Ann AriEl Wilson
© A. Ann Ariel 2007
First Printing: 2007
©Registration: L-29472/2007
ISBN: 978-1-365-08463-8
Price: $ 5.66
To My Readers
My chief concern is to entertain children without sending cold shivers through their delicate spines. This novella emphasizes the importance of love and unity among the creatures of the world with entertaining magic. Also, two other books are soon to arrive about the enchanting Island of Peace and the Oyster Kingdom.
I hope that
the Island of Peace will inspire children to create a peaceful
Ann AriEl Wilson
September 3, 2007
Rosemary Evans was gazing at the gorgeous waves desperately, during her evening walk along the seashore, facing her father’s elegant Sea Castle.
Being the only daughter of Sir Gerald Evans, one of the wealthiest English men of the time, she was not so happy since her father’s marriage with the widow of the Earl of Pearlsbury.
Her mother, Lady Evans, died of a fever whilst Rosemary was ten years old, and her father was her only consolation since then.
She has never felt much neglected ever before since her mother’s death. Tears rolled down her eyes as she prayed to God for consolation.
Suddenly, she stepped forward to have a better look of what seemed to be quite strange at the shore.
There was a tired seahorse lying beside a beautiful little box. Rosemary took the box in her hand, and to her astonishment, the seahorse was shining bright that she closed her eyes being unable to look at it. When she opened her eyes, there stood a beautiful white horse.
She was scared for a moment though she did not see what really happened. “Perhaps,” thought Rosemary, “It must have come just now”, as she gave a sigh of relief.
She then walked towards the Castle with the box. To her surprise, the horse followed her as if it was hers. She looked around and found no one to claim. Hence, she took it with her, placing her beautiful hand on the soft, hairy neck of the elegant white horse, for she did not have a heart to abandon it.
The guards were overjoyed on seeing Rosemary with a snow-white horse. After repaying their salute, she said, “I found it at the seashore and there was no one around to claim. Hence, I brought it to shelter. I want you to treat it with kindness. It seems to be tamed and clever.”
“At your service, Miss!” they replied and bowed down as she graciously moved into the Castle.
After a while, she gave orders that the horse be groomed and fitted with an ornamental saddle, stirrups, and accessories in bright white matching the horse and also wanted it to be ready for a ride in a week. Rosemary then secured the little box in her room along with the other jewels and kept the keys safe. She did not attempt to open the box or dared to, as she had suspicions about it.
The horse was treated with much hospitality by the men as per her orders. It was given the best food and it looked extraordinarily beautiful than the other horses at the stable.
There was much happiness that evening in the castle as they had a royal guest admired by everyone including Sir Gerald Evans and his new bride. Lady Evans expressed her desire to ride on it with Sir Gerald, and also thanked Rosemary for bringing in such a spectacular creature.
Laura, the Governess, was not much impressed by the idea of anyone riding it, and she expressed her suspicion that it might be a wild horse. “It seems to be friendly to my eyes,” said Rosemary, as she persuaded her father to allow her for the ride and at last was happy that he agreed.
Laura was unhappy and powerless, for she knew the sportive spirit of the Evans very well.
It was a wonderful evening at the Sea Castle for everyone except the governess.
After a week’s time of careful monitoring and training, the horse was finally ready for a ride and Rosemary woke up early before daybreak, and got ready with the help of her maids in her traveling clothes and cloak. She gave orders that everything be fine on the ride. The governess was ready to ride on another horse with Rosemary, as she used to do since Rosemary had her first ride on a pony when she was scarcely thirteen years old.
They were followed by ten of their men, who were well-armed to protect the ladies. The governess was a strict lady, who never allowed Rosemary to ride fast, fearing that she might get hurt. She still gave the same instructions that she had been giving for five years right from Rosemary’s first ride, and Rosemary was quite familiar that she can repeat them without missing a word or a phrase.
Rosemary rode like an angel that people on the way did not take their eyes off her. After a little later, everything appeared clear and bright. It was a spectacular sight to see the mist disappearing slowly by the warm touch of the sun. The flowers bloomed and gave their scent as if they welcomed Rosemary.
Little drops of dew fell on them from the trees that stood gorgeously on either side of the way. It was evident that Mother Nature blessed her with much benevolence.
It was a heavenly ride and Rosemary was surprised as she has never had such a smooth ride in her life. She was a little faster that the governess was not able to ride at her side continuously, and was crying now and then to Rosemary to ride slow.
“It must be a wild horse,” she said, “God save Rosemary.”
