Change of Heart
October 20th, 1821.
I was on time, as usual. Tonight would make it the fifth month. I took my usual place, hidden inside the camouflaged cave with only a small opened crack for my human eyes to peek through. The night wasn’t so dark. In fact, it was the brightest of all since the beginning of October. A blanket of silence was spread over the woods so much so that even the shifting of a tree branch in the cold wind was audible to my ears. He became visible in less than a few minutes but tonight he was accompanied by another. Together they padded barefooted through the widest part of the woods then came to a halt right where I could see them. Lycanthropy was a myth to many, but definitely not to me. Not with what I’ve seen. Not with what I was going to see again tonight.
The one I was used to seeing was tall, about six feet five. He was incredibly well built with a bone structure which looked as though it could withstand anything. To me he resembled the known description of a Jew. Blond hair and gorgeous sky blue eyes. Everything about him looked perfect and everything about him was so beautiful that even though I’ve seen him four times prior to tonight, he still managed to project chills throughout my body. The other one had a similar body structure and was nearly as tall. He was extremely handsome as well, with dark hair that curled. His eyes were marbled with grey and his skin reflected a slight tan.
The blond guy looked around like he normally did, ensuring that no one was in the area. The other one did the same then mouthed ‘it’s time’ to his friend I suppose. The blond guy gave him a nod and then it happened. The other guy’s eyes changed from grey to a sizzling golden yellow, but before he took the form of the creature he was, his friend stopped him. I became confused and tried to peer closer. My excellent ability to read lips allowed me to see that he said ‘she’s here again’; however, before his friend could ask who she was, the blond guy turned to face the cave where I hid, looked me straight in the eye and signaled me with his index finger to come. There was no back exit to this cave, the only way I was getting out was to leave in the way I came and that would mean walking right into him.
He lost his patience waiting for me to respond. I saw through the crack that he was near the cave. He got closer and closer. My heart beat faster and faster. He was here. Standing in the entrance he flashed me with a friendly yet frightening smile. He continued to walk towards me scrapping his nails against the walls of the cave. The smile was still there. When he was just two inches away from me he stopped.
“Who do you work for?” He asked with a slight Italian accent.
“No one.” I whispered, scared.
He leaned against the wall and folded his arms. “Are you lying?”
“So, you simply enjoy casually spying on people?”
“No.” I wasn’t sure what to say.
He smiled. “I know you’ve had eyes on me since early June. Why?”
“I uh‒ I’ve noticed some weird stuff about you and I was um, curious. So I followed you here one night and you proved my theory correct.”
“What theory?”
“The one that said that you were a part of the lycanthropy myth.” I bit my nails.
“You thought I wasn’t aware of you but I was.”
“Why didn’t you stop me?”
“Werewolves excite you. You’ve been obsessed with the myth since you heard about it. I wanted to prove it to you, so I let you witness it. I meant to stop you but I knew you enjoyed seeing me transform.”
“Then why did you approach me tonight?” I was still scared.
“I think it was about time. Don’t you? Besides, I’m not alone tonight. I have a member of my pack with me. In human form he may not be able to detect you; however, if he transformed, he might’ve torn this cave apart, you included.”
“He doesn’t have control like you?” I was curious.
“No.” He said, and then looked at me as though he was in thought “Something is confusing you, love. What is it?”
I hesitated. “How did you know?”
“I can see it in your eyes. Tell me.”
“It’s the eyes. Your eyes are a ravishing red just before you transform, but your friend. His eyes are a glowing yellow. Why? Is he a different type? Different from the others like you?”
“In fact, it’s the other way around. I’m the one who’s different. All werewolves possess the yellow eyes before transformation, except for those like me.” He explained.
“I wanna know.”
“I’ve told you too much already. You’ve seen too much.”
“So do you have to kill me now?” I was even more scared than before.
“Relax Jennifer. There is no need to be in that much fear.” He leaned off the wall and caressed my cheeks with his hands.
“How do you know my name?” I asked softly.
“Anyone could be a spy.” He smiled “You don’t have to die. You can come with me. Be like me.”
“A werewolf?” I asked, knowing it was a stupid question. All along I was scared of him, now I felt so comfortable and mesmerized, maybe it was his eyes.
“You want to don’t you? You’ve always longed to become one of the supernatural. I could give that to you, and what do you have to lose. I don’t mean to stir any emotion but I am aware that you have no family here. Barely any friends. Not that much of a huge life. I could give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of, if you trust me.”
“Would I get hurt?”
He smiled again. “I promise that will never happen. Come on.” He said leading the way out of the cave. My fright was almost extinct. We were outside walking all the way out back to the middle of the woods where his friend waited. The night was still bright, however it got a lot colder. His friend was standing against a tree looking straight up into the sky at the full moon, but looked away and at us as we approached.
“Reid, meet Jennifer. She’s gonna be with us now.”
“But she’s not a‒
“I know. She will be, soon.” He said looking at me. She will be soon. That gave me chills.
“Jennifer, this is Reid, he’s the most trusted member of my pack.”
“Nice to meet you.” Reid smiled slightly. I smiled a little in return unable to say much.
“There will be no transformation here tonight. We must leave now.” The blond guy said.
“Where are we going?” I managed to ask.
“Don’t worry.” He smiled “By the way, my name is Vince.” He said quietly and as I took his warm hands, Vince didn’t just lead me deeper into the woods. He led me deeper into another world. A new world, far from ordinary.
The water was deep and inviting just like his eyes. I could see something in them now; something new. He knew that I was aware of the one thing he tried to hide. I knew what he was and he wanted me dead for my knowledge. But was that the only reason why he wanted to take my life?
“No, it isn’t.”
“What did I tell you about that, Reid?”
“What did I tell you about leaving your mind unprotected?” He asked pulling his T-shirt off over his head and tossing it on the banister near the pool.
“You’re not swimming for another twenty minutes. Why did you take your shirt off?” I asked then realized how incredibly stupid that question was considering the fact that it was directed to Reid.
He smiled.
“I know, I know. It drives the ladies wild.” I laughed and looked across the pool at him again. In less than five minutes I would be swimming next to the guy who most girls referred to as the hottest guy on campus.
“He isn’t.” Reid commented.
“Ok. I’ll stop.” He lied.
Anyways, most girls saw him as the god he looked and appeared to be, and maybe if I didn’t know better, I would’ve been one of those girls. They all fell for the same thing. The gracefulness in the way he moved whenever his body was in any kind of motion. The perfect sound of his words whenever he spoke. The way every single one of his muscles were delicately defined and utter mostly developed under his flawless caramelized skin. His hair depicted his Russian heritage as the ends of it stroke his neck. Its color, an eye-catching glistening bronze. But it was his eyes that caught my attention. There was something about them. Something strange in the depths of his muddy blue pupils. Something different, unusual, and like mine, inhumane.
Coach Stilinski blew hard on his whistle and before the sound was done echoing throughout the room, Val and Grady were heading for their towels. Val was quite disappointed; having come second by two point eight seconds. Grady couldn’t care less about his success which annoyed Val, hence the reason why she yanked hard on the first place medal from behind causing Grady to choke.
“Jennifer Grey and Ian Winters. You’re up in the next two minutes, get ready.”Coach called out while going over his roster, crossing out several names which I guess was the name of the losers. Even though I was a bit nervous, I wasn’t worried that my name was gonna get scratched off of the list. I was nervous because he was almost by my side now. He didn’t scare me or intimidate me; there was just something about him−besides the fact that he wanted to kill me−that made every cell in my body uneasy. He stood inches away from me now staring into the water like I did, then I felt his eyes slowly ease its way onto my body. I tried again and was surprised when I realized that he took his mental shield down.
“I know that you’re reading my mind right now. You can do that. I’m impressed.”
“What else do you know about me?” I asked out loud. Communicating through the mind was a form of special communication which I shared only with those who meant something to me. Ian Winters was nothing more than a killer. His mouth opened to answer my question the same time coach opened his to begin his countdown. Two seconds before diving in Ian turned to give me a smile which would’ve taken away any other girls’ consciousness. To me, it did nothing but make me wonder what he was up to. I didn’t hear when coach said GO! Instead I heard Reid shouting my name in my mind to get into the water. All was fine, Mr. Winters was no more than a meter ahead of me. With my strength and speed, I was definitely gonna catch up, but I didn’t. I couldn’t. How was that even possible? How could he be stronger than I was? Faster than I was? I couldn’t understand. Was I underestimating Ian Winters? I questioned myself as I swam back to where we started prepared to be crowned ‘loser’. Still, it hardly bothered me. What really bothered me was the fact that Ian was going to be a lot more than I bargained for. I wasn’t out of the water for more than a couple seconds when Reid threw a towel at me. Besides the fact that the towel could have taken my head off if my quick reflexes didn’t allow me to catch it, I could tell that he was pissed.
“What the hell just happened?”
“Honestly Reid, I don’t have a clue.” I said walking past him to grab my bags before heading to the changing room. As expected, he blocked the way and pulled me to a more private enclosure.
“What do you mean you don’t have a clue?”
“He’s stronger than me, and faster!”
“That’s impossible Jennifer and you know that!” I could definitely tell that he was more than pissed. Reid never uses my entire name.
“I saw it with my own eyes Reid. We are dealing with way more than your average werewolf here.”
“You are an alpha. You are the alpha. No other werewolf could be more powerful than you.”
“Then what are you trying to say?” I asked a bit mad now myself.
He looked at me before he spoke, and then sighed, “You’re letting him get to your head.”
I scoffed. “Oh please−
“You are Jennifer. He’s not stronger than you or faster. He wants you to believe that he is. He’s messing with you and you’re letting him do it.” His voice got louder. “What did he say to you by the pool?”
I was shocked that Reid was prying so much. “Nothing.” I said simply checking the time on my phone which I slipped out of my bag.
Both his hands encaged me between them, my body pressing hard against the wall by which we stood. I could feel his hot breath brush my lips as he tried to relieve himself of some of the anger he had piled up inside.
“I hope you know what you’re doing, Jen.” He said finally, his tone calm.
I gave him a nod but did I? He moved his hands from my side and took a step away.
“Go change, you can’t walk into math class wearing a bikini.” He tried to make it sound as though he wasn’t mad anymore but I knew Reid for a very long time; that didn’t work on me.
“Good luck in there.” I said nodding to the pool before I left for the girls’ locker room. When I got into the room everyone was already gone, which for me was a good thing. With fifteen free minutes I decided to relax a bit before I headed to class however when the final number of my combination was entered and my locker door opened, what I found made me able to do anything but relax. I caught the paper just before it fell to the floor. The note read:
You want to talk to me. Ask me something perhaps. And no I did not read your mind; in fact there really isn’t a need to do so since your eyes say so much. Meet me at the Western Waterfront tonight at 9. Come alone. Great match today by the way. I know you were really confident on winning. Oh well…
Love… well you know who this is.
I left the locker room as soon as I had a pair of jeans and a T-shirt on; crumpling the note and tossing it into the nearest trashcan available. Pacing up and down the hallway in front of my locker the only thing running through my mind was should I? Or shouldn’t I? If I did, I could die tonight. If I didn’t, I could lose the opportunity to kill him. I can’t kill him, not alone, and I definitely was not gonna get anyone else involved.
“Hey Jen, I found out some stuff about−
“Ssshhhhhuuuttt up, Adrian!” I silenced another member of my pack. Adrian was the one in charge of everything technical. He did everything from tracing calls to hacking into high tech security systems; finding background information was not his thing, however he did a great job at it. And where’s a better place to obtain news and gossip about anyone than the cheerleading team? That place ceases to exist. Adrian was the high school’s sweetheart. Even the teachers couldn’t look at him without going “awwww he’s so cute,” and it was his cute looks and adorable ways that gave him the advantage. Not to mention his curly brown locks that was according to every female alive ‘to die for’. But even though Adrian was all that and more, we all believed that he had a few loose screws, or maybe even some missing ones. A recent incident where he blew up the school’s chemistry lab was a perfect example of his insanity. Apparently he thought that chemicals were just colored substances, which if mixed in the wrong way could only look prettier, not blow up or anything. No, the word flammable meant nothing to him. Don’t get me started on the word explosive, or poisonous.
“Did you just shush me?”
I held onto his shoulders and turned him to face the direction where Ian Winters stood getting something out of his locker. “Where you gonna say something concerning that guy?” I asked.
“Yea, shoot. I guess I should be more careful.” He smiled, and then it faded. “Is something wrong?”
“I−, no nothing’s wrong.”
“I know you may not trust me like you trust Reid, but I am really good at making people feel better. Really it’s one of my charms.”
I laughed. “It’s ok. I’m fine.”
“By the way, I heard someone lost to Ian in the match today. What a loser huh?” He laughed.
“That was me.”
“Did I mention that I also suck at talking to girls?”
“You didn’t have to.” I said; the bell ending my sentence.
“See you later, Jen.” He smiled, hugged me and left.
“Bye.” I said more to myself, my eyes on Ian Winters. He was still looking into his locker, and then as if he felt my eyes on him, he turned and smiled, a cold smile.
Convincing Reid and the others of my pack that I was just going for a late night walk to clear my head wasn’t easy, but not impossible. I arrived at the Western Waterfront at 8:58pm exactly. I had barely stepped out of the car when I saw him. Sitting on the ledge of the wall surrounding a water fountain, both his hands pressing the wall on the both sides of him. He wore black jeans, a grey long sleeved V-neck, his hard biceps looking as though they were ready to burst through and black boots. A shining silver crucifix hung from his neck, bringing out the muscled buried in his chest and his hair looked perfect as usual.
“You came.” He smiled.
“You’re on time. I know most typical American girls like to be um, what is it? Fashionably late?”
“I am everything but typical.”
“Oh, I know. Let’s go inside. Shall I escort you?” He offered me his hand.
“Both my eyes function as needed. I can find my way.” I said walking pass him into the restaurant.
“Ohhh, feisty. I like that.” He murmured, but I ignored his comment and walked to the entrance.
“Table for two?” The waitress asked me.
“We have reservations, I’m Mr. Winters.” Ian walked in front of me, speaking to the waitress.
“Oh right, the couple special.”
“What?” I asked already pissed.
“Yes.” Ian smiled, looking back at me.
“Right this way.” The waitress smiled walking to our table.
