
chapter 1

Silence hadn't changed much, Casey noted as she strolled through her hometown towards the police headquarters. A few shops added here, the old ones were upgraded and renovated to take on the new competition but besides this Silence was the same secluded town that hid behind a small forest just off the major highway. It was mostly her job that had lead her back home. She knew she had to come back to settle scores from her past but, the reason unknown to her, she kept putting it off. When her supervisor handed her the thick file for her next assignment, she knew the opportune moment she had been running from had come to smack her in the face. She knew it was time to confront ghosts lurking in the darkness of her past. Too many things had happened, too many secrets hidden and too many lives hurt. And because of these things, it had made her immune to pain but for some reason she felt like she was missing something. She would eventually have to tell them all her secret but for now she felt it best that her secret be kept within the refines of her job.
She stepped inside the police headquarters. Bypassing the constable at the front desk, she headed for the chief's office.
"Excuse me, miss," the constable said grabbing her arm, “You can't go in there."
Casey groaned, “Do you want to be the one to tell Chief Barrows why I'm late for my nine o'clock or should I?"
The constable glanced at the clock behind Casey's head. Two minutes to nine. He looked towards the Chief's office. He was standing in the door with a deep frown on his face. He released Casey and shied back behind his desk. Casey readjusted her coat and walked towards Chief Barrows' office. It was spacious but it lacked the homely touch seen in the rest of the town.
He motioned for her to sit. She shook her head. Barrows shrugged and closed the door behind them. Barrows was aged, she knew this but you couldn't tell it.
"I am as young as a newborn." he had said over the phone. He had briefed her during the small drive from the town's small airstrip.
She looked at him, this man nearing fifty, and only looked a day over twenty five. She smiled to herself as she noted how well groomed he looked in his suit.
"Your accommodations at the hotel will be paid for." Barrows started heading over to the file cabinet.
"There really is no need." Casey said hand in pockets.
"But your hotel bill could amount to thousands during your stay."
"It could,” she paused, “if I had plans on staying there."
He turned to look at her. She expected this...the entire town had heard about Casey's bout with her mother. It wasn't even a full twenty four hours since it'd happened.
Gossip ruined this town then, it's still ruining it now, Casey thought.
“Trust me, I'm fine...I got this one." Casey answered; she didn't want to give him anything he could tell his drinking buddies. Barrows shrugged and pushed it no further. He dropped a thick file on the table.
"Our latest Vic, Jason Madden, out on a camping trip with his friends. Suddenly is taken by the levagne at dawn."
"A boy on a camping trip? What does the Levagne want with him?"
"We don't know the boy who tried to save him is in a coma and his sister's in shock."
"What is it exactly that you want me to do?"
"Truth be told Casey, no one around her knows the least bit of what to do when it comes to these creatures. We had been hoping that they’d keep out of Silence. It’s a small town, some of us have a hard time earning a living as it stands. Cheznich referred us to the agency you work for after the first killing we had. Said the organization was a hush-hush, and that’s how we wanted to keep it, but after this last scene everyone knows they are here.” he said sliding the file over to her, “I’m comforted it’s you they sent, I’m able to sleep better at night. Whatever you need we’ll make available as soon as possible, you just do whatever it is that you do to rid us of these creatures.”
Casey stared at the old house she'd spent her early years in. She could hear the laughter echo off the walls of times when she and her father played in it.
She was only five and she'd just come in from the orchard that lay to the east of the house. She had only manage to put down the basket of apples her mother had asked her to pick when she heard the front door close and heard her father's whistle. Casey, happy at her father's return, ran through the house, muddied boots still on, leaving all her mud tracks behind. Her mother raced after her angrily. Casey remembered giggling till her stomach hurt at the way her father waved off her mother.
This memory brought a brief smile to her face. Sighing, she turned and watched as a silver pick up truck came down the drive. Turning back to the house, she retrieved the 'for sale' sign and dumped it in to the metal bin nearby. She was standing on the porch by the time he got out of the truck.
"You're here early." he said, voice as deep as the sky is blue. She hadn't remembered it being that deep. But then again, everything about this town had changed. His hair was cut low. That too had changed, she noted. And his little boy face had grown into the handsome one she saw now.