Rosemary was a few yards ahead of the governess and the men. Suddenly, she was not able to control the horse. It took a different way galloping as fast as light, but Rosemary was wondering how she did not feel even a little tired or agitated.
Finally, itstopped under an oak in the woods, and Rosemary was quite confused about what was going on, and was disturbed thinking if she had made a mistake by taking this unknown horse as hers.
Suddenly there appeared a flash of light, and she heard a melodious voice calling her name,
“Rosemary…..Rosemary,” in a musical and clear tone.
“Who is this,” cried Rosemary, and she continued “I find things quite unearthly. If the horse belongs to someone, I swear to give it back.”
The voice said, “The Seahorse is yours until you are glorified in the Island of Peace and you shall not fear to keep it till then. It will leave the island and go back to the ocean once the mission is accomplished. The box you took from the horse is a pearl box, which is a token of a promise, which would give glory and wealth to the people of the Island of Peace.
The Witch of the Dark Woods has planned to snatch it away from your Sea Castle with the help of Sir Grey Winkle, who had been invited to the ball this evening. You have to take it from there and secure it in your father’s Rock Castle, amidst the evergreen woods, where you lived whilst your mother was alive. You have to do this alone.
Don’t step your foot down until you reach there, lest you would be lost. The pearl box is a promise and a symbol of purity, which would save you with its own powers. Hence, do not entrust it to anyone. Help will come on your way and you will find your love. Wish you all success. God be with you.”
The light disappeared, the voice spoke no more, and Rosemary hurried back to the Sea Castle. On her way she found the governess and the men searching desperately for her. They were delighted on seeing her after a long search and followed her to the Sea Castle.
Dinner was announced as Rosemary entered the Castle, but she went straight into her room. She anxiously opened the chest in which she had kept the Pearl Box, took it with much care with her pretty hands, dropped it into her cloak pocket, and walked towards the door.
She stopped suddenly, turned back and kneeled down to pray before the beautiful cross in her room. She prayed earnestly to God that this should not be a trap and that He should protect her with His wings. She pleaded with God to stop her if this is not His will, but to help her if it is really for the good of the people of the Island of Peace. She then walked out.
The governess stopped her and asked if there was a problem to which Rosemary assured there was none and promised to return soon.
“May I know where my daughter is flying to,” inquired Gerald.
“To the Rock Castle father,” she said as she kept moving.
“My sweet one,” he said, “you did not have any food from daybreak, and I was told all about the ride.”
“Pardon father,” she said in her musical voice, “I will return for the ball.” She stopped for a moment, gave him her usual affectionate smile, bowed gently, and walked out.
He indeed did not want to pry further as he trusted her a lot.
Her father’s men attempted to go with her, but she stopped them. However, they tried to follow her but were not able to as she rode like lightening and disappeared down the road.
There was confusion in the Castle about the difference in her, and it seemed to them that she was distressed.
Sir Gerald was more troubled when his men returned being unable to follow her.
He never expected Rosemary to travel such a long distance on a horse, for he thought she went in a coach. Hence, he sent them to the Rock Castle and ordered them to accompany her on her return.
“Ah, my rival!” cried the witch looking into her globe, as she saw Rosemary riding alone on a beautiful white horse with the pearl box shining from inside her cloak.
“My prey!” she said sarcastically, “Thou art to suffer for my goodness, for I shalt make thee run madly betwixt your castles, whilst Winkle would search for you in vain.”
She turned around and roared, “When the box is mine, I will be the Queen of the Island, its subjects…my slaves, and its beasts…my feast.” She added, “It is my fortune to plunder a spellbound island.”
She laughed like thunder that it shook the wood and all the life in it.
She then peered anxiously into the globe to enjoy her wicked plan; looking at Rosemary, her rival, with much wrath and contempt like a worm under her feet, ready to be crushed.
Rosemary rode fast towards the Rock Castle, a few miles away from the sea. She was familiar with the road amidst the woods that led to the Castle. On her way, she admired the awesome beauty of the woods as usual, but was more excited for it was more pleasurable than looking out from the coach.
She totally forgot about the instructions as she spotted a beautiful hare running alongside. She forcefully stopped the horse and ran after the hare, for according to her, she was a free bird with no royal restrictions.
Poor Rosemary did not know that it was a part of the witch’s plan to prevent her from going to the Rock Castle. She also had planned to snatch the box from Rosemary by threatening her with a pack of hounds.
Rosemary followed the hare for a while and stopped as it ran into a bush. She then walked towards the road, but it was quite confusing. Finally, when she made it, she was startled to see the horse missing. She then remembered the words of the melodious voice that warned her not to get down from the horse. Now she was in the middle of her journey. She realized that she can neither go to the Rock Castle nor return to the Sea Castle before sunset. She wept bitterly in despair and prayed earnestly for help.
