

Julia took a deep breath as the cab pulled away, then turned to study the building before her. Try though she might, the young woman couldn't bring up any memories of her time spent here, probably all due in part to the fact that in her senior year, her mom decided to get remarried. Certainly did not show any remorse at finding out dear old dad ran off with the Brazilian secretary from work. No call, no note, just one day mother and daughter came home to find everything her dad owned completely gone.


Now, six months later to the day, she was returning home from an overseas trip, having gone sight-seeing in London with her best friends. Both Julia and Braeden chose to attend college out of state, Julia riding on a cheer and academic scholarship, and Braeden, who had taken a liking to baseball, having been all but guaranteed a spot in the minor leagues. While neither had fully graduated college, that didn't stop them from leaving home on a small break to check out life outside. And so it was that Julia found herself back home.


England was nice, but it felt good to be back in the States. Knowing she couldn't put off facing her mom forever, she sighed, ran her fingers through her deep brown hair, then grabbed her suitcase and started climbing the stone steps. It wasn't that Julia hated her mom, just.... When her mom remarried, Julia received two things: a stepdad who made figures that Julia only ever dreamed of seeing, and... well.... Braeden - your typical all American jock - 6'3", pale skin, great smile, and a master of every sport in high school. Not to mention, scholarships to over six major name colleges. Yep... where Julia struggled to make friends and fit in, her brother was king of the school. Clearly "fitting in" was never in his vocabulary. 


It took a few months, but eventually Julia found her place. A bit introverted, and not exactly the social butterfly like her stepbrother, Julia still wasn't quite sure how she made it on the cheer squad, but here she was. With long straight black hair, pale skin, dark eyes, perfectly perky breasts and a petite frame, Julia definitely wouldn't be exactly considered the model trophy-wife type, but neither was she unattractive. She felt that she was sitting comfortably at a nine. 


Yet not all would agree with her. Little did she know, Braeden was always finding his friends joking about Julia, how hot she was and how crazy it was that she was as of yet still single. He laughed quietly, as he never fully saw her as his sister, but more of a roommate that came along with the fact his dad chose to marry his new stepmom. After all, there was no blood between the two of them, and they hadn't grown up together, so that was an added bonus. It definitely cleared out the issue of awkwardness. However, despite the desire he felt, he always managed to ignore his friends and change the subject. 


Reaching into her pocket, she proceeded to withdraw her house key, given to her the day of her 16th birthday, two years earlier, and inserted the key into the lock, turned the key, and opened the door. Julia struggled up the stairs, the suitcase clumping loudly behind her. She then headed down the hallway, puzzled at how quiet everything was in the house. Normally she could hear her mom moving around in the kitchen; her stepdad in his study; or at the very least, the annoying sound of her stepbrother's video games coming from his room, right across from her own. 


Tossing the suitcase onto her bed, and exhausted from her trip, Julia decided that she would take a quick shower. Grabbing a towel, Julia headed into the bathroom, then stood in front of the mirror, pulling out her ponytail holder, setting it on the sink, then shaking her hair loose. Before her stood a young woman, very much beautiful and yet in so many ways naive to the ways of the world. True, she watched porn on her phone and laptop, after all a girl has her needs. And yet her friends who have been down that road before never failed to tell her, sometimes in explicit details just how colorless porn could be when compared to the actual act itself. 


Julia blushed thinking about it, as she pulled her shirt over her head, watching as her breasts bounced slightly upon being freed from her sports bra. She cupped both breasts with her hands, sighing as she studied her upper-half. So many of her friends were, for lack of a better term, more endowed than she was, with a couple of them being as full as triple “D’s” in size. She doubted that she would ever be as full as they, but she could wish.


An hour and a half later, Julia had dried off and decided to hop in something more comfortable, noting it was around seven in the evening. There was still enough time for her to catch a nap before she knew for a fact people would be home, having discovered a note on the fridge that Braeden was at practice and her parents wouldn’t be home until closer to about midnight. Throwing on some cheer shorts and her favorite crop top, Julia then climbed in bed and snuggled under the covers, cuddling her favorite stuffed animal as she drifted off to sleep. 


Or tried to. However it became increasingly obvious that Julia was restless, unable to sleep despite being tired. 


Sighing and laying back, Julia tossed the covers back, put on some Black Veil Brides using her bluetooth speaker and trailed her hand slowly down her sculpted abs, past her smooth creamy stomach, under the waistband of her shorts, and on towards her hairless sweet spot. Running her fingers gently over her soft pussy folds, Julia arched her back, tilting her head back into the pillow at the same time, and began to rub her clit in soft, small circles. 


