‘Where’s my momma?’ I cried.
I was lost and I couldn’t find my momma anywhere. I cried and cried. I heard screaming and loud banging noises.
‘MOMMA’ I shouted.
My name is Lucy and I’m 5 and papa died the other week. Me and momma went shopping for her a new dress today.
People were running past me and several knocked me over and stood on my legs and arms. Tears were running down my face as I limped towards my mommas screams. I saw her mangled body on the floor. Red stuff was on the floor and people were running away from her. I screamed and sat down next to momma I hugged her and I wouldn’t leave her side again. I fell asleep and soon I was shaken awake by a big man with blonde hair and a white coat on. He had golden eyes.
‘ Hello my name is Carlisle. I’m a doctor, what’s your name?’ said Carlisle.
‘L-L-LU-CY, where’s momma? I w-want mom-ma’ I cried.
‘Shhhhh, it’s ok Lucy, let’s go to the hospital, I won’t hurt you’ he whispered holding out his hand.
I nodded and tried to stand up but I couldn’t. I just fell over again. I hurt all over and my leg was hurting really bad. Carlisle’s eyes flashed with worry and he bent down and picked me up. His cool skin felt good on my burning one. I sighed and suddenly felt really tired. I fell asleep my head on Carlisle’s shoulder.
I heard some gagging, chuckling then full out laughing. My head hurt and my panties felt wet. Oh no. I opened my eyes quickly and saw I was led on Carlisle. I whimpered.
‘LUCY calm down, you were having a nightmare, it’s only natural that you wee-wee by accident’ Carlisle whispered.
I heard someone laughing in the background. I tried to turn round but Carlisle wouldn’t let me.
‘It’s my son Edward. You’re in my house Lucy and you’re going to stay here for a while’ he said.
I started to feel uncomfortable. I whimpered.
‘Carlisle, she needs to get changed’ Edward said.
‘Um Okay’ he said worried.
‘Oh come on? Really, Carlisle? Seriously?’ Edward laughed
‘Um Edward, go get Alice tell her come here’ Carlisle muttered.
Edward sprinted out the room and came back with a small, big girl.
‘Carlisle, Edward- you know the drill- out’ she said firmly.
Edward left and Carlisle was about to stand up when I grabbed hold of him really tight. I wanted him to stay with me. He reminded me of daddy.
‘Shhhhh it’s ok if you want I’ll stay, Alice…’ he said.
‘Yeah, yeah ok then I’ll go run a bath for Lucy you get her undressed and plaster covered up’ she ordered running out the room.
Carlisle stood up and removed his white coat and his shirt and tie. My eyes went big and I shied away from him.
His eyes grew with worry and then he approached me with superspeed. My heart was beating really fast.
‘EDWARD’ I heard him shout before I blacked out.
‘What’s wrong with her?’ someone said.
‘She had a panic attack, what do you expect with everything that’s happened?’ someone else said.
‘She’s awake’ someone said.
‘Lucy, LUCY- c’mon open your eyes’ Carlisle said.
I struggled to open my eyes and when I did I couldn’t see. I panicked.
WHY CANT I SEE? My heart was pounding and my breathing got heavy.
‘Edward? What’s wrong with her?’ asked Carlisle panicking.
‘she- she can’t see’ he said.
Why is he shouting? I’m scared. I started crying.
‘Carlisle HOW DARE YOU’ Edward scolded
I felt someone wrap their cold arms around me and shushed me. I calmed slightly but who was holding me.
‘Luce it’s me Edward, I can read your mind so don’t worry about anything’ he whispered picking me up.
Why was he shouting at me? I don’t like it when he shouts?
‘It’s because you can’t see, it worries him, can you still not see?’ he muttered in my ear.
No. I wanna see. What’s wrong with me? I want my momma!!!
I started crying.
‘Shhhhh, its ok I’m here for you Luce, should we get you all cleaned up now? Then I’ll take you out to get ice-cream!’
Yay ice-cream!
‘Hahaha I thought so! But you have to have bath time first!’
Aww why?
‘Because you need one, ALICE RUN A BATH!!!’ he shouted
Edward came up to me and removed my clothes. His cold hands felt good on my burning body. Then I heard some bags rustling. Edward sat me down on a desk and put a bag over my leg and my arm then picked me up again. He ran really fast with me to another room.
I heard running water. Great I was in the bathroom. No going back now.
'OK Luce, I'm going to put you in now' Edward said giggling.
I braced myself for the freezing cold water that never came. It was warm and bubbly. I laughed and splashed around. I knew Edward was still behind me, so I turned around and splashed him.
'LUCY... why'd you do that?' he moaned but I knew he was joking.