"And you're late, as always." she said smiling. She stared at his crooked nose.
Well, there's one thing the same, she thought as she remembered the fist she'd threw in his face for attempting to kiss her.
"Casey Callahan." he said walking up the path.
"Ethan Gallagher."
The drive up the road was more deadly than he'd imagine.
Thank God we have a buyer, he thought. Ethan Gallagher sat back in his pick up and nearly cried from relief when he turned on to better road. He was simple, living simple and enjoying it. Or at least he was. He dragged a hand through what was left of his wavy hair. He had lost the woman he loved to a car accident. Then his mother took ill and he was forced to take on a job he wanted nothing to do with. Ethan sighed, he could make out the beginnings of the Callahan property. The house was on the market for about five years and was in need of repairs. He had no idea, why at this time, someone would want to buy a house in this condition. Especially at a price well beyond the asking price. Ethan glanced at the clipboard and shook his head.
"Buyer seems so embarrassed they chose to stay anonymous." Ethan half laughed, not that he blamed them.
He was about fifty metres out when he saw what looked to be his buyer throwing their real estate sign away. The person, clearly female, started up the path as he came to a halt on the poorly paved road.
The house in itself was an aged Victorian house. It looked as though, with a tip of the finger, it would collapse.
Shaking his head as he exited the truck, he hoped she knew what she was dong. He looked up at his buyer and stared blankly at her.
It had been years since he had last seen her but Ethan could never forget her face. Long black hair she had pulled back in one, eyes a deep rich brown, skin a little darker than his red.
It was her, there was no doubting it. He had heard the rumours of her return but didn't pay heed. Now here she was, leaning on the porch, in a dark blue jeans and fitted white t-shirt.
"You're here early."
"And you're late, as always." Casey replied smiling
"Casey Callahan." Ethan said walking up the path.
"Ethan Gallagher."
"It is nice to see you again." Ethan sand handing her a bunch of keys.
"Same for you," she said scanning the keys,"The stable key is missing."
Ethan raised a brow. Sighing he ran his finger down the clipboard. Realizing she was right, he handed her the stable key. He stared at her as she walked to the far end of the porch to take a look behind the house.
"Casey?" he called to her.
"Hmm?" she answered without looking back.
"Why did you come back?"
She scoffed. She knew he meant why had she bought this house but that was always like Ethan never getting to the point even if his life depended on it. Bending to retrieve a fallen key, she looked at him,"I needed a place to call mine. And home," she said nodding to the house,"is as close to that as I'll get."
Ethan stared at her lost for words.
The sound of hoofs made her look back. She wasn't ready for visitors at least not yet. Most definitely not him.
"Is this thing finalized?" Casey asked pointing towards the clipboard as she started for the path.34
Ethan shrugged,"Mostly signatures and a schedule for the-"
"If you send them, they're working my schedule." Casey interrupted, kicking a small pebble down the path.
"Well I can't argue there."
"Very well." she turned to look at him, "Who is that?"
Ethan raised a brow, when she pointed down the road, he turned to see a horse and rider approaching. He gave a crooked smile but when he turned to her she was already half way to the orchard. He stared after her, wondering how she'd gotten there so quickly.37
"I heard you had a buyer." the rider said trotting to a stop outside the porch.
"Yeah we do." Ethan answered and looked at his brother,"Why are you here?"
"Passed by mum, she told me you had a buyer." He nodded to the figure disappearing into the orchard,"That her?"38
Ethan nodded looking at Casey still amazed.
"Who is it?"
"Who's who?" Ethan asked, not paying him any mind.
he buyer, who is it?" Eric asked.
"Oh, Casey Callahan."
Eric searched his brother's face for signs of mockery, when he found none, he urged the horse in the direction of the orchard. His eyes danced from left to right as he scanned the orchard in desperation. He slowed from a trot to a walk and stared around the orchard. She was on foot. She couldn't disappear just like that. Finally convinced he had searched all possibilities of her hiding, he came to a halt. He was about to return to the house when he saw her emerged from behind an apple tree just above him. She was playing with an apple and staring at the ground.
