"Father I love him!" I screamed as father spoke to the bodyguards. "You will understand when you are older Reina. You may think I am doing something wrong but I am actually doing right by you. You are just too young to understand it" he said without even sparing a glance in my direction. "I am twenty-one and you still treat me like a child!" I screamed at him. "Enough!" he shouted. I usually could sense when he was going to hit me but this backhand was completely unexpected! I fell to the ground holding my cheek and fighting back the tears that threatened to brim over. I will not let him see me like this- I thought to myself.
"That young man you insist you are in love with is a womanizer! Yes he is rich but his reputation speaks plenty" he stooped down to look at me. "Reina he is all over the news everyday and each time with another woman! You insist you love him but does he share in your feelings?" he asked looking me squarely in the eye. "I-I don't know. I never asked" I replied shyly. "Reina you are still too young to know what love is let alone understand it. Now I expect all this talk about love to cease. I also expect you to stay away from Demetrius. You are not to leave this mansion without a guard or so help me I will make your life a living hell!" he said as he slammed the door behind him as he left. The thing is my life was ALREADY a living hell! All my life I had to live up to my father's expectations! Even when I thought I did he would still find a way to make it seem like I didn't. Gertrude and Antonio were by my side as soon as he left. They were from my mother's country, Hispaniola. "Don't let him get to you little one and my son may be many things but he knows how to treat a woman with respect" she said as she brought a wet towel to my cheek. "H-he doesn't understand" I started crying. "Reina I should have helped! How did he find out you were meeting Demetrius? I thought you were so careful" Antonio asked. "I think I know who told him" I replied dryly. "I think I know also. That Malik is a nasty piece of work. I don't know how he found out about you and Demetrius but it was none other than him who told your father, hija" Gertrude said as she pulled me into her arms for a hug. Gertrude and Antonio had one son, Demetrius. My mother and my eldest sister, Mia, left when I was five years old because they could no longer take the abuse my father was dishing out. I still hated my mother for not taking me and Lorenzo, my older brother, with her. But Gertrude and Antonio gave me the love and tenderness that my father didn't or was incapable of giving. They may have only been servants but to me they were my parents. On occasions when life got too unbearable at the mansion I would go stay with them at their four bedroom house. Antonio told me when I was about ten that one of the rooms always stayed locked because he would let no one enter my room other than me. They may not have been as rich as my father but my father paid them well enough that they could live comfortably and even send Demetrius off to Princeton. Antonio even designed my room at their house with lots of pretty colors. My room here at the mansion stayed a boring white because my father thought it symbolized 'obedience' while Antonio disagreed he said a child needed a colorful room to develop imagination and creativity.
Later on that day I made a promise to guard my heart. My father was right in some ways. Demetrius was a playboy and one of New York's most eligible bachelors. Women practically threw themselves at him everyday. I once read in People's magazine that he had mistresses all over the globe. Of course Lorenzo, my older brother, disagreed with what I read telling me not to put too much into what I read. Demetrius and Lorenzo had been friends since as long as I could remember and even then the sight of him did strange things to my insides. Lorenzo was currently out of the country on a business trip to China and I was feeling very vulnerable knowing he was not here. It seemed to me that my father now had an all access pass to abuse me in Lorenzo's absence. I sat on my bed staring at the ceiling when my phone rang. It was none other than Demetrius calling. I was tempted not to answer but in the end I did. "Reina" he said. Even over the phone he had a sexy voice that got my heart racing. "Hi" I replied. Chastising myself for saying something so dumb. "What is wrong?" he asked. It never ceased to amaze me how he could always sense when I was sad. "Nothing is wrong, Demetrius. I am fine" I told him thinking I sounded pretty convincing. "Rein, you were always a horrible liar" he used the nickname he gave to me when I was thirteen. "Demetrius it's nothing" I sighed. "I am tempted to come over there to find out myself you know" he said seriously. He meant every word. "Demetrius nothing is wrong and shouldn't you be in a meeting?" I asked him. "I am" he replied and I could tell he was smiling. "Well I don't want to be a bother" I told him. "You will never be a bother, sweetheart. There was a reason I called though" he told me. "Mother phoned me today. She said I should call you" he said. Gertrude was playing matchmaker but she knew long ago that Reina was deeply in love with her son, Demetrius. Demetrius may not have been rich and successful at the time nor did he have the upbringing Reina and Lorenzo had but he was treated as an equal by both of them even though his parents were only servants at mansion. "Reina are you listening to me?" he asked. "Huh? Um I didn't catch the last part of that" I replied. "I said we cannot go to my club tonight because I will be working late" he told me. Despite what everyone thought Demetrius and Reina weren't a couple. Reina would be glad to have him as a companion in an intimate way but he never showed that he was interested and even though she openly admitted to her father today that she loved this wonderful, caring, drop dead gorgeous man with a Spanish accent that could charm a menacing cobra there was nothing intimate about their relationship. Reina snuck around to meet Demetrius because he took her to his multiple of clubs and she always felt safe when he was around. Demetrius didn't know that Reina's father abused her and she begged and pleaded with both Gertrude and Antonio not to tell him. If he found out he might start looking at her differently and she loved the picture she painted for him of who she was. The smart, sassy, sweet, generous girl who wasn't afraid to stand up to him when he was angry. "It's fine, Demetrius. I wasn't feeling in the mood to go out tonight anyways" I sighed into the phone. "Does this have anything to do with why my mother called me?" he asked. Tears clouded my eyes. "Rein?" he pressed. "I have to go" my voice cracked as I hung up before he could protest.
"Reina!" Demetrius shouted into the dead receiver. He looked around his board room to see all the members of his executive board staring at him. He shook his head. "Carry on" he told the man who was doing a presentation.
Demetrius sat in his office after the meeting thinking about Reina. Lord knows he has wanted Reina since she was sixteen. It was sheer torture on his body to have her sleep over at his parent's house when they were younger. His room was right beside of hers. Usually she came over crying and as if his mother knew the reason she would just hug Reina until she stopped crying. Even his own father had a soft spot for Reina and that man was as hard and tough as they come! "Mr. Vassaliadas your four o'clock is here" his personal assistant told him as she came into his office. "I will be right out, Cindy" he told her. She nodded as she closed the door behind her. Reina has been unusually jumpy ever since Lorenzo left for China. Maybe he would give Lorenzo a call and see if he knew anything but he had a meeting to go to.
Gertrude was in Reina's room brushing Reina's long, waist length hair when there was a knock at the door. "Tell whoever it is that I don't want any visitors" I told Gertrude. "Yes sweetheart" Gertrude said as she gave my shoulder a squeeze before getting up. She placed the brush on the vanity dresser and went to the door. "Miss Reina says she doesn't want any visitors" Gertrude told the man. "I think I am an exception to that statement" Malik smiled as he saw Reina sitting with her hair down across the room. "Sir, Reina doesn't want any visitors" Gertrude repeated this time in her no nonsense voice. Malik didn't seem to hear her because he stepped forward causing Gertrude to step back letting him into the room. Malik walked over to Reina who was secretly wishing it was Demetrius who had come to her. "Reina! Darling!" he said as he pulled her out of the chair and into his arms. She told him more than once not to use such endearments on her but he never listened. Reina looked at a disgruntled Gertrude who was holding up the brush as if she wanted to throw it at Malik. As much as Reina wanted Gertrude to do it she shook her head at her knowing full well her father would fire Gertrude on the spot if she did what she wanted to. "Your father called me today and told me that you wanted to go out" he said as he stood back letting me go. "Really? When did I say that?" I asked hating my father by the passing minute. "Well I am here to oblige you, sweetheart. So put on something sexy that will make me the envy of every man in New York and I will meet you downstairs" he told me as he planted a kiss firmly on my mouth. I had to fight not to throw up. He smiled as he pulled away. "See you downstairs and Reina you know I hate waiting" he said as he left. "Why do you talk to him?!" Gertrude asked anger plain in her voice. "I-I have to. My father expects me to marry him someday" I told her. "But that is not what you want is it Reina?" she asked. Reina smiled. "You already know who I want" I replied. That brought a smile to Gertrude's face. "I know" she beamed. "I have to do whatever he asks of me- I held my hand up to stop Gertrude from protesting. "Lorenzo will be back next week. Maybe he can talk some sense into father and make him see the light. I never loved Malik and I never will" I sighed as I went to my closet to pick out an outfit. The dress that Reina picked out was conservative but stunning all the same. It was knee-length and showed just the right amount of bosom without giving too much away. I sighed as Gertrude put down the brush because I wanted to wear my hair down tonight. I kissed her goodnight knowing full well Malik was going to keep me out late. My father is all but delighted that Malik is paying me any attention, I bet he can already hear wedding bells ringing. According to him it would be good for his business if I married Malik Conner. Malik didn't strike me as a man who wanted to settle down anytime soon while Demetrius was his complete opposite. I was already having dreams about being married to Demetrius and having his children but it was just that. Dreams. "Don't let that man ruin your sweet nature, little one" Gertrude told me as I left. I found Malik and my father in his study having a glass of wine. "Ah Reina" my father said as he came over to me and deliberately planted a kiss on the cheek he had hit me on earlier today. He pulled away and gave me a look that told me not to ruin this relationship. Once upon a time I would have done everything in my power to get my father's approval but I realized that nothing I do will ever be good enough for him so I stopped trying. Malik stood and put his hand around my waist. "Richard, I will see you tomorrow" Malik told father as he emptied his glass and placed it on father's desk. "Keep her out as long as you like, Malik" my father told him. He then looked at me as if expecting me to protest but I didn't. "As you wish" Malik said as he led me outside to his Bugatti Veyron 16.4 the newest model. "You like?" he asked seeing my face. "It's ah... Quite a powerful machine" I told him as I sat in the car. He laughed at that "Much like me" he said as his eyes darkened. Reina felt very self conscious all of a sudden. He got in and drove off. They barely talked the entire ride. When they did talk it was about Malik. He was the type of man who enjoyed the spotlight, he craved it. Reina felt her stomach fall as Malik pulled up in front of one of Demetrius's clubs. He smiled as he got out and opened my door. The paparazzi went into a frenzy when Reina stepped out.
Reina Cortes was a well known name in New York because of Reina's love and kindness to everyone she meets. No one ever forgot her after she showed them kindness. Reina would show a poor man the respect she would show a rich man. She never turned her nose down on the less fortunate. Malik held her in his arms as the cameras went off not the least bit self conscious like how Reina was feeling. He smiled as a beautiful news reporter asked him a question. "Mr. Conner are you and Reina going out now?" the news reporter asked. "We haven't yet given a title to our relationship" he told her. "So there is a relationship" the news reporter pressed. "Yes there is one" he replied as he kissed Reina's hair. "Ms. Cortes if Mr. Conner was to propose marriage to you would you accept it?" the news reporter asked. "Uh..." was all Reina could say. If she said yes she might lose all hope of ever having Demetrius love her the way she loves him and if she said no well her father would hit the crap out of her. She felt her heart tear in two with what she said next. "I would say yes" she told the news reporter. I'm sorry, Demetrius -she thought to herself. Malik leaned down and kiss her hair again before he led her into Demetrius's club. What are the chances that Demetrius didn't see the interview? Reina thought to herself.
Very slim. Demetrius was still at work when he saw Reina on TV with none other than Malik Conner holding her close to him. Demetrius felt a surge of anger which was strange because no other woman could make him as jealous as Reina did! Did she know the effect she had on him? Of course she didn't know. He tried his best to keep it to himself even though now and then his mother would hint that she knew. Demetrius realized that Reina and Malik were at one of his brand new clubs. Even as the chauffeur opened the door to his Audi SUV Demetrius told himself that the only reason he was going there was to make sure she was safe nothing else. But his heart told him other wise. He had almost thrown a book at the flat screen in his office when Malik bent and kissed Reina's hair. His Reina. When he finally reach the club, his chauffeur opened the door and cameras immediately started to go off but his body guards were there instantly to protect him. He walked with the four men into his club. A waitress looked up and saw him as he entered and started blushing none stop. He smiled to himself knowing the effect he had on women, except one. The one woman who has been driving him crazy since she was sixteen! Even when he left for Princeton two years later he couldn't get her off his mind. Don't get him wrong, Demetrius was a man who had needs and needed release so he would go into meaningless relationships with women until she became of age. Even when Demetrius had another woman in his arms he felt as if he was cheating on her even though they weren't even together! How she managed to get under his skin the answer still eludes him. He spotted long waist length black as midnight hair and knew that it was Reina's. He made his way over to them.
It never occurred to Demetrius that Reina was head over heels in love with him because she never did or say anything to make him think so. There were times when he had caught her looking at him but he always chalked it up to friendliness. As he got closer to her Demetrius had to keep his composure when he saw her dress. He was too angry when he had seen her in Malik's arms to even notice the dress but now that he did he had to try and keep a straight face. She was wearing a strapless, knee length dress with matching heels that weren't too high. When he stopped at their table he was sure he saw happiness in her eyes but it was quickly hidden. He smiled down at her barely looking at Malik. "Demetrius" Malik said. "Malik" Demetrius replied still not looking away from Reina. "Why are you here?" Reina heard herself ask. She almost gasp but coughed instead to distinguish it. Of course Demetrius saw through her pretenses yet again because a smile spread across his face. "I was at work when I saw you on TV. I saw that you were at one of my clubs and I decided to pay you a visit" he said, finally looking at Malik. "Well you have seen her, now you can leave. If you don't mind Demetrius I would like my date to myself" Malik told him as he pulled Reina to him and kissed her on the mouth.
Demetrius realized three things as the scene happened in front of him. One, he now realized that he hated Malik Conner to the depths of hell. Two, it seems to him that Reina wasn't interested in the man. Usually when they went out Reina would be laughing or teasing him about something, now she just looked kind of sad. And three, even though Malik kissed her she never made an attempt to push him away nor did she kiss him back, which Demetrius thought was kind of odd. When Malik finally pulled away from Reina, Demetrius had cleared away the red haze clouding his vision. Now he finally knew what "seeing red" meant. It took everything in him not to pound Malik senseless for kissing his Reina. Reina looked up at him with anguish in her eyes. It tore at his heart. Reina was always happy other than when she would come over his parents house crying which was years ago. Yes she still slept there occasionally but he thought that whatever had made her cry so much in her youth was gone. He had tried more than once to get information out of Lorenzo but Lorenzo always evaded the topic. Malik smiled in triumph. Finally he had something that Demetrius didn't. "It was... Good seeing you again, Malik" Demetrius said without even looking at him. "Quiero un momento contigo" Demetrius said to Reina in fluent Spanish. All the while Reina's head was down looking at the table. Her head snapped up when Demetrius spoke to her in Spanish because they both knew Malik couldn't speak it. "No puedo, estoy en una cita" Reina replied in Spanish. "Me di cuenta de eso. Siempre pensé que odiabas Malik pero aquí estás en una cita con él" Demetrius said. "Estoy bien" I replied. "That remains to be unseen" Demetrius said in English as he gave Malik a curt nod and turn on his heels. Reina watched as he left. Reina turned back to Malik and gave him a smile.
Demetrius made his way to the club's office. Reina thought he was leaving but like hell he was! He didn't trust Malik and there was something off about him that made Demetrius anxious about Reina.