'It's fun' I said.
'Ok you asked for it' he said just before a lot of water hit me straight in the face.
My eyes were stinging, but I could see out of them. I blinked. Pain shot through me. I blinked again this time tears came to them.
'Edward I can see now but it hurts when I blink' I whispered.
'Ok let me finish doing your hair then we'll sort them out' he said while squirting something white onto my head.
He rubbed it into my head and it felt good. then he got this shower thing down and wet it all off. Then he grabbbed a sponge and put some pink stuff on it. Then he gave it to me. I stood up with Edwards help and scrubed my body clean. Then Edward wet it all off again. He grabbed a towel and put it round me then dried me.
He then helped me put a big boys shirt on, it was almost like a dress on me though.
Then a big girl came in.
'Lucy this is Rosalie, she's going to do your hair, ok?' Edward whispered in my ear.
'Ok' I said.
He smiled and left.
'Hi Lucy, turn around then I can do your hair' She said.
I spun around so my back was to her. I felt tugging on my hair as the brush was pulled through it. When she'd done that she put my hair into a pony tail.
'There, Done' she said with a smile.
'Thank you, Roselie' I whispered.
Edward came into the room followed by Carlisle.
'Sorry for shouting before, Lucy - can i have a look at your eyes please?' he said guiltily.
I nodded and went to him. He crouched down and flashed a little torch in my eyes.
'Edward she's eventually going to go blind, but it's not your fault' he whispered.
'C'mon Luce lets go get that ice cream' Edward said.
Edward picked me up and walked down the stairs and outside to a car.
'EDWARD ANTHONY MASON CULLEN! Where do you think you're going?' Alice said.
'Taking Lucy for ice cream, Alice what do you want?' Edward moaned rolling his eyes.
'With her dressed like that? Don't think so. I knew she was going to come live here so I went shopping' Alice said like it was obvious.
Then Edward shook his head.
'C'mon Luce lets go get you some proper clothes on you then you'll be warmer and not get ill' He said pulling me back towards the house.
Then he picked me up and ran me to a room that was pink. It had fairy princesses on the wall and Butterflies. Edward opened a door and there was a bathroom on it. It was white with pink cuboards and pink training toilet seat. Back in the main room we wlked through yet another door which led to a room full of clothes. Edward shook his head and grapped some underwear, jeans and a long sleeve top. I shivered as I suddenly got all cold.
Edwards eyes got all big and then he took the big top off me and replaced it with the new clothes. My stomach suddenly made a loud noise and Edward laughed.
'I think you're hungry, c'mon we'll get a burger while we're out' He said pulling me onto his back.
Then someone really big jumped out shouting 'ROAR'.
I screamed and fell off Edwards back. I hit my head hard on the floor and then everything went black.
Emmett jumped out and shouted 'ROAR'.
Lucy screamed and fell of my back, then she fell unconcious.
'Emmett... why did you do that? You know that she dosen't like being shouted at and she doesn't know you!!!!' I scolded.
'Jasper dared me to do it' he said his head bowed in shame.
His face looked like he was going to cry if it was possible. I rolled my eyes then scooped up Luce in my arms. I ran to Carlisle's office. I knocked on the door then walked in. Carlisle Walked towards me then ran when he saw Lucy unconsious in my arms.
'WHAT HAPPENED?' He asked worry in his eyes.
'Emmett.' I said ' He jumped out shouting 'ROAR' then Lucy screamed and fell off my back'.
Carlisle rolled his eyes and took Lucy off me. He checked her pulse.
'She's ok but she's gonna be hungry when she wakes up, what have I got us into?' he laughed.
I smiled and shook my head. Then I heard Luce stir in Carlisle's arms. I smiled and went forward and took her into my own arms.
'Be careful with her Edward' Carlisle whispered before I walked out the door.
Lucy's POV
The first thing I heard was Carlisle saying 'Be careful with her Edward'
Then a whoosh of air. When I opened my eyes I was in the car. I looked at Edward confused then shrugged and winced from the pain.
'C'mon Luce let me put your seat belt on then we can go get that burger and ice cream' Edward laughed leaning over me and clicking me in my booster seat.
I giggled and started bouncing in my seat. My mouth started watering and my stomach growled. Edward laughed before closing the door and climbing in the front seat behind the wheel.
'Edward, who was that man who scared me before I fell off your back?' I asked him.
'That was Emmett, he says he is sorry, he is a big joker but doesn't usually let people get too hurt' he said his shoulders shrugging.
I nodded and looked out the window until we started to slow down.
'Are we there yet' I asked.
Edward nodded and turned off the engine. He climbed out of the drivers door while I tried to undo my seatbelt. Wow this is hard. Then Edward opened my door and Undid it with one click.
