
The days flew by yet no one heard her no one came to her she was, as she thought all alone. Being so young you would think that she would be dead, and most people did think that she was dead but Amber was very much alive it was Anastasia that had died. She would never again be Anastasia she was to be from then on called Amber. Amber thought this name fit her because of her amber colored eyes. She laughed at this little joke. No one would ever find her and even if someone did they would not keep her. They would surly think her to be one of those vampires you read about in Stephanie Meyers twilight books. 
"How foolish of them." Amber said. 
She had raised her self after the accident when she was only 8 years old she got food when ever she could. There was not much she could find but when she did find food she ate like a queen. Today was one of those days she got up and found her favorite dress laying over the stairs that she lived under. 
"This should be a killer tonight!" Amber laughed at her favorite joke. "They will be most defiantly be tripping of their words and most of all their feet."
Amber was planning to eat like a queen at the Marriott hotel tonight. Little did she know but she would find out that she is not as alone as she thinks she is. She slipped on her sparkly black dress with the slit that went up to her mid hip. when she walked down the street she got about 5 whistles and ten "hay hotty." She was just a bout to enter the Marriott when a dark skinned boy with black hair walked right in her perfect place of entrance and escape. As she turned around she noticed that he had gorgeous amber eyes. Wait no one had eyes like her she wiped around so fast that she almost hit him with her long black hair. 
"Hay who the heck are you and what are you doing in my way!" Amber screamed so load that everyone turned to look at her. 
At this point her cover was blown and she as totally exposed. She did not care, all she wanted to do was to find out who this guy was and were the hell he came from. All of a sudden Amber saw a police officer coming toward her. Then she felt a firm hand come down on her arm. She was then being dragged. The one thing she knew was that this guy must not be one of her he was not cold like her he was warm his skin was burning everywhere that it touched. 
"Who are you?" Amber was now calmer being that she was now running along side of him away from the cops that were still on their tails. 
"I thought I would find you soon but I thought you and I would be the same." He said looking at her skin not at her or the way that he was going. 
"What is your name being that this is all I have time for anymore being that I may die with a stranger soon." Amber was not used to the touch of someone else but this was oddly not abnormal to her she felt him but liked the feeling. 
They finally came around a corner that Amber recognized yet had never been before. 
"Were are we?" Amber said looking at her arm that had been freed. 
"Have they kept everything from you? Or have you just been forgotten as I have been. I hope not. If so then you must not know what you really are......" He said sitting then pacing. 
"Who are you talking about I have no one I was never left but I have and still am alone and I know what I am it is you that I have no idea of what you are. All I know is that I have to get food and you messed everything up for me and know pretend that I should know you!" Amber was starving and she knew that if she did not calm down she would be fully exposed and he would know everything there is to know about her. 
"Show me your wolf form. Let your anger control you then. I want to see if what you say is true." He said this as if he knew what she was about to become. 
"Like you would even be able to tempt me into reveling myself. I am smarter than you think. If you are so sure that we are the same then you revel yourself or we will remain at this impasse and get no were." Amber said with much courage and charm that to "her pray" she looked like a goddess. 
"Fine but only because I can not stand this mushy lovey banter and I wish to get on with our normal lives as soon as possible." He said just as he vanished into a tornado of flames. 
When he came back into view he was a 4 feet tall red and black wolf with pitch black eyes. 
"Wow so you are the fire one of me do we go in elements or is it just us and no others?" Amber said seeming to be unimpressed. 
Then  she vanished into a big ice burg that quickly was broken by her in her wolf form jumping through it. She was a light blue with the lightest white possible. Her eyes were glowing yellow and they shined right on the man. 
"Now will you tell me your name or are you just going to keep drooling." Amber said but found that he was laying down as far away from her as possible and was certainly not looking at her in the way she thought. "Why are you way over there, I don't bite trash." 
"You are the one that they told me about I do not want to be what they wish me to be to you,and my name is Jaren." He was growling every word that he had said.
"What are you talking about? You know I really don't care anymore I have what I need to know. I am leaving no need to be so pathetic."