“Ladies first.” He said gesturing for me to walk ahead of him. Rolling my eyes as much as they could roll, I followed the waitress.
She placed us at our tables then gave us the menu before leaving. Without saying a word Ian picked his up and began to read. After five minutes of reading he peeked over the menu at me, realizing that mine was still on the table.
“Aren’t you hungry?” He asked.
“This is not a date.”
“A genuine young man invites a beautiful girl to dinner. She accepts his invitation and here they are together sitting at the dinner table with a lovely candle light between them. Sounds like a date to me.”
I blew the candle light out. “It’s not. Why did you invite me here, Ian Winters?”
“Please, call me Ian.” He put the menu down.
“That sounds too friendly, and I am absolutely not a friend to you. Now, why am I here?”
“I figured you wanted to discuss something with me.”
I laughed a fake laugh. “Oh right, my vulnerable eyes.”
“They’re pretty, but vulnerable.”
“What do you want from me?” I was impatient.
“I have a feeling you already know.” He leaned closer to me.
“You want to rob me of my life? Why?”
He smiled.
“Tell me why!” I almost shouted, grabbing his hands; squeezing them hard.
“Careful, Jennifer. I heard the wound of an alpha could be quite nasty.” He smiled even wider then burst out into a soft laugh.
I let go of him. “It’s true. You know and that’s what you want. My pack and I were right.”
“Yea, I guess you were.” He said leaning back into his chair. “I invited you here to make a little deal.”
“Screw you.”
“You don’t have to do that. But if you volunteer−
I threw the glass of ice water in his face before he could finish. He laughed. “Typical girl move.” He said drying his face with a paper towel. The waitress was back.
“Are you guys ready to order?”
“Yes I’ll have two cheese burgers, extra cheese, two portions of French fries and a large coke. Diet coke. Jennifer?”
“I’m fine. I’m leaving anyway!” I said flinging back my chair and walking for the exit.
“I’ll take the food to go.” Ian said to the waitress then followed behind me. “Jennifer wait!”
“You didn’t hear the deal.”
“What’s the deal?” I shouted.
“Listen, if you just give your power to me, everything will go down easily.”
“If I don’t?”
“Well then I’ll just have to take your life in the process of getting it. And trust me when I say this Jennifer, I don’t like to get my hands dirty. Especially with the blood of a pretty girl like you, so choose carefully.”
“I will never give my power to you.”
“Your choice, sweetheart. It’ll be hard to take your life. I might even feel a bit of guilt for a while.”
“Go to hell.” I said with disgust.
“I’ve been there already. It’s not as bad as most people make it sound.”
“Why don’t you just kill me now? What are you waiting for?”
“I won’t be so unfair to you, Jennifer. I have a heart.” He smiled. I gave him the ‘oh really?’ look. “Well something has to pump my blood right? Anyway, I will arrange a date for us. Another one. This time your entire pack will be invited. We will fight. Fight for your power. I will not simply kill you by myself for it. Where’s the fun in that?”
“I will not put my pack in danger.”
“Ok here’s where I get cold-hearted. Agree to my deal or I will arrange to have every single member of your pack killed one by one, starting with that little cute one. What’s his name? Adrian. Then your beloved Reid. How does that sound?”
“You bastard.”
“Yea I know. No matter what decision you make they might all die either way. I think it’s better for them to go down fighting. Don’t you?”
“You are the son of the devil.” My eyes were damp.
“And who do you think you are? We are not different Jennifer. Every full moon we are both tempted to turn into a horrifying beast killing every living thing in our path. We are not normal. We hunt and we kill. You think you have control over it now because you’re an alpha, yea you do. But what about before you became an alpha? How many lives did you take sweet Jennifer? How many innocent lives? How many families are still in grief because you took the lives of their daughter, son, cousin, mother, father, sister, brother−
“Stop it!” There were tears in my eyes now.
“We are blasphemies Jennifer. We upset the balance of nature. We don’t belong here. Both of us so don’t make me sound like the bad one. We’re in this together. Go tell your precious pack the deal we both made, prepare yourselves, because I am.” He whispered the last three words in my ear. I didn’t even reply. I didn’t look at him. I wiped my tear stained cheeks and walked away never looking back, but I knew he was still standing there, thinking of a thousand ways to kill me.
Roger, the mail guy was at the house, distributing letters and bills to their personal owners. Everyone enjoyed his company except Adrian and it was obvious why.
“See you later, Roger.” Kai smiled closing the door after him, the smile still plastered to her face.
“So um Kai was that see you later as in farewell, goodbye, bon voyage,” Adrian asked, “or see you later as in ‘I’ll see you later’?” He asked mimicking a seductive tone.
Kai laughed. “Ok, so now my words have double meanings?”
“No your words have absolutely no meaning. I mean double, double meaning, they don’t have double meanings. Of course they have meaning I mean why wouldn’t they have meaning? Your words are meaningful, but just one meaning, not that they’re not good enough for two meanings it’s just that‒” He paused when Kai signaled him to wait and walked away.
“Kill me, kill me now!” Adrian said to Reid, handing him a gun. “Come on, take your best shot.”
“Dude, chill ok I am not gonna shoot you just because you’re having trouble talking to a girl.” Reid laughed.
“It’s not just a girl, it’s Kai. I’ve known her for years and I still can’t tell her how I feel. I can’t even talk to her. It’s annoying.”
“Roger seems fine at it, and you two are alike in some‒
“Don’t you dare compare me to that late mail distributing geek. My level of cuteness goes way beyond his, by far!”
“I am so sorry.” Reid said holding both hands into the air, as if surrendering.
“Besides, there’s something about that guy I don’t like. I mean who goes around at night to distribute mail? Isn’t that a day job?”
“I think he’s one of those people who just hate the sun.” Reid said.
“Or some sort of nocturnal psychopathic freak roaming the dark streets prying on beautiful young girls pretending to deliver mail just to get into their houses and slash their throats out along with other body parts then sewing them back together like a maniac.” He went on.
“That’s your theory?” Reid asked, looking freaked out.
“One of them.”
“Please feel free to not scar me with the others.”
“Dude, you’re a werewolf. Stuff like that should excite you.”
“Correct I’m a werewolf. Not a sick minded demon released from the underworld compelled to roam the earth destroying humanity.”
“No, but hey that would be so cool.”
“I’ll be right back, freak.”
The walk home was long and tiring, especially with so much on my mind. I didn’t want to involve the members of my pack in any of this, but Ian gave me no choice.
“Jen, you’re back are you ok?” Reid was the first to approach me. I didn’t get the chance to answer as Kai was right behind him ready to share her new found information.
“Ok Jen, I found out some stuff about Ian Winters, not much though but still important.” She said. “So he’s originally from Moscow. He lived there for almost fifteen years along with his mother and little sister. His father was killed in a bombing while he was still in his mother’s womb, how sad.”
“Focus Kai, anything else?”
“Yes sorry. He moved to Manhattan, no one knows why four years ago. Apparently he remained by himself most of the time. It’s strange I found no records of him attending any school or college before he showed up at Ridgewood two weeks ago.”
“Then he can’t be too smart.” Cal, the pack member in charge of analysis noted.
“Wrong, but right.” Kai smiled. “Yesterday at lunch he left a bottle of water at his lunch table. I took it and brought it to Cate who tested the saliva found on the brim of the bottle. Tell them what we found out Cate.”
“As we all know, werewolf venom is found in the saliva, so after extracting the venom I cross referenced it with the venom of a couple new born wolves and I got a match.” Cate explained.
“So he’s a new born werewolf. That would explain why he may be faster and stronger of any of us.” Cal observed.
“And intelligence is also heightened as a new born so he will also be smarter.” Reid added.
“But wait, if he’s so smart then why would he leave that bottle of water hanging at the lunch table?” Adrian asked.
“Adrian has a point.” I said.
“As usual.” He commented.
“There’s something else. He left the bottle there because he knew we would take it. He wants us to believe that it’s because he’s a new born that, that’s the reason why he’s stronger and faster.”
“Then what is the reason?” Kai asked.
“I don’t know. We don’t have all the details. Something’s missing.” I said.
“We also don’t know why he wants to kill you.” Cal said. The expression on my face sold me out. “Or do we? Jennifer?”
“We were right. He wants to take my power.”
“You met him tonight.” Reid said, obviously stealing the knowledge from my mind.
“I had to. I didn’t have a choice.”
“What did he say?” Kai asked. I could hear the fright in her voice.
“I tried to keep you all out of this. I did but he won’t allow it. He wants us to fight. My pack against his.”
“But that’s unfair. I’m sure his pack is made up of just newborns. They will destroy us.” Cate yelled.
“He threatened us either way. It’s better if we choose to fight. At least try to save ourselves. Try to save yourselves, because he is definitely gonna kill me.”
“We won’t allow that Jen, I won’t allow it.” Reid said his hand on my shoulder.
“There’s nothing we could do.”
“We are not gonna give up that easily.” Kai said. “It’s our duty to protect, especially each other.”
“You don’t know this guy; he might need an entire army to destroy him.” I sighed.
“What he needs is a high five in the face. With a chair, made out of steel, from hulk, on an adrenaline rush!” Adrian said pissed.
“He needs to die that’s for sure. He’s evil as hell, not to mention selfish and unfair.” Cal said. Everyone else agreed, except me. Without saying another word I was out of the room. Standing by the outside balcony I tried to get myself together.
I didn’t answer Reid, but he pulled my face gently to his, wiping away the tears.
“What did he say to you? Be honest.”
“Here we are, thinking about how evil he is, but what about us? What about me? How many innocent people have I killed Reid? I am just like him. I’ve taken so many lives that I’ve lost count.”
“No. Don’t try to make it seem ok because it’s not. I was a killer too. Once a killer always a killer. How do you think Kai is gonna feel if she finds out that I was the one who killed her parents? She sees me as a hero because I stopped her from committing suicide but I was the reason why she was doing it in the first place Reid. It was me. Hundreds of people out there are still in grief because I needed to hunt. Because I couldn’t control myself and yet here we are hating Ian Winters who hasn’t even killed half the amount of people that I have. What makes me better than him?”
“Don’t let this get to you Jen, this is what he wants. He wants to break you but you can’t let him. He will say anything to you just for you to break down like you are now.”
“No. look it doesn’t matter what Ian says to you. What matters is, you are doing the right thing now. Sure you’ve made a few mistakes but we all have. You’re not alone. You are a leader Jennifer. You’re fair and you make the right decisions for the benefits of others. You don’t think about yourself and that’s what makes you better than him.”
“I’m not a good person Reid.”
“There are no good people. Everyone messes up at some point in time. I don’t see you as something bad though.”
“What do you see me as?”
“A reason to smile. A reason to keep hope and faith,” He smiled stroking my dark brown hair, “a reason to live.”
“You make me sound like the best thing in the world.” I whispered.
“You are, in my world.” He smiled again taking my face in his warm hands. “I love you.” He whispered against my lips, but before I could reply he was kissing them. This wasn’t the first time Reid and I kissed, but to me this was the most meaningful one we shared so far. The way his soft gentle lips crushed mine slowly brought out a different side of his emotions I never experienced before. With my fingers locked behind his neck I deepened the kiss causing a slight moan to immerse from deep within his throat. His curious fingers which were once dancing through my hair slipped down my back and caressed my waist grabbing me tighter and tighter as a symbol of his strong everlasting passionate love. We continued to hold on to each other that night, unable to let go.
The morning was dark and cold like the inside of a wet cave, which was expected as it was just a few minutes after dawn. This was his favorite time of the morning. Barely anyone around to notice making it easier to move around quietly, drawing no attention. Swinging into a nearby alley, his cell phone went off, its echo filling the entire ten meter path.
“Hey, what’s up?” He asked. The person on the other line replied. “Yea I’m on my way I−
“Adrian? Hello? Are you there?” Cal asked sounding worried.
“I’m gonna have to call you back, Cal.” He said slipping the phone back into his pocket, not taking his eyes off of the person in front him.
“Adrian Reynard. I’ve heard a lot about you.” The guy said, his fingers playing with the tip of his sword.
“Well that’s funny because I’ve heard nothing about you. What are you a samurai?”
“You know I heard you were the funny one. Too bad I was sent to assassinate you.” He said as his fingers crawled through his wavy pitch black hair.
“Assassinate me?” Adrian laughed. “I think you’re the funny one, what’s your name?”
Adrian shook his head. “I have a question, Will. Why do want to assassinate me?”
Will tilted his head and peered at Adrian through squinted grey eyes. “You don’t know do you?” He asked, but Adrian knew he was talking about something other than the upcoming assassination.
“Don’t know what?” Adrian asked, quite confused himself.
“I don’t think any of you know. How unfortunate, but it is for that reason that I must kill you, Adrian.” He smiled unsheathing his sword.
“May I ask one question before I die?” Adrian asked.
“Sure.” Will said walking towards him.
“Why are you so stupid?” Adrian shouted kicking a nearby trashcan into Will’s face with such force that he tumbled over. His sword was still in his grip but before he could stand Adrian was on him, the base of his shoe tightening down on Will’s neck stopping his flow of oxygen.
“Usually, most people would say get up and go while you still have the chance, but you know what Will? I’m not telling you that, I’m gonna show you what an assassination really is you son of a bitch.” He spat his word out to Will but before he could make another move Will’s sword stabbed into his knee causing him to lose balance.
“I don’t think so.” Will said grabbed him by his hair and smashed his head into the surrounding wall. The wound was bad but not severe. Without even flinching, Adrian’s left elbow came without warning straight into Will’s nose, the bone smashing from the impact. Then without wasting a split second, Adrian jumped onto the dumpster next to them for height then came down hard with full force onto Will’s head, smashing his face into the dirty concrete consistently saying: “Don’t ever touch my hair!” It didn’t take Will long to flip over knocking Adrian off of him. Now he was the one with his foot crushing Adrian’s neck.
“I didn’t come here for a fight. I simply came to kill you so just let me be over with it.” He said raising his sword above Adrian’s chest. It was then; Adrian’s eyes turned a glowing yellow stunning Will.
“I thought the ability to turn only came at full moon?” Will asked, confused.
Adrian laughed. “That’s the disadvantage of being a newborn my friend. You don’t know the tricks yet so you’re required to stick to the pathetic rules.” His now lengthened fingernails grazed into Will’s face bursting his veins allowing blood to scatter out of them. He was positive he was going to rip Will apart. That was until Will’s eyes mimicked his, the glistening yellow consuming his once grey pupils.