"Were you even going to let me know that you were back?" he asked dismounting the horse. She stepped away from him. Looking up at his face, she fought the urge that burned her heart. He hadn't changed at all. His hazel eyes, his long black hair, his deep rich brown skin, his muscular body and his heart of ice.
"Eventually." she answered looking away.
Why was this so hard? She hadn't planned on seeing him on her first day. But then again nothing was going according to plan.
"Casey?" he said taking a step towards her. She retreated into a tree. Was she hurting him or herself? Questions raced through her head. It was obvious, he was making her uneasy. She had left him with nothing but a note and her birthstone ring he had given her for her birthday. He had questions; was she able to answer them, she had no clue. She broke out in a sweat when he stepped to her again.
"Eric, please..." she turned away from him and rested her head against the rough bark. She felt him ease away. The horse snorted and moved restlessly. He had grown quiet, really quiet. If it wasn't for his even breathing and his aroma that filled the air, she would have figured that he had walked away. Sighing, she turned to face him, he was looking at her. The same way he had when they were nineteen and in love. But in it lingered doubt, anger and pain. Then in the blink of an eye, it was gone. He had shut her out..again. He turned and mounted the horse. He looked at her, no,more like looked through her,"I'm going to work. When you're ready to talk come by the pub, I'll mix you a drink. He turned the horse and started back towards the house,"You do drink, right?" he called over his shoulder.
"Never mind we'll work something out." With a click, he galloped off and left her. Casey looked down at the apple. She made a wave with her fingers and watched the apple float away.
Maybe one day the truth wouldn't hurt so much, she thought as she walked back towards the house. Holding out her left hand she watched as the apple dance in and out of the trees.
The earth seemed to welcome the rain as it released the heat of the day. She was standing on the hill, that hill, the one they called Deadman's Cliff. It overlooked the paddock and the stables behind her house. If the weather wasn't this bad she would have been able to see her house. Not that she wanted to. She was moving. She had no idea why they were moving. She heard her mother say something about the house being to big for the three of them. She missed her father, he would've persuaded her mother to let them stay in the house. She turned away and looked at the sea. It raged on, tackling it self, wave after crushing wave. She patted the neck of the horse that stood next to her,"They're gonna treat you good Shadow."
I think , she thought rolling her eyes. The black stallion snorted and stomped around. She looked at the black horse. If not for his eyes giving off her reflection she would have missed him.
"Sorry boy." she apologized realizing she had voiced her thought. She wrapped her hand around his neck and pulled herself up. Riding saddle-less was dangerous but it was going to be her last time riding Shadow and she cared not for the danger. She would rather sore legs than awaking in bed in some strange house. The horse neighed and blew frantically. Shaking its head and Shadow reared.
"Shadow?" she asked burying her knees in his side so she wouldn't fall. She bent to rub his neck. The lightning struck about four yards away from them. It was close enough for Shadow. He turned. It was as if his feet never hit the ground. He jumped the fence that surrounded the paddock and raced on towards the house. She readjusted herself and looked up. He was heading through the orchard instead of the normal track. He had to go down the hillside instead of coming down on the flat road. She groaned. She felt the throbbing pain in her legs as Shadow raced down the hillside, head buried and charging. She caught glance of it before he did. The felled tree rolled aimlessly to the bottom of the hill. Shadow was going both to fast for the jump and to maneuver away from it. She saw the house out of the corner of her eyes and her mother waving frantically. He was less than five feet away from the 'log of doom'. She glanced around the wet hillside. The only safe landing she would get was a thousand bruises. She took a deep breath and waited. Knees buried in Shadow's side, she kept telling herself she was going to be alright. Suddenly, she felt strangely tired.
Her vision blurred and Shadow reared. Lightning struck dead ahead of him, sending him crashing backwards. She saw this and dove off of him. She felt the thud he hit with as she tried to regain her composure. Through her blurry eyes she saw the tree hurling towards her mother. The lightning had made it take flight.
She stretched out a hand,"mum!"
If it could, the rain came down harder, stinging her skin. Lightning struck somewhere close by and the wind whistled past her. Shadow sprang to his feet and cantered off towards the house. To any of this she paid mind, she stared blankly at the log that floated hopelessly in mid air. Her head started to spin and she was beginning to feel faint. She turned her hand to look at her palm.
