


"Why are the wolves howling, Mia?" My response was automatic. "The wolves are in love with the moon and there crying for a love they will never touch." I could feel the tiny eyes of my brother watching me closely. He was inncoent. Still calling my mom, mommy. I remember when i was that young, innocent. Fragile. I'm not that way anymore. I've gone dark. Completely insane from him. Always acting a rash instinct. he taught me that. Never hesitate. Never show weakness. And above all else never ever show mercy on you're enemy. I remember when he had taken me. I was alone in the woods listening the wolves of my pack howl fiercely at the enemy. Second best in the world yet we were being slaughtered. Then he came. His eyes glowed like a wolf but his body oozed Expression. As he took me he sid he needed an Alpha's daughter, to make her a weapon. But he did more then that.


I was snapped out of my thoughts as a low growl sounded from the bushes off to the right side of the clearing we sat in. My head snapped to the side fast and I stood up quietly, in front my brother in a protective stance. As a dark wolf stepped out I crouched in a fighting stance.


"Run." I said just above a whsiper and my brother ran just as the wolf came barreling towards me. I ran at it. It probally sounds insane but mid run I felt the tingly feeling of fur sprouting and the crunching of my bones breaking as I shifted into a pure white wolf. My body mashed with his. I could smell the domince that radiated off of him. That of a Beta wolf. His teeth snapped at my face and I felt my wolf grow restless to take his neck in between my canines and snap his neck for challenging my rank as an Alpha wolf. My extremly large paw shot out and sliced the side of his face. Crimson red blood oozed from the four gashs on the side of his face, staining his once flawless sandy coat. His growl was thunderous as he ran at me and slammed my large body into a tree. I fet the snap as my right hid leg snapped. I howled in pain and narrowed my forest green eyes at him. I could tell in the reflection of his icy blue eyes that mine turned completely black. He backed away into the shadows. I stood and looked down at my bloody paw and looked back up to find him gone.


I shifted, my long curly black hair covering my chest to the small of my back. My tanned skin was dirty leaves stuck to my hair. I was hunched over, my hands on the ground. I could feel the rage burning in my chest. I stood to full height and looked around my hair slightly in my eyes, but I was to angry to even care.


"Jameela!?" My mothers frantic cry sounded as she burst through the tree line and into the clearing. Her slim figure made it hard to believe she gave birth to eight. Her eyes were flickering as she fought the beast inside of her for control. She wasn't big on letting her wolf get the best of her. that was omething she hated. The feeling of not being in control. Being pushed to the back of the mind, watching as you're body moved on anothers command. Its something most wolves struggled with until they hit an age where there wolf and them made a bond. My mother refused the bond. She was very stubborn. But I can't say much. I'm worse, ten fold.


Her silky golden hair matched her eyes as flickered a daring gold color. Her hair was falling out its neat bun as she ran, still pushing her wolf away, into the corners of her mind. She came at me in a frenzy. I tried to smile, to reasure her I was fine but I could tell it came across as a grimace. I shook my head clear and focused on another figure walking through the tree line. My father. I was the only one who took after him. Accept my eyes. They were my own. Like two pieces of green stained glass. I took his black hair and his attitude of demanding respect. He was an Alpha though, its our nature to demand respect. Me and my sibilings were extremly rare. Both our parents are decendents from Alpha blood lines. Which is rare. We weren't special really, its not like we could harness the earths power. It just made us pure. Which was ironic seeing as i was nothing of the sorts.


"Who attacked you?" Was my fathers immediate question. "If I knew I wouldn't be standing here." My voice was snarky and slightly husky from my wolf being close to the surface. He looked like he could smack me. "If you don't fix that mouth it'll be on the floor, next to Mekeel's." I glared as he brought up Mekeel. My brother was known to be extremely cocky and an all around A-Class jackass. I gave praise to his mate for the paticence levels she has to put up with him daly. To even have a baby with him. He was 21 and has a baby on the way and was still a baby himself.

"Yea, well I learned from the best Daddy." I'm guessing he didn't like that answer as he growled, wanting submission from me. Instead of baring my neck I bared my canines at him with a low growl. You could see the twitch of his lips as he spoke. "You really are my damned daughter." My canines slightly retreated, pricking as they shrank. I felt my mother slip her long sweater over my shoulders and I wrapped it around me tighter. I started towards the lining of the trees intending to walk home. My wolf was on edge. She was hoping he would still be around, so she could snap his neck in her teeth. Most wolves are very short-tempered, take in the fact that im and Alpha and I'm a bit psychotic, These thoughts weren't that bad. I've had worse. I've done worse. I felt the ground slightly shake, indictaing that there was a heard of wolves near by. I could feel a since of unease wash through me. My father and mother only feet behind me spoke up.


"There's a meeting that is being held. With another Alpha." My father spoke evenly. I could tell that even though his face was calm, he was a bit nervous. His hands gave it away mostly, how he clecnched them and his fingers massaged his palms. He had a thin line of sweat that was just above his eyebrow. "Which Alpha?" My voice was primal and held a bit of rasp. He looked at me and then walked ahead. Of course me having a huge mouth, I said, "Must be someone rather intimidating to make you, of all people, nervous." His back went stiff. "Jameela, If you don't shut you're mouth, he will shut it for you." I felt my shoulders slump as my father kept walking with my mother and my brother came up next to me. As we got closer my ears twitched and my nose flared. My eybrows shifted together in confusion as my wolf went haywire. "What the-" I was cut off as I realized we weren't walking to the pack house, where all meetings were held, and instead, to our house. My brother watched as I became antsy. But, it wasn't me. It was my wolf. I quickly gained composer and kept a straight face. As we approuched the house, my father walked to his office and my brother followed, I went to trail behind my mother but was stopped. "Go." Was all they said. The look on there faces was enough to piss me off. I growled at my brother as he shoved me to the stairs. My wolf suddnely came forward and my canines elongated.


There was something in there calling to my wolf. And I knew damn well she woud tear through them to hunt down whatever it was. "At least change damn it." My father snapped before they all walked into the room and shut the door. Walking to my room, I seen Zafara. She looked just as antsy. Icould not only see it, but feel it. Her eyes were dialating and her short blonde hair was a mess. "Are you alright."


I could tell she had no control and her wolf spoke through her. "Room." I furrowed my eyebrows. I quickly dressed in a pair of black pants that clung to my body and a tank top. I don't remember putting on shoes, but when I look down I see black combat boots. A bang and yelling errupted from the room downstairs. My feet worked on there own accord. Zafara was next to me, her hand shooting to the door handle. I suddenly smelled rain. Intensly. My wolf was now clawing to take control and find out was on the other side of this door. So I opened it. The smell of rain in that moment was almost unbearable. I looked around and the intensity of power was almost insane. Then I smelled the wolf I'd faught with. And the smell of rain was out of my head as my eyes locked on a boy, or rather man with grey eyes and sandy blonde hair. His eyes locked with mine. I could feel the power he radiated.


A Beta.


His eyes bored into mine until he inhaled. His body went rigid, his breathing hitched slightly. His eyes slowly working there way to a darker grey. Then they snapped to Zafara. I could feel her just how on edge she was. How badly she desired him. How she craved every inch of him. I could feel as he stared at her, her skin went alight. It was as if a fire had spears across her skin in a ripple. Her nose flared as she inhaled deeper. And then he was in front her. Filling her senses in every way. She suddenly growled as he snarled,




My head spun as I pushed myself out of it. Although I felt what she felt intensely, she would have felt it on a far more intimate and intense way.


My mind snapped to the chaos presuming. My father stood at full height arguing with a man. He was alluring. Made me want to know every little detail about him. Though I only seen his back, judging on his greying hair, he was far my senior. My mother looked at me with warning. My brows furrowed as I walked to them. My brothers were standing at full attention. Something I never was good at. My mouth opened to frequently to be honest. As I crossed the room the smell of rain was becoming more intoxicating. I tried not to let myself inhale. But I failed, Miserably so. I pushed it away as I rounded the man, stepping to my fathers side. His eyes. They were like two poison ivy leaves in the spring. Vibrant. Yet deadly. His stare came to me. He looked at me with confusion. "Who might you be?" My eyes narrowed. "Alpha blood is who I might be, but you already knew that didn't you, Alpha?" He let a grin slowly work on his face. "You're much like you're father was as a pup." I could only my facial expression. I wanted to punch him in te throat for calling me a pup. I was anything but. His attempt was back on my father as he spoke. "I'm saying is that we need boundaries. You're pack is reckless. No structure. If I find another on my land. Their jugular will be ripped open and there body sent back to you," He said this as he made his way to the door. Then he turned back to us, a sinister grin on his lips, "In pieces." Then he was out the door. "Well he seems like a crock of shit." I said loudly. His pack growled and I felt a powerful force enter the room. I looked over and I could feel my wolf howl inside at the mere sight of this man. His eyes. I could only compare them to pieces of sharp, broken, pieces of blue stained glass. His black hair sat atop his head messily. His facial structure was strong. His body was rippling with muscle, visible through his shirt. His nose moved slightly as he sniffed. His eyes collided with mine and I felt them dilate considerably before going pin point. His eyes mimicked mine then they slowly changed to a dark blue. Mine must have been a forest green by now.


My breathing hitched as he took a step forth. The floor creaked though his eyes stayed on me. I could feel my skin crawl with fire the longer and harder he stared. I could feel an icy path trail after the fiery one from his stare. Making my body utterly confused. The need and want I felt for this man was something I questioned. My sanity was flying out the door as my breathing became labored.


I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and I was shoved behind a back. I blinked multiple times and felt myself come out of the trance like state. My brothers stood in front of me in a protective stance, and our Betas son Nick was standing rather close, holding my wrist. The man growled, "Mine." And I stumbled back slightly. The impact of his words was fatal. I turned to look for Zafara and our eyes connected. She stood a few feet in front of the man from earlier. She stepped towards me and my brothers, Nick moving to my fathers side. My brothers stepped back as well, leaving me in plain view of the man. His speed was impeccable. He was suddenly in front of me. Zafara went to walk to me but was stopped by that man. She turned and snarled in his face. Leaving him shocked. His hand loosened and she came in front of me. Guarding me as her Alpha. The mans eyes went black. His hands gripped her shoulders and shoved her off to the side and I growled. The bond between us was strong, making us beyond protective of each other.


He stepped forward and crushed me to his chest. I felt the air fall out of me from the impact. But that was nothing to the words he said next.


"Mate! Mine!" I began to struggle immensely. "I don't want a Mate!" I growled and he suddenly let me go. The look of utter rage was sprawled across his face. He took a step close and I stepped back. I calculated his every move. Even his breathing. "Take another step and I'll rip out you're throat with my claws." My claws lengthened and my tone was deadly. My face was flat. I pushed away the thoughts of how my skin erupted in flames when his flesh touched mine. His face became blank. I slowly turned away and walked out ignoring his growl. My eyes met My brother, Mikah's. His eyes held warning. A soon as I exited the room my face went from blank to unbelieving.


How in the world could I have a Mate? He was probably lower Alpha blood. Not an actual Alpha. I kept walking until I was on the opposite end of the house in the kitchen, where his scent was rather faint. I grabbed a random item out of the freezer which happened to be garlic bread, and tossed it on a pan and in the oven. Hopefully it'd mask his scent. Suddenly I felt as though part of me was gone. I heard ruckus and soon my family came through the door. When they seen me they went silent. I turned my attention to Zafara. "We nee-" I stopped as the man who I'm assuming is her mate stepped behind her. My wolf was already on edge. Not to mention hated him for attacking me. I needed a release. So before I knew it I had him against the wall by his throat. "I should rip out you're throat with my canines." I said as my eyes narrowed to slits. He did nothing but stare. I barely heard Zafara telling me to let him down. But I did hear, so I let him down. And right after I punched him in the nose, causing a fish of blood to flow. "You're a lucky little bastard." Was all I said as I turned to see my m taking the crisped and steaming garlic bread out of the oven. And inhaled. There was nothing but the smell of the bread. I glared harshly at the bread, my hands gripping the edge of the counter tightly. I felt anger rising, a need for release brimming. I could feel it. Deep inside, something invisbale in me snapped. The growl worked it's way up my throat, ripping from my mouth fiercly. Everyone regarded me with caution. My brother hesitantly coming forth. My wolf snarled and snapped inside me. She wanted out. her strength shown through as my gip became so tight the counter slowly cracked. i could feel a light tingle spreading and then I felt it. The familier snap and crack of a bone. I fell to my knees, still trying to resist the shift, making a normally painless and quick process drag on.



I gasped as I sat up right in bed. My breathing labored, I gripped my chest, where my heart was smashing against my ribcage. I shut my eyes tightly then looked out my window at the sky. Pinks and purples swirled brillantly with the blue, the fog making it more whimsical. But I wasn't paying any mind to it. Sure I stared at it, but I never really looked at it. Not anymore. I shook my head and tossed the sheets from my body, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I walked to my closet and looked around. Mindlessly, I grabbed a black top and a pair of slim fitting black pants. Slipping out of my old clothes, I carelessly put on the clothes and let my hands fall to my sides. My black curls fell just below my butt. I slipped on my combat boots along with my leather jacket.

Standing in my bathroom, watching as the reflection mimicked me. My perfectly shaped eyebrows were scrunched slightly above my pale green eyes that were sharp and alert yet held no flicker of life, no fire. Just completely souless. Only the tiny flecks of silver were vibrant and often got stares from the humans. My full lips often sat in a flat line and my skin was an olive tone. A layer of persperation sat heavily on my face. I turned on the facet splashed the cold water on my face. My hair curled even more where it had gotten wet. Some of my hair stuck to my face. My mind suddenly flashed to my conversation yesterday with my friend. I winced as I remembered what I'd agreed too. "Damn it."

I walked down the hallways of the house and into the living room to find my mother with my younger brother Kole. I smiled at him lightly and he jumped up. He was much slower then any of the other wolves his age. He hadn't shifted whihc arose alot of gossip, but he still carried Alpha blood. And everyone respected that. I caught him just as he jumped at me and stumble back a few steps. I set him down and took in his black and my went sour. I looked up at my mom with her red rimmed eyes and black attire. I looked away when our eyes connected and she looked disapproving of me. Well I'll admit that this probably isnt the best attire for a female to wear to a funeral. But why in the hell would I put a dress on to watch at my fathers casket being carried through town by my brother? And me. It's not something to get all dressed up about. I'm sure as hell not wearing a dress and carrying my fathers casket. With my luck the wind will blow up my dress for all to see. That's the last thing I need. To disgrace my father on his funeral. I watched as she stood up and looked down while pointing at the hallway. Istarted down the hallway and came to a stop when I heard my brothers talking loudly. "Mikah, You know damn well, the position belongs to Kai!" I furrowed my brows. Sure the postion was Kai's, but we all knew damn well Kai didn't want the title. Not since Amy that is. "And you know damn well our brother is to far fucking gone to be Apha. Even if he wanted the damn postion. That makes me Alpha. I'm second born. You know that very damn well Mekeel." I Sucked ina sharp breath. I knew Mekeel didn't want thw postion. He said that before. And I knew that Mikah would be fine without it, but his wolf was already coming into his full Alpha postion and he didn't like that Mekeel was questioning his authority. "You should at least consult with Kai. You know that." Mekeela said. I walked forward into the kitchen and leaned against the dor frame and seen they didn't notice me. Mikah stood in his suit and Mekeel stood wearing jeans, combat boots and a leather jacket. "You're both being idiots." I said frankly and they looked to me and naroowed there eyes. "It's the day of his damn funeral an you're arguing over Alpha title? You keep on with this, either of you, You're a fucking disgrace." I snapped loudly and Mikah growled lowly in his chest. "Our mother is out there, tongue tied, not knowing what to say to our kid brother." Iturned to Mekeel. "If Kai hasn't come so far for father, why in the hell would you think that he would want to be Alpha?" I looked to Mikah and spoke again. "And even though we all know that he doesn't want the damn postion, as an Alpha blood coming into title, it's you're duty to fucking consult with him first." They both said nothing and stared at me blankly. "Now, Mekeel. go see how things are going in the west kitchen. The women are arranging the dinning room for a dinner later. Mikah, go check the clearing see how the men are doing setting things up. Make sure the damn road is okay to walk on holding a casket." They stared at me disbeliving. My eyes darkeed my wolf coming forth a bit. "Go!" I said and they both started towards there destinations. Mekeel spoke though, before he was completely out the door. "You should at least put on a better shirt and jacket then that." He said before disppearing through the swinging door. I huffed and sat in a stool, grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl in front of me.

I still couldn't bring myself to cry. I'm sure my father wouldn't want me to, but, it wasn't normal. To not cry when you're father died. My father often grated my nerves, and I briefly wondered if that was why I couldn't cry at his loss. Then I scoffed. I was just to fucked up. That was the plain and simple answer to it.

My head whipped to the door on the side of the kitchen that lead to the wrap around porch, my senses alert. Ifelt my ear twitch slightly, picking up shuffling and foot steps. When the door opened and Zafara and her brother Nick stepped through, I relaxed slightly. Nick's face was voided of emotion. He was the next in line Beta. He had been beast friends with Kai, but when Amy died, Nick's mate, Jenn, ran off. She had been Amy's younger sister. So know he was the way he was. Closed off. Thankfully, not with family, like Kai was. Zafara's eyes that had been lined with eyeliner were red. The eyeliner was smudged and around her eyes were blotchy. Zafara's mother, Layna, stepped through the door as well. She looked around before spotting me. She rushed over and threw her arms around me. "I'm so sorry, Meela." She whispered, I felt her warm tears hit the skin of my neck and I shivered. She let go and looked around, grabbing the basket she had sat down before hugging me. "Where is you're Mother?" Her and my mom and been bestfriends since they were kids, like me and Zafara, which is why me and her even became friends. That and she was the only one who could tolerate me. "She was in the common room with Kole. Though, you'll probably find her fussing over the flower arangements."I told her with a stiff smile. She nodded and walked off through the doors in serch of my mother. "You, sould make sure that Mikah doesn't kill Mekeel." Itold him and he nodded stiffly before walking away. I turned my back to the door and looked to Zafara. Iwent to speak but she did frst. "You can't wear that to his funeral!" She said it as if I was insane for thinking I could. "I'm supposed to be carrying his casket, alongside my brothers. I'm not wearing a dress to do that. It'll only fly up and cause a damn Marilyn Monroe pose." Isiad briskly. She sighed and looked down. It was then that I noticed the bags under her eyes. "He did it again last night didn't he? Dman asshole." I snapped. "What did I expect when I didn't reject him but we just went our sperate ways? He's a man, he has needs." She said trying to excuse the actions of her mate. I scoffed and turned around walking back to my chair. She sat opposite of me. Her hands flat on the table. I felt her pain. The pain of my father passing, the pain of her mate sleeping around and the pain of heat. She was going into heat soon. I didn't say anyhting. A female wolf goes into heat at some point after meeting there mate. This was her first one since meeting her mate three years ago. "The Hunt is coming up." I stated and she nodded, her eyes on the counter, her eyes tracing the counter top. "I wish we didn't have to go." She said and I nodded in agreement. "Yea, but you know damn well if we don't go that the Counsil will start shit and then start more shit when they find out that we already found our mates and said fuck em." I told her. She went to speak but was cut off. "Watch your mouth Jameela Elizabeth Marie Madden." My mother scolded me. Her voice was sharp with authority. I raised and eyebrow and she put her hands on her hip and eaned forward. "Don't raise that eyebrow in a challenge. Ibrough you in this damn world, bet you're ass I'll take you out just as fast." I held up my hands in surrender and stood. "I'm going to go." I said looking at my mother and Layna. They nodded and I went out the back door with Zafara in tow. I walked around the porch of the house and looked at the tree line, the direction of my house. We'd been staying here, it was eaiser for my mother to cope here.