“You have your tricks, I have mine.” Will smiled, just before he jabbed the sword down, aiming for Adrian’s heart but Adrian shifted below in an attempt to move causing the weapon to plunge through his stomach instead. Even though that wound wasn’t fatal also, it affected him greatly. The sword went right through his body, the end of it grazing the concrete below him. Will was stronger than him; he knew that from the start. He believed he was going to die now. He was unable to breathe as blood clogged his throat, choking him. He struggled beneath Will still trying to grab on to whatever life he might have left, but he couldn’t budge. The only thing his dying body did was cough and cough as a result of choking. The last time he coughed the blood from his mouth splattered onto Will, some of it getting into his mouth.
“No, no!” Will shouted, spitting onto the floor, gagging and trying to get the substance out of his mouth. He let go of his grip on the sword which was just what Adrian needed. Will dropped to the floor trying a hundred tactics to bring back up the blood that he already swallowed. But why? It was just blood, Adrian wondered, as he quietly removed the sword from inside of him, his wound healing immediately. Will was aware that Adrian was free but he didn’t care. He was too busy trying to get the blood out of his system. His eyes were no longer yellow, Adrian noticed but grey as they were before.
“Dude, It’s just blood. Why the hell are you−
Adrian was cut off when Will started to scream out in what appeared to be a series of horrible pain. He tried to raise up off the ground but every time he did he fell right back down, smashing his face and head into the concrete as he fell. The intense screaming and crying out in pain continued for a while before it was all over. Lying on the ground, looking helpless he turned over staring at Adrian.
“What the hell just happened?” Adrian asked, confused.
“It’s true.” Will said, still gasping for air.
“What? What’s true?” Adrian shouted shaking Will.
“I can’t say.” Will said sounding quite weak.
“I said tell me!” He shouted banging Will’s head into the ground.
“I thought it was a myth, but it’s not.” Will said his eyes shutting. “It was true.”
“Tell me!” Adrian yelled at Will, but it was too late. Will’s heart had already given up.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” I asked pissed off.
“I’m so incredibly attractive that not even science is able to explain why.”
I looked at him in disbelief. “I am not joking, Ian.”
“Wow, you called me Ian; just Ian. Does that mean we’re on a friendlier level now?”
“Stop playing games and answer me. What is your problem?”
“Well right now, your fingernails digging into my shoulders might be a problem; it’s hot and everything but not for this situation.”
I removed my hands, quite unaware of the damage I was doing. “Explain.”
“You see situations where that might be‒
“Ian I‒ Ian Winters, I am talking about the incident which occurred yesterday. The one where a member of my pack was supposed to be assassinated.”
“And that right there is my problem, Jennifer Grey. See I don’t like the word ‘supposed’. Adrian should have been killed yesterday; however, he killed a member of my pack instead. That could be a problem.” He stroked his chin with both the thumb and index finger of his right hand.
“We made a deal. You are not to touch any member of my pack until the day we agree on.”
“Yes we made a deal but no, we did not make any terms or conditions.”
“I am making them now. Do not touch them!” I was stern.
“I will give you my word, Jennifer. I won’t hurt any member of your pack yet, except for Adrian. The kid is powerful. More than you could imagine.” He said softly to me. “His honor belongs to you therefore he will never join me. As a result, I must kill him before he becomes more of a problem; and trust me when I say that I will stop at nothing to have his blood spill helplessly out of his corpse whether you permit it or not.” He whispered closer to me spitting out the words with pure evil and hatred. “Have a nice day.” He smiled, tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, then closed his locker and disappeared as he entered the crowd.
The house in which we all lived has provided us with a home for over one hundred and ninety years. Sticking together as a pack is so important that we even need to be sleeping under the same roof. Even though this house was built in the early eighteen hundreds, it still mirrored a modern house with the help of a few additions and adjustments over the years. We were located at close proximity to the woods which was quite beneficial being what we were. Built on twenty acres of land and consisting of over twenty five bedrooms, this habitat provided each member of my pack with the sufficient space and privacy they all desired.
“What do you mean I can’t leave?”
“It’s not that you can’t leave it’s just, I don’t want you to.” I tried to explain.
“I can take care of myself, Jen. I did it yesterday.”
“I know you did Adrian but I don’t wanna take that chance. This guy is out to get you for some reason that I don’t know about and clearly you don’t either.”
“I told you what it is.” He sighed.
“Yea but I don’t want to continue believing that you are a guardian angel sent from the high chambers of heaven by the almighty god himself to destroy all evil with your blood.”
“That’s what happened. My blood destroyed that guy.”
“Or maybe, according to your story, it was the extraordinary beating you put down on him.” Cal commented.
“Shut up Cal. What you don’t believe that I destroyed him with my awesome fighting skills?” Adrian sounded angry. “Well I didn’t. It was my blood.”
“Hey man, I believe you.” Aiden, our archer said to Adrian.
“You do?” Adrian asked.
“Sure. Out of all the weird stories you come up with, this one seems the least crazy.”
“Guys, quit making fun of him. I believe him, but I think there’s another explanation.” I said.
“Well that makes one person. Thank you, Jennifer.” Adrian said, and then turned to face Cal and Aiden. “Screw you guys.” He said with slight annoyance. As he walked out of the living room he spotted Kai on her way out. She saw him and smiled.
“Hey.” She smiled again.
“Hi, um Kai I have to tell you something I,” He paused and looked at her. “Nice outfit. A little too nice for an ordinary Saturday don’t you think?” He questioned, paying attention to the beautiful sky blue sequence which was sewed onto the upper front of her dress.
“I bought this a while ago. It was meant for a dinner date or something like that. I guess I finally got that chance tonight.”
He was caught off guard. “Oh, you’re um, you’re going on a date tonight?”
“Yes. Roger asked me out. He finally did. I hate the concept of stalling. It sucks.”
“Yea it does.” He mumbled more to himself. The disappointment consuming his insides.
“Are you doing anything tonight?” She asked, fixing her lip-gloss in a mirror nearby.
“Um, no. I’m sort of on lockdown. For now, I guess.”
“That’s too bad.” She sighed, a hand on his shoulder.
“I’d rather be bored here than dead out there.”
She smiled. “By the way, what were you gonna tell me?”
“Just, uh, enjoy your night out.” He smiled faintly.
“Thank you. I’ll see you later.”
“Oh and Adrian?” She called walking back to him. “About what happened yesterday, I’m just really happy you’re ok.” She said hugging him briefly. He didn’t reply. He just simply returned her hug, holding her for as long as he could.
Sunday morning was here in what seemed to be in the blink of an eye. It was as though the days were against us. They flashed by passing the speed of lightning in cunning attempts to end our lives faster, even though the date of our death had not yet been set. What Ian Winters was waiting for, he alone knew.Maybe he didn’t want to provide us with the opportunity of preparedness. Nevertheless, if we had an entire decade to prepare, the incredible strength of his pack might’ve yet still destroyed each and every one of us. Our days were numbered, and Ian Winters sure loved to count. It was almost eight in the morning when Roger came. As his job instructed, he distributed mail to everyone except that one person he couldn’t find.
“Hey Adrian.” He greeted him as he walked out of his bedroom into the kitchen.
“What do you want?” Adrian asked with no attempts at being polite at all.
“Have you seen Kai? I have some stuff for her.” Roger asked looking in his bag, digging out her mail.
Adrian scoffed. “Didn’t you see her enough last night?”
“Don’t ask clueless, Roger.”
“Dude what are you talking about?”
“Look I know you two went out for dinner last night. No big deal.” Adrian said snatching Kai’s mail from Roger.
“I didn’t take Kai out last night. I wasn’t even in the city. I went to visit my mother and why am I explaining myself to you?”
Adrian gave him a hard look. “You didn’t see Kai last night?”
“Well maybe I should ask Kai herself. Wait here. I’ll be back.” Adrian said confused going back upstairs. He went straight to her room and nocked the door twice. “Kai?” He called but there was no answer. Without bothering about her rules of privacy he turned the knob of her door which surprisingly was unlocked.
“Kai? Are you in here?” He was now walking through her room which was obviously empty of any signs of her. She wasn’t here so where was she? Looking on a nearby desk he noticed that there were a number of papers scattered about its surface. He wasn’t the type to pry but this was serious. Unfolding a sheet of paper, he took in the words and instantly his anger returned. In no time he was downstairs again. “You son of a bitch!” He shouted walking up to Roger.
“What now?” Roger asked.
“You lied. You took her out last night. I found the note. Where is she?”
“What note?”
“The one where you invited her.Where you asked her out!” He shouted.
“Hey, I talk to Kai almost every day. I have no trouble talking to her at all. If I wanted to ask her out, I think I would do that in person. Not via note. That’s just stupid.” Roger explained himself.
“Then what the hell is this about? Huh?” Adrian yelled holding up the note. I heard the drama and was outside in a couple of minutes.
“Adrian, can I see that note?” I asked. Still pissed, he passed it to me. It read:
I wanted to ask you something from the first day we met but I just didn’t know how to actually come out with it. I really like you Kai and I would love to take you out. If you feel the same way, meet me at the Benton restaurant at 8 Saturday night. I hope you could make it.
Love…. Well you know who this is.
Love… well you know who this is. The line repeated itself over and over in my head bringing an aching pain to it. “Roger wasn’t the person who wrote this note, Adrian.” I said the pain growing stronger.
“I told you.” Roger said.
“If Roger didn’t write that note then who did?” Adrian asked.
“You don’t wanna know.” I said, my head feeling as though it might explode.
The silence in the room was unbearable.
“What are we waiting for?” Roger asked; a huge mistake.
“What are you still doing here?” Adrian asked calmly but I could sense his fury.
“I wanna help ok, what is your problem?” Roger asked.
“What’s my problem?” Adrian shouted causing us all to jump. “You are my problem. You delivered the note. What the hell are you stupid?”
“Adrian, calm down.” Aiden said.
“Calm down? How can I calm down? Huh? Kai is in danger. We have to help her, I have to go!” He said, but Reid stopped him before he could walk out of the room.
“Adrian, you have to think this through. You can’t face him alone.” I pleaded.
“There is nothing to think about!” He yelled so hard, even Reid backed away.
“Adrian please‒
I was cut short by the ringing of the phone. Without taking my eyes off of Adrian I answered. My hands trembling, along with my voice.
“Jennifer, how great to hear your voice. It sounds a bit distorted. Is something wrong?”
“Where’s Kai?” I asked, with no effort to sound angry.
“She’s safe, for now that is.”
“What game are you playing?”
“Correct. I am playing a game, but right now you’re not the main player. Put the phone on speaker. Now.” Ian demanded. I did it. “Adrian? Are you there?”
“Where is Kai?” Adrian yelled.
“Relax dude. She’s not dead yet; but she will be if you fail to cooperate again.”
“What do you want?”
“You.Just you. That’s all I’m asking. I need you to be here by sunset today, and please I beg of you, do not play the stubborn card again because I really don’t wanna hurt this beautiful girl anymore.” Ian explained.
“What have you done to her?” Adrian shouted.
“Nothing too fatal. Let’s just say wolfs bane really isn’t her favorite flower. She looks like a rose type.”
“Stop hurting her.”
“Then listen to me and listen well. Ensure that you make yourself present here by sunset because trust me Adrian, the darkness isn’t just gonna consume today, it’ll consume Kai’s life as well. Come alone. If I see any member of your pack with you I will get angry and you don’t want that.”
“Screw you Ian! I won’t let Adrian do this. Never!” I yelled going closer to the phone.
“Look Jennifer I’ve had enough of you and your goddamn pack. If Adrian isn’t here by sunset today, Kai won’t be the only member of your pack to die. The day you’ve all been waiting for will be today. I will have every member of my pack including myself present at that house and we will tear you all apart limb by limb.” He shouted over the phone. “So Adrian, the choice is all yours. Do you want to listen to me, give yourself up and extend the lives of your pack members for a couple more days? Or do you want to be the stubborn brat you are and be the reason why all of them will die tonight? Choose wisely because whatever choice you make will be one of life or death. Painful death. I will see you at sunset and if I don’t the interior of that house will be the last thing you all see because that’s where I will rip your hearts out of your chests, the same way I would have done to Kai.”
Adrian was silent for a while before wiping his eyes. “I need proof that she’s alive.”
“Of course.” Ian said in a relaxed tone. Our excellent hearing ability allowed us to hear when he opened what sounded like a pocket knife and stabbed it into her. Her scream piercing through the phone, followed by endless crying.
When the call was disconnected I looked up to see that his eyes were red and moist with tears. He never moved from that one spot where he stood. As I slowly walked to him he looked at me without saying a word.
“Adrian you‒
“Don’t.” He shook his head. “There’s nothing I could do but just that.”
“I am not gonna lose you, especially not to Ian.”
“You were right. He doesn’t really give you much of a choice. He did it to you and now he’s doing it to me.”
“We can’t let him.” I said each of my hands on both his shoulders.
“Jennifer, when Ian threatened all of us what did you do?”
I swallowed slowly. I hated when Adrian did this. “I tried to keep you all safe. I tried to sacrifice myself for the sake of your lives.”
“Exactly, but he didn’t give you a choice. He’s given me one. I have a choice and I’ve made up my mind. We took the oath to protect each other. I am protecting all of you.”
“Yes but if I let you go to him I’m not protecting you. You are also a member of this pack; it’s our duty to protect you as well.”
“Saving one life isn’t worth endangering others.”
“But Adrian‒
“You have to let me go, Jen. You have to.”
“I can’t.” I cried, tears escaping my eyes.
“I’m sorry.” He began to cry with me, pulling me into a tight hug. “Here.” He said breaking the hug as he took a chain off of his neck. It was our signature necklace which every member wore as soon as they became a part of the pack. The necklace was made of fine platinum, as silver slightly irritated our skin, with a small square pendant which said: piùfortiinsiemeche come uno: stronger together than as one. Before he could hand it to me I stopped him.
“You weren’t born a member of this pack. None of us were. But if we were to die, we will die as one.” I said putting the necklace back around his neck.
“You’re great Jennifer. I would never forget you.” He tried to smile but that statement just burned my heart even more.