'Show off- I must have loosened it for you, daddy' I said then realised what I said.
I put my hands over my mouth and looked at him guiltily.
'Sorry, Edward I didnt mean to say that' I whispered my eyes filling with tears.
'Shh, it's ok I don't mind' he whispered lifting me out and into his arms.
He carried me into the Food place and sat me down on a seat before sitting next to me. A man in a suit came and gave us both a piece of paper. Edward shook his head and gave the man back his paper.
'I don't want anything, I only brought my sister here to eat' Edward explained.
I looked at the piece of paper, Great no pictures and I can't read.
'Edward, Please can you help me, I can't read' I asked.
'Um why don't you have a beef burger and chips?' He said rolling his eyes.
I nodded excitedly, I love Burgers! But I wonder if I Can get some CocaCola with it?
'Eddie please can I have CocaCola with my Burger?' I asked.
'No You Can't. We Don't want you hyper tonight, so You can have a Milkshake instead' he said firmly.
'Ok Edward' I said frowning.
He grinned and shook his head while rolling his eyes. I'm BORED!!!
'Edward......'I moaned.
'Sir Should I bring her a picture and crayons to play with?' a different man in a suit said.
'Yes please, and can you tell me approximately how long the meal is going to take?'
'About 5 minutes Sir, It is only a Kids portion after all, ha ha ha' He said handing me the big picture of a wolf and a big pack of crayons.
I opened the crayons and poured them on the table then picked up the black. I coloured in his nose and ears black and the rest grey and white I drew little patches of black all over his body. I randomly put a bit of brown on it aswell, but I didn't go out of the lines once! I was really pleased with it. I picked up all the crayons and tried to shove them all back in their pack. Edward Leaned over and helped me really quickly. I grinned and showed him my picture. I saw his eyes widen then turn black.
He doesn't like it!
My eyes started to fill with tears. Edward's eyes turned gold once more and he looked at me worriedly then realised what I was thinking. He got up and sat me on his knee.
'Sorry Luce, I Love your picture, I just had a naughty person in my mind' He whispered just as a man in a suit came over with my plate and glass of strawberry milkshake.
I grinned and my mouth started slavering. As soon as the man left I picked up my burger and bit into it. Then I spat it back out.
'Edward it tastes funny' I moaned my tummy starting to hurt.
'No ****ing wonder, it's raw!!!' He growled.
'Waitor! Get the chef out here now!' He told him.
A minute later the chef came out with an angry look on his face, But Edward looked angrier.
'Tell me "chef" do you cook every burger properly?' he growled at him.
'Yes Why?' the chef said confused
'Come look at this then please' he snarled.
Then the chef strode over and looked at my burger, then growled.
'I havn't made any Burgers all day, I never even got a written order for it, so Who the **** made this burger!!' he shouted.
'It was the waiter' Edward whispered.
He got up and put me on his back and walked over to the chef.
'Ok sorry, for blaming you, it was the waiter obviously so I'll Take a milkshake and a ice cream on the house' Edward said.
When it came out I love it and ate it very quickly. then two police officers came in and arrested the waiter.
Then Edward Picked up my picture and carried me out to the car and put me in my seat just as I started to fall asleep.
'Luce, Good night' He whispered.
When I woke up I was in a dark room by myself and i was going to be sick I tried to climb out of bed by I just fell flat on my face. Then the door opened and Edward ran in and picked me up. I put my hands oveer my mouth and Edwards eyes widened before he ran me into a bathroom. He hovered me over the toilet while I puked into it. He held my hair and rubbed my back while more came out. When I was done Edward flushed the toilet and got me a glass of water. I rinsed my mouth and spat it out.
I moaned my tummy hurt.
'Carlisle' Edward shouted.
Carlisle ran into the Bathroom and came straight to me with a big bag. I suddenly felt really dizzy and I heard a rumbling in my lower tummy and then I felt something wet on my knickers. I blushed bright red.
'Ok Edward What are the symptoms?' Carlisle asked.
'Um, well she's been puking, she's dizzy and well, you know' He muttered embarrassed.
'ohhhhhhhh......... Ok, yeah she has food poisoning, get her a quick shower and put a nappy on her then straight back to bed for her' Carlisle explained.
Then he walked out carrying his bag out with him. Then Edward stripped me down and put a bag over my casts. Then he went and turned on the shower. Then he came and picked me up and carried me to the shower. He made sure the water wasn't too hot and started wetting me all over with it still holding me with one arm. Then he turned me around and sprayed me with the water. Then he got the sponge and soap and started rubbing it on me. When he was done, he wrapped a towel round me and carried me to my room. By now I felt really weak and could have collapsed if Edward wasn't holding me up. Edward led me down on my bed and I closed my eyes. He gently dried me before lifting my legs up.