I turned my head and looked at the path that led into the forest and to the clearing where they would hold the ceremony. Then we'd carry his casket into town, and to the cemetary. My father was well known amongst the humans, We couldn't bury him in with the rest of the wolves. We were having the traditional funeral for an Alpha blood but it had to be in the clearing, away from the prying eyes of the humans.
I stood and watched as men filtered in and out of that path, and many others. I rememeber when I was a pup, my father would take me out here and train me every day. Well everyday until he came into my life. I walked towards Mikah as he came from the forest. "It's ready. Mostly everyone is there. Should be filled by the time mom gets there." He said and I nodded. "I'l get her. Jameela, change. At least into jeans and a nicer shirt and jacket." I had forgotten Zafara was behind me until she spoke. She left no room for talking as she turned and walked away, her heels clicking on the stoned path. I narrowed my eyes at her back and turned to Mikah. "She's right, If not for dad, for mom. It'd help her." He said and I huffed before walking to the door after Zafara.

Entering my room, I walked to my closet. I picked up a pair of jeans that I'd worn all but once. They were a dark blue color. I picked a random black shirt and a long black cardigan. Throwing on the clothes, I walked to the door and down the hall. I was about to the front door before I heard a loud cry. My mothers scream echoed along with the shattering of glass. Closing my eyes I stepped out the door swiftly and started for the pathway to the clearing. I walked down the path, the gravel and leaves crunching beneath my feet. I watched as the spring air whipped around, the leaves falling from the trees. I took in the vibrant green color of the leaves. My life wasn't at all easy. I can remember when my father would get on me and tell me I had to work harder. Weather it was school at the time or training. Or if it was him. He was a monster in a sheeps skin. They both were. I was tormented, tortured even. But worst of all, I was molded. Breeded. They turned me into a killer. But funny thing is. They didn't know how to kill the killer they made. My father was never quite the same with me after they had taken me. He had treated me differently. More like a soldier than a daugher. I truly never had a relationship with him, or my mother really. I was always glued to my brother, Kai.

"You should get to the clearing, everyone's already there and you're brother is on his way with you're mom." I hadn't been expecting Mikah's mate to come out of no where, that caused fur to start sprouting from the back of my neck slowly before retreating. I let out a small puff of breath before breathing deeply with a nod. "Okay. Where's Lia?" Mikah's mate, Jamie, never went anywhere without there three month old daughter, Lia. It was new to see her without the tiny blue eyed baby. "My mother has her, they're in the clearing." I looked at her long blonde hair. The waves were slightly tousled. She held Lia's small purple blanket in her hands tightly. "I just needed to get her bottle. I'll meet you back there." I blinked and she was gone. It was her wolfs natural instinct to want to be with her pup. I never thought of having kids. For me it was such a stupid thing to imagine. A family was beyond me.

I stood at the edge of the clearing, the shadows of the trees masking me. I seen tears fall from the eyes of my pack members. The anger was in there eyes shining so vividly it surprised me. I couldn't comprehend what was happening until I felt a superior aura. No one made feel like I was lower then them on the chain. No one except my father, And them. I couldn't stop my feet from carrying me to the center of the clearing. My wolf felt alert, her senses shining through my eyes. I could tell my eye color shifted because my vison inhanced and went back to normal a few times. I spun around trying to find whoever it was. And then it was gone. I once again felt like the superior of the wolves here infront of me. Everyone's head bowed to me, barring there necks in submission. I nodded my head and they went about what they had been doing. I looked at my fathers casket and then looked to the rock where his body lay, atop blood orchid petals. I watched as the rest of the pack entered the clearing. There were 100's of people. But this wasn't close to being our whole pack. I watched as my mom walked to her seat. Her eyes never once wandered to my father. As everyone sat down, I along with my brothers stood next to my father. Mekeel still stood in his leather jacket and jeans while Mikah stood in his suit. Kole stood next to me and that was when I felt a superior presence again. I whipped my head to the side, my hair flying around.

"Kai," I said and he looked at me. He was built. More then before. His face was rugged and his eyes held a type of ferocity as he walked to stand with us. The pack was wide eyed. The old women behind us suddenly, but ever so softly started to blow into her flute. The traditional song was played at an alphas funeral. It was meant to lift his wolf sprit from his body, so it could run forever in the winds. I stood still as Kai's hand touched mine. I felt a shiver rake through me. He made me feel lower then him. Like I wasn't Alpha blood. I kept my head high and looked among my pack. Mikah stood on the end, he grabbed Mekeel's hand, Mekeel grabbed Kole's hand and Kole grabed mine. I looked to Kai. His dark golden eyes were already on me. I flared my nostrals and roughly grabbed his hand, my head going forward again. This was called linking. It inabled his spirt to come forth and be set free. I listened as the song went faster, the wind picking up. My hair swirled around my face. The leaves flew up off the ground, hitting me in the face, yet I didn't move. I couldn't. Something was compelling me not to move. Suddenly, like magic, I could see my fathers wolf in the wind, he tilted his head back and howled, it mixed beautifully with the song she was playing. I could feel myself relax at his howl. But Kai stopped me from breaking the link. He squeezed my hand hard, making me squeeze his back in annoyance. I watched as the wolf looked to my mother. Her eyes had tears shining fiercely in them. She nodded at him and he looked to us. His eyes locked on mine. I felt myself become utterly powerless under his stare. Never have I ever felt like this. I tilted my head to the side and he mimicked me. He had a wolfish grin. I watched as he looked to Kai with surprise then saddness. He let out a low whine and then his form whirlded into the wind. The leaves dropped suddenly. I barely comprehended Kole letting my hand go. I looked over at Kai, facing forward with a blank look painting his face. Hiss hand still held mine. He squeezed it tightly before dropingit. My hand fell limply, hitting my thigh. I watched him with disbelif. I watched as he walked towards my fathers body. He raised his hand, ever so slowly and brought it to our fathers hand before dropping it to his side. I stood there, utterly stunned that Kai, my brother, was actully here. I hadn't seen him in so long, and yet it seemed like yesterday we were glued together. He looked so different. I couldn't understand how he went from man to man. His facial hair was growing and it seemed as though he didn't give a shit. Kai would have never let that happen. Yet here he was, facial hair and all.

I turned my eyes to my fathers corpse. He was completely lifeless. Not a thing inside of him alive.

after his body was put in his casket, I stood in place as well as MIkah and Mekeel. Nick stood back as Kai took his place infront of me. We leaned down in unison and grabbed the metal bar and lifted. With our heightened stregnth it was okay to carry. Slowly we walked out out of the clearing, I felt the weight of not only his body but his sins laying in the casket as well. we passed my house, we went down the driveway, and into the street. The whole pack followed behind as we followed Kole. It took about an hour of walking into town. As we approached, You could here a song playing in the distance. I couldn't help but look at the people all around as we walked. My eyes stopped on a man that looked dangerously like him. I was good a distance away from him. I looked back up and seen the towns square in the distance. Ihad to fight the urge not to turn and drop the casket. I felt the presence of my wolf rise. I looked down at the ground nd tried to blink away the change of my eye color, but, she persisted and took dominating stand. Mekeel looked over at me from across and made a face. Then i knew for sure my eyes were glowing a bright green. I felt that she felt threatened. Her agression was making her stronger to over power me, making me sit in the back of my mind, as she controlleed my movements. She kept my hand griped on the metal bar and contuined to walk but she scanned the area for a threat. Not finding one she slowly retreated back to the dark corner of my mind, my eyes darkening to a forest green. I looked ahead and seen the cemetary. I felt my foot hit the sponge grass that had been spryed with pestisides as I walked into the cemetary. I looked at the headstones, and felt my empty stomach drop.

This was really happening.

The crowd behid us grew as the people from the town came to follow us aswell. I watched as the sun shined down brightly, ironically. It was sad day for our pack but for other packs, it was a day of celebration, that one of America strongest alphas was dead. And honestly a little part of me was happy as well.



My mind flashed back to when I was a child.

I could here my fathers voice echo, telling me to run faster. I did, trying to make him happy. My tail swooshed behind me helping me run just a bit faster. His foot fall was getting closer, making me panic. I was suddenly tackled by a bigger wolf. we rolled slightly until my back hit a tree. I looked up and seen Kai. I let out a small growl which was nothing compared to them. I was only 10 years old. my father stomped over and scowled. Yelling for me to do it again. And I did.

I snapped out of it as my mother cried loudly when my fathers casket was lowered into the muddy ground. I couldn't think properly. Everything was turning my brain to mush. I tried to think about what to do. my life was a series of bad choices and events so far, and normally m father would bail me out. but with him gone it was a slap into reality. I needed to get my shit together. I had plenty of things coming up that i now had o follow through with such as he mating rituals that took place in the blood moon forest. as well as the mating ball. again all of my over thinking was turning my brain to mush. I felt eyes on me and I peered up from his casket to he priest. He was familiar. And not in a good way.


I arrived back home with Mekeel holding Koles hand. My mother was being held up by Zafaras mother and Mikah. Kai awkwardly stood behind them as they all walked in the house. He was so different. He appeared like he had fought a war. Zafara walked past him with her hair hiding her face. She always liked him but it was unrealistic. I watched as my brother looked at her then to me. Finally since I'd seen him he spoke. "Jameela." The way his voice sounded was beyond cold. It was fucking icy as it hit me. The authority his voice had was pissing me. "Command me again and I'll snap your fucking wind pipe." I felt his anger radiating off of him in waves. "You think you can run away like a little bitch and come back after dad dies and take the Alpha position. You know that fucking title belongs Mikah. He worked his ass off with dad. You wallowed like a little bitch. So don't think about the position unless you will fight for it." The last line was bit stupid. Even before Kai was stronger then Mikah, now he'd most likely kill him with all his pent up rage. But Kai wasn't stupid. He knew how to restrain himself and the beast inside of him. "Kai." My mothers voice sounded through out the room. She walked to him and hugged him tightly. My mom talked to him and she was soon off to sleep.

"I had to leave," Is how he started his speech but I cut him off. "No you choose to leave. You choose to isolate our self from the pack at the worst time possible. You choose to leave when the family needed you." I was now yelling, my eyes a bright green. "You fucking choose too leave me. And right after all of that Bull shit with- with that asshole." I stumbled on my words slightly, not able to get his name out of my mouth. "Don't give me that I had to leave bullshit. I'm the last fucking person that'll buy that shit you're trying to sell." I turned but before I could walk away more words flew from my mouth. "I fucking waited for you. When I was gone, I fucking thought you would be the one there, we were always close and you knew that, you fucking knew!" I screamed and to my utter disbelief I felt tears falling down my cheeks, burning a path as they rolled down steadily. I don't know what came over me, all I know is that I felt my hands hit his chest in rage. I felt my legs become weak and I felt his hands softly yet gently grasp my fists. "I'm sorry Mia, I'm sorry." I was so angry yet I couldn't even hold myself up. Hands grabbed me from behind as I cried. And I silently swore to never let it happen again as I was carried away. To my room.

My finger tip traced the green eyes tattooed beautifully on my wrist as they sat me on my bed. I wiped any trace of tears from my face as I looked up at my room and felt dread over come me. But not my own. "I don't know what to do. What if he tries to take me with him. Oh my god! What if he has a girlfriend? Wha-" I cut off Zafara and spoke with my eyebrows raised. "First off we can't be awayfrom each other for that long, secondly if he has a girlfriend shes probably a skank, and thirdly calm the hell down, Far." She breathed a sigh of relief as I spoke. "We don't leave for two days. You will be fine." I guess I was beyond out of the loop, by the look on her face "I thought Mekeel told you." I sighed and looked at her my eyes talking for me. "We leave in the morning at day break." My own wolf suddenly took a stand. She was pacing in my mind. Curious as to what he would look like, two years later. I looked up at Zafara and masked my emotions, for her sake. "Ok. Well get rested up." Was all I said. She heard the underlying meaning. I wanted to be alone. She nodded her head and walked out, shutting the door behind her. I instantly shot up and paced before I stopped and just stared at the black sky the moon wasn't seen from my side of the house but I knew we were one night and day away from a full, blood moon. And it worried me a bit knowing I would see him. I slowed my breathing down and looked at my thigh. I breathed and traced my skin lightly. I wasn't prepared for seeing him. Not mentally at least. I was only prepared for facts, and with a mate you never knew what could happen. You could fall in love, you could hate each other, you could throw the other down a cliff. I mean the point is that you can't plan anything, everything is in the moment. I hated that. My mind flashed back to when I was with him.

He had taken me to a well. "Make a wish," He said. His voice had seductive edge to it. I smiled up at him and nodded before taking the silver dollar from his hand, I closed my eyes and wished. For his head to be in the well, his body on the side of it. My lip curved up and I dropped the coin. I looked at him and he was smirking. "What did you wish for?" He asked as the coin made a quiet splash into the water. I smiled big, a 1000 watt smile before speaking. "To be with you till the end of time." He smiled, thinking he had done what he was supposed to do. Fool me. He turned from me and my smile took a dark turn into smirk full of lies. He had no idea I was fucking him over. Don't create something you can't kill, Vladimir. That was my thought as I walked in tow back to the compound.

I would always remember that day, till my last breath. It was the day I vowed that I'd get out, that I'd get revenge and I will. I don't know when and I don't know where but I do know it'll be one for the books.

They both made my life hell.

Vladimir I wanted dead, simply put. But Him, I wanted him to suffer I wanted him to be tormented by me. I wanted him to feel himself go to the very edge, feel himself break, and know he was going insane before reeling him in, giving him hope. Before I rip his heart from his chest. And watch as the life drained from those beady eyes. I wanted him to be me when I was held captive, as I was molded into a killer. He would know what if felt like to broken and dead inside. I don't know when but it would happen. And God will I relish in the pure pleasure of knowing I was the one that ruined him. 

And as I pondered all the ways to make him suffer, I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep until a scream woke me. My eyes shot open and I jumped up my curly hair flew everywhere. I knew that scream, I'd known it since I was a child. Zafara. I Ran from my room to the room she had in our house, and seen her thrashing about, Her eyes jumping to me. I ran to her sat on the floor with her hand in mine. Her head fell into my lap. My heart tightened, I knew I couldn't do a thing. Her mate was in bed somewhere with some whore having sex, Like he did almost every night. She felt it all. But it wasn't in a good way. No it felt as thought your insides were on fire and being ripped from you. Like your throat was closing, Like your brain was turning to mush before exploding. I talked from experience. It happened to me probably three times. But her, she felt several times a week. If I seen him in there, in that forest, I would kill him. She looked up at me, with a pleading look before choking out words. "Please Meela make it stop. I can't." Tears fell from her eyes and I looked her straight in the eyes and said. "I can't Far. You know that." I stroked her sweaty hair just as a dry and blood curdling scream escaped her chapped lips. I looked up and seen Kai standing in the door way his chest rising and falling hard. He was only wearing shorts. He had sweat above his lip and his hair was soaked. He had grass and mud covering his chest, as if he had fallen. He had gone for a run. Her claws suddenly elongated and dug into my arm, and if I was human I would have needed stitches. As she retracted her claws from skin It started to heal instantly. Blood still dripped down arm. Kai came in and held her hands and spoke.

"Shh, Let her come forward. Don't hold her back." He spoke I thought he was a royal idiot. Her eyes closed tightly and she tensed before her eyes shot open like rockets and they were a bright green, showing with pure pain. "Hey, just breath. Think of running. Being utterly free. The wind in your fur. The sky bright with stars and the cool crisp air filling your senses. picture the grass. It's green and vivid. There ya' go." His voice was so calm, so serene. She listened, her eyes gently closed and she inhaled, as if she was smelling the crisp air he spoke of.  I looked to him as he sat behind her, putting her legs on his lap. The blood had dried partly, and she was calming down as she clung to me. Her breathing slowed and I had assumed that her mate had stopped what he had been doing. I don't understand how he could know that this happened whenever someone had sex with a another wolf that wasn't your mate and and still do it so frequently and not care at all. I mean at least break your bond if you feel the need to sleep around. I looked over to Kai only to see his eyes on me. "You still furrow your eyebrows and the vein pops out when you think. You haven't completely changed." I could only chuckle at him in response. He gave me a questioning look. "Just because my eyebrows crease and a vein pops out a little doesn't mean I'm the same as I once was. People change. It's life. I've gotten used to it. I had too being on my own and all." He had a somber look over take his face, and I looked away. I picked up my bum from the floor and pulled my phone from my pocket. I looked at the screen and seen the little box notifying me someone had texted. I swiped the screen tapped the icon for my messages and seen Mikah had been the latest text. It was short and not so sweet, telling me to be prepared for tomorrow. I typed in asshole and sent it. I sat my phone down and looked at the ceiling. Like my room there was a sky window. Though that was the only thing that was alike with our rooms. Hers was normal mine started of normal, but there was this ladder thing you had to fucking climb to get to where I slept, which was like a cone room attic thing with windows all over. I slept down on the couch in my room rather then climbing to my bed. I conjured the damn idea up when I was 13. God my ideas were fucking out of this world. She let go of my arm and I look over to see the sweat dried up and she was asleep. I closed my hand over hers and she relaxed, feeling I was here. She was one of the only people I would die for.

I felt a twitch and my eyes slowly opened. I was looking up at the ceiling. I moved around into a sitting position and seen Zafara in the position she was in before I fell asleep and Kai had his head on  her thigh. My head had been on hers. 

It was so weird to see Kai like that, with all of his barriers down. I stood and put a pillow from the bed behind us and put it under her head. And I walked out. Not in a graceful bad ass way either more like I almost tripped over my own fucking feet and smashed face in to the stairs and broke my teeth kind of walked out. But hey, I walked out at least. I wasn't one of those cliche never did anything wrong kind of Alphas daughter. I fucked up a lot. Weather it was falling or punching someone in the throat because they stared at me to long. But I was one of the strongest Pure Alpha blood females in the country. I didn't get that title being graceful. I was ranked 2nd. And I was proud, Maybe that was conceited but I was I took pride in my ranking and my pack but that was a natural part of being a wolf. We were driven on pride, greed, strength, our packs. It was what made us one with our wolves and not separate. We felt things at a higher magnitude then humans. Love felt like were fucking hippies at a festival. I have heard that Vampires felt it so much worse then us. Another thing is they didn't like being called vampires. They liked to be called 'Day Walkers'. But Wolves liked to piss them off. So we called them as what they truly were. Wolves traveled in packs and vampires traveled alone. We had a family we were attached often feeling what another feels. Vampires felt detached from others most of the time. Unless you had a bond with them, They could snap your neck ten time faster then us and feel absolutely nothing. I knew this from the time I spent with Vladimir. He told me when we we're alone. I walked into my room and felt another presence I took caution as I scanned the room. I seen a figure in the corner. "You really should stay out of peoples rooms Nick." My voice was mellow but still had a certain tone to it. He looked up at me and spoke. "You should start getting ready. We can only take you so far before you-" He trailed off and I ignored him and walked to my closet and pulled out a shirt and pants. I shrugged off my pants and felt hands on my waist turned to him and grabbed his face and kissed him. Hard. He pushed me on the dresser I ran my hands through his blonde hair and tugged on the ends as he pushed his hips into mine. "I have been gone for a while." I pushed him away and looked towards Kai standing in the door way. Nick used to be Kai's best friend and was our next in line beta. I grabbed my pants from the floor as Kai looked away as I pulled them on. "You could knock jackass." I said with hiss of venom in my voice. He looked at me. "So my little sister like to mess around in bed with boys now." His voice had its own level of venom in it. "Oh shut the hell up Malikai. You know that I can do what I want. I'm not some little girl anymore. I've seen to much to be a little girl anymore. Done to much." He rose an eyebrow in question. I looked away and turned my head to nick and gave him a look he nodded and walked out giving Kai a look. I watched as Kai followed him out. I slammed my door and slid down it. No one knew about nick and I and for sure not Zafara seeing as how she was his baby sister and my best friend. he had to go to the forest as well and he would most likely find his mate. I liked him. I liked him a lot but I didn't love him. I don't know if I ever would. I do know I'm fully ready to let him go if he finds his mate. He was a very closed off person but he was still a sweetheart. I was slightly worried for Nick and Zafara. They both didn't care to meet there mates. Well Zafara already had she just didn't want to meet him again. But I saw through her. She was pained. She wanted to know why. I already knew why. 

