
What is The Mind’s Eye




The Mind’s Eye is a Quick setup, Ultra Lite Rules, Solo Role Playing Game, for people who want to Play more by Imagination than complicated math and extensive table searching.


While this game was designed to be a Solo RPG, It would also be suitable for group play as well.


Everything in this game is designed to be played using only Your Imagination, paper, pencil, and One, Six sided Dice cube.


Of course you may also use anything else you have on hand to enhance your play, such as maps, photos, miniatures, and other RPG text, drawings, books, props, audio, etc.



You will start off by doing the following:


  • Create a Character.
  • Create a Setting.
  • Create a Starting Scenario.
  • Prepare for the Adventure.
  • Play the Game.



Creating Your Character

A simple Character sheet is provided, but you may decide to use a fancier one that you have on hand or even create your own.


You will need to give your Character(s) a Name, Race and Class.


You may want create more than one character for the adventure. Doing so, means less danger when you are attacked.



You just follow the same rules.


You may also want to print out an extra sheet for tracking battles with Monsters.


Standard Races & Classes


Race: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Monster, Other.


Class: Fighter, Magic user, Rogue, Ranger, Cleric, Bard.


Feel free to add other or create your own Race and Class.


Note: Race & Class does not affect the Character(s) Stats.


Ex: Name: Sophos. Race: Elf. Class: Wizard.


No matter what Character you choose to play as, you will always Start as a Level 1, with (8) Hit Points.


Your Armor and Weapon Class will be Zero (0). You may enter a description of what ever Weapon and Armor you like.


Ex: Wooden Staff, Blue Robes, or Leather Armor, Short Sword.


There are Six Slots for the distribution of your Characters Stats.


The Five Default Stats are as follows:


Health, Strength, Agility, Intelligence, and Spirit.


The last Slot is a Special Talent. that you will create.


Note: It can be absolutely anything that you want.


Ex: Stealth, Stamina, Humor, Deception, Herbalist, Thievery, etc.


You will Roll Once for each Stat and place the number rolled in the appropriate slot on the character sheet, or for a Quick set up, you may choose to use numbers from One to Six, placing each number as you wish. Each number may only be used once.


Ex: A Warrior would probably put the Highest numbers in Strength and Agility, where a Wizard would probably select Intelligence and Spirit for the highest numbers.



Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Publication Date: 03-11-2023
ISBN: 978-3-7554-3533-4

All Rights Reserved

To All The Old School Role Players. I love creativity and I also love Role Playing Games of all kinds, but my favorite is the Old School, Paper and Pencil style. But sometimes, I just didn’t have the desire or time to spend figuring out all of the math and searching the extensive tables that normal go along with those games. Sometimes, I just wanted to sit down at the table and get into an Adventure. Enjoy!

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