With her other hand, she gripped her comforter tighter as she increased the pressure slowly. She thought she locked her door, and as a result, failed to both hear and see Braeden standing next to the now open door, giving him full view to the sight of his little (they found out they were literally six months apart, something he never failed to tease her about) sister. Braeden’s mouth fell open slightly as he silently observed what he only daydreamed about - his step-sister rubbing one out right in front of him. Julia took her hand from her shorts, reached her fingers to her mouth to taste her wetness, and opened her eyes. She froze as she realized that Braeden was standing there, frozen himself, his mouth wide open in awe and a very obvious tent in his shorts. 


"Ugh!” She said, in an exasperated tone of voice, grabbing and throwing a pillow at him, “Damn you, Braeden. I was so close to finishing and you just had to go and ruin it. I thought I locked that.” 


Getting up with a frustrated groan, Julia threw on some clothes, then pushed past him and entered the bathroom to wash her hands, turning to find him smirking, arms folded, leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom. God he could be so infuriating sometimes. 


"Well, yea, it was locked silly. However I wanted to surprise you so when I saw that the door was locked, I simply used the key above the door.” He held up the small nail-sized bar that acted as the key. Every room had one, set just above the door frame in case there was an emergency. “However, it would seem that you were the one that surprised me instead. 


Julia punched him in the shoulder, then hugged him, rolled her eyes, and grabbed his hand. The two of them proceeded to head to the kitchen, with Braeden taking the lead, and Julia following shortly behind., appreciating silently the broad shoulders, thick arms…. Chiseled chest when he turned… wait, this was her stepbrother, why was she thinking about him in a sexual sense? 


Perhaps it was because the whole way home, her friends refused to stop talking about how big he was… In more ways than one.


Julia wasn’t sure which shocked her more, the fact they were so open about their sex lives, or the fact her friends had slept with Braeden.


The next morning Braeden rushed quickly into the bathroom where he found Julia was preoccupied getting ready for the day.


"Fuck, I really have to pee. Can you hurry it up?"


"Yeah right,” Julia said, her mouth slightly foamy from the toothpaste, “I’m almost done. Give me a minute, I’m sure you can hold it for a few more seconds.”


She turned back to the sink and finished what she was doing, Braeden all but ignored. Julia’s hair at the moment was put up in a high messy bun, some loose wisps of hair curling over her face. Her skin was very much still wet from the shower, and her towel was wrapped tightly around her, not loose enough that it would fall at any given moment, but also not tight enough that little would be left to the viewer’s imagination. She definitely wasn’t making this any easier, however, as he noticed that her ass cheeks were peeking ever so slightly from under the bottom of the towel.


Fucking hell.


He turned away as soon as she finished rinsing off her brush, but it was too late, she had caught him staring. She giggled slightly and rolled her eyes.


“Hey, Mister, eyes up here. I’m done so the bathroom is all yours.” She said as she brushed past him, her leg brushing against the tent in his shorts.


Oh damn, if anything it looked bigger than she remembered from the previous night, and it only caused her to blush and rush to her room faster. She closed the door a little too hard, leaning against it, as her mind began to and her mind started to race. What did it look like, and were all that big in real life? As she knew from the videos online, there were obviously different sizes and shapes, but none seemed to come close to the size of the bulge in her brother’s shorts.


Meanwhile, Braeden stood in the bathroom, alone and the door closed. He thought quietly to himself, wondering why Julia seemed so overly comfortable around him or at least, comfortable enough that she seemed to have no problem just chatting in a towel while brushing her teeth. He shook his head and focused on not missing the toilet, his erection still very much present. Eventually he was able to finish his business and a few minutes later, he headed downstairs to where he saw Julia sitting at the table, calmly eating breakfast.


Braeden grabbed some fruit and milk, then threw together some vegetables and reached up in the cupboard to retrieve his drink mix. He combined everything in the blender and made his usual shake, pouring a cup and setting the rest in the refrigerator for later, then joined Julia at the table.


"I gotta ask." He said, "Everyone at school talks, or rather, rumors fly in the locker room. Is it true, you and Jackson?"


Julia stared at him. Jackson was an asshole that loved to play "ding dong ditch" with girls. He would bed a female that caught his eye, then immediately turn around and ghost her, without so much as batting an eye later, leaving her to clean up the mess. How he got away with it was beyond Julia, but she hated seeing it.


She shook her head in disgust.


