Her big hazel eyes looking towards the ground her long curls ending right at her hips swaying side to side, always thinking what it would be like to be loved, to be wanted by someone. She doesn’t really like walking through the halls of the school because she would see couple holding hands or them kissing, she would envy them. She’s always loved someone very special to her, but he hasn’t shown any sign that he likes or loves her back. He’s always complimenting on the way she looks, but that’s no sign, he’s always done that since they met, and since that day forward every time he touches her or hugs her, her heart just races and beats so fast, her cheeks turning as red as cherry. He thinks its funny her just being her. She’s always has been so quiet and shy but when he’s around her, its like her true self. No one can make her be her real self like he does. Well other than her best friend Vanille.
“Good morning mom” I say as I walk down the stairs going to the kitchen to get breakfast.
“Mom? Hey Sam, Where’s mom?” I ask my little brother.
“She’s in the shed arguing with dad again.” He says with his mouth full.
“Emerald?” he’s always called me emerald since we were little. We’re only a few years apart but we’re really close.
“Yeah, Sam?” I replied to him.
“Why do mom and dad fight so much? They say they love each other… if they did then why the fighting I’ve had thoughts of running way but what keep’s me here is you, I cant bear to leave you… you’re my best friend/sister” he said tears running down his eyes as I walk over to him hugging him tight I said
“ aww Sam, we’ll always be here for each other never leaving each other okay?” as I wipe his tears away
“ would you like to go out tonight with me and my friends? Would that make you feel better?” he straight at me with a big bright smile an says
“ will nick be there?” I look down and think as I started to blush noticing and turn away saying
“ Yeah, well maybe I don’t know if he wants to go. But you can ask him if he wants to hang out. We need to go to school already get your book bag and let’s go,” I said as I grab my toast eating it.
That was a longer right than usual. Getting off the car grabbing my loose books and my book bag I trip and drop all of my books. While I was picking them I feel big strong hands on my small hands as I look up to see that it was Nicolas. As I stare into his big deep blue eyes I feel like I was drowning in them but I fought myself to stop starring into his eyes as I felt my cheeks heat up from his big gorgeous smile spreading from ear to ear looking at his lightly red colored lips and I looked down so he wouldn’t notice me blushing.
“Hey, there bud” said Nicolas smiling making my cheeks even more pink.
“Hey nick!” I was going to ask you if you wanted to go somewhere today?” said Sam
“yeah, but where? He says looking at him and walking towards the front door of the school as I caught up behind them I asked,
“ why don’t we go to the movies? I really think that would be really fun. We can go to the mall and the movies and have dinner at the food court or if you guys want to go somewhere else. But I reaaaalllyyy want to go” bringing out really
“Hmm.. That’s fine we’ll go see a movie.” Nick said smiling and I smiled back and ran to the door feeling someone grab my wrist and pulling me towards them dropping my books as I look down I feel something hit my forehead and I look up rubbing my forehead with an annoyed expression on my face to see who it was.
“oww!! Why’d you do that for?” i look at him and he’s laughing helping me pick up my books off the floor.
“awh come on like if that really hurt! Your such a girl Lexi!” he said laughing.
“Well, excuse me! I am a girl” I giggled pushing his head away
School went by really quick only because I was daydreaming throughout most of my classes. So I went to my locker putting my earphones on and the volume really loud I couldn’t hear anything. I felt something drilling into my shoulder as I looked to see what it was.
“oww!! Stop it!!” I screamed rubbing my arm and pouting .
“I’m sorry I was calling you its just you and you wouldn’t turn around .” He said with an apologetic expression on his face.
I smiled and I blushed a little bit. Something about him always makes me blush and I don’t really like it because I cant help my self when I’m with him.
“Sorry I couldn’t hear you. I head my earphones on.” I said as I looked away putting my books in.
“hey!!! Lexi!” I heard someone call my name as I looked towards who had called me.
“Oh hey Ian” I said as he gives me a tight long hug.
“hey lexi? So can I talk to you” said nic as he glances over to ian, whos standing right by me.