He didn't care about her. 

It happened often the human side doesn't care but the wolf inside holds them back from rejecting them. I planned to reject my mate, but it also depended on Far. If she forgave her mate and wanted to stay with him I'd have to stay there as well, We can't be away from each other for to long, and it was the females that went to the males pack. I've been reading up on a way to break the bond. But unless one of us dies, then we are stuck together. I dreaded the whole thing. 

I felt a stir of emotions as Zafara woke up and the nights events replayed to her. 

I changed into the outfit I'd chosen and slipped on my shoes and walked out grabbing my jacket off the floor. I walked down the hallway and into the common room where almost everyone stood. My mother wasn't present. She wouldn't be. I'm sure she was in bed. My thoughts wandered Kole, I looked up and questioned Mikah as to where he was going  to stay. "Jamie will take care of him, she wanted to." I nodded as Zafara walked in her eyes red and puffy. Mekeel looked at her and I could tell he felt bad, Mikah looked away. He was the next in line so He often felt his pack mates pain if it was immense like hers. She stood a pair of joggers and hoodie. Her boots were laced up tightly as she walked farther into the room until she stood to my right side. I assume she was hiding her face because Kai was staring at her with his face voided of emotion. I felt the urge to shield her and punch him in the face. I watched as everyone gathered in the room and looked to me Far, Nick and our warriors son as we were standing together waiting to be led to where ever before be cold cocked and dragged to a damn forest to sit like idiots. "Okay you will basically sit and wait for a trail of a scent or something or until your hit in the head and brought to our pack boarders. I nodded and huffed. "Okay, lets go.  wanna get this shit over with." I said as I grabbed Far's arm and led her to the doors. I dropped her arm and shoved open the two matching wooden doors. I watched as our pack looked at me as I stood on the steps in front of my brothers and friends. My foot touched the next step and they parted for us and I kept walking. I felt the tearing feeling of worry break through our bond and I knew she was doing it purposely. I pushed back with reassurance and then closed i out of my mind as much as I could. As much as I was her Alpha and she was supposed to protect me I was in a way her guardian. I walked and felt a presence at my side and looked to see nick his hand brushed mine and I pulled back. I looked squinted my eyes at him and he walked ahead, annoyance clear in his posture. As we neared the boarder I could tell they were pulling back. I turned and seen them come to a halt. As Mikah opened his mouth to speak I spoke first. "We got this. Relax, I'll make sure they're safe." Mekeel jogged up to me, knowing he wasn't supposed to and and hugged me and Far. I could feel his hand going to my thigh and putting something in the pocket. I hugged him back and when he pulled back I nodded at him. "Be safe. All of you." He walked back to them and stared at us as we walked away. I few others we're at the pack boarders, being loud and crazy as they jumped around. I guessed they were in they're younger teens. "You need to be on guard." And they stopped and quieted. I kept walking and as I crossed the boarder I felt myself become detached. A shiver raked through me as we walked farther from the pack. My wolf was on high alert and was rather quiet. Everyone eventually started talking which led to bickering which led to fighting which in turn led to us stopping. I stood and watched as they yelled and fought. I knew it was nerves. I was close to just mindlinking mekeel but that was no good. We were to far out of territory, our Alpha was dead. That was useless. So I grabbed one of them by the collar of his shirt when he swung making him hit air. "Knock it off you idiots." I said and my eyes narrowed to slits at them. Far stood there watching as her brother attacked a 16 year old with his words. "Nick your 24. Stop acting like your 14." As he looked away I spoke again. Well I tried I was hit. Like I was seriously hit in the head. I fell to the ground my hands bracing me. I blinked several times cursing as I stood. I was hit again before a cloth was put over my face. It burned my face and I squirmed "Your beautiful baby doll. Must be the Alpha's daughter." His voice was raspy and cracking as he spoke me want to hit him all the more. On instinct my elbow shot back into his rib. Holding my breath I looked around to see Far laying on the ground. She was clearly knocked out. Nick was one his way but he was struggling. One Thing I did see before I breathed in a deep breath of fucking aconite or wolfs bane and chloroform, was one of the kids running towards the pack boarder before she was tackled, The fear was evident as a cloth was shoved over her mouth and nose. my nose and throat burned as I breathed in the wolfs bane. It had a sweet smell which was how I knew there was chloroform on the cloth as well. I became light headed and everything was shaky as two arms wrapped around me carried me. I felt my head lull as I was thrown onto something, I assumed was a van floor. As another body was tossed on me I knew it was Zafara. The bond between us had a sudden surge of emotion before I was out cold.


My eyes shot open as I plunged into ice cold water. I gasped as I reached the surface. I swam to the edge and climbed out. I looked around and seen no one, well not a first. That was until everyone that had come with me was thrown into the water from a cliff above me. Zafara let out a string of curses as she came to the edge of the river. I gave her a hand, pulling her up and onto her feet. "I hate lone wolves. Why are they chosen to bring us." She hissed out. I ignored her as I tried to sense any other wolves. I came up dead. The wolfs bane must have been stronger then I thought, because I couldn't concentrate for shit. Growing frustrated I sat on a stump and watched as my pack got more out of hand then before. I stood and felt a growl work up my throat as my wolf was fed up with there childish antics. My eyes flashed a dark green. They went silent, showing me they would listen. I turned and walked up the side of the hill. 

I hadn't thought this through. Half way up and it was getting more steep. I held onto a rock and tried to swing my other hand up and dig it into the dirt. I let out a squeal as My hand grabbed the middle of a snake I pulled it back and threw it. I heard the splash of the water and knew it fell in the river. "Are you sure we can do this?" One of the boys said as fear shown through. "You can do this as long as you believe you can. Don't let the fear of falling come into your mind. Think of the pride you will feel once your at the top." I grunted through my words as I shoved my foot into a small hole. I pulled my self up holding onto rocks stuck in the dirt. I stopped trying to concentrate. I could get a faint whiff of another wolf. It was gone as the wind blew. My wolf perked up, on alert. I pulled myself up onto the top of the cliff, My hand hitting grass. I stood up looking around at the wooded area that stared back at me only a few yards away. Turning away I grabbed Far's arm and pulled her to her feet. Looking I seen as they one by one helped each other get up.

"Okay, I want you guys on your A game. Don't go into wolf mode if you sense your mate. I need to know where each of you are." I said to he younger children. They nodded as Nick walked towards the woods. I shook my head and followed him. He looked at me with a worried look, but he didn't  voice his concerns to me. 

"Jameela, They look like they could hunt." Liam's voice echoed behind me. He was one of our best warriors son's "Alright." Was all I said as they scattered. "What happens if he doesn't let me go? Some males are like that." My mind was on over drive and I felt like I was going to jump over the cliff to escape the voices of everyone. "Far give me a second. Please." My voice, nine chances out of ten, was harsher then need be. But she understood nonetheless. Stepping away and into the woods, just far enough to get quiet I sat on a stump and drowned in the sounds of the trees whooshing back and forth. "God I've never wanted to be home so much." I muttered to myself. 

Standing after a long enough time I walked back to my group. Finding some resting and others watching guard. I grabbed her by the arm and walked to a tree. "Don't worry about him. He cant take you." I was determined to let her know I would protect her at any cost. "As a female and his mate. Im his for the taking if he says. Meela we cant ignore the law stated my elders thousands of years ago." She said, Her light blue eyes falling to me. "Exactly. Thousands of years ago. I don't care if I have to break a fucking law or two to protect my own." I said to her my eyes shining with certainty. "You are a part of this pack, and you will not leave it unless it your choice." she nodded at me held my hand tightly before releasing it. "Far! Meela!?" Nicks voice echoed out and we both walked back. 

As we walked back into the area we had basically taken, I saw three wolves. I stood tall standing in front of my pack. "Oh it's female. We better be scared." One of them snickered. I rose an eyebrow. "Your bloody childish." I said and he looked annoyed. "And, You better be scared." My claws elongated and fur sprouted and growled. They each got into an attack position, as did mine. "Let play." And I leaped. A sneer on my face as I elongated my teeth and tore into his flesh. 


Just like butter...




"It's been five days. I want out of this damned forest."

"You think your the only one? We all want out!"

"Stop arguing before Meela wakes up and tears you to bits."

I wasn't sure what I was hearing, or where I was. All I knew was that I was being carried. I tried to pick up my head and it wouldn't budge. Like I was strapped down. My eyes were so heavy, to the point I felt utterly dead. A raspy noise that resembled a dying cat, creeped up my throat.

"I'm not the only one that heard that right?" Far's voice was questioning. "We need to stop and help her regroup." That made me alert. I didn't know who that was.

"Jameela, can you hear me? If you can, um, wrinkle your nose!" I knew that was one of my pack mates, I'm not sure who. It wasn't relevant, because I couldn't move. I felt our bond pull and strain as Zafara came closer. "Meela if your in there, and can hear me," She grabbed my hand and squeezed, "Squeeze my hand." The worry in her voice bothered me. I tried, I could feel my veins burning with an ache as I tried to even move a finger. My hand was on fire. I could feel it, that little teeny tiny movement of my pinky, had me wanting to sleep for years. "She did it! It was small but it happened." Far's voice was hopeful.

I felt myself being picked up and moving fast. Then it hit me, the scent of rain and a thousand cherries. My eyes flew open and I flung up out of the arms of my carrier. The scent was exhilarating and a rush. I knew it, I smelled it before.

"Mate." My voice was husky from not having any use. "Mate." My eyes burned as they turned a dark green and my sight sharpened. With each inhale his scent was stronger, and I swear I could almost feel it around me.

Nick stared at me, as he bent down and spoke. I couldn't hear him though, my mind and wolf was on the smell of fresh rain. It was such a crisp scent. "Jameela." I was suddenly grabbed and forced to look at Zafara. "Hey, calm down." The scent was gone the second she grabbed me. "It's gone. What happened?" I was surprised at the words flying out of my mouth. My eyes were looking around for the source of the smell. A hand touched my shoulder and I stood to my feet in a flash. "Don't touch me!" My teeth elongated and my claws elongated, turning darker until they were black. The look of shock was evident on her face, as well as the others. But she knew it wasn't me, My wolf that had been on high alert had shoved her way to the surface and took control, pushing me into the dark corners of my own mind that she called home. "It was a trance state. The scent is gone because you broke the trance allowing other scents and smells to invade your senses and mind." Nicks voice was so smooth, it sort of lulled her enough to let me regain control. But as soon as I had control I couldn't stand, I fell. The weight of my own body was to heavy for me to hold up. Nick and a girl I don't know each grabbed an arm as Zafara held my head. "How much longer in this hell hole." Zafara chuckled at my snarky words before taking the shirt nick had taken off and laying over my legs."She's ice cold." Zafara's worry spiked again and nick spoke as he moved, "It's because of all of this, it broke down her immune." He laid down against a slanted tree an lugged me over with him. Zafara placed my head on his chest. she had a look of doubt, but when i shivered from being so weak her face softened. Male wolves were normally hot to the touch which is why I was laying with him. My face was against his chest as I laid my hand on his stomach. I could feel the heat radiating off of him, Goosebumps rose on my arm as I shivered once again. "I'm not some pansy. This is completely ridiculous." I fought against the urge to shut my eyes. I looked around and tried to collect myself from the events that had taken place moments ago.

I had lost control, and I couldn't be more pissed at myself for it. I didn't want a mate. Not for some dumb reason like, 'It makes you weak.'

Simply put I didn't want a mate. I had fallen before and trust me, it hurt like a bitch. I wouldn't allow myself to go that low again. I couldn't. I knew if I found my mate, I wouldn't be able to kill Vladimir. In a male wolfs mind he had to keep from danger at all costs. And they screamed danger.

"Just imagine hitting Mekeel for convincing you to come here." Nicks voice was low, lulling me even more, then it hit me. "We need to go back to wear I shifted!" My voice was serious and I no longer felt tired. He looked at me and wrinkled his eyebrows before nodding and standing to his feet. I sat up, dizziness hitting me smack in the face. Groaning I let out a string of curses. Grabbing his leg I tried pulling myself up. He had to grab my hand to get me to my own feet. Holding onto his bicep, I walked. It was shaky but it was walking. Far held my arm and moved us along faster. The sun was beating down and I knew tomorrow my perfectly tanned skin would be darker then average. Giggling was heard from a girl behind us and my head turned slightly to peak at her. I seen that she was the girl that had helped me earlier. "Which male is her mate?" I could practically hear there hormones screaming at each other, plus you could smell that her Heat was starting. "Her name is Alekzandria. She's from some where." I rose an eyebrow Far. "Really. Somewhere?" My voice had a tease to it which ticked her a bit. "She's from Romania or something like that." Nick picked up for her and she hit him. I kind of fell but I was strong enough to stand mostly on my own. "Your so rude. Trying to seem like the better sibling." I could tell she was annoyed. Grabbing her hand I took a step with her and let go of his arm I had been holding. It was leap that she wouldn't let me fall. I mean after all she was a bitch when annoyed. She looked at me and her eyes held a secret. Suddenly I realized she did that on purpose. She knew I'd try and comfort her and be alone with her. "What?" My voice was questioning and I was curious at what she knew. "Shh." Her eyes swung to Alekzandria and back to me. Eyebrows furrowing I walked with her until we were away from the group. "She's a hunter." I instantly felt myself want to rip her head off. "What?" MY voice was serious and I felt myself grow in strength. I was drawing from my wolf. I stood up tall and looked her straight in the eye. "Talk."

"Her mark on her neck. It's been covered mostly, but for a split second I saw it. The mark of a sword and heart. A wolf heart." Her voice was solid and set on it. "Are your sure?" I had to be certain before walking up to her getting her face as Alpha. "Any wolf would know it. Especially me." I knew that tone. The one that she used when speaking of Theo. My feet took off in a fast walk. I walked towards her and seen her look to me. A friendly look crossed her face and she almost spoke but I grabbed the chance to first.

"Since when do Hunters play nice with our kind, Alekzandria." My voice was smooth and it cracked. I wasn't sure how long My wolf would allow me to draw from her but I knew she wouldn't just give out on me. "What?" Here mate spoke softly, staring from me to her. I grabbed her neck moved her hair. Just a Far said, A blade cutting through a wolves heart. The mark was sleek and elegantly done on her skin. The wolves behind me growled as she shoved me off of her. "It wasn't a choice." Her voice was sincere. But never trust Hunter around a wolf. "Just as you didn't choose being a Werewolf. I was branded as a child, never allowed to have a mind of my own. I was property of the Hunters of Romania since I was birthed from a whore." She was angry you could see the fury in her eyes and you could see she was lethal. I could relate. Being branded was never a choice. Being property wasn't a gift. And I never had my own mind. It was his. So I turned from her and walked away. I wobbled a bit held to trees as I sniffed out the bloody corpses were I had shifted. I was unsteady as I walked to the clearing. We hadn't been far, from where they laid. Maybe a 30 minute walk. But for me it was about a 45 minute walk. My hand shot out to the bush.

That was mistake one. I fell into it. Literally. Second mistake. There was a bloody body part I fell on. I huffed loudly, Feeling my buttons pop slowly. I swear I could hear them popping off. one by one they fell, pushing me farther and farther to insanity.

I heard a huff as I was blindly pulled out of the bush. Blood covered my face and arm. The white sure I was wearing was stained in blood. I looked around at the grueling scene and looked for where I had shifted. Seeing as it was four plus days later, there were flies and maggots on the bodies. I stepped around it as much I could. From the severity of the corpses I could tell wild animals had gotten to them. I suddenly seen the moon shine over a shining metal object and realized it was covered in shreds of my pants. That was it. Power walking to it, I'm pretty sure I stepped on about 4 rocks and cut my feet, I picked it up.

"Mekeel's flask?! Seriously?" The excitement in Far's voice was louder then her actual voice. I spun the top and watched as it hit the side of the golden flask. Pressing the cold metal to my chapped lips, the alcohol hit my mouth and burned a smooth path to my tummy. It was ripped from my hands as Far chugged half of it down before putting it in my hand. I stared at the flask. It was smooth, soft. No digs or grooves. It was shiny and perfectly square. I felt my mind flash back to a distant memory.

"Why do you always carry that flask?"

"Because." His answer was meek. My hand touched the flask. It was exquisite. The design and shape in its self was intricate. The bright red rubies danced in the sun light. "It's so different, Vlad." My voice rolled of intrigued as he rose it to his lips. "Just like you, Malen'kiy volk."

(little wolf in Russian)

I smiled, at the time loving the pet name he had for me.

"Jameela, Snap back into you're head." I felt a hand hit the back of my neck and I almost lost it. Another button flew off. "Keep your hands to your bloody self Nick!"

I could feel myself loosing control of myself. Of the beast inside. The intense anger I felt was simmering and I knew with each button I would boil over the edge. "I need to be alone." I stood up on my own finding strength in my adrenaline rush. I walked through the forest, straying from the pack and the path. I could feel Zafara's worry being pushed on to me. And I ignored it. I kept walking I walked for hours. My feet were bloody from the sharp objects of the ground and I didn't feel a thing.

I was suddenly plowed to the forest floor. My head smacked a tree root and I grunted. That was it. The last button flew off.

I stood slowly on all fours, looking carefully at the rugged wolf. A sinister smirk splayed on my lips as every moral I had was slowly switched off like a light switch. A low growl came from the back of my throat as my smirk turned to a cold glare of hatred.

A slow prick started at the back of my neck as fur sprouted. The only thing that filled the air was crack and crushing of my human bones as they morphed them selves. My upper lip turned up in a sneer. I fell on all fours, My pure white fur was standing up in anticipation. My ears stood up and my tail was out straight, showing I was the one of dominance. He lunged at me. I fell on my back readied my claws. As he flew over me I felt my claws dig into his under belly. Blood splashed my white fur, it seeped through and I felt the heat of the fresh blood on claws. I rolled over and lunged at him. Rolling into the tree my claws and canines dug into his flesh. His delicate skin ripped like paper under the pressure of my jaw. His whine was scratchy as it mixed with a growl of anger. But he knew. I would be the one to win this fight. I was skilled in ways he wasn't. I was a killer. A pure blooded killer with no remorse or guilt in my actions.