"Please, even if I had slept with someone, Jackson would be the last person I would even remotely consider for something like that. He’s disgusting and treats every girl he comes across as if they were nothing more than property to be thrown away."


"Wait, are you saying that you are still...?" Braeden asked, a hint of surprise in his voice.


"A virgin? Yea, why do you sound so surprised?"


“Nothing, just that you know, the way that, well…” Braeden stopped, choosing how to approach the subject carefully.


“Well what?” Julia asked, as she paused, spoon halfway to her mouth, her eyes studying her brother.


“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” He shrugged and stood up to place his dishes in the sink, his back turned to her.


Julia paused as she studied her brother. She couldn’t help but notice him now, as he stood there all but completely naked, in nothing more than his boxers. Looked like baseball had done him some good. Sadly all the guys that were as buff as him were no more than whores, cheats, liars and abusive pieces of shit. She wanted nothing to do with them, which is probably why she found herself still single and still a virgin. But that didn’t stop her from enjoying herself from the… more pleasant things in life. Toys were a lifesaver.


Julia’s mind snapped back to the present, as she realized that her brother was talking.


“...and then after that, I planned on going to see this awesome action movie with some friends.”


Julia nodded and finished her breakfast, before standing up and clearing the table, taking her dishes to the sink.


Braeden breathed a sigh of relief, strangely relieved to realize that his stepsister hadn’t let all those jocks at school use her. He knew she was hot, hell, half the fantasies that filled his head and fueled his dreams…. Anyway, it showed that she had a good head on her shoulders, which he was more than appreciative of, for sure.


The rest of the day went by without a hitch. Julia hung out with her friends at the mall, and bought some really cute outfits, including a really cute bra and panty set, even though she knew she didn’t have anyone to show off to with it. Then after, she met up with her family and the four of them went to eat dinner, before heading home.




Julia sighed, as she slid her exhausted body into the warm water, the tub filled with scented bubbles, and dim lighting. Not exactly a candlelit relaxing evening, but she would certainly take what she could get. After all, it had been quite a long while since she was able to relax in a bath, let alone in a full-size tub. Not since that time her cheer squad had been out of state. They had stayed at a fancy hotel, which had tubs with built-in jacuzzi jets.


She had just closed her eyes with a soft sigh, when there came a knock at the door. WIth a frustrated groan, she slid up out of the water and looked toward the door.


“Who is it?”


“It’s Braeden, I was thinking we could have a few drinks, maybe catch up tonight, ya know?”


"Yea, of course, that sounds like it could be fun. Just give me about thirty minutes."




Julia decided to go with some extra comfortable sweatpants and an off the shoulder crop top with no bra. Her nipples were.visible if you looked hard enough, but she didn’t care. She felt cute and was comfortable around her brother. As soon as he saw her, he smiled. She was even cuter at night. Both their parents had turned in for the night, so it was just them. He was wearing nothing more than basketball shorts and a white tank top, and to Julia, it was obvious he wasn’t wearing boxers based on the tent he was starting to show.


Julia giggled softly at the sight.


“You ok there?” She smirked and he rolled his eyes.


The two shared some wine and laughed about all the memories of school they had, and chatted about what life ahead would look like for them both, before Braeden stretched slightly and yawned.


Julia looked at the clock and noticed that it was now around three in the morning.


She stood up from the couch and stretched and the two of them headed up the stairs to their rooms, Braeden to his and Julia to hers. Hse stopped at his room and gave him a hug, his hand brushing against the small of her back, and Julia felt her skin tingle. It felt wrong, the way he was holding her, and yet it felt so right.


He nuzzled his face against her neck, feeling her nipples harden against his chest. Their eyes met briefly, and she disappeared into her own room.


“God, why have I been so damn horny lately.” Julia thought to herself, “Better question, why has Braeden been looking so attractive lately? He’s my brother for crying out loud.”


She sighed as she once more found herself laying in bed, her hand slipping down between her legs, rubbing softly at her folds, which she found to be wetter than usual. This time she was fully naked, laying back, her head resting against her pillow which she had propped up against the headboard. Next to her was her favorite toy, a small white vibrator with several speeds.


She found herself so close to reaching her finish, knowing that she had to be quiet because of the fact that no one else was awake yet, and she didn’t want to be the reason they woke up. After all, from past experience, she knew she wasn’t exactly quiet when it came to her earth shattering climaxes.


She focused on what she was doing, her fingers once more brushing against her slit, where she could feel an intense warmth emanating from her slit. She sighed as she dipped one finger in and rolled around, quiet moans threatening to turn into something more, as they escaped her mouth.