“yeah you can nic” said Ian as he glares at nick.
“ no I mean alone”, he glares back at Ian.
“ im sorry Ian. We can talk later okay?” I said smiling at Ian.
“ yeah I’ll give you a call. Bye” said ian as he walks away.
I turn to see nick looking at me with a serious expression on his face.
“ so what did you want to talk to me about?”
"weeell... where are we going to go tonight?" he asked and i glared at him.
"are you kidding me! wow" i laughed and i punched his arm lightly, i stopped laughing as i felt a strong are wraping around my waist pulling me away i looked back to see who it was and it was ian.
" Ian? w..what are you doing?"
"shh dont say anything"
"ian i-"
he pushed me against the lockers and he covered my mouth.
" lexi..." he sighs and looks into my eyes uncovering my mouth and pushes his lips agasint mine and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. i try to push him away but he's too strong so i just give up and kiss him back wraping my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. he pulls away so we could catch our breaths and i blush a lot and he lets go of my waist.
"lexi.. i.. i really like you a lot. would you please let me take you to the movies tonight? or tomorrow night?"
" well.. umm.. me, my little brother and nic were going somewehre tonight. maybe you can come with us?"
" yeah! i'll go with you guys " he smirks and kisses my forehead and walks away.
"what the hell was that lexi?" said nic with an angry tone in his voice.
" i... i dont know nic!" i said walking away to my next class that i had with nic.
We entered the class and i can feel him staring at me. I turn and i see nic glaring at me, i glared at him back. we were having a staring contest till something disrupted our staring. I blink just to make sure what im seeing is right, my mouth is an ' o ' shape.
"You better close that mouth off yours, or a fly will get in." said a guy sitting next to me
i just keep looking at them. some girl just walked up to nic and kissed him. My heart aching at the sight. my eyes tear up and a knot is formed in my stomach and throat. "He's kissing her back! why would he do this!!!" i yell at my self in my head "stop staring at them, its just going to hurt more!" Ughhh i thought he would be better than this.
"hey are you alright?" the guy said again
i hadn't notice the tear running down my cheek, i wiped it away and looked down.
"yeah im perfectly fine" i mumbled
"are you sure? you dont look alright."
" IM FINE CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE NOW!" i yelled at him, my face turning like a tomato
"Ms.Lexi! Would you and Mr. Daniel would like to step out!" said the teacher
" No, Sir we'll be quiet sorry" said daniel
I got up and i grabbed my stuff and said
" i would love to get out of this stupid rediculous class!"
"Ms. Lexi Reed Ashford! get back here!"
i just kept walking out the door ignoring the yells of the teacher. I'm pretty sure im going to get in touble later, but right now i dont care im so angry!! How dare him kiss her back?! He knows that girl hates me?! Her and her boyfriend has always made my life a living hell. I kept walking till i ran into something hard making me fall back falling on my butt.
" Hey! watch where you're going! Idiot" i mumbled the last part so he wouldn't hear me.
"Excuse me. Im the Idiot. Your the one who ran into me." said the guy
" Well, uhh if you saw me not looking you could have moved and i wouldnt have landed on my butt!" i practically yelled at him. He gave me an amused look and a sexy smirk and extended his arm so i can get up. I took his hand and he pulled me up really fast him tumbling back and me tumbling foward. he fell back and when i tried to keep my balance but he still had my hand in his and he pulled me down with him falling on top of him. He grunted in pain and i tried tried to get up but i failed he had his arms tight around me.
"um... can you please let go of me." i said looking up, when i got a good look at his face i reconized him. He's that girls boyfriend that make my life a living hell, which only made me want to get up and leave even more than i already wanted to.
"You know, i actually kind like this." he smirked and i tried to get up again and he let me go.
"well okay bye" i said walking away.
"hey hey hey!!! dont go so quickly." he said catching up to me and walking beside me.
i just ignored him as he just kept looking at me. i felt awkward.
:His P.O.V:
"Hey hey hey!!! dont go so quickly." i said tring to catch up to her.