Amber was so mad that she could not get out of her wolf form so she just decided to run down the forest way which was very lightly covered by trees but just the right amount to cover her from any who may see her. When she got to her "home" she realized that she still had no food. Then she just laid down in her wolf form still and looked to wear her black dress should be and surly saw it hanging up on the stairs just like it always is. She then closed her eyes and fell deep asleep. Amber was fast asleep when Jaren walked around the corner still in his wolf form to find Amber in her human form again. She was so small he thought. Then he walked over to her and laid down right next to her and willed himself to change back to his human form. When Amber woke up she had no idea that Jaren had even been there because he woke up way before her and left but she did wake up to food with a note that told her to meet Jaren at his place. She reluctantly ate the doughnut and drank the Starbucks that was sitting right by her bed. then she made her way over to were her dress was and saw that she had two dresses but one was a red party dress and it to had a note but this one said to wear the dress today. She willingly put on the dress and left for Jaren's place. When she showed up she found him asleep on a queen size bed in his wolf form which was not right to her because at night she always turned back into her human form. She sat down right next to his sleeping form and looked right at his face. To her he was hansom no doubt but there was something that made her think telling him that would not be such a good idea. All of a sudden she got the sudden urge to stroke his fur right by his neck. She knew that he would not like it but he was asleep and surly would not wake up. So she lifted her hand up and placed it right on the top of his head. He made a little bit of movement but not in a bad way he moved closer to her just like a little boy dose when their mom strokes their hair. She sat there stroking his fur for a good 20 minuets when all of a sudden he jumped up and landed on the other side of the little alley. She jumped up so high that it looked like she could fly. when she dropped down she was next to his queen size bed that was really only a mattress laying on the ground. 
"I'm sorry I did not mean to wake you up I found a note telling me to come here and to wear this dress I thought it was from you I'm sorry if I was mistaken." Amber said blushing so bad that it had to be obvious that she had been sitting and stroking his fur. 
Just then Jaren turned into his human form which was weird because he was still in the crouch that he had been in when he flung off of his bed. Then he straitened out and walked over to his bed and sat down right next to Amber with his face in his hands. 
"I am sorry if I scared you I really did not mean to. I just had a bad feeling on my back. The note was from me as was the food and the dress. Which I am glad that you decided to wear today. I am assuming that you ate the food if not please don't tell me cause I really just want to stay on a good note with you." Jaren said looking at how pale Amber was. 
The thing was that Jaren had started to like Amber. From the first time he saw her he always thought that she was gorgeous. Now it was not just her looks that intrigued him it was her power and personality. All she did was have to go into her wolf form and he would feel anger. Jaren did not know why she had this effect on him but she did and he was angered that she was only 18 yet she had more power than he did at 23 years old. He also thought it was unfair that this power came to her so early and she needed no training but yet he did need training from her and needed to learn to control his power.
"Are you ok you look very pale. I am sorry if I upset you I did not  mean to." Amber said blushing more than she normally did.
"Ya I'm sorry about the whole freak out thing. I was kinda hoping that we could maybe go dancing tonight?" Jaren said lifting his head so that he was looking at Amber. 
"I would love to go. I would need a time and place that way I can meet you there. Or are we going to go together?"  
"I was hoping that we could ride together in my mustang. I understand if you would rather walk." Jaren stated with a look of amusement. 
"You have a mustang but live in an alley? How dose that work?" Amber said looking at the place that Jaren called home.
"Have you heard of a little thing called a job? I just chose to live in the alley I don't have to. I find it better to spend my money on me not on rent. By the way if you want you can stay here with me. I mean it would be safer for you and I would feel a lot better if you did stay with me." Jaren was very embarrassed but he knew that it would make him feel better to have her close by him at all times.
"I would love to stay here with you but don't lie to me about why you want me here. You and I both know that it is not because I am weak but because we both have lost our family and being lonely is not the way to live." Amber looked as if she wanted to say more but could not get it out.  
"Ok fine then you might want to get all you stuff together right now. On second thought lets drive over there. Shall we my lady?" Jaren held out his bare arm out to Amber. 