He laid there, his mouth slightly open, as blood dripped out of his mouth, my wolf and I felt voided, just like every time, I lost control.

I had it under control. The buttons were now neatly placed back in there respected places. I was relieved. I felt a sense of weight lifting off of my shoulders as I wiped my face clean of blood . I turned my back to the body and walked off as if it were a bunny. But to me, that's what he was.

I walked back the clearing near the edge of the cliff and found them talking. The hunter was standing alone, her mate was off somewhere. Everyone stared at her, she stared at the ground not daring to look up. My bloodied feet and naked body walked to her. The other males turned there heads, except nick , of course he was a dick. As she seen me she took off her over sized jacket and handed it to me.

"One person, that's all it takes before I rip your head off." She nodded and pushed it to me again. "Here. Nick is staring at you." I grinned as I put on the jacket. I turned my head to him and seen his lust and smiled at him. He shook his head and gave me a an unsettling smirk. I looked to her and she had an eyebrow raised. "Nothing he hasn't seen before, i'm guessing." She was smart, smarter then I thought. "Your mates?" I let out a laugh. "No, We have been, like family forever. Me and Zafara were friends since birth and then our bond made us closer. He was closest with my oldest brother, but, well shit happened and family turned into strangers and people died. And me and him are close now."

"But not in the heart. He loves you as much as you love him. Which isn't very much, more of a like then love. You guys use each other and it benefits the both of you. So in the end you aren't actually close more like, allies, in bed." I rose an eyebrow at her conclusion and nodded. "Smarter then I pegged you, Hunter." She nodded and spoke. "I was born in Romania but im not of Roman decent. My father was Bulgarian as well as my mother, but he died and she gave me up. I wound up in the hands of the hunters, And until I turned 18 I lived a great life in the UK. I was a cheerleader and I had a boyfriend. I knew I wanted to go to Harvard and study law like a normal girl. But I wasn't normal. They adopted me because they knew i was of hunter decent. My mother was, before she was basically banned from Bulgaria while she was pregnant. She gave birth to me and I grew up being told she was a whore. I didn't want to believe it, but when I came into myself I had the resources to find out the Hunters weren't lying." She turned to me with a stone cold look in here eye. "I was trained to ruthlessly kill a werewolf with no remorse. I was there, 'new start'." I couldn't help but feel a bit threatened, but also a connection.

"I understand." Was all I said before turning to and walking to nick. Her mate had come up behind her and spoke in her ear. "Do you believe her?" Far was louder then she needed to be but I said nothing of it. I gave a face, indicating I wasn't sure. I mean I wasn't going to hop onto her band wagon of trust after a sob story which could or could not be true. So I was in the grey area with her.

"Me and nick haven't smelled or sensed our mates. I wonder where you're mate is, seeing as you almost bit my arm off over a scent." Zafara was one to be snippy and rather rude when she felt like it. But she also was very kind, she loved to deeply at times and felt compassion for those who didn't deserve it. She was kind. But that was what her wolf zeroed in on.

"How much longer are we to be in this hell hole?" I chuckled at Nick before opening my mouth to talk, but I was cut off.

"No more whining, your times up." I was grabbed by my hair. I swear on everything Holy I felt my buttons fly right the fuck off, and I felt seams burst. I would kill this bastard. "How dare you lay your hands on me you low life mangy mutt!" The anger in my voice was hot. Each of my pack mates were being held, some of the males where being held down by two. "Your a fiesty little thing, baby doll." I twisted my body around, my hair was being pulled and he was trying to restrain me. I grabbed his neck and smirked at him, grabbing his shoulder and pushing him down before kicking his knee. He screamed in agony as his knee fell in backwards. "Bye bye, baby doll." And I snapped his neck. I didn't even have time to turn around before I was shoved into the ground by two men. I was flipped over and a male with jade colored eyes. "Sorry." I furrowed my brows before I gasped and flung up at him. The needle was jabbed into my skin. I screamed but it was dry and scratchy, "Aconite." It wasn't diluted. "Sorry, you're stronger then the rest. Alpha blood." I felt like my veins were on fire. I stared at him as he held me. I wanted kick him in the face, but I wasn't able to move. I was about to pass out. "Night night." And then it was all dark. My eyes lulled back and I was out.

I woke up. Not in the Forest nor my bed. I woke up  just on the boarder of my pack. I pushed through the urge to lay there and stood to my feet, having more strength then I did previously. I could suddenly smell it. The smell of a Lone Wolf wafted through my elevated senses. I grabbed the arm of the closest wolf and dragged them through the boarder, before letting out call. A howl of sorts. I looked and seen Far. She looked to be sedated more then the others like me and nick were. She put up a fight. I could tell there was blood on her hands as if she clawed at the person taking her. I grabbed and lifted her. I carried her over to the boarder before I was knocked down. She rolled over into the pack territory. I felt a sense of worry flood me as I stood and faced the wolf. To my surprise it was female. She looked rough and I could faintly sense the Alpha blood running faint in her blood. She hadn't been A loner long enough for it to be gone from her. As I crouched down showing my elongated canines in a sneer, something about her made me feel like I knew her. Her long fur pushed back against her body as she turned and ran.

Shock hit me. I stood straight and looked around. I could hear the footfall of my pack in the distance. I grabbed Nick and Winters wrists and dragged them through the boarder and dropped them near a tree. I couldn't believe it. She left, she turned around and ran. It baffled me. Why would she leave? Grown men had stood to kill me. She should have stood her ground as a She-Wolf. Mostly as A Loner.

A hand shot out to my shoulder. On instinct I turned and my fist struck the face of the culprit. It turned out to be Kai. He held his jaw with one hand and stared at me with annoyance. "Why are you still here? go back to your cabin. Your nothing but human with an ability to shift." My words were cold and, the edge of a threat was barely there but he seen it. "Your nothing but a girl with inability to feel and ability to kill with no remorse." He wasn't trying to throw a jab more like piss me off with his sarcastic fucking attitude. "Fuck you." I hissed. Mekeel stood and held an exausted Nick. "I thought that was his job? Or have I missed even more?" That time he was throwing a jab. "I will come across this border and smack the shit out of you both." My mothers voice held a level of joking and seriousness. I stood straight as she came to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "You were gone a while. A whole week. We postponed The Candle until after the Mating Ball." I looked at her felt like face palming her. "I was knocked out most of the time I was in that dreaded Forest. You must be out of your mind if you think I'm going to the Mating Ball or The Candle." My voice was high and she could tell my restraint on myself was slipping. "I'm this close to snapping and killing someone. Hopefully Kai." My mother smacked me. Hard. "How dare you say such things only a week and half after your Fathers death! Have you no filter Jameela?" I could tell her anger was mixing in with the hurt of his death. "I learned from the best." Her eyes squinted at me full of disbelief that I would bring up Vlad and Him. "I can't even look at you right now." Her words were icy, matching her frosty blue eyes. She turned her back straight as she walked to the compound. "You really score well Mia."

"Don't you ever call me that again Mekeel! You know better!" I was blazing with fury as he uttered that nickname. I took off opposite of where my mom went. I was running towards the Alpha's house. My run turned into a jog as I reached the house. I jogged up the stone steps and pushed open the doors. I looked around the living room. It was quiet other then the crackling of the orange and red flames that danced in the stone fireplace. I jogged up the modern zig-zag stairs and took a left at the second floor. I walked down the hallway and to the door with a wooden wolf nailed to it that said Kol. Twisting the handle I slipped inside. There he laid on his race-car bed fast asleep. I sat down on the floor and held his hand. "Kol. It's Meela." His eyes fluttered open and a lazy smile flew onto his face. His arms wrapped around my neck. "Meela! I missed you this much!" He held his arms out wide to display how much. "Really? Well I missed you this much!" Seeing as my arms were longer there was more room in between. "No fair. I drew you a picture." I chuckled and followed him to the table in the corner. I sat with him a while longer before I laid him down and watched his eyes close. He was so peaceful. I stared at him and wished he wouldn't have to know the evils I did.

I stood to my feet and walked to the door and watched him a second longer. His golden hair matched my mothers and siblings. I was the only one out of us all that had dark hair. My fathers hair was a chestnut brown. And mine was pitch black, long and curly. Whilst they'res was bone straight and barely grew. I was the odd one out. The one who was different and never seemed to fit in. I shut his door and as I turned there was Kai. On instinct I went to hit him in the face, but he was older, therefor faster. His hand held onto my wrist like a leach. "Let me go. I don't have time for this."

"What happened out there, with the loner?" His curiosity was peaked. "Go ask her. Jackass." I yanked my hand from his grasp only to have grip my chin. "Give me attitude again." His wolf was going through an angry spurt. "Fuck. Off." I placed my hand on his shoulder before shoving him away from me. Walking down the hall I could here his foot steps following me. "You remind me of a fly, Annoying, gross."

"You have no respect. I guess being with them really did change you. You aren't my sister. You're they're slave." I stopped abruptly and turned and punched him in his throat. "Say one more thing Malikai, I dare you. I will rip your throat from your body. Test me." He stood up and stared at me in disbelief. He held his throat. I could tell from the looks of it, it'd be bruised. "Now leave me alone." As I turned my back from him I could tell he'd walked the other way. My shock was still prominent as I entered my room. I was baffled. I know he didn't know, he hasn't been around, But he did know that they were touchy to bring up, let alone be a dick about it. If I had said that about his mate I swear this house would have been burnt to the ground. As I stepped in my shower, I watched as the dirt was washing down the drain and slightly wished I could slip through the holes and wash away with it. I wouldn't have to be burdened by the nagging rage and revenge. Or the disappointment I seen in everyone's eyes every now and then, even if I wasn't supposed to see it. I knew they weren't exactly happy with me. Yes we were close, but not as close. I rubbed my hands through my hair and watched as more dirt slid down my body and down the drain. As I picked up my shampoo bottle I heard a bang and a thud from my room. Peaking my head out of the shower I looked through the open door and seen my room, with two of my brothers fighting. Leaning out I slammed the door shut and resumed with my shower. I scratched my hair restlessly as I walked into my room with a robe around me and a towel, now, half off of my head. I looked around my room and seen nothing broke, just out of place. I picked up my comforter and threw it on the bed and went to my closet. As I threw on shorts and a tank top, I was still thinking of how insane Kai was to have brought them up, but I was more surprised that he was shocked at my actions towards him. He had excepted me not to react badly towards him after he had uttered words of betrayal. He should have thrown hot boiling water on my face, It wouldn't have shocked me as much. I re-positioned my towel on my head after brushing it, and made my way to my door, Praying to god I didn't get hit by my brothers. I walked down the hallway to the stairs. I could hear the yelling, and I realized whatever they were fighting about before had escalated. I looked over the ledge of the stairs and seen into the common room. Kai was standing and watching Mekeel and Mikah fighting. Zafara stood off to the side watching the altercation. I wasn't sure if I should stand here or go down and see what the fuck they were yapping about.

"What does Jameela think. After all, she seems to be listening." Kai's voice resonated up to where I stood. "Actually, Jackass, I don't know what the hell you're even fighting about. Besides if I wanted to know I'd be down there, finding out what you guys were bitching about." Mekeel went to open is mouth before Mikah cut him off and shouted at him for being to young to understand. As Mekeel raised his fist at him I jumped over the railing and grabbed his arm. "You know better." He looked at me and bared his canines at me and laughed. "I'll bruise your neck the way I did Malikai's. Try me." Zafara chuckled from her spot next to Kai, "I was wondering what happened too you. Now I know. You pissed off Meela." He looked at her smiled. She stared at the ground and and blushed red. I rose an eyebrow at her, making her blush harder. Be more obvious. "Secondly I'm take Mekeel. We need to train." He looked at me and nodded his head. As we walked out the door I was shoved down all of the steps and my head hit the ground. "You never said when we training or where." I growled loudly and stood to my feet before turning my back to him. He walked down the stairs and shoved me a little with a smile. "I'd be careful with that one mate. After all I did train her to kill with no mercy." The British accent that I knew so well had me frozen to my very spot. I could feel everything in my shutting down. I wanted to run from him but I also want to rip him limb from limb. I turned to him and seen that his face hadn't changed. The man I hated more then Vladimir was standing in front of me. The one who did it all.

"Azriel." I was shoved behind Mekeel and Malikai came down the stairs along with the rest of them. I pushed my way through and shoved them back.

"There's the feisty little wolf I created!" I growled and I felt it. The urge to attack him and make sure I he'd his life in my hands and then rip it from him. Not yet. Not now. He'd expect it. He turned and spoke again

"Walk with me, Jameela."

My feet paced behind him and my family was behind me. "I'm glad to see you have flourished into such a beautiful lady in the past few years. You used to be so angry. I expected you to have lash out." As his smooth voice rolled off his tongue I wanted to rip it out. "Just because I'm walking with you doesn't mean I'm not wondering what your heart would feel like after I soak it in aconite." He chuckled lightly and his hands touched the tree as he stopped. "You always wear such a dark person, sweetie. I guess that didn't change. How about those pesky feeling for Vladimir? Have those changed?" The fact that he had the audacity to bring it up shouldn't have shocked me the way it did. "I'm very sorry for using those feelings against you. Im sure he would be too." I squinted and spoke again. "What do you mean would?" I rolled my eyes around before stopping them on him. "Aren't you smart. He's dead. Did you want to see him?" His voice irked me deeply. I was pissed that he was teasing me but I just laughed at what he said. "No I was planning on ripping his heart from his chest, like he did me. But I'll settle for yours instead." His face was full of happiness as he turned to me. "I really have created the ultimate weapon, like a gun waiting for the trigger to be pulled." I could only stare. He thought he'd won. That his task was finished.

"You did. But your one single flaw in that whole plan was that you didn't just create a gun. You created a nuclear bomb, Azriel. And you have no fucking clue how to disarm me." I smirked at him and his smile faltered.

"Sweetie." My voice was sickeningly sweet. I just couldn't hold myself back. All I could imagine each time his pesky heart thumped in his chest was how is chest cavity would feel as I crushed it with my bare hands. Or how as I pulled my blood-drenched hand from his chest and would feel slightly chilly after being so so warm. I want him dead. I want to feel the life drain from him. I want to watch as his last shaky breath is drawn from his lips, before I burry him in a shallow grave next to Vladimir. And I lunged at him, ready to rip his head off and use it as a bowling ball, because those damn scenarios I was having became to much.


But hey, doesn't he deserve it?



I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. He had gotten so close, It'd been three weeks since he was here. Right in my back yard. All I could do was watch as he left. He would've killed Kol. If he hadn't run out from the tree I would have had a solid chance. I shook my head and looked out at all of the lanterns floating in the sky. There were hundreds. Just floating. I knew if I didn't get down there my mom would kill me. I'd already missed the stupid lanterns if I missed the Candle I'd be six feet deep. So I slipped on my jacket and walked down the stairs. I looked like shit. Which is how I felt so I didn't really care as I walked out and everyone stared at me. My mother just rolled her eyes and ushered me to the others before handing me a Candle. The wax was smooth and the black color was shiny. As we each walked up to Mikah and stood I felt ridiculously stupid. This was pointless. Everyone walked around and as they lit there Candle they said who it was for. I watched as my mother said my fathers name and tried her best to keep her cool. Kai merely did his mates name before walking off. Kol and Mikah said my fathers name and then there was me. In the sea of people I didn't know what to say. My father was a prick and that was nicely put. So I turned around with my candle walked off to find Kai. He wasn't far so when I saw him sitting on a rock I sat across from him on an old tree stump. "You didn't light your candle. Dad would be upset." I snorted and brushed my hair back before looking at him. "Dad was a dick. Besides he's dead." My answer didn't shock him. He knew I wasn't close with him. That's because he seen more the anyone how I was pushed the hardest. How I was trained longer and harder. "I'm sorry about Jaclyn." My voice was surprisingly soft. He looked to his right into the trees and nodded his head. "You know Jaclyn means 'to protect'." He looked at me and for the first time I'd seen the hurt in his eyes. The utter grief he felt. He was still in pain. Years later he was in as much now as he was the day she died. "That's what she did. She protected me. She jumped in front of that- of that, mutt." He was pissed. He then stood and I could feel he was so sad. As he turned back to me and sat down again his eyes were red. "I should have protected you Jameela. I should have been there."

"Yes Malikai. You should have been there. But you weren't. So get over it. We can't change what happened before. Just make sure that it doesn't happen again." He nodded at me and then looked to my candle. "Who's it for?" And that's when I realized who it was for. With all that was going on with the Azriel and Vladimir I realized who had died. "Me. It's for me."
So I used his flame to light my candle. He only stared at the candle before breaking the silence. "But really, you and Nick?" His face was so disgusted I could help but laugh at it. Like really laugh. "The mating ball is in two days. Is he going to escort you?" I hugged at him and ignored what he'd said. "He is escorting his sister." I said blandly. "Just as you and Mikah are escorting me." I hadn't completely forgiven him, but I realized he was just as fucked up as me. I couldn't blame him for his faults or flaws, because I'm not exactly a model person.

"I read somewhere that we are not defined by what happens to us, but our choices and decisions that follow after the events. I don't know if I believe the first part of that or not. But I do believe that we choose what we do and that it defines us." He looked at me as he spoke. He was right.

"What happens to us does define us. Do you think that we would be who we are if half of the shit that happened to us in life didn't happen?" He nodded in agreement. "One thing I know for sure, is we choose every single thing we do. down to how we breath. Most of our mistakes, the big ones, are the result of allowing emotions, from something before, to rule us." He stood and stuck his hand out to me. "We knew the right choice. We just didn't obey." With that we both walked back into the clearing and seen everyone lining up. walked up the were my family stood before. There was a knife on a tree stump that was it. I walked over to it and sat my candle down. I put the knife in my hand and sliced open my palm. Everyone watched as my blood dripped over the flame, putting it out. Seeing as I was the youngest sibling, aside from Kol, This was the one thing that fell onto me. It was a stupid tradition. I barely looked at the women as I placed my dripping hand over the candle and watched as the flame died out. She muttered a few words before walking off. I ignored it and proceeded with a few more people before stepping back. As soon as I placed the knife down and soon enough my hand was healed. The wind lightly picked up, putting out everyone else's candle. I let out puff and seen as everyone dispersed. "You seem bothered." I shrugged and turned to Nick. "Surely nothing you can't fix." With that I turned around and walked to my family, just as were about to walk away from the clearing I threw a quick wink back at him. I seen a ghost of a smirk as I turned away and walked up to my family. "Your disgusting." Mekeel sneered at me. I only laughed at him. "I heard you and Jamie until the day she gave birth so fuck off!" He puffed out his chest like a typical male. "I'm the first to have a child." His voice was full of pride and I rose a brow. "Lucky you. I mean diapers and bottles and puke is all I want out of life! To bad I don't have that!" He glowered down at me as I filled the air with sarcasm. "Your such a child." He hissed out before walking in front of us. I grinned at him and walked up the steps of our house. Jamie laid on the couch with the baby on her chest. I realized as I stared at her I'd never have that. I'd never have a baby or a family. It was kind of upsetting but I ignored the feeling in the pit in my stomach. I walked over and seen that she was about to pass out. I reached out and took my niece from her and laid her in my chest. Jamie opened her eyes and relaxed when she saw me. She closed her eyes and I knew she'd be knocked out soon. I walked to Mekeel and handed her to him. She fussed slightly but as he walked to the stairs and settled down. I walked to my room, stopping to see Kol for a few minutes. I enter red my room and went over to my the couch. I sat there for a second. I looked over to the ladder that led to where my bed was. I slipped my shoes off and walked over to it and went up. I looked around and the small area and crawled over to my bed that I hadn't used in forever. I laid on my back and just watched the sky. Before I knew it I was asleep.