“What do you mean you won’t forget her? Why would you forget?” Reid asked as he approached us, looking worried.
“I’m going, Reid.” I’m going.Just two simple words.Two words which seemed to send a bullet through Reid’s head as he looked as though all life was about to leave him.
“Adrian…” Reid said, his voice breaking. He couldn’t say anything else. The only thing left to do was hug him, and that’s what he did.
“Adrian?” Cate called softly from behind Reid. She didn’t make an effort to hold her tears back. Her black mascara stained her pale cheeks.
“Catey, I’m sorry.” He said walking to her.
“Don’t call me that!” She cried.
“Why not?” He asked.
“Because I love it when people call me that and you’re the only one who calls me that!” She cried even more. “Who’s gonna call me that when you’re gone. There’s no one here to make me laugh like you do Adrian, no one here can do what you do! You can’t leave us, you can’t, I‒
“Sssshhhh, it’s ok Cate.” He hugged her as she was unable to continue talking.
“No it’s not ok!” She yelled.
“Cate, I’m protecting you.” He said wiping her tears.
“Screw it I don’t wanna be protected if it means you have to die!”
“Cate please, this is already hard for me.”
“No it’s hard for me because I’m the one who has to lose you!”
“I’m sorry.” Was all he could say.
“That’s not good enough.” She said, cupping his face and placing a soft kiss on his lips. “Promise me that if by some miracle you survive, that you’ll come back.”
“I promise.” He whispered. She left before she started to cry anymore.
“So I guess we won’t be hearing anymore whack stories.” Aiden said to Adrian.
“I should’ve written them down. That way my legacy won’t die along with me.” Adrian said.
“You really think he’s gonna kill you?” Cal stepped in and asked.
“He’s been trying to do that for a while so I guess.”
“There’s no point in arguing with you for doing what you’re gonna do, because you’ll do it anyways so, I just wanna say thank you. Even though I don’t consent to this idea. You’re doing this for us. I just wish there was something we could do for you in return.” Aiden said.
“Take care of yourselves, and each other. That’s what you could do for me.”
“I know it’s not that manly but it’s not every day you lose someone who’s like a brother to you.” Cal said wiping his eyes.
“We’ll miss you man.” Aiden said hugging him, so did Cal. The other members of our pack bid their farewells to Adrian accompanied by tears and hugs.
“It’s time for me to go.” He said looking at his watch. It was two hours till sunset. It would take one hour to get to Ian’s location so he wanted to be early. I really hurt to see Adrian walk out of the house. Walking right into his death and again because of Ian, there was nothing I could do about it. I could tell that Adrian didn’t want to die. Then again who did? I could feel his mind. His feelings.His emotions. The happy go lucky Adrian was gone. He was no longer chipper. Instead the sadness inside of him dulled his aura completely. He was almost out of our sight.
“I won’t forget you either, Adrian. None of us will.” I spoke in his mind.
“I love you guys.” He said not only to me, but to everyone.
The ‘house’ was actually a former warehouse which had been abandoned due to a severe fire. Anyone could tell there had been a fire due to the several damages done to the building. It was vines versus rust in the fight to consume the metallic gate which separated the outside world from this hell hole. He was about to push the gate open when a man beat him to it.
“Adrian Reynard?” He asked his voice deep and serious.
“The one and only.”
“Right this way.” The man said sounding annoyed as he showed Adrian the way inside. As they entered into the building another man stopped Adrian at the door and attempted to search him.
“You won’t find anything.” Adrian said impatient.
“All clear.” The man said, and the other one continued to escort him deeper into the building.
“What’s next? Bag check? I didn’t walk with luggage, sorry.”
“Shut up!” The man yelled at him.
“What? Are you gonna tell me that I have the right to remain silent now?”
“I hope Ian kills you quickly.” The man sighed and shoved him into a room where a number of guys stood at every corner; in the middle was Ian.
“So, you came. I was just contemplating on whether I should rip Kai’s heart out through her chest or her back.” Ian smiled; his hands behind his back.
“Where is she?” Adrian asked.
Ian looked to one of the guys and nodded. In less than two minutes Kai was in the room. Her mouth was gagged and both her hands tied behind her back. The guy took her to Ian. “This is the girl.” He looked at Adrian. “This is the girl you’re risking your life for.” He put his hands around Kai’s shoulder and moved her hair out of her face. “She’s strong you know. You are too Adrian. It takes a strong man to sacrifice his life for someone else’s.” Ian said. Kai didn’t agree with what Adrian was doing. She started to scream however it was muffled as her mouth was gagged. She struggled and twisted in Ian’s grip in a form of protest for what was going on.
“Be quiet!” Ian yelled at her. She didn’t stop trying to scream but her tears were making it harder to do so.
“You got what you wanted, Winters. Let her go.” Adrian said.
“Very well.” Ian sighed, kissed Kai on the forehead, and then pushed her in Adrian’s direction. Without hesitating she ran straight into Adrian. He quickly untied her hands and un-gagged her mouth.
He held her face in his hands. “Kai, Kai are you alright? Don’t worry I’m here now ok. You’re gonna be ok.”
“I’m so glad to see you.” She cried hugging him as tight as she possibly could. “I’m so sorry; I caused all this I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know.”
“It’s ok Kai. You’re ok, that’s all that matters to me.” He said wiping her face.
“We have to go now. We need to get out of here, please.” She begged.
“I can’t Kai. I’m not going with you.”
“What? You have to.”
“I can’t. You go, ok?”
“No. I am not leaving without you. I’m not.” She cried again, this time she pulled his face to hers and without thinking she was kissing him. Kissing him like there was no tomorrow and he kissed her back. He felt happy and relieved to feel her ok and alive in his hands, until her lips went still. He pulled away his lips from hers and was about to ask her what was wrong until he noticed the blood seeping through the front of her dress.
“I guess she doesn’t have to leave without you now. She’s not leaving.” Ian smiled and pulled the spear from out of her back. “You were so caught up in kissing her that you didn’t even notice me stab this into her did you?” Ian questioned. “Then again it’s not like you could’ve done much to stop me.”
“You said you would let her go!” Adrian yelled.
“I did. But I didn’t specify whether I meant dead or alive now did I?” Ian laughed and looked at Kai who was trying to get off the floor. The spear went through her heart. She could still be saved, but only with help.
“Kai!” Adrian yelled and was going to help her but Ian held him back.
“No, you can’t do that.”
“She’s dying! I have to help her!” Adrian cried and shouted at the same time.
“Haven’t you helped her enough?”
“Why are you doing this? You got what you wanted man! You have me! I’m the one you want not her! KILL ME!”
“Your love is so powerful. Too bad it’s going to be wasted.” Ian said and gave another signal to another guy; this one carried a sword.
“No!” Adrian yelled and yelled. Cried and cried. Ian held onto both his hands so he couldn’t move, and forced his head in the direction so that he could see it. The guy was hovering over Kai now.
“Look at her Adrian. Open your eyes and look at her.” Ian said.
“No!” Adrian yelled, refusing to watch.
“Look at her!” Ian yelled.
“I said no!” Adrian yelled and broke loose from Ian’s hold, running straight in Kai’s direction.
“Adrian! Help me! Adrian?” She screamed and struggled on the floor. But before he could reach to her five guys were on him forcing him to stay in the spot where he stood. She was still shouting out his name.
“I’m tired of this.” Ian said, took the sword from the guy and without thinking twice, he sliced Kai’s neck, disconnecting her head from her body. Everything went silent.
“Get him out of here.” Ian told the guys and they began to take Adrian into another room. He was silent all the way, tears still flowing down his pale cheeks.
“Reid!” I yelled diving on the floor beside him; my feet slipping in the blood. He groaned in pain and coughed up a mouthful of blood. “Where is it?” I asked hysterically. Slowly and weakened from the wound he raised his ripped and blood stained shirt exposing the large gash; one too huge for his werewolf powers to heal fast enough on its own. “Don’t worry you’re gonna be ok.” I said. More blood rushed through the wound and his mouth.
“We need help! Jennifer where are you?” Garrett, a member of my pack asked via telepathy.
“I’ll be right there, Garrett. I’m healing Reid, he’s been hurt bad. Hang in there.”
After two minutes of my power running through him, Reid’s wound was no longer a threat to his life. The real threat was outside, and I was gonna get rid of it.
“Are you ok?” I asked helping him up.
“I’m fine, thanks. Come on, the others need us.” He said grabbing my hand as we both ran into the living room where the fight was taking place.
“Jennifer!” Cate yelled while the person, half man half werewolf at the time, held her in a choke against the wall. My claws emerged and instantly I was in defense mode. Running straight into him I grabbed him by his hair and smashed his face into the bricks surrounding the fire place.
“Wrong pack you bastard!” I shouted, when he kicked me directly in the chest and sent me flying across the room. Drool dripped from his sharp teeth and blood dripped from his claws. He was onto me in less than three seconds, trying his best to rip my heart out of my chest. The six arrows sent through his back by Aiden weakened him just enough for me to get him off my body.
“Jennifer!” Garrett called out throwing an iron spear in my direction; catching it I aimed for his heart but he turned around and attempted to stand causing it to pierce through his forehead. Reid finished him by pulling his heart out. We started at his dead body in disbelief.
“I guess we won’t be getting mail in a hurry.” Cal said.
“I guess not.” I said watching as Reid dragged the body outside. “Light it up.” He told Aiden and I watched as Roger’s dead body turned to flames.
* * * * *
Today made it the third day he was here. He was still in the same position he was in when they brought him in; sitting in the furthest corner of the semi dark room on the hard cold concrete floor. The room was freezing. It was so cold that the inner warmth of a wolf did nothing for him. His bones were aching and were extremely tired from all the trembling. Even his lips were trembling and his teeth chattering.
“No…” He said sounding weak and hoarse in protest for what was about to happen for the fifth time today. The vent blew harder, which meant that they were doing it. They were blowing wolfs bane into the room causing him to suffocate for just a few minutes. Not enough to kill him. When it stopped he was left coughing and struggling for fresh air which took long to come as the room had no kind of ventilation.
“Why do− why don’t you guys just− kill me?” He asked so soft and weak that it sounded as though he was talking to himself. Just then the door opened and someone stepped inside. He didn’t look up. The person handed him a bottle of water.
“What’s in there? More poison?” He asked still not looking at the person.
“It’s just water.” The voice, the familiar voice said.
“I find that hard to believe.”
“Come on, drink it. You look like you need it, Adrian.”
“What I need is a grenade to shove down Ian’s throat, so unless you could give me that, get out.”
“I can’t give you that. I’m here to give you your freedom.”
He looked up at the person and his heart almost stopped. “Vince?”
“Come on, we don’t have much time.” He said holding out his hand.
When he left the room the scent hit him. Blood; fresh blood. He looked around in disbelief at all the dead bodies on the floor. All of them had their throats slashed out. Their hearts were ripped out of their chests and stuffed down their slashed throats. Typical Vince. But Adrian was still a bit jaw-dropped at the sight.
“They talk too much.” Vince said reading his expression.
“You took on all of them? By yourself?”
“In about five minutes. I’m losing my touch.” He shrugged.
“Are you kidding? That was awesome.” Adrian smiled, despite being incredibly weak. “Ian’s pack is gone.”
“Not too fast. These guys were not a part of Winters’ pack. He’s smarter than that.” Vince said making sure the way was clear before they headed for the exit. As they made their way out of the gate something just hit Adrian.
“Whoa hold up.” He said. Vince stopped and looked at him. “How are you here? Where were you all these years? No wait! You’re alive?”
“It’s complicated. I know those questions might be invading your mind but what about the one that’s strongest?”
“Something’s been bugging you. You crave the truth.”
“You know….. you know why my blood…..” He asked; the question fading.
“I know.”
“Because I’m the one who made you like that.”
The coffee shop was almost empty which was perfect. They didn’t have much time anyways. In less than five minutes Vince returned to the table with two lattes and donuts.
“What?” He asked Adrian upon seeing his disappointed facial expression.
“How come you get the one with the colored sprinkles?”
Vince sighed and exchanged the donuts. “Better?”
“Much.” He smiled. “Ok I’m ready. Tell me why I’m so special.”
“Do you remember the stories I told you about Alzilier?”
“Yea that’s the creator of our kind right?”
“Yes. Alzilier was the one who created the werewolves. As you know he was the owner of a very successful gold mine in the eighteenth century. His business succeeded greatly throughout the years until he started to earn billions. As time went by he made a few enemies. Lots of people started to grow jealous of him. They started plotting to destroy his business. Some would even attempt major robberies and standard security wasn’t enough to protect what he had earned.”
“Is that why he created werewolves? To protect him and his business?”
“Correct. With the help of a witch whose name was Serilina, he experimented for months. He was also top notch in various sciences which allowed him the advantage. Science and magic combined could blow minds; and so they did.” Vince explained. “Together, Alzilier and Serilina created a creature which had the ability to shape shift into a wolf. They altered humanity by creating the ultimate being.”
“Wow. I bet that kept locals away.”
“It sure did. But everything comes with a price. I was part of the first werewolf pack to ever be created on earth along with nineteen others. Because I showed the most capability of leadership, I was taken one day and further altered. Various spells and potions were downed onto me and thus the alpha was created. The head of the pack.” He continued. “Unfortunately a few years later Alzilier was imprisoned for fraud and was later executed, therefore the fate of the werewolves was in my hands. I handled it well and also maintained Alzilier’s business but as usual something bad always comes back to haunt. In order to keep the balance of nature, which we upset by creating werewolves, we had to give up our power for a small period of time. Alzilier made it so that during a lunar eclipse every werewolf would have absolutely no powers.”
“No. After a few years the locals found out about the lunar eclipse and they tried to use that as a way to attack the business. I couldn’t let that happen, but not even an alpha had an ounce of power during a lunar eclipse.”
“What did you do?”
“I tried to outsmart nature. A few seconds before the start of a lunar eclipse one night I took a kid, I kidnapped him basically and bit him in an attempt to turn him. The lunar eclipse began and the transformation wasn’t complete yet but surprisingly it still continued. The kid turned during the eclipse. When the eclipse was over I kept monitoring him and before you know it another one came and my plan worked. He was able to use his powers during the lunar eclipse and thus he fixed our problem.”
“What was this kid’s name?”