Reina looked at Malik as he smiled at her. "Would you like some wine?" Malik asked as he got up. "No... um... Water will do just fine" I replied. "Oh no Reina, darling. Choose something a little stronger" he told me. "Malik water is fine" I told him. He sighed and walked over to the bar leaving Reina with her thoughts. Was Demetrius really here because he wanted to ensure she was safe? And if he was did that mean he cared about her? Of course he cared about her! What a stupid question. She was his best friend's baby sister! She sighed as Malik came back. He handed her a glass that seemed too fancy to be carrying water but she never questioned it. When she put the glass to her head and tasted the contents it didn't taste like water. She finished it in record time. Malik smiled knowing full well it wasn't water he got for Reina. He even asked the bartender to make a knockout wine. "Another glass of water, darling?" Malik asked. "Yes please" Reina replied. "As you wish" Malik said as he went back to the bar for more drinks. After Reina's fifth glass of "sparkling water" she began to feel lightheaded. And she was giggling a lot even though Malik only smiled at her but said nothing. "I never realized I was so thirsty" Reina giggled again. "Would you like another?" Malik asked. Reina's mind was a haze and she had a hard time sorting out her thoughts. She stood up and almost fell down, she had to grab the table to keep her balance. Reina realized that it wasn't water she was drinking and whatever it was, it was potent enough to make her have incoherent thoughts after her fifth drink. She sat back down because it was that or fall to the ground. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" Malik asked trying to fight a smile. "I ah... I feel lightheaded... Can we go now?" Reina asked. With pleasure -Malik thought to himself. "The party scene was never your thing. I'll take you home" he told me as he called a waitress over to our table. He paid the tab and stood up. He held out his hand to me and I took it. I had to hold on to his arms because I felt as if I was going to pass out. Malik held on to me so I could keep my balance. As we made our way to the lobby of the club Demetrius happened to be walking down the stairs that led to the office. My heart started racing. I thought he left. Demetrius noticed that something was odd about the way Reina was holding on to Malik. He walked over to them and then he realized that Reina looked unbalanced. She started giggling nonstop when he approached them. "What is wrong with Reina?" Demetris asked Malik. The anger plain in his voice. Malik let go of Reina who almost fell to the ground if it weren't for Demetrius's quick reflexes. "I was just taking her home" Malik told him through clenched jaws. Demetrius held Reina to him to keep her balanced. "Sure you were... Rein? What did you drink?" Demetrius asked her. She giggled some more. "I-I didn't drink anything strong. I just had five glasses of the wonderful tasting water" she laughed. Demetrius shot Malik a stare that would clear all the animals out of a forest! Demetrius stepped forward, he was going to kill Malik! Wonderful tasting water my ass! The son of a bitch got Reina drunk! And was no doubt taking her back to his condo to take advantage of her! Over his dead body! Demetrius let go of Reina who managed to stand on her own two feet. "Think about what you are doing, Demetrius. I don't take kindly to people trying to kill me" Malik warned as he stepped back some more. Malik was 5''9 while Demetrius was 6''4! "Funny how you used the word 'trying'" Demetrius said as he took another step towards Malik. Then he heard Reina groan and the clacking of heels on the titles. He turned around to see Reina vomiting into one of the plants in the lobby. He cursed as he went over to her. Demetrius kept her hair out of her face as she vomited some more. "You take her home. I won't risk her throwing up in my new Bugatti" Malik said as he went through the door of the lobby. Malik Conner was one cold-hearted son of a bitch! Reina groaned as she fell to her knees on the floor. Demetrius had to grab her by the waist to keep her from falling forwards. He had never seen Reina drink, even those time when he brought her to his clubs she never ordered anything other than water. Demetrius scooped her up into his arms. His bodyguards were there to protect him as he walked with Reina still cradled in his arms like a baby. She covered her face as they went outside because of all the cameras that went off.
The conversation Demetrius and Reina had in Spanish.
Demetrius: I want a moment with you
Reina: I cannot, I'm on a date
Demetrius: I noticed that. I always thought you hated Malik but here you are on a date with him.
Reina: I'm fine
In the back of Reina's mind she thought of how her father would react when he saw the pictures. Demetrius stepped inside the Audi SUV. One of his guards drove off. Demetrius looked down at the angel like woman who was practically sitting in his lap with her arms draped around him. He smiled knowing that more than once he had wondered how she would feel if he had her close to him. Now he knew. Reina sighed his name and it damn near undid him! He already felt his erection. Thank God she was drunk or else he would have a lot to explain for. She stared up at him. "Where are we going?" she whispered. "To my home, of course" he told her. That made Reina sit up instantly making her head spin. "No, no. I can't" she told him. A smile spread across his face. "Why not?" he asked. "Demetrius, my father... and the warning..." she sighed as she leaned back into him. None of what she just said made sense! "Reina" Demetrius gently shook her. She opened her eyes and stared up at him. "Would you rather we go to my parents house then?" he asked, clearly humoring her. She nodded. He gave his driver/ bodyguard the directions to his parents' house. When they arrived he had to scoop Reina into his arms again because she was sound asleep. He rang the doorbell to the house. His mother opened the door. Worry plain on her face. "Take her to her room" his mother told him. Demetrius walked through the house and opened the door to Reina's room. He laid her down on the queen size bed but she clung to his neck. He had to unhook her hands. As he was about to close the door behind him she said his name. He was back by her side in an instant. "Yes, sweetheart?" he asked. "Don't leave me. Stay with me" she told him. Demetrius just stood there looking down at her debating on whether or not to go lie with her. Then the next word tore at his heart. "Please" she begged. He sighed and shrugged out of his jacket and took off his shoes. He got under the sheets with her. Demetrius couldn't help but pull her close to him.
Reina woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. She realized that she wasn't in her bed at the mansion. She tried to recall what happened last night but it was only coming back in little flashes. She turned to see Demetrius sound asleep beside her. What did happen last night? He opened his eyes to look at her. "Good morning" he smiled. "Did we?..." she trailed off. Demetrius's smile got even wider. "I have more class than to make love under my parent's roof" he told me. Reina didn't know why she felt so disappointed after he said that. "What am I doing here?" she asked as she touched her head trying to will the headache to stop. He instantly got angry. "Your boyfriend, Malik got you drunk! Then he ditched you because he didn't want you throwing up in his new car! Honestly Rein, I don't know what you see in that guy!" he shouted. He was getting angrier by the second. "Not so loud" I groaned into the pillow. That made Demetrius smile at her. "Malik and I aren't a couple nor will we ever be. He takes me out because my father insists on it" I said as I turned away from him. "Why?" he asked. I couldn't look at him. Do not tell him -I kept repeating in my head. He turned me around to look at him. "Why Rein?" he asked. "Demetrius there are things better left unsaid" I told him as I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Demetrius stared after her as she closed the door to the bathroom. He leaned back on the pillows feeling very exhausted. He barely got any sleep last night. Reina would occasionally wiggle closer to him to feel his warmth and she would sigh his name in her sleep which his body reacted to. It took everything in him not to make love to her until he got his fill of her. Reina came back into the room and she realized that the buttons on Demetrius's shirt were undone. She couldn't help but stare at his beautifully made body. Her eyes rove over his well toned pecks to his wash board abs to the line of hair leading into his pants. Was he hard and well- toned down there as well? Her eyes quickly went back up to his face and she knew he realized that she was ogling at him. She felt a blush immediately spread across her face. Demetrius gave her lop side smile. He stood up off the bed and walked over to stand in front of Reina. He leaned down keeping a mere inch between them as their eyes locked on one another. She knew he wanted her to make the first move but her heart was threatening to beat out of her chest and heat flooded her center. Demetrius was testing her. Giving her the choice to either make the first move or step back. Reina was practically panting and he hadn't even touched her yet! Reina was determined that he would have to make the first move. Even though it hadn't even been a minute yet it felt like hours! Demetrius could take it anymore! He would either have her mouth or die! He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her roughly to him before he leaned down and kissed her, swallowing her gasp. He groaned as Reina opened her mouth, giving him entry. Demetrius knew she would be sweet but he didn't think she would be this sweet! Reina moaned as Demetrius's tongue shaped her lower lip. God this woman was exquisite! Demetrius thought, Reina had to grab Demetrius's sleeve to keep her balance. Demetrius pulled back and she realized that his usually sky blue eyes were now a dark blue. He stepped back and smiled down at Reina looking at her slightly swollen mouth and how beautiful she looked while blushing. "T-this shouldn't have happened" I stuttered. Which only made Demetrius's smile widen. "Quite the contrary, Rein. I enjoyed that quite a lot" he told her as he used his thumb to shape her lower lip which sent shivers through her. She stepped back. Demetrius grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him. "Going so soon, mi corazon?" he smiled as he felt Reina tense as he said that endearment. Reina's eyes widen as she stared at him. Demetrius and his family were Spanish but all the time he has known her he has never called her that before. "Reina. Breathe" he told her as he grinned feeling pretty proud of himself. "Don't ever call me that. And as for the kiss it never happened" I told him as I wiggled out of his grasp and went out the door. Demetrius stood there dumb founded. What the hell just happened?! He knew she was inexperienced but it was refreshing for once! He knew Reina wasn't after his money which made her even more desirable to him. He cursed as he combed his hand through his hair. Reina went downstairs and saw Antonio and Gertrude sitting down for breakfast. "Had a good night out?" Antonio asked. She knew that tone and knew that what came next was going to be a lecture for sure. "Before you read me the riot act, in my defense I thought I was drinking water!" I told him. "She is right, padre. It is Malik he is a scoundrel. The man has no honor, no value" Demetrius said as he took the seat beside me. "I warned you about him, hija. I told you he was a nasty piece of work" Gertrude said as she put her fork down. "I know" I said as I sank lower in my chair. "Your father called last night. He wanted to know if you were over here. I told him yes. He said you are to phone him as soon as you wake up" Antonio told me. "I'll call him after breakfast" I replied. "I don't know Reiny. He sounded angry" Antonio pressed. Reina was in the middle of putting a fork full of bacon into her mouth when she stopped short and looked at Antonio. The fork stopped mere inches away from her mouth. Why would he be upset? It made no sense! She knew her father wanted her to marry Malik so his business would flourish but would he really be angry if she didn't? And then there was the way he insisted upon Malik keeping her out all night if he wanted to. Was her father selling her to Malik just to get in good with Malik?! No that's not possible. Her father may be many things but he would never do that! Would he? He did beat the living daylight out of her the day he found out she turned down Malik's offer to take her to dinner. She couldn't walk for a day! Lorenzo and Gertrude had to help her. Demetrius realized that Reina was in deep thought by the blank look on her face. What he wouldn't give to find out what was going on in that pretty little head of hers. Her fork still hadn't moved from when she paused so whatever she was thinking about must be pretty intense. Reina got up abruptly and went to the phone. She didn't realize her hands were shaking until when she had trouble dialing the house phone. "Hello?" her father's voice made her heart start beating fast. "Uh... dad" was all she could say. "Reina? Why the hell didn't you think to call me?!" he sounded angry. "I-I just woke up" I threw back. "Antonio said you were sleeping when I called. Reina why the fuck aren't you with Malik?" her father asked. "I got drunk and your precious Malik didn't want to bring me home because he didn't want to risk me throwing up in his new Bugatti so he left me with Demetrius" I whispered the last part. "Demetrius?!" his voice boomed over phone. "Yes father. Demetrius. The man who didn't care if I threw up in his car because he cared only for MY well being" I tossed back at him. "This is not over Reina Elizabetha Cortes. When you get home we WILL talk about this. I expect you home by evening" he said as he hung up. "Ugh! You can't control my life! I am twenty-one!" I screamed into the dead receiver. I slammed the phone into the socket and walked back to the dining room. "I take it, it didn't go well?" Antonio said. "What gave it away? The screaming you heard or me practically fuming?" I smiled at him. "Don't let your father bring you down, hija. Your room is always here for you when you need it" Gertrude told me. I smiled at her. I could tell Demetrius was staring down at me but I refused to look at him. Demetrius had heard every word of what Reina's father had said. He hadn't meant to eavesdrop but it was eating him up that she wouldn't tell him what was wrong at home! Then she begged him not to take her to his home what was that all about? Rein had been to his mansion already but it was always in the company of her brother, Lorenzo. What was Rein hiding? It intrigued him that even though he probably knew her better than everyone else maybe even her own father she was still a puzzle. He was going to find out what she was hiding no matter what. At that moment Demetrius's cellphone rang. It was always his policy to never answer his phone during meals with his family but it was his executive manager. Why would he be calling so early? "Talk" he said. "Mr. Vassaliadas. There is a problem at the company. One of the jets had a malfunction and it crash landed. No one got badly hurt sir but the news reporters want you to give statement. It is in the company's best interest that you do a press release" he told Demetrius. "One minute" he told Rogers. He put his hand over the receiver. "Mama, I am sorry but I will be taking this call in my room" he said. He got up but not before leaning down and kissing Reina firmly on the mouth before he left. Reina gasped as he left. Antonio was fighting a grin and Gertrude gave her a knowing smile.
After breakfast Reina went back to her room and took a shower. She had ensured she always had a closet full of clothes over here. She put on her clothes and walked out of her room drying her damp hair with a towel. As she walked into the kitchen she saw Demetrius in the backyard with tousled hair and she realized that he had taken a shower because just like her he had damp hair. She realized he was on the phone. As if he sensed her looking at him he turned around and looked into her eyes. Reina gasped. She realized his shirt was hanging open. Reina didn't realized she was gaping at him until Demetrius gave her a knowing smile. Why was he the only man that could make her feel this way? Reina turned and walked back to find Gertrude, who was outside painting. She enjoyed doing this when she wasn't working at the mansion. She sighed as she sat down on the bench beside her. "What is wrong, hija?" she asked. "Nothing" I replied.. "You were always a horrible liar, Reina" she said as she put her paintbrush down and gave me her undivided attention. "How is it that a man can evoke such feelings in you that you didn't even know you had?!" I asked her. "This is about Demetrius is it not?" she asked. "He can be such a-a a MAN! Ugh!" Reina threw her hands up in frustration. Gertrude only laughed. "I see. Sure it isn't love talking?" Reina felt her face go through different shades of red until it settled on bright red. She could tell her face was extremely red by the smile that Gertrude gave her. She scrambled off the bench and was heading for her room when the object of her thoughts stepped through the back door. She couldn't face him not with his shirt hanging open and she seeing a hint of the hair trailing down his navel and into his pants. Reina looked up in Demetrius's eyes and realized that they had darkened. He reached out and grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her towards the bedrooms. "W-where are we going?" Reina stuttered. Demetrius smiled down at her. He pulled her into her room and closed the door behind him. He pushed Reina up against the door and kissed her. God she was driving him crazy. He has never wanted a woman the way he wants her. Reina moaned when he undid her top. He smiled as he trailed kisses down her neck to her breast. Reina had to grab the doorknob to keep her balance. Demetrius's scent was intoxicating and it was driving her crazy. "D-Demetrius... W-we shouldn't do this. It is wrong" I stuttered. He smiled at me. "How can this be wrong when it feels so right, bella?" he asked as he unhooked Reina's bra and pulled one of her breasts into his mouth. That drove Reina over the edge. She had to bite her tongue not to moan. She started tasting blood in her mouth. "D-Demetrius stop" I told him. He sucked even harder. Reina felt so wet at her center. Demetrius wasn't going to give up his treasure after he just got it. Demetrius sighed as he lifted his head and leaned down to kiss her one more time. When he pulled away he smiled. Everything about her screamed "inexperienced" not that he minded. If she had been touched he would find out who the bastard was and pound the shit out of him. Reina's face was flush and she could no longer stand. She slid to the floor and put her head in her hands. "Why did you have to do that?" I asked. "Rein..." Demetrius said. Lorenzo knew how he felt about Reina but he didn't make his intentions clear until just then. He already knew he would have to take it slow with her. "T-this shouldn't have happened, Demetrius" her voice cracked. What is the matter with her? "Reina, bella. I ah..." he cut himself off. He couldn't just tell her he loved her so much it hurt. He didn't want to scare her off. "Demetrius let it be" I told him as I stood up. I walked over to where he had thrown my bra and strapped it on then buttoned my blouse. "I am not one of your women, Demetrius. Let's just pretend this didn't happen" I told him. "Just like how we should pretend the kiss this morning didn't happen either" he said. "I would appreciate that" I told him as I walked out the door. One of my women? Demetrius asked himself. Of course she wasn't! His Reina was definitely a jewel and one he intended to keep whether she knew it or not. May be he should have taken things slower. He would give her some time to sort out her feelings. Demetrius ran his hand through his hair and shook his head trying to get Reina out of it. He had to go and meet with the members of his executive board in a short while.