Had she done that? She answered herself as the log crashed into a tree and came racing towards her. Shadow had raced off and she was alone. The trunk raced towards her. She braced herself for impact, listening as it got closer.
Casey rolled over and sighed. The dream had replayed itself, for years. It hadn't bothered her much. She already knew the outcome. What disturbed her most was the hours of sleep she lacked after waking up from the dream. She didn't bother to glance at the bedside clock. Dragging a pillow over her head she started to settle back down into bed. The sound of papers hitting the floor made her groan. She thought about leaving them there but opted not to.
With one eye open, she arranged the papers and files with a single movement of her finger. She had learned to control her gift over the years. It was love for her mother that had brought out the flames of her power and fear for her life that had shattered the log moments before it struck her. The mere fact that she had moved a log had boggled her mind. She couldn't look at her mother because it reminded her too much of what had happened. So she did what she thought was best at the time, she ran. She wounded up in a town she didn't know, at a doorstep she found vaguely familiar.
Sighing, she lifted off the sheets and scanned the room for the shirt she'd discarded the night before. Motioning, the file took off and headed for the bedside table. Grabbing her shirt, she headed into the walk in closet. The penthouse was more of a bachelor's room. Bed, small kitchenette, bath and lounge.
Only a couple more days, she thought as she came out holding a fresh suit of clothes. Making sure they were suitable enough for what she had to do today, she went into the bathroom. She came back out a minute later toothbrush in mouth looking for her sneakers. She was going jogging at five in the morning. It was far too early to start work. The renovators weren't arriving until eight and her case was on a standstill until one of the victims awoke. Pulling on her left sneaker she walked back into the bathroom. She came back with a face towel around her neck. After she pulled on her other sneaker she looked out the window. A memory of her sitting atop the cliff just shy of Deadman's River made her smile. She wondered if she could make it to the cliff before sunrise.
"Only one way to find out." She said to herself as she left the room.

Chapter 2

If someone had told her the sunrise had changed, she would have called them a liar. She was engulfed in a wild array of yellow bursts, radiance forever beautiful, sitting amongst dewy grass and sweaty. She stretched and yearned for a soft bed. The waves crashed furiously, begging the cliff to aid in its ruthless crusade to board land. She turned and looked about the cliff. The stubby grass gave to a forest which surrounded most of the open area including the stretch of flatland that lead to the river, Casey noted as she shifted to examine the land below. She grinned remembering the nights she and Eric played in the river.
The hand that she felt on her shoulder made her jump in surprise. She acted on reflex and before she herself knew what she was doing she was on top of him in a rather awkward position to anyone else. Her nails dug in his neck and her right leg pinned his body flat to the ground. There he was, the man occupying her thoughts, laying beneath her and she was causing him pain. His eyes opened wide with suprise and his breathing was already becoming difficult. She slowly released him scowling so deeply her vision blurred beyond anything she could remember. She cursed herself vividly, unable to believe she had let her senses drop and worse yet cause harm to Eric. By the time her vision returned he was sitting upright holding on to his neck. That was when she noticed the streams of blood her nails had caused.
"What the -" Eric exclaimed looking at his bloodied hand. He turned to her, "Have you lost your mind?"
Of course she had, Casey thought sighing, "Sorry, I didn't hear you come up and you scared the shit out of me."
He stood and put his hands into his pockets, "You almost killed me and how is it possible that you didn't hear Lily galloping up here?"
Casey looked at him. Her tongue itched to tell him, tell him the truth. Her fingers itched to touch his neck and heal his wounds. But only one outcome came to mind and she hated it drastically. She had no other choice though he would ask too many questions, questions she wasn't ready to answer just yet. She inhaled sharply and waved a hand in front his face before touching his neck. Moments later he was standing in front her looking at her with that strange look in his eye. "I wasn't aware that you had heard me calling."
"Mhmm." Casey lied, breaking eye contact with him before she changed her mind and told him everything. He was wearing a dark blue vest and his riding slacks. She looked behind him. She was beautiful. A chestnut mare carrying a star on her head whilst her black mane blew with the morning breeze. Lily. She glanced at Eric. His gaze was on the river.