“Adrian Reynard.” Vince smiled. “During the lunar eclipse you put down some serious fights in attempts to protect Alzilier’s business. You were so powerful.”
“How come I don’t remember any of that?” Adrian asked.
“I compelled you to forget about it afterwards. I couldn’t let the other wolves know about it. Jealousy never ends well.”
“Ok so I’m the only werewolf who could use his power during a lunar eclipse. What about my blood?”
“Like I said before, we upset the balance of nature by creating werewolves. It was balanced again by the loss of power during the eclipse. Then I upset it again by disobeying that when I created you. However, to balance the scale again nature didn’t punish you; instead it found a way to use you to punish all the other werewolves. Your blood has the ability to re-balance the scale by turning werewolves back into human.”
“Come again.”
“Basically, your blood is the cure for werewolves.”
Vince didn’t get the reaction he was expecting. It was nearly five minutes straight and Adrian was more silent than a lamb. His mind was far and Vince was willing to be patient but time was something far beyond their possession at the moment.
“Is the cause of your silence confusion?” Vince asked checking the time.
Adrian nodded. “I understand.” He spoke quietly, his voice breaking.
“Oh.” Vince replied, looking outside where the sun tortured every soul who dared to walk under its presence. The sky was as blue as his eyes. He couldn’t feel the wind that blew outside, being protected by the scratched glass walls of the ancient built coffee shop, but he knew it must have been blowing warm. The weather created the perfect day. For once in a long time the day almost seemed like a normal one. If only he was normal. He cleared his throat and began to speak again.
“I just thought that, you know, considering the individual that you are, maybe that information would excite you.” He looked at Adrian whose eyes didn’t move from the table since Vince told him the truth.
“It’s because of that…..” He started “It’s because of that, she’s dead.” He finally looked up, his eyes moist.
Vince sighed. “Adrian, what happened was−
“My fault.”
“Listen to me it−
“If I had just given myself up she would’ve been alive.” The tears leaked out.
“And you would have been dead. Either way it wouldn’t have made a difference. You tried to save her and that’s what matters. She knows you tried.”
“She didn’t deserve to die.”
“No one does, Adrian. Life is messed up man. We have to deal with whatever it throws at us. I don’t mean to sound harsh, I loved Kai like she was my own sister, but she’s not with us anymore and we have to deal with that. We might think she’s unlucky because she died but we are the unlucky ones. We’re stuck here in this miserable life but Kai, she’s in a better place.”
“I just wish I didn’t miss her so damn much.” Adrian said wiping his wet eyes.
“Of course you’ll miss her. You loved her.” Vince said looking outside again. “I know what it’s like to miss someone you love.”
“Did you lose someone you love?”
“Yes, but I chose to.”
Adrian didn’t question Vince any further. “We should get going. The others probably think I’m dead. They’ll be really happy to see you.” He said standing up.
“I won’t be making them happy today.” Vince responded standing as well.
“I won’t be joining you.”
“Why not? You have to come back!”
“Now is not the time for that, Adrian. Not yet.” Vince said.
“Then when is the time? Vince we’ve missed you for over one hundred years and you’re bailing on us again?”
“I am not bailing on you guys. I said now is not the time.”
“So when are we gonna see you? Next decade? Or wait that’s too soon, I meant next century!”
“Adrian pl−
“When I tell them they are gonna come looking for you.”
“You’re not going to tell them.”
“What makes you think that?” He asked, when Vince held on to his jaw and turned his face so that their eyes met.
“You’re not gonna say a word.”
“Jennifer?” He called, shouting across the hallway. She didn’t even turn to look at him; instead she slammed her locker door and walked the other way. “Jennifer!” She ignored him again and continued to walk. “Hey.” He said softer as he caught up to her; holding her shoulder to stop her.
She turned around with a force, flinging his hand off of her. “What?”
“I need to talk to you.” He said sounding different from all the previous times they spoke. He almost sounded like a normal person; someone whose purpose wasn’t to kill her. The bell rang and the hall was cleared in seconds.
“I don’t want to hear what you have to say.” She said sharply, attempting to leave.
“Please.” He almost begged−which was unusual for Ian Winters− as he tried to stop her again by holding her hand.
“Don’t touch me!” Jennifer shouted dropping her bag on the floor. In the heat of anger she grabbed onto his neck and rammed him against a nearby locker. “You’ve caused me nothing but trouble and pain and you wanna talk?” She dug her nails harder into the back of his neck; blood seeping through his white long sleeved V-neck sweater.
“Jennifer please, this is important−
“Adrian and Kai are probably dead.” She continued, her nails venturing the depths of his flesh. “Reid was almost killed!” She yelled. “And I should just stand here and listen to you talk?” Tears assembled in her eyes. “Why, Ian? Why?” She cried, her nails leaving his skin. When they were out her hands just rested around his neck as she cried.
He comforted her cheek with his warm palm. “Just hear me out.” He whispered.
“No!” She said immediately realizing how embraced they were. “I am not gonna listen to you. I hate you. You are the offspring of Satan and I wish I could be alive the day you die so that I can celebrate.” She said furiously before picking up her bag.
“Jennifer….” He started but didn’t finish as she walked away. He didn’t move from the spot where she left him, and as she was about to exit, she gave him one last glimpse and she could’ve sworn that she saw him wiping his eyes.
The rain had just started to fall when he entered the track which led to the house. He barely noticed that he was being soaked from head to toe. His mind was confused and he could feel a major headache coming on. The last thing he remembered was sitting on the cold ground in the room where Ian had left him when someone opened the door came in and gave him a bottle of water. Who was it? He couldn’t remember. Jessie was out in the rain with Avalon, just in front the house. They were practicing their martial arts moves for almost six hours now. Both of them were equally good so the fight was tough.
Jessie had joined the pack in 1976. He was a great human friend of Cal’s for a good few years before the incident. One cold December night Jessie had gotten a fight which left him with a gunshot wound in the chest. Cal found him just in time and couldn’t bear to lose such a good friend. Obeying the rules of the pack: Only turn someone when absolutely necessary, he took away his friend’s humanity, saving his life. Jessie had enjoyed fighting even before lycanthropy ran in his veins. Martial art was responsible for the high definition of his hard biceps and triceps accompanied by every other muscle in his body. He looked the age of twenty. The brown in his eyes matched his forever messy hair and it blended smoothly with his light caramelized skin. He was kind, fun to be around and really down to earth. He was a sweetheart.
Avalon was an old member of the pack. She was created along with Vince and a few others. Her long foxy red hair and bright green eyes made her look like a story book character. The complexion of her skin is what had gotten her the nickname ‘Snow White’ or ‘Snow’ for short. Avalon was quite quick, cunning and a lot playful; never too serious and always ready for a good fight. She looked eighteen and was exceptionally pretty; however, she was never vain about it.
“Come on Jess, I know you can hit harder than that. Give me something to work with here.” She laughed throwing a punch at his jaw but missing as he bent out backwards.
“Where do you get all of that energy, snow?” He asked, grabbing her in a headlock and bending her downwards so that his face hovered directly above hers.
She smiled. “You have no idea.”
He was about to lower his lips to hers when his eyes peered beyond hers and he dropped her.
“Jessie!” She yelled.
“Adrian!” Jessie yelled running off.
“What?” Avalon was on her feet now, running to Adrian as well. Jessie got to him first.
“Adrian, are you ok? How did you get here?”
Avalon was at his side now. “Adrian, are you ok? How did you get here?”
Adrian looked at them as if they were crazy. “Did you two rehearse those lines?”
Jessie and Avalon sighed together and hugged him at the same time.
“You guys are so in synch, it’s scaring me.” Adrian smiled. “Now, can we get out of the rain? I know I have the ability to produce fur but not in human form, so I’m f−freezing.” He shivered.
“Ok, let’s get you inside.” Jessie said, taking him into the house.
“I’ll go get you a towel and a cup of hot chocolate.” Avalon said running inside.
“Dude you lost, admit it.” Cal walked out of the game room accompanied by Aiden.
“No I didn’t, you cheated.”
“Quit lying.”
“Adrian!” Aiden exclaimed.
“Yes, Adrian wouldn’t have lied when he lost.” Cal responded.
“No, look its Adrian!” Aiden said hurrying to the living room where Adrian sat.
“Adrian?” I heard all the voices outside calling his name. I quickly got to the bedroom door and in no time I was standing right next to him.
“Oh my god!” I was in shock as I grabbed him in a tight hug. I didn’t care that he was soaking wet. “You’re ok.” I examined his face, his neck, and his shoulders; everywhere. “How did you escape?”
“I don’t know. I− I can’t remember.” He responded; his voice hoarse.
I passed my hands through his hair. “It’s ok. I’m happy you’re ok.”
Avalon returned with the towel and wrapped it around him then gave him the cup of hot chocolate. “Do you need anything else?”
“I’m fine, thanks.” He replied sipping the warm beverage.
“What about Kai? Where is she?” Reid asked walking into the room with a plate of croissants, Adrian’s favorite, and handed him the entire plate.
“She’s um, she’s dead.” He said unable to take a good bite of the pastry.
“I’m so sorry man.” Reid responded, rubbing Adrian’s head as if he were his child.
“Hey, I’m back with the mail, I think− Adrian?” Cate shouted dropping all the envelopes and running straight to him. “You’re ok.” She smiled hugging him; he hugged her back with a smile. “You came back.”
“I promised.” He said. “You know I would−
He couldn’t finish his sentence as Cate interrupted with a kiss.
“Wow. I didn’t know Cate was into Adrian.” Aiden commented.
“Yea, she is.” Garrett added.
“You knew?” Aiden asked.
“No, but nobody could fake a kiss like that.”
“Nope, not even a womanizer like you Aiden.” Cal said.
“Screw you, Cal.”
I laughed and shook my head at all three of them when I noticed all the mail scattered on the floor. Picking them up and going through them, one letter stood out to me with my name on it in a familiar handwriting. I excused myself from the others and opened the letter outside. It read:
I really wanted to talk to you today, but you refused to listen. I can’t blame you though. I wouldn’t listen to myself either. October 20th. That’s the date. #44 Vansmund Street (on the outskirts of town). That’s the address. Midnight. That’s the time.
P.s. I’m sorry.
A few things stood out to me in the letter. First, the kindness and sincerity of the way Ian spoke in it. Second, the apology he gave. Third, the way he ended simply with his name and not with the usual: Love….. you know who this is. Lastly− and the most disturbing− the date. October 20th. Was it just by coincidence that Ian had chosen that date? It had to be. He couldn’t have known…..
I walked back inside where everyone was happy and seemed free of worries. October 20th was in three days. Three days until the smiles on their faces were permanently wiped. Three days until their last breaths were drawn. Three days until they were dead. I know I already was.
He sat in the cold lonely room where Adrian once was. He wasn’t on the floor like Adrian though. Instead he sat at a hard iron table on a cold iron chair; the steel dagger in his hands pounding against the table going in time with the loud ticking of the overhead clock on the wall. It was almost six o’ clock which meant he would return soon. The rain hadn’t stopped. In fact it was falling a lot harder than this morning. Despite the heavy showers of rain, the room was silent, with just the pounding echoing through its horror like atmosphere. The turning of the doorknob triggered the pounding to stop. He put the blade down on the table and waited. The door opened and the person walked inside, his eyes immediately going to the corner where he left his prisoner. Confused he scanned the entire room.
“Where is Adrian?” He asked sounding angry.
“Not here. But you noticed that.”
He was pissed as he walked up to him, grabbed him off the chair and held him up against the wall in a choke. “Where is he?”
“Relax Ian.” The man laughed. “Now, let’s not forget who’s really in charge here.” He said twisting Ian’s hand off of his neck breaking his wrist. “I let him go.”
“Why?” Ian asked wincing as he broke his bone back into place.
“Because I can. Don’t question me.” He walked to the other side of the room.
“He’ll tell them he saw you.”
“No. I compelled him to forget my face.” He said looking back at Ian. “Did you send the letter?”
“Why are you doing this to them?” Ian asked.
“Did you send the letter?” He asked, ignoring his question.
“Yes. She must’ve gotten it by now.”
“You didn’t answer me. Why are you doing this? You were supposed to look out for them. You were their leader, Vince. This doesn’t make sense.”
“Nothing ever does. Not until you see the whole picture. Hear the entire story. Know the entire truth.”
“I don’t think we should−
“Are you backing out now, Winters?” Vince looked at him.
“No. No of course not.”
“I thought so.” Vince said walking towards the table, picking up the dagger and twirling it in his hand. “Because there is gonna be bloodshed on October 20th.” He stopped twirling the dagger. “Some a little unexpected than others.”
“Come in.” He called, in response to the knock on the door. He was lying on his back, both hands behind his head, on the bed he missed so much.
“Hey.” Cate smiled closing the door behind her. “I just came to make sure you were ok.”
He smiled and touched the bed for her to join him. “I’m fine.” He whispered to her when she was next to him.
“Well,” she said, moving closer to him –her dress sliding higher up her legs as she moved− “you look fine.” She said, giving him a quick peck.
“I like your dress.” He said softly, tracing his fingers along the edges. “It looks great on you.”
“Really? Because I think it looks better…. off.”
Adrian laughed, turned to his side to face her and soon their lips were crushing each others. Her hands went to one of her favorite places: his hair. Her fingers danced between his lucks and slightly tugged on them when he deepened the kiss. She felt his warm breath bounce off her face as his mouth left her lips to explore her neck. Delicate moans escaped her mouth while she enjoyed what he was doing. She got even happier when he placed his left knee to the other side of her so that he hovered completely over her now. Without delay she unfastened the buttons on his shirt and tossed it on the floor.
“Cate…” He whispered.
“Sshhhh.” She silenced him as she pushed him onto the bed and got on top of him. As if it were a reflex, he ripped the beautiful lavender silk dress off of her body. Cate barely noticed. She was too busy devouring his bare chest; however, in no time the pants he was wearing now joined his shirt and Cate’s dress –well what was left of it− on the floor.
“Yes?” She asked moving back to his lips.
“Do you − think− we’re− rushing into− things?” He asked in between kisses.
“Do you think so?” She asked, looking at him.
“It’s just that, it’s−
“It’s Kai isn’t it?” She asked.
He nodded.
She sighed. “I understand. If you don’t want me to−
“No, I want us to work but, I guess perhaps I need some time.”