Reina had already called her father's driver and told him to come and pick her up. She was sitting on the bench with Gertrude waiting on her driver when Demetrius stepped out on his phone. He leaned down and kissed his mother but said nothing to Reina. Reina didn't give him the satisfaction of showing how much that hurt. He got into his Audi SUV and his driver drove off. "What was that all about?" Gertrude asked when he left. Gertrude had felt Reina stiffen beside her when Demetrius stepped out. Whatever happened between them was between them and she wouldn't get involved unless need be. "Nothing" Reina mumbled. "Sure" Gertrude replied obviously not believing her. At that moment her father's limo drove up. "Bye mama- Reina kissed Gertrude on the cheek. "Tell Antonio I said bye" Reina said as she ran to the limo. "Hello Ms. Reina" the chauffeur said as he opened the door. "Hi Charles" Reina smiled up at him. He returned her smile. He shut the door behind her and drove off. When Reina got home she went to her room. She was in no mood to talk to her father just yet and she needed to clear her thoughts which were on the mind-blowing pleasure she and Demetrius shared just an hour ago. She went to her room and sighed as she lied down on the bed. "You're home" her father's voice came from the door. Reina sat up on her bed to stare at him. "Yes, father. I am" I replied. "Malik has been calling nonstop" he said matter-of-factly. "I don't want anything to do with him" I mumbled. "He apologized" my father said as he stepped forward. "Of course he would. Father, I am tired and I would very much like some sleep" I told him as I dropped back onto the pillows. "I have tried and tried with you, Reina. Why can't you see that Demetrius doesn't want you! He wants your body nothing else" he said. "Isn't that the same thing Malik wants also?" I asked because I couldn't help myself. He was at my bedside in record time. He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me to face him. "The Conner family is respected all over the globe! I want this marriage Reina!" he told me. "Why don't you track down your other daughter, Mia. I am sure she would be easy to find considering she's with mom. Maybe she'll want to marry Malik" I told him, sarcasm laced every word. He wrapped his hand even tighter in my hair making me whimper. I will not show weakness around him! -I thought to myself. "Mia was just like your mother! A damn tramp! Fifteen at the time and she would sleep with anything that showed her pretty things!" he spat. "Maybe she has changed" I told him. That's when he lost it. He hit me across my heek so hard my head snapped back. "You ungrateful little bitch! You are just like your mother and fucking sister! What is wrong with the Cortes women?! I blame the fucking Spanish blood in your veins!" he shouted as he let go of my hair and stormed out of the room. Reina made another vow to stay away from Demetrius. Her father was right, he didn't want her. She cried for the rest of the day. Her father had sent a maid to call her down for dinner but she refused. He must have calmed down because he sent the maid back with her dinner on a tray which still remained untouched. Reina looked in the mirror at the puffy eyed girl staring back at her. She had a photoshoot to go to tomorrow. Reina and her best friend Carly Mendez were going to be in this month's issue of People's Magazine because of the good deeds they did to help the community. The article was titled 'Good Women'. At that moment Reina's phone rang. She thought it was Demetrius calling but it wasn't. It was her best friend Carly.
"Hey" I sniffed. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Nothing" I replied as tears slid silently down my face. "I'm coming over" she said as she hung up. Carly was the only person well other than Gertrude, Antonio and her father who knew she was in love with Demetrius.
About twenty minutes later Carly burst into the room with ice-cream and sad movies. Reina smiled at how considerate her best friend was. "What did Demetrius do?" she asked as she sat on the bed beside me. Carly knew it had to do with Demetrius since Reina would never cry over anything else. "I am such a fool!" I cried. She pulled me into her arms as I cried. My cell phone started ringing again which I ignored but Carly didn't. She got up and looked at who was calling. It was Demetrius. "She doesn't want to talk to you" Carly said bluntly. "Give Reina the phone" Demetrius said. "Like I said before if you weren't listening. She. Does. Not. Want. To. Talk. To. You" Carly enunciated every word as if she was talking to a toddler. Carly hung up before Demetrius could say another word. "He won't be bothering you anytime soon" Carly said as she walked back to me.
Reina was one complicated woman! -Demetrius thought to himself. He didn't need this right now! At that moment his cellphone rang. "Hello?" he said. "Demetrius! Darling!" the woman on the other end said.
Early in the morning Rein a and Carly woke up and got ready to go to the photoshoot. Reina turned to look at Carly and she gasped. Shit -Reina thought to herself. The slap on the cheek her father had given her yesterday was still noticeable and apparently Carly noticed. Carly had had an abusive father too but he died. That didn't mean Carly didn't know a bruise like that when she saw one. "W-what happened?" she stuttered. I shook my head repeatedly. "Reina-"Leave it be, Carly" I cut her off. I turned to look at her and it seemed like she wanted to cry. "Who did this to you?" she asked. "Carly, leave it alone!" I told her more firm this time. She scowled at me before finally nodding her agreement. I sighed when she did. I looked at the girl staring back at me in the mirror and thought that the bruise wasn't as bad as I thought. A little mascara would do the trick not that Reina cared for such things but she didn't want to answer unwanted questions.
They finally got to the shoot with Reina's bodyguards of course. They had to go everywhere with Reina now, her father had insisted on it. Reina sighed as she waited for the photographer to approach them. When he finally did he was all smiles. "It is an honor to be your photographer Ms. Cortes and Ms. Mendez" he told us. "It's a pleasure to meet you" we both replied. "We won't be keeping you long. This will be over in a jip" he told us.
The photoshoot went well! They got some really great shots of Carly and I. We went to a really fancy restaurant for lunch.
We were seated when Demetrius came in with none other than New York's next top model Cybil Carter. Carly was the first to spot them. "Maybe we should leave" Carly suggested. "Why should we? It's not like he owns the freaking restaurant" I told her. Her lips thinned. "He does, doesn't he?" I asked. She nodded. I sighed. Demetrius had seen Reina the moment he came in. Cybil had called and told him she was back from her fashionshow in Milan and she wanted to catch up. He was so frustrated with Reina that he thought maybe another woman's company was what he needed. But all Cybil was talking about was herself. "Excuse me. I am going to have a chat with those young ladies over there" Demetrius said as he got up. "I'll come with you" Cybil said. Demetrius had always known that Cybil tended to be clingy. He sighed and nodded. She latched on to his arms as they walked over to Reina and Carly. Reina was laughing at something Carly said when Demetrius and Cybil stopped in front of her table. The laughter abruptly stopped and Demetrius saw different emotions play across Reina's face. "Cybil this is Reina Cortes and her best friend Carly Mendez" Demetrius introduced the ladies. Before Cybil even said a word she scanned both ladies from head to toe. Obviously they weren't on her level of sophistication so Cybil turned her nose up at them. Reina noticed but said nothing. "It's a pleasure to meet you" Reina told Cybil. "It's an honor" Cybil corrected. Anyone having the pleasure of meeting Cybil Carter should consider it an honor at least that's what Cybil thought. Which just proved how self centered she was. Reina instantly thought of Malik who had called while she was at the photoshoot. "You looked stunning in Louis Vuitton's fall fashion show in Milan. I didn't get to come in person but I was kept updated" I gave her a smile. She looked stunned. "Thank you" Cybil said recovering from her momentary shock. Cybil started talking to Demetrius in French. Carly and Reina both knew what they were saying, both knew how to speak French and Demetrius knew it too because he was the one who tutored them! They pretended like they didn't understand what Cybil was telling Demetrius. Reina's phone started ringing. It was Malik calling. "Malik, I am with Carly. I will call you later. Adios" I told him as I hung up. Demetrius was looking at Reina but she couldn't figure out his facial expression. Not that she cared to. Here he was throwing his mistress in her face after what they had shared. It was very awkward being there. Carly could see her friend becoming more and more distant as Demetrius stared at her. "Wow... Look at the time. Reina and I should be going now" Carly offered. Bless your soul, Carly -Reina thought to herself. I nodded in agreement. "It was uh... nice meeting you, Cybil" Carly said. I just smiled. "Adios, bella" Demetrius said in Spanish. "No vuelvas a llamarme. Déjame en paz, Demetrius. No quiero volver a hablar contigo otra vez" Reina whispered the last part. Carly spoke Spanish also and had heard every word Reina said. Before Demetrius could reply Carly paid the bill and led her friend out of the restaurant. "What was that all about?" Cybil asked since she couldn't speak Spanish. "It's nothing, Cybil" Demetrius replied as he led Cybil back to their table. If it were nothing like he just told Cybil why did he feel like someone just ripped his heart out? He had known introducing Cybil to Reina would be a bad idea but he couldn't take his eyes off her as she sat at the other table. Cybil hanging off his arms didn't help matters either. When Reina had given him that one last look before Carly took her away from the restaurant it felt like someone had kicked him in the groin. Reina was so kind and softhearted. You could tell what she was thinking or how she was feeling by just looking into her eyes. Cybil watched Demetrius, he looked as if he was deep in thought. That Reina Cortes might be a little competition but nothing I couldn't handle. Demetrius was mine -Cybil thought to herself.
"What was he trying to prove?" Carly asked as she looked at her friend's tear stained face. "I'll tell you when I figure it out for myself" I replied as I wiped the stupid tears away. "He couldn't take his eyes off you" Carly said matter-of-factly. "He has Cybil" I replied as my grip on the steering wheel tightened. "Oh come on Reina! That woman doesn't hold a candle to you!" Carly said. I just nodded. "When are you going to realize that you are grade A level hot!" Carly said. I shook my head and sighed. "Well I see it, Demetrius sees it and the entire guy population sees it so why can't you?" she asked. "So another sleepover?" I asked, changing the subject. "We would have to go to my house so I could pick up some more clothes" she told me. "On it" I smiled at her.
Here is the conversation Reina and Demetrius had in Spanish
Demetrius: Goodbye, beautiful
Reina: Do not call. Leave me alone, Demetrius. I never want to talk to you again
*When Carly told Reina that Cybil "Doesn't hold a candle to her" it means she is no competition. That Reina is really beautiful that Cybil isn't even in her league of beauty.
When they finally reached Carly's condo. Carly's three poodles came to greet them. "Hi Sasha, Alecia and Cruise!" I said to the dogs as I picked up Sasha. The others were begging for a tummy rub. I obliged them. I stood up and walked to Carly's room. She was packing some clothes when Reina entered the room. "Reina which gown should I take?" Carly asked as she looked absently at the gowns in her walk-in-closet. "Reina!" she said again. "Huh?" I asked looking up from Sasha and her brother and sister. "Which gown should I take with me for the Lavender Charity Banquet?" Carly asked as she pointed to the different gowns in her walk-in closet. "I thought we would go shopping" I told her as I patted Cruise. "Sounds good to me" she replied as she locked her bag. "Are you staying tomorrow night also?" I asked smiling broadly. "I-I don't know. Would you like me to stay?" she asked. "Of course I would! I know a very handsome Spanish brother of mine would also" I winked at her. "He doesn't like me, Reina! You know and I know" she said as she closed her closet. "Are these little moppets coming with us?" I asked as the poodles piled onto me licking me. "Can they? Doesn't your father have a no tolerance of dogs rule?" she asked. "Well we just can't leave them here can we? My father will have to just keep his mouth shut" I told her as I got one of the dog carry on bags and packed some cute little dog outfits into it. "If it's alright..." Carly said uncertain. "It is" I told her as I put Sasha, Cruise and Alecia into the carry on and left the room. Carly was right behind us. "My father can't object if we keep them in my room now can he?" I asked her. "I just don't want him to- she paused and snapped her mouth shut. Reina was walking when Carly said that. She turned to look at her best friend. "I told you to leave it be, Carly" I told her as I walked out the door and to my car. I sat patiently with the dogs in the backseat while Carly locked up the condo. Carly came into the car and Reina drove off. "I am sorry" Carly whispered. "For what?" I asked. "For bringing it up again. It's just that I have been through this! How can you be so fucking calm like this is ok?!" she railed. "It isn't... But it will not stop when Lorenzo gets back tomorrow. He wouldn't dear hit me when Lorenzo is back" I sighed as the automatic gates to the mansion opened. Carly was quiet when we got out and took the dogs to my room. When they were settled, I went downstairs for something to eat. "Miss Reina. Your father would like to see you" a maid told me. This is not going to be good. "Yes father?" I asked sweetly as I went into his office. "Why is Carly still here?! I allowed her to stay one night! Now she is back and with her dogs!" he shouted. Thank God his voice didn't travel beyond the office. "It's only for two more nights father! I want her here with me when we go to the Lavender Charity Ball being held" I told him. "Ah yes... The millions of dollars you gave to different charities" he shook his head. "I will ensure the dogs stay in my room" I told him. "Malik has offered to be your escort to the ball" he told me. "No doubt you had something to do with it" I muttered to myself. "Why can't you see that Malik is the best choice for you?! He is rich, handsome and comes from a good family" he told me. "So does Demetrius" I said before I could stop myself. "That man you pride yourself in watching doesn't want you when he has Cybil Carter, New York's Next Top model" he said as he placed a magazine on the table with Demetrius and Cybil looking all romantic on the cover. Wow the press worked fast -Reina thought to herself. "I know. I saw them today when Carly and I went to lunch" I told him sweetly and gave him a smile as I left. Reina was hurt, even if she wanted to dismiss it, it was still there! When Demetrius had brought Cybil over it was like a slap in the face. She had kept her composure though. Years of getting abuse made Reina tough. She could adapt to a situation, she taught herself never to feel vulnerable towards a person. Her heart was locked up tight. Reina went back to Carly who was busy watching TV and feeding her dogs little pieces of dog kibble. As Reina entered her phone rang. "Hello?" I asked. "Reina! Sweetheart!" Malik said. "Oh hey Malik" I said as I shot a look at Carly who had turned down the TV and was watching me intently. I sighed as I listened to Malik brag on and on about his new hotel. "Would you like to go out tonight?" he asked me. "I can't... I am having a sleepover with Carly" I told him. "She can come too! I will be over in ten" he said as he hung up. "What did he say?" Carly asked. "He is picking us up in ten minutes to take us out" I told her as I walked to the closet. "Us?" she asked. "Yes, us" I told her. "Fine" Carly said smugly.
Carly and I were ready and waiting when Malik called. We went downstairs and saw Malik and his chauffeur waiting. "Bye, father" I told him. "Bye, Mr. Cortes" Carly said. "Goodbye Carly" he replied. "So where are we going?" Carly asked as the chauffeur closed the door. "To Finque" he told us. Finque was a new Italian restaurant opening tonight. There was bound to be paparazzi. When they finally reached Carly was all smiles while Reina's mood was becoming more and more sad. She sighed when they pulled up and saw all the paparazzi at the restaurant. When they stepped out of the Escalade Malik wrapped his arms around both Carly and Reina. Carly seemed uncomfortable while Reina wanted to kill Malik. The camera flashes went off and then Reina spotted Demetrius with Cybil on his arm. "He owns this one too, doesn't he?" I asked Malik. "No. He is just a share holder. He sponsored the owner, I mean he gave the owner the money needed to build this restaurant" Malik told me. More flashes went off and then they went inside. Reina was hoping Demetrius didn't see her.
Oh, how wrong she was! Demetrius spotted her the minute she and Carly exited the Escalade with Malik. He wanted to know what she meant by he should never call her and that he should leave her alone.
Cybil as usual was making a big deal out of being photographed. She enjoyed being in the spotlight. Leave it to Cybil Carter to grab every chance to take a photo. Reina was her opposite -Demetrius thought to himself. Reina was humble, kind and softhearted. While Cybil was callous and self centered. "Ok, guys that's enough" Demetrius told the photographers. They instantly stop taking pictures. Cybil looked disappointed and was pouting. Reina would never do something like that -Demetrius thought to himself. "Come on, Cybil" Demetrius said as he pulled Cybil into the restaurant. He noticed Malik wasn't with Reina or Carly.
Carly was having conversation with a man and Reina was talking to the man's friend. Demetrius felt a surge of jealousy go through him. Cybil had followed his gaze and instantly got angry when her eyes settled on Reina.
"You are very beautiful" the man was telling Reina. "So I've heard" Reina replied. "It is true, sweetheart. And that accent of yours. It is turning me on. Which Spanish country are you from?" he asked. Reina got angry instantly. "My mother is from Hispaniola. I am American" I told him. For the first time in her life, Reina was actually begging for Malik to hurry up and come back to her. He said he had needed to make a phone call and the minute he left these men came and took a seat. Carly seemed fine having a conversation with the other one but Reina was feeling very uncomfortable. She wanted to leave because Demetrius was here. The man was still talking to Reina but she barely heard a word he was saying because she was lost in thought. Then the man put his hand on Reina's thigh and started rubbing it. Before Reina could react Demetrius grabbed the man by his suit and pulled him away from her. "You want to lose that fucking hand of yours?" Demetrius shouted. Reina groaned and put her head in her hands. The Italian restaurant was a restaurant that played soothing music. That outburst from Demetrius had gotten EVERYONE in the restaurant's attention! The live music stopped instantly and even the waiters who were bringing food to the guests stopped to watch. Everyone was looking at their table. Reina was begging the ground to open up and swallow her whole. Demetrius was beating the crap out of the man. Demetrius stood up and looked down at the man who had touched his Reina. The man's nose was bleeding and a black eye was forming. "Out" Demetrius told the man. You didn't have to tell him twice! He scrambled to his feet and ran out of the restaurant. Malik who had seen the whole thing walked over to his table. "Take her home" Demetrius told Malik as he approached. He nodded. Carly had to grab hold of Reina and pull her to her feet. Reina stared at the ground as she passed Demetrius not even looking at him. When they got into the car, Reina didn't feel like going home. "Take me to Mr and Mrs. Vassaliadas's home" I told Malik. "The help?" he asked. I nodded. Reina gave the chauffeur the directions and sat back in her seat. Carly had only been there once when they were younger and might feel awkward but Reina didn't feel like going home. She would call the maid to check in on the dogs.