There was a silence. i think shes ignoring me.. or at least trying to. she wont successed, I'll make sure of that. i had this weird but good feeling having her in my arms when we both fell. The first time i touched her hand i felt a spark. im not sure if she felt it too. But i liked the feeling of tounching her, and having her in me arms. Stangly, it felt right. Shes so beautiful, her skin, her lips so pink, her cheeks rosy, her heart shaped face, but mostly her eyes are so hypnotizing. She looks kind of familiar i mean, i know I've seen her somewhere. I just dont know where. She was still so quiet i needed her to say something anything.
"So um... i know i've seen you somewhere but i cant remember where." i said looking at her.
"really?! wow, hmm maybe you and your girlfriend made my life here a living hell! and also is in there kissing my best fucking friend!" she yelled at me pointing to the door where nic was.
"woah calm down no need to burn the building down" i said rasing my hands up in defence.
" DONT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" she yelled and punched the lockers
Okay she is getting really angry maybe i should leave her alone
" well umm im just going to g- hey are you okay?" i asked her when i saw a tear run down her cheek. She's even beautiful when she cries.
Can you focus on making her happy instead of thinking about how beautiful she is?! my wolf said
yeah i know i just wish she would be my mate.
i wish that too. but she hasnt turned ever. she dosnt know about us.
what how could she not know about us! if shes a wolf too i mean doesnt her wolf speak to her?
no she doesnt. can you try and make her happy now, you already messed it up by making her life a living hell!
okay jeezz!
"hey s- what she's gone where the hell did she go?!" i said angry at myself for letting her get away.
I was walking to my math class when I bumped into something hard; I looked up and saw my worst nightmare.
“Hey! Watch where you’re going! Ooohh look who it is. Lexi right? Sweetie, I don’t want you touching me. It’s a shame that your parents named you with a name that doesn’t fit you. Alexandra is such a strong name, but your so fragile and weak.” Said Caitlin,
I looked down and just ignored her walking away, and continued walking towards my math class. I don’t get why she hates me so much… I mean she’s not the only one who hates me, or dislikes me. But what did I ever do to them, why do they dislike me so much. I sigh and walk into my math class I don’t look at the stares I get I sit at the far end corner where its easy to be ignored. I sit and take out my book put it on the desk and look out the window. I see these beautiful butterflies, they look so happy together. I wonder what’s it like to be loved…. Someone interrupts my thoughts by sitting next to me. I’ve seen him somewhere. Oh yeah he goes on the bus I used to go on.
“hey, lexi right?” he said.
“mhm” I nod my head without looking at him.
“ im Daniel” he extends his hand for me to shake it. I turn to look at him and I shake his hand. I pulled it back quickly because I felt this static, I’m sure he felt it also.
“Did you feel that” Daniel said.
He looked down at his hand, and looked back at me. He then extended his hand again, and tried to grab my hand but I pulled my hand away so he couldn’t touch it. I got up and ran out of the classroom ignoring everyone who was staring. This is so weird. I don’t understand… I mean, why would it feel that way. It felt tingly and good to touch him. I cant think that way its not good to feel weak or in any way emotionally attached to a guy. Because sooner or later they will take your heart away and not give it back in a whole, but in just pieces and it’ll take a long time to put the pieces back together. I’ve only ever loved one… or should I say really liked one person and that is Nicolas. And he has showed me that he will not be responsible for my heart. Him kissing her, or letting her touch lips with him and encouraging the kiss to keep going. If he cared as you led on to say, he would have shown it by stopping the kiss. He has told me many times before that he hates her. But is he lying? Or is he just mad at me. I don’t know and I don’t want to know. He is just ruining it for himself. Ughhh I cant even think straight right now.
I keep walking looking down until I bump into something hard, its too late to stop myself from falling so I just prepare myself to hit the hard ground. Until I feel these strong hands around my waist, I look up and its Carter Anderson.
Carters POV:
“hi, are you alright?” I said as I let go of her making sure she won’t fall or anything.