She smiled. “I’m sorry, I rushed it.”
“It’s not your fault. I’m actually glad that you did.”
“I have trouble expressing how I feel to girls. It’s because of that, Kai never knew how I felt about her. You came to me and I like that.” He said rubbing her cheek with his thumb. “I just want that, when I tell you that I love you, you’ll know for sure that I mean it. I’ll know for sure.”
“You don’t love me now?”
“Of course I love you, Catey.”
“I know you do,” she smiled. “and I totally understand what you’re saying.”
“I got a bit carried away just now,” Adrian chuckled softly. “I’m sorry about your dress.”
“It’s ok.” She said coming off the bed.
“Where are you going?” He asked.
“It’s almost eleven, I should get some sleep.”
“You can sleep here,” He said pulling her back onto the bed. “with me.”
“Are you sure? You might get carried away again.” She smiled.
“Well, I guess there’s no harm in that.” He said, lying next to her.
The atmosphere in Moscow was way different to that of Manhattan. He almost forgot about how cold his homeland was around this time. He was barely out of the airplane when he had to put his second sweater on. The snow wasn’t here yet, but it sure felt like it was. Collecting a small amount of luggage he made his way to the exit gates, when he heard his name being yelled out from not too far behind him. Damn it! He didn’t really wanna see anyone right now.
“Ian!” The girl with waist length blond hair said his name with pure delight, flinging herself into his arms causing him to drop his bags.
“Emily, hey.” He said with a lot less enthusiasm than she held; however, he returned her hug genuinely.
“I’ve missed you so much. Where have you been?” She asked but before he could even think of answering he was tasting the strawberry flavor of her lip-gloss.
“Wow um Emily,” he said, breaking the kiss “I am really happy to see you but I need to go.”
“What? No, you can’t. We have to go out. Let’s go to the movies, let’s go have dinner, let’s –
“Look Emily, I have some really important stuff going on in my life right now. I don’t have time for you and I. In fact, there is no you and I.” He explained, trying not to hurt her feelings. “There never was, and I’m afraid there never will be. I’m sorry.” He said touching her face before he turned around to leave. He didn’t look back to see her face but he could hear her crying softly. He wasn’t trying to be a jerk. These days, he just was.
After waiting almost twenty minutes, he hoped into a cab and was on his way. The drive to the house was nearly thirty minutes. Hundreds of curves and turns contributed to the journey there but he didn’t mind. Before he sent the money over to his mother, she lived in small apartment on the bad side of town. The roof in the apartment was always leaking. The water supply was never dependable and she was lucky if the electricity ever came on. She had been robbed twice since she lived there and the apartment was about to be completely overtaken by rodents. Living conditions like that was not suitable for his mother and definitely not for his little sister either; not after she got really sick.
The new house was just as his mother described. A little too big for just two occupants, but that was alright. There was a medium sized lake in the front yard which Lizzy would have enjoyed, had things been different. A driveway leading up to a secure garage where Susan−his mother− could park the new car he had bought for her. Inside the house was warm and comfortable. Oh how he would have loved to be here living with them but he couldn’t. He set his bags down at the front door and walked a little further inside.
“Mom?” He called, continuing to walk. “Lizzy?” No one answered. He was confused. They knew he was coming. In the kitchen there was a pot on the stove. He opened it to find uncooked soup. Placing his hands on the pot itself he realized it was cold. This had to be here for quite some time which meant that his mother and Lizzy left a long time ago. It must’ve been an emergency if his mother couldn’t finish cooking. They left last night. He thought to himself as he took in a good whiff of the air, obtaining their fading scent. In a hurry he pulled out his phone and punched in the numbers to his mother’s cell; however when to phone began to ring he heard it right next to him on the table in the kitchen.
“Goddamn it!” He shouted out loud grabbing the phone. “Oh no!” He gasped in panic dropping the phone. The last number dialed belonged to the emergency room. The keys to his mother’s Toyota which once hung on the kitchen wall was now placed in the ignition and in a couple of minutes, Ian was speeding down the freeway. The first two hospitals he tried had no patient by the name of Elizabeth Winters nor had they seen or heard from Susan Winters. A kind young woman at the second hospital contacted a few other medical institutions for Ian and she was able to gain information that Elizabeth Winters was brought into a hospital, about three miles away, last night.
“Thank you so much.” He spoke to the woman who helped him.
“It was no problem.” She blushed, but was a bit disappointed when he ran through the exit without asking for her number.
He got to the hospital in five minutes and wasted no time at all. As soon as he got inside he went straight to the receptionist.
“Hello,” she smiled “can I help you?”
“Elizabeth Winters, I’m looking for Elizabeth Winters!” He repeated impatiently.
“And you are?”
“Does it matter? Where is she?” He shouted.
“I’m sorry sir but I’m gonna have to ask you to wait−
“Wait? Look lady I didn’t come here for a check- up! I am not gonna sit down and wait! I have to see Elizabeth Winters right now−
“Ian?” Someone called behind him.
“Mom!” He said, running into his mother’s arms like a child. “What happened? Is Lizzy ok?”
“There’s the doctor.” His mother said pointing to a man in a white coat down the hall. Together they approached him.
“Excuse me, are you Elizabeth’s doctor? Elizabeth Winters.” Ian asked.
“Yes.” He replied checking his documents.
“Is she gonna be ok?”
“Are you her brother?”
“You have the same nose.” The doctor observed. “I’m afraid your sister doesn’t have much time left.”
Susan began to cry.
“What do you mean?” Ian asked; a stupid question, he knew.
“The Cancer, it’s at its worst. I’m sorry.”
“How much is it gonna cost? Name your price I’ll−
“We can’t do anything for her again. I’m very sorry but she’s not gonna make it much longer. We’ve prolonged her life as much as we could.”
“How long does she have?” Ian asked, tears in his eyes, his voice breaking. His mother hugged his hand; her tears soaking into his sweater.
“I would say a month for the most. Maybe less.” The doctor replied. “I have to go now, but you could go see her. She’s in room 105, second floor.” He said before leaving.
“Are you ok, mom?”
“Go see her. I need a few minutes.” She said, wiping her eyes as she walked the other way unable to compose herself.
When he got to room 105 he rid his eyes of tears before opening the door. She was asleep. She looked so peaceful he thought, but he knew she was suffering. The tears gathered in his eyes again but he didn’t let them fall.
“Ian?” She called, as her eyes opened when he touched her face.
“Hey Lizzy.” He smiled. “I’m here.”
“Ian!” She shouted trying to get up.
“Sshhhh,” He smiled again. “Don’t get up.”
“I missed you, Ian.” She said hugging him.
“I missed you too bud. I’m so happy to see you after so long.”
She giggled but frowned a little while after touching her stomach.
“Does it hurt?” He asked, already knowing the answer.
“Yes. It hurts a lot these days. It could be worst right?” She smiled. Elizabeth was so optimistic for a five year old cancer victim. She was in so much pain yet she refused to be negative. Ian admired that.
“Here, let me see.” He said placing his hands on her stomach.
“What are you−
“Wait a minute.” He smiled, and then concentrated on what he was doing. “How does it feel now?” He asked.
“It feels….better. How did you do that?” She asked.
He smiled. “Our secret.”
“Am I gonna die soon?” Lizzy asked, out of the blue.
Ian frowned. “Why would you ask that?”
“I’m not stupid, Ian.”
He sighed. “I am not gonna let that happen. Do you understand me?”
“What are you gonna go?”
“The reason why I left was to find a way to get you better. After all this time I finally did.”
“You did? That’s great!”
“Lizzy you cannot tell anyone. Not even mom, ok?”
“Is it illegal?”
“Let’s just say it’s…..different.”
“I hope you’re not doing anything dangerous. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
He laughed. “You’re worried about me?”
She nodded.
“I’ll be fine. So will you.”
“Do you have to leave again?”
“Yes I do. But I’ll be back really soon to take care of you. I promise.”
“Can I have that chain from around your neck?”
“Why?” He asked.
“I want something of yours to keep close to me when you’re gone. It’ll make me feel comfortable.” She said. He smiled took the chain off, put it around her neck and kissed her forehead. Then he sang to her until she was asleep again.
Today’s weather contrasted yesterday’s, which was a bit weird. The sun refused to be shy; however the same couldn’t be said about the clouds. The birds sounded like a rehearsed choir; their tiny little lungs seemed to carry an unlimited air supply. Strange. Today looked like a day of pure happiness when in reality it was the day we were supposed to die. Even the concept of foreshadowing no longer applied to us. I looked to my right at Reid sleeping. It’s funny how appearances could fool so much. He seemed so relaxed. So peaceful. But I knew he was the total opposite. We all were.
Getting off the bed I walked to the window wrapped in just a white sheet. I tried to distract myself with the normality of the world outside but I couldn’t get him out of my head. The truth is, I wasn’t able to get Ian out of my head since the day I met him. The first time I saw him I thought he was just gonna be a pretty face for me to fall head over heels for like the other girls. I thought maybe he was just gonna be a hot guy who was gonna pose a threat to my relationship with Reid. I thought and I thought. It’s amazing how incredibly wrong I was.
After the long cold shower I returned to the room to see that Reid was still in bed. It was good that he was sleeping that long. He needed it.
“Hey.” I said softly sitting next to Aiden on the balcony outside.
“Hi.” He replied without looking at me. At first I thought his mind was far, but then I realized what he was staring or at; or who as a matter as fact.
“You know, if you have to tell her, now is the time.” I said.
“It won’t make a difference. She’s in love with someone else.”
I put my hand around his shoulders. “Sometimes you just need to get it off your chest.”
“People call me…. a womanizer, but the truth is, I’m just trying to find a replacement for the one I really love.”
“How’s that working out?”
“Terrible. I’ve realized that you can’t replace the person you truly love. Deep down inside a part of you will always belong to them.” He laughed a little, but not a laugh of happiness. “I didn’t think we’ll have so little time.”
“We still have today. You should let her know how you feel.”
He looked at me for the first time since we started talking. “You’re surprisingly calm.”
“I’m surprisingly a great actress.”
“You know, Jennifer, I’ve never thanked you, for this unbelievable, wonderful life. If you hadn’t cured me that night at the hospital, I wouldn’t−
I cut him short with a huge hug. “You’re welcome Aiden.” I smiled. “I’m sorry there’s nothing I could do now to save you again.”
“I’m sorry I never repaid you.”
“You did.”
“I did?”
“Yes. You were one of the most amazing people a girl could ever have in her life.”
He smiled. “You’re giving me way too much credit.” He said as he resumed looking at Cate who was still feeding the birds.
“I’m gonna go make some breakfast. Do you want some?” I said getting up.
He nodded and I was gone.
The mall was flooded with people today. Adrian didn’t know why but this was the atmosphere he craved for. He didn’t have much of a destination. All he did was venture from store to store making observations he didn’t before. Maybe a part of him wanted to soak up as much of the world outside before life was snatched from him in a few hours. He escaped death twice this month. The first time was because of the blood running through his veins. The second time, he couldn’t remember. He didn’t think he would get lucky a third time. The time was almost noon when he just finished a cheese burger. Staring at his watch he was a bit scared for when the both hands pointed at the number twelve again. Making his way out of the food court his eyes caught sight of someone and he almost fainted. She was standing in line at an ATM machine while going through a cell phone. He walked to her slowly, a bit confused.
“Kai?” He called still walking to her. She didn’t seem to hear him for she didn’t look up from the phone. “Kai?” He called again, this time he was next to her. Her brown eyes looked the same as she peered up at him.
“I’m sorry, are you talking to me?” She asked politely, the way anyone would when a stranger was speaking to them.
“Kai, how are you…. what happened?” He had a headache.
“Uh, do I know you?” She asked.
He felt his heart sinking. “What do you mean? Kai it’s me Adrian.”
“I think you have me confused with someone else.” She smiled a bit and attempted to walk away.
“No stop!” He held her by her elbow. “I don’t have you confused. It is you Kai.”
“My name is not Kai. It’s Scarlet.”
“No it’s not. You’re Kai Jefferson.”
“Nooo, I’m Scarlet Parks.” She said showing him her ID.
“This can’t be, you are Kai. Please don’t do this to me, you’re Kai.” He was on the verge of tears.
“Look you’re cute, but you sound kinda crazy. You obviously have me confused with someone named Kai, I’m sorry.”
“I’m not crazy, here look.” He said pulling out his wallet. Inside was a picture of him and Kai.
Her jaw dropped. “Impossible.” She whispered staring at the picture.
“See. Kai please. I don’t know what Ian did to you but you have to remember.”
She handed him back the picture. “This is some sick joke right?”
“What? No, Kai please−
“Stop calling me that!” She yelled. “I don’t know who you are but you need to leave me alone.” She said walking away.
“My name is Scarlet!” She shouted.
“Wait!” He yelled following her.
“Dude, quit following me or else I’m gonna call the police.”
“Just listen.”
“I don’t wanna listen I’ve heard enough.” She said walking into the underground parking lot.
She sighed and stopped. “Fine, but only because you’re really adorable.”
“Do you have an identical twin?”
“No. I’m an only child.”
“This is just insane. I mean I watched Kai die right in front of me and then I see you. I thought maybe, possibly she was alive. Then again she was beheaded which made my assumption even more impossible and−
“What world do you live in? You said this girl was beheaded?”
“Forget I said that, it’s just a lot to take in by seeing you.” He said. “Are you sure−
“I am not Kai.” She said walking to her burgundy Audi.
“Can I see you again sometime?”
“You can call me.” She said writing down her number on his hand.
“I’ll call you. Bye Ka− I mean Scarlet.” He smiled. Oh boy how he hoped he didn’t die tonight.
“Hey, where were you?” Cate asked when Adrian walked into the kitchen.
“Uh, I just went out for some time alone.”
“Time alone?” She questioned, looking confused.
“I needed it.”
“Adrian, we are all doomed to die tonight and you’re wandering off enjoying free time?”
“Who said I’m enjoying anything?”
“Well you don’t exactly look sad to me.” She replied pouring a glass of water.
“What am I supposed to do? Sulk all day?” He seemed a bit annoyed.
She set the half empty glass onto the table and walked to him. Placing her warm palms on his cheeks she sighed. “I’m sorry. I just think we ought to stick together. We don’t have much time.”
“I just wish you guys would stop being so negative. We don’t have to die tonight.” He whispered in her hair.