When Malik's driver pulled up to the house, Reina and Carly got out after saying goodbye to Malik. Gertrude was at the door before the even knocked. Reina gave her a questioning look. "He thought you might be coming here" Gertrude said referring to Demetrius. "Come in" she told them as she stepped away from the door. Carly knew Gertrude but still it felt kinda awkward being here but Reina needed her. Gertrude grabbed Reina and gave her a hug. "Carly, sweetheart. Go on up to bed. Do you remember where Reina's room is?" Gertrude asked. Carly nodded as she went up the stairs.
"You seem lost, little one" Gertrude said as she poured Reina some tea. "Your son is driving me crazy!" Reina told her. "He can do that at times" Gertrude replied with a smile. "I told him to never call me again and he should leave me alone" Reina sighed. Gertrude who was in the process of adding sugar to the tea stopped to stare at Reina. Reina nodded. "What did he do?" Gertrude asked. She had hoped that Demetrius would marry Reina because no other woman would give Demetrius the love that Reina obviously has for him. "He introduced me one of his mistress... Cybil Carter" I told her. "Isn't she in Milan?". "So you know her". Reina put her tea down and stared at Gertrude intently. Gertrude nodded. "I do. She is only after his money and the fame that comes with it, Reina". "Is that so?" Reina asked with obvious sarcasm. "I am going to bed, mama. Can you please call my father- Reina looked at the time it wasn't that late. "Tell him I am spending the night over here and that he should send a car for Carly and I in the morning. We want to pick up Lorenzo from the airfield where his private jet will be landing" I told her as I kissed her goodnight.
Carly was already asleep in one of Reina's pajamas not that Reina minded. She got ready and went to bed also.
Light streamed in from the window. Lorenzo's flight was landing in half an hour. It was just after eleven o'clock. Reina felt beside her but Carly wasn't there. She trotted downstairs to see Carly laughing at something Antonio said. "Good morning" I said as I kissed Antonio on the cheek. "When is Lorenzo's plane landing?" Carly asked. "In half an hour. Plenty of time" I smiled at her knowing she was eager to see him. Reina sat down and Gertrude placed a plate of food in front of her. "Gracias" I told her. She smiled. "Are we going to the mansion to change?" Carly asked. I shook my head. "No. I thought we could get ready from here" I replied. "But I don't have any clothes over here" Carly said timidly. "No worries. You can wear something of mine. Lorenzo will think you're beautiful no matter what you have on" I winked at her and she rolled her eyes.
We were both ready to go to the airport when the car arrived. "Good morning, Ms. Cortes. Ms. Mendez" the chauffeur said. "Good morning" we both replied.
Carly and I were at the airfield waiting for Lorenzo's private jet's doors to open. When they finally did and Lorenzo stepped out Reina ran to him. Carly stayed at the car.
Reina flung her arms around her older brother, thank God Lorenzo was a strong man or else he would have fallen after Reina unexpectedly pounced on him. "Reinabella" he said as he set his sister back on her feet. "Lorenzo! I missed you hermano!" Reina said as tears welled up in her eyes. "I missed you too. Ah ah ah. None of that" Lorenzo said as he wiped Reina's tears away. "Is that Carly at the car?" Lorenzo asked not able to take his eyes off the beautiful woman. Reina nodded. "She wanted to come welcome you home". "Come on! I want you to tell me all about your trip and how the business deal went!" Reina continued.
When they approached Carly looked at Lorenzo who if not possible had become even more handsome in his absence. She gave him a genuinely shy smile when he approached. "Carly" Lorenzo smiled down at her. "Hi Lorenzo" Carly replied. "It's nice to have you back, Mr. Cortes" the chauffeur told him. "It's nice to be back" Lorenzo replied as they got into the car.
"I need to call, Demetrius and tell him how it went" Lorenzo said as he took out his phone. "Where should I take you, Mr. Cortes?" the chauffeur asked. "To my condo, Chives" Lorenzo told him. Lorenzo dialed Demetrius and a woman answered the phone. "Who is this?" Lorenzo asked. "Cybil Carter. Demetrius's girlfriend. Who are you?" Cybil asked her voice laced with anger. "I am Demetrius's best friend- Lorenzo looked at Reina who had become kind of sad. What had happened while he was gone? "Demetrius is unable to talk right now- "Lorenzo is that you?" Demetrius asked as he snatched the phone away from Cybil. "Yeah, it's me. I'm on my way to my condo. Meet me there?" Lorenzo asked him. "Is Reina with you?" Demetrius couldn't help but ask. "Yeah she is, why?" Lorenzo asked. "I will be over in a few" Demetrius said as he hung up and turned to look at Cybil who had her hands on her hips. "Don't answer my phone, Cybil. You had no right" Demetrius told her as he went into his room and pulled on some jeans.
"Where are you going?" Cybil asked. "To meet my, best friend" Demetrius replied. "Is Reina Cortes with him?" Cybil asked. "Yes, what's it to you?" Demetrius asked. "Can I come?" Cybil asked. "No, Cybil you cannot. This is a business meeting" Demetrius told her. "If it is a business meeting as you say why is Reina Cortes going to be there?". "Jealousy is not a cute attribute, Cybil" Demetrius told her as he walked out the door and to his Auston Martin Vanquish.
At the condo, Reina was busy making lunch for Lorenzo and Carly who were having a conversation in the other room. "It's ready" Reina smiled as she finished making the sandwiches. "Thanks sis" Lorenzo kissed the top of her head as he took up his sandwich. Reina winked at Carly who started blushing. Demetrius walked into the condo like he owned the place. I sighed as I went to sit beside Carly while Demetrius and Lorenzo caught up.
Demetrius started looking at me but I refused to look at him even when he called my name I pretended not to hear him. I just have a silly crush on him from when I was fourteen no biggy -I told myself. Then why does your heart ache when you look at him?- My conscience asked me. I didn't have the answer to that.
Lorenzo looked at Demetrius and Reina, something seemed odd between them. When Carly said something to Reina, Reina would answer but when Demetrius did Reina doesn't even look at him. Again Lorenzo asked himself what happened while he was gone.
"I feel kind of tired. I am going to take a nap" Reina said as she got up. She pulled the pins that kept her hair piled atop her head. Her hair tumbled down her face and back. Lorenzo didn't miss the way his best friend was watching his sister. True love- Lorenzo thought to himself. He had known Demetrius was in love with his sister from the time when Reina was seventeen and they had gone over to Demetrius's mansion.
Lorenzo had asked Demetrius what were his intentions towards Reina. Demetrius had looked him squarely in the eyes and responded "I intend to marry her". Lorenzo was drink a glass of wine at the time and it damn near choked him to death. "She is just seventeen!" Lorenzo had protested when he had finally gotten back his voice. Demetrius had leaned back casually in his chair and replied "I'll wait".
Whatever happened while he was gone had made Reina not even want to look in Demetrius's direction and he hated seeing Reina like this. He would kick Demetrius's ass if he had anything to do with it. Carly smiled and excused herself to follow Reina to her room leaving the two men to talk. Lorenzo got up and poured himself a brandy from the condo's bar. "Pour a glass for me" Demetrius told him. When both glasses were filled Lorenzo gave one to Demetrius and they sat at the bar. "How was Japan? Did the business deal workout?" Demetrius asked. "It did, si. What I want to talk about right now is my sister" Lorenzo told him as he set his glass down. "What about Reina?" Demetrius asked. "What happened in my absence? My vibrant little sister has seemed to have lost her spark" Lorenzo lowered his voice. "It is a long story, Lorenzo" Demetrius replied. "I have time and Reina and Carly won't be down for maybe an hour or two" Lorenzo told him. "Malik took Reina to one of my clubs. He got her drunk and was about to take her to his condo to take advantage of her- Demetrius put his hand up to stop Lorenzo from talking. "I got there in time and took her home. Not to my house but to my parents. The next day well... some stuff happened- Demetrius chanced a glance at his best friend who was looking at him but remained quiet. "After that I got a call that one of my jets crash landed no one got hurt though and I had to give a public statement on what happened. Reina went home and I left. I tried calling her but Carly answered the phone and told me she didn't want to talk to me. After that I got a call from Cybil and I was so confused about Reina that I met up with Cybil yesterday and ended up seeing Reina and Carly at the restaurant I took Cybil to..." Demetrius couldn't finish what happened next. He couldn't just tell his best friend that his little sister told him to leave her alone.
"My father expects Reina to marry Malik" that got Demetrius's attention immediately. Lorenzo nodded. "Why?" Demetrius asked, his throat tightening and his heart constricting. "Because he thinks if Reina does, it will make his business thrive. With a son-in-law like Malik Conner a lot of opportunities would come my father's way" Lorenzo shook his head. Demetrius looked at him in utter shock. That explained so much! He never did understand why Reina was hanging out with Malik when she gave him the impression that she hated Malik. "What do you think?" Demetrius asked. "I think my father is an egotistical asshole! Reina deserved a better father. Thank God Antonio became her father figure, maybe if he didn't Reina would have grown up thinking all men were like our father" Lorenzo shook his head and sighed. "I didn't know" Demetrius said. "Do you still love her, Demetrius?" Lorenzo whispered. "I do. It has only gotten stronger" Demetrius replied. "Well it seems to me that she doesn't know that. We have protected her from men before but I don't think we can stop Malik. He has father on his side" Lorenzo told him. "Reina is very precious to me. She is priceless. I don't know what I would do if i lost her" Demetrius whispered. "You better fix whatever has made her weary of you then" Lorenzo said as he resumed his drink. "I will" Demetrius replied.
Demetrius's cellphone rang, it was Cybil calling. Lorenzo saw who was calling and shook his head. Demetrius answered. "Oh darlinng! Are you finished with that business meeting of yours?" Cybil asked. "Almost" Demetrius replied getting a little tired of Cybil. "Good! I made reservations at one of your restaurants for an early dinner" Cybil told him. "I will be there when I can" Demetrius hung up. "Cybil Carter I take it?" Lorenzo asked. Demetrius nodded. "Reina is probably going to soon wake up. She is usually hungry when she wakes up" Lorenzo said as he got up and went into the kitchen. Demetrius smiled at how protective and caring Lorenzo became when it concerned Reina. "Does Carly still like you?" Demetrius asked. Lorenzo stilled. "How do you know?" Lorenzo asked. "She is just like Reina. Sweet, humble, caring. Perfect for you" Demetrius joked as he casually leaned on the counter. "Just like Reina for you?" Lorenzo asked. "Do you like her?" Demetrius pressed. "I might but I am not into long term relationships and I would end up breaking her heart" Lorenzo shrugged. He went back to making something for Reina and Carly to eat when they wake up. Demetrius looked at his watch and said "I will be leaving now". "Are you coming to the Lavender Charity Ball being put on for Reina and Carly's accomplishments in the community?" Lorenzo asked. "I will be coming" Demetrius answered. "Will Cybil be with you?" Lorenzo asked. "More than likely". Lorenzo didn't say anything. He didn't understand Demetrius though. How could he be in love with Reina but he would be bringing Cybil to the ball? It just didn't make sense and compared to Reina, Cybil was just another woman and Lorenzo wasn't being biased. He met Cybil and he knew her type. "I'll see you then" Demetrius said as he let himself out. Leaving Lorenzo to his thought which at the moment was on his sister's best friend. Reina must think he is a complete block head for not picking up on the subtle hints she dropped about Carly liking him but the thing is, he did! He just didn't know what to do about it. Demetrius was right when he said Carly was just like Reina.
Flashback: When Reina is fifteen. Lorenzo is nineteen. "Now Reina in life there are men that will only want to use you for your body" Lorenzo was telling Reina. "Why?" Reina had asked. "Because Reinabella men are pigs. They will say all the right words just to get in your pants" Lorenzo replied. Reina was seated on her bed with Mr. Bears in her arms. She laughed and asked "Does that make you a pig, hermano?". "A man has needs" he had replied. "I don't understand" Reina had told him. Lorenzo was feeling very awkward having a conversation like this with his little sister but Carly had told him that the captain of the football team at Reina's private school had set his eyes on her and that he was a playboy. He knew Reina was too sweet and softhearted to understand that men were users so he had to explain it to her. "Men are pigs that's all. Don't listen to all their little pickup lines. Walk away" Lorenzo told her as he got up off her bed and walked to the door. "Hermano?" Reina said. "Si, Reinabella?" he asked her. "Gracias" she told him as he turned off the lights to her room. Flashback ends.
Lorenzo was just finishing up when Carly trotted down the stairs and into the kitchen. She stilled when she saw him. She gave him a dazzling smile and made her way to the refrigerator. "Hungry?" he asked. "Starving" she replied. Lorenzo shared out a plate of food for her but Carly just looked at the food. "Something wrong?" he asked. "I eat way more than you give me credit for" Carly told him. He gestured for her to take more which she did. Lorenzo looked at the plate of food in front of Carly as they sat down at the dining table. He liked a woman with a healthy appetite even if he did only hang out with models who would always complain about all the food given to them saying they couldn't finish it. "What?" Carly asked. "Where do you put all this food because it doesn't show" Lorenzo told her. Carly burst out laughing and Lorenzo could have sworn it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.
You would end up hurting her- Lorenzo thought to himself. He didn't want a steady girlfriend right now. He was in his sexual prime and he didn't want to be tied down just yet. He would just have to keep pretending to be the ignorant brother until Reina and Carly go off to college. Who are you trying to fool?- His conscience asked him. Reina came downstairs still looking sleepy. When she saw Lorenzo and Carly at the table eating she smiled. "Were you guys planning to wake me up anytime soon? Or were you waiting until you finished everything to wake me up?" I teased as I went into the kitchen for my own food. "Sorry, we didn't. It was just a precaution just in case I wanted more food and would have ended up finishing everything" Carly joked. "When did Demetrius leave?" Reina heard herself ask. "About an hour ago" Lorenzo replied. "Oh" was all Reina could say as she took her seat. "When are you planning to come see father?" Reina asked.
When they pulled up in front of the mansion Carly gave her a hug before getting out. "You like her, don't you?" Reina asked. Lorenzo shook his head. "Why not? She is the type of woman you would want as a wife". Lorenzo smiled he remembered when he told Reina the difference between women you had as your wife and women you just slept with. "I don't want a wife as yet, Reina" he replied. "Suit yourself. But when you finally want to settle down, Carly might have already found someone else" Reina said as she got out of the car.
Lorenzo walked to his father's study not even knocking before he entered. His father was drinking a glass of brandy and smoking a cigar when he entered. "Father" Lorenzo said. "Son" he replied as he set the brandy down. "It's nice to have you back" his father continued.
Flashback: "Again with this Mia?!" his father shouted at his eldest sister. "Richard. Leave her be" his mother had pleaded. Richard had slapped his mother across the face to shut her up. Reina who was five at the time started crying. Lorenzo rushed over to the five year old and hugged her hiding her from the abuse their mother and sister were getting. Mia, their eldest sister, was fifteen at the time. "I gave you everything! Anything you wanted I gave it to you! You ungrateful bitch!" Lorenzo hid his face in Reina's hair as he heard the slaps his mother and sister were getting. He looked up into Mia's eyes. Her cheeks were red and her nose was bleeding but she still managed to smile at him. "Take Reina out of this room" she mouthed to him. He nodded and lifted Reina up and left the room. "Lorenzo? Why was daddy hitting mommy and Mia?" Reina had asked. "Because he thinks they were bad" he had replied when he tucked her in. Lorenzo went back to his room and fell asleep. He felt someone waking him in the middle of the night, it was Mia and his mother. "Lorenzo, hijo. We are leaving" his mother had whispered. "I will go get, Reina. We will leave together" Lorenzo told them. They both shook their heads. "Where we are going, sweetheart you cannot come. Your father took care of all the finances so we only have enough money for two. Please forgive me, Lorenzo. Tell Reina we love her" his mother had said when she kissed his head. "We cannot contact you when we reach our destination but Lorenzo I promise you, we will meet again, little brother" Mia told him as she hugged him. "Protect Reina" they both said as they left.