This was when Amber realized that Jaren was only wearing basketball shorts with no T shirt. She blushed and looked at his bare arm and put hers through but did not walk when he started walking and pulled him back a little bit. 
"Don't you need a tux or did you not have money left over from my dress? If you don't have one let me handle your left over money to get a tux for you?" Amber had her eyes looking right at his and they were not like hers they had a beautiful tint of ruby red in them. 
"How did you know that I bought your dress I could have had it from an ex girlfriend? Ya right I have not had a girlfriend being what I/ we are. About the tux sure you can get me one but I have to approve. Also I really want to be upfront with you I am a lot older than you I mean I can drink and you cant so this is going to be a little weird for me. I just want you to know I know that you can drink because of what we are but I am going to be a little bit strict on how much you drink." Jaren was skipping over his words as he said this for he desperately wanted to tell her how he already felt about her. 
"Ok dad. Hay for your info I only drink champagne so chances are that what they have there wont even appeal to me at all. Also I have to be upfront with you I may look younger than you but my brain and strength is just as good as yours if not better. Oh and the whole girlfriend thing I cant see why you don't have a girlfriend you are really handsome in your own way." Amber had now disconnected her arm from Jaren's. 
"Maybe we should just go to your place and pack and come back here to drop it off then get my tux for the party. Wait you are ok with going to a party right?" Jaren was already blushing by what Amber had said to him.   
"I am not a baby I love to go to parties. Lets just get my stuff here because if you act anymore like my dad I'm going to rethink moving here with you." Amber was pulling on Jaren's arm as she said this.
So they were off. Amber thought that the car ride would be more awkward but it was as if they were best friends not two people who's lives had just been thrown together yesterday. The ride was fast to her place they packed all of her stuff into his car. All she had was her dress and a bag of necessities to get cleaned up. So they were very fast getting all of her two things. They then went back to Jaren's place and dropped off her stuff. 
"Wow that was so hard to get my stuff I mean I did not think it would fit in your car." Amber said with a very sarcastic tone. 
When Amber looked at Jaren she felt like as if she was looking at her own man but she knew that what she saw in his eyes was not what she hoped it was. 
"So where am I going to sleep? Do you have any other mattress or are we going to share this one?" Amber said blushing a lot at this point. 
"Well I am fine with sharing but I can also get a new mattress for you. On second thought we will get you a new mattress tomorrow, but for tonight we will have to share because I will not let a lady sleep on the ground like you have been and I don't want to sleep on the ground either." Jaren turned bright red but he covered it up so well that Amber did not notice. 
"I don't mind sharing. By the way we should probably get going to buy your tux. It's almost night time." Amber said with a great eagerness to leave.  
"Ok but as I said before I must approve of the tux." Jaren knew what Amber was planing but he had something up his sleeve as well. 
When they arrived at the mall Amber quickly found the tux shop. They walked in and Amber told Jaren to go outside real fast while she chose some tuxes for him. When he came back he saw a mountain of pink and purple tuxedos. They were the kind that even Austin Powers would have declared not groovy. 
"If you really want me to wear this then I will but remember that I am going to be dancing with you. So if you want to dance with barney the purple dinosaur then I will wear this." Jaren knew Amber a lot better than most and he knew that she would stop picking out stupid tuxes for him if it meant dancing with a freak.  
As Jaren thought Amber went back to looking and brought out the best and the most handsome tux she could find. She brought it out to him and he tried it on. It fit like a glove on him and made him look so fine that Amber was rethinking the purple tux out of fear of losing him to some of those gorgeous girls that go to parties on Friday nights. 
"Ok lets go before I change my mind and decide to get the purple Dino outfit. By the way you look really handsome." Amber was feeling hopeless about the way she felt about Jaren. 
They bought the tux and were on there way to the party when Jaren announced that they were not going to the party tonight but tomorrow. There was silence from Amber no emotion at all Jaren was worried but Amber was just to sad to talk to him right now. 
"Amber whats wrong? You seem upset and I know its not about the party thing." Jaren had tried to touch her leg but he retracted his hand before it got there. 