She mewled as her fingers rubbed her clit, slowly at first, then faster and faster, her hips thrusting up against her hand, as she drew closer and closer, knowing it was any minute now.


Little did she know, once more she was giving Braeden quite the show.


He had gotten up to pee and was making his way from the bathroom, which required him to pass by her room. He noticed the door was open once again, and stopped to peek in, wanting to make sure that his little sis was ok; she had seemed rather out of it last night. Clearly she was still very much a lightweight.


What he saw stopped him in his tracks. She was definitely ok. More than ok, even. He felt stirring down below as he heard her moans and soft cries. He knew right then and there, he had two choices. One was to walk away and ignore what happened. The other was to enter her room and do the forbidden thing that he had so often desired, the focal point of so many of his fantasies and masturbation sessions.


After all he reasoned, they weren’t blood related, and he hadn’t grown up with her.


Fuck it, he decided to go with option three. Knowing she probably wouldn’t see if he was quiet, Braeden slowly reached into his shorts and released his rapidly growing hard-on from its confinement, the slightly cool air making him harder, if that was even possible. He slowly started to stroke the shaft, the hardness increasing along with his breathing, as his eyes remained fastened on his sister, the sight of her exploring her body almost pushing him over the edge.


He held off for a little bit longer, not wanting to make any sound that would alert her to his presence. Meanwhile, Julia opened her eyes and saw her brother standing in her doorway, nearly naked, his hand wrapped around his… oh god, there it was again.


Her eyes fastened and focused on his… thing. The word cock came to her mind and she blushed, but in all reality, the term she knew was correct for it, penis, didn’t quite fit what she was observing. It was too big to have such a little term attached to it. His eyes were closed, showing that he wasn’t aware that she had caught him yet, and she wanted to see what he would do. So she sighed softly and moaned a little louder, boldened by the sight that her brother was so turned on by her.


Knowing that he could hear her, as her breaths came more shallow with each second that passed bringing her closer to the point of no return, she gasped.


“Fuck, I’m gonna… oh god here it comes.” her grip tightened on the sheets as she thrust her hips in the air, something new happening that she hadn’t experienced, as what felt like nearly a gallon of liquid exploded from her and shot all over her bed. It wasn’t water, but it wasn’t exactly pee either. And holy shit did it feel incredible.


Seeing his sister squirt did for him. Braeden felt his balls immediately tighten and his cock twitched twice, then exploded, all over her floor. No carpet, only hardwood flooring, so there was no chance now she couldn’t have heard him, as his cum flew out and landed with a heavy splat as several large streams of cum flew into her room, before slowing to a small stream which dripped down his leg.


Hearing some movement from the master bedroom, Braeden quickly pulled his shorts over his now deflating erection and rushed back to his room, not wanting to be seen by anyone. The image of his sister thrusting her bare hips in the air would forever be burned into his memory, and he knew it was just a matter of time before something happened between the two of them.


Not that he would be complaining.


 Julia knew that she would have to clean up the evidence of what happened as she threw on some shorts and a sports bra, and reached for the box of tissues that sat on the night stand by her bed. She then grabbed a few, and made her way to the door, shutting it softly before kneeling before the mess on her floor. Thankfully with it being all wood, it wasn’t going to be that hard to clean up, but now that she could see it up close, she didn't realize how much there was, and it was EVERYWHERE.


Four huge puddles of thick substance she had only seen online, that she knew right off the bat was her brother’s cum, were sitting before her, and she paused. She reached her finger down, hesitant, and slipped it into the white liquid. It was so warm, and a little gooey.


She pulled her finger away and raised it to her nose, her finger shaking slightly as she sniffed it, surprised that there wasn’t much of a smell present. She then closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and slipped the cum covered finger into her mouth, unsure what to expect. Her first impression was that it wasn’t salty like so many of her friends would complain when it came to the guys they slept with, rather it was slightly sweet and a little nutty in taste. Overall it wasn’t at all terrible and the taste, combined with the fact it was her brother’s of all people, nearly sent her over the edge once more.


Next time… Next time she would be bold and get it from the source.


She smiled at the thought before wiping up the mess with the tissues, surprised at how many it took to clean. Finished, she was startled to hear a knock at the door. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she then opened the door to see her mom standing before her.


“Everything ok Sweetie, you seem a bit out of breath.”


“Um. Just finished my morning exercise, that's all.” Julia replied with a smile, hoping her mom wouldn’t press the matter.