The next morning his father looked fit to kill when he found out his daughter and wife left him. Little Reina had come downstairs while he was angry, he took out his anger on the five year old. Reina was in the hospital for a week! It was then Lorenzo confided in Antonio and Gertrude, their servants. He begged them to protect Reina whenever he was away. His father was one horrible man. He told people that Reina had fallen down the stairs and had threatened to kill her if Lorenzo breathed a word to the police when they had come to investigate the incident. Flashback end.
"Are you listening to me, Lorenzo?" his father asked him. "I am sorry. What did you say?" Lorenzo asked. "I said I want you to convince your sister that marrying Malik is GOOD thing" he told Lorenzo. "I am sorry, father but I cannot. I know the sort of man Malik is and I do not approve of the marriage, should there ever be one" Lorenzo told him. "It is not your place to approve the marriage or not and I say there will be a marriage. I just want Reina to see what type of man Demetrius Vassaliadas is so her stupid infatuation towards him will stop" his father told him. "Demetrius is a good man" Lorenzo told him.
"So what time are we going shopping tomorrow?" Carly asked Reina. "I was thinking around noon" I replied. "That's great. I knew some really great boutiques we can go to.
An hour later
Lorenzo came into Reina's room practically fuming. "What is wrong, Lorenzo?" Reina asked him. "Nothing to worry about, Reinabella. I just came to say goodbye before I left" he told me. "Will you be the one taking us to the Lavender Charity Ball?" Carly asked. Lorenzo nodded. "We will be going with Demetrius and his date" Lorenzo said as he turned to look at Reina. Reina shook her head. "I would rather walk" Reina told him. "Not an option. It's that or father forces you to make Malik be your escort" Lorenzo told her. No point arguing- Reina thought to herself. "Fine" she sighed. Then she had an idea. "Are you going with a date, Lorenzo?" Reina asked. Not good- Lorenzo thought. He knew Reina was up to no good from the way she was smiling. "No. I don't have a date" he replied. "Good! Would you mind taking Carly as your date?" Reina asked. Lorenzo heard Carly gasp. He turned to look at her, her entire face was red. "Would you mind accompanying me to the ball?" Lorenzo asked her. Carly couldn't make words so she nodded. "Great! It's settled! See you tomorrow night, big brother" Reina told him. "Good night, Reinabella. Carly" he said as he left.
Reina turned to look at her friend who was in a state of utter shock. "Your welcome" Reina smiled as she sat beside her. "I-I don't know if I can do this" Carly stuttered. "You've been on dates before, Carly so what's so different?" I asked her. "None of them were half the man Lorenzo Cortes is" she replied. Reina grinned. They got ready for bed and soon the lights were out.
On the day of the Lavender Charity Ball, Reina and Carly had to wake up early to get things in place. They were driving out to go to the boutiques when Reina's phone rang. "Can you get that for me?" Reina asked Carly. She took out the phone and said "It's Demetrius, calling". "Tell him I don't want to talk to him" I told her. "Maybe you should hear him out" Carly told me. "No" I replied as the phone kept ringing. "She doesn't want to talk to you, Demetrius" Carly told him. "This time I won't take no for an answer. Give her the phone, Carly" Demetrius told her. "She- "Damn it Carly! Give Reina the fucking phone!" Demetrius shouted. He heard her gasp. "What did you say to Carly?" Reina asked obvious anger in her voice. "I will apologize to her later. Right now I want to talk about us" Demetrius said no longer angry. "What us, Demetrius? There isn't an us!" Reina told him. "Reina, sweetheart. Don't be mad at me" Demetrius told her. "Why do you think I am angry with you, Demetrius? It is because of what happened at your parents house? Or is it because the next day you threw your mistress in my face? You figure it out" Reina told him. "Is that it? Reina is that why you are angry, bella?" Demetrius asked. "I have to get things in place for the Charity ball. Goodbye" Reina snapped her phone shut. "Are you alright?" I asked Carly. She nodded. "I-I never heard him raise his voice before. He must really care about you" Carly said as she shuffled in her seat. And I care about him- Reina thought to herself.
"Reina! Sweetheart!" Kimberly, her friend and boutique owner said. "Hey Kimberly. We need two beautiful gowns for the Lavender Charity Ball tonight" I told her. "I have just the thing!" she beamed as she went in back. Carly and I sat down as Kimberly sought out two gowns for us. She came back minutes later with two of the most beautiful gowns Reina had ever seen! "Nothing but the best!" Kimberly told her. "I chose the blue one for Carly to accentuate her beautiful baby blues and I chose this white one for you because I thought it would fit your curves perfectly!" she told us. "Now go try them on!" she continued. We did just that. When we came back out Kimberly was all but crying. "Beautiful!" she cried. We smiled at her.
After purchasing the gowns, Kimberly sought out the perfect stilettos to go with the gowns and then the perfect accessories.
"Thank you so much for your help, Kimberly!" I told her as I hugged her. She smiled at us. "Nothing but the best for my favorite customer" she told me. "Bye, Kimberly" I told her as we left.
After all that we went to the salon. It was after five when everything was finish. Reina had chosen to leave her hair down. Carly had made the stylist pile her hair on the top of her head. I smiled when I came out of the bathroom and saw Carly putting the finishing touches on her dress. "You look gorgeous! You're going to knock Lorenzo's socks off!" I winked.
Gertrude came into the room and smiled at us. "Linda!" Gertrude screamed in Spanish. "Thank you" we replied.
"Demetrius is going to think you are so beautiful, Reina" Gertrude smiled. At that moment Reina's phone rang. "The limo is downstairs, we are waiting" Lorenzo said over the phone. "We will be right down" I told him as I hung up. I smiled at Carly. "Let's go" I told her. "Have a wonderful night!" Gertrude called after us as we left.
The limo driver opened the door and we stepped in. Cybil was sitting beside Demetrius. Her eyes were on my dress and then she scoffed obviously not liking it. Lorenzo whispered something in Carly's ear that made her giggle. I sighed and sat back in the car. "You look beautiful, Reina" Lorenzo told me. I smiled at him. "Thank you" I replied. Cybil scoffed again. Reina looked up at Demetrius through thick lashes to see he was looking at her. Reina immediately averted her gaze. Cybil started talking to Demetrius and started pushing closer to him. If she were any closer she would be on his lap- Reina thought. Carly put her hand over mine and smiled at me.
When they arrived at the ball they all got out. Demetrius came to stand beside me, he put his arm around my waist making me jump. Obviously Cybil didn't like that because she came and stood in front of Reina when they photographers were taking the picture. I shook my head as I unwound Demetrius's arm from around my waist and walked to stand beside Carly and Lorenzo who were busy taking pictures. "She has nothing on you" Lorenzo whispered. I nodded. "Ms. Cortes, are you proud of what you have accomplished in the community?" the news reporter asked. "My best friend Carly Mendez and I are very proud. A lot of kids can now go to different community centers around their neighborhoods" I told her. "Is it true that you are here alone?" she asked. When did the topic change from talking about the charity to her lack of a date. "Yes, I am alone" I told her. "So where is Malik Conner?" she asked. "He should be arriving soon" I told her. "So why isn't he your date?" she pressed. "Uh..." I couldn't answer that question. "That is enough questions" Lorenzo told the news reporter. "Let's go in" Lorenzo ushered both Reina and Carly into the ball. They took their seats. "Will Demetrius be sitting with us?" Carly asked. "Yes" Lorenzo answered. Cybil and Demetrius came and sat opposite to Reina.
"This ball is in honor of Reina Cortes and Carly Mendez. A round of applause for them please" the MC said as the spotlight fell on our table. Even though the MC didn't say Cybil's name she stood when Reina and Carly did. They waved. "You sure know how to pick them" Lorenzo whispered to Demetrius. "Now shall we begin" the MC said. "This is rather fun, isn't it darling?" Cybil asked Demetrius. He didn't hear her because he was busy watching Reina. She was looking down at the table and he couldn't help but stare at her. She was so beautiful! Didn't she know? "Would you like to dance?" Lorenzo asked Carly. She nodded and took his hand. Demetrius got up but Cybil latched on to his arm. He gently pulled out of her grasp.
"Dance with me" he told Reina. She looked up at him as if he were mad. He smiled and gently pulled her to her feet. He led her to the dance floor. "W-why are doing this? What about Cybil?" she asked. "Right now I don't give a damn about Cybil. I am dancing with the most beautiful woman in the world" he smiled. "Don't say stuff you don't mean" Reina told him. He pulled away to look at her. "You don't know how beautiful you are, do you?" he asked. She shook her head. "You are, Reina" Demetrius told her. He led her out of the ball and around the back to the lawn. "Why are we here?" she asked him. He smiled and bent his head. She let him kiss her, oh how he had missed this mouth. "Why are you with Cybil?" Reina asked when he pulled away. "Let's not talk about her right now" Demetrius told her. He bent and kissed her neck. She tilted her head to give him more room. Before Reina knew it Demetrius was unzipping her dress and she didn't even care. It fell to the ground. "Muy linda!" he said in Spanish. "Demetrius" she sighed. "Shhh... Just think about here and now, you and me. Nothing else" he had told her as he had taken her. "You are perfect" Demetrius said as he dipped his head and kissed Reina.
She pulled on her dress and allowed him to zip her up before she walked away. Her eyes were stinging with unspilled tears. She was such a fool. Reina stopped at the ladies room before going back to the ball. As she was making sure her hair was back to it's neat condition Cybil walked in. "So how was he?" Cybil asked her. "I don't know what you mean" Reina replied. "I saw you two walk out of the ball" Cybil said as she applied lipstick. Reina was making her way to the door when Cybil said "He doesn't want you anymore". "What makes you think that?" Reina heard herself ask. "Because little girl, you are just a play thing. Demetrius has had his fun now just like the other toys he throws you away and the fact that he is marrying me" Cybil told her as she turned to look at her. "M-marry you?" Reina stuttered. Cybil smiled. "Of course! After he finds out I am pregnant with his child, he will do right by me and his unborn child by marrying me" Cybil told her. Reina just stood there dumbfounded. Who wouldn't be? "Well little girl. I have to go. My fiance awaits" Cybil winked as she walked pass Reina. All of Reina's hopes and dreams shattered to pieces. She looked at herself in the mirror and steeled herself not to say a word to Demetrius when she went back to the table.
"Ah! There she is! The lady of the hour" the MC said. The spotlight fell on Reina. "Come on up, Ms. Cortes. Come say a few words" he told her. Reina braved it out and went on stage. "Hi everyone. Don't worry I am not going to bore you with a long speech- Reina smiled at the audience and they laughed. "When I was about twelve a friend told me what it meant to be truly poor. At first I didn't believe him because I thought everyone was as privileged as I was, boy was I wrong! He told me about some families that didn't even know where there next dinner was going to come from and the hardships some children faced. I felt horrible about being privileged and not making use of some of the opportunities that came my way. It was then my best friend Carly Mendez and I started working with numerous charities when we turned sixteen. Never thought our little deed would become such a big thing but it did! I met a lot of wonderful people along the way and I will never forget any of them. We will make it our top priority that there are less children begging on the streets. Thank you. Enjoy your night everyone" I walked as I walked off stage.
Lorenzo congratulated me and Demetrius smiled but I pretended not to see it. It is working like a charm -Cybil thought to herself. Demetrius was hers and this little Spanish speaking bitched wasn't going to take him from her. A couple of minutes later, Reina asked Lorenzo to take her home. "I am sorry, sweetheart but the ball has barely even begun" Lorenzo told me. "I want to go home. Please Lorenzo" Reina begged. "Carly I will be right back" Lorenzo said as he got up. "I'll come" Carly offered. I shook my head. It wouldn't be fair to make Carly end her date so soon with Lorenzo after she had waited years to get one. She sat back down. "I will see you at home" Reina told Carly as she hugged her. Lorenzo wrapped his arm around his little sister and led her out of the ball. "What happened Reina? Why do you want to leave?" he asked as he blocked the paparazzi from taking anymore pictures of Reina. "I-I just don't feel in the mood, Lorenzo. I'm fine" I told him. He knew I was lying but he didn't push it. "Take her home, Walters" Lorenzo told the limo driver. Reina hugged her big brother and went into the limo.
When she got home, her father seemed surprised to see her there. "What happened? Why are you back so early?" he asked. "Didn't feel in the mood to stay" Reina told him as she slowed walked up the stairs. Gertrude was in her room packing away some clothes when she came in. "What happened, Reina? Why do you look so sad?" she asked. I shook my head. "I know you better than that, hija. What is wrong?" she asked. I fell onto my bed and pulled Sasha to my chest not caring that I was still wearing my gown. "When you are ready to talk you know where to find me" Gertrude said as she left. That's when the tears came. She got up and took off the gown. She pulled on one of her nighties. Maybe she would donate the gown to charity. She went back to bed and hugged Sasha who sensed that Reina was sad and licked her. Reina smiled down at the dog. Reina cried until she swore she didn't have any tears left. Carly came into the room after two in the morning and even then Reina was still crying. Her eyes were red and her nosy puffy. "What's wrong?" Carly asked as she rushed to sit beside Reina. Reina shook her head. "Liar" Carly smiled. "So... um... how did the rest of the ball go?" Reina asked. "It went well. Lorenzo told everyone that you weren't feeling well. As for Cybil and Demetrius well you already knew Cybil was self centered. She even wanted to go up and collect your award! How conceited can a person be?!" Carly asked. Reina smiled through her tears. "So what's wrong with you?" Carky asked her. "Nothing" I told her. "When you are ready to talk I'm here" Carly said as she came to bed. I clapped my hand and the lights were out.
"What?!" Demetrius shouted at Cybil. "It's yours" she continued. "We were careful, Cybil! How could you let this happen?!" Demetrius shouted. "I-I don't know" Cybil told him. "This is not good! What are we going to do?" Demetrius asked as he sat in one of the sofas. "Marry me" Cybil told him as she sat in his lap. "I can't let a child be born out of wedlock" Demetrius said obviously agreeing to Cybil's suggestion. He thought about Reina and how she would react. "This is perfect! A big wedding!" Cybil cooed. Demetrius sighed, his parents were going to kill him! And Reina was going to be heart broken.
Two days later every channel Reina put the television on they were talking about Cybil and Demetrius's wedding. She just hugged her teddybear, Mr. Bears, and cried. Her father had already been in her room telling her that he had told her this was how it was going to end and that Demetrius never wanted her. Adding insult to injury he had even called Malik to take her out but she refused. Carly had insisted on staying another night but Reina told her that she would be alright. Carly still called every hour to check up on her though. Lorenzo had visited her and told her it was Demetrius's loss anyway. Antonio and Gertrude came to console her, she had managed to smile even though her heart was breaking.
Three weeks later Reina woke up with a stomach ache. She started vomiting violently. She called Carly and she was over there immediately. "Reina?" Carly called when she came into the room. "In here" Reina said. She was still sitting beside the toilet when Carly found her. "What's wrong?" Carly asked. She dropped to her knees beside Reina. "I-I don't know. I think it's the flu" I told her. "Let's go to the doctor" Carly suggested. She waited until Reina got ready and drove her to the doctor's office. Reina's doctor was also the doctor to the rich and famous.
Reina pulled up her hoodie and put on sunglasses as she exited the car. She sat on the examining table while the doctor examined her. "Ms. Cortes, when was your last menstrual cycle?" the doctor asked. Oh no! Anything but that -Reina thought to herself. She counted and recounted in her head. "It's the flu" Reina whispered not even believing herself. "It's not the flu, Ms. Cortes. You are indeed pregnant" she confirmed. "It was my first time. It's not possible" Reina said. "It only takes once" the doctor told her. "This won't go on record, right doctor?" Carly asked. "I will make sure of it. This is between us" she smiled as she left the room. "That's why you left the ball, isn't it?" Carly asked when the doctor left. I nodded. "What are you going to do? Are you going to tell him?" Carly asked. I shook my head. "Reina-"No Carly. I won't. He is getting married! This baby is mine. No one else's" I told her. She nodded. "Are you going to tell Lorenzo?" she asked. I stiffened. What would Lorenzo think?! "I..." was all Reina could say. "You have to tell him, Reina! Your father is probably planning your wedding to Malik as we speak!" Carly said. Reina hated that her friend was right.