"I have no way to tell you what I want to with out a negative response. I really don't know what to do. I might and kinda hope that I am over reacting and that your response will not be as bad as I am thinking." Amber was crying at this point but she tried to hide it by putting her face in her hands. 
"Tell me please. It dose not have to be now but please when we get back to my... our house? I don't want you to be crying all night at least not because of me, I may seem heartless and I was but well..... you have helped me to change that." Jaren was positive that Amber felt the same as he did about were their relationship should not be but were they wanted it.
The car ride was still boring but it was not as awkward. When they finally got home Amber had stopped crying and Jaren was almost jumping up and down. Amber went and sat down on the mattress and let out a deep sigh.  
  "I will tell you but if you react in a bad way then I am going to move out because my ally will always be empty because I have sacred everyone else away from my ally." Amber said this like a warning not a funny joke. 
"I would never want you to leave so I promise that I will not react badly. Please I beg you tell me." Jaren was being so mushy and lovey that Amber was pretty sure that he felt the same way as her. 
"I like you. Not in the friends way I know this is fast but you and I are the same and we both have been alone for a while. I am tired of being alone I want to be with some one and I have fallen for you." Amber had moved over to Jaren as she made this speech and was so close to him that she could hear him breathing.  
"Then don't be alone. I know that this is not the way me and you should be but I do know that we are not supposed to be alone. So I think I will just go with my heart for the first time in my life." Jaren had his hands around her waist and had pulled her closer to him. 
Amber was laying on his chest and listening to his rapid heart beat when they both heard the sound of loud sirens headed toward their street. They both knew what that meant and they jumped far away and both went into their wolf form not trying to make much of a fuss that they were there.  They both knew that together they would be found but they did not even think of splitting up. 
" Amber run now I will follow you but as you said you are stronger and this is not my fight, at least not this time." Jaren was in his heart hating every word he just said because he is more of the protective type not the sit back and let the girl fight type. 
He was really not liking that the police were here. His past told a lot about why the cops were after him and Amber now. When he was only 12 years old when he found out what his power was and in that time he ended up killing his mom, dad, and the worst one for him to stand his little sister. He would never forget what she looked like. She looked a lot like Amber only her eyes were a neon green color. He knew that he made it to were him and Amber were the only ones left because his sister would have become what he had if only she had lived.
“Jaren!” Amber was running back to Jaren who came to only to find three cops standing right above him.
“Amber stay far away please!” Jaren had leaped up off of his back that some how he was laying on.
Jaren knew, or thought he knew, that if Amber got close to him she would most likely die just like his sister. So while she was still far away he used all the anger that he had for the cops to create a big blast of fire. He did this so fast that he could not see that Amber had not stopped, but instead was still coming his way. When Jaren finally thought that he got all of the cops he could he fell onto his back legs because of how much power he had just used. As soon as he felt he had most of his strength back he lifted his head to find Amber’s motionless body lying on the ground out of wolf form. He automatically thought that he had killed her just like he did with his sister, Genevieve.
“Amber!....... Amber! Please tell me that you are ok please I can not deal with losing you! Please talk to me.” Jaren had gotten up on all four while he made his desperate cry for amber to get up.
Jaren was right over Amber when she made her first movement. She moved to face him and ended up right under his front paw. Jaren was so afraid that he may have killed her but now all he could think about was getting her home to the Alley.
“Amber do you mind if I carry you on my back to the Alley?” Jaren had just put her head softly into his front paw.
“Jaren I want to go home please I feel so weak. I lov......” Amber’s head became scary light in Jaren’s paw.
Jaren very carefully placed Amber onto his back and started a very fast but smooth run. When they arrived Amber had been out of it for a whole 2 hours, but to Jaren it felt even longer than that. He finally set her down on the bed and laid down curled up right next to her. He was trying to keep her warm but then decided that maybe being cold would be a good thing for her. He soon feel asleep.
“Jaren, Jaren are you ok?” Amber said very weakly.