"Aren't you cold?" she asked, trying to close the distance that had grown between them. He raised a brow and shook his head. The look in his eyes told her different.
"Ok." she said turning back to the river.
"Where did you go?" he asked standing a few feet away from her. Casey shrugged and made a face, “To gran's and then I went away."
He clicked at the mare. She blew softly then slowly came over to him. He patted her neck and rubbed her under belly.
"She expecting?" Casey said walking away.
"Your eyes don't fail you, I see." he said coldly.
Casey didn't look at him. She didn’t blame him for his attitude but she could only blame herself for hers. Years of shutting people out just made her a naturally snippy person. It was difficult with him though, he knew her and knew his way around her defenses. She found herself being wary about what she said around him and she found it exceptionally hard keeping her gift a secret from him. But she needed to. It was the only way she was going to be able to accomplish anything in Silence and she had to. Her very soul depended on her finishing what she had returned to Silence to do.3

“You didn’t come by the pub last night,” he found himself saying after she had been quiet for a while. No doubt trying to decide what to say to him, if to say anything to him at all.
“I wasn’t aware there was a date attached to your invitation,” she stated easily as she walked back down the cliff.
There wasn’t, he sighed as he watched her back. God she had changed so much, he thought as he couldn’t help but remember the nights they shared together in the river that wound below. There hadn’t been anything between them then at least not like this. When she left, he was distraught and he had given up on loving another. Somehow deep in his subconscious he was probably preparing himself for this. Preparing himself for her return, but now that she was here, he wasn’t sure he was prepared for it at all. She had hurt him deep and he wasn’t so sure if he was ready to put himself back out there to get himself hurt again. And with the way she was behaving, that seemed to be the only thing obtainable. Hurt.
"What good does it do?" Casey called to him, “I saw you looking at the river."
He flinched. He turned to look at her then down at the river. Shaking his head, he mounted the mare.
"If you hate me so much, if you're so angry with me, what good does coming here do you?"
He answered then, "I come looking for the girl I left behind."
Casey raised a brow then shook her head. Retrieving her face towel, she continued to shake her head as she walked out of the glade.
His head was lowered when he looked back at the cliff. Guilt stricken.
"I don't hate you." he whispered but he knew she was gone already. It was always that way with them. They fought more than he could remember. And she always left. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out an old creased paper. It was the letter. Her letter. He'd kept it with him, to remind himself of what exactly, he knew not. He read the letter again.


This is hard for me. Writing this when I know I should be telling you, I'm leaving. I don't know where I'm going even if I did I couldn't tell you. It's better this way. Don't doubt for once that I loved you because I did and still do. There's always a place in my heart for you. That's never going to change. And PLEASE don't come looking for me. I'll miss you.
Ca ss

P.s. Don't worry about our fight, all is forgiven, I'm still convinced I was right though. There's a gift for you too. Think of me always.

Eric pulled on his chain and stared at the birthstone ring he had given to her for her birthday. She had a way with him. He stared down at the uneasy mare.
"We're going girl." he said watching Casey disappear into the forest. Shaking his head he urged the mare on. Only the Lord knew how he felt truly about that girl.
He stood behind and watched closely. He could have followed her but he knew where she was going. He stared at this man she had spent her morning with. He had a piece of her and this was exactly what he needed. She had no idea he was back.
Better for him. The sun burst into the room. The darkness that had delved in the room the past couple of days shied into corners. Casey groaned and dragged the comforter over her head.
"Casey get out of bed." her grandmother's voice came through what little sleep she had drifted back into. She dug deeper into the bed. The burst of cold wind sent shivers down her spine when her comforter was dragged off of her. Emily Callahan was a force to reckon with. Most called her stubborn, strong-headed and difficult. Casey was beginning to understand why they called her such. She curled into a ball, groping her knees against her chest for warmth. She screamed and nearly choked when she felt the chilled water against her face. Casey looked up at the grayed hair woman she called grandmother. She dangled a Ziploc bag,"Ice cubes are next."
Casey could only imagine and she wasn't really up for fighting anymore.
Slowly she crawled out of bed. Wet hair lashing back her back making her squirm. She heard the sheets being dragged off.