"He should be at the condo" I whispered as we drove off. She nodded. When they pulled up at the condo Reina's heart was racing. Lorenzo hugged her when she came through the door. "Lorenzo... I..." Reina started. How can she tell her bigger brother that she is pregnant? "What? What is it Reinabella?" he asked. "I'm pregnant" Reina whispered. Lorenzo stood there stunned. At first she thought he hadn't heard her but he did! "I'm going to kill him!" Lorenzo shouted. "No... Lorenzo. Please" I pleaded. "How dare he! And then marry that tramp! What the fuck is wrong with Demetrius?!" Lorenzo shouted. "No Lorenzo. Please don't" I pleaded with him. "What do you plan to do Reina? Raise the baby on your own? You're going to college in the fall Reina!" he shouted. He was angry, who could blame him? "I won't go then" I told him. "That is not an option, Reina!" he told me. A tear slipped from my eye. "I'm feeling tired" I told him. He sighed and lifted me off my feet. He carried me to my room. "Sleep, Reinabella" he kissed the top of my head as he left. "We just came from the, doctor's" Carly told him when he came back downstairs. "You are a true friend, Carly. Our father will kill her when he finds out about this and I would rather have Reina where I can protect her. I am going over to the mansion to get her things. She will move in here" Lorenzo told her. Carly hugged him. "Be careful" she told him as she pulled away. He smiled down at her and left.
When Reina woke up again her room was packed with boxes. Lorenzo- she thought. She went downstairs to see Carly putting a steak to Lorenzo's eye. She gasped when he turned to look at her. He had a black eye. "W-what happened?" she stuttered. "Nothing to worry about, Reinabella. You will be living here with me now" Lorenzo smiled at her. She nodded. "I'm sorry" Reina said as she hugged her big brother. "Nothing to apologize for, Reina" Lorenzo told her. He sighed, this wasn't going to be easy but he would always be there should she need him. "What are we going to do?" Reina asked. "You will go to college. When the baby comes, I will hire a nanny" Lorenzo told her. She shook her head. "I want to raise this baby on my own, Lorenzo" she told him. He smiled at her, that's Reina for you. "I can babysit whenever you want" Carly offered. Reina smiled at her. "Planning to tell the father?" Lorenzo asked. She shook her head. "He has the right to know" Lorenzo pressed. "This baby is mine, Lorenzo. No one else's" I told him. He nodded.
About a month later, Reina was feeling uncomfortable. She got into the Porsche and drove to her doctor. Would you call it a coincidence that Demetrius and Cybil were there? She pulled her hoodie over her head and walked up to the front desk. She was begging her lucky stars not to let Demetrius see her. Thank God he didn't. The doctor smiled as she came out and greeted her. She was about to ask how the baby was doing when Reina cut her off. Reina was ushered into an empty examining room. "What's wrong?" the doctor asked. "I feel uncomfortable, doc. Is something wrong?" I asked her. "Nothing is wrong, Ms. Cortes. Your body is just trying to get used to accomodating the baby" she replied. An ultrasound was done. "That's weird" the doctor said. "What? What is wrong?" Reina asked already feeling panicky. "I see two hearts" she told me. "My baby has two hearts?" I asked her. She shook her head. "No. It means you are having twins!" she beamed. You could have knocked Reina over with a feather.
Reina grabbed her bag and was thanking the doctor when she bumped into Cybil. Everything in Reina's handbag emptied on the floor. "Watch where you are going!" Cybil shouted at her. Reina kept her head down. "Oh and Ms. Cortes" the doctor said. She stopped dead in her tracks. "Reina?" Demetrius asked as he came to stand beside Cybil. Reina was on her knees picking up the things that had fallen out of her bag. She refused to look at him, unfortunately her sunglasses fell off and he saw her eyes. They were so red. She had been crying a lot -Demetrius thought. The doctor went on her knees and helped Reina pick up everything. "Thank you" Reina smiled at the doctor. "No problem" she replied. Reina snatched her sunglasses and put them back on before she walked out of the office not even looking at Demetrius and Cybil.
"Doctor... What was Reina doing here?" Demetrius asked. "I am sorry, Mr. Vassaliadas. Patient confidentiality" she replied. "The poor thing" Cybil said.
The doctor looked at Cybil and the only word that came to mind was superficial.
Reina was in tears as she drove back to the condo. "It's just the three of us" Reina tapped her tummy. She was in such a hurry to leave that she didn't even get to find out the gender of her babies.
Reina made dinner. Lorenzo came home and saw his sister in the kitchen cooking. He realized that she had been crying. "What happened?" he asked. "Something felt wrong today. So I-I went to the doctor's... I'm having twins" she smiled through her tears. Lorenzo's heart constricted. His sister shouldn't have to go through this alone but he had promised not to tell Demetrius. "I saw him today" Reina told him. "And?" he pressed. "He was at the doctor with Cybil for her checkup" she smiled. He should have been with you instead -Lorenzo thought to himself. "I am fine, Lorenzo. At least now I know what I am up against. I can't wait to meet you little ones" Reina cooed. Lorenzo smiled.
Finally it was time to start college. It was late August and Reina was two months pregnant. Lorenzo had ensured she and Carly shared a dorm and he had enlisted a body guard for them. Reina smiled as she put her bookbag down. "How are you feeling?" Carly asked. "The usual" Reina replied. "Get a goodnight's rest" Carly ordered. "Don't need to tell me twice" I smiled.
Carly and I were walking on campus when a group of boys were trying to get our attention. The bodyguard was there of course. "It will stop when they find out I'm pregnant" Reina smiled. Carly could never understand how Reina could be so calm! She was pregnant with twins! The father didn't even know and she was going to college! Reina smiled at her. They had all their classes together.
Carly realized that Reina kept shifting in her seat. "What's wrong?" Carly whispered so the lecturer couldn't hear her. "It's too uncomfortable" Reina replied. "Try and bear it out" Carly told her. Reina did bear it out, she called Lorenzo and told him about the uncomfortable seat. He called the school board and had a special cushion seat installed for her in every class she was taking. Reina had already made a lot of friends. she would smile and wave but to Carly she seemed somewhat sad.
Demetrius and Cybil's upcoming wedding was the talk of the town. It was in every newspaper, some even mentioned Reina saying she was a better choice than Cybil. Lorenzo had sued one of the newspaper companies after one journalist berated Reina saying she was probably a heart broken wreck right now. The law suit was dropped of course and the journalist fired.
Two months Later
"Why don't they just hurry up and get married already?" Reina asked as she watched the TV. "People's magazine says Cybil wants a fairytale Christmas wedding and it takes a lot of planning" Carly told her. "Good for them" Reina replied. One of the baby kicked making her jump. "Something wrong?" Carly asked. "One of them just kicked!" Reina said while smiling. Carly put her hand over Reina's stomach and the baby kicked again. "It's a boy" Carly declared while laughing. "How do you know?" Reina asked. "He is powerful, just like his father" Carly told her. Reina only nodded. "Do you think it's fair to keep this from him?" Carly asked. "Honestly Carly, even if I tell him what makes you think he will want anything to do with the twins? He is already doing right by Cybil by marrying her. He can't do right by me also. He can't marry both of us. I think it's for the best" Reina said as she tapped her tummy. "Can you take me to my doctor's appointment tomorrow?" Reina asked. Carly nodded. Lorenzo had bought Carly a new car so she could take Reina wherever she needed to go because Reina would soon not be able to drive.
The next day Carly drove Reina to the doctor who was happy to see her. She even gave her a hug. "How are they?" the doctor asked. "Happy and kicking" Reina replied. "That's good!" the doctor said as she ushered them into her office. "Are they healthy, doc?" Reina asked. The doctor nodded. "Their heart beats are strong" the doctor told her. "Great my twins are probably hulk" Reina said. The doctor laughed at the joke. "At your last checkup, Demetrius Vassaliadas had asked what was wrong with you" the doctor told her. Reina stiffened. "Don't worry Reina I didn't tell him anything" she winked. "Christmas is near" Carly said. I nodded. "Planning anything special?" the doctor asked. Reina shook her head. "I will be staying with my family. Carly will be staying with us" I smiled. "You will make a wonderful mom, Reina" the doctor told her. "And you have family to back you" Carly hugged her. "I know" Reina told her. She and Reina were walking out of the doctor's when Cybil entered looking... well... pregnant.
Carly stood in front of Reina to hide her pregnancy. "Maybe you should go out through the back entrance" the doctor offered. "Thank you" Reina told her. Carly ushered Reina through the back entrance. They were met at the car by the bodyguard. "I saw Mr. Vassaliadas entering the doctor's office" the bodyguard told her. Of course he was. Who could blame him? Cybil was carrying his child -Reina thought. "Can we make a stop at the Vassaliadas's home before you take us back to the college?" I asked. "I am under strict orders to take you to and from the clinic. Mr. Cortes said no where else". "Please" I begged. He sighed and consented.
Reina pulled on her hoodie when the car stopped in front of the house. "Does she know?" Carly asked. I shook my head. Gertrude opened the door and looked at Reina. She gasped when she saw that Reina was pregnant. She hugged her. She pulled away to get a better look at Reina. Tears welled up in Reina's eyes as she nodded, answering Gertrude's unspoken question. Gertrude clamped her hand over mouth, she started crying. Reina hugged her.
They were sitting in the living room when Gertrude asked "Does he know?". I shook my head. "Jesús Cristo! Reina Elizabetha Cortes! How can you not tell him?!" Gertrude asked.
"I... he is marrying Cybil Carter. He is doing right by her, I think it's fair that he doesn't know" Reina told her. "I see where you are coming from, hija but Demetrius has a right to know" Gertrude told her. "Has a right to know what?" Antonio asked as he came into the room. Reina ran and hugged him. "Reina, sweetheart" he looked down and Antonio gasped. She nodded. He touched her tummy and smiled. "Who is the father?" he asked. Reina looked away from him. "Sweetheart, must you be so thick headed?" Gertrude scolded.
Realization hit Antonio like a wrecking ball. "I am going to kill him!" he shouted. "Join the list" Carly joked. Reina shook her head. "I-I wanted to see you both before I went back to the campus. Mama, papa I am so sorry I-I didn't tell you" Reina felt tears fall silently down her cheek.
Antonio wiped them away. "No need to apologize, Reina" he told her. She sighed. "I want to stay longer but... I have to get back. Exams are coming up before the holiday break" I told them. They hugged me. "Don't tell him" I told them both. "But-"We won't" Antonio told her, cutting his wife off.
Demetrius was just arriving at his parents' house when he saw what looked like one of Lorenzo's car, drive off. He got out and looked at the plate. He sighed. It had to be Reina. He felt like such a coward for not calling and telling her about the wedding but he knew that if he did it would break his heart to give her up. "Was that Reina?" he asked his mother. She nodded but did not elaborate. "Why was she here?" he pressed. "Demetrius, she just came to visit before she went back to the campus" his father told him. Cybil pulled on his jacket and he looked down at her. Cybil had told him that his parents made her feel uncomfortable, again he had thought of Reina.
The way she could charm his father into smiling and laughing at her jokes. "Ah, Cybil" his mother said. "Hello" Cybil said being too formal. "Demetrius, leave the women to talk. I want to have a word with you" Antonio told him. "Antonio..." his mother started. "I won't" he replied. They walked to the backyard.
"A man had priorities" his father started. Demetrius nodded. "Is that why you are marrying, Cybil?" his father asked. "Yes father. I have to own up to my actions. You taught me well" Demetrius told him. "Yes i did..." his father said. "Reina loved you" his father told him. Demetrius would have taken a million kicks to the stomach than hear what his father just said. "W-what?" Demetrius asked. His father nodded.
"She loved you, a lot. I had suspected but it was your mother who clued me in" he said. Demetrius's heart was breaking. "She never said..." Demetrius started. "Women never do, son. It's their actions that speak for them" his father explained.
"She probably hates me right now". His father shook his head. "Far, from it. Reina isn't the type to hate someone and you should know that. But... Demetrius, Reina is a sweet girl, loving, kind, honest. A better match than that Cybil Carter you want to marry" his father said. "I know, father" Demetrius couldn't look his father in the eye. His father walked off leaving Demetrius to his thoughts.
Antonio walked back to the house to see his wife standing over a crying Cybil. "What happened?" Antonio asked. "I-I fell" Cybil cried even more. Demetrius came and when Cybil saw him she cried even louder. Gertrude stood over her shaking her head. "What happened?" Demetrius asked. "I-I fell. Take me home, Demetrius" Cybil cried. "Crying is not good for the baby, Cybil" Demetrius told her. She stopped immediately. "Take me home" she repeated. "Go to the car" Demetrius told her. She nodded and walked out the door. Demetrius ran his hand through his hair. Gertrude was still shaking her head. "I know. She is... hard to handle" Demetrius said. "Go to her, Demetrius. Pregnant women tend to be emotional" his father said. Demetrius nodded and left.
Demetrius got in the car. "Drive" he told the driver. For the rest of the ride to his mansion Demetrius was deep in thought... about Reina.
Exams started the week after for Reina and she was now five months pregnant. She felt happy, feeling like she had passed all her exams. "One more day left to go" Reina smiled. "Hi Reina" Riven Payne said as he approached her. Riven was a guy in Reina's class and kind of her guy best friend. He saw past her being thee Reina Cortes to the girl underneath. The happy, kind, fun, ever joking girl who was nice to hang out with. "Oh hey Riven" she replied. "What are you planning for the Christmas holidays?" he asked her. As if the cold started getting to her she pulled her coat closer. "Spending time with my family. You?" she asked. "Oh... I'll just be renting a hotel room. I don't have enough money to buy a plane ticket home" he told her. "I could pay for it" Reina offered. It was just like Reina, always wanting to help. He shook his head. "No, I'll just rent the hotel room" he replied. "That is not an option! Would you like to come and stay with my family?" she asked. Riven looked shocked. "I-if it would be alright" he told her. She hugged him and gave him a dazzling smile. "It's fine! The will be picking Carly and I up as soon as our last exam is finished tomorrow. Is that enough time to get your things ready?" I asked. "It's fine, Reina. Thank you" he hugged her one last time. She smiled at him. "I have to go, Riven. Gotta go study for those last two exams. Bye" she told him as she walked off.
The next day after the last exam Carly hugged Reina. They were excited to go home for the holidays. They said Merry Christmas to everyone as they left. "Ah, Ms. Cortes. Merry Christmas" Charles, the chauffeur, told her. She hugged him. "Merry Christmas to you too, Charles" Reina told him. "This is my friend, Riven Payne" Reina introduced them. Riven said hello to the driver as he got in.
Riven had expected a mansion of some sort but it was just another two story house. "We aren't going to my father's mansion because he doesn't celebrate Christmas so I usually stay here. I call this home" Reina told Riven. He smiled at her.
"Merry Christmas, hija!" Gertrude told her as she opened the door. "Merry Christmas" they all replied. "This is Riven, mama. I told you about him over the phone" Reina told Gertrude. "It's nice to meet- Gertrude immediately pulled Riven in for a hug. This was definitely home -Reina thought.
"Go put your things upstairs. I am making hot cocoa" Gertrude told them. They went upstairs and Reina showed Riven the guest room. "Thanks Reina" he hugged her. Riven was as tall as Demetrius, maybe Demetrius was a few inches taller though he was almost as perfectly built as Demetrius too but he still wasn't no Demetrius Vassaliadas. "You're welcome" Reina told him as she left him to unpack.
The door bell rang. "I'll get it!" Reina said as she went downstairs. There standing on the porch was none other than her big brother, Lorenzo. She was secretly hoping it was Demetrius though. "Lorenzo!" she said as she threw her arms around him. The babies kicked as Reina hugged her older brother. Lorenzo had felt the solid kick too. "Wow" he breathed as he touched her abdomen. "They missed you too" Reina smiled. "I can see that. How were the exams?" he asked as he closed the door behind him. "Wonderful! College life is great! I just wish I could see you more!" Reina told him. "I have been busy, forgive me sister" he said as he kissed her hair. "Hey Reina. I was wondering if New York had any place where we could..." Riven paused when he saw the man hugging Reina. "Reina? Who is this?" Lorenzo asked. "He is a friend from school. He couldn't go home for the holidays and was going to stay in a hotel! On Christmas! I wouldn't have it so I told him he could stay here with us" Reina told him. Lorenzo Cortes -Riven thought. He was even more intimidating in person! "Nice to meet you. I am Riven Payne. You have a wonderful sister" Riven told her. "She is wonderful" Lorenzo agreed. "The hot cocoa is ready!" Gertrude shouted from the kitchen. "You go on ahead, Riven. Carly is already in the kitchen" Reina told Riven. He nodded and walked off into the kitchen. "A friend?" Lorenzo asked when Riven was out of earshot. Reina nodded. "You still love him, don't you?" Lorenzo asked referring to Demetrius. "More than you know but he had Cybil" Reina replied. "But he doesn't have a Reina" Lorenzo winked. "His loss" Reina told Lorenzo. "Definitely" Lorenzo replied.
