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Summary of

Thank You for Your Servitude

A Summary of Mark Leibovich’s book


Donald Trump's Washington and the Price of Submission







 This is an unofficial summary & analysis of Mark Leibovich’s “Thank You for Your Servitude: Donald Trump's Washington and the Price of Submission” designed to enrich your reading experience.






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This part is a summary of eight chapters of the original book, from chapter one to chapter eight.



December 2020


The atrium lounge of the Trump International Hotel had become the social center of Washington, at least Donald Trump's Sodom and Gomorrah version of it. The scent of abandonment had been creeping in since Election Day. First, the coronavirus ruined the business, and then the hotelier himself finished the job. "There is a comfort level at the hotel," Giuliani said. The grand mezzanine offered them a relatively safe space in an otherwise hostile city.


Don Jr. and Eric would be nursing drinks, with those stiff Trump smiles and simultaneously bloated and angular cheeks. They were lucid enough to remember the dead-eyed, chubby-cheeked South Carolinian who served as John McCain's proud sidekick. Graham: Being hooked on Trump made him "relevant," and he had to keep his dealer happy. "I could get Trump on the phone faster than any of his staff," McCarthy said. He admitted that it would be hard to give that up. Was it enough to turn the Republican Party into an authoritarian griftocracy or yourself into an accomplice to a national trauma?



August 2015–March 2016


Everyone had a theory about why it was their turn to be chosen for the Republican presidential nomination; here are just a few of the best ones. Ruben Navarrette: Ted Cruz's unpopularity lent him credibility as an irritant. He was happy to play the turd in the Republican punch bowl. Trump dismissed Jeb Bush as "low energy," a brutally effective description for a candidate whose logo included an exclamation point. "We're just sick of being told what to do," Trump supporter Matt Yelland said.


"Karl Rove is a totally incompetent jerk," Trump railed from his Dallas stage. Erick Erickson, editor of RedState, disinvited Trump to the annual presidential candidate gathering. There was always a sense with Christie that no matter how hard he sucked up to Trump, he was destined to wind up like one of those peripheral hangers-on from The Sopranos. This is politics. His entourage included a reality TV star and Donnie Wahlberg.


Rubio seemed to be emboldened for a time. He kept collecting new endorsements like snow globes. He expressed regret that he had stooped to Trump's level. After the ordeal of his campaign subsided, Rubio tried to reclaim a bit of retroactive stature.



June 2016


Ruben Navarrette: Marco Rubio was the latest casualty of Donald Trump's moral slaughter of the Republican Party. The GOP's submissive community was expanding by the day. In Donald Trump's case, the idea of a "pivot" was that the candidate would shift his or her attention away from hard-core party supporters in favor of the broader general electorate. The notion of a Trump pivot was preposterous; can you modulate a cult of personality and still retain your cult? Frida Ghitis: Donald Trump's Washington trip was a tour of his soon-to-be-opened hotel.


She says the city has a long tradition of taking in national imprints, and this would have been an opportunity for Trump to show off his hospitality skills. People would run up to him during his visits, saying they were fans of The Apprentice or once played some Trump golf course. Priebus and Spicer had healthy appreciations for gallows humor, which was not a terrible quality for top RNC officials at this point. Staff were told that if they could not bring themselves to support Trump, "they should leave by the end of the week". He helped craft the GOP's "autopsy" after Mitt Romney's defeat in 2012.


The report warned that the GOP was "increasingly marginalizing itself" to a point where it would be difficult to win another presidential election. "I have encouraged him to constantly offer grace to people that he doesn't think are deserving of grace,"


Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Text: MACBETH Summary
Images: MACBETH Summary
Cover: MACBETH Summary
Editing: MACBETH Summary
Proofreading: MACBETH Summary
Layout: MACBETH Summary
Publication Date: 12-02-2022
ISBN: 978-3-7554-2647-9

All Rights Reserved

Thank You for Your Servitude is an unflinching account of the moral rout of a major American political party. Author Mark Leibovich tracks the transformation of Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Lindsey Graham into enablers for Donald Trump. What would these politicos do to preserve their place in the sun?

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