Jaren woke up in his wolf form still and tried to tell her that he was fine but he had lost his voice from yelling so much and he was still very weak. So he did the only ting he could do to show that he was fine. He push on her side with his head and became like a puppy next to her.
“Jaren I am so glad That you are not dead like everyone else I ever loved. I feel so weak though so maybe we are both dead. If so I am fine with being dead with you and not alone anymore.” Amber had begun to stroke his fur.
“Amber we are not dead we are both alive in our little alley. I love you too and I promise that you will never be alone again.” Jaren’s voice was low and course, but Amber still heard him.
“I am happy that we are still alive but I just wish we were both able to talk like we are normally able to. I am really tired so I will se you in the morning handsome.” Amber had moved her hand to touch Jaren high back and turned over so that she could put her head on his high back and hug him.
Jaren fell asleep very fast he was almost mad when the sun came up, but he knew that he had to go to Starbucks and the grocery store to get breakfast for him and Amber. He was very surprised when he woke up in his human form and Amber in her wolf form.
“Honey, Amber you need to wake up.” Jaren was more saying this because he was trapped under her head and front right paw.
“What Jaren I am still tired. Oh you are probably wanting out to get food aren’t you?” Amber had one of her light blue eyes open, and looking at his small form. “Fine I guess I will let you go on one condition.”
“What would that be?” Jaren was looking at Amber like she was going in sain.
“You have to get me some doughnuts.” Amber had changed back into her human form again so Jaren was able to get up but she would not let go of the hold she maintained on his hand.
“Fine. I will but we have to get you some new clothes today and maybe a job too.” Jaren was old fashion and thought that she should not have a job but he knew she would not be safe in the alley alone all day anymore.
“All right I will be ready when you get back don’t worry.” Amber was already lying back down to go back to sleep.
Jaren ran as fast as he could, with out being caught or found. When he finally got back to the alley Amber was not there. He looked all over calling her name but forgot to look under the stairs. All of a sudden he was tackled by a white and light blue wolf.
“What the heck are you so worried about!” Amber growled at Jaren showing all of her sharp teeth.
“I was worried about you why are you so mad.” Jaren had tried to touch Amber fur around her neck but he nearly missed getting his hand bit off.
“I am mad that you still think of me as weaker than you even though you admitted that I am stronger than you. I will be fine while you go to work.” Amber had moved but was still really mad.
“I am sorry, it’s had for me to know that I am weaker than you it makes me feel worthless.” Jaren had by this time moved up to their bed.
“You are not worthless. I do need you.” Amber was now sitting right by him on their bed.
By then it was only one our till Jaren had to go to work. Amber assured him that if anything happened she would go by the hotel and let him know before she did anything. He left with just a kiss and a I love you more to say.
“I am so glad that he finally left now I can get some snore less sleep.” Amber tried to lay down but sprain back up remembering the bruise that she had gotten on her back. “Man Jaren would kill me if he saw this. Or worse he just might kill himself. I just wish I knew why he is so protective of me that it is almost annoying.” Amber was finally laying down but was on the bruise just hoping that this bruise would be gone with in the next two seconds.
Jaren was back right when Amber had finally for gotten that she had a bruise.
“Hay baby, have a good long day of rest?” Jaren had gone over to the bed and sat right next to Amber rubbing her back.
Amber just put up with the pain but could not help that she let out a little dog whimper.
“Amber honey are you ok dose your back hurt?” Jaren was really worried that he had hurt her badly that he did not even wait for her to answer.
Jaren lifted the back of her shirt up just enough to see the huge bruise.
“Did I give you that? I ..... have to go like now.” Jaren gasped through his clenched teeth.
“Jaren you did not cause this the cops did!” Amber screamed just loud enough for Jaren to hear.
Jaren turned around but did not say anything to Amber for a good long minute.
“I swear to you that I will not let him live another year.” Jaren said finally turning to put his hand on Amber’s right shoulder.
“Jaren all I want is for you to just lay down and rest for a while with me. We still have never really slept together.” At this point Amber had grab his shirt and pulled him on to the bed.