"You are such a dick, all I asked was for you to help out!"

"I have duties to this pack, Jamie!"

I swear they were going to kill each other. Before I could hear anymore of there fight Zafara ran in wearing her bathing suit and shorts. "Come on, BBQ at the swimming hole!" Before I could say anything let alone object she was dragging me to her car. "I don't have a swim suit, so I'll just stay here." I was ignored and dragged to her car anyways. The olive green keep was old and she had it since she was 15. I was pushed in the back seat with Kai and Nick. There younger sister, Elliana, sat in the front seat. "Kol was looking for you the earlier, Ellie." I told her. She was 7, two years older then Kol. "Really? I was with Shelly, she was giving me cookies." I gave her a small smile an told her to sit straight as we drove on the road that was covered in gravel and had trees on either side of it. We lived in the mountains. Deep in the Mountains. It was easier for us to go undetected by humans. Kai was going to burn holes into Nicks head.

We pulled into the swimming hole and I swear if it got any louder, the humans we were trying hide from would find us. We all piled out of the car and everyone dispersed. Far went to the trunk and gave me a bathing suit and black dress thing to put over it. "Why would I wear a towel dress?" I said bluntly. Pulling me over to the tree line she spoke, "put this on or I will dress you myself. In front of everyone." Far may be the sweet one but she was still an asshole. Snatching the bathing suit from her and I slipped out of my clothes and into the bathing suit. "I look ridiculous with a bathing suit on and combat boots." I hissed at her as I put the towel dress over my head. I refused to call it a cover-up or whatever it was she called it I'm going to call this itchy piece of clothing a towel dress. "You look fine. Now come on. I want to see you go in the rope swing. The one over the ledge of the swimming hole." She sounded excited and as soon as she went towards the hole I grabbed her arm. "Nice try. Not happening." She looked like I just kicked a puppy. "Come on." She whined slightly. "Why?" She never asked me to go on the rope swing let alone in the hole. Please she never asked me to come her at all. And I told her that. "Nick and I made a bet. He said you'd be scared that people would be staring." Now normally I'd laugh and walk over to a tree and sit there until she wanted to leave but the fact that his dumb ass said I'd be scared made me slightly competitive to prove him wrong. "Make sure his ass watches this.

I swing the dress over my head and kicked off my boots. People were staring. Which made me feel off. I ignored the stares of basically everyone and walked over to the work out rope and realized this probably wasn't safe. Taking it from Winter I looked over my shoulder and seen Nick giving Far a few bills while she smirked at me. I smirked back and looked at Nick. I gave him a quick wink before I helped on and backed up before running forward and into the air. I felt a smile rush over my face and everyone scream. I fell the 50 feet into the water and felt myself plunge into the freezing water. Pushing myself to the top I seen the sky through the water as I swam to the top. Everyone was around the edge of the hole holding there drinks up and screaming. They were fools, but so was I. I smiled and held my hand up to the guy to help me get up to the platform.

"You know he never said you'd be scared." I smiled at Far lightly as I came up to the top and took a towel from Kai. "Didn't think you could do it." I smiled at him and walked towards the edge. Grabbing his arm I said "Didn't think you could either!" And shoved him in. Before he hit the bottom I heard something about killing me. I laughed lightly and walked over to Nick, he handed me his shirt which I pulled over my head, it covered more then Zafara's towel dress anyways. Before I could walk into is arms, I heard a scream. One that sent a chill down my spine. I turned my head just in time to see Zafara falling over the ledge. I seen as someone fell in trying to grab her arm. I instantly ran and dove into the swimming hole. I felt the air swoosh around me before My body came in contact with the water. My eyes darted around for a second before I seen her struggling. She was holding her stomach. I would kill him. I swam over to her quickly and grabbed her arm. The panic in her eyes wasn't clouded by the water. I felt two arms around my stomach, I watched as pulled her up to the surface. I was getting dizzy as I swam up with them.

I pushed everyone off of the deck as I gripped her arm. "It's so painful, Meela!" The scream that came out made me tense up. She opened eyes and I flinched. Her normal blue eyes had a film over them. "I can see him." I growled lowly. "It's bad enough you have to feel him have sex with another wolf but now you have to see bim. I'm going to kill him." I was pissed, no I was livid. "No, he's being marked." I looked at her like she was crazy, "That's worse." She turned her head to me. The film faded away before it flashed back. She fell back against the deck and let out a growl.

"It's against his will."

shock washed over me. Marking someone is an intimacy you only share with a mate. A small smile spread across her face. Suddenly I felt my vision become hazy. I was suddenly su ked into her Zafars mind. As if i wws her I was seeing snd feeling was she was. I seen him. His face was covered in rage. As the red haired women laid ontop of him. The second her lips came in contact with. His neck, me and Far screamed in unison. My hand fell to my neck as if fire was burning my flesh. "Meela what's going on." Kai held my hand and pulled me up to lean on him. "I'm in her mind I can see him. Like I'm him, but I'm her. My skin is on fire." His voice cracked ashe spoke.

"Your not my mate."

Me and Zafara let out out a scream at the same time he clenched his teeth and turned his head to her. He picked his heaad up and stared right into her eyes. It was like I was looking at her myself.

"I'll kill you. I'll feed your end trails to the Loners. I will rip your red locks straight from the scalp of yours and use it as bait to lure your brothers. So help me god pretty face, I'll hurt you in ways that'll make the devil squirm." His voice was so calm and cool if made me shiver and press my back into Kai.

"I can see your mates eyes flashing in yours. She is feeling every touch, as if its fire searing her flesh." He shot up at her, as far as the restraints would allow. She tried to push him back down but he resisted. "The thing i don't understand is, why is there a pair of green eyes flashing in yours." She flipped her red hair up in a quick bun. "Either way, who ever is watching, I'm still going go mark you."

As her teeth elongated, a man opened the door.

"Mate. Mine." My voice was husky and I felt my eyes flash in his. Before I could see anything. I was snapped back into my body. It was like a hot rubber band had snapped against my entire body. I jerked up against Kai. Zafara sat up slowly. I let ou A small chuckle and gave her a half ass-ed grin.

"My kind of threats, might not have to kill him after all."


Zafara was beyond happy. And I mean circus happy. "Just let me know if I can help with anything else!" I swear to the lord she was in need of being smacked upside the head. I clenched my teeth and walked over to the table that Nick and Mikah sat at. I sat down in the chair that Kai pulled out and snatched Mikah's plate. Chewing, I listened in on Mikah telling Nick about the Loners.

"Meela, I'm hanging back with Merkel tomorrow. The Loners have increased, I don't want to chance anything. Kai is going to escort you along with Kol." I nodded and took his soda as he passed it to me. "Sounds dandy, just dandy." I got up and looked around. "Do you smell that?" I asked and looked around again before watching them all stand up.

"Female Loner."

We all watched as she walked right up to us. She stood there. Like she belonged.

"Some balls you have Jarena." Mikah was pissed. "I'm a member of this pack. As well as your older sister Mikah." I let out a annoyed grunt. "You know what I mean Meela, we are family." I stood up off the table and got in her face. "Your not my family Jarina." She shook her head and spoke again. I turned around and too la few steps from her. "I'm your family."

I walked up to her and showed her my neck. The branded skin laid out for her to see. I flicked her hair off,of her neck, "Where's yours? You are are nothing to me but a burden I wish to see rot in hell. The one person I wish to kill more then Azreil and Vladimir, is you, Jarina. So unless you want me to rip your head from your body in front if all of these people and throw your body into that swimming hole, shut your, pretty mouth, cos' sissy, I'm so close to giving into the beast you helped create." Her face was pale as she swallowed the lump I knew had been forming in her throat. "He is my mate." I laughed at her. I smacked mu hand in the table and stared her in the eyes as she spoke again. "I'm here to help protect you. Azreil is going to hurt you." I rose a brow at her and leaned against the table with my arms folded. "One," I held up one finger. "Since when do you give a flying fuck what Azreil does to me?" I asked her before holding up another finger, "Two, I'm a big a girl. I can hold my own against a snake." She looked offended. She rose her voice in anger and got in my face."He isn't a snake. Can't you get over something that happened how many years ago!" I lost it. I grabbed her by the throat and pushed her against the table.

"How dare you! He killed my son! I'm not Vladimir, I won't just wake up and say who gives a fuck." My hand squeezed as I felt rage pull at me. i felt my body connect with the ground as someone shoved me off of her. I looked up and felt such an undying need to kill. Jarina held onto Azriel as he stared down at me. Then I smelled it. A vampire. But not any Vampire. My head whipped over at Vladimir as I stood to my feet. By now the pack had cleared out. Kai held onto me. Looking over my shoulder I seen Mekeel, Mikah, Nick and Zafara behind me.

"Hell of a reunion. Damn, all we now is song playing in the background."

"Still your old sarcastic self I see. Will you ever grow up Vee?" He looked the same, other then his hair was longer and seemed darker.

"Ahh you know me. Besides. Who else was going to break the ice. Jarina seemed pretty horrible at accomplishing one single task." He hissed the last part at her. His eyes flashed red at her. He always did hate her.

"Hey, it must run in the family." I growled lowly. "You are pretty horrible, Mia." I laughed at him and stepped towards him.

"Wasn't there this guy like, I don't know, a million years ago named Vlad the impaler? Didn't he kill people by putting them on pikes?" I smirked at him as I stepped closer. "Wouldn't the irony be hysterical if You were to die on a pike?" I said taking a few steps closer, our bodies almost touching. "Whats even funnier is that he was said to be a vampire. I mean the original vampire," I leaned into his ear, Which wasn't easy seeing as he is tall as shit. "Like Dracula type shit." He grabbed me by my throat and spun me around so my back was touching his chest. I held up a had a my family as they went come for me. "If you wanted to get all rough and shit, all you had to do was ask, Vladi." His fangs grazed my neck and I felt goosebumps erupt across my skin.

"Well the chemistry of Bonnie and Clyde is still there. Now shut up both of you." I shrugged and looked at Azriel. I was distracted when Vlad's breath hit my ear before he spoke. "By the way, I do care about our son." I felt my breath leave me. I glared at Azreil as Jarina spoke. I didn't break my eye contact with him.

"Listen to me-" I spoke up but kept my eyes on her. "Fuck you. I don't care about anything you have to say."

"You might want to care about this. " Vlad's voice caressed my ears and I remembered why I hated vampires.

"If you want to know about your dead son, I suggest you listen." My eyes broke with Azreil's. I stepped away from Vee and looked at both of them.

"I'm going to kill you. String you up and everything. But until then," My voice was steady as I walked over to my family. I watch Vlad walk to Azriel.

"I'm listening." 




"You really are pushing it." If Vladimir hadn't tightened his arm around me I would have lunged at her.

"His death wasn't planned. Nor was he, period. So you need to move on and realize it wasn't planned." I rose my eyebrows at her. "Tell me this. Why are you speaking like you've read this off of a script. Oh, that's righy, because your mate made you. And again, I'm not Vee, I won't get over his death like it's something like you eating the last slice of pizza." My voice held a level of malice I learned from Azreil.

"Why must you dislike me. We are family." I stepped forward as Vlad let me go. "I dont dislike you." I said as we met half way. Azreil stood by a tree. "I hate you with a bloody passion." Her hand went to connect with my face but I grabbed it and bent it back before grabbing her throat and holding her back to mine. My teeth elongated and grazed her neck. "I'll rip throat out her throat right now Azreil, You know I will. You know that if I let it out, I'll demolish all of you and sit on top of your bodies as my throne." His eyes flashed with fear for a second before he spoke.

"Let her go. I'll make you a deal." I laughed and felt my eyes flash. "Your eyes are red." I felt a bit confused but I spoke and ignored what Vlad said. "No deal will ever be as good as your death, your death is priceless." He smirked, "And not in a good way." His smirk fell. Before I could say or do anything else he vanished.

"Come on Azreil, you know I hate that voodoo shit." Jairna's elbow came into contact with my rib and I felt the air leave me for a moment. I heard bones snapping and breaking. I looked over my shoulder and seen that my family had shifted. Zafara's pure white wolf walked up to me and growled up at what looked like nothing to me. In wolf form we could see him. I knelt down and let myself go. The snap that normally felt like a snap was more like a prick. I stood down and looked up at Azreil. My wolf matched Zafara's. Our wolves were exactly the same. Down to the claws and eyes. Azreil came back into sight and spoke.

"I've done it."

I lunged at him and felt my teeth sink into his arm. Rage. My claws dug into his face as he pleaded. Death. I was pushed into the darkest corner of my mind as my wolf took control of me. Hatred. Blood splattered against my fur. Disgust. his pleas died out as he looked into my eyes as my teeth buried into his throat. He gurgled slightly before my claws came into contact with his chest. Hurt. Sadness. Death. I let out a howl as I shifted back into my human form. I laid there, covered in his blood. Jarina ran off into the wood, being chased by Zafara and Nick. I stood up and looked down at him. I felt void of emotion.

"Are you okay?" I looked up at Kai and pulled his coat around me tighter. "I don't feel anything." I barely mumbled it. "It's probably be-" I caught him off and yelled. "No! I can't feel anything! I don't feel relived, I don't feel sad. I dont feel anything!" I screamed. I backed away from him. "Stay away from me." Kai held up his hands at me. My hear was pounding. I was dizzy. Damn it Zafara. Her emotions were being shoved on me.

"Your panicking. That's an emotion. Calm down." I furrowed my brows at him and stepped back. I felt arms in case my frame making swing my arms around.

"Relax." It felt like silk swam through my ears.

"Let go of my sister." Mikah's voice came from the right. "Believe me, Mia is the last person I want to hurt." I snorted and tried to pull away from him. "Pretty sure you already hurt me." His lips touched my ear as he spoke low enough only for me to hear. "Get ready for war. He has an army ready to come for you." I felt my heart race. "You need to be ready, Love." I smirked to myself, "You know me, I'm always ready." He placed a kiss on my neck and was gone. "Don't go after him."

"Why not?" I let a small smile crossed my lips.

"We don't kill allies."


"I can't believe you! She is your daughter as well!"

"I have other duties! I have a pack to help run! You're being selfish!"

I was slightly shocked to see Mekeel and Jamie fighting again after yesterday.

"Like what? What is so important?" She was angry, you could see it radiating off of her.

"How about the fact that Jameela just killed one of the guys that took her captive yesterday, the other got away, my traitor sister has came back here and nine out of ten there is going to be a war. Now I have to go patrol because the Loners have increased. So I'm deeply sorry if I cant change as many diapers as you want me too!"

"I'm Pregnant."

His face showed no emotion. He turned and walked out the front door, leaving her there

I remembered saying the same thing and getting the same reaction. I remember the hurt I felt when his back turned from and he walked away. She wiped a tear and walked upstairs with the baby in her arms.

"We have to get ready!" Squinting my eyes at Zafara I spoke up, "I thought you were dreading this?" She smiled widely as she spoke. "You know why." I couldn't help but smile. She was happy, really happy. I couldn't Remember the last time I'd seen her this happy. "Well what are you wearing?" I shrugged and pointed to what I had on. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. She mumbled under her breath as she went to her room. I laughed as she lugged in about 20 different dresses.

"The only time I'd be caught in that is if I had a half-assed lobotomy done." She was pissed that I had a snarky comment for every dress.

"That one is just straight up and down slutty." I said with a smile. "Ohh!" She yelled loudly as she dropped the last two dresses. Thank god. "Where is the dress I got you like two years ago?!" She was grinning wildly. "Honestly, I through the thing in my closet and haven't seen it since." She gave me an annoyed look. "Sounds like you." She shoved past me and into my closet. Digging around for about 5 minutes she fell and knocked her forehead on the shelf. I let out a laugh and walked over to help her up. "Where is the fucking dress!" She screamed as she stood up. I pushed a pile over and pointed to the fabric. "Idiot." She grumbled, pulling me along with her. I shook off her arm as I walked into the bathroom.
I turned the handle for the hot water as she blared music through a speaker in my room I never used.

"I love this song she yelled as she shuffled through the dresses on the bed and floor. "By the way, I have a nude dress in my closet I've never worn." I spoke as I stepped under the hot water. I heard a faint squeal before I heard a thud. "Did your dumb ass fall again?" I questioned. "No! But I did knock over about 20 books off your shelf!" I shook my head before grabbing the bright blue bottle of shampoo. "Who is Bram Stoker?" I rose an eyebrow and stuck my head out of the shower. "He wrote the original Dracula along with a lot of other classics." I spoke as I put my head under the water and rinsed.

"Okay, Who is Edgar-" I cut her off. "Don't finish that please. Go get ready." she huffed and left the bathroom doorway.

"Let me do my own makeup. I know you. All you have is pinks and shit." I grumbled as I sat at my vanity. I hadn't used this in a long time. I switched on the lights and stared at myself. My long black hair was up in a towel, a few curly pieces falling out. My tanned skin was perfect like every wolf. No acne or scars. We barely had scars, unless they were serious. " A dark gold look will look great!" Far announced as she grabbed a brush and turned me to her. So much for doing my own makeup. After 50 minutes of her scrubbing my eyelids clean off of my face and changing the song every two seconds, she said I was done. "I look, I look-" She cut me off. "Like you could cut a bitch with your wing and your highlight could blind a bitch!" She practically screamed. She shoved four different lip tubes at me. "Pick one!" I stood up and tightened the robe around me. I dropped them on the vanity and shoved her into the bathroom. I huffed as I sunk to the floor.

I didn't know how I was feeling or how I was supposed to feel. I do know that a small part of me was oddly excited. My wolf was terrified. How was he going to react? Hell, how was I going to react?!

"Why me?" Groaning, I went back to my vanity. I opened a drawer and rummaged through before grabbing a dark burgundy and black lipstick. The only thing I learned from Zafara makeup wise was a two colored lip look. I tried about five times before I screamed in anger. Zafara looked out of the bathroom before laughing. "If I could, I would go to this in a pair of i ripped jeans and a damn crop top with cheese fries in my mouth!" She laughed harder before taking the two stick and a wipe. "It's funny to see you actually excited." I glared at her as I spoke. "I'm not excited!" I rose my voice at her. "Did you forget we can feel each others emotions?" I grumbled as she finished and then did her own makeup. I flopped on the bed as she did her hair into waves. "I'll be right back. I'm gonna grab something to eat and my straightener." She said as she tied her yellow robe around herself. I nodded and grabbed my phone off of the floor. "What shall I do?" I mumbled as rolled onto my stomach. Before I could type out a message, someone hovered over me, there arms on either side of me. "I know what we can do." I smirk formed on my face as I rolled over onto my back. Nick had taken a shower, his blonde hair was wet and his chest still had water droplets. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I drew him in closer. "Yea, what is that?" His lips crashed onto mine. I pulled him closer and tangled my hands in his hair. I went to roll us over but he held me down, his hands in-cased my wrists above my head. A small groan came from his throat as I started grinding myself against him. He rubbed my arm, my rope slipping off my right shoulder.

