As I gently fell, as my head struggled to grasp the dream, staring at the ceiling below, pulling myself back agents the wall to stay put. I fall.
The heartbeat becomes louder the closer I get, it can feel my fear, feeding off my anxiety while I pulled my blanket keeping me from being taken. I land.
The light bulb flickers to the beat, the bass covers the whole room, the blanket drops to the bed but the floor is getting further away. The room becomes larger, then I realised I’m getting smaller. I kneel.
It gets darker and cold, I shrink to an ant and the heartbeat becomes even louder but slower. I hug the warmth from the bulb as it blind me from every flash. I stand.
The ceiling leak rain passing by my head onto the ground, the room begins to fill with water, a pool above submerged my head. I sink.
The window brakes, the water drains, I’m pushed out and I’m in pain. I stare.
I awake to my own heart beating faster than my chest could respond to the rhythm, the heat burning me to sweat cold regret as I ponder; was I even asleep to begin with? As I gently fell.
Publication Date: 03-08-2018
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