They were very careful to stay away from Amber’s bruise. Then all of a sudden they both were in wolf form and were all baled up together. To Amber the morning came all to soon Jaren was already awake and had breakfast ready for her.
“Thank you so much. Hay babe? Can I ask you a question?” Amber was fully up and in her human form again same as Jaren.
“Sure hone I don’t mind what did you want to ask me?” Jaren had been turned from Amber but when he spoke he turned around to talk to her.
“Were you all alone when you transformed?” Amber had gone to the edge of the bed but did not try to look at Jaren at all before or while she spoke she just stayed looking at the ground.
“No, I was not I had my mom, dad, and worst of all my younger sister. I killed them all none of them could have lived. All I have more to say on this is that I blame myself for us being all alone only to rely on each other. She would have became one of us she would have been a spirit wolf. Yet I killed her and put an end to her life at only 5 years of age!” Jaren had turned back around and started to cry when he brought up his younger sister.
“Oh honey I am so sorry. I had no idea that you had anyone with you.... I was just wanting to know how you got to be all alone. I really did not mean to make you remember that.” Amber had started to cry when she put her hand on Jaren’s back.
He was so strong but still just like her still very fragile. They had been sitting and crying for about an hour when Amber heard a low but strong growl coming from behind Jaren. Amber was on all four of her wolf legs as fast as she could and that is when she saw her. A little wolf with bright green eyes. Her fur was mostly black with a little bit of light green. She looked much younger than her but she looked like a baby to Jaren. Jaren by this time had stepped in front of Amber still in his human form and then went into his wolf form. This short view of Jaren’s wolf form made this little wolf back down a little bit but yet it was not enough for Amber. She ended up ramming the little wolf right into the ground and found that this little thing was chained to the floor and there were sounds of humans talking. The little wolf although being rammed did not take her eyes off Jaren and Amber finally noticed that he had his eyes focused on her. Amber got off of this wolf and just ran she did not even look behind her no need she knew that Jaren would not follow her but just incase she iced the alley off so that no one could get out most of all not Jaren. Mean while Jaren was just stuck looking at this little wolf thinking of how much she looks like his sister would if she would not have died all those years ago.
“Who are you!” The little wolf screamed at Jaren breaking his trans.
“I am Jaren a fire wolf and this is ..........” He turned to introduce Amber for the first time and turned to only see an ice wall blocking his escape.
“I know what your little girlfriend is, she is an ice wolf by the look of the wall. All I really want is you to leave like she did now and don’t come back here for a good long week. Then get your stuff and move to a new location. Don’t ever come back here, ever again!” This little wolf had so much anger that Jaren was throw by the force of all of that anger.
When he landed he noticed that she had blown him out of ice wall that Amber had made. He wanted to go and find out more about this little wolf with possible more power than Amber, but decided that it would not be a good idea. He set off looking for Amber. he found her at her old alley sitting on her old excuse of a mattress. “Amber what is wrong?” Jaren wanted to say but he could not talk for some reason and the next thing he knew it was black. He woke up to Amber standing over his limp wolf body in her wolf form. She was mad but not at him she was mad at what looked to be the little green spirit wolf.
“Amber! What are you doing?” Jaren gasped out in short but loud words.
“I am doing what you did not do for me when I needed you!” Amber was now lunging at the little green wolf who had a knife in her mouth.
Jaren wanted to say something to stop Amber but he was knocked out again before he could even open his mouth. He woke up to find that he was in his Alley and was laying down on his and Amber’s bed sill in his wolf form. There was no Amber or at least so he thought. He tried to get up to find that the motion only caused him pain. Amber was what woke him up this time. She was screaming as if she was in pain. He looked up to see that there was a knife coming down near his neck. As fast as he could he lunged up and out of the chains that were holding him down and bit the cop’s hand off that was holding the very long knife. He turned to see that Amber was just lying in a huge pool of blood.
“Amber! Are you ok?!” Jaren screamed.
There was no answer, but from behind him he finally heard the scream of the cop that he had bit off the hand.