"What the fuck?!" Nick set his forehead against mine as he rolled his eyes. "Get out Kai!" I said with a smile on my face. "Come on! I come in here to see what color tie I should wear and this is what I get!" I laughed as I shoved nick off of me. I straightened my face and spoke up again. "Can you give us a minute Kai, We really need to talk serious." Kai nodded his head and walked out of the room. I took a deep breath as I looked at Nick. "You know that if I find my mate, nine chances out of ten I'm going to have to go back to his pack?" He nodded, a grim look on his face. "When you find your mate tonight, make sure treat her how you treated me, Hell treat her a million times better." He smiled as he walked up to me. He placed a kiss on my forehead before he spoke. "I'll always have feelings for you." I smiled again, knowing once he found his mate I'd be history. Which was fine with me. He deserved to be happy with someone who could give there all. He turned around and started to walk away. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me. I placed my lips on his and pulled him closer. I was saying goodbye. Because tomorrow, Nick wasn't going to be here anymore. Yes, me and him were what you would call friends with benefits. But we were also close. I pulled away and gave him a slight nudge. He turned around and took a deep breath as he walked out of my room. He helped me feel again when I felt I would never be able to again. He helped me get over Vladimir as much as possible seeing as I would never be 'over' Vlad. After all Vlad was my first everything.

"I had an idea. Instead of leaving your hair curly. We straighten it!" I inhaled and looked her in her eyes. "Don't burn my hair off like that girl on Instagram." She laughed and nodded her head at me. "Here, I made you a sandwich. Turkey cheese, everything in between oh and extra banana peppers, just the way your weird ass likes it." I laughed and took it from her, she handed me the chips. Opening the sandwich, I placed the chips on the sandwich before eating it. "What's a big mac?" I shrugged my shoulders at her as she spoke again. "Louis said that he eats it when he and the other delta's go to the cities." I took a sip of the bottled water before speaking. "Well, we have to go through the city to get the Mating Ball tonight. on our way back we will have a big mac or what ever the hell it is." She laughed as she finished her chips. She plugged in the straightener and ushered me over.

"My ear! You burned my ear!" I yelled as she finished my hair. "You are never to touch my bloody hair again." Shrugging she asked me another question. "Are you going to wear the dress I got you before?" I nodded at her as she picked it up. It would no doubt be a size or two smaller then my size now. "Come on. We got to finish up before they kill us."

"I can't believe you!"

"I can't believe you!"

I laughed as I walked down the stairs. Kol and Kai sat on the couch, Mikah and Mekeel were arguing. My mother Zafara's were chatting and Nick stood in the corner. Downing the Bourbon. Me and Zafara stood at the bottom of the stairs. "Oh my god. You look beautiful Jameela." My mother was gushing. Kai stood up and held of two ties. "The black one."

I grabbed Nicks flask from his hand and walked to the front door. Kol stood next to Kai as we went to walk down the steps and to the car. Wait!" My mom walked down the stairs. "Me and Jade are going to be riding in a different car. I want you to wear these." She handed me a necklace with red rubies lining the chain. I gave my mom a smile and held up my hair as she put it on me. "Thank you." She nodded before shoving me into the car.

"I hate long car rides."


"This place is huge. Do they expect me to find one person in a sea of thousands?" I said as I stood next to our car. "Kai rubbed my shoulder and held his arm for me to grab. I fixed the silk wrap and took his elbow. I looked over at Kol. I chuckled and took his hand in mine. "Trust me Meela, You'll know." I looked as Kai and felt my stomach tense. "That doesn't help. And what the hell is going on with my stomach?" He rose a brow before responding. "Butterflies?" He suggested. I looked at him like he was crazy before I started to walk ahead to mom. "Ready?" She asked. "Fuck no." She smiled and faced forward as she walked up to the house. "That's my girl." I took each stair and prayed I didn't bust my whole face. "Jesus, Why couldn't I have just worn combat boots. What happens if there's a fight. I'm going to look like Bambi's deranged newborn sister, wobbling around like a freak." I said. The last thing I wanted to do was to shame my pack. "Hey get your shit together. Your Jameela. Walk in those heels, like your going to Azreil's funeral!" Zafara hissed from behind me. She was right. I was psyching myself out for nothing. I took a deep breath, Which I was doing a lot today, and looked ahead of me instead of at my feet and kept my face straight. "That's my girl." A smirk broke onto my face as we reached the top of the stairs.

"Madden." My mother spoke as if she was a queen. We walked passed him and onto an impeccable marble floor. Tables and chairs decorated with bright red orchids. It was beautiful. Everyone looked over at us and at my mother. Murmurs swept across the room. We were ranked second best, and our Alpha had just fallen, yet we stood here like we hadn't just lost our front. My mother ignored everyone and walked to the table with our name labeled on it. Kol pulled out my chair for me and waited for me and the other females to sit before him and the rest of the males sat. Far sat next to me and pulled out her phone from her diamond clustered clutch. I heard gasps and talk of the highest ranked pack having just shown up. Standing I grabbed Zafara and told my mom we were going to the bathroom. She nodded as she sipped her wine. She looked regal. She was the strongest women I knew. To loose your life long partner, cry your eyes out and still be able to keep your makeup from smudging. Then on top of it come here and look at everyone as if they were peasants. I truly envied her. She gave me a look and sent my a mindlink.

Love you, M. Show em' who's daughter you are. Make your father proud.

I nodded at her. I intended to do just that. Turning I walked with Far. Her dress clung to every curve and dip her body had. The chest was open in the shape of a long triangle. I walked up the grand stair case that was directly across from the entrance. I sighed as we reach the bathroom. I snatched a glass off of a tray someone was carrying. I sipped it and gave it a smile. "Jack, just what I need." I said as I walked into the bathroom. The pristine white tiles matched the white walls. There wasn't a speck of dirt or dust on anything. I handed her the two lipsticks. She smiled and touched up my lips. She dropped the lipstick. I looked at her like she was crazy, "You okay?"

"Yea I'm good. Just nervous. Ya know." I nodded at her. I took the two tubes and dropped them in my gold bag. I was nervous. I hated that I was but hell I was. I clutched the crystal glass in my hand before downing the rest of its contents. The smooth liquid caressed my throat as it slid down. "Like silk." I said as I set the glass down. She held up a flask, I instantly recognized as Nick's. "Forgot this in the car."

"Life saver much." She sipped it before handing it to me in disgusting. I tipped it back and took a  swig. She chuckled before putting it back in her bag. I laughed and opened the door. we slipped out. We stood on the balcony, looking over at the entire room and at everyone. Kol looked like he was about to claw Kai's face off. Just about Everywhere looked everyone had found there mate or were dancing. I was about to speak but I felt Zafara dig her nails into my arm. "Mate." My body turned to her as she frantically looked around for the source. "Hey breath." I said seeing when she looked like she was starting to hyperventilating. I grabbed her but was shoved. Kai rushed up the stairs when he spotted us. I went to grab her again but Kai held me back. "Don't! You can't disturb her. Her wolf is in control." I furrowed my brows. "We've been here four seconds." I said. "Shouldn't we follow her?" I asked. "Unless you want to see something rather intimate once they find each other I suggest we stay here." He said as she rushed out of the house. I sat on a couch that was against the wall. "What's wrong?" He questioned me. "Honestly, I'm nervous. I don't want to meet him. Hell I don't want a mate period, but," I paused. I didn't want to admit it out loud. I'd been denying it for a while now. "A part of you is excited. Your anxious but it's exciting." I frowned at him and spoke up. "Why do you know everything?" I said, slightly annoyed. "I've been through all of this Meela." sadness suddenly weighed heavy on me. "Let's go. It's almost time for the dance. Can't believe I'm escorting my baby sister this damn Mating Ball." Laughing, I walked down the stairs. My hand on his shoulder.

"I need a drink." He said as a girl walked up to him. "My name is-" He caught her off, "I don't give a shit. I'm not your mate." He said as he kept walking. "Keep it moving and keep your head up. Make it look like you turned him down." She smiled at me and walked away. "Jack ass." I hissed at him. "Where is Far?" Jade asked. "Repeating 'Mate' over and over again as she sniffs him out." Her mother smiled widely. My mother and her talked lowly and tried to remain serious but they kept giggling every now and again. Snatching Far's phone off of the table I swiped through her pictures. A video of me jumping into the swimming hole popped up. I smiled and kept going. Hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of herself were there. I clicked out of it and shut off the phone. The room went silent and everyone stood and stared at King. He gave a crap speech about a crap honor it was and said something about a crap dance. Well the dance wasn't crap actually. "Let's go." My mother stood and followed us she watched with jade from afar. Far scurried in with the largest smile it made me grimace. "You okay?" I said as we stood in a line opposite of the men. She nodded so hard for a second I though her head would pop off and roll around on the floor. "Still crushing on Kai?" She smiled wider then I thought possible. "Of course." I laughed as the music played. "He's perfect Meela." She said as we raised our right hands. I smiled, feeling happiness in my core. It was her's I got hit with a wave of dizziness before I regained composer. I took three steps towards Kai. He gave a reassuring smile as we walked up to each other.

As soon as we were off the dance floor I was being dragged. I mean like rag doll dragging. "Jesus, he better be Jesus." I hissed. "He's perfect. He is just!" I looked at her like she was crazy. "Wow, Lets go tell your mom!" I said like it was the best Idea. "Yes!" She said as she ran off. "I need this more then they do." I said as I took a glass of Champagne and drank it in one go. I set it on the tray and took the second and walked to my table. I sat down and acted as if I was listening, nodding when I needed to. I wondered if he was here or if he was even coming. Just as I was about to speak up and ask her mates name, it hit me. I closed my eyes. I inhaled the succulent smell of rain and vanilla. Vanilla suddenly seemed so wanton. "Mia." My eyes shot open. I knew they were a dark green. I turned my head fast, my hair whipping around and stood to my feet. I gripped my chair looked around. It felt as if fire was burning around me. Barely touching me. But when I looked to the entrance and seen him, and made eye contact it was like my body exploded into a million pieces. It felt as if fire was trailing my skin. It took all of the will power I had not to let my wolf take over. I squeezed the chair harder as I tried desperately to control my breathing. The scent of vanilla was so potent, it made me clench my jaw as I tried not to inhale again. I failed miserably. I bit my cheek so hard my teeth stained. Zafara grabbed my arm. Her touch was like ice. She pulled me towards the stairs. She nodded for Kai to sit down. I couldn't help put look back him. His grey eyes pierced mine. They looked straight through me, right into my core. I felt a shiver roll down my spine. He stood in the same place. I looked straight ahead and rushed up the stairs in a flash. I could smell the dominance rolled off of him in waves as he stood stock still. I watched him from the balcony. I was yanked into the bathroom. "Oh my god." I said out of breath. Zafara handed me the flask. I held it in my shaky hand. I tried to ignore the grey eyes that were now burned into ny memory. Why was this happening to me? Why couldnt I be the girl who didn't find her mate. I wished I could go home, crawl into a pair of sweats but I realized I was up here while feelings of putty washed over me.

"What's happening?" I asked. Before she could respond I had started to talk. "I'm up here whining. My father would be ashamed." I said. After few more minutes of pity and the flask  being emptied. "Fuck this." I stood in front of the mirror and fixed my dress. Reapplying my lipstick And fixing my hair so it was straight and no hairs stuck up. I stood straight and opened the door. Walking down the middle of the stairs I looked around and spotted him talking to a blonde haired male. "What are you doing?" Zafara asked. "Don't talk to me. I'll back down." I said. I walked right up to him. My head high. Taking one last drink. I slammed the bottle down on the table. I smiled at the table and grabbed his suit jacket. I spoke up as I dragged him to the door. "I'm borrowing him for a minute." They all nodded or rose there brows in concern. Some where down the line of me pushing him to the door, the roles reversed and I was being pulled along. He pulled me around the corner, into a garden area, and pushed me up against the wall of the building. I waited for him to speak. Being this close made sparks fly, like forth of July in times square, sparks. His hand let go of my wrist. "I don't know weather you brave or stupid." He spoke. His voice was husky and intense. His voice caused me to push myself into the brick wall.

"What's your name, rank and pack." It wasn't a question, it was a demand. "What's yours?" I said with a smirk. His face stayed emotionless. "Jameela Rose Madden. I'm of Alpha blood and I'm from the Blue Moon Pack." I said and then I added. "Oh! And brave, at least I hope so." He rose a brow at her. "And you?" I said. I tried my best to keep my face straight. It seemed as much as I tried he could see through me. "Ashton Xander Magni. I'm the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack." MY breathing stopped and I suddenly pushed him away. I tried my best to ignore the sparks that flew up my hands, "Oh so you do know of me." He said. I ignored the urge to let my hands browse his body. "Stay the fuck away from me." I hissed at him. I tripped slightly as I tried to gather my dress in my hands. "Don't look at me like the bad guy." I caught him off. "Shut your mouth. You kill off packs. you torture people for fun." I may not have been the role model wolf or the most caring person. But he for sure wasn't on my list of people to meet. I tripped over stones and his hand went to help me. I slapped his hand off of me. "I told you not to fucking touch me, you animal." I was suddenly slammed into the wall and gripped my throat. Not squeezing, just there to show me he was boss. Well he thought he was. "Now, green eyes. First I'm not going to roll over like your boyfriend. Second I will don't push me. I will hurt you and not think twice about it. Your a prissy little girl who thinks because her dad died she can act like a spoiled brat." My jaw dropped. My mouth opened. "Close your mouth or I'll fill it with something else." I clenched my jaw as he released my throat. "See, already listening." My fist connected with his face and I stepped away from him.

"I'm not acting out cos' my dad died, bitch. And I'm not your slave." I yelled harshly. "I'll leave my mouth open as long as I fucking please! And whatever You stick in my mouth, I'll bite the fuck off." He raised a brow at me. I fixed my hair and and fixed the sleeves of my dress. I walked away from him. He snatched my hand and twisted it. "Ahh!" I tried to muffle my scream as he squeezed and bent it harder. "Be nice, Killer." He dropped my hand and I marched into the room. I found my family and stomped up to them. "How is he? He looks dreamy!" Far said. All eyes were on me.

"I'm going to kill him."


I wasn't sure how to feel. But at the same time I knew exactly how I felt. I never wanted a mate anyways. I just hoped it was a psycho. I was angry no I was pissed, livid even. Was I perfect? Hell no, but i didn't deserve to be stuck with a killed. And the nerve he had to call me a killer. Yet there was something so dark about him. The same lop sided man, known as the king spoke again. I'm angry, I was going to call shit as I saw it.

"Its time for the knew mates to share a dance." I swear to the holy ghost of do I'd slit his throat if I had to look at him again. But that was only what half of me thought. The rest wondered. How he was going to look at me. What he thought of me. But then I remembered that he said I was a brat, acting out. My blood boiled. How dare he? I was slowly forgetting that he basically killed for sport. One of the men that had sat as his table walked up to Far and took her hand. He looked different then he did the first time I seen him. His face held no emotion. She sat her clutch down and went with him. I looked to Kai who rose a brow. Biting my lip, I stood and and walked to the dance floor. He stood in the middle of the dance floor waiting. He held out his hand for me, as did every other male. Each and everyone asked the same question, which the girls answered with a yes, "Can I have this dance?" I glared coldly at him. "If you couldn't I'd be at my table being a 'spoiled brat' as you kindly put it." I snapped and slapped my hand into his. heat spread through my hand. I tried to pull my hand away but he yanked me closer to him. MY chest hit his and I ground my teeth. He was man handling me like a doll. I stood up straight, trying not to seem like a dwarf next to him. These heels my mother shoved onto my feet did absolutely nothing for the high difference. He placed a hand on my lower back as I placed a hand on his shoulder. He led me across the floor. I looked straight at Far. I could feel her anxiety spiking. I ignored the fact that I was dizzier then a fuck carousel. The spinning didn't help. As we brushed by her I whispered for her to hear, "Keep the emotions at bay please," I hissed. she gave me a puzzled look as they danced off to the left. When her and Kai tried to mind link me at the same time, it felt like a brick was bouncing off my skull. My nails dug into his shoulder. He looked down at me in question as he picked up his pace. "What is wrong with you?" He asked. His voice held no concern. It was a blank question. "It's not your concern." I said bluntly. He let go of my right and and spun me out. If he hadn't pulled me back into his chest I'd of fallen flat on my face. I gripped his shoulder and felt my claws elongate slightly and dig into his skin. "What the fuck Zafara?" I said to myself as concern rolled into my like a tidal wave. we and the rest of the dance floor stopped dancing. I blinked tried to regain composure. I walked towards my table and seen Kai and Nick come towards me. They both graabbed my arm, but they couldn't do much. Far pushed them both away. She could sense my distress.

"What the fuck is going on? And don't give me a shit reply." I glared at him harshly and felt the urge to snap his neck. "Piss off, Alpha boy." I hissed at him. He growled and pushed Zafara away from me and grabbed my arm. I growled showing him my canines. "You could be Lucifer or God, Put your hands on her and I'll rip your head off." My eyes brightened up at him as I stood up on my own. The dizziness was there, but my wolf helped me suppress the emotions of Zafara. I stood In front of her and stared right into his grey eyes. They flared dark with anger. "IF you were anybody else I would have killed you the second you came up to me and laid your pesky little hand on me. Don't talk to me as if i'm beneath you." He leaned down slightly as he spoke to me. I took a step to him and spoke to him. My lip curled up slightly as he word spilled from my mouth.

"You are beneath me."


"Were you trying to get yourself killed?!" Kai yelled as we walked down to our car. "Maybe!" I yelled at him. He went to grab my arm but I shoved him off of me. "You have mate, you have to deal with that. You can't push everyone away because of what happened to you! Stop keeping it inside!" He yelled at me, I spun around and met his argument head on.

"I never wanted a mate damn it! You want to know why?!" I yelled stepping closer to him and stepped to me as well. We were about a cars length apart. "Because I'm to fucked up for people to be around! You know that very well Malikai!" He wen to speak but I cut him off. "And as for me keeping it inside. I keep it inside and let it destroy me so you and the rest of the fucking pack don't have to suffer from the shit, you fucking asshole!" I could tell he was pissed. His resolve was slipping. "You act like your perfect, You know our family is all way to fucked up for love." That was a low blow. He stepped to me, about two feet away and looked like he was going to hit me. "Dad was right all those years. You are weak." He said brashly. I punched him in face. I put all I had into it and felt his nose crack under the pressure. "I'm not weak." I said as I went to hit him again. Grabbing my wrist he pushed me against the and squeezed my throat. I felt my air supply thinning as he squeezed. I tried to pry his fingers off but to no avail.

"Get your hand off of your sister!" Jade yelled at him. "You both are in the wrong." She spoke as she pushed him towards Nick and Kol. "Wheres Far?" I asked as I walked around the car and to the drivers side. "Here!" she yelled, her heels in her hand as she jogged to the car. "Come on were driving alone." She nodded and hopped in the car. She tossed me my clutch and I threw it in the back seat. "Let's blow this band wagon."