Suddenly, she heard deep-throated sounds of hounds approaching the place, and was scared that they might attack her. Finally, she saw them when they were about a few yards away. Screaming in horror, she cried for help.
The hounds advanced ferociously towards her, and she closed her eyes in fright. She opened her eyes on hearing the voice of a man, and there stood a young man, who was fighting bravely with the hounds with his sword.
“Damn!” bellowed the witch, helpless and disappointed, as she knew that in his presence she cannot harm Rosemary.
Rosemary thanked God for sending this brave young man for her rescue. Between them was a little lamb, which she picked up as she watched the fight standing behind. The hounds ran away beaten by his sword, for he seemed to have no intentions to kill them but tried to scare them away.
She thanked him from the depth of her heart as he turned to her. She was inspired on looking at him, for she has never seen such a handsome young man before.
He was tall with broad shoulders and a handsome face. He looked like a King on his erect posture that she couldn’t resist admiring him.
“I am Ferdinand,” he said, “I came after my lamb that drew me here and I heard your cry and hence rushed in. I hope it is God’s plan that brought me here to save you. I wonder, young lady, what brought you into the deep woods.”
“I am Rosemary,” she said as she gave a sigh of relief and continued, “I missed my horse as I ran after a hare and was helpless as the hounds advanced towards me, but God had sent you for the rescue.” Tears rolled down her eyes as she spoke and the bravo had great pity for this charming young lady.
He promised to take her out of the woods and restore her safe home. They admired each other, and felt like they were well acquainted before, though they really were not. They walked towards the village in much silence speaking seldom.
On their way, Rosemary found a little pond with spectacular water lilies and other weeds. She went to pick some lilies that were very close, and it seemed to her that she can get them without making herself wet. Ferdinand let his lamb down and hurried after her crying, “Nay, young lady, I will get them for you.”
Rosemary’s foot slipped as she stepped a little into the water and she glided inside to her horror. Ferdinand sprang up and caught her hands whilst only her hands and head were seen above. He pulled her out in a moment and said, “I would have got them for you, but you would not listen.”
Ferdinand was in panic and went pale and Rosemary discovered how much he cared for her. She thanked him once again for saving her.
Ferdinand suddenly caught something and was taken aback as he said,
“I don’t believe my eyes….you are not wet!”
They were horror-struck when they turned to look at the pond, as it was no more. They only saw pastures and shrubs all over.
“I trust you,” he said, looking into her eyes, “but things are quite unearthly, and I wonder who seeks pleasure in taking the life of a benevolent and charming young lady.”
She told who she was and narrated everything and Ferdinand was quite surprised that he said, “Sir Gerald Evans is well-known for his kindness. It is my pleasure to save his daughter. I will help and protect you throughout your mission if you permit.”
“It is my pleasure,” she said as if she was in a dream.
Ferdinand was happy with the answer. It was all like a dream, for they were spellbound to love each other for a purpose without their knowledge.
They quickly moved out of the woods for fear of another trouble befalling her.
Ferdinand made a spectacular garland and a floral crown with the most beautiful flowers of the valley and presented to his love, which she happily accepted. He also gave her the edible and delicious fruits of the valley.
On their way, they met shepherds who were leading their flocks into the village. They were happy to see Ferdinand with a beautiful young lady, who obviously seemed to be his ladylove.
They sang sweet songs in praise of the lovers and accompanied them into the village. The songs of the shepherds cherished hope and happiness in the hearts of the lovers. Rosemary was much delighted that in her misfortunes, she found her love.
As they reached the farmhouse, two little children ran towards Ferdinand.
They were Edward and Annie, Ferdinand’s nephew and niece. Ferdinand told his brother Oswald and his wife all about the rescue and who the honorable lady was, and the family was delighted to have her at their humble abode. Leaving her safe in the hands of his family, he started to the Sea Castle to inform the Evans of her well-being and convey her message.
The Evans were not happy at the ball as the men had not returned with Rosemary. Sir Gerald felt like standing on fire every moment, but concealed his feelings from the guests. Lady Evans was more worried though she consoled her husband saying, “Rosemary must have stayed at the Castle tired of the ride.”
The governess indeed was in grief, suspicious if it was a wild horse, and had tumbled Rosemary somewhere. She did not reveal her suspicions for fear of increasing the sorrow of the situation.
Tired of a stealthy search at Rosemary’s room, Sir Grey Winkle returned to the ball unnoticed. He never gave a sign of suspicion to anyone; perhaps, no one noticed his actions, as every heart at the Sea Castle was awaiting Rosemary though the guests knew nothing about her missing.