“What did you do to me! I hope you die for what you did to me! Oh and don’t worry your girlfriend is daed. We got rid of her when she was to busy crying about your fate!” The cop said holding his still bleeding hand.
“Then their is no one to stop me from killing you right here and now!” Jaren had just turned to spit these words to the when the green spirit wolf jumped right in front of him and had her teeth in clear view. “Why would you protect this weak little human he is not one of us!” Jaren was furious and even if he had to go through this little wolf.
“They are all I have! You wouldn’t know what it’s like to be anole. Till now!” The spirit wolf spit back at him.
Then she and the cop were gone. Jaren found himself knocked out agin but when he came to he was right next to Amber’s wolf body. He was laying on her stomach in his human form. He only wanted her safe that was his only goal. He could not stop screaming at himself for fail to do this simple little task. He was so into his little pity party that he had not noticed that Amber’s chest had started to move under his head.
“Why did this have to happen to her!” Jaren was screaming more at himself than anyone but to all Amber could hear was screaming.
Amber opened her eyes and saw that she was still in her wolf form and was covered in her own blood from the wound that had caused her to pass out from the pain. She tried so hard to speak but all she could get out of her mouth was a long low moan.
“Amber? Was that you?” Jaren said trying to take her huge head into his lap.
Amber tried to open her mouth to speak but she could only get a whimper to come out. She did do what she could though and this was enough to help Jaren know that he had not failed at all in saving her life.
“I am so sorry about what happened I promise you that I will never let anything happen to you no matter what the cost. Now I will be right back I must get you a doctor but maybe Being in human form would be better. Do you think you could go into your human form or is the pain to bad?” Jaren said trying to set Ambers head down gently.
Just then Ambers body shifted a little and she was in her human form laying in Jaren's lap. Then he was off. When he came back Amber was totally out. The doctor was a little more that concerned on how this had happened to her. Jaren just told him that there was a mugging out here in the ally and she was just trying to throw out the trash. He also told the doctor that the cops were already on the case and told him that they did not want to be bothered with her injuries. Jaren went all out and continued to say that Amber was his wife and that neither of them had any other family so if he were to lose her he would go insane.
“Mr. Dasen I don’t know what to tell you. She is hurt bad and I don’t have the means to take care of these type of injuries. I would recommend calling an ambulance as soon as possible. They have what she needs there.” The doctor said to Jaren.
Though Jaren really did not like the idea of Amber being in the care of anyone but him he understood that she would die if he did not get her to real doctors. So he calls the hospital and with in fifteen minuets Amber was in the back of an ambulance and on her way to help. He should have gotten in his car and followed but something caught his eye. It was the green wolf. she was lying in a pool of blood just as Amber had been not more than an hour ago. His mind told him leave her she did not help you or Amber in your time of need, But his heart said you must help her she is just like your little sister and you are the one who killed her. So he parked the car and got out to see that she was indeed alone. He went to her side and put his hand on her neck to see if she was still breathing. Her heart was still beating but very faintly. He knew that she did not have much longer left. His mind was still telling him to just leave the little wolf there, but as he was thinking her body shifted under his hand. Her eyes opened very slightly and it looked as if she tired to open her mouth. Jaren looked at her and for some reason this little girl touched a part of him that had died with his family. Just then her body shifted agin and she was really just a little girl with long black hair. Her eyes were so green they reminded Jaren of his lost little sister. Just as he was looking at all her fragile features. He noticed how much she was just like his sister, not to mention how weak she was getting. Knowing that Amber would be very upset if he let this little wolf live because of what she had done to both of them. He could not think of this to much though with out his heart aching. So he called the hospital on the opposite side of town from were Amber was taken and within 10 minuets of his call the ambulance was there for the little girl. He asked if he could ride along with her and they said not in the ambulance but he could follow in his car. He agreed to this because he thought it more helpful when he wants to go and see Amber later. So as he is fallowing in his car he suddenly thinks about what may have caused the little green wolf to be in such trouble. He then recalled what the young girl had said about the cops. “They are all I have! You wouldn’t know what it’s like to be alone.” He still had to laugh at this statement. It had just been a few weeks since him and Amber were alone. The rest of the drive he finds himself lost in his thoughts of Amber. Her face, her eyes, everything about her,and how she would never approve of him leaving her to help this girl.