“uhh.. yeah thanks I got to go bye” she said and left walking away pretty fast. She has been my best friend’s
for as long as I can remember. I don’t understand why she’s so upset. I know that she loves nic. She doesn’t even have to tell me that she loves him.
“Hey nic! Hold up” I say as I jog towards him.
“ hey carter have you seen lex, I need to talk to her. I think she’s been trying to avoid me all day.” He said rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
When he does that I know he did something wrong, or he regrets letting it happen.
“ hey yeah I bumped into her a little while ago, are you guys alright? Did something happen?” I say looking at nic.
“ w-what why would you assume something happened?” he said stuttering a little, and looking anywhere else but failed to meet my eyes. And now I know he’s hiding something.
“ Tell me what happened or I wont tell you where lexi went.” I said looking very serious.
“fine, asshole" he glared at me. " Caitline kissed me and lexi was in the room. and i didnt do anything to make it stop, when i know i should have, but i didnt and now i think shes really pissed off because we all know how much caitline hates lexi."
"well... you screwed up. you shouldnt have let her kissed you. she might have taken that as the wrong idea." i said turning my head to the right seeing lexi walking towards us. i know she doesnt want to talk right now to nic... maybe if i can distract him he wont see her passing by. " so um nic what do you plan on doing this afternoon?"
"um i dont know sam invided me to see a movie with him and lexi.. and ian is going also." he said turning towards lexi's direction. "lexi!" he said running towards her and hugging her tight.
" Let me go!!" she yelled hitting nic's back. "please let me go i dont feel so well" she said letting out a stressfull irritated sigh.
" oh im sorry " said nic and let her go, kissing her forehead. i can tell shes still pissed at him.
Lexi's POV:
I cant believe that ian would ever like me. I mean come on. Im no one. He shouldnt feel this way about me.
"Sam! are you almost ready?!" I yelled through out the house.
"Yes!!! Emrald" He yelled back.
I was putting on my jacket with my black vans and black jeans with a blue shirt. And heard the door bell ring.
I walk towards the door and open it to my surprise it isnt who i expected. I stood there shocked, unsure of what i should do. Should i shut the door in his face, or shout at him. Or simply ignore him just like i've been since it happend.
"Look i know your still mad bu-" I cut him off by slamming the door in his face. he should have expected for me to have been still mad at him. I mean how can he still come here.. after what happened. He's such a butthole. Ughhh Why do i like him so much? I really dont know why i like him so much. You know what, Im going to pretend i dont care whether he kissed her or not. Well i should pretend now before he because susious about this whole thing. I take in a deep breath and open the door letting out a sigh.
:Nic's POV:
She opens the door, letting out a sigh looking at me with those big beautiful eyes of hers. God why did i let that.. whore kiss me. i knew the only reason she did it was becaus she hates Lexi. But i dont know why she hates her so much. Maybe because she has a flawless face, and beautiful eyes, or a cute button nose, oh god and those lips of hers. Hipotizing you to just want to lean in and...
"Nic, what are you doing?" Lexi says.
I look at her and see how l close i was to her. Shit. Did i just try to kiss her? I stand back straight up and look at her. Swallowing slowly.
"Uhmm," i say scraching the back of my head avioding to look at her. "Sorry, i spaced out didnt know what i was doing." I say hoping she believed that. I hear her sigh and look at me.
" You didnt listen to anything i said did you?", She said. I shake my head as a reply.
"It doesnt even really matter. I dont really care that you kissed her anymore. It happened. I just dont want her to take you out of my life. You're my best friend. I guess i kind of overreacted. You can kiss whom ever you'd like. Just promise me something" she says looking at me hopfully. it kind of stung that she didnt care that, the girl that hates her kissed me.
"Yeah, what is it?" i ask.
" Promise me that no matter who it is, she wont get between our friendship" i nod and say.
" I prosmise" I lean down to her and hug her tightly and kiss her forehead. She lets out a sigh of relief and grabs my hand pulling me inside her house.
Publication Date: 09-06-2014
All Rights Reserved