Finally, after a long search, the men returned empty-handed long after the ball, and Sir Gerald was startled to know that the housekeeper at the Rock Castle denied receiving Rosemary.
There was great confusion at the Sea Castle, and Lady Evans was more concerned that she gave orders to continue the search deep into the woods.
The Evans had a sleepless night, expecting Rosemary to return any moment.
Sir Gerald took short naps, but was not able to sleep due to nightmares of Rosemary being eaten by a wild beast, being kidnapped, or about her safe return.The dreams were irregular and disturbing that he had no heart to sleep.
He walked up and down the banquet hall, stopping now and then to look at her portraits that showed her child-like beautiful face.
Lady Evans and the governess were praying continuously that the innocent girl should return safe.
Rosemary felt loved and protected in the humble farmhouse than in her royal castle. Rosemary had a simple and delicious supper with the good family. She was more comfortable with them in every aspect, and she was able to break the strict rules of her royal life; especially, she need not sit erect than the chair.
Ferdinand was a brave young man of four-and-twenty, and was a center of attraction wherever he appeared as a brave, well-educated, handsome, and a chivalrous young man. He was well-versed in Latin, Greek, and French other than English.
He was protected by Oswald and his wife since the brothers lost their parents, and the good couple treated Ferdinand like one of their children.
Rosemary was delighted that Ferdinand was an eligible man to take her hand in marriage. His benevolence made him a perfect match in her eyes. Above all, she felt that she is alive because of him and was confident of the fact that he loved her.
“How happy it is to live the life of a peasant than that of a royal lady,” she thought, as she was dozing off on the clean bed specially made for her.
She thanked God for saving and protecting her, and also prayed for the welfare of the kind family. She wished that it be a long night for her to stay there and her mind was filled with thoughts about Ferdinand. With various thoughts and feelings of love and gratitude, she finally fell asleep.
It was a bright moonlit night, and Ferdinand reached the Sea Castle at halfpast eleven.
Sir Gerald and Lady Evans were overjoyed on hearing that Rosemary was saved from a pack of hounds and is safe in Ferdinand’s farmhouse. He also conveyed her message that she would like to come home the next day, as she was tired and weak, and would like to stay that night.
The Evans were happy that their prayers were answered, and thanked God for protecting their daughter through Ferdinand. The governess was the happiest of all. She was in tears as she thanked him for saving her most beloved child, whom she had brought up like her own.
Sir Gerald presented a spectacular sword to Ferdinand that had extraordinary works with precious gems on it for his chivalrous act. He was happy to know that Ferdinand was Oswald’s brother, for he knew a little about the kind Oswald, who was the richest landlord in their village. They earnestly requested Ferdinand to have supper and stay that night, which in no way he was able to refuse.
Sir Gerald decided to arrange a banquet on his daughter’s return and wanted Ferdinand to be honored for his chivalry in front of the royal guests.
Ferdinand was thinking about his love, which was wiping off his sleep for a long time. He did not tell the Evans of Rosemary’s mission to the Island of Peace, which disturbed him a little.
It seemed foolish to him as Rosemary was running after an unknown destination; however, he was determined to protect her throughout the mission.
Rosemary was waiting in the beautiful garden filled with the most beautiful and exotic flowers of the earth. The flower beds were shining with dew as the sun rose above majestically. The sweet scent of the flowers and the twittering of the birds made the place more lively and enchanting. “This must be one of the most beautiful places on earth,” she thought as she walked around waiting anxiously for Ferdinand.”
She was bewitched by the songs of the larks and started singing in her musical voice as she sat near the beautiful pond at the center of the garden. It had beautiful flowering plants, weeds, and swans. The birds stopped singing to hear the enchanting song of the beautiful young lady.
“Let me see thy eyes
While I am alive
Let me retrospect
Before my memories die
Let me hold thy arm
And walk around with charm….”
She sang all day until evening, waiting for Ferdinand, and was troubled as the sun descended into the west. Finally, she went to bed, but, being unable to sleep, she once again sang an enchanting song, gazing at the stars and the moon, through the window.
“Let me see thy face
Before I am awake
Let me live my dream
The moonlit sky does wait
Oh, let me hold thy arm
Before I quit my dream.”
The verses confused her that she sprang up from her bed and realized that it was a dream. Rosemary was not able to sleep further for it was dawn, and was surprised to find everyone awake and busy in the household as she came out of her room.