Her mom shrugged and gave her a hug.


“Your dad and I are gonna be gone all day, think the two of you will be ok?” Her mom asked, “We won’t be home until about nine or ten tonight.”


Julia nodded, the thought of having all day to herself, with her brother in the same house presenting an interesting challenge, as she knew she wouldn’t be able to resist him next time. After all, who better to lose her virginity to, than someone she loved and cared for? True they had only known each other for the better part of a year, but a lot can happen in a year, and the two had gotten close to each other.


“Yea, it shouldn’t be too hard. I can probably order some dinner, pizza or something.” Julia answered, “Where are you guys off to?”


“We figured we would go out of town and visit some friends. Plus your dad wanted to check out this new movie.” Her mom answered, as they headed down to the kitchen where the other two were.




A half hour later, and the two were finally alone. It felt awkward, as neither wanted to approach the topic of what happened this morning, plus there was definitely some sexual tension in the air between the two, so that coupled with the fact they would have the next eight or nine hours to themselves…. No telling what would happen, though both knew what they wanted.


Julia spent the first few hours in her room, working on some schoolwork, before eventually getting bored, and laying down. As with this morning, she once more found herself on her bed, completely naked, only this time, her door was intentionally left wide open, just in case… Now all she needed to do was wait.


“Hey, Sis, have you…?” Braeden asked as he walked up the stairs to her room. Seeing the door wide open, he walked in, not prepared for what he saw.


“I’m sorry, I can come back later.” He said, his eyes lingering on her naked body, drinking in the sight, not moving.


“No, it’s ok, what’s up?” Julia asked, as her hand strayed to her pussy, warm and growing wet, seeing her brother before her in just his shorts and no shirt.


“Nothing, never mind.” Braeden said, having forgotten what he was even going to ask. He licked his lips slowly, his hand subconsciously moving to his shorts.


She noticed this and motioned for him to come over to her bed, and he did, sitting down at the foot of her bed, watching her every movement.


“I saw you this morning, watching me, rubbing your… that.” She half-whispered, as she touched him lightly with her foot to indicate what she meant, though he was well aware.


“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it… You’re so beautiful and sexy and…”


“It’s ok, I’m not mad, I promise.” She said, looking at him, “Can I see it again?”


“Are you sure that’s a good idea? After all, you’re my sister.” Braeden said in an attempt to reason, more with himself, than her.


“Stepsister, technically, and that didn’t stop you this morning.” She blushed at the memory of what happened.


Braeden nodded and leaned in to kiss her, and she let him, enjoying the warmth of her lips against his, then sat up,and moved his hands down to pull off his shorts. His cock was finally revealed to her in all its magnificent glory, and fuck was it so much bigger up close than she had imagined. There’s no way that would fit without tearing her in half, and she gasped slightly.


She was suddenly feeling very self-conscious, and covered her lower half with her hand, and he paused.


"We don't have to do this if you don't want to, Julia, it's ok." Braeden said softly, as he started to pull his shorts back up, but she stopped him.


"No." She swallowed, before continuing, "Braeden, I want you to... fuck me."


 Braeden pushed his sister back onto the bed, and reached in with his fingers, brushing softly against her mound, feeling the intense warmth of her wet lips against his fingertips.


Almost immediately he was rewarded with a low breathy moan from his sister, and he placed his lips once more over hers. It was a gentle kiss that grew into something more passionate as he pressed his finger deep inside her, stopping short when he reached her hymen. Sure enough, she was still very much a virgin, much to his delight.


Her tongue explored and invaded his mouth, uninvited, and all she could think of was how incredibly amazing his weight felt on top of her small frame. Julia started to rub his back, her hands exploring as much of his body as she could, as she felt all her inhibitions dive out the window. He stopped kissing her and began to make his way down her body.


He started with her neck, then slowly down, toward her breasts, softly massaging the small mounds, which definitely were between a “b” and “c”. They were so much softer than he had imagined, and they tasted amazing, as he rolled her nipples around in his mouth, his tongue flicking softly against the nub. Braeden then kissed her smooth stomach, and was rewarded with the sight of her inhaling and exhaling with each touch.


He made his way further down, tasting her wetness the closer he got, as he kissed his way up her thighs. Fuck, she was practically dripping with just how turned on she was. Once he arrived at her sweet spot, he inhaled the scent of her, and it only made him even harder. Parting her lips, he licked from the very base of her pussy, all the way up to the top of her mound, stopping at her clit, and she gasped, arching her back and thrusting her hips hard against his tongue. Holy shit this felt incredible, so much better than any vibrator.