“Amber please don’t hate me for helping this girl. She is so much like my lost sister how could I just let her die? I love you Amber more than you will ever begin to know.” Jaren said as he looked in his mirror toward the hospital she is at.
Finally they made it the hospital and Jaren followed the stretcher in that carried the girl into the ER. He hated every minuet of not knowing how Amber was doing, but he had to stay until this little girl was in her own surgery room. It took a whole 2 hours to even do that. After they finally had her in her bed and Jaren was getting ready to leave the doctors turned to him and asked him for her name. Jaren was puzzled he did not know this little girls name, how could he? He had only ever talked to her a few times. so he just gave them his sisters name due to the fact that she looked so much like his sister.
“Her name is Genevieve.” Jaren said looking at this little girl laying on a hospital bed. “I will be back to see if she is alright and to pay for the operation. Just treat her like you would your own child please. What ever the cost I will pay it.”
At this he turned and waked out to the hall and once there booked it to his car. Once he go there it took all he had not to just grab his gun and just take his life. However the thought of leaving this world and having Amber to wake up to no one was more than he could bear. So instead he went 10 times over the speed limit in racing to the hospital of which Amber was at. When he got there he asked the lady at the front desk about her and she led him strait to the top floor. There Amber was just laying there asleep.
“Are you the husband?” the doctor asked.
“Yes I am, has she woken up at all?” Jaren asked the new doctor.
“Not yet but she should any minute now. I will leave you alone now.”
Then the doctor left the room. Just as the door was shutting Amber turned over to face Jaren. Her eyes were still closed but he could tell she would wake up soon. Just then her eyes flew open.
“Jaren! Oh my god Jaren were are you!” She screamed while looking around franticly. “I knew it I just knew that I was to late! They killed him, and I didn’t do anything to save him. Nothing at all, and now he is gone forever.” Amber sobbed.
“Babe I am right here. I am fine you need to clam down I am right here.” Jaren said as he sat down and took Amber into his arms.
“No you are my imagination I saw you fall at the hand of that little green wolf! You died and I tried to attack her but one of her own got to her first! I am so sorry please forgive me!” Amber said wrapping her arms around him so tight that his sides started to form bruises.
“Amber I am FINE! I just passed out and when I came to you were in a pool of blood. So I brought you here to get you all fixed up again. Babe believe me I am fine it’s you I am worried about.”
“Jaren? Really? You are not lying to me right?”
“Amber my love why would I lie about my own death? I will be right back though I need to get the doctor cause I think this IV is getting to you.”
Just then he walked out. Not even 10 minutes later Jaren came back with the doctor to find that Amber was up and walking around.
“Uhm miss you really should not be up and moving around.” said the doctor.
When Amber turned around her eyes were glowing bright blue. She was in her human but it looked as if she was a few seconds from going into her wolf form.
“Amber? Babe? Are you ok?”
Jaren ran toward her. When he reached her she had fallen to the ground and the doctor said that she must have passed out.
“That was not your average pass out huh?” Jaren said as he was caring Amber back to her hospital bed.
“No, not since a little girl came in here like 2 years ago. She acted just like you’r wife did but before she was very disoriented. She said she needed to find her brother. We looked for any family and they had all died.”
“Really? What was the little girls name?” Jaren asked wondering if maybe just maybe it could be his sister.
“I am sorry I do not remmember. I was not her doctor but I was walking past when all of it happened. We told the cops what happened and the chief decided that it would be better for her if she were to live at the academy with him and his family. We have not seen her since so my guess is that she is doing fine.”
“ Ya or maybe she is dead. Just to let you know if this ever happens again please call me, ok?”
“You know something that I do not don’t you, about this thing that has happened”
“No, I just have an idea that it is a bad thing for the cops to be involved in what ever it is.”

The End For Now...........


Publication Date: 03-19-2010

All Rights Reserved

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