They were all having fun when the phone rang. "Hello?" Rain asked still laughing form something Riven had said. "Reina?" Demetrius said. The laughter abruptly stopped. "Hello Demetrius" Reina said, a little too formal for Demetrius's liking. "I was ah... calling for my mother" Demetrius told her. "I'll go get her" Reina told him. "Reina..." Demetrius sighed. "Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, Demetrius" Reina said as she set the phone down. She told Gertrude her son was calling.
Reina went back to sit between her brother and Riven. "This is nice" Riven said as he nudged Reina. "It is only going to get better! Tomorrow Carly and I are going to the mall to do a little Christmas shopping. You wanna come?" Reina asked. "Of course!" Riven told her.
The next day Reina, Carly and Riven went to mall. They were having a great time until someone recognized Reina. Lorenzo had made sure all the magazines and newspapers were informed that no one was to take a picture of Reina while she was at college because if they did they would get sued for sure. The thing is they weren't at school! The paparazzi hounded Reina, taking pictures of her and her all too showing tummy. Riven and the bodyguards had blocked Reina as best as possible but the photographers still managed to get pictures of her. Riven held Reina by the waist and was looking down at her as they left and the photographers took a picture of that too.
"Thank God, we had finished shopping" Carly said. "Is it always like this?" Riven asked. Reina nodded. They had taken pictures of Reina pregnant! Well he was bound to find out sooner or later -Reina thought to herself. Then another thought came to her. Her father was going to kill her! They hadn't talked since she moved to live with Lorenzo but she knew her father wasn't the type to give up. She knew he still expected her to marry Malik but maybe when he sees tomorrow's paper he will think twice. Besides Malik isn't going to want to me if I am pregnant with another man's twins -Reina thought. She sat back in the car and looked out the window.
"Pregnant?!" Demetrius shouted. Cybil who had seen the newspaper brought it to Demetrius. Finally he can see that, that little girl doesn't care about him. "The paper says, this guy holding her is the father" Cybil said happily. "They seem happy..." Demetrius said unable to take his eyes off Reina and the mysterious man holding her close to him.
Why did he feel like someone ripped his heart out? He should be angry! Really angry! She looked about four five months pregnant which means Lorenzo knew and didn't even tell him! Which means his parents knew and didn't tell him! Can you blame them? You broke Reina's heart -his conscience told him. "I am going to make a phone call" Demetrius said as he left the room.
Pregnant? His Reina? With another man's child?! She was suppose to have his children!. He was going to find out who that man is, track him down and beat the crap out of him for touching his Reina. "Hello?" Lorenzo answered. "You could have told me" Demetrius told him. "You saw the papers" Lorenzo replied. "I did! Why didn't anyone tell me?! Was I not important enough to share in the good news?" Demetrius asked. "You are marrying Cybil, Demetrius. Reina is no concern of yours" Lorenzo told him. "She is damn well my concern! Who is the man, Lorenzo> Is he the baby's father?" Demetrius asked unable to hold back. "That is no concern of yours Demetrius! This is my little sister we are talking about! The sweet girl who's heart you broke! You have no right to ask a question like that" Lorenzo told him. "I have to go" Demetrius said as he hung up. He hated that Lorenzo was right.
"I am going over to my parent's house" Demetrius said as he grabbed his jacket. "I will come with you" Cybil said. "No... I am going alone" he told her as he left.
Demetrius drove to his parents' house, his heart was cut open and for the first time he realized that maybe this was how Reina had felt when she found out he was getting married to another woman.
"Merry Christmas" Demetrius said when his mother opened the door. "She is in the living room at the fire place" Gertrude said.
He heard Reina laughing before he even saw her. When he did he stopped dead in his tracks. There sitting on the floor with her was the man in the picture. So it was his child, Reina was carrying -Demetrius thought. The man looked up and saw him. He instantly stood up. Reina followed suit. "Demetrius" she whispered. Nothing has changed -Reina thought when she saw him. He still did weird things to her insides when she looked at him. "Reina" he replied. "Is this him?" Riven asked. Reina nodded unable to speak. Her legs were going to give out, her heart was beating so loud she could hear it and what made it worst, the babies were kicking. It was too much. She grabbed Riven's sleeve to keep upright. "I want a minute with you" Demetrius told Reina. She shook her head. "Please" Demetrius said. "Hear him out, Reina" Riven told her. She nodded and walked towards Demetrius.
"I'm here if you need me" Riven told her.
"So how far along are you?" Demetrius asked as they went into the backyard which was covered with snow. "Five months" Reina replied. "Reina... I- "No need to explain anything to me, Demetrius" Reina said feeling cold. She hadn't grabbed her jacket. Demetrius realized she was cold and hugged her. She stiffened and pulled away. If his heart could break any further, she had locked him out of her life. She just stared at the trees as if she was in deep thought. "I'm having twins..." she whispered. His heart swelled. Not your children -his conscience told him. "Can't say I am happy about this Reina" Demetrius told her. She looked up at him. "I didn't ask you to be happy for me. I am happy for you though, Demetrius. You are getting married and a baby on the way. Congratulations" she said not even smiling. He reached out for her but she stepped back. "Did you enjoy making a fool out of me?" Reina asked, her voice cracked. "What do you mean, sweetheart?" he asked. "Don't... don't call me your sweetheart. You- you took my innocence, Demetrius... I loved- she stiffened and turned away from him. "It doesn't matter now. Have a happy marriage, Demetrius" Reina told him as she walked off. "Do you love him?" Demetrius asked. She turned to look at him. "The babies' father, do you love him?" he asked. She looked him in the eyes. "I do. So much it hurts" Reina said as she walked away. Demetrius stood there and watched her leave. His Reina, precious Reina in another man's arms. You are the one who made her end up there. You just lost the person you loved the most -His conscience told him. Demetrius was a tough man and nothing could make him cry... nothing except Reina. He felt himself coming to tears. He went back into the house. "Where is she?" Demetrius asked Riven. He looked up from the tv. "She went to her room. She said she wanted to be alone" Riven told him. Demetrius was heading for the stairs when Carly came and blocked his way. "Leave her be, Demetrius. Haven't you hurt he enough? I am not a doctor and it doesn't take one to know that the more you are around the more Reina wants to cry and that isn't good for the babies, Demetrius" Carly told him. "Please, Carly. Can't you see that I am in love with your best friend?" Demetrius said. Carly gasped but she didn't move out of the way. She recovered from her shock. "That remains to be unseen" Carly replied. Demetrius cursed and lifted Carly out of his way. Setting her down behind him. He ran up the staircase. He looked the door when he entered then he turned to look at Reina. She was sitting cross legged caressing her tummy. It was the most beautiful sight Demetrius had ever seen! All Cybil did was complain about how much exercise she was going to have to do to get rid of the weight she puts on during the pregnancy.
"I-I thought you left" she stuttered. "I had to see you" he said as he walked over to Reina. He sat on the edge of the bed while staring at her. "I haven't touched her" Demetrius told her. "What?" she asked. "I haven't touched her... not that I even want to. I would never marry her if she wasn't pregnant" Demetrius sighed. "I understand" Reina replied. He looked up at her. "You do?" he asked. She nodded. She jumped all of a sudden. "They are kicking" she smiled down at her abdomen in complete awe. Again Cybil only complained when their baby did that. He found himself put his hand on her tummy and she didn't move it. He felt one solid kick followed by another. "They are strong" he told her. She nodded. "I know they are going to look beautiful. I am hoping my genes don't mess up their beautiful faces" she told me. Oh no -Demetrius thought. He hadn't only broken her heart, he had broken her spirits too. "They will be perfect" he told her. He grasped her hand and planted little kisses on it. "Demetrius... Don't" Reina whispered. "You are the last woman I had" Demetrius told her. He heard her gasp. Damn the consequences -Demetrius thought.
"Let's all go out for a late lunch" Gertrude said as she ushered everyone out of the house. They all left giving Reina and Demetrius some privacy.
Demetrius leaned in and kissed Reina. She moaned. God he had missed that. "No..." Reina sighed. "Yes" Demetrius smiled. He lifted Reina's top over her head. Beautiful -Demetrius thought. He made a trail of kisses down her tummy. "I have never made love to a pregnant woman before" Demetrius said as he buried his head in Reina's neck. "We should stop" Reina sighed. "No..." Demetrius replied as he shed his pants. He was already hard and on edge. He had to have her. He edged into Reina. When he was buried to the hilt he made one powerful thrust then stopped to stare down at her. "More" Reina told him. He obliged her.
They laid there naked and cuddling. "This can never happen again" Reina whispered. Demetrius sighed, oh how he wanted it to happen again. Maybe for the rest of his life. "I am sorry about how all of this- Reina kissed him to shut him up. She didn't want her happiness to end on a sour note. "Don't explain, Demetrius" she told him when she pulled away. Reina made an attempt to get up but he gently pulled her back to him. "Don't leave" Demetrius told her. "I was just going to pull on my robe" Reina replied. He smiled and let her go. "I have to go... Cybil is probably wondering where I am" Demetrius said. He saw Reina stiffen. "Reina... I didn't mean it like that" he told her. She shook her head.
Demetrius realized that she had locked him out again. It was so unfair! Why did Reina have to be the one to hurt so much? If it were up to Demetrius he would take all the pain away. He pulled on his pants and shirt. "Good luck" Reina whispered before she went back to bed. She didn't say anything else to him. He wished he could be the one hurting instead.
He got in his car and drove to his mansion. He had gone to his parents for answers but instead he was left with more questions!
"You knew didn't you?! That's why you moved her to your condo so quickly!" Lorenzo's father shouted at him. "Just like Mia" his father continued. "No! Not just like Mia! Reina is different and you didn't give Mia the benefit of the doubt. You just barked commands and expected them to be met" Lorenzo told him. "Pregnant?! Malik won't want to marry her now! Who would want to raise another man's child?!" his father shouted. "A man who marries for love" Lorenzo replied. "This is unacceptable! And I find out now? When she is five months along!" he shouted. His father looked fit to kill, Lorenzo knew from the glint in his father's eye. "You don't have to worry about her disgracing our family, father. I will take care of everything" Lorenzo told him. "I bet you will. I want to see her" his father said with uncontrolled anger. "So you can abuse her? Not on my watch, father. Stay away from Reina or I will have a restraining order issued" Lorenzo replied. "To keep me from my own daughter?!" he shouted. "You mean the daughter you have been abusing for sixteen years? That daughter?" Lorenzo asked. "I will see her, Lorenzo" his father said as he slammed the door. Lorenzo cursed.
"Cybil Carter will be having a fairytale Christmas wedding" E news told Reina. She sighed. Good for her. "Did you two work things out?" Carly asked as she came into the room. Reina started blushing and averted her eyes. "You did, didn't you?" Carly said as she sat on the bed with Reina. "Did you tell him the twins are his?" she asked. Reina shook her head. Carly put her hands on her hips. "I just couldn't, Carly!" I told her. "You will be in hiding for a while, Reina" Riven said as he came into the room. "Why?" Reina asked. "The paparazzi are outside the gate. Some even have tents putting up" he told me. I should have expected this. It was so like them! "Just call Lorenzo and tell him about this. They will all scatter when they hear the word lawsuit" Carly told him. He nodded and left the room.
On Christmas Eve it was always Gertrude's plan to have the entire family over. People were starting to arrive when Reina went upstairs to change. She had been in the kitchen all day helping Gertrude cook. She was going back downstairs when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it" Reina said. She opened the door with a smile on her face. "Merry Christm- Reina's smile faltered when she saw Demetrius and Cybil standing there. She just stood there staring. "Well are you going to let us in?" Cybil asked. Reina stepped aside. "I-I have to go see if the cookies are ready" Reina said as she walked away. Demetrius walked off in the direction Reina went leaving Cybil on her own.
He casually leaned against the wall and watched Reina take the cookies out of the oven. Demetrius smiled when he saw his cousin's three year old son trying to steal a cookie off the tray. Reina's back was to the tray. "Don't even think about it. They just came out of the oven and they would burn your little fingers" Reina said her back still to the three year old and the tray. The little boy laughed and Reina picked him up into her arms. Demetrius watched in awe as the three year old smiled at Reina. "I promise I will give you three cookies when they cool" she told him as she kissed the top of his head. He nodded while playing with the hair that escaped Reina's ponytail. "Good, now go play" she told him. The little boy scurried off. Riven came into the kitchen from the other way. He nudged Reina and she giggled. "How are the babies doing?" Riven asked her. "Happy and kicking. I think it's because their daddy is here" Reina sighed. "It will be alright" Riven hugged her. Demetrius was still watching intently. "Hey Riven can you come here for a sec?" Carly called from the other room. "I'm coming" he replied. When Riven left Demetrius walked over to Reina. "Hey", "Hi" Reina replied. "Merry Christmas" Demetrius told her. She smiled at him but said nothing. Demetrius pulled her to him. Cybil walked in at that moment. "Ahem" Cybil cleared her throat. They looked up and saw Cybil with hands on her hips. Reina stepped back, away from Demetrius. "I promised a sweet little boy cookies. Excuse me" Reina said as she took up the tray of cookies and left. Cybil just looked at Demetrius, her hands still on her hips and she was pouting.
She was avoiding him. Demetrius had figured it out the moment he made an attempt to talk to Reina and she claimed that Gertrude had called her even though she didn't. The party was in full swing when Lorenzo arrived with a date. Carly was heartbroken. She excused herself saying she had a headache but Reina knew the real reason. Reina got up and hit her bigger brother in the back of the head. "How callous can you be?" Reina scolded. "I never made any promised. She shouldn't have expected anything" Lorenzo told her.
Reina could have screamed to let out her frustration. She went upstairs to see Carly crying. "I was such a fool! Why would a guy like that want a girl like me?" Carly said when she heard Reina come into the room. "You aren't a fool for being in love" Reina told her friend. Cybil who was coming from the bathroom stopped to eavesdrop on the conversation. "Is this how it is when you see Demetrius with another woman?" Carly asked. Reina nodded. "My big brother will come around. Men are blockheads at time Carly" Reina told her. Carly just nodded. "Let's go back down to the party" Reina told her. Carly shook her head. "You might can handle Demetrius being here with Cybil but I can't bare to see Lorenzo here with that date of his" Carly told me. I understood how my friend felt. I sighed and nodded. Reina was on her way to the door when she turned to look at her friend. "What?" Carly asked "I haven't heard from Malik in five months" Reina said, touching her tummy. "Isn't that a good thing?" Carly asked. "Not if my dad expects me to marry him. Something doesn't seem right" Reina told her friend. Cybil who was listening instantly got angry. Why was Reina Cortes interested in all her men?! She is in love with Demetrius and wants Malik to marry her! Her Malik?! -Cybil thought as she angrily stomped away, "I'll bring you some food when I can" Reina told Carly as she left. The party was going wonderfully but Reina could never shake the feeling that she was being watched. More than once she had caught Cybil openly scrutinizing her but she was a master of not letting Demetrius see. When it was finally after twelve people started leaving. "It went well" Gertrude told Reina as the last of the guests left. "It did" Reina agreed. Riven kissed Reina on the top of her head. "I'm gonna turn in to bed" Riven said as he went upstairs. "We'll be leaving too" Cybil said. "It was... good seeing you Cybil" Antonio told her. She nodded. Antonio hugged Reina who had gone quiet. "I'll be turning up to bed" Reina said. She kissed Gertrude and Antonio on the cheek. "Goodnight" she told Demetrius and Cybil.
On Christmas morning Reina was the first to wake up or at least that's what she thought until she went downstairs to see Antonio and Gertrude stacking presents underneath the tree. "Merry Christmas, papa" Reina said as she hugged Antonio. "Merry Christmas, hija" he replied. The family weren't going to be over until in the evening for Christmas dinner.