Wait, WHAT!
I opened my eyes and looked him in the eyes.
I Burst out crying 'I don't wanna be a baby!'
'Shhh, You're not a baby Luce, It's just because you're poorly' He whispered.
I wasn't happy, but as long as I wasn't a baby I'll deal with it. I let him put it on me and Put my Nightie on me. Then he pulled back my covers and tucked me into my bed.
'Don't leave me Edward' I whispered.
'Never' He muttered lying next to me.
That's all I remember before falling asleep.
Well I feel better now and I can Started to walk properly on my casts. Me and Edward Have gotten really close and he's now my best friend.
Today me, Eddie and Daddy (Carlisle) are going to the hospital to get my casts took off and get my tummy checked because I can't hold in my wee wee until I get to the toilet, I mean only babies do that.
'Cmon Luce, we have to get you a nappy on before we go in the car because we can't stop on the way' Eddie said quietly.
I nodded going bright red. I wouldn't let anyone else put a nappy on me apart from Edward and occasionally Carlisle when Eddie was out.
I walked over to Edward and he got me some clean nappies and comfy clothes. I stripped down and led down so Edward can do my nappy. He did It very quickly and helped me put my jeans and long sleave top on. Then he walked into my cubboard and grabbed my trainers and socks. Then I quickly put them on and Eddie Picked me up and ran with me out to the car. He put me in my seat and fastened me in and closed the door before climbing into the Drivers seat..
'Where's daddy, Eddie?' I asked confused.
'He's meeting us there, Luce' He said speeding towards the hospital.
I nodded and minutes later we arrived at the hospital. Edward looked at his phone and jumped out of the car quickly then ran to me. I'd already undone my seeatbelt so when Eddie opened my door he scooped me up and put me on his shoulders before closing the door and locking the car. Then he walked quickly towards the doors. When we got inside he walked towards an old women behind a desk.
'Lucy Cullen is here to see Dr Cullen in the Plaster room and then we are going up to the ultrasound room' Edward said with a smirk.
'Yes, yes your dad told me to tell you to take her straight up, Edward' the woman said shaking her head and rolling her eyes.
'Ok then, See you in a bit' Edward laughed.
I was confused but I was too scared to talk. I tried to calm down but I found it very hard.
'Shh it's OK to be scared Luce, tell you what i'll hold your hand throughout everything if you want?' He asked.
I nodded feeling slightly calmer. Then Edward walked through a door and stopped. I saw Carlisle cleaning scissors and a big machine.
Then Eddie got me down off of his shoulders and put me down on the bed with wheels.
'Ok Luce just lie down and relax' Edward encouraged.
I led down and relaxed still holding Eddie hand in mine. I closed my eyes. Then suddenly I heard a loud noise and it made me jump. My eyes shot open then I realised Eddie was still with me. I trust him, he wouldn't let anything bad happen to me. I smiled and closed my eyes again.
10 minutes later
Now my casts are off and we're on our way down to the ultra-sound room. I'm laying against Edwards Chest as i'm tired. I yawned really loudly and I heard some people laughing. But I was too tired to really care so I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew I was being led on something before I fell asleep.
After what felt like seconds, I was being shook awake by Edward. I opened my eyes and saw his bright but worried face. I hugged him close to me, But I could still sence he was upset.
'Luce we have some bad news, You're going to have to stay in nappies forever, but don't worry you're not a baby and no-one will say anything about it, ok?' he asked.
I burst out crying and hugged Edward really tightly to me. Then I felt daddy kiss the top of my head. Then daddy led us out towards the car. Then daddy unlocked the car and climbed in the drivers seat before Edward opened the passenger door and climbed in with me. He put the seatbelt on around us and hugged me tightly.
I hugged him tightly and we were nearly home when I felt it.
'Edward, I need a wee-wee' I whispered into his ear.
I felt the car speed up lots.
'Um Luce we're nearly home, but if you have an accident then you have an nappy on don't you?' he said sadly.
I nodded but squeezed my legs together and tried to hold it in. Then the car stopped in traffic. I couldn't hold it much anylonger. I was busting. Edward saw and felt this so he took off our seatbelt and got out the car. He squat down next to the car with me and pulled down my pants and nappy but I was already weeing even though I was holding it in. I released my wee and lots came out. I burst out crying. Edward suddenly knocked on the car window to daddy and told him to get out.
'I'm going to have to go find a shop now to get another nappy, can you hold her and calm her down?' he asked daddy.