This was really happening, she thought as she could feel him dipping his tongue into her, pushing deep as possible. Braeden brought his focus to her clit, so aroused was she that it was already firm. Taking it into his mouth, she felt him swirling her clit around with his tongue, each time bringing her right to the edge and then backing away, allowing him to focus on her pussy once more.


Julia whimpered, writhing around, attempting to pull his head deeper, knowing she was so close, frustrated that he was just teasing her. She knew she needed him, and groaned as he took his time torturing her slowly, his arms gripping her pelvis, his hands firmly grabbing her ass as he continued to bring her to ecstasy. She arched her back and let out a loud moan, and he looked up at her, pulling away from her folds, his face all covered in her juices. He then kissed her passionately and she blushed as she tasted herself on him, her hand straying down to feel the object of her desires, and he gasped feeling her soft hands firmly close around his shaft, her thumb gently rubbing over his head.


He lay back, giving her full view, and she leaned down, inspecting him, before taking him in her mouth, without hesitating. The angle that his sister was kneeling, allowed for him to essentially fuck her face, and she opened her mouth wide as possible, her fingers gripping his ass, pulling him forward towards her. Braeden plunged deep into her mouth, his cock hitting the back of her throat. To his surprise, she gagged only a little, but never pulled back.


It felt so good that Braeden nearly lost control. He continued to fuck her face, hard, the sight of her face covered with his precum and her spit pooling over her lips absolutely insane. He knew that if he continued for even a few more minutes, he would erupt in her throat. He pulled her off, and chuckled as he saw her lips form in a pout. He chuckled and kissed her, knowing what she wanted. She was desperate to taste his cum.


"Not yet.” Braeden whispered in her ear, “Not before I get to feel you.”


He flipped Julia over onto her hands and knees, and reached down to her now soaked pussy lips. He played with her clit a little longer as he kissed his way down her spine, before reaching her back. He spread open her cheeks, as he dipped his tongue into her pussy, licking all the way up to her ass. She gasped and shuddered as his tongue explored an area that she never had explored, kissing her softly there as his tongue explored the entrance to her back door.


Just as she let out a long moan, he thrust his cock deep into her pussy, and she let out a loud cry of both pain and pleasure. Pain, for he pierced through the wall that kept her a virgin up until now. Pleasure, for the feeling she was experiencing was beyond anything she ever could have imagined. She felt insanely full, as he fed inch after inch into her tight pussy, and gasped as he gripped her hips tightly. Braeden slowly pulled his cock out of Julia, until just the tip was resting inside her, before pushing it back in slowly. Each time Julia felt her pussy tighten each time, then envelope her brother each time he entered her.


The more Julia moaned, the faster Braeden thrusted, pulling out when he felt close to cumming. No way in hell would he be able to keep this up for much longer. She looked at him disappointed as she felt herself suddenly become empty, but in one swift motion, Braeden picked her up, easily lifting her petite frame with his arms. The two kissed as he placed her against the wall, and he slowly inserted his cock at the base of her pussy, letting gravity run its course, pulling her down onto him. She let out a strangled mewl, half of it escaping from his lips against her own.


Braeden was fucking her hard, against her bedroom wall, allowing her own weight to impale herself onto his cock. She was so wet that he easily slid deep into her each time, and she was damn near crying from how good it felt. It was so much better than she could ever have imagined. She held tighter as he increased his movements, arching her back, her head hitting against the wall with each thrust.


“Fuck, Sis, I’m so fucking close.” He said in her ear. He pulled her off his cock and she knelt on the floor.


“Cum in my mouth. Please, I need to taste you.” She begged, as she reached for his cock and aimed it at her tongue.


Braeden panted and began stroking his cock, then groaned and tossed his head back. Almost immediately, rope after thick rope of thick cum shot out of the tip of his cock. It struck Julia’s face, with most ending up in her mouth, and she swallowed, before plunging her mouth onto his cock, swallowing as much as she could, but what she couldn’t, spilled from the corners of her lips and dripped down her chin, onto her breasts.


She licked her lips as she felt him growing soft in her mouth, and his cock slipped out, and she sat back, dazed slightly, but satisfied. She stood, and then smiled, and started to leave the room.


“Where are you headed?” He asked, watching her cute ass as she headed for the door.


“The bathroom, to clean up.” She smirked, feeling bold, “are you coming?”


Publication Date: 12-18-2021

All Rights Reserved

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