"I don't care what you do. But if you think I'm going to allow you to hide out here while you drag this room down in your wallowing, you're terribly mistaken."
She threw the sheets in the laundry basket at the door. She stood in front her,"What did you do and stop avoiding my question?"
"I don't know," Casey answered looking at her hands,"I really don't know."
She looked up slowly at her grandmother. Emily glanced around the room. She headed towards the table and opened the drawers. Convinced what she was looking for wasn't there, she headed to the closet. “Aha." Emily said elatedly pulling out a small rectangular box.
"What's in there?" Casey asked leaning over Emily's shoulder. She waved her off. After digging through its contents, she turned to Casey.
"What are those?" Casey asked raising her eyebrows at the objects in Emily's hand.
"Give me your hand."
Casey hesitated. Emily waved her hands,"Come girl, stop wasting my time."
Casey lifted her left hand. Her grandmother picked up the smallest item which she made out to be a ring. Turning her palm up, Emily marked a 'x'. Casey watched in amazement as the emerald stone flickered.
Flickered and then glowed.
"Your great grandfather's wedding gift." Emily said placing the ring in her hand. Casey stared at the silver ring and its glowing emerald.
"Why is it doing this?" Casey asked holding the ring away from her. The ring flickered until it died out. Emily adjusted her glasses and opened the other object in her hand. Casey watched. The paper was aged, the writing was faded and almost illegible. Emily reached for the ring. Strangely enough, as she passed the ring over the paper the letters fell into place. Casey made out the words
She watched dumbly as the words dashed across the paper. After what seemed like an eternity, they stopped. Emily fingered the paper. She came to a stop under Casey's name.
"It's the Callahan gift tree." she said turning to Casey. Casey looked down at the paper that held the Callahan family tree. There was black bar next to her name on the right and on the left was her little sister's,"What gift and why is this black?"
Emily looked down at the paper. Shaking her head and mumbling curses under her breath, she threw the paper back in the box. She toyed with the ring before she handed it to Casey.
"Sit down." Emily said,"I wouldn't have shown you that if I had known."
Emily sat down after Casey didn't. Casey stared at her with questioning eyes. Emily sighed and looked up at the roof,"Why your mother hasn't told you is a mystery. Do you at least know how your father died?"
Casey shrugged,"She said he died on one of his trips."
Emily grunted,"Casey, you had-have a brother."
Casey raised a brow,"I had a brother?"
"Have. He is not dead and he is your twin."
Casey breathed in heavily. She shook her head,"That cant be. I’ve never seen him."
Emily took Casey's hand,"How old are you?"
"Nineteen. But what"
"Shut up, just listen. What I'm going to tell you will either scare you witless or feed your hunger for the truth."
Casey said nothing.
"Hundreds of years ago, in a town much like Silence, secluded and small, there were rumours of this stone granting great powers. Two brothers, twins rather, set out to find it. Each with a different reason. One to destroy it, the other to gain. They found the stone one stormy night. The older one who sought to destroy it had gained upper hand. His brother's fingers merely touching the stone. His means of destroying it was also the way to activating its power."
"Let me guess. Lightning?" Casey said
"No. Well at least that's partially correct. But he wanted to destroy it because he felt the power was too great for mortals. His brother wanted it to rule the world. Think of the stone as a wishing well. The same way you need a coin to complete your wish, that stone needed light to activate its power. Because neither of them knew that the light came from their soul and they were both holding when the lightning struck. The power was split between the two. One with telekinesis and the other with telepathy."
"So you're saying I'm telekinetic?" Casey asked rubbing her sweaty palms. The fact that she held such great power scared her. Emily shook her head and took Casey's hand. Motioning for the ring, she placed it in the middle of her hand. As before it glowed.
"This isn't the first time you've used your powers."
“It isn't?"
Emily shook her head. She turned the stone to Casey.
"That shouldn't be that steady." Emily placed the ring on the bed,"Your gift isn't concealing itself any more, which only means you used it before."
Emily dropped her head. Casey looked at her,"There's something you aren't telling me."