Daddy took Edwards place and Edward ran off.
'Sorry, Daddy' I whispered.
'shh, it's ok Lucy it isn't your fault, we all love you anyway and always will no matter what you do or have wrong with you' he whispered back to me.
I smiled and then Eddie came back with a sack of nappies. I blushed bright red while Edward took one out and replaced my old one with my new one.
I smiled and we climbed into the car once again. I smiled before falling asleep. I love my new family.
First day of school
Well today i'm going to go to school and i'm scared as hell. I've found out some things about my family. I know Edward can read minds. I know Alice can see the future. I know Jasper can feel and change what people feel. And I know they're all Vampires. I'm OK with It because Daddy used to tell me and my brother stories. Oh Yeah I forgot to tell you I have a brother didn't I? Well I do and we're twins.
So anyway, yesterday we all went out and bought me school supplies. I got a white rucksack which has pink and purple flowers on it, A pack of pens, pencils, crayons, felt tips and markers, a ruler and a pencil case. Edward also got me a pack of 'pull ups' for school as well.
I sighed and got out of bed. I went over to my bathroom and opened my drawer full of nappies. Alice had got me clothes ready last night so I got dressed putting on a fresh nappy and putting my old one in the bin. When I was done, Alice came into my room with a hairbrush. She did my hair in silence putting it into a ponytail. I said thank you and walked downstairs into the kitchen.
'Morning mummy, Morning daddy, morning Eddie what's for breakfast?' I asked my tummy rumbling.
They all laughed and Edward got up and threw me a banana. I nodded thanks. I don't think I'll be able to keep anything much down. When I'd finished I looked at Edward.
'When do I have to go?' I asked.
'Well we have to be there by 9'oclock so we'll have to leave at 8:30 to get there' He replied looking at his phone, 'Which means we have to leave in a few minutes'.
I nodded, my tummy twisting and turning in fear. I walked into my room and into my bathroom and did my teeth and washed my face, then grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.
'C'mon Luce we gotta go now,' Emmett shouted.
Then mummy and daddy hugged me and kissed me on my head.
'Good luck Lucy' they both said at the same time.
I smiled before running at Edward who scooped me up and carried me out to his silver Volvo. He strapped me in my seat and climbed into the drivers seat. Jasper sat next to me and Alice sat in the front. I suddenly felt really calm. I smiled at Jasper. Edward started speeding down the road.
'Ok Luce, Do you have your 'Pull- ups' in your bag?' Edward asked.
I nodded and went bright red.
'Ok, the teachers should know so if you feel you need to change it tell the toilet you're going to the toilet and change it' Alice continued.
I nodded again. Then Edward stopped the car. I took a deep breath and undid my seatbelt. Then Edward opened my door and I got out. I then looked up at the building. Oh god. My heartbeat speeded up and my breathing got deeper. Then Eddie's arms hugged me. I suddenly felt really safe with him. I never wanted to leave him, but I had to.
'aww look at that BABY' some boy said.
I let Edward go as he started to growl.
'Remember not to let anyone find out what we are, Luce' Edward whispered.
I nodded and Edward led me into a classroom full of kids. The teacher looked scary.This is going to be one long day.
'Ok Everyone sit down' she shouted.
I sat down in the first empty seat I came to. Then someone pushed me out of it. I looked up to see that mean boy from before who called me a baby.
I just rolled my eyes and went to a seat at the back of the classroom.
'Hi my name is Leo, what's yours?' leo asked.
'Lucy, But you can call me Luce' I said.
He grinned and I grinned back.
One boring lesson later it was break. Me and Leo we're good friends and are going to sit together at lunch. Me and Leo played tag all break then I needed the toilet so I ran to the mean teacher.
'Um, miss I need the toilet' I said.
'Well wait you little brat' she snarled.
Leo walked over to me, with a confused look on his face.
'Hey Luce what's up you look as if you're gonna end up peeing your pants' He said.
'I am, But Miss said I have to wait' I whispered.
'She is such a meanie' Leo said.
'Yeah she is' I whispered.
Then Leo came over to me and hugged me. I hugged him back .
'Aww look at the babies hugging, DEKEG THEM' the mean boy ordered.
Leo shoved me behind him and growled. I gasped. He had golden eyes and was super fast and strong, and his eyes were now black. I knew what he was.
Leo was a vegitarian. A vegitarian Vampire.
When the mean boys heard Leo growl they ran away. Me and Leo havn't separated since then apart from when I went to the bathroom. At lunch we went to the line and picked what we wanted. We both got pizza and a chocolate milkshake. We went to an empty table and sat next to one another. I grinned and picked um my pizza slice and ate it slowly. He pretended to eat his. I knew it. Vampire's don't eat.