“I hope not.” She smiled slightly, intertwining their fingers. “What’s that?”
“Your hand, there’s writing.” She raised his hands higher to her eyes. “Scarlet?”
“Oh yea, that’s this girl I met. Oh my god she looks exactly like Kai, it is unbelievable.” His face lit up. “I thought it was her. I−
“You wanted it to be her.”
“Of course it−
“You don’t− you don’t love me.” She said taking her hand from his.
“I do love you Cate.” He said touching her face.
She pushed his hand away. “No you don’t. Adrian I’m sure that when you saw that girl you forgot all about me.” Tears gathered in her eyes. “If that was Kai, you wouldn’t think twice about abandoning me.”
“No, don’t call me that. Answer me! Would you have left me if that was Kai?” She almost shouted.
“Is everything ok here?” Aiden asked, walking into the room. They ignored his question.
“Answer me.” Cate demanded, tears stained her cheeks.
A small gasp escaped her mouth and more tears gushed through her eyes. “I knew it.”
“It’s nothing personal Cate. I mean Kai was the love of my life. She still is and I don’t think I could get over her, especially now. I can’t do it. It’s impossible.”
“It is not impossible. For Christ sake Aiden did it.”
Aiden’s eyes widen at the sudden mention of him.
“He had to get over the love of his life by force. He’s brokenhearted but he doesn’t complain.”
“He has it easy! The girl he loves wasn’t beheaded before his eyes, she’s still alive.” Adrian yelled.
“What do you know?” She yelled back.
“I know that it’s you!” He shouted.
“Adrian!” Aiden was the one shouting now.
“You think I’m the only heartbreaker here? You’ve been breaking his heart for over one hundred years and you haven’t even noticed once.” He shouted again.
“Aiden?” Cate called softly. “Is it true?”
“Look Cate it doesn’t matter ok. You don’t feel that way about me, its fine.”
“I am really sorry. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It would’ve been no use. Plus, now I know you’re in love with Adrian. I don’t wanna get between.”
“There’s nothing to get between anymore.” She said quietly, wiping her face.
“Adrian please don’t. I don’t want your sympathy.” She shot him an angry glare. “And I definitely don’t need your pretence love anymore.”
“I wasn’t pretending Cate. I love you.”
“Well that’s too bad, because now love is the last emotion I wanna feel for you.” She said seriously before beginning to walk out.
“Cate are you−
She stopped and looked at Adrian again, ignoring Aiden. “Why did you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Pretend to love me. Why didn’t you just tell me you felt nothing for me? Why did you lie to me?”
“If I told you that I felt nothing for you then that would’ve been a lie.”
She laughed softly, “Just the reply I was expecting.” She shook her head. “You don’t ever run out of lines do you?”
“I’m sorry Cate.”
“It’s a shame how much meaning a phrase can lose after it’s been overused.” She said coldly. “Please do continue enjoying your day.” She added then left.
“Adrian, are you ok?” Aiden asked.
“I’m fine.” He said, leaving the room.
“I’m coming!” The heavy British accent echoed through the half empty house. She opened the door a minute later. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes Madam Dina. May I come inside?” She asked, with a similar accent.
“Of course dear, this is your home now. Why do you seek my permission to enter?”
“Because, this house is still strange to me and it may be strange forever until you explain what is going on to me.” She said walking inside.
Dina closed the door and faced her. “Do you trust me?”
“Of course I trust you Madam Dina, I’ve known you all my life; only you. You raised me like your own daughter. How could I not have trust in you?”
“All you’ve done for days is question me.”
“That’s because I don’t understand why we’re here. Why did we leave our home to move to this place, all of a sudden?”
“Remember how I always told you that you were special, and that one day there is gonna be something really important that you’ll have to do?”
“Well my dear, that day is coming. It’s coming very soon and you need to be ready; but like I always told you, there are other people who are special as well.” Dina explained.
“Like that boy?”
“Exactly like that boy. You found him. That’s excellent. You need to stick by him. Get close to him. You need to develop a strong bond with him. Make yourselves inseparable.”
“He is one, Natzietta; just like you are one.”
She took a deep breath and wiped the sweat off of her forehead. “How many more are there?”
Dina smiled, her red lipstick looking brighter, “There is just one more, dear.” She walked forward, the edges of the black satin dress dragging on the floor, “Together, you and the boy must find her.”
“How is that even possible if he has no idea of what’s coming? I don’t even know what’s coming either.” Natzietta held onto Dina’s hands, “Please Madam Dina, please tell me. I need to know.”
“In time you will my child. In time you will.”
“But you keep saying that there is no time!” She shouted.
Dina looked at her in shock.
“I’m sorry, Madam Dina. I’m just confused that’s all.”
“Just do what I tell you and you’ll be fine. You will know what your destiny is when the time is right.”
She sighed. “Understood, Madam Dina.” She was about to leave the room but stopped. “One more thing.”
“What might that be?”
“You wanted me to fit in and be normal right?”
“Well, I thought the name Natzietta was far from normality.”
“What name suits you better then?”
“I was thinking something more American.”
“Something like?”
“Something like…. Scarlet.”
“Yes. From here on out, my name is Scarlet.” She smiled. “Scarlet Parks.” She repeated this time in the fake American accent.
We decided to walk together one last time. Bask in each other’s company; however what I thought would have been a joyful moment for the last wasn’t. Adrian, for the first time in his life, wasn’t smiling or cracking a lame joke. Honestly, I was looking forward to him to lighten the mood. He walked at the farthest right hand side of the group; his eyes never leaving the ground. Cate walked at the left hand side of the group, like Adrian, she didn’t seem to be in the best mood. Avalon and Jessie never left each other’s sides since we left our home. Cal, who was usually the calmest one, couldn’t stop checking his watch.
“We have five minutes.” He said out loud.
“That’s all right.” Reid said bringing us all to a halt in front the giant, rusty metal gate. “We’re here.”
“How do you know this is the place?” Adrian asked, finally speaking.
“Winters is here.” Reid closed his eyes and inhaled. “I could smell the bastard a mile away.”
Before I could open the gate someone stopped me; his claws scrapping my knuckles. I brought my hand out bleeding.
“Hey you nasty son of a bitch, what the hell is your problem huh? Do you want the fight to start now? I’m ready!” Adrian yelled rolling up his sleeves.
The man growled at Adrian showing off his razor sharp teeth; drool dripping down his chin. “Patience and mercy are not my things. I’ll tear your little ass apart right here, right now.”
“Please, you’re bluffing. You’re scared of Ian and what he’ll do to you if you disobey his command.” Adrian said going closer to the angry wolf, “Face it, you’re just another one of his bitches.”
Another growl this time much louder escaped the wolf’s drooling mouth. His eyes glowed a sparkling yellow and in seconds the rusty metal gate was torn out of the ground by claws which were now longer and sharper. “Your time’s up!” He yelled lunging for Adrian who was prepared to deal with him.
“Ron!” Someone appeared out of the darkness, shouting the name. “That’s enough!”
The wolf stopped inches away from Adrian, his eyes returning to a muddy brown. “But−
“I said that’s enough. Now is not the time.” Ian warned sternly then turned to the group of us. “Are all of your pack members present?” He asked, “Well, all except for Kai that is.” He said smiling at Adrian.
“Son of a bitch!” Adrian shouted attempting to charge at Ian but Aiden held him back.
“That’s quite a temper you have tonight Reynard.” Ian said both hands behind his back. “You better be careful when this fight starts. You’ve already angered one of my members.”
“Who him?” Adrian asked nodding to Ron who was still growling quietly, “I could take him out faster than his over active saliva glands work.”
“We’ll see.” Ian smiled but quickly turned serious when his eyes landed on me. “Enough talk, follow me.” He said leading the way inside.
The irony of the building was the fact that it was a burnt down fire station. The damage wasn’t that bad but it was highly recognizable and not just because my eyes had more ability than the average person’s. The six storey structure had been abandoned for years and for what was about to take place tonight, thank god it was. Reid and I stood in the front of the group which consisted of nineteen of us in all. We were standing in the room on the sixed floor. On the opposite side of us were Ian and his pack. As expected, Ian stood in the front. He was dressed in all black and as usual he looked great. I hate myself for noticing that. The other members of his deadly pack were dressed similar. I could hear their heart beats; fast and eager to kill us, strong and young. Newborns. The strongest, fastest, most intelligent types of werewolves. All we had was our experience, and we held onto it tighter than the poor held onto hope.
“We’re gonna give you guys a head start since we have an advantage.” Ian said. “I’m all about being fair.” He smirked. “So, on the count of three you all are gonna run out of the room and go anywhere you would like in the building. Think of it as a game of hide and seek. You hide, we’ll seek. However should we find you, and we will, we are gonna kill you.” He smiled. “Sounds fun doesn’t it?”
“Sounds like you’re sick.” Cate commented.
Ian laughed and held up his hand. “One.” He held one finger up. “Two.” Another finger; the members of his pack got ready. “Three.” He smiled the last thing I saw as I ran from the room.
The rain was leaking through the ceiling of what I believe was the fourth floor. I placed my shaky hands under the water trying to wash the blood off of them then I splashed some of the water onto my sweaty face. I felt as though almost all of my energy was gone after killing just one member of Ian’s pack. That was a fight I could’ve sworn I was about to lose. Rolling my sleeves back down to cover the wounds on my hands which were struggling to heal, I ran for the door when a girl who looked almost twenty appeared by the door with a smile on her face.
“Ian said we’re not supposed to kill you.” She smiled playing with her hair and walking up to me slowly. “He said you’re all his, but that doesn’t mean I won’t hurt you.” She said pulling out a pistol. “I love Smith and Wesson, don’t you?” She asked firing almost eight shots in a row; the seventh one catching me in the upper leg. The shot didn’t feel like any other, and as if she read my mind she said: “Oh yea, I forgot to mention. The bullets are laced with wolfsbane.”
“Bitch…” I groaned trying to get up.
“Aww how nice of you, Jennifer.”
She was about to fire again when her mouth began sprouting blood. Confused I gathered the strength to stand but it was only when I walked closer to her I realized that someone had sent an iron spear through her back which went through her heart, killing her. Looking at the door I saw no one, but I knew someone was just there. Besides the fact that someone had to have thrown the spear, I could sense the person’s fading presence. Taking the gun from the dead wolf’s hands, I left the room.
She ran into one of the rooms situated on the fifth floor trying to catch a breath. Knowing it was stupid to lock the fragile wooden door she slammed it in and hurriedly moved the latch then jammed the door’s handle with an old three legged chair. Backing back slowly into the dark room she covered her mouth trying to mask the sounds of her sobbing. After a few minutes of silence she sighed and stood up from the corner in which she hid. The laugh hit her like a bullet as it echoed throughout the room from the outside and the banging on the door didn’t make things better.
“No.” She cried searching for a way to exit the room but there wasn’t any.
“Oh yes.” He smiled as he stood in the doorway, the broken door scattered.
“Please don’t, please.” She cried moving backwards into the room when she hit the wall.
“There’s nowhere left to go.” He snarled walking to her. “You’re so pretty.” He whispered wiping her tears; his claws cutting her cheeks. “What’s your name?” He asked, smelling her.
“Please just leave me alone.” She sobbed, the tears burning the cuts on her face.
“What is your name?” He yelled banging her onto the wall.
“Cate; her name is Cate.” Adrian said standing in the doorway.
The man smiled. “What a lovely name.” He said throwing her onto the floor and without hesitating aiming a sword down onto her chest. She closed her eyes and waited for it to plunge through but all she felt instead was familiar breaths brush her face. Opening her eyes she saw Adrian hovering above her.
“Adrian?” She called but instead of answering her collapsed on the floor at the side of her.
“Now that’s what I call love.” The man laughed and grabbed Cate by the neck. She didn’t struggle for long. In a couple seconds his grip loosened then released and he too collapsed onto the floor with five darts, probably poisoned, in his back. Cate took her eyes off of the man and looked to Adrian.
“Adrian, why did you do that?” She asked, tears still flowing.
“He was gonna kill you.” He said sounding weak, and he was. He was dying.
She pulled out the sword and held him on her lap. “You are not gonna die. You’re gonna be ok.”
“No Catey, I escaped death too many times. Not again.” He murmured closing his eyes.
“Adrian open your eyes! Stay with me!” She yelled.
“I can’t. Not this time. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t say that. You’re not dying. You’re not Adrian!” She shouted. “Cal!” She yelled as she saw Cal ran pass the door.
“Cate, what happened?” He asked running into the room.
“He’s dying, please what do we do?”
“Hey Cal.” Adrian spoke, his eyes still closed. “Did you kick ass out there?”
“Adrian you can’t die.” Cal said.
Adrian smiled. “How sweet of you to say.”
“Look I’m not just saying this because you’re like a brother to me. You cannot die do you understand me. You can’t!” Cal was serious.
“Wh− what do you mean?” Adrian asked softly.
“You are gonna find out soon and someday you will understand why I did this for you today.”
“Did what? Cal what are you doing?” Adrian asked opening his eyes.
“I’m going to heal you.”
“No, Cal don’t you know it will kill you.”
“I have to do this man. I can’t let you die.” Cal said placing both hands on Adrian’s chest.
“Cal, please. You’re not an alpha you are gonna die.” Adrian begged.
“I have to do this.” He said and began to heal Adrian. After the healing process began, it couldn’t be stopped. It didn’t take long. In about five minutes Adrian was able to sit up on his own, but Cal wasn’t. He lay on the floor, his breath slowly going.
“Cal,” Adrian was the one crying, “you shouldn’t have done that.”
“I… had to do it.” He said.
“We’re so sorry Cal.” Cate cried rubbing his head.
“Take care of yourself Adrian.” He gasped for breath, “You need to find….”
“What? What do I need to find Cal?”
“Find….” He never finished his sentence. They knew it was dangerous but Adrian and Cate sat on the floor hugging Cal’s dead body and never stopped crying.
I felt it. I felt it deep within me as if a part of me had also died. Silent tears ventured down my exhausted face and I knew I should’ve expected something like this to happen. Closing my eyes I pictured him; his face, his eyes, his smile, gone.
“Cal.” I cried softly, turning to exit the room I was in to at least see him once more. As though an invisible force barricaded me I stopped moving; my heart seemed as though it copied my feet.