Lady Oswald helped Rosemary to get ready, and gave her the most beautiful dress she had. It had excellent floral designs on it. It fit Rosemary perfectly and she was exceedingly beautiful in that lovely dress.
Ferdinand rode towards the farmhouse on his horse elegantly as a prince, and The Evans followed him in a splendid coach followed by their men.
Oswald and his good wife received Sir Gerald Evans and his Lady with much respect as they got down from the coach. The children gave beautiful bouquets and the Evans received them happily and hugged them with much affection.
Rosemary embraced her father and his lady who were in tears on seeing her. She once again felt the warmth of her mother from Lady Evans, her stepmother, who really loved her so much beyond the limits that Rosemary could imagine.
Sir Gerald thanked the benevolent family for protecting his daughter. He invited them to the banquet and said that he wanted to honor Ferdinand and the good family for their kindness. He was glad as they accepted the invitation, and Rosemary was the happiest of all.
After spending a good time with the family, Sir Gerald Evans and his party set off for the Sea Castle. Oswald and his wife went into their house talking about further plans for the banquet. The children were gazing at the coach till it was visible and Ferdinand did not take his eyes off the coach either.
Rosemary was busy painting the countenance of Ferdinand in her spacious gallery, and it was almost finished whilst Miss Lenore Winkle, her most beloved friend arrived. Rosemary was glad on seeing her and they embraced in great joy.
Lenore seemed to be different and spoke in a sad attitude whilst Rosemary wondered what was in her mind. At last, Lenore told all about the conspiracy and her father’s acquaintance with the Witch of the Dark Woods.
“I heard him speak to someone of a pearl box that is with you, and he is afraid if the witch would kill you for that, because, without the pearl box, she cannot enter The Island of Peace. He wants to steal it from you before the witch does any harm. He was also talking about the chosen man whom the witch was cursing now and then, because, in his presence, she could not hurt you. Hence, my dear, I beseech you to cast away the pearl box that might take away your life.”
Rosemary laughed at this, and told the whole story as she finished the portrait and showed it to Lenore that he was the chosen man she was talking about.
Lenore was overjoyed on seeing the handsome face of Rosemary’s lover, the chosen man. She wished her all success and told that she will always pray for her sweet friend’s welfare.
The two ladies spent a nice time together after their last meeting at Sir Gerald’s marriage a month ago, for Lenore was prevented from meeting Rosemary by Sir Grey Winkle for unknown reasons.
The banquet hall at the Sea Castle was filled with royal guests, who were waiting to see Ferdinand, the brave young man, who saved and protected Miss Evans. Sir Grey Winkle was the most anxious of all. Rosemary was dressed in a beautiful gown in which she looked like a fairy princess. Every eye was on Rosemary, as she entered the banquet hall with Lady Evans.
At last, Ferdinand and his family entered in perfect formal attire, and Sir Gerald Evans went forward and welcomed them graciously.
The royal guests including Sir Grey Winkle were amazed at the sight of Ferdinand, who looked like a handsome knight.
Rosemary’s eyes were fixed on this brave man who saved her life. Sir Gerald praised Ferdinand and also thanked Oswald and his family for protecting his daughter with much kindness.
It was a splendid day at the Castle, and every guest admired Ferdinand, the handsome, chivalrous, and well-mannered hero.
Rosemary introduced Ferdinand to Lenore, her best friend, and to all other young ladies of her age with whom she was the least acquainted. Finally, she took him to the gallery where she showed him his portrait.
It was a great surprise to Ferdinand, and he was much delighted that his ladylove has had his countenance in her heart, and had produced it in art with excellent perfection.
Rosemary then told him all that Lenore told her, and they moved into the garden quite confused of how to hand over the pearl box to the people of the Island of Peace.
Suddenly their serious talk was interrupted by thunder and lightening, and a melodious voice spoke thus saying,
“Rosemary, the chosen one; inform your father in private that you have to leave on a mission with the governess Laura and Ferdinand to protect you. You will find a boat at the small creek at the beach in front of your castle. The ocean currents will take you to the island safe as you get into it. Ferdinand has to be with you till the end, and he will be your husband. God be with you.”
They were happy at this, and hurried into the Castle to meet Sir Gerald Evans.
Rosemary met Sir Gerald and asked for his permission to leave on a mission with Laura for the welfare of the people of a nearby island who are awaiting her.
Sir Gerald was worried at her request, but agreed at last as she asked for Ferdinand’s protection. He came with his lady and the Oswalds to the creek to send them. They got into the boat and moved slowly into the sea. Sir Gerald Evans and his Lady gazed at them till the boat disappeared into the horizon.