"Are you sure this is the place he got that burger or whatever?" I asked her. She quickly shot a text to him and when he replied that we were in the right place we both hopped out of the car. She slipped her heels on and walked to the door. "They are going to think we are crazy for wearing this kind of shit here." I said to her. I was right. As we ordered everyone stared. "Are those red bottoms?!" A girl asked as if she had never seen a pair before. I nodded at her and opened my wallet. I handed her a 50 and walked towards a table. This place was the exact opposite of where we had just come from. A couple stared at me like I was crazy. "Do you have a problem." I said as I squinted my eyes at them. The two guys went picked up there stuff and walked out, there hands locked together. Far placed the burger infront of me and I grimaced. "This looks disgusting." I mumbled. She took a bite and her eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her head. I picked it up and ignored the fact that a mystery sauce dripped on my hand. "Not bad." I said, still chewing. We stared at each other before we broke out in laughter.

The rest of the drive home was spent with music blasting, laughing at Instagram or just talking mindlessly.

"You should have arrived n hour ago!" Mikah yelled as we pulled up to the pack house. I smiled at him as Far dragged me to a common room in the pack house. She plugged in her phone to a speaker and music blared through, she shoved the furniture to the wall. "We never got to dance!" She yelled over the music. She grabbed my hands as she sang. "Your hysterical. Let's not and say we did. She practically screamed, "Hold back the river let me look in your eyes." Her eyes danced with happiness. She was happy. I don't think I'd ever seen her this happy before. She looked so carefree. I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up my throat as we danced around the cream colored room. Every now and then tripping over our dresses.

How I wished I could stay in the room and never leave. 



"Look at them! Oh Marie when was the last time they were like this?" I tried my hardest to ignore the voices. "I don't know! A while. Gosh they look so darling." I rolled over and put pillow over my ear. "Did you hear them last night? They were singing and dancing! It was so great to here that from them." I sat up and glared at my mom and Jade. I threw the pillow at them and spoke up. "Go away!" I yelled. I flopped back down on the hard floor. My legs were tangled in the stupid dress. They chuckled and walked out of the room.





"Fuck it! I'm up!" I yelled as I tried to stand up off of the floor. I tumbled over a shoe and fell on top of Fara. "Damn it, Meela!" She cursed as she kicked me off of her. I stood up and walked towards out the door. I passed a few people who bowed there head to me. Walking out of the house, I took the path to my house. Last nights events came back to me. I realized that I was so quick to flip and my emotions were all over the place. I could barely keep up with myself. Walking into the house I walked past Mekeel and Mikah talking on the couch.They gave me a look before resuming with there conversation.

The dress slid from my body as I stepped into the steamy shower. The hot water pelted at my back, working at the tense muscles. I rubbed a hand over my face and my hand was coated with black makeup. I wondered to myself as I grabbed the shampoo bottle if he, Ashton would come back. Or if the the stories true, these thoughts ran through my mind as I rinsed the shampoo. I criticized myself. Was I really second guessing what I was told from my father?

Rubbing the steam from the mirror, I looked at myself. I looked tired. I cleaned my face of the makeup and seen my complexion looked slightly red from the scrubbing. I turned my body and shifted my hair. The four small crescent shaped scars laid on my spine where my neck and back met. They'd always be there. A reminder of what happened to me. Was I brat? I smirked at myself. Please, I'm worse then a brat. And far from spoiled. I let the towel fall to the ground as I walked to my closet. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. I needed to to train. I hadn't trained in a while.

I walked into the basement and almost lost an eye. "Jesus! Announce yourself!" Mekeel yelled. I ripped the knife out of the door frame and walked up to him, Kai and Mikah. "Please. You this little knife wouldn't have done any permanent damage." I said as I handed knife to him. "Put your hair up. Remember last time?" I glared at him and put my thick hair up into a loose bun, remembering when he had cut off some of my hair. "That's the largest bun I've ever seen." Kai remarked. "Haha." I said sarcastically. "Tag team." Mikah said to Mekeel. They nodded as they mind linked. Mikah let out a laugh. Growing annoyed I swung at Mikah. He ducked and hit me in the stomach. "Come on, you can do better then that," Mekeel smirked. "Of course I can." I said. I went to hit Mikah but turned and hit Mekeel in the face. He stumbled back a step and grinned at me. I felt the cool metal of a knife press against my throat and I turned, the blade now touching the back of my neck. "Playing dirty?" I asked him. He nodded. "Okay." I head butted him. Hard. I rubbed my fore head as he fell on his ass. I kicked him in his stomach and grabbed the knife, turning and throwing it at Mekeel. He jumped at me, The knife narrowly missing him. I fell to the ground, His body weight was crushing me. I grabbed his hair, pulling his head up I hit him in the eye. "Ah, that's going to leave a mark." Kai snickered in the corner. Mekeel rolled off of me and onto his back as I hit him for a third time. I went to stand up but was kicked back down. The air left me as my head hit the cement floor. I curled up in a ball and grabbed my head. I whimpered quietly. "Come on. That's an old one Meela, get up." Mikah said. I didn't move. I squeezed my hair in my fist. "I don't think she's joking," Kai said as he walked closer to me. Mikah grabbed my arm and I kicked him in his stomach. I grabbed the knife and went to stab him. I stopped just above his heart. "Your out." I said with a grin. Mekeel and I circled each other. I nodded at him and he did the same. I lunged at him. We fell backwards. We wrestled for the upper hand. He hit the knife out of my hand causing it to slide across the floor. I was thrown off of him and I hit the ground with a thud. "Fuck." I grumbled as I hit my shoulder on the cement. I stood up but before I could fully stand to my full height Mekeel grabbed me and held my back to his chest. He held my neck in his hands and snapped it to the side. I groaned as my neck cracked. "That was close. You could have really snapped my neck." I said to him. "I beat you. Again."

"I could have taken you if my shoulder wasn't shattered." I hissed at him. "Hell I've beaten dad before." I glared at him as I spoke. "Then spar with Kai." I looked to Mikah. "You think you can beat everyone, spar with Kai." I glared at him and spoke up. "Fine. Lets go Blondie."

I watched Kai take off the long sleeve sweater. I kept my eye on him as he walked around me. He was quick. He was quicker then my father. And that was before he took off. He had trained ruthlessly since then. Go-. I was pushed out of my trian of thought as he talked to me. "I'll go easy on you." He said with a grin. "Like before, don't go easy on me." Before he could respond I lunged at him. Before I could process what happened I was on the ground with his hand on my throat. "Told me not to go easy on you." He gave me a hand and I rubbed my head once I was on my feet. "Your probably the strongest fucking wolf in the world." I said to him. He shook his head as he responded. "No, actually your mate is. I mean unofficially at least." I felt shock wash over me. Well killing the bastard wasn't going to be as easy as I thought. "Hey, mom made lunch. She wants you all up stairs." Kol's little voice yelled down the stairs. I chuckled and snatched the water bottle from Kai. I drank about half before throwing it at him full force. He caught it easily. He rose a brow at me. "I saw a chance. I had to take it." I defended.

"Damn mom." Mekeel said as he sat at the table. Jamie barely looked at him as she sat the baby in the highchair. "Watch your mouth." My mother said to him as she placed a bowl of food in front of the baby. "Emelynn, your making a mess." Jamie said with a smile as she took the plate from my mother. "Aren't men supposed to be served first?" Mekeel asked with a grin. "Your right." My mom said. She went to put the food in front of him but leaned over and gave it to me. "But I don't see any men in this room." I let out a laugh. Kai choked on his water, causing Zafara to laugh when,he walked in the room. "Shut up. Before I make you shut up." He hissed. "I'd like to see you make me." I said with a grin as I egged him on. He stood up. I followed in suit. His knife narrowly missed my hand as he stuck it into the table. I smiled and pulled it out of the wood. I shoved the knife straight between his fingers, barely drawing blood. "You cut me!" He said with shock. "Please that's barely a scrape." Mikah came back in the room and looked at me. I furrowed my brows. "What?" I asked. From the look on his face, I wouldn't like what he had to say. "I just got off the phone, and your mate as well as Zafara's will be coming here with a few of there pack members." I dropped my fork. My face held anger and shock. "No." My voice dripped anger. "It's a little late for that. They'll be here around 2 in the morning. "Then call him and tell him I'm being a brat and I don't want him to come here." He looked a little confused. "Brat?" Mekeel's voice was quiet but confused. "Just tell him no!" I yelled. I stormed out of the house Far behind me.


"How dare he? HE thinks he can just come into my territory."

"Just wa-."

"I'll kill the bloody bastard. I'm a brat? I'll show that low-life mutt a brat."


"I can't do this, Zafara. I can't deal with any of this. Why can't he just stay away?!" I yelled, turning to her. "I have so much to deal with. I can't deal with this. I don't want to deal with this. For the love of god, I don't even want a mate!" I felt my head spin, worry flood me. "Just relax. You don't need to be sad" She said softly as she tried to console me.

"I'm not sad! I'm fucking pissed!"


My fist struck the bag. It groaned in protest. How in the ever living Hell good Mikah just roll over and let him come here. I knew that this sort of thing would happen. With out an Alpha other Alphas would think they could walk all over. My hand struck the bag again. I planned how I was goijg to kill him. A good 15 different ways, but honestly, I had no idea what I was going to do. This affected more then just me. His Beta was Zafara's mate. She seemed like she wanted to at least try with him. I felt how she felt. I couldn't just do that to her. Not when I felt it all at the ball. Her excitement radiated off is her. She glowed with passion. She was uneasy and scared but she was happy for fleeting moment Zafara was actually happy. I couldn't destroy that. She deserved better then that. But i didjt. Deserve to be unhappy with this bsstard comimg to my territory. "Fuck!" I screamed as I hit the bag again. I rested my head on it after a minute. What the fuck was I going to do?


"It'll be fine, darling." My mother, said as we watched from my balcony. "I don't see how that possible, mom." I squeezed the metal railing. "Don't let anger become you, because if you do, dead or not, Azreil has won." I looked at my mother. Her golden hair was up in it's usual bun. Her soft blue eyes watched the horizon. She was right. But that didn't stop the anger. I was still angry. I was angry about this whole Thing with Azreil and Vladimir. His death, it seemed to easy. And this prick coming here piled shit on top of me. And then Jarina. THat bitch had the nerve to act like his death was nothing. My chest rose and fell. I felt the anger rising. Slowly bubbling. Buttons popping. This pompous ass had the nerve. I hated that all of my thoughts came back to Ashton. "They'll be here soon, you acting this way will give him satisfaction. Fix whatever is bothering you." My mother order me. I clenched my teeth. "Unless I can have Jarina's head along with my mate's then I can't fix anything." A growl itched it's way out of my throat. "Go for a run." She commanded. "Zafara has done he same." I dragged my eyes from the dark sky to my mother. "She can't wait to see her mate. She has gone for a run so that when she see's her mate she doesn't jump him." I said with anger laced through my voice. I didn't mean for my anger to me directed at her. My mother nodded her head and gave up, realizing her attempts at calming me were futile. She walked back into the house, leaving me on the balcony alone. I waited up here for what seemed like hours, staring at the dirt road that lead to our house. What angered me even more was that he had to stay in my house. He couldn't be a normal fucking visitor and stay in the damn pack house. I heard my mother and jade downstairs getting the house ready with a few of the maids. I heard Mikah and Mekeel barking orders to Nick and a few Delta's. I watched as Zafara returned from her run, shifting back into human form.

"Mind if I join you?" I about jumped off of the balcony. "You idiot!" I hissed as I turned to Kai. "Haven't you heard the expression don't sneak up on a lady?" I asked as I turned back to the look out at the edge of the forest. "Yes, but your not a lady." I scoffed at him, a small grin etched on my face. "Your right, I'm not a lady. I'm a brat." I said that last bit with a scowl on my face. "Okay, what is with you calling your self a brat today?" Turning to him I said, "Nothing."

"They'll be here soon. Mom wants you to get dressed." He informed me and went to walk back into the house. "I'am dressed." I stated. "She said you wear to much black." I glowered. "She wears her up in a bun to much. I wasn't saying anything." I hissed as my eyes turned into slits. "Just change." I pinched the bridge of my nose before walking into my room, leaving the doors to the balcony wide open. I sifted through the clothes in my closet. I don't understand what was wrong woth what i had on. It made kicking his as easier. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a white muscle tee. She'd better be happy with this. I slipped on my boots as I walked back out of my room. All I could think about was the fact that I was annoyed. I couldn't shake the feeling. For once I caught myself wishing Zafara was omitting her emotions onto me. "Does your shirt really need to be so tight?" My mother questioned. "You said different color then black. You never said it had to loose." I pointed out. She shook her head and walked down the hallway. "Who's hoodie is this?" I asked to the others as I slipped it on Mekeel put his hand up and went back to signing something. Zafara paced back and and forth as she messed with her hair. I take back what i said about wanting her to omit her emotions on to me. "Hey, you okay?" She nodded her head yes then shook her head no. "Maybe I'm paranoid, but what if he doesn't want me as a mate? Why should I even want him as a mate? I mean I felt him have sex all the time." She was rambling. " What if the girl he was having sex with was with them?" Jealousy took over her face. Bwfore she could talk I spoke up. "If she is with them, then ill kick her was for you. Now relax. He wouldn't be coming if he didn't want to see you. He'd be holding down there pack like a Beta should. You know that." She nodded. I felt her relief hit me. I grabbed her hand, feeling the bond go stronger as it normally did when we shared physical contact. "They have just entered the pack territory from the west boarder." Mikah informed us. "They're early." Zafara said shocked. "It'll take them 30 minutes to reach the house. I want evrryone outside resdy to greet them. Repectfully." My nothee said as she walked back into the common room with Jade. She directed the last bit to me. "I'll greet them respectfully. But I'll be wearing the face of the devil."

I stood in the door way as my family piled out of the house. I looked back in the house, Zafara was pacing faster and mumbling. I heard the grumble of cars with heightened hearing. "Hey, mumbling Nancy. Get your ass out there before my mother kills you." She snapped her head up and walked out the door. In the distance i seen the three black SUV's break through the tree line. I walked past my mother who stood on the top step and went to stand with my brothers. "You scared?" I looked over at Zafara. "Nope." I replied. "Liar."

I watched as they came to a stop. They piled out. "Clown car much." I mumbled under my breath. The man that Kai sent into my run made me grin at him. "Idiot." He whispered. "What? You know its true!" I said back. They lined up like they were in the fifth grade. My mate stepped around his car, talking to Zafara's mate, Ralph or Ray. Or was it Ben? I furrowed my brows before shrugging my shoulders. I'd figure it out some how. The second the doors had opened, rain had filled me. I tried to shrug off Kai's arm on my shoulder. It was futile. I watched as he said one last thing in a hushed whisper to his Beta before turning to us. Me and my brothers stood together. I realized that we, together were the front of this pack. "Welcome. Please make yourselves as comfortable as you can. All I ask is that if any of your pack members cross the boarders, they have someone escort them. We've had a recent spike in Loners." Mikah said formally. "Please, I'm only worried about one." It was barely a whisper, but he heard me. I gave Mikah a 'What are you looking at look'. "I want to thank you for your hospitality. I also want to say I'm sorry for the loss of your father and husband." MY head shot up at the mention of my father. I looked to my mother. She nodded. "Okay, Zafara and Jameela. Show them wear there rooms are. "Why? We have a maid, Don't we?" Mikah gave a look that could send me to hell. "Follow me." I said with my lip slightly curled up. Two girls followed me along with a man. I walked into the house and took them to there rooms. "There should be towels in the bathroom. If not, Gale will be by later." I said to them as I left them in front of there doors. They seemed fine. I walked back into the common room. I sat on the couch alone. I knew that the men were in the study.

'We need another bottle in here.'

Was Gale fired and I wasn't informed? I asked myself after Mekeel mind-linked me. I groaned as I walked into the kitchen. "What do you need dear?" Jade asked when I opened the wine cellar. "They need another bottle in the study. Apparently I'm the maid now." I said as I walked down the spiral stairs. "Shit." I cursed as I tripped over my own foot. I groaned loudly and heard Jade's laugh from above. I stood, grabbing a random bottle and stomped up the stairs. I faced Jade and my mom. I slammed the cellar door shut and walked passed them as they talked about the packs.

I stood in front of the double doors. The dark wood I'd seen my whole life. I pushed open the doors. Everyone's eye's fell to me. "Ever heard of knocking?" Nick said playfully. I smirked at him. "I'm about to be knocking you out." I walked over to Mikah and handed him the bottle. "Scotch, as you requested." I mocked a bow before turning to leave. " Stay." So I did. I sat on the couch next Kai. There talk was boring. I though I'd pass out. "The Loners are increasing. I wan t you to know that for the safety of both of the packs." I perked up at this. "I understand. Have you had any interaction with them?" This was the first time I'd heard him speak since I'd come in the room an hour ago. Each of my brothers looked to me causing me to roll my eyes. I needed a drink. "You interacted with a Loner?" Ashton asked me. My back was to him as I poured myself a shit. I downed it as I turned to him. His face was like stone. He never showed an emotion. "To be fair, she is my sister. But yes. Her and others." I said as I took Mikah's drink. "Other Loners?" I Laughed slightly. "Hardly." I assume that he knew I wasn't going to say anything else so he looked to Mikah. "Well the-."

A scream. Zafara. I dropped the glass, causing it to shatter into pieces. I shoved her Mate out of my way and ignored his growl. I ran out the front door. What I saw caused me to freeze. "Move and I'll rip her throat out." I felt my anger flare. "Rip her throat out, I dare you. There will be nothing to save you as I drag you to the depths of hell." I felt sparks as Ashton brushed against me. "Let her go now." I said with a look of pure hatred. "Azreil says game on." His teeth sunk into her shoulder. He missed her neck. I leaped down the stairs, shifting. My teeth Sunk into his arm. He released her. The second she was free she shifted. Her white coat stained with blood as her claws slashed at his face. "He isn't dead you ignorant little girl." He managed to get out before I sunk my teeth in his neck. I heard his flesh tear as I ripped my head away. I knew he was dead. I knew that I'd 'won' the fight. But I couldn't stop. My claws dragging down his chest.

"Jameela!" Kai yelled. My actions ceased. I looked down at his mauled body. He was a lucky bastard. I should have done worse for touching her. I watched as her wolf whined, the adrenaline was wearing off so she was feeling the pain of the bite. I walked over to her, trying to console her. I nudged at her, Growling softly for her to shift. My jaws snapped at her mate when he walked over to her. "Let me see my Mate." He said in anger. I stood in front of her, ready to attack if he took a step closer. I'd kill him and not feel shit. Try me. "Raymond, don't. She'll attack you." I nodded my head at him to back off. "Why would she attack him?" My mate asked as he stared at me. "They're bonded. They literally feel each others emotions. If she had to protect you or her. She'd kill you to protect her. vice versa." My jaws snapped again when he took a step closer. I shifted and stood to my full height. "Take another step and I'll snap your neck. Try me." I Knew my eyes were shining a bright green. "I take I'm a little late. My head whipped to the side. "Vladimir." I said with anger. He shrugged off his jacket and handed it to me. "I'd rather die." I said with hatred. "That can be arranged. Now take the coat." His eyes pierced mine. I snatched it from him. "Back off. Everyone back the fuck away from her!" I yelled. I crouched down to Zafara she had shifted back. I looked at her shoulder. "It's already healing." I looked at her. "Are you okay?" I asked her softly. she nodded, standing up. She held onto me as we walked towards the house. "Mia, wait." I turned to glare at Vlad. "You shouldn't be here. we have two packs here. Neither of which like your kind." Mekeel wasn't lying. I looked at Ashton to find him staring at me. "Let me take her." I looked to her mate, Raymond. "It's fine." She reassured me. I slowly let her go. "If you hurt her-." He cut me off. Asshole."You'll snap my neck." He said as he looked at her. Once she was in the house I turned and punched Vladimir in the face. I was sure I had hurt myself more then him but it still made me feel slightly better. "You fucking idiot. You said you'd help me with this! She could have been killed! I killed the bastard. I knew it was to easy." I said the last bit to myself. "I came all the way here to fucking tell you because I couldn't exactly call and be like hey, by the way he isn't dead, could I?" He was right. "Fine, but how is he not dead? wait let's go inside."