I drank my milkshake and held Leo's hand under the table. Then Leo pushed his drink towards me.
'Do you want to finish my drink, I'm not thirsty?' he asked me grinning.
I nodded and downed it quickly.
'Do you wanna go outside and climb the tree with me?' I asked.
He laughed and nodded before getting up and politely pulling my chair out. I grinned and picked up my tray and he did the same. We went to the kitchen place where we're meant to dump our trays but before we got there Someone's leg stuck out and tripped me up. No prizes for guessing who. but before I hit the floor Leo had caught me. I smiled at him and got up. Boy did my newly healed leg hurt. Great. I carried on walking but I had a limp to it now. I dumped my tray then turned to Leo.
'I Don't think I can climb the tree now' I sighed.
'It's OK we Can just sit and talk If you want' He suggested.
I smiled and took his hand in mine. We walked outside, we I pretended to walk and leo lifted me up, and saw the sun coming out.
'Great, OK we need to go into a shady place' I said quickly starting to run behind the buildings where no one was.
'What do you mean?' Leo asked nervously.
I rolled my eyes and said 'Do you really want to start this Leo?'
He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.
'You know?' He questioned.
I rolled my eyes and nodded. He started to shift round nervously.
'Don't worry I won't tell anyone, I like you and I dont want you to leave me here all alone' I whispered pulling him into a tight hug.
'I love you, Luce and always will' Leo Whispered into my ear before leaning in and kissing my cheek gently.
Then the bell went signalling us to go back inside to our torture.
Two hours of boredom later
(bell rings)
YES! It's over!
'Ok Brats GET OUT' the teacher snarled.
I gathered everything into my bag then jumped out my seat and practically ran out the class. When I got outside I saw that no one was here for me yet. Then Someone yanked my bag out of my hands. It was the mean boy. I found out his name was Tom. Then Tom Unzipped my bag. I jumped up and tried to grab it off of him but he is taller than me.
I started jumping for it, then and Leo came over to me. Then Tom did the worst thing ever (in my case). He poured my Bags contents out all over the path.
I gasped and leo jumped and led on top of my nappies so no one could see them, not even Tom saw them. I sighed in relief and bent down and started to pick my stuff back up and put it back in my bag.
Then I walked to Tom. I looked him straight in the eye.
'If you ever do that you're going to pay' I snarled.
I saw leo shove my nappies in my bag out of the corner of my eye. I'm glad he did it at vampire speed so no one else saw it.
'You have something to hide, and i'm going to find out what Cullen' he snarled back.
Then he walked away. someone slipped their arms around my back.
'Guess who' Leo whispered in my ear.
I smiled and turned round and hugged him back.
'Thank you' I whispered in his ear.
Then daddy pulled up in his car. He got out and saw us hugging. He grinned.
'You're welcome, Luce' He whispered back.
Then I had an idea. I turned round to face daddy.
'Daddy can Leo come back to ours for a bit?' I asked.
He nodded and turned to Leo.
'I'm going to have to see your parents for a minute though Leo' Daddy explained.
I turned back to Leo and his golden eyes were shining bright. I heard another car pull up. We were the only ones on the path now. Two adults got out with bright smiles and walked towards Leo (who happened to be holding my hand).
'Hey Leo, I see you've got a friend' The man said.
'Hello my name is Carlisle Cullen, Can Leo come to ours for a bit, It's just that Lucy has been having a hard time and we would all like to get to know our daughters friend' Daddy said loud enough for me to hear but I knew they were having another conversation quietly as well.
I rolled my eyes and started a game of tag with Leo. I knew he could win if he wanted to but he played fair anyway. When he had won enough times I just threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly. I wanted him to myself. I heard a few chuckles and throat clearings so I let him go. I held his hand and grinned at Daddy. Leo's Parents were grinning as well.
'Well Leo, It seems they know already and well have fun at Lucy's ' His daddy said winking before his mummy slapped him. Then they got in their car and drove off.
'C'mon then kids lets go back to mine' Daddy said opening the door.
Leo climbed in first and sat in the middle so he could sit next to me. I smiled and sat next to him. We put our seat belts on and held hands. Daddy got in the drivers seat and put his seat belt on. Then he sped away from the hell hole school.
'Well guys, how was school?' Daddy asked.
'Well Tom called me a baby, then he shoved me from a seat and Then I met Leo. At break we played together then miss wouldn't let me go inside to the toilet then at lunch we sat together and then Tom tripped me but Leo caught me then after school Tom emptied my bag on the path but Leo covered up my Nappies so no one else saw them' I said squeezing Leo's hand tight.