Sir Grey Winkle stealthily left the Castle, hurried in another boat, and got into his yacht. He had an idea to deceive Rosemary that the box was evil to get it from her.
The witch had promised a huge fortune if he succeeds in getting her the box. He spotted Rosemary and her party at a distance and whilst he directed his men to reach the boat quickly, there was a thunderstorm that pushed the yacht towards the port.
Hence, he went into the woods to inform the witch of his failure due to mishaps, not knowing the fact that she was already peering at all the happenings through her globe.
Rosemary and her party did not even feel that there was a storm nearby and rowed peacefully in the direction the waters took them.
The boat reached an island in less than an hour, and they got out of it through the nearest creek. They saw nothing at the shore except rocks and trees and hence they moved further to see if there is any sign of life in the island.
On walking further, they heard roaring of lions and other beasts, and Rosemary was quite scared. They returned to the creek for the boat, but it was gone. They were scared and worried if this was another trap.
Ferdinand drew his sword ready to attack any wild animal that they might encounter.
He followed the noises as he stealthily moved forward behind the rocks, whilst Rosemary and Laura followed him much scared. Their beautiful faces turned pale and Rosemary clasped the box tight as she prayed that Ferdinand must be safe.
Ferdinand was vigilant as he moved further bravely. He was ready to fight against any trouble that might befall them.
The sun was dying out of the sky when Sir Grey Winkle reached the cave in the woods, where the witch was living, to inform her of his failure due to mishaps.
She welcomed him sarcastically saying,
“Welcome !King of the cowards!”
Sir Grey Winkle started narrating his efforts, but stopped as she roared at him in fury.
“Damn!” she said, “I saw your futile efforts. I am much discontented with you for not taking it forcefully from her. I commanded to kill her if need be, but you dared not to touch her.”
“But,” he trembled, “she is equal to my daughter.”
“Do not speak before me, filthy worm,” she said violently, “out of my place, lest I will turn you to dust.”
She turned from him and peered into the globe to see if something could be done.
Sir Grey Winkle left the cave embarrassed and scared. He returned to the Sea Castle with remorse, praying earnestly to God, to save Ferdinand and Rosemary from the witch.
Ferdinand and the ladies looked through a bush, and to their surprise, they saw lions playing with sheep, oxen, horses, and other beasts beside a pond; and crocodiles were out of the water watching them.
“Is this heaven!” exclaimed Rosemary.
“This is incredible,” he said, “have you ever imagined ofsomething like this.”
Suddenly, the Seahorse ran towards Rosemary, and she was overjoyed on seeing it. She told Ferdinand that this was the horse she was talking about and he was greatly impressed on seeing it.
To their astonishment, the mouth of the horse was opened and it cried aloud,
“Let the promises of the Oyster Queen be fulfilled by the power of the Pearl Box.”
The pearl box started shaking and Rosemary threw it up in the air in fear, whilst it broke out, and pearls flew from it in all directions. There was thunder and lightening, and a bright light surrounded the island that they closed their eyes. They opened their eyes after a while, and there was perfect silence.
They were astonished to find that there were pearls all over that the floor was scarcely seen. They were amazed to see well-civilized human beings in the island. All of them bowed before Ferdinand and Rosemary. Indeed, both of them were quite surprised to see pearl jewels on them, and also both had a crown that was glistening with pearls.
The witch’s globe burst into pieces when the pearl box broke, and she melted like ice on an oven, and was no more.
Everything was awesome to Ferdinand and the ladies that they did not utter a word. The people conducted a royal ceremony and took them to the palace, at the center of the island, on a magnificent carriage, driven by white horses.
The people requested them to stay in the palace, and the priest of the island came to meet them. He told that Ferdinand and Rosemary were the chosen rulers who have brought wealth to their island as per the promises of the Oyster Queen, and requested them to marry and rule over the island as their King and Queen.
Three men came to them to narrate the legend that was nearly 300 years old, passed on to them from their ancestors. Ferdinand and Rosemary were interested, and the governess thanked God for protecting them and giving them such glory.
The men started narrating the legend of the island.
The first one said, “Three hundred years ago, our island was ruled by King Goodwill, a benevolent and mighty ruler. The island was wealthy in every aspect that our predecessors had great difficulty protecting it from invaders, for King Goodwill did not have a successor to the throne.
Amidst wars and difficulties, King Goodwill had great desire for voyages, and he brought something strange to the island, every time on his return. He was a peace lover and a brave man. On one such voyage, the ship was violently tossed, but there was no sign of a storm or big waves. He and his men heard voices screaming ‘save our souls,’ amongst wild roars.