They were opening presents when Reina's phone rang. "Hello?" Reina answered. "Ah Reina sweetheart" her father said. Reina stiffened. "Hello father" Reina said. "It is Christmas and you don't even call your own father?" her father said, his voice deadly calm. "I-I am sorry. I didn't have the time" Reina replied honestly. "Well do you have the time now? Can you come over to the mansion?" he asked. Should she? "I don't know". "Oh come on, sweetheart. I want to have a talk with you" he told her. Could she really trust him? Just go over there and hear him out then leave -her conscience told her. She sighed. "I will be there soon" Reina told him. "Good girl" he replied as he hung up. Reina grabbed her coat and car keys. "Going somewhere?" Gertrude asked. Reina nodded. "I won't be long. An hour at the most" Reina said as she left. She got into the car and drove over to the mansion.
Reina had to let herself in because it was always her father's policy to let the servants go home for Christmas. "Father?" Reina called as she entered his study. "Over here, Reina" he replied. She turned to look at him. He was drinking a glass of brandy. "Take a seat, Reina" her father told her. She did. He got up and closed the door. "So how is college? Are your grades good?" he asked. "Good and my grades are excellent father" I told him. He sat on the edge of his desk facing me. "Malik has been calling non-stop" he told me. "He never contacted me" Reina told him. "Maybe he never will... now that you are pregnant" her father said. Reina just nodded while looking at her hands. "Did I not give you everything you ever wanted?" her father asked. This made Reina look up at him. She nodded. "Then why do this to me?" her father asked. His voice raising a bit. "I-I didn't do anything to you, father" I replied. I got to my feet. Her father grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to face him. "What are you doing?" he asked. "I am leaving. Obviously you just want to put me down, so I am leaving" I told him. He shook his head. "Not until I have said what I needed to say" he told her. Reina knew that tone of voice and it chilled her to the bone. Her father's anger was clearly not in check. One wrong movement, one wrong choice of words and he would hurt her. Reina wasn't so much worried about her life but about the life of her twins. "Father let go of me!" she told him trying to wiggle free. He slapped her then, one solid hit on the cheek followed by another and another. Her eardrums were ringing. "Malik is a good man! A man with a lot of money! He could have made you happy! But now you will never know what it is to find true happiness Reina! You did this!" he said staring scornfully at her stomach. Reina tried to step back but her father tightened his grasp in her hair making her stand still. Her heart was beating like crazy! Reina only had one intention in mind. To run!
She gave her father one solid punch to the face and made for the door. She hauled it open and ran to the staircase. Her father was right behind her. When Reina was at the first step upstairs when her father kicked her in the back making her fall forwards! Reina started rolling down the long ever winding staircase! When Reina reached the bottom, she was in so much pain she could barely see! She lied there at the bottom. She heard her father's footsteps and pretended to be unconscious. He check to see if she was but not before giving her one solid kick to her abdomen before he left the house. Reina felt that kick to her soul! She was bleeding everywhere and blood streamed down her face. Reina hauled herself over to a phone. She dialed Lorenzo. When he answered all Reina had the strength to say was "Lorenzo... Help..." before she passed out.
Demetrius had gone to the pharmacy for some pain relievers for Cybil who was complaining about having a headache. He slipped into the house unnoticed. She was on the phone. "Of course he doesn't suspect a thing" Cybil told the person on the other line. That made Demetrius step behind a wall to listen to the conversation. "I know Malik! I want that too but with Demetrius I can have anything and everything I want" she said. "I know you can give me those things too but Demetrius is richer and I want our baby to have the Vassaliadas last name... Of course I love you, Malik... No, he still thinks the child is his... Well it is your own fault you know! You should have been more careful!... It was quite simple. I had seen him go off with that little bitch named Reina Cortes and I went to see what they were up to. Well Reina went into the bathroom and I followed her in there and it was then I thought of the plan. It was so fun to see Reina want to cry when I told her I was pregnant for Demetrius and he was marrying me. She looked so heartbroken. Of course Demetrius didn't even know he was going to propose yet" Cybil laughed. Demetrius was so angry he couldn't stand to hear another word. He walked up to Cybil who gasped, took the phone and gave Malik a piece of his mind. Calling her and Malik names that would make a nun blush. When he was finish Cybil was so shocked she couldn't say a word. "Get the fuck out of my house. I don't ever want to see your face again! You... You damn user!" Demetrius shouted. "Demetrius I- "Get out you lying, cheating, conniving bitch! Get the fuck out of my mansion!" he shouted again. Cybil was so frightened she couldn't make her legs move. "Cybil... get out now or I'm tossing you out on your fucking ear!" Demetrius roared. Cybil ran out of the house not even with shoes on.
He had given up Reina just to do right by Cybil! When she had only concocted this scheme to make him think it was his child when it wasn't! It was Malik Conner's child! He was so angry. Reina suffered so much hurt and it wasn't even his child! Now Reina was pregnant with another man's children, she had moved on. He didn't care if she was pregnant with someone else's children as long as she would have him, he would raise the kids as his own. Love them the way he would love his own children, as long as Reina would take him back he would do anything. He loved Reina. He sat there thinking of ways to get Reina back when his phone rang. It was Lorenzo calling. "D-Demetrius. Reina was in an accident" Lorenzo told him.
"What happened?" he asked. "A lot of things. She is in surgery now" Lorenzo replied, his voice cracked. "I'm on my way" Demetrius told him as he grabbed his car keys. His bodyguards followed in one of the Audi SUVs. When he pulled up to the hospital, the paparazzi hounded him. "Will Reina be ok?" "Do you think she will make it?" "Is she even still alive, Mr. Vassaliadas?". If they only knew what those questions did to Demetrius. He saw his entire family in the waiting room. Carly and Gertrude were crying and a tear slipped from Antonio's eye. The rest of his family were praying. He made his way to Lorenzo. "What happened?" his voice barely audible. "She went to our father's house. I don't know what happened but when I got there, there was so much blood. I thought she was dead at first. She had a weak pulse" Lorenzo told him. Demetrius felt as if his feet would give out. "Where was your father?" Demetrius asked. Lorenzo shrugged. "He wasn't there when I got to her. Reina was unconscious by the phone cradling her stomach" Lorenzo cried then. At that moment a doctor with blood stained scrubs came into the room. "Mr. Vassaliadas, Mr. Cortes. May I have a word with you both?" he asked.
They went into an unoccupied examining room. "Mr. Vassaliadas while Reina came in and out of consciousness she kept repeating that you needed to know. I am not sure what though" the doctor told Demetrius. Demetrius looked at Lorenzo.
"T-They are yours" Lorenzo said referring to the twins.
Demetrius fell to his knees then. "Why didn't she tell me? Why didn't you tell me?" Demetrius's voice cracked. "She begged us not to. You were already marrying Cybil and she thought it would be best that you didn't know. Flashback- "Do you love him?" Demetrius had asked Reina. She turned to look at him. "The twins' father, do you love him?" he asked. She looked him in the eye. "I do, so much it hurts" Reina had told him as she walked away. Flashback ends.
"Mr. Vassaliadas" the doctor said pulling Demetrius out of his thoughts. When Demetrius looked up at him, he continued. "She is in a coma. Her babies..." The doctor started, darting a look at Demetrius. "Are they...?" Lorenzo couldn't bare to finish the sentence. "That is why I am here. We want your permission to terminate the pregnancy should we need to" the doctor finished.
Demetrius couldn't believe what he was hearing! "Mr. Vassaliadas they are your children. We need your permission. We don't know if we can save all three lives". Demetrius couldn't talk, he didn't want to choose. If he chose the twins life then he would lose the most precious thing to him. Their mother. And if he chooses Reina's life she would never forgive herself for losing the twins. "Do whatever is possible to save all three of their lives, doctor. Should anything go wrong save the twins. Are they old enough to breathe on their own?" Lorenzo asked. "Their lungs haven't been fully developed yet but we will know more when or if we take them out" the doctor replied as he left the room. "M-my babies?" Demetrius asked, still on his knees. "She thought it was best that you didn't know. Believe me we all tried to convince her that you needed to know but Reina can be so stubborn" Lorenzo told him. Demetrius found the strength to stand. "Let's hope for the best" Demetrius said as he and Lorenzo went back to the family.
Here they all were on Christmas Day praying Reina and the twins survived.
About nine hours later the same doctor came back. Everyone stood. "They all survived" the doctor declared. The doctor called Demetrius over. "She broke four ribs, suffered a broken leg and she is currently in a coma- the doctor saw Demetrius's apprehension. "Don't worry, her pupils are dilating so we know there is some brain activity" the doctor informed him. "And what of the children?" Demetrius asked. "We had to do a C-section to take them out. They are a bit small and premature but they are breathing on their own". "Can I see, Reina?" he asked. The doctor shook his head. "Not yet. They are moving her to ICU. You can go see your daughter and son though" the doctor told him. "Thank you, doctor" Demetrius said as he shook the man's hand.
Demetrius and Lorenzo walked down to the ward where they kept the babies. Demetrius's heart swelled when he saw his babies in the incubator. "Can I hold them?" Demetrius asked the nurse. She nodded. "They are new to the world so you have to wash your hands and put this on over your clothes so they won't pick up any virus or infections" the nurse told him.
Demetrius nodded and did what she asked. He sat in a chair and the nurse brought his daughter and son to him. Demetrius felt as if he was going to cry. He and Reina created these little miracles. His daughter stared up at him with a certain awe while his son looked around the room. "Makes me want to have one of my own" Lorenzo smiled down at the babies. Demetrius would look with love in his eyes everytime one of them moved or sighed. His daughter was still staring up at him, she had all the features of her mother while his son looked more like him. The nurse watched what was taking place. That's true love -she thought to herself.
Demetrius felt as though he could hold them forever. "Mr. Vassaliadas, they have just informed me that you can go see your..." the nurse stopped. Of course she would, he was engaged to be married to Cybil Carter. Demetrius nodded. She took his son and daughter and placed them back in the incubator. "I am going to update the family" Lorenzo told him. Demetrius nodded and walked to the ICU.
Before he entered a nurse told him. "Mr. Vassaliadas, I must warn you that you might go in there and not recognize Reina. She has suffered a lot of trauma and she is swollen around the face. He nodded and opened the door. Even though the nurse had warned him he wasn't prepared for what he saw! His vibrant ever smiling Reina was so pale she looked dead and she had wires sticking out of her everywhere. It was then Demetrius cried. "None of this would have happened if Cybil hadn't tricked me into almost marrying her" Demetrius said as he held Reina's hand. "I will make it up to you. I promise you that, mi corazon. When this is all over, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. Te amo desde el fondo de mi corazón" Demetrius said as he kissed her hand.
Riven was sitting in the waiting room with the rest of the family when Lorenzo appeared. Riven had suspected Demetrius was the father of Reina's babies but he never asked her. "The babies are fine, a bit small but they are healthy" Lorenzo told the family. "What about Reina?" Gertrude asked. "She is in a coma. Demetrius is with her right now" Lorenzo sighed.
Two weeks later, Reina opened her eyes. She was in so much pain and she was having a horrible headache. She tried to look around her surroundings but it hurt too. She made a little sound at the back of her throat. "Reina?" Demetrius called. Tears slipped down Reina's face. "You are awake" Demetrius said as he came to her. "Where am I?" Reina asked but not a sound came out. Demetrius put a straw to her mouth and she drank the water. "What happened?" she managed to whisper. "You had an accident at the mansion. We don't know what happened but you called Lorenzo. He found you unconscious" Demetrius told her.
It was all coming back to her now, everything that happened. Reina's hand fell to her now flat stomach. Her tears started flowing then. Demetrius put his hand over her's. "It's ok, mi corazon. Our children are healthy and safe" he told her. He knew?-Reina asked as she slipped into unconsciousness again.
When Reina awoke the second time she thought she had dreamed seeing Demetrius there because it was Lorenzo there now and not Demetrius. "Was Demetrius here?" Reina whispered. Lorenzo who was reading a book looked up at her. "Hi, Reinabella" he smiled at her. "Hi, big brother" she sighed. "Was Demetrius here?" she asked again. He nodded. "He had to go to his office to clear his entire schedule for the rest of the month and all of January" Lorenzo told her. "Why?" Reina asked. "Because he wants to be with you and the twins" Lorenzo told her. "But his wedding... Cybil..." Reina trailed off. "Long story. When you are better I will tell you. What you need to know is that Demetrius is no longer engaged to that lying bitch. He has been here with you at your bedside from you came out of surgery. Gertrude and I had to force him to leave you to go home and take a shower. He never wanted to leave" Lorenzo told her. Reina looked shocked. "Why?" Reina asked. "Because my naive little sister, Demetrius loves you... desde el fondo de su corazón" Lorenzo told her.
Reina tried to sit up but the jarring of her ribs kept her from doing so. "He never said" Reina replied. "Demetrius is a man of few words, Reina. He didn't have to say it. His actions said it for him. When the doctor came into the room and told Demetrius that the twins were his and he had to choose between their lives and yours he couldn't make the choice. I had to make it. I told the doctor to save the twins' life because you would never live with yourself knowing you survived and they didn't" Lorenzo told her. She started then. "He did this to you didn't he?" Lorenzo asked. Reina nodded. "I went over there because he called. When I got there we got into an argument and he slapped me and I ran to the door of the study. I was about to run down the stairs when he kicked me from behind. I fell down the stairs" Reina told him as she cried. Lorenzo was so angry he was seeing red! That man, his father, was never getting anywhere near Reina again! "Don't tell him" Reina told Lorenzo. "He is going to find out sometime you know, Reina" Lorenzo told her. She shook her head. Lorenzo sighed. Reina drifted back into sleep.
When she woke up again Demetrius was holding her head while he slept.
Reina touched him and he stirred. "Hey" he said. "Hi". She lifted her left hand to touch a chord sticking out of her when something shiny on her hand reflected in light of the room. Reina looked at her hand to see the most beautiful ring she had ever seen on her finger. Tears slipped down her face silently. "Te amo Reina Elizabetha Cortes. I love you with all my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life with you raising our children. I want to wake up everyday to your beautiful face and fall asleep knowing you will be there in the morning. Will you marry me?" he asked. Reina's tears clouded her vision. She couldn't say a word, she only nodded. Demetrius leaned down and kissed her. She kissed him back and before none of them knew it the kiss became more intense. Demetrius pulled away. "I don't want to hurt you" Demetrius told her. He kissed her one last time before sitting back down. Reina's broken leg was giving her hell! She turned so she was lying down on her side, her back to Demetrius. He gasped. Demetrius was almost to tears when he saw what looked like a boot mark in Reina's back. She turned away from him. "I only fell down the stairs" Reina whispered, her voice cracking. "Like hell you did! Who did this to you?!" Demetrius said a tear slipping from his eye. When Reina didn't reply he got angry. SOmeone would hurt his Reina like this? "Who did this?" Demetrius asked. She was crying. She shook her head. "It was your father wasn't it? He did this" Demetrius said. Now it all made sense! Why she would come over to the house crying every time. Her father was abusing her. Did Loren know? Of course he knew! Now it made sense why Lorenzo would always evade the question when he asked about Reina. This ends now! He was filing a restraining order against her father.
He kissed her, this time pouring his heart and soul into it.
Three weeks later, Reina was strapping Alexia and Alexander into their car seats. She smiled at them. Demetrius had actually named them himself running the names by her first though. She loved them. "How are they?" Riven asked as he came into the room. "Ready to go home" Reina smiled. The twins had moved in a private room with Reina because she wanted them close to her. Demetrius's heart swelled every time he came into the room and saw her holding both babies close to her heart. Once he had told her that it was going to be hard getting used to sharing her. She had kissed him and told him "Get use to it".
"So I guess you won't be coming back to college then" Riven said. Reina shook her head. "My life is here with Demetrius, Alexia and Alexander" Reina told him. Demetrius came into the room at that moment. "Ready to go?" he asked. "We are" Reina told him. "Carly and I will be driving together" Riven said as he left. "We have to go now, sweetheart. We are causing a road block" Demetrius smiled. Paparazzi were hounding the hospital trying to get a picture of Reina and the Vassaliadas twins. One photographer even tried disguising himself as a doctor to get in but the bodyguards didn't let him come in. "Te amo" Reina told Demetrius. He smiled down at her. "I love you too, mi corazon" he replied. "Our children are perfect" Reina smiled at her son and daughter. "Just like their, mother. Let's go home" Demetrius told her.
Reina now knew what true love felt like. She had Demetrius's love and two bundles of joy.
Her happiness was complete.
Text: Chevel Grant
Publication Date: 10-22-2012
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