Jake began to start pushing harder and faster making me moan inside of his mouth making him cum inside of me… He started to moan inside of me as he kept pushing… I ran my fingers through Jake’s hair as I was moaning… Jake and I started moaning together as we reached our peek… He laid down in front of me and we kissed. After I caught my breath I told him the date I wanted; he thought it was perfect.



Chapter 12: Last Thing We Need

Chapter 12: Last Thing We Need


Jake and I have been putting together out wedding for December 25… We only have a couple months left then we’ll be married! Jake already has hit suit so we went to my store so we could try my dress on… Jake and I arrived at my store and he sat down and waited for me… I put on my dress… This dress is tight… Like suffocating tight… I dropped to my knees and started to cry… “Babe! What’s wrong?” Jake said running in.


“I-I’m fat!” Jake laughed “No you’re not.”

“I can’t fit my dress!”

“Let me see.” I stood up and Jake stared at me… “Is there a baby in there?”

“Really Jake today is not the day for your Jokes.”

“I’m not joking though…” I took the dress off and stared at myself in the mirror… “I can’t be?”

“Ashton if you are it’s okay.”

“No it’s not!”

“Why? Do you not want to have my child?”

“Of course I want to have your child… I just didn’t want to have a baby quite yet.”

“Huh okay…”

“Why are you mad?”

“I’m not.”

“Okay Jake… Can you go get a pregnancy test?”

“Yeah.” Jake walked out and left. I want to have a baby lots of babies… Just not at this very moment. I at least wanted to be married before we started trying…


I drove home and waited for Jake to get home… After about ten minutes Jake opened the door with a bag. He handed me the bag then sat on the couch… I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I opened the box and flipped it over reading it… After I was done reading it, I went to go pee on the stick. When I was done I flushed the toilet and washed my hands walking out…

“Are you?”

“We have to wait five minutes.” We sat in silence and waited for the five minutes to be up… “Ashton if you are pregnant, I’m going to be really happy.”


Five minutes later….

Once the timer went off we both stood up; I grabbed the test, we looked at the test in confusion… “What does two lines mean?” I picked up the box and read it… I dropped the test and the box… “I’m pregnant.” Jake picked me up and spun me around in the air. “I’m going to be a dad!” What am I being so grumpy about…? I’ve always wanted to be a mom and a wife… Both of those things are coming true for me. I kissed him as he sat me down and for the first time I saw Jake tear up…

“I love you Jake!”

“I love you too Ashton!”


Chapter 13: December 25


Chapter 13: December 25

Today is Jake and I’s day and I’m freaking out… I don’t know how my parents did this! It’s freaking cold outside! I will admit it’s good that were having an indoor wedding… I’ve been getting ready for 3 hours now and I’m less than 20 minutes away from marrying Jake. My aunt Cheryl is the person who will be giving me away… I mean c’mon why wouldn’t she… We walked downstairs and I stayed in the hallway while the bridesmaids and grooms walked down the aisle.


My song started to play and I just really freaked out… “It’s show time Ashton… “Wait, I need to breathe...” I took a couple seconds to breath and the guy’s opened the door… Wow there’s a lot of people here! I walked slowly down the aisle and I kept my eyes on Jake as my eyes teared up… We finally reached our way to Jake; my aunt gave him a kiss on the cheek and Jake took my hand… Jake and how to start saying our vowels…

“Ashton, I love you. You are my best friend. Today I give myself to you in marriage. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle. I promise to love you in good times and bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hats, when our love is simple and when it is effort. I promise to cherish you, and to always hold you in highest regard. These things I give to you today, add all the days of our life… Even when you decide to wear suits that are just too long.” Everyone laughed including me.


“Jake, today and forever, I promise to treat you with kindness, respect, appreciation and silliness. I promise to stand by you know matter what. I promise to never take your love for granted. I promise to grow along with you and to face challenges with a smile on my face and an open mind. You are my best friend and the love of my life. I promise to love you forever and for eternity.”


Jake and I wanted to kiss but we couldn’t quite yet… Jake and I slipped each other’s rings on saying I do… Then the minster said I now pronounce you “Mr. and Mrs. Jones. He gave us permission to kiss… Jake kissed me passionately…


I can’t believe that hitting his car would’ve led to us getting married, but love happens in mysterious ways. I’m just happy to be spending the rest of my life as his wife. I am Ashton Jones and this is my story.


Text: Allison Smith
Images: Allison Smith
Editing: Allison Smith
Translation: Allison Smith
Publication Date: 11-06-2015

All Rights Reserved

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