Suddenly a giant octopus showed up that was hunting oysters in great clusters. The Oyster Queen was crying out for help saying that there would be no pearls in the world, because the giant Octopus was hunting Oysters and Pearl Mollusks with the help of Winkles that are already destructive to the Pearl Oysters and Clams.
The King decided to help the Oysters, and he and his men fought bravely against the giant Octopus and finally killed it, but the King was stung.”
Now the second man continued, “The Oyster Queen came up and spoke to the King thus saying, ‘Great King, I thank you for fighting for the sake of the Pearl Oysters of the ocean. You have saved our species, for we are the last kingdom left for producing pearls in all the oceans of the world. God bless your island.
From now on, there won’t be any bloodshed in your country. The lions and the wild beasts will eat grass and will live among the people. The human beings of your island will be honest that they will not even steal milk from the cattle.
Your island will not be ruled by anyone for 300 years, and will be protected from invaders by winds and ocean currents. Your Queen and your bloodline would be safe and the Seahorse will bring the chosen Prince and the Princess who will render a pearl box as a token of my promise that would bring wealth and happiness to the island. They will marry and rule over the island and your island Frideswide will be called as the Island of Peace, and it would be the world’s most peaceful and wealthiest kingdom because of the richest pearls we would give you in abundance that you will not have enough room to store.”
The third man continued, “King Goodwill returned injured with his men and narrated all that happened at the sea. He was ill for four months and five more days and finally died of the poisonous sting. We were waiting eagerly for generations for the Seahorse that would bring the Prince and the Princess, who would marry and rule over us in peace and prosperity.”
Ferdinand and Rosemary consented to their request, but wanted to invite their family for the wedding to which the priest and the representatives of the people happily agreed.
Early at dawn, a ship sailed for the first time out of the island’s harbor after 300 years. Seven of the men came to the shore in a boat carrying the scrolls that were for Sir Gerald and Oswald. They were happy to find the Sea Castle so near to the shore.
The guards ran into the Castle to inform Sir Gerald Evans that Miss Evans had sent men with a scroll for him. Sir Gerald invited them with much hospitality, and read the scroll in which Rosemary had written all about their fortune. She also requested him to allow her to marry Ferdinand and be the Queen of the island.
The Evans and the messengers started to the farmhouse in two splendid carriages. Oswald and his wife were overjoyed to see the Evans.At first they were disappointed as Ferdinand had not returned, but were delighted when they read the scroll the men gave them. The men also said that their ship is waiting at the sea for them.
Sir Gerald and Oswald decided to leave for the island that evening with their families to solemnize the marriage and coronation. Two other boats were sent for them and they boarded the ship safe.
Ferdinand, Rosemary, and the people of the island cordially received their first guests after 300 long years as the ship was anchored at the harbor. They reached the palace in two magnificent coaches. Sir Gerald and Lady Evans were glad to see the Seahorse and were awe-struck as it spoke, thanking them for all their kindness.
The priest asked the guests if Ferdinand and Rosemary can be married the next day to which they happily consented. The guests were given the luxurious and the most beautiful chambers of the palace.
Further arrangements were made for the royal marriage, and the people of the island were happy that the promises of the Oyster Queen are being fulfilled.
The people of the island gathered in the church to witness the royal marriage. Children sang merrily welcoming the bride as the coach arrived.
Rosemary was like a fairy in her wedding attire and the long train of her veil was carried by children.
Her bright face was visible through the tulle veil like the bright moon behind a light cloud.
The bride was led up the aisle by Sir Gerald Evans, her beloved father, accompanied by soft music and chiming bells while everyone’s attention was on her.
The bridegroom was waiting at the altar for his bride. He was extraordinarily handsome as he stood erect with his tall stature and broad shoulders. He was looking like a chivalrous knight.
The people were amazed on seeing what an ideal couple they made.
The marriage was solemnized by the priest of the island, and a great banquet was arranged after 300 years, at the banquet hall of the palace. It contained portraits of King Goodwill and his predecessors. It was the most beautiful banquet hall Sir Gerald Evans had ever seen. He was proud that his daughter’s portraits would also occupy its grand walls soon.
The priest once again narrated the legend of the Island of Peace to the new guests, and they were quite surprised and filled with awe on hearing the bravery of King Goodwill, and the reward the island had for his chivalry. Sir Gerald Evans was proud of being in a country where there was no bloodshed at all. He blessed the newly-weds that they live long and reign over the island in peace and prosperity.
The court was filled with people once again after 300 long years, waiting for the coronation of the chosen, newly-married who helped to fulfill the promises of the Oyster Queen despite trials and tribulations.