Emily looked up. Their eyes locked. In that brief moment, Casey saw it all. That stormy night where the brothers fought. The night she had neglected to tell her. There right before her eyes she saw the smile on her father's face staring down at the baby he held. But the face she saw wasn't hers. The wind was knocked out of her. Her grandmother was right she did have a brother. A twin brother. She saw the anguish on her father's face when the baby was dragged from him. She saw a wolf like creature standing at the door baby in hand. But the face. couldn't be. Casey broke eye contact,"No it's impossible."
She looked at Emily,"Tell me he didn't."
Emily turned so she wouldn't she the shame in her eyes,"I can't so I won't."
"But Grandpa?" Casey said in disbelief. Even as it rolled of her tongue she couldn't believe it. And how had she managed to see all of that by just looking....Oh dear God. This kept getting worse.
"That wasn't your grandfather."
"But I saw him clear as day." she said pointing to a picture of him.
"It was his body but never him. You see that night with their powers the twins went their separate ways. The youngest one became such a fiend that he created monsters. The older managed to destroy all but one. The most fearsome even today, the levagne."
Casey knew the name but had yet to see one.
"It is a type of werewolf but they aren't restricted by the moon. They can change at will at rapid speeds. Your grandfather was bitten by one a couple nights before your birth."
Casey couldn't hold back the tears any more,"But why?"
Emily moved to comfort her but Casey shook her head and stepped away,"Don't, just answer."
"Every three generations when the gift holder is ready to be born the levagne try their best to kill the twin. The levagne know that the only thing that can kill them is one with the gift. There is always a twin and that twin has always been male until me.
Emily nodded,"There was a complication and you weren't born until half an hour later. Levagne couldn't wait. If he couldn't have both he needed at least one. Your grandfather was the closest the levagne could get without being discovered."
"So my brother's dead?"
"No. He's very much alive and will stay that way until you are dead."
Casey stared at this woman. Had she lost her mind? Maybe she was trying to mess with her head.
"Why me?"
"Because you," she said pointing for emphasis,"You have your brother's gift."
"The telepathy." Casey whispered,"You said I used my gift before, why don't I remember?"
"You wouldn't. You weren't even born yet."
Casey wiped her tears. She didn't have to ask twice. She had pieced it together. The complication. She had taken her brother's gift. He had let her take it.
"There's another reason."
Casey looked up demanding.
"They want you dead because you carry the gene that puts a rift in the gift."
"What do you mean?"
"After you, your offspring will be born with the gift."
"I thought you said it happened every third generation?"
"That will change with you."
"And my sister?"
"What about her?"
"She's on that gift tree."
"Hmm. I believe she has already served her purpose."
"What purpose?"
"It never once occurred to you that a year after your sister was born, your father started taking trips?"
Casey shook her head.
"Your sister is the key to finding your brother. Your father saw this and tried to save him. But only those with the gift can bare the torture of the levagne."
"Oh dear God." Casey breathed tears falling again. She needed space to think. This was all too much. She started for the door. She stopped, without looking back,"How do you know so much?"
"I saw your grandfather doing something that I shouldn't have. He told me. Everything. And I told your father. Had he been alive you would have known. Your mother knows as well but since that night she found it too much to handle and always resented me. She believed I brought a curse on her perfect family."
"What do you think?"
"What I think matters not." Emily stood and picked up the ring. She walked over to Casey,"You don't know how to fully control your gift. That only responds to the gift. It hums when the levagne are near."
Casey took the ring and slipped it into her pocket,"But don't you need it?"
Emily smiled and removed the gold chain that hung around her neck. There was a gold locket on the end. Engraved on the back:Casey and Jevaint. She folded it into Casey's hand,'My time is near. And I don't need the gift to see that. I've lived a full life and saw many things. When I'm gone don't mourn me and stay away from my funeral. Remember he wants you dead."
Casey nodded in approval of her grandmother's last wishes. She wanted to tell her it was going to be alright but she didn't know where to begin,"I love you."
Emily smiled,"And I you."
In that moment Casey could have sworn she saw a tear fall from the old lady's eye. She said nothing. Slowly she turned to walk out. She had to start a new life. A tear fell from her eye.
Without the people she loved.


Publication Date: 01-20-2011

All Rights Reserved

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