"I want to know everything." I said as we stood in the study. "I barely even know anything. I just know that when I got back he was waiting. He must have used expression to project himself here. He's been distancing me lately. He doesn't trust me. Not like before." Sounds like him, He was a paranoid person. Everyone stood in the room. "I have to get back before sunrise." I Gave him a look. "I' won't be as strong in the sunlight, I'm faster during night." I nodded at him. I looked over at Ashton. He was clenching his jaw. "Your mate!" He exclaimed. "You'll have the cutest second cutest baby in the world.I clenched my jaw. "Fuck you, Vlad." I hissed out. "I already did, baby. And damn was it good." HE said as he walked passed me. "EVeryone get out!" I yelled. I just needed to be alone That was the first time he brought him up since he die. It was indirect but he brought him up. I grabbed a glass and filled it to the brim. "I said everyone get out. Not everyone get out except Ashton." I spit out as I turned to him. "Who was that? Who is Azreil?" He was demanding an answer. I went to walk by him to leave but he grabbed my arm. "I wouldn't touch me if I were you." I told him as I looked at him. "Tell me. Now." His voice was like ice. "Is this going to be like some cliche movie where you hide everything from me?" He asked. me. "No, you idiot. I don't care if you know. I just don't feel like talking about my life story at 3 in the morning." He rose a brow. "Again, tell me or I will find out myself." He threatened. "You don't scare me." I spat in his face. "Your heart beat says otherwise. Now get to talking." I yanked my arm out of his hold. I grabbed my glass and sat down on the desk.

"When me and Zafara were 14 we were taken by a man, Azreil. He was also my sisters mate. He is an expressionist and a werewolf. He is a freak of nature I guess. Vladimir worked with him. we were basically his experiment to create the perfect weapon. He needed a Alpha and a Beta. It was easy for him to take us so we were his first choice." I stopped to take a drink and zip up Vladimir's Jacket. "How come you seem more hell bent on killing him then Zafara does."

"It had been a year that we'd been there. I had studied everything. Everyone. I found away to escape. I lifted the keys off of a guard after I'd killed him. I got us to the doors but I knew that I'd get us both taken back so I told her to run. I stayed there for three more years. The only thing he was able to do was take the bond we had and heighten. So know we can't be apart. It's literally feels like we are dying. He took us before we had shifted, so when we finally did, our wolves looked exactly the same." Ashton just soaked in what I said. I stuck my hand out, gesturing for him to get me a drink. He snatched the glass and set it down next to me. "I plan on taking you back to my pack, I need to know what I'm in for. Now finish the fucking story." He said as he leaned down to me. I leaned in. "Fuck off. I'm not leaving my pack." I felt strings pulling us together. His blue eyes were screaming for me to back down. "Yes you are. Zafara is coming with Raymond. I imagine that you don't want to make her stay and hate you and I also think you don't want to feel like your drying for the rest of your life." I bared my canines at him. "Fuck you!" I was starting to think that was my only comeback. "I plan to. After all an Alpha needs an heir." How could he say that like it was that simple. I felt my wolf whine, she was hurt. "Let's get one thing straight Jameela," That was the first time he'd ever said my name. "I don't care about you. By wolf does. Now finish the goddamn story!" He roared. I felt my self shrink. I mentally smacked myself. Now I look like a little bitch. But my wolf naturally submitted to him. "I was molded into a weapon. I was turned into an assassin. To act on his word. He tried to 'deactivate' my emotions. He had gotten me to fall in love with Vladimir. That was part of it. He needed me to have one emotion to each person. Hate towards him. Love to Vladimir. Fright to the guard who assaulted me every night. Then he put me in a room with all of these people and tried to 'Deactivate' these emotion I had. It worked. I was a robot. I would have stayed that way but it wore off." I looked up at him and finished. "You know everything. Happy?" I asked him. I didn't tell him everything. I didn't give him Details. But I gave him what he needed to know. "What are those scars on the back of your neck from?" He asked as I walked out of the room. "Details don't matter."




"What did you just tell me?"

"We, Werewolves, have a 'moon goddess'. Apparently this 'goddess' chooses our mates and all that shit."

"Should I kill you know or after I eat?"

Zafara laughed and threw her book. "It's in a bunch of books all over the internet. A bunch of shit but kind of amusing." I nodded my head, amusing it was. "That's ridiculous. I'm not even sure if I believe in a normal god let alone a weird make believe goddess." I said as I dried my hair with a towel. "I hear you. It's nice to think that people actually like what we are." She was mostly talking to herself. "Yea, because they're teenagers. People who really know, they hunt us." My hair dripped down my back, soaking my shirt. "You know they believe that just a simple bite will turn them." This time I actually laughed. "We aren't Vampires, we don't just bite humans and poof." I said with laugh. "Okay, well we have to go. We're doing placements." I breathed out a breath. It had been rather quiet. Ashton and his pack had been here for about two weeks. The Loners didn't increase or decrease. No Vlad Or Azreil. "Okay. I need to find my sneakers." I said mindlessly as I looked under my bed. "Balcony." I looked over and huffed. "How the hell'd they get out there?" I slipped them on and looked down at the field full of teen wolves. "I hate placement." Zafara grumbled in agreement. "It's a bunch of teens thinking that there the next Zeta." I nodded in agreement and walked out of my bedroom. "Tell me about it. I know quiet a few of them are going to challenge Kai." She snorted as we walked down the stairs. "They have death wish." I couldn't help but laugh at that. It was true. Picking a fight with Kai was dumb. Thinking you could beat him was dumber. He was practically a God when he fought, which was why when I was told that Ashton was 100 times better then him, I was shocked. "Oh, Joy. Looks like Raymond the avoider and Ashton the dick bag, like watching placement." I rose a brow at her as we walked closer to my brothers. "Avoider isn't a word." The glare she gave me told me to shut up. As we arrived Mikah was finishing a speech about how it all would work. I heard this every three months. I watched as the kids who hadn't shifted went to line of with Winter and few others. The ones who had shifted stayed with us. I watched as they lined up. I felt strings pulling us together as Ashton came closer to me. I hated the mate pull. It was 'fate' trying to get us to finish the mating process, is what my mother said. I hated that she was right. Everyday I wake up and his scent was stronger. He could be all the way cross the house and it was like he was right next to me. I felt a heat spread across my skin as he stood next to me. I ignored it, willing myself ignore everything else. I watched as the first boy looked to me, then to Far.

"Zafara, this boy thinks he can take you." The smirk on Mekeel's face had me grinning. This would be great. As she walked up to him, Raymond tried to go after her. I put my hand out in front of him to keep him in place. "Are you an idiot?" I kept my eyes on her. I lowered my hand once I was sure he wouldn't go after her. "No." I said with blank voice. I watched as he circled her. I could tell he was trying to detect her next move. Looking at them, it looked like she had a death wish. She was tiny and he was huge. He looked like he could demolish her. But I was sure that her small stature was her biggest asset. She was fast. Really fast. Plus she was a Beta. As his hand struck out, hitting her in the side she fell down to her knees. A growl rippled through her her chest. She grabbed his legs, making him fall flat on his back. She stood up and kicked so hard he flipped over on his stomach. I knew that she was drawing from her wolf. He stumbled to his feet but she knocked him down on his knees, grabbed his arm and twisted up his back until it cracked. The snap that resonated through the field made a few of the girls squeal. He cursed loudly. But when she let go of his arm he spun around and tackled her. "Fuck this." Raymond said as he went to help her. I grabbed his arm and pushed him back to his spot. "Again, are you an idiot?" He hissed out. "No." I said with annoyance. He was starting to agitate me. She struggled under him. He howled in pain as she kneed him where the sun don't shine. She got up and grabbed him by the throat. Her eyes flashing a bright green. "Submit!" He struggled against her but she snatched his wrist and snapped it, breaking it. "Submit." This time her voice was deeper. Her wolf was itching at the surface. She was about to punch him when he bared his neck to her. She gave him her hand and helped him up. "Good fight." He said with a smile as he shook out his hand and arm as healed. She nodded. I looked up at Raymond. "I'm not an idiot." He looked down at me quizzically. "But you are for insinuating that I am." Zafara walked over to me. "You taught me well." She joked. "Give me a piggy back ride!" Before I could object she jumped on my back. I almost stumbled into a spar but I managed to catch my balance. "Next time wait for me to say no." She laughed as she rested her chin on my head. "That hurts." She ignored what I said as she cheered along with the others. I shook my head and watched as the boys finished and shook hands. "Eta's." Mikah said. They nodded and walked to the side, a proud look covering there face. Like me and Far thought, someone thought they could take on my brother. Kai did the same thing to the boy as he did to me. The second his fist struck out he was on the ground by his throat. Everyone cheered and laughed. I rose a brow at him as he looked at me. He was finding his place again. I was cut out of my train of thought at Mikah called on me.



"This young girl thinks she can take you."

I gave the girl a once over. She was from my mates pack.

"Want to give her a run for her money?"

I smirked at them and shook off my jacket and handed it to Far.

"Hell yea." My pack cheered. "You should know, I like to provoke my pray." I laughed at her as she put of her fists. "Oh sweetie, I'm not your pray." I flexed my finger as my claws elongated. "Hasn't your Alpha taught you not to bring your fists to a claw fight." She had strong right hook but her reflexes were slow and she didn't know how to calculate my next move. She was an easy take down. I gripped her fist as she tried to hit me in the face. I dug my claws into her hand causing her to wince. She glared at me and kicked me in the hip. "That kinda tickled." I knew she was getting aggravated. She ripped her hand from mine and shoved me back from her. I took two steps to her and gave her a jab to the throat. She coughed which resulted in her leaning over slightly and letting her guard down. My knee met her face twice. My right hand dangled at my side as my left gripped the back of her neck. I lifted her up by her neck and spoke in her ear.

"Go back to your pack." My pack cheered again as I let her go. She looked up at me as she cracked her nose back into place. She grinned at me and walked off to her friend.

I took my jacket from Far as she talked to me. "I underestimated both of you." I looked up at Raymond and seen Ashton had gone somewhere. "I didn't expect that out of the both of you." I smirked at him. "What's that saying, 'no one expects an angel to set the world on fire'." Zafara nodded as she pulled out her phone and answered a call. She stepped away from us and spoke quietly. "Who is she talking too?" I watched as Raymond watched her. "How should I know." He looked at me for a second before looking back at her. "Far, who are you talking too? Raymond the avoided is apparently no longer avoiding." He gave me a death glare as she looked at me laughed. "My mom." She yelled as she walked farther from us. "Your a bitch." I looked at Raymond and smiled, "Yes, I am."

I took a deep breath as Ashton got closer. Raymond leaned down and spoke in my ear. "Mate pulls a bitch huh? What's his scent like? Bet it's intoxicating." I clenched my jaw. He was being dick. I tried my hardest not to breath through my nose. I hate his smell.

No you don't

"Go on. Inhale."

"I hate you." I said with a glare as I stalked off to Zafara. "I hate your mate." She laughed as she put her phone in her pocket. "That makes two of us." I took a deep breath, telling myself not to go punch his face in, no matter how great that would be. "Okay, our moms are at your house preparing dinner, They said to make sure that everyone is at the house by 6:00. It's 5:30 now." I nodded, looking over at my brothers. "I'll go tell them." I didn't wait for an answer. I was almost knocked over three times but I successfully relayed the message to Mikah before trying to break up a real fist fight between two boys.

"Knock it off." I shoved one of the boys to the side but he wasn't listening. "I said knock it off!" They both stood doen, varing theyre necks in submission. "I dont want your submission. What I want is the both of you to listen." They nodded at me before running off.

"You're very brazen." I feel chills run up my spine as Ashton's voice floated through my ears like silk. I gritted my teeth and turned around to look at him. He had barely spoken to me since he's been here. "So I'm a bull now?" I asked as I looked up at him. I pinched the bridge of my nose to try and sate the urge to inhale his scent. I turned around, trying to breath without being suffocated. I jaw shook slightly as I breathed. His hand touched my bare arm, trying to turn me to face him. My eyes flickered slightly. I squeezed my eyes shut and stepped away from him swiftly. His touch was like fire trailing across my skin. It burned a trail that was just itching for him to touch me. But when his hand left it was like that trail was swept over with ice. I hissed at the physical prick I felt and turned to him. "Don't touch me." I said as I held up a hand. He rose a brow. "Mate bond is a bitch right?" I glared at him. "If you don't know how to suppress the symptoms of it, then your suppressing your wolf. But then again females have always been weaker to the bond the males." His jab made me grind my teeth. "I suppress my wolf for a damn good reason. So if the end result of suppressing the beast inside of me is feeling these horrid symptoms as you call them, then i'm all in." He furrowed his brows at me. "Wh-" I cut him off before he could finish the obvious question. "Because none of your concern. Besides, I thought you didn't care about me. Don't go asking to many questions. I'll start think you care." I said with a sarcastic tone. His face was emotionless while he spoke. "I don't care about you. But like I said, I plan to take you to my pack. So I need to know all of these curve balls you like to throw around." I scoffed at him, told him to piss off and found my way to my brothers. "Someone carry me." I laughed at Zafara's dramatics. Then laughed harder at her blush as Kai lifted her up onto his shoulders. I knew she must have been dying inside. And I was right, she sent a ear splitting squeal through our mind link. I watched as Raymond glowered next to Ashton. Good. He was a dick to her. Even before they had met at the mating ball. "Want a ride?" Nick asked with a wink. His boyish grin made me grin. I looked over at Ashton. He watched me. Daring me to go through with it. So I did. I ran and jumped on his back and whispered in his ear. I climbed higher up onto his shoulders and let my hands run through his blonde hair. His hands gripped my thighs. I almost fell off as he used his wolf to speed through the woods. Everything was a blur. It was surreal.

Something you'd see in a movie.

"When do you plan on taking our daughters?" I choked on my asparagus as my mother talked bluntly as always. Ashton slowly look up at her. "I'm not an idiot. So just tell me when you plan on taking them." He glanced at me before looking back at her and speaking up. "I need to be back to my pack in a week. Our wolves need,to take what is ours." I felt Zafara's anger rise.

"I'm not leaving."

Everyone's eyes went to her. Kai especially.

"I'm not chew toy that is waiting to be claimed. I have a choice. I'm not leaving my pack." Her anger was turning to rage. "Zafar-" She cut off her mother as she stood up, her chair screeching against the marble floor. "No!" She yelled as she stormed put of the room. I dropped my fork and stood up, gripping the table for balance. "I'll go calm her down." I said as I closed my eyes for a moment. "Jameela. Your nose is bleeding." Ashton was next to me in a second. I felt the burn as he grabbed my arm. I pushed it down as much as I could. Everyone spoke and questioned each other what was happening. "Why is her nose bleeding?" Ashton demanded as he held a tissue to my nose. I wanted to shove him off and hold the tissue my self but at this moment I needed to keep my grip on the table or I would probably fall over and crack my head open.

"Zafara's emotions. She isn't controlling them. My body is being overwhelmed." I said as I looked up at him. I thought I seen a glimmer of worry in the ice blue eyes but I knew that I must have been delirious. But as I looked into his eyes, I lost myself. I found it was so easy to loose myself in them. They were like galaxies.

Zafara grabbed me and shoving Ashton to the side. I felt the connection break. God was I an idiot. "Don't touch her." Zafara helped me sit in my seat, pushing Ashton away from me. "I will put you down if you put your peaky hands on me again regardless of you being my Beta's mate." I think the part that sent a shiver up my spine was the fact that his face was so void of emotion. His voice was chilly as it entered my ears. "Don't threaten her." I shot back as he stepped to her. He took a step back as he looked at her. She glared harshly before looking at me. Her gaze softened as she handed me a glass of water. "You need to try and keep your emotions to yourself to a certain degree." Jade said as she sipped a glass of Chardonnay. This happened frequently. Not the bloody nose part, but the overwhelming emotions part. It barely happened to her. I learned how to keep myself in check. But she could read me easily. "Don't over think." Like I said, she could read me. All I could think about was how badly I wanted to leave. It flooded my mind out of no where. I never wanted to leave but in this moment, I wanted to leave. I wanted to just go without a destination in mind. But I couldn't. So instead I stood up and ignored what everyone said. I walked up the stairs to my room and sat on my balcony like I did every night.

"What purpose do I have?"

I didn't want to do this anymore. I felt myself unfolding. I bound myself so tight. I told myself that everything I did had a reason. I told myself I had to train, because the day would come to kill Azreil. But right now, I stared at the blue and pink sky that swirled with purple so flawlessly and all I wanted was to die. I have a purpose. I'm on a road to nowhere. His pale face came into my mind. All of my knots came loose. And as I pictured my sons face, a tear fell. And then another and another. "My son." I whispered to myself as the sky got darker.

"Jameela?" I felt myself shiver. This man was the reason I lost it. He was why my control was unwinding. I looked over my shoulder at him. He watched me carefully. "Zafara is worried. she said she is-" I cut him off and looked back at the sky. "That she is reading me. Yea, it's never ending." I wiped the tears from my face in a haste. "What's wrong?" I sniffled, contemplating if I should even tell him anything. "Why? Oh that's right. You need to know everything about me so I'm not a complication to you or you're pack." I was snippy. "No. I honestly want to know what's wrong." I looked up at him. For once I saw a emotion on his face. I sliver but it was there. I sat down on the balcony, my back leaning against the wall, he did the same.

"When I told you my 'life story', I said that what Vlad and Azreil did to me wore off. It did but it wore off because I was pregnant." His face contorted to shock then confusion. "I had a son. He was only two months old when he died. Vladimir named him Demetrios. God I hated that name at first." I said as I recalled the memories. "But it fit him so well." I felt my eyes sting and burn. "Azreil wanted to test him. To see if what he did to me passed onto him. But I refused. I killed four guards just get to him. Everyone said that a mother would kill for her child, I never knew how far I'd go for another person until I had him. I would have moved mountains for him. And Azreil knew that. He sedated me for a week and when I woke he was gone. I don't know exactly what happened to him." My hands balled into fists. "No, I don't want to kill him because he took me or Zafara. Or because I was his lab rat. I want to skin him alive and throw him into a pen of rabid dogs because he took my son." I looked him right in the eyes and waited for his reaction.

"Then you'll need me. I happen to know a lot about torture." 


Hello guys!!! So this is a short chapter and it is a roller coaster.

I will try to update at least once a week!! Till' next time! Vote, comment share!!! 



Text: falicity davis
Images: falicity davis
Editing: falicity davis
Translation: falicity davis
Publication Date: 08-18-2016

All Rights Reserved

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