Ferdinand and Rosemary walked up the aisle courteously and sat on their thrones. The priest crowned them with formal vows, and Ferdinand was given a glistening staff.
“Long live King Ferdinand,” said the priest, which the people religiously repeated.
Likewise he said, “Long live Queen Rosemary,” which was also repeated by the people and the guests as well.
Everything seemed like a dream to Ferdinand and Rosemary, now, the King and the Queen of the Island of Peace.
The treasuries of the palace were filled with pearls. Also, the people had so much of pearls that there wasn’t enough room for them to store.
As a first thing after the coronation, King Ferdinand requested Sir Gerald and Oswald to be ambassadors. He gave a scroll signed by him that was an invitation to Her Royal Highness, The Queen of England, to visit the island, which would be produced to her by Sir Gerald and Oswald. He also gave three boxes full of pearl jewels for The Queen from the treasury on behalf of the people.
He also graciously presented another six boxes, three for each to The Evans and The Oswalds, which they gladly accepted.
It was time for the Seahorse to leave, as the mission was well accomplished. It started to the sea after blessing the King and the Queen of the Island of Peace. Rosemary was in tears whilst the horse went into the waters and everyone was amazed to see it turn into a small Seahorse once again and swim into the deep waters.
Sir Gerald Evans and his Lady were astonished to see the transformation.
“Rosemary must be lucky to ride a Seahorse,” they thought.
Rosemary requested the governess to stay with her and got her consent.
Finally, the guests boarded the ship to return to England and were safe on shore through well equipped boats. The men of the island who rowed the boats for them carried the gift boxes full of pearl ornaments to the Sea Castle, and then returned to their ship safe.
Lady Oswald and her children Edward and Annie went home in a splendid carriage that Sir Gerald had provided them. They also took with them the three boxes of gifts given to them by the people of the island.
At the castle, Lady Evans was amazed on seeing the beauty of the pearl jewels in the three boxes given to them by the people of the island. She wore them with much delight.
Sir Gerald and Oswald set off immediately to visit Her Royal Highness, The Queen of England.
The two gentlemen met Her Royal Highness, The Queen of England, and narrated the legend of the Island of Peace. They also presented the three boxes full of beautiful pearl jewels King Ferdinand gave her. They also requested that a peace treaty be signed as per the request of the King of the island.
The Queen was surprised on hearing the fact that the people of the island do not shed blood, and that the wild beasts live among people in peace. She had great respect for them and their King and Queen, and gladly accepted the invitation and the gifts with much admiration.
Her Royal Highness, The Queen of England, gladly accepted King Ferdinand’s invitation and gifts, promising to visit the island soon. She gave gifts of gold and precious stones in return for the King and the Queen of the Island of Peace.
The ambassadors were happy at the Queen’s benevolence and thanked her from the depth of their hearts.
They immediately returned to the island and informed King Ferdinand and Queen Rosemary of the visit and presented the gifts. Indeed, both of them were delighted to know of the Queen’s kindness, and gladly received the gifts.
Her Royal Highness, The Queen of England, visited the Island of Peace, and was highly impressed by life in the island. She was happy to see wild beasts living politely with people. Ferdinand and Rosemary were much delighted at The Queen’s visit.
The Queen was much inspired that she signed a treaty of peace with the island. Other treaties regarding trade were also signed. The Queen also assured to protect the island from any foreign invasion, as it was wealthy. Also, the Queen declared the island as the most peaceful place on earth. She loved it so much that she visited it too often.
The people of the island exchanged pearls for precious goods and became wealthy, and lived in prosperity.
Sweetscented flowers were in abundance all over the island. There were large pastures for the animals to feed, as none of them were predators. The fields yielded a hundred fold, and the woods had trees that gave edible fruits, all of them nourishing the island’s prosperity.
The birds of the island sang cheerfully all the time, making every moment pleasant for its inhabitants.
The island’s chastity was protected by winds and ocean currents, preventing pirates and evildoers from entering it. Many other countries signed peace treaties with the island and had healthy trade relations with it. Animals were neither bought nor sold as a strict rule, to protect the tamed ones of the island.
The Evans and the Oswalds often visited Ferdinand and Rosemary who were always happy to receive them. Oswald had great political significance in England, and was no more just a wealthy landlord.
Laura, the governess, stayed in the island on Rosemary’s request and was her legal advisor thereafter, until she returned to England a year later to take care of Sir Gerald Evans’ newborn, Richmond Evans.
Ferdinand and Rosemary ruled over the island in peace and prosperity, and lived happily ever after.
***THE END***
Publication Date: 08-03-2016
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