“Jennifer.” He said my name as if he was tired; his blue eyes moist, looking at my face.
More tears leaked out. “I was selfish and stupid.”
He looked confused as he walked up to me slowly.
“I should’ve just given my power to you. If I did then, Cal…. he would still be alive and the others wouldn’t have been in danger.” My eyes went to his and unconsciously I read his mind.
“I don’t want to do this to you, Jennifer.”
I wiped my face. “Then why are you doing it, Ian?” I asked out loud.
“I have to.” Tears ran down his face and he tried to touch me but I moved away.
“You don’t have to do anything. What’s going on Ian? Tell me, I’ll help you.”
“Tell me,” I whispered, wiping away his tears. He held my hand against his face.
“I have to do this.”
I couldn’t finish what I began to say. I backed away from him and pulled the needle out of my stomach. It fell from my shaky hands and broke on the floor. The world was spinning and I couldn’t keep my balance for much longer. I could feel the poison rushing through my veins; overtaking my body. My burning eyes looked up to Ian once more but all I saw was the dagger aiming for my chest.
Adrian and Cate walked out of the room twenty minutes later promising to return for Cal’s body should they be able to. Walking slowly through the hallways of the building Cate refused to let go of Adrian’s arm and he didn’t mind.
“How do you feel?” She whispered to him.
“I feel fine.” He whispered back; stopping at the end of the hallway.
“Why did you do that for me?” She asked both hands around his neck; her fingers tangled between his hair.
“I told you I love you. I won’t let anything happen to you; ever.”
She smiled and began to kiss him then suddenly stopped.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, alarmed.
“Did our pack kill all of them?” She asked pointing to all the dead bodies on the ground down the hall.
“I doubt it.” He said walking towards the bodies.
“Then who….” She paused. “Someone killed that guy who was trying to kill me remember?”
“Uh, no I don’t. I was kinda busy, you know sword through my back, endlessly bleeding, fighting for breath, the usual.”
“Ok ok I know now is not the time, but honestly I didn’t see anyone.”
“I didn’t see anyone either, but someone had to do it right?” She asked.
“Right plus I don’t think it could’ve been anyone from our pack. They wouldn’t just help us then disappear.”
“This doesn’t make any sense.”
“I know but let’s get out of here; I think I hear someone coming.” Adrian said pulling her out of the halls.
“Wait guys it’s me!”
“Avalon?” Cate called running to her friend.
“What happened are you ok?” Adrian asked noticing that she had a limp.
“That bastard shot me in the leg twice.” She said breathing heavily, “It won’t stop bleeding.”
“Here let me help.” Adrian said taking his shirt off and tying the wound. “Better?”
“Yea, much better. Thanks.” She said trying to get up.
“What happened to the guy who shot you?” Cate asked helping her up.
“I don’t know. Someone killed him but I didn’t see who it was. He ran off.”
“Did you see which way he went?” Adrian asked. Avalon pointed to the left. “You guys wait right here ok. I’ll be right back.” He said running in the direction Avalon pointed out.
Cold, wet concrete embraced my left cheek; the old damp scent filling my nostrils. I was afraid to open my eyes but I did. At first my vision was blurred. I raised my head off of the ground grabbing hold of it in attempts to stop the world from spinning. Deep breaths and tons of blinking cleared my vision. Confused as to where I was I tried to stand up but an instant pain came from my chest. The blood was still leaking out of my wound; the wound that was created when Ian tried to kill me. I remembered where I was now; but didn’t Ian kill me? I forced myself up and walked to the door in the room. Bits of glass were broken off but a few cracked pieces remained weakly glued to the wooden structure. When I stood directly in front of the glass I sent a message to my brain to transform into the creature I was. The glass reflected the typical werewolf. Hairy face, claws, sharp teeth and…. yellow eyes. Yellow eyes? Apparently Ian had succeeded after all in his attempt to take the power of the alpha from me. But why wasn’t I dead? I didn’t give my power to him so I had to be. Confused I walked out of the room slowly. I was almost at the end of the hallway when I heard a familiar voice shout out in pain.
“Reid!” I yelled running in the direction of his voice. “Reid?” I called still running down the hall. I entered one room but there was nothing but dead bodies inside. The second room was filled with blood but empty. Reid was in the third room I ran into. I ran to his side and dived on the floor next to him.
“Jennifer?” He called my name weakly. “You’re ok?”
“Surprisingly I am. What happened?” I asked holding his head in my arms.
“Winters, he− he’s an alpha− how?”
“I don’t know. He took my power away yet here I am perfectly fine.”
“You need to leave.” He coughed up blood.
“No. I’m not leaving you.”
“Jennifer, Ian is gonna come back for you if he finds out you’re still alive. You need to leave. Forget about me I’m already dying.”
“Reid no.” I cried.
“Go. Make sure the others are ok. Make sure they get out.” He whispered; his eyes closing.
“I don’t wanna lose you.” Tears dripped down my face.
“I love you Jennifer, but you have to leave.”
I kissed his lips one last time and got up. Some may say I was heartless because I didn’t look back but I just couldn’t bear to see him on the ground again. I couldn’t live with the fact that I was just leaving him to die.
When I got out of the room I walked straight in to another to see if any of my pack members were inside. I did the same with four other rooms but I saw no one. As I was about to walk out of the sixed room someone ran inside.
“Jennifer!” He said my name breathing rapidly. “You need to leave right now he’s coming!”
“What are you talking about? The only one I need to run away from is you Ian.”
“No, no Jennifer you have to listen to me ok we don’t have much time.” The words rushed out. “We need to leave right now come on!”
“I bet you’re shocked to see me alive. I can’t believe you did that to Reid!” I yelled.
“Jennifer believe me ok, we need to leave now!” He shouted.
“You’re sick Ian. You got what you wanted so leave me alone!”
“Please listen to me we have−
“Ian?” I called quietly when he dropped to the floor. “Reid? You’re ok!” I ran in to his arms but moved away from him when the power of the alpha moved in to him from Ian. When it was over I looked at him and smiled. “I’m so happy you’re ok Reid, and you got my power back. Now you can give it back to me.” I hugged him.
“Give it back to you?” He asked. I smiled and hugged him tighter. “But if I do that, then all of this would’ve been a complete waste of time.” My smile faded and I looked up at him confused.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
He smiled and I knew exactly what he meant. A wave of nausea hit me.
“It was you weren’t it. The person Ian was just warning me about.”
“Smart girl Jennifer.” He laughed.
“Reid….. why?” I was unable to speak.
“Isn’t it obvious? You didn’t deserve that power in the first place. It was all mine.” He said angrily. “All mine.”
“What are you talking about?”
“The first night Vince met you, what did he introduce me as?” He asked me.
“I− I don’t remember.” I said tears in my eyes.
“Remember Jennifer, remember.”
“The most−
“The most what?” He asked sternly walking up to me.
“The most, trusted member of his pack.” I said backing away.
“Exactly.” He said. “I was the most trusted member in his pack for over one hundred years. If anyone deserved that power it was me. He even swore to me once that I would be the one to get his power when the time came but what happened instead? He met you.” He looked angrier now. “He met you and he fell helplessly in love with you Jennifer. You had him wrapped around your little finger. The only reason he gave the power to you was because he loved you. You didn’t deserve it. You never did.”
“Then why did you go through all of this? Why didn’t you just kill me yourself for it?”
“Because I wanted to hurt you. I wanted to hurt you so bad Jennifer. Most importantly, I wanted love to hurt you. You honestly believed that all these years I really loved you. I didn’t. Every bit of it was a lie. I wanted you to feel what it felt like to be betrayed by love.” He said coming closer. “You’re feeling it aren’t you?”
“I can’t believe you.” I whispered wiping my face.
“Well believe me!” He shouted. “All these years I suffered, looking at you every day with all of that power, thinking about how it was rightfully mine. And you know what Jennifer you didn’t care about how I felt.”
“Yes I did Reid I loved you.” I sobbed.
“Shut up!” He yelled. “You didn’t care. You never asked me once if I ever wanted to be an alpha. You took your power and you rubbed it in my face.”
“If I knew−
“If you knew? Bullshit!” He said. “You said you loved me? Then you should have known without me telling you.”
“Vince gave me his power for a far better reason than love Reid.”
“There was no better reason. He knew me for over a hundred years, he knew you for ten and he just gave it away to you. He fell for your pretty face and sweet ways. He gave you that power because of love. Only because of love.”
“You have what you want. You’re the alpha now.”
“Yes I am.” He smiled.
“Great. So now what? You think you’re gonna be our leader now?”
“Oh I’m gonna be a leader but not for you or your pack. You can’t be alpha for a pack that doesn’t exist.”
“What do you mean we don’t exist? I’m right here. The others are fine except for one.”
“Not for long sweetheart.” He smiled his claws out as he walked closer to me. “I’m glad you didn’t die when Ian stabbed you. Now I have the honor of killing you myself.”
I closed my eyes and waited for him to rip me apart knowing that I couldn’t fight him. Three, four, five, nearly ten seconds passed and I was still waiting to feel my heart being ripped through my flesh. The breaking and crashing of glass caused my eyes to open. I didn’t see Reid but I saw the back of a man dressed in all black looking down the broken window. Before I could ask who he was he turned around and smiled at me.
“I know who you are! I saw your face! It’s Vince!” Adrian yelled running in to the room.
“Adrian? What are you doing?” I asked.
“He’s the person who was helping us. Vince it was you. You killed almost all of Ian’s pack.”
“Yes. It was me.” Vince said. “Adrian could you give me and Jennifer a minute?”
“Sure.” He said backing out of the room slowly.
“Vince. You’re ok. Where have you been?” I asked.
“A lot of places.” He said.
“I missed you.” I said hugging him. “Why did you leave us?”
“I had to. After I gave my power to you I left so that you could become the leader you were meant to be without my help and you did. You did so well I’m so proud of you.” He smiled.
“How did you know where to find us? How did you know we needed help?”
“For the past couple of months I was with Ian and Reid.”
“I found out what they were up to and I pretended to join them so that I would know what they were gonna do and when they were gonna do it. I was never gonna let them hurt you or anyone. I’m sorry about Kai and Cal I couldn’t help that.”
“You’re still looking out for us.”
“I will for the rest of my life. Now here, it’s not good to take a gift back.” He smiled giving me his hand. I knew he was going to give the power back to me.
“Are you sure?” I asked.
“I’ve never been more sure in my life.” He said giving the power back to me. In less than a minute my eyes were able to turn red again.
“Thank you Vince, for everything.” I smiled.
“My pleasure, now I think there’s something else that needs to be taken care of.” He said nodding to Ian who was now becoming conscious again on the ground. “I’ll wait outside.” He said and left.
I walked to his side and sat by his side. “Ian?” I called his name softly while rubbing his face gently. His eyes looked up at me, blue and moist.
“Hey, you’re ok.” He said.
“Yea so are you.” I smiled. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you. You even tried to tell me before but I pushed you away.”
“It’s ok. It wasn’t your fault.” He said trying to sit up. I helped him.
I smiled and hugged him. “I never thought I’d say this but I’m glad you’re ok.”
“Never thought I’d hear it.” He smiled.
I passed my hand through his hair pushing it back. “I wanna know why. And please don’t say it’s a long story because we have time.”
He took a deep breath. “I met Reid a couple months ago, maybe seven. We became good friends. He helped me out a lot by sending loads of cash to my mother and sister in Russia. They needed it and I couldn’t provide it fast enough. One day my mother called me and she told me that my sister was dying. She had cancer and it was getting worst. I was devastated. I didn’t know what to do and I definitely didn’t want to lose my sister.”
“I’m so sorry. What did you do?”
“I told Reid about her and he said he could help me. He said he could help my sister by curing her. I didn’t believe him at first but I didn’t have much hope. I told him that I wanted to know how he was gonna do it but he wouldn’t tell me. All he said was that there was something that I had to do for him first. Something I had to get for him but in order for me to do that I had to change. I didn’t care I told him that I was willing to do anything to save my sister and that’s when he bit me and turned me in to a werewolf.” He explained. “When I turned he told me the plan. He told me about you and that I was supposed to kill you. Everything I did, from writing you that first note, taking you to dinner, killing Kai, trying to kill Adrian, all of that was controlled by Reid. I was like his puppet. He said what to do and I did it.”
“Why did you try to kill him today then?”
“I knew what I was doing was wrong. I didn’t wanna hurt anyone especially you Jennifer and when I thought I killed you I got so mad. I just wanted him dead.”
“But if you killed him then your sister−
“I know, but it was unfair to take lives just to save one. I didn’t want my sister to die but I didn’t wanna hurt you either. I guess I’ll just have to deal with lost just like everyone else.”
“Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up and ready we’ll leave first thing in the morning.”
“Where are we going?”
“To Russia, I’m not letting you lose anyone.” I smiled.
“After all I did, you’ll do that for me?” He asked standing up next to me.
“I’ll do it for you.” I said sliding my hands behind his neck and pulling his face closer to mine. “Because I love you.” I smiled crushing his lips with mine. That feeling I always got around Ian, the one I was never able to describe was love and I realized that only now. I smiled and released him.
“I wanted to do that since the first day I met you.” He smiled.
I laughed. “No, you wanted to kill me.”
He laughed and kissed me again. “I could do this all day.”
“Sure you can but we need to go.” I said and walked ahead in front of him to the door. The voice in my head brought me to a halt.
At first there was laughter. “Stupid, stupid Jennifer. Love just thought you a lesson yet you’re gonna let it destroy you again. I guess you gotta learn the hard way. Anyway, don’t think of this as goodbye, think of it as….. until we meet again. Because trust me we will.” There was another laugh and then silence.
“Jennifer?” Ian called me. I looked up at him. He was in front of me now holding out his hand. “Are you coming?”
“Yea, I’m coming I−
“Jennifer…” Vince walked in to the room looking worried.
“I know Vince. Don’t make a scene right now.” I spoke in his mind and he left the room.
“Jennifer what’s going on?” Ian asked looking confused.
“Are you sure?” He asked.
I smiled. “Everything’s fine, let’s go.” I said taking his hand and as he led me outside the only thing I heard was Reid’s laughter echoing in my head.
Text: Rina Pattinson
Editing: Rina Pattinson
Publication Date: 10-12-2013
All Rights Reserved