'Just great! I mean why wouldn't she let you go to the toilet? She will pay for this' Daddy said angrily.
I saw his eyes go black through the mirror and his hands tightening on the steering wheel. Then I heard a crunch. Leo threw his seat belt off and jumped into the front and down into the footwell. Then the car stopped suddenly as it jerked forward. The seat belt rubbing against my chest. I moaned in pain. Daddy and Leo quickly turned to me and Saw I was in pain. Daddy was about to get in the back to help me but Leo stopped him.
'No, You go get someone to pick us up, I'll comfort Luce' He said before Daddy Jumped out.
Leo tore the seatbelt off my chest and lifted me out of the car. My Chest really hurt and it hurt when I breathed. Leo's eyes went wide and hugged me tight to him. Somehow that made me feel better. I smiled and sat on his knee. Then Edwards car drove up.
He got out with a amused look on his face.
'Soooo...... What happened?' he chuckled.
'Luce's teacher wouldn't let her go to the toilets at break and this is Leo Luce's best friend he helped her several times today' Daddy explained.
'Good.... good, well c'mon lets go home' Eddie said.
Me and Leo got in the back and stayed in the hugging position. I had noticed a light in his eyes which I had seen Daddy and mummy have when they're looking at each other. Love. I hoped my eyes said the same. I love him.
I love Leo.
I love Leo.
Then I felt a magnetic pull, pulling me towards Leo. Like It wasn't gravity pulling me to the earth It was Leo. I felt like nothing could go wrong as long as I was with Leo. Then the car came to a sudden stop. Huh. I didn't even know It had set off. Next thing I knew mummy was pulling me out of the car and hugging me. I think she was talking but I couldn't concentrate on what she was saying. Leo was the only thing on my mind.
'Um I think we have a problem' Edward said.
'What's up Edward?' Leo asked.
'You two. Luce well she isn't even listening to us now because she is distracted because you two are soul mates' Edward explained.
'Great.... wait..... she, he, they're only like nearly 6!!!!' Daddy shouted.
'Actually I can change my apperence my neutral look is a 17 year old boy but i'm really 20 years old' Leo explained
'You're not helping Leo, wait why do you go to a infant school if your natrally a 17 year old body?' Emmett asked.
'Have you seen how old my "parents" look? We tried it once but we got lots of weird questions' Leo explained.
'Why don't You go upstairs with Edward and he'll lend you some clothes so you can go to your normal body?' Leo nodded and edward and him sped upstairs towards Edwards room.
As soon as I couldn't see Leo My Chest had some stabbing pains in it. I gasped and Jasper sat next to me and tried to calm me down.
'Calm down Luce, He's gonna be back in a minute, he's not leaving, he's yours' Jasper whispered.
Everyone Looked at each other confused then they all stared at me. Leo was walking downstairs. He was as big as Edward with the same black hair and golden eyes. His mouth was set in the goofy grin that I loved. I got up and ran to him. He bent down and picked me up. I smiled and hugged him tight. He laughed my favourite laugh and suddenly sat down where I was sat before. He turned me round and sat me on his knee.
I love him.
Everyone was grinning and shook their heads before going off to do their own stuff. But Edward, Mummy and Daddy stayed sat with me and Leo.
'Well I guess Leo and his family need to come live here with us' Carlisle Said clapping his hands together.
Leo reached into his pocket and brought his Mobile phone out. He flipped through it and found his mums number then pressed the 'Call' button. He held it to his ear.
'Hey mum, ok You know the man your were talking to before at school? Well he wants to talk to you' Leo said before handing the Phone to Daddy.
'Why don't we take Luce to the Park, Leo - go change into a Kid again' Edward Demanded dragging Leo off the Sofa and up the stairs leaving me sat there alone.
'Lucy go get changed' Mummy ordered.
I nodded eagerly and followed Leo upstairs. Edwards door was open slightly and I had to pass it to get to my room. I heard Leo cry in pain and tears welled up in my eyes. My heart held a stabbing pain. I walked right passed Edwards room and into mine which was next to his. I pulled off my clothes and replaced them with Leggings and a shirt. I put trainers on my feet and brushed my hair again. Tears were rolling down my face knowing Leo was in pain. Suddenly Leo and Jasper ran in. Leo was back to being a little kid and I ran to him hugging really, really tight.
'Why were you crying Luce?' Leo whispered.
'I heard and felt your pain' I whispered.
Jasper calmed us both down before Leo wiped my tears away. Then Jasper swooped down and threw us both over his shoulder before spriting downstairs. Suddenly He handed us over to Edward and I giggled. Then I stopped. Edward put me and Leo down. I needed a wee-wee. Suddenly Leo picked me up and sprinted me into a bathroom. He pulled down my pants and nappy and sat me on the toilet. I sighed guiltily. Leo walked out closing the door behind him. I quickly finished and flushed the toilet. None went into my nappy!
I washed my hands and walked out to see everyone grinning at me. I grinned as well but ran straight to Leo and hugged him. Leo hugged me back and kissed my forehead. Then he took my hand and led me outside to Edward's car. We jumped in the back and Leo helped me fasten my seatbelt. He sat in the middle again so he was right next to me. Edward started the engine and drove off. I smiled looking into Leo's face. I was leaning on him just to get closer to him. I cold feel his cold breath on my neck. I saw Leo roll his eyes and Placed a kiss on my head. Then the car stopped. I removed my seatbelt and Leo did the same before i opened the door and pulled him outside.
I pulled Leo through the gates and onto the swings. I sat on it and started swinging my legs around trying to move.
'Do you want me to push you Luce?' Leo said happily.
I grinned and nodded. He started to push me, low at first then higher and higher. I was laughing and and Smiling. Then he pushed me a bit to high and I fliped over the bar. I held on for dear life but then I fell onto the ground. I burst into tears.
'It hurts' I cried.
Leo picked me up and hugged me tight to his chest. After 5 minutes of being there I calmed down slightly until enentually I was only hiccuping. Leo was shhing me and soothing me. I don't think i was bleeding at least. Finally I smiled and Leo picked me up and carried me to Edwards car.
Then all my vision started going blurry. I paniced and i could feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest.
'EDWARD' Leo shouted.
'Edward I can't see' I whispered
Then I heard several gasps. Great My families here.
'WHAT? WHY CAN'T LUCY SEE?' Leo shouted, and I went towards his voice and hugged him tightly to me.
'Well Leo we knew she would eventually go blind just not this early' Carlisle explained sadly.
I felt Leo getting upset in my arms. I hugged him even tighter.
'C'mon let's go home and we can decide what to do then' Emmett Said.
I was shocked. Emmett didn't sound like his bubbly self, he was upset. Now you know things are really bad when Emmett isn't joking around. I suddednly got super scared and hung onto Leo for dear life. Leo picked me up and carried me to somewhere. I was sat on someone's knee and I calmed down. I felt Leo's hand in mine but I was sat on someone else. I breathed in and out and squeezed Leo's hand.
'Ok who an i sat on????' I suddenly asked getting angry.
'Jasper, and Lucy calm down or you're gonna make it even worse' Edward warned and I nodded.
Then I focused on Leo. His scent, his breathing, the tingly feeling his skin has on mine. I smiled then the car stopped sending me flying forward till Jasper stopped me. I shook my head this is going to take a while to get used to. Then I growled.
He was here.
I growled again and Shoved Jasper off me. Luckily it worked and then I found the door handle. I swung it open and ran out, growling all the time.
'Jasper why did you let her go?' Daddy shouted.
'I didn't, she's stronger than me' Jasper whispered scared.
Everyone gasped as they knew Jasper was telling the truth. Meanwhile I was Running towards HIM. Somehow I could smell him, his scent. When I knew he was here I growled really loud.
' I thought you were Dead!' I snarled.
'Um Hi Lucy' He said.
'Is that what your mother told you? Well i'm not' He said trying to be calm.
I felt a loud growl erupt through me and to be honest it scared the c**p out of me.
I felt Leo come and hold me back But i felt myself getting super angry. Then I broke down sobbing. I Heard Leo shhing me and he calmed me down quite a bit.
'Billy I think you should come back to ours with us' Mommy said in a stressed voice.
'What so you can just drain me, leeches? Fat chance. Hey what's up with your eyes Lucy?' Billy Asked.
'She's Blind and she has a serious Bladder problem and has to wear nappies' Daddy explained.
'Ok, well I can deal with that, Luce you are going to come live with me and Jacob?' Billy Demanded.
I shook my head and growled super loud again. I felt myself get a bit sick.
'Actually Billy, I think luce should with us as Her an Leo are mates' Edward Explained.
'Wow, Ummm... Guys Why does Lucy feel warm to me?' Leo asked.
'I don't know the only thing I can concentrate on is the stink, what is that?' Rosalie asked.
'Um guys, Werewolves. Billy have you made the change yet?' Daddy asked.
'No it skips a generation, but Lucy here is my daughter and should make the change in a few years as she's been put under a lot of pressure. Here if you need me to help you give me a ring and good luck, you're gonna need it' Billy laughed then I heard his wheelchair rolling away.
Text: i own my characters and stephenie meyer owns hers
Publication Date: 04-01-